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  • Words: 6,863
  • Pages: 126
Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Kuliah Umum: Kajian Penggunaan Teknologi Baru di Industri Pangan dan Konsep Pertahanan Pangan (food defense) di Indonesia BPOM RI, 12 April 2018 __________________


KAJIAN PENGGUNAAN TEKNOLOGI BARU DI INDUSTRI PANGAN DI INDONESIA Purwiyatno Hariyadi phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id [email protected]

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Teknologi Baru


Acuan ttg “Baru” -- Seberapa “baru”? • The Protein Advisory Group of the United Nations University (PAG/UNU) – 1972/1983: • Novel foods were defined as foods not previously eaten by humans. • Novel = “Baru”, belum dikenal sebelumnya

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Teknologi Baru


Acuan ttg “Baru” -- Seberapa “baru”?

• Novel foods are defined as foods or food ingredients that do not have a significant history of consumption within the EU prior to the 15 May 1997. • All novel foods are subject to a pre-market safety assessment in accordance with the Novel Food Regulation (EC) 258/97. Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Teknologi Baru


Acuan ttg “Baru” -- Seberapa “baru”? • “Baru”? Produk pangan yang : 1. Teknologi bahan baku baru • Tek rekayasa genetika?

2. Teknologi baru pengoolahan/pengawetan • Microwave4. • Ohmic heating • High Pressure Processing, dll

3. Ukuran baru ?????

• Teknologi Nano 4. Teknologi IT & lain-lain ?????

• Food Industri 4.0 Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Pangan Hasil Rekayasa Genetik PP No 21/2005

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Pangan Hasil Rekayasa Genetik Per KBPOM ( HK. )

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Pangan Hasil Rekayasa Genetik Per KBPOM ( HK. )

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Pangan Hasil Rekayasa Genetik Per KBPOM ( HK.

PEDOMAN PENGKAJIAN KEAMANAN PANGAN PRODUK REKAYASA GENETIK: 1) Kesepadanan substansial (substantial equivalence) 2) Perubahan Nilai Gizi ? 3) Perubahan alergenitas? 4) Toksisitas? 5) Pertimbangan Lain-lain?

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

TEKNOLOGI BARU ? – .................. KEDEPAN ? ............... Alternative-Emerging Food Processing Technologies (FDA/IFT 2000) http://www.fda.gov/Food/FoodScienceResearch/SafePracticesforFoodProcesses/ucm100158.htm

• Thermal Processing :

• Microwave and Radio Frequency • Ohmic and Inductive Heating

• Non-Thermal Processing: • • • • • • •

High Pressure Processing Pulsed Electric Field High Voltage Arc Discharge Pulsed Light Ultraviolet Light Ultrasound X-Rays Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

TEKNOLOGI BARU ? – .................. KEDEPAN ? ............... Alternative-Emerging Food Processing Technologies (FDA/IFT 2000) http://www.fda.gov/Food/FoodScienceResearch/SafePracticesforFoodProcesses/ucm100158.htm

• Thermal Processing :

• Microwave and Radio Frequency • Ohmic and Inductive Heating http://www.ifst.org/science_technology_ resources/for_food_professionals/

• Non-Thermal Processing: • • • • • • •

High Pressure Processing Pulsed Electric Field High Voltage Arc Discharge Pulsed Light Ultraviolet Light Ultrasound X-Rays Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

• • • • • •

Food Irradiation Food Packaging Biotechnology Omic-Technologies: Nutrigenomic Nano-Technology ...

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

TEKNOLOGI BARU ? – .................. KEDEPAN ? ............... Alternative-Emerging Food Processing Technologies (FDA/IFT 2000) http://www.fda.gov/Food/FoodScienceResearch/SafePracticesforFoodProcesses/ucm100158.htm

• Thermal Processing :

• Microwave and Radio Frequency • Ohmic and Inductive Heating

• Ekivalen dengan pemanasan tradisional • Lebih cepat  High Temperature Short Time

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

TEKNOLOGI BARU ? – .................. KEDEPAN ? ............... Alternative-Emerging Food Processing Technologies (FDA/IFT 2000) http://www.fda.gov/Food/FoodScienceResearch/SafePracticesforFoodProcesses/ucm100158.htm

• Thermal Processing :

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

TEKNOLOGI BARU ? – Pemanasan MICROWAVE (Gel MIKRO) Questions of Interest

+/Food Material

Generator (Oscilator)

Process Description? Mechanism of Activation?


Critical Factors and Quantification?


Process deviations?

H + + H

Organizms of concern? Indicator organizms ?




Main reseacrh need ?

Purwiyatno Hariyadi


“Change of Orientation Polarization” /dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

+ + Ionic displacement

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

TEKNOLOGI BARU ? – Thermal Processing Pemanasan MICROWAVE (Gel MIKRO) Questions of Interest

+/Generator (Oscilator)

Process Description? Mechanism of Activation?

