Women Empowerment In Business

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  • Words: 4,120
  • Pages: 15

INTRODUCTION In all African societies, Women have been looked upon as lower creatures. Our

tradition favour men against Women. Women are not seen as individuals who have their own mind. For many years, Women have assumed one imposed role after another- slave, sex object for relaxation at will, bearer of children, cook and servant of the family. In Nigeria, Women were supposed to pursue their feminine roles of child-bearing and home making. Even after Nigeria attained independence it did not change the negative perception of Women. Women were not considered capable of handling any administrative post. They should stay at home while their men think for them. The struggle for the empowerment of Women did not start in recent times. It has for the past centuries been in existence. Although neo-colonialists and those who believe in the white man’s superiority have attributed the origin of Women liberation movement to the USA claiming that the movement was gingered by the American Civil Rights Movement which was emulated by other countries particularly the third world countries, It is however pertinent to note that the move for the empowerment of Women had its foothold and impulse in the primary societies taking into cognizance the relentless efforts of Deborah who directed a war against the Canaanites the enemies of God. And the Israelites and came out victoriously. For the majority of women, continuing obstacles have hindered their ability to achieve economic autonomy and to ensure sustainable livelihoods for themselves and their dependants. Women are active in a variety of economic areas, which they often combine, ranging from wage labour and subsistence farming and fishing, to the informal sector. However, legal and customary barriers to ownership of or means of access to land, natural resources, capital, credit, technology and other means of production, as well as wage differentials, contribute to impeding the economic progress of women.



ORGANISATION OF THE PAPER This paper work is divided into four sections. The first section is the Introduction. This

is followed by the second section which is the definition of women empowerment. The Third section talks about the problems and obstacle that inhibits the empowerment of Women. The last section deals with the conclusion and recommendation on how the factors that inhibits Women empowerment would be eliminated.


DEFINITION AND MEANING OF EMPOWERMENT As a general definition, however, we suggest that empowerment is a multi-

dimensional social process that helps people gain control over their own lives. It is a process that fosters power (that is, the capacity to implement) in people, for use in their own lives, their communities, and in their society, by acting on issues that they define as important. We suggest that three components of our definition are basic to any understanding of empowerment. Empowerment is multi-dimensional, social, and a process. It is multidimensional in that it occurs within sociological, psychological, economic, and other dimensions. Empowerment also occurs at various levels, such as individual, group, and community. Empowerment, by definition, is a social process, since it occurs in relationship to others. Empowerment is a process that is similar to a path or journey, one that develops as we work through it. Other aspects of empowerment may vary according to the specific context and people involved, but these remain constant. In addition, one important implication of this definition of empowerment is that the individual and community are fundamentally connected.



UNDERSTANDING GENDER EQUALITY & WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT Gender equality implies a society in which Women and men enjoy the same

opportunities, outcomes, rights and obligations in all spheres of life. Equality between men and Women exists when both sexes are able to share equally in the distribution of power and influence; have equal opportunities for financial independence through work or through setting up businesses; enjoy equal access to education and the opportunity to develop personal ambitions. A critical aspect of promoting gender equality is the empowerment of Women, with a focus on identifying and redressing power imbalances and giving Women more autonomy to manage their own lives. Women's empowerment is vital to sustainable development and the realization of human rights for all. Despite many international agreements affirming their human rights, Women are still much more likely than men to be poor, malnourished and illiterate. They usually have less access than men to medical care, property ownership, credit, training and employment. They are far less likely than men to be politically active and far more likely to be victims of domestic violence. The ability of Women to control their own fertility is absolutely fundamental to Women’s empowerment and equality. When a woman can plan her family, she can plan the rest of her life. When she is healthy, she can be more productive. And when her reproductive rights—including the right to plan her family in terms of birth timing and spacing, and to make decisions regarding reproduction free of discrimination, coercion and violence—are promoted and protected, she has freedom to participate more fully and equally in society. Where Women’s status is low, family size tends to be large, which makes it more difficult for families to thrive. Population and development and reproductive health programmes are more effective when they address the educational opportunities, status and empowerment of Women. When Women are empowered, whole families benefit, and these benefits often


