Board Minutes 2008-10-23

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Homeowners will be surveyed regarding Roofing Options in the first half of November.

Board members will request follow-up meeting with UCSB Senior Officers regarding Leak Remediation Progress.

Draft Budget for 2009 to be discussed/approved at the next meeting of the Board.

New water meters have been installed. Reimbursements from GWD and UCSB pending.

Roof gutters will be cleaned in November.

Solar systems will be inspected and tested in November.

A french drain will be installed near 926 to relieve overflooding.

Unit 912 is in need of extensive/expensive roof repairs.

Landscape walk-around scheduled for Monday, November 17th at 10:30am.

An Emergency Walk-Around will take place on Nov. 1st at Noon. Meet in front of 972.

Annual Meeting scheduled for Dec. 7th. Ballots will be mailed this week.

CALL TO ORDER. President Dahl called the meeting to order at 6:55. Directors Present: Eric Dahl, Audrey Nelson, Steve Gaulin, Deborah Fygenson, Gail Humphreys (by phone). Also in attendeance: Jane Rudolph, Kate Metropolis, Harry Nelson, and Connie Burns, representing Town’n Country Property Management. Joined later (briefly) by Allison Moehlis, Chris Hayes, Amanda Hayes and Julian (age 1). It was moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of the meeting held on September 29, 2008. February and March Board meeting minutes not yet available. University Liaison Committee As decided at the previous meeting of the Board, HOA President Eric Dahl sent a

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WCP HOA Board Meeting • October 23, 2008 formal list of questions to UCSB Architect Maryann Johannson about the various roofing systems under consideration for the Leak Remediation Project. Jane and Kate report that they have received answers to most of those questions. They recommend that the Board proceed to share the information with homeowners and collect homeowners’ opinions regarding roofing options. After discussing the content of the information forwarded by Jane and Kate, it was moved that the information be mounted on the WCP website and homeowners be directed to fill out a web-based survey. The motion was seconded, on the condition that the survey be concluded prior to November 10th. The motion passed unanimously incuding the date requirement, and it was noted that the web site should also include digital photographs of roofing options. On how to execute and encourage wide-spread owner participation in the survey, it was determined that, in addition to e-mailing the WCP list, board members will arrange for paper posting on/under the entrance door of each unit, and written notification in the monthly mailing. It was decided that no decisions will be made unless at least 35 out of the 65 units have responded to the survey. The survey will be drafted by Steve Gaulin, with assistance from Eric Dahl and Deborah Fygenson, and then circulated to other Board, ALC and ULC members, and then to the owners of 918 for comment. Kate reported that Donna Carpenter, UCSB Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services and a key senior officer in the funding/approval of the Leak Remediation Process, is retiring. A motion was made to request another meeting with UCSB senior officers. The purpose of the meeting would be to update them about progress in the Leak Remediation Project since the previous meeting (April, 2007) and to air WCP concerns regarding the timetable for construction and the consequences of deferred maintenance. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously and the list of senior UCSB officers was clarified to include Carpenter, Fisher, Johansson, Lee, Levy, Lucas, Watts, Wolever, and Yang. Deborah requested follow up on the status of the “Matrix” of compiled water intrusion problems that resulted from Fremer & Co.’s survey of the units. Eric received CDs from Maryann. He reports on the basis of a quick perusal that they contain annotated leak surveys in electronic format, but no compilation. Kate and Jane reported that it is their impression that the university has no intention of providing any such compilation at this point. Why do we need the information in compiled/Matrix format? It would help establish the relative severity of leak problems and establish the relative frequency of a given type of problem among the units. In the event that the university faces a “cost over-run” and begins “value engineering” the project, it would provide a useful reference by which to judge the “value” of a given repair. Harry Nelson points out that it was one of the concrete items Fremer presented in his original bid for the job and the homeowners who chose him were highly persuaded to do so in part by the value they placed on having such a document. It was unanimously decided that Eric will draft a letter to Maryann expressing our expectation that a professional compilation of the Leak Surveys will be forthcoming, while emphasizing that we do not consider it a reason to delay progress on 917 & 918.

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WCP HOA Board Meeting • October 23, 2008 Hospitality Committee Sunday is the big Hallowe’en party in Palm Plaza. Dress up and come down to Palm Plaza for fun and games! Architect Liaison Committee Harry pointed out that there were items that were missed in the discussion of the master list. He will send a copy of the latest version to the Board. Eric will forward it to Marc Fisher’s attention, highlighting undiscussed items, so that they may be taken into consideration in the development of the working drawings. As per the agreement sent to the university in September, the Board will have the opportunity to view and comment on the working drawings within two weeks of when they are completed and made available. Once the working drawings are in hand, the Board will go through them in light of all items on the Master List. Harry inquired about the status of the report of the structural engineer. Kate reported that it is not yet available and will ask again for an expected date. Old Business Deborah reported on feedback from earthquake insurance agent, Glen Estabrook, regarding the exclusion of “soft story” and “tuck under” construction from our policy. Glen sent written clarification from the insurer that clarifies those terms as referring to exterior parking spaces, not interior spaces. The insurance company also asserted via e-mail that their own inspectors have deemed our units to contain no such conditions as would exclude the units from the policy. Gail suggested getting language changed in the CC&Rs to alter definitions of capital improvements. She believes a written proposed version already exists for discussion. The version was prepared 3 years ago when the committee developed proposed amendments to the WCP CC&Rs. Jane & Kate will look for it and Gail will contact Tess Cruz, in hopes of finding it in time to present at the next Board meeting. Financial Connie reportedthat the HOA is under budget right now, and on target given anticipated expenditures. She presented a draft for the 2009 budget for discussion. A final budget will be agreed upon at the next Board meeting so that it can go out to homeowners by Nov. 30th as required by law. (No need for owners to ratify; Board members make this decision on the budget. CB Noted – thank you, Connie DF) Board members note a projected 10% increase in management fees and yearly 4% increase in the landscaping fees in the draft budget. Steve Gaulin will enter into negotiations with both suppliers. Audrey Nelson will ask neighboring Homeowner Associations (e.g., Storke Ranch) about similar services/costs/providers. Gail Humphreys will follow up with the Goleta Water District regarding reimbursements now that the new meters have been installed. There are now two 6-inch meters and two 2-inch meters on our property. Gail noted that we can expect to be billed for only one 6 inch and one 1.5 inch meter. Audrey questioned whether this will be permanent, or we will eventually be billed for all four meters. Gail