Food Material


Critical Factors and Quantification? Process deviations? Organizms of concern? Indicator organizms ? Main reseacrh need ?

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

Internal Heating - keyword: Heating

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

TEKNOLOGI BARU ? – Thermal Processing Pemanasan MICROWAVE (Gel MIKRO) Questions of Interest


Process Description?

Well described

Mechanism of Activation?

Well described

Critical Factors and Quantification?

Well described Hard to predict cold zone

Process deviations?

As in conventional thermal processing

Organizms of concern?

As in conventional thermal processing

Indicator organizms ?

As in conventional thermal processing

Main reseacrh need ?

Prediction of cold zone and Uniformity of heating

Purwiyatno Hariyadi


/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

TEKNOLOGI BARU ? – Thermal Processing Pemanasan OHMIC elektroda BAHAN

S P = I2R P = I2ke-1 I = keEL-1

Power Supply

P : laju jumlah panas yang diproduksi per satuan volume (W.m-3) E : kekuatan medan listrik (Volt cm-1) ke : konduktivitas listrik (ohm-1/m, S/m) I : densitas arus listrik (amps/m2) R : tahanan listrik (ohm-1)

- kecepatan pemanasan tergantung pada nilai ke bahan pangan - ke bahan pangan =f(kadar air, garam ionik dan asam) - ke bahan pangan cair >> ke bahan padat - minyak dan lemak mempunyai nilai ke sangat rendah Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

TEKNOLOGI BARU ? – Thermal Processing Pemanasan MICROWAVE (Gel MIKRO) & OHMIC Questions of Interest


Ohmic Heating

Process Description?

Well described

Well described

Mechanism of Activation?

Well described

Well described

Critical Factors and Quantification?

Well described Hard to predict cold zone

Well described Hard to predict cold zone

Process deviations?

As in conventional thermal As in conventional thermal processing processing

Organizms of concern?

As in conventional thermal As in conventional thermal processing processing

Indicator organizms ?

As in conventional thermal As in conventional thermal processing processing

Main reseacrh need ?

Purwiyatno Hariyadi


Prediction of cold zone and Uniformity of heating

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Prediction of cold zone

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

TEKNOLOGI BARU ? – .................. KEDEPAN ? ............... Alternative-Emerging Food Processing Technologies (FDA/IFT 2000) http://www.fda.gov/Food/FoodScienceResearch/SafePracticesforFoodProcesses/ucm100158.htm

• Thermal Processing :

• Microwave and Radio Frequency • Ohmic and Inductive Heating http://www.ifst.org/science_technology_ resources/for_food_professionals/

• Non-Thermal Processing: • • • • • • •

High Pressure Processing Pulsed Electric Field High Voltage Arc Discharge Pulsed Light Ultraviolet Light Ultrasound X-Rays Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

• • • • • •

Food Irradiation Food Packaging Biotechnology Omic-Technologies: Nutrigenomic Nano-Technology ...

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

TEKNOLOGI BARU ? – NonThermal Processing High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing (~36000 psi)

(~87000 psi)

High Pressure (>600 Mpa) can kill microorganisms by interrupting with their cellular function without the use of heat that can damage the taste, texture, and nutritional value of the food.

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

TEKNOLOGI BARU ? – NonThermal Processing High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing (~36000 psi)

(~87000 psi)

The "mechanism" of high-pressure based bacteria kill is low energy and does not promote the formation of new chemical compounds, "radiolytic" by-products, or free-radicals.

Vitamins, texture and flavor are basically unchanged.

Eg. enzymes can remain active in high pressure produced orange juice. Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

TEKNOLOGI BARU ? – NonThermal Processing High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing

• Pathogens such as salmonella and E.coli 0157:H7 can be effectively destroyed without changing the fruit juice's fresh, natural characteristics. • A pressure exposure of 80,000 psi for 30 seconds can achieve a 3-5 log reduction of all of the pathogens of concern in fresh juice

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

TEKNOLOGI BARU ? – NonThermal Processing High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing

Pengolahan Oyster dengan HHP • Destruction of Vibrio bacteria in raw oysters without destroying the raw feel and taste of the oyster. • A pressure of 200 to 300 MPa for 5 to 15 minutes at 25oC inactivate : · Vibrio parahaemolyticus ATCC 17803, · Vibrio vulnificus ATCC 27562, · Vibrio choleare ATCC 14035, · Vibrio choleare non-O:1 ATCC 14547, · Vibrio hollisae ATCC 33564 · Vibrio mimicus ATCC 33653 ("D. Berlin, D. Herson, D. Hicks, and D. Hoover; Applied and Environmental Microbiology, June 1999“)

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

TEKNOLOGI BARU ? – NonThermal Processing High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing

Pengolahan Oyster dengan HHP

HHP memudahkan lepasnya daging dari cangkang: • Menghemat tenaga kerja • Meningkatkan mutu daging

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

TEKNOLOGI BARU ? – NonThermal Processing High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing

Contoh produk dari EU ULTI / PAMPRYL (Groupe PERNODRICARD) - France freshly squeezed fruit juice Fresh pressed

Spain – sliced cooked ham Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

TEKNOLOGI BARU ? – NonThermal Processing High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing

Contoh produk dari AS

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

TEKNOLOGI BARU ? – NonThermal Processing High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing

Contoh produk dari AS

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

TEKNOLOGI BARU ? – NonThermal Processing Equivalence of alternative technologies Questions of Interest

Technology of High Hydrostatic Pressure

Process Description?

