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March 2009


Christian Magazine

Christian Business Women E D I T I O N

You Are God’s Gift by: Tameesha Tucker

A Toast to Christian Women in Business by: Connie Williams

Passion, Purpose, Prosperity by: Pamela Guerreiri

Vision House Publishers CHIEF EDITOR Linda C. Tardy

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Pamela Guerreiri Connie Williams Prophetess Karen Presley L.C. Tardy Pastor Linda Harvey Patty Wysong

ASSISTANT EDITORS Heidi Nigro Donnie Madison Connie Williams Pamela Guerreiri


Visions Christian Magazine is available through subscription Please contact us at [email protected]

Visions Christian Magazine is also available online at

Romans 10:9,10 “That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

Anointed Press Graphics, Inc.





Kevin Lucas

Anointed Press Graphics, Inc.

Vision House Publishers P.O. Box 4436 Capital Heights, MD 20791 [email protected]

Christian Authors Christian Businesses Ministries Christian Events

Copyright March 2009 2

March 2009 / Christian Women Business Edition



4 / New Beginnings by: Linda C. Tardy

6 / You Are God’s Gift by: T.L. Tucker

9 / Dancin For The Lord by: Glory J. Williams

11 / A Toast To Christian Women in Business by: Connie Williams

22 / Discerning the Voice of God

by: Prophetess Karen Presley

26 / Rediscovering The Proverbs 31 Women - Clothed in Strength & Dignity by: Ameerah Lewis

28 / Life After the Storm by: Pastor Linda Harvey

33 / The Master Decorator by: Patty Wysong

COVER STORY 16 / Passion, Purpose & Prosperity: The Story of Karen Michele Presley by: Pamela Guerrieri

New Beginnings By: Linda C. Tardy


Author/Publisher/President/Founder Vision House Publishers Visions Christian Magazine


ehold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19 Many of us will begin this year with our favorite words, “A New Years Resolution,” and that means breaking old habits, a new attitude, or becoming a new person. Well, that’s a great way to start the new year. But God has a master plan for your life. God’s thoughts are not like yours. God is infinite, meaning (having no limits or boundaries in time or space) Man is finite (bounded, or limited in magnitude, or spatial). God’s plan includes transforming you from what you was, into what you need to be; conforming you into the image and likeness of God. This is the year of fulfillment and deliverance. You are stepping into a divine destiny, a new level in Christ Jesus. You are a new creature in Christ. Jesus said, “If any man come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me” (Matthew 16:24) Jesus came to deliver you from yourself. The ministry and mission of Jesus Christ is to teach you to die to yourself, your own earthly desires, and allow God to live in you. Great things has happened in the previous years, but greater things shall happen this year. The first step into ministry is to give God your emotions, desires and your will. Your heart becomes God’s property. There is a price to pay for the call of God. Did you know that “Selfishness,” is the essential problem in the body of Christ?” There has to be a self-sacrifice, as Jesus sacrificed His life for you, so you must die to your own wishes and your own will. Jesus said, “For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of Him that sent me.” (John 6:38) When you allow God’s word to govern your life; set your heart on things above and not on this earth(Colossians 3:2) you become God’s extended hand. In order to effectively evangelize, you must have a source of strength greater than yourself. Jesus told the disciples to wait in Jerusalem until they were endued with power from on high. Although Jesus was God during His earthly ministry; He recognized His dependence upon the Holy Spirit. There was an intimate relationship between Christ and the Holy Spirit. It is imperative that you establish an intimate relationship with Christ, as Jesus did. The Bible tells us believers, “And be not drunk with wine 4

March 2009 / Christian Women Business Edition

wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit.” (Ephesians 5:18) God wants to fill you with His life, character and virtues. God’s desire is that your mind be controlled by the Holy Spirit so that you will always walk in the Spirit, and be endued with God’s power to serve Him. Before you venture out into the world to teach and preach the gospel, there is a period of preparation. You have to be empowered, endued with a source of strength and power higher than yourself. Jesus was baptized with the power of the Holy Spirit before He went into the wilderness, and was tempted of the devil. (Luke 4:1) Because of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus; God was pleased, and gave Jesus approval to began His ministry. When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too. And as he was praying, heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” (Luke 3:21-22) The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” (Luke 4:18-19) The Bible says, “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.” (Joel 2:28) God’s plan of Salvation means to start focusing on the things of God, as apposed to what is convenient for yourself. Serving God, reverencing Him, and loving Him should become a life style, and a new beginning in your life.

This book is about “Assignments, Transformation and Renewing of your mind.” God changes us from inside out, and builds a character in us that is pleasing to Him….so that we my carry out our assigned task in this earth realm, and bring God all the glory!

