Beyond Imagination: Best Passages From 2002 Musings

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Musings of a Spiritual Warrior

BEYOND IMAGINATION Best Passages from 2002 Musings As you’ll soon see, 2002 was a very productive year for Beyond Imagination. A lot of material came forth, and overall it was quite good, making it difficult to select the “best” from what was expressed. But, we did so anyway, resulting in the following. The passages are presented in the order that they came forth, with separators for each month to provide a rough indication of time. I don’t know how to prepare you for this expression. It comes forth as a stream of consciousness through me. As such, there is no planning or organization of the material. It has been coming forth in this manner for nearly a decade … but the pace stepped up tremendously at the beginning of 2002 and continues to this day. As I write this, it is nearing the middle of February of 2003. I am pleased by what we have achieved here. This is my spiritual work, and it truly is a labor of love. I hope you enjoy what you find. Even more, I hope it challenges what you believe yourself to be and encourages and enables you to be more of whom that you truly are. You will find that this is far more than you have ever dreamed. Who am I to say this? Just a guy through whom spirit happens to speak. I’ll let the words speak for themselves. Judge them by their utility in your life. My hope is that they allow you to walk in my shoes, in my consciousness, for awhile. It makes for some interesting, challenging, and perhaps even strange walking at times. But, don’t let that discourage you. It is the most fascinating of adventures. Consciousness is one of the great unknowns, the great unexplored territories. Oh, some have ventured into this territory … but far too few. It is time that we opened up the way for many. And, it seems that we are on the verge of being able to do so in ways that we have never been able to do before. It is all a matter of timing. NAMASTE! I AM THAT I AM THAT YOU ARE! In Peace, Love, and Light, Wayne

BEYOND IMAGINATION Creating the Foundations for a New World


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior JANUARY 2002 I do not have the inner sight to allow me to see what is to be. What I do have is an inner knowingness that spirit can be trusted to express in the manner that is right in each moment. It does this of its own, through moving us to do what we must do. In this way spirit expresses through flesh, in the only expression that truly matters in this world.

God has always been troublesome to me ... a masculine energy/figure to whom I could not personally relate. Spirit/Source has always been feminine to me.

Our belief systems form effective filters that limit what we experience as reality.

Yes, that is what it takes, self work; first to identify what our beliefs are and how they are related to one another, and then to remove the foundations from those we no longer choose to be governed by.

Reality is created not so much by what happens as by what meaning we assign to what happens.

We can desire that certain things occur, and we can take action and do things that might facilitate them occurring. However, it always seems that there is an unknown that is part of the equation that we cannot control, try as we might. It is this unknown that keeps life challenging and interesting.

We are gods in becoming ... but we are not gods in fact yet. As such, we have some creative powers, but it is best if we use these in service to spirit and to others to the degree that we can.

For many people, belief systems are effectively their masters. The rightful role of belief systems is as servants.

We fix belief systems by examining the core beliefs and their supporting "facts" and then questioning the validity and usefulness of what we find. Utility is the key for beliefs. They either serve us or they don't. Those that do not serve should be eliminated and replaced with more empowering ones.

If there is one area of your life that is most worth examining ... that will cause the biggest difference in your life and the reality that you experience, this is it, BELIEFS! This is where the greatest benefit results from the effort expended. This is where we attack the cause directly, rather than only dealing with the symptoms.

Awareness is the most important thing in the world. It is the only thing that we carry forward from one lifetime to the next. 2

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior We are ONE people on ONE planet. Further, we are all spawned from and connected to the same ONE consciousness.

It seems that our spiritual job is something that we must volunteer for, something that we choose to do because we must, because we are driven to do it as the very expression of whom that we are.

This has been a key approach in my spiritual growth ... observing what I am able to express and then attempting to come up with a framework for how reality and reality creation work that accounts for this expression/experience.

Thought forms are entities with lives of their own. It is thought forms that create physical forms. If we want to change society, that is the place to start, with more empowering thought forms.

It is this later directive, never take more than you give, that generates surplus in society. If everyone takes, the supply is insufficient, resulting in lack and poverty. The key is to realize that through cooperation, our collective giving generates abundance ... more than we could ever need.

When we come from a sense of awareness that we are all ONE, everyones troubles are our collective troubles. As such, we are responsible to do something to make things better. If we choose to neglect our responsibility ... we must suffer the consequences. In many cases, we don't see these as consequences. We simply accept them as the way that the world is, and hence do not feel empowered to correct them. However, no matter how the world is, it is within our power to change it into what we would choose for it to be.

"God helps those who help themselves" comes to mind. But, as ONE, whenever we help another we are helping another part of our greater SELF. Further, it is through us that God provides this help.

It is amazing how much difference a person can make when they commit to making a difference with their life.

A society is an organization that we collectively build of our own free will. It is something that we should choose to be part of ... not just are part of because of where we happen to be born.

It helps to have an unconditional trust in spirit, and the inherent spiritual nature of everything.

Each of us is a unique aspect of the one consciousness ... a unique facet of the same diamond. What we experience and how we experience it are fresh and new.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Spirit learns from every experience, every success and every failure.

Look around, nearly everything in nature undergoes many failures for each success. The trick is to keep on going and to keep on trying new things. If these are coming from spirit, success is assured maybe sooner than one might think.

It is important to engage both sides of ones brain in any endeavor, to see things from a more balanced whole.

The big picture is not contained in what we experience as objective reality. Similarly, subjective experience does not necessarily provide insight into the objective world that is the common background and setting for experience. Both logic and feeling/ intuition have their roles in life. Both need their avenues of expression. Further, it helps if this can be done in an integrated manner. After all, we are ONE individual, not just a collection of independent parts.

The world may be a big place, but our self is a much smaller domain, in which we have the authority to do what we will and be whom we are and become what we are capable of becoming. This is not hard work. It is a natural process.

The acorn knows exactly what it takes to become a mighty oak tree ... all it takes is the right environment to nurture its growth. Similarly the seed of spirit or consciousness that sparked us, knows exactly what we are meant to grow to be and how to get us there. It is a matter of trusting in the process.

We are wasteful of our most important natural resource; the talents, abilities, and creative energies of our people. This is the area where the most improvement is needed ... yet, it is not clear that much effort or focus is being expended in this area.

Where everyone gets what they need ... by definition, there is no lack and no one living in poverty. At the highest level, it is indeed that simple. It is the implementation that creates the difficulty. To begin with, how do we as a society and as individuals enter into such a contract?

Water is often related to consciousness. It flows smoothly to wherever it is needed, and it takes the form of whatever container is made available to it. Hmm ... interesting that the next age would be that of the water bearer.

Knowledge seems to grow best where it is open and free. This minimizes unneeded replication of effort allowing more resources to be focused on doing new things, creating new products and services, or improving things.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Everything is known by the collective consciousness, and it will ensure that what needs to be revealed is revealed to those with a need to know. This is not something that it is our call to make, it is spirits.

I am still amazed at what spontaneously came through in 1993 and 1994. I still go back to revisit the expressions and accompanying states of consciousness that I experienced then. Each time, I am blown away that such material could just start coming forth.

Original thought is that powerful. It takes us to places that bring shivers down our spines, and surges of energy through our bodies.

Being whom that you are, expressing spirit in flesh to the best of ones abilities, and becoming all that you can be are the directives of spirit. These are the things which truly matter in life. All else is the illusion of the play. And oh, what a wonderful and engaging illusion it is.

I desire to start relating to others deeply, spirit to spirit. This goes far beyond an interest in one anothers life. It involves being mutually supportive of one another, facilitating the expression of spirit in one another, and fostering spiritual growth and awareness.

Am I crazy? Perhaps, but then you have to wonder how these ideas and observations could come forth as they do. There is an organization that cannot be denied. There is a purpose and a meaning in what is expressed. Further, at times it can be quite moving to the spirit.

We are the generation that chose to exist at this time when the transition to a new social order would occur. At some level, we know this. It is a matter of being true to ourselves and taking responsibility for doing our part to facilitate the transition. Actually, it seems we are talking of generation(s), since the people on the planet span nearly 5 generations; though this is skewed sharply toward the younger two of these.

See a need and fill it ... that is the key to economic success. Hmm ... that seems to be what the spiritual directive calls for as well, to provide ones services to help fill the needs of society.

I'm a writer and a scribe ... but it is not clear that I am a communicator. This requires that a message be conveyed. It generally involves intent to make a point. That is not the purpose of these musings. My only intent is to express what I am moved by spirit to express as faithfully as I can.

Clearly, I live in a world of my own making. In very real ways my world conforms to the structures that I have imagined. Yes, imagined ... because they did not exist before I started to believe in them. At the same time, it seems that I am discovering the structures and nature of a spiritual world that is already there, embedded in every aspect of the consensus world. I do this by choosing to spend time listening to


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior what would come forth from inside of me. I believe the source to be spirit, the ONE consciousness that animates us all.

As far back as I can remember, I have always had the ability to know the truth when I saw it ... actually, read it for the most part. These writings provide a means of reading what spirit would have me know. It is still strange to be reading the truths revealed in this manner. There is something special about being able to rely on an inner source to unveil such information.

Being actively involved in the reality creation process results in a real natural high. You might say that I am intoxicated by spirit. It is interesting that I have always avoided the consumption of spirits ... I can't stand the taste and smell of alcohol. Part of this comes from a knowingness that I am to experience altered states of consciousness naturally, and alcohol would just get in the way.

The saying "I'll believe it when I see it" comes to mind. But reality creation reverses this: you will see it when you believe it.

When I see myself doing new things in new ways, that is a sure sign that another part has awakened. Then comes the task of discovering what it can do, and ultimately integrating it into my conceptual framework of self so that I can operate as the new whole that I am. Interesting, the former Army slogan be all that you can be comes to mind. As the self expands by finding more of its parts and integrating them, this becomes all the more important. At any moment, this is indeed the best that we can do. But, we must keep in mind that what we know ourselves to be is only a fraction of what we truly are ... and probably a small fraction at that. It is amazing what we can do when we open ourselves, and fully apply our talents to whatever spirit would have us do.

Spirit does not force us to do anything. She prods us gently to do those things that are not only for our own good but the good of all concerned. Actually, all concerned is somewhat misleading, when in reality there is only ONE!

This communication is still highly a matter of trust. In particular, trust in unseen processes, and in the inner workings of consciousness herself in my life.

I accept the world as it is in ways that I never have before. It is the perfect expression of spirit here and now; no matter how much to the contrary this may appear to be in the world at large. This does not mean that it does not have its dramas, and plays of good versus evil, challenges of love versus fear, and expressions of many types of limitations. This is a playground and a schoolhouse for spirit after all. It is here that we express and learn of whom that we are through our experiences. It is here that we advance in awareness so that we can more fully serve as the channels for spiritual expression that we are.

I've been blown away by my experiences starting in 1993, even to the point of losing touch with consensus reality a couple of times, yet I have been able to recover and integrate my experiences into whom and what I am. In the process, I have become a much more aware individual and have been able to 6

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior bring forth vast amounts of information from the connection to source inside of me. Yet, there is a sense that this is only the beginning. It is as if we have been riding a bicycle on training wheels ... the time has come to truly soar in new ways. My spirit rejoices in this communication. It sings what consciousness would have it sing, loudly and joyously.

Differences will always exist between people. The color of ones skin should definitely not be a major difference in a country where nearly every nationality and ethnicity in the world is represented. As King said, it is the quality or content of one's character, which should be a driving force as to how one is accepted in the world. This, and ones innate talents and abilities as they are applied to the good of society.

As a society, we can do anything that we want to do. The question, however, is what should we do. The sense is that we need to build the infrastructure necessary to allow individuals to grow and thrive and apply themselves creatively in service to society. For this, it seems that we need to establish a social contract ... defining what the individual must do as a member of society and in return what the individual can expect from society. This is more than an agreement to abide by laws. This is an enabling contract that nurtures the individual in return for getting the goods and services that various parts of society need.

At this moment, I AM THAT I AM, spirit expressing in flesh to the greatest degree possible in this moment. This is true in every moment for everyone. I am not unique in that regard. Yes, we are all unique expressions of spirit. But, the point is that we are all expressions of spirit.

So long as we are satisfied with our chains, and freely choose to bear them, we will do exactly that. It is for us to recognize that we are in bondage before we can remove the shackles that hold us back from being all that we could be. It is amazing how used to our shackles we can become ... even interpreting them as the fruits of liberty at times. Seeing them in this light may make them easier to bear, but in the long run makes it far more difficult to shed them; primarily for fear of what alternatives might take their place.

The workings of consciousness are indeed mysterious, and rightly so. Consciousness springs from the unknown, and perhaps the unknowable. It seems that no matter how far we expand, and how many awakenings we undergo, there is always more.

Questions are one of the tools we consciously use to focus our awareness on what we most need to know.

My focus has been on the ideal for nearly all of my life. However, it seems that the time has come to change this ... and to learn what it takes to truly manifest form in this world.

Foundations are being built, if only in my mind. Actually, it seems more that foundations are being revealed. I am simply uncovering what is already there, what has been right under my nose and right in front of my eyes. There are no accidents. The synchronicities that I am discovering are real ... they are the proof that there is a spiritual basis underlying our reality. 7

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior It seems that every branch of science and technology has direct spiritual counterparts. This is how we transform the world in a heartbeat. Extensive resources (time and money) have gone into developing the tree of knowledge to the degree that we have. We need to leverage off of all of that work by appropriately adding the spiritual component. Much of our knowledge deals with what and how. It seem that spirit adds the key component why.

I am a wayshower. As such, I must live as I believe and demonstrate this in all of my actions in the world. My works are my legacy. They provide a living example of how I would like to see individuals share and act within society. They show what I mean by expressing spirit in flesh, and to the degree that I can ... explain how I experience consciousness and reality.

To be a Sun or Star, one must have reached the critical mass where ones output is more than ones input. That is, one must live by the principle never take more than you give. This is how abundance is created in the world ... individually we must create more than we consume in terms of goods and services.

One of the key behaviors that becomes more conscious with awakening is cooperation. We find that we cooperate to co-create the reality that we choose to experience. Aggressive tendencies and the competitiveness are replaced by a sincere desire to help others wherever we can, and to ensure that our efforts are done in a manner consistent with overall good ... not because this is required, but simply because this is the nature of spirit. Win-win becomes the natural way in which we interact in the world.

This is clearly a hidden world embedded in the symbol systems of our world. There are triggers everywhere that can lead us to a more conscious awareness of our reality as spirit in flesh.

There is a grand plan being orchestrated by consciousness. Typically we cooperate subconsciously in carrying out our role in this plan. We do things without fully knowing why. Even if we think we know why, our reasons are usually not complete or sound. There is always an element of the unknown present in everything we do. This makes life the wonder and mystery that it is.

Expressing spirit in flesh. That is the sole theme of my life. Doing this as an individual is one thing, but for me it is not enough. My purpose involves finding ways that enable society to do this on a massive scale. Yes, this is a big task. What makes me think that I, as one person, can really make a difference? My answer is that ideas are that powerful. The right ideas expressed in the right way at the right time can indeed change the world.

Intuition is like that ... it ever seeks new paths of expressing. Doing the same old things in the same old ways can only take you so far. In exploring the unknown, we have to be willing to see things differently, make connections in new ways, and interpret things using new methods involving our whole brain and whole Self.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior If it were simple, repetitive, and objective ... science would have found out about it already. Intuition, by its very nature does not perform in that manner. Spirit ever seeks to express as consciousness in fresh and new ways. However, there are aspects about our reality that are objective ... that are the same to all observers. The laws of physics, chemistry, and various other scientific disciplines come to mind.

It seems that the real can be whatever we choose to make it both individually and collectively. However, it will only be what we choose to make it. To be able to choose, however, we need alternatives ... these the philosophers and visionaries can provide us.

The sense is that if we can imagine it, if we can create an ideal, then we can take action to manifest it in flesh. It is all a matter of focus, attention, belief, and action in accord with our beliefs.

My expression is an example of what one person can do. I shudder to think of what a group cooperating together would be able to achieve. The power of cooperative effort is truly exponential.

Trust that there is a place inside of you that knows whom that you are, what you are capable of, and how you can allow spirit to express through you to help others in your society and your world. This is not hard ... it is innate and natural. Once you tap into it, you will find it easy, you will find that it gives you joy in ways that nothing else in your life does.

When we are doing what spirit would have us do, we find that we are more satisfied with our lives. Making a difference does that to us. The best way to make a difference is to engage spirit. When we do this, we truly operate on all cylinders as the saying goes.

Caught a brief moment of President Bush's State of the Union address. In it, he was calling for every American to give two years, 4000 hours, of the remainder of their life in service to their fellow citizens and the people of the world. I found this remarkable. It is not quite a tithe of time, but it is a good start toward reaching that. 4000 divided by 40 years is 100 hours per year or roughly 2 hours per week. That's half of what I have suggested as the right amount of time for us to give in voluntary service to society.

As citizens, we owe something to our fellow citizens. This comes close to being a contract, except it doesn't have any reciprocal terms. It asks that each of us gives and does good works but doesn't explicitly state what we get in turn. Clearly, this is a kinder, gentler, safer society.

It is time that we collectively take responsibility for our society and our world. These are, after all, what we jointly and cooperatively make them to be. Yes, we create our reality. We are individually and collectively responsible for everything that we experience.

Everywhere around me is a synchronistic order that defies explanation other than that it is the very nature of spirit expressing in flesh. In many ways, the symbol systems around me and the meaning that I apply 9

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior to them, are the world in which I live. Not by natural law as in the physical but by choice. I have to actively see the world through a unique set of filters to perceive it as I do.

We each see and experience the world in a manner that provides the impetus and environment for our growth as human beings and as spiritual beings expressing in flesh.

There is a sense that everyone is doing their best, given their understanding, abilities, and the circumstances in which they find themselves. This does not mean that they are being the best they can be ... only the best they can be in the moment.

The bottom line is that the power of love is far greater than that of fear if only we allow ourselves the freedom to express it.

Being different takes extensive work and an innate trust in self to express in a manner that is right for us, regardless of how it appears to the world. It is not something to be taken lightly. Though, once we start doing it ... it seems to be the most natural thing in the world. We simply do what we are moved to do, not constrained by expectations or demands that others may place on us.

Our truth requires that we live up to the image of ourselves that we have inside of us and that we take action to be the best that we can be in all that we choose to do. That doesn't mean that we don't have obligations ... in fact we have many: to spirit, to our self, to others in our lives, to our society, and to our world. As we become more aware, it seems that we take on more and more obligations ... not because they are forced on us, but because we freely choose to recognize our responsibilities. In a very real way, we see these as sacred. They are a natural part of our existence as spiritual beings.

I do not advocate the loss of individuality, the merging of individuals into a society that makes no distinctions. Far from it ... I believe what makes society great is the expression of individuality. A true society should develop the unique gifts and talents of its individuals and encourage their expression in ways that provide benefit to society.

There is an intelligence designing and creating the events in our world including the thoughts that are experienced by each individual. There is a grand plan for the unfoldment of consciousness and each of us have roles in executing this plan.

It still amazes me to see how the symbols that relate to me personally can have so much meaning not only in a context limited to my self, but in a context that applies directly to society and the world as well. It is as if my life is somehow a miniature representation of the world. Yes, as above, so below again.

Anytime people choose to be of service to others, the net effect on the world is positive. The greater the service, the more the benefit. 10

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior My hope is that by sharing my experiences, thoughts, feelings, and states of mind; I can allow you to walk in my shoes so to speak ... and thereby sample something of what I experienced and perhaps even undergo an awakening or two of your own.

I have seen what can happen when one combines intuition and reason. The combination does far more than either can do alone, or both can do alone for that matter. Further, I have seen what happens when conscious, subconscious, and superconscious work together ones life. The creativity that is unleashed is truly phenomenal.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior FEBRUARY 2002 At this moment I am addicted to sitting on the edge and allowing consciousness to express what she will in free form ... or free of form, as she will. There is something exciting about living on the edge of the unknown. There is a powerful feeling that comes from being able to harness consciousness in this manner.

We live in an information age. The ability to generate information and make it freely available electronically to others is one of the main benefits of living in this day and age.

Yet, in many ways, being in formation is exactly opposite of what I want to be. I am an individual and a freethinker. I consider the ideas of others, but am much more content and at home with what is able to be expressed through me.

There is still a sense that there is much more that can be expressed, that I have only scratched the surface of what I can be ... and more important, what we can be cooperating together to create the reality that we would prefer.

Don't get me wrong. I don't want to be social just to be social, I want to interact with others to create a society unlike any that has ever existed on this planet. This we can choose to do collectively. All it takes is a trust in our selves, our Selves, and one another. This may not be such an easy thing to establish ... but as with all great endeavors, we have to be willing to risk in order to see a return. This works for investments in the economy. Why should it be any different for spiritual investments, for that is exactly what these collective choices constitute ... spiritual investments in ourselves and in one another.

Collectively, we have a great deal of resources at our disposal ... the greatest of these being the talents and abilities of the individuals in society. We need to find a way to apply these far more effectively than we do today. That is how we generate abundance ... we develop peoples talents and then use them in a manner that provides maximum benefit to society.

We need to see a shift from ME to WE, in how individuals express in the world. Selfish interests need to be replaced by selfless service. In this process, the intent is not to exterminate the individual; rather it is to emphasize what both the individual and group can gain if individuals cooperate in larger endeavors.

Jointly, we have a Brave New World to face ... better yet to create. In this world, no one is better than another. One may have more skills, or more education, or more income, or more things ... but if one isn't fully applying oneself in service to society, then all that you have and more may be taken from you. In a spiritual economy, there is always a balance exacted. Spirit doesn't care how much you acquire and consume so long as you balance this with service so that you have effectively earned the abundance with which you have been blessed.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior We have needs which must be met, and the key thing we have to offer in exchange for meeting these needs is ourselves, our talents, and our time in service to employers and ultimately to our fellow man.

This is what the economy should do for us in society ... provide the means for exchanging our time and talents for the goods and services that we need to live creative, productive, useful, meaningful, abundant, fulfilling, and happy lives.

How do we get people to operate for the greatest good of all concerned rather than out of limited selfinterest alone? No, we are not advocating that individuals give up on their dreams and goals. We are simply asking that the means they employ to achieve these ends are considerate of the whole. This does not mean that we must sacrifice whom that we are for others; rather we must be whom that we are and apply ourselves in service to others.

When we tap source, we also tap into the great reservoir of cooperative effort that lies beneath everything that we experience. Because of this, things are orchestrated without us having to even try to make them so. This doesn't mean they can't be improved by conscious assistance. We can volunteer to do the works of spirit. We can volunteer to do what we are here in flesh on this planet to do. In doing so, we do our part in the overall plan of the expression of spirit in flesh.

There is something wonderful about creative expression. It involves every aspect of ones being, allowing us to express whom that we truly are in ways that no other endeavor allows.

What does it mean to be a Spiritual Warrior? With what and whom do I battle? My fight is with the self and its habits, including its habitual way of looking at the world. I am ever in search of the higher Self and in finding ways for it to more fully express in my life. My weapons are my mind, my perception, and my awareness. I seek to know the real from the illusion and to know the purpose for the illusion and methods for its creation.

We get what we focus our energy, attention, and resources on. It is that simple. To make progress in any area of knowledge, we must choose to apply extensive effort in that area. In general, the more effort and resources, the more progress.

Being whom that we are, and expressing this in service is what we are meant to do. All that is within us seeks to find our place and express in this manner.

So, where do we start to change our world? We start by thinking and believing differently as individuals. Where possible we conduct our affairs with other individuals, with society, and with the organizations in society in a WIN-WIN manner.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior From my perspective, the most important things that we can learn are not taught in traditional schools. How can this be? I can only state what I have observed. Over 90 percent of what I consider to be the most important things that I have learned, including all the metaphysics, came outside of any school environment, or any class for that matter.

There is no fee charged or price placed on this material. All that I ask is that people live by the principle never take more than you give and look within to place a value on what they get from the works and find a way to repay that value to society by giving of themselves in some way. This is how we change the world. This is how we create abundance! Yes, it is that simple. It truly is.

Everything is spirit. Everything is godstuff.

If spirit is pulling the strings from the inside, and cooperation is the basic mode employed by spirit ... then why do individuals find it so important to be independent and autonomous? Why do we resist doing our part to help society and the world? Why do we not see our responsibilities to our selves, our families, our communities, our organizations, our societies, and our world?

We intuitively know what we are here to do, and what rules we need to play by as we express.

There is a wealth of ideas on ways to make things better and ways to improve society. We just need to collectively decide which of these to put in practice and then commit the appropriate resources to make them so in our society and our world. There is a sense that we are closer to manifesting a utopia or heaven on Earth than we have ever been. It is a matter of realizing this and choosing to do what it takes to make it so.

We either believe that there is a grand plan for the unfoldment of spirit or we do not. Personally, I've seen so many signs that this is something I simply do not doubt. I accept it on faith ... a deep and abiding faith in spirit or consciousness herself.

Beliefs are the playground for reality creation. They are not absolute. The test of whether they are right is utility ... do they serve not only you, but all concerned?

When it comes down to the bottom line, service is all that truly matters. I was going to say love, but that alone is not enough ... love needs to be expressed and applied in some manner.

Ultimately it is what we give of ourselves that makes the difference in the world. However, we must remember that what we give comes not from us but through us.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior So long as we believe that we are the source, the supply is limited ... we only have so much that we can give, there is only so much that we can do. But when we expand our awareness and realize it is source or spirit that expresses through us, the supply becomes infinite. The limit becomes our capacity to accommodate the flow of spirit through us.

So, how do we change the world? We start by changing ourselves ... by finding whom that we are, and more fully expressing our authentic selves in our actions and interactions in our world.

We either adopt new ways and learn to go with the flow ... or we fight the tides in whatever way we can. Going with the flow is always the easier road to travel. But, the shift may be so radical that it is difficult for people to see this. This is why we need wayshowers, people who can venture out into the new, into the unknown, and report of their travels. In particular, they need to share what works and what doesn't work in this new wilderness of spirit. For it is indeed just that, a wilderness, a new frontier in which consciousness can express.

There is great challenge and great promise in this. Oh, there will still be limits ... but they will be more clearly seen for what they are, self-imposed. The goodwill of the people will shine in a way that it has never done before. The light of spirit will shine not as candlelights, but as floodlights throughout the land. Kindness and generosity, caring for and helping one another will be the order of the day.

You can never do too much or be too much, especially if you maintain the awareness that it is spirit doing the works through you, and her supplies are inexhaustible.

We create our own reality ... everyone of us, all of the time, no exceptions, no fine print.

We are each powerful souls, regardless of what our present physical form may indicate.

We chose our parents, our countries of origin, all of the key events and experiences of our lives, and the meaning of those events and experiences. Of course, we did not do this consciously. There are many subconscious and superconscious elements operating behind the scenes to create the play that we experience. But these are parts of ourselves, whether we are consciously aware of them or not.

Spirit ensures that we get what we need ... ALWAYS. That is how the game works. That is how the process of manifesting in flesh works. Needs are always met, no matter what they are.

There is a joyous exuberance that comes through when we are living the life we are meant to live. So, where do we start? We find out where our natural abilities and interests lie. We then apply the effort necessary to develop our talents into skills that we can use in the world. At the same time, we follow our interests to wherever they may lead trusting that this is exactly right for us. It also helps to connect to the source consciousness within and give that consciousness voice in our life. 15

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Following our bliss is an active choice that we make. It requires not being content with second best ... not being content until we are being whom that we truly are and expressing this in our lives as fully as we can ... not being content with circumstances as they are but fashioning them to what we would have them be ... not being content with an average life but searching for the extraordinary, that which allows us to make our life the masterpiece that it can be.

This is the key, we are all artists creating what we will on the canvas of our life. Unfortunately, it seems that many haven't even discovered the paints or the brushes or even realized that they are artists. Also, while some are natural artists ... others need to be trained ... yet others seem to have no artistic talent at all. Further, some don't even seem to have the eye to be able to recognize the beauty of art, even masterpieces, when they see it.

I have found it very useful to stay open to all sources of wisdom ... from wherever they might come. We must give spirit ways of speaking to us ... the more, the better. Yet, the most important of these is the source inside of us. This source is the most knowing and the most reliable. It knows us intimately. It knows exactly what we need at all times ... even when we may not consciously have a clue. Finding this source and learning to listen to it and trust it is the most important thing that we can do in life. I can't say that strongly enough. This source is the inner Master Teacher within us all.

We are here as individuals, and the sense is that we are here to express as individuals; though there is nothing against collectively choosing to participate as groups to achieve greater objectives that we can achieve alone. Hmm ... we speak of greater objectives, yet the one through whom these words pass does not live his life by objectives. Objectives are part of a way of living that says we desire the future to be different than the present, and we choose to take actions consistent with making the objectives so. The other way to approach this is to realize that what we desire to be is already so, we simply have to act consistent with this and so allow it to manifest in our lives.

At some level, I've already lived in worlds whose foundations are built on the kinds of principles we have expressed in these works. No, that doesn't mean that these have been physically realized ... at least not yet. That is why I am here now, to do what it takes to allow these foundations to be built in this world, here and now on this planet we call Earth.

Together we can do far more than the sum of what we can do individually. That is the secret power of synergy. Wherever two or more are gathered and work together ... great things can result from the union.

Ultimately giving of ourselves and sharing whom that we are is what truly matters in the world. This is how we live up to the maxim be all that you can be. This is the only thing truly worth living for.

How can we make the ideal real? Yes, that indeed is the billion dollar question. Further, it is the only question really worth asking. We start by realizing that one, this is possible; two, this is desirable; three, this is indeed worth doing; four, this is ultimately what spirit is doing through us. 16

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior We are creators bringing the stuff of our dreams and imagination down to Earth.

We are the consciousness of the Earth; evolved into human form over many millennia, or even millions of years. The recipe is there, in our very DNA. It is curious that the Human Genome project nears completion. It has mapped the very pattern that constitutes our ability to express in physical form. It is hard to foresee what science will be able to do with this knowledge; and what moral issues will arise from our ability to create in our own image.

I believe that as souls, we pick our parents, and our genetic makeup from the raw material available in their genes. We create the natural abilities and talents that we will discover and develop in the course of our lives. Yes, we have that much control over the process. Of course, none of this is done consciously. We must rely on inner, other than conscious parts of us to work their magic.

In a world of unity, things simply unfold as the opening of a flower to the Sun.

This expression of spirit is so important to me that I can't imagine my life without it. It is as important to me as the air that I breathe. In a very real way, it is what sustains the spirit in me; just as food, water, and air sustain this physical body.

I would be whom that I AM! Yes, AM in capitals, because that is what seems appropriate.

One cannot be exemplary without being willing to take on some risk, and greater responsibility. It goes with the territory. This is what leaders do. And yes, I consider myself to be a leader. No, not in terms of leading a group of people or followers ... though typically that is what leaders are asked to do.

I am open to whatever consciousness has in store for me. I embrace my experience, whatsoever it may be, with open arms. I can do this because I know that my life is divinely guided. It has always been. But, now it is consciously so as well. I am aware of the guidance on an everyday basis, not just occasionally as in times past.

In many games, one must adapt ones strategy to embrace a new set of rules when one reaches the next level. These may be similar, or may be completely different. Part of the challenge is to find out what the new rules are and how to overcome the opposing forces through employing these rules. Rules are not strictly of the "thou shalt not" variety. They can also be expressed in terms of new abilities or powers one has to counter the opposition at the new level.