Well described

Mechanism of Activation?

Well described

Critical Factors and Quantification?

Well described Proposed Models

Process deviations?

Well described

Organizms of concern?

Identified Suggested

Indicator organizms ? Main reseacrh need ?

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

Validation kinetics Influence of synergistic processing conditions

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Applications for High Pressure Processing are found in the areas of...

Styrofoam cup subjected to 40,000 psi, fruit pack (with juice) and sliced ham subjected to 80,000 psi.

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Commercial High-Pressure Processed products marketed in Japan, Europe and the United States

Guacamole & Salsas Avomex (Keller, TX)

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Commercial High-Pressure Processed products marketed in Japan, Europe and the United States

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Commercial High-Pressure Processed products marketed in Japan, Europe and the United States

Jams & Fruit Toppings (Japan) Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

TEKNOLOGI BARU ? – Non/Thermal Processing Thermally-assisted High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing :

Prion Inactivation

800-1000 MPa, 121-137oC


Pressure (Mpa) Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

TEKNOLOGI BARU ? – Non/Thermal Processing Thermally-assisted High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing :

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

TEKNOLOGI BARU ? – Non/Thermal Processing Thermally-assisted High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing : Pressure



700 MPa

Main meal entrees, meats, pasta dishes, most vegetables, sauces, cheese, soups, stews, flavored milk drinks


830 MPa

Whole potatoes, most vegetables


1,000 MPa

All potato products, all vegetables, seafood


1,240 MPa

Eggs, milk


Source: Richard S. Meyer, PhD, Washington Farms, Inc.

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• TEKNOLOGI NANO. Apa itu? • Formal Definition of Nanotechnology (Source: National Nanotechnology Initiative) Nanotechnology is the understanding and control of matter at dimensions between approximately 1 and 100 nanometers, where unique phenomena enable novel applications. Encompassing nanoscale science, engineering, and technology, nanotechnology involves imaging, measuring, modeling, and manipulating matter at this length scale.

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• NANO ? Berasal dari Yunani; yang artinya “kerdil”  kecil

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• NANO ? Berasal dari Yunani; yang artinya “kerdil”  kecil

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• NANO ? Berasal dari Yunani; yang artinya “kerdil”  kecil - 1 nm = 10-9 m

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• NANO: Seberapa kecil ? 1 um = 1 mikron

1Å= 1 Angstrom






1 mm 1 cm







Skala Nano

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• NANO: Seberapa kecil ?












Skala Nano

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• NANO: Seberapa kecil ?











Nanometer Sukrosa :

Skala Nano

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• NANO: Seberapa kecil ?












~ 5000 nm

Skala Nano

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• NANO: Seberapa kecil ?

~8*103 nm












~ 5000 nm

Skala Nano

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• NANO: Seberapa kecil ?

~8*103 nm












Skala Nano

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• NANO: Seberapa kecil ?

~8*103 nm












10 nm Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• NANO: Seberapa kecil ?












 2 nm  diameter molekul DNA (helix)  5 nm  diameter molekul insulin  6 nm  diameter molekul hemoglobin  10nm  ketebalan dinding sel bakteri gram negatif  200nm  diameter bakteri terkecil

10 nm Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• NANO: Seberapa kecil ?












• Teknologi Susu : – – – –

Misel kasein  50-300 nm Protein whey  4-6 nm Laktosa  0.5 nm Gobula lemak  300 nm

10 nm Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• NANO: Seberapa kecil ?





10 nm Purwiyatno Hariyadi








• Teknologi Nano tidak merupakan teknologi yang sama sekali BARU • Hanya.. • Perkembangan peralatan dan instrumentasi telah memungkinkan perkembangan yg BARU /dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• NANO: Seberapa kecil ?












