Linked ~ Book I

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  • Words: 38,220
  • Pages: 126
c c c c ?  By Eneyda Prado

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author¶s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Edited by Enez Ensenia.

To the readers, thank you for your support. You guys rock.

Like the very gods in my sight is he, Who sits where he can look in your eyes, Who listens close to you, To hear the soft voice, Its sweetness murmur in love and laughter, All for him. ² Sappho of Lesbos.

PREFACE The body that had been lying still before Zeus¶ eminent self stood up, slowly in a painful move, hands clenched simulating a claw helped him up. He hurt and cried out from the pain he felt. The ground below his feet trembled as if roaring in complain and the man dropped to his knees, his soaked hands covered his face; blood tainted his cheeks, the ground trembled again, harder this time ± his head bowed ± he was frightened, though it had been him who¶d done it. Finally, he looked up at the faces around him, he had questions and wanted answers. He Š  answers. But the way they looked was breathtaking; the doubt in his eyes faded and was replaced with amazement. The Greek Gods could only stare back in marvel. The plan had worked. After all those failed tries, the doubts and sacrifices, and all those mortals« ³What have I become?´ the voice was deep and rare, the way a shadow would speak, and it didn¶t really require an answer, that wasn¶t in the contract. Zeus approached, with caution but confident, the ³creature´ ± as he thought of the man ± could hurt, but it wouldn¶t hurt him. ³You are a new creature, better than the original. We created you,´ Zeus said, his voice was wrapped in velvet«soft and caring. His expression hardened and the next time he spoke it was scary, it carried the command ³And for now, that is all you need to know.´

jc He was back. Carl Posen took a deep breath, cold air with the smell of sugar maple trees and wet grass filled his lungs. He breathed out, just for the sake of it, and focused on his surroundings. Oakville, WA a city in Grays Harbor County. 6 , he thought. It was a dramatic change; Florence had always been home to him, at least that was what he had been told. Lately the packed streets and night clubs felt lonely, more so than usual. That was the reason why he was here ± in this remote and for the looks of it, very boring town. It was funny how he could almost feel every single presence in the houses around him; they were all sleeping, though. So, it was a quiet and peaceful sentiment that he got from them. In Florence he could blend in with the masses and simply be ignored. But here«he would be spotted very easily. He had to know how to move before doing anything. That was why he had decided to take a walk at this hour, to look around and see what he was about to get into. The weather seemed to be the same, very cold. He heard January was the coldest month here, although that could be changed, he smiled. Besides, cold was always good, he liked cold. There were trees everywhere ± that was different ± but again, it was good. He stepped back and into the dark trees that surrounded the houses, he could hear a car in the short distance, and if they saw him they would wonder, ³What is that person doing there in the middle of the street at 2 AM?´ It started to rain then, very lightly. The icy drops hit his warm skin and he felt something ± momentarily ± it felt«familiar. But it couldn¶t be. He was the only one here. The car passed and he was unseen. He started walking back to the abandoned house he found earlier, that had been some good luck. It kept raining but it didn't bother him. It felt cold to his face, but cold always felt nice to him it eased the heat he held inside and had learned to control. The houses were dark and noiseless. It was two blocks away from where he had been standing, when he heard music. He remembered the location of the house; it was far from civilization«very convenient. It was big and looked haunted, no one would dare to go in there, the trees were massively overgrown beyond where they should be, the house was hidden«it was perfect.

There was a party in one of the houses, where the loud music he¶d heard before was coming from. ˜  Š Š Š , he thought. But he had to close his eyes and concentrate to shut out the whispers. It had been a long trip and he felt weak, not from walking, he liked to walk. But he was thirsty...he was very, very thirsty. Because how long had it been since his last feeding? Five, six days, maybe, but he could wait a bit longer, no need to disturb the partying kids. He planned to feed before seeing her again, sure, just not tonight. Several girls stood outside the house wanting to feel the cold rain in their numb faces. Some of them called him and blew kisses to get his attention as he walked by the sidewalk; he conceded a smile and kept on walking. That was why he didn't like small towns; he had to be extra careful with who he chose. And he couldn't risk it at this moment, he had come back tonight and was already thinking like he always did, ³Get the girl, that one, or that one, they¶re smiling at you.´ But they always did, they smiled at him without even knowing why, sure his beautiful angel-like face and graceful moves didn¶t hurt. But still, it was disturbing ± sometimes. He could control it in occasions, and if he wanted but not always. He looked back at the girls, remembering...she must be seventeen or maybe eighteen now. And what did girls do at that age? They went to parties« But she wasn¶t there, not in that house, he didn¶t find her. Or maybe he was too weak to really distinguish her from all those girls. A little disappointed he kept on walking, head a little bowed and his pace slow but secure, he would get to the house soon. The first step of his plan had been taken; he was back and had found a safe place to stay... Now, he just had to find her, just recognize her, her essence. It was a very special one, when she was little it had felt very strong, now he assumed it was more special. And perhaps there was a trace of him in it too...he didn't know, he hadn't seen her in almost a decade. How would she look now? That day, when he found her while he tried to desperately find a place to hide after what he¶d done ± he felt terrible for acting so suddenly and recklessly ± but she had somehow made it all better«at least for a moment. She was playing hide and seek, he sensed a human presence and turned around to see her and he startled her. She tripped. Tears of shame filled her eyes and that was when he first spoke to her.

³Don¶t cry,´ his voice was kind and there was not a trace of the mockery she had been expecting, ³everybody trips,´ he added and that was when she looked up at him and he noticed how strong her essence felt. Most humans felt the same, all of them. But not hers, hers was unique and yet it seemed to be divided somehow. She stood up slowly and wiped her hands on her white dress. It left little blood prints of her fingers on her white skirt, she had cut the palm of her hands. It distracted him a little. He abruptly stopped breathing. She was just a child«Š Š  ³I'm just trying to hide,´ she spoke at last. He had gone mute and stood very still. ³I¶m Ena,´ she added politely. Carl Posen approached the little girl without saying a word. Very carefully, he took a step closer; he leaned in a little, his eyes at level with hers. She looked like seven or eight years old. Just a child, but she was too extraordinary, he couldn¶t let that go so easily. And at that moment he could only hear Atreus¶ voice in his head, telling him what to do. He had told him once how to do it. It felt right. He did it. It was fast, and it would have been painless if she hadn't moved. But she hurt and she cried, and he almost regretted it. ³I¶m sorry,´ he said backing away completely, ³it hurt because you moved,´ his voice trembled, her blood had tasted like liquid energy and he hadn¶t wanted to stop, the mark didn¶t disappear. He heard steps near, someone was coming. He had to act quickly. ³Now be good and wait for me, okay?´ She kept crying and she pressed her bleeding hands to her chest, she wanted the pain to stop. And she just didn¶t understand. ³I will come back for you. But until then, you won't remember anything,´ those were his last words to her. He ran. He left her there, in the middle of the trees. It was afternoon and the sun was making him easy to spot. But, did someone see him? He didn't care. He didn¶t stop running, not until he got to the nearest city where he fed. Then he took a flight to Florence, because there had been no time to hide, no time to think, he had to leave. But he would be back for her. Years seemed weeks, sometimes days. It depended on what he was doing. The idea of finding her had seemed stupid a couple of days ago, but now he was here, determined to find her.

It stopped raining. He didn't know if he did it, it hadn't been bothering him. But sometimes he just couldn¶t know. He walked faster, almost ran. He had to get to the house and arrange his thoughts and plan his next move, because later«when the sun rose from behind those mountains in the north he would get closer to her. " Monday,   Š     Ena thought. Maybe it seemed that way to her because she had to stay an extra hour. Detention was marked in her past, but she thought that maybe because it was a new year it would be a better year too. Not the case when the teacher in charge of detention hated you. Ena Hatley sat in the last row, that way she could observe openly. Brian Lewis, who sat in the front row kept touching his bruised cheekbone, very concerned and probably making a mental appointment with the best plastic surgeon in the City. That black eye looked strange on his pretty boy face. Next to him, Colin Zordino and Brad Kovacs just looked pissed off and out of place, first time in detention. Ena hid a smile; the three of them in detention was a funny sight. It was then when the door opened, and he walked in. The new guy, the one the entire school had been gossiping about but no one had actually met or had spoke to. ³He¶s so handsome, and sexy!´ one of the cheerleaders had squealed in the corridor. ³And he must be rich too, did you see that jacket?´ another one replied with obvious approbation. ³He¶s a rude jerk,´ someone spoke with exasperation. Ena's sister had said it and no more comments had followed. The guy handed a piece of paper to Mr. Keller. The teacher took it and with a slight roll of his eyes he told him to take a seat wherever he wished. Brian and his   stared at him with clear detestation, they seemed to want to launch at him. And he seemed to share the feeling staring back. But then he saw the girl in the back and his expression slowly«changed.

He took the seat next to her, and he managed to do it casually, like he¶d really chosen that seat just because he had wanted to be in the back, because there were probably thirty more seats available. She didn't know how to react. The guy everyone was talking about had sat next to her. Oddly enough he was wearing the same t-shirt she had chosen to wear this morning. Black with a crescent moon design on the chest, it was the cover of a CD of a local rock band. She loved that band. There had been countless nights of sneakingout-of-the-house and sneaking-into-nightclubs just to see that band play. ³Hey,´ he said in greeting, like this was a social event and they were old time friends. She half turned toward him. He wasn¶t smiling but the voice had been amiable, not what she expected at all. She thought he would ignore her. She lowered her eyes to the tshirt and smiled secretively. Looking back at his face, she realized he was observing her and still waiting for a response. ³We are not supposed to talk,´ she found herself saying. She sounded wise enough. He found that endearing, the corner of his gorgeous lips turn up a little. ³It¶s interesting, detention on your first day?´ he said, he was next to her, finally! And he was speaking to her and honestly, he was flirting a little, too. It was then when she smiled that he realized how strong she felt if he was this close. It was disconcertingly strong. It messed with his senses for a second. ³I¶m sorry ± what did you say?´ ³I said that I¶m used to this, this is really 

 first day,´ she repeated, she noticed

when he¶d stopped listening, his green eyes danced and now they focused on hers again. It was strange how intense his eyes were; they seemed to search somethingŠ her. ³Yes, it is,´ he said at last and drifted his eyes away from her and to the three guys sitting in the first row. Their backs were to them, but Ena could feel the tension. ³Tell me, how did you end up here?´ She really wished he hadn¶t asked that. If the real reason wasn¶t so lame and pathetic as it was she would have gladly told him and would show him how she was someone he didn¶t want to mess with.

But the unfairness of the real reason was still rumbling in her head like a noisy bee. Mr. Keller ± Economic teacher ± made her sit in the first row in the last class, instead of in her usual seat which was to the left side of the classroom, near the last row. In this new assigned seat, the person sitting next to her was Brad Kovacs. At the end of the class he very childishly made a paper ball and threw it at Mr. Keller, when his back was to them. Ena laughed under her breath by how the teacher jumped in surprise, and Mr. Keller turned to her. Brad accused her immediately with his guilty finger, the teacher didn¶t let her object and that was why she ended up in detention, not really her fault and very unfair. Not something she wanted to brag about. So, she did the best she knew to do when she didn¶t want to say something, she distracted him. ³So, you really like that band or you just bought the t-shirt because you thought it was Armani?´ she asked smartly. ³I do like it, Crescent moon, right? I went to see them play last Friday at the Black Star club,´ he said and he was a bit offended. He liked to wear nice clothes. He had secretly chosen this t-shirt he had bought at the event, where the band played, because he knew she was going to wear it too as she decided it last night before going to bed. How he knew this was what was making that smile appear on his face again. It was a lazy smile that if someone arrogant like Brian Lewis wore it; it would make him look smug and annoyingly confident. But the new guy managed to smile like that and look« nice, friendly and very sexy. ³Oh,´ she couldn¶t say anything else if he was looking at her like that. It made her cheeks warm in spite of the weather. They stayed in silence after that, the rest of the hour. But there were times when she looked at him with the corner of her eye, he had shoulderlength dark hair, he¶d tied it back in a short ponytail, his jaw was tight, and those sensually sculpted lips, looked perfectly kissable. A giggle held in her throat by the thought. He intended to speak but was interrupted, Mr. Keller announced it was time to leave, and the students sprang up from the desks. Ena put on her purple hooded jacket and headed to the door, just then Brian easily pushed her aside and walked out the door first, followed by Colin and Brad.

She simply sighed and fixed her dark hair, it was messy today thanks to the morning rain. She walked out the door and saw the guys ± who still looked pretty pissed ± walked the opposite direction, not to the parking lot but to the end of the corridor, passing the lockers, toward the gym. The only sound there was in the corridor was the gush-gush of her shoes as she walked, they were damp, because she had rather sit out in the parking lot instead of in the cafeteria. There had been too many people there, and too much noise. Gossip and fake smiles she just couldn¶t handle. Not this morning when she was feeling so strange and out of place. The new guy must have ± wait, where was he? Turning around she noticed he had been walking at her heels the entire time. He had been so quiet, though. And the lazy smile from before was now a quizzing one. ³I forgot to ask your name,´ he spoke suddenly when he realized he¶d been caught. But he kept looking at her, not in a ± checking-her-out kind of way, he looked around her, at whatever he had been searching before. It was a little startling. ³Ena,´ she said, her voice broke because her lips were very cold. ³Ena Hatley,´ she said more clearly. ³I¶m Isaac Fellins, nice to meet you,´ he said. There was little hesitation, she didn¶t know what to do, not that she was nervous around guys. In fact, she liked it when guys got nervous over her, it didn¶t happen the other way around, not often. Should she shake his hand? Wave goodbye? Nervous enough because he didn¶t say anything either. She spoke, ³You didn¶t tell me what you did to get detention,´ there, she changed to a more comfortable zone. But not for him, apparently, he finally broke his gaze to whatever he had been searching and found in her and shrugged slightly as if it didn¶t really matter or didn¶t want to bother in saying. Maybe he had wasted too many words on her already. After all, he was the new guy, why was he wasting his instant fame on her? ³I started off on the wrong foot, and some opinions weren¶t appreciated,´ he answered. And the moment was gone, there was no hesitation now and she knew what she had to do.

³I have to go home,´ she didn¶t to, she was already late. But she wanted to leave, she wanted to flee. There was that feeling again, as if she was being pushed away from him. She turned around and walked toward the front doors. He didn¶t say more, he didn¶t stop her either. When she reached the doors she looked back, he was gone. Too bad, it would have been very romantic if he had been there looking back at her with that peculiar smile and if he had«Wait what? Was she really fantasying about some guy she just met? She felt really strange today. She drove home. " Isaac closed his eyes and simply stopped breathing, held his breath save the fragrance. He leaned against the wall. The bathroom was empty, classes ended over an hour ago. He really needed to stay still for a second, when was the last time he felt like this? His throat tightened, he was struggling to keep his fangs up. And he really needed to calm this sudden craving or he would«No, he couldn¶t do that. Not with her. He shook himself opening his eyes, and checking his face in the mirror. He looked like a high school boy, didn¶t he? What was he worrying about then? Relaxed, Isaac walked out of the bathroom. He felt the presence before he heard the voice; it was confusing, how similar yet how extremely different they felt. Her voice carried the ruling all the way through the long corridor. After all, why be the queen of Oakville high-school and not use that tone? ³Hey! You, new guy,´ Alexa Hatley called. He turned around. ³Have you seen Brian? He¶s supposed to take me home«´ And they looked almost the same, Isaac noticed. The hair was different, and the eyes, but other than that, identical twins.

³My name is Isaac, and I don¶t know who Brian is,´ he said politely. She had been looking around, avoiding his eyes but she looked at him when he spoke and she smiled in spite of herself. ³You don¶t ask names before punching, then?´ she said, there was amusement all over her face. ³Brian is the tall, blond guy, you«´ ³Ah,´ he nodded, and turned around ready to leave. He was glad the school day was over. Looking over his shoulder he said, ³If I seen him, I¶ll let him know you¶re looking for him.´ ³If you see him again he won¶t give you the chance to speak,´ she countered. The amusement in her voice was gone. Isaac paused for a second and before he started walking again Alexa said, ³It was a good technique, by the way.´ ³Excuse me?´ he turned around. The girl had some courage; to encounter someone like him«He had assured he didn¶t look that friendly. Not to her at least« ³The way you blew me off in front of everyone in the cafeteria,´ she said, resentful. ³When I asked you to join our table and you simply said no, thanks, most new students would«´ ³Do anything to be invited to your table, I know.´ His eyes lifted to hers. He had been observing her clothes while she spoke,      Š

. Ena wore black

jeans and t-shirt under her hooded jacket, as simple as it gets. But her twin sister looked ready to be on a runway, white short shorts over black tights and silk ice-blue blouse to match her eyes. ³I didn¶t mean to offend you, I¶m sorry.´ Alexa was taken aback, it showed in her eyes, but she composed quickly and forgetting how rude he had been before she said, ³You should come over later,´ her blue eyes fell on his t-shirt design, she hadn¶t noticed, and she (sadly) recognized the cover. ³We could watch a movie or something. If you want«´

³Sure,´ Isaac said. Alexa¶s glossy lips formed a smile, and she gave him the address. Just then Brian made his appearance, like one of those people getting in the middle of a great picture, she thought. Brian was tall, had broad chest perfect to knock his opponents in football, his blond hair short, his skin was tanned and those blue eyes always had a spark of pride in them. He grinned at her and put his arm around her shoulders in a proprietary way. ³I was looking for you in the Gym. I thought you were with the girls in cheer practice. Ready to go?´ he said to her, pointedly ignoring Isaac. She nodded. Brian sent Isaac a wordless look before walking to the front doors, but didn¶t say anything, he just stared. Alexa didn¶t notice that, her heart was racing, the feeling of a new conquest felt nice. Isaac walked out the doors when he heard their car drove away. The sun was up in the sky and melted the snow from last night. He realized he was very happy, he had met her, and without really planning it he would be at her house this afternoon. " Ena¶s mother knew. Mrs. Hatley had called a friend of her daughter¶s wanting to know if one of them was there, since she knew Alexa was staying an extra hour for cheer practice. And even if she tried to lie her mother already knew the truth. ³It was the first day,´ mom exclaimed, ³How did you manage that?´ ³Mr. Keller hates me,´ Ena said but it was no use. ³You must have done something to get in trouble, you¶re not going out this weekend,´ there was determination in her voice. Something a daughter shouldn¶t contradict. And she didn¶t, silently she went upstairs to her room, closing the door behind. It was then when her cell-phone rang, the call she had been expecting, because she hadn¶t seen her friends today, not really. ³Hello, pretty boy,´ she answered.

³Hey, babe,´ Pete Clarkson said in that gallant tone he excelled, ³Jenny and I«´ his voice sounded distant and there was the sound of struggling and his reproach; it was a girl¶s voice on the other line next. ³We didn¶t see you anywhere today! And we didn¶t have any classes together either, and your mom called me, where were you?´ Jenny Rowe asked. ³I was in detention actually,´ Ena said with a sigh, ³Are you at Pete¶s? I¶ll go now and tell you, Mr. Keller ±´ ³Oh, no you don¶t have to say more, we know he hates you,´ she said, ³But hurry, Pete¶s been begging me to call you to come over,´ she disconnected. Downstairs she found her sister, Alexa had changed her clothes. Ena didn¶t ask, for all she knew she could be waiting for Brian to go out or something. ³Mom, I¶m going to Pete¶s house, okay?´ Ena asked tentatively. Mom was in the kitchen browsing a cooking book. She didn¶t look up. ³Yes, it¶s okay. But be back before dinner.´ Smiling, Ena opened the door of her car. She was about to get in when she heard someone say, ³Leaving so soon?´ Isaac stood there in the porch of her house. Looking as casual as ever, he¶d changed clothes too, he wore blue jeans and a plain black t-shirt. His hair in a ponytail but some strands were loose, it brushed his shoulders. ³I² what are you doing here?´ she asked, confident enough to question him if he was in her porch, ³How did you know where I live?´ ³I¶m meeting with your sister here,´ Isaac said. It slapped her confidence right in the face. ³I think we¶ll see a movie or something, won¶t you stay?´

She almost agreed, he saw her struggled slightly when making the decision. And he didn¶t want to use his persuasion to convince her, he didn¶t want to force her at all. If she was going to like him it would be because of him and not for his« qualities. ³I can¶t. I¶m going somewhere,´ she said at last not letting those green eyes allure her into staying, ³Have fun, one sister will do!´ she said from inside the car. ³Have fun too,´ he said, an amused smile on his face. He walked backwards toward the house, never taking his eyes off of her. She stayed there for a second when he finally turned, but before he knocked on the door she drove off. ³Finally!´ Jenny exclaimed, and she grinned, her freckled cheeks and red curly hair were nice to see again. She let her friend in after a long hug, Pete walked out the kitchen with a bowl of popcorns and three Cokes. He grinned wide when he saw her. ³Finally!´ he said too. He jerked his chin to the left, ³let¶s go to the living room, I have a story to tell.´ ³You didn¶t try out for the football team, did you?´ Ena asked a bit panicked. Pete never showed interest in that sport, but he definitely fit in, tall, muscular not quite bulky, bronze hair and model-handsome face. ³Hell no,´ Pete said. They sat on the couch, he in the middle and the girls at his sides. ³I was heading to Jenny¶s last class, and I bumped into Brian and he had a black eye!´ ³Really? Why didn¶t you tell me before?´ asked Jenny. ³I forgot, I guess.´ They turned to see Ena¶s reaction. ³I know, I saw them in detention,´ she said it like it didn¶t matter, and in this moment it really didn¶t, there was irritation growing inside her and it was all toward Isaac, the new guy.

³You know who did it?´ Pete asked with excitement in his eyes. He¶d always wanted to take a punch on Brian, but if he did the entire football team would go after him, the girls didn¶t let him take chances. ³Yeah, that new guy did it,´ she answered still not caring, chewing popcorn slowly and thoughtfully. ³Did he? Oh my god, they were gossiping about him in all my classes,´ Jenny said finally catching up, ³Did you see him, Pete?´ ³I saw and heard him too,´ he said, ³He sat at the table next to where I stood with the guys and he kept saying how he wanted to speak to this girl, the most beautiful girl in school«´ he trailed off and looked at Ena with accusing eyes. ³What, you assumed he meant me?´ her irritation turned slightly to her friend now. But there was a flattering feeling next to the annoyance. ³He did describe you«´ he pushed. But he had been describing Alexa, right? It was easy to get confused if you changed a few details, and he wasn¶t just new to high school he was new to Oakville too, he didn¶t know them and had the right to confused them, unlike the people they grew up with, people who didn¶t make that mistake anymore. ³He¶s at my house right now. Watching a movie with my sister!´ she hadn¶t meant it, but it came out in a bark. ³Okay, calm down.´ Jenny half teased, but she was worried by Pete¶s earlier assumption. ³He conformed to the second most beautiful then,´ he murmured. Time seemed to freeze. Jenny bit her lower lip and fixed her big brown eyes in Ena¶s.

