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English For All Track 2

Lesson 1


Clay : Fred :

Hello! How are you? I am fine thanks. And you?

Clay : Fred :

All right. Are you late for class? No, I am not.

Clay : Fred :

Is your teacher in class now ? No, he is not.

Clay : Fred :

Where is he, then ? I think he is in his office.

Clay : Fred :

Is there much homework to do everyday ? Yes, there is.

Clay : Fred :

Is it difficult? Sometimes it is.

Clay : Fred :

Is your teacher very demanding ? Yes, he is.

Clay : Fred :

Are there many students in your class ? Yes, there are many students in my class.

Clay : Fred :

Are they intelligent ? Yes, they are.

Clay : Fred :

Is that your teacher ? Yes, it is.

Clay : Fred :

So it is time for you to get in. Yes, it is. Let me go now.

Clay : Fred :

So long, Fred. So long, Clay.

Página: 1

Lesson 1 Track 4


To be, was (were), been To do, did, done To get, got, gotten To study, studied, studied To think, thought, thought

Ser, estar Fazer Conseguir, pegar, etc. Estudar Pensar



OTHER WORDS Absent American And Brazilian Class Demanding Dialogue Difficult English Everyday Fine For Good He Hello His Homework How I In Intelligent It Late Lesson Many Map Much My Necessary No Not Now

Ausente Americano E Brasileiro Aula, classe. Exigente Diálogo Difícil Inglês Todo dia Bem Para Bom Ele Olá Seu Dever de casa Como Eu Em Inteligente Ele, ela (neutro) Atrasado Lição Muitos Mapa Muito Meu Necessário Não Não (advérbio) Agora Página: 2

Nurse Office Old One Picture Secretary She So Sometimes Student Teacher Thanks That Then There They This Time Very What Where Yes You Your

Enfermeira Escritório Velho Um, uma Pintura, fotografia, gravura Secretária Ela Então As vezes Estudante, aluno Professor Obrigado Aquilo, aquele Então Lá, ali Eles, elas Este, esta Tempo, hora, vez Muito O que, que Onde Sim Você, tu, vós, etc. Seu, teu, vosso, etc.

IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS All right Are there ? Is there ? It is time for Let me go now Of course So long There are There is

Tudo certo Há? (plural) Há? (singular) Está na hora de Deixe-me ir agora Naturalmente, é lógico, é claro Até logo Há (plural) Há (singular)

EASY WORDS RECOGNITION Volume Class American Brazilian Dialogue Difficult Intelligent Map Necessary Picture Secretary Student

Volume Classe, aula Americano Brasileiro Diálogo Difícil Inteligente Mapa Necessário Pintura, fotografia, gravura. Secretária Estudante, aluno Página: 3

Track 9


Lesson 1

Are you a teacher ?

No, I am not. I am a student.

Is this a picture ?

No, it’s not a picture.

What is it ?

It’s a map.

Is she a nurse ?

No, she is a secretary.

Am I a teacher ?

Yes, you are. You are a very good teacher.

Is he in class now ?

No, he is absent.

Are we Americans ?

No, we are not Americans. We are Brazilians.

Is it necessary to study English ?

Yes, of course it is.

Track 12


Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good night. Good bye. Come in. Come here. What is this ? This is a chair. What is that ? That is a blackboard. Is this a pen ? Yes, it is. Where is the book ? It is here. Where is the lamp ? It is there. The window is closed. The door is open. Look at the map !

Bom dia. Boa tarde. Boa noite (ao chegar). Boa noite (ao sair). Até logo. Entre. Venha cá. O que é isto? Isto é uma cadeira. O que é aquilo? Aquilo é um quadro negro. Isto é uma caneta? Sim, é. Onde esta o livro? Esta aqui. Onde esta a lâmpada? Esta lá. A janela está fechada. A porta está aberta. Olhe ( olhem ) o mapa !

Página: 4


Lesson 1


Eu Tu, você, o senhor, a senhora Ele ( pessoas do sexo masculino e animais de estimação ) Ela ( pessoas do sexo feminino e animais de estimação ) Ele, ela ( objetos e animais de um modo geral ) Nós Vós, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras Eles, elas ( pessoas, animais, coisas )

She It We You They

Verbo “ TO BE ” significa “ SER ” “ ESTAR” AFFIRMATIVE I am You are He is She is It is We are You are They are

Eu sou, estou Tu és, estas, etc. Ele é, está Ela é, está Ele, ela é, está Nós somos, estamos Vós sois, vocês são, etc. Eles, elas são, estão

NEGATIVE I am not You are not He is not She is not It is not We are not You are not They are not

INTERROGATIVE Am I ? Are you ? Is he ? Is she ? Is it ? Are we ? Are you ? Are they ?

EXEMPLOS : Paul is a student. Paul is not a student. Is Paul a student ?

The teachers are very busy today. The teachers are not very busy today. Are the teachers very busy today ?

Página: 5

Lesson 1


Em inglês, o sujeito não pode vir oculto. Se o verbo for impessoal, emprega-se “IT” como sujeito: Is it hot here ? Yes, it is. Is it cold today ? Yes, it is.

Está quente aqui? Sim, está. Está frio hoje? Sim, está.

Emprega-se “ NO ” em simples respostas ou como adjetivo ( nenhum ), e “ NOT ” como advérbio : Is the teacher here ? No, he is not.

O professor está aqui? Não, ele não está.

THERE IS - THERE ARE Em inglês, quando queremos indicar a existência de um certo objeto ou certos objetos, usamos a construção “ THERE IS ” ou “ THERE ARE ”. Portanto, ao invés de dizermos, “ A book is on the table ”, geralmente dizemos, “ THERE IS a book on the table ”. Usamos “ THERE IS ” para o singular, e usamos “ THERE ARE ” para o plural. A tradução dessas duas construções é : HÁ, EXISTE.

Página: 6

Lesson 1

EXERCISES 1) Conjugue o verbo “ to be ” nas formas : afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa. AFIRMATIVA



2) Complete com o verbo “ to be ” : ( AM, IS, ARE ) a) Paul

absent today.

b) Mary

a good student.

c) Paul and Bob d) We


e) This lesson f) I


very difficult.

a nurse.

g) You

a good teacher.

h) You


3) Passe para as formas a) interrogativa b) negativa as seguintes frases : 1) You are a teacher. a) b) 2) I am late for class. a) b) 3) Susan is intelligent. a) b) 4) He is absent for class today. a) b) Página: 7

Lesson 1 5) It is an old picture. a) b)

4) Preencha os espaços com “ There is ” ou “ There are ” : a) ________________ many students in class today . b) ________________ a pencil in the box. c) ________________ some apples in the basket. d) ________________ some maps in this drawer. e) ________________ much sugar in the coffee.

5) De respostas curtas as seguintes perguntas : a) afirmativa b) negativa 1) Are there many people on the streets ? a)


2) Is there a picture on the wall ? a)


3) Are you a farmer ? a)


4) Is this a pencil ? a)


5) Is it hot today ? a)

b) ____________________________

6) De respostas completas as seguintes perguntas : a) afirmativa

b) negativa

1) Is Paul late for dinner tonight ? a) b) 2) Is the secretary in the office now ? a) b) 3) Are there many American people in Brazil ? a) b) 4) Is there a blackboard in the classroom ? a) b)

Página: 8

Lesson 1 5) Are they late for work everyday ? a) b)

7) Numere a segunda coluna de forma adequada : 1) How are you ?


) Até logo

2) All right


) Como vai você ?

3) Homework


) Naturalmente, é claro, é lógico

4) Sometimes


) Deixe-me ir agora

5) Demanding


) Dever de casa

6) To get in


) As vezes

7) Let me go now


) Então

8) So


) Entrar

9) So long


) Tudo certo

10) Of course


) Exigente

11) Good bye


) Boa noite ( chegada )

12) Good afternoon


) Bom dia

13) Good evening


) Boa tarde

14) Good night


) Até logo

15) Good morning


) Boa noite ( despedida )

Página: 9

English For All Track 14

Lesson 2


Casper : Where do you work? Jeff : I work in an office. Casper : Where is it located? Jeff : It is located in a very tall building downtown. Casper : Is it far away from your home? Jeff : Not very much. Casper : What do you do there? Jeff : I do a lot of things. For instance, I receive visitors, sales representatives, and suppliers when the receptionist is absent. Casper : Do you work full time or part time ? Jeff : I work full time. Casper : Do you like your job ? Jeff : Yes. I think it is very pleasant. Casper : Are you a typist ? Jeff : Of course I am. Casper : What kind of typewriter do you use ? Jeff : I use an electric one. Casper : What else do you use in your office ? Jeff : I use a calculator, a ruler, a stapler, an eraser and so on. Casper : Is your job very diversified ? Jeff : Sure. As you can see, I do just about everything in the office. Casper : Do you have a good boss ? Jeff : I think he is very fair with all the employees. Casper : Jeff : Casper : Jeff : Casper : Jeff : Casper : Jeff :

You are lucky. Not very many people like what they do. I guess you are right. Many people don’t realize what their chores are. That’s right. By the way, do you work on Saturdays? No I don’t. I have Saturdays and Sundays off. Great ! You are invited to come over to my house next weekend. It is a pleasure for me. Have a nice day. Same to you.