Microscopy: • scanning electron, • transmission electron, and • atomic force microscopy 10 nm Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• NOVELTY: Size matters ! Nano’ is best understood to mean fundamentally different

Skala Nano

Skala Makro Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• NOVELTY: Size matters ! Nano’ is best understood to mean fundamentally different

Potensi perubahan salah satu (atau lebih) sifat-sifat : • Optis (warna, transparansi)? atau • Elektrik (konduktivitas)? atau • Fisik (kekerasan,titik leleh, difusifitas) atau • Kimia (reaktivitas, (konstant) laju reaksi)

Sifat-sifat baru (“nano-ness”) ini menciptakan partikel atau bahan yang unik (‘baru’)

Skala Nano

Skala Makro Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• NOVELTY: Size matters ! Nano’ is best understood to mean fundamentally different Meningkatnya luas permukaan 1 kubus p=l=t=1cm

8 kubus @ p=l=t=0.5cm A= 6*(0,5*0,5) cm2 A= 1,5 cm2

A=6*1cm2 A=6 cm2 Purwiyatno Hariyadi

A= 8 *1,5 cm2 /dept A=itp, fateta, 12 ipb cm2 /seafast center, ipb

64 kubus @ p=l=t=0.25cm A= 6*(0,25*0,25) cm2 A= 0,375 cm2

A= 8*8 * 0,375 cm2 A= 24 cm2 Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• NOVELTY: Size matters ! Nano’ is best understood to mean fundamentally different

1 kubus p=l=t=1cm

A=6*1cm2 A=6 cm2

Luas Permukaan TOTAL (cm2)

Meningkatnya luas permukaan 250 200 150 100 50 0 0



Sisi kubus (cm) Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id


• NOVELTY: Size matters ! Nano’ is best understood to mean fundamentally different Meningkatnya luas permukaan

Meningkatkan reaktivitas?

Meningkatnya bioavailabilitas

Meningkatkan Toksisitas?

Dosis efektif lebih kecil

Menurunkan dosis toksik? (LD50 <<)?

Meningkatnya kemampuan penetrasi

Mempengaruhi ekosistem permukaan?

Mempercepat “onset of action”

Toksisitas baru? Karena rute/transport yg berbeda?

Potensi BARU Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

Risiko BARU /seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• NOVELTY: Size matters ! Nano’ is best understood to mean fundamentally different Contoh  Nano-ness

J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2007, 7, 3048.

Particle number LD50 (per mg) (mg/kg)

Copper Microscale (17 mm) Nanoscale (23.5 nm) Ionic (0.072 nm)


5610 10


9. 4×1015


1. 7×10

There is an indication that nanoparticles interact with biological systems like molecules. Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

Toxicity class Nontoxic Class 5 Moderately toxic Class 3 Moderately toxic Class 3

Risiko BARU /seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• NOVELTY: Size matters ! Nano’ is best understood to mean fundamentally different Contoh  Nano-ness • Emas : • Dalam skala makro (bulk gold) berwarna kuning (emas)

• Dalam skala nano berwarna merah Partikel emas (12 nm)

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• NOVELTY: Size matters ! Nano’ is best understood to mean fundamentally different Contoh  Nano-ness • Zink : • Dalam skala makro (bulk zink) berwarna putih dan opaque;

• Zinc nano : transparan • Karbon : • Carbon nanotubes : penghantar listrik Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• NOVELTY: Size matters ! Nano’ is best understood to mean fundamentally different Contoh  Nano-ness • Partikel ZnO ukuran makro: • Menahan cahaya UV • Menyebarkan cahaya tampa • Berwarna putih • Partikel ZnO ukuran nano • Menahan cahaya UV • Tidak menyebarkan cahaya tampak • Transparan • Application to sunscreen • TiO2 : Application to sunscreen Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• NOVELTY: Size matters ! Nano’ is best understood to mean fundamentally different Contoh  Nano-ness • Silver

http://www.theecologist.org/green_green_living/behind_the_label/340403/behind_the_label_nanosilver.html Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• NOVELTY: Size matters ! Nano’ is best understood to mean fundamentally different Contoh  Nano-ness • Silver

http://www.sharperimagebest.com/zn021.html Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• NOVELTY: Size matters ! Nano’ is best understood to mean fundamentally different Prinsip Evaluasi Keamanan Pangan: • Kesepadanan substansial • Kajian Risiko

KAJIAN RISIKO Sience -based

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

 Identifikasi Bahaya  Karakterisasi Bahaya  Kaijan paparan  Karakterisasi Risiko

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• APLIKASI di INDUSTRI PANGAN? Contoh aplikasi

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• APLIKASI di INDUSTRI PANGAN? Contoh aplikasi

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Akhirnya …. Lagi-lagi Apapun bahayanya … Perlu kajian risiko ………. KAJIAN RISIKO Sience -based

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

 Identifikasi Bahaya  Karakterisasi Bahaya  Kaijan paparan  Karakterisasi Risiko

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

SMART INDUSTRY :  At the Era of INDUSTRY 4.0 ?? Degree of Complexity

 History of Industrial Revolution

First Mechanical Loom 1784

Hunting & Gathering Society

1st Revolution  through introduction of mechanical production facilities powered by water and steam  INDUSTRY 1.0


End of 18th Century Adapted from www.siemens.com/press Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

SMART INDUSTRY :  At the Era of INDUSTRY 4.0 ?? Degree of Complexity

 History of Industrial Revolution

First Mechanical Loom 1784

Hunting & Gathering Society

1st Revolution  through introduction of mechanical production facilities powered by water and steam  INDUSTRY 1.0

