Bw 44 Defense

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  • October 2019
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Defensive Tackle Requirements: 1. Execute proper assignment (Read/Reactions) 2. Desire 3. Agility and quickness 4. Strength 5. Aggressiveness Initial Alignment: Align on the outside shoulder of the offensive guard (3 technique) Snap Alignment: Adhere to the SAR: Do not get caught!! If you are on a deal, you must make sure that the nose of your lineman is not between you and the gap or spot that you are penetrating. Stance: 4 Point: Hands and feet are parallel; head is up using your peripheral vision to watch football; hips slightly higher than your head; legs are coiled and ready to explode; you have very little weight on your hands. Primary Key: Offensive Guard Secondary Key: Backfield Action Responsibility: B Gap, and inside running game. Always take care of your gap responsibility, then use overlap technique to squeeze inside (A) gap. Defensive Tackle Keys: “Key, Read, React” 1. Drive Block- OG fires out and tries to move you off of the LOS; he wants to get push (movement) on defender. A. Take your initial read step and deliver a two handed shiver through the OG’s outside shoulder, (get hands on). Read through to backfield action. B. Neutralize his charge, read pressure and control point will be outside shoulder of OG to Inside shoulder of OT; G-T gap (B) 2. Reach Block - OG tries to get outside leverage A. Take initial read step and deliver your hand shiver. The OG is trying to reach your outside hip, slide laterally along the LOS (Keep shoulders square, pad levels down, squeeze your gap responsibility (B). B. OG must never reach DT. 3. Inside Release - OG tries to get inside leverage. A. Take initial read step and deliver a very solid two-handed shiver through his sternum. We can never allow an inside release by OG. Slide laterally to the inside using the overlap technique. (Help squeeze the (A) Gap). 4. Fold Block – OG pulls to the outside and OT blocks down A. Take initial read step. As you read the guard’s action to the outside, you must plant your inside foot and push to the outside (squeeze your gap). Rip through the OT who is blocking down on you. B. Do not allow OT to get his helmet on your outside hip – fight across his face. Shuffle laterally to obtain and even position with him (toe to toe). Always keep your shoulders square to the LOS and pad levels down. Helmet to chin relationship must be maintained.


5. Trap- OG pulls behind Center, Center blocks back A. Take initial read step. Use same technique used vs. the fold, only inside against the Center. 6. Influence – OG pulls outside, but OT does not block down on you. * Toughest Read A. Take initial read step. As OG pulls to the outside, prepare to take on the fold by the OT. Once you realize it is not fold action, plant your outside foot and push off to the inside. Prepare to take on the trapper. B. Trap the Trapper Technique: Neutralize the trap by attacking the trapper with your outside shoulder. Rip across his body establishing an even position (toe to toe), square your shoulders to the LOS. Keep pad levels down. Constrict the running lane forcing the RB to go laterally. C. Squeeze the Trapper: Plant your outside foot and neutralize the action of the trapper. Once you have stopped his initial charge, you constrict the running lane and fight across his face. 7. Double Team – OG fires out and OT blocks down. A. Take initial read step, fight across the OG’s block using the same technique used for reach block. As you feel the pressure from the OT drop to your outside knee and rip through the natural seam of the two blockers. As you rip through, keep shoulders square to the LOS. Keep inside foot flat on the ground so that you can use it to push with. B. Blockers cannot get any push on you. Stay low and maintain ground, settle for no less than a stalemate. 8. Pass Blocking A. Drop-back pass – the OG sets up or hinges. Work to get an inside position on the blocker. Fill the inside rush lanes. B. Sprint or Roll Action – When the OG hinges, do not allow the OG to force you to the inside. If you take the back door you will never get there. C. Play-Action Pass – You always play run first. If pass develops, then react accordingly.