Página: 10

Track 16


To guess, guessed, guessed To have, had, had To like, liked, liked To prefer, preferred, preferred To realize, realized, realized To receive, received, received To use, used, used To want, wanted, wanted To work, worked, worked

Supor, adivinhar Ter, possuir Gostar Preferir Perceber Receber Usar Querer Trabalhar

TWO WORD VERBS To come over

Vir para

OTHER WORDS A All Also An Apple Automobile Boss Bottle Building Calculator Correct Day Diversified Downtown Electric Else Employee Empty Eraser Everything Fair Fellow Friend Full Full time Great Home Honest

Um, uma Todos Também Um, uma Maçã Automóvel Patrão Garrafa Prédio Calculadora Correto, certo Dia Diversificado Centro da cidade Elétrico Mais Empregado Vazio Borracha de apagar Tudo Razoável Companheiro, amigo. Amigo Cheio Tempo integral Ótimo Lar, casa Honesto Página: 11

Lesson 2

Honor House Indeed Interesting Invited Job Just Kind Located Lucky Man Me Mine Next Nice Of Off On Or Orange Part People Person Pleasant Pleasure Receptionist Representative Right Ruler Sale Sale representative Same Saturday Stapler Sunday Supplier Sure Tall The Their Thing Two Typewriter Typist Visitor Weekend When Which

Honra Casa De fato Interessante Convidado Trabalho, emprego Apenas Tipo, espécie Situado Sortudo Homem Mim, me Meu, minha Próximo Bom, agradável De Fora, sem Sobre Ou Laranja Parte Gente, povo Pessoa Agradável Satisfação Recepcionista Representante Certo, correto, direito Régua Venda Representante de venda Mesmo Sábado Grampeador Domingo Fornecedor Certeza Alto O, a, os, as Seus, deles Coisa, objeto Dois Máquina de escrever Datilógrafo Visitante Final de semana Quando Que, o qual, cujo Página: 12

Who With

Quem Com

IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS A lot of And so on As you can see By the way Far away from Have a nice day Just about Same to you That’s right What else

Muito E assim por diante Como você pode ver A Propósito Longe de Um bom dia para você Quase O mesmo para você É isso mesmo O que mais

EASY WORDS RECOGNITION Automobile Calculator Diversified Electric Honest Honor Interesting Man Receptionist Representative Visitor

Automóvel Calculadora Diversificado Elétrico Honesto Honra Interessante Homem Recepcionista Representante Visitante

DECEIVERS To realize To accomplish

Perceber Realizar

Página: 13

Lesson 2


Track 22

What is that ?

That’s an empty bottle.

And what is this ?

It’s an automobile.

Is this your lesson ?

Yes, it is. It is an interesting lesson.

Is your teacher a good person ?

Yes, he is an honest man indeed.

Do you want an orange ?

No, I prefer an apple.

Who’s that fellow ?

It’s an old friend of mine.

Which is correct, “an honor” or “a honor” An honor, of course.

Track 25


Are you happy ? Yes, I’m happy. Is she sad ? No, she is not sad. Is he hungry ? Yes, he is hungry. Are we in a hurry ? No, we’re not in a hurry. Are you angry ? Yes, I’m angry. Are they busy ? No, they are not busy. Is it difficult ? Yes, it is very difficult. What’s news ? Nothing much. Give me a ring.

Você está alegre ( feliz ) ? Sim, eu estou ( sou ) alegre. Ela está triste ? Não, ela não está triste. Ele está com fome ? Sim, ele está com fome. Nós estamos apressados ? Não, nós não estamos apressados. Você está com raiva ? Sim, eu estou com raiva. Eles estão ocupados ? Não, eles não estão ocupados. É difícil ? Sim é muito difícil. Quais são as novas ? Nada de mais. Dê-me um telefonema.

Página: 14


Lesson 2



AN - Emprega-se o artigo indefinido “AN” antes de uma palavra que começa por vogal ou “h” mudo. A – Emprega-se o artigo indefinido “A” antes de uma palavra que começa por consoante ou vogal que não tem som de vogal.

Exp : A


A girl A house A boy

An elephant An orange An egg

As seguintes palavras não tem som de vogal: A ewer A university A European A one-legged man

Um jarro Uma universidade Um europeu Um homem com uma perna

Obs.: O que importa neste caso é o som da primeira letra que segue o artigo. Exp.: O “u” de “university” não tem som de vogal. Já o “u” de “umbrella” tem som de vogal. Daí : A university An umbrella

Antes das palavras “hundred”, “thousand”, “million”, “dozen”, “couple”, “great many”, etc.: He has a hundred sheep

Ele tem cem carneiros

Em frases referentes a tempo, peso e medida : Once a day Ninety reais a pound

Uma vez por dia Noventa reais por libra

O artigo indefinido geralmente precede o adjetivo qualificativo: I have a new house

Tenho uma casa nova

Em inglês não se repete o artigo para diferenciar os gêneros : We give him a ball, bicycle and dog.

Nós damos-lhe uma bola, uma bicicleta e um cachorro.

Quando, em português, há ênfase na palavra “um” traduz-se em inglês por “one”, e quando não houver ênfase, por “a” ou “an”. Há somente 4 palavras ( e seus derivados ) que começam por “h” mudo : Hour Honest

Hora Honesto

Honor Heir

Página: 15

Honra Herdeiro


Lesson 2

1) Complete com “a” ou “an” as seguintes frases : a ) It is .......... umbrella. b ) This is .......... table. c ) That is .......... interesting lesson. d ) It is .......... very tall building. e ) He is .......... good boss. f ) She is .......... European. g ) I have .......... old car. h ) It costs five dollars .......... pound. i ) He is .......... honest man. j ) He studies in .......... university.

2) Preencha os espaços com as seguintes expressões idiomáticas : as you can see - and so on - just about - far away from - a lot of a) I do .............................. everything in the office. b) I have .............................. friends in the U.S.A. c) .............................., this car is in good condition. d) I live .............................. my work. e) I use a pencil, an eraser, a calculator, a pen ..............................

3) Preencha os espaços com os seguintes verbos : to prefer to guess

to realize to be

to come over to work

to like to receive

a) .............................. my house sometime. b) Some people don’t .............................. how important religion .............................. c) Do you .............................. orange or apple ? d) I .............................. many people in my office. e) They .............................. full time. f) I .............................. they like the job.

Página: 16

Lesson 2 4) Numere a segunda coluna de maneira adequada : 1) Boss


) Bom, agradável

2) Correct


) Vazio

3) Nice


) Quem

4) Downtown


) Que, o qual, cujo

5) Empty


) Máquina de escrever

6) Fellow


) Tipo, espécie

7) Indeed


) Quando

8) Kind


) Centro da cidade

9) Typewriter


) Correto, certo

10) Weekend


) De fato

11) Which


) Com

12) Who


) Fim de semana

13) When


) Patrão

14) With


) Companheiro, amigo

15) Absent


) Ausente

Página: 17

English For All Track 27


Lesson 3

Carmen : What is this? Dick : It is my notebook. I do all my homework in it. Carmen : Please show me the homework for today. Dick : Sure. Here you are. Carmen : What are these circled numbers? Dick : They are the answers of the exercises. Carmen : But you don’t have all the answers in here. Dick : That’s right. Those exercises from book two are on this sheet. Carmen : What is that ? Is it the next semester book? Dick : No, it isn’t. It is a new book for my private library. Carmen : How good are those books you have at home? Dick : They are in very good shape. I read them frequently. They help me to improve my reading ability. Carmen : Do you buy used books? Dick : No, I don’t. I buy only new ones. Carmen : Why? Dick : Because they take longer to get old. Carmen : Is it true in all cases? Dick : No. It all depends on how you care for them. It also depends on the quality of the paper and the finishing. Carmen : Do you have many encyclopedias? Dick : No, I don’t. Carmen : Why ? Don’t you like encyclopedias? Dick : I don’t like encyclopedias because they are generally too superficial. Carmen : As far as I know you are a book lover. Am I right? Dick : Surely. Books turn me on.

Página: 18

Track 29


To buy, bought, bought To care, cared, cared To help, helped, helped To improve, improved, improved To know, knew, known To read, read, read To show, showed, shown To take, took, taken

Comprar Tratar, cuidar Socorrer, ajudar Melhorar, aperfeiçoar Conhecer, saber Ler Mostrar Levar, pegar, durar

TWO WORD VERBS To depend on To turn someone on

Depender de Criar interesse por

OTHER WORDS Ability Also Answer Because Book Box But Case Child Circled Easy Encyclopedia Exercise Fast Finishing Frequently From Generally Here Lady Library Longer New Notebook Number Only Paper Please Plural

Habilidade Também Resposta Porque Livro Caixa Mas Caso Criança Assinalado Fácil Enciclopédia Exercício Rápido Acabamento Frequentemente De Geralmente Aqui Senhora Biblioteca Mais longe Novo Caderno de exercício Número Somente Papel Por favor Plural Página: 19

Lesson 3

Private Quality Reading Semester Shape Sheet Superficial Surely These Those Three Today True Used Why ?

Privado, próprio Qualidade Leitura Semestre Forma Folha de papel Superficial Seguramente, certamente Estes Aqueles Três Hoje Verdadeiro Usado Por que ?

IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS As far as I know At home Book lover To get old

Que eu saiba, pelo que sei Em casa Apaixonado por livros Ficar velho

EASY WORDS RECOGNITION Ability Case Encyclopedia Exercise Frequently Number Plural Private Quality Semester Superficial Used

Habilidade Caso Enciclopédia Exercício Frequentemente Número Plural Privado, próprio Qualidade Semestre Superficial Usado

DECEIVERS Bookstore Library

Livraria Biblioteca

Página: 20

Track 35


What is the plural of child ?


This is a box for that lady.

These are boxes for those ladies.

That is an easy lesson.

Those are easy lessons.

This class is for the student.

These classes are for the students.

She is a fast typist.

They are fast typists.

You are a very good teacher.

You are very good teachers.


How are you ? How do you do ? Very well. Fine. I’m fine. I’m fine thank you. Very well thank you. Very well thanks. And you ? Speak slowly. Please, speak slowly. Pardon me ? Please repeat. Please speak more slowly. Thank you very much. Thanks a lot. You’re welcome. Not at all. Till tomorrow. Till Saturday. Till Thursday. See you later. See you next week.

Como vai você ? Muito bem. Bem. Eu vou bem. Muito bem, obrigado. Muito bem, obrigado. Muito bem, obrigado. E você ? Fale devagar. Fale devagar, por favor. Como ? Repita por favor. Fale mais devagar por favor. Muito obrigado. Muito obrigado. De nada ( seja bem-vindo ). De nada. Até amanhã. Até sábado. Até quinta-feira. Até mais tarde. Até a semana que vem.

Página: 21

Lesson 3

Lesson 3


1. Forma-se o plural da maioria dos substantivos em inglês, simplesmente acrescentando “s” ao singular: Ball








2. Palavras que terminam em “y”, precedido de consoante, troca-se por “i” e acrescenta-se “es” Secretary






3. Palavras que terminam em “s”, “ss”, “sh”, “ch”, “x”, “z” e “o”, acrescenta-se “es” : Boss














4. Palavras que terminam em “o” precedido de vogal acrescenta-se “s” : Studio




5. Alguns substantivos terminados em “f” ou “fe”, mudam esta terminação para “ves” : Thief








Página: 22

Lesson 3 Outros seguem a regra geral : Roof


Handkerchief Handkerchiefs 6. Os substantivos seguintes formam o plural irregularmente : Child




















7. Os seguintes substantivos servem tanto para o singular como para o plural : Deer






8. Os seguintes substantivos só existem no singular : Information News Knowledge 9. O substântivo “people” só existe no plural.