End of 18th Century Adapted from www.siemens.com/press Purwiyatno Hariyadi

2nd Revolution  through introduction of mass production based on the division of labour powered by electrical energy  INDUSTRY 2.0


Start of 20th Century /dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

SMART INDUSTRY :  At the Era of INDUSTRY 4.0 ?? Degree of Complexity

 History of Industrial Revolution

First Mechanical Loom 1784

Hunting & Gathering Society

1st Revolution  through introduction of mechanical production facilities powered by water and steam  INDUSTRY 1.0

End of 18th Century Adapted from www.siemens.com/press Purwiyatno Hariyadi

2nd Revolution  through introduction of mass production based on the division of labour powered by electrical energy  INDUSTRY 2.0

Start of 20th Century /dept itp, fateta, ipb

3rd Revolution  through Introduction of electronics and IT for a further automization of production



Start of 70ies /seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

SMART INDUSTRY :  At the Era of INDUSTRY 4.0 ?? Degree of Complexity

 History of Industrial Revolution

4th Revolution First Mechanical Loom

 Through CyberPhysical Production Systems


Hunting & Gathering Society

1st Revolution  through introduction of mechanical production facilities powered by water and steam  INDUSTRY 1.0

End of 18th Century Adapted from www.siemens.com/press Purwiyatno Hariyadi

2nd Revolution  through introduction of mass production based on the division of labour powered by electrical energy  INDUSTRY 2.0

Start of 20th Century /dept itp, fateta, ipb

3rd Revolution  through Introduction of electronics and IT for a further automization of production



Start of 70ies /seafast center, ipb

TIME Today Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

SMART INDUSTRY :  At the Era of INDUSTRY 4.0 ?? Degree of Complexity

 History of Industrial Revolution

End of 18th Century Purwiyatno Hariyadi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industry_4.0

TIME Start of 20th Century /dept itp, fateta, ipb

Start of 70ies /seafast center, ipb

Today Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id


FOOD SAFETY ISSUES  At Era of Smart Industry?

“MAKE”: Efficiency. • • • •


Batch  continuous processing Improving process reliability Reducing waste products, and Effective energy utilization

SAFETY •1970

•~1980 Purwiyatno Hariyadi

•~1990 /dept itp, fateta, ipb


/seafast center, ipb


Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

FOOD SAFETY ISSUES  At Era of Smart Industry?




• 24/7 • Convinience, food service


SAFETY •1970

•~1980 Purwiyatno Hariyadi

•~1990 /dept itp, fateta, ipb


/seafast center, ipb


Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id


FOOD SAFETY ISSUES  At Era of Smart Industry?





•~1980 Purwiyatno Hariyadi

•~1990 /dept itp, fateta, ipb

“CARE” :

•Care • CARE for • SERVICE health •Care • MAKE for enviro SAFETY nment •~2000 •~2010 •Care

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id


FOOD SAFETY ISSUES  At Era of Smart Industry?


• SMART (personalized, prescribed)









SAFETY •1970

•~1980 Purwiyatno Hariyadi

•~1990 /dept itp, fateta, ipb


/seafast center, ipb


Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

FOOD SAFETY ISSUES  At Era of Smart Industry?

• SMART (personalized, prescribed)


1. Product ID Product has unique ID (with all necessary food safety & quality attribute) Adapted from evrythng.com

SAFETY •1970

•~1980 Purwiyatno Hariyadi

•~1990 /dept itp, fateta, ipb


/seafast center, ipb


Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

FOOD SAFETY ISSUES  At Era of Smart Industry?


1. Product ID Product has unique ID (with all necessary food safety & quality attribute)

• SMART (personalized, prescribed)

2. Personal ID Consumer connect using smart device and social network login, mobile number or any other ID Adapted from evrythng.com

SAFETY •1970

•~1980 Purwiyatno Hariyadi

•~1990 /dept itp, fateta, ipb


/seafast center, ipb


Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

FOOD SAFETY ISSUES  At Era of Smart Industry?


1. Product ID Product has unique ID (with all necessary food safety & quality attribute)

• SMART (personalized, prescribed)

2. Personal ID Consumer connect using smart device and social network login, mobile number or any other ID

3. Personalization Our smart product profile deliver contextual & relationship-based web experiences and capture analytics Adapted from evrythng.com

SAFETY •1970

•~1980 Purwiyatno Hariyadi

•~1990 /dept itp, fateta, ipb


/seafast center, ipb


Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

FOOD SAFETY ISSUES  At Era of Smart Industry?

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

FOOD SAFETY ISSUES  At Era of Smart Industry?  for the Millennials ?

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

FOOD SAFETY ISSUES  At Era of Smart Industry?  for the Millennials ?

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

FOOD SAFETY ISSUES  At Era of Smart Industry?  for the Millennials ? How to make information of “FOOD VALUE” readily :

• • • • • •

Available? Readable? Retrievable? Transferable? Communicable? SMART?  able to apply a scientific logic Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

FOOD SAFETY ISSUES  At Era of Smart Industry?  for the Millennials ? How to make information of “FOOD VALUE” readily :

• • • • • •

Available? Readable? Retrievable? Transferable? Communicable? SMART?