This expression of consciousness directly to web pages is first by far. It provides a permanent record of consciousness creatively expressing in flesh, bringing forth whatever it is capable of expressing ... a record that is readily available to share with the world. 17

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior We live in an information age. To be effective in this age, we must develop sophisticated communications skills that allow us to access, collect, process, filter, make connections between, generate, and disseminate information. We truly are information processing machines in flesh. This is one of our primary tasks in life. It is a big part of whom that we are. It needs to be a bigger part of how we express in the world. However, it will only be so if we choose to make it so and do what it takes to develop the appropriate skills.

Yes, the information web that I have built over my lifetime is what distinguishes me from all others ... it is what makes me a unique expression of consciousness.

I'm here to help demonstrate how to express the ideal individual within the context of a utopia or ideal society ... even if that was to be a society of one. For, eventually I knew that someday it would be a society of everyone.

There is no organization in thought before the material is expressed, at least not consciously. Literally, it just comes forth out of nothingness ... out of thin air so to speak. This is my means of making the unknown known, to whatever degree I am able. I do it because it is what I have been designed and trained to do. I do it because it is what I am moved to do.

For me, being moved to do something is the most compelling reason for doing it. For me, that is because I believe that it is spirit herself that moves me.

It helps to operate from an attitude of gratitude. It makes a world of difference in our lives. There is always something for which to be grateful, even if it is only for life itself.

The past is history ... his story. The future is her story, the story of consciousness in expression in the world. Interesting. Why do I say this? Simply because it feels right to the core of my being. Perhaps this is why spirit, source, and consciousness have always had a feminine nature for me.

What matters most is here and now, what is right in front of us, and what is within our reach and grasp. That is where we can make a difference.

I think in terms of the mind being a chalkboard or a slate. When it is blank, it provides an opportunity for creative expression to fill the emptiness. When it is full, there is no room for further expression.

This expression is exactly what it is, no more and no less. It is the expression of an aware being, attempting to relate whom that he is in the only way that he knows how. This alone makes it worthy and valuable. Consciousness benefits from this manifestation ... if only in that it has been allowed to express in a bold new way. 18

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Consciously I choose to be open to new modes of expression in my life. I need new and different experiences to allow me see the limits of my present concepts, beliefs, and understanding. Ever increasing awareness is the name of the game. We do this by finding our limits and breaking through them into a new awareness of reality.

Music is definitely one of the vehicles through which consciousness sings her song.

Everything is spirit and its expression. Yes, everything ... there literally is nothing else save spirit.

My experiences and positions within society have allowed me to expend a lot of time and effort in developing my natural abilities and in learning about whom that I am and how I function. Here, I stand on the shoulders of giants who have come before me. But even more important, I stand on the fountain of spirit that pours forth from within. This gives me a vantage point that is unique and different from any other in the world. Yes, that does allow me to see things that others do not see. That only makes it that much more important that I find ways to express that benefit others ... preferable many others, and perhaps, in time, the entire world. Yes, that is a substantial burden to place on anyone. But, I accept it willingly as my duty to spirit. I know that gifts are only given where they are needed. They are meant to be used ... freely for the good of all.

The goal is to intentionally create an order that allows synergy to manifest ... that allows the collective to create and express more than the sum of the individuals operating alone can do ... preferably far more.

Currently we spend a lot of the time and energy of our best and brightest in support of Defense and the creation of better weapons and machines of destruction. Just imagine what could be if we applied even a fraction of this effort to more beneficial endeavors. Then take this to another level ... that is what Beyond Imagination is all about.

Many of the details of the events in the play that we experience do not ultimately matter. They are just scenes in the play, the backdrop on which the stuff of life is lived.

There is a faculty within me that is able to discern what is true, not true, and unknown ... at least for me personally. I have no experience to know whether others have this same faculty within them. My sense is that we all must, as the expression of spirit in flesh, but for many it may be blocked or hidden by a number of factors, the primary one being the belief systems.

I consider myself an adventurer, an explorer of the unknown frontiers of consciousness, and a wayshower. These musings and the other works at this site are the markers that I have left along the way in my journey. My hope is that they are sufficient to guide you to states of mind and states of consciousness that you may not have experienced before.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior My only guide came from inside of me ... so the path was quite treacherous and challenging, enough to require two vacations to the local mental hospital. I wouldn't wish that upon anyone. It is a severe shock to ones sense of being; one that can take a long time to recover from.

From what I have seen, increased awareness brings increased conscious responsibility into ones life. Along with seeing more and being more, comes the responsibility to share and express more.

Being open to light from whatever source it may come, and finding that oracle within of which Channing speaks are extremely important. I cannot stress that enough. If I would have to name the two most important things to my development as a more aware being through which spirit can express as she does ... these would be the two things.

There is a sense that I have discovered some very important keys, but that I haven't found the doors which they unlock. Not to worry. All in good time. What can be revealed to and through me, is being revealed.

This is not gospel. It is the wanderings of a consciousness in search of understanding itself, its reality, and the nature of spirit and its expression in flesh. We may follow a few dead ends along the way ... or seeming dead ends. In many cases, these are only dead because we haven't found their connections to other parts of the web.

We are the eyes and ears of God, the arms and legs of God, and the brain and heart of God, yes all 5 billion plus of us humans, but also every other lifeform, and non-lifeform that exists.

Without us, there would be no means of experiencing the limitation of the illusion of reality ... of the creation.

All limitations are partitions, parts of the whole. Because they are parts, they are separate from other parts. This separation permits the parts to observe, sense, and interact with one another ... thus allowing God or All That Is to experience this as well. In truth, we are whole, and ONE ... there is no separation. But, in our experience as individuals, we can only catch brief glimpses of this ultimate nature of our reality.

It seems that each day more and more pieces of information are discovered and connected to appropriate places in the web that constitutes my knowledge base.

My wife commented at lunch that my numbers were very much like John Nash's clippings and connections in the movie last night. I responded that the one difference was that John was looking for meaning embedded in ordinary material by other humans in coded form ... while I was looking for the meaning embedded by spirit via numbers. For me, this is a big difference, but I can see how others might


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior not see it so. The behavior is indeed very similar ... except for seeing people that did not exist. There John Nash's imagination was working far differently than mine.

The world is moving to where consciousness is taking it, and this is happening through the collective expression of individuals. It has to happen in this manner. It has to be made physical through individual expressions of consciousness for the one to learn of the many and the many to learn of the ONE. Some of us are here to express the out breath ... to experience reality primarily as individuals. Others of us are here to realize that this is indeed a cycle and that the in breath always follows the out breath ... ever into eternity.

All creation is the breath of God, the sound, the Word of God made physical and flesh.

My job is to enable the expression ... to facilitate it and to participate in it. In a very real way, the expression is created through me ... but not by me. I am the instrument, but I am in spirits hands. She is the ultimate author of the expression ... though, without me, she could not express in this particular manner.

Consciousness happens in a domain that exists beyond the physical. All of life is a highly orchestrated and cooperative endeavor ... despite what it appears to be on the outside alone.

There is a reason people have become part of my world ... and I part of theirs. The usual reason is that we have something to share with one another.

That is what physical expression truly is, the expression of spirit in flesh.

My belief is that spirit never gives us gifts unless there is a task for which the gifts are needed. Along with the gifts comes a sacred responsibility to use them in the service of spirit, and ultimately of all humankind ... or better yet, all life.

What we love to do will be those things that allow us to elegantly engage our gifts and talents in ways that make a difference in our world.

Whatever moves you is right for you ... engage in it and pursue it to your hearts desire so long as it harms no one. Do as ye will, so long as ye harm none. This be the whole of the law - comes to mind from Wicca. I'm not sure that is the only law needed, but it is definitely a powerful one that assures safety for individuals while permitting the maximum degree of freedom.

Yes, there is a very strong sense that a new day has indeed come. It is not something in the distant future. It is here and now, at least in consciousness. It is only a matter of delay time before it is manifest 21

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior physically. And it seems that the time between idea and manifestation is decreasing rapidly even as we speak.

Spirit has descended one more step into matter, a very major step. It is as if the entire Major Arcana can express in the world now ... not just in the dream world.

I am the awareness that experiences what I experience and that applies meaning to this experience. Literally anything can mean anything that I choose for it to mean. It helps if the meanings that I apply have some basis in reality, but there is nothing that either forces or ensures this.

We need to decide what is acceptable and what is unacceptable in our world. We have the right to expect organizations within society to serve us in a manner that is acceptable. Those unwilling to step up and abide by our expectations and the rules and laws established to ensure these expectations are met, have no right to participate in our market. You either agree to serve society ... or you cannot participate in the abundance created by society. Yes, it is that simple.

There is something fascinating to me about operating at the edge between the known and unknown. As you've no doubt noticed, this is not a scholarly endeavor. There are no connections to a body of works which have come before. There are few quotes and no footnotes. There is no planning evident for what will come forth. Each day is fresh and new. Yes, there are common themes running through the material ... the most common being the expression of spirit in flesh.

My sense is that here on these pages, we get to experience consciousness expressing physically in a manner that is unique, in a manner that has not been experienced before.

There is something about stream of consciousness expression that is natural, yet in a wild and unpredictable way. That is part of what makes it so fun and interesting. But, I can only judge that for myself.

Yes, consciousness is still an unknown frontier for the most part. And, those of us who are its explorers have a responsibility to others to share of what we discover and leave markers of our journey for those who are to come after us. We don't need everyone to be an explorer ... we only need a sufficient number of explorers to allow the job to be done effectively.

The realm of consciousness has its own character, its mountains, forests, canyons, valleys, rivers, lakes, oceans ... There are many ways to approach it, some traditional, but many untraditional. It is not clear that scientific means are adequate in this realm. That doesn't mean they won't be able to assist at some point. It just seems that the intuitive abilities are better suited for uncovering the nature of the reality that is consciousness.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior There is ONE consciousness expressing through us all. Each of us is doing exactly what we need to do to express what we are meant to express and to learn and experience what we need to learn and experience. And, everyone is doing this to the best of their abilities, under the circumstances in which they find themselves.

At some level, there is no duality, there is no good and evil, there is just spirit expressing in flesh. Yes, I understand that in the world we see many atrocious things happening, but this is a judgment coming from a limited perspective.

The edge of the unknown is the domain of explorers. This is what attracts and excites us, to the core of our being. We are attracted as a moth to a light source. We may not even know why we do what we do, it is simply a natural expression of whom that we are.

In a very real way, I'm a miniature version of the world. My life reflects where spiritual expression is moving on a grander scale in the world. There is a sense that the more that I am able to express, the more fully and deeply ... the more spirit will be able to express in the world. Yes, the sense is that it is conditional in this manner; that my life is indeed one of the keys through which spirit is unlocking the doors to a new world.

My obligation is to do what I know to be right for me, and to do it fully, with all my heart and to the best of my abilities. Yes, that was meant to be emphasized. It is the heart, not the mind that needs to be the star by which we steer the course of our life.

I don't know how to describe intuition. It is just there, an inner connection to source. I distinguish source from my self. It is part of what is not me, at least part of what is not consciously me. I don't know how it functions, or how it gets the information that it is able to tap. It just does. My sense is that there must be a receptiveness and affinity, that the faucet of intuition can only tap information that fits within the overall constructs of the self somehow, albeit, this includes the hidden and subconscious parts as well as any superconscious parts that have been developed. Then we have to learn how to consciously turn on the faucet or open up the channel that allows the information to flow forth.

That is the trouble with living in ones mind. One bases what one believes on the foundations of ideas from others without necessarily experiencing firsthand whether the ideas are truly valid. It matters not how many people believe something ... if it is wrong, it is simply wrong.

Looking back, there is not one of the hundred things that I consider most important to my existence as a spiritual being in flesh that I learned in school, from my family or social environment, or in church. I could just as easily have said "thousand" things or "ten thousand" things. Yes, I have picked up a lot of things from books ... particularly metaphysical books, but none of these were required or even suggested reading in any classes that I took.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior I've read over a thousand metaphysical books. Further, I've probably generated over two thousand single spaced typed pages of material. Yet, out of all of this, I would be hard pressed to come up with a single quote that I remember. That, even though I've gone through and selected many pages of best quotes from the Beyond Imagination material, and I've read many of these quotes over two dozen times.

We possess the talents that we do for a reason. They are the primary tools that we have for making our way in the world. They are the gifts that we have been given through which to offer our services to our fellow man. It is our responsibility as sentient beings to discover them, to develop them, and to apply them as best we can.

I write not for any entity, and not even for myself, but for what I can only describe as an energy or a consciousness that comes forth from within me.

The sense is that life is not something one needs to work at. It is something that simply unfolds naturally like a flower to the sun -- sometimes even when we are focused on doing something else like growing or being involved in relationships.

Spirit is far greater than any concepts of her that we have as well. One of our biggest problems overall is in overly constraining how she expresses in our life. Nothing is too great for her. Nothing is too great for us when we are expressing spirit fully through us to the degree that we are able.

More and more, there are signs that things are opening up, that spirit is finding new and more powerful ways of expressing in our lives and in our world.

Change happens when individuals choose to make a difference, and choose to take a chance at expressing something new; such as in Celine Dion's new song. Yes, a New Day has Come, indeed.

Time for a spiritual break that renews and refreshes. Indeed, that is what this is ... a spark of sunshine to light up my life, only in this case, the source is from within. And rightfully so, for that is where the only true light is ... the light of spirit itself.

She (source) is majestic, so much so that my concept of self pales by comparison ... and I have a pretty exalted concept of self. But then, there is self, and there is Self ... and even greater there is SELF, the ONE consciousness that animates us all.

This is the one thing that matters most in all existence. It is the one thing that we take from lifetime to lifetime. The level of awareness that we have achieved is ours to keep.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Abundance is assured when we operate by the principle from the Lion King - the secret to life is to never take more than you give. And, that is the goal, abundance for all ensuring that physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs are met. This can be achieved, and in our lifetime. It is all a matter of taking responsibility and choosing to make it so in our world.

Talents and abilities are varied for a reason. It makes for a much more interesting variety of expression and experience in the world.

What do we do about the lack of education on the part of large portions of the population? What do we do about lack of health care or sanitary conditions? What do we do about lack of suitable shelter, lack of work, and insufficient food? These are real problems in the world. What does it take to make them our challenges rather than their problems? If the world is to change, this is what it will take. It is not clear that world circumstances allow such problems to be fixed locally. I guess it is fair to ask should these problems even be fixed? My sense is yet, for the alternative is nearly unthinkable ... basically, to write off a large portion of the population as undeserving of an abundant life. I'm not willing accept this.

The middle road is generally the one that is most beneficial. This would require giving up some of our autonomy as individuals to participate in a structure greater than ourselves that constitutes society. Not a society that we live in by chance, because we happen to be born into it. Rather, a society that we create and empower by choice. It is how society is empowered that enables it to ultimately produce a greater expression, a greater reality that benefits its constituents.

It is time for the lifeforms that constitute societies to be born, grow, multiply, and evolve at rates that have not occurred before. Yes, this is much of what the new age is all about. We are to experiment with how we can express as groups in bold new ways. We have had teams, companies, orchestras, musical groups, congregations, social clubs, and even government agencies. But, that is just scratching the surface of what can be.

Consciousness creating what she will can work wonders in our lives, if only we will give her the opportunity to express through us.

We can share in many ways ... with family, friends, co-workers, or simply with goodwill to others including strangers. Then again, in a world that is ONE, there can be no strangers. We are all connected, we have simply forgotten how much so.

Actually, we all create the worlds that we experience. Yes, there are some aspects that are created en masse. But, in reality there are many worlds embedded in the fabric of the physical universe. In particular, there are spiritual and symbolic worlds that are definitely tailored to individual and collective needs for experience.

Many of the things that I do and think about may be strange but they are OK for me. I don't force my beliefs and opinions on others but I freely offer what I know and discover as a gift to the world ... because 25

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior I have experienced it to be a gift from spirit, the greatest gift that I could be given. I am ever grateful for the active role that spirit plays in my life. She has become such a part of what I consider to be me that there is no separation anymore. There is no real way to distinguish what I do from what she does through me. It is as if they are two sides of the same coin.

What does this material have to offer the reader? My hope is that it offers the perspective of a fellow traveler ... a wayshower who has explored some of the frontiers of consciousness and attempts to bring back a sample of what he has found. Perhaps by allowing you to walk a ways in my shoes, some of my experiences and resulting awareness will somehow rub off and assist you in having your own experiences and alterations in awareness.

Spirit seems to work with conscious information on a need-to-know basis, much as industry, government, and even private citizens. There is something powerful about making information freely available without restrictions. For our own personal information, and information expressed by spirit through us, we have the luxury of being able to make it freely available. In other areas of our life: our employment is contingent on accepting responsibility to treat information in accordance with the rules; and our friendships and relationships may be dependent on maintaining confidentiality of private information. One of the signs of a need to know, is being moved to ask. Questions are one of the primary means for demonstrating that we are ready to know something.

I am curious to know how my conceptions and perceptions of the world and of reality compare with those of others. Right now, I have no basis to know what is common versus what is unique to me. Yet, I desire to know the difference.

The goal of enabling spirit to more fully express in flesh is achieved by making what is unique into what is commonplace. At least, that is one practical way of pursuing the goal. I'm sure there are others.

For your eyes only ... only for you ... That is the feeling that comes across now, that much of this expression has indeed been for my eyes. In particular, it has come through in a manner that was natural for me to understand. I still feel that it has much to offer to others as well, if only to serve as an intimate example of where one consciousness has been. What does it mean about spirit, and about the nature of reality, that all of this would be done for my eyes only? What does it mean about the importance of one individual that such resources and effort would be expended in allowing me to see and experience the world as I do? And if spirit does all this for my eyes ... what does she do on an equivalent scale for you in your life?

Life will unfold as it will. What must be will indeed happen. There is nothing that I have to do to make it happen, rather it is more of an acceptance and allowing of it to happen in the manner that is appropriate.

Our beliefs do play a major role in attracting what we experience. It doesn't matter whether we know this to be true or not. This is simply how reality creation works. We experience reality in accordance with our beliefs. This is not simply what we think that we believe or what we pay lip service to. This is what we 26

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior truly believe, strongly enough that we act in accord with them. If we want to change our reality, this is the place to start ... with beliefs and belief systems.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior MARCH 2002 So, what is the message in all this musing? What is it that I would convey to you individually and to the world at large? First, we are spirit expressing in flesh and my whole purpose is to facilitate allowing spirit to more fully express through each of us in flesh. On a larger scale, this involves building the foundations and the infrastructure for a new society and a new world in which this expression is far more easy and commonplace. Second, awareness that comes from knowing thyself is instrumental to the building of these foundations and to the expression of the I AM that we are. Third, we are all connected, there is ONE consciousness from which we are spring forth. Our intuition is our connection to that source within us. Fourth, we are literally gods who create the reality that we experience ... by attracting it through our belief systems, and then by choosing what meaning we apply to the experiences.

I am a voice for a source that I do not know, other than that I experience it coming through me. How do I know that it is right? My only answer is that I just do. It is like asking how do I know that I exist? The answer is the same, I just do ... it is obvious, not something that is even subject to question.

My sense is that we all have this place within us, this place that simply knows what is right for us. It does not rely on reason, rather on direct knowing. It is as if we already know the truth within us, and that we are simply comparing what we find on the outside with what we know on the inside.

Education first and foremost should teach us of whom that we are, and what we are happens to be spiritual beings having a physical experience. This is clearly not taught in our schools at any level. There is something grossly wrong in this ... something that needs to be remedied, and soon.

There is something thrilling about starting anew each day ... trusting that life is unfolding exactly as it needs to be, and doing the work that reveals that it needs to be done. Yes, living in the moment is important. However, it takes a lot of bravery, and a faith that if we take care of the things immediately in front of us, the future will take care of itself. One day at a time. One moment after another after another. The moment is where life is truly lived. It is the only place that we can do anything, the only place where we can take action and make a difference. And is that not what life is all about ... making a difference in some way with our lives?

In some way there should be a unique difference made because spirit has graced us with her presence in our life ... and has graced the lives of others through this expression.

Why is it so important to make a statement, to make a difference with our lives? Simply because life is such a precious gift, and it needs to be the gift that keeps on giving, as the saying goes.

Consciousness is always there, residing within us, our key for unlocking all the doors to the universe. However, to use this key, we must first find it, and then find the doors that it can unlock, and then put the key in and turn the lock to open it. This is not an easy process ... if it were, the world would be a much better place already. 28

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Patience, we must have patience and simply allow spirit to unfold as she will. Spiritual expression will not be forced. It will do what it can when it can. We must accept that this is enough. What needs to be done is being done.

However, for me, it is this expression in words that is my "handiwork" as it were. Hopefully it comes across as a work of art in its own right. For, all creative expression that comes from consciousness is art.

I don't believe in link exchanges. They come across to me as conditional, and my preference is to do things unconditionally where I can. In particular, as a manifestation of the unconditional expression of love.

How much is it my responsibility to get the word out? After all, it came through me. It seems only natural that as its parent, I'm responsible for its upbringing and development. I wonder what that means for creative work. Is it the responsibility of a painter to find buyers for his paintings, especially if they are a bold new expression of consciousness? My sense is that no, it isn't ... this is what we have art dealers for. However, like such artists, my works may be ahead of their time. It may take years, decades, or longer to reach a substantial audience that is able to understand and appreciate them. It doesn't matter. I express in this manner because I can and because I must.

I have likened myself to a scribe, for this is the primary function that I provide to spirit. I offer all that I AM in her service. In return, it seems that I get to know firsthand more of whom that I AM. That is the fairest of all trades. It seems that was expressed as a condition. However, it is more of a statement of fact of my experience. For the nearly nine years that I have been engaged in this expression ... I have been expanding and growing in ways that I did not even know were possible before. This expression is without question, the most important activity of my life to date. So much so, that I cannot imagine what life would have been like without it.

Movies play extremely important roles in our lives. They allow large numbers of people to have the same powerful experiences.

As always, the place to start is with the self. We have control over how we choose to express, what we allow to flow, and what we block and hide from others. In a very real way, my life must be an open book. Given that I have been a very private person ... keeping to myself to an extreme, this may be a bit of a challenge. But, I also have nine years of expression here, in which I have shared what I think, what I feel, what I believe, what I intuit, what I sense, and what I know. Yes, all of these modes are different. They use different parts of the self to experience and interpret reality.

From this standpoint, I have shared more of whom that I am on these pages than others generally do. Except, I do it in the blind ... not knowing with whom I am communicating, unless I receive a return communication in the form of an e-mail. For instance, I know that the main page of the Beyond Imagination site has been hit over 10,000 times in about 7 years. Yet, I doubt if I've been in communication with even 100 people during that same timeframe. 29

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior In the moment, I am only aware of what is to be expressed now, in this moment. Further, that is only revealed to me as it is expressed. The sense is that the very act of expressing it makes room for what is to come next. Without the expression, the channel is blocked, causing an interruption in the flow.

Spirit doesn't "take over" us, rather she operates through us by our willingness to act in this capacity and allow ourselves to be used in her service ... and ultimately in the service of our fellow man and our world.

I can say that I am God, in the same way that any cell or organ of my body can claim the right to say it is Wayne. No, it is not all of Wayne, but it has no separate existence outside of the context of Wayne. Similarly, I truly am God stuff ... in every aspect of my being.

There can be no separation other that that which we choose to create and experience. Much of the richness of our experience, however, comes from our willingness to explore separation and limitation. This provides for a focus and opportunities of expression and experience that could not otherwise be manifest.

Interesting, I've taken pride in being a hermit, effectively independent of others. And here, it seems that needing another ... or more importantly needing spirit is the very act that brings her into our life.

All relationships with spirit are cooperative and interdependent. They are also unconditional, since this is really the only way that the love from spirit can be expressed. This is its only nature ... it will not be molded by any restriction or conditions.

There are many kinds of people in the world, with many different talents and abilities. Some are more outgoing and gregarious. This is perfectly fine. It takes all kinds as the saying goes, to make the world go round. One question that comes to mind is: how do we use these differences effectively for the good of all. First, we create the infrastructures that allow all of these types to grow and express in the world naturally. If we can trust the natural expression of spirit, we will be amazed by what it is able to create and how fast. Next, we create a means for capturing what is learned from each of these perspectives so that the knowledge can be shared in a manner that allows it to benefit any who may need it. This is how we accelerate the rate of spiritual growth. We SHARE! We share what we have, we share what we feel, we share what we know, we share what we experience, we share whom that we are, as much as we can. Why? Simply because such is how spirit expresses ... she shares of herself. In reality, she shares of herself with the parts of her Self. Interesting. That is a key realization. Sharing is not something that involves others, it is something that involves multiple parts of the same entity ... the same ONE consciousness.

Being aware makes a tremendous difference in ones attitude towards things. It makes one more caring about self and about others and the world, more allowing, and far less judgmental. These are very good things that ultimately lead to a far kinder and gentler world, a world that we would all like to live in someday. 30

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior The trick is how to make "someday" now. This is where the art of reality creation comes into play. We change our individual reality by changing our beliefs and expectations about the world. For, in the reality game, these are what tend to manifest ... unless the beliefs conflict.

Many of the key ideas regarding society that I express here are in conflict with the fundamental principals of freedom and free enterprise and rugged individualism on which this country is founded. From my perspective, that does matter. If the ideas are better ... in particular, if they have greater utility, then they will have their day in the Sun as the saying goes. There will be nothing on Earth that can stop them when the time is right.

That does not mean it is necessary to fight for what I believe to be right. It does mean that I should do what I can to work for what I believe to be right. There is a big difference. The first involves an enemy against which one is aggressively laboring. The second can be far more peaceful and patient, allowing what spirit would manifest in her own time. Remember, it is through us that spirit is able to express and experience in the world.

People show as much concern and attention to me as I pay to them. In my personal world, this has been highly limited to date. The sense is that this definitely needs to change and soon.

To what degree does it matter what I personally desire to change? It seems that my desire provides the impetus that allows the forces of change to manifest in my life. However, there is a sense that I am not to dictate what this is to be ...

There is some reason that these communications, this expression of spirit comes under the umbrella of BEYOND IMAGINATION. The sense is that this going beyond imagination is the process of making what was only imagined ... the ideal, manifest in the world. Tall order? You bet it is. But what else is worthy of spiritual expression in flesh if not this.

The internet provides an effective medium through which such a society can interact, communicate, and share on a massive scale. At no time in the history of the world has it been so easy to freely communicate.

My sense is that whatever skills are needed for any task ... we will find that somewhere within the population not only do they exist in potential, they have been developed in practice, awaiting the day when they could be harnessed for the good of society.

We have said before that service is the only thing that truly has value. And, those services that we give freely to others, that employ our greatest skills and talents, are of the most value. We have also said that our spiritual job is something that is not thrust upon us ... rather, it is something we must volunteer for based on a knowingness of our purpose that comes from deep within us.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Once again, a new day has come. Interesting ... this happens everyday, but how many of us stop and experience the wonder of it all. Life is a very precious gift bestowed on us each and every moment. By whom you might ask ... but there is no entity, no whom sufficient to manifest this. Rather, it is spirit herself, the ONE consciousness that animates us all.

Yes, spirit uses all of the avenues available to her to do her works. It is amazing to see how many highly creative people are being moved to express spiritual themes and messages.

Jonathan Livingstone Seagull comes to mind. While most gulls were consumed with eating and the mundane aspects of life in the society of gulls, Jonathan became obsessed with flying to the point where nothing else in his life mattered. My obsession with metaphysics was very similar ... though I did have to do some of the normal things, in particular hold down a job and work for a living. In a very real way, exploring states of consciousness is much like flying. We soar to new levels of awareness ... and find ways to bring back what we learn and experience.

Being aware of being aware is powerful. Being aware of being awareness itself is even more powerful. It completely changes ones focus from the outer to the inner.

Seek awareness first and all else that you need will come unto you. That is spiritual law ... except that seeking is not enough. We must apply what we learn through our actions and share of whom that we are in service to spirit and to society in some way.

In the area of spiritual development, I haven't had any physical teachers in this existence. For this, I have always had to rely on direct guidance from within. This guidance has always been there as far back as I can remember, but the faucet was turned on in full force for the first time in 1993. Don't get me wrong ... the words of many individuals in over 1000 metaphysical books were instrumental in my education. They provided the programming necessary to create concepts and frameworks that would ultimately allow me to go beyond and leap off the edge of sanity into the unknown dimensions of consciousness (at least, unknown to me in terms of experience). However, it is one thing to establish elaborate constructs in one's mind based on standing on the shoulders of others. It is quite another thing to truly experience reality in a unique way ... as I believe that we are all meant to do. This requires awareness, and awareness does not reside in the mind. It has nothing to do with thinking. It is beyond reason, beyond mind. It simply is. And, once the experience of awareness comes, it is as if there are invisible reigns on the mind.

There is something special about bringing forth these words out of the unknown. Here is where we make the unmanifest manifest. This is where the creative spark is fanned into a full blown fire.

Fire is spirit. It is my home. It is where I am most comfortable expressing. In a very real way, it is through fire that I am able to live as I do. It is through fire that my consciousness is able to soar. What I feel most is not a physical, mental or an emotional high ... it is a spiritual high.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior I trust spirit to guide me via my intuition to where I need to be, whom I need to meet, and what I need to do. When the time to do something has arrived, it will be clear exactly what I am meant to do.

My experience is that there are no real choices. The right choice is always obvious. I simply have to allow it to happen, and allow my actions to be consistent with making it happen.

Trust, I cannot say that enough. You must trust in the basic nature of spiritual expression and the integrity of your self / Self / and SELF. There is nothing that you will be forced to face that is beyond your ability to handle, nothing.

You are creating your own reality in each and every moment of each and every day.

I sit in amazement as I watch it unfold. The light grows stronger and the shadows retreat into the nothingness from which they sprang. There is no room for them when the light shines forth. Spirit is that strong ... and shadows are but mere illusions.

My job is to express as best I can what spirit would express through me. I trust that any who are meant to find and benefit from these writings will indeed find them and read them ... and thereby gain whatever is to be conveyed via these words.

Service involves giving of oneself to something greater than oneself.

As souls, we are ancient beings ... some would say eternal beings. When we take on a new mortal form, we forget whom that we are for awhile, and go about the business of living in physical reality. We develop our bodies, our emotions, and our minds; and we develop our natural talents and abilities.

Spirit shines its light and shares its love wherever it can and to whomever will ask and seek for it.

Our souls are powerful entities in their own right. They are parts of the ONE consciousness. They are sparks of spirit ... literally godstuff. However, the expression may be far more blocked for some than for others. It seems that we have to find our connection to source either inside or outside of us, depending on our nature and preferred method of observing the world.

My preferred mode of operating has been to seek within and then look for verification on the outside. Even then, I look in strange places. I don't look to others for verification.

There is some importance that this record has been created. It is a marker left by consciousness of a continuing voyage into the far country and beyond. 33

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior By their works shall thou know them. Yes, such is a great truth. It is via our works that we share of whom that we are with the world. This is not generally the works that we do to make a living, through it may include these. Primarily, it is the works that we choose to do with our free time in service to others ... or in service to something greater than ourselves.

There is a sense that there is a part of me of which I am not consciously aware that is orchestrating all that I experience to the point of actually co-creating it. Actually, I am consciously aware of the results of this part of me. I just don't experience performing this function consciously. My sense is that I will someday, but that day has not yet come.