³Yeah right, very funny Pete,´ Ena punched him in the arm playfully. Jenny smiled and thanked her with her eyes. The tension was gone. ³Now, tell me how your winter-break was. Remember, when you guys left me behind to go live great adventures?´ They laughed guiltily, because Pete and his parents had gone to New York City where the Clarkson family reunited for new years. And Jenny had gone to visit good old grandma and had stayed there for the holidays. She had been three hours away in Circle town, but Ena never visited, there was some sort of rule about it. She hadn¶t seen them since late November. ³You have to promise you¶ll never leave me like that again, please?´ It was the adorable heart-shaped face framed with long dark hair that Pete couldn¶t resist, and the face Jenny silently admired. There were times when Ena didn¶t try but they would listen and obey, not like her employees, but like the faithful good friends they were. But if this trio had a queen, it was definitely her. ³I¶m not leaving,´ Jenny said and then she frowned a little sad. Because they all wanted to leave Oakville, go to bigger cities and have greater adventures. ³Me either,´ Pete joined, then he smiled apologetically, ³Not yet«´ They kept talking about their morning back to school and about the time they were away from each other, it was nice to be together again, they¶ve known each other since kindergarten. Jenny had been the girl who cried all morning because she wanted to go back home, back to her teddy bear. Pete and Ena had been the couple who stuck their tongues at each other from desk to desk and fought for candy or anything, really. Until one day Ena told Jenny to stop crying, she could do better than that, life had changed and she had to get used to it, it had been good encouraging words from a five year-old. But Pete with the intention to fight with Ena defended the kid with freckles, saying she could cry if she wanted to. Jenny ended up giving popsicles to the two of them so they would stop fighting. Since that day they were inseparable, just the three of them. Though, they didn¶t know that was all about to change very soon.

 jc It was seven PM and the girls had to be home by dinner, Pete said goodbye at the door and watched them as they drove off. Jenny lived two streets from Ena¶s house. Ena got home just in time and was relieved Isaac wasn¶t there. ³My rebel daughter is home,´ dad said when she walked in the kitchen. ³Hi Dad, How was work?´ her smile was genuine. She didn¶t see her dad a lot. She sat next to him at the table, Alexa sat at her side while their mom served dinner. ³Work¶s work, how was school?´ he asked, either testing her or really wanting to know. She didn¶t know so she spoke the truth. ³It was fine, until the end. I was in detention because I laughed,´ she said the reason before he asked. ³So, just a normal day then,´ he said looking down at his plate. ³Yeah, and it was the first day,´ she added. Dad just nodded. The food looked delicious. Mrs. Hatley was a typical housewife. She loved to cook, she had a lot of cooking books and magazines, and she liked to add little details to make the recipe better. She cooked chicken enchiladas tonight. It tasted delicious, that and the fact that she didn¶t have lunch at school today made Ena ate three enchiladas. ³It was delicious mom,´ she smiled at her. Her mother smiled back, ³Thank you, honey.´ ³So,´ Dad spoke, ³How was that little date of yours, Alexa?´ That shattered Ena¶s instant good mood, she excused herself and stood up, plate in hand. She placed it in the sink and listened to her sister¶s response.

³It was okay,´ her answer surprised all of them. She wasn¶t random when it came to boys. She talked and talked about it. Dad knew that and accepted it, just as he knew Ena was always in detention for whatever reason, he knew Alexa liked to have boyfriends. ³I was told you watched a movie in the living room,´ he said. ³That¶s right,´ Alexa's answers were vague and Dad gave up on it. Alexa was done too and followed her sister up the stairs, right before she walked into her bedroom Alexa spoke, ³How was your day?´ Ena turned to her, surprised. Alexa ± Queen of the high-school ± wanted to know how her first day as a commoner went. Which if she didn¶t think of the awkward way she got detention and how her schedule had too many classes with Mr. Keller in it, and how she felt dizzy and disconcerted all morning, and how Isaac, the new guy had been so...Well, actually now that she thought about it, it hadn¶t been a good day. ³Not as good as yours, I¶m sure.´ she answered. Her sister parted her lips in dismal but Ena kept talking, ³And what are you doing inviting that new guy over? What about Brian?´ ³We broke up...´ she said distantly. ³He spent winter break in Seattle and I¶m pretty sure he cheated on me. Colin commented something about it, and I²I don¶t know,´ she shrugged. ³And you¶re still friends?´ Ena asked. Alexa shrugged again this time in a whatelse-could I do... kind of way. Brian was the captain of the football team. The cute, popular guy girls wanted attention from, who drove the fastest car and had a packed wallet all the time. Alexa wasn¶t in the cheerleading squad, but she was always with them, she was the pretty girl the other girls loved to envy, who always got what she wanted. She had truly liked Brian. They didn¶t start dating because it was the expected thing to do.

They had been together since Junior High. He really seemed to love her and he had been her first love. But betrayed like that... Ena believed, could break even the strongest of hearts. ³You know how that is...´ Alexa said, but after saying it she didn¶t really know if her sister knew how  was. ³And the new guy, well, honestly I think that was like revenge...I don¶t know....´ ³Revenge?´ ³Yes,´ she said, ³He¶s the one who punched Brian, first day of school and getting in trouble. How sexy is that?´ ³Wait, what?´ Ena turned fully to her sister, eyes on hers, ³Why did he do that?´ ³He told me, he did it because they were speaking poorly about this girl...didn¶t ask who. And it just happened.´ Alexa shrugged once again. Ena frowned slightly. The conversation was over. Alexa smiled tight and said goodnight. Ena walked in her bedroom, showered and laid on the bed. She couldn¶t sleep. Isaac was in her mind. She woke up a couple hours after finally falling asleep, her left hand felt funny, and her wrist was hot, it almost burned as if her hand had been resting on a lamp all night. She sat up and looked out the large window across of her bed, the sky was still dark, and the moon was bright.   , she thought. It was funny, though that it hurt where her marks were, she had two small dots darker than her milky skin, and they looked like scars. Birth marks, the doctor had said, though Alexa didn¶t have them. It hurt, like it had never hurt before. She assumed it¶d pass, it had to pass... She woke up again and this time it was time to get up and go to school. She stumbled to the bathroom. Looking out the window she noticed it was uncharacteristically sunny for a January morning in Oakville. Not necessarily hot, like ready to go skinny dipping in the pool, but sunny enough to not wear a sweater today.

She wore jeans, clean t-shirt, and converse boots. Simple, but it looked good on her. The vanity mirror assured that much. Her hair, which she had dyed black, was starting to defiantly show brown lights in the light. She hurried downstairs and after waving off her mother¶s words about breakfast she drove to school. The first class was (unfortunately) with Mr. Keller. A serious looking Isaac sat next to Ena¶s usual seat. She considered sitting elsewhere, actually obeying the teacher¶s order and sit in the front row, but why would she do that? He was the new kid. He should follow her rules, not the other way around. ³Hello,´ Isaac didn¶t mean it, not really, but his voice was charming. He smiled at her. ³Hi,´ she did a reflexive turn toward him but didn¶t look his face. He was attractive, very, she had to admit. But there was a prohibit air about him, like she shouldn¶t be close to him or even talk to him. She had never felt that before. Class begun and Mr. Keller kept an eye on her. She stared back completely annoyed. What was it about her that bothered this teacher so much? She wasn¶t a straight A student, but she delivered good notes, especially in his class, which was very boring. ³Are you angry at me?´ It was a whisper but she¶d heard and after pretending to ignore it for a few seconds she answered. ³Why would I be angry at you? I only met you yesterday.´ ³Your sister said you were difficult,´ Isaac said, she didn¶t look at him. ³And you know what I told her?´ She didn¶t speak. The bell rang. ³I said,   

     Š    Š´

With that he stood up and left the classroom. She stayed in her desk, her heart fluttering in her chest. Daring? No one had ever called her that.

Complicated, stubborn and thoughtful, sometimes silly, but never daring. It was Mr. Keller¶s interrogative look that made her come back to earth and stand up to leave the classroom and drag her butt to her next class. In the cafeteria, she saw Isaac sitting at the royal table, next to her sister and Colin Zordino. One only sat there by invitation. Whether hitting Brian had helped with his instant popularity, Ena didn¶t know. She just knew he looked in pain, as if he couldn¶t stand another minute of it. They were all laughing and eating around him, he wasn¶t. He didn¶t laugh. The food in his tray was untouched. His eyes lifted from the table and he fixed his eyes on Ena and he smiled at her, she smiled back from across the cafeteria where she sat with Pete and Jenny. His smile made her cheeks feel warm almost a burning feeling, it felt like a secret moment. The cafeteria was crowded but it was just the two of them smiling at each other what mattered. The moment broke, Alexa touched Isaac¶s arm demanding his attention. Ena lowered her eyes, instinctively. Had her sister seen that? ³We must party,´ Pete exclaimed, ³no parents, equals party, babe!´ ³What are you talking about?´ Ena hadn¶t been paying attention. Isaac wasn¶t looking at her direction anymore, but he didn¶t seem to be having a better time, either. ³My parents are visiting my grandma this weekend. She hasn¶t been feeling very well lately...´ Jenny explained. Ena gave her a sympathetic smile. ³Yeah, that sucks...´ Pete said, and then in a louder tone and with a grin he added, ³So, we¶ll get there at eight?´ ³Pete!´ both girls shouted and smacked his arm, probably making more damage in their hands than to him. He laughed and stood up just when the bell rang for the next class. They stood up too, returned the trays, and walked out of there.

In the corridor Ena spoke, ³But you know... maybe a little party isn¶t so bad, Jenny. I mean, we didn¶t see each other for a while, and I think we should really celebrate being back to school and all.´ ³You¶re losing me,´ Jenny shook her head teasingly, ³and since when do you want to celebrate being back to school?´ Pete and Ena looked at each other helplessly. Then both stopped Jenny in her tracks and begged. ³Please, please, Jenny, please!´ ³Fine!´ Jenny cracked, holding a smile. She knew they wouldn¶t stop until she agreed, ³but just the three of us.´ ³Well, of course,´ Ena said, and they headed toward their different classes. The new schedule really sucks, Ena thought. *** ³Are you doing something tomorrow night?´ Ena asked, she stood in the door of her sister¶s bedroom, arms folded in her chest. It was Thursday after school. Alexa browsed a magazine in bed. She looked up. ³I thought you were grounded,´ was her response, which Ena ignored and asked again. ³Are you?´ she assumed she was, since she had been seeing Alexa with Isaac, everywhere. They were the main subject of gossip around the school. They sat together at the cafeteria, Brian was rarely ever there. Football practice was what he said. But what happened was clear; Isaac had taken Brian¶s place. ³Isaac was going to take me somewhere. I don¶t know, maybe I¶ll go.´

³Fine, I¶ll go out too and if mom finds out I¶ll know who told her,´ she didn¶t mean it to sound like a threat, or maybe she did... she didn¶t know. ³Like I care,´ Alexa replied, her expression unpleasant. But before Ena turned around and left, she smoothed her cringed nose and said, ³I wanted to ask you a question.´ ³Sure, what is it?´ ³Are you dating someone? Is that what you¶re doing tomorrow night?´ Those were two questions. ³No, I¶m just going to Jenny¶s house.´ Ena answered with a shrug. Alexa seemed disappointed by that. ³I just thought, I don¶t know, we haven¶t talked much lately´ Alexa said. No, we haven¶t, Ena thought wistfully. It was majorly her fault, she admitted. Because Alexa went out with the snob girls and boyfriend Brian while Ena merely stayed home or drove to Pete¶s house and ate marshmallows. But they never went out together. Not since middle school. ³I really don¶t...´ Ena trailed off and walked into the room. Squinting eyes to see her sister¶s face closer, ³Are your eyes brown?´ ³Yeah, I changed my contact lenses. It looks similar to our natural colour, doesn¶t it?´ Ena smiled and nodded. Alexa needed glasses, without them she was practically blind, but glasses didn¶t go with her glamorous style, so she wore contacts, but she always ± since age fifteen ± wore them blue. ³I think Isaac likes them brown,´ Alexa said with a giggle. She wanted to talk about it, Ena realized. And she was her sister, part of her, her twin, her other half. Ena sat down on the bed next to her.

³Tell me about him,´ Ena said. She wanted to know, she was curious about him, they haven¶t spoken since the time he called her a daring girl. Trying to be around him or speak to him was like trying to be close with a celebrity. He was always surrounded by girls and guys, too. These last ones insisted him to get in the football team, but he politely rejected every time, and he seemed to build up a wall trying to block them out, it didn¶t seem to work, he was always in the spot light. ³He is amazing,´ Alexa started, ³charming, kind and so gorgeous. There¶s something about him that... I don¶t know, drive us all crazy,´ she paused, ³He had asked me about you, you know?´ ³Really?´ ³Yes, he wants to know what you like, and how you are...´ Alexa said and she was teasing, ³Sometimes I think he¶s only with me to get closer to you´ she laughed at the idea, because how crazy was that? Alexa was never a second choice, especially not when her sister was to be the first. Ena laughed nervously and stood up. It was getting late. ³Wait,´ Alexa stopped her at the door, ³You want to know what the weirdest thing is?´ Ena hoped it wasn¶t something romantic. She hoped she¶d say the most perfect guy had a third eye in the back of his neck or something. ³He hasn¶t kissed me yet,´ Alexa whispered as if saying a secret. It was quiet intriguing. Ena retrieved to her side, but then whatever hope had aroused in her it shoved back. ³But you¶ve been together what, a week?´ she said, she had been hoping Alexa would get bored of him and dump him. There was something Ena didn¶t like about him. She just didn¶t know what that 

Š was.

³Four days to be exact,´ Alexa said. ³But I mean... Brian kissed me in our first date.´

³He¶s not Brian,´ Ena murmured. He wasn¶t like Brian at all. Isaac was the handsome guy that didn¶t know it and didn¶t brag about it ± simply, charming. ³I know that,´ Alexa said cunningly. She straightened up and her welcoming smile changed, ³mom and dad are going out, if you want to sneak out your chances are good. I won¶t tell them.´ Ena caught the small dismissal and with a nod she stood up and walked out of her sister¶s bedroom and stepped into her own, which was across the hallway, merely four steps away, and she tried to sleep. She dreamed about Isaac talking to her and looking at her like he did the first time, only this time there were just the two of them. The alarm sounded, and it jolted Ena back to reality. It was a disappointment, she wanted to keep sleeping and dreaming... But it was finally Friday and she was happy about that. It was the last day of the first week back to school. She wanted to celebrate. Simple things, like being with her friends again and not getting detention, again. If she thought about the first detention on Monday, how it hadn¶t been fair, she decided in her mind that it didn¶t count. She got ready and drove to school. When she got out of her car, she saw Jenny and Pete entering the doors of the school building, without her. She hurried and caught up with them. ³Hey,´ she said. Her voice hasty, ³I thought we were meeting in the left side of the building like we usually do.´ ³We were, but you¶re late and I wasn¶t going to wait for you forever.´ Jenny¶s voice was hard, very uncharacteristically of her. ³I didn¶t notice I was late, sorry.´ Ena said, confused. Her friend shrugged off her words and without looking back she headed toward her first class in the classroom that was at the end of the corridor.

Pete, who didn¶t seem to have noticed anything, grinned at Ena and swung his arm over her shoulders. ³We have a class together, at last.´ he said. They sat together, in the desks of the middle, by Pete¶s command. Mrs. Connelly, History teacher, started the class. She was very lovely at first sight. Her silvery hair of a sixty year-old woman and the thin glasses made her seem kind and mellow, but when she taught, she was hard and firm in what she stated, not only about what was in the text books, but about what she knew. ³Open your books, page 21, Ms. Robinsons, go ahead and read,´ the teacher said. Anna Robinsons, the girl who always sat in the first row and wanted the teacher¶s attention stood up and started reading without complaints. Ena tried to follow the reading, but her head was racing, there was something bothering Jenny, she knew it, because Jenny wouldn¶t speak to her like that unless something had happened. ³Pete,´ she whispered and turned toward her right where her friend sat. Pete should know, he¶s always with Jenny. He had to know. ³Was Jenny angry about something?´ ³What?´ he whispered back, puzzled. The teacher¶s hawk eyes were attentive and they looked down at their books. ³I don¶t know, why?´ he mumbled, softy. ³She looked upset,´ Ena said certain. Anna stopped reading and Mrs. Connelly set a project to deliver at the end of the class. The students weren¶t silent anymore, low murmurs in the classroom. Ena spoke again, ³You don¶t think something happened to her grandma, do you?´ ³Who¶s grandma?´ Pete seemed to be lost today, ³Ah, Jenny¶s...I don¶t think so. I mean, that¶s why her parents went to Circe town.´

³Okay...´ that wasn¶t it, but Pete had to know, he was always with her. Ena insisted, ³Did you speak to her about something this morning, or yesterday afternoon?´ ³I was telling her about tomorrow night, I really need a relaxing drink... And I told her I¶m glad to have a friend like you who likes to drink and can hold her liquor,´ he winked. She rolled her eyes. And, wait...was that it? Jenny was jealous or something? Two girls being friends with a very good looking guy... this would happen at some point. ³There¶s still going to be a party, right?´ he asked, not focusing on the project for a second. ³Yeah,´ she said vaguely. ³Promise?´ he pushed, a smile showing on his face. ³Yes, I promise. I¶ll talk to her in the cafeteria. You just stay with your guy friends for a minute while I talk to her, okay?´ She told him. He grinned and turned to his notebook. And he didn¶t look up again, he liked history. He liked all classes, really. Ena, less excited looked down at her notebook, too. At the cafeteria Ena scanned around to find Jenny. She found her in a corner; a guy was talking to her. The guy didn¶t mean any harm, but Jenny looked very uncomfortable and her eyes glanced everywhere trying to find a way to flee. Ena walked toward them and reached out to take her friend¶s hand, Jenny was relieved. ³Another time, boy,´ Ena told the guy, and she took a double look, it was Colin Zorino, tall, brunette, with a charming smile. But he was also Brian¶s right hand, she regretted her words, Colin Zorino was a big No-No. He took a step back allowing Jenny to leave. Ena didn¶t say anything to him, they just stared at each other like long time enemies, and then he left first, looking around as if embarrassed to be seen with her. Ena shook off the stares around her and led Jenny toward their usual table. ³Thanks, I don¶t know why Colin was talking to me,´ Jenny said sitting down.

Ena sat down next to her and nodded, she didn¶t know how to start, though she had known from long before, it was too obvious. Jenny liked Pete, Pete, who now was very obediently standing across the room with his friends, four guys. Ena turned fully toward Jenny, she was avoiding her eyes like she knew what was going to happen, she knew Ena had noticed and had figured it out. ³We need to talk.´ ³About what?´ Jenny tried to pretend she had no idea, and wouldn¶t meet Ena¶s eyes. ³I think you¶re feeling a little...jealous about Pete and me, but I want you to know that I don¶t like him that way, so you really have nothing to worry about,´ there she said it. It hadn¶t been awkward as she thought it would be. She waited for Jenny to respond, she was looking down at the table. Finally she looked up at her face and spoke, ³I know you don¶t, but sometimes it seems like he does, and I just couldn¶t hold it any longer, he talks about you all the time,´ she sighed. I had no idea, Ena thought. There had to be something she could do. ³I can tell him to stop...´ she said haplessly. ³No, it¶ll just make things weird.´ Jenny shook her head. An idea occurred to Ena, ³What if tonight we try to make him notice you? You¶ll be all dolled up and he¶ll get drunk. It¶s perfect!´ The idea was fascinating to her; it wasn¶t so much to Jenny. ³I don¶t want him to have to be drunk to want me...´ she looked down at the table; her hands under it were sweating with uncertainty.

³No, it¶ll be just this time, for him to stop seeing you as Jenny-his-friend and start seeing you as Jenny-more-than-a-friend,´ she winked. The thought only made Jenny blush. ³I will be there, I¶ll help you.´ ³But ±´ she started to protest, it was a crazy idea, nothing she¶d ever done before. But Pete was walking toward them. ³Tonight it¶ll be. I want you to look dazzling.´ Ena said as a last statement. Jenny reluctantly nodded. ³Party still on?´ Pete asked without taking a seat. Jenny nodded again. ³Good,´ he took a seat then and after an apathetic sigh he said, ³because I¶m babysitting, and I have to take him with me.´ ³Who?´ ³This guy,´ he said, ³his aunt is my mother¶s best friend, and she¶s in Seattle or whatever. He¶s taking care of the house...I don¶t know. The thing is I¶m stuck with him tomorrow,´ Pete¶s bored tone stayed all morning. At the end of the last class Pete approached Mr. Keller to ask him something. Ena was gathering her books... ³Can we meet tonight?´ It was a low voice in her ear from someone she really didn¶t want to see. She turned around and met his green eyes; the smile he rarely showed was on his face, sweet, yet his lips tensed a little. ³Can we meet tonight?´ he repeated, as if in a hurry. ³Meet... tonight?´ She babbled. He was close, and it felt like a huge magnet wanted to pull them closer. She couldn¶t speak, she couldn¶t think, it was just his eyes she could see. But then just like the first time she saw him, something stopped her from doing what she really wanted, a warm wave in her chest. She could speak. She spoke firm and clear, ³I can¶t,´ and she kept gathering her things.

³Please...´ ³Aren¶t you meeting with my sister tonight?´ she asked. Isaac finally backed away a little. Pete was getting back to Ena¶s side. ³What¶s up Fellins,´ Pete said trying to be friendly. Isaac nodded. Pete put his arm around Ena¶s shoulder, ³Ready to go?´ ³Yes,´ she said. ³I¶ll see you later,´ Isaac said to her, nodded to Pete and left before they did. ³What did the super star want?´ Pete mocked. ³Nothing, he got the wrong sister,´ she tried to joke. He frowned, wondering what Isaac had really wanted. ³Let¶s go, Jenny must be in the parking lot. And I got to pick up the guy.´ " Ena searched what to wear for tonight, a skirt, a nice blouse, or maybe just a pair of pants and a t-shirt, did it matter what she wore? It was then when she remembered Isaac and the odd question. Š 


She walked to her sister¶s bedroom, the door was closed. She knocked. ³Who is it?´ Alexa¶s voice sounded muffled through the door. ³Me, sister, open up I want to ask you something.´ Ena said, she waited a few seconds and after a snicker the door opened. She froze, Isaac sat on the bed. He looked like a kid, sort of innocent and a bit insecure.