have ripple effects to future generations. The roles that men and Women play in society are not biologically determined -- they are socially determined, changing and changeable. Although they may be justified as being required by culture or religion, these roles vary widely by locality and change over time. United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has found that applying culturally sensitive approaches can be key to advancing Women’s rights while respecting different forms of social organization. Addressing Women’s issues also requires recognizing that Women are a diverse group, in the roles they play as well as in characteristics such as age, social status, urban or rural orientation and educational attainment. Although Women may have many interests in common, the fabric of their lives and the choices available to them may vary widely. UNFPA seeks to identify groups of Women who are most marginalized and vulnerable (Women refugees, for example, or those who are heads of households or living in extreme poverty), so that interventions address their specific needs and concerns. This task is related to the critical need for sex-disaggregated data and UNFPA helps countries build capacity in this area. While the reasons for any particular woman’s powerlessness (or power) are many and varied, considering Women per se necessarily involves questioning what we/they have in common in this respect. The common factor is that, as Women, they are all constrained by “the norms, beliefs, customs and values through which societies differentiate between Women and men” (Kabeer 2000, 22). The specific ways in which this operates vary culturally and over time. In one situation it might reveal itself in Women’s lower incomes relative to men, in another it might be seen in the relative survival rates of girl and boy children and in a third by severe restrictions on Women’s mobility. Virtually everywhere it can be seen in domestic violence, male-dominated decision for a Women’s inferior access to assets of many


kinds. A woman’s level of empowerment will vary, sometimes enormously, according to other criteria such as her class or caste, ethnicity, relative wealth, age, family position etc and any analysis of Women’s power or lack of it must appreciate these other contributory dimensions. Nevertheless, focusing on the empowerment of Women as a group requires an analysis of gender relations i.e. the ways in which power relations between the sexes are constructed and maintained. Since gender relations vary both geographically and over time they always have to be investigated in context. It also follows that they are not immutable. At the same time particular manifestations of gender relations are often fiercely defended and regarded as “natural” or God-given. While many development interventions involve challenges to existing power relations it tends to be those which challenge power relations between men and Women which are most strongly contested.



Women Entrepreneurs and Their Problems Since the social environment restricts Women’s role within the household they are mostly involved in home base industries such as, food processing, garments hosiery and crafts. However, these industries are either progressively dying due to competition from imported products or being replaced by organized formal units. On the one hand, the displacement of traditional crafts by light industry is causing the replacement of female workers by male laborers (Rana and Shah, 1989). On the other, Women are being converted into wage laborers in such specialized sectors as the carpet industry. Women have been functioning as managers, supervisors, entrepreneurs, and even skilled worker in home based craft enterprises. As industrial activities become increasingly externalized, however, both


male as well as female workers lose control over the production process and become transformed into wage labor. In this process, Women are affected more since newly emerging organized industries need not only more capital but also lay stress on more educated and mobile laborers. The managerial class in these industries, which is dominated by the indoAryan and westernized conceptions of gender specialization, reinforces their own biases in hiring and firing. Further a few Women who remain proprietors face serve problems of lack of capital, access to institutional credit, lack of access to marketing network, marketing information, appropriate business training and education. Other constraints include limited access to modern management methods and technology; and high cost of production leading to uncompetitive pricing. They also lack self-confidence and risk taking and staying capacity as they have access to very little capital and may face numerous family problems in their enterprise.  Women’s priority is family Traditional gender roles make Women primarily responsible for children’s upbringing and home maintenance tasks. Women are expected to focus their lives on taking care of their families to the detriment, or exclusion, of other concerns.

Boys are given priority for

schooling over girls whom, it is assumed, will later be provided for by husbands. As adults, Women are expected to care for children, spouses, parents and relatives. They are responsible for keeping the family together. Their involvement in community, church, social and political organizations is deemed secondary to obligations at home and the demands of earning a living.

But today Women’s earnings are considered essential, rather than

supplemental, to the family income. The reality is that Women are no longer confined to the domestic sphere. Their space has expanded: they are regular bread-winners who actively engage in community, church and other social activities.


 Women are not qualified to take on leadership positions Since Women are excluded from leadership roles, they are deprived of opportunities for leadership skills training. Girls have fewer chances for schooling and opportunities are drastically limited for them to develop skills and talents in the public sphere.

They are

praised for obedience and subservience, implicitly dissuading them from aspirations to leadership. Higher education is a privilege many Women do not enjoy. They are passed up for training opportunities at work because it is not cost efficient to invest in Women who may give up work anytime for the sake of family. Domestic responsibilities make it difficult for Women to go for training or further studies because they simply do not have the requisite hours for study.  Illiteracy The issues of women

have been viewed differently in social relations including

economic activities. This has formed a barrier even when democratic movements have sought to extend the base of participation of women. It will be fallacious to assume that the problems of Nigerian women have been totally solved through the various emancipation initiatives (Beijing conference 1975; 1985; 1995, International decade of women, Strategy for the Acceleration of Girls Education etc) or through the collaborative efforts of the various Government and Non-governmental Organisations. Certain inequalities and segregations, which have been established over the ages and reinforced through the male-dominated structures still persist inspire of the various instruments of the United Nations and the concerted efforts of the federal government and a number of NGOs on alleviating women discrimination. Without gainsaying, illiteracy remains at the centre of women empowerment problems in Nigeria. Majority of the Womenfolk and a large number of girls in this country are still grappling with the problems of basic reading and writing skills (UNICEF 2003). The gross