Página: 23

Lesson 3

EXERCISES 1) Forme o plural dos seguintes substantivos : ball


2) beach


3) tomato


4) dish


5) quality


6) figure


7) man


8) child


9) thief


10) knowledge ..............................

11) bamboo


12) deer


13) tooth


14) die


15) information ..............................

16) life


17) bus


18) minute


19) gentleman


20) mouse


21) sheep


22) news


23) student


24) day


25) foot


26) goose


27) wife


28) fish


29) secretary


30) studio


31) game


32) hour


33) boss


34) handkerchief ..............................

35) ox


36) woman


37) box


38) library


39) roof


40) quizz



4) Forme o plural das seguintes sentenças : a) The dog is very smart. ..................................................................................................................................... b) He paints the house. ..................................................................................................................................... c) The child does the homework. ..................................................................................................................................... d) I want fish for dinner. ..................................................................................................................................... Página: 24

Lesson 3 e) This is a new box. ..................................................................................................................................... f) That lady is in this class. ..................................................................................................................................... g) The policeman is a strong man. ..................................................................................................................................... h) The woman wears a nice dress. ..................................................................................................................................... i) I am a good soccer player. ..................................................................................................................................... j) A good soccer player makes much money. ..................................................................................................................................... k) The girl rides the bike. ..................................................................................................................................... l) The secretary is in the U.S.A. .....................................................................................................................................

5) Complete as sentenças com os seguintes verbos : to care to take

to improve to help

to turn someone on to depend on

to read to study

to know to show

a) As far as I know, Mary ................................... her sister to work everyday. b) Books ................................... longer to get old if you care for them. c) It ................................... the quality of the paper. d) She ................................... newspaper everyday. e) She ................................... her English knowledge when she ............................... hard. f)

If you ................................... something please tell me.

g) I need to ................................... these poor people. h) Helen ................................... for her toys. i)

Please ................................... me the homework for today.


Books ................................... Joe ................................... because he is a book lover.

Página: 25

Lesson 3 6) Numere a Segunda coluna de forma adequada : 1) Ability


) Resposta

2) Reading


) Porque

3) Private


) Novo

4) Answer


) Rápido

5) Lady


) Somente

6) Easy


) Por favor

7) Because


) Acabamento

8) Sheet


) Leitura

9) Please


) Privado, próprio

10) Frequently


) Folha de papel

11) Finishing


) Caderno

12) New


) Senhora

13) Notebook


) Freqüentemente

14) Fast


) Fácil

15) Only


) Habilidade

Página: 26

English For All Track 40


Lesson 4

Debora : Do you take any courses? Joe : Of course I do. In order to get a good job you generally need a good education. Debora : But the cost of education is so high nowadays! Joe : I agree. But it pays off. It is a rewarding investment. Debora : Does your sister take classes? Joe : Yes, she does. Debora : What does she take? Joe : She takes business administration in a large university. She also takes English in a very modern school. Debora : Does she like to study English? Joe : To tell you the truth, she doesn’t like it very much. Debora : Why does she study English, then? Joe : She studies English because she needs it. Debora : What does she think about the method and the teachers? Joe : She has no complaints whatsoever. Debora : What about her business administration course? Joe : She thinks it is interesting. Debora : Does she expect to find a good job after she graduates? Joe : Yes, she does. The expectation of a good job motivates her a lot. Debora : But there are a great deal of graduated people unemployed. How to explain her.. optimistic expectation? Joe : I think there are a large number of graduated people but very few of them are good professionals. Debora : In a nutshell, you admit there is much competition on the field. Joe : Certainly. But that is one of the reasons she studies English. She wants to differentiate herself from the others. Debora : She is a smart girl. I think she can beat her competitors. Joe : I think so, too. Debora : See you later. Joe : See you later.

Página: 27

Lesson 4 Track 42


To admit, admitted, admitted To agree, agreed, agreed To beat, beat, beaten To catch, caught, caught ( cold ) To differentiate, differentiated, differentiated To expect, expected, expected To explain, explained, explained To find, found, found To graduate, graduated, graduated To kiss, kissed, kissed To live, lived, lived To motivate, motivated, motivated To need, needed, needed To speak, spoke, spoken To tell, told, told

Admitir Concordar Bater, vencer Pegar, (gripe) e etc. Diferenciar-se, destacar-se Esperar Explicar Achar, encontrar Formar-se Beijar Viver, morar Motivar Precisar, necessitar Falar Dizer, contar



OTHER WORDS Administration Admission After Baby Business Business Administration Certainly Clock Competition Competitor Complaint Cost Course Deal Education Every Every day Every night Expectation Few

Administração Admissão Depois Bebe, nenê Negócio Administração de Empresas Certamente, obviamente Relógio de parede Competição, concorrência Competidor, concorrente Reclamação Custo Curso Negocio, Transação Educação, cultura Todo, toda Todo dia Toda noite Expectativa Pouco Página: 28

Five French Generally Girl Graduated Hard Her High Him Investment Large Method Modern Movie Night Nowadays Optimistic Party Precisely Really Rewarding São Paulo School Sister Smart Too Truth Unemployed University Whatsoever

Cinco Francês Geralmente Menina, garota Graduado, formado Árduo, arduamente, duro Dela Alto, elevado Dele Investimento, aplicação Grande Método Moderno Cinema Noite Hoje em dia Otimista Festa, comemoração Precisamente Realmente Compensador São Paulo Escola Irmã Inteligente Também Verdade Desempregado Universidade Nenhum, nenhuma

IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS A great deal of A lot of I think so In a nutshell In order to get Once in a while See you later To tell you the truth Very often What about

Grande quantidade de Muito Eu acho que sim Em poucas palavras Para se conseguir De vez em quando Até mais tarde Para lhe dizer a verdade Muito frequentemente E

Página: 29

EASY WORDS RECOGNITION Administration Admission Baby Certainly Competition Competitor Cost Education Employed Employee English Expectation Graduated Investment Method Modern Motivation Optimistic Precisely School University

Track 47

Lesson 4

Administração Admissão Bebe, nenê Certamente, obviamente Competição, concorrência Competidor, concorrente Custo Educação, cultura Empregado Empregado, funcionário Inglês Expectativa Graduado, formado Investimento, aplicação Método Moderno Motivação Otimista Precisamente Escola Universidade


Do you go to the movies everyday ?

No, I don’t. I go only on Saturdays.

Does your teacher live in São Paulo ?

Yes, he does. He lives in São Paulo.

Do your friends speak English ?

Yes, they speak English very well.

Does this clock work ?

Yes, it does. It works precisely.

Does Helen catch cold very often ?

No, she doesn’t. She catches cold once in a while.

Does Paul study French ?

Yes, he studies French. He likes it.

Do we go to a party frequently ?

Of course we do.

Does Nancy kiss her baby ?

Yes, she kisses him every night.

Do you think I work much ?

Yes, you really work hard. Página: 30

Lesson 4 Track 50


Do you speak English? No, I don’t speak English. Yes, I speak a little. I speak very little. Not much. I speak only Portuguese. Only a few words. Do you understand it? I don’t understand very well. Yes, I understand. Yes, I understand a little. Write it down, please. I read but I don’t speak. How do you write this word ? Wait a moment. I can understand you. Don’t forget. Sure ! See you soon. See you Monday.

Você fale inglês? Não, eu não falo inglês. Sim, eu falo um pouco. Eu falo muito pouco. Não muito. Eu falo apenas português. Apenas algumas palavras. Você entende? Eu não entendo muito bem. Sim, eu entendo. Sim, eu entendo um pouco. Escreva-o por favor. Eu leio mas não falo. Como se escreve esta palavra? Espere um pouco. Eu posso entender você. Não se esqueça. Pois não ! Vejo-o em breve. Vejo-o segunda-feira.

Página: 31


Lesson 4

Conjugação de um verbo fraco ( Regular ou Irregular ) 1. A grande maioria dos verbos fracos recebem “s” nas terceiras pessoas do singular : “he”, “she”, “it”.

I see the picture. He sees the calendar.

Eu vejo o quadro. Ele vê o calendário.

2. Os verbos que terminam em “s”, “ss”, “sh”, “ch”, recebem “es” para as mesmas pessoas acima mencionadas ( he, she, it ).

You teach English. She teaches English.

Você ensina inglês. Ela ensina inglês.

3. Quando os verbos terminam em “y” precedido de consoante, troca-se o “y” por “i” e acrescenta-se “es” :

They study French. He studies French.

Eles, elas estudam francês. Ele estuda francês.

Obs.: Essas regras empregam-se, exclusivamente, nas terceiras pessoas do singular, forma afirmativa do presente do indicativo.

Ex.: TO LIVE – Viver, morar “present tense” AFFIRMATIVE I live You live He lives She lives It lives We live You live They live

Eu moro Tu moras; você, o sr., a sra. Mora Ele mora Ela mora Ela, ela mora ( animais ) Nós moramos Vós morais, vocês, os srs., as sras. Moram Eles, elas moram ( pessoas ou animais )

Quase todos os verbos em inglês são fracos. Portanto precisam de auxiliar “to do”, para se formar a interrogativa e a negativa no presente e passado simples. Este verbo como auxiliar não tem tradução. INTERROGATIVE NEGATIVE Do I live ? Do you live ? Does he live ? Does she live ? Does it live ? Do we live ? Do you live ? Do they live ?

I don’t live. You don’t live. He doesn’t live. She doesn’t live. It doesn’t live. We don’t live. You don’t live. They don’t live.

Página: 32


Lesson 4

1) Escreva os seguintes verbos na terceira pessoa do singular : 1)

To admit ..............................


To agree ..............................


To beat ..............................


To catch ..............................


To differentiate ..............................


To expect ..............................


To explain ..............................


To find ..............................


To graduate ..............................

10 )

To kiss ..............................

11 ) To live ..............................

12 )

To motivate ..............................

13 ) To need ..............................

14 )

To speak ..............................

15 ) To tell ..............................

16 )

To teach ..............................

17 ) To study ..............................

18 )

To guess ..............................

19 ) To do ..............................