Defensive End Requirements: 1. Execute proper assignment (Read/Reaction) 2. Run to football every down. 3. Concentration 4. Intensity 5. Aggressiveness and toughness Initial Alignment: Strong-side End – Align on the inside shoulder of the TE (6i technique). If there are only two Down-linemen to your side align on outside shoulder of OT (5 Tech). Weak-side End – Alignment rules are the same as ST/S End. (Usually a 5 tech) Snap Alignment: Adhere to SAR: Complete your responsibility in our gaming packages. Stance: Strong-side End – 2 Pt., Stagger. Shoulders are square to LOS, knees bent, elbows are slightly bent, palms out, hands up in front read for action, and good football stance (Power Position). Weak-side End – 3 Pt. Stance. Head is up with inside eye on football, hips slightly higher than your head, legs are coiled and ready to explode. You have very little weight on your fingertips. Primary Key: Strong-side End – TE Weak-side End – OT to backfield action. Secondary Key: Strong-side End – Near back, Backfield action. Responsibility: Strong-side End – C Gap Weak-side End – Fire through C Gap area, bring hands up exploding heels of hands under shoulder pads of any potential blockers. Get to heels depth of OL staying parallel to LOS. Read on the run, react to football, and adjust your pursuit angle. Play with reckless abandon causing havoc. Defensive End Keys: “Key-Read-React” 1. Base Block – TE tries to drive you inside (fires out). A. Take initial read step. Deliver a two-handed shiver to TE, resist his pressure and at the same time create separation. Keep your shoulders square to the LOS. Do not allow TE to drive you inside or anyway change the LOS. B. Once you have neutralized his block, you look at your secondary key (backfield Action). Always be in a position to protect your gap responsibility (C), but at the same time able to assist on outside running plays. 2. Outside Release (Arc) – TE takes an outside release A. Take initial read step, which in this situation will be a half a step outside to make sure that TE is not trying to hook you. Once you recognize the action, you close back to the inside hard, squeeze your gap. Be conscious for trap or kick-out block. B. Whenever we close our gap vs. a potential block, we want to rip our outside arm across the face of the blocker. Keep our inside arm free. This gives us better position in defending our gap responsibility (C). C. If potential blocker uses an Arc release to gain position on your outside running plays, you must move laterally down the LOS. The feather technique is very sound in achieving this. On Option work QB to Pitch.


3. Turn-Out – TE tries to get inside leverage. A. Take initial read step and deliver a two-handed shiver to TE. It is very important to get separation after you neutralize his block. You cannot allow your inside arm to be tied up. Use the inside arm technique. 4. Inside Release – TE tries to release to your inside. A. Take initial read step, as TE indicates an inside course, you force him laterally down the LOS and deny his release. Read pressure and squeeze your gap responsibility using his body as a natural plug. 5. Pass A. Drop Back: Take initial read step, play run responsibility first. When the intentions of the offense indicate pass, you have contain-rush course. Attack the blockingback’s outside shoulder, keeping QB to your inside. Sack, Sack, Sack B. Sprint or Rollout: Use the exact same rush technique as you used for drop back action. You will receive contain help from your linebacker.


Inside Linebackers Requirements: 1. Execute proper assignment. 2. Run to the football every down. 3. Leader by example on and off of the field. 4. Best conditioned athlete on the field. 5. Agile, Mobile, and Hostile Initial Alignment: Align your outside eye with your OG’s inside eye (2i technique). Snap Alignment: Adhere to the SAR; always be in a position to hit your deal if a quick cadence is used, (adjust to cadence). Stance: 2 pt; Shoulders: parallel to the LOS. Feet can be parallel or outside foot can be slightly back (Toe to instep relationship); knees are bent, elbows out, and hands up in front ready for action. Be in a comfortable position always ready to react. Good Football Position!! Primary Key: Quarterback to Fullback or nearest Halfback. Secondary Key: Read through the uncovered lineman to backfield action. Responsibility: A Gap, overlap technique to B and C. Linebacker Keys: “Key - Read- React” 1. Trap- Center has a course that goes across your face A. Take initial read step, as we read through the action of the center to backfield action (QB & FB) we notice the Center goes backside and action is coming straight ahead. Center Cross My Face – I Replace! Step up into the LOS to guard against OT blocking down on you. Fast Read. B. Backside has a slower read, neutralize any potential blockers (flatten the nose of the center), and squeeze the running lane. Fullback/Near Halfback 2. Lead Fill – FB’s course is direct through C-OG Gap (A). A. Take initial read step. Front side linebacker must recognize the course taken by the Fullback (Fast Read). On direct lead fill action, do not take a side, hit him square in the hole (neutralize at LOS). Obtain a helmet to chin relationship. 3 pt technique is used to disengage the blocker. B. Backside will use a slow-read on flow away; take an aggressive step up and to the Center, (Flatten the nose of the Center). Neutralize and use overlap technique to eliminate any seams in the running lanes. Responsible for cutback. 3. Slide Fill – FB’s course is wider, directed more off-tackle. A. Take initial read step. Front-side linebacker uses a fast-read to recognize FB’s course. On slide fill action (scrape) you shuffle and attack the potential blocker (FB). Pursuit is always inside out and we use a shed technique to disengage the blocker. Rip your inside arm across the outside half of the blocker, keeping your outside arm free.