enrolment rate indicated that 71% of out-of-school children are girls. According to ARFOL (2000) the literacy rate for males is 58% but only 41% for females. The Human Development Report 2002 published by the United Nations development programme puts the statistics of illiterate women at 57% as against male’s 43%. As seemingly insignificant as this difference may appear, it is completely unacceptable, if the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) must be achieved. In Nigeria, girls and women comprise about 49.69% (SAPA 1993) of the total population. Incidentally, about 61percent of the total female population are reported to be illiterates as against 37.7 percent illiterate male population. Women are discriminated against in access to education for social and economic reasons. For instance, the Islamic practice of Purdah precludes many women from benefiting from school instructions and/or participating in economic activities, which are likely to elevate their positions. The most egregious segregation is probably the prevention of girls to go to school in some communities. This has probably led to the greatest social harm of the twentieth century, when a whole group of females were denied access to education, on the basis of gender differences. There is palpably a deluge of problems besetting the Nigerian women, but all of them arise from illiteracy. This suggests therefore that a large part of the empowerment process is associated with education of them themselves. The root of the problem is the degree of importance women themselves have attached to education. Many of them believe that the life of a successful woman revolves around her children, her husband and domestic chores. This lack of personal ambition prevents her from thinking about pursuing other educational goals, which may have great influence on her life. In the case of the working Women in the cities, there had been a gradual predilection to abandon further training because of the demands work and family as well as the huge costs associated with pursuing higher studies in conventional school system or universities


 Political Empowerment Throughout much of the world, Women’s equality is undermined by historical imbalances in decision-making power and access to resources, rights, and entitlements for Women. Either by law or by custom, Women in many countries still lack rights to: Own land and to inherit property •

Obtain access to credit

Attend and stay in school

Earn income and move up in their work, free from job discrimination

Moreover, Women are still widely under-represented in decision-making at all levels, in the household and in the public sphere. Addressing these inequities through laws and public policy is a way of formalizing the goal of gender equality. Legal changes, which most countries have now implemented, are often a necessary step to institute gender equality, but not necessarily sufficient to create lasting changes. Addressing the gaps between what the law proscribes and what actually occurs often requires broad, integrated campaigns.

 Law and legal inequalities The law is an instrument of control, which promotes or inhibits access to resources and regulates social, economic and political relationships. But in West Africa, the problem pertaining to Women vis-à-vis the law centres on four key issues: - The laws themselves tend to be discriminatory, greatly limiting the rights of Women - The application of the law tends to be arbitrary or prejudiced to Women - Women tend to be unaware of their own legal rights or the meaning of the law in practice. - Women have no access to the process of law for economic reasons or they lack the confidence to take action


Violence Against Women Violence against Women is a human rights violation of her body and her right as a person. Yet it has been experienced by all categories of Women. Violence has been broadly defined as "an action or policy or an altitude that causes bodily or mental injury and debases or dehumanises a person". Violence against Women regardless of the nature of the perpetrator whether –an individual, group, institution, state or society is a human rights violation and must be treated as such. The following are the most endemic forms of violence against Women in West Africa; wife beating, indecent assault, rape, defilement of girls by threats, sexual harassment, intimidation in order to have unlawful carnal knowledge of them. In Gambia, the criminal law forbids violence and lays down penalties for offences ranging from assault to murder as well as rape however, prosecutions for violence against Women is the lowest in the country's legal history. It is evident that some District Chiefs who are also judges encourage violence against Women. A district Chief once made a statement that, "if a wife reports to her family that she is being maltreated by her husband, they should tell her to go back to her husband and obey. If she refuses to return, she should be beaten and certainly not encouraged to take further action." While more Women's advocacy groups and movements have emerged to fight for the cause of Women, they are not making much progress because of certain impediments such as; split in goals, directions and analysis of Women's situation in different countries, lack of mobilization at the grass roots level and above all lack of financial support to carry out large scale and sustained projects for the promotion and protection of Women's rights

 Stereotyped positions open to Women

Women in the leadership hierarchy of governments, the private sector, political parties, trade unions and social movements are often in positions that are an extension of their roles in the


private sphere. The positions of secretary, treasurer, public relations officer, or person-incharge of logistical support echo the care-giving and home maintenance functions traditionally ascribed to Women. Premised on the assumption that housework is of inferior value to paid work, assigning Women to quasi-domestic roles in the public sphere strengthens the stereotype that they are suited for lesser responsibilities.

