Can You Still Find God? By Rev. Daniel Bossidy

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,570
  • Pages: 2
Can You Still Find God? From the beginning to the end of his life, we find Jacob’s struggles in carrying on the will of God a struggle, not only of identity but of choices. Did he hamper himself by the things he said concerning God? His journey through life seemed to be a direction away from the will of God. It seems he went around the will and purpose of God, putting off God’s intentions time after time. Can a man such as Jacob, whose thoughts were a little twisted by misunderstanding, miscommunication, and wrong advice, can such a one as he find God through it all? Can we find the Lord through the walk of life we have chosen? Is He there to be found? We know that faith is a very important thing with God. Without faith it is impossible to please Him. We live by our own set of rules, but faith is something that the Lord is looking for in us. Do we have it and are we using it? There was always a battle when it came to Jacob. From the moment he and his twin brother were conceived, there was always a struggle. It was so bad that Rebekah asked God what was going on inside of her. Genesis. 25:21-23 He told her “…the elder shall serve the younger.” It’s the age-old battle for survival. But can we find God in the midst of our battles? Does dominance assure us of God’s acceptance? Or does God accept us despite our struggles for superiority? Is God’s call and purpose in our lives satisfied by us or despite us? It seems that Jacob’s life is such a contrast of fulfillment. He traveled many miles that should never have been. We think we have found God’s favor in our own prosperity. Material wealth does not prove God’s support. The things of this world are not the true riches. But God-like character traits, which can only come through a relationship with Jesus Christ, are the true riches. Does popularity prove God’s approval in our lives? What if some catastrophe happens to us? If people leave you will God? If times of sickness hit our lives, or loss of loved ones, or bills pile up, or accidents happen, do these things change the way God views you and treats you? Can you still find God in the best or worse possible circumstances? Where is He and who is He and what is His will for our lives? These are the questions we should be asking ourselves daily. Jacob’s mother, Rebekah, had a bit of a selfish side to her. Despite her many good qualities, Rebekah had a few faults. It was her scheme for Jacob to take Esau’s blessing that separated her family. Her ideas back-fired on her because she drove away the son she loved. Esau was intent on killing Jacob. Esau saw Jacob as the root of all his problems and he had been used one too many times, so he planned on killing Jacob. Rebekah sent Jacob far away from the family. He fled from his brother for over 20 years; a lifetime of running for not trusting God’s direction. It’s a high price to pay. Genesis. 28:10-22 when he had the dream of the ladder reaching heaven, he realized he was at the gates of heaven: God’s house. It was a peaceable place; a place he could safely spend the night. He made a memorial of the rocks of that place, anointed them with oil, and said, “If God will be with me…then shall the Lord be my God…” God could only take him at his word. Jacob said “then shall the Lord be my God…” Why should we put such a limit on God? The Lord will not go beyond our will. Jacob hampered his own spiritual walk. He could have had the Lord in his life for the next 20 years. He set himself up for failure and heartache by the words of his lips. He made a bargain with God that was unwise. Why do we limit God and put time tables on Him? Why do we think He will answer our prayers and desires after certain things happen? Why can’t we trust Him at all times? Why don’t we put our faith in Him to work all things together for good all the time? We do more harm than good by our dealings and scheming and plans. The Lord did not go beyond the words of Jacob’s mouth because it was a vow. This meant as long as Jacob was away from God’s house at Bethel the Lord could not be his God. For the next 20 years, Jacob did what he did without an act of faith. God kept him from evil, he had food and clothing, but He was limited by the words Jacob had spoken that day. One day in the life of a man changed the course of 20 years. It is best not to bargain with God, but to believe God will work things out. He has a greater, more positive plan than we can conceive! The Scripture tells us, “Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according

to the power that worketh in us, Unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.” Sometimes we keep ourselves from being blessed by our own lacks and short-comings and put that on God. He has to figure out how to make things good. After a while, we wonder why we can’t be blessed like others, but it was us all along. We have hindered God’s plan by what we say. We set in motion the direction our life takes by the vocabulary we use. 20 years later, God told Jacob to return to God’s house at Bethel. Jacob was stirred to make things right and reconcile with his brother. It was time to go home. It is at God’s house where we find the Lord and the fullness of blessings from His presence. It is there we find the purpose for our lives, which we couldn’t find in the world. You can change your location but you will never change God. I have seen people trade God’s will and blessings for a time-share, a golf game, a job, a girl friend or boy friend. All those things pass away. All those things are nice but can you find God in those extra things? Jacob began the long journey back to Bethel. When he got near, his brother heard of it. He had to pass by the land of his brother. When he heard his brother was coming out to meet him he got scared stiff (Genesis. 32:6-8). This was the moment he was running from for 20 years. This was the dreaded time he feared but if he was ever going to obey God it would have to be now. Verses 9-12 Jacob’s prayer. He spoke what the Lord had told him. When we begin to speak what God speaks, when we talk like the Lord and think like the Lord, there is no telling what God can do! He then sent presents to his brother while he stayed back. Verses 24 & 25this man touched the hollow of Jacob’s thigh. He had a reminder for the rest of his life that he had wrestled with God. Verses 26-32 asks how determined are you to not just be blessed and rescued, but to have a new life, a new name? Would you fight your way through the things that resist the will of God for you, or are you content staying the way you are, in the condition you are, in the fears you have always carried, not facing the truth of who you are? Jacob said, “I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.” He came out of the struggle with a peace that passes understanding. No matter what happens, he knew that the Lord will preserve his life. It was the reality of facing who he was, not others. Jacob had been running from himself for 20 years as it turned out. Genesis. 33 we read of the reconciliation. Esau saw his brother and a miracle took place. The thing Jacob feared did not happen because God touched their hearts. It was an absolute miracle. Why couldn’t God give you a miracle today? Or did you give up hope of ever having one in your situation? Jacob turned his whole heart to the will of God and God worked on his behalf. He and his brother were never best buddies but they were at peace with each other. What about you? Can you still find God in your situations? Can you find Him who gave His life for you so that you can receive His great salvation? Will you turn to Christ with all your heart and given Him your short-comings so He can work all things together for good, or will you continue to try to fix everything and do things your way? It is not too late to find God in your situation. My friend, look to Him and live. I will be praying for you today to make that decision to serve God completely. May God bless and strengthen you!

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