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  • Words: 1,921
  • Pages: 8
LUTHERAN EVANGELICAL PERUVIAN CHURCH Congregation Luz Divina de Márquez Mz. 76 Lote 28 Sector Centro. Márquez - Callao

Congratulations Luz Divina, 30 years 11/22/09

Informative bulletin N°2 Those of the Way

Informative bulletin N°2 Those of the Way

dates: April, 2009

Contenido: The happiness came to the 1 Program Child of the Future. 2 School accompaniment, Big Help to the Children The Dance, the Theater and the Music strengthen the autoesteem of the children


Luz Divina has now a new Directive Counsel


In the Maundy Thursday Luz 5 Divina celebrates the Holy Communion. Seven Christ's words from the Cross. The wake in times of Easter. Pastoral reflection concerning Easter

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The happiness came to the Program Child of the Future. It is a wonderful experience for the congregation Luz Divina de Márquez to initiate the Program Child of the Future, with the assistance of 120 children who receive Our every Day Bread; prayer that the Church translates it in visible actions related to the presence of the God's Kingdom now. Our gratitude to Living Word Lutheran Church, of USA, Texas, church partner of Luz Divina for his sensibility and solidarity, especially with the children doubly unprotected by the parents and the society.

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Informative bulletin N°2 Those of the Way

School accompaniment, Big Help for the Children Other one of the actions of the congregation Luz Divina; it is to accompany to that children and girls expire with the development of his school tasks that they receive during the whole week in the school.

The school accompaniment consists of the fact that every child / girl, develops his homework, with the tutorship of the Teachers of the Program Future Seekers, children receive a daily lunch, classes on creativity and classes of Andean dances.

Informative bulletin N°2 Those of the Way

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The Dance, the Theater and the Music strengthen the autoesteem of the children the program contemplates the sicomotriz development and mental health that through auditory skills of animation proposes to be worked and recreate taking as a support the

dance, the theater and the music that strengthen the autoesteem of the children and girls. also the practice of these activities allows the children to be identified by the cultural

wealth of our country.

Folkloric dancers Dance from the Jungle

Danza típica de la Selva


Danza típica de la Sierra

Dance from the highlands

Choreography Dances


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Informative bulletin N°2 Those of the Way

Luz Divina has now a new Directive Counsel Luz Divina has now a New Directive counsil

Luz Divina: A) Pastoral ( work with Children,

On March 30, 2009; we summon one

Adolescents, young people, Women, Major Adult and Prayer). Minor, the work with music, and the development

Ordinary General Assembly of 2008, the first call to 7.00pm and the second one to 7.30pm; place, Temple of the congregation Luz Divina de Márquez Callao to treat the following agenda 1. Report of the management of the Directive Counsil 2008. 2. Pastoral report

of the liturgy for the worship). D) Deacony (Program of the Future seekers, Circle of Pastoral Solidarity VIH/SIDA). This last activity of work is faced to the diaconal work in our community. For the Faith and the Works go

3. Financial report 2008

together. (James 2:14 - 25).

4. Election of the New Directive Counsil.

3. Then the Treasurer with the Accountant

Pastor Benjamin Navarrese open the General Assembly

sustained the financial report from January 31th

with a devocional, After that they gave a lecture of the record and them it proceeded to its approval.

until December 31, 2008. After some questions and deliberations, the Assembly gave

1.-Immediately the President read his report on

the appoval for the Financial Report.

different activities and programs that the congregation realizes.

4. Finally it was proceeded to the Election of the Directive counsel of Luz Divina for the period of 2009 - 2012 being chosen by unanimity the following

2. The following one was the report of Pastor

members: President: Nancy Trigos, Vice-president

Benjamin Navarro, He emphasis on three areas principal that it has developing in the congregation

Juan Leyva, Treasurer Tereza Ibáñez, Secretary Jorge Flax fields, Committee members: Maria Zuñiga and Marlene Solís.

Members of the Directive Counsel

Secretary Jorge Vocal María

President Nancy

The Congregation Luz Divina of Márquez realized a day of work in the area Sector Rio where there took place the overflowing of the Chillon river. We have donated to the those affected, 168 plates of Eternit, for them to be able to cover their roofs and to provide them safety and protection to the families that live in the area of the disaster.

Vice-president Juan

Vocal Marlene

Treasurer: Tereza

Informative bulletin N°2 Those of the Way

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In the Maundy Thursday Luz Divina celebrates the Holy Communion. The Holy communion, it is Christ's real body and the real blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, instituted by crucifix itself, given to the Christians with the bread and the wine so that we eat and drink it, this way it is written in the bible according to Mathew, Mark and Luk and also Apostle Paul says it. For this reason the congregation Luz Divina to construct the unit of the Church; preaches, and celebrates the Holy Communion with everydoby baptized in Christ's family, encourage up and inviting the people to join the God's big family.