Over the years I have expressed a deep concern for society, and, in particular, for the greater expression of spirit in flesh. This is what I am here to help bring about. It is why I exist in this incarnation at this time.

As always, I must find a way to be more so that I can do more ... remembering that it is spirit that is actually doing the work through me. That is a key realization.

Awareness, allowance, and acceptance can go a long way in the world. Spirit by its very nature seeks to express and unfold whom that it is in whatever way it can. We are the limiting factors in this expression, by the restrictions that we place on our connection to source, and on how we allow that source to express and manifest in our lives. Many go through their whole lifetime ... and perhaps many lifetimes, without realizing this connection on a firsthand basis.

In the only way that really matters, the expression of spirit is unfolding perfectly in accordance with a grand plan for the evolution of the expression of consciousness.

While much that is to happen is controlled by fate, how we experience it, what meaning we assign to it, and what we learn from it is all for us to decide.

My personal destiny seems to be intertwined with the destiny of the world and in very intricate ways. I find this both curious and comforting. Yes, this is grandiose thinking. I know that. However, that doesn't necessarily make it wrong.

The question of sanity deserves more attention. How do I know that I have not gone over the edge? When one is an explorer of the unknown realms of consciousness, this is a very real issue that one must deal with on a regular basis. How far can we venture into the unknown, before we lose our way ... and potentially are unable to come back?

Without spirit, neither my experiences, nor my expression would be what they have been. It is through my connection to source that I am able to exist as I do and express as I do. This connection is something 34

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior that is unique to all of us. How we find this source, how we tap it, and how we fashion the channel through which it can flow into our lives and the lives of others are extremely important.

While we are on the path, it is not the destination that truly matters, it is the enjoyment of the journey.

Spirit ever seeks to be of service. Her primary operating mode is to find needs and fill them, whatever they might be.

In a true society, no need is allowed to go unmet ... but desires and wishes may or may not come true. When we allow needs to go unmet, we force people to live at a level of poverty in some area of their lives. This may be in physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual areas. My sense is that the society should have a collective responsibility to ensure that no one is forced to live in poverty by circumstances beyond their control.

The Lion King expresses the golden rule for the exchange of energy ... the secret to life, is to never take more than you give. This principle, simply stated, assures abundance by ensuring that the supply always exceeds the demand.

This expression continues to roll on ... word after word, phrase after phrase, thought after thought, paragraph after paragraph, page after page, and musing after musing. It still amazes me that creative expression can work in this manner, and be so effortless. It simply flows as it will. I tap a source inside that seems to have no end.

My mind has developed in a manner that gives it a utility that is different than most. It allows me to naturally see things, realize things, and make connections between things in ways that are different than for others. Different is not necessarily better ... it is just different. It is the differences between us that make us the unique individuals that we are.

It takes extreme courage to be unique and authentic, and to live the life of spirit that we are meant to live.

We are God expressing and experiencing through us. Without God, we would not exist. But without the creation, without us, there would be no experience of limitation and the nature of the various parts.

I take pride in delivering more than anyone can rightfully expect. This is not something that comes from outside. It is something that I demand of myself. I have said that spirit is a stern taskmaster. But, it seems, even she pales in comparison with what I expect of myself. There is a sense that one can never do too much. However, this needs to be balanced by a sense that one has done ones fair share, which by definition is enough.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Being the very best needs to be qualified, it needs to be assessed not as a comparison of oneself to others, but of ones present performance against ones innate potential.

It seems that the only true freedom is spiritual freedom. In all other forms we are simply unaware of our shackles. Sometimes they are even looked upon as gifts or blessings.

We experience what we experience in whatever manner is appropriate to us. This is not a game of trying to make ones experience similar to another. It is for each of us to find the path and way that is right for us. We can learn from one anothers methods and experiences, but ultimately we must evaluate, judge, and select what works best in our lives.

The subjective and the intuitive deserve their proper place as esteemed parts of our being, our expression, and our reality. In a very real way these are far more important to the meaning of our reality and the quality of our expression than logic and subjective knowledge. By its very nature, the I AM experience is subjective. Awareness is subjective. Creativity in general is far more intuitive than logical.

As Christ said, “in my Father's house are many mansions, I go to prepare a way for you.” Hmm ... could each mansion be the framework in which an ideal social system is manifest? My sense is that yes, this is the case. Further, it seems that spirit has already brought forth many of the concepts and key beliefs necessary to create these foundations. Each religion seems to have it's own. Actually, perhaps several because of differences between sects. However, there is a sense that religions are shackles in and of their own ... shackles we bear because it is more convenient to accept someone else as the authority in this area of our life than it is to discover and develop appropriate beliefs and constructs of our own.

The vibrations are different somehow, allowing and encouraging this expression to occur. And here I sit, as the happy and proud father, observing what I am bringing forth into manifestation, and concerned that my offspring are given the chance they need to grow into whom that they are and have their impact, whatever that might be, on the world. Yes, ultimately, some of the key concepts presented here will indeed have such an impact. I know this from the depths of my being.

Creative expression is one of the highest, if not the highest endeavors of spirit. It is here that we make the unknown known and the unmanifest manifest.

Sometimes it feels as if what is to be expressed is destined ... it already exists in finished form. It is only the linear nature of experience in this world that causes it to come forth letter by letter, word by word, thought by thought, ...

If we had to rely on traditional approaches to bring about a New World in a New Age ... our hopes might be dim. However, spirit does not accept such limitations. And, it seems that more and more people are starting to realize that they are far more than they ever thought themselves to be. With this realization, they will growingly become unwilling to tolerate the status quo and will seek to build the social foundations and infrastructure necessary for them to more fully express whom that they are. 36

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior I want to ensure via my actions that the world is a better place for my having lived.

There is something addicting about spiritual expression. The more one does it, the more one longs to do it ... literally to the point where it becomes all consuming.

In a very real way, increasing awareness is about increasing our concept of I to include more than we formerly knew ourselves to be. This too is not something that is taught in our schools and universities. How is it that some of the things most important to functioning as the spiritual being in flesh that we are ... are not taught to us.

The operative law has always been SEEK and ye shall FIND. Yet, how few of us truly seek. For many, this is understandable. Living in the world is so consuming of ones time and energy that there is little left over to going within and seeking for something more ... in particular, for whom that we are.

We live in an information age ... but there is so much information that it is hard to find the few gems of wisdom amidst the mountains of garbage that are our there. OK, garbage may have been a bit strong and judgmental.

Since there is only ONE consciousness, anything that anyone has ever realized and expressed in flesh is available to me to learn from, and to use and express in my life. It is a matter of being open and establishing the appropriate resonance that will attract it into my life. Of course, it will be colored by my individual consciousness ... but this adds to rather than diminishes it, since it adds a new viewpoint to the collective experience of the ONE consciousness.

Each of us is a unique spark of the one consciousness ... or more correctly, possess such a spark within us. It is for us to seek and find it, and to develop our gifts and talents to the fullest so that this spark, this spirit may express more fully in our lives. For then, we are truly living, and being the best that we can be. That is all that can be asked of anyone.

How do we know when we are operating at our best? One, we find a sense of true fulfillment, of a nature that cannot be found in any other way. Two, we simply know that we are operating efficiently and effectively. Three, we are happy with whom that we are and what we are expressing and experiencing. Four, we experience new states of expanded consciousness. No matter how far we go, or how good we get at something, there is always a next step in our unfoldment and evolution.

One of the best ways to learn anything is by doing it.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior My experience continues to be that there are no real choices for me. The right choice is always obvious and I am always moved from inside to make it ... as if it were an automatic process. Clearly, not everyone sees things like this. Free will is a very coveted form of freedom.

In a very real way, this expression is my way of sharing whom that I AM with the world in the most intimate way that I can in the moment. Since I have no other examples to go by, I cannot tell how successful I am in doing this.

Remember that utility is the key for beliefs. Most of what I share is in the area of beliefs ... here we are free to choose as we will. Also, remember that the difference between an idea and a belief is the willingness to act in accord with. It is not a belief until you back it with actions in your life.

It seems the more that I express, the more I am able to discover whom that I AM and how the world and consciousness seems to work. This provides a springboard from which I can jump to new heights and dive into the depths of consciousness once again. This is where I swim and where I soar. This is where I am most at home. Yes, home to me is indeed a state of consciousness.

Awareness makes all the difference in the world. Yes, it is that powerful. Further, it seems the level of awareness we reach is the only thing that we get to keep from one lifetime to the next. This is what reality games are all about ... they are opportunities for becoming more aware of the I AM that we are.

And yes, we are playing in a reality game. Remember, games are meant to be fun ... so do what it takes to make it so. Games also have rules. If we want to play the game, we need to learn the rules and abide by them. The main rule of the reality game is that you create your own reality, no fine print, no exceptions; and you do it primarily through your belief system. So, it makes sense to develop the skills needed to find out what your beliefs are, to evaluate whether they serve you or not, to prune those that result in experience you do not like, and plant new ones to attract the reality you desire.

It seems that it is time for the dawn to finally arise ... that the dark may be dispelled once and for all and that we may see the light in such an intensity as the world has never known before, not even during the Renaissance.

A new age calls for a new mode of expression, and an accompanying new mode of being. It asks that we come to know ourselves to a greater degree than we thought possible so that we can more fully manifest whom that we truly are in flesh. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. It is for us to know this, and live in accord with this knowingness.

Each of us has a part to play in the coming drama ... a part that we selected and auditioned for, a part that is specifically suited to whom that we are, a part that allows us to share whom that we are and learn what we came to this existence to learn. There is a sense that we have no choice but to play these parts. It is as if these are our jobs ... our means of earning our living; not necessary our means of earning our income, however. 38

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior In our lives, we have those things we owe to our government and society, and those things we owe to spirit. We are not relieved from either. Obligations are part of life. They are necessary for society to function. They ask that we act responsibly and take responsibility for our actions. How many willingly choose to do this versus how many do this only to the degree that the laws require? This seems to be one of the noticeable differences in the awakened ones. There is an inner sense of obligation that extends beyond our self and a knowledge of what is right action under whatever circumstances one finds oneself in. One is knowingly subject to a higher tribunal than mans, as Channing said.

I can see no more worthy endeavor than exploring its nature and allowing it to express in my life to the fullest degree possible. Further, I hope that my actions and expression enables others to see both consciousness and themselves in a new light ... one that empowers them to be more of whom that they are, the I AM, part of the ONE consciousness.

My will is a tool, just as any other ability that I have ... a tool that can be used to serve spirit. By not imposing my will, yes, I allow spirit to control the reigns of what is expressed. However, there is a sense that I am limiting my utility somehow by not exercising my will in her service as well.

Yes, while much has been expressed, the sense is that there is far more from where that came from. Further, there is an even greater abundance from other sources that I have not even begun to tap yet. Hmm ... that one sent a shiver from my head through my body. I have always considered there to be one source that is our direct connection to the one consciousness. But, the preceding sentence suggests that there are other sources (plural) that can be tapped. Why does that not surprise me? The analogy of oil wells comes to mind. There are many deposits of oil that can be tapped and that have been tapped.

We collectively embody spirit. What we are able to learn and express in our thoughts and actions, fills the wells so to speak ... providing a supply that any may tap who can resonate with the material. However, the fundamental principle never take more than you give comes into play. What we take must be replenished by what we generate and share so that the well does not run dry.

Abilities are the gifts that we give ourselves so that we can carry out our mission and destiny.

The creativity that we see expressed in the world is a mirror reflection of the creativity of spirit.

When we express spirit, we express whom that we are more clearly and more fully than we can in any other manner. Whenever we fully engage our talents and abilities in service, we are being all that we can be. This is all that can be asked of anyone. Actually, given that we are human, perhaps it is more than we can ask of anyone.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior It is important that we do a self-assessment on a regular basis. Only we know what we can do and when we are fully engaged. Others may see a part of this, but they are not truly in a position to judge what we do and how we do it.

If we allow "free will" to operate ... and allow individuals to do what they are moved by spirit to do, then everything that needs to happen will indeed occur and in a manner that is elegant. Such is the nature of spirit. She makes the most of each resource.

At some point, we must realize that we are ONE consciousness expressed through ONE people occupying ONE world, this blue-green jewel that we call Earth. Yes, that means that collectively we are responsible for all of us. The heart does not say that I am not going to pump blood to the foot ... it freely pumps blood to all the parts of the body that need it. Similarly, the brain does not think for itself alone, but for the whole self. Every system within the body supports the collective. However, as the body of humankind on this planet, we have not established such relationships.

There is a sense that this expression is changing somehow ... that I have tapped deeper into the bedrock and found a much larger reserve of source than I had known before.

Is it possible that there is a discontinuity in the play ... where one scene comes to a close, and a whole new scene begins, potentially with a whole new setting and set of characters? What makes us believe in the strict continuity of time? What prevents major change in the period of one breath or one heartbeat? The inner answer is nothing.

Is the change of an Age such an event? Or, is it simply that the vibrations express differently. Those vibrations that resonate with the character of the new age reach fruition and are able to manifest. Those that do not resonate, whither and die from lack of the energy needed to sustain them. Hmm ... this results in a fairly simple control mechanism. It doesn't force change, it simply sets up the vibrations that control what expressions are able to yield fruit in the new age.

I desire friendships, partnerships, and cooperatively interdependent relationships with strong spiritual counterparts. In particular, I seek ways to work closely with others to co-create things that we cannot create alone. The primary things that I desire to create are new foundations that permit greater expression of spirit in flesh.

I am a unique expression of consciousness. What I experience and how I experience it are peculiar to me, and me alone ... though they may bear some similarity to others. My sense is that the varieties of spiritual experience are numbered in some way. Yes, there are nuances that make each path unique, but overall there are only so many roads and trails that lead to the top of the mountain. Actually, this assumes there is only one mountain, which may not be the case at all. Perhaps each religion and spiritual path has its own. What is common is that all lead to the high country of spirit. I like that analogy. One must have the equivalent of spiritual stamina to reach the high country and live in the rarefied atmosphere. This is obtained by intense training over many years. It is not something to be taken lightly. 40

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior However, in this world of duality ... it is up to us to stretch ourselves, to tackle challenges, so that we can become more than we knew ourselves to be.

When I operate in the service of spirit, what I desire is what she desires to manifest through me. There is no separation.

We need to know when there is a purpose for having the information in our life that is tied to carrying out our mission.

My sense is that we all have missions in this existence, often multiple missions that operate on many levels. One key mission is know thyself. Another is to be whom that you are. There are others that involve family, work, neighborhood, society, country, and world.

In the very process of discovering whom that we are, we learn that to know whom that we are, we must be whom that we are. This is in line with something recently expressed to the effect that the best way to learn something is simply to do it.

Nothing happens by chance. We and everyone around us are where we are by mutual choice.

I've said before that there should be a labor tax ... a tithe of 10 percent equals four hours per week that should be used in providing ones services in some way that benefits society. Such a tax would unleash 200 million people x 10 percent = 20 million person years of effort each year in the United States alone. When you think about what could be accomplished by such an organization, it is simply staggering. The amount of good that could be done, the amount of help that could be provided, the amount of creative works that could be generated and made available publicly ... just think of it. One problem is how do we collect such a tithe, and what kind of infrastructure is needed to effectively organize all of this effort?

Yet, how do we empower the collective to take responsibility? The collective is an organization. For the organization to do anything ... individuals within the organization must do something.

The change of an age is a radical discontinuity. Any plans that use the precedent of history as a basis for future activity will be sorely lacking. A new age requires new thinking, new ways of organizing, new ways of expressing, new responsibilities, and completely new services. Further, it requires rethinking how we function as an individual and a collective. We need to shift the focus from the individual to the collective. However, in a way that that promotes greater individual expression and greater fulfillment of individual needs.

One shares by being whom that one is with others to the greatest degree possible. This requires a high degree of trust, and a no holding back attitude. We place our trust in others ... but more importantly, we


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior place our trust in the highest expression of our authentic self, as spirit in flesh. There is nothing to fear. There is no judgment from the outside that matters.

We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. It has always been thus though it seems that we have related far more to our physical and animal nature than our true spiritual nature. This does not affect the validity of the truth of the situation. It simply shows that we have chosen to live under some pretty severe limitations. As with all limitations, these too are self imposed either on an individual or a collective level.

One must allow people to be whom they are, and express appropriately for their level and circumstances. One expects different things from people at different levels. Per Michael, there are seven levels of expression for each of the soul levels as well. At each level, the nature of expression and need for experiences is different. It has been awhile, so I don't recall what these are at present. I was only interested enough to identify where I was in the scheme of things and where I might be headed. My investigations confirmed what I already knew, that I was an old soul, near the end of the path to the transcendental. Money and possessions don't mean much to me, they are necessary and helpful props in the play; however the real meaning is found in spiritual expression.

In a very real way, the works at Beyond Imagination are an extension of me. They are a part of my memory, a part that I make freely available to any who find it and care to share it.

The WWW is an extension of me. It is where a part of my memory is housed. In particular, the part that has been expressed in these writings. Without these web pages, I would have virtually no recollection of what has been expressed through me.

At no time in history have people had such free access to information and the ability to interact with and interchange information with one another so quickly and on such a global scale. Ideas can literally be shared within minutes with no filters, barriers, or censors. Along with this information freedom, however, there needs to be information responsibility. As a society, it is not clear we have reached a point where individuals realize their responsibilities in this area. We are still in a let the reader beware mode of operating.

The idea that the WWW is a collective extension of our brains into silicon and light is fascinating. I had not thought of it in this way before. But, this expression is me, or a part of me. I revisit it often to keep it in mind so to speak. I've chosen to freely share this material since I first started posting things at the Beyond Imagination site in 1995. In fact, in 1997, I was moved to declare that everything at the site was a Gift from Spirit to the World.

I know that there is nothing that reality can throw at me that I am not capable of handling and learning from. After all, I am pulling this reality to me as a magnet ... I am creating everything that I experience, without exception. Not just me, we all are.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior It is clear to me that my destiny is extraordinary ... it must be, for spirit to have graced me with the gifts I possess and the awareness that I have reached to date. I know that such gifts are only given to be of service. I've already realized that service is the only thing that truly has value, especially those services we perform out of love.

My destiny will unfold, one way or another. My sense is that my awareness is the very key that allows it to unfold one way versus another. In a very real way, it is as if I have no choice in the matter. I must be whom that I AM and express as fully as I can what would be expressed through me. That is all that spirit asks of anyone.

Yes, I am the writer and director of my life even as I am the actor and observer. We all are, though it seems there are different levels of conscious awareness and competance in each of these aspects. That's OK. As individual expressions of the ONE consciousness, we each see things through unique eyes. The reality we experience is different. That doesn't make it right or wrong. That doesn't make it better or worse. That simply makes it different, unique for each of us.

What makes freedom work is an openness that allows individuals and groups to be and do as they will so long as it hurts no one. At least this should be the key condition imposed. We also need to ensure our animal friends and the environment are safeguarded as well.

For your eyes only ... comes to mind again. Perhaps that is indeed what this expression is ... something that only I am meant to see. Then, why am I so moved to share it with others? Primarily, because I am moved to share myself with others ... and this is the most intimate expression of whom that I AM that I have.

Words are the song that spirit sings through me, the thoughtforms that spirit weaves through me. It is through words that what I AM can be expressed. In the beginning was the word. All forms are manifestations of the word ... thoughts congealed into physical form.

Limitation enables us to focus in a particular way so that we can experience life as we do. Without the limitations, none of what we call reality could exist as it does. This is an important realization. There is purpose to everything. There is an underlying meaning to everything. It is but for us to see it and experience it. This is not difficult to do ... but we need to step back and experience life as the observer to truly see it.

We create out own reality, every bit of it. I guess this could be good news or bad news depending on how you like what you experience. The bottom line is that there is no one else to blame if we don't like our experience. There is nothing left to chance, and nothing imposed on us by others.

Our belief systems are the key sieve through which we draw experience to us. If we want to change our experience, that is the place to work, with our beliefs. These beliefs are all accessible to us consciously, if we desire to do the self work to find them. We are free to change them in anyway we choose. The key is 43

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior utility. Choose beliefs that empower you to be all that you can be, and that attract the experiences, people, and things into your life that you desire.

Remember, in the end, our level of consciousness ... our level of awareness, is the only thing that we take with us from one lifetime to the next. So, it helps to spend some amount of time in this pursuit. Knowing thyself is where the spiral of evolution starts. This is what propels us to ever greater expression of spirit in flesh. And, that after all, is what the reality game is all about.

Symbol systems and intuition play a big role in how spirit expresses. I've revealed much of that here at this site many times. At times, I am blown away by the nature of what I am able to find in seemingly ordinary things. There is a spiritual world embedded in the physical one, primarily in the symbol systems. It is right there, before our eyes. All we have to do is awaken to see it. Yet, it seems that this is easier said than done. Awakening still seems to be a relative rare occurrence.

At no time in history has the potential for the collective creativity of us all to be expressed and applied to the benefit of all been so great. The information age gives us freedom in ways that we have never known before. In particular, freedom of association; and freedom to access, generate, and share information. This is a monumental change in the way people throughout the world are able to communicate. It will take some time to get used to the benefits and the challenges of this newfound freedom. Though many of us are already hooked ... there is no going back.

One thing that seems to be missing overall is meaningful organization of information. How do we tell what is true? How do we determine what is connected to what? How do we find what we are looking for with a reasonable amount of time and energy? There are people good at organizing things, we should be employing their skills to do some of this for us all. At present, some volunteer there time and services to catalog various specific areas. Others apply their skills in a manner that allows them to sell information services and reports to their clients. It is amazing how much information is out there, and who is in a position to benefit from the use of that information.

What do I ask of the world ... nothing. Hmm, I didn't really expect that answer, and definitely not that quickly. I ask a lot of myself, but the world I allow to be as it will.

The bottom line is that the world will be as it is, a mirror reflection of the collective state of consciousness. It can be no more or no less. For, this is exactly how it is created, as the manifestation of the collective consciousness, or more correctly unconsciousness in most cases.

It seems that much of what is changing is occurring at spiritual frequencies, and deals with our ability to express whom that we are as spirit in flesh more fully. As with a radio or TV, it takes a certain ability to tune into these frequencies, pull in the messages being broadcast, and apply these in our lives. The spiritual programming is there, it is all around us, and it will have a profound impact on how society is structured, as well as on our individual freedoms and responsibilities to society and to one another. It is for each of us to find our role in the new order that is being established. It seems this will come from the 44

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior inside out. Though , there are already signs that it is affecting many from the outside in ... 9/11 being a case in point.

I express what can be expressed through me, based on what I observe and how this connects to a world view that has been developed over 30 years of metaphysical study. Actually, this also included extensive training in mathematics and engineering, and many years of work in systems engineering. Through this, I have come to know that there is a spiritual reality, and a spiritual destiny that is unfolding.

Making what is not I, me is a big part of getting to know myself. This is how we expand our concept of self, we incorporate more and more what is outside of us into what is inside of us. This is a never ending process. There is always more of whom that we are to find. No matter how aware we become, there is always a next step, always another degree of realization that we can reach. So long as we remain individuals, this is true. I don't know when this ends ... so I can't even speak of what will be when we finally join into the ONE in an undifferentiated manner. My sense is that such is where we are headed eventually, but that may be a very long while away ... actually, it may occur when not I me = no time is reached.

The expansion of consciousness within us and through us is a hallmark of this existence. It is what we are here for, in a very real way, it is why we exist.

The evolution of lifeforms happens according to natural laws ... both physical and spiritual. Life as we know it is encoded in our DNA. These hold the key to physical expression. As humans, we employ reason and imagination to find and create tools that allow us to extend what we are capable of doing. All of our electronic equipment, including computers and there associated software are tools that extend out ability to do things. Radios, stereos and CD's, TV, DVDs and VCRs, video games and computers all convey information to us or allow us to observe and interact with information. When you think about it, much of our lives center around the many types of information that we consume, play, and interact with.

Do what comes natural to you. Do what you are moved to do by the spirit within you. The expression of spirit in flesh is not difficult. In fact, it is the most easy and natural thing in the world if we simply allow it to flow as it will. That requires holding back any judgments we may have over what is expressed or how it is expressed.

Not everyone is ready to be aware. This is OK. There is no set agenda or set of goals that we all must follow or reach. We each tailor our existence to be the showcase for our unique abilities.

Time represents the state of consciousness and the level of spiritual expression in the world.

The unknown offers a tremendous challenge to use all of whom that I AM to explore and make more of the unknown known. After all, this is what explorers do, they boldly go where no man or at least few men have gone before. 45

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior It is through the sharing of ourselves in ways that benefit others, that we create a society among us.

If we are to grow into greater collective creative expression we have to find ways to interact with each other in cooperatively interdependent ways. This requires working together in ways that facilitate greater expression of spirit than can occur from individuals acting alone.

In the Aquarian Age, service to ones fellow beings is a key characteristic. This doesn't have to be service to humankind. Service to animals, and to the environment are valued endeavors as well. The greatest service seems to be service to spirit herself. This seems to be the service that allows us to maximize the benefit of our endeavors to all concerned.

How do we know that our illusion is not much the same as depicted in The Matrix? After all, our senses are quite restricted. Our eyes see only a small part of the spectrum. Our ears hear only a small part of the frequency spectrum. Actually, everything is vibration, is numbers. Understanding how these vibrations interplay in our lives is a big part of understanding reality and reality creation. How do we tell what is real versus what is illusion? How do we tell what rules can be bent and which can be broken? One way is by testing them to determine how valid they are.

I am choosing to expend my time on this endeavor, each and every day. I am moved to bring up the blank screen and allow consciousness to pour herself onto it as she will clothed in whatever words I am able to supply and convey. This expression has a very high priority in my life. It is how I learn of what I have become as a result of my experiences. It is where I come into contact with the unknown. It is my way of allowing spirit to flow through me to do her works. It is my way of giving back some of what spirit has been so kind to give to me.

I have limited experience listening to and interacting with others verbally. Yes, I know that communications classes teach that over 75 percent of the meaning of verbal communications is not in the words themselves. Yet here, I must rely on everything to be conveyed in the words. They are the only thing that I can record for you to see. How well I do this can only be determined by you.

There are many paths to the ONE. Each of us must ultimately find the path that is right for us, and follow it to where it leads. This may be a freeway that many travel, or a winding trail into the unknown that few have ventured, or even a completely new trail that you cut through the wilderness.

As words and pages at a web site, this expression only has the potential to change the way people think and express, and thus change the world. It is when the words are read, studied, and applied in ones life that the true impact occurs.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Yes, this is what I need to do ... follow the leads that I am given to wherever they take me. If my reality is to change, my methods of being and my beliefs must change. This requires doing things that are new to me, things that may even be uncomfortable at first.

We are the players in the drama of life, in the drama of spirit expressing in flesh on this planet at this time. Each of us chose to be here. Each of us chose what talents to be born with. It is up to us to find out what these are, to develop them, and to find a way to use them for the benefit of not only ourselves but for the good of society.

The greatest collective good is not achieved when each individual acts selfishly for their own benefit, but when the individuals consider the collective good as well in their decisions.

One sure way of getting something is to create a vacuum for it in your life. As in the physical world, natural law will do everything it can to fill it. You may say, easier said than done ... and if that is what you believe, so it will be for you. One area to focus on is beliefs of worthiness. If you don't feel worthy of receiving something, in all likelihood you won't pull it into your life no matter what you do or try.

We are all worthy of the unlimited abundance that spirit would bestow on us. However, there is a catch, we must contribute and do our part to create the abundance.

Everyone deserves to have their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs met in exchange for applying themselves in service to society.

Something comes to mind ... many lead lives of quiet desperation. My sense is that this may indeed be true. There seems to be much more hardship, sorrow, and pain than there really needs to be. Many seem to be stuck in a grind with no way out. Yet, each has created the circumstances of their own life. And, each chooses how to feel about what they experience. However, these choices are made within an overall social fabric that we create collectively. Change this fabric, and we free people to make entire new ranges of choices that simply did not exist before. We will be amazed at the collective creative freedom that will be unleashed as we do this.

We are not aware of how this communication occurs. We only knows that it comes forth from a place inside that I call source. There seems to be some type of a resonance process that allows me to reach across the void from the unconscious to the conscious, and from the unknown to the known. My state of consciousness seems to be the key factor in tuning the receiver and bringing in the channel from source.

Einstein worked on a unified field theory sufficient to account for the disparate viewpoints of different branches of science for a good portion of his life. Similarly, I am working on a unified spiritual theory or unified metaphysical theory to account for how spirit expresses in flesh, and the spiritual destiny that seems to be unfolding before our very eyes. I have no formal language or set of notations with which to work in this area. I have only words, and whatever meaning they can convey. 47

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior As a spiritual warrior, my battle is of the Self with the self. It is primarily conducted in the world of ideas. Yes, I have my share of them and I am moved to freely and regularly share them. As a voice for the ONE consciousness ... I speak with a knowingness that is beyond my Earthly years. Yet, there is a strong sense that what I speak is true. At least, it resonates deeply within me - one of the sure signs that I have found to indicate that something is close to truth.

As I loner, my choice has always been never to walk in anyone's shadow. I would be whom that I AM, all by myself ... though I do walk on the shoulders of giants who have come before, and in particular on the words that they were able to express.

I am ever amazed that this expression proceeds as it does, and ever grateful that spirit engages directly in my life in this manner.

To the degree that I can, I've lived my life in accordance with a higher set of standards than that of man. I've done this because I have known inside what is right for me ... as far back as I can remember. I do not have a personal relationship with any God. My inner relationship is with source, spirit herself, as she is able to express in my life.

My direct experience is that spirit is found within and reflected in the manifested world. The correct way to live ones life is from the inside out. Then again ... this may be appropriate for introverts. I'm sure extroverts see things quite differently, but I have no firsthand experience of this.

The clash between religion and science is one of domain and worldview. There is a sense that we need to see things from a higher spiritual point of view that embraces the best of what both of these have to offer. There is an objective world and there is a subjective world. Both should be the domain of both religion and science. We need spirituality to guide science into doing the things that are right for individuals, society, and the world. We need science to apply discipline to our pursuits into metaphysical domains.

The objective remains objective only for so long until we reach a point where our very observation impacts what we are observing in unpredictable ways. Similarly, the subjective can easily take us into never never land if we don't test the utility of what we are exploring and discovering.

In every endeavor, we make great progress when we apply our best and brightest to the task. To do this, we need to apply resources ... we need to be willing to make this exploration a worthy occupation for those with the right skills. This means establishing jobs and paying people to work in this area, towards the advancement of metaphysical knowledge, towards finding ways for spirit to be more fully expressed in flesh. This is, after all, what life is all about. It is only appropriate that this pursuit would be worthy of our time, effort, and resources.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Weave me a peaceful world is the message of the spider card in the Animal Cards deck. Indeed, it seems that this is exactly what I am here to weave ... or at least help to weave since this is an endeavor that it seems will take many. Of course, I weave my web of words. You see the threads here on these pages.

We are the vehicles through which spirit does her works in the world. As such, we are literally god incarnate ... or spirit incarnate if like me you find it difficult to relate to a concept of god.

We each do what we can with what we are given and with the circumstances that we find ourselves in. However, there is a wrinkle ... the circumstances we find ourselves in are there precisely because we create them.

Within us lie all the answers to any questions we might ask. Seek within and ye shall find all that ye need to know and more.

It is the awakened ones that will lead the way in the times ahead to a whole new way of being. They do this by demonstrating what any may do - if they apply suitable effort to knowing themselves.

