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  • Pages: 10
BUSINESS MODEL TOPIC: Empowering Underprivileged Children through

Education (especially girls)

Company Overview: Name of the Association: Location of Registration: Contact No.: Area of operation:

Pioneering Education Hope and Employing Labor (PEHEL) 1049 Sector 10 A, Gurgaon, 122001 0124-4141798, +91-9899269165 District Gurgaon

PEHEL (Pioneering Education Hope and Employing Labor) is a Non Government Organization formed by some minded social workers of the city Gurgaon, Haryana. This organization was formed for the all round development of deprived children – Physical, educational, emotional, social, economical and cultural etc. Cyber city Gurgaon has been rapidly expanded in the recent years due to the industrial growth. Many unskilled labors have migrated from different parts of the country. Some of these are engaged in construction of building, some are domestic workers. Most of them live in jhuggies which they frequently shift from one place to another with the availability of work. Their earning is very less. They cannot provide proper food, clothing and education to their children so their physical and proper mental growth does not takes place. They are malnourished and anemic. They are also seen near mandirs and the pandals of social functions in the hope of getting some sweets. They are living a semi human life. Govt. has not helped them much. These underprivileged require the help and support of society to make them stand on their own feet and become good citizens of democratic India. To help these deprived children lead their normal life and childhood worth of something, the PEHEL foundation was laid down in Sector-10/A, Gurgaon, Haryana. Aims and Objectives of the organization are: 

To provide lower class children with primary education.

To empower them with the skills enough to earn their own respectable livelihood.

To create awareness among them about the cultural diversity of the country.

To give boost to children in participating extra skills, cultural activities & sports.

To make awareness amongst them about the ill effects of the child marriage.

Girls or ladies (i.e. between 5 yrs to 50 yrs.) to be educated about the ways of self employment in respect of stitching, some creative items (painting, pot designing, flower making, food processing, pickle making etc.)

To help the needy citizens by rendering them immediate medical support from Govt. agencies/any other agencies in the area specified by the Act.

To arrange Intra/ Inter District competitions.

To collect subscription, funds from persons and bodies alike and utilize the same for the fulfillment of the aims and objects mentioned above.

Operationalization of project activities: To achieve the aims and objectives of the project following activities will be the performed:       

Needed children will be identified and enrolled. To start with the teaching activities (elementary) will be taken and center stated in the community centre/parks. The above work will be carried out with the help of volunteers / hired teachers. For physical growth and for building self confidence, some common games, music will be introduced. Periodical health check up will be organized with the help of Health Deptt. And other private practitioners. Training will be provided to them for earning so as to achieve earn while you learn. Functions will be organized to display their talents and build self confidence in them. Will Co-ordinate with other organizations of the city working in this field.

Categories of members of the Organization:  

General member Executive member: Co-operative members

 General members: Any resident of Gurgaon District who enrolls themselves as a member of Organization can be member by simple subscription of Rs. 200/- per month or can be member after paying a lump sum of Rs. 2400/- for one year. Such members are only the worker of the Organization i.e. they help the Executive Committee to meet with the aims and Object of the Organization.  Executive members: Any member a resident of Gurgaon District who enroll himself / herself after paying an initial amount of Rs. 1000/- and further a sum of Rs. 200/- per month. The Executive members shall play the key role in fulfilling the motto of the Organization with the help of General members.  Co-operative members: These members are not the regular members but they are the Co-operate the Organization by donating either in terms of kind or in terms of cash.

Team Composition: S.No. 1 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Designation President Vice President General Secretary Organizing Secretary Auditor Treasurer Media Planner Executive Member