20 )

To have ..............................

6) Coloque a forma apropriada de cada verbo nos espaços abaixo : to be to agree to graduate

to have to think to study

to need to catch to do

to go to differentiate

a) Every time she ............................. to the swimming pool she ............................ a cold. b) I ............................. that it ............................. a rewarding investment. c) Why ............................. she study English ? d) She ............................. English because she ............................. it. e) He ............................. there are a large number of graduated people. f) She ............................. a smart girl. g) He ............................. himself from the others. h) Paul ............................. next year in Economics. i) She ............................. two children. j) We ............................. to the beach once in a while.

Página: 33

Lesson 4 7) Passe para as formas : a) negativa; b) interrogativa. 1) Mary likes to go to the movies. a) .............................................................................................................................. b) .............................................................................................................................. 2) I understand English and Portuguese. a) .............................................................................................................................. b) .............................................................................................................................. 3) She thinks it is interesting. a) .............................................................................................................................. b) .............................................................................................................................. 4) Paul studies Business Administration in a large university. a) .............................................................................................................................. b) .............................................................................................................................. 5) We like the method and the teachers of our school. a) .............................................................................................................................. b) .............................................................................................................................. 6) They have reasons to study a foreign language. a) .............................................................................................................................. b) .............................................................................................................................. 7) Sally is a smart girl. a) .............................................................................................................................. b) .............................................................................................................................. 8) There is much work to do today. a) .............................................................................................................................. b) .............................................................................................................................. 9) The boss is very fair with the employees. a) .............................................................................................................................. b) .............................................................................................................................. 10) Many people play soccer for fun. a) .............................................................................................................................. b) ..............................................................................................................................

Página: 34

Lesson 4 4) Numere a segunda coluna de forma adequada : 1) To beat


) Depois

2) Everyday


) Menina

3) High


) Cinema

4) Girl


) Bater, vencer

5) Sister


) Árduo, duro

6) Movie


) Festa

7) To pay off


) Todo dia

8) Nowadays


) Certamente, obviamente

9) Hard


) Irmã

10) After


) Hoje em dia

11) Party


) Alto, elevado

12) Certainly


) Compensar

13) Smart


) Verdade

14) Truth


) De nenhuma maneira

15) Whatsoever


) Inteligente

Página: 35

English For All Track 52


Lesson 5

Teresa : Is it possible to live without numbers in our society nowadays? Ted : I don’t think so. Just about everything we think of, includes numbers. In many cases, numbers are even more important than names. For instance, computers use numbers more efficiently than anything else. Teresa : Is it a good idea to learn the numbers very well, then? Ted : Of course. They are definitely part of our lives. Teresa : Can we see some examples where we can use numbers? Ted : Certainly. Let’s start right now. How old are you? Teresa : I am twenty-three years old. Ted : How often do you visit your relatives? Teresa : I visit them three times a year. Ted : How tall are you? Teresa : I am 1.6 meters tall. Ted : How much do you weigh? Teresa : I weigh 54 kilos. Ted : How far is São Paulo from Rio de Janeiro? Teresa : It is about 400 kilometers. Ted : What time do you go to school? Teresa : I go to school at 7:30 A.M. In fact, there are a lot of applications for numbers. Can you give another important application for them? Ted : Sure. You only pass to the next level with a grade of 8.0 or above. Teresa : Don’t remind me about that, please. Ted : Well, I don’t want you to fail. That’s all.

Página: 36

Track 54


To count, counted, counted To fail, failed, failed To give, gave, given To include, included, included To learn, learned, learned To pass, passed, passed To remind, reminded, reminded To see, saw, seen To visit, visited, visited

Contar Fracassar, reprovar Dar Incluir Aprender Passar Lembrar Ver Visitar

TWO WORD VERBS To think of


OTHER WORDS Above Always Another Anything Application At Computer Definitely Dozen Efficiently Even Example Fact Grade Hundred Idea Important Kilogram Kilometer Let’s Level Life Math Mathematics More Name Our Plus Possible

Acima, em cima Sempre Um mais, outro Qualquer coisa, alguma coisa Aplicação Em, para Computador Definitivamente Dúzia Eficientemente Até, mesmo Exemplo Fato Nota Cem, cento Idéia Importante Quilo Quilometro Vamos Estágio, nível Vida Matemática Matemática Mais Nome Nosso Mais, adição Possível Página: 37

Lesson 5

Relatives Second Six Society Some Than Them Thirty Twenty-three Well Without Year

Familiares Segundo Seis Sociedade Algum, alguma, alguns, algumas Do que Deles Trinta Vinte e três Bem Sem Ano

IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS About half a dozen Come on For instance How far How often How old are you ? How tall are you ? I am 1.6 meters tall. I am twenty-three years old. I don’t think so. In fact. Just a second. Let me see. Right now. That’s all. Three times four.

Uma dúzia aproximadamente Vamos Por exemplo A que distância Com que freqüência Que idade você tem ? Que altura você tem ? Eu tenho um metro e sessenta. Eu tenho vinte e três anos. Eu acho que não. De fato. Um segundo. Deixe-me ver. Imediatamente. É só isso. Três vezes quatro – 3 x 4

EASY WORDS RECOGNITION Application Computer Definitely Efficiently Example Fact Idea Important Kilogram Kilometer Mathematics Possible Second

Aplicação Computador Definitivamente Eficientemente Exemplo Fato Idéia Importante Quilo Quilometro Matemática Possível Segundo

Página: 38

Track 59


Lesson 5

Are you good in mathematics ?

Yes, I am. I always get good grades in math.

So, how much is seven plus eight ?

That’s very easy. It’s fifteen.

So, tell me how much thirteen plus seventeen is.

It’s thirty.

Now how much is three times four ?

Let me see... It’s twelve.

And five times seven ?

Well, just a second. It’s thirty-five.

Can you count up to a hundred ?

Surely I can. One, two, three, four, five, ...

Oh ! Come on ! It’s O.K. How many math books do you have ?

About half a dozen.

Track 62


It’s time to do it. It’s time to leave. It’s time to go home. I have time. I have enough time. I don’t have time. I have no time. How long do you intend to stay here ? Give him time to do it. Just give me enough time to get dressed. She comes from time to time.

É hora de fazê-lo ( fazer isso ). É hora de partir ( ir embora ). É hora de ir para casa. Eu tenho tempo. Eu tenho tempo suficiente. Eu não tenho tempo. Eu não tenho tempo algum. Quanto tempo você pretende ficar aqui ? Dê-lhe tempo para fazê-lo. Dê-me apenas tempo suficiente para me vestir. Ela vem de vez em quando.

Página: 39


Lesson 5

NUMBERS : Numerais cardinais em algarismos arábicos e seus respectivos nome em inglês :

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 30 31 32 40 41 42 50

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two thirty thirty-one thirty-two forty forty-one forty-two fifty

51 52 60 61 62 70 71 72 80 81 82 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 200 300 900 1,000 1,000,000 2,000,000

fifty-one fifty-two sixty sixty-one sixty-two seventy seventy-one seventy-two eighty eighty-one eighty-two ninety ninety-one ninety-two ninety-three ninety-four ninety-five ninety-six ninety-seven ninety-eight ninety-nine one hundred one hundred and one two hundred three hundred nine hundred one thousand one million two million

Em datas é muito comum dividir os números de quatro algarismos, em casas de dois. Lê-se, no entanto, como sendo duas dezenas. O mesmo geralmente ocorre também com os preços.

Exemplo : 1984 – nineteen eighty-four 1822 – eighteen twenty-two 1900 – nineteen hundred R$ 1,560.00 – fifteen hundred and sixty reais R$ 2,800.00 – twenty-eight hundred reais

Obs. :

1 – As palavras “hundred”, “thousand”, “million”, não variam no plural, a menos que indiquem grande quantidade e indefinida : -

There will be thousands of students in Jotema. Haverá milhares de alunos na Jotema.


I have hundreds of books in my house. Tenho centenas de livros em minha casa.

Página: 40

2 – A partir de “twenty-one” a “ninety-nine”, os números apresentam-se em dois algarismos ligados por “hífen”; exceto as dezenas iguais como : “twenty”, “thirty”, etc. 3 – Entre 13 e 19 os números terminam em “teen”. Um adolescente nessa faixa etária é chamado de “teenager”. 4 – É comum ler-se o dígito 0 ( zero ) com som de “oh” ( o mesmo som da letra “o” em inglês ). Exemplo : 201-8402 lê-se: two, oh, one, eight, four, oh, two. 205-8005 lê-se: two, oh, five, eight, oh, oh, five. Mas : 208-7000 lê-se: two, oh, eight, seven thousand.

Página: 41

EXERCISES 1) Escreva por extenso os seguintes números : 0 .......................................................



1 .......................................................



5 .......................................................



10 .......................................................



14 .......................................................



20 .......................................................



22 .......................................................



30 .......................................................



36 .......................................................



40 .......................................................



47 .......................................................



50 .......................................................



51 .......................................................



101 .......................................................................................................................... 152


1,000 ....................................................................................................................... 1,001 ..................................................................................................................... .. 3,450 ....................................................................................................................... 7,324 ..................................................................................................................... .. 9,231 ....................................................................................................................... 1,000,000 ................................................................................................................ 2,000,000 ............................................................................................................... 3,950,542 ...............................................................................................................

Página: 42

Lesson 5

8) Escreva por extenso os seguintes preços :

Lesson 5

U$ 200.00........................................................................................................... U$ 2,250.00.................................................................................................................. U$ 1,460.00.................................................................................................................. U$ 3,000.00.................................................................................................................. U$ 5,650.00..................................................................................................................

9) Escreva os seguintes números de duas maneiras : a) .....................................................................................................................................................

1914 b) ............................................................................................................................ a) ............................................................................................................................ 1984 b) ............................................................................................................................ a) ............................................................................................................................ 1822 b) ............................................................................................................................ a) ............................................................................................................................ 1583 b) ............................................................................................................................ a) ............................................................................................................................ 1900 b) ............................................................................................................................

4) Escreva por extenso os seguintes números de telefone : 421-6620










5) Escreva três sentenças usando as seguintes palavras : a) hundred 1) ............................................................................................................................ 2) ............................................................................................................................ 3) ............................................................................................................................ b) thousand 1) ............................................................................................................................ 2) ............................................................................................................................ 3) ............................................................................................................................ Página: 43

Lesson 5 c) million 1) ............................................................................................................................ 2) ............................................................................................................................ 3) ............................................................................................................................