³What¶s up?´ her sister¶s voice made her snap out of it, the surprise she suddenly felt. It was Isaac; he was right there, with her her bed. ³Don¶t say anything to mom, okay?´ ³ problem,´ Ena mumbled, her eyes shifted to Isaac, who could only stare back at her.    Š Š  Š, he wanted to say. He tried to show it through his eyes. He thought it, too. But she couldn¶t hear. Ena wished she could flee, it hurt, and she wanted it to stop. She turned around, but she couldn¶t escape. ³Wait,´ Alexa called her back. ³Weren¶t you going to ask me something?´ Yes, she was. But now she couldn¶t, could she? Not with Isaac right there in front of her. But she had to; she had to ask anything, whatever. She asked the first thing that came to her mind, ³Do you have a white skirt?´ easy, and sure. Alexa had everything in white. ³Of course,´ she walked to her closet, her back to her, Ena looked back at Isaac. He had averted his eyes, and was now staring at the floor, simply waiting for the awkward moment to end. ?   ŠŠ    ŠŠ  he repeated in his mind. ³Thanks,´ Ena said after her sister handed her a white skirt mini. The door closed, and though she had wished it before, she didn¶t flee. She stayed in the hall, wondering what the hell had just happened. Had she imagined it? No, of course she hadn¶t. With a sigh she walked in the door of her bedroom, she wasn¶t going to wear the skirt, as pretty as it was. She tossed it onto the bed and pulled out of the closet a mini black dress. She showered and while getting ready for tonight she thought about the room across the hall. It sickened her, how could he be doing whatever he was doing there with her sister and have asked her to meet with him tonight? But, what if he wanted to see her for all the different reasons that the ones she had in her head, maybe he wanted to ask her something about Alexa, maybe it was something about school, or maybe...But, he had looked at her in a special way, hadn¶t he?

The smile he shared with her, that wasn¶t the smile he showed to the rest of the world now, was it? There was something about him though, something that scared her in the most exciting way, beyond making her hands sweat and her heart flutter as fast as hummingbird¶s wings. It was something unknown that felt awfully familiar. She didn¶t hate him, she realized. But what she admitted next scared her, she liked him, she liked him very much.

c It was a surprise to find them downstairs, on the couch, just watching a movie. Hey, maybe she was imagining. They¶ll have the house for themselves, she couldn¶t help the thought. But as she approached the couch she realized they were merely sitting there, not making out and all over each other like the nauseating thought she had in her head earlier. ³Wow, you should dress like that more often.´ Alexa had looked back at the sound of steps and noticed that sounded like a glint of envy. ³Thanks...´ Ena said trying not to show how she was taken aback. Alexa received compliments; she didn¶t give them, especially not to her. Isaac only observed her, no words. He liked how the dark dress fitted her so nicely; she really looked like the image the woman had pictured. He wondered... ³I¶ll be back later, sister,´ Ena said, although she would have loved to stay and be admired by Isaac¶s eyes. No, she had to go,  Š Š. Besides, they were just watching a movie. A very boring one for all she knew. Just watching a movie, that was the thought she would hold on to the entire evening. With the last attempt of a smile she turned around and left. Ena made a stop at the liquor shop; she had agreed to bring tequila to the µparty.¶ The owner and casher didn¶t ask for her ID, she looked old enough. And she was smart enough to never reveal her real age, just a smile here and there; she was a frequent client, after all. ³Hey, Will,´ Ena flashed the smile she knew that worked so well, it wasn¶t flirting and it wasn¶t fake, just a genuine friendly greeting. William Johnson looked up from behind the newspaper. He liked to read it when it was late at night, because whatever they had printed it had already happened and could wait until he had finished with his daily tasks. ³Alexa,´ he said, a very amused smile on his face, ³Did you dye your hair just like Ena?´

³No! It¶s me, Will,´ Ena said, a bit offended. It was just a nice dress and more makeup than usual, what was the big deal? Will chuckled; it actually was what she expected. ³I knew that,´ he admitted. ³Alexa doesn¶t buy alcohol.´ ³No,´ Ena agreed, ³she sends her friends to do the dirty work.´ Will was fun to talk to; he was in his late thirties but didn¶t stare at young girls with lust or anything. He spent most of his days in the liquor shop he owned. He didn¶t have employees so he did everything, himself. And when Ena visited she always stayed a few minutes for small talk. How¶s school, how¶s life, that kind of thing. ³You¶re all dressed up, so I assume you are going somewhere,´ Will said as Ena placed the bottles of Jose Cuervo on the counter. ³Yeah, I¶m going to a friend¶s house, and don¶t worry I won¶t drink while I drive.´ she promised. He laughed by her choice of words. Drink while driving. ³You shouldn¶t drink Š then drive, either.´ ³Nothing to worry about, really,´ she assured him and nonchalantly picked a pack of cigarettes. Probably too nonchalantly, she¶d hope he wouldn¶t notice, when he arched an eyebrow she said, ³These too.´ He shook his head, the smile was small but didn¶t drop completely, ³It¶s a bad habit, you know?´ he said sounding a lot more understanding than her father would, and he put the pack in the bag anyway. ³I know,´ she smiled, paid, and waved goodbye, ³Have a good one, Will.´ She left.

When she got to her friend¶s house, a very nervous Jenny opened the door. ³Thank god!´ Jenny breathed. ³They¶re here already?´ Ena asked. Jenny shook her head, red messy curls bouncing above her shoulders, ³no, but I really need help with my hair!´ Ena relaxed, it was just a hair crisis. She went to the kitchen and placed the bag onto the dinner table, and then she followed Jenny to the hallway where a large, old, and kind of gypsy-looking mirror hung on the wall. ³I didn¶t know if I should wear it up or let it down,´ Jenny explained, her reflexion as anxious as her voice. She wore a pale pink dress, spaghetti straps, the skirt was shorter than she was used to wearing, and matching pink stilettos that made her look taller than Ena. And she only applied pink lipstick, very soft makeup, which looked good, angelical. But her hair...that was a different story. ³Don¶t worry, I¶ll fix it,´ Ena said taking Jenny¶s hair in her hands. She pulled it up in a simple bow, letting a couple of strands loose in the front, framing her face. Jenny handed her a pin, a pink, sparkly flower. She adorned the bow with it and the result was surprisingly really pretty. ³There, you¶re perfectly dazzling now,´ Ena said stepping back so Jenny was the only one reflecting in the mirror. ³It looks cute, thank you,´ Jenny said, with that Ena returned to her side and smiled really satisfied with her work. She didn¶t know she could do bows. ³I¶m not as dazzling as you, though.´ Ena blinked. There was something in her tone, not resentment, or envy, not at all. More like...admiration? The look Jenny gave her proved that much.

³This?´ she pointed at herself, ³It¶s nothing, I¶m just wearing a dress and a little bit of makeup, no big deal´ Jenny still looked at her through the mirror, she frowned a little as if she were trying to detect a lie. ³Besides,´ Ena added, ³Pete won¶t be looking at me, he¶ll be looking at you, I promise.´ There was a knock on the door, and Jenny¶s eyes widened and she practically ran to open it. Ena walked toward the kitchen, positioned the tequila bottles in line. She opened the freezer to check if Jenny had any ice. ³All right, we¶re here,´ said Pete. Ena closed the fridge and regarded him. Pete wore blue jeans and a gray t-shirt under his black suit-jacket; his blue eyes sparkled by the look she gave her. He looked very handsome tonight. ³Wow, you look good!´ She said. He grinned smugly. Next to him stood a blonde guy, tall but not taller than Pete holding a plastic bag, he wore all black. ³You look perfect, babe,´ Pete replied charmingly, but her eyes were on the guy. ³Uh, so hey, this is Carl,´ the guy I¶m babysitting, he wanted to add. Pete tugged the guy¶s long sleeve and pulled him closer to her, just like a babysitter would do a kid that doesn¶t want to say hi to a stranger. The guy extended his pale hand, no longer looking like an intimidated child. He took her hand, ³I¶m Carl Posen, and it is very nice to meet you.´ ³I¶m Ena Hatley,´ they shook hands and held the position for a few seconds. He let go first. She smiled, and stepped back a little remembering Pete was still there. ³Did you see Jenny? She looks pretty, don¶t you think?´ ³Yeah, she looks good,´ Pete said, glad her eyes were back on him. ³All right, now that we¶re all here, where¶s that party you promised?´ She¶d promised a lot of this thus far, Ena realized.

Carl handed her the bag he¶d been holding, in it there were three bottles of Grey Goose vodka. ³Excellent!´ Ena grinned. At least this was a promise she¶d enjoy. ³You drink?´ she asked Carl trying to make small conversation and to make him feel welcomed. He looked seventeen like them, probably eighteen, but not everybody liked to drink. Jenny didn¶t. ³I drink all the time,´ he said, a curious smile on his face as if fighting to laugh from a very good joke. She smiled back, not really getting it. Pete felt left out and walked to the living room where Jenny stood frowning silently at the stereo that refused to play the CD. ³You need help... or this like your specialty?´ Carl teased while Ena opened a bottle in a very experienced way. ³It is,´ she said, ³but you can help me, four hands can carry more drinks.´ Pete hit the top of the stereo with his fist and the music started. Finally. Jenny laughed, or at least Ena thought that was what it meant when she opened her lips parted like that, because the music muted everything else. It was a Nirvana song. It made Ena¶s entire body vibrate. Carl helped to pour drinks ± very gracefully ± and they headed to the dance floor, (the living room with the couches aside). They danced and laughed, and drank. Carl and Ena had tequila shot contests. They stopped and called it a tie when they were in the middle of the first bottle, and neither Carl nor Ena were giving up. She got this weird sensation about Carl, weird good, and she thought Pete was getting tensed about their closeness, because Carl was always next to her, refilling her drink, dancing with her, or just talking. He watched her a lot too, he stared, actually. One time she followed his gaze, he seemed to be looking at her hands or her watch, she couldn¶t tell. Maybe because it was a man¶s watch, she only liked it because it was wider than a girly watch and it covered the marks on her wrist. She wore it when she wasn¶t wearing long sleeve shirts. ³You want another drink?´ Carl asked he had to speak in her ear because of the music.

Ena drank the rest of her drink and handed him the cup, ³Sure, thanks.´ Carl stood up and headed to the kitchen, she stayed there for a second feeling that weird sensation again, it was like a buzzing call inside her, though it was quiet and it was starting to be hard to ignore. She stood up and walked toward the kitchen. Jenny and Pete in the living room, they were so wasted it was a shame Ena didn¶t have a camera. Pete was dancing with Jenny, and they looked very close and intimate. ³Would you go outside with me? I think I need fresh air´ Ena had to scream to hear her own voice. The music was louder and it wasn¶t a calm Nirvana song now, they had abruptly changed to hip-hop. Carl nodded, drinks in hand he followed her out the front door. As soon as they walked out the door and the music stopped rumbling through her body, and the way the cold air caressed her face she felt better. ³Thanks,´ she said taking her drink from his hand. ³Are you drunk yet?´ he asked trying to get her attention back to his face, a smile of amusement was on his face. ³I never get drunk,´ she said smugly, ³Are

drunk yet?´

³I never get drunk either,´ he said it as calmly as he¶d been saying everything tonight. ³But I really enjoy the feeling. And you know...´ he paused and looked around, the house was like most houses surrounded by trees, and it was that presence again, whoever he or she was, Carl didn¶t want to deal with that, he was in the middle of a plan. ³Maybe, we should go inside, beautiful,´ he said, his voice like velvet. She didn¶t argue. When they stepped inside the house, Jenny turned off the music and it was then when the old pendulum wall clock went, tum...tum...tum! It was three in the morning. Ena wasn¶t tired but if mom and dad were home it would be harder to sneak back in the house. ³I¶m going to go,´ she announced.

³ too.´ said Pete grabbing his jacket and putting it on with great effort. He could barely remain standing; he had to lean on the wall to stop the room from spinning, Ena supposed. ³I¶ll drive you home,´ Ena offered, ³friends don¶t let friends drink and drive.´ she teased taking the keys from his hand which was very easily since he wasn¶t very attentive at the moment. Carl took the keys from her hand quite fast yet gracious, ³I¶ll drive him. I¶m as sober as you are. You should go home.´ he assured her, his eyes looked okay to her, they weren¶t lost like Pete¶s, other than the reek of alcohol, he looked as good as she felt. ³All right, thank you. But who will take you home?´ ³I¶ll manage,´ Carl said with a wink, he leaned closer to kiss her cheek, ³I¶ll see you soon,´ then he turned toward Jenny and said, ³Thank you for having me tonight.´ Jenny nodded and an easy smile appeared on her lips, ³No problem.´ Carl grabbed Pete¶s arm and swung it over his shoulders. ³Good night, my ladies.´ Pete said over his shoulder, Carl was shorter and less bulky than Pete but somehow it looked effortless for him to almost carry him. The girls stood at the front door and watched them drive off. ³So, spill. Did you guys kiss?´ Jenny¶s already pink face turned red, ³No, but he was really sweet to me. Maybe the plan worked.´ ³It worked,´ Ena said, but that was all she said about it because Jenny looked very dizzy and lost, whatever she said would probably be forgotten by tomorrow morning. ³What about you, and...Carl? You two were together, like all night.´ Jenny asked trying to sound and look sober, which was only making it funny to watch.

³He¶s nice, but nothing happened,´ was that disappointment in her voice? Admittedly, she had wanted to go crazy tonight, and all she managed was to drink half the bottles, and not even feeling a little bit of a buzz. She needed a cigarette but Jenny always nagged her about it, she didn¶t like the habit. ³I¶m leaving, will you be all right?´ ³Yeah, don¶t worry, I¶ll sleep and...´ she looked around, the living room with the couches nowhere near where they belonged, from the hall they could see little of the kitchen floor, used napkins, empty bottles lying here and there, and a few things she honestly didn¶t want to know what they were. ³I¶ll clean tomorrow.´ They could have cleaned right then but she really needed to get home; and she needed a cigarette. Besides, Jenny really looked like she needed to be close to a bed or she would end up sleeping on the floor. ³Call me tomorrow and I¶ll come over to help you clean, okay?´ Ena said, Jenny¶s face lit up a bit, her sleepy eyes sparkled. ³Good night Jenny. Call me if you need anything, and take a bucket to your room, just in case«well, you know.´ Jenny didn¶t get it at first. She blinked and wrinkled her nose, ³Ewe, I will not throw up!´ ³Fine,´ Ena laughed, ³But take it anyway.´ As soon as she walked out the door and Jenny closed it and locked it, she pulled out of the little black purse she carried the pack of cigarettes. She didn¶t have a lighter, though. Y Š She brought the cigarette to her mouth and let it hang while she tried to open the door of her car. A shadow fell over her, and she jumped when he heard his voice. ³That is a bad habit, you know?´

She almost dropped the set of keys. She turned around and saw Isaac standing there, looking as casual as if walking in the street after three AM was a habit of his own. ³You¶re the second person that told me that tonight,´ she said, his smile widened. ³Here,´ he had a lighter on his hand with a hot blue flame. She took two steps forward without hesitation and brought the cigarette to the flame. She stepped back once the cigarette was lit, Isaac saved the lighter and watched her. She took a long drag, and narrowed her eyes as she exhaled. ³What are you doing here?´ I¶m here to see you, he wanted to say. Instead he said, ³I was with a friend, now I¶m going back home,´ that was a lie, he hated it but he had to lie. There was a long silence and he almost felt anxious that she had sensed the lie. But she hadn¶t, it was just that he was so« easy on the eyes and she felt drawn to him, but at the same time she felt that warm wave run through her, it felt like a warning. It startled them both. She put out the cigarette with her foot and opened the door of her car, over her shoulder she said, ³Come on, I¶ll take you home.´ He hesitated, but when she looked back he nodded, ³Okay.´ They didn¶t speak. She drove a little too fast, it was very late. Silence...It was a comfortable silence, though. But it was weird, he was finally alone with her and she had nothing to say? ³So, where are you from?´ she asked. ³Here, I mean, I was born here.´ he said, ³But I¶d been living in Greece for quite a while«´ ³Oh, that¶s nice.´ she said, but she¶d never been to Greece, to any place really, she didn¶t know what else to say. Silence again. The rest of the drive felt awkward.

³I can take it from here, thanks.´ he said when they were approaching her house. ³Are you serious? Where¶s your house?´ she asked. ³Near,´ he said. She parked in front of her house and turned off the engine, he opened the door and got out of the car, she did too. Dad¶s Volvo wasn¶t here yet. ³So«You¶ll just walk home?´ she asked, she didn¶t know why he was being so mysterious about where he lived. He knew where she lived. It didn¶t seem fair that she didn¶t know. ³Yep,´ Isaac said, and there it was, that feeling again, that sudden craving. Next time he spoke his voice carried a hint, ³Won¶t you go inside?´ ³Maybe,´ Ena replied and feeling boldly she asked, ³Won¶t you go home?´ ³After you get inside, I will,´ he said, they looked at each other. For a long moment they stared. His eyes looked different, dangerously alluring. She wanted to look away but couldn¶t. He did first, ³It¶s getting late. You should really get inside,´  ŠŠ    He didn¶t say it but his hungry eyes revealed it. Ena started walking toward the door, but she paused and turned around, she caught him looking at her, he cleared his throat and straightened up, nervously. It was the second time she did that, and took him off guard. ³Wait, why«´ she walked back to where he stood, ³Why did you want to meet with me tonight?´ Isaac didn¶t speak. He looked back at her, meeting her questioning brown eyes. She had stayed, it was too late now. He smiled. The same smile he¶d shared with her when they were in the cafeteria, sweet and secret. This time the moment lasted longer and felt stronger. She shivered, and the cold wind didn¶t have anything to do with it. It was the way he looked at her, his eyes black with wild craving. Isaac took a step closer, then another; there was almost no space between them. He leaned in, took her hands and brushed his lips with hers.

It felt warm, and innocent, and it was so very short. Isaac blinked, he couldn¶t believe he¶d done that, how¶d he let that happen. Ena couldn¶t believe it either. Their faces showed surprise, a sudden joy«then shame. ³I should really get inside,´ she said, surprised her voice sounded so calm. He nodded and stepped back; though he ached for more he released her hands. When she reached the door and looked back, he was gone. " The ringing of her cell phone woke her up the next morning, it was Jenny. She was freaked out because she felt what a hangover felt like for the first time. Ena rolled out of bed, got dressed and drove to her friend¶s house. She didn¶t know what to do about the hangover; she¶d never have one in her life. ³You¶re so lucky!´ Jenny said, ³I feel like my head is about to explode, and I¶m so thirsty. My mouth is dry and my whole body is sore,´ she made a little sound of complain. ³Well, you wanted to drink. I told you we had to get Pete drunk, not you.´ ³I know, but I didn¶t want him to think I couldn¶t drink or something. Besides, I only had like two drinks,´ Jenny frowned. ³You¶re totally hopeless then,´ Ena said and laughed, Jenny stuck her tongue out at her. They cleaned last night¶s mess, just put the couches in place, threw the big plastic bags with all the evidence in the trash can, and swiped. Jenny¶s parents were getting back home tomorrow; empty bottles of vodka and tequila weren¶t the best welcome sign. They sat in the couch, drinking water, when Jenny let out a long heavy sigh, ³we should do something tonight,´ Jenny said tilting her head back and staring at the ceiling, ³You know, with the guys,´ it felt funny to her, it had always been just Pete and them.

Ena heard her, but she was distracted and it took her time to answer with the simplest words, ³yeah, let¶s.´ ³What is it?´ Jenny turned toward her. Sad brown eyes met Jenny¶s. Ena was sad, confused, and ashamed. Now that she wasn¶t distracted by cleaning, guilt was starting to sink in her stomach. Isaac had kissed her, Isaac, who ± according to the gossip ± was dating Alexa. She¶d kissed him back and she¶d liked it, and honestly she wanted to do it again. But she couldn¶t say that, to anybody, not even to her best friend. Ena shook her head and tried for a smile, ³call Pete, tell him we¶re going to his house later, and to invite Carl,´ it wasn¶t an order, at least she hadn¶t meant it, but Jenny teased with a lazy salute and stood up to go to the phone. Ena stayed there, eyes lost in space. When Jenny came back she was grinning like a silly girl, her cheeks as red as her hair. ³He said,    ?  Š

 ´ Jenny imitated Pete so well. She even

did the quick eyebrow arch he always did. ³I told him we¶ll be there at four.´ ³Great, we¶ll have pizza,´ Ena said, her mood not any better, ³I¶ll go change and I¶ll pick you up before four.´ ³All right,´ Jenny eyed her doubtfully but didn¶t ask. At home, Ena found Alexa and Isaac in the living room. ³How¶s the hangover doing?´ Alexa mocked, she looked cheerful next to Isaac, who looked, well, not. ³I don¶t have one, thanks,´ Ena replied her heart seemed to pound in her throat at the sight of him, her cheeks felt hot and not in a good way. She was upset. ³Hello,´ he finally spoke, but he didn¶t smile. There was no emotion on his face. She met his eyes, mirrored his emotionless and cold expression and she said, ³Whatever.´

³That was rude!´ Alexa yelled as Ena went up the stairs. There was the sound of a door slamming. Alexa rolled her eyes, ³I¶m sorry about that, she get¶s neurotic sometimes.´ In her bedroom, Ena with trembling hands covering her face let out a frustrating sigh. ]  Š     Š       Š she told herself. She showered and put on tight black jeans with a purple shirt, which was probably a bad idea since the colors made her look even paler, but she didn¶t care. She simply wore her hair down and was ready to go. She went to the kitchen knowing mom would be there, but she regretted going in the kitchen as soon as she got there. ³Hey darling, are you going somewhere?´ mom asked, she was cooking, just like she imagined, apron on and everything. And next to her stood Isaac shoving onions like a pro, he was only missing the chef hat. The knife stopped and he turned slightly toward Ena. ³Yeah,´ Ena said, and hesitated, ³I¶m going to a friend¶s house, mom. Is that okay?´ ³Sure,´ mom said and turned her attention back to the stove, ³Just don¶t be late.´ Ena didn¶t feel like sitting at the table next to Alexa who was merely observing the eager cooks. So she turned around and walked toward the front door, dragging her feet. But she was stopped right before turning the golden knob. ³Why don¶t you stay?´ it was Isaac¶s voice, ³I¶d like to speak with you.´ ³No,´ she said low, she felt wrong and awful, ³I don¶t want to speak with you at all.´ ³I«´ he didn¶t finish, he observed her, with all of his senses«She felt the same to him, same strong essence but there was guilt on the edges. Great guilt, the kind of guilt only humans could feel. ³I¶m sorry,´ he spoke again, ³I¶ll give you space if you need it.´ She nodded stiffly, her back to him; she didn¶t want to see him, not when they were this close. ³I¶ll« see you later.´

She walked out the door, and drove to Jenny¶s house. " Jenny opened the door and immediately noticed something was wrong. ³You okay?´ she finally dared to ask. ³Yeah, fine, ready to go?´ Ena masked her feelings with a smile, a normal smile yet not believable. Jenny nodded after a second; she never pushed Ena into saying things. If she wanted to say it she would. The drive to Pete¶s house was quiet, Jenny felt less excited suddenly, and Ena, well, she looked gloomy and she could only stare silently at the road. Pete opened the door, his blue eyes bloodshot, and his brown hair messier than usual. Other than that he looked as cute as always. No wonder Jenny liked him. He stood there wearing casual blue jeans and a green sweatshirt. ³Look, you match,´ Ena pointed out. Jenny seemed to blush a little, she wore a Levis skirt and a green blouse, same green as Pete¶s sweat-shirt. He grinned. ³Great minds like alike, babe,´ Pete winked at Jenny and stepped aside to let them in. In the living room, Carl sat in the middle of the couch, he reminded her of some ancient Grecian, or Roman statue, all marble, and smooth lines, except this statue wore all black and a pleasant smirk. ³Hey there, beautiful,´ He greeted Ena standing up to kiss her on the cheek. ³I¶m guessing you don¶t have a hangover either?´ ³You guessed right!´ she said sitting down, he sat down next to her, and for the first time in the day she found herself smiling, truly smiling. ³All right, all right,´ Pete interrupted their locked gazes. ³We¶re hungry and bored, can my ladies fix that?´

³Just gimme the phone,´ Jenny said with a lazy tone. Pete and Jenny went to the kitchen and ordered the pizza. In the living room, Carl frowned, Ena sighed. ³What is it?´ he asked. ³Nothing, I¶m fine,´ she didn¶t have to give the right answer, she just had to think it, and she did. Flashes of a house and a couple standing under a dark porch, they were locked in a kiss. Carl blinked off the image, ³Boyfriend issues?´ ³What? No. I don¶t have a boyfriend,´ She said and before he could add anything else, Pete and Jenny were back. The house was like all the houses in Oakville, rustic and with lack of technology, except that the Clarkson¶s basement was a game room now, it was converted into one when Pete turned twelve. It had two big arcade game machines from the late 70¶s and early 80¶s, Pac Man and Space Invaders. It also had a table football and a shiny pool table. After having pizza they played pool. ³One of these days Hatley...´ Pete said, resting the pool stick on the table, trying not to look defeated (much). ³I¶m going to win.´ ³In your dreams, pretty boy,´ She teased narrowing her eyes at him. Carl, who had been observing from the distance next to a very bored Jenny, walked to Pete¶s side. ³I¶ll win for you, man,´ Carl said, clearly challenging her. ³Bring it,´ Ena said confident enough in her pool skills. But, oh my god, she lost! But she wasn¶t angry, surprised sure, but not angry; he¶d been distracting her with his smooth movements and all that flirting. ³Well, seems like you found your match,´ Pete said, he looked a bit tensed by all the flirting in the air.