Number One One One One One One One One

Market Environment The so called target population is the underprivileged people who are deprived of their right to education due to any of the reasons. The reason is either they cannot afford the education or don’t want to educate them as they are the bread and butter earners of the family along with their parents. The scenario with the girls is even worse than this. Girls are either not even send to school even for once because parents don’t feel the need of teaching them but rather prefer them to make perfect in household work, are made to dropout after puberty (once they start menstruating) because of hygienic concerns. If not made to dropout from school then are married off as they complete their 12 th but those parents only will allow their son to pursue his further studies. The major challenge with these people is their thinking capability which is not at all logical because of the lack of knowledge and their adamant nature for their views. Regular and long term efforts are necessary especially and to convince those who don’t consider their children as their own responsibility and for girls upliftment. The area in which this NGO is located is Sector 10/A, Gurgaon, Haryana. This specific locality is been chosen because the founders of this NGO (Mr. Sanjay Vohra, Mrs. Mona Vohra, and Ms. Pearl Vohra) are living in this area since the long time and most of the people know them and was comparatibly much easier to convince people for the membership of the NGO. They knew some people in the locality who could be the financial support to the NGO in the initial stages. The locality is surrounded by villages with the majority of population of workers working on daily wages. Thus their mentalities are not so good and even their living standard and style is really worth concerning. The same scenario is within the sector also and the number is increasing making the situation worse. They are illiterate and thus do not know the importance of education in the life of an individual and same status and standard of life is been passed on to their future generations by them. The stoppage to this hierarchical system is much needed at this point. There are around 10,000 families in the locality and its nearby areas which are the target population of this business. These include those children who have never gone to school before for the mainstreaming education and also those who are going to school but need assistance, the sarcastic situation of education in government schools we are aware about. It also includes those girls who want to pursue higher studies after schooling but are not supported by their families due to their religious old fashioned beliefs and monetary requirements. Assistance also provided to those children who want to learn something else along with their education to earn and study.

Marketing and Sales Strategy The main and foremost important challenge in this business plan is to convince the targeted population to be a part of this business plan and make it a successful. The marketing strategy will be same as of the earlier that is through the members been involved with the organization (verbal one to one marketing) and; social media (facebook page and website); cultural activities; sports activities, posters/ pamphlets/ hoardings. The one to one verbal marketing strategy is the best one as all the queries of the person is solved on the same day and time, as everybody lacks time in today’s scenario, moreover the person likes to talk in person only for the proper and complete information despite of any method through which he came to know about you. One more benefit of this marketing strategy is that it is applicable to the target population despite of this limitation for other strategies. Social media is basically for the educated people. They can either join themselves or motivate deprived families around them to join this forum. In today’s scenario educated people are more concerned or interested to know anything from social media (Facebook or Google) rather than talking in person. Cultural activities like dance, play, songs etc. in the various functions organized by the residential welfare society are the most successful ones because mainly in those functions members of welfare association are accompanied by the old age group people. The benefit of the welfare association members is the proper space and infrastructure, and old age people is their commitment to the organization. Similar activities should be done in some sort of religious functions also. Sports activities within the organization needs to be conducted as they not only attracts others to know more about the organization but also attracts children to be a part of it; childhood is only for to be cherished lifelong. Posters/ pamphlets/ hoardings are the method which needs to be applied to those areas where the majority of the target population resides as all other methods fail there. They can be pictorial or in Hindi. Everything which is been known to the public needs to have some value production, only then the public will buy or pay attention to what is been said to them or asked from them. This is the sale of your product. Here we need to sell the education’s importance and strategies like cultural activities, street plays, speeches from the pass outs are the best we can do. Every child in this world loves to play and enjoy in one or the other way possible. These activities are such things only and a little bribe to children. Street plays or motivational speeches by the pass outs are the most suitable methods to reflect on the value production of this venture. Motivational speeches are need to be added as they are the one who have come from the same background and have realized the importance of education in one’s life.

Team Composition The main composition of the organization is as follows:        

President Vice-President General Secretary Organizing Secretary Auditor Treasurer Media Planner Executive Member

Categories of Members of the organization:   

General Members Executive Members Co-operative Members

The duties and powers in brief of each of the office bearer:-

President     

: To preside and conduct the meetings. To enforce provision of the Constitutions To give casting votes in the event of parity of votes. To declare whether the resolution have passed or not. To incur expenditure up to Rs. 1000/- in each case in anticipation of sanction of the Executive Committee.

Vice President  

He / She shall discharge all the duties of the president in his / her absent He / She shall also preside over the meetings of different Sub-Committee as constituted by the Executive Committee.

General Secretary   

To convene meetings of Executive Committee / General Body. To place all matters relating to the Organization before these meetings and to record the proceedings in conformity with the established practices. To conduct the Correspondence on behalf of the Organization and to maintain correct and up to date copy of constitutions.

   

To present audited accounts and annual report in the General Body Meeting. To incur expenditure up to Rs. 500/- in each case in anticipation of sanction of the Executive Committee. To keep up to date list of members. To organize specific activities and to conduct any matter as required by the Executive Committee

Organizing Secretary 

To organize all cultural and sports activities as per the Aims and objects of the Organization.