• Consumer Engagement • Tracking & Analytics

 able to apply a scientific logic Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

FOOD SAFETY ISSUES  At Era of Smart Industry?  for the Millennials ?

evrythng.com Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

FOOD SAFETY ISSUES  At Era of Smart Industry?  for the Millennials ? In-Store product engagement (Millennials) Source: Interactions, Retail Perception Report, Sept. 2014 (evrythng.com)



Make mobile shopping lists

Scan products to get info, deals or experiences


Communicate via mobile about products

evrythng.com Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

FOOD SAFETY ISSUES  At Era of Smart Industry?  for the Millennials ?









evrythng.com Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

FOOD SAFETY ISSUES  At the Era of INDUSTRY 4.0 ??  Era of SMART “everythings”

So SMART . . .

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

FOOD SAFETY ISSUES  At the Era of INDUSTRY 4.0 ??  Era of SMART “everythings”

So SMART . . .

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

FOOD SAFETY ISSUES  At the Era of INDUSTRY 4.0 ??  Era of SMART “everythings”

So SMART . . .

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

FOOD SAFETY ISSUES  At the Era of INDUSTRY 4.0 ??  Era of SMART “everythings” Example :

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

FOOD SAFETY ISSUES  At the Era of INDUSTRY 4.0 ??  Era of SMART “everythings” Example :

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

FOOD SAFETY ISSUES  At the Era of INDUSTRY 4.0 ??  Era of SMART “everythings” Example :


Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

FOOD SAFETY ISSUES  At the Era of INDUSTRY 4.0 ??  Era of SMART “everythings” Example :

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

FOOD SAFETY ISSUES  At the Era of INDUSTRY 4.0 ??  Era of SMART “everythings” Example :

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

FOOD SAFETY ISSUES  At the Era of INDUSTRY 4.0 ??  Era of SMART “everythings” Example :

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

FOOD SAFETY ISSUES  At the Era of INDUSTRY 4.0 ??  Era of SMART “everythings” Example :

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Keamanan Hasil Tek Baru ?? ... Konsep Dasar Peraturan Keamanan Pangan

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Keamanan Hasil Tek Baru ?? ... Konsep Dasar Peraturan Keamanan Pangan

FSO Food Safety Objectives

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Keamanan Hasil Tek Baru ?? ... Konsep Dasar Peraturan Keamanan Pangan

Food Safety Objectives (FSO)


The maximum frequency and/or concentration of a hazard in a food at the time of consumption that provides or contributes to the appropriate level of protection (ALOP).

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Keamanan Hasil Tek Baru ?? ... Konsep Dasar Peraturan Keamanan Pangan

Food Safety Objectives (FSO)


TUJUAN KEAMANAN PANGAN Maksimum frekuensi dan/atau maksimum konsentrasi suatu “bahaya” pada produk pangan pada saat konsumsi yang akan memberikan/berkontribusi pada tercapainya “Tingkat Perlindungan yang tepat” (Appropriate level of protection, ALOP).

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Keamanan Hasil Tek Baru ?? ... Konsep Dasar Peraturan Keamanan Pangan

Food Safety Objectives (FSO)


Dalam hal ini FSOs seharusnya ditentukan oleh pemerintah (Otoritas Keamanan Pangan) berdasarkan pada pertimbangan ilmiah dan kepentingan publik (societal considerations); seperti keamanan, biaya, ketersediaan, dan toleransi kesesuaian dengan populasi.  FSO is a measure of safety that a country is willing to tolerate.

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Keamanan Hasil Tek Baru ?? ... Konsep Dasar Peraturan Keamanan Pangan

Food Safety Objectives (FSO)

Ho - ΣR + ΣI  FSO • Dikembangkan/ diusulkan oleh International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF) • Diadopsi sebagai model untuk “science-based food safety regulation” Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

Ditentukan Oleh Pemerintah (Otoritas Keamanan Pangan) untuk keperluan memastikan tercapainya tingkat perlindungan thd kesehatan publik ~ ALOP

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Keamanan Hasil Tek Baru ?? ... Konsep Dasar Peraturan Keamanan Pangan

Food Safety Objectives (FSO)

Ho - ΣR + ΣI  FSO Jumlah/ Tingkat Awal (starting Level)


Purwiyatno Hariyadi

Penambahan (Increase; Recontamination or growth) /dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Food Safety Objective Tingkat bahaya pada saat konsumsi

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Keamanan Hasil Tek Baru ?? ... Konsep Dasar Peraturan Keamanan Pangan

Food Safety Objectives (FSO)

Ho - ΣR + ΣI  FSO Jumlah/ Tingkat Awal (starting Level)


Purwiyatno Hariyadi

Penambahan (Increase; Recontamination or growth) /dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Food Safety Objective Tingkat bahaya pada saat konsumsi

