Bulletin 2008-09-28

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Gehman’s Mennonite Church September 28, 2008

Sunday School Worship Service

9:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. Order of Worship

Call to Worship Psalm 25:1-10 Betty Martin Hymn of Praise Luke Horst Responsive Reading/ Offering Offertory Music Heidi Eberly Worship in Song Message: Forgiveness: The Essence of the Gospel Mel Thomas Hymn of Praise Luke Horst Sharing Time Pastoral Prayer/Benediction Today: Greeters Sunday School Nursery Church Nursery Next Week: Greeters Song Leader Scripture Reading Sermon Sunday School Nursery Church Nursery

John & Mary Lynn Miller Kelly & Chrystle Jim & Sue Musser Mary Ellen Musser Darlene McCosby Mike Brown Mel Thomas Chrystle Swatski Chrystle & Kristin

Offerings: This weeks offering is for Eastern Mennonite Missions Last weeks offering was $273,700.00. Attendance last Sunday was 117. Sept. 29- The Ministry Team and Board of Elders meet for our monthly meeting. Your prayers and deliberations are appreciated. Oct. 4 & 5- Missions At the Airport( Wycliffe Bible Translators), will be held at Keller Bros. Airport, Buffalo Springs, PA. There will be displays, flight demos, airplane and helicopter rides. John Miller’s brother Dan Miller (a pilot), will be part of the team.

Oct. 5- Next Sun. is World Communion Sunday. We will join with Christians around the world in a service of communion and foot washing. There will also be a Service of Anointing for Lisa Horning as part of our morning worship hour. Pray, and come prepared to bless and be blessed in this special celebration and time of intersession. Oct. 5- Gap Male Chorus will be giving a program at Garden Spot Village at 7:00 p.m. Oct.8 - Released Time Bible Program begins. If you are interested in helping out please talk to Sylvia, Darlene, Darrell, Phonsavan, Dorothy, Lillian, Margaret G., Mary, Betty, Lena, or Phil. Time commitment would be on Wed. from approx. 11:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. Oct.- April. Oct. 16- Welsh Mountain Annual Fall Benefit Dinner will be held at Yoder’s Restaurant at 6:15 p.m. Ticket cost is $17.00- adult & $10.00child. A freewill offering will be taken. The evening’s entertainment will be provided by Southern Gospel Singers ,“The Harmonaires”. For tickets contact Welsh Mountain Home at 717-355-9522. Oct. 19- Annual Renewal Meetings- Begin Sunday morning at 10:00 and continue through Monday evening, Oct. 20, at 7:00- 9:00 p.m. Don Weaver, Associate Pastor from Weaverland Mennonite Church will be the speaker. There will also be a fellowship meal on Oct. 19. Continue to pray for our discernment for a pastor. Ballots to nominate for this position are in the lobby. Ballots must be postmarked by Oct. 8 and mailed to J. Carl Sensenig, 173 Wheatland Dr., Denver Pa. 17517. All members are eligible to complete a ballot. A report on the results of the nominations will be made to the congregation on Oct.12. Please note that there will be no Youth Bible Study on Wed. Oct. 1. Please have all bulletin announcements to me by Oct. 1. Thanks! Wendy Happy Birthday to Loretta Gockley on Wed., Dan Miller and Randy Sauder on Thurs. New Address- Matt & Shelby Kanagy, 190 E. Church St., Stevens Pa. 17578. E-mail- [email protected]

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