O R D E R T O D AY 5

March 2009 / Christian Women Business Edition

You Are God’s Gift

Written By: T.L. Tucker


ave you ever noticed that sometimes you may find yourself walking along with your head held down? I don’t believe that it is something that we consciously do; however, I do believe that this one small action is a clear indication of how a person feels about themselves. It can also dictate how people choose to treat you because of the insecurity they see. Insecurity is something that cannot be hidden. There are some that have been so wounded by the actions, words, or opinions of others that they have allowed these things to dictate their self worth. They can’t get past the perceptions of others; therefore, they are unable to be lifted any higher than their thought process. This is a very serious thing! We all have an appointed mission on this earth. God created us so that He may be glorified through our lives and testimonies. If we are unable to see the potential in ourselves we won’t even attempt to allow God to move and work through us. How can we do anything meaningful for God’s Kingdom if we do not believe that we are fearfully and wonderfully made? We need to purpose not to allow the perceptions of others in this world affect how we feel about ourselves. In short, if we strive to prove ourselves to people we will work out of His will and loose sight of His purpose and destiny for our lives. There are some that hide behind their homes, cars, and education in order to prove themselves worthy of what the world deems as acceptable and successful. Don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong with having goals and accomplishing home ownership, and obtaining a higher education, but we must not walk in those things. We must walk in God’s Word. God loves us and created us with every intention of giving us the inheritance of royalty. Let’s think about that for just one moment. Only heirs of royalty have a chance at the royal inheritance. Sister’s that is just what you are; you are a royal heir to the Kingdom of God. You are royalty. We must walk in that knowing that God does not go back on His Word (Ezekiel 16:8-14). “You were exceedingly beautiful, and succeeded to royalty.” It is time for the women of God to embrace His perception of who we are and how He designed us to be loved. We must make the decision to accept our inheritance and to love ourselves. As you walk today wherever you are I challenge you to walk with your head up on purpose. I dare you to walk in being God’s gift.


March 2009 / Christian Women Business Edition

This is a book for single singles, single parents, divorced singles, separated individuals, the married, those courting for marriage, and anybody in need of redemption. This is my testimony. It is very real, very true and in my heart of hearts, I know that it will bless you! The book touches on forgiveness, dating, pre-marital sex, courting for marriage, relationships that have become strong holds, abortion, and how the singles can use their time alone to seek God and find purpose. I talk about my marriage experience and the mistakes I made as a wife. There is something for everybody. It is my hope that this book moves you in a positive and powerful way. May God use me to confirm what you already know in your heart to be true.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR T.L. Tucker was born on August 8, 1975, in Washington, DC. She resided in Glenarden, MD during her adolescent years. She attended Eleanor Roosevelt, in which she graduated in 1994. Even then, she knew her calling was to write. She graduated from Strayer University in the year 2000, with a degree in Computer Information Systems. She continues her studies at UMUC majoring in Communications/Journalism. She has two beautiful children, Sabrina and Reginald. At a very young age, her mother clearly remembers the day that her daughter (T.L. Tucker) told her that “I just don’t want to be another face in the crowd.” The Washington post featured, best selling author, T.L. is also the host of choppin it up radio, the show that goes where you take it. The show airs online on Wednesday’s from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm, for more information visit: She acknowledges Christ in all she does, and recognizes that the gifts that she possess do not belong to her. In her obedience to her calling, she has authored her first book, “Single & Saved in PG County.”


March 2009 / Christian Women Business Edition

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Dancin for the Lord Glory J. Williams Bishop Dr. Shirley Holloway gives you so much love. She teaches us everything that she knows about God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit. Apostle makes sure that we have some spiritual weapons to fight within the spiritual world. So I’ve been delivered from crack, lying, stealing, cursing, fornication, drugs etc. I dance for the ministry and the church; I ‘m also an assistant in many other areas. I thank the Lord that I have studied these things in school and back working with them. I look forward in helping others who come to Christ. I want to give back especially to the children because, God has restored my relationship with my kids.

professional dancer for Wild World Amusement Park the first year they opened. Now God has blessed me to teach and dance for his Glory!

MISSION To touch young people heart through praise dancing and giving Glory To God.


TRAINING My name is Glory J. Williams I started dancing when I was 8 years of age. My first classes was modern dance, then my fifth grade teacher was a ballerina and she noticed how flexible I was and talked with my mom, that is how I got into the Welter’s school of ballet. From there I went to Howard University for gymnastics classes. Then I ran track for the U.S.A. Washington, D.C. track team; I did mostly gymnastics (balance beam & floor exercise) and modern dance in Junior High. In High school I went to Duke Ellington School of the Arts for dance; which consist of modern dance, ballet to Pointe’ (shoes), ethnic dance (African) and learn the terminology of ballet. I also have been a teacher of modern dance and ballet. I have danced for Mayor Barry, Kennedy Center, Howard University and other places. I was a 9

In 2001 God birth a vision in Glory J. Williams that permits her to go forth in praise dancing with the youth of Victory Temple Word and Worship Center and the Community. Dancers consist of four groups 6-9, 10-13, 14-17 & an Adult team. The praise dancers uses their community service to perform activities in such places as New York, Baltimore, Ohio, North Carolina; all where their talents and gifts was use as a tool to enhance the minds of youngsters around the region. Youths are incorporated in the organizational planning by the praise dance team traveling from city to city and state to state holding dance rehearsal and workshops. We capture their minds through showing effectiveness; creative expressions and happiness that helps their self-esteem go to a new level. The Victory Dance Students in the Victory Dance Ministry Studio