6) Numere a segunda coluna de forma adequada . : 1) To count


) Pensar

2) Always


) Lembrar

3) Grade


) Vida

4) Some


) Mais

5) Without


) Familiares

6) Thirty


) Ano

7) To remind


) Vamos

8) Relatives


) De fato

9) Year


) Imediatamente

10) Right now


) Nota

11) To think of


) Trinta

12) Life


) Algum, alguns

13) Come on


) Sempre

14) More


) Contar

15) In fact


) Sem

Página: 44

English For All Track 2


Lesson 6

Yvonne : How many soccer players are there on a team ? Tom : There are eleven soccer players on a soccer team. In other words, eleven players are the maximum that a team can have in the soccer field. Yvonne : How much time does a regular game take ? Tom : It takes 90 minutes divided into two parts of 45 minutes each. There is also 15 minutes break between the two parts. Yvonne : How much do the tickets cost? Tom : There are a variety of prices. But I don’t know the cost of them now. Yvonne : Where is the largest stadium in the world? Tom : It is in Rio de Janeiro. It is called Maracanã. Yvonne : How many people can it hold there? Tom : It holds about 150,000 people. Yvonne : How much does the ball weigh? Tom : The official ball weighs about a pound. Yvonne : How much money can a good soccer player make ? Tom : A good soccer player can make a lot of money yearly. Yvonne : How many professional players are there in Brazil ? Tom : I don’t know the exact figure but I think there are thousands of them. In addition, I guess half of the Brazilian population play as amateurs. Yvonne : Why is it so? Tom : Many people play it for fun. But I think a lot of young people want to get into this.highly rewarding profession. Yvonne : Do you know the soccer rules? Tom : Yes, I do. Yvonne : Do the referees know them well? Tom : They have to. Yvonne : Why are they so criticized? Tom : Many times people have no reason to criticize them, but they do it anyway especially when their team loses.

Página: 45

Track 4


Lesson 6

VERBS To call, called, called To cost, cost, cost To divide, divided, divided To hold, held, held To lose, lost, lost To play, played, played To weigh, weighed, weighed To criticize, criticized, criticized

Chamar Custar Dividir Caber, acomodar Perder Jogar Pesar Criticar

TWO WORD VERBS To get into To have to

Ingressar, entrar Ter que

OTHER WORDS About Amateur Anyway Ball Between Brazil Break Called Can Criticized Divided Each Eleven Especially Exact Field Figure Forty-five Four Fun Game Half Hell Highly Into Largest Many times Maximum Minute

Sobre, aproximadamente Amador De qualquer maneira, de qualquer forma Bola Entre Brasil Intervalo Chamado, denominado Poder Criticado Dividido Cada Onze Especialmente, particularmente Exato Campo ( de esportes ) Figura, número Quarenta e cinco Quatro Divertido, diversão Jogo Meio, metade Inferno Altamente Em, dentro O maior Muitas vezes Máximo Minuto Página: 46

Money Ninety Official Player Population Pound Price Profession Professional Reason Referee Regular Rule Soccer Stadium Team Thousand Thousands Ticket Variety Yearly Young

Dinheiro Noventa Oficial Jogador População, povo Medida de peso de 453.6 gramas Preço Profissão Profissional Razão, motivo Juiz Regular, Normal Regra Futebol Estádio Time Mil, milhar Milhares Ingresso, bilhete, “ticket” Variedade Anualmente Jovem

IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS A hell of a lot of At the same time How many How much In addition In other words To make money Why is it so ?

Quantia exagerada Ao mesmo tempo Quantos Quanto Além disso Em outras palavras Ganhar dinheiro Como assim ?

EASY WORDS RECOGNITION Regular Amateur Ball Brazil Criticized Divided Exact Maximum Minute Official Population Profession Professional

Regular, normal Amador Bola Brasil Criticado Dividido Exato Máximo Minuto Oficial População, povo Profissão Profissional Página: 47

Reason Stadium Ticket Variety

Razão, motivo Estádio Ingresso, bilhete, “ticket” Variedade

DECEIVERS Football Soccer Team Time

Futebol americano Futebol Time Tempo, hora, vez

Track 10


How much time do you spend on your English every day ?

I spend three hours.

How many friends does she have in this school ?

She has a lot of friends.

How much sugar do you want ?

Not much.

Is there much milk in this pitcher ?

Yes, there is a lot of milk in it.

How many times does he go to the beach ?

He goes every Sunday.

How much money does she spend every month ?

She spends a lot of money every month.

Are there many students absent from class today ?

Yes, there are.

How much money is there in the bank ? I don’t know but I think there are billions of ……………………………………………...cruzeiros.

Track 13


How much does it cost ? How many of them do you have ? How much a dozen ? How many teachers are there in Jotema ? How much for everything ? How many are left ? How much money do you make ? How much money do you have ? How many men work here ? How much is it ? How far is São Paulo from here ? How long does it take to get there ? How much coffee do you like ? How many cups of coffee do you like ?

Quanto custa ( isto ) ? Quantos deles você tem ? Quanto por dúzia ? Quantos professores há na Jotema ? Quanto é tudo ? Quantos restam ? Quanto você ganha ? Quanto dinheiro você tem ? Quantos homens trabalham aqui ? Quanto é ( isto ) ? Qual é a distância daqui para São Paulo ? Quanto tempo leva para chegar lá ? Quanto café você deseja ? Quantas xícaras de café você deseja ? Página: 48


Lesson 6

Much, Many : Much – muito, muita Many – muitos, muitas Em inglês usamos “much” apenas no singular, particularmente para quantidades indefinidas ou que não podem ser contadas :

Much food Much sugar Much rain Much coffee

Muita comida Muito açúcar Muita chuva Muito café

Usamos “many” para o plural ou quantidades definidas e que podem ser contadas :

Many strawberries Many nuts Many coconuts

Muitos morangos Muitas nozes Muitos cocos ( da Bahia )

“Much” e “Many” são combinados com “how” para formar as expressões interrogativas “how much” e “how many” :

How many – quantos, quantas How much – quanto, quanta How many airports are there in Brazil ? Quantos aeroportos há no Brasil ? How much milk does he drink every day ? Quanto leite ele bebe todo dia ? “A lot of” é uma expressão que equivale tanto a “much” quanto “many” : There is a lot of dust on this desk. Há muita poeira nesta carteira. There are a lot of students in Jotema. Há muitos alunos na Jotema.


Isto, este, esta


Isso, esse, essa, aquilo, aquele, aquela


– para indicar um objeto perto de nós.


– para indicar alguma coisa a distância.

Exemplo :

This pen in my hand is old. Esta caneta na minha mão é velha. That book over there is mine. Aquele livro ali é meu. Página: 49

Lesson 6 SINGULAR PLURAL This That

These Those

Exemplo :

These pens in my hand are old. Those books over there are mine.

EXERCISES 1) Complete com “this” ou “these” : a) b) c) d) e) f)

.................... books I have are in good shape. I have .................... exercises in my notebook. ..................... pencil over here is very expensive. .................... glasses are new. .................... lesson is very easy. .................... bike is very cheap.

Complete com “that” ou “those” : a) b) c) d) e) f)

..................... is an official ball. .................... men near .................... wall are rich. She has many things in .................... bag. Don’t remind me about .................... test, please. .................... dogs have no owners. .................... papers bring interesting news.

Complete com “many” ou “much” : There are .................... flowers in this garden. There is .................... water in the river. c) Don’t put .................... coffee in my cup. d) I drink .................... cups of coffee every day. She goes .................... times to the zoo. There are .................... large factories in Guarulhos. There is .................... snow on the ground. There are .................... high mountains in this country. There isn’t .................... oil in Brazil. Nancy makes .................... mistakes in spelling. There is .................... punch in this pitcher. Vincent smokes .................... cigarettes.

4) Copie as frases (a, b, c, d, e, f ) do exercício anterior usando “a lot of”: a) ................................................................................................................................. b) ................................................................................................................................. c) ................................................................................................................................. d) ................................................................................................................................. e) ................................................................................................................................. f)

................................................................................................................................. Página: 50

Lesson 6 5) Complete com verbos ou expressões idiomáticas : at the same time to have to

to get into a hell of a lot of

in other words

a) I don’t understand you, please say it ........................................ b) Some soccer players make ........................................ money yearly. c) A lot of young people want ....................................... this highly rewarding profession. d) The referees ........................................ know the soccer rules very well. e) Eleven players are the maximum that a team can have in the field playing ........................................

6) Numere a segunda coluna de forma adequada : 1) About


) Altamente

2) Field


) Jovem

3) The largest


) Uma medida de peso

4) Highly


) Jogo

5) Soccer


) Campo

6) Young


) Juiz ( de esportes )

7) Thousands


) Meio, metade

8) Referee


) Intervalo

9) Price


) De qualquer maneira, de qualquer forma

10) Pound


) Entre

11) Half


) O maior

12) Game


) Preço

13) Break


) Milhares

14) Between


) Futebol

15) Anyway


) Sobre, aproximadamente

Página: 51

English For All Track 15


Lesson 7

Kim Mike

: Do you usually go on vacation every year ? : Yes, I generally take my vacations in the summer.

Kim Mike

: Where do you go ? : I go to the beach. I always have a wonderful time at the beach.

Kim Mike

: How long does it take to get there ? : It takes about two hours by car.

Kim Mike

: What activities do you have there ? : I jog in the morning. I go fishing once in a while. I ride my bike and of course, I enjoy swimming against the waves.

Kim Mike

: What time do you jog ? : I jog before 8:00 o’clock A.M.

Kim Mike

: Are there beautiful places to see ? : Yes, there are very interesting sights.

Kim Mike

: What about the beaches ? Are they always crowded ? : They are crowded most of the time.

Kim Mike Kim Mike Kim Mike

: : : : : :

Kim Mike

: :

Kim Mike Kim Mike Kim Mike Kim Mike

: : : : : : : :

Kim Mike

: So you still have quite a bit of time to stay at the beach. : Sure. And I intend to continue having a wonderful time.