B. Backside will use a slow-read on flow away. Neutralize the block of the Center and adjust your pursuit course. Be conscious of Boot, Counter, and Reverse. 4. Slide Pursue – Fullback’s course is much flatter, toss or sweep action. A. Take initial read steps, Fullback’s course is flat which directs him to the outside. Between the tackles you always shuffle, outside the Tackles you use lateral run technique. Use peripheral vision to locate potential blockers. Use shed-acrossface technique to defeat blockers. Work up and into the LOS on this action, to decrease blocking angles. B. Backside will use a slow-read on flow away, neutralize the block by the Center and adjust your pursuit angle. It is very important that you check Boot, Counter, and Reverse action (Step to C Gap and check). As you pursue, adjust your angle of intersection with the ball carrier. 5. Pass Responsibility: A. Drop-back Pass – As QB passes any potential ball carrier, start your pass drop. Open your hips to the Hook/Curl zone (45 degree angle). Using the crossover run technique sprint to your zone. Once you have acquired a depth of 10-12 yards, level off and continue to get gradual depth. Work with the QB’s intentions and locate any potential receivers and play the football. B. Sprint Out, Rollout, or Play Action Pass – Front-side Linebacker will drop to the front-side Hook/Curl zone if his keys indicate this action. Front-side drop is the same as drop-back action. A great reference to use for the width of your drop is to stay in line with QB’s sprint action. The Back-side Linebacker must adjust his pass drop course so he will be projected through the middle (help with natural soft spot). Get a depth of 13-15 yards, level off and get gradual depth. Work with QB’s intentions. Special Notes: 1. The two ILBers should make 80% of the tackles every game. 2. Your greatest assets are your strength, quickness, agility, and intelligence. 3. Be a student of the game. Know the other team’s tendencies. 4. If you are enthusiastic about the game, so will your teammates. Enthusiasm is contagious. 5. Be a leader not a follower. Always be a leader by being a positive example for others to model.


Outside Linebackers Requirements: 1. Execute Proper Assignment (Read/Reaction) 2. Run to the ball every down. 3. Patience 4. Ability to play the run and pass equally well. 5. Always alert, expecting the unexpected. Initial Alignment: Initial alignment is determined by formation. There are some general rules that are followed whenever a TE is present on your side. You stack your defensive end area maintaining a 1X4 yards relationship with the TE. If no TE/SB is present, you can vary your alignment. This also helps to disguise the defense or a possible outside game. Stance: 2 pt, stagger: Outside foot is slightly back with a heel to toe relationship (helps prevent being hooked). Knees bent, elbows are slightly bent and out in front, palms out, hands up in front ready for action. Primary Key: Through TE to Tailback or near back. Secondary Key: Backfield Action Outside Linebacker Keys: “Key-Read-React” 1. Sweep/Toss Action A. Take initial read steps as you read through the action of the TE the offense indicates an outside running play. You immediately establish the LOS position (Get UP), keeping your shoulders square. You are responsible for containment of the outside running lanes. You have two ways you can approach this situation B. Let the ball carrier determine the way he wants to go. Establish an inside-out relationship with him. (Your inside shoulder to his outside shoulder). This will give us an advantage in one of two ways. i. If he tries to outrun you, string it out laterally to the twelfth tackler. ii. If he cuts back, you have turned the play into our pursuit team. 2. Off-Tackle Action or Inside Isolation/Lead A. Read through blocking patterns to backfield action. Once you read action, be aggressive and get LOS position. Keeping your shoulders square, squeeze down the inside running lanes (overlap technique to C Gap). Be conscious of pad levels; get separation on blockers, often times TE/SB. 3. Action Away – Backside: A. Take an aggressive read step to action. This will snug you up to the LOS. Take 3 steps back and check for Boot, Counter, or Reverse action. Once you have eliminated these possibilities, adjust your pursuit angle. You have ChaseContain responsibility. 4. Option: A. Any kind of option and your main objective is the Pitch Man. He must not break contain. Use same technique as Sweep action.