Contact Information Cell 202-459-8816 or Home 301-736-3937

March 2009 / Christian Women Business Edition

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March 2009 / Christian Women Business Edition


by: Connie Williams

Women in Business T

he start of a new year brings with it a sense of expectation and “freshness.” Whether the previous year was full of ups or downs, it is great to celebrate the old year out and begin anew. The same holds true for us as Christian business women. It is an ideal time to “meet” with God and seek His business plan for the year ahead. With that in mind, I was prompted to propose a T.O.A.S.T. to all of my gifted, creative sisters in Christ who are diligently pursuing God’s call in their vocations. First and foremost, I would offer an encouraging reminder that what sets us apart as Christian women is our “T“- trust in a living God. Many of us, including myself, are quick to agree with that, but our decisions do not necessarily reflect it. For instance, are there new areas which you sense that God would have you branch out in but you are fearful of taking that first step? An investment in your business that you would like to make but it would require total trust in God for the finances? Are we truly expecting God to grow our businesses, and making preparations for that? These are tough questions to answer sometimes. Fortunately, God is faithful to help us and to release us from needless worry. The Bible says that “some trust in chariots, and some in horses, but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.” (Ps.20:7) Though He has blessed us with the abilities we need to succeed, we do not have to rely on our own strength, and “make” things happen. Next is an exhortation to be sensitive to the “O” opportunities that God brings our way. We are instructed in Eph. 5:16-17 (TLB) to “make the most of every opportunity you have for doing good. Don’t act thoughtlessly, but try to find out and do whatever the Lord wants you to do.” We would be wise to act on this, and spend time in prayer asking God to show us business opportunities that are waiting to be seized.


Though it may be tedious, it is imperative to thoroughly “A” - assess our business practices. Just as we periodically go through every room in our homes and purge unnecessary clutter, we need to assess each aspect of our business and eliminate areas of inefficiency. Growth requires change and we may find that what once worked well, could now be accomplished even better in a different way. We can ask ourselves, are there better ways to use my time?, utilize my employees strengths?, allocate funds? Little changes can make a difference. When we are faithful stewards over small things, God will entrust us with more. (Mt. 25:14-30). Once we’ve assessed our present situation, it is important to “S” - sow for the future. The Bible is clear that we shall reap what we sow. (Gal. 6:7) Is there a new Christian business that you can pray for? Patronize? Encourage? Do you have knowledge and experience that you can sow into someone who is just starting out? Would God have you to sow a financial seed into another business? Maybe even a competitor? Knowing the integrity of God, again wisdom would have us to thoughtfully, purposefully sow seeds of blessing. We complete our T.O.A.S.T. - with Thanksgiving. We thank Him for all of our business successes, and for the lessons we learn by our mistakes. We thank Him for wisdom in decisions, favor with others, and financial blessings. We thank Him for courage to take risks, and for the willingness to change. But most of all we thank Him “because God is good and His mercy endures forever.” (Ps. 136:1) May 2009 be a prosperous, fruitful, peaceful New Year of adventure with the Lord our God.

March 2009 / Christian Women Business Edition

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Store Hours from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM on Monday thru Saturday. For more information, please give us a call at 301-499-5799. 12

March 2009 / Christian Women Business Edition

GOD, I WANT MORE OF YOU, SHOW ME YOUR GLORY New Release January 2009, the book “God I want More of You, Show Me Your Glory.” This book was written to let people know that they can reach a higher level in God. God spoke to me in my quiet time, “Come to me often, and I will show you more of me”. It is exciting to know that an awesome God wants you up close and personal with Him. I was in church for many years and I did not know that there was more to God than being saved and working in the church. I did not know that I could have fellowship with God that went beyond praying. I did not know that I could go beyond where I was to an intimacy where God visited me and poured himself into me. When I found out that I could touch the heart of God and He would respond, “wow” what a blessing. I want others to know that they can go from a surface relationship to a Higher level in God. That they can experience intimacy consistently with God but it depends on them. My desire is that this book be used as a textbook in churches Christian Education Ministries. There are several assignments and other key points to encourage the reader to meditate and to pray regarding certain circumstances. For information on purchasing this book, please visit, visit your local store in Washington Metropolitan area, or come to the book signing listed below: Also on the website and at local bookstores you will find my book: RoadWay to Success, (Let Go and Let God). Let this book show you how to GO FROM BONDAGE TO FREEDOM TO SUCCESS This book deals with life issues. It has brought hope to those going through trials and tribulations, Those who have experienced abuse and rejection, and Those who have doubt and fears. It inspires those who love God to trust Him more. It points those who are weak in faith to the power of surrendering to the power of God. The consensus of many readers is that they see themselves in the pages of the book or that they can relate to what the author experienced. Many readers were blessed because they were going through so much of what the author wrote about. It gave them hope and direction.

w w w. r e s u r r e c t i o n l i f e p u b l . c o m 13

March 2009 / Christian Women Business Edition

To transport our children and senior citizens to and from our church services. Contact Pastor Greene (202) 246-6045 14

March 2009 / Christian Women Business Edition

Cedar Baptist Church P. O. Box 31173 Capitol Heights, MD 20731 202-246-6045 Charles Greene, Pastor

WE ARE A BIBLE BELIEVING CHURCH WANTING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE COMMUNITY. Dear Friend, We are so excited to announce that Good Shepherd Baptist Church has allowed us to share their lovely building located at 6811 James Farmer Way, Capitol Heights, Maryland. Our Sunday school begins at 2 p.m. and our Sunday worship service begins at 3 p.m. We realize that some churches are so large that one can easily get lost. At Cedar Baptist Church, we are offering you, a family church, where one can learn and grow together as a family. We want to provide comfort to the elderly, support to the single parent, encouragement to adults and a foundation for our youth. In St. John 6:37, Jesus said, “…come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” In fact, we are in the process of organizing Resource/Referral Information to assist those who need help in the areas of drug abuse, homelessness, pregnancy, food, shelter and many other areas of concern. We also plan to obtain resource information for single parents and seniors. We know there is hope in the Lord Jesus Christ and we would like to share this hope with you and your loved ones.