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WCP HOA Board Meeting • October 23, 2008 asserted that the current arrangement is permanent and that it was unanimously agreed by the Goleta Water District to be so. She will endeavor to obtain written evidence upon her return from Washington DC in January. Gail asked how the $32,300 reimbursement from the University for past overcharges will be incorporated into the budget. Connie suggested that we should not incorporate it until it arrives in our accounts, which is unlikely to be in time for the 2009 budget. The Board concurred. Gail noted that we can also expect retroactive reimbursement from GWD and, now that the new meters are installed, she will follow up with GWD on this issue. Landscaping There was no walk-around this month because Connie was on vacation. The next walk-around will take place on Monday, November 17th at 10:30 A.M. Owners interested in joining the walk should call Connie ahead to confirm the date. Connie is working on getting a copy of the original developer’s irrigation line plan from UCSB as part of our request that Plowboy look into providing emergency shut-off systems for the irrigation system (designed to limit water loss in the event of a leak). As chair of the Landscape Redesign Committee, Steve Gaulin spoke with Jennifer Torsch of the Cheadle Center for Ecodiversity and will schedule a meeting to have her present to the Landscape Redesign Committee on the economic consequences of making changes to our landscaping—specifically, potential savings from reductions in labor costs and water use. Maintenance The WCP pool requires a drain system cover to accommodate the VGB Pool and Safety Act. The pool technician has pointed out that the pool surface is nearing the end of its useful life. Connie will research the cost of resurfacing the pool, and the possibility of modifying the drains without resurfacing. The Board specifically asks for clarification regarding whether it is necessary to drain the pool to install the drain cover. It is time to get the roof gutters cleaned and drains cleared. Connie presented four bids, two from general contractors and two from roofing companies. It was moved/seconded/carried to give the job to the lowest bidder, a local contractor by the name of Raymond Arias Construction, at a cost of $3,900.00 from the operating account. It was moved/seconded/carried to have Plowboy install a French drain near unit 926 as per their bid to relieve overflooding in that area, at a cost of $600.00 from reserves. The roof on unit 912 leaks in many places and is in need of major repairs before the rainy season begins. Action Roofing has provided a proposal costing $26,000 for complete replacement of 2 sections of the leaking roof. Previous minimal repairs have been attempted and have not been successful. Connie will request a proposal from another local roofing company, both for a complete job and for a minimal job.

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WCP HOA Board Meeting • October 23, 2008 It was determined to let UCSB know that this unit’s roof should have priority in the Leak Remediation Project. It was moved, seconded and carried to approve the annual inspection and testing of the solar tanks and cleaning of the solar panels on the roofs, at a cost of $117.00 per home, from the operating account. Members Forum The Board discussed an e-mailed member’s request to ban the use of lighter fluid in the outdoor barbecue grills. It was decided to initiate discussion on the topic by placing it on the agenda for the next Board meeting. The Board discussed a member’s inquiry whether a homeowner can arrange for an illegally parked vehicle to be towed. The answer is yes, but the complaining homeowner must be present for the towing and must pay for it up-front and be reimbursed by the towing company only after the vehicle’s owner reclaims the vehicle. An alternative would be to call UCSB campus police (805-893-3446) and request that the vehicle be ticketed. Elections Nominations are in. Connie will call the nominees and generate a ballot listing those who have accepted nomination. Steve Gaulin and Audrey Nelson declared that they will not run. Ballots and related materials will be mailed to homeowners during the last week of October. The Annual Meeting of Members and Election of the Board for 2009 will be held on Sunday, December 7th at the Cliff House. Please mark your calendars! If you will not be able to attend, you may send in your ballot by mail. Deborah will lead an Emergency Preparedness walk-around of the property for all owners on Saturday, November 1st at noon. Owners will learn:

how to remove the poles in the emergency exit from the WCP perimiter road to Isla Vista

where the sprinkler shut-off valves are located and how to work them

where and how to shut off natural gas to your home

where and when to access the sewage lift station reset

where to find and how to access the two-story ladder

where the electricity breakers for ground lighting are

how to detect and clear blocked roof drains

All owners are welcome.

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WCP HOA Board Meeting • October 23, 2008 Meet at # 972 at noon. There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M.

Respectfully submitted, Deborah Fygenson, Secretary

Minutes submitted in draft until approved at a subsequent meeting of the Board.

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