 Access to Resources Women’s access to land and property is derived through her marriage relationship. A married woman has no right in her parental property. She gets an equal share in the husband’s property together with her son, if she remains faithful to him and his clan. This is server’s limitation on Women’s access to all productive assets. Marriage becomes the overwhelming factor determining all her life options. This reinforced by all round social norms and legal structures, every thing else is secondary to marriage. Single Women, even with many children are not given land in resettlement areas, even if such households may be among the poorest of the poor. They may not claim any tenancy rights. Although many husbands may keep property in the name of wives, such Women may not make any transaction in the property without the consent of her husband and sons, etc. This limitation is not applied to husbands and the sons. Households get access to community resources such as forests through household heads who are usually men. Women may have the derived user rights as long as her husband does not abandon her. When a husband brings another wife and leaves her, which is constantly recurring even in the Nepalese social milieu, she looses all access to community property as well. Such processes are hard to capture by data, since no data are collected on polygamy. It is illegal to have more than one wife, but Women get no property on divorce and so an access to resources. Two major indicators of such inequality are access to credit and increasing involvement of Women in


commercial sex work for survival.

 Access to Credit It has been discussed widely that Women’s access to credit is limited because both formal and informal credit institutions are geared to funding property owners. All formal credit institutions seek tangible collateral from loan and Women are effectively sidelined from institutional credit since Women have little access to the inherited property. The village moneylenders are also interested more in earning high interest or acquiring the debtor’s property rather than financing people in need. Women’s access to institutional credit is further restricted by their confinement to household activities and lower level of awareness and educational attainment. As such they are more prone to fall prey to the exploitative conditions of the village moneylenders than their male counter-parts. Nepal Rural Credit Review Study (NRCRS) by Nepal Rastra Bank in 1991/92 revealed that of the total female headed sample households almost 35% had borrowed from one or the other sources compared to 39% male headed households. However, among the borrowing female headed households only 15.4% had borrowed from institutional sources such as Agricultural Development Bank and Commercial Banks and 84 % had borrowed from non-institutional sources. Access to institutional credit in one of the major stumbling blocks for Women entrepreneurs in all sectors including agriculture. Almost 40 percent had borrowed from moneylenders.



Generation after generation, women have evolved from being ordinary helpers to breadwinners. On the international scene, we cannot help but mention some notable women who have excelled in various areas of endeavour. The history of Nigerian women over the years indicated that they have suffered and still continue to absorb all forms of indignities through laws mainly made by men to protect themselves and maintain their grip on the women folk. The emerging ubiquitous role of women in world affairs is very rich in experiences form which we can find insight and even solutions to our present-day seemingly intractable political, economic and domestic problems. It is believed that our women have the ability and the capacity to improve on their present state. This is because over the years, women have come to develop more skills and acquire more education compared to their male counterpart. Today we have lots of more women who are educated. When we come to the political scene, remember those women were fighting for women emancipation and so they really have to be in the forefront. Today, what are the women doing? It is no longer about emancipation it is about achievement. In spite of these shining examples, it is not yet “uhuru” for the Nigerian Women as there is still need to empower more women as well as eradicate all forms of gender inequality form the society. The creation of the Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development is a step in the right direction. Women should therefore take advantage of the opportunities created by the existence of the ministry to be more relevant than they are now. This could be


achieved through the promotion and protection of the rights and privileges of women folk in Nigeria. They should sponsor legislations against all forms of female abuse, and initiate far reaching reforms on all issues that will improve their well-being. There could be no better time than now.



Women's economic dependence and, often, lack of rights to property or access to finance have long crippled their ability to take care of themselves and their families. We therefore recommend that steps be taken to: •

Promote women's economic rights and independence, including access to employment, appropriate working conditions and control over economic resources;

Facilitate women's equal access to resources, credit employment, markets and trade;

Provide business services, training and access to markets, information and technology, particularly to low-income women;

Strengthen women's economic capacity and commercial networks;

Eliminate occupational segregation and all forms of employment discrimination.

Access of Women to business skill –training and entrepreneurship development to help them run their own business.

The adoption of appropriate steps by enterprises, institutions and government to ensure that employees are aware of obligations and rights, including those stemming from equal employment laws where applicable.

Mentoring for Women to provide advice and develop their professional skills.



www.unfpa.org/intercenter/beijing/economy.htm 2. United Nations, (1965). Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. 1995:par. 32 3. Bisnath, S. (2001) Globalization, poverty and women’s empowerment. United Nations Division of the Advancement of Women [Online] http://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/csw/empower/documents/Bisnath-EP3.pdf [accessed 30 October 2003] 4. Oti Patience O (1982) The Woman Factor in the Nigerian Polity Chap iv 5. Nepal Rural Credit Review Study (NRCRS) Nepal Rastra Bank in 1991/92 6. www.tojde.anadolu.edu.tr/tojde21/articles/felix.htm 7. www.unicef.org/about/execboard/files/GENDER-2.pdf 8. Women National Development , Business Day Newspaper, May 8, 2006,

(sub- pg 1) 9. www.nepaldemocracy.org/gender/women_economy.htm


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