Please come and fellowship with us, where we’ll meet and greet you with genuine love. If you are in need of prayer or advice in some area of concern, please call me, Pastor Greene at 202-246-6045 or you can email at [email protected], or write us. Yours in Christ,

Pastor Charles C. Greene


March 2009 / Christian Women Business Edition

Passion, Purpose, Prosperity

Prophetess Karen Presley Karen Presley Ministries Pastor of Church of Zion Deliverance Ministries Founder of Daughters of Zion Empowerment Center President of Anointed Press Graphics, Inc. & Anointed Press Publishers Author of “Living Holy in an Unholy World”

Read her article on page 22

cover story


he year was 1992. It would be a year Karen Michele Presley would never forget. As she sat in St. Theresa of Avila’s choir rehearsal, the late Esther Bell-Watson preached the way to salvation. Although Karen grew up in Catholicism, unbeknown to her that she would hear the message of salvation preached for the first time. Something about those words at that moment freshly tugged at her heart, pulled her to its promise of eternal life. She got saved that day, and after rehearsal the late Esther took Karen into her embrace and spoke words that would one day come to pass in a most amazing way: By Pamela “God is going to use you one day.” It was at that moment that God planted a passion in Karen’s heart, a commitment to fulfill His purpose through her, and a promise of prosperity.

Freeman. After numerous encounters with God in the early stages of her walk, looking back, God used those encounters to strengthen her for a future as He shaped her and brought her into the full fruition of His plans thirteen years later. Then Karen Presley Ministries (KPM) was born. KPM is a ministry of healing and deliverance, a nondenominational, nonprofit Christian teaching ministry that focuses on healing the wounded, restoring hope, and empowering people to move forward into their destinies. Why this particular calling? Because God knew Karen was the perfect candidate for the job.

Passion, Purpose, and Prosperity The Story of Karen Michele Presley

Karen never forgot that promise. Three years later, in 1995, Karen took part in a home Bible study group with four other women, all of whom sought the Lord pertaining to their gifts and callings. God once again spoke clearly, this time with specifics. He was calling her into the ministry. Between 1995 to late 1999, God began to confirm that she had been chosen to do a work for Him. But what type of ministry, Karen was still trying to discover. In 1998, she was licensed as a minister under Spirit of Faith Christian Center, led by senior pastors Dr. Michael and Dee Dee 17

Karen understood oppression. As a Guerrieri child she saw firsthand the bondage of evil over those she loved in the form of drugs, alcohol, poverty, suffering, low self-esteem, among other deep issues. She witnessed and experienced the oppression of the enemy, and God would later use her past to trample the evil one’s tactics. With a personal awareness of the spiritual battle going on in her, Karen nurtured a passion to help others, and was willing to carry out God’s purpose for her no matter what storms she faced. During the silent years of her ministry, God saw fit to release Minister Karen to coordinate a home-based Bible study, which came to represent the cornerstone of her ministry. Those five years of God’s “grooming” equipped her to embrace and joyously share her desire to enlighten the people of God about the teachings of Christ as she developed skills as a counselor,

March 2009 / Christian Women Business Edition

Passion, Purpose and Prosperity, con’t

mentor, and teacher. But God’s work had only just begun.

liver hope, healing, and rejuvenation to women whose hearts have been broken, bruised, and battered. Her ministry stands to light the way out of pain and sorrow for many women, encouraging them to know that God has plans and a purpose for all of His children.

It was in 2004 when, by faith, Karen stepped out of her comfort zone into deeper waters. Through a prophetic word, Anointed Press Graphics, Inc., came Through Karen’s passion-infused life, God reveals to life. It was then that Karen began to recognize her how He can work out His purpose for His children’s true potential; anything was within God’s realm of benefit. Did Karen know what God would later use her reality for her. God took someone with no prior for upon first accepting His gift of salvaexperience or education, a woman tion? No. But she did trust Him with her void of aspiration, vision, or goals, life. Did Karen know that God would genwho left job after job feeling unfulerate a prosperous ministry through her filled and He used her. Having been that would touch the lives of countless spirifired three times, and experiencing a tually-starved individuals? No. But she failed marriage after three years, Karleft her future in His hands. And God deen never thought God could use her Prophetess Karen and her mother at livered. He delivered it all. He instilled the in such a big way. Yet He anointed Karen Presley Ministries her hands and her mind, guiding her 1st Annual Celebrating Wholeness Conference passion for His purpose in Karen Michele Presley, and through her obedience to His into unfamiliar territory, maintaining will the prosperity eventually came. a promise to provide clarity, understanding, and direction along the way. He took her by the hand For Karen, passion is the gasoline that goes into your and cleared out obstacles before her, never once vehicle to make the vehicle run. Purpose is the vehiforsaking her in the process. Karen served a big God cle that enables you to go from point A to point B; capable of performing miracles in everyday lives. and prosperity is the final destination—wholeness in Christ. Opening shop in her mother’s basement, while working full time, it took a mere three years before God Karen is now the CEO of multiple businesses, includonce again delivered prosperity to her company. ing Anointed Press Graphics, Inc., Anointed Press Publishers, Karen Presley Ministries, Daughters of All it took was a little passion, carried out through Zion Empowerment Center, Inc., a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit God’s purpose, to reap the fruits of prosperity. What Christian outreach ministry that provides services to started out as humble words sixteen years ago women who are secretly hurting. Her most recent exploded into a life of impassioned ministry and accomplishment is God releasing her to pastor, Church worldwide purpose. of Zion Deliverance Ministries. She is also the author of “Living Holy in an Unholy World”, an empowering As a minister, entrepreneur, and author, Karen Michele inspirational journey guiding readers to step into their Presley is proof of someone who is fulfilling her destinies through a closer walk with God. destiny. Karen’s heart-centered love for God has inspired individuals to develop an intimate relationship For more information on how to schedule Prophetess with God throughout the Body of Christ. She focuses Karen to speak at your church, ministry event, or orgaon exhorting believers to live with spiritual integrity nization, please contact us at (202) 251-5616 or visit and fullness as they embrace their inheritance as Christians. God’s used her earnest compassion to .