Email : [email protected]



Performance Objective Tingkat Bahaya pada setiap mata rantai pangan Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Keamanan Hasil Tek Baru ?? ... Konsep Dasar Peraturan Keamanan Pangan

Food Safety Objectives (FSO)

Ho - ΣR + ΣI  FSO

Karena rantai pangan bisa berbeda; dari satu negara ke negara lain; juga kondisi sanitasi, kebersihan, dll, maka tingak Ho, ΣR, atau ΣI, pada setiap mata rantai bisa mempunyai PO yang berbeda; tetapi tetap hrs mencapai PO akhir yang “ekivalen” Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]



Performance Objective Tingkat Bahaya pada setiap mata rantai pangan Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Keamanan Hasil Tek Baru ?? ... Konsep Dasar Peraturan Keamanan Pangan  Acuan:

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Keamanan Hasil Tek Baru ?? ... Konsep Dasar Peraturan Keamanan Pangan  Acuan: Novel Food Regulation (EC) 258/97. Categories: •

Foods with a new/modified primary molecular structure (e.g. Phosphated distarch phosphate)

Foods from micro-organisms/fungi/algae (e.g. lycopene)

Foods from plants/animals obtained by traditional practices but without a history of safe food use (e.g. Noni)

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Keamanan Hasil Tek Baru ?? ... Konsep Dasar Peraturan Keamanan Pangan  Acuan: Novel Food Regulation (EC) 258/97. Categories: •

Foods with a new/modified primary molecular structure (e.g. Phosphated distarch phosphate)

Foods from micro-organisms/fungi/algae (e.g. lycopene)

Foods from plants/animals obtained by traditional practices but without a history of safe food use (e.g. Noni)

• Foods produced using new food processing methods (e.g. high pressure processing of fruit preparations) Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Keamanan Hasil Tek Baru ?? Re: Novel Food Regulation (EC) 258/97.

Evaluasi Keamanan Pangan : Kajian Risiko • Proses untuk menetapkan (i) peluang/kemungkinan dan (ii) tingkat keparahan terhadap kesehatan yang ditimbulkan oleh terpaparnya seseorang terhadap suatu jenis bahaya “baru” tertentu. • • • •

Identifikasi bahaya Karakterisasi bahaya Kajian paparan Karakterisasi Risiko

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Keamanan Hasil Tek Baru ?? Re: Novel Food Regulation (EC) 258/97.

Evaluasi Keamanan Pangan : Kajian Risiko  Ada bahaya bawaan pangan?, seberapa besar/konsentrasinya, penyakit apa yang ditimbulkan dsb?  Bagaimana sifat bahaya tersebut dipengaruhi

• • • •

Identifikasi bahaya Karakterisasi bahaya Kajian paparan Karakterisasi Risiko

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

oleh proses penyajian/pengolahan pangan, ketahanannya terhadap kondisi penyimpanan tertentu, kemudahan/kesulitan inaktivasinya/penghilangannya?  Seberapa banyak orang terpapar (dimakan terus menerus dalam jumlah besar atau jarang sekali dlm jumlah sedikit)  Hasil karakterisasi/Risk Estimate: ranking, jumlah penyakit yang ditimbulkan/100,000 orang, per 100,000 porsi, titik kritis dalam pengolahan pangan dsb? /seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Keamanan Hasil Tek Baru ?? Re: Novel Food Regulation (EC) 258/97.

Evaluasi Keamanan Pangan : Kajian Risiko  Ada bahaya bawaan pangan?, seberapa besar/konsentrasinya, penyakit apa yang ditimbulkan dsb?

 Bagaimana sifat bahaya tersebut

• • • •

Identifikasi bahaya Karakterisasi bahaya Kajian paparan Karakterisasi Risiko

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

dipengaruhi oleh proses penyajian/pengolahan pangan, ketahanannya terhadap kondisi penyimpanan tertentu, kemudahan/kesulitan inaktivasinya/penghilangannya?  Seberapa banyak orang terpapar (dimakan terus menerus dalam jumlah besar atau jarang sekali dlm jumlah sedikit)  Hasil karakterisasi/Risk Estimate: ranking, jumlah penyakit yang ditimbulkan/100,000 orang, per 100,000 porsi, titik kritis dalam pengolahan

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Keamanan Hasil Tek Baru ?? Re: Novel Food Regulation (EC) 258/97.

Evaluasi Keamanan Pangan : Kajian Risiko  Ada bahaya bawaan pangan?, seberapa

• • • •

Identifikasi bahaya Karakterisasi bahaya Kajian paparan Karakterisasi Risiko

besar/konsentrasinya, penyakit apa yang ditimbulkan dsb?  Bagaimana sifat bahaya tersebut dipengaruhi oleh proses penyajian/pengolahan pangan, ketahanannya terhadap kondisi penyimpanan tertentu, kemudahan/kesulitan inaktivasinya/penghilangannya?