Each of us have within us great gifts that are meant to be applied in service to others. It matters not what these talents are ... whatever they are they can be developed and used to serve. This takes a broadened sense of what it means to serve. Scientists serve by using their skills to pursue scientific truth and apply this for the good of mankind and the Earth. Artists serve by applying their creative skills to generate works that move people and stir their souls. Farmers serve by producing food to feed the multitudes. Craftsmen serve by creating things that people need and value: homes, furniture, cars, appliances, etc ... Health care professional serve by healing the ailments and diseases of people.

Yes, there is always a way to use ones talents to serve others. We just have to be open to what spirit moves us to do, and be creative and flexible in finding the appropriate ways. Yet it is worth the effort. There is a powerful spiritual law at work. What you give is returned unto you manyfold. It is the very act of giving that primes the pump for abundance to enter our lives.

Yes, service is the only thing that ultimately has value. This is what the expression of spirit is all about. It serves by seeing where there is need and then finding a way to fill the need. It does this everywhere at once. And it uses us as its instruments for filling the needs that it finds.

Something from the movie Contact comes to mind. Something to the effect, that in all of our journeys the only thing that we have found to combat the emptiness is one another.

"You are God's torch, that lights the way to freedom" ... hmm, that is an interesting line near the end of The Ten Commandments. 49

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Go proclaim liberty throughout the land and to all the inhabitants thereof. That was Moses final line in the movie. The sense was that both of these lines were speaking directly to me personally. This brings up the issue of whether and to what degree we as individuals within society are enslaved by the institutions within society. My sense is that we are far more enslaved than we know ourselves to be. For one thing, we are slaves to habits ... many of which we perform without even questioning why. Further, in many respects, we are slaves to an economic system that consumes much of our time and energy without really satisfying our needs in return. Something comes to mind, none are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. How true this is. If we don't even know that there are chains that bind us, we don't see any need to take action to remove the chains, even if it is within our power to do ... which indeed it is in this case. We blindly go through life unaware of what could be, accepting life for what it is, not even thinking about challenging the status quo. Am I indeed a torch for spirit, that lights the way to freedom? That is indeed a fitting image for one who would show the way to the expression of spirit in a new age.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior APRIL 2002 I am compelled to come here to write by a force that I simply cannot resist ... or more precisely, choose not to resist. And, while here, it is simply a matter of going with the flow and following consciousness wheresoever she would take me. This is clearly the most important endeavor of my life. It is my path and my journey. I can't imagine what life would be like without it.

Consciousness ever grows and evolves and we ever become more than we thought ourselves to be. This makes for a constant challenge. Being all that we can be requires effort on our part. Yet, when we are in the groove and doing it, it is the most natural thing in the world.

It is amazing how fluidly are lives flow when we are doing what we are meant to do. It is as if all of nature conspires to help us achieve what must be done. Of course this would be the case ... for it is spirit herself expressing through us that is resulting in the manifestation. There is nothing too great for her, nor anything too small. It is but for us to follow the dictates of or souls to express whom that we are in a way that is of service not only to ourselves but also to others.

What always matters is here and now, doing in the moment what can be done in the moment, and making each day count as much as we can. If we focus on taking care of the moments, one after another, the end will take care of itself, and will be far better than we have ever dreamed or imagined.

I have always been partial to great thoughts ... the greatest thoughts that have been able to come forth. My hope is that my works and the thoughts that I capture may someday be considered in this light. Probably not within my lifetime, but then again, we are living in a new age where the time delay between thought and manifestation is greatly accelerated.

Make each and every day count to its fullest. We never know how many days we are granted in this existence. They are always sufficient to do what needs to be done, but are not necessarily excessive. The bottom line is that we can't afford to waste the time we are given.

Life is a very precious gift. The most important thing we can do in our life is to find a way to be whom we truly are and give of ourselves and our abilities to the greatest degree that we can.

I expect much of myself, primarily because I know what I am capable of, and I know great gifts and talents are only given in order to be of use. I feel a deep obligation to serve my fellow man and my world.

Spirit expressing in flesh ... we are spiritual beings having a physical experience.

We can experience the creative sparks of spirit that we are and even light flames with these sparks that serve as guideposts and shining examples for others. In a very real way, this is what we are meant to do 51

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior with our lives, first find that spark within, then allow it to shine its light and do its work in service to others and the world.

Life is meant to be an adventure, at least in some aspects of our lives. Life is also meant to be a challenge, one that forces us to find ways to go beyond our concepts of ourselves.

Our minds are capable of some incredible things, if we free them from the shackles that bind them.

We must learn to harness our minds or the power is wasted on endless diversions

We must realize that our minds are far more than the conscious parts that engage in reason. Equally important, if not more important, is intuition. Reason and intuition are dual sides of the same coin. To operate from one without the other is to go through life with heavy blinders on. Without intuition, we have no compass and vehicle for creative expression. Without reason, we have no follow through and means for evaluating the relative utility of things. However, even then reason has its components. There is an objective reasoning and there is a subjective reasoning. In my experience the later is the more important of the two ... even in my position as an engineer.

Everything that happens is meant to happen; and happens by choice not by chance. Yes, the choices are made at other than conscious levels for the most part. However, they are choices nonetheless.

We get what we focus upon. In many ways, we get what we believe that we will get ... what we expect that we will get ... what we believe that we deserve to get. It is very important to feel worthy of the best that life has to offer. In particular, abundant things, relationships, challenges, and experiences.

Our responsibility is simple, to be whom that we are, and to express that as fully as we can.

Why is it that violence and war are considered to be acceptable behavior for nations of for groups of people? The whole issue of terrorism is one that throws a major wrench in the workings of international relations. When a group of people choose not to play by "the rules", what recourse does a country, society, or even the world have. What does it say about our world that fear has such power to move and affect us?

Taking a more spiritual point of view, mass reality is created by the collective beliefs of societies in the world. We are in the midst of playing out some power games that point to the need to re-evaluate how we view power in the world, and what we do to prevent the abuse of power. Terrorists do just this, they abuse power to make their point and to cause harm to their enemies or targets. They do this because they see it to be right, and feel justified in their cause. How do we change this? How do we demonstrate that such behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated in our world? One way, is to declare war on terrorism and all terrorists. This seems to be the choice we are making. However, is it a good choice in the long 52

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior term? It seems that it only treats the symptoms ... particular terrorists committing their acts. It doesn't fix the conditions that allow people to reach the extremes of belief where such behavior becomes an acceptable option. This requires dealing with more deep routed issues.

The very nature of the Aquarian Age demands more acceptance of differences and allowing of people to be whom they are.

The bottom line is that no terrorist can commit any act without an accompanying cast who agree to create and play their parts in the event. Nothing happens to any of us without an inner agreement on our part to participate. Yes, I mean nothing, no exceptions. We either create our reality or we don't. It is that black and white. My knowingness is that we co-create everything that we experience. Yes, everything.

There are no victims. At some level, we choose everything. This is extremely empowering. However, we only benefit consciously if we truly believe it. Regardless of what we believe, this is indeed how reality creation works. When it comes down to it, something Seth said comes to mind, something to the effect: it helps if your beliefs are aligned with truth, but that in no way impacts the veracity of what is true.

Our belief system is very much a garden. Some people have a lot of weeds in their garden, so many that the desired plants are choked out and have no way to grow. Other people fail to plant seeds at all, so their gardens contain no useful plants. Still others plant seeds but forget to water them. Then others fail to apply fertilizer and appropriate nutrients. If we want to live a rich and full life, we must tend to our belief garden and make sure the beliefs therein are empowering ones that truly are of service in our lives and the lives of all those whom we touch.

Abundance is our birthright. But, it does not come by itself. We have to earn it or enable it by what we believe and by how we use the gifts and talents that we have been blessed to receive. Actually, more than receive ... we chose these gifts and talents - so in a very real way, we gave them to ourselves.

The bottom line is that we are responsible for what we do and for what we experience. Further, we are responsible whether we believe that we are or not. It helps to make this responsibility conscious ... for then it gives us the opportunity to make better choices not only for the benefit of ourselves, but for the greater good of all concerned.

While I am aware that many dramas are being played out, they are not being manifest in a way that directly touches my life. In many ways, I lead a very sheltered life. As a result, many areas of the illusion we call reality simply aren't contained in my world. They are as childrens toys that I have outgrown as an adult. I have no use for them anymore.

I can only assess things based on what I have experienced and based on how this expression compares with the expression of others. I compare not from a standpoint of judging whether something is better or worse, rather from whether there is a similarity or a resonance. 53

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior We truly live in an information age. At no time in history have we had such ready access to so much information. The challenge becomes how to filter the information into a manageable set that is directly relevant and important to our lives. If we don't filter enough ... we become subject to information overload. If we filter too much, we base our decisions on less than a full deck, so to speak.

Information processing is a major activity in our lives. The more skills we develop in this area, the more powerful we are in the information age and the more useful we are to ourselves, our society, and our world. Some of us are information generators. Others categorize and classify information to make it more readily available. Still others analyze information to find the depths of its meaning.

Spirit is ever present in my expression. She guides all that I do. She leads me to exactly where I need to be, and moves me to do what it is that she needs done. In a manner, I am her servant. I speak of being the her-mit, the mit of her, the glove that she wears. I am the means through which she can do her works in the world. These very pages are part of her works. It is a mystery to me as to how they are generated.

What you see here is consciousness expressing through me to whatever degree that she can based on my ability to serve as a conduit for her energy. That is not to say that I don't have a life of my own. However, this expression is a major part of that life by conscious choice. I choose to make myself available for this communication, one because it brings me great joy and I feel fulfilled in doing it, and two because I feel that it will ultimately make a difference in the world. And, for life to have real meaning, it must make a statement or make a difference.

I must lead a life of purpose ... in fact, of great purpose. There I go again, grandiosity rearing its head. But, what and how am I supposed to think given what I know of whom that I AM? How can I be other than grandiose? At least I am not selfish about it, and have a strong desire to use my gifts to serve society and the world as best I can.

Each of us have our unique gifts and talents, and a purpose that makes use of these in some way that serves. It matters not how many we serve. It only matters that we serve to the best of our abilities. In return, we should live an abundant life in which all of our needs are met. This does not mean there won't be dramas and challenges to overcome. In all likelihood, there will. However, when we maintain a spiritual focus, all such challenges bring their own gifts. There is always something to learn from every experience. It is for us to choose to learn our lesson in joy.

The more aware we become, the more we are able to behave as the true spiritual beings that we are.

There are hard rules and soft rules. Hard rules apply to everyone incarnate and simply cannot be broken while we are in flesh. Soft rules, however, can be bent and even broken if necessary. It is for us to discover what the rules are, and which are hard versus which are soft. Further, it may take a good deal of training to develop the abilities necessary to allow us to break the soft rules.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior In a very real way, all of existence is played out as dreams in the mind of God.

We spend our time in the dream world of daily reality. We spend our no time, in the realm of sleep ... and the unconscious frontier of spirit. This communication is my bridge between the two, between an inner world that simply knows, and this outer dream, this illusion we call reality. Perhaps that is why I find this communication so fascinating. It offers a glimpse of the real that lies in the heart of the unknown.

I've said before that I come to create community ... common unity within society.

Spirit is all around us at all times. There is nothing private, or secret, or hidden. She knows our every thought and action. She moves us and inspires us ... or can do so, if we are open to allowing her active presence in our lives.

I cannot imagine living anything but a live of spirit, a life of service to consciousness and ultimately to the society in which I live. However, the service needs to be on my terms, or more precisely on spirits terms, since she is crucial to this expression that I AM.

There is a natural progression from unconscious incompetence to conscious incompetence to conscious competence to unconscious competence. Though, it seems the first step may be far more competent than we know. Our souls know exactly what they are doing. However, what counts in this existence is making it physical. We are here to express spirit in flesh to the degree that we can, but it has to be in flesh.

Some of us lose sight of that fact and become far too engrossed in our mental creations. However, these too are in flesh. Ideas are physical, they have their counterparts in brain cells and neural firings. Yet, if that is all they do ... they are not having the world impact that they could. Ideas should ultimately excite us to action, to building the foundations necessary for the greater expression of spirit both individual and collectively, and to moving us to more fully express whom that we are. Society always benefits from such expression. It seems crucial that we do what it takes to encourage and facilitate such expression.

The greatest gift we can give to the world is to fully share whom that we are in whatever manner we find appropriate for us.

I still firmly believe that the basic principle of communism, from each in accord with their abilities, to each in accord with their need is the most succinct statement of spiritual economics ever pronounced. The fact that the infrastructure has never been established that permits this social contract to be realized does not deter from its power and its validity. What this does suggest is that perhaps it is time to turn the tides and make spirituality an integral component of every aspect of our lives including the state and the economy. No, I am not arguing for a 55

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior state religion. In fact, I am not arguing for religion at all. From what I have seen, most religions are too exclusive to embrace our individual liberties and freedoms. Spirituality has nothing to do with religion ... though when operating at their finest, religions do facilitate the individual and collective expression of spirit.

My hope is that the world will be a better place because I have lived. A noble hope, and yes an audacious one. However, what is life if not a place to realize dreams. The bigger the dream the better.

Someone once told me, if you see a task that need to be done, and you have the skills to do it, then it is yours to do. However, this is not quite right, since the task may not fully engage us, and there may be others with the necessary skills as well. Buckminster Fuller said something to the effect that the tasks that are yours to do are the ones that you see need to be done that no one else seems to see need doing. What an interesting challenge.

It seems that no matter how big I make my concept of self, it is not sufficient to contain what is able to be expressed next. However, it is the very process of coming to know myself that allows this expression to occur. My hope is that this record will light the way for others as well. But, even if it is only for me ... for my eyes only ... how wonderful and personal spiritual expression can be.

I am whom that I AM for a purpose. I have a destiny to fulfill. My works to date are simply the starting point, a mere sample of what is to come. There is a sense that I am entering an outward cycle of expression. This started when the writings began. That was the beginning of the outward flow. Actually, it may have been two years later when the Beyond Imagination web site was created and the works were made available to others.

There is something to learn from all that the empirical sciences have given us ... especially over the past century. There is nothing to stop us from applying the techniques that work in this domain to the occult sciences and the study of the mind and spirit. It doesn't take long to reach the unknowns in the occult sciences.

I explore what I am moved to explore. Spirit guides me every step of the way. I believe that I am finding things that no one has found before. I am definitely experiencing and expressing consciousness in a bold new way. I do it because I enjoy it and find it fascinating. What value it will have in the long run remains to be seen. My hope is that I have done my part to make the world a better place because I have lived. My life will run its course as it will. My destiny will be manifest.

“The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose”. That came from The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. Indeed, it speaks a very profound truth. However, it is up to us to find that purpose. It is unique for each one of us. Further, it requires that we use the unique gifts and talents that we have in the service of others.

What good is it to be free if you don't explore what could be. The status quo may be good enough for the masses. But, it is not good enough for me. I know there is a better way to live, a way imbued with spirit. 56

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior As a nation, we have accomplished a lot in the 226 years since we declared our independence. However, we have yet to take the next step and declare our cooperative interdependence. This is just as revolutionary of a step ... though it will not take a war to get us there. It takes an awakening, a collective realization that in a complex world, the only way we can truly thrive is to choose to cooperate fully with one another and to recognize just how interdependent that we are on one another and on the collective whole.

Society is an entity, one that is just as real as any individual; one that is born, learns, grows, experiences, and creates. We need to start seeing ourselves in the context of how we fit into that society, that larger whole of which we are part. Our actions need to consider not only our own interests but the interest of others and the common good.

This is not meant to be oppressive to individual freedom, it is merely to ensure that we act in a manner that fulfills our obligation. By being born into a society, and being entitled to the blessing that society offers ... we also inherit a spiritual obligation to apply ourselves in service to that society in some manner that uses our special abilities and talents. Many people don't recognize that there is a spiritual component to our existence hence do not see that such an obligation exists. However, this does not matter. It exists whether we believe that it does or not.

Knowing thyself involves being able to explain whom and what I AM. The best place to start on this path is through metaphysical books. They point to the answers that have been found by all those who have walked before us. They are the physical, written record, of where some of the greatest beings that have expressed in flesh have ventured. I consider my works in this august company ... though I am still young by Earth standards. Yes, the egotism pops through again, but how else do I account for what has been able to be expressed through me in the past 9 years?

When the Beyond Imagination writings started in 1993, the experience was Beyond Mind ... beyond any part of my mind that I was conscious of anyway. I don't know how else I can explain it. In the course of several months, I awoke as if from a deep sleep and was suddenly aware in a way that I had never been before. That awareness has remained with me ever since. It allows me to experience consciousness, above and beyond what the mind itself knows. Now, this awareness is integrated into nearly every aspect of my life. It is as if a light has been turned on, allowing me to see things that were formerly in the darkness or in the shadows. The light came from deep within ... not from any outside source. I realized it to be my connection to the ONE consciousness that animates us all.

There is a collective consciousness that is the source of all the sparks of consciousness that are expressing in the world. The sparks see themselves as separated and isolated from one another. Most don't realize the source from which they spring ... the source which sustains them at all times. However, lack of knowledge of the truth, does not change the nature of the truth one iota. It helps if our beliefs are aligned with spiritual truth, but that is not a necessity for living ... it is a necessity for right living in which we strive to fulfill the purposes for which we came.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Living is a process, a journey, not a destination. It is good to remember that and to find ways to smell the roses and enjoy the journey. Further, it helps to make it an adventure. Your life after all is your most important masterpiece. Yes, masterpiece ... you are creating every aspect of it. If you don't like what you are experiencing, then claim your responsibility and do what it takes to change it.

You may argue that you don't have time ... that your days and weeks are far too busy already. However, take a hard look at how you expend the 24 hours per day and 168 hours per week that you are allotted. No one gets any more or any less than anyone else when it comes to time. To begin with, start to treat every moment as precious. One never knows when that moment will be ones last. Make every moment of every day count. Examine where you are spending your time. In many ways this is more important than how you are spending your money. Are you doing things that you love to do? Are you making a difference in your world via your actions. Are you happy and fulfilled and enjoying the journey. If not, then step back and take a look from a higher perspective. What are the things that truly matter in your life? How can you find way to engage in them more, or in a better, more productive way? This does not mean spend every free moment working. It does mean be aware of what you are doing and not doing, and the consequences of both your action and inaction. Yes, your reality is shaped as much by what you choose not to do as by what you do.

Information is that way. Sometimes it is correct, sometimes it is wrong, sometimes it is simply unknown as to whether it is correct or wrong. Hmm ... yes, no, unknown. It seems that we live in at least a three state world ... even more if we allow shades of gray in place of unknown. It is in this later state where most of our life is lived. Truth is black and white. Something is true or it is false. However, the unknown is the playground of beliefs. It is here that we engage our creative energies in search of meaning and purpose, and in activities aligned with that purpose.

We need to establish infrastructures that allow people to discover, develop, and be whom that they truly are. This is what results in the greatest individual contribution to society, and collectively what results in the greatest spiritual expression in the world.

By giving each individual what they need to be whom that they truly are, society as a whole reaches levels unimagined.

We are truly creating a new world order, a body in which individuals are the cells. They have always been, however the organization wasn't there to permit higher level spiritual functions to manifest. Just as the human brain permitted a higher level of self consciousness to manifest, the collective mind will permit a higher level of social consciousness to manifest ... not at the cost of individual liberty, rather by truly freeing individuals to be all that they can be in service to something greater than themselves.

The collective consciousness has found ways to leak through over the ages. There have always been lightbearers among us who have awakened to whom that they are and found the source within. No, there numbers have not been great, but they have given us the best spiritual teachings that could be expressed at the time. The Aquarian Age is a whole new chapter in the story. It is a chapter in which spiritual expression reaches a whole new level in this world. Note that I did not say religious expression. I have 58

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior no place for that in my life. Though some of the New Thought churches express themes that are very metaphysical, ... inclusive and tolerant of the beliefs and paths of others.

There is only so much that I can do as a lone wolf in the wilderness. Yet, it seems that there is still a lot that I can do as the mit of her (the her-mit), the glove that consciousness wears. In a very real way, this is my experience. It is as if I am simply one of the gloves on the hand of consciousness through which she is able to touch, express, and impact the world. “You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. Someday I hope you'll join us, and the world will be as ONE.” Yes, I am a dreamer ... dreaming of a utopia that I believe we are ready to build, one in which every individual has their rightful place, performing the mission that they came forth from the depths of consciousness to perform, one in which every individual is given the opportunity of having their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs met.

We have not even taken responsibility for ensuring that physical needs are met and that no one lives below the "poverty line". This is something that we choose to do. It doesn't just happen. God doesn't just take care of it. After all, why should God do what is fully within our power to do for ourselves ... perhaps not individually, but definitely collectively. Besides, that is how spirit does her work anyway ... by expressing through us.

There is one consciousness that animates us all. We all spring forth from that same source. This consciousness learns as we learn, expresses as we express, experiences as we experience. Yet as the collective consciousness, it is far more than any of these parts.

Each of us contains a spark of that consciousness within us. For some, this spark is hidden under untold layers of clothes whose fabric is our very belief systems. For others, this spark is as a candle, partially lighting the way. For still others, this spark is as a torch lighting not only their way, but the way of many others that come into their circle as well. Whatever state you are in, self work and service is the way to take it to a whole new level. And in the end, what truly matters is who we have become and how we have shared this with others in our world.

These notes allow you to experience what this mind has thought and what this awareness has experienced as reality. It is probably not very similar to your own ... but that does not mean that it is invalid in any way. One thing that it has done for me is to continually force me to expand my concepts of self, reality, consciousness, and spirit to account for all that I have experienced. Through it all, there has remained one big mystery ... namely how any of this could come forth and be expressed in this manner at all.

It is appropriate that this would be a stream of consciousness endeavor. This requires that I exert no control over it and simply allow it to flow where it will. I anxiously await what comes forth, trusting that 59

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior the process of consciousness expressing is the most natural process that there is. I feel no need to go back and organize, edit, or prune what has come forth.

The computer serves to augment my memory ... allowing me to re-experience specific sequences of words and the ideas they convey whenever I choose to do so. Further, the WWW allows me to extend this "memory" to others and in effect to share of whom that I AM in as intimate of a way as I can at the moment. There is something powerful about this expression for me. It reveals that I know things beyond what my years on the planet would seem to indicate.

There is a sense that this is not home to me. I am a traveler on a specific mission, tasting of earthly delights, but not consumed by them. My mission lies in the spiritual domain, building the foundations for a new world in a new age. Venus in Pisces suggests that I have a general love for all the world, but that this rarely manifests as a specific love for particular individuals.

I share freely here ... but I have found personal relationships far less than satisfying. There is too much time spent on things that simply aren't important to me personally. Yes, that may be selfish, but if something doesn't contribute to allowing me to better understand my self and the nature of spirit expressing in flesh ... it simply doesn't pass my interest filters. Just noticed for the first time that self is embedded in fles-h in reverse. The meaning seems to be that from flesh we have to look within to find "self". Interesting.

We are all in some sense leading the lives we are meant to lead ... living under the circumstances that we have called unto us via our beliefs, our choices, and our actions. That does not mean that as a society we can't choose to make this better for everyone. Indeed, we can, such is clearly within our collective power especially in the new age.

In general, I am not interested in how something affects others, except perhaps for the things that I do and for the few others in my circle of acquaintances. My sense is that by understanding my self ... I will understand the world. It is curious that I am highly concerned about society, and building the infrastructures that better support individuals in finding and being whom that they are. It is as if I take personal responsibility for my world, not just for my life. There is a sense that if I don't do it, who will? There is a sense that in some way, this is what I came to do; this is my purpose: to facilitate the expression of spirit in flesh. My primary means of doing this is by being whom that I AM as completely as I can; demonstrating by example what living a spiritual life is all about.

Ideas have power, great power when we understand them and base our actions upon them.

I discovered this weekend, the real power of books, or the written word. They are conducive to deep study. We can readily go over them again and again to ferret out the meaning relevant to us. Tapes and videos do not strike us in the same manner. Yes, we can listen to or watch them again and again. But, somehow it is not the same as the written word. One benefit of the electronic media of the WWW is the power to search quickly for material of interest. Physical books are not as conducive to this. 60

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior My experience has been that regardless of how difficult the process, indeed I am better off as a result of going through it. The end result is that my concept of Self is expanded in ways I never dreamed possible ... and the person I become is more capable of expressing whom that I AM. There is a sense that each awakening unlocks a new door within me, allowing me to find another room or set of rooms within the mansion that is my greater Self.

The mansion of Self is a great analogy. For indeed, that is what it is, a mansion of many rooms that we are here to explore and use in service to our fellow man, to our world, and to all life.

Such is how life works best, we operate in the now, taking whatever step is most appropriate at this instance ... then take one step after another, until we get to wherever we are headed. Actually, it is not clear that the destination is important at all. What counts is that we follow the path that seems right to us, and that we enjoy the journey as much as we can.

As a wayshower, I am here to blaze the trail ... hopefully in a manner that lights the way for others. Exactly who follows in my footsteps, I may never need to know. And to some degree, it is not for me to care. Those who are meant to follow will find the way to the markers that I have left and will follow them to whatever degree feels right to them.

There is something appealing about operating open loop in the realm of the unknown. There is a great pleasure to it, at least for me.

One thing about being special, however, along with the gifts comes the responsibility to use them in service to all mankind, and moreover, all the world. My sense is that my expression to date demonstrates my sincere desire to be of service ... to assist as much as I can in allowing spirit to be more fully expressed in flesh.

At this point what matters is here and now, in this very place and moment. This is the only place that I exist. It is the only place that I can express. It is the only place where I can make a difference in this world. And, making a great difference is clearly in the cards, so to speak.

As Celine Dion says in her new song ... A New Day Has Come! My first reaction is finally. “I was waiting for so long, for a miracle to come.” That covers it very well indeed ... for a new age is definitely the equivalent of a miracle. It is a major shift in consciousness and in the manner in which spirit is able to express. We'll see soon enough just how powerful of a shift, and we'll see it on a number of fronts simultaneously. It may seem as if the foundations of the world are starting to crumble, which indeed they are. It is up to us to step in and create new ones to replace them ... foundations that are far more supportive in allowing us to be whom that we truly are as individuals, and that facilitate the greater collective expression of spirit in flesh as well.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior It is an exciting time to be alive ... it truly is. The potential is simply awesome. The nature of the vibrations that are expressing is extremely powerful. Manifestation is about to become child's play, in ways that are Beyond Imagination.

We are becoming more than we have ever been before. The question is, how will we use what we have become? In particular, how will we apply ourselves in service to our society and our world? It is perfectly fine to consider our own needs as we do this. However, the greatest good comes when we consider the benefit to society along with the benefit to us as individuals when we make our decisions and take action.

We are part of the collective, no matter how individual we may think ourselves to be. As such, we have an obligation. We should see this not as a damper on our freedom ... rather, it is the collective that provides the infrastructure in which we can experience the very freedoms that we enjoy.

I choose to unencumber my self from the chains which bind me ... chains which I have chosen to bear of my own free will in the past, but which I no longer desire to be subject to. As I desire, so be it. This is my reality. It is both my right and my responsibility to create it as I will. Yes, as I will. It is time for this to be a conscious endeavor.

In a very real way, my family is the family of man ... actually more than this, the circle of life, the hoop that never ends. Yes, I firmly believe that my life is to have world impact. It is not clear that it is really doing this yet. However, I only started expressing a little over 9 years ago ... so, in many respects, I am still very much a youth.

These are either the musings of a madman, or of one who has awakened. My sense is that it is the later. It is obvious to me that there is a high degree of spiritual content to this expression. It is also obvious that things are expressed beyond what I should rightly know from this existence alone. They reveal that there is indeed an ancient soul expressing through this body and this mind. Not that I don't have my own challenges and lessons to learn. However, most of these seem to be spiritual in nature.

I am more than willing to apply myself in service to spirit and society ... however, I desire that this be in a manner that I freely choose, a manner that allows me to be all that I AM, and use all of my skills and talents.

I believe that there is a spiritual economy operating behind and beyond the present world economy. In the spiritual economy, we are given everything that we need physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually in return for the services that we provide. Our service is what primes the prosperity pump. The more service, the more prosperity ... it is that simple.

The optimum social contract is:


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior from each in accord with their abilities, to each in accord with their needs. Yes, this is one of the key tenets of communism. However, it is also one of the basic principles of right living within any community. What does it take to get people to realize this? ... to realize that we are interdependent on one another, no matter how independent we might like to be ... to realize that cooperative interdependence is the optimum expression of spirit for the whole, as well as for each individual.

I come across as highly egotistical and full of myself. And, perhaps that is true. However, I am forced to deal with a reality that few have experienced. Without a solid knowledge of self and a strong confidence in whom that I AM, it is not clear that I could handle this.

The measure of a person however is not meant to be in comparison to another. What is important is how what we are measures up to what we could be. That is, how close we are to living up to our full potential.

In a world that is ONE, there can be no true separation and independence. Interdependence is a fact of life. In this, it doesn't matter what we believe. We are connected to one another and to all life for that matter. It helps if we act from a knowingness that this is so ... choosing to be cooperatively interdependent and consciously contributing and doing our fair share by applying whom that we are in service in some way.

I barely have memory of this existence, and clearly not the details. This expression is my way of capturing and sharing a memory of this existence. It is an extended snapshot of where one consciousness has been. It is unlike anything else that I have read. It definitely touches me deeply. My hope is that it does this to you as well ... resonating with you and perhaps even lighting a spark within. That is all I can ask ... to show you a bit of whom that you are as well.

Each moment lost can never be recovered. Yet, at the same time, there needs to be a sense of spontaneity and an everpresent element of fun. Life is not meant to be taken too serious. It is a game that we are playing. And games are meant to be enjoyed.

No matter where we look, what we see is the expression of spirit in flesh.

Spirit already knows how to remedy or make any situation flow more easily and readily. We have only to follow her lead and do what she moves us to do.

It is interesting how life unfolds. It definitely reveals that there is a higher level plan in motion operating behind the scenes. Yes, scenes ... this is a play after all, a very complex and convoluted one, but a play nonetheless.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Our beliefs set the framework for what thoughts we will experience. From there, it is our choice which thoughts we pay attention to; and even more important, which thoughts we base our actions on.

No one person is sufficient to manifest what spirit would express in our world in this new age. So, instead we will see the rise of a set of world servers who come to be the wayshowers and teachers among us that guide us through the transition period into the new age. The prime characteristic of such servers will be the absence of ego in their expression. Their level of awareness will be such that the very sense of identity is blurred by a sense of unity and oneness with all.

There is never anything beyond what I can cope with and handle. Though I have been pushed to the very edge of sanity on far more than one occasion. But then, what is sanity anyway? Most people presented with what I believe would probably judge me to be a lunatic already.

My sole goal is to enable the greater expression of spirit in flesh both on an individual as well as a collective basis. Nothing else matters. I do this by maximizing the flow of spirit through me, by walking my talk and serving as a living example for others, and by doing what I can to facilitate building the foundations for a new world.

It is always great to encounter knowledge from new sources, especially when they are sources that many do not accept as valid. One judges information by how it feels inside, and by utility. We use whatsoever we find useful so long as it remains useful ... and we stay open to all sources that may come into our lives.

Spirit does her works through us. She expresses what needs to express through us. She moves us to do what needs to be done. She asks us to answer the call of spirit within us to be all that we can be. However, it is up to us to answer the call ... and to do those tasks that are ours to do.