March 2009 / Christian Women Business Edition

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God has put a “NOW” Word in Prophetess Karen’s belly for this generation, as He releases her to empower and equip God’s people to walk in purpose and pursue destiny. These prophetic messages will inspire you to develop an intimate relationship with God, while transforming you from the inside out.

For More Information Contact:

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11191 Crain Highway Cheltenham, MD 20623

Discerning the

VOICE OF GOD Prophetess Karen Presley


Having a hearing heart and discerning the voice of God is crucial to you not only stepping into the promises of God, but overcoming the challenges of your past as well as in today’s time. We can’t control what is going on around us, nor can we control the people around us, but one thing we can control is our ability to hear God above everything else that may be speaking today.

ave you ever found yourself running from one thing to the next? With keeping up with the latest technology and the economy the way it is; it’s no wonder why people are exhausted from the pressure of the times. Sometimes life can also present us with difficulties that leaves us speechless or with unanswered questions. Questions may come from a sudden loss of a love one, disappointment from a close friend, and/or being wounded by what life has dealt us.

Psalms 16:7 says, “I will bless the Lord, who hath given me counsel; yes, my heart instructs me in the night seasons.”

Lam 3:25-26 says, “The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him. It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord.”

Wow! God is a speaking God and as you come into His presence, He desires to instruct you and teach you in the way you are to go. God’s promise to you is that He will instruct you when times are hard or when you can’t see your way through. The scriptures are filled with promises that God will lead you and direct you and instruct you through the many seasons of your life. It’s the Word of God that gives us direction. It begins to light our path and gives us clarity, understanding and even peace when you are uncertain in what to do. God who knows how to deliver us out of destruction and the same God knows how to walk us into our destiny is waiting for you to discern His voice.

Wait is not a word we like to hear too often, but God says wait, quietly and patiently in Him. Notice I didn’t say on Him. Waiting in Him, means in His faithfulness to perform whatever He has spoken to you. Trust that God is all awhile working behind the scenes, bringing you to your expected end that He pre-planned before the foundation of the world. The economy, disappointments, misfortunes or whatever the enemy tries to throw your way can’t stop the preordained plan of God for your life. What has God said to you, that you are still waiting to come to pass in your life? What has happened that you think no one cares? Trust me, beloved, He hasn’t forgotten you. Your time is at hand, but we must be still, knowing that your heavenly Father, who started a good work in you, is faithful and well able to complete it. 22

Psalms 32:8 says, “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.” Psalms 119:105 says, “The word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”

Hebrews 4 tells us that the gospel preached didn’t profit the children of Israel because they never mixed the Word they heard with faith; therefore, they weren’t able to enter into the rest of God. God said, “There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.” (Hebrews 4:9). Discerning the voice of God for your every day life situation is the key to you entering into His rest. Let’s really examine the scripture. The children of Israel wandered through the wilderness for 40 years,

March 2009 / Christian Women Business Edition

Discerning the Voice of God, con’t when the Bible said it was only an eleven day journey. Through the wilderness, God provided their every need. He was water from a rock, fresh manna daily and quail in the evening. He was shade during the day and heat at night. Everything the children of Israel needed, God supplied. So although, God demonstrated Himself faithful to them, they never mixed God’s Word with faith; therefore they could never enter into His rest for them. God had a place that was already set up, laid out and waiting for the children of Israel to rest and allow the Lord to lead them. God is saying the same things today. He has a place already laid out, set up, prepared for them who love Him. The Lord is waiting for His people to come unto Him and hear His instructions for their lives. Do you realize that God can not demonstrate His greatness in your life, until you come to a place of rest in Him and obedience to His instructions? John 10:3-4 says, “To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice; and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.”

We must discipline our flesh to sit still before the Father.

It is the will of God for all believers to know His voice. Notice, it didn’t say the preacher or the five fold ministry gift, but it said God’s sheep hears His voice. That means you have the ability to hear the voice of God that will give you direction, instruction, guidance and counsel in every area of your life.

