Book Presentation Room - Taylor Carey

  • May 2020
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More details

  • Words: 239
  • Pages: 5
Room By: Emma Donoghue

About ●

The book room is a psychological novel which is divided into two parts, as the author describes life of the girl and her son.

The first part consists of it taking place in the kidnappers room and then the second part is about the release of the mom and her son Jack outside of Room, in the real world.

Main Argument ●

Gave inspiration of motherhood and showed how being a mother and possibly having your child's life on the line can change a lot how you view things.

Mostly all of the books details came from the authors son, she said the book was basically childs play.

Strategy ●

Gave a mood and tone of very dramatic details of the mom being abducted and the son living in room.

The point of view is third person narration where the narrator knows all of the characters thoughts and emotions. The author writes in a way where the narrator opens up how the plots are connected and shows how Jack and his Mom deal with certain situations.

Effects On The Reader & Purpose ●

Throughout the book after the end of a certain situation there would be a quote that would go along with what had just happened. Example: “Scared is what you're feeling. Brave is what you're doing.” This quote is from the preparations the mom is making for Jacks

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