Our lives are meant to be challenging to us ... providing us with the opportunities to be the best that we can be.

Making a difference in a manner that uses all that I AM is what counts in life. One open issue is whether in blazing the trail I am even meant to see those who would follow. Perhaps the real impact that I have on the world will come after rather than during my journey on this planet. Something said through me in 1993 comes to mind ... something to the effect that I would not be here to see the fruits of my efforts. That is indeed a possibility? After all, how many before me have been said to be ahead of their time.

It is far easier to get things done by working together than by working apart, potentially at odds to one another.

So, how do we decide what is worth giving our life and our time to? How do we decide where we can get the most bang for the buck both individually and collectively? For the individually, the answer is clearly 64

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior look within. For the collective, it seems the answer may be the same, except that it requires the skills of individuals who can look within to find the needs of organizations or even society as a whole.

I was reading part of A Course in Miracles yesterday. One thing that struck me as significant was the statement to the effect that this is a mandatory course for everyone ... only where and when we take the course is left to choice. This is an interesting way of looking at the agenda of our life. What other events are on the agenda? Can we find out about these before they come up? Can we choose the timing of when we experience events so that the energies of the universe are at our disposal and aid?

In my own life ... it is my metaphysical education that has mattered the most. This came by following the urge from spirit within to those books that I needed to read to be exposed to the ideas necessary to open my mind to new possibilities. It seems that spirit knew exactly what I needed when to further my growth as a sentient spiritual being. I still have most of the books that I was moved to read. They serve as constant reminders of where my mind and consciousness has been. Some go as far back as the early 70's when my journey started to move into the metaphysical domain. I have not had any physical teachers in this domain, nor any inner teachers that come across as separate entities. Spirit herself has been my direct source of inspiration and guidance. She speaks to me and through me as no other in my life. Further, she speaks both as a voice within, and as messages embedded in the symbols that I see in the world.

Our beliefs need to be tested and challenged on occasion to allow us to determine whether they are truly useful to our lives. This is especially true for beliefs that restrict whom that we are and what responses we can take to the circumstances and events of our lives.

We create our reality ... every moment of it, primarily through our belief systems. To change our reality, that is the place to start, with our beliefs. We are always free to believe whatever we choose to believe. However, to effectively use this freedom, we must realize that we have it by virtue of the very nature of whom that we are as a spiritual being expressing and experiencing in flesh. The freedom of belief is far more powerful than the freedom of speech.

What you do is far more powerful than what you say. Ultimately, it is our actions which define us; and, in particular, determine if we are living up to whom that we are and being all that we can be. Thoughts count, beliefs count even more, but actions are where we truly make a difference.

My realizations are the realizations of consciousness as she manifests through me.

That is all that is asked of anyone and everyone ... simply to be the best that we can be, whatever that might be. We do this by finding and doing that which we love to do. Yes, it is that simple ... and that difficult. If it were not difficult, far more people would be doing it.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Each day provides its opportunities and its challenges. We can choose to accept them and the gifts that they offer, or avoid them and thus put them off for another day.

To create a masterpiece of our lives, we must work with the paints of beliefs. These are the building blocks that result in everything that we see and experience.

Ideas are powerful ... especially ideas that move us to act in a new way. My hope is that I have shared ideas that impact you in this way, that cause you to see things in a different light and do things in a different way.

Reality creation is a process that we are constantly engaged in ... not only as experiencers, but as observers and creators.

Be bold and decide, and then the forces of the universe will come to your aid. What must be done ultimately will be done. There is a destiny that is unfolding ... a spiritual destiny as well as our individual destinies.

At least twice now, I've emerged from cocoons of consciousness and spread my wings and flew. Each time there was an intense sense of freedom and an ability to soar to new realms of experience.

If we are not learning and growing, creating and expressing, and being of service to one another and to the society in which we live ... we might as well not be alive at all.

To live life without regrets, we need to make each moment of each day count, we need to make sure that the world is a better place as a result of our presence and our life.

Never take more than you give is one of the prime spiritual directives. We need to make sure that this sacred balance is maintained. Every generosity, every act of kindness, every act of service is like making a deposit into the account. Each time we take something, we make a withdrawal. The goal is to have a positive balance at all times, and a highly positive balance to the degree that we can. That doesn't mean that every minute and every action has to be expended in service. Though some do choose that extreme and lead happy fulfilling lives. However, it does mean we have to make an effort. Living a spiritual life is natural, or it should be ... in fact, the most natural thing in the world. After all, we are spiritual beings first and foremost, no matter how much we may have lost sight of this fact.

Service is the key ingredient out of which abundance is manifest ... an abundance that encompasses the whole world, and abundance that operates on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior The musings provide a day by day record of where one consciousness has gone. Hopefully, it is interesting enough to captivate you as it has me. If not, oh well ... it has done what it needs to do anyway. I cannot be concerned about the ultimate impact of this expression. It will be whatever it is. It is but for me to trust enough in the nature of spirit to allow it to flow forth as it will.

"So let it be written, so let it be done" is a powerful phrase from that time, at least as expressed in the movie The Ten Commandments. It was enough to send shivers down my spine when I heard it. This points to the power of the written word to impact the reality that is created for a society.

All answers to anything I could possibly ask are there within me. Sometimes it is very deep within me, so it may take awhile to find. However, when I am ready to ask, that is generally the sign that the answer is needed and is near. It is simply a matter of paying attention and allowing it to appear.

We are meant to be and express whom that we are, in our full glory. We are grand beings, we truly are. We are gods in flesh, creating the very reality that we experience. No, most do not believe this yet, preferring to see the many limitations they perceive as real. However, this does not make them so. When our beliefs are in error, the reality we experience is illusion ... and, in particular does not conform to our true nature. We fix this by working with our beliefs, eliminating those that limit rather than serve us, and replacing them with more empowering beliefs.

My concern is for society as a whole, and how to facilitate the expression of spirit in flesh on a collective basis. Ultimately, this will benefit each individual as well. It just seems more effective to deal with the core infrastructures so that large groups can be freed to express more fully and have the opportunities for getting all of their needs met, on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

I sit here in the middle, at the juncture between the world that lies within me and the world that lies outside of me. My focus is still on the inner. That is where the dreams are real ... the dreams of an ideal society, an ideal world, an ideal economy; a place where individuals can be whom that they are and can willingly enter into cooperative interdependent relationships and organizations that foster the greatest good of all. Note, this is not the greatest good for the most, or for the majority ... it is for all.

We are the cells of an entity far greater than any of us as individuals. Actually it may not even be necessary for us to make physical contact to allow us to work together. Simply being aware of one anothers work and being moved by it may be enough.

Why is the flow of consciousness through me so much more important than the flow of consciousness through others? It is not necessarily more important, it is simply different because so much more effort goes into recording it and making it available to the world.

I am moving toward a destiny that is inescapable. It is what my whole life has prepared me for. It is why I came into this existence. No, there is no one that is telling me this. It is an internal sense ... a feeling that my life is on a course that was laid out well before I was born. I knew coming in what I would be up 67

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior against. I knew what hurdles, obstacles, and challenges I would have to face. I knew what talents I would be given and what skills and abilities I would have to develop. And, I knew that I was up to facing all that my life would have to offer. However, I forgot what I knew as a condition for entering this existence.

My life is meant to be an example. I chose the path of the seeker and wayshower, venturing into the unknowns of consciousness and bringing back and sharing whatever I find. As you can tell, I've been moved to do a lot of sharing ... but in my own way. In fact, for the most part, I don't even know with whom I have shared.

So who am I that I should have such an important mission? Who am I to think that my life is somehow more important than that of others? Who am I to think that I am my aware than others? Why is it that I must believe that my life will have such great benefit to society? Who am I to be so full of myself? Who am I to think that I may be more spiritual or more capable than others? How can I have the audacity to believe such things? All that I can say is that I have expended great effort for nearly three decades to come to know myself, and to express whom that I AM as fully as I can. These very words, this very expression attests to that.

My beliefs are extreme, to the point where my very sanity might be questioned. I have allowed metaphysics to become an obsession in my life ... something that consumes large portions of my attention and my time. Yet, if one is to be obsessed, one could do far worse than to be obsessed by expressing spirit in flesh. I have spent untold hours allowing an unknown portion of me to express as it will in this stream of consciousness fashion. What makes me think that there is anything of ultimate value? I only know that the expression moves me.

Special abilities generally mean one is responsible to use those abilities effectively in service to society in some way. It doesn't matter what specific talents and abilities one has. There is always a way to develop them and apply them in a manner that serves oneself and others.

The words flow forth ... that which was unseen becomes seen ... the unmanifested becomes manifest. Out of nothing, comes a creative expression of consciousness. The process is magical. I am engaged in the dance of consciousness. She animates and moves me. She restoreth my soul. She leads me to exactly where I need to be. She moves me to be all that I can be ... to awaken before there is light, and to express well into the night. She touches me deeply. She allows me to see and feel as I have never seen and felt before. She has had more impact on my life than anyone or anything. Who is she? Good question. She is the muse, the source of all inspiration. She is my very soul, the spark of consciousness that connects me to the ONE. Her beauty is everywhere, both in the manifest and the unmanifest. Her ways are subtle yet she has great strength. She is creativity personified. I have complete trust in her and would follow her guidance anywhere.

Reality is unfolding in my life exactly as it is meant to be experienced. I have no right to second guess any of it. Rather there is a deep trust in the very nature of consciousness and its expression. At the same time, there is a recognition, and an awareness that it is within my power to do things differently and to manifest new experiences and thereby create a new reality. 68

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Many writers have an intent and a message to convey. Their craft has taught them how to structure words to convey the intended message and meaning to the audience they have targeted. These words are not like that. I don't know that I would consider myself to be a writer ... though many words are indeed expressed through me.

Why is that line ... for your eyes only ... so haunting to me? Why does it send shivers through my body? Why is there a sense that it is meant to convey something important to me? Can I truly be so special that consciousness would express to me in the manner that she does? How much of what I see and experience is unique to me? All the synchronicities, and all the meanings embedded in symbol systems ... how much of these are for my eyes only?

My happiness depends on expressing whom that I AM fully and openly and in the process doing what I came here to do. I have a general understanding of what that is ... but the specifics are hidden, to be unveiled as my life unfolds.

It is amazing what we can do when we are committed to something.

I am animated in a way that is fresh and new. I am a man with a mission. There is passion in my life ... something I care deeply about even if it is somewhat nebulous; being and expressing whom that I AM and helping others to do the same, so that we can jointly cocreate the foundations for a New World.

Cooperative interdependent relationships are the means for generating synergy that can be used to create truly great things. This is how we build a better world. We find those whom we are meant to work with, we enter into mutually supportive relationships, and we collectively do what we are moved by spirit to do.

Our world is far too complex for any form of centralized control to work. Responsibility is distributed to the furthest reaches where decisions can be made effectively.

Spirit already has organizational structure in place. The mass media, films, television, radio, music, the internet, and even magazines and newspapers allow communications to reach the populace. Further, there is a direct inner connection to source that moves each of us whether we are conscious of it or not.

We are ONE! One world, one race, one people, one entity, one civilization, one consciousness ... There must be a recognition, a realization of this simple yet great truth. What we do to another, we ultimately do to ourselves, for others are only another aspect of us.

The sooner we recognize that there is an intricate web in which we are all part and via which we are all interconnected to others, the sooner we will be able to fix some of the dire problems experienced by many on this planet. 69

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior We never experience anything that we are not meant to experience. Every experience bears its gifts ... though it may be a challenge to find them.

Every challenge has a gift for you in its hands. Great challenges bring great rewards.

What needs to be realized will be realized when the time is right. It will be unveiled in a manner that leaves no doubt. The sense is that there is no hurry. There is plenty of time to do everything that needs to be done. Though, on the other hand, it seems that there is a limit ... and that time should not be wasted. Then again, what is wasteful to one can easily be helpful or beneficial to another. This we have to judge on our own.

We know when we are doing our best, and when we are being our best. This is what we need to be concerned about ... expressing whom that we are as best we can. In the end, that is all that matters ... whom that we are, and more importantly, what we do. Yes, it is what we do that makes all the difference in the world.

Everything has its place and its purpose in our lives. Everything is there for a reason. Everything contributes to whom that we are and what we can express in the world. We are meant to lead extraordinary lives. We truly are. Settling for any less than this is selling not only ourselves short, but those whom our lives touch as well.

The greatest good we can do is to fully express whom that we are, openly and wholeheartedly. Yes, that is the key ... living with our whole heart.

This is what my life has come to ... following trails of connections between symbols in hope of discovering the gifts of meaning that they have to offer me. I don't know anyone else who does this, so there is no one with whom to compare notes and share techniques. Surely, I cannot be the only one to see things in this manner. Surely, there are others in the midst of such discoveries who speak similar languages. Perhaps it is time to learn something of the more traditional metaphysical languages and find a way to relate these to my own understanding. Perhaps I can contribute something by approaching these disciplines from a new perspective.

We have our own experience, but that is subject to the quirks of memory. That is one valuable thing about this expression. It records much about my inner world and inner life that is not generally recorded in such a fashion. As such, I have over eight years of records of a consciousness experiencing major transitions. Yes, for a few of those years, the record is somewhat sparse. However, for several of these years, there is a wealth of information to pull from and analyze. I knew there was a reason that I was compelled to express in this manner. In a very real way it is whom that I AM. The whole purpose of many metaphysical disciplines is simply this ... to help us to know whom that we are and to express that effectively. We have our own experience, but that is subject to the quirks of memory. That is one valuable thing about this expression. It records much about my inner world and inner life that is not generally recorded in such a fashion. As such, I have over eight years of records of a consciousness experiencing 70

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior major transitions. Yes, for a few of those years, the record is somewhat sparse. However, for several of these years, there is a wealth of information to pull from and analyze. I knew there was a reason that I was compelled to express in this manner. In a very real way it is whom that I AM. The whole purpose of many metaphysical disciplines is simply this ... to help us to know whom that we are and to express that effectively.

So, it seems that my own life is my laboratory. It is where I explore the very fabric of consciousness.

I have come to accept myself as I am, in all my glory, and with all my faults. I am spirit expressing in flesh as fully as I can in this moment, given my talents and my level of awareness. This is not true only for me, it is true of everyone. We are all doing the best we can under the present circumstances that we find ourselves within. It helps if we take responsibility for these circumstances. Further, it helps greatly if we understand that we attract and create the very circumstances that we experience.

We are powerful creators, albeit for the most part at other than conscious levels. However, that doesn't change the facts ... we create our own reality, in many cases as much by what we choose not to do as by what we do.

Numerology is a significant tool in how I discover meaning in my world. Yes, my world, because the place where I spend much of my time and focus most of my attention is indeed a world of my own imagination. Yes, it is representative of the real world, at least as close as it can be given my present state of awareness.

I am meant to be a trailblazer. That is my nature. I find the unknown, go forth and experience, and bring back and express whatever I find to the degree that I can. I do this because this is what I am called and moved to do. It is how I express and come to know whom that I AM.

It is interesting to watch the plan of consciousness unfold. Indeed, there is such a plan ... and it is manifesting at all levels from the individual to the whole world, and perhaps even to multiple worlds that extend far into the galaxy and beyond.

Consciousness exists everywhere. It composes and animates everything. It gives us life and awareness.

Further, much of the freedom is exerted at other than conscious levels ... so that while we have free will technically, we do not necessarily experience it consciously. In believing otherwise, we deceive ourselves and further limit our experience of reality.

I am on the verge of being out of control. I'm not there yet, but the sense is that it is definitely close. Something has to give ... something has to change. As always, for me, that something means me.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior My entire world is focused on me, on expanding my awareness, and on maximizing what I can do for the world. That does not mean that such a focus is right, it just means that it happens to be appropriate for me at this time and to this point in my life. There is a sense that this may change ... but there is also a sense that I need to be ready even if it should never change. Regardless of how I express, there is still an overall mission and purpose for my life, and that needs to be achieved. This is not imposed on me by any external force. It comes directly from within. It is something that I know to be right for me. I don't know how else to explain it. It is not something anyone has told me. I don't belong to any groups or organizations, so it does not come from any rules or regulations imposed by such. It is simply something that I know.

There is a sense that I am meant to work with others in purposeful endeavors that achieve spiritual missions that we collectively came to carry out. This will not happen by individuals operating alone. The Manhattan Project as depicted in the movie Fat Man and Little Boy came to mind. There was an example of a cooperatively interdependent effort on a large scale, involving the best and brightest to achieve something of which the imagination had only dreamed possible. Collectively harnessing the work of many to unleash the power of the atom was a monumental achievement. It makes one wonder if there are other such projects that have existed since then, or even that exist now ... and what they are trying to achieve. Surely after experiencing the productivity of such a synergistic environment there have been other projects on which the pattern was implemented. Yet, if they are happening, it is under the dark cloak of secrecy. If only we could find ways to harness such energy in the endeavors that more directly benefit us ... just imagine what the world might be. Yes, if only ...

Who knows how long any of us have in this existence? All that we can do is be the best that we can be in every moment, and express whom we are with others in the world in whatever manner we are moved to express. This is a lot to ask. It takes commitment to make each moment count ... to make each hour 60 minutes worth of distance run.

From each in accord with their ability, to each in accord with their needs. 14 simple words, the largest of which has 7 letters; a total of 60 letters split into two parts of 32 letters and 28 letters, 13 spaces, and 2 punctuation marks expressing a very powerful and profound contract for living in society. I don't know how to state it any more elegantly.

Awareness involves being and realizing whom that one is. Realizing is the process of making something real for I. Its very meaning is embedded directly in the word. There are many words that are like this. Understand is the process of standing under an idea or set of ideas.

In fact, to awaken and become aware we must find a way beyond the restrictions that bind us. We can only be bound so long as we tolerate and accept the chains. We may think that such restrictions are the price that we pay to be part of society. I can tell you from firsthand experience that such is not the case. Some restrictions may be necessary, but many are self-imposed by what we believe of what is expected of us ... not by what is actually expected of us.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior There is a purpose to my life, a great purpose. Further, each of us has the potential to live a life of greatness in our own way, using the unique gifts that we brought into this world. It is simply a matter of discovering whom that we are, and expressing that authentically in our lives.

The answers have always been within us to everything we could possibly want to know. It is a matter of finding our intuition, learning to trust it, and taking action to follow where it leads us and to do what it moves us to do. Within us, we instinctively know what is right and what is not. It is only our belief systems that get in the way and prevent us from accessing what we naturally know.

Facts simply are. Beliefs operate in areas where there are insufficient facts to prove something one way or another. That leaves open to decision which way we prefer to believe. The only real measure of the value of beliefs is their utility. Do they empower us to act in ways which benefit both ourselves and our society.

The key measure of a man is whether he leaves the world in a better state than that in which he found it.

Respect is a very powerful tool, especially when based on integrity.

I have learned what I can about myself to allow me to maximize my effect as an individual contributor. The next step is to learn what it takes to operate in a manner that allows me to improve the collective contributions of a group or an entire organization. This requires interacting with people in a different manner than I have before and focusing my attention on a different level of problems. There is a sense that innately I know how to do this. I come from a world where conscious cooperative interdependence is the natural way of life ... where the alternatives would not even be considered because they are so much less effective. The obvious conclusion from this is that Earth is not my native home. It is where I live. But, I am very much a visitor here. No, I didn't arrive on a spaceship. I am not an alien. But, I am very much a stranger in a strange world. I spend much of my time doing things that others do not seem to do in ways that others do not seem to use.

Growth is a natural process. We take it one step at a time when we are ready.

In the end, only kindness matters ... a phrase from a song by Jewel playing on the radio ... god’s hands ... god’s hands ... god’s hands ... god’s hands ... I have spoke of being the her-mit ... the mit of her, the glove that she wears. This is connected to what was playing on the radio. Gloves are typically worn on hands. I don't feel myself to be the hands of god ... but I do feel myself to be the gloves that her hands have worn and expressed through. It seems that it is time for a breakthrough ... it is time for me to realize that I am indeed the hands of god as well, not just a separate outer shell that protects these hands. My hands are literally god’s hands expressing through me. My very self is god’s self expressing through me. These works are god’s works.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior I am living the life that I am meant to live. I am expressing whom that I AM, and unfolding whom that I AM even as I speak. It is definitely an exciting time in which to live. Clearly, that is an understatement!

There is an inner guide moving me along the path that constitutes my destiny. I have only to allow it to speak to me, and to follow through and do as it bids me to do.

Deep within, I already know everything that I could possibly need to know. There is a direct connection to source within me, a source that I can trust with my very life. In fact, such is exactly what I do, I trust this source to guide me to exactly where I need to be and move me to do exactly what I need to do, and move me to be aware of exactly what I need to see and know. Spirit is expressing through me as fully as she can given the resources that I have freely offered and the commitment to her service that I have made.

I have two jobs, a physical one and a spiritual one. Both demand my time and my attention. Until I find a way to combine these into one, I will continue to work in two worlds, in two domains ... one for which I am paid, that allows many of my material needs to be met; and one for which the "pay" is in the abundance that only spirit can provide. The later of these has my priority. But, as a responsible individual, I will fully meet the obligations of the former to the best of my abilities.

Life is a journey, we take it one step at a time. But, you say, most journeys involve a path to reach a known desired destination. That is not my life however. It seems that my journey is to venture into the unknown realms. Here there are no paths, and no known destinations. The desire is simply to explore and experience and then to describe and share what I find to the best of my ability. I do that via words. These are the tools through which I communicate. Interesting, I've never noticed that communicate and community have the same root. Interesting indeed. It seems that we establish community by getting people to truly communicate - not just at the surface day to day levels, but deeply. I hope this very expression provides an example of what I mean be this. It is the best example that I can offer. Here I communicate with spirit and with my self in ways that are far deeper than any of my outer communications with others. Yet, this expression is an outer expression ... available to any who are moved to search and find it.

It seems that I am on purpose now, in a way that I have not been before. Interesting. There is a sense of urgency that as not been this intense before. There is a sense that my true destiny is finally starting to unfold. Yes, this is another wake up call of a massive order. It seems that it is time to reinvent myself ... to shed the clothes that I have worn most of my life and express to the world in a whole new way. What was inside, needs to be expressed outside. It is as if I literally need to turn myself inside out. The image that comes to mind is that of a plastic bag. Turning it inside out is a simple process. One just pushes or pulls the bag through its own opening. The end shape of the bag doesn't change ... though it goes through many intermediate states in the transformation. My experience of my self to date has always been from the inside. It is time to go through the opening and allow this to become an outer experience in a way that it has not been before.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Ever expanding awareness, that has been virtually my sole interest. It didn't matter whether I shared this with others, it was enough to share this with consciousness herself. That is not quite right. It has been important that I record my experiences here on these pages, and share them with any in the world who were moved to find them. Now, it seems that this is no longer enough. I must share more than my words. I must share my very self. Of course, I will do this in Uranian, Neptunian, and Plutonian ways. These are the planets that convey the higher vibrational energy of spirit into our lives. It is not for me to express as anyone else. I came to be a wayshower. I must be whom that I AM, a unique expression of All That Is. I definitely follow the beat of my own drum.

To experience the outer, I need to focus my attention on different things ... in particular, on people, in a way that I have not done before. This is a matter of trying new things, and observing what results, both in the outer world and within me.

Finding ways to be more efficient and more productive are at the forefront of my mind these days. There is so much to be done. It is as if there is not a moment to waste. Each moment lost vanishes forever. It is for us to make the best of the time we are allotted. However, we can only do that if our bodies, our minds, and our spirits are healthy.

This is an exciting time in which to live. We are indeed at the beginning of a new age ... with possibilities for manifestation of which we have only dreamed. Now is the time to make those dreams real ... to establish the foundations needed to bring them down to Earth. The sense is that such can indeed happen now, via our collective and cooperative endeavors.

Ye shall know them by their works. I don't know where I picked that up ... but I use that expression often. In the end, it is only the works, and the remembrance thereof that survive. Here, at Beyond Imagination, we are doing just that ... creating a body of works that have not existed or been expressed in this manner before. As to what will become of them, that remains to be seen. My hope is that they somehow move others to come to know whom that they are and enable them to more fully express that in society and in their worlds. I say their worlds because each of us indeed lives in a world that we construct.

ach of us see things that others do not see, and sense things that others do not sense, and know things that others do not know. It is for us to find a way to share our worlds with others in manners that benefit each of us in the exchange.

At this point there is nothing that I desire to make happen or that I desire to manifest. Rather, I allow spirit to move me to do what it is that is necessary in each moment. I still have no goals, no specific objectives. My only desire is to express whom that I AM as fully as I can ... and to do the work that spirit moves me to do. That is a lot to ask of anyone. Yet, also, it is the simplest thing in the world. The first part is simply a matter of being me. The second part is a matter of allowing myself to serve as a vehicle for something greater than myself. This requires some degree of surrender of individual freedom. However, the surrender is really an investment in something far greater. The dividend is abundance. 75

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior There is something that I am here to do that literally no one else in the entire world can do. I suspect this is true of everyone, but I know that my unique abilities are such that this is clearly true for me. Grandiosity again. Yes, it is getting so that I can detect this. It is a natural part of what I need to live with and handle on a daily basis. I do believe that my gifts are many and relatively rare. This makes me, and the role I am here to play, special. Such gifts are only manifest when and where they are needed. My time, my day in the Sun, will come.

Self knowledge is extremely empowering. If we don't know whom that we are, how can we express this in society to do the works that are ours to do?

Once again, we'll see where the stream of consciousness carries us. I have no topic or specific message that I consciously wish to convey. I don't really know if there is one at other than conscious levels. I choose to freely allow whatever will come forth to be manifest. It is here where we make what was unseen, seen ... at least in the form of words on the screen.

Words are the fabric, the material, though which consciousness creates forms through me. Yes, they are only thoughtforms at this point in time. But thoughtforms are the first step toward material manifestation. Whatever we can dream, whatever we can think of, we can create if we so choose. However, it is the ideas which must come forth first. You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. Someday I hope you'll join us, and the world will be as ONE. These lines from Imagine by John Lennon are particularly meaningful to me. In fact, this is as close as one can get to a theme song for Beyond Imagination. Clearly I am among the dreamers of the world ... even though I rarely recall any of the actual dreams that occur during my sleep. My life is a waking dream in many ways. I already live in the world that I have imagined. This world is already evidenced in my personal reality. It is only a matter of time before it becomes the consensus reality.

The plan of consciousness is unfolding perfectly. There is nothing I nor anyone else can do to slow it down or speed it up. Patience is called for, along with an optimistic anticipation. Trust the process. Spirit animates all life. She has been doing so since the very beginning of all that is manifest. She did not create it all. But it is through her and out of her that everything was created. That makes us all God stuff or perhaps Goddess stuff would be more appropriate.

What is it that I am moved to do next? It is time to change my mode of expression in relationships. I have discovered about as much of my own nature as I can on my own. The context of society allows me to experience how my expression interacts with that of others, providing a different mirror for me to observe whole new areas of my self and my expression. Yes, I still have a focus on the nature of self. The shift is in the context and the domain of expression in which I engage. It is through relationships that I define and know whom that I AM through the eyes of others. And we all know that deep down we are all ONE, so these eyes of others, are really my eyes as well.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior We have objective reality and subjective reality. Both are important ... neither is superior to the other. Integrated beings operate with a balance of both ... though the mix in that balance may vary greatly from one individual to another. Some people like a very even balance with little oscillation, others need the variability of a cyclic balance. For some, this can be quite extreme. Being bipolar, I have a direct experience of the cycling of mental states. Unlike many with this condition, I don't cycle between depression and mania, rather between low mania and moderate mania ... even with medications. I have learned to handle this and even to use the energy that the higher manic states bring. My analogy is with flying. I clearly allow my consciousness to soar to places beyond where others seem to go.

This is what my life seems to be all about. Breaking through to new levels of awareness, and expressing what I have learned, and more importantly, what I have become, as fully as I can. You might say that my life is all about being me, where me is the largest concept of self that I can make real in this life. Interesting. The focus is on being not on doing, though in the very process of being, one is moved to do the works that one came to do. Once again, the saying "ye shall know them by their works" comes to mind. There is another quote on my wall pertaining to this ... WHO YOU ARE counts for a lot, but WHAT YOU DO makes all the difference

We must find ways to use our awareness that result in real benefits in our world, here and now. Remember, that a even a small deviation or change in the present, makes a great difference in the long term. It is for us to see what is needed and to plant the appropriate seeds to foster the required changes. Not that we can accurately predict the long term outcome ... though there may be far more to this than I know. After all, in nature, the seed for each lifeform knows exactly what it takes to grow into the adult version of that lifeform. The instructions for the manifestation of the mighty oak are contained in the acorn. The instructions for the manifestation of a human being are contained within the egg fertilized by the sperm. Yes, in the case of a human, the environment has a major role to play as well. The equivalent of the software must be programmed. This is no easy task. In fact, you might even say the entire society plays a role in this to some extent. At the very least, key organizations and people within those organizations do.

I just noticed that the editor in Netscape is called Composer. That much more accurately describes the process that I use the tool for. Here, I compose what spirit would have me express. Only, I compose with words rather than with notes. I am not a musician per se. I don't know what the equivalent term is for one who composes in words. The three terms that most closely seem to describe this are author, writer, and poet. I definitely wouldn't consider myself the later of these ... primarily since I am prone to using far too many words. I have also described my role in this process as being that of scribe. However, that seems to neglect my role as a creator of what is expressed through me. Yes, expressed through me. I still don't experience being the creator of what is being expressed through me. I know that it comes forth from deep within me. I watch it happen for literally hours every day. It literally takes over 1/8 of my life, over 1/6 of my waking life. Yes, that is a big investment. However, it is an investment that I feel obliged to make. An investment in what you might ask? An investment in spirit and in consciousness expressing and coming to an understanding of itself. To me, that is more than sufficient.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior There is a sense that my will and my conscious mind are tools that are meant to be used is service to spirit. I have been reluctant to fully engage ... primarily out of fear of going overboard and having my will get in the way. I am starting to see that such a fear while useful to a point, is also a limit that I impose on what and how I am able to express. It is time to overcome this fear and break through this limit. Life is a process of discovering our fears, encountering them, and overcoming them with love. That was powerful enough to allow it to stand on its own. I don't believe I have stated anything close to that before.

I know what I can do when I am operating at peak efficiency. I long to see what we can do collectively when we choose to work together in interdependent ways. Inefficiency and other than win-win behavior have always had a strong distaste for me. It seems so obvious how to make things better, yet very few seem to notice this. Cooperative interdependence is the wave of the future. In such an environment, we are responsible for one another ... as a matter of choice.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior MAY 2002 This expression has become a staple in my life. It is how I confront, process, and integrate all that I experience. Everyday, new connections are made. Everyday, I become something more than I was the day before. I am very blessed indeed, and very grateful for all that spirit bestows on me. No, my life is not the easiest to fathom. But, it is my life, and I take it for the precious gift that I experience it to be.

I play with discovering the connections between things that have never been connected before as far as I know. I do it because it is natural for me, and more importantly because I find joy in doing so. Do what you love and the money will follow! I believe that is the name of a book. My sense is that this is indeed true. Abundance enters our lives when we start doing those things that we love on a regular basis. However, this requires the establishment of new habits, and going beyond the status quo. In a similar vein, on a church billboard close to my daily residence, the recent message was: Take this job and love it! That indeed is a very empower idea. We must remember to be grateful for all that we experience in our lives.