³It was only luck,´ Carl said and sent Ena a wink. Pete stood next the smiling blonde; he straightened up his back to look taller and raised his perfect chin. Carl smiled slightly, sensing the enmity air about the guy standing next to him. There was the feeling of discomfort. The girls exchanged looks as they felt it too. The game was over. The four of them sat on the porch steps of the house. The sun had set, and it was windy but for a January night it was almost...warm. The moment Pete and Jenny went inside to the kitchen to make sandwiches Ena turned toward Carl. ³So,´ she said, ³What¶s the deal with you?´ ³What do you mean?´ his face looked sickly pale. His short blonde hair framed those striking gray eyes that looked truly bewildered, as if there were too many things that could be going on with him and he didn¶t know which one she meant. ³I mean, you don¶t go to our school, do you?´ ³No, I don¶t go to school,´ was all he said drifting his eyes from her face to the dark trees across the street, there weren¶t houses there, just trees. Because in the edge of the city there were only trees and Pete¶s house was on the edge of the east side. ³You¶re new to the city too, right? Where are you staying?´ she wasn¶t going to give up just because he gave her short answers. ³At my Aunt¶s house, she¶s in Seattle taking care of my sick grandmother,´ he said in a rush not looking at her. That was sad. She tried to meet his eyes, but he kept looking up front, to those suddenly hushed trees. ³Are you staying there alone?´ Carl looked at her then, an inviting smile on his face, ³yeah, want to go? I can show you the house, it¶s quite amazing.´

Ena thought about it, but there was something about that smile and the way he looked at her, like she was delicious melting chocolate. It made her blush, and that didn¶t happen often. She smiled sweetly and said, ³Not tonight.´ " Pete and Jenny were back, with sandwiches in a platter. There was silence, very thick, unconformity silence. Pete was uncharacteristically serious, and Jenny, she didn¶t know what it was but she felt awkward too. The girls had to be home early. Ena drove Jenny home. Pete and Carl stayed on the porch, tension never left their side. ]     Carl thought.    Š  


   ]    Š     Š  ³I like the girls,´ he said out loud, ³They¶re really important to you, aren¶t they?´ ³Yes, they are,´ said Pete. ³Jenny is like the little sister I don¶t have and Ena«´ he didn¶t finish, he couldn¶t really think of the right words. ³You¶ve known them since you were younger. You spend time with them everyday«That is why they are so special to you,´ Carl said. ³Sure,´ Pete wasn¶t paying attention. Though he wondered how Carl knew all that. ³Ena is so«.´ Carl also didn¶t finish. But then Pete knew, ³You like her or what?´ he didn¶t mean to sound so possessive about her, but he couldn¶t always hide his feelings. Not from someone like Carl, he couldn¶t. Carl smiled that crooked smile of his that brought girls to his feet. ³You think she likes me?´ and he said it with that taunting tone he loved to use. But Pete proved to be immune to all of it, ³I don¶t know, man. I don¶t think she likes the conceited idiot kind of guys,´ with that, Pete stood up and walked into the house,

without looking back. No goodbye. He slammed the door shut and rested his back on the door for a moment, his chest tensed as well as all the muscles of his back, because that guy really pissed him off. 6  Š  Š Š    Š    Š  he thought intensely, hands into fists. Outside, across the street, right under the big oak tree, which the shadows only revealed Carl¶s blonde hair that rested against the moonlight, his smile wide«fangs down« there was nothing but the sound of his voice deep and smooth as he said, ³I¶ll take that bet.´ c


ëj Ena lying in bed, holding a piece of paper in her hand, clenching it « she¶d found it on the floor of her bedroom, as if someone had slid it under the door. Sometime in the middle of the night she let go and when she opened her eyes the sheet was gone, she wondered if it had been real at all. Why was she awake? The sun wasn¶t up yet; she looked out the window and she could see grey clouds striking the dark, starless sky. Then she knew« there had been a sound, a sorrowful cry. There it was again. It ringed in her head, for a moment she actually feared it could be a ghost. But there wasn¶t such thing as a ghosts, was there? She rolled out of bed, barefoot she walked out the door, closing it behind with a soft click. She tiptoed to her sister¶s bedroom, cracked open the door and tried to see. Alexa seemed to be sound asleep. ?   

Š Ena thought. She went back to

her bedroom, after deciding she would ask Alexa about it in the morning. But she overslept. She didn¶t get the chance to ask her. It was Sunday and her family was at church. Ena didn¶t go. Mom and Dad stopped making her go when she turned fifteen. Alexa still went, she liked to go, and it was one more thing different about them. Ena took a shower and then went to the kitchen. It didn¶t matter if she skipped breakfast any other day of the week, Sundays she always had breakfast. Church ended at 10 AM, she had an hour to herself. After pouring a bowl of cereal she walked to the living

room. Somebody knocked at the door before she could sit down. She placed the bowl on the coffee table and went to open the door. She groaned.    

She had one hour

of peace in the house and he decided to show up at the door. ³What do you want?´ she asked, annoyed. ³Hello to you too,´ Isaac said. She left the door open and walked back to the living room. ³Oh yes, I would love to come in, thank you,´ he closed the door and followed her. ³Did you get my note?´

³Yeah «´ she answered vaguely sitting down on the couch and started to eat the cereal. He sat down beside her. She was so annoyed by his presence, but she also liked seeing him ... alone. What a weird set of feelings. There was silence. She hesitated before speaking; she remembered the note, the one she¶d found last night on her bedroom floor. It had been real after all. It had read: If there was something I wanted to tell you, would you want me to? ³What did you mean?´ she asked at last, leaning closer to him.  



³Exactly that,´ he said. ³Would you want me to tell you?´ not that Isaac was going to, not yet at least. He just wanted to know. He hadn¶t been able to ask it out loud, something had stopped him, choked him with the words, stopped them from coming out, so he had wrote it, simple, like old times when you only had ink and paper. ³I don¶t know,´ she found herself feeling awkward. What was that? She wanted him to leave, but at the same time she wanted to be closer to him. She felt like any moment now she¶d scream. The answer disappointed him in so many levels. ³All right,´ his jaw tightened, after a few seconds of silence he said, ³You shouldn¶t trust people you just met, you know?´ Ena didn¶t speak. A chill ran down her spine, when she turned toward him, he was looking down at his hands, waiting for her to speak. But she couldn¶t, because had he just threatened her? This sweet guy, who couldn¶t hold the stare she gave him sometimes. Isaac looked at her then, with a blank expression he said, ³I didn¶t mean me.´ Ena was at the edge of the couch, she had rested the almost empty bowl on the coffee table and she looked ready to flee. For a second there, she didn¶t believe him at all. There was that feeling again, this time she almost felt nauseated. It made her dizzy. Isaac grabbed her by the arm to steady her, ³You okay?´

³Yeah,´ she mumbled, blinking away the little white stars she saw. ³Who did you mean then?´ Isaac frowned and released her arm. She didn¶t look okay, but he didn¶t push the matter. ³How many people have you met recently?´ he asked. When she didn¶t respond, he added, ³You were with him last night.´ ³How do you know who I was with last night?´ she asked, suddenly aware. ³Are you following me or something?´ because that was borderline creepy. It made her lean back even further. ³I just know, okay?´ he said, his voice turning serious. ³You shouldn¶t hang out with him. He is not what he says he is  I¶m sure.´ She opened her mouth to speak but he continued, ³What was he saying anyway?´ ³Saying about what?´ she frowned. ³Why is he here? He doesn¶t go to our school.´ She had wondered that too. ³Carl is here because he is watching his aunt¶s house while she¶s gone,´ just what Carl had told her, and she believed him. ³Have you gone there?´ Isaac finally looked her in the eye. Just looked, he didn¶t dare to pry into her feelings just now, he was afraid of what he¶d find. ³Not that this is any of your business,´ she said. ³But no, I haven¶t.´ She thought she saw the ghost of a smile on his lips, but quickly he got serious again. ³Good. Don¶t go there,´ it sounded like an order. But she didn¶t argue. Something about his expression and vehement tone told her she should really listen to him. Then they went silent. Ena kept eating her cereal, looking down at the bowl in her hands. A moment later Isaac spoke again, ³Why aren¶t you at church with the rest of your family?´

³I don¶t go to church,´ Ena finishing the cereal, she stood up to go to the kitchen. He followed. She washed the bowl and spoon, slowly. Isaac watched curiously, the edges of her had changed to wonder and a bit of resentment. ³Why aren¶t you there? My sister¶s there,´ she said, not looking at him. ³I don¶t go to church either,´ he sighed, as if that were something really complicated to explain. ³Besides, I wanted to see you, and talk to you.´ She looked at him then, ³To talk about the note, right?´ there was something behind those words. In her mind there was: the kiss. ‘ 

the note; Š Š 

  I don¶t mind


µNot right now¶ would be the answer« ³I have to go,´ he said. They were standing very close, facing each other. She turned toward the sink, the water still running, the only sound at the moment. ³Did you upset my sister last night or something?´ she asked after a long moment, changing the subject. The water stopped, but she didn¶t turn toward him. ³Not that I recall, why?´ he sounded concerned. ³What happened?´ ³I thought I heard her cry last night, but I¶m not sure,´ she said thoughtfully. She¶d heard it, but had she seen something? She closed her eyes and saw a girl, a blonde, Alexa. ³It was a dream,´ she mumbled to herself. But he heard. ³A dream?´ It was clear now, the picture, the memory of the dream played before her eyes like a movie. It had been a little blonde Alexa, she looked like she was«ten years old, and she was holding her hands to her chest. Crying and trees around her. ³Never mind,´ she told him, and headed to the living room again. Isaac spoke, ³Was she hurt?´

Ena turned around, ³What?´ ³Was Alexa hurt in your dream? Was that why she was crying?´ She thought about it«Æ  She was holding her hands, maybe she hurt her hand. ³I don¶t know« maybe but she looked like a ten year-old. It didn¶t happen last night.´ Besides dreams were just that, dreams. If she dreamt it, it didn¶t mean it really happened, right? ³Your family will be here soon,´ he said, they were in the living room again, though not sitting. ³I needed to go a while ago.´ Ena glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. It was ten minutes before ten. ³Yeah,´ she said. ³If you don¶t want them to know you were here. You should go,´ and by 

, she had meant Alexa.

³I¶m sorry,´ Isaac said. ³But it¶s better this way, really. I can¶t explain it, not now«´ he met her eyes.  



³You don¶t need to explain anything to me,´ Ena said. The kiss, she thought. His lip twisted in dismay«The kiss. How much he wished he could do it again, right now. Kiss her. ³We¶ll talk about the Š  , another time.´ He left. Family was back from church minutes later. ³Hey honey,´ Dad greeted. She didn¶t see him much. Either he was at work or she wasn¶t in the house. ³Hey dad, how was church?´

³The same,´ he answered with a small shrug. ³Your mom and I are going out tonight,´ he sat down next to Ena in the couch. ³And we want you girls to stay and watch the house, all right?´ ³Yeah, I won¶t go out. Don¶t worry.´ Alexa sat down on the other couch. Ena watched her. She hadn¶t been paying attention to her lately, trying to avoid Isaac. Alexa had changed, her eyes were brown, her hair was messy, and she had no makeup on, only her eyes were underlined. Alexa looked like«|Š Of course she always did. But now it looked like she was trying«and she looked sad too. ³What¶s up with you, sister?´ Ena asked when dad stood up and went to the kitchen to join mom. Alexa looked at her sister, ³nothing, why?´ ³It seems like you¶re sad or something,´ she gestured for her to sit next to her. Alexa did and spoke, ³well, I¶m not exactly sad. I¶m just a little concerned about something.´ ³Yeah«´ Ena encouraged for her to continue. ³Isaac,´ she said, ³Don¶t say anything, but he hasn¶t kissed me yet.´ ³I thought you guys« I thought Friday«´ Ena remembered how Alexa had looked when she opened her door. She¶d seen Isaac sitting on her bed... ³I tried!´ Alexa threw her arms in the air, then she continued, ³But that¶s not exactly why I¶m worried. I think he likes someone else.´

³Oh,´ Ena said. There wasn¶t really something she could say. Not something that wouldn¶t make her feel so horrible, more than she already felt every time she saw her sister. ³Yeah, well, what should I do?´ Alexa asked. Oh here it comes. ³Dump him!´ Ena snapped. ³You can get any guy you want, and he doesn¶t seem to know that.´  ³You know what? You¶re right,´ Alexa nodded. The sadness seemed to be fading way whether Ena was right or not, she was making her feel better, her sisterly concern. ³Maybe if I get some other guy¶s attention Isaac will realize that he could lose me. And then he¶ll try harder, and he¶ll kiss me once and for all.´ Alexa sighed. This was really making her feel exhausted, which was why she wanted it more than ever. ³Okay«´ That wasn¶t what Ena had in mind. It was something more of a kick in the butt goodbye and never come back sort of thing, but whatever. ³But what if he doesn¶t try?´ Alexa said, and realizing she¶d thought it out loud, she tried to say, ³I mean²´ ³Is that¶s why you¶re different?´ Ena countered. ³What do you mean?´ Alexa looked away. ³You know what I mean.´ ³Maybe, I don¶t know, I thought that Isaac would like a change.´ ³Hey, cheer up. You don¶t deserve feeling this way,´ Ena said, feeling even guiltier. What if this was all her fault?    ³Just decide if he¶s worth it.´ Alexa half-smiled, which was all she could do. And she still wouldn¶t meet her sister¶s eyes. Alexa felt like a failure, as stupid as that seemed.

³So,´ Ena said, ³If you guys haven¶t kissed«does that mean you guys haven¶t«´ there was a long pause, and at last she said, ³«done ?´ Alexa looked at her now, eyes wide in disbelief. ³Of course not,´ she said, after a hollow gasp. ³All right, I¶m sorry, relax,´ Ena laughed. It had kind of been her intention, to distract Alexa from all that sadness around her. She could almost touch her misery. ³Have you?´ Alexa whispered her eyes filled with curiosity. ³Sure, with my hundred boyfriends,´ She answered sarcastically. She¶d never had a boyfriend, not officially. There had been the µfirst kiss¶ boy and then the µholding hands¶ and other things, but that had been it for her. ³I¶m serious,´ Alexa said with a kind look. ³No, sister«I haven¶t.´ Alexa smiled, it looked like a prideful smile. Chin up she said, ³Good. Wait for someone who cares about you«like I did,´ she whispered the last part. Mom and dad were in the kitchen, they could hear them if they paid attention. ³Who was it?´ Ena whispered back, they never talked about these things. They haven¶t really talked lately at all. ³Brian,´ Alexa whispered. Brian had been Alexa¶s first boyfriend. Well, the first one she dated more than a week, they were together for over two years. Ena always knew they were serious, but she hadn¶t known, they had been serious. Brian was also the Capitan of the football team and the guy who recently earned a black eye from Isaac. ³Really...How was it?´ ³It was really sweet. We were in love, you know,´ Alexa said it as if she didn¶t want her sister to judge her, and Ena wasn¶t going to, Brian was sweet to Alexa.

Actually he didn¶t even bother Ena when they were together. After they¶d broken up though, he started to insult her at every opportunity he had. But not too much, because she was not in their popular cheerleading group and Pete defended her. But Ena always wondered«why was he like that to her? ³Why did you guys break up?´ Ena asked thoughtfully. Alexa hesitated. ³I¶m not sure,´ she looked thoughtfully too, ³I got bored, I guess.´ They went silent for a moment. ³Hey!´ Alexa almost shouted. It made Ena jump. ³What if I flirt with Brian to get Isaac¶s attention?´ ³Are you going to use him?´ not that Ena cared« ³It sounds bad when you put it that way. But I think it¶s a great idea, besides Brian is someone I know, he¶d probably be happy to do it,´ Alexa grinned. The glow in her face was starting to appear. ³Are you going to ask him?´ ³No,´ Alexa paused, ³I want it to look real. He won¶t get hurt, I¶ll stop before he starts to believe it, okay?´ she put on an innocent face. ³Whatever.´ ³It¶ll work,´ Alexa said and winked at her sister. She was happy with her plan. #

Ena watched TV in the living room. Alexa was upstairs in her bedroom. It was a quiet Sunday, just the two of them in the house. The cell phone rang; it was a number she didn¶t recognize. ³Hello?´ she said hesitantly. Nobody called her besides Jenny and Pete. ³Hello, beautiful,´ a familiar voice said. ³Oh, hi Carl, what¶s up?´ ³Not much, that¶s why I¶m calling. I got your number from Pete, I hope you don¶t mind.´ ³Yeah, no problem.´ ³So, I¶m home, and I¶m very bored. Want to come over?´ he said. Oh she almost said yes. But there were those words in the back of her head«]    


 ³Can¶t, sorry,´ she said. ³Can I go to you?´ he asked sweetly. Again she almost agreed. But something was

telling her not to go near him. Not to see Carl. ³You know«I¶m really tired. Maybe, some other day, okay?´ Was she actually listening to Isaac? ³Of course, another day it¶ll be then. Sleep well, beautiful.´ He disconnected. Ena couldn¶t believe she¶d taken Isaac¶s words, poor Carl. It hadn¶t been fair to him. But she tired. She went to bed even though it was barely nine PM. And she fell asleep in a deep dreamless sleep as usual...

Or so she thought. She woke up. The bedroom was dark«she remembered what had woken her; it felt like a hard rock hitting her head. A dream: Alexa crying, holding her hands to her chest, Alexa as a kid, a blonde ten year-old Alexa. Ena¶s breathing was profound and slow. She was scared. Scared of what? It was just a dream. Her body ached, her arms and legs, her hands and her wrist. It felt hot, a burning sensation. She just wanted to shower, with cold water preferably. But she couldn¶t, people were sleeping and she would wake them up by showering. And there was something else, something that made her feel a cold wave all over her body«she could still hear the crying. Alexa¶s crying? God she really hoped it was Alexa crying, because if it wasn¶t her« She went to her sister¶s bedroom. ³Alexa«´ she whispered, in the darkness. ³Where are you?´ The door to the bathroom opened and there she was, watching her with sleepy eyes, wearing her pink pj¶s and bunny flip-flops. ³What are you doing in my bedroom?´ she asked puzzled looking around probably wondering if this was her bedroom at all or if she¶d been sleep walking. Instead of answering Ena asked, ³Were you crying? And don¶t lie to me.´ Alexa rubbed her small eyes. ³No, I wasn¶t. Why?´ ³No reason, go back to sleep«´ Ena walked out of the bedroom. And without looking back and holding her breath, shaking with sudden terror she walked back into her bedroom and got under the covers, she closed her eyes and begged to whoever would listen to stop this. The next morning was cold. It had rained all night. That kind of weather was never good for her hair; Ena decided on just a ponytail. The way she dressed never really mattered to her, if the colours matched or not. Today was no exception; she wore blue jeans and a sky blue shirt, and converse shoes.

Mom was in the kitchen drinking coffee. ³I made breakfast,´ she said after sipping her cup. Alexa was sitting at the table eating mom¶s waffles. Ena waved off the invitation, she was never hungry that early in the day. And mom knew, but she always had something ready in case she changed her mind. At school she met with Jenny and Pete in the side of the building. They had huge grins on their faces. Suspicious grins. ³What?´ ³Don¶t pretend you don¶t know. We¶re going this time, no matter what you say,´ Jenny said. Ena looked from Jenny to Pete, puzzled. ³Yeah, I¶m tired of staying in on a Friday night,´ Pete said. ³Besides, we¶ve been personally invited, Alexa was...what? You really don¶t know what I¶m talking about, do you?´ ³No, I don¶t. Tell me!´ she demanded. It was too early for riddles. ³Your sister is having a party at your house this Friday.´ Oakville High school didn¶t organize many events and because of that the popular crowd was always competing with each other, about who could throw the best party. Ena¶s sister was in that crowd. She used to throw parties every weekend, seeing how they had the house for themselves every weekend, because their parents liked to travel to a nearby town, just for the sake of it, and to visit some old friends. Ena always told Jenny and Pete that they shouldn¶t be there; they wouldn¶t fit in or some other lame excuse. And as usual they didn¶t argue with her and those nights were spent at Jenny¶s or Pete¶s house. Alexa stopped throwing parties once she got bored of it. That happened often; she¶d get bored of something and got rid of it. ³Why?´ she asked, then she started realizing that this may be part of her sister¶s µgetting Isaac attention plan.¶ ³Your parents are leaving to Vegas for the weekend,´ Jenny told her.