5. Pass Responsibility: (Also Read Secondary Section) A. Drop Back Pass – Drop to your flat. Adjust drop to width of field. When ball is in the middle, open your hips and sprint at a 45-degree angle to your flat using the crossover run tech. If you are dropping to wide side, take a shallow, wide drop (30 degree angle). If dropping to the short side, take a deeper drop at a bigger angle. Once you have reached your flat (8-10 Yards) level off and continue to get gradual depth. First thing you look for is quick slant, and then a receiver in the flat area, then screen action to the outside. B. Sprint Out, Roll Out, and Play Action Pass to your side – Follow this general rule: Read Pass-Roll-Rush. Your rush course is through the outside leg of the TE to the outside leg of near or blocking back. Attack QB from outside (QB must stay inside of you), you have contain rush. C. Sprint Out, Roll Out and Play Action Away from Your side – Drop straight back up the seam. Check for receivers coming across the field. (Throwback, Delay, Drag, Short Crossing Routes) Special Calls: 1. Hard nose – A technique used to delay the easy, inside release of a pass receiver. It is your responsibility to chug the receiver. Once administered, open to the inside and play football. 2. Gone – Tells DE that he now has rush-contain. OLB must widen to formation. 3. Option – You have man coverage on the Pitch Man.


Defensive Secondary Requirements: 1. Pass responsibility first. 2. Responsible for secondary run support. 3. Disciplined 4. Never Get Beat Deep!! 5. Always take 3 read steps. 6. Play the football, not the man. 7. Intelligent – Ability to audible to correct coverage. 8. Great Open-field tackler 9. Execute proper assignment 10. Be a total football player. Be an athlete. Alignment: Safety: 1. vs Full House – Align head on Center 10-12 yards deep. 2. Vs. Tight set (Tight slot or Wing) – Align over Guard to two receiver side. 3. Vs. Open Set (Pro/Con, Twins, Wide Slot) – if double receiver is wide-side of field align as far as the OT. Corners: 1. Vs. Tight Receiver ( less than 3 yard split) – Align 1 yard outside receiver with a depth of 6 yards off of the LOS. 2. Vs. moderate Split Receiver (between 3 and 7 yards) – Align on outside shoulder of receiver 6 yards deep. 3. Vs. Wide Split (more than 7 yards) – Align head up to slightly inside of receiver and 6 yards deep. * Never Align Closer than 5 yards to the Sideline. Special Note: Never align further than 15 yards lateral distance from sideline. You may have to vary your 6- yard depth depending on the speed of the receiver and the game situation. Stance: Safety - 2 pt, feet parallel, shoulders square to LOS. Keep weight distributed over the balls of your feet. Shoulders, knees and toes align somewhat close together. Drop hips, flexed knees, with weight over front foot. Arms bent at elbows with hands in ready position. Corners – 2pt. Feet are a slight stagger (either inside or outside foot back). Shoulders are square to the LOS. Drop hips, flex knees, with weight over the front foot. Arms are bent at elbows with hands in the ready position. Initial Movement: Three back-peddling “Read steps”