Do you have a motor boat ? No, I don’t. I have a sail boat. I also have a surf board. Do you go fishing in the deep sea ? I rarely go. When I go I usually get sea sick. Do you like sea food ? I like sea food very much. I love shrimps, crabs, lobsters and so on. I like to eat them with a cold beer or with “caipirinha”. Where do you go at night ? I frequently go to the bar. I meet very nice young people every night. I rarely go to the movies when I am at the beach. What time do you come back ? I come back before midnight. How long do you usually stay at the beach ? I often stay there for a month. Which month do you prefer January or February ? I prefer February. When does your vacation finish ? It doesn’t finish before March 3rd.

Página: 52

Track 17


To begin, began, begun To continue, continued, continued To eat, ate, eaten To enjoy, enjoyed, enjoyed To finish, finished, finished To fish, fished, fished To intend, intended, intended To jog, jogged, jogged To love, loved, loved To meet, met, met To ride, rode, ridden To stay, stayed, stayed To swim, swam, swum

Começar, iniciar Continuar Comer Gostar, desfrutar Terminar, acabar Pescar Pretender Correr Amar, gostar Encontrar, conhecer Andar de Ficar Nadar

TWO WORD VERBS To come back To get up

Voltar, regressar Levantar-se

OTHER WORDS Activity Against Bar Beach Beautiful Beer Before Bike Board Boat By Car Cold Crab Crowded Deep Every morning February Food January Lobster Long March Meeting Month Morning

Atividade Contra Bar, barra Praia Bonito Cerveja Antes Bicicleta Prancha Barco De, por Carro Frio, gelado Siri, caranguejo Lotado, cheio Profundo, fundo Toda manhã Fevereiro Comida Janeiro Lagosta Longo, comprido Março Reunião, encontro Mês Manhã Página: 53

Lesson 7

Most Motor boat Often Once Place Quarter Rarely Sail Sail boat Sea Sea food Sea sick Seven Shrimp Sick Sight Still Summer Surf board Third Usually Vacation Wave When While Wonderful

O melhor Barco a motor Geralmente Uma vez Lugar Quarto Raramente Vela Barco a vela Mar Frutos do mar Enjoado Sete Camarão Doente Vista, panorama Firme, ainda Verão Prancha de “surf” Terceiro Usualmente Férias Onda Quando Enquanto Maravilhoso

IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS At night By car How long It is ten past three. On vacation Quite a bit What time What time is it ?

De noite, a noite De carro Quanto tempo São três e des. De férias, em férias Muito Que horas Que horas são ?

EASY WORDS RECOGNITION Activity Bar Bicycle February Generally January March Morning Motor Rarely

Atividade Bar, barra Bicicleta Fevereiro Geralmente Janeiro Março Manhã Motor Raramente Página: 54

“Surf” Continuar Preferir Usualmente

Surf To continue To prefer Usually

DECEIVERS To intend To pretend

Pretender Fingir

Track 23


What time do you get up every morning ?

I get up at six o’clock.

What time is it ?

It’s ten past three.

What time does your class begin ?

It begins at seven thirty.

What time is the show ?

At fifteen to ten A.M.

What time is the meeting ?

The meeting is at seven forty-five.

What time do you go to school ?

I go to school at half past six A.M.

And what time do you come back ?

I come back at a quarter to six P.M.

Track 26


It’s one o’clock. It’s eleven o’clock. It’s noon. It’s midnight. It’s two fifteen. It’s a quarter after four. It’s three forty-five. It’s about five. It’s five past twelve. It’s half past six. It’s only ten thirty. It’s almost nine. It’s one o’clock in the morning. Come between seven and eight. The train leaves at nine forty.

É uma hora. São onze horas. É meio dia. É meia noite. São duas e quinze. São quatro e quinze. São três e quarenta e cinco. São mais ou menos cinco. São doze e cinco. São seis e meia. São apenas dez e meia. São quase nove. É uma hora da manhã. Venha entre sete e oito. O trem parte as nove e quarenta.

Página: 55


Lesson 7

What time is it ? Existem uma variedade de possíveis respostas para esta pergunta. 1 – Para horas exatas : 5:00 It is five o’clock. It is five. It is five o’clock sharp. It is five on the dot. 12:00 It is twelve o’clock. It is twelve. It is twelve sharp. It is twelve on the dot. It is noon. It is midday ( meio dia ). It is midnight ( meia noite ). 17:00 It is five o’clock. It is five. It is five o’clock sharp. It is five on the dot. AM. ou a.m. – Ante meridian : acompanha a informação de horas quando for na parte da manhã ( da meia noite até o meio dia ). PM. ou p.m. – Post meridian : é usado para dar informação de horas quando se trata do período da tarde ou da noite ( do meio dia a meia noite ). Assim quando dizemos 17:00 horas em português, em inglês se usa “five o’clock PM”. 2 – Quando se tratar de 1 a 29 minutos depois da hora exata : 10:05 It’s five minutes past ten. It’s five past ten. It’s five minutes after ten. It’s five after ten. It’s ten “oh” five. 3 – Para períodos de 15 minutos após a hora exata : 10:15 It’s a quarter past ten. It’s fifteen after ten. It’s ten fifteen. It’s a quarter after ten. 4 – Quando se tratar de meia hora : 10:30 -

It is thirty minutes after ten. Página: 56

It is half past ten. It is ten thirty.

Lesson 7

5 – Quando faltar de 29 a 1 minuto para a próxima hora exata : 10:35 It is twenty-five minutes to eleven. It is ten thirty-five. It is twenty-five to eleven. 6 – Quando faltar 15 minutos para a próxima hora exata : 10:45 It is a quarter to eleven. It is fifteen to eleven. It is ten forty-five.

EXERCISES 1) Passe para o inglês as seguintes horas usando todas as possíveis formas, inclusive com “A.M.” e “P.M.” conforme o caso: 6:00................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................ .............................................................................................................................

7:15................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. 4:30................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. 2:20................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. 12:00................................................................................................................................ .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. 1:45................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................. Página: 57


Lesson 7 10:05................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................

8:50................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. 15:45................................................................................................................................ .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. 20:30................................................................................................................................ .............................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................

2) Preencha os espaços com a forma verbal adequada : to intend to begin

to swim to eat

to fish to do

to like to meet

to ride to jog

a) I ............................... to go to a party tonight. b) She ............................... to eat sea food. c) It ............................... to get dark around 6 o’clock P.M. d) He ............................... the same things over and over. e) Lucy ............................... without floats. f) Howard always ............................... with new books. g) He ............................... a bicycle in the park every afternoon. h) Do you ............................... in the restaurant every Sunday ? i) I ............................... many people at the beach. j) Does Debora ............................... to stay at the beach. k) Helen usually ............................... in the morning. Página: 58

Lesson 7 3).Preencha os espaços com as seguintes expressões idiomáticas ou com os verbos preposicionados : to come back by car

on vacation at night

quite a bit to get up

a) She ............................... at six o’clock every morning. b) Paul ............................... from work at 5:30 in the afternoon. c) It takes three hours ............................... d) I am ............................... now. e) I still have ............................... of time. f) I like to go to the bar ...............................

4) Numere a segunda coluna de maneira adequada : 1) Cold


) Cerveja

2) Food


) Geralmente

3) Meeting


) Férias

4) Beach


) Antes

5) Place


) Barco

6) Sight


) Contra

7) Crowded


) Profundo, fundo

8) Often


) Lugar

9) Vacation


) Lotado, cheio

10) Against


) Vista, panorama

11) Beer


) Reunião, encontro

12) Boat


) Comida

13) Deep


) Prancha

14) Before


) Frio

15) Board


) Praia

Página: 59

English For All Track 28


Lesson 8

Jane Sir

: Excuse me, Sir. Can you do me a favor ? : Sure. What can I do for you ?

Jane Sir

: I want to buy some medicine but I don’t know where I can find a drugstore. My son is sick. : No problem. There are about half a dozen of them around here.

Jane Sir

: Since I am in a hurry I want to get there as quickly as possible. : The closest one is about one kilometer from here.

Jane Sir

: Can you tell me how to get there ? : Of course. Take that street and turn left on the fourth traffic light. Go straight ahead till you find a tall building on your right. There is a pharmacy on the sixth floor.

Jane Sir

: Is there a doctor, too ? : There is a doctor on the seventh floor.

Jane Sir

: Is there also a laboratory ? : Yes. It is on the fifth floor.

Jane Sir

: How can I get there ? : The best way for you to get there is to go on foot. There are at least three good reasons for you to do so. First, there is no parking lot. Second, there is no bus available. And third, walking is good for your health. It doesn’t harm you in the least. Besides, you are so young...

Jane Sir

: Is it easy to get a taxi in here ? : No, it is not. It sometimes takes an hour to get one. It is quite sure that you get to the drugstore before a taxi comes.

Jane Sir

: I don’t have many choices in this case. Thanks a lot. : Don’t mention it.

Jane Sir

: So long. : So long.

Página: 60

Lesson 8 Track 30


To attend, attended, attended To harm, harmed, harmed To mention, mentioned, mentioned To park, parked, parked To turn, turned, turned To walk, walked, walked

Frequentar, comparecer Machucar, ferir Mencionar Estacionar Dobrar, virar Andar



OTHER WORDS Available Avenue Besides Block Bus Christmas Closest Club Corner December Door Drugstore Eight Elevator Favor First Floor Foot Health Hurry Independence July Left Light Lot Medicine Monday Parking lot Pharmacy Problem September Seventh

Disponível Avenida Além disso Quarteirão Ônibus Natal O mais perto Clube Esquina Dezembro Porta Farmácia Oito Elevador Favor Primeiro Andar, piso Pé Saúde Pressa Independência Julho Esquerda Luz Lote Medicina, remédio Segunda-feira Estacionamento Farmácia Problema Setembro Sétimo Página: 61

Since Son Street Till Traffic Traffic light United States

Desde que Filho Rua Até Trânsito, tráfego Semáforo Estados Unidos

IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS Around here As quickly as possible At least Don’t mention it Excuse me Half a dozen How to get there I was born on January 2nd of 1954. In a hurry In the least No problem On foot On the corner Straight ahead Thanks a lot When were you born ?

Aqui perto O mais rápido possível Pelo menos Não por isso, não mencione Desculpe-me Meia dúzia Como chegar lá Eu nasci no dia 2 de janeiro de 1954 Com pressa No mínimo Não tem problema A pé Na esquina Direto (em frente). Muito obrigado Quando você nasceu ?