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How do we develop an ear to hear God on a daily basis? In the book of Luke, chapter 10, we see an account with Martha and Mary and how Martha was busy working and cumbered about with much serving, but Mary was at the feet of Jesus listening to His Words. The Bible says that it was Mary who had chose the 23

w w w. p ro o f e d t o p e r f e c t i o n . c o m

March 2009 / Christian Women Business Edition

Discerning the Voice of God, con’t good part, for Jesus said it was needful. Notice He didn’t say delightful or satisfying, but needful. Jesus knew that it was crucial for the believer to spend time in His presence and in His word if they were going to be sensitive to His voice. It’s easy to be a Martha, because in this generation, we are all busy and have so much on our plates, that we can become cumbered about with much. But like Mary, we must take the time, in spite of what is on our plates, to daily center ourselves in the presence of God and hear from Him. We must discipline our flesh to sit still before the Father. You may be challenged with thoughts that nothing is happening, or you are bored, mind wandering, but you must know that in His presence, He begins to pour out your daily supply, answers you are looking for, your substance, and nourishment. In your stillness, your spirit man becomes sensitive to His voice. Remember, it’s not an encounter; it’s not goose pimples nor is it and overwhelming event. It’s a knowing.


Prayer is simply communicating with God, but the same way you are speaking to God, God desires to speak to you. As you sit still, God gently and quietly whispers in your inner man confidence and strength to face your days. If you have never sat still in the presence of God, start with 5 minutes and watch how God will begin to increase your desire to spend more time with Him. Beloved God loves you with an everlasting love and He desires so much more than where you are today, try Him for His scepter is extended, He is beckoning you to come into Him.

Karen Presley Ministries

March 2009 / Christian Women Business Edition


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Saving a Generation is a non-profit organization geared towards helping at-risk youth from the ages of 12-19 to become well-adjusted adults who contribute to their communities and society. We are aware that many factors in today’s society affect our young people’s ability to be productive adults. Those factors include an absence of concerned parents, economics, peer pressure, a poor educational system, crime, and low self-esteem. Saving a Generation is looking forward to taking on the challenge of developing the next generation of young people to become productive adults. We are going to address the problem of teens that have been in and out of the judicial system. Our goal is to keep these teens from returning or entering the judicial system by breaking the cycle of incarceration. Saving a Generation program objectives will: Reduce crime in our communities. Reduce the recidivism rate for juvenile criminals. Reduce local and state government costs. Reduce the moral decay in our society. Reduce teen violence. For More Info Contact:

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March 2009 / Christian Women Business Edition

REDISCOVERING THE PROVERB 31 WOMAN Clothed in Strength and Dignity By Ameerah Lewis


an adjective that means strong, mighty, and powerful!

can still remember the moment when I came face-to-face with a real Proverb 31 woman for the first time. I was a struggling baby Christian, trying to figure out how I, a recovering daughter of the women’s movement, was ever going to learn to be quiet and subservient. After all, that is what a Christian woman is - Right? But, then I met her. Sure, I had met other Christian women in church. But, there was something different about her. She wasn’t a church mouse. But, she wasn’t bossy either. God had clothed her in something I had never seen before a Gentle strength. She wore it well. And I wanted some of my own! In today’s society, the true meaning of feminine strength has gotten skewed. But God does not want you to feel confused. That is why He explains His vision of a strong woman in the powerful passage, Proverb 31. “Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies” (Proverbs 31:10). Did you know that the word often translated as virtuous here actually means a lot more? The Hebrew word that God uses to set a standard for Christian women that still holds till this day is “chayil.” During this time in history, “chayil” would have been used to describe great armies and warriors! It is 26

Shocked? I definitely was! As the Bible continues to describe God’s ideal woman, it reiterates that “Strength and dignity are her clothing” (Proverb 31:25 AMP). As a woman, God had given you a strength all your own But what kind of strength is it? Does the fact that you can make dinner, answer the phone, and change a dirty diaper all at the same time make you “chayil”? Is that the only strength and value that God puts in women? Of course not! Your strength and power does not come from how much you can accomplish in one day. It flows out of your relationship with your Heavenly Father. Jesus taught this same truth to a woman named Martha over two thousand years ago. But it is just as true today. Martha had a huge dinner that she was trying to prepare for the Lord. As she worked diligently, trying to make it as nice as possible, she became frustrated that her sister Mary was not helping her. Mary had decided to just sit down and enjoy the conversation! But, when Martha questioned Jesus about it, she did not get the response she anticipated. He told her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it.” (Luke 10:41,42 NLT) Do you ever get so busy running around doing things for God, that you forget to spend time with God?

March 2009 / Christian Women Business Edition

Rediscovering the Proverb 31 Woman, con’t

That time alone with God is indeed the very source of the Proverbs 31 woman’s strength. “She girds herself with strength [spiritual, mental, and physical fitness for her God-given task]” ( Proverb 31:17 AMP) We could all spend more time girding ourselves up spiritually for the daily tasks that God has for us. More time sitting at His feet like Mary. Maybe time meditating in God’s Word, or enrolled in a women’s Bible study group. As you make the time to sit at the feet of your Heavenly Father, He will clothe you in a strength and dignity all your own. Ameerah Lewis helps Christians draw closer to their Heavenly Father though free Bible study online courses at Her e-courses and monthly e-devotional are perfect for the busy Christian.