³Didn¶t they tell you?´ Pete asked, a bit incredulous. ³No,´ Ena frowned. ³Oh, but we¶re all going,´ he warned. ³Actually...the whole school is going´ Jenny handed her a pink sheet of paper. ³She made flyers!?´ she shouted. ³Relax. It¶ll be fun,´ Jenny said taking the flyer from her hand and folding it to put it in her bag pack. ³Hell yeah it¶ll be! Because we¶ll be there,´ Pete said winking at no one in particular. The girls rolled their eyes. Then they separated and walked to their own classes. At lunch, in the cafeteria, Ena got to see her sister in full action. All over Brian, Isaac didn¶t look jealous at all. But Alexa was really trying. She had her hand on Brian¶s shoulder, and she laughed at everything he said, whatever that was. The cheerleaders were trying to hide their jealous faces with fake smiles. Brian had been with every single one of those girls, of course. But they knew that if there was a girl that could be with him more than one night. That girl was Alexa. Ena turned her attention to her own table. Where Jenny and Pete were having what looked like a secret conversation. ³What are you talking about?´ she asked breaking the whispering. ³I was telling Jenny how Carl has so much interest in you,´ Pete said, same bored tone he used every time he spoke Carl¶s name. ³Really, because he called me last night,´ Ena said and Jenny raised both eyebrows.

³What did he want?´ Pete asked, he sounded a bit possessive. ³He wanted to see me, but it was late, so I said no,´ she answered. He relaxed, ³he told me you gave him my number.´ ³I didn¶t,´ he said. They turned toward Jenny. ³I didn¶t either,´ the redhead said. ³Well, whatever. Why do you think he¶s interested anyway?´ Pete wasn¶t sure if saying it was a good idea, but after a moment he said, ³He told me.´ ³Are you interested in him?´ Jenny asked. This was about to turn into a girls¶ talk. ³I don¶t know. I barely know the guy´ Ena answered shortly. She thought the girls¶ talk could wait, to another time when Pete wasn¶t next to her flushing with annoyance. ³We should invite him to the party,´ Jenny suggested. ³Hell no!´ Pete protested. Jenny looked at Ena with pleading eyes, the way she did every time she wanted Ena to do something about Pete¶s attitude. ³Sure, invite him,´ Ena told her. Pete stood up abruptly and exhaled, ³I¶ll invite him.´ He walked out of the cafeteria. ³Thank you,´ Jenny whispered.

³Anytime,´ Ena said. Sure, Jenny wanted Carl to be there. That way Pete would be with her all night. But that only meant she¶d be with Carl all night« So what? It was her house. Nothing could happen, right? What could happen anyway? # Isaac. He was there again, next to her seat, in Mr. Keller¶s class, the last class. The class started. Ena was really trying to pay attention this time, but all she could feel was Isaac¶s open stare. ³What?´ she snapped. He choked on a chuckle. ³You listened to me.´ ³What in²?´ ³You did well,´ he interrupted her, and then he looked up front. She did too. Mr. Keller was looking at them, trying to find a reason to send her to detention again. ³He¶s harsh on you,´ Isaac whispered not taking his eyes off of the teacher. ³Is it that obvious?´ she said sarcastically. ³He had a child, you know...a daughter. She was like you, a rebel.´ Ena turned toward look at him. He¶d turned serious all the sudden; she really hated that about him. ³Had?´ she whispered, intrigued.

He nodded. ³She died, at age seventeen. He told her not to go out that night, but she snuck out and drove drunk,´ Isaac looked at her. ³You remind him of her, in a good way.´ ³Then he doesn¶t hate me«´ she felt bad for Mr. Keller. He was trying to teach her, not to be a rebel, because he¶d lost his daughter over that. ³He¶s okay now. Don¶t worry, he just likes having you around, that¶s why you have so many classes with him,´ Isaac saw how it affected her, what he¶d said. Ena frowned. She¶d wondered why she had so many classes with this teacher, when Jenny and Pete told her they had a new teacher. Mr. Keller must have put her in his class. ³But«how do you know all these things?´ she asked him. ³I don¶t think he goes around telling people...´ ³No. He doesn¶t,´ said Isaac. She thought he¶d say more. But he didn¶t. Mr. Keller transformed before her eyes, he wasn¶t the mean unfair person she thought. He was someone who¶d suffered a great pain and was coping. She understood. The bell rang. ³Are you all right, Ms. Hatley?´ Mr. Keller asked. Everybody had left and she was still sitting in her desk. Lost in thought, she looked up and met his eyes. ³I am very sorry,´ Ena told him, stood up and walked out of the classroom. " At home, mom finally told her they were leaving to Vegas on Thursday night, and wouldn¶t be back until Monday morning. Alexa confirmed her thought about the party being part of her plan.

Ena kept having that dream, the one with blonde ten year-old Alexa holding her hands to her chest crying, surrounded by trees. She didn¶t go check on her when she had it anymore. She didn¶t get scared either, she was getting used to it. School was unbelievably boring now because she was actually paying attention to Mr. Keller¶s classes. She wasn¶t sent to detention again. At lunch time she watched Alexa continuing with her plan no matter what. Brian was now coopering with her. They were all over each other. Yet Isaac seemed not to care. Now and then Ena would catch Isaac looking in her direction and she would candidly ignore him. ³Did you invite Carl?´ Ena asked Pete after class on Thursday as they walked to the parking lot. ³Yeah,´ Pete said, the tone seemed to grow boring every time someone said Carl¶s name. ³Great,´ Jenny grinned. ³You have a little crush on him?´ Pete teased. Jenny turned toward Ena. She was already ready with a comeback. ³Why, are you jealous?´ ³Why would I be?´ he said shrugging. Jenny looked at the floor. ³Well, you should be careful. Perhaps Jenny will leave you all alone someday.´ ³I¶ll still have you, babe,´ he said and put his arm over Ena¶s shoulders. ³Oh no pretty boy, girls gotta stick together. If Jenny goes, I¶m going with her and vice versa.´ Pete noticed Jenny behind them and swung his free arm over her shoulders. ³Don¶t leave me babes, please. I couldn¶t live without you.´ Jenny rolled her eyes at him and laughed. Then they drove home.

ë ³Will you take me to Vegas when I turn twenty-one?´ Ena asked flashing a grin to her mom, whom she was helping pack. ³I¶ll think about it,´ Mom said and then added, ³Your birthday is coming up soon, what would you girls like to do?´ Ena hadn¶t thought about it, and she was sure Alexa hadn¶t either; she had many other things in mind. Their birthday was three months away...March 16th. ³I don¶t know,´ she answered honestly. ³Well, tell your sister to start thinking about it too.´ They finished packing and went downstairs. Mom ordered pizza, and they said goodbye, and just like that they had the house for themselves for the whole weekend. ³Did you invite any of your friends for tomorrow?´ Alexa asked while they ate and watched TV. ³Yeah, I invited Jenny, Pete, and...Carl.´ Alexa turned toward her, ³Who is Carl?´ The name sounded new. ³A friend,´ Ena said, biting a slice of pizza. It was good. She¶d drunk a bottle of lemonade at lunch today that had been it. ³Is he cute?´ Alexa asked. She had that interested look. ³I guess«´ Ena said, and mentally she admitted Carl was more than cute, everything about him screamed gorgeous! ³You¶re taken anyway sister,´ she added and eyed her suspiciously. ³Barely,´ Alexa let out a heavy sigh.

³What happened?´ she asked trying to hide the sudden curiosity she felt. ³Nothing,´ Alexa said frustrated. ³That¶s the thing. I¶ve done everything in my power to get Isaac jealous, but he hasn¶t said anything to me about Brian. Not a word!´ ³And what are you going to do?´  ³I don¶t know,´ Alexa said sadly, looking down at the plate on her lap. Ena felt a pan in her chest. Damn. Alexa was unhappy now, and it was her fault. Why? She didn¶t know. She just felt it. Deep down she knew Isaac didn¶t pay attention to Alexa because of her...It sounded crazy even if she just thought about it. But he¶d kissed Ena and not her. That meant something, right? Whatever that meant, though, she didn¶t want him playing with her sister. How could someone be so annoying and lovable at the same time? What a weird feeling...‘  No, not love. was a crazy thought. ³Tell me, is this Carl boyfriend material? For you I mean?´ Alexa spoke again, changing the subject a bit. Ena snapped out of that stupid love thought to answer, ³Maybe.´ ³Introduce him to me tomorrow,´ Alexa said. ³I¶ll tell you if he¶s boyfriend material or not,´ she grinned. ³Sure,´ Ena said. The day was finally over; they went upstairs and fell asleep. " Alexa¶s shouts woke Ena up the next morning. Apparently, their alarms didn¶t sound this morning. So, they were twenty minutes late for school. Ena took the fastest shower ever and grabbed the first thing she saw, blue jeans and a black t-shirt, converse shoes and put them on. She ran her fingers through her messy, still wet hair, quickly applied black eyeliner under her eyes, and drove to school.

She was struggling with a notebook that didn¶t seem to want to be pulled out of her backpack, and she bumped into someone. Isaac. His green eyes brightened at the sight of her. He smiled as he studied her. ³You should be more careful,´ he said, still smiling. ³I¶m getting a bit tired of

telling me what to do,´ as she said it she tasted the

bitterness of her words on her tongue but she didn¶t care. It was true, he had been telling her what to do; what was worse was that she¶d been obeying. ³I¶m going to your party tonight,´ he said and blocked out her thoughts. He didn¶t want to know how much she disliked him, whether that was the truth or she was just tricking herself. ³It isn¶t

 party,´ she said, and looked around to an empty corridor. ³I might not

even be there.´ Isaac couldn¶t help as another smile showed up on his face. ³Let¶s go,´ he said, extending his pale hand to her. Which she stared at, completely mystified. ³Come on, come with me, please.´ ³What, where?´ she looked around again, ³I have class!´ ³So do I,´ he said. ³But, don¶t you want to talk about the note?´ Oh he knew how to do it, didn¶t he? Even if he really didn¶t intend it, if he wanted her to go with him, she would. ‘ 

 Š  ‘ 


³Whatever, I¶m like thirty minutes late anyway.´ Isaac took her hand and led her toward the front doors ² the ones she¶d walked in a couple minutes ago ² they walked to the back of the building and through the trees, he stopped until they got to a pair of rocks that resembled chairs. Very cold, uncomfortable stone chairs. There they sat, closely, and quietly. Isaac didn¶t know how to start and she didn¶t want to be the first one to speak, she always was, so she waited minutes maybe, until he spoke.

³I really wanted to tell you something,´ Š, he wanted to add. ³And...I guess you don¶t care about that.´  , she thought. But that was about the note. Instead she said, ³Right, I don¶t.´ ³I would do it again,´ he said, and raked a hand through his dark hair, anxiously, he wore it down today and was longer now, tucking it behind his ears wasn¶t enough, and it brushed his shoulders. ³And I don¶t mean telling your sister I¶d go for a glass of water while I slid the note under your door,´ he turned completely toward her and resisted the urge of taking her hands. ³I would do it again, but only if you let me.´ She thought that alarm inside her would ring again and force her to pull back away from him. She waited for it. She was ready. But it didn¶t happen, the alarm didn¶t sound, and she didn¶t want to pull back, she wanted to be closer to him, she wanted him to do it again...To kiss her again« ³No«´ her voice small, the words cold on her lips, ³We can¶t´ It felt like a nightmare. She stood up and left and his gaze followed her all the way«but he let her go. Ena felt a thickness in her throat, buried tears of anger maybe, or weakness. She didn¶t know. She walked into the building, she¶d missed the first class, but she couldn¶t miss the rest of them. Isaac stayed there for a moment, sitting on the rock that felt colder than it did before; his whole body felt cold, his hands trembled«the rock turned icy. With the sigh of a defeated man he stood up and walked past the school building freezing the green grass he stepped on as he walked toward the place he¶d been calling home lately. "

Ena got home. ³Whoa, what is that?´ she asked Alexa and thought the answer was pretty obvious. ³For the party,´ Alexa said calmly. When Ena stepped into the kitchen she saw a sea of bottles: vodka, tequila and rum. Seemed like hundreds, but she¶d never seen so many bottles, except maybe at the liquor store. ³Alexa, what the hell?!´ ³The guys and I went to the liquor store after school and they bought these,´ Alexa explained and pointed innocently at the table and sink where all the bottles sat as if she¶d nothing to do with it. ³They emptied the store I see,´ Ena said. ³Oh come on, relax, like you don¶t drink,´ Alexa replied a bit accusingly. Ena didn¶t say anything for a moment; she didn¶t know Alexa knew, because Ena drank almost every weekend, as it didn¶t affect her as it did many people. She just enjoyed the taste of it, and it actually relaxed her. That and cigarettes, but the cigarettes were her last resort and neither one was a habit. ³Yeah, well,´ she finally spoke. ³I¶ll help drinking them so the smell can go away. Don¶t worry,´ she added with a wink. ³I¶m sure it¶ll pass before Monday morning, right?´ Alexa said a little worried scanning all the bottles. It really didn¶t smell, it was just the impression of so many bottles crammed in such a little space, and it was quite predictable someone would spill some of it on the wooden floor and most likely on one of the couches! Then, it would surely be the stink of party. ³Sure,´ Ena said heading up the stairs. ³They¶re getting here after nine.´

³Alright,´ Ena was in her bedroom. She cleaned up, picked up the dirty clothes off the floor and put them in her laundry basket...finally her bedroom was clean. She made the bed and organized the computer desk. At some point Alexa yelled they had food ready to heat up, but usually she wasn¶t hungry, ³I¶m good, thanks,´ she said. Then she searched for the outfit she¶d wear tonight. It was exciting, whatever the reason, she just wanted to party, drink and dance. And she wanted to look sexy, not like the way she looked every day. She ended up with a black, very short skirt, and a black strapless blouse that showed a bit of stomach skin. Perfect, she decided. Her cell phone rang, that unknown number again.  ³Hello?´ she said even though she knew it was him. ³Are you excited to see me tonight?´ he asked, using that seductive voice she was starting to think was his trademark. ³Sure,´ she rolled her eyes, too bad he couldn¶t see that. ³I¶ll introduce you to my sister.´ ³You have a sister?´ Everybody knew that. But Carl was new; it was okay that he didn¶t know. ³Um, yeah.´ ³I¶ll see you tonight then,´ he said and disconnected. " It was nine and Isaac was all dressed up, kind of casual but also elegant, he wore blue jeans, plain gray shirt under a navy suit jacket and a red loose tie. He was ready and Š  . Could he dare do what he wanted to do? What he so desperately needed to do? Yes, he thought. But the consequences...the felt like a taboo.

He walked toward the house, the cold breeze touched his skin, and he tried to relax. When he was closer he felt only two presences inside the house, one that made him smile every time he felt it, though she didn¶t open the door when he knocked. ³Hey,´ Alexa said happily. She wore a white dress; very revealing, it offered nothing to the imagination, her hair was tied up in a sexy ponytail, and she wore a sparkly necklace around her neck. Isaac sensed Brian¶s energy within the object, which for a human was a very peculiar one. He¶d learned to recognize it. ³Good evening,´ he said lifting his eyes to her face, and he turned off the charm, he didn¶t want Alexa to hurt anymore than he already had, he could control that, he need it to. Alexa¶s smile faded a little, as she felt the change in him, and she waved him in. They walked to the kitchen, Ena was there. Oh she looked fantastic, he couldn¶t help to look, he glanced at every bit of her body, and her cheeks flushed a little, when she stared back. For a moment there, everything was okay; there was no complications, no taboo. The moment broke. ³Hello,´ Isaac said as casually as he managed, Ena merely nodded. Alexa went back to answer the door. ³You look beautiful,´ he dared to say. She nodded again, but she had wanted to say ³So do you.´ Isaac smiled that lovely smile. ³I¶ll look for you later to talk, is that okay?´ he asked, and she nodded once more. " Soon the house was full with the football team, cheerleaders, some people from school that Ena honestly didn¶t know, and her friends. Ena introduced Carl to Alexa and his face turned even paler. ³You are twins...´ Carl said wide eyes.

³How clever,´ Alexa teased and offered her hand. ³Yeah, I just didn¶t know,´ he said when he composed himself. They shook hands. ³It¶s very nice to meet you.´ ³Pleasure is mine gorgeous,´ she smiled, gave Ena a knowing look and walked away. Carl watched her go, up and down. ³You didn¶t tell me,´ he told Ena, he still looked surprised, like there was more to it than that. ³You didn¶t ask,´ she said, teasing. Carl noticed her eyeing at him and put his arm around her shoulders, ³come on. Let¶s show these people´ They went to the kitchen for drinks, everybody was drinking and dancing. Ena danced with Pete and Carl while Jenny turned down the guys that asked her. Nobody asked Ena, but they were looking, checking her up and down to be exact, and she was flattered. That was the point of wearing the outfit, she danced and danced. And when her dancers, Pete and Carl got tired, Ena danced alone. Though not for long, a guy touched her right shoulder and asked her if she wanted to dance with him. She said yes of course, and they started dancing, very close, he was a guy on the football team. ³You¶re hot tonight,´ he said in her ear, he wasn¶t drunk but he¶d been drinking, she could smell the alcohol in his breath. ³Thanks,´ she said and before anything else could happen, the guy was pulled back from the neck of his white shirt, forcing him to take his hands off her waist. ³I would like to talk to the lady, if you don¶t mind,´ Carl said to the guy politely as if asking for a favour, the guy faced him ready to confront him, but then he just walked away, as if he¶d forgotten what he was about to do. Ena frowned at that. Carl leaned closer to her and put his warm lips in her ear, ³They¶re having a tequila shot contest in the kitchen, and I thought it¶d be funny if you won against a guy.´

In the kitchen, the dinner table was surrounded by a bunch of guys, cheering. Carl and Ena made their way inside the circle. Two guys sat there, drinking shots, they looked wasted. The guys drank two more shots, and then one of them dropped his head on the table, defeated. ³Out!´ somebody shouted and both guys stood up as well as they could, one lifted his hand in victory. A new guy took one of the seats; Ena took the seat in front of him. ³What are you doing?´ the guy asked with a drink in his hand. Vodka, Ena noticed. ³Playing,´ she said. ³Are you sure?´ he said, a mocking smile on his face. ³Yes. Why, are you afraid to lose against a girl?´ that was a tease he didn¶t like. Then everybody started to cheer, ³Ten on Jack!´ said one, ³Five on Jack!´ said another. The guy next to Ena started to gather the money. ³One hundred on the girl,´ said someone behind her. They all turned to see Carl holding the bill in his hand. The guy gathering the money took it, and then they watched the girl and the guy drink the shots, anxiously and cheering. ³Come on, Jack!´ one guy shouted. ³Yeah, Jack. Come on,´ Ena teased, he was looking dizzy, because they¶d drunk almost half the bottle. The second bottle came, this one was small, and Ena still didn¶t feel a thing, but Jack wasn¶t giving into his pride so easily. The small bottle was almost empty and he couldn¶t hold it any longer. Ena saw him sigh and close his eyes in resignation, and then he just dropped his head on the table. Apparently  was part of the rules. There were disappointed ³Oh man...´ from the guys, ³Out!´ "

Ena stood up feeling like a badass but also a bit sorry for Jack, he didn¶t know about her high resistance to alcohol. She walked out of the kitchen as sober as ever and the guys stepped aside as she passed by. Some of them even shook her hand, like she was their new president or something, this from the guys Pete hangs out with. ³Nicely done,´ one of them said grinning. She just smiled and headed to the dance floor: The living room. A warm hand touched her lower back, her bare skin. ³I¶ll be right back, okay? I have something to do at home,´ Carl said quickly in her ear, his breath as warm as his hand. ³Sure,´ Ena said, and as soon as he left her side she felt a grip on her arm, not very tight or very gentle, and the hand wasn¶t warm. ³Come with me,´ it was Isaac¶s voice and he practically dragged her outside. Ena could only glance at the living room as she was being pulled out of the house, and she saw Alexa dancing very close to Brian. 6 Š , Ena thought. That¶s good. The cold air hit her in the face like a freezing slap. Isaac put his arm around her waist as they walked. He was taking her across the street to the trees, without saying a word. When they were deep inside the woods he turned her around, face to face, and before she could react he kissed her. It was a sweet, lovely kiss like the first kiss, but she pushed him away. " ³I¶m sorry,´ Isaac apologized. Both their breathing was heavy. But hers was because she was so angry. ³What is wrong with you? Is this why you brought me here?´ she was shouting, ³For my sister not to see us?´

³I¶m sorry,´ he repeated looking her in the eye. ³That¶s not why, but I couldn¶t resist,´ but he had to admit it really was mainly to do that. He felt her almost calming down, he took her hands thinking that would help. Ena yanked her hands but he was stronger than her, even if he didn¶t intend it. ³Calm down please,´ Isaac whispered, and she did, slowly he started to feel her a bit calmer. She let out a sigh and looked down, avoiding his eyes, and he spoke again. ³Look, I want to tell you something, but it¶s not easy...there¶s something stopping me,´ he hesitated, not really sure how to explain how he felt, because last time he tried to tell her everything he hadn¶t been able to speak for hours otherwise he¶d choke on the words, it was very frustrating and Š  He spoke again, something he could actually say. ³First, I want you to know that I don¶t love your sister.´ She looked up.  ³Is that why you haven¶t kissed her yet and are you planning on it by the way? Because she¶s trying really hard to get your attention´ she was accusing him, her eyes glowed with something he could only relate with anger. ³I know,´ he said and then more hesitantly he added, ³Do you want me to?´ She had to say it, if she did he would do it, if she said   


, he would. No matter how much that hurt. But she had to say it, and meant it. ³No«´ she said a pang in her chest. ³I mean, I don¶t know. Do whatever you want.´ He kissed her again, and this time she let him, at least for a moment. ³Not that,´ she said breathing again. This kiss hadn¶t been sweet and innocent like the first ones; this one had been pure heat and passion.

³Don¶t you want me to?´ he asked.   she wanted to, he heard her think it and everything about her said she ached for more of those kisses. He leaned even closer to her. But she took a step back, she leaned her back on a tree, and he closed his eyes in pain for her rejection but next time he opened them they looked very sincere. ³What is it that you can¶t tell me?´ she whispered. His face was inches away of hers, and they were still holding hands. ³I don¶t remember,´ he found himself saying. ³Fine,´ Ena let go and turned around, he locked one of her wrists and spun her back to him. His eyes black with passion. ³Don¶t go please«´ his voice held the dark passion he felt just then, and she stayed. ³ I will explain, I promise,´ He said and then frowned, ³About your sister too.´ A moment later they were kissing, long, damp and slow kisses. And she let him. She stopped gasping for air and he kissed her neck as a personal challenge, and when he thought he couldn¶t resist he kissed line of her fine jaw all the way to her ear, and he whispered, ³So beautiful,´ and then, ³No wonder every guy in the room was thinking about you, I was so jealous.´ Before she could call him a liar, he was kissing her lips again, stopping the words from coming out. She was sure her breath tasted of tequila from all those shots, but all she could taste was sweetness. ‘  Š  Ena thought. He smiled, and so did she, he kissed her smile. He was holding her right wrist softly, maintaining her against the tree; his other hand was on her lower back touching her cold naked skin, his touch felt hot against it. It almost burned. Isaac lost track of time. He felt happy and complete, and from her, the same. It was one of those perfect moments that seem to last only seconds, but are impossible to forget.

