Martin Luther
For we will bring you salvation in the end!”
Church in our way telling us how we should believe. In Lutheranism, we believe the bible is the sole authority in the Church. Faith in Christ alone will decide whether you go to heaven or hell, not indulgences. We believe indulgences are the ways the corrupt Church steals your money and tricks you
All you have to do is read the Bible, Its text might be small, But it’s the Bible that says it all!
god. If you join Lutheranism, you don’t need to pay for indulgences anymore. We
We have had it with the Church and its
know you people are hurting from the
corruption, and we believe it’s time for
bribery and dishonesty of the Church, so
change. Thanks to Martin Luther, we
now is a time to fight back and believe was
now have a real leader we can follow that shares our beliefs. We can still
“Join us, our little friend,
into believing you’re doing something for
believe in god and the Christian faith, but without the corruption of the
it right.
interpreted by the Pope to whatever he wants it to mean. The bible is the Holy Book and should not be misinterpreted by the teachings of the Church.
“Here I stand… Lutheranism benefits everyone in the community in multiple ways. First of all, Lutheranism states that through faith alone shall you be brought salvation. Because of this, you do not need to use the money that
An d I can do no other!” -Martin Luther
A Chr ist ian is a pe rf ect ly duti ful se rvant of all, subje ct to all." -Mart in Luther, Fre ed om o f a Chr istian
Bibliography Edwards, M. U. "Luther, Martin." World Book Online Reference Center. 2008. 19 Oct. 2008 . Archer,Gleason. “Martin Luther”
puts food on your table for indulgences.
Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties.
Secondly, Lutheranism states that to
1982. Marshall, Taylor. “Indulgences.” Ebao.19
establish faith, all you need to do is believe
Oct. 2008.
in Christ and reading the Bible. You don’t
Jorg, Breu. “Wood engraving of the early
need to go to Church to erase your sins or
1500's.” Online Image. World
be saved, you just need to establish your
Book. 19 Oct.
belief through the Holy Book. Lastly, our bible is in the vernacular, so that everyday people can read it, rather than being
"A Chr istian is a per fe ctly fr ee lo rd o f all, subject to non e.