Auditor 

To get the accounts of the Organization audited every quarterly and also get audited by the Chartered Accountant by the end of April every year.

Treasurer    

To collect subscription and issue receipts. To make payments on behalf of Organization on properly sanctioned vouchers. To maintain proper accounts of receipts and payments of Organization and to present them in the monthly meeting or as and when required. To get the accounts audited by the Auditors of the Organization Quarterly basis.

Media Planner 

To deal with all the marketing and promotion of the organization.

Operations The organization is entitled to include all the underprivileged children deprived of their basic human right of education. The organization’s foremost responsibility is to identify those who have not been even enrolled in the formal schooling ever. It is the responsibility of the organization to educate them up to the level according to their respective age. Once they reach up to that level or nearby that level, get them enrolled in the nearby government school so that they can enter the mainstream education. Another motto is for those who have been enrolled but need some assistance in their studies. These students are also entertained as education needs to be attained by them and it needs to be given by us. These may include students up to 12th class also. Another motto is for girls. The organization needs to or is entitled to address the importance of education of girls to the society. It has to be explained to them that educating a girl child means they are educating the whole family. Another is for hygiene. Hygiene related issues for girls are still a problem. Many drop outs in females are seen as they start with their menstrual cycle. Girls and their mothers specifically need to be taught the correct and hygienic practices to be followed by them during menstrual cycle. The use of disposable sanitary napkins, the myths associated with the menstrual cycles, all need to be addressed. Basic sex education also needs to be addressed to make them aware of good and bad touch. Next is the level of graduation studies of girls. There are some girls, who are willing to study after formal schooling but are not able to; either because of financial issues of family, or because of the beliefs regarding girls. These girls will be admitted in the government college and the fees will be funded by the organization. The organization is accountable for the number of admissions in a year in school, college, and organization. Regular follow up has to be done. Follow up in schools for dropouts should be done.

Financial Plan The manner of investment of the funds keeping accounts and annual periodical audit of accounts of the Organization:   

Funds shall consist of Admission fee, subscriptions, advertisement tariff, donation and any other grants etc. received by the Organization from Government or other organizations or individual of corporate member. Funds shall be kept in national bank in the name of the Organization. Any two of treasurer, President and General Secretary shall operate the bank account. The amount of 2000/- may be kept with the treasurer for meeting day to day expenditure of the organization. Proper accounts will be maintained by the Treasurer and get audited as directed by the executive committee.

Stakeholders are formed on the profit sharing basis and for CSR activities, a Chandigarh based businessman and a politician are contacted for the financial support.

Risk Analysis and Mitigation There are two types of risk factors in this venture.

1. Internal risks:    

These account for the intra organization risk factors. It includes factors such as unwillingness of an individual or a group of members to perform in a proper way. The inability of members to achieve their targets. The situation of withdrawal of members

2. External Factors  Adamant nature of public  No ready to be convinced  Not ready to agree for education as an asset in one’s life

Executive Summary PEHEL (Pioneering Education Health and Employing Labour) Due to the failure of the foundation goals and objectives, it has been revised and the main focus is only on education of deprived children. The main motto of this venture is to ensure that every child is entitled to education (minimum education) so that he/she can be enrolled in the government school for regular schooling and those who are in government schools but need some guidance are also included. Girls who want to study further after 12 th but cannot afford are also to be included to be enrolled in Government College. This venture is going to be a success because there is an urge in these children to rise above the level of what is set up by their parents and education is the basic tool now a days to upgrade the living style and life. It is the solution to educational incompatibilities of these people. Every child is the future and main asset of any nation. Provision of education to each and every child is a step towards the bright future of this nation. Value production on the monetary basis are the late achievements of this venture, but an educated, decent and morally strong individual is the foremost value this venture is going to add to this society. The foremost targeted population will be the underprivileged people of Sector10A, Gurgaon. Marketing is not much needed as it already exists and 95% of the population is aware of the organization. The need of the hour is to ensure the enrollment of those children which are not yet enrolled nor in NGO nor in school. It is going to be done through the interactions with the pass outs of this NG0. As the same background people somehow connects with each other emotionally and intellectually. Essentially it will cover the nearby areas of locality. The main competition of this organization is from the internal and external factors. The team comprises of President, Vice-President, General Secretary, Accountant, Active Members and Volunteers.

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