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Informative bulletin N°2 Those of the Way

Liturgy and Evangelización

On the Holy Friday; the congregation Luz Divina get together to reflect in a participativa form on the message of seven Christ's words. We initiate with the liturgy of respect to the action of Salvation of our God; the one who sends to us his son to die for us (sinned) in the cross winning to all the power of the death and the structural systems that do not respect the rights of the defenseless one, it does not even defend the weakest.

1st Word: Father forgive them because they do not know what they do (Lk. 23:34). 2nd word: I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in the paradise. (Lk. 23:43) 3rd word: Woman, there is your son; there is your mother. (Jn. 19:26-27). 4th word: my god, my God! why have you left

Almost like in the times of Moses, God shows itself “ ... I have listened the clamor of my people … ” the Whole pain, the permanent sacrifice of many families, the unemployment, the alienation, the stigma, the racialism and structural violence; they are the signs of a groan to that God is always attentive for giving us an exit in the middle of the signs of death; the one who proposes to us to turn, return to the ways of the truth, the peace and the social justice. To be a Christ's follower is to load the cross and to be identified and to commit itself with the construction of his Kingdom in the present Now we leave the message as Jesus Christ said it from the cross …:

me? (Mt. 15:34; Mt.27:46) 5th word: I am thirsty (Jn. 19:28). 6th word: Everything is complete. (Jn 19:30)

7th word: Father in your hands I commit my spirit. (Lk. 23:46)

Informative bulletin N°2 Those of the Way

For many years, the congregation Luz Divina de Márquez, congregates on Saturday from 11 p.m. to realize the wake that transports us to the Sunday of resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ The wake that we realize is initiated by us with songs of anthems and festive choirs that help to understand the motive of the celebration, then when the hour marks that we are in Sunday, it is announced that we will initiate the celebration to light the new Paschal Candle that represents the light of the Resuscitated one: Christ illuminates the present and opens the future for the hope!. The history of human it is not any more a march blindly, because the Lord has entered to it and mysteriously He directs it to God, towards the full, eternal life and Bleessings. It is a wonderful celebration, the children and adults, they renew their promises, of following Christ as his only friend and savior. It is exciting to be a part of the God's people that celebrates the Holy Communion, at 4 a.m., where children and adults, sing and

vigil us be vigilant and help us prepare

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they pray, together we are grateful to Christ for the resurrection that allows us the eternal life. Victory of the life over the death. The Bible tells us that the women and the apostles were the first witnesses of this awesome event. The meeting with the Lord in the dawn of that Sunday opened to them the eyes and they could understand the sense of the delivery of his life, of his works and of His miracles. The meeting with Resurrected JesusChrist provoked a stir of exhilaration that initiated the mission of the Church that has sowed throughout the treasure of the faith, the hope and the God's love. Luz Divina, ends this big wake, at 5 a.m., when the whole congregation, march towards a hill near to Márquez, singing anthems and choirs, about Christ that has resurrected, He has conquered the death. Then in the top of the hill, we sing, pray, do promises, and shout: CHRIST HAS RISEN ¡ CHRIST HAS RISEN! On having returned to the church, we are waited by a succulent chicken oup, like a big breakfast, which akes

us restore all our strengh. CRIST IS ALIVE ¡


Objectives: • To be a Church that acts in favor of the neediest.

PROMOTE HOPE LUTHERAN ASOCIATION “ ALE “ Graphic desig and texts: Juan Leyva C. Phone: 5776651 Mail: [email protected] Anddreess: Mz. 76 Lote 28 Márquez -Callao

Donations: SCOTIABANK Luz Divina de Márquez Association Bank accounts in dollars $: 2738429

• To propitiate processes of change to become an Inclusive Church. Mission: To proclaim the God's Word taking the Gospel of Our Mister Jesus Christ to our Community, Neighborhood, or urban Marginal Zones. Mathew 28:16-20 Vision: To grow in human quality - Christian; educating for the life to children adolescents, young people and family parents.

San Pablo affirms that “ if Christ should not resuscitate, our faith would be vain; and we would be the unhappiest of the men ”. It is a strong affirmation and simultaneously a confession of the faith that he admits in this unpublished and decisive fact for the humanity that all the God's promises to his village are fulfilled. All our liturgical celebrations, Studies of the Bible, Retirement, Education of the Minor Catechism, must always be a source for the meeting with Christ alive. This was the passion of the apostles to whom we remember in his awkward actions to announce the Kingdom of God, being disciples and missionaries of Jesus Christ so that our peoples in Him could have life in Christ. To fulfill this mission we must be an alive Church and to recognize it like that is to affirm as Apostle Paul: " The Church is Alive and we see it: we experience the happiness that the Resuscitated one has promised to theirs. The Church is alive; because Christ is alive, because he has truly resuscitated".

This is the good news that we want to announce to our People. Amen Words of Reverend Benjamin Navarro P. April, 2009 Márquez-Callao

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