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March 2009 / Christian Women Business Edition

Life A


One in every four women will experience some type of domestic violence. It’s estimated that 1.3 million women are victims of physical assault each year. Domestic violence like stagnated water disrupts the normal flow of daily life leaving a trail of betrayal and hopelessness. In many instances, victims exhibit a wide range of emotions and live on the edge of peace, joy, self worth, confidence, security and reality. The little girl whose princess dream of a ‘knight in shining armor’ is rudely interrupted by the nightmare of domestic violence that grips the very core of her innocence. The ripple effects of domestic violence have gravely “infected” our communities ranging from physical, sexual, emotional, mental, social, financial, educational background and religion. The spirit of domestic violence is not prejudice for race, class; residence and age are all likely prey. The abusers coercive behavior to gain control, manipulate and terrorize the intimate or non-intimate partner can be a force to reckon with. The statistics gained by organizations like Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence (MNADV) recorded fifty two homicides resulting from domestic violence (7/1/06-6/30/07). The elderly, children, animals and even men are now part of the growing statistic. Unfortunately, the present recession has caused families to minimize spending and reduce enjoyable quality time. The increase in unemployment has also triggered levels of frustration and stress; an open field for domestic violence incidents. In our sometimes self absorbed world, we cannot ignore the cries of those seeking help. The call to action for healing is now! We need a new voice and plan that will flood our communities with funded programs, awareness seminars, and social/church recovery assistance. Without mentors and life coaches in place some victims will remain anonymous or yet another silent echo.



As a survivor, it can be difficult to see life after the storm when your pail is filled with tear drops. Whatever the struggle, God still has a plan for your life! God’s love can restore the broken heart and refresh the path before us with hope. “He will cover you with 28

his pinions and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler” Psalms 91:4.

God speaks against the violent offender: Psalms 11:5 - “the Lord trieth the righteous; but the wicked and him that love violence his soul hateth.” Psalms 37:9 – “for evil doers shall be cut off; but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth”. God speaks against verbal abuse in Proverbs 10: 10:11 and Ephesians 4:29. God speaks and gives sympathy to the afflicted in Psalms 103:6, “the Lord executeth righteousness and judgment for all that is oppressed. As Believers, we have a responsibility to the victim and the abuser. In Galatians 6:2 the Apostle Paul writes, “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the Law of Christ”. Let the victim know she or he is not alone but there’s help right around the corner – God’s will dispatch his ministering angels and people on the road to recovery. II Thessalonians 3:15, “yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.” The abuser is ‘redeemable’ and if desired can repent, turn and begin anew in Jesus name!

We can give the world a new pictorial of healing, recovery and wholeness as we adopt God’s divine plan. A plan of abundance that covers every area of our life! It’s not too late to erase the images of domestic violence if we “rise and champion the moment”. Let’s escort the victim from hurt to healing as God’s agents of reconciliation – everyone has the unique ability to change community. “A noble deed is a step toward God” (Josiah G. Holland) Pastor Linda Harvey, Advocate FRAGRANCE OF FAITH OUTREACH MINISTRY Pikesville, Maryland

March 2009 / Christian Women Business Edition

Lisa is from Ivory Coast (West Africa) she came to America and started her own business, and became successful. Lisa encourages other women in business to put your faith in Jesus, and love your neighbor, and you will be prosperous and have good success.

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March 2009 / Christian Women Business Edition


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March 2009 / Christian Women Business Edition

Are You A Wife Or Mother To Your Husband? by Kelvin Gilmore

Every woman chooses a roll whether to be a wife or mother to her spouse. Being a submissive wife brings blessings, the other perverts the whole house. God created man first so he is the first to give instructions. This is God’s divine order-It is not human rationalization. Satan led Eve and Eve led Adam to disobey God’s simply command. They were both removed from garden-this is not what they had planned. It is written that God created a wife to be a man’s helper. But Satan has turned wives to become a man’s oppressor. Competing for attention, she often makes selfish demands. If I don’t get what I want, I won’t even obey God’s commands. I will not submit unless he makes more money than me. I will not be meek and quiet unless he talks to me gently. I will not give him my body unless he deserves a reward. When I am hurt, I will cut him down using my tongue as a sword. I will murmur and complain about all the things he is and is not doing. And when he apologizes, I won’t forgive but say,” who does he think he is fooling”. Many wives treat their husbands not like a man but like a mother treats a son. Not understanding that God will not bless what Satan has already done. Men desire a wife who builds up, supports and intercedes for him constantly. Not like a mother, who fusses, controls, and punishes him relentlessly. Wives choose today to be that submissive delicate rose that intercedes for your spouse and family. Don’t be like Satan’s grenade bringing destruction to your man’s soul and his dignity. Lord, rid me of my domineering ways and my controlling manuvers. Teach me to be a godly wife and not a nagging mother to my husband. In Jesus name, amen. 04/01/08 Kelvin Gilmore, a devout man of God, sold out for Jesus Christ. Gifted and chosen by God to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ through teaching and poetic persuasion. Persuasion because the gift that God has imparted to him is of the upmost uniqueness that it persuades you of your need for Jesus.


March 2009 / Christian Women Business Edition

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March 2009 / Christian Women Business Edition

The Master Decorator by Patty Wysong


ow is it that some people can take a room, fill it with spare parts, old parts, new parts, odd parts, and all kinds of other things and make it beautiful? I have never been able to understand it. I could take the same parts and pieces, arrange them, and have a...garage sale. It just doesn’t work for me.

