Canto Iii (the Vestibule Of Hell) By Dante Alighieri.docx

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Republic of the Philippines Marciano del Rosario Memorial National High School Pamaldan, Cabanatuan City SY 2018-2019 Junior High School Department Lesson Plan in English Date: August 28, 2018 Quarter: Second (2nd) Grade Level/Section: 10 Paglingap (7:30-8:30) , STE (10:00-11:00), Paglilingkod (1:002:00) and Pag-unawa (2:30-3:30) I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson the students are expected to: a. define unfamiliar words encountered. (EN10V-IIb-13.9) b. discuss the concept of Canto III, and (EN10V-IIb-13.9) c. identify the punishment of the souls in the story. (EN10V-IIb-13.9) II. SUBJECT MATTER Topic: Canto III (The Vestibule of Hell) by Dante Alighieri References: Teacher’s Manual pp. 123-124 and Learner’s Manual pp. 123-129 Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Visual Aids, Chalk and Chalkboard III. PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activity A. Preliminary Activity

Students’ Activity

“Goodmorning Class!”

“Goodmorning Ma’am”

“Before we start, will someone lead the prayer?”

(One student will lead the prayer)

“Class Secretary if there are students who are not present today, kindly write their names on one whole sheet of paper. Thank you.”

“Yes Ma’am”

“Before you all sit, pick up any trash under your chairs.”

(students pick the trash under their chairs)

“Do you still remember what we discussed last meeting? Can someone share what he or she remember?”

“Last meeting, we discussed the Four Causes of Family Conflict. These are the finances, siblings rivalry, favoritism and In-laws”

“Very good. Now before we proceed to the next topic, let me ask this question. Would you rather be happy but poor or you would rather be rich and happy?” “For those who choose happy but poor, raise your left hand. As for those who pick rich and

happy, raise your right hand. For undecided, stand up.” “Alright. Anyone who want to explain his or her answer?”

(One student will answer)

“What if I told that in order for you to be happy and rich, somebody must get hurt. Would you still choose it?” “Did you know that there is a special place in Hell reserve only for those people who take advantage of every opportunity regardless of whether they are being fair or they are hurting somebody?”

B. Lesson Proper “Bring out your assignments and tell me something about this person. Do you know who is he?”

“He is Dante Alighieri. He wrote the Divine Comedy.”

“Very good. Dante Alighieri is an Italian poet, prose writer, literary theorist, moral philosopher, and political thinker.” “What was his best known work?”

“He wrote the Divine Comedy.”

“Very good. What are the three parts of Divine Comedy or La Divina Commedia?”

“Inferno followed by Purgatorio then Paradiso.”

“Very good. Today we are going to discuss Inferno. Specifically the Canto III.” “I told you to have an advance reading of Canto III, right? Did you answer the task 5 on your book? Those are some of the unfamiliar words that you will encounter in Canto III.”

“Yes Ma’am”

“Here is a short video clip of Canto III. Try to follow the video with your books.” “Who are the characters in the video?” “Very good. Virgil, he is an ancient Roman poet that guides Dante. He was sent by

“Virgil, Dante, Charon.”

Beatrice, the first love of Dante who died at a young age. Dante, the protagonist and the narrator. And who is Charon?”

“The ferryman of the underworld.”

“Exactly. Thank you. What are the words written in the stone above the gate?”

“Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here”

“Dante did not understand it so he asked Virgil. What was Virgil’s advice to Dante?”

“Virgil advised Dante to be brave. To have the courage to enter the place.”

“When Dante finally entered hell, what was his reaction?”

“He was horrified with the sights of the spirits who are in deep pain.”

“Very good. And according to Virgil, who are these souls?”

“The uncommitted ones.”

“Very good. Thank you. The souls of the uncommitted. They were the ones who lived for themselves.” “What was their punishment?”

“They were obliged to follow a wavering banner.”

“And also, they are constantly stung by wasps and flies. Their blood mixed with tears became food for worms.” “Then finally they met the ferry man of underworld, Charon, in the river of…” “Charon was mad and refuses Dante passage but Virgil said that it was willed thus in the end Charon allow Dante in the ferry.” “As they cross the border to Inferno, Dante was overwhelmed with too much noise thus he loses his senses and fainted.” “In Canto III, Dante sets up the intellectual structure of hell. In the entrance, it was place there the people who refused to choose either evil or good. The opportunist, the uncommitted, the people who refused to make a choice. As you see, refusal to choose is still a choice.” “Is everything clear? Do you have any question?” C. Application:


“Turn you book on page 130. Written there are guidelines on how to write definition. Remember you groups last activity? they will also be your group in this activity. Here is what you are going to do.    

Your group will look for at least eight unfamiliar words in your main text. You will alphabetize the words. You will define the words guided by the guidelines on your books. The format is on page 131 “Define Me”

D. Generalization “To wrap up the discussion. What do you think is the main concept of Canto III?” IV. EVALUATION “You will be given 20 minutes to answer the quiz. After that, you are going to pass it sideward then forward. Any question? If none, you may start answering now.” Directions: Read each question comprehensively. Answer each question to the best of your ability. This chart is for Canto _______ Examples, including page references when appropriate 1. What sinners are here? In general, what is the sin? If there are famous sinners, name them and briefly give their story. 2. Describe the landscape. Any rivers? What are the other distinguishing features of this landscape? 3. Any “monsters” or “creatures” here? Name them and describe them. What purpose do they serve?

4. How does Dante fare in this section? What are his main questions/concerns? How is he holding up? 5. What insights, if any, come from Virgil? What does he have to teach Dante? 6. Besides Virgil, who is here in this section to help or guide Dante? Explain how. 7. Find and record one

epic simile and explain what it means. Be specific.

8. What is the most powerful image in this section and why? Think about which senses the image evokes and how the image engages the reader. 9. One lesson that you acquired in the text that you can apply in real life?

V. ASSIGNMENT “For your assignment, research about the Nine Circles of Hell and answer the chart below.” CIRCLE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.



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