EASY WORDS RECOGNITION Favor Bus Club Elevator Independence Medicine Pharmacy Problem Traffic United States

Favor Ônibus Clube Elevador Independência Medicina, remédio Farmácia Problema Trânsito, tráfico Estados Unidos

Página: 62

Lesson 8 Track 35


What day is today ?

Today is February 3rd.

What’s the first day of the week ?

It’s Sunday.

What’s the second ?

It’s Monday.

When were you born ?

I was born on January 2nd of 1954.

When is Christmas ?

December twenty-fifth.

When is independence day in Brazil ?

September 7th.

When is independence day in the United States ?

July fourth.

Do you attend your club meeting ?

Yes. Today is my seventh meeting.

Track 38


Today is the first of February. My birthday is on April 3rd. My wife’s birthday is on the 18th of May. School begins on the 14th of September. September 7th is a holiday. Today is February 3rd, 1984. My daughter’s birthday is on the 17th of april. The anniversary of São Paulo is on the 25th of January.

Hoje é primeiro de fevereiro. Meu aniversário é em três de abril. O aniversário de minha mulher é no dia 18 de maio. As aulas começam em 14 de setembro. Sete de setembro é um feriado. Hoje é 3 de fevereiro de 1984. O aniversário de minha filha é no dia 17 de abril. O aniversário de São Paulo é no dia 25 de Janeiro.

Página: 63


Lesson 8

Para formar os numerais ordinais em inglês, é necessário que o aluno conheça os numerais cardinais. Basta acrescentar “th” ao numeral cardinal e está formado o ordinal : 6 14

six fourteen

6th 14th

sixth fourteenth

Os numerais “1”, “2” e “3”, têm uma forma especial : 1 2 3

one 1st two 2nd three 3rd

first second third

Os numerais que terminam em “y” ( dezenas exatas ), troca-se o “y” por “ie” e acrescenta-se “th” : 30 70

thirty seventy

30th 70th

thirtieth seventieth

Quando o número termina em “t” recebe apenas o “h” : 8

eight 8th


Para os números formados por mais de uma palavra, apenas a última vai para o ordinal ( o hífen permanece ). 41 58

forty-one fifty-eight

41st 58th

forty-first fifty-eighth

Observar cuidadosamente os números seguintes : 5 9 12

five 5th nine 9th twelve 12th

fifth ninth twelfth

Os numerais ordinais são também usados para os números fracionários com exceção do número “2” : 1/7 1/9 1/100 1/2

one seventh one ninth one hundredth one half

Página: 64

Lesson 8

EXERCISES 1) De o ordinal dos seguintes números nas formas abreviadas e por extenso: 1


2 .............................................................................................................................. 3 .............................................................................................................................. 4 .............................................................................................................................. 5 .............................................................................................................................. 6 .............................................................................................................................. 7 .............................................................................................................................. 8 .............................................................................................................................. 9 .............................................................................................................................. 10 .............................................................................................................................. 12 .............................................................................................................................. 20 .............................................................................................................................. 35 .............................................................................................................................. 51 .............................................................................................................................. 66 .............................................................................................................................. 99 .............................................................................................................................. 100.............................................................................................................................. 102 .............................................................................................................................. 503 ..............................................................................................................................

2) Escreva por extenso em inglês as seguintes frações : 1/2................................................................................................................................. 1/4................................................................................................................................. 1/8................................................................................................................................. 1/100................................................................................................................................. Página: 65


Lesson 8 3) Complete com o verbo apropriado as seguintes frases : to tell to attend to park to turn to harm to walk a) b) c) d) e) f)

Would you please ..................................... me how to get to the seventh street ? If you ........................................................ left in that street you find a drugstore. A pet doesn’t ............................................ anybody. Please ........................................................ your car in the parking lot. You ........................................................... on the sidewalk, not on the street. I don’t ....................................................... the club meeting today.

4) Complete os espaços abaixo com as seguintes expressões idiomáticas : thanks a lot as quickly as possible a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

half a dozen in a hurry

around here straight ahead

excuse me at least

I have to get to the doctor ........................................ because my son is sick. John jogs ........................................ three times a week. ........................................ sir, would you tell me what time it is now ? Go ........................................ up to the traffic light and turn left. You find a parking lot ........................................ ........................................ for your help. I want to buy ........................................ of bananas. I am ........................................ because the play is about to start.

5) Numere a segunda coluna de forma adequada : 1) Block


) Porta

2) Hurry


) Semáforo

3) Light


) Segunda-feira

4) Parking lot


) Quarteirão

5) Christmas


) Trânsito

6) Traffic light


) Rua

7) Floor


) Pressa

8) Traffic


) Esquerda

9) Monday


) Desde que

10) Street


) Filho

11) December


) Natal

12) Son


) Estacionamento

13) Left


) Luz

14) Since


) Andar, piso

15) Door


) Dezembro

Página: 66

English For All Track 40


Lesson 9

Sam Linda

: Do you come to the park very often ? : Yes, I usually come to the park on weekends with my husband.

Sam Linda

: Where is he ? : He is not here today.

Sam Linda

: Do you always bring your children, too? : Yes I do. They like to meet their friends here.

Sam Linda

: Does Susan come with your children ? : Yes, she does. Once in a while she brings her doll to play with my daughters.

Sam Linda

: Is that Susan’s doll ? : Yes, it is her doll.

Sam Linda

: Whose bike is that ? : It’s Paolo’s. He doesn’t let anybody to ride his bike.

Sam Linda

: Is that Alexander’s ball ? : No it isn’t. It is Pedro’s.

Sam Linda

: Whose dog is that ? : It is my son’s. His dog is very happy because he is free of his chain. By the way, does your child have a puppy ?


: No. She can’t have one. She is allergic to dogs. As a matter of fact, she can’t have any pet at home. : Why not ?

Linda Sam Linda

: Because our apartment is very small. : I understand. I only have pets at home because my kids love them. Both my husband and I don’t like pets very much. They sometimes dirt the whole house.

Sam Linda

: What pets do you have at home ? : We have dogs, cats, rabbits and birds.


: On the one hand pets need very good care. But on the other hand they are nice to the children. Kids can have lots of fun with them. : I can’t deny that. My kids have a wonderful time with them.


Página: 67

Track 42


To bring, brought, brought To come, came, come To let, let, let To understand, understood, understood To write, wrote, written

Trazer Vir Deixar Entender Escrever

OTHER WORDS Allergic Almost Any Anybody Apartment Bed Blouse Carefully Cat Chain Cousin Daughter Dirt Dish Dog Doll Dolly Dress Every week Everybody Examination Free Happy Its Kid Little Nine Own Parents Park Pet Puppy Skirt

Alérgico Quase Nenhum, algum Ninguém, alguém Apartamento Cama Blusa Cuidadosamente Gato Corrente Primo, prima Filha Sujo Prato Cachorro Boneca Bonequinha Vestido Toda semana Todos, todo mundo Exame, teste Livre, grátis Feliz Seu, sua ( neutro ) Criança Pequeno Nove Próprio Pais Parque Animal de estimação Cachorrinho Saia Página: 68

Lesson 9

Small Week Whole Whose

Pequeno Semana Inteiro De quem

IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS Both my wife and I You know

Ambos minha mulher e eu Você sabe

EASY WORDS RECOGNITION Allergic Apartment Blouse Examination Park

Alérgico Apartamento Blusa Exame, teste Parque

DECEIVERS Parents Relatives

Track 47

Pais Parentes, familiares


Does she know her lesson ?

Yes, she knows it very well.

Does each cat have its dish ?

Yes, each one has its own dish.

Do those girls ride their bicycles ?

Yes, they do.

Does Betty write to her cousin ?

Yes, she writes almost every week.

Do you enjoy your English class ?

Yes, I like my English class a lot.

Do we have to do well on our examination ?

Yes, because they are very important.

Does Paul study his English lesson ?

Yes, he does. He studies it very hard.

Do I have to do my homework ?

Yes, you have to do it carefully.

Whose dress is this ?

It’s Mary’s. Do you like it?

Yes, it’s very beautiful. And this skirt ?

It’s Grace’s. It’s new.

Is that your blouse on the bed ?

No, it’s not. It’s Katy’s blouse.

Página: 69

Lesson 9

Track 50


What is your name ? My name is Teresa. What is his hobby ? His hobby is tennis. What’s her occupation ? She is a teacher. What are their names ? Their names are : Clay, Lee and Tom. What’s his first name ? His first name is James. What’s her last name ? Her last name is Tilley. Where are you from ? I’m from Canada.

Como é seu nome ? Meu nome é Teresa. Qual é o “hobby” dele ? O “hobby” dele é tênis. Qual é a ocupação dela ? Ela é professora. Quais são os nomes deles ? Os nomes deles são : Clay, Lee e Tom. Qual é o primeiro nome dele ? O primeiro nome dele e James. Qual é o último nome dela ? O último nome dela é Tilley. De onde você é ? Eu sou do Canadá.

Página: 70

Lesson 9

GRAMMAR FORMA POSSESSIVA Para se formar o possessivo dos substantivos em inglês, acrescenta-se “ ’s ” ao singular :

John’s house. The man’s car.

A casa de John. O carro do homem.

Se o possuidor estiver no plural ( terminando em “s” ), acrescenta-se apenas o ( ’ ) :

The boys’ toys. The dogs’ tails.

Os brinquedos dos meninos. As caldas dos cachorros.

Normalmente não se usa o caso possessivo para seres inanimados : The top of the table. The roof of the house.

O topo da mesa. O forro da casa.

Note que, na conversação diária, o nome modificado pelo possessivo pode ser omitido, quando literalmente entendido :

I must go to the dentist’s ( office ). Eu tenho que ir ao dentista. She likes to shop in C B’s ( store ). Ela gosta de comprar no CB. Alguns plurais não terminam em “s”; portanto, acrescenta-se “ ’s ”. Men’s cars.

Os carros dos homens.

Children’s dolls.

As bonecas das crianças.



my your his her its our your their

I also know my lesson well. Ann likes her English class. Both boys ride their bike. Each cat has its dish.

meu, minha, meus, minhas teu, tua, seu, sua ( de você ) seu, sua ( dele ) seu, sua ( dela ) seu, sua ( dele, dela para animais e coisas ) nosso, nossa, nossos, nossas vosso, vossa, vossos, vossas ( de vocês ) seus, suas ( deles, delas ) Eu também sei bem minha lição. Ann gosta de sua aula de inglês. Ambos os meninos andam em suas bicicletas. Cada gato tem seu prato.

