Bob Public Grievances

  • November 2019
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Kind Action Please

From: Mr. Dilip Kumar Patro Sashiraj Palace, Door N. 49-27-10, Madhuranagar Visakhapatnam-A.P E-mail ID: [email protected] Ph: 0891-2575075

October 14, 2003

To The General Manager- Kind Attn: Mr. T.P. Banerjee Executive for Public Grievance (Operations, Services & Planning) Bank of Baroda-Head Office, Suraj Plaza -1, 6th floor,Sayajiganj, Maganwadi, Baroda-390005.

. Esteemed Sir, Very good morning to you. I wish to express my thankfulness and gratitude to Mr. Venkateswarulu, Senior Branch Manager, Main Branch, BOB, Visakhapatnam for visiting my house and sanctioning of home loan. Sir, I, Dilip Kumar Patro, met with a gruesome road accident in 1997,that paralyzed me neck down. Today, although physically I am confined to my bed with no mobility, I now use a powered wheel chair to move about out side that helps to fulfill my aspirations in establishing myself as an independent individual to go forward in life. This letter of mine is a saga of my inner courage and testament of my love for excellence. You inspire me to write to you and I fervently believe that your magnanimous heart shall do the needful. I ardently request your kind attention and compassionate understanding. I render my sincere apologies for this may take a little time off your hectic schedule. Sir, I request you to please go through the contents of my letter, step by step, day after day running around from pillar to post under excruciatingly painful circumstances. Please read through the following aspects: 1. Sir, we are having current account in your bank since 1988. 2. Sir, let me inform you since 1999 we have credit limits of Rs. 7.8 Lakhs on one of our firm Kamadhenu Traders as a collateral security on our vacant site. 3. On the day 6-5-2002 we have taken a housing loan on my mother’s name Mrs. U. Sasi Rekha for Rs. 10 Lakhs for the construction of house on the above vacant site. 4. Sir, in the month of January 2003 we made a special request to the Branch Manger, BOB, Visakhapatnam for a sanction of an additional loan of Rs.10 lacs as housing loan as there was change in the building plan but he refused to do the same. 5. Due to this unavoidable circumstances, on February 15, 2003 I approached State Bank of India, housing loan mela festival for the additional loan. In principle they sanctioned me Rs 20 lacs as additional housing loan and take over Rs 10 lacs existing housing loan from your bank. So totally they sanctioned me Rs 30 lacs as a housing loan. 6. Meanwhile, due to delay in releasing the loan from State Bank of India. On 29th June I approached again Indian Overseas Bank housing loan mela festival and on the spot they have sanctioned me the requested amount. I approached the Branch Manager, Main Branch, Bank of Baroda in the first week of July for release of the title deed 7. Immediately the Branch Manager replied me with a positive attitude and enquired about the reason behind it after listening patiently to the telephonic conversation, Sir, at last he has sanctioned me on 21st July Rs 10 lacs as an additional housing loan after my personal visit to his office. 8. Fortunately on 23rd July the SBI came with a sanction letter for Rs 30 lacs, as I have given written complain to the Chairman SBI in the month of May. The DGM of SBI personally apologized me for the inconvenience faced by me.

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Kind Action Please

October 14, 2003

On 23rd September 2003 with due formalities I have switched over to State Bank of India. Sir, as requested by the senior Branch Manager I have paid the prepayment charges of Rs. 50,000/plus an additional Rs. 1000/- as legal charges.

The reason for me to switch over to the other bank are as follows: o o


First of all, we are enjoying total term loan of Rs. 20 Lakhs and the house security is also held as collateral for the credit limits of Rs. 7.80 Lakhs enjoyed by Kamdhenu Traders our associate and a vehicle loan of Rs. 35,000 enjoyed by Mr. Rajeswar Patro. As I have mentioned earlier to the manager, the present business is in a poor condition and also I have stated to him that we have closed down one of the firm i.e. Kamadhenu Traders and I requested him to transfer the credit limit of Rs. 7.8 Lakhs to my housing loan. But, he has given me only one option i.e the credit limit should be transferred to some other firm and not towards my housing loan. Third point is that I am saving interest component @3% for the amount of Rs. 7.8 Lakhs if the limit is transferred to the housing loan.

These are the above reasons that made me to switch over as the SBI sanctioned a total of Rs. 30 Lakhs as housing loan. The above three points have been informed earlier to the senior branch manager Mr. K. Venkateswarulu before switching over. Sir, I want to hereby inform you the following details of both the term loans: 1. My first loan was sanctioned on 6th May 2002 and term is 120 months with 108 monthly installment for Rs 14,488 each (EMI) and the first installment to commence from May 2003. In case of full prepayment or foreclosure, the fee @ 2% on amount prepaid including any such amount prepaid in the last financial year shall be payable ( Ref..BR:ADV:38 ----- Dt 06.05.2002 ) 2. The second loan was sanctioned on 21-7-2003 for a period of 217 months, In case of full prepayment or foreclosure, the fee @ 3% on amount prepaid including any such amount prepaid in the last financial year shall be payable ( Ref..VSP/ADV/ ---- Dt 21.07.2002 ) Sir, the purpose of my plea to you for your kind consideration favourably towards the waiver of the prepayment penalty of Rs. 50,000 for both the term loans (Term loan 1 - Prepayment clause @2% - Rs. 20,000/- plus Term Loan 2 - Prepayment clause @3%- Rs. 30,000/-). Especially I want to make a note for your kind reference regarding the second loan was sanctioned to me in the month of July 2003 and the take over date is 23rd of Septemeber. Sir, let me know your recent mail id as the mails that I sent you earlier have bounced back. Our family received very valuable support and services from Bank Of Baroda for the past 15 years and we are proud to be your customers. Now also, you are our best hope and I’m sure that we shall be helped to the maximum extent. This is my last hope from you who can rescue me at this juncture. With Warm Regards, Dilip Patro TOGETHER, THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS

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Kind Action Please

Shri T.P.Banerjee General Manager (Operations, Services & Planning)

Bank of Baroda Head Office, Suraj Plaza -1, 6th floor, Sayajiganj, Maganwadi, Baroda390005.

October 14, 2003

(0265) 2363001

(0265) [email protected] 2362914


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Kind Action Please

October 14, 2003


To Shri T.P.Banerjee General Manager (Operations, Services & Planning) Bank of Baroda Head Office, Suraj Plaza -1, 6th floor, Sayajiganj, Maganwadi, Baroda-390005.

From: Mr. Dilip Kumar Patro Sashiraj Palace, Door N. 49-27-10, Madhuranagar Visakhapatnam-A.P PIN-530016 E-mail ID: [email protected] Ph: 0891-2575075

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