I take guidance from the universe seriously. There is some reason that it comes into my life in the manner that it does. I don't even have to seek it out anymore. It just seems to flow to me naturally.

At some level, the manifestation that is all life is perfect in each moment, at least, as perfect as it can be in each moment. That can be a bit difficult to take ... especially given how much suffering exists in the world. Yet, by its very nature, spirit can express in no other way.

It is our exercise of our freedom that results in much or the lack of wellness or "illness" that we see in the world. We create it all ... the good as well as the bad, and everything in between. It is time for us to take responsibility for this and clean up our mess.

Reality creation is a game that we play ... an engaging one, but a game nonetheless. As such, it should be something that we have fun playing.

Life is a very precious gift that we give to ourselves. It is for us to make the most of it, not just for ourselves, but in the way that we impact others as well. We do this by being true to whom that we are ... and by sharing this with others as intimately as we can. However, to do this, we must feel that we have something worth sharing - or more precisely that we are something worth sharing; for the very thing we seek to share is whom that we are.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior We need to be able to go to the inner well to fill the bucket with the water of spirit. But then we need to allow others to drink of this water by experiencing the works that are done through us as a result. It all comes down to what works we do. That is our ultimate contribution to society and to our world. However, we are more than what we do. Not only do our works continue to have impact even long after we have departed this plane ... our consciousness itself continues on to other adventures and experiences in other domains.

My belief is that we continue to live lifetime after lifetime until we have learned and experienced everything that we need to ... and even then, the sense is that there is no ending, only another major transformation into something greater and grander than we have experienced before.

There is purpose in every existence. We learn and experience as individuals, but consciousness is learning and experiencing as the collective as well. Every event, every action, every thought is known. Further, it seems consciousness is orchestrating how ideas are communicated across the social fabric so that they can enthuse the appropriate minds to take action to manifest those ideas. History is not so much about events as it is about the march of ideas and their hold over mankind over the course of time.

Reality creation is about manifesting ideas, about making thoughts real. The plan of spirit involves the manifestation of ideals over time. That is, the realization of ideals in physical existence. The first step in this process is that of the visionaries who paint the pictures of what the world could be ... including how each individual fits within the context of the whole. My paints just happen to be words. And my pictures, these very expressions.

That is it, imagination is the key. We are ever in the process of becoming whatever we can truly imagine ourselves to be. To imagine is to make an image of. Indeed, we can be whatever we can imagine ourselves to be.

But, this expression has always been called Beyond Imagination for a reason. I don't want to limit my expression to what I can imagine. I know that there is far more to spirit, far more to consciousness than that.

It is not my intent to create anything in accord with any image. I'm here to facilitate the expression of spirit in flesh in whatever manner that I can by providing those services which I am blessed with the abilities to provide, wherever I see they are needed.

I've known since I was a teen that my children would come from my mind rather than my loins. I will have no biological progeny. There has been a sense that I am a visitor to this world. It is OK to leave my mark in terms of ideas and works, but there is to be no strong attraction to the world or the things of the world. This is a directive to me, personally. I don't expect it to apply to others. I must live my life as I believe ... in the manner that I know to be right for me. I must march to the beat of my own drummer, perhaps even to no beat at all if consciousness so moves me.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior I believe that I am a wayshower ... and that what works for me may indeed work for others. You may have to adapt the methods a bit to suit you personally, but that is always easier than finding ones way through the unknown. I am an explorer of consciousness. The unknown attracts and excites me. It is where I choose to live, where I choose to apply my skills. But, I am also moved to come back and share what I have found primarily in the form of written expression. Actually, this expression is my means of documenting my explorations of consciousness even as I experience them.

Each of us is a unique expression of consciousness. Each of us is experiencing life in a manner that has never occurred before, nor will ever occur again. As a result, each of us is special and necessary in our own way. This has always been true. Though most have never realized this ... they have never realized just how special they are.

My opinion of myself may be a bit, OK, a lot, higher than it truly deserves to be. In this area, I have thrown all objectivity to the wind. At this point it seems that confidence and a heightened sense of self are not only warranted but are necessary. I could not be whom that I AM, and express in this manner, without this.

It will take a herculean effort to change the world. But, that, is exactly what I came to do. And, everything within me tells me that I have exactly what it takes to accomplish what I came to do ... to assist in the birth of a new age, to build the foundations for a new world.

There are other modalities of knowing that operate beyond the realms in which rationality is effective.

In a very real way, this expression helps me to feel whole and complete. It is my way of encountering and coming to terms with parts of myself of which I am not yet consciously aware ... except in terms of the works they produce in my life. My hope is that I serve as an example, a shining one, of what spirit can do in flesh. This is my way of giving of whom that I AM to my society and my world.

Good and evil have no practical place in my world. The are conflicting forces that manifest in a world of duality. As such, one can never fully triumph over the other. Love and fear are similar duals. What is, is. Further, it is there by our choices regarding what we desire and expect to experience. If we want a different experience, we need to make different choices. This we can do consciously ... but often we allow subconscious beliefs to govern our experience.

It is for us to become Masters, masters of ourselves, and definitely masters of our belief systems. Beliefs are the playground in which we create the structures that attract and define what we will experience. As such, they are the most powerful tools that we have in our arsenal for creating the reality that we would prefer.

This is where I directly experience the unknown. It is where I stand on the edge between the manifest and the unmanifest and allow the creative spark to turn into a blaze. At times, it is where I stand on the very 81

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior edge between sanity and madness. Our poets do this as well. Though they employ far fewer words in their expressions.

Creative expression is what life is all about. How we do this will be unique for each of us. However, we each must find what it takes for us to be all that we can be, in all of our true grandeur ... for indeed we are grand beings by our very nature.

It is also important to live our lives in a manner that makes a difference that extends beyond ourself. Sometimes it is not enough simply to express. We must go the next step ... determine the impact of our expression, and then make adjustments to make our expression more effective. It is this later feedback loop that fosters our spiritual growth and enables us to more fully express, for the very things that lead to more effective expression, permit more expression.

You should never take more than you give! This is the key that creates abundance. If all of us abide by this, the net result is always a surplus. This too, we can choose to abide by in our lives at any time. This is how we create prosperity consciousness. There is an inner source which knows when we are giving and when we are taking. It keeps track of and knows the balance or lack thereof at all times. Operating subconsciously, it attracts into our lives what is needed for us to experience what we believe we are worthy of. Worthiness is a key issue that we must deal with if we are to ever get our economic system functioning in a manner that creates true abundance for all. This is true for us as individuals as well as for our collective economy.

We have the ability to produce all the goods and services that we could possibly need. Note, I didn't say desire ... it is not clear that spiritual economy works off of desires. However, reality creation does. It allows us to create anything in our life that we care to experience and consume. The directive above applies however. Whatever credit we invoke by taking in advance of giving will have to be repaid ... and with interest. It definitely pays to give ... of our time ... of our talents ... and especially of ourselves.

There is something wonderful that happens when we allow the unknown to enter and express in our lives. It is such an easy step to take. It simply requires a bold initiative and a deep faith in the nature of spirit and how she expresses in our lives. OK, perhaps it is not so easy ... if it were, many more would be doing it.

The key is to give imagination and intuition a wide berth. They are crucial elements of our self ... and, in particular, our creative self. These are the tools through which we know and through which we create our reality. It helps to become masters at using these tools, for then we can truly make our lives the masterpieces that they should rightly be. This takes dedication and practice. It also takes awareness of whom that we are and of what we are here to express in this world. We each have a mission that we came to perform along with learning and growing to the degree that we can. Self-knowledge is critical to this. It is the key that unleashes whom that we are.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior I've said before ... who we are counts for a lot, but what we do makes all the difference. It is in how we use the gifts we are given to do the works of spirit that determines our ultimate value to the world. It is the works that matter. Ye shall know them by their works. In the end, when our physical lives have been extinguished ... it is only in our works and in the memories of others that the impact of our lives continue to exist.

At some point, we realize that there is more to life than this, and more to us than we know ourselves to be. At that point, the magic appears, and the unseen portions of consciousness get enlisted to assist in a more active manner in our lives. We become the vessels through which spirit expresses in our world. We are always this. However, with awareness, this is stepped up by several levels.

The unseen and the unknown are highly important to me. It is in this realm where I do my true work. I am a wayshower. Part of my job is to make the unseen seen and the unknown known. This is the work that excites me most. It is the work that I volunteer to do, freely and wholeheartedly, engaging all that I am in the process.

I know there are other wayshowers. I've encountered several on the internet ... it is obvious from the very nature of their expressions that they have delved into the depths of the unknown realms of consciousness and have come back to share of what they found to the degree that they could. Some use poetry or prose, others art or imagery. Regardless of the medium, the source is obvious ... it is consciousness herself.

Interesting ... inspiration contains the letters of the word spirit, almost in order. If we double up on the "t", we have spirit nation.

I know my individual nature is a suit of clothes that I wear. Behind the clothes is the ONE consciousness that animates us all. This is the source that we tap directly through our intuition. How do we get beyond individualism. Hmm ... this comes across as "not divided into dual". Perhaps this is something that we need to get to rather than beyond.

Independence, dependence, interdependence. Interesting, if we reverse the order of the first two, each is contained in the next.

dependence => in dependence => in ter dependence Interdependence is a whole other level of operating. We realize that we are part of one whole, that there is no way to isolate ourselves from this whole, that our lives are connected in many ways to others within the society in which we live, and that because of this, we have an obligation to that society ... a personal obligation to do our part and contribute what we can to the betterment of all.

Whatever we do to others including the animals, we ultimately do to ourselves. Chief Seattle had a famous speech that spoke of this.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Peace is not "the lack of war" ... it is the opposite of war, and of the mentality that believes that violence is a viable way of addressing grievances or of achieving desires. Peace exists in a domain in which war simply does not exist. How do we find that domain, and institute it on Earth? Yes, that is the trillion plus dollar question.

Spiritual awareness and spiritual awakening are indeed worth everything that we put into them ... everything that it costs to experience them. What the individual experiences, the whole experiences. Consciousness learns from each and every experience, each and every breakthrough. We are all the arms, the fingers, the feet, the brain cells, and the mouth of consciousness. She experiences and expresses through each and every one of us ... even more if we are consciously aware and choose to be an active participant in the dance of life, in the dance of consciousness through us.

As individuals we are the creator, the created, and the witness to the process. It is very important that we not forget this. Many of us are so wrapped up in being the created, the creatures that we are, that we forget that we create it all and that we are the awareness that observes and experiences what everything means.

The value of beliefs is solely determined by their utility. If we like the reality we experience, then our beliefs are serving us. If we don't, that is the place to start to make powerful changes. Our reality conforms with our beliefs, and not just hidden ones ... but conscious ones. Nothing is hidden unless we allow it to remain so.

We need to be careful. Beliefs are walls that we create around ourselves. They filter what we choose to see and experience. When used properly, they can empower us to do great things, focusing our attention on those things relevant to our mission ... and in the process freeing us to be whom that we can be. However, they can also limit, enchain, and imprison us if we allow them to. Yes, as such, beliefs are a two-edged sword. That makes them an important weapon in the arsenal of the spiritual warrior. We've said before that belief systems are playgrounds where we learn the art of reality creation. It is through thought forms that forms are made manifest. The thought forms always come first. Beliefs are one type of thought form.

It is helpful to keep a very open belief system ... one that allows for the miraculous, one that facilitates the expression of spirit, one that keeps our potential unlimited.

Remember, all limits are self-imposed. They are there only so long as we choose to accept them.

Per Seth, all time is simultaneous ... it is all NOW. It is only our perception of it that is limited, linear, and unidirectional for the most part. It takes incredible amounts of focus to experience our reality in the way that we do. This is not the only way to experience. It just happens to be our way as humans on this planet we call Earth. Not only do we do this with time ... we do it with space as well, and the frequencies that we experience as physical in the world. Included in this are the emotional, mental, and spiritual vibrations that we experience. 84

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Everything is vibration. The reality that we experience is all a matter of how we interpret the meaning of these vibrations.

We are attempting to use the experience of the mind and of the self to explain the nature of the mind and the self. And, we are not doing it based on examining a representative example of the population ... we are doing it based on the experiences of a single person, namely me. What makes me think this will be useful? I simply don't know. What I do know is that I am moved to do it, and do it in this particular way.

What can we expect to gain through this endeavor of self-analysis? The answer that comes to mind is the world. How interesting.

That is how we make the world a better place for everyone, by doing our part, by finding our particular role and doing it to the best of our abilities. In the end, this is all that we truly control - what we do, and how we do it. As this happens, we come to know that we are the entity who does the works that we see done through us. Our awareness is the key that unlocks the door to our cells, freeing us to be all that we can be.

It is obvious that I have a high regard for awareness and self-knowledge. Neither of these come from books, or from courses. They are things that we must discover by our own experience ... by applying our selves in the search for our self and for the source within.

Awareness is an inside job. But, once it is achieved, it colors everything that we do on the outside. Having awakened, we are never the same as we were before. We have made a one way jump toward the realization of our spiritual nature. This is one thing that can never be taken away from us. Our level of awareness moves with us from existence to existence. It is our spiritual inheritance. As with other inheritances, it may take awhile for it to come to us ... but come it will, and with dividends and interest accrued.

Inevitably, we find what we seek ... if we are sincere in our search. Also, we are given whatever we need to know, when we need to know it. Similarly, we are given whatever we need. Spirit ensures that needs are met. Looking at the world, it is not clear that this is true for everyone. Hunger, poverty, and suffering exist on scales that are almost beyond imagining ... especially given the prosperity of this country.

We each experience the reality that we deserve, that we draw into our life. We are the creators of everything that we experience ... everything. Yes, we are that powerful, whether we realize it or not. It helps to believe strongly that this is so, and to prove it by acting "as if". As we do so, we will be surprised by what we draw into our life and how quickly what we desire becomes manifest.

The whole process of life is one of spirit expressing in flesh as fully as she can through us based on our awareness and our capacity to allow the energy of spirit to flow through us into the world. It is important 85

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior to remember that it is always spirit that does the work. Because of this, nothing is too difficult to overcome ... everything that is meant to happen will happen.

Time management has become a critical skill. Time has become one of the most, if not the most important resources in our lives. Yet, from a different perspective, we have all the time in the world. It is simply a matter of making the most of the time that we have.

It is not enough that we apply ourselves and do our work to the best of our abilities. That is compensated for by the experiences we gain and the salary and benefits that we receive. The spiritual job is a volunteer one. Typically, it offers no payment, though it may bring greater abundance into our lives on several levels.

Our belief systems are elaborate constructions of vibrations through which we establish what kinds of things, information, and events we consider meaningful to us and worthy of our time and attention. In a very real way, all that we are is an elaborate thoughtform existing within a world that is itself a thoughtform that we choose to experience as physical and governed by the physical laws through which nature creatively expresses in the world.

It helps to be passionate about what we believe and about what we choose to do. Passion is contagious. The flame that others see burning in us, is often sufficient to ignite or rekindle a flame in them. This is what being a wayshower is all about ... we demonstrate our truths in the very way we live our lives. We walk our talk, and talk our walk. Interesting, it seems the later is exactly what I do here ... talk my walk along the path that consciousness leads me to tread.

Life is meant to be an adventure ... as such, it should encourage us to be all that we can be and to express that as fully as we can. This requires a high degree of confidence, a deep trust in the very nature of whom that we are. It requires that we grant ourselves the freedom to be ourselves, that we remove as many of the restrictions as we can.

One question stirs my soul ... why am I here, what is it that I came to do? Note how this is phrased. I didn't ask what am I here to learn, or what I am here to experience, or what am I here to realize ... I asked what did I come to do.

Everything that I need to know to do what I need to do is already within me.

Life is to be lived in the here and now. It should be spontaneous. That doesn't mean that we should ignore our reasoning abilities. Rather, they should be integrated ... and developed to the point where they can be applied quickly. Inside, we know what to do and how best to do it. It is only out of fear and selfimposed restriction that we prevent ourselves from doing it.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior That is the key, being open to new monitions of consciousness, and allowing myself to do what I am moved to do even if it takes me out of my comfort zone. There is nothing to say that life should be comfortable all the time. We need challenges to motivate us to ever greater expression of whom that we are.

When we allow spirit to engage in our tasks and do her work through us, it is amazing how much energy and even how much time we seem to have.

There is nothing that can stop an idea whose time has come. I don't know who said that, but it is a very deep truth. In the game of reality creation, we are operating in precisely this area, in the area of realizing those ideas whose time has come. In fact, this is much of what we are here to do ... to manifest those very ideas of this type that resonate with us. We do this because that is what humans do, we manifest ideas not only individually, but on collective levels as well.

The whole topic of the game of reality creation is indeed an interesting one. We are active participants in this game whether we know it yet or not. It is not clear that very many people experience this as the game that it is. Further, it is not clear that many people have been taught the rules by which the game is played. This is not something taught by either the traditional educational system or by most religious institutions. One must go outside of the mainstream channels of information and training to find out about such things as whom that we are, what reality is, and how we create reality through our beliefs and our actions in line with these beliefs.

We are not taught that we choose it all, everything that we experience ... and therefore, that we are responsible for it all. We are not taught whom that we are, and what abilities we possess. We are not taught why we are here, for what purpose we have come. We are not taught what obligations we have to ourselves, our society, our world, and to spirit herself. Yes, through individual effort, we can find the right materials and right teachers through which to learn all of this. However, it requires going against convention and finding our own path in the world.

Who we are is not measured by what we have ... it is measured by what we can do.

Ultimately, whom that we are, and when we depart ... whom that we were, is measured by the works that we have left behind, including whatever impacts we have had on others. Interesting. This makes the statement ye shall know them by their works all the more important and meaningful. It is through our works that we impact not only our personal reality but that of the world.

Indeed ... it is my works that distinguish me, and in a very real way define me. Hmm, that is an interesting way of putting it. Yet, it is true, we find out whom that we are and what we are capable of by doing and observing what we do. Both are important. However, it is the later process of observing that leads to awareness.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior While we are focused on the doing, often our attention is so engaged that we don't take the time to step back as see what is happening. The observer part of ourself is always there, the silent witness to everything that we do ... and everything that we think ... and everything that we choose not to do. It also witnesses the degree to which we apply ourselves to what we do.

Since our time is such a critical resource, we must constantly make decisions on where to best apply it for not only our benefit, but for the collective benefit of all those whom our life touches. Time management is another critical skill that is typically not taught in school ... at least not in any formal schools that I've attended from grade school though graduate school at Stanford.

What is it that brings me back day after day to allow this expression to manifest? The sheer joy of expressing whom that I AM is the answer that I would give. Here, my inner self is given a voice in my life. Here, consciousness is listened to and respected for all the wisdom that she has to offer.

Whenever I start to question whether something is possible ... the means to make it happen seems to arrive as if it were a gift from heaven. It happens so often that I have come to expect it as the very way that the world works.

While we create our own reality completely ... it seems that there are some things within our control and others that are outside of our control. Wisdom lies in knowing the difference so that we can focus our forces, energy, and resources on those things that we have the power to impact and change. Many things simply happen ... some as a result of the collective mind manifesting, others as a result of other than conscious parts of ourselves operating behind the scenes to draw them into our lives.

Our primary conscious control point is our beliefs. Our reality is created in conformance with our beliefs. Experience is filtered by beliefs, and often meaning is assigned via beliefs. It is prudent that we take the time to examine this area of our being and determine what we have growing in the garden of our mind. My suspicion is that many will find their gardens overrun with weeds ... assuming that they can find their way to the garden at all. Further, they will find that many of their beliefs lie on shaky ground with the only foundation being that someone in authority said it ... be it a teacher, clergy, parent, or some other figure of authority. As adults, it is up to us to explore, revalidate, and assess what we believe. The chief criteria by which beliefs should be judged is utility. Do the beliefs serve us, and serve the society in which we live. If so, great. If not, find others that do provide such service and adopt them.

There is still a sense that my abilities are as they are for a reason. And, further, abilities are only given where they are needed. What matters is finding a way to be of service. What matters is being all that we can be. We do this by wholeheartedly applying ourselves to everything that we face in life. Where we can, we remember whom that we are and infuse this into all that we do. When we do this, life becomes magical ... the very forces of the universe come to do our bidding.

Life is meant to be our greatest masterpiece ... yet few seem to realize they are artists, creating the very reality they experience. Even fewer do this in a manner that is masterful. To be a master, we must believe ourselves to be, and then act as if it is so. 88

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior We know what we know ... and we know what we do not know. Hmm, the later expression is interesting. One interpretation is that at some level we know what we do not know, as if the not knowing is simply an illusion that we are choosing to experience. The other interpretation is that we have an innate compass that tells us what is known versus what is not known. However, it seems that this is not wholly true either. It seems that there is also an unknown unknown of which we know nothing about ... other than that it exists.

Here, on these pages, my consciousness is as an open book, revealing new facets at each turn. Yes, we are all as precious stones on the inside. It is up to us to find the stone that we are, clean it, polish it, and even cut it into shape ... and then share the brilliance of our light with the world.

Yes, that is what life is all about. The ultimate meaning comes from sharing whom that we are ... from giving of whom that we are to the greater whole of which we are part.

As always, the place to start to create any sort of change in one's life is with oneself. It is in this arena that we have full control. We can be anything that we choose to be. Jerod, on the show The Pretender comes to mind. He literally has the ability to be anything he chooses to be, and changes this completely from one episode to the next. The show makes you wonder whether their are such pretenders among us and whether their is such a thing as the Centre. In this case, as in many others, the truth may be far stranger than the fiction portrayed. We have a lot of money going into black programs. These are run on a strict need to know basis ... so even the knowledge of their existence and their purpose is highly guarded. It seems that a free society shouldn't need to expend so many resources on such endeavors. Yet, such seems to be demanded by the nature of the world in which we live.

At some level, we know what is going on ... nothing can be hidden. On other levels, it is not clear that we even want to know.

Seek and ye shall find comes to mind ... and ask and it shall be answered. Asking questions is another powerful tool in the spiritual warriors arsenal. In earlier musings, we spoke of belief management as being another powerful tool. Though, I'm not sure we called it belief management. Yet, that indeed is what it is ... providing control over the belief process to ensure that our beliefs serve us and serve others, even our society and the world.

We are creators, responsible for all that we experience ... everything, the good and the bad. There are no victims except those who choose to be such. This seems to be harsh to those who are harmed by others. But everything is spirit ... and spirit is ONE. So everything experienced is OK somehow and agreed to by the parts involved ... actually, more than agreed to, co-created.

We are spirit living life in the physical form. When we cease to be this form, we will still be spirit, and we will take on whatever form is appropriate.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior There is a basic law of reality creation. We get what we focus upon. The more the focus, the more force with which the necessary reality is manifest to conform with the beliefs. In a very real way, we see what we wish to see; we hear what we wish to hear; we feel what we wish to feel; we experience what we wish to experience; and more importantly, we know what we wish to know.

There are things that I can do that literally no one else can do, at least not in the same manner. Does this make me special? Indeed it does ... it makes me a unique expression of spirit, of consciousness. However, when you get down to it, we are all unique expressions of source, the one consciousness that animates us all.

No one is better than anyone else. Everyone is different from everyone else. Some have particular skills that are more developed than others. However, these gifts or lack thereof are not meant to exalt or condemn thereof. Gifts are what they are ... they are meant to be used in service that goes beyond our selfish interests. Sometimes they are used in this manner, however, far less often than they could be. We can change this collectively. It is a matter of where we place our priorities, and what we consider to be right behavior within society.

How do we organize things so that we can be more effective, so that we can get more done with fewer resources expended. This requires optimization of processes ... and coming up with new ones where the current ones are either not working or are inefficient. A line from the movie Contact comes to mind about advanced beings communicating in multiple dimensions. How do we organize our information infrastructure so that we do this? The webs we construct in our minds to link various pieces of information do not operate within a single plane. They create a very contorted space of which it is not clear can even be represented in three dimensions.

Our minds are capable of much greater tasks than we have given them to date. Further, our collective mind is capable of creating a world infrastructure and associated collective reality far greater than any of us have ever dreamed.

Knowing is beyond both mind and heart ... it exists in another realm entirely, though this realm strongly impacts the reality we experience in every other dimension.

I speak in a tongue that is not mine, allowing words to come forth that I know not from whence nor where they come. My standard answer is that they come from source. But what is this thing that I call source? It is located somewhere deep within me. It is a state of consciousness. It is an awareness of tapping into something, of finding and expressing that which is called intuition.

What matters is not the destination ... it is the path, and the enjoyment thereof. The journey is everything. It is all that counts.

There will always be an unknown realm of possibility that exceeds anything that I have done to date. It is at the edge of this unknown where I do the dance of consciousness ... where I exchange energy between 90

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior the seen and the unseen, between the known and the unknown. It is in this dance that I engage the energies of my life. It is here where I find the things that matter to me most.

We create our reality through our beliefs. The stronger the belief the more quickly the manifestation appears in our life. However, the beliefs must be consistent. Further, it is not enough to think something strongly. We must follow up and take action consistent with what we say that we believe. Otherwise, they are just mere words, mere ideas. We must be consistent with whom and what we say that we are. Then, the very forces of the universe, join in to do our bidding.

Desire and discipline seem to be crucial to making changes ... along with an openness as to what is possible and a willingness to try new things.

Remember, that what is possible is often far more than we have dreamed or imagined.

Is all of the separation that we experience truly an illusion of our own making? Why is it that we have to experience it at all? Wouldn't it be so much simpler to cooperate and graduate as the saying goes? Yet, there is a reason for everything. There is something to be gained, something to be learned, from every experience. Life collectively seeks to express ever more and more of whom that it is. It does this through every avenue that it has available ... through every resource it is given. It is given resources by the choices that we make to offer our very selves in service to something greater than us ... to the society and the world in which we exist, or even to spirit herself.

I would be whom that I AM. I can be nothing else. However, I would do what I am moved by spirit to do ... not as I would move myself to do.

I accept full responsibility for everything that I experience ... no fine print, no exceptions.

It definitely pays to do the necessary self work to become the master of your beliefs. Have I done this? More than most, but less than some. After awhile, I found that beliefs were a playground that I no longer wanted to play in. Creating for the sake of creating did not appeal to me. There was no desire to will something into being. I found that true freedom for me laid in simply allowing my life to unfold as it will rather than attempting to fashion it to be something that I consciously direct.

My life is truly blessed. It could be more fulfilling, and more abundant ... but I am truly for grateful for all that I AM and all that I have. Yes, an attitude of gratitude is extremely important. How can we expect to draw more into our life if we do not appreciate all that we have been given already.

How do I open myself up in a manner that allows me to relate deeply with others? Perhaps I need to stop focusing on them being others ... when the truth is that they are other aspects and other facets of the one source from which we spring. 91

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior New perspectives are generally helpful, they shed new light on the matter at hand.

This is my opportunity to be a part of something greater than I am ... and literally to do so on a daily basis. At least, such it has been since the beginning of the year. That is the key, becoming a part of something greater than us. This requires first of all that we recognize that there is something greater than us; and secondly, that we can do something to be a part of whatever this is.

What is created here comes from a cooperative endeavor, in which whom that I AM combines with something greater, something that I call spirit, source or the one consciousness. The fact that I have names for this greater whole does not mean that I understand it other than my personal experience of interacting with it. The first thing that comes across is a sense of the feminine. I always experience spirit and consciousness as she.

I am the eyes of spirit, the arms of spirit, the ears of spirit, the mouth of spirit ... all that I AM is of spirit, and all that I DO is for spirit.

There is something gratifying about knowing one's place in the scheme of things. It helps if what we think we know conforms to reality, but this is not a necessary clause for experience. We will experience what we believe, whether it is correct or not.

From within the illusion, we may not be able to tell what is correct versus what we have only imagined or believed to be so. However, that is only the case so long as we rely on the outside for verification. Our inner reality is not so constrained. There is a source within that knows. This source can serve as a compass to help keep us headed in the right direction. However, we must not impose our direction on others. What is right for us may or may not be right for others.

Each "reality" seems to have its own specific rules, though there are also common rules that apply to related sets of realities. Within the reality, there are hard rules which are absolute, and soft rules which can be broken given appropriate training and the proper circumstances. Many people are not aware of the soft rules. They falsely assume everything is absolute. This makes living easier to some degree. However, it greatly limits freedom. The movie The Matrix comes to mind. To get beyond the soft rules, we must get beyond the limits that we have accepted in our minds.

Our mental structures can be very rigid indeed. This is not their nature, however. It is simply how we have chosen to employ them. We can just as easily choose structures that are more open and free. When we do this, however, we sacrifice predictability. For many, this is not an acceptable trade ... the unknown can be scary. Most seem to avoid it as if it were a plague. Yet, it is there, in the unknown, that we find the ultimate mirror for ourselves.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Indeed, there are parts within us of which we know not ... except via the effect they have in our lives, and whatever they may be able to express.

Each of us has our own way of approaching life ... of being whom that we are. This comes out as the things that are natural for us and as the approach toward understanding ourself and our reality that is right for us. Here, we are individuals. Some techniques may apply to groups of people, but even then, we need to tailor them to our unique dispositions.

I don't remember what occurs during the time that I am asleep, I am sure that I am active ... that I dream, though I have very limited direct conscious experience with this. I don't know why that is. That it is so, seems to indicate that such is what is meant to be. Can this change. You bet, in a heartbeat. However, the fact that it can change does not necessarily mean that it will change. Often choice and personal effort is required to manifest the change.

Old habits can be hard to break. Yet, break them we must, if we are to proceed to the next phase, the next adventure.

Yes, life is meant to be an adventure, and a bold and daring one at that. All that it takes is courage and faith. A faith in the nature of the world, the nature of reality, the process of reality creation, and most of all in ourself and spirit as she expresses through us.

Consciousness ever seeks to actualize more of itself ... to make actual, to make real, to make manifest in the world more of whom that it is through us. This is the only means available to her. For something to be real, it has to be expressed through us. We have to create it, to bring it into being.

Life is already a highly cooperative endeavor, more so than any have ever imagined. It is just that this cooperation primarily occurs behind the scenes, where it often goes unnoticed.

There is an overall plan for the unfoldment of consciousness in this grand play that we call life. Earth, and the world that we know is but one playground in which spirit can express and explore whom that it is. And what a splendid and wonderful playground it is. However, at some point it seems that we tire of play and need some task in which to engage whom that we are in a challenging, meaningful, and fulfilling manner. Yes, it seems that we need work .. or at least some way to expend our energies and talents in a manner that makes a difference.

How can I know such things? Why do I believe that any of this is true? ... and especially true universally? These are the kinds of questions that one who is still sane asks. I know that I operate on the edge of what most people would consider sanity or reality. However, that does not bother me. I am comfortable facing the unknown, knowing that I live in a world that is driven by spirit, that is spiritual expression made manifest to the degree that it can be given the collective and individual awareness of the world at this time. 93

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Another day ... as always, they come one after the next, until we free ourself from time and return no longer. Yes, this existence in space and time will someday end ... and we will return to the source from whence we came.

Each day is a precious gift. To the degree we can, we need to be grateful for this gift and in turn give of ourselves in a way that makes a difference. There is always a way to do this. We just need to be open to allowing it to manifest in our lives. This requires a degree of trust, and a willingness to allow something great and wonderful to express through us. Ours are not meant to be ordinary lives. Every one of us has greatness looking to shine forth from within us. We are all special beings, unique expressions of the one consciousness. We all have something to share and something to give to our fellow beings.