Página: 71

Lesson 9

EXERCISES 1) Passe para a forma possessiva : The toy of the boys. ...................................................................................... The hat of the man. ...................................................................................... The car of John. ...................................................................................... The house of Mary. ...................................................................................... The pen of the teacher. ...................................................................................... The dolly of the kid. ...................................................................................... The skirts of the girls. ...................................................................................... The dress of the woman. ...................................................................................... The dog of the child. ...................................................................................... The cousin of my parents. ...................................................................................... 2) Complete com adjetivos possessivos : Mary knows ..................... lesson very well. Joe wants to buy ..................... house next year. Do you know ..................... way home ? Paul and John ride ..................... bikes at the park. They have ..................... reasons to do that. Do you do ..................... homework every day ? We always go to ..................... beach house. I want a gold watch for ..................... birthday. The dog eats ..................... food. Paul is a very good friend of ..................... 3) De respostas completas as seguintes perguntas : What is your name ? .............................................................................................................................................. What is your brother’s name ? ................................................................................................................................... Where does your sister live ? ................................................................................................................................... Whose house is this ? ................................................................................................................................... Whom do you work for ? ................................................................................................................................... Who drives that beautiful motorcycle ? ................................................................................................................................... Whose books are those ? ................................................................................................................................... Do you usually bring your children to the park ? ................................................................................................................................... When does your father come back ? ................................................................................................................................... What is your first name ? ................................................................................................................................... How do you spell your name ? ................................................................................................................................... What is your telephone number ? ................................................................................................................................... Página: 72

Lesson 9 4) Complete com o verbo apropriado as seguintes frases : to bring to come over to let to understand to send Betty ................................ her dog for a walk every day. Do you ................................ my house frequently ? My daughter doesn’t ................................ anybody ride her bike. I don’t ................................ French. You need to ................................ a letter to your friend in Goiás. 5) Numere a Segunda coluna de forma adequada : 1) Cousin ( ) Filha 2) Free


) Criança

3) Daughter


) De quem

4) Little


) Cama

5) Happy


) Pais

6) Almost


) Alguém, ninguém

7) To spell


) Primo, prima

8) Small


) Livre

9) Every week


) Cuidadosamente

10) Bed


) Feliz, alegre, contente

11) Carefully


) Soletrar

12) Whose


) Quase

13) Kid


) Toda semana

14) Anybody


) Pequeno

15) Parents


) Pequeno

Página: 73

English For All Track 52


Lesson 10


: My friend wants to rent a two bedroom apartment in the south of town. Can you give him some advices on how he can go about in doing it ? Andrew : Of course. I have some knowledge about the area where he is interested in. But we have to take into consideration that the area is quite large. He has to be more specific about the location. Helen

: I think he wants an apartment near the airport. Since he works downtown and he has a car, he prefers one that is close to the “23 de may” avenue. Andrew : With this in mind, it is easy to reach a decision about the rent. Helen : Can you tell me about the traffic ? Andrew : The traffic in the morning is not so bad, but after 5:00 o’clock P.M. it sometimes gets painful. You know, it is the rush. Helen : What about the pollution ? Andrew : Well, the area is not polluted, except for the noise pollution. The big jets make a lot of noise when they land and when they take off. Helen : What can you say about the rest ? I guess there are pros and cons, too. Andrew : Honestly, there isn’t any perfect place on earth. As you well know, the paradise is not on earth. Helen : For how long does he have to sign the lease contract ? Andrew : The contract is quite often made for a year. However, the rent payments increase six months from the date of the contract. At least, this is the practice on the market today. Helen : I am very pleased. Thanks a lot for your help. Andrew : Feel free to come back any time. Helen : Good bye. Andrew : Good bye.

Página: 74

Track 54


Lesson 10

VERBS To feel, felt, felt To increase, increased, increased To land, landed, landed To reach, reached, reached To rent, rented, rented To sign, signed, signed

Sentir Aumentar Aterrizar, pousar Alcançar, conseguir Alugar Assinar

TWO WORD VERBS To go about To take into consideration To take off

Proceder Levar em consideração Decolar, levantar vôo

OTHER WORDS Advice Airport Area Bad Bedroom Consideration Contract Decision Earth Except Help Honestly However Interested Jet Knowledge Lease Location Made Market Near Noise Painful Paradise Payment Perfect

Conselho Aeroporto Área, região Ruim Quarto de dormir Consideração Contrato Decisão Terra Exceto Socorro, ajuda Honestamente Mas, porém, no entanto Interessado Avião a jato Conhecimento Aluguel, arrendamento, “lease” Lugar, localização Feito, produzido, fabricado Mercado, praça Perto de Barulho Doloroso, difícil Paraíso Pagamento Perfeito Página: 75

Pleased Polluted Pollution Practice Quite Rent Rest Rush Sign South Specific Ten Town

Agradecimento Poluído Poluição Prática, costume Completamente, muito Aluguel Resto “Rush”, fluxo intenso Sinal, marca Sul Específico Dez Cidade pequeno

IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS As you well know Close to Good bye In the morning It is not so bad On earth Pros and cons Quite large Quite often With this in mind

Como você bem sabe Perto de Até logo Pela manhã Não é tão ruim Na terra Prós e contras Muito vasto Muito frequentemente Com isso em mente

EASY WORDS RECOGNITION Airport Area Consideration Contract Decision Except Honestly Interested Jet Lease Location Market Paradise Payment Perfect Polluted Pollution Practice Pros and cons Rest

Aeroporto Área, região Consideração Contrato Decisão Exceto Honestamente Interessado Avião a jato Aluguel, arrendamento, “lease” Lugar, localização Mercado, praça Paraíso Pagamento Perfeito Poluído Poluição Prático, costume Prós e contras Resto Página: 76



DECEIVERS Advice To advise

Lesson 10

Conselho Aconselhar

Track 60


Does he go to the park every Sunday ?

No, he usually goes on Saturdays.

Does Gina like to travel in December ?

No, she doesn’t. She prefers in January or March.

What languages do you speak ?

Well, I speak English, Portuguese and Spanish.

Are you an American ?

No, I am not an American. I am Mexican. I was born in Mexico.

Do you live in the South of Brazil ?

No, I don’t. I live in the North ?

Does your friend come from the East ?

No, he doesn’t. He comes from the West.

Where does Grace live ?

She lives five miles North.

Track 63


What color is her dress ? What size dress does she wear ? What shape are the buttons ? How long is the box ? How wide is the box ? How deep is the box ? How high is the table ? How tall is the building ? How tall is Joe ? He is 1.7 meters tall. What day is today It’s Monday. What is the date today ? It’s the 17th of December. What kind of weather does São Paulo have?

Que cor é o vestido dela ? Que manequim ela usa ( para vestido ) ? Que tipo ( forma ) são os botões ? Qual é o comprimento da caixa ? Qual é a largura da caixa ? Qual é a profundidade da caixa ? Qual é a altura da mesa ? Qual é a altura do prédio ? Qual é a altura de Joe ? Ele tem 1 metro e 70 de altura. Que dia é hoje ? É segunda-feira. Que dia é hoje. É 17 de dezembro. Que tipo de tempo ( clima ) tem São Paulo?

Página: 77

GRAMMAR MAIÚSCULAS : Usa-se letra maiúsculas para nomes próprios : This notebook belongs to Mary. They come back to Brazil. The capital of Brazil is Brasília.

Este caderno pertence a Maria. Eles voltam ao Brasil. A capital do Brasil é Brasília.

No início de cada frase : It is very important to study. The men work hard.

É muito importante estudar. Os homens trabalham muito.

Adjetivos gentílicos : Mr. Miller is an Englishman. We’re all Brazilians.

Sr. Miller é inglês. Somos todos brasileiros.

Dias da semana, meses e feriados : Today is Sunday. Tomorrow is Saturday. My birthday is in November.

Hoje é domingo. Amanhã é sábado. Meu aniversário é em novembro.

Nomes de línguas : My teacher speaks English and French.

Meu professor fala inglês e francês.

Títulos de livros, estórias, poesias, artigos, etc.: “The Old Man and the Sea.” “The Wall Street Journal.” “Reader’s Digest.”

Página: 78

Lesson 10

Lesson 10


1) Escreva corretamente as seguintes frases nos espaços abaixo : a) my birthday is in november. .................................................................................................................................... b) my friend goes to france next friday. ..................................................................................................................................... c) betty likes to read “reader’s digest”. ...................................................................................................................................... d) barbara speaks english, spanish, and german. ...................................................................................................................................... e) brazil is in south america and the united states is in north america. ...................................................................................................................................... f) why don’t you come over my house on sunday ? ...................................................................................................................................... g) christmas is on december 25th. ...................................................................................................................................... h) “the wall street journal” is a very important paper in the u.s.a. ...................................................................................................................................... i) i am spanish and john is american. ...................................................................................................................................... j) “the old man and the sea” is a very interesting book. ......................................................................................................................................

2) Complete as frases abaixo com as seguintes expressões idiomáticas : as you well know on earth a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

in the morning quite large

not so bad with this in mind

quite often

........................................, she likes to live close downtown. Mary likes to walk ........................................ This part of town is ........................................ She writes me ........................................ The paradise is not ........................................ São Paulo is a ........................................ city ........................................ it is much easier to find an apartment.

3) Complete com o verbo apropriado as seguintes frases : to feel a) b) c) d) e) f)

to rent

to sign

to land

I ................................... sick with so much noise. I want to ................................... a small apartment. ................................... at the end of this paper, please. The airplane ................................... in the airport at night. Do you ................................... any decision about the rent ? The rent ................................... every six month.

Página: 79

to have

to increase

Lesson 10 4) Numere a segunda coluna de maneira adequada : 1) Near


) Terra

2) Advice


) Doloroso, difícil

3) Welcome


) Porém, no entanto

4) Noise


) Cidade pequena

5) Quite


) Perto de

6) Earth


) Conselho

7) Town


) Fluxo intenso

8) Help


) Aluguel, arrendamento

9) Paradise


) Paraíso

10) However


) Socorro, ajuda

11) Rush


) Feito

12) Painful


) Barulho

13) Knowledge


) De nada, bem-vindo

14) Made


) Completamente

15) Lease


) Conhecimento

Página: 80

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