There was a piercing scream that caught their attention, Isaac stopped kissing her and hissed something she didn¶t understand. ³What is it?´ she asked, terrified. She¶d never heard a scream like that; Isaac was staring at the house across the street, mouth gapped open. ³Damn it!´ he said, and then the siren of an ambulance broke the silent night. " The next few minutes happened fast. ³Someone got hurt!´ Isaac said as he led her back to the house. Ena fixed her hair, they got to the living room, and she ran into a trembling Jenny, Isaac wasn¶t next to her anymore. ³There you are´ Jenny sighed with relief. ³I looked for you everywhere!´ ³What happened?´ ³I¶m not sure. Pete and I were dancing and a scream from your backyard pierced our ears,´ she looked scared. ³Some people went to check and then Brain was carrying Holly in his arms, she fainted, and as he walked closer, I noticed she was white as a ghost,´ she said, horrified. ³She looked dead´ she whispered wide eyes, ³Your sister called the ambulance.´ ³She¶s dead?´ ³No, she isn¶t,´ someone behind the girls said. They turned around to see a drunken, yet very aware Pete. ³The paramedics said she lost a lot of blood that¶s why she was so pale, but she¶s going to be okay,´ he shrugged. ³They took her to the hospital; they think its alcohol poisoning, she probably cut with something, or someone attacked her, no one seems to know.´ ³That sucks,´ Jenny said.

³Yeah, talk about throwing another party in this house,´ Pete said. ³Anyway, we¶re leaving now, the party¶s kind of over,´ he yawned. ³Yeah, we should go, but call me tomorrow and I¶ll help you clean´ Jenny offered. Sure this was a lot more than the mess they left at her house and she¶d probably need help. ³Thank you,´ Ena said. Pete and Jenny said goodbye and they left.     Ena wondered. She walked toward the living room and there she found Carl talking to Alexa, Brian and other two guys. ³There you are´ she touched his arm and stood beside him. ³Where were you?´ Alexa asked her. ³Around, what happened?´ she said quickly.  Š was a better answer than,    Š   Š

³Holly fainted or something, they took her to the hospital, she¶ll be fine,´ Alexa said, and she sounded... irritated? Holly was her best friend. Why was she upset? So upset that Ena¶s stomach hurt. That happened sometimes, a twin thing maybe? ³Whatever happened ruined the party´ Brian sounded annoyed too. ³Thank god you guys are her friends. Why aren¶t you on your way to the hospital?´ Ena said flatly, and that shut them up fast. Carl and Ena walked away of the little group. He said goodbye and left before she could ask him where he¶d been, but then she remembered he told her he was going home for some reason. Brian and the other guys said goodbye to Alexa, and she walked them to the door. Ena went to the kitchen for water, and sighed when she saw the mess. Empty bottles and plastic glasses everywhere,    she thought. She drank a glass of cold water and as she walked out of the kitchen she took a glimpse of Alexa and Isaac standing in the hallway, she stood there to listen, she was telling him what happened, and he was watching her with a very serious look. Ena caught herself looking at him and smiled, she blinked and walked back to the kitchen and she rested the empty glass in the sink, then she heard the sound of the front door closing.

³Ugh, what a mess,´ Alexa said looking at the kitchen floor. ³Yeah,´ Ena agreed and started walking toward the stairs. ³Wait,´ Alexa called her. Ena turned around feeling the strongest wave of shame she¶d ever felt. ³It¶s not working.´ ³What isn¶t?´ she felt confused now too. ³My plan, Isaac didn¶t kiss me, Brian almost did, but I pushed him away. He was drunk and he smelled like tequila.´ ³Yeah, well...´ she almost choked on something really thick that she felt in her throat, shame that was it. ³You did what you could...´ ³I did,´ Alexa whined, really not paying attention to her sister. ³Maybe he is a gentleman. He could still kiss me. Besides, I was with Brian all the time, then I looked for him, but I couldn¶t find him,´ she paused. Ena feared she¶d ask her if she saw him, then Ena would have to lie and she really didn¶t want to do that. ³I¶m sure he likes me too,´ she said, and looked at Ena very thoughtfully. ³I¶ll just keep waiting and I¶ll stop it with Brian. I think I made my point.´ ³Sure,´ Ena said and she started walking again. ³You¶ll help me clean tomorrow, right?´ ³Yeah,´ she said over her shoulder, and then she went upstairs. Ena took her clothes off, it felt heavy, and she was very tired. She fell asleep quickly. She dreamed again, the dream: Blonde ten year-old Alexa crying, but there was something new... Alexa was looking to a tree in the distance, there was someone standing next to it. A male figure, but it was unfocused and she couldn¶t make out the face, the person started walking closer to her...closer and closer«

6c Ena flashed her eyes opened, she felt very anxious. She glanced at the alarm clock that sat on the nightstand next to her bed, it was nine AM. She got up knowing that she wouldn¶t be able to sleep again,     She put on jeans and a large t-shirt and walked toward Alexa¶s bedroom. She didn¶t bother to knock. ³Come on Sister, let¶s go clean,´ she jumped on her bed, making Alexa¶s body bounce under the covers. In that moment everything felt okay, just a Saturday morning of cleaning. ³It¶s too early,´ Alexa whined, glancing at her sister. ³Plus, I have a horrible hangover, go away,´ she hid under the covers. ³Hey, you wanted to party,´ Ena told her, and Alexa got up after a loud groan. They went downstairs after Alexa put on her cleaning outfit, pink sweat pants. ³Why don¶t you have a hang over? I saw you drink,´ she said while they picked up the empty bottles. ³I never do,´ Ena answered with a shrug. ³Never? Why not?´ ³I don¶t know,´ Ena told her honestly, she¶d never known the real reason. ³Why aren¶t we the same in that too, my head is killing me,´ she complained. ³Oh come on, don¶t you have like a magic recipe by now?´ Ena teased. ³Aspirin is as magical as I can get, Sister.´ ³That¶ll do,´ Ena said.

³How would you know?´ Alexa murmured under her breath. ³I don¶t, I¶m just trying to make you feel better,´ Ena smiled, and Alexa smiled back. Watching her made Ena remember what happened last night and her smile faded. ³What is it?´ Alexa asked sounding concerned.  almost felt like before, like when they were little, and Alexa and Ena were practically one. Always together, finishing each other¶s sentences, playing with people when they didn¶t know who was who, but somehow in  way they changed, rather Ena did. She dyed her hair black and dressed differently. They grew in separate ways and then in high-school Alexa became popular. But still they were sisters ² twins ² for that matter. Ena was doing this to Alexa, something that was going to hurt her, if it wasn¶t hurting her already. Ena, loving the guy Alexa was trying so badly to kiss. She couldn¶t do it, she shouldn¶t do it. It wasn¶t right. No matter how much it hurt. Ena just wouldn¶t hurt   She¶d made a silent promise last night before drifting off to sleep. She¶d understood then what forbidden love meant, wanting something so badly and knowing how wrong it was. She would not hurt Alexa, she¶d promised. ³Nothing,´ Ena said, fixed her eyes on her sister¶s neck and frowned as she noticed something she hadn¶t seen before. ³What is that?´ " Ena was staring at her neck, and Alexa didn¶t like it, ³What?´ ³That pink little circle,´ She approached her, Alexa instinctively flinched. ³Looks like...wait, you said Brain didn¶t kiss you. Liar!´ ³He didn¶t,´ Alexa had no idea what her sister was talking about, but she wanted to know, she went to the hallway where the mirror hung to check her neck. ³What the hell!´ she gasped taking in her image; under the silvery light she looked paler. God, I need to tan as soon as possible, Alexa thought...Š ‘


³I don¶t know,´ she said to Ena when she got to the kitchen. ³I don¶t remember,´ she frowned, confused, her head still buzzed a little. Perhaps I need to stop drinking too, she thought. They laughed, ³Maybe it¶s a spider bite or something.´ ³So, you¶ll be Spiderwoman now?´ they laughed at the dull joke. They finished cleaning, and by  it meant Ena, because Alexa¶s finger nails where still fresh, she started painted them while Ena put the couches back to where they belonged. Her nails glimmered in Alexa¶s favourite colour, a soft pink. ³I think mom and dad will notice this in the front yard,´ Ena said carrying a huge bag of trash that was mainly filled with empty bottles, there were two similar ones waiting in the hallway. Alexa rolled her eyes at her sister; did she have to do everything herself? ³I¶ll take them to a house with a bigger trash bin,´ Alexa grabbed the bag Ena was holding and Ena grabbed the other two, they put them in the trunk of Alexa¶s pink VW beetle, and she drove off, to Sarah¶s house, five streets to the left. " Ena walked back to the house, and sat down on the couch, she started to remember last night, pushing the make out session with Isaac aside. It made her feel guilty, like razors cutting her guts, so instead she remembered Holly. Alexa¶s friend, the one who got hurt last night right here in the back of her house. What really happened? Maybe it had been alcohol poisoning after all, but she guessed she looked bad enough to bring an ambulance, and then they said something about an attacker? What if nobody had found her and she died or something? Poor Holly, Ena thought, and thought until Alexa walked through the door. ³Sarah¶s trash bin was full so I went all the way to Ana¶s house and she was outside, she¶s a talker, you know?´ Alexa grinned, ³But I managed to get out of there before it got dark, oh and I ran into your friend Carl.´ That caught her attention, ³Really, what did he say?´

Alexa tilted her head to a side, ³I don¶t remember,´ she said, her face blank. ³What, come on, tell me, what did he say?´ she begged. ³Well, he said hello. Nice party last night«I said yeah, until Holly ruined it«And then I remember driving back home.´ ³Maybe you¶re still drunk,´ Ena joked, but she worried about Alexa, it didn¶t seem okay that she didn¶t remember simple things like that. ³Yeah, I think I¶ll go lay down. I feel a little dizzy.´ Alexa stumbled toward the stairs and to the bedroom. Ena turned on the TV. She didn¶t realize she¶d fallen asleep until the growling of her stomach awoke her. ë she could almost hear her stomach growl it She got up. It was past four PM already. She grabbed a tray of spaghetti Mom had left in the fridge and ate half the tray. Alexa walked into the kitchen. ³I¶m hungry too,´ she yawned. ³You were sleeping too?´ ³Yeah,´ she still looked sleepy. ³Here,´ Ena pushed the spaghetti tray toward her. Alexa grabbed a fork and sat down. ³I suppose you won¶t go to church with me tomorrow?´ she asked tentatively. ³You supposed well,´ Ena said and then added, ³You know, I don¶t think Mom and Dad are going. You could just skip it.´ She looked offended. ³You don¶t just skip church. Besides, I like it«maybe I should invite Isaac.´ ³He doesn¶t go either,´ Ena said a little too quickly.

³How do you know that?´ she asked, one eyebrow raised. ³I don¶t. He just has that look,´ she said with a lazy tone. ³I¶ll ask him tonight. I¶m going out by the way.´ ³Sure, me too,´ Ena said, though she wasn¶t sure. ³I¶ll go either to Jenny¶s or Pete¶s.´ Alexa shoved a mouthful of spaghetti, ³Okay, this is so good,´ she said. ³Just be careful, okay? I¶m scared about what happened to Holly last night, right here in the house, and even if you don¶t think it I do worry about you.´ " Ena called Jenny, she complained because Ena didn¶t call her to come and help with the cleaning. Ena told her there had been no need, but truly she forgot. At last Jenny invited her to her place, but she said they wouldn¶t invite Pete. That it would be a girl¶s movie night. Ena agreed, honestly she would¶ve agreed to do anything as long as it got her out of the house before Isaac arrived. She put on blue jeans and a black t-shirt. She drove to Jenny¶s house, she opened the door with a huge grin on her face, and her redhead friend wore blue jeans and a pink tshirt. In the living room Jenny had placed bowls of popcorn over the little coffee table and a couple of DVD¶s and the lights were out. She took it very serious, girl¶s movie night indeed! ³So, what are all smiles about?´ Ena asked sitting down. ³Pete kissed me!´ Jenny said it as if she¶d been holding it in for too long now. ³What! When, how?´ Ena was surprised, Jenny did deserve the kiss, and it wasn¶t that Pete seemed too oblivious. But still she was surprised.

³Last night at the party!´ her eyes sparkled and she held a sigh. ³Why didn¶t you tell me? Never mind, tell me everything,´ her friend¶s joy had spread and Ena was smiling now, too. All troubles were forgotten, at least for a moment. ³Well, we were dancing. Carl, Pete and I, then Carl said something to Pete that I obviously couldn¶t hear because of the music and then he walked away, leaving us alone,´ she grinned again, she couldn¶t help it. ³Then we were dancing really close...and he held me, and the next thing I know he was kissing me. Well, he kissed me, it was a quick kiss.´ ³Then what happened?´ Ena asked, intrigued. ³Then someone screamed and he let go of me«and the whole Holly thing happened and the party was over,´ she said sad and paused for a second. ³He drove me home but neither of us spoke and when I said goodbye he just said µsure,¶ and that was it.´ Jenny remembered how Pete had looked while driving, he never spoke, or looked at her, his eyes had been on the road, but he had seemed to be very far away, like under a spell or something, if such a thing existed. And when he¶d finally looked at her, he¶d give her coldest of looks, as if waking up from the spell and realized what had happened hadn¶t been his wish. She¶d seen rare hate in his blue eyes, and then he drove off. ³Oh...Hey, but you guys kissed!´ Ena said trying to cheer her up again; Jenny had gotten quiet for a moment. Jenny grinned again; hiding the memories in a place of her mind she knew wouldn¶t be looking any time soon. ³Yeah, maybe he was just surprised too and he¶ll tell me something later,´ she said feeling a little more optimistic now that she¶d told Ena. ³I¶m sure,´ Ena agreed. Pete couldn¶t just kiss one of his best friends and then pretend nothing happened. ³What about you? Did Carl kiss you?´

³No, he didn¶t,´ she said. ³No one did,´ she added quickly. She didn¶t want to talk about it; she didn¶t want to think about that, not about Isaac, not about the kiss, about any of it. She picked a DVD and handed it to Jenny who was watching her again, knowing there was something she wasn¶t saying. There was the guilt again. ³Let¶s watch this one first.´ " The evening brought with it a sentiment of sorrow, Jenny was teary eyed and so was Ena. But Jenny¶s sudden tears were caused by the last movie, where the cute guy died. Ena was drowning in guilt and self disgust. Ena left early, she said goodbye to a still teary eyed Jenny and drove home. It was past nine PM, she found Alexa sitting in the living room just watching TV, and she was alone, finding her alone had never felt so good before. ³I¶m back,´ she announced and headed for the stairs. ³'Okay...´ Alexa said so low she sounded weak. ³Are you okay?´ Ena paused at the bottom of the stairs. What happened, what happened? She thought desperately. ³Yeah, it¶s just that I went to see Holly today,´ she said. Ena relaxed, it was not what she expected. No heart had been broken, yet... She sat next to Alexa, who looked pale, paler than any other day. Maybe she stopped tanning too, Ena supposed. ³How is she?´ she asked. ³She is...kind of... hallucinating.´ ³Kind of, what do you mean?´ 

Alexa let out a tired sigh. ³The doctor warned me not go inside the room because she was acting weird. But I did when he left. She was asleep, but when I walked in she woke up, like she sensed my presence or something. I went to her side and she looked at me funny«then she smiled at me, took my hand and tried to bite my wrist,´ she wrinkled her nose by the memory. ³I screamed for the nurse to come and Holly said the weirdest thing. Although, I don¶t know if I heard it right, because she was whispering and I was stepping back.´ ³What did she say?´ she just could not stand the suspense! ³Something about

Š  and   I don¶t know. The nurse came in and

drugged her to make her sleep, it was really strange.´ Ena didn¶t speak. There was really nothing to say. Then she remembered what she wanted to know, ³So, does the doctor know what happened? When she first got there, I mean.´ Alexa frowned, it was getting really hard to keep her eyes open, let alone thinking and remembering what happened a few hours ago. ³The doctor said that she doesn¶t remember if someone attacked her and there was no cut on her body anyway, so...´  ³Maybe she doesn¶t want to remember,´ Ena said, which sounded quite judgemental, she realized later. She asked, ³What¶s the diagnosis?´ ³What was it? Oh yeah. Alcohol poisoning like they said before and loss blood, though they don¶t know how that happened since they didn¶t find the wound, and the police couldn¶t make a report either.´ ³Because they don¶t know who was this µattacker¶, right?´ Ena was getting sceptical, it didn¶t make sense. She frowned thinking there was really no story to this and Holly just needed rehab.

Alexa caught her sister¶s expression and seemed to know what she was thinking, because honestly, she¶d thought it too. But her patients was thin at the moment, everything felt heavy and not being able to think correctly was wearing her off. Ê  , she convinced herself. Need sleep, sleeping cured everything, right? ³Yeah, well, I just hope she gets better soon,´ she said and yawned. ³I can¶t go visit until she does.´ ³I hope so too...´ Ena said. ³You sure you¶re okay?´ Alexa¶s eyes closed, ³Yeah, just need to...´ ² what was it? ² ³Sleep, I need to sleep...´ she opened her eyes and stood up, which was startlingly something really hard to accomplish. ³All right, go to bed then,´ Ena peeked at the clock on the wall. 9:48 PM. ³Wait,´ Alexa stopped and turned, ³Did you see Isaac? She waited...It¶s early.´ ³Yes, I did. But he left soon because I was feeling dizzy,´ she yawned again, very tiredly. ³I¶ll go to bed too,´ Ena stood up and turned off the TV and all of downstairs¶ lights. She had to almost literally carry her sister up the stairs. Alexa¶s body felt heavy, everything looked, and felt thin, the floor the walls, the air she breathed didn¶t seem to be enough...but she didn¶t say anything. Once in her bed Alexa closed her eyes and before Ena walked out the door she was asleep. "

The next morning, sunlight coming through the window hurting her eyes, forced her to wake up, it hadn¶t been the best of nights with all those crazy images she kept having, she didn¶t think of them as dreams, these images had been stronger, and they had waken something within her, something she decided it was best to ignore at the moment, just pretend she never saw them, because there was no way she could think of colourful flowers blossoming with only the touch of her finger and enormous cascades flowing the direction she ordered, as in her memory. Ena got up, showered, got dressed and walked downstairs to have breakfast, like any other Sunday. She found a note under an apple-shaped magnet, on the fridge. It read:  Š      ?    She fixed herself a sandwich, sat on the couch, and considered her options... she could call Jenny or stay home... and do what? Isaac, she thought. ³No,´ she said aloud, chastising herself. ³Don¶t think about him.´ She¶d bothered Jenny enough yesterday, she decided. So she stayed home. In her bedroom, just when she was about to pass out of boredom she noticed a dusty book behind the computer monitor; she stood up from the bed and grabbed it. Jenny had lent it to her (months ago). She¶d commented she wanted to read a fat book, because she had never read one and Jenny offered this one, µBreathless nights¶ which sounded like an adult book but wasn¶t, it was actually Jenny¶s favourite. Ena accepted it but put it away at page fifteen with the excuse of not having time. I have time now, she persuaded herself, and over 400 pages...I can do it. She started reading.

She sat on the bed, because lying down hadn¶t been a good idea; she hadn¶t been able to keep her eyes open if she did. The book turned out to be really good. She found herself gasping and even trembling at some pages. The girl named Anastasia was being chased after in the dark, cold cemetery, and though the place was such a cliché for a scary book, Ena started to get anxious because Anastasia¶s legs were giving in, and she couldn¶t see clearly, because she had tears in her eyes. She was crying desperately and she was running so fast she fell and hit the ground... ³God!´ Ena¶s entire body shook. Alexa stood in the door of the bedroom, watching her sister curiously, ³What?´ ³You scared me! Make some noise or something,´ Ena accused, she had to blame someone, because her heart was racing; it was silly to accept that a book could scare her like this. ³I just wanted to let you know I¶m back,´ she said and turned around. Ena looked down at the book again, trying to control the sudden fear she felt. A cold, pale touched Anastasia¶s shoulder, she didn¶t want to look up, but she did and she saw him. It was him, he¶d come to save her after all. Ena smiled, feeling relieved. ³I spoke to Isaac,´ Alexa was back standing in the door. She didn¶t come in; it was like there was a barrier right there stopping her. ³Oh,´ Ena closed the book, but with a finger she held the page she was reading. ³And...What happened?´ ³He told me he does have feelings for someone else, but that he couldn¶t be with her. Because it¶s complicated,´ Alexa was saying those words but she didn¶t know why, she didn¶t remember wanting to tell them, especially not to Ena. ³What did you tell him?´ Ena asked trying to sound disinterested, but her heart was racing even faster than before, though this time it wasn¶t fear what she felt.

³I told him it didn¶t matter, that I understood and that I could wait until he got over her.´  , Ena thought. But nodded as if understanding and agreeing. ³He said that was why he hasn¶t kissed me yet, and again I told him not to worry,´ she shrugged unworriedly, but now that she knew this she felt pleased to have an answer about him being so hard to get. Not that she liked the answer; it was just good to know. Ena was speechless. She couldn¶t look into Alexa¶s eyes, not even at her face. ³Yeah, I just have to wait,´ Alexa added, smiling. ³Sounds good,´ Ena commented absently. There was a voice in her head shouting questions,     Š       Š  Š


³Well, I¶ll let you go back to your...reading,´ she walked away and she didn¶t come back this time. Ena felt a lump on her throat, but ignored it and kept reading. She was nearly done. Where was she? Ah, Christian had come to save Anastasia... It was almost ten PM, and Ena had finished reading. She grabbed the book, got out of the house telling Alexa a short, ³Be right back!´ and drove to Jenny¶s house. ³She¶s dead!´ she said a little hysterically to Jenny when she opened the door. ³What? Who?´ ³Anastasia!´ and she waved the book on her face. Jenny let out a sigh of relief and stepped aside to let her friend in. Ena greeted Jenny¶s parents; they were sitting in the living room watching TV. Then the girls walked toward Jenny¶s bedroom. They sat down on the bed. ³It¶s not fair!´ Ena cried. Jenny hugged her.