We have an obligation to be whom that we are as fully as we can, and to share whom we are with the world.

We accept limitations because they serve us in some manner ... or at least because we believe that they do. To remove them, we need to understand them for what they are, and replace them with something that is less restrictive and more empowering.

This is how we manifest things in our life. We believe that we are more than we knew ourselves to be. Further, we believe that spirit is far more than we can imagine her to be. The combination of the two expressing together is like dynamite ... possessing a power that is beyond imagination.

All life is the result of spirit expressing in flesh. Further, this expression is perfect ... unfolding in accord with spiritual laws and with an overall plan for ever increasing individual and collective awareness and creative expression.

I bank on spirit, and my inner self connection to source, to lead me to exactly where I need to be, and to move me to do exactly what I need to do, and to move me to be exactly what I am meant to be.

When we function as the whole beings that we are, it is much like driving a car. We only need a few controls to get all of the forces and parts of the car to do our bidding. Conscious intent and beliefs are our key controls over the reality that we experience.

We tend to create exactly what we believe that we deserve.

It is up to us to manifest the abundance we desire. We do this by priming the pump ... by giving of ourselves in service. The more the service, the more the abundance. It is as simple as that, and as complicated as that. We serve by doing those things that we love to do in a manner that benefits not only ourselves, but others, society, and even the whole world. 94

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior That is what we are here to do ... to live in a manner that makes a difference.

The past ten years have been a training ground for me to explore and express my own connections to consciousness. I have expressed a lot during that time. But have I truly explored all that I am meant to learn from all of this? Have I taken the time to study the expression and synthesize everything that it offers unto me? The immediate answer to both of these is no, I have not integrated what has been expressed fully into whom that I am. I thought I was further along than this, but perhaps I overestimated myself.

Why do I need such a special destiny? Why is it that I must see myself as unique and different than others? There is just an inner sense that there is greatness within me and that this will somehow see the light of day in my life.

There is still a strong sense that major change is on the drawing board, that any day I may be moved, or even forced, to find new ways to express and to interact with others. I see this as a challenge and an opportunity, one that encourages me to learn more of whom that I AM, and be more of whom that I AM. The two go hand and hand. We learn best by doing. Often this requires being more than we knew ourselves to be before.

The reality that we experience often conforms to our expectations. We see what we expect to see. We hear what we expect to hear. We do what we expect to do. That is how it is, but not how it needs to be. We are free to change our expectations at any time.

One never knows when something meaningful will enter our lives. Often this happens when we are in the midst of doing something else.

Spiritual expression in flesh is what life is all about. At least, this is true for me, and my sense is that it is true universally ... even if many are not consciously aware of this fact.

The relentless march of time, moving ever forward, and as it does opening up new possibilities for expression and new vistas from which to see the world in whole new ways.

We need to reassert our freedom and remove the chains of those elements of our lives and our world that shackle us. This does not mean shedding our legitimate responsibilities ... for these we must bear or reap the consequences. It is easier if we shoulder these willingly rather than consider them to be a burden. We are not meant to be beasts of burden. There are other animals that fill that role willingly and even gratefully.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior I allow this expression to freely wander where it will. It is truly stream of consciousness stuff. When I am engaged in it, I feel no need and no right to govern its direction. I am performing a service. It is the customers needs that matter as one provides services. Since I don't know who the audience is for this communication ... it is not for the audience that I am doing this. I am performing a service for spirit, allowing her to express through me in whatever manner she, not I, chooses.

I continue to do as I am moved to do, trusting in the very processes of life itself, and of spirit expressing in flesh. That is one of the things that distinguishes me from others ... a deep faith in consciousness, and how she expresses in us and through us. This is not a blind faith ... though it is a faith in processes which are unseen except for their products in our lives.

When we believe that we can do whatever we put our minds to, we open up a wide berth in which to express and to do our works.

In the end, utility is the only factor by which beliefs should be judged. Do they serve us and the society of which we are part, or do they not? If not, it is time to replace them with something far more useful to us and to others.

We are here to be of service in some way that uses our special abilities and talents in a manner that helps others. We are to live by the sacred code ... never take more than you give. What we give is ourselves, our time, and the services that we can provide. This code isn't forced upon us, it is voluntary. However, it accurately depicts spiritual law.

If we find ourselves in need, the place to start is not by finding how we can fill the need ... rather, it is by determining what it is that we can give that is of most utility and value to others, then by providing this as a service voluntarily. The universe will ensure that we reap what we sow. You cannot give without return. Though, giving with expectation of return defeats the purpose as well. This is not a trade or a negotiation. We are priming the pump for spirit to operate in our lives. When we do so, she ensures that we get all that we need and more. Spirits abundance is unlimited. Ours can be as well ... for what are we but spirit experiencing life in flesh.

The body is an elaborate vehicle for the brain, its primary occupant ... which in turn is a vessel for the mind to interface with, and to create and experience the game that we call reality.

Words are the clay through which I sculpt the creations that can be expressed through me.

I trust the very process of life as it unfolds through me. Everything is planned, everything is necessary, everything is unfolding perfectly ... regardless of any appearances to the contrary. It is a matter of finding a viewpoint or set of viewpoints from which this is true. Such is within our reach at any time. It is simply a matter of looking in the right direction through an appropriate set of glasses (or set of beliefs).


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Here is where the unknown becomes the known, where the unmanifest becomes the manifest, where the creative thrust brings forth whatever creations it is capable of producing. Through it all, I have no direct sense of being the author, the originator of this creation. Yes, it is through me that it comes forth. I am actively involved in its creation ... but in a very real way, it comes through me not from me. At the same time, there is a sense that without me it would not come forth at all. This makes me necessary but not sufficient.

In reading and studying this expression, you gain insight into whom that I AM. However, this does not allow you to know whom that I AM. You only know me as the one through whom such works as these can come. This may or may not give you an accurate picture of me. It depends on how complete and comprehensive the works are ... and further your understanding of these works. It is not clear how much one can deduce of what the creator is by examining the creations. Yet, the saying ye shall know them by their works keeps popping into my mind.

If we are ever going to learn what makes us tick as individuals, we need detailed records of what consciousness does. This is one such record.

I am a guinea pig of sorts ... with a blend of DNA, hereditary, and environmental traits and conditions ... that has become aware enough to express via works of consciousness. There are many things that I do in my day to day life that are instantly forgotten, that will never have much of an impact on anything or anyone. However, this expression provides a snapshot of consciousness in action.

Effectively, everything that I have known and experienced to date has been me, and aspects of me reflected by the world. This is no longer enough. I desire to take a step beyond. Actually, desire does not adequately convey the urgency that I feel. There is a strong need within me to find something more ... something beyond what I AM. Prior to this, I have been content in the pursuit to know thyself. But, it seems that I am starting to reach some of the limits of this container. To be more, I have to open to others in ways that I have not done before. I have to stretch beyond what I know myself to be. In one way this is easy ... I have no goals or plans for my life that get in the way of doing what needs to be done here and now.

The only thing it is fair to measure anyone against is what they are versus what they could be. How much of their innate potential is realized and is being actively used and expressed?

We do far too little collectively to teach people the nature of whom that they are and their part in the creation of the reality they experience. One reason for this is that the collective is not yet open to beliefs that could truly empower individuals. The fear is that if individuals became more powerful, there would be no way to control them. This fear creates many of the chains and restrictions that imprison us.

Acceptance is the first step towards making any change. When we fight or resist something, it stays in our life, by the very act of our engaging with it. When we accept what is for what it is, we are free to move on to whatever we would become. 97

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior This is the record of consciousness expressing in flesh as freely as she can through me at this time. It offers insights about the nature of consciousness, reality, and reality creation that can point to expanded freedom and enhanced awareness. Yes, insights is the correct term to use. This expression provides sight or visibility into what is within. The very fact that it even exists as it does opens up many questions regarding what we as individuals are capable of ... especially as instruments of spirit.

I operate out of faith, with a deep trust in the sanctity of life as it expresses through me. I need nothing else. There is no authority that I bow to ... other than spirit herself. My firsthand experience is that this is an effective way to live. Then again, I have only my life to go by.

The giants of the world are such because they stand high on the shoulders of others. Whether it is on the wings of their thoughts, or their experiences, or their examples matters not. We can only go so far and do so much on our own. Through others, we can get a running start to whatever path we choose as our own.

My sense is that we have only played with reality creation to date. It is time to get serious and do this in earnest. The works that we can do collectively and individually will be miraculous. It is simply a matter of focus, and a conscious decision as to what we choose to create.

Life to me is a highly subjective experience. We cannot stand back and look at it objectively. To explore the domains of consciousness, one must be an active participant. What we experience is a direct reflection of what we are, and what we are is in turn changed by the very act of our experience. No matter how hard we try, we cannot escape this fact.

To me, home is not a place ... it is a state of consciousness. In particular, a state that I can reach anytime, anywhere, under any circumstances. All it took was going within to find it, and practicing enough to master it. This expression is my practice. Hmm ... that is an interesting way of looking at things. We don't typically expose others to our practice sessions. But, in this endeavor, it seems appropriate somehow. This is more than practice. This is the chronicle of an adventure in consciousness. As such it is as important as any record or journal of an expedition or exploration of discovery.

Not everything is meant for everyone. Use whatever resonates with you. Let utility be your guide

Walk awhile in my footsteps or mindsteps and observe how it feels to you. Don't accept things a true based on my say so. But, be willing to believe long enough and strongly enough to see whether something works for you. Meditate, still the chatter of your mind so that something within can find its voice through you. We all have an inner connection to source. However, it takes effort to connect with it. And then, if we don't pay attention to it, trust it, and act upon the information it provides we might just as well not have found it at all.

I am committed to be of service to whomever spirit cares to serve through me. As the instrument, I know not how I am being played, or to what audience. Interesting analogy. But that is indeed how I feel. I am the aware instrument through which spirit expresses. 98

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior The primary tool we have for experiencing awareness is our mind.

There is something about being on the edge between the manifest and the unmanifest that is addictive. Once one finds ones rightful place, it becomes home ... it becomes the center from which we explore and express whom that we are.

I am being what I was created to be as accurately as I can given my level of awareness. Interesting ... was created to be. I am not used to thinking in those terms. He who created me, immediately comes to mind. That would be God. I don't think of she who created me ... however, I do think of consciousness and spirit as she who expresses through me. I never think of he who expresses through me.

My only desire is for spirit to more fully express in flesh. My whole purpose is to build the foundation necessary to allow this, and in the process to serve as a midwife to the birth of a new age ... an age whose very characteristics are as utopian as we can presently dream possible. Yes, I still live in this world ... but my mind and soul rest in other domains. Actually they do far more than rest. They bring forth as much information as they can carry to express here through me. However, it is up to me to establish a resonance by exploring whom that I am in the unknown realms of consciousness.

My sense it is the same one consciousness that animates us all. Everything is the expression of this one consciousness ... everything, no exceptions. Many people think that good is responsible for the good and that the devil or some dark force is responsible for the bad and especially the evil in the world. However, there is nothing else except spirit expressing. Evil and darkness is simply a lack of light due to walls or barriers that have been set up to block the light. One overcomes darkness by shining light upon it. When one does so, darkness simply vanishes.

My life is not meant to be like that of others. I am a wayshower. I see things as no one else has seen them, and express things as no one else has expressed them. This is not unique to me ... each of us is a wayshower in our own way, or could be if we chose to be so. Spirit expresses through each and every one of us to the degree that she can, to the degree that we allow her to in our lives. She does not force her way ... she waits patiently for us to choose to allow her to express. We do this by searching for and finding a way to be all that we can be.

I agree that my mind can do some strange things, making transformations that are not logical ... following intuition in a manner that can be confusing at times. However, for me it all makes sense somehow. I am finding connections that are already there, just hidden from the normal techniques we use to reveal information. I don't mind that the connections are intuitive. I don't mind that they may only be meaningful to me. I am still moved to express and share what I find. Hopefully, this encourages you to more actively pursue whatever path is right for you.

I have found it useful to give my mind a wide berth, and to be open to allowing consciousness to express as she will. This has yielded a richness to my inner experience that fascinates me even more than ever before. 99

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior There is much that is expressed through me, but I feel as if I am more the observer of what is being expressed that the creator. At least, that is my present awareness. At some level, I know that the creator is a part of me. It is just that there seems to be a wall that keeps me from seeing this part of myself other than from the works that it throws over the wall so to speak. Interesting analogy. Yet, this is very much how I experience it. These words come forth via an inner source. I know that this source exists, because I see all the words that flow forth.

There is a difference between knowing something and having an awareness of something. When we are aware of a part of ourself, we experience being that part. Knowing can be a secondary phenomena, a mental understanding of something. As such, it is less than awareness. The difference is that between the mental realm and the realm of consciousness. The mental realm is the lower of the two. We have to go beyond mind to experience awareness. This is not so easy to do. In fact, it seems that many do not experience this in their entire life and perhaps many lifetimes.

How do I know that what is being expressed has any value ... or, more specifically, is worth the effort that I put into it? All that I can say is that I feel that it does. In many ways, I feel that it is the most important thing that I could be doing. Further, I am the sole judge of what is worthy of my time and effort. This expression is my choice ... it is an investment that I make of my self to something greater than I am.

It is enough to know that I am a WE and that my highest functioning is achieved when I accept the parts for what they are, allowing each part to do what is natural for it to do, and trusting that the whole is functioning in a cooperatively interdependent way because that is how it is designed to operate.

Finding and removing limitations becomes a way of life. It is a matter of perception. Limitation always involves darkness and shadow. We remove it by shining whatever light we can upon it. However, we must learn to recognize the shackles that bind us, before we can take the actions necessary to remove them.

We are incredibly powerful. We are creators, responsible for all that we experience. This includes not only the day to day experiences of life ... but all of the excursions into the realms of consciousness that we take. These later can be as real or more real than what we experience in out day to day life.

Our imaginations are wonderful places. They allow us to play and dream of things that have never been ... and from these dreams to create the very conditions necessary to bring our dreams to life, to manifest them, to make them physical.

We are dreamers, yes, but more than that, we are creators ... manifesting the reality we choose to experience both individually and en masse.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Our collective reality is in the process of massive change. Many don't yet see it, but the signs are there. The is no stopping the actualization of the plan that consciousness has laid out for the expression of spirit in flesh. We each have out roles to play in that grand plan. More and more, we will be moved to express personally in a manner that resonates with this plan. It is as if the vibrations of the age feed us. Those who are not attuned will wither and die. Those who are attuned will thrive and flourish ... all that they touch will turn to gold as the saying goes. That is how the age takes hold. It touches us inside, and moves us. We'll see it first in the works of the most creative among us. And, what they do will move us deeply ... though we may not be aware of exactly why. Popular songs are one place where this is happening.

It seems that the level at which we live is highly dependent on what we expect of ourselves and feel we are worthy of receiving. Spiritual law is operative here. We reap what we sow. We must live by the code ... never take more than you give. That is not a law subject to choice. Spiritual laws apply to us all whether we believe in them or not. Note that the only limit imposed by this law is whatever limit we apply to what we give. We can give of our money, our time, or both in service to other individuals, our society, or even our world. How we give is our choice. That we give is not an option.

As a society, we are responsible for all aspects of our collective experience. It is time to take conscious responsibility for this and do what it takes to help those in need. Those living below the poverty level are suffering needlessly as well ... because we as a society have not chosen to make it our responsibility to fix this. We can fix this. Whether we do or not is a matter of choice. When will we choose to make better choices?

Our world can be improved rapidly. However, we as individual need to make the jump from a ME to a WE perspective. We need to understand how we fit within the larger whole, and what responsibility we have therein. It is not for another to dictate this to us. Deep within, we already know our rightful role. It is simply a matter of accepting this and doing whatever is required whole-heartedly and with all our soul. In doing so, we are doing our part. In doing so collectively, we transform our world.

This expression is my baby as it were. It is where I allow the creative thrust to give birth to something new. This is where I express whom that I am in ways that I cannot do anywhere else. At some point, my life will be such that this is my outer expression as well. It seems here, it is betwixt the two. It is one step removed from inner expression since it is here on these pages. But it is also one step removed from outer expression since it is not in the hands or minds of those who would consume and utilize what is expressed.

From one standpoint, we have everything we need to change the world. Everything except the commitment to do it.

Life is what happens when you start paying attention to the little things. When you do this ... it is amazing how the big things seem to take care of themselves. Perhaps it is because all of the big things are planned out by consciousness herself through incredible levels of cooperation that form the foundation for reality creation.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Beliefs are the playground for reality creation. Utility is the only test for their validity. It is up to us to choose what we will believe. Beliefs by their very nature lie in the nether region between what is true and what is false. If something is already known to be true or false, there is no room for belief.

For me, the most fascinating part of the playground is the unknown, the edge of the abyss, the very frontiers of consciousness. It is there that I stand excited about life as it unfolds ... enthusiastic about what is to come forth.

How can I know whether I've truly reached the edge of the unknown versus the edge of what is unknown to me. The later is a much larger domain. However, the works of others can be useful for exploring the delta between these two. What is truly unknown will not be addressed anywhere that we look. However, we also need to count on our intuition and curiosity to take us to where we are meant to be.

There is plenty of time to do the tasks which are ours to do. It is simply a matter of going within to find the tasks which are ours to do and focusing our efforts and talents on doing these.

What we see collectively is a result of our collective choices. Until we take responsibility for all that WE experience, we are not doing are part.

We have a collective responsibility to one another. We live in a cooperative interdependent society now. Most of us just don't realize it yet. Incredible cooperation already goes on behind the scenes to manifest all that we experience. The new age brings forth the need to make this far more conscious. We need to do this by choice rather than chance, and by conscious choice at that.

Step back and observe. Take the time to really see how everything that you are, everything that you experienced is mirrored in your beliefs. We draw reality to us via these beliefs. Actually, we create our reality to conform with them. We do this automatically. It is part of our nature as creators. In many parts of the world, beliefs have stayed relatively stagnant for hundreds to thousands of years. As a result, life is well-defined ... it is the same from one generation to the next, seemingly for eons. In this country, however, things are much more dynamic. We are a young country ... only 226 years since our Declaration of Independence, and fewer than that since the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution were generated. For over half of that time, we have been in the midst of revolutionary changes that started with the industrial age, and have been growing more and more rapid throughout the information age.

What I see does indeed seem to be something that only I could see. This begs the question of whether I can show others what it is that I see. Is this not what creative people do? Artists convey what they see in paint on canvas. Writers convey what they see in words ... mainly on word processors these days, but also in printed form.

Our contract with spirit is that in exchange for being whom that we are and giving all that we can give in service to spirit, we get our needs met ... all of them, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. This 102

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior contract is offered to all who would care to enter into it. It is not forced on anyone. It is up to us to choose to make it valid in our life.

My means of escape is to watch movies. Chariots of Fire plays in the background as I write this. I remember being deeply stirred by this years ago, and still whenever the theme song plays it sends a chill down my spine and moves my soul. "Let each of you discover where your true chance in greatness lies." Wow, why have I never been challenged such. Then again, perhaps I have ... just not by anyone else. This statement was made to the freshman class at Cambridge in around 1922. It is very likely that such a speech was indeed given. Further, it is likely that this still goes on ... even in this country. But what does it take to be among the elite, the select few who are given the keys to the leadership of the country? How does one rise to one's rightful position within society? How does one even discover what this is? As an introvert, and an extreme one at that; I naturally go within, and seek this for myself. Yet, there is a sense that in doing this, I may be missing out on some opportunities that are rightly mine. I'm not looking for opportunities from the standpoint of what I can get. Rather, I am searching for where I can most fully use all of my abilities in service to spirit and to my fellow man.

How do I find my role in the world ... my true chance in greatness? Why is it that there is such a strong inner drive within me to achieve greatness? And, what constitutes greatness for one such as me? It is to express that which is grand within me. Right now, this is whatever consciousness is able to express through me.

When we allow ourselves to be all of whom that we are ... we allow our magnificence to shine forth in a way that it cannot otherwise do. Yes, that is the key. We don't need anything outside of us to tell us what we can and cannot be. Deep inside, we already know this. It is a matter of unleashing whom that we are ... and trusting that there is a part of ourself that knows exactly what it is that we came to do.

I am looking for something I can be passionate about, for something that can kindle my fire and turn it into a massive flame. Experience must be imbued with spirit ... that is the only thing that makes it attractive to me.

One can speak, and one can act. It is important that the actions conform to the words. Yet, there is still the admonition to be a man of action. Further, actions speak louder than words. I don't know that I have truly been this on all the fronts of my life in the past. I have said before, Whom that we are counts for a lot, but what we do makes all the difference. The strength of one's character is demonstrated in what we do and how we do it. As we do this, we are in the process of creating a masterpiece of our life.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Every moment I am carrying out my destiny ... whether I know it or not. We often overlook this when in the midst of our day to day experience. But, every moment or everyday counts. How much it counts is literally up to us. It can count a lot or it can count a little. It all depends on how much we go with the flow of spirit or go against that flow.

I don't ask what would spirit do here as some do? Rather, I ask what am I moved by spirit to do? When I ask this, I don't need a reason. I have been able to trust that by going within, I will simply know. It even seems that there is no way to avoid doing what I am meant to do. In many ways it is as if my life is predestined ... down to minute levels, even to what words flow forth and when they flow forth. It just happens. I observe it all, but don't have an overall sense that I control it all. Yes, I firmly believe that I create and am responsible for all that I experience. I take ownership for my life. But, I am slow to evaluate what I experience and choose to change it. There is a sense that before things can change, we must accept then for what they are. God grant me the serenity to accept the the courage to change the things I can change, and the wisdom to know the difference.





This is a very powerful prayer. It is this later part where my focus has been. Though it seems that I am starting to explore the middle path of finding the courage to change those things that are mine to change. However, to motivate change, we either need to come from a place where the hurt is so great that we can tolerate it no longer or from a place where the vision of what could be is so much better than what is that we have no choice but to work to manifest it. The later is preferable, but the former seems to be the more common motivator. Pain can be so much more powerful that pleasure.

Why is it that so many live lives of quiet desperation? Why can't more people see the rare jewels and gems of spirit that they are. We are truly multifaceted and we shine with a brilliance that is greater than that of diamonds ... reflecting the inner spark of spirit from within.

How do we increase the amount of spirit that can shine through us? We find a way to tap the source within, and allow it to express through us as freely as we can. For some this is easier than for others. Also, the mechanism by which spirit expresses through us is distinct for each and every one of us. We must find what works for us. We must find what makes our heart sing and our spirit soar.

Interesting, I speak of an impact on an audience that I do not know even exists. Yet, is that not how all written expression works, including all books. There have been many books that have had major impacts on my life: the Seth books, the Conversations With God books, and the Dialogues of Plato to name a few. I would not be whom that I AM without these works, yet none of the authors have any clue that I exist. They have no direct feedback of how important their works were to me. Are my works any different? Are they of a similar quality in their own right? How would I know? From firsthand experience, I know that these words move me in ways that nothing else has done. Part of that comes from them being created through me. It is as if they are speaking directly to me. There is still no purpose in this writing other than to convey what consciousness will express through me. That is part of its appeal ... that is what fuels my enthusiasm ... that is what connects me to a source far greater than I AM. 104

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior The principles on which the Aquarian Age will be founded need the air to thrive. This is where they are free to do their works. Planted in the ground, or submerged in the ocean, they smoother and die. It is the air that gives them sustenance, just as the breathe gives the body sustenance. We can live weeks without food (the stuff of the ground), days without water, but only minutes without air ... and not one second without the fire of spirit that animates us.

I like the idea of having something to show for each day that I exist, a physical record of consciousness expressing. There is something about writing it down that makes it real for me. If it were merely conversation, or worse yet simply thoughts passing through my mind ... it would not be real, it would not be physically manifest, at least not in the same way.

In a way, I am the word made flesh, and I come to spread my seed, my words, to wherever they may flow ... perhaps even to the whole world.

There is a source that flows through me, a source that I only know via the works that she does and the words and ideas that she brings forth. I am not unique in this respect, however. This same source flowed through Emerson and Thoreau and all of the transcendentalists. I count myself among their numbers though I was born a century or more later.

Right now, this expression is what I am moved to do. I'll continue to do it as long as spirit so moves me. And then, I'll do whatever comes next. I am not meant to see more than one step at a time. Others may have more distant visions. But, this is not my gift or my way. That makes planning for anything challenging and difficult. It does not come naturally for me ... and for the most part, I avoid doing it. Yes, that means that I live my life without goals ... and without doing any practical planning to achieve those goals.

Is it for me to dictate how I will serve ... by volunteering my services in a particular manner, as I do here? Or, is it spirits call as to where I can best be utilized? After all, nothing is hidden from her. She knows my every move, my every tendency, my every talent and ability, my every desire, my every emotion, my every thought ...yes, to her, my life is an open book. There are no secrets of which consciousness is not aware.

How is it that these words, and these works, can flow forth as they do? What does that say about whom that I AM?

Every action we take to allow spirit to more fully express in our lives make a real difference not only here and now ... but to a distant end. Small changes in the moment result in dramatically different outcomes in the long term. However, we are not given the foresight to know what changes will have what long term impacts. Here we have to trust our inner voice, our connection to source to move us in the direction that is beneficial not only to us but to all who grace our lives with their presence.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior In our lives, often logic does not rule. That is not to say that it does not have a place ... just that it does not have a supreme position. Logic is a useful servant as the saying goes, but not a very good master. Here, we need to go to a higher authority ... for me that is source expressed via intuition.

I need to see whom that I am in the eyes of others. Not as a sign of whom that I AM necessarily. Rather, as an input by which to gauge whether the face that I provide to the world is consistent with whom that I need to be in the world.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior JUNE 2002 When I start each day, I never know what is going to flow forth. Even as I am in the process of writing, there is no sense of what is to come next. It just flows, word and word, sentence after sentence, page after page, musing after musing.

Everything starts with the desire to do something.

What goals are worthy of my pursuit? It seems that it is about time that I found some ... and committed to do what it takes to achieve them. This does not mean they will necessarily be my goals. There is nothing that prevents them from being spirits goals. They will be mine to the extent that my destiny is tied to them. Yes, it does indeed seem to be time to engage my talents and efforts toward more defined pursuits. It is time to start looking for what these might be. It is time to live a life of purpose ... in a more direct manner than I have done before. It is as if I've been a candle blowing in the wind. That is what this stream of consciousness is. However, the candle seems to be my light and the wind seems to be generated by consciousness herself. As a result, consciousness controls the direction in which the flame of the candle blows.

Goals are our way of telling the universe what it is that we want, what it is that we are willing to work towards.

We create plans of action to do what it takes to accomplish our goals. However, we need to leave room for the universe to pitch in and help via spiritual laws. Goethe said something to the effect ... Boldness has genius inside it! I also remember something to the effect that when we decide on something we unleash a host of universal forces to do our bidding.

What am I willing to do what it takes to achieve? The only thing that seems worthy of such effort is to carry out my mission of building the foundations for a new age and being the midwife for the birth of a new age. These are worthy of the best effort that I can apply. These are worthy of engaging all of me: heart, mind, and soul to achieve what can be achieved through me.

The line from Contact in answer to the question of whether there is life out there in the universe ... if not, it would be an awful waste of space. The universe is a big place. Consciousness is even far greater ... occupying not only the universe but many dimensions that science does not choose to recognize.

I dream of a better world; one that functions far more efficiently; one that expresses a social contract of the nature of pure communism in which each individual receives what they need physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually in exchange for providing their services to society.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Both government and the economy are systems that should serve society. When they stop doing this they need to change or be abolished and replaced with something better. We won't necessarily know what is better until we try it. Because of this, we should experiment and build prototypes of new governments and new economies to see what will work best for the various kinds of communities that we have not only in this country but on the planet.

How do we create a new social system? How do individuals and families choose to become members? Where do the funds and the resources required to make the system work come from? Who would choose to invest in such things? Who has the insight and the foresight to by into a dream? Indeed that is what we are asking for. Hmm ... it seems that we need to more fully define the dream before we can get financiers or benefactors to buy into it. Perhaps that is worthy of setting a goal. Within 1 year from today, we have a goal of generating a practical plan for the generation of one or more alternative communities that provide better infrastructures for the expression of spirit in flesh.

There is no one in my world expecting more from me. It is strictly me expecting more of myself ... primarily because I know what I am capable of ... and there is a driving need to live up to my potential. This driving need comes from within. I needed to prove something to myself. In many cases, I am the only witness to much of what I do ... and no one else is aware of all that I do. Because of this, I am the only one in a position to judge whether I am being true to myself, and doing everything that is within my power to do. It is more than that. Many things are within my power to do ... but are not within my responsibility to do. I must decide where, when, and how to apply my services to get the maximal results to all concerned.

I can think of nothing more fun that being fully engaged in doing something that truly requires my abilities. It is at these times when I feel most in tune with the universe, when I feel that I am being whom that I AM as fully as I can in the moment.

Right now, the sense is that I am indeed coming close to doing all that I can do at work ... at least within the constraints that I've accepted to date. Challenging the constraints is the next step. Unnecessary constraints restrict us needlessly, dramatically decreasing our effectiveness. It is up to us to evaluate the constraints to determine those which must bind us from those which do not. Beliefs operate in exactly this fashion as well. And, indeed, most of the constraints that we accept are beliefs about the world or about the work environment.

It still amazes me as to how little we collectively know about consciousness. This is something primary to us all that we experience all of the time. Yet, how few of us distinguish between the states of consciousness that we experience. How few of us have learned how to engage in particular states on demand.

In over 18 years of formal education from kindergarten through a MSEE, I did not have a single course that dealt with the nature of consciousness, or the fact that we have a variety of states of consciousness. Why is this? Why should something so fundamental to our being be absent from our training? It doesn't 108

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior make any sense to me. How do we empower people to operate effectively if we don't teach them to use one of the most precious gifts that they possess? We train people to use their minds in various ways, be they intuitive and artistic right brain skills or spatial and logical left brain skills. Even then, from my experience, the training is more by chance than by design. We are given a curriculum that forces us to learn to use a variety of tools and methods to solve a variety of problems. At least, that is what my math and engineering education provided.

Expression in the Aquarian Age will be substantially different than that of the past two millennia. We need whole individuals operating with their whole minds in full consciousness. For this to happen, however, we need an appropriate infrastructure that facilitates such development and expression. Individuals need to be taught of the natural potential that they have. They need to be shown how to discover whom that they are. Then, they need to be encouraged to be whom that they are and to apply their abilities and energy in a manner that serves others and society.

Inner states of consciousness are a bit more difficult to deal with. For one thing they are far more subjective. For another, it is not clear how to characterize and distinguish between states. Perhaps that is because I have not applied sufficient discipline and committed to sufficient study in this realm. You might say that the very state I enter when I generate these musings is an altered state of consciousness. However, it is not that straightforward. It is not like I turn it on and off and am solely in a particular state at a time. My awareness is a concurrent process.

It is curious that business communication, at least in an engineering oriented organization, is heavily written information. One reason for this is that the only record of the communication is often a document of some type. Does this mean that we are communicating inefficiently? Yes and no, it seems that much of the subtleties of oral communication are lost on most males ... and in engineering work, this still has a high predominance of males. What is interesting, though, is that many males do not write effectively either. Yet, the work manages to get done, albeit far from effectively. Another area that is weak is the partitioning of labor. There are far too many meetings involving far too many people. In many cases, it seems to be because no one has the big picture in mind and has appropriate control to task the parts to do well-defined tasks. There I go, the philosopher king coming out trying to assess the whole and organize the parts to get the job done efficiently and effectively, and ensuring that the right resources are applied to each task.