I’ve studied Better Homes & Gardens for years, dreamed, schemed, plotted and planned, and my house still looks like a collection of yard sale and auction finds, which it is. What’s the missing link? If I hang a curtain like the masters do in BH&G, it’d look like a sheet hung with strips of rags instead of the cool curtains they end up with. What am I doing wrong? I just don’t have that magical touch of a decorating master’s hand. Some hands create beauty out of chaos, mine create more chaos out of chaos. How I wish I could create an environment that invited people to enter, relax, visit and unwind, but I struggle with keeping the living room presentable enough so my husband doesn’t groan when he walks in the door at night! But just because I don’t have a decorator’s touch in my home doesn’t mean I’m not touched by the Master Decorator. He’s willing to decorate my soul if I just give Him access to it. Am I willing for Him to dig through the attic of my life, looking for antique treasures I had tucked away and buried? What about those basement corners in my life? Just because I think something is junk and have it hidden in my basement, doesn’t mean He doesn’t want to pull it out, touch it up, and add it to my living room, that ‘public’ part of my life. God, the Master Decorator, is able to pull all the parts and pieces of my life together, even the seemingly ugly parts, and create a place of comfort, a haven from life’s storms. But I need to give Him access to my hiding places. Am I willing to have Him pull out the ‘uglies’ hidden in my life and create beauty from those? Am I willing to invite people in to see how He has decorated my soul? It means exposure. It means allowing them to see the uglies. But those uglies, once touched by the Master’s hand, are not ugly any more, they’re worked into the whole and they create a picture and a place of His beauty. If I allow Him access and invite Him to decorate my soul. Please, Lord, be the Master Decorator in my life and soul. I give You the keys to my attic, basement, closets, shed, and garage--every hiding place in my life. Take these parts, even the ugly ones, and touch them and arrange them to create a place of beauty in me--a place of refreshment and peace. Be the Master Decorator in me. Patty Wysong is a Christian wife and homeschool mom of 5 who is passionate about wrapping lessons in pretty packages that will point others to God.

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March 2009 / Christian Women Business Edition

Pastor Zangai Peabody

Pastor Zangai Peabody serves as assistant pastor for youth ministry and as international director for youth outreach of Bethel World Outreach Church (BWOC), Silver Spring. He oversees, plans, and implements church-related ministry to youths. He is also the international director of Sober Watchman Ministries (a BWOC-affiliate ministry founded in 1992 by the late Rev. Charles Wesley). Before joining Bethel Silver Spring in 2004, Pastor Peabody and his wife, Mrs. Jarsa Peabody, ministered in Cameroon. From 2000 to 2004, they served as assistant pastors for youth ministry in Bethel Central Church, Douala and coordinated youth work in three other provinces: Limbe, Bamenda, and Yaounde. At Central Church, the Peabodys started the youth church with 15 youths, 0 cell groups, and 0 trained indigenous leaders. With the help of the Holy Spirit, the youth church grew to 100 youths, 15 cell groups, and 25 trained indigenous youth leaders by 2004. Upon the Peabodys' departure in 2004, two of these leaders (who had been licensed) began pastoring the youth church. In 1994, Rev. Peabody became the director of Sober Watchman Ministries in Liberia. Rev. Peabody held this position from 1994 to 2000. Under his leadership, the ministry grew extensively and reached about 10,000 young people in Liberia and extended into neighboring Sierra Leone. From 1992 to 1994, Rev. Peabody served in Liberia as drama minister of Sober Watchman Ministries. The Peabodys have four children: Ruhamah, Destiny, Tobe, and Chesed. Pastor Peabody is a native of Liberia. He has a bachelor's degree in biblical studies from Carolina University of Theology in Manassas, Virginia. ABOUT BETHEL WORLD OUTREACH MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL Bethel World Outreach Ministries International (BWOMI) is a network of global kingdom communities with a passion for fulfilling the Great Commission. Established in 1990 through Bishop Darlingston G. Johnson, D.Min., and Pastor Chrys Johnson, M.A., in Silver Spring, Maryland, U.S.A., BWOMI is an instrument of God that brings together numerous ministries in a concerted team effort to accomplish the goal of world evangelism. This ministry is successfully creating a network of missionaries, pastors, evangelists and Christian workers who are effectively laboring in many nations around the world for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. BWOMI is currently headquartered in the heart of downtown Silver Spring, Maryland, USA, under the leadership of Bishop Darlingston G. Johnson, D.Min., and Pastor Chrys Johnson, M.A. Propelled by the inspired global mission of winning the lost at all cost, the ministry has grown from one church to nearly 200 churches globally, representing a total membership of over 30,000 people. Over 45 nations are represented at the headquarters church in Silver Spring alone; a testimony of how the Lord is touching nations and transforming the lives of people. Not only is BWOMI involved in church-planting, but also in impacting communities, making a difference in the lives of people, and providing education to children. The ministry is actively reaching out to nations and demonstrating the love of Christ by: • Establishing local churches in needy areas • Conducting evangelistic and revival meetings • Building schools, training centers, and clinics • Providing humanitarian services to the needy • Investing in economic empowerment projects • Developing capable leaders for the global harvest Bethel World Outreach Church , Silver Spring MD, is conveniently located in the heart of downtown Silver Spring, Maryland, within walking distance of Metrorail and Metrobus. On Sundays, we conduct three English services and a French service. For the French service, English translation is provided to encourage participation by all nationalities. The second English service (10:15 a.m.) is interpreted in American Sign Language for the hearing impaired. A cell-based church, we composed of more than 3,000 believers from more than 45 nations.


March 2009 / Christian Women Business Edition

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