General Assignments: Corners – Your keys are the ball and an uncovered lineman. At snap take three read steps. 1. Cover 3, 4, and 4 Read: Read ball through uncovered lineman, keeping your receiver in sight. If uncovered lineman shows pass, continue back-peddling to your zone. If only one receiver enters your zone – play him close but DO NOT LEAVE YOUR ZONE UNTIL BALL IS THROWN. A. Stay deeper than the deepest receiver in your zone. On long arm action of QB, break on the football. Play the ball, not the man. B. If lineman aggressively blocks and run develops, attack only after ball crosses the LOS. Your course is always outside-in, Secondary-Run support. 2. Cover 2: Read ball through the uncovered lineman. If lineman shows pass, take three read steps and rotate into your zone. If only one receiver enters your zone, play him close, but do not leave your zone responsibility until QB’s arm action. If lineman aggressively blocks and run develops, attack when ball crosses the LOS. FT/S Corner attack from outside-in. BK/S Corner attack from Inside-out. 3. Cover 2 Read: Read ball through uncovered lineman. If lineman shows pass action, immediately begin to read flow. If drop-back action transpires, you automatically are in Cover 3 (1/3rd Coverage). If action comes to you, rotate up and cover Flat area. Backside Corner is responsible for back half of the field (1/2 Coverage). Secondary run support courses are determined by coverage schemes. Safety: Your keys are the ball and an uncovered lineman, Center or Guard. Your assignments are the same as the Corners except for the following: 1. If Cover 3 and run develops, attack ball from the inside out. 2. If Cover 2 and run develops, attack the ball from outside in. 3. If cover 4 or 4 Read and run develops, you will move either to the ST/S flat or the flay towards flow and plan inside out. Special Assignment: Man Coverage Technique: 1. Inside Technique – Inside shade on receiver. A. Take away the inside threat when no inside help is available. B. Align 1 yard inside and 3 yards off of LOS. C. Keep outside foot up and inside foot back to facilitate the receivers inside release. D. As receiver comes off the line, back-peddle maintaining vertical position (3 yard cushion) and keep inside leverage. E. If receiver works inside, give him a 2-handed shiver and continue to back-peddle inside and maintain inside leverage. (Position) F. If receiver works outside, focus on his midsection and work on route recognition. Short route be ready to close quickly and make tackle. Intermediate – play the cut and get a good break on the ball (maintain inside leverage). Deep Route – You turn into the receiver and play his up-field shoulder. 2. Outside Technique – Outside shade on receiver when help is guaranteed inside. A. Align your inside foot on receiver’s outside foot. Outside foot will be back. B. Depth will be 5-6 yards. C. As receiver comes off the LOS, maintain your cushion by back-peddling. Focus on receiver’s midsection. D. Route Recognition i. Short, intermediate routes, be concerned for outside cuts ii. Short, inside cuts, you must get a quick break and close on receiver. Be in a position to make a sure tackle. iii. Deep Inside Routes – Always guaranteed help from Safety. You must maintain outside leverage. E. Always abide by cushion rules. If you turn and run with receiver, open to the inside and play the receiver’s up field shoulder. Do not go for ball unless you can physically touch the receiver, (notice long arm action by QB). Play through the up field shoulder, strip technique or interception


3. Bump and Run Technique – Align with an inside position on the receiver. Your outside foot will align with the receiver’s inside foot. Your inside foot will be back. Your body position will take away quick inside release. A. Bump the receiver at the LOS and run with him. Prevent the receiver from going full speed. The timing of the pattern will be thrown off. B. Be aware of the splits taken by the receivers. Big splits may indicate an inside pattern. Expect some kind of out pattern when narrow split is taken by receiver. C. Pointer to Bump and Run: i. Concentrate on receiver’s midsection. ii. If receiver lines up deeper off the LOS, adjust your position. iii. Allow receiver to get even with you before moving your inside foot. This will help maintain inside position iv. Be aggressive when delivering the bump. v. Don’t lunge, let receiver come to you. 4. Bump-Inside Technique on Deep Routes – Align with an inside shade. A. On receivers initial move forward, administer a physical bump to throw off the timing of the pattern. B. Keep your body between your man and the QB. C. Play the up field shoulder of receiver. D. Play the intentions of the receiver (anticipate). E. At the right moment, turn and locate the ball. F. Continue running with receiver. General Rule Regarding Pass Coverage: 1. Your responsibility is pass first, Secondary run support. 2. THERE SHALL BE NO LONG BOMB. 3. Always keep ball and receiver in front of you. 4. Always be as deep as the deepest and as wide as the widest receiver in your zone. 5. Do not follow head, arm, or leg fakes. Never turn back to the ball, except when you must roll back to get depth to sprint to the interception point. 6. Know the situation – should you intercept or ground the ball?! 7. Make sure you have tackling arm and a stripping arm. 8. Be in a position to attack the receiver’s up field arm. 9. Go for the interception at the highest point (Interception point) 10. When in a 2-on-1 situation always play the deepest and widest receiver. 11. Maintain poise when passes are complete in front of you. 12. In your receiver catches the ball, stop him in his tracks – a hard, excellent tackle. Make him think twice about catching another ball in your zone. 13. Never quit until the whistle. At the end of every play all back 7 personnel should be on or around the ball. 14. THERE ARE FEW ASPECTS OF A FOOTBALL GAME THAT CAN INSTANTANEOUSLY RAISE THE SPIRIT OF A TEAM. ONE OF THESE ASPECTS IS A CRISP, BOOMING HIT BY A SECONDARY DEFENDER ON A RUNNING BACK OR RECEIVER ATTEMPTING TO CATCH THE FOOTBALL. ** If a pass develops, yell: “Pass”, “Ball” (when FB is in air), “Bingo” (Interception)


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