³I know,´ she said rubbing her back in a motherly way, because Ena sounded on the verge of tears. Later in the week Jenny knew they would laugh about this, but at the moment she knew Ena hurt and didn¶t even think about laughing. ³It¶s okay.´ ³But why?´ Ena sobbed. She was actually crying, she could feel tears on her cheeks and she could only see a blurry Jenny. ³I¶m glad you finished it,´ was her response. ³Why would you lend me this cruel book?´ Ena accused between sobs. ³But it¶s a great book,´ she defended. ³She¶s dead Jenny, how can it be a great book?´ ³But that¶s the beauty of it, don¶t you see?´ she said. Ena looked up to see her expression. Jenny was serious. ³What do you mean?´ she wiped her eyes to see her better. ³Well,´ she considered the right words, ³You see how he fought for her at the beginning? Until she loved him as much as he loved her, and he was always keeping   safe, from all those creatures. And at the end she was the one to save  It was the perfect ending.´ ³But she¶s still dead. They won¶t be together.´ She held back more tears. ³They¶ll be together eventually,´ Jenny sounded convinced. She considered it for a moment and then asked, ³What if they don¶t?´ Jenny didn¶t speak right away. ³People don¶t live forever, they¶ll meet again.´

³I Š  people don¶t live forever. He¶ll be suffering from the second he leaves her,´ Ena murmured. Jenny was suddenly quiet. ³What if they don¶t meet at the end?´ she wasn¶t crying anymore but still, all of it seemed truly unfair. ³They have to. He¶ll die one day too.´ ³I guess,´ Ena murmured. But that wasn¶t what she¶d asked. There was no question about it, he had to die someday. In the meanwhile he¶d be hurting. But her question was when he did die«and he didn¶t go to heaven...or what if he did go to heaven and she wasn¶t there! There was no way to be sure of any of this. For a tiny second Ena even considered, w That was all they had, and they couldn¶t be together, not even in the end... Ena pushed those thoughts away and apologized to Jenny for being a cry baby. And she gave her the book back. Jenny said she could keep it, but she said Š Š, she didn¶t want to think about that book for a very long time. One last apology and a warm hug goodbye to her best friend and she was gone. " Jenny retrieved to her bedroom; she picked up the book from the bed and walked to the stand where she kept her books. The book dropped. She hadn¶t done it on purpose, but she¶d dropped it to hold on to something else...the mirror, the one her grandmother gave her for the holidays. She held it up and watched herself, a silent smile of satisfaction showed on her face. ³Pretty,´ she said. Was it really her? It hadn¶t sounded like her voice. Her eyes widened, she was startled about everything. The smile remained. She put the mirror down, and paced around the room, as if looking at it for the first time. It sure felt like it. She watched the bed, the stand table next where a small, glittery pink lamp sat; the sheets were baby blue, and on the floor laid a brown carpet. Quite a taste about this girl and the peachy walls, the colour the redheaded girl had picked out of hundreds of samples.

Wait² the redheaded girl? That was her, wasn¶t it? Jenny¶s slim body paced in front of the bed, there wasn¶t much room and there really weren¶t many things to do. She¶d been late, the girl was gone. What? Whatever she thought wasn¶t making any sense, not to Jenny at least. It felt like someone else¶s thoughts and feelings, and it terrified her and even though she didn¶t remember, somehow she felt like this had happened before. Jenny¶s hand rested on her hip, she hadn¶t wanted to do that, but it happened anyway. She started to panic. What is going on with me? Why can¶t I control my movements? She thought desperately. Okay, move your foot, it¶s easy, just take one step. Her foot didn¶t move; it felt numb and hard in its place. When it finally moved, it wasn¶t her who did it, she was sure. It scared her even more. Her skin tingled for a second, she felt cold and lightheaded. ³Forget,´ she said. It was that strange yet familiar voice, a voice that burned like lava on her lips. And just like that she was shoved back into herself, her thoughts, and her feelings. She gasped, suddenly feeling out of breath. She wanted to scream, wanted to run, cry, or merely speak. For a moment she couldn¶t do any of those things. At last she collapsed to her knees and cried, like she¶d never cried before. But she didn¶t know why, she just knew something had happened to her, and she didn¶t know what. But one thing she was sure she was scared. " Ena drove back home. The whole way there she¶d been thinking how silly it was of her to cry over a book. She¶d even laughed at herself. The house was extremely dark. She figured Alexa went to bed already. So, she sat down on the front steps and smoked. The second cigarette was over and she stood up. Something caught her eye. Across the street, in the woods, she saw a white bird flying above the trees and then disappearing behind the house. A dove, she realized. Maybe she imagined it because she¶d never seen a dove around here. She decided she needed some serious sleep. When she turned toward the door she jumped.

There it was, right in front of her, big and beautiful. It was so close to her feet she had to take a step back. Then the dove looked up at her. Green eyes looked at her. They were so noticeably beautiful, because of the white feathers that seemed to almost glitter with the moon light; it was the most beautiful bird she¶d ever seen. She opened her mouth to shoo it away, and the dove surrounded her feet, in a slow pace. Her gaze followed it; she was now unable to speak as she was dazed by its beauty. The dove gave her one last glance and then flew away toward the trees again. Ena stayed there a moment looking toward the direction the dove had taken. She snapped out of it and walked through the door. She was breathing really fast and hollow. It was getting difficult to breathe. She needed a drink. In the kitchen she found her dad¶s ³hidden´ wine and poured some in a glass. It wasn¶t her usual drink, wine that was, but that was all the alcohol she would find in this house, the wine had to do. She had one glass so Dad wouldn¶t notice somebody took some of his precious stash. She could breathe better now. She didn¶t know what had scared her so much. It had been a weird dove, after all, too aware. Birds aren¶t supposed to look at you like that ŠŠ

   she decided, she¶d been doing that a lot

lately, ignoring things. Now that she felt better and after realizing it was past midnight already, she put the bottle of wine very carefully back where it belonged and walked upstairs. Ena checked on Alexa first, she seemed to be dreaming. She smiled and closed the door softly. She opened her bedroom door and there she froze. There he was, sitting in her bed, in the darkness of her bedroom.

6c ³What are you doing here? And how did you get in?!´ Ena demanded, glowing with a feeling (he only distinguished as anger) very bright and quite hurtful, it shadowed her usual essence. Ena remembered Alexa was in her bedroom right across the hall, she lowered her voice, still angry though, a little calmer she said, ³What do you want?´ His eyes narrowed slightly, noticing the changes within her, going from that angry feeling to calm and serene, and then back to angry when laying her eyes on him. ³How can you get so angry at me?´ he couldn¶t help to ask. Ena had recognized him in an instant although she couldn¶t really see his face, let alone his expression, but she was sure that right now he wasn¶t smiling. ³How did you get in?´ she asked again, avoiding his question. The truth was that she didn¶t know. How could she get so angry just by the sight of him? He drifted his eyes away from her, and she followed his gaze. The window was open«Ena only opened the window when she wanted (and had the chance) to smoke in the bedroom, and that wasn¶t often. She started to demand him to go, when as fast as she could blink he was standing in front of her, beautiful dark eyes meeting hers, they didn¶t look green in the dimness of the room, but still she liked those eyes. ³Calm down, please...´ Isaac whispered taking her hands in his, infusing her with a feeling so good, so cold yet calm and safe. And slowly she felt calmer, more centered and contained. He held her hands and she shivered with startling delight. ³Yes, like that,´ he whispered again and was glad the small influence had worked, and he was closer now. Once Ena was calm, she couldn¶t speak, which was probably the whole point, and for her not to throw him out the window. ³I know what happened to Holly.´ Those words snapped her out of the calmness she had felt. ³What? How do you know?´ she demanded, and the bright angry feeling returned.

³Calm down, please. We don¶t want to wake up you sister, do we?´ Her anger vanished quickly after his words; the influence worked better the second time³So, what happened?´ she whispered, surprised she sounded calmed. Isaac sighed and led her to the bed. They sat down facing each other, even if they weren¶t very close, they both felt a sudden want that seemed to intensify in silence6        

 Š Š  Ena wondered, and that drew a

smile on Isaac¶s lips, a lovely smile she didn¶t see in the dark. He spoke, ³I can¶t really explain, but I can tell you she will get better. In a couple of days...or weeks,´ he had sounded sure, not so much at the end. And she would¶ve shouted at him again, but she felt so calm. ³Good then,´ she found herself saying in a soft voice. ³Is that why you¶re here? To tell me Holly will be okay?´ she was wishing he¶d tell her he was here for her, to see her... But a part of her ² a very aware and annoyed part ² wished those words wouldn¶t come out of his lips. This was turning into a very dangerous game...But it was a game both of them wanted so desperately to play. ³That is why I convinced myself to come here,´ he said after a few seconds, after considering the right words. There was silence and the wanting grew to desire and need. Isaac leaned toward her, eyes dark and intense. He wanted to do so many things at the same time, so many things he knew weren¶t right... ³But I¶m a terrible liar,´ he confessed, and that seemed to break the spell, and their lips touched«in a kiss they had both been longing. Ena wanted to protest, but as soon as the thought reached her mind the idea disappeared ² vanished in seconds, and she let go« Isaac held her, his hands on the small of her back pressing her against his hard chest. She put her arms around his neck, wanting to have him even closer and they were kissing, slow, profound kisses. When she gasped for air he kissed the line of her jaw and then her neck, what a wonderful challenge that was...and then he kissed the back of her ears, teasing her earlobe.

Ena let out a little moan and felt her face hot when she realized, but then she felt a rush of excitement and the brief embarrassment vanished. Isaac¶s canines ached and he flinched to return to kiss her on the lips. Ena forgot about everything. Nothing else mattered in that moment, only the most wonderful of kisses; the warmth that turned to heat and the wanting that was now a Š  that almost hurt... Isaac kissed her neck again, because she seemed to like that and he, well, he loved that. She felt something sharp, as sharp as the tip of a knife. That broke the moment. He broke the embrace. ³I¶m sorry,´ he apologized, his voice hoarse as he caught his breath. ³Don¶t go,´ she said with her eyes closed. When she opened them she couldn¶t help but to smile, because she could barely breathe herself, but the way Isaac looked was adorable. ³I must,´ Isaac said, the decision had been taken and there was no way back. He kissed her again, one last kiss for tonight. ³You sleep now,´ he whispered sweetly in her ear as he cupped her cheek with his cold hand. Ena closed her eyes by the sweetness of his touch and snapped them open when feeling his absence. She was alone and the window was closed, it all happened so fast it seemed like a dream, and before she realized she was lying on her bed falling asleep. " ³Maybe I should go back,´ Isaac said to no one in particular since he was alone, again. ³Tell her...Tell her I ±´ Damn it. Damn it. Damn it! Why couldn¶t he say it? Wasn¶t he far enough? Still, he felt controlled, like a damn puppet. He wanted to see her and kiss her again, it was greedy of him, he was aware of that, but that knowledge didn¶t make him covet it any less.

³I¶m going to do it!´ he stood up and shouted to whoever was listening. But there was no one, only his voice that echoed in the cold place, and then when no one answered, he felt stupid. ³I¶ll do it right now...´ he murmured, waited and spread his senses, all of them. There wasn¶t anything different; it felt like any other night. That   wasn¶t around either... so, he hadn¶t found him yet? That put a smile on Isaac¶s lips, but then he thought that maybe the  wasn¶t looking for him in the first place, how had Ena called him?      Š... Isaac shrugged and forgot about him for the moment and with the certainty that actually no one was around and chasing him, he decided to go back. Ena would be asleep by now, he was sure, but he could wake her. For something like this, she¶d want to be wakened, right? He walked back to her house, less than three minutes that took and only because he walked at human pace. Isaac was excited, he could do it, no one was watching, not really. Besides, rules were made to be broken, weren¶t they? But... Š      Š  Š     Š      He ignored that last question. Under the window of her bedroom he hesitated and looked around, scanning everything in the dark, was he being paranoid? Surely, but only because he felt 


something that felt odd, like wanting to see something invisible, or sense a shadow. Isaac jumped and landed lightly on the roof, and then he balanced his body so that he could open the window and get inside the bedroom all in one quick, elegant movement. Once inside he felt even more eager. That brought a cold feeling; a very pleasant wave ran from his shoulders to his fingertips. Power felt wonderful, it was nearly blissful. Remembering how he almost lost control with her earlier he commanded his body to calm down, the cold feeling faded slightly, though not completely. He turned toward her then; she lay in bed looking like a beautiful princess and dreaming...   He hoped so.

Isaac sat down on the edge of the bed, as lightly as he could not to wake her, yet. Ena shuddered when he placed his hand on top of hers. ³I¶m sorry it is cold, my love,´ he whispered. He hadn¶t been doing it on purpose, but the cold weather was affecting him anyway. And just when he was about to mutter the words ³wake up´, he sensed . The invisible feeling from before was now visible, very. He swallowed, what he was about to do was important, he needed no distraction to be able to do it, otherwise he would choke on the words again or worse, he didn¶t know what was worse than that, but there was surely something worse they could do to keep him from breaking the rules. And there it was again, whatever  was felt closer this time.  Š 

Isaac frowned, was  talking to him? 


That was certainly directed to him. Isaac stood up, Ena¶s body shifted slightly, her hand seemed to unconsciously search for his. But she didn¶t wake up. ³This is going to have to wait,´ he said smiling kindly as if she could see him. Jumping out the window, landing on his feet and sending up a strong breeze to shut the window, Isaac did all that before he started running, before he started chasing after something that cheated to be there, and to not be there, both at the same time. He ran so fast he was only a blur to the human eye and  kept taunting him, Isaac could hear the thoughts that dared him to keep running while he tried hard to sense the presence, but it kept flashing visible and invisible not letting him really sense what he was actually trying to catch. The night went even colder without him intending it; it was just that he was getting angry, at what? He wouldn¶t know tonight, because when he got to the small lake that was deep into the woods the presence disappeared completely, as if it had never been there at all and by then Isaac was too weak.

Isaac needed to feed. It had been days after all, and using his senses like this, on something so useless, had really worn him out. This time he didn¶t run, he couldn¶t, he could barely walk, so he walked ² at human pace, which was a huge effort ² all the way back to the Ena¶s house. The house he had been in a couple hours ago. Isaac went into a bedroom and he woke up someone, but that someone wasn¶t Ena. And when he was done, the sun was coming out, and the anxiety was gone. Now he didn¶t want to tell her, biting Alexa had reminded him so many things, things that convinced him that he could wait. He should wait. Wait until things were different, less complicated, but more importantly, wait until Ena loved him too. " The sound of the alarm was the worst sound ever the next morning. Ena damned Monday and got up, feeling a horrible twist of guilt in her stomach when she remembered last night.    Š       Š     With a reluctant glance at the bed she sighed, right here so close to her. Her sister could¶ve walked into the bedroom and seen them. ?  ŠStill, not fair to Alexa. She should do something...tell Alexa something or ask Isaac   Š   Š   Š   


She put the thoughts away and started to get ready for school. She didn¶t dare to see Alexa in the face, there was too much guilt in her. Ena ran past the kitchen saying a quick, ³Bye!´ and she drove to school. Monday morning at school was good, if Ena didn¶t count the last class when she felt Isaac¶s eyes piercing her back, of course. She was thinking about talking to him about last night and how he should think of something to do. But he left the classroom before the bell rang. After school Ena met with Jenny and Pete, but didn¶t go with them for ice cream, and she headed right home to see her parents. They were back.

Mom brought them blue lighters, cute souvenirs that read ‘6| 6 in red, sparkly letters. ³I love it!´ ŠŠ    Ena added mentally. ³Thanks mom,´ both girls said. Mom and Dad told them about their trip. How fun it had been. And how angry dad had gotten when he¶d lost a considerable amount of money and how high he jumped when he¶d won. Las Vegas is a dangerously fun roller-coaster. Tonight they all sat down and had dinner together. Ena didn¶t look at Alexa¶s face. She just couldn¶t. When they finished Dad asked casually, ³Did you girls fight?´ ³No, why?´ Alexa was the one to speak. Ena widened her eyes in surprise. She didn¶t think no one would notice. Did she look as guilty as she felt? ³Of course not!´ Ena blurted suppressing her anguish and for the first time, in the whole day, she looked at Alexa¶s face and tried for a smile«her chest hurt. Alexa didn¶t look sad. ]  

   , Ena chastised herself.


Dad eyed her for a couple of seconds, but he didn¶t insist. Conversation was over. Ena went outside to smoke after that and used the new Las Vegas lighter. She walked down the street just a few blocks while rubbing her arm with her free hand, it was a very cold night and she was wearing a very light sweater. When she finished the second cigarette she walked the few blocks back to the house and someone touched her shoulder, startling a little; she thought the street was empty, since it was darker now. ³Good evening,´ the person that had touched her shoulder said. Ena watched her for a moment, she was a short old woman with long grey hair that was adorned with a rather elegant red diadem, all of her clothes were black and old-fashioned making her look like a sad gypsy with that gloomy expression on her face. From far away one would think she were beautiful, but looking this close she wasn¶t. ³Good evening.´

³You shouldn¶t be alone, my dear. Especially at this hour,´ the old woman spoke again, and her voice mellow like a grandmother¶s. ³Sure«´ Ena said a little awkwardly and she glanced at her house, the lights were off and she didn¶t know what it was, but she felt a little panic of being alone with this woman she¶d never seen around here before. When she looked back the woman was no longer standing there. She was gone. The little panic changed to a lot of panic and she practically ran toward the house. Everyone ² as expected ² was in bed already. Æ 

  , she guessed. Her wrist watch read almost midnight.  



she decided. Before opening the door of her bedroom she secretly hoped she¶d find Isaac sitting on the bed again. But he wasn¶t there. She lay in bed; eyes open as she waited for him to materialize out of the dark, or for him, to jump through the window or something, anything. But there was nothing. After a moment, she gave up hope and fell asleep. "c Next day at school was agonizing. Ena got to see Isaac with his arm around her sister¶s waist as they entered the cafeteria. They chose to sit alone in a different table, not with the rest of her friends, they weren¶t pretending to hear the new cheers the cheerleaders had come up with today, they didn¶t care about that or if Brian was jealous or not, they were just playing the µrock star¶ role they both knew how to play a little too well. What hurt the most was that Isaac never looked at Ena. Not once. Indifference sucked. ³Are you mad at me or something?´ Ena asked him when she had the chance to see him alone in the corridor. ³You¶re the one that«´ he trailed off, she was giving him a puzzled look.  Š  ŠŠŠ, she thought desperately. ³Look, I thought you«´ he didn¶t finish and just stared at her, trying to find what he wanted. He felt frustrated when he found nothing but a feeling of confusion in her, he frowned not knowing what to do next, he was now confused too, and he walked away, leaving Ena even more confused.

³What¶s with you today?´ asked Jenny as the three of them walked out the school building. Ena caught a glimpse of Isaac getting into Alexa¶s car. That meant they were going to her house. ³Can we go somewhere?´ she asked turning toward Pete and Jenny. ³Sure, where would you like to go?´ Pete asked while Jenny eyed her suspiciously. ³Anywhere but my house, I just don¶t want to go home, please.´ ³Let¶s go eat somewhere.´ Pete suggested. ³Great, and after could we watch a movie?´ Ena wanted to be out of the house the whole afternoon. ³Sure.´ Jenny said, ³We can go to my house,´ she offered. ³I can go eat but I can¶t watch the movie. I have a date,´ Pete said and flashed one of his usual grins. Jenny¶s eyes dropped in a sad line. ³Really? With whom?´ Jenny asked sounding way too nonchalantly. ³A girl I met the other day,´ he said simply and then teased, ³Why? Are my ladies jealous?´ he said ladies but was only looking at one«Ena. ³Of course, you will never leave us,´ Ena said matter of fact. ³Yeah, I know,´ he agreed, ³But I figured I could have a little fun,´ he winked. Ena rolled her eyes at him. Jenny remained silent. They got into their cars and drove toward the place Pete had suggested. It was easy to imagine what Jenny was feeling right now, sadness and jealousy for certain.

They ordered burgers and fries and she knew it wasn¶t a good idea because it was a school day, but Ena wanted alcohol. It wasn¶t like she was going to drink and drive. The waiter gave her a hard time for µforgetting¶ her ID, but she convinced him somehow and she had two delicious coconut cocktails. Pete and Jenny shared one. Pete took off to get ready for his date and the girls drove to Jenny¶s house. There they watched the movie in silence. It was a comedy, so, Jenny wasn¶t crying this time. But that was also the problem, she wasn¶t doing anything. She just stared blankly at the screen. Ena had prepared herself for a confrontation about how weird she¶d been acting this morning, but she realized this wasn¶t about her. Jenny was sad, her eyes were on the screen, but her mind was elsewhere, far away, with Pete and his date. ³You know... I¶m sure it isn¶t a big deal,´ Ena finally broke the silence. ³What isn¶t?´ Jenny blinked several times, but her eyes remained on the screen. ³Pete and his date, please don¶t act like you don¶t know what I¶m talking about.´ Jenny gave in; she let out a sad sigh, and turned toward Ena. Jenny¶s big eyes looked so sad that Ena felt the impulse of hugging her, but it felt like there was a wall between them, because Jenny was holding back something else. ³Pete has dated before, remember? And it never comes into something serious. He¶s just having fun, just like he said.´ There was nothing but truth in her friend¶s words, but Jenny still felt like a tug in her heart, and not a warm pleasant one, her heart ached and she really wanted it to stop. ³I know,´ she admitted. ³But I don¶t want him to want to have fun. Can¶t he see I care about him?´ she cried. ³No. he¶s a silly boy, why don¶t you just tell him?´ ³I can¶t! If I do and he says he doesn¶t feel the same way, which I¶m sure he¶ll say, I¶ll be devastated and our friendship won¶t be the same, you know that.´ Ena did know that, though she wasn¶t sure Pete would say he didn¶t feel the same way. But either he did or not, their friendship wouldn¶t be the same, at least to her.