 Seberapa banyak orang terpapar (dimakan terus menerus dalam jumlah besar atau jarang sekali dlm jumlah sedikit)?  Hasil karakterisasi/Risk Estimate: ranking, jumlah penyakit yang ditimbulkan/100,000 orang, per 100,000 porsi, titik kritis dalam pengolahan pangan dsb?

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Keamanan Hasil Tek Baru ?? Re: Novel Food Regulation (EC) 258/97.

Evaluasi Keamanan Pangan : Kajian Risiko  Ada bahaya bawaan pangan?, seberapa

• • • •

Identifikasi bahaya Karakterisasi bahaya Kajian paparan Karakterisasi Risiko

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

besar/konsentrasinya, penyakit apa yang ditimbulkan dsb?  Bagaimana sifat bahaya tersebut dipengaruhi oleh proses penyajian/pengolahan pangan, ketahanannya terhadap kondisi penyimpanan tertentu, kemudahan/kesulitan inaktivasinya/penghilangannya?  Seberapa banyak orang terpapar (dimakan terus menerus dalam jumlah besar atau jarang sekali dlm jumlah sedikit)

 Hasil karakterisasi/Risk Estimate: ranking, jumlah penyakit yang ditimbulkan/100,000 orang, per 100,000 porsi, titik kritis dalam pengolahan pangan dsb? /seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Keamanan Hasil Tek Baru ?? Re: Novel Food Regulation (EC) 258/97.

Evaluasi Keamanan Pangan : Kajian Risiko Karakterisasi Risiko/Risk estimatation:  Karakterisasi risiko atau estimasi risiko tidak menghasilkan informasi apakah suatu risiko bisa diterima atau tidak 

Keputusan mengenai akan menerima atau tidak menerima hasil hasil kajian risiko adalah keputusan masyarakat (stakeholders: pemerintah (politisi), konsumen, industri)  dalam bentuk manajemen risiko Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Teknologi Baru --- ekuivalensi

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Teknologi Baru --- ekuivalensi

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Teknologi Baru --- ekuivalensi

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Teknologi Baru --- ekuivalensi NACMCF definition of ‘pasteurization’ :. Any process, treatment, or combination thereof, that is applied to food to reduce the most resistant microorganism(s) of public health significance to a level that is not likely to present a public health risk under normal conditions of distribution and storage. NACMCF recommends that regulatory agencies establish a Food Safety Objective (FSO) and/or a performance standard for food/pathogen combinations that can be used as the basis for judging equivalency when a proposed process is evaluated as an alternative to traditional pasteurization. Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Teknologi Baru

--- ekuivalensi

NACMCF guidelines to developing a proposed pasteurization process: • Conduct a hazard analysis to identify the microorganism(s) of public health concern for the food. • Determine the most resistant pathogen of public health concern that is likely to survive the process. • Assess the level of inactivation needed. Ideally, this would involve determining the initial cell numbers and normal variation in concentration that occurs before pasteurization. • Consider the impact of the food matrix on pathogen survival. • Validate the efficacy of the pasteurization process. • Define the critical limits that need to be met during processing so that the food will meet the performance standard. • Define the specific equipment and operating parameters for the proposed pasteurization process  This may include developing specific Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) in addition to the HACCP system. Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Teknologi Baru

--- ekuivalensi

Scientific criteria to determine if a process is equivalent to pasteurization? = f (food-pathogen combinations). • • • • • • • •

Milk  6-log10 reduction of Coxiella burnetii Egg (liquid)  8.75-log10 reduction of Salmonella Egg (in-shell)  5-log reduction of Salmonella Beef (e.g., cooked beef, roast beef, cooked corn beef, and cooked poultry products)  6.5-log10 reduction of Salmonella Pultry  7-log10 reduction of Salmonella. Fishery products  6-log10 reduction of L. monocytogenes Crabmeat  based on shelf life extension and significantly exceeds a 12log10 reduction of type E non-proteolytic C. botulinum Juice  5-log10 reduction of the most resistant microorganism of public health significance Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Teknologi Baru

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

--- ekuivalensi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Teknologi Baru

--- ekuivalensi

Effect of pressure is very similar to the effect of temperature in thermal processes

Figure. Change in inactivation of Zygosaccharomyces bailii with pressure. Note that 345 MPa = 50,000 psi. (Enrique Palou, GRA, BSysE Dept., WSU) Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

• Teknologi Nano (Nanotechnology) :

• Mencakup disain, karakterisasi, produksi dan aplikasi suatu stuktur (bahan), alat atau sistem pada skala nano. • Mencakup kegiatan yang sangat luas lebih tepat disebut sebagai teknologi-teknologi nano ('nanotechnologies‘).

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

Terimakasih ... Purwiyatno Hariyadi: [email protected]

Purwiyatno Hariyadi

/dept itp, fateta, ipb

/seafast center, ipb

Email : [email protected]

Blog : phariyadi.staff.ipb.ac.id

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