But again, this wasn¶t about her. It was about Jenny, and not caring about the feeling of a wall she held her in her arms, Jenny felt more vulnerable than ever, like a bird with a broken wing. ³Think about telling him«or start dating too,´ Ena tried to encourage her. Jenny looked up at her face and blinked so the tears spilled down her cheeks. ³What, guys ask you out, you know that,´ Ena said, and Jenny couldn¶t deny that, because guys asked her out all the time, it was just that she was so into Pete that she always said µno.¶ ³I don¶t know if I can do either of those things,´ Jenny said sincerely, leaning back to see Ena in the eye. Jenny looked at her and imagined she was a target. ³I¶ll be fine,´ she said and smiled making the tears stop. ³Don¶t worry about me,´ the words came out of her lips before she said something else, it felt horribly like an automatic thing. She¶d been about to tell Ena how she hasn¶t been feeling herself lately, and that there was something really wrong with her, though she didn¶t remember what, but then just as the thought of saying it came it went. Jenny¶s entire posture changed, she straightened her back, crossed her legs and placed both hands elegantly over her knee and she smiled again, a bitter-sweet sort of smile and she spoke in a softer voice what felt more like a command than a voluntary thing, ³]

is the one I¶m worried about.´

³What, I¶m perfect,´ Ena showed her a big smile, which could have been very convincing to anybody else. ³Yeah, right. Won¶t you tell me?´ Jenny¶s voice sounded very compelling and she faked sad eyes, though it wasn¶t much faking Ena assumed, because she had been crying a moment ago. ³There¶s nothing to tell, really,´ Ena insisted, because she couldn¶t speak about it, what was making her gut twist with guilt every second, she just couldn¶t. Ena drifted her eyes away from Jenny and to the movie they were starting to forget and there was a long silence. Jenny¶s head tilted slightly to a side, there was no sound in her hears for the split of a second and her whole body felt lighter.   Š she thought with unknown conviction, and she replayed the last words she¶d heard Ena say,    


 Jenny panicked a little in spite of herself and focused on her friend again, ³Don¶t tell me you¶re sad about Pete dating too because you know I can¶t compete against you!´

³Of course not, silly. Pete is all yours don¶t worry about me or any other girl,´ Ena assured her. She couldn¶t believe Jenny could be so insecure sometimes«well, most of the time. There were times when Ena wished she had Jenny¶s red hair and pink cheeks, or her skills. Jenny was a pro when it came to learning those chemical and physics stuff, and she loved to read and write poems and short stories, Ena was sure Jenny was going to do something important in the future. Jenny was smiling a genuine smile now, and asked, ³What about you? You were weird this morning, it¶s because of a guy, isn¶t?´ ³Maybe it is, maybe it isn¶t,´ was her teasing answer. Jenny frowning a little frustrated for the lack of information on Ena¶s part. ³Look, I¶ll tell you later ±maybe ±just not right now, but please, don¶t worry.´ ³Fine, I guess you can tell me later,´ she said at last, she knew that if Ena wasn¶t planning on telling her anything, it was worthless to push her. Maybe she would tell her, eventually. The movie ended. So did their conversation. Honestly, none of them was paying attention to the movie after that, but it had been good for them to share, just girls and no Pete. Ena said goodbye to her and drove home before the sun came down. Jenny had dinner and went to her bedroom, she had that feeling like every night: She felt that same sensation of not being completely alone«yet, still not knowing what to do because she kept forgetting whatever conclusion she had come up with, and later that night she cried like she did once or twice a week. It was a silent cry that only confused her more when she didn¶t really know how to stop, and it felt like it wasn¶t her pain what she felt, and wasn¶t her tears to waste. There were nights when the pain was too much to bear, and she wanted to scream, but as it wasn¶t her pain to claim she only waited for it to pass, and morning always brought blissful ignorance. c

c Ena¶s depressive state was ridiculous by Friday. After school Pete and Jennyc decided to rent a movie and watch it at her house. They even let her pick it. Usually Pete and Jenny did the picking, because Ena really didn¶t care what they watched. It was just about hanging out with her friends. Pete liked terror and action, if he found a movie with both in it, he was in paradise. Jenny liked romantic¶s make-you-cry movies. Ena liked comedy, action, and drama. None of that romantic stuff, she just endured it when Jenny insisted. Today she wasn¶t in the mood for it. She just wanted a movie that would distract her from all the thoughts she was having about Isaac.  Š   seemed to be the perfect choice a crazy Angelina Jolie. That was what she needed. Isaac hadn¶t set foot in her house since last Sunday. He didn¶t even look for her anymore. It was as if Ena didn¶t exist. She wondered the motives of the abrupt change. She wondered about it every day. She agreed to watch the movie at her house. She was sure both, Isaac and Alexa would be absent. The three of them watched the movie in the living room. Pete sat in the middle. He placed his arms over their shoulders and the girls rested their heads lightly on his shoulders. They fed him popcorn from the bowl resting on his lap. ³I like this,´ he said proudly. ³Being the only guy, I mean.´ The girls felt his chest getting puffy. ³I feel like a Greek god or a Roman King,´ he grinned. The girls exchanged a knowing look and smiled. Their lack of protest made him happy. But the silence didn¶t last long. ³Speaking of being the only guy,´ Jenny said. ³Where¶s Carl?´ Pete¶s grin disappeared. ³I have no idea,´ he said, annoyance in his tone. ³Maybe he went back to wherever it is he belongs,´ the annoyance was replaced with a little hope. ³He wouldn¶t leave without saying goodbye, would he?´ Jenny wondered out loud and sounded a little more concerned than she should.

³I don¶t think so. He¶s probably just busy,´ Ena slipped in. But really, she hadn¶t thought about Carl until just now. She could only think about the guy that kissed her, touched her heart in a way no one else had but wouldn¶t even look her in the eye anymore.

 he thought. Jenny snorted. ³Busy? Please...I think he¶s²´ ³Probably busy, all right´ Pete said. He used his final tone, that cold tone he barely used on the girls and saved for the guys. Jenny shut her mouth. Her eyes returned to the movie. Pete got jealous, Ena realized. After  , Pete and Jenny have had a conversation and decided that it had been a drunken mistake, which was true since Pete had been   drunk. Jenny said it wasn¶t a big deal, but Ena was sure her friend was going through heartache just like she was. When the movie ended Pete drove off to a friend¶s house to play videogames. He said he needed some testosterone. The girls just laughed. And let him go. Ena wanted to tell Jenny everything about Isaac ² absolutely  Š But as they stood on the porch waving Pete goodbye Jenny¶s eyes caught something. Behind the plant pot that sat next to the front door«something called her. Not in sound but in sensation. Jenny didn¶t know what it was. But she wanted to. ³What is that?´ the moonlight made it sparkle. She bent over, carefully, sensing ± not hearing ± the call. And she took it. It was a cross, made of silver. ³What the hell?´ Ena stared at it. The cross wasn¶t calling her the way it was calling Jenny. But she definitely felt something too. Ignoring and gaping at the cross Jenny thought,    Š

 . The words confused her and clouded her senses as Ena

asked, ³Who put it here or rather who hid it?´ ³It¶s beautiful«´ Jenny said amazed and still confused.

It was beautiful, Ena had to admit. But there was something about it. She didn¶t know what. She had a bad feeling about the whole situation. She took it from Jenny¶s hands to check it closely but dropped it instantly.   It was hot, almost burning hot, which was extremely weird, this weather would make silver cold. ³Don¶t drop it!´ Jenny cried. ³Don¶t you see how special it is?´ ³The hell it is!´ Ena said rubbing her hand. Jenny didn¶t notice that, she was in a mesmerized state. ³You can have it.´ Jenny heard when Ena spoke, but it took her a moment to catch the words and react, when she did, she exclaimed, ³Really? Cool! My grandma will love it. She has tons in her house.´ ³Why?´ Ena took a reluctant look at the cross, she had been avoiding it as if it might jump at her and bite. ³I don¶t know, she says it protects you somehow. Last time I was there, I noticed everybody in Circle town has one hanging in their front door,´ she shrugged a shoulder, as if that was the most normal thing for her. ³Whatever, you know how old people get. I think she¶ll like this one a lot,´ the feeling of being called was gone and was replaced by satisfaction. ³Yeah...sure she¶ll like it.´ The urge of telling Jenny about Isaac wasn¶t there anymore. They talked about random stuff. Neither of them confessed what they were truly feeling. And before the sun came down Jenny went home with the silver cross in hand feeling that strange delight just by holding it in her hand. That night she slept without being disturbed. 

" Night had fallen and it was Friday, meaning her parents wouldn¶t be home. And she hoped neither would the blonde and that  . Ena was alone. He sensed nothing but her beautiful presence in the house. It was funny, he could find her every time, his heart pounding faster, and it was like a charge in his veins. He once suspected that it wasn¶t he who follow her, but her presence that captured and drew him irresistibly to her. The thought of going to bed was the most appealing sense she had, but smoking a cigarette became the strongest thought, because that was what  wanted. Ena stepped outside. Only a small lamp hung next to the door and if not by the bright full-moon in the dark sky, darkness was all there was. Without hesitation she lit up a cigarette. There was a cold breeze. Quite pleasant, she had to admit, though it was starting to get a little annoying, how familiar the air felt lately. She noticed the figure coming out of a tree and walking toward her. He knew she couldn¶t see his face yet and what happened next made him pause ² hope washed over her, coloring her aura light yellow ² hoping the figure were that guy. , she knew his name now. His name was printed in her mind. ³Hello beautiful,´ Carl had composed himself. He gave her his brightest smile. ³Carl?´ He winced a little at the fleeing yellow hope and air of disappointment in her tone. ³Who else calls you beautiful?´ he turned on the charm, walked closer to her, stepping out of the dark. She could see his face and his smile. That sexy smile, she remembered. ³Ah, no one else,´ she tried for a genuine smile, but that didn¶t work.

³Aren¶t you happy to see me?´ he asked as he blocked out her thoughts and feelings, so he could get an answer and not know what the truth was. Ena shook herself. ³Yes, I am,´ she smiled, and this time it was real. ³We were thinking about you earlier.´ ³Oh?´ Carl had been hoping she would think of him, but... ³Who is µwe¶?´ ³Pete, Jenny and I,´ she answered and then she told him they had left a little while ago. ³So, where were you all this time?´ ³I...had to run some errands,´ he said simply, not getting into detail, because really, she wouldn¶t believe him if he told her. What, with all the crazy few days he¶d had. ³Okay.´ ³Why, did you miss me?´ he didn¶t wait for an answer. I¶m back. Don¶t worry,´ he teased and sat down next to her on the steps. This time he took a peek of her thoughts, because he needed to know if she had missed him, which was important, knowing if everything he did had been worth it. ³Yeah, I did,´ she lied. ³We all missed you,´ she had the guts to lie even further, which instead of bothering him this made him smile. The girl was more than she appeared. ³So, you¶re all alone in this big house?´ he decided to change the subject. She nodded. She¶d stopped smoking when Carl appeared but now she wanted another cigarette, and it wasn¶t because of some of his little mind pushes. She¶d gotten anxious by his presence. ³Want one?´ she offered. ³Sure, I love these things,´ he lit up her cigarette, then his. ³Drugs and alcohol bound the spirit to this world, did you know that?´

Ena took a drag and thought about it. Then she considered it was some joke or Carl was just being smart and she laughed lightly. Carl smiled back and knew she wasn¶t ready to know some things, to know a lot of things, really. ?   he thought. ³This is a nice lighter,´ he said giving it back to her after a moment. Las Vegas, he¶d had some fun nights over the decades there... ³Thanks,´ she smiled at him. ³It was a gift.´ It was nice to have company. Both of them felt that way. Carl hadn¶t been with friends while on his little excursion. Following his steps back from where he¶d come and only to try to find clues and traces about being followed wasn¶t something easy. It was ironic and exhausting. Other than confirming how paranoid he was getting about the whole situation he found nothing. But he needed no distraction, and besides he didn¶t have any friends, not real ones anyway. The humans he did meet became allies or enemies. Carl and Ena stayed quiet for a moment. Smoking away as the wind got colder. ³This is nice,´ she broke the silence. ³I usually smoke alone.´ ³I usually don¶t smoke,´ he admitted. His choice was always alcohol, not cigarettes. He leaned closer to her and was glad to know she didn¶t feel uncomfortable by it. She was really glad that he was here with her. She felt so lonely. She looked down. ³Why are you sad, beautiful?´ he sounded concerned, that surprised them both. ³For something stupid,´ said Ena. ³Something or someone?´ he wasn¶t using his   to make her tell the truth and her silence was enough of an answer. He didn¶t push the matter. They finished the cigarette and he lit up another one for her. ³Thanks.´

³You don¶t have to tell me, you know? I already know and I can assure you he¶s not worth it,´ wasn¶t that what any friend of hers would have said? ³It¶s not about a guy,´ was all she managed to say. ³No, it¶s not,´ he agreed and that only confused her more. He knew it was time to stop it with the hints she wouldn¶t get just yet. He changed the subject. ³So, listen I actually came here to ask you something.´ ³I thought you just liked to lurk in the shadows,´ Ena teased, but Carl just halfsmiled. There was a little truth in that comment. ³I want you to come with me,´ he said, face turning seriously strange. ³Where do you want to go?´ she was intrigued, and he liked that. ³Anywhere you want. I miss you. You name it and we¶re there.´ The charming smile was back on his lips along with a little persuasion in his voice.

  Ena thought. ?    Š   She thought about it. At last her stubbornness made her answer. ³Let¶s go to your house.´ His smile widened and his gray eyes sparkled. Yes. The one place Isaac ordered her not to go. That was the place she wanted to be the most. ³Really?´ he liked the way her mind worked. ³Sure, let¶s go now,´ she said and stood up. He held a chuckle as he grabbed her gently by the wrist, stopping her. ³Easy there, beautiful. We¶ve got time, besides is late.´ ³But I don¶t mind,´ she persisted. He stood up and took her hands, his touch warm. Literally, warm, while her hands felt like ice, the touch of his was a pleasant contrast.

³It¶s late,´ his voice was low and sweet, but it carried a strong command. Carl found fascinating thoughts in her head. She had just noticed how good he looked under the moonlight, really good. His platinum blond hair, pale skin and the perfect smooth features of a marble statue, along with the line of his upper lip as he tried to hide his canines made her wonder glorious things« Carl smiled slowly, looked her in the eye and leaned down. He knew what she wanted to do. And by  desire, he was delighted to know. Their faces were inches away. Carl paused and let her decide. Ena drew nearer and kissed him. The way his lips felt at first startled her a little, it was like electricity going all through her. Then when his lips moved along with hers in perfect synchrony, she relaxed and forgot that it ever happened. Carl stopped and drew back. Ena was thinking of... Ah, that thought was the most unpleasant one to read. She regretted this moment. " It was short. The kiss lasted only seconds. They pulled further apart when Alexa¶s car pulled up, very close to them. The stunning blonde stepped out of the driver¶s seat and Isaac looking a lot less animated got out of the other side. There was a couple standing under the porch illuminated with nothing but moonlight. There was an awkward air about the ones just arriving, but Alexa was the best when it came to hiding sad feelings and shows her glamorous self instead. ³Well, well«sorry to interrupt,´ Alexa told her twin. Ena lit up, she was so happy to see them. She was happy Isaac was here to see her with Carl. Part of her wished he had witnessed everything. The other part, though, wished she could throw her arms around him and forget about everything else. ³Isn¶t it a little late to be playing outside?´ Alexa gaped at Carl with those lovely blue eyes and that smile she knew boys loved. But this boy¶s knees didn¶t seem to quiver.

³We were just«´ Ena¶s words cut off when Isaac caught her eyes. Pain darkened his green eyes and his body was so stiff she was uncertain he was breathing. ³I know about that      ´ Alexa laughed. And when realizing Carl hadn¶t been paying attention to her, and didn¶t seem like he was going to, not in the way that she wanted, anyway. She said, ³Carl, have you met my boyfriend yet?´ Vampires, like Greek Gods, were only revealed to one another. They couldn¶t hide what they were, not from someone who was the same. ³I finally do,´ Carl said as they shook hands with enough strength to break bones. Carl¶s smile was wicked and finally, his doubts had been clarified. Isaac just nodded as politely as he managed and shot Ena an accusing look, with his green eyes that were turning crimson as he was no longer hurting, but enraged. But all he got from her was a huge grin and the flashes of the kiss playing in her mind, which was not really an explanation, just a painful picture for him to watch. The worst part was that she seemed so glad about the whole thing. She had wanted him to feel what she had felt. Even though Carl was not her boyfriend and she had yet to think what she was going to tell him later, about the kiss, but she found herself enjoying the little revenge. ³Well, I don¶t like being the party pooper but we should get inside, sis. It¶s getting really late,´ Alexa had felt the tension forming in the air and she had no idea why but she found herself extremely tired. Ena glanced at the watch she wore on her wrist. It read past midnight. ³Oh.´ ³Yes, I should go,´ Isaac spoke for the first time since he got here. His voice sounded distant and forced and he looked weird, like a robot, merely functioning for the sake of looking real. ³So should I,´ Carl agreed. They exchanged a quick nod and Carl¶s wicked smiled returned to his lips as Isaac¶s menacing words echoed in his head, Y Š he thought, because Carl had been about to kiss Ena on the lips«Again.

Ena¶s confidence and sudden cockiness abandoned her body and she didn¶t want Carl to leave. ³But we were going to your ²´ ³Another time,´ Carl promised with a wink. Her chest felt heavy yet hollow when she said, ³Okay.´ They said goodbye to the girls with a kiss on the cheek. There wasn¶t an exchange of thoughts between them as they walked away, taking opposite directions, hoping they wouldn¶t see each other again. But knowing that wasn¶t possible. They were going to see each other again, very soon. The girls went into the house. Ena spoke first, ³So, I take it you guys haven¶t kissed yet, huh?´ Alexa only conceded a nod. Her sister never spoke to her like that. Arrogance was her thing, not Ena¶s. And mixing that mocking tone with the look on Ena¶s face caught her a little off guard. ³No«not yet,´ Alexa showed no emotion at all. ³Ah,´ Ena¶s emotions however, they needed to be controlled. She felt bliss, but there was emptiness too, and now the guilt was trying to make its way back in. ³What about you and Carl?´ ³We just have«´ Ena was taken aback for saying that while smiling. It wasn¶t that she was happy about the fact that she¶d kissed Carl. It was just the feeling of knowing that somebody wanted her. This situation with Isaac had her shaking with insecurity, lately. ³Nice, I knew it. You two had that guilty look,´ Alexa laughed, her body relaxing. ³How was it?´ ³Amazing!´ she wanted this information to be passed on.

³Well, he is the cutest,´ said Alexa but then quickly amended, ³I mean, after Isaac of course.´ ³Yeah...´ Ena said.              Š   Š   Š  Š   ŠŠ   



Š   ŠŠ 

³Are you planning to keep on waiting for Isaac to get over girl?´ she asked. Alexa hesitated for a minute, not liking the course the conversation had taken. ³I¶m still thinking about it,´ she said, but didn¶t go into detail. Her blue eyes sparkled as she remembered what she wanted to ask her sister, ³Hey, what are you doing tomorrow night?´ ³Nothing, I guess. Why?´ ³I was thinking it¶ll be a good idea for us to watch a movie together, don¶t you think?´ It had been a while since they watched a movie together, or did anything together, for that matter. ³Sure, I¶d like that,´ Ena smiled and this time she wasn¶t burning with guilt. Alexa smiled back, her eyes half-closed as she let out a yawn. ³Tomorrow night then, now let¶s just go to bed.´

" Isaac smiled, but then turned it off instantly. For a moment there, he¶d sensed Ena. In his nostrils danced the peculiar lavender scent that was with her when she was happy. But it wasn¶t her. His jaw tensed and he stopped walking. So did the one behind him. ³Mind if I smoke?´ Isaac didn¶t answer. His entire body had gone stiff as he struggled with the urge of turning around and snapping his neck. Carl took a long drag and as he exhaled he said, ³So, is it just you?´ Again there was no answer. Isaac didn¶t smoke; he didn¶t drink as often or enough as he could to ease himself in moments like these. It was harder for him to control his impulses. ³If it is just you, then you¶re«strong enough to be away from a coven, huh?´ The air changed. All the small animals of the woods had hidden. There wasn¶t even the sad song of crickets. And the moon was their only witness. ³Not of your business,´ his voice was forced out of him and his eyes were closed. But the rest of his senses were awake. Carl wasn¶t scared off easily. But he wasn¶t stupid and he didn¶t approach. ³I am alone,´ he said taking another drag casually. Shame took over his lips when he added, ³And no one¶s after me.´ That caught Isaac¶s attention. He¶d unclenched his jaw and his fangs were ready. He turned slowly around, as he did the dry leaves on the ground around his feet danced lovely as if by command.  caught Carl¶s attention, but he masked it. ³Why would anyone be after you?´

Carl shrugged coolly, ³I¶ve made a few mistakes. Besides, I¶m not one of their favorites and why shouldn¶t I be followed? They like to control.´ ³Yes, they do,´ Isaac agreed bitterly. ³But,´ he remembered what he¶d felt when they shook hands:  Š ŠŠ    ³Why are you on the run?´ ³Who said I was?´ Carl retorted. He dropped his cigarette to the ground and smashed it with his foot wishing it were this easy to smash his current opponent. Æ He¶d have to try to be certain. Isaac had reflexively gathered mist around them. They hadn¶t gone that deep into the woods. If they were to fight they would make noise that would wake up the humans. A few seconds passed as they thought about it. One of them was faster in making a decision. Carl glared, grey eyes glistening and a deadly set of sharp fangs exposed. Isaac took a step forward and bared his neck to him. He exposed his most vulnerable spot to him and said, ³I show you I know you can rip me to pieces, so let¶s not fight about it.´ ³Fine,´ Carl¶s lips trembled as he kept the heat underneath his skin from bursting out. His voice was a hiss, ³If you leave now, I won¶t have to do the ripping to pieces part.´ Isaac roared like a lion. He¶d lost his composure too. His fangs and body were ready to attack. ³Don¶t dare to tell me what to do!´ The ground trembled slightly, throwing Carl off balance. ³For Zeus¶ sake, relax,´ his voice was neutral now, but inside he stayed ready to hit back if necessary. Isaac¶s temper didn¶t change, not until several minutes passed. Carl had stepped back and was now leaning on a big oak tree as he waited. He lit up another cigarette, though the constant breeze Isaac kept sending his way made it a little hard. Then he felt ridiculous for using a lighter to do so and a brief smile showed on his lips. After he¶d taken a few relaxing drags, he spoke again, ³So, it¶s Isaac«´

³Fellins.´ ³Ah,´ Carl nodded in notion, ³Mary Ann¶s coven, she¶s a lovely leader. And a magnificent reader, probably the best I¶ve ever met. She¶s shown me things about myself I had no idea I could do,´ he paused and waited for Isaac to speak, which he didn¶t. He continued, ³That was a long time ago. And I diverted from the subject.´ ³Which is«?´ ³You, of course,´ Carl grinned, showing his human size fangs. ³You¶re pretty much in the public eye, don¶t you think I know? You¶re the super star of high school, dating the ultimate school princess, knocking down whoever talks badly about your princess,´ that last comment made Isaac¶s eyes fix on him. ³I got to tell you, I¶ve never been able to just leave a black eye on someone, that blond kid was lucky it was you who heard him.´ ³What, you would¶ve killed him?´ Isaac snapped. Brian had made him lose his temper the very first day. Giving him only a black eye had been a huge effort. ³And stand his stupid thoughts for eternity?´ Carl snorted. ³I pick my battles wisely,´ that was more than he needed to know. ³Just stay away from her. You¶re getting in the middle of things.´ ³In the middle of what exactly?´ the little calmness he¶d accomplished was slipping away. ³I know you have some sort of stupid plan, but what does it have to do with her?´ ³Not of your business, little prince,´ Carl bowed his head as farewell and turned around. The act had been silly and there hadn¶t been menace in his voice. His voice didn¶t seem to carry any threat, which only made his words more effective when he spoke again, ³Do as you please, but you¶ve been warned.´

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