The three worlds in which I exist are my personal world, my home world, and my work world. These are all still very distinct. The only thing common to all three is me, personally. I've introduced some of the people I work with to Beyond Imagination ... but this has not led to close personal ties that would allow them to enter my personal world.

Find your place in the drama and do what is necessary to fill that role. You will know that it is right by how it feels to you. You will know how well you are doing by how happy you are in playing your role. If you don't like the role that you happen to be playing, there are two alternatives: (1) Change your attitude. (2) Change your role. 109

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Both of these are completely within your power to do. Both are a matter of choice.

Feedback is something that is far more rare than it should be. I don't understand why that is. Without good assessment and feedback mechanisms there is no means for continuous improvement. To some degree we can provide this for ourselves. But, it seems that many have blinders on that restrict them from being able to see how effective or ineffective they are.

If we partition the workload properly, we will always find that there are sufficient resources to do the overall job good enough. The trick is to making good enough as near to as good as can be within the resource constraints that apply.

Whose job is it to ensure that an organization functions effectively? An organization is a complex system ... a very complex one. It seems that this is the rightful domain of systems engineers, except here we are talking about a social system not a machine. In a social system, the members have talents, skills, and abilities; assigned roles and responsibilities; and psychological predispositions and needs that must be accommodated. Many social systems are loosely organized, with no clear roles and responsibilities defined.

Most of us see ourselves as one being that we refer to as "I", even though we may have virtually no understanding of how the parts function. Even basic functions such as respiration, circulation, temperature management, nourishment and waste management are understood only by the fraction of people who choose to study anatomy and the overall functioning of the physical body. The body is an incredibly complex machine which is the home for an incredibly complex symbol processing system that constitutes the brain ... which in turn seems to be the home in which the mind dwells. It remains to be seen to what degree the mind has an existence of its own versus what part is dependent on the brain. There is a sense that some part of what I consider my mind to be will live on somehow.

It is not for me to judge whether it is right or not. All that truly matters is that I am moved to bring it forth and that I find it to have some utility in my life. Whether it has utility for you ... only you can judge. It is not my responsibility to educate anyone, or even to motivate anyone. These are things that we must assume responsibility for on our own. If by means of our interaction you learn something, or are motivated to do something that enables the greater expression of spirit through you ... that is wonderful. All that I really advocate is for you to (1) discover whom that you are and (2) be and express whom that you are. In doing so, you become one of the legion of spiritual workers doing their part to change the world in beneficial ways. This is all that I ask of you or anyone ... be whom that you truly are, whatever that is.

We discover what we came to do by following our passion. It is in those things that we are passionate about where we find that our most powerful and beneficial expression lies. The title of a book comes to mind ... Do what you love and the money will follow. I would adjust this a bit. Do what you love and abundance will follow, where by abundance we mean all that we need and more on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. This is a trick answer, however, since all that we need, by definition, is whatever we get. 110

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior In this country, we take pride in our Declaration of Independence in 1776. We have not as a society taken it upon ourselves to realize and declare our Interdependence. This does not seem to be something that a select few can do for all of us and our Founding Fathers did. Our world is far more complex than theirs and our population is orders of magnitude larger. It is unclear how we would even begin to go about rallying people around such an action. This gets to the core idea of needing to establish a social contract. The shift required to permit this is one of moving from an I to an US, or a ME to a WE focus.

We either live in a spiritual world or we do not. You can't have it both ways. At some level, everything is spirit in expression ... everything, no exceptions. Both light and shadow are the manifestation of spirit in expression.

It is in some of our darkest moments that we learn some of our greatest lessons.

It is up to us to accept what is for what it is, and to take responsibility and choose to change the things we do not like. Some of this we can do individually, and eradicate it from our experience. However, for many things it takes a societal choice to make the change. Governments have been the typical arms through which we do this. That may not be sufficient in the times ahead for many of the changes that are necessary to create our Utopia on Earth. Note that a Utopia is not necessarily a heaven full of people with wings in robes playing harps in jewel encrusted cities of gold. It can be manifest as a world where all have the opportunity to develop whom that they are and apply this in service to society while pursuing whatever they are passionate about. My sense is that if we were all doing this, there is a higher level organization that the collective consciousness is actively manifesting in which we all have our roles to play. The organization doesn't need to come from outside. It can reach each of us, or at least many of us via inner pathways. All we need is a critical mass to foster sufficient change to catch fire and enflame the whole world with spirit. What constitutes a critical mass? How many people did it take to create the Declaration of Independence? We're literally talking dozens. However, it may take many more than that in this day and age. Perhaps we are talking hundreds, maybe even thousands. But even that is a small fraction.

Independence required breaking away from the established order. Interdependence can be a realization that occurs within the present order. It doesn't necessarily require a revolution. Rather, it requires a recognition of that which many disciplines have already shown us exists. We are interdependent now in many ways. Our lives will improve greatly when we accept this fact and align our actions in accord with this.

The plan of consciousness unfolds in its own timing. Yet, at the same time we are consciousness in expression ... so, however we are moved to express is part of the plan of consciousness too. That means our will as well is the will of consciousness expressing through us.

People are trying to do a good job. They may not have the right knowledge, skills, training, or talents ... but they are trying nonetheless.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior We find whatever we seek, maybe not right away, but eventually.

There is a sense that I am developing the very skills that will be required for me to carry out my mission. No, I do not seem to be doing that yet. However ... with each day, I take another step forward to when that time will be. At any moment, that time could become now. I feel ready to play whatever role I am needed and destined to play. Yes, play is the operative word here. Our spiritual work, our mission, is indeed our play ... or, at least, it should be.

My sense is that at some level we intuitively know what we are here to do and when we are doing it well. It is something that we feel directly. We don't have to think about it. We don't have to examine and evaluate our life. We simply have to quiet ourselves and see how we feel. Do we feel complete? Do we feel a sense of satisfaction with whom that we are and how we express? Are we happy? Are we fulfilled? Are we doing what we know to be right? Are we even aware of what is right for us under whatever situations we find ourselves within?

Our lives are meant to be masterpieces. However, that requires us to be masters in the art of reality creation. For, our reality constitutes our life ... that is, it is the life that we experience. Though, we do more than this. We are also aware of being the awareness that experiences this reality.

Being aware of being aware is an advanced state to experience. It is subtle, requiring only a slight shift. At the same time, it is highly profound. How do we use this awareness to more fully express whom that we are? How do we know when we have arrived at this level of awareness? When we have reached it we will know. It is so profoundly different from normal awareness that the distinction is obvious.

How many things happen in the course of each and every day that are beyond our understanding and ability to explain? The very process of speech itself is like this. We don't know how we are going to end a sentence when we begin speaking. We simply trust the basic communication process will work properly. We have a long history of engaging in communication where this process has worked. If we were overly concerned about it, we would halt the spontaneous flow. Many life processes are like this ... spontaneous. They work without the need for us to direct them consciously. The stream of consciousness is like that as well. It just flows on and on and on.

There is no one out there to judge what I do or how I do it. I accomplish this quite well on my own. Looking back, I have always been far more judgmental of myself than I experienced from anyone else. Yet, somehow, there was a fear of being less than and unworthy.

The past does not equal the future. It is the choices in the present that manifest the future. There is still a lingering thought of the need to step lightly in order to avoid the grandiosity that seems to come forth so naturally for me. This does not mean that I am not a grand being ... rather, it indicates an over attachment to needing to be grand. Yet, being ordinary and being average ... is simply not an acceptable option for me. Living my life out quietly ... without having a substantial impact on the world is unthinkable to me. It would be such an incredible waste that I do not even consider it to be a possibility. 112

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Yet, how can I ... one person among 6 billion, make a substantial impact on the world? The answer that comes to mind is: by being whom that I AM, and doing what I am moved by spirit to do. It's as simple as that ... and as complex as that. My fulfillment comes in being of service.

In the end it is the services that we provide, the works that we do that define us and that are our gifts to the world.

When you think about it ... we consume a lot, just to live as we do in a free society. To balance the scale, we should be giving back a lot. We do this by providing services to others. It is not enough simply to do our jobs at work and take care of our family. We need to extend this to serving the family of man. That means taking on a level of responsibility in society that many have not thought about, much less chosen to accept. This is what the social contract is all about. If we want to take the next step in evolution, we need to start thinking as a society composed of individuals rather than as individuals joined together into social groupings.

We are one family ... we are one world.

Just as in the body, it is that small lump of gray matter inside the skull that seems to control the world of the self ... there is a small portion of the population of the world that seems to control the world. That is OK so long as it is understood that wielding this control must be done responsibly as a service to the world ... not for personal gain and aggrandizement.

Much of human history has been the story of competition playing itself out among individuals, among tribes, among companies, among countries, among political ideologies, and among religions. Even science has advocated evolution as being driven by the competition for survival. However, cooperation has found some expression ... generally bringing great benefits along with it. The sense is that as the Aquarian Age unfolds, we will see far more cooperation and far less competition. For one thing, cooperation is generally win-win while competition is win-lose. Competition does have its place however, providing an environment that motivates excellence and innovation. However, in its present implementation, the lessons learned by the loser are not fed back in a manner that benefits the whole. Win-win behavior will be encouraged and rewarded more and more. Our systems have become so complex that we cannot afford anything other than this.

Once again we start with a blank slate and allow consciousness to come forth and express as she will. We do this freely without any mental reservation. We do it because we can ... and moreover because we must. This expression in a very real way is a part of whom that we are. We speak word upon word, in hopes that something great will come forth. While what has come forth to date does not seem to qualify for such a distinction ... there is always hope. Then again, the works that have come forth are great to me. They are by far the most important works of my life. There is something special about this expression. It is a bit on the wild side. It is where I touch the unknown. It is where the unmanifest becomes manifest in my life. It is in the realm of ideas that I shine. In the Aquarian Age, ideas will be extremely important ... especially fixed ideas. That seems particularly relevant. Fixed ideas form a solid foundation around which a new reality and correspondingly a new world can be created. 113

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior We live in a time when we can conform reality to our bidding. We are magicians that can create whatever reality we so choose.

What we think, what we believe ... we manifest in our lives.

Life is meant to have meaning. It is meant to be an adventure. We are meant to encounter the unknown, explore it, and integrate it into our lives. Life is the expression of spirit in flesh. As such, it is perfect ... at least to the degree that it can be in the moment.

How can this be with all the suffering and poverty that exist in the world? Buddha asked this very question ... why must there be suffering in the world? I'm not sure he ever figured out an answer. My sense is that it is there to motivate us to achieve something better, and to have compassion for our fellow beings. When our body is suffering, it affects the entire function of our being. Similarly when significant parts of the body of humanity are suffering ... it seems shameful that other parts can live at high levels of abundance. It seems so unfair. Yet, at some level, things are as they are meant to be. Things are as they are to show us something of whom that we are as individuals, as society, and as the whole human race.

I have a very high opinion of myself and my abilities. Perhaps this is higher than it should be, perhaps not. It is what it is. It is for me to live with. It allows me to have the courage to express in this manner. It allows me to believe enough in myself and in the nature of spirit expressing through me to allow this stream of consciousness to come forth as it will. I trust that consciousness knows exactly what she is doing even if I do not. Faith is a powerful thing. Not necessarily faith in the religious sense, though that has its utility; but, faith in the very process of life unfolding.

The universe is a very benign place if we allow it to be and expect it to be. It is amazing how often people live up to our expectations. It is amazing how reality lives up to our expectations. So, what do I expect of life? I expect it to challenge me to be all that that I can be. I expect it to provide me with the experiences necessary to come to know myself and the nature of the one consciousness to which I am connected ... of which I am part. I expect it to move me to express all that I am as necessary to carry out my mission.

Limitations are self imposed ... they always are. They can only exist as long as we accept them as real. My chief limits are emotional. I feel many things deeply, but I don't have the courage to express what I feel in many cases. Sometimes it is out of a concern for others. However, often it is out of a fear of being hurt if I get too involved or allow myself to be too vulnerable. Why should this be a concern for me? I don't have any experiences of being involved with others and getting hurt ... ever.

I truly consider this to be a precious gift ... first from consciousness to me, but also from consciousness through me to you. At this point in my life, my sense is that this is indeed the greatest gift that I can give to the world. That makes it worthy of my attention, and of my time and effort. It matters not to how many this gift is given. It will be found and will touch those whom it is meant to touch. 114

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior There is incredible cooperation that takes place behind the scenes to ensure that necessary connections are made in the world. These connections are between individuals and ideas ... and between individuals and other individuals. We find whatever we seek. However, it is something deep within us that moves us to seek in the first place.

We go through our lives from one situation to the next mostly reacting to what we encounter. At some point we realize that we are responsible for our lives. Being responsible means being able to respond. This involves having choices as to how we respond. Just last week someone told me that the difference between being reactive and proactive is a matter of time. We react in the moment, generally without thinking about what we are doing. To be proactive, we have to take the time to think about alternatives and choose what is best under the circumstances. This requires slowing down a little bit, and allowing some time to evaluate situations so that we can give ourselves the freedom to choose what we will. This doesn't have to take a lot of time. And, when we get good at it, the right choice is usually so obvious that we don't even have to think about it.

Whom you are counts for a lot, but what you do makes all of the difference. One of my own quotes this time. I have it on my wall at work. I don't remember when it came forth. It doesn't matter anyway. The bottom line comes down to what we do. Who we are supplies the potential. However, what we do is how we apply that potential. For me, service is what counts; in particular, the service that we provide to others and to society.

A new age demands new concepts and new ways of living. Cooperation is a keystone for this age; in particular, conscious cooperation freely chosen.

The very choice to be open and invite change is the step necessary to allow it comes forth. That is one of the tricks to reality creation ... it is not so much a matter of making things happen, but rather to simply allow them to happen.

We may find that spirit has far better things in store for us than we could imagine for ourselves. Then again, our imagination is one of the tools that we've been given through which spirit manifests such things in our lives.

There is a sense that we need to take responsibility for manifesting our own reality ... both individual and en masse. There is much that we can do. Further, some things can only be done by us. The saying God helps those who help themselves comes to mind. We are god’s eyes and god’s hands. We are the instruments through which spirit does its work in our lives and in the world. Our works are spirit’s works through us.

We create our reality whether we believe that we do or not. One key result from this is that there is no one but us to blame for anything that happens to us. This is a powerful pill to swallow, and many live their entire lifetimes without realizing this truth. That doesn't make it any less true. The laws of physics 115

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior apply to us whether we believe that they do or not. Further, they apply equally to each of us. Spiritual laws are no different. They just operate in a different domain.

We are all allotted our time on the planet. We come back existence after existence until we learn what we are meant to learn. In particular, until we learn whom that we are and why we are here. But that is not enough ... we need to do something with what we learn. We need to be whom that we are and express that in the world. Being the best that we can be is all that is asked of anyone. However, that is asking a lot. It is not an easy task.

Ultimately, we get the most by giving the most ... by serving in whatever way we are moved to serve. This is how we get what we need. We employ the laws of spirit that say as ye sow, so shall ye reap and never take more than you give. We prime the spiritual pump of abundance by giving. In giving, we create a void, a vacuum that nature ensures gets filled. Whatever we need to draw into our life, that is the key ... to create a void for it. Hmm, that is how this very expression occurs. My mind becomes blank, and I allow it to fill with whatever would come through. By writing it down ... or typing it, I empty the container allowing more to come forth. If I simply observed what came through as passing thoughts in my head, the impact would not be the same. In expressing in this manner, I perform a service. At the very least, it is a service to myself and a service to consciousness. Hopefully, it is a service to others as well. If not today ... maybe some day. That is one of the nice things about expression, it provides a record that lasts through some period of time. I was going to say that is permanent ... but it struck me that this is never the case. In this world anyway, all things are temporary.

This moment is special ... as is every moment, if only we choose to make it so.

It is amazing how combinations of 26 letters, a space, and a few punctuation marks can be sufficient to create untold works from the mundane to the extraordinary. Among our most gifted writers and poetics ... these symbols are as paints in the hands of a master artist. Actually, given their power, it is amazing how few seem to be involved as creators in this area.

We can make things happen ... but it is usually better to allow spirit to do her works in our lives. Consciousness knows what needs to be done and through whom. We know this as well ... just not consciously.

Everything that consciousness knows is open to us when we can get to the right vibration from which to ask. Jesus said it clearly ... seek and ye shall find, ask and ye shall be answered, knock and the door shall be opened unto thee. Or, something to that effect.

My sense is that all that I need to do is continue in this manner ... allowing consciousness to express through me as she will. She is what animates my life. She is what gives me purpose and direction. By her grace, I live the very life that I live. Why her? Because spirit/consciousness has always expressed in 116

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior the feminine for me. I only know what I have personally experienced in this domain. I am aware that others experience this differently. However we experience this is right for us.

It is not for us to compare what we experience with another ... though it doesn't hurt to get a different perspective from time to time.

I speak with a voice that seems ancient somehow. It is definitely beyond my mere 44 years in this existence. How is it that I can know what I know? How is it that I can speak with authority on such issues as the nature of being, consciousness, and reality creation? I simply don't know how it is possible ... I just observe that it is so. Much of my challenge over the past decade has involved integrating my experiences and coming up with concepts that are congruent with these experiences.

This is where the unmanifest becomes manifest. This is where words and ideas are given birth. The parents seem to be my own consciousness plus an equally important unseen that appears as a voice within ... she is spirit or consciousness herself to me. She has always been a separate part of me ... one that I can tap within. I only know her through her works in my life

Yes, I must do my part for the expression to happen. But, much of the labor seems to be born by spirit herself. I am the proud father of these works ... but in many ways they are only partly mine. I'm not sure how else to express this. Many concepts seem to gestate within for long periods of time before hatching ideas of their own.

There is something important about stream of consciousness expression. It reveals a lot about the nature of consciousness ... about it's organization, or lack thereof; but most importantly, about its immediacy. Here we find expression occurring in realtime. There is no thought about what is to be covered or how it is to be covered. There is no planning. There is only now, and expressing what comes forth in this precious moment.

Between movies, videos, music, and TV ... we have the opportunity to influence many quickly in ways that we have never had before.

What does it take to move others to believe differently, and even more important, to act differently as a result of the new beliefs? After all, that is the true test of whether we really believe something or not. Beliefs require the willingness to act in accord with. This is where the power of beliefs truly come into play.

I am but a drop of water in the ocean ... a grain of sand upon the beach. I am one amidst a large multitude. In many ways I am the same as all the others. Yet, Jonathan Livingston Seagull comes to mind. My interests are not like those of the other gulls, focused on eating and meeting the basic needs for existence and survival. My focus is on flying ... soaring in consciousness to the degree that I can. Just as Jonathan so loved to fly that it consumed his attention and focus, even to the point of forgetting to take 117

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior care of basic physical needs .... so, I love the expression of consciousness. I too, have gone overboard in this ... enough to be considered crazy, or at least highly manic.

Where do I go to learn more at a far more rapid pace? How do I tap into the collective experience of all those who have come before me? I don't have to learn everything myself. I can stand on the shoulders of giants. However, one problem with that is that the structures that are built are only as sound as the foundations. Those who have made their discoveries in consciousness in the past did so based on the times in which they lived and the prevalent belief systems of their time. Actually, prevalent may be far too strong. The most developed among us have always been out of step with the mainstream and walked to the beat of our own drummer.

Life itself, is the expression of consciousness in flesh. One question that comes to mind is what about the expression of consciousness outside of flesh? The sense is that while we are in this existence, unless it is expressed in flesh it doesn't count.

We can be the creators of our reality, and the masters of our fate. Perhaps we are this whether we consciously know it or not.

Within, there is a source that knows everything that we could possibly need to know, either directly ... or via an ability to access and/or bring into our lives whatever we need to know. The operative term is need to know. In particular, I did not say want to know. Though, there is a sense that when we desire to know something, we are near to the threshold of having a need to know as well. However, this depends on how sincere the desire to know is ... and on the purpose for which we plan to use the knowledge.

Does what I have to say have any ultimate utility and value? Is it meant to impact more than me? Or, is it for my eyes only? Does it truly matter? There is a sense that yes, it does. That it would be a waste if this expression were not to reach an audience of some type. It is not clear that an audience of one is sufficient. Then again ... what does it say about the nature of consciousness and of reality creation if all of this is indeed for me and me alone? What does it say of the value of each individual that the universe is willing and able to go to such an extent to meet my needs ... even needs of which I am not consciously aware? It says a lot ... it says that each of us as individuals is precious. It says that each of us is worthy of herculean efforts on the part of consciousness. It says that each of us will experience exactly what we need to develop into the beings that we need to be to know and carry out our missions.

Many people find it difficult to look deeply into their own eyes in a mirror. Similarly, they find it difficult to look deeply into the eyes of another. There is a reason that the eyes have been called the windows to the soul. Similarly, the heart has been called the seat of the soul. Seeing the reflection that comes to us from the heart of another is extremely powerful. This is what love is all about. What we see in our beloved is a glimmer of the love that is inside of us.

So let it be written, so let it be done. Is that the secret to reality creation? Is it all a matter of declaring what we desire to be in writing so that the forces of the universe can be marshaled to do our bidding? 118

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior This expression could not see the light of day without me. Nor could it see the light of day without consciousness. This is not the consciousness that I possess, rather it is the one consciousness that animates us all. I experience this as an inner source that I tap into. I don't experience being this source, simply connecting to it. However, neither does this inner source seem to be other. The sense is that I am a part of this source but at the same time this source seems to be indivisible. Perhaps this is simply a problem with experiencing life in a world of duality. Consciousness does not seem to be subject to this in the manner that we seem to be.

Is it not sufficient for each individual to live the best life they can under whatever circumstances they find themselves within ... albeit knowing that these very circumstances are chosen by us at the deepest levels of our awareness? We can dream of life as we would prefer it to be ... and we can take this a step further and manifest our dreams. However, there are some restrictions. Where these dreams involve others, reality must be co-created.

I am curious as to how others perceive this. Does it allow others to enter into altered states of awareness or at least point the way towards doing so? Why should this concern me? Simply because one desires that ones children grow up to make a difference in the world. Indeed, and the ideas expressed here are my children ... the only ones that I ever expect to have. My works are my children, especially my spiritual works. It is through these works that whom that I AM will live on in the world ... while whom that I truly am moves on to other realms.

No regrets. If I were to die tomorrow, I want to know that I fulfilled my mission as fully as I could in my life to date. That is the key, no regrets.

Don't delay until tomorrow what can be completed today. This is a very demanding way to live ones life. However, we need to be careful about what we deem important. Busily doing things is not necessarily the most productive way to live our lives. It is amazing what some quiet time can do for the mind and for the soul.

What do I have to offer the world? The key thing is whom that I AM. This is completely mine to give of as I will. It is the only thing that I truly own. It is the only thing that I truly have control over. The more that I know of whom that I AM, the more that I have to give. So, know thyself, is a key directive in my life. It is where I focus a great deal of my attention ... or so I have to date anyway. Now, it seems it is time to start giving back some of what I have been so blessed to receive. Indeed, I have been blessed. So much so, that I am exceedingly grateful. This expression is one way that I have of giving back. At this point in my life, it is the primary way.

The secret to life is to never take more than you give! Indeed this is a powerful truth. It is the very key that primes the abundance pump. It is what allows us to create the goods and services to meet the needs of all of all of us. However, this will not happen until we collectively take responsible for meeting the needs of each individual. We have never done this before. Yes, we have some amount of social security, and there are a variety of charities that do good works and help many. But, we have not taken the step to assert our cooperative interdependence and establish a 119

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior binding contract among us ... in particular, a contract between each individual and the collective society of which we are part. We have spoken of this many times. The contract I have in mind is best expressed as: From each in accord with their abilities, to each in accord with their needs. Yes, this is the very heart of pure communism. However, we are not applying it here as a government, rather as a social contract. The individual is responsible for the "from each" part and the society is responsible for the "to each" part. One is only entitled to receive what one needs if one gives what they can give to society. Why would individuals choose to enter into such a contract? Because it is empowering. Because it facilitates getting needs met and in so doing frees us to express and experience more of life and what spirit has to offer us.

At present, we don't really have an infrastructure in place to effect the social contract. That doesn't mean that we can't create something suitable. Where there is a will, there is a way. It is a matter of finding what will work. Perhaps some prototyping is needed to discover this. If we look hard enough, the sense is that we will find that the mental constructs necessary for this have already been revealed somewhere.

The new age offers great hope for completely new manifestations of utopian ideals. It is time to build the foundations necessary to bring the stuff of our imaginations down to Earth. Utopias don't have to be out there beyond our grasp. We can manifest them here and now. We may have to start with prototype communities. However, as soon as we find things that work, there is no reason these can't be spread like wildfire ... for the fire of spirit will be behind them.

There is always the difficult choice of coming here and giving voice to the flow of consciousness or spending my time selecting from and repackaging some of what has come before. The best of musings pages are important in that regard. They provide a sampling of the finest material that has been brought forth in this expression. Albeit, I choose the sample in a somewhat altered state of awareness based on criteria that I do not even know. I quickly scan through file after file and cut and paste the best of what I find, then do the formatting to turn it into a web page. This is a somewhat automatic process. It is as if inwardly I know what I am looking for. It is not something I have to think about. I don't judge each idea, or each passage. It is as if I allow the words themselves to rise up out of the page to distinguish themselves. To that extent, it is obvious as to what to choose and what not to choose. In making my selections, I don't reword or change the chronological order of passages. Though it occurred to me before I began this musing that perhaps it is time to consider generating works organized in that fashion. This could be done by searching for adequate ideas and passages by topic, and then by ordering these packages in a manner that brings related ideas together in threads.

It is becoming more and more important for me to seek and do those tasks that are mine to do ... and not take on those tasks that rightfully should be done by others. Sometimes it can be difficult to know the difference. However, since we are all resource constrained in the area of time ... this distinction is important. There simply is not enough time to do our own work as well as that of others. Nor should we be expected to do so. 120

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Beyond Imagination is effectively an organization of one. The sense that I just got was and rightly so for it deals primarily with the greater expression of the one consciousness in flesh through all of us collectively.

In some areas, cause and effect are fully operative. In other areas they are not. It helps greatly if we know the difference. Similarly, logic and reasoning have their utility ... however, so does intuition, and sometimes both need to be applied cooperatively. The more we engage our whole brain in the endeavors that we undertake ... the better the results overall.

To whom are these words expressed? Clearly to me. But, also to an audience that is unseen. The very fact that this expression could come forth in this manner, could be manifest in flesh is a major breakthrough for consciousness. Literally, this is a process by which consciousness is breaking through into flesh, and hence into the world. Yes, it is done through me. But note the emphasis, through me, not by me.

As beings in flesh, we make choices as to what we believe and where we focus our attention and efforts. When we choose to listen to the voice of consciousness within, and act in a manner that is congruent with that voice ... we allow spirit to do her works through us. We are free to choose to operate on our own and choose the works that we do. However, we do this, we are responsible for the consequences. Along with free will comes complete responsibility ... which gets enforced via spiritual law regardless of what we believe. This does not necessarily happen within a single lifetime. The karmic bank accounts seem to span far beyond that. Eventually a balance must be achieved ... or a surplus. However, forgiveness may come into play as well under the appropriate conditions.

I am still the chief consumer of the works that have come forth through me. Perhaps this will always be so. Perhaps not. In the end, it doesn't really matter. I will have the impact that I am meant to have by being whom that I AM as fully as I can, and by doing that which I am moved to do to the best of my abilities. What this impact will be is ultimately in the hands of consciousness, not me. Not that I am relinquishing any responsibility. Rather, I am acknowledging that the one consciousness from which we spring holds the strings and runs the show.

We simply play our roles as assigned to the best of our abilities. We are magnificent actors, indeed. Though it seems that some are more talented, or at least more educated in this, than others. We are also gods and goddesses, creators of reality in our own rights, though most are not aware of their powers in this area.

As little as one generation ago, there were no metaphysical bestsellers. In fact, in many parts of the country, such materials were labeled occult, and associated with witchcraft and the like. Now, however, books such as Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsch, and The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield, and a number of books by Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, ... have reached large audiences and rightfully so. The Seth books have seen a resurgence as well. These are what started me on the path that I have been following since 1974. They are still among the best channeled works that 121

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior have ever been produced. Jane Roberts passed away many years ago, but her works ... and Seth's works provide us with a rich legacy, one that has had a major effect on many.

As an explorer of consciousness, it is not necessary for me to know who benefits from my reports of my journeys. At some point there may be others whom I work with in this endeavor, but right now, I do not know who these might be. They may be there, lying dormant in my life already, waiting to be activated. Or, they may be out there ... awaiting the right moment for us to enter into an appropriate relationship. To me, appropriate translates into cooperatively interdependent. These are the only right relationships in a new age.

Interesting ... we see the elephant from different sides, not realizing that all that has changed is our point of view. And this, we have complete control over. We are free to observe things from any point of view. However, it may take some training to be able to reach the states of consciousness from which these points of view are seen.

Writing is important to me. It is like eating, drinking, breathing, and exercising. It is my way of releasing tension ... of providing a relief valve for all that is bottled within me. This expression is where I allow myself full reign to be whom that I AM, and to express that as fully as consciousness will allow. This is also where I discover whom that I AM, as I venture out and explore the unknown realms of consciousness. The unknown is not such a scary place ... it can be challenging, and even invigorating. Then again, my destiny seems to involve being an explorer of consciousness.

A phrase from the show playing on TV right now just caught my attention. “For those to whom much is given, much is required. Remember this always.” I am blessed to have been given much indeed. Yet, I realize that along with this come a great responsibility, a sacred responsibility. I believe that what I do here is part of carrying out that responsibility. Though, there is a sense that there is much more in store in the years ahead.

We are cooperatively interdependent now. However, we can take this to a whole new level. It is a matter of choice. When will we make that choice? When will we realize how much we are missing? When will we realize how inefficiently we operate collectively?

There is a sense that answers lie within the very process of questioning. Something Einstein said come to mind ... Problems cannot be solved at the level responsible for creating the problem. We must rise above this to find solutions. This requires being open to new possibilities.

You will know me more from reading these works than anyone in the world knows me ... with the possible exception of my wife.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior We are only beginning to see the power and the freedom of an information age. One area that we are struggling with is access to information, and the ease by which digital information can be replicated and disseminated. This goes against all of our concepts of copyright and ownership of information.

In a free market economy, all of the costs are born by the consumers ... plus any profits that companies make above and beyond the costs involved in providing the goods and services.

There seems to be a high overhead associated with doing business. Yes, it is competitive within various markets ... but it is not clear that any thought is going into how the economy as a whole functions and if we are truly providing the goods and services that are needed in efficient and effective ways to those in need of them. My sense is that there is room for great improvements. But, these won't come from the parts acting in isolation in their own best interest.

This is a fundamental flaw in capitalism and the free market economy. John Nash, the main character on which the move A Beautiful Mind was based, proved that the greatest good comes not when individuals act solely in their best interest but rather when individuals consider the collective good and well as their own best interest when they make their choices. Yet, even now, over 40 years later, we have yet to teach individuals that this is so and further, how to apply this in their daily lives.

It seems that anyone operating in our markets needs to be operating fairly, honestly, and in a win-win manner ... or they shouldn't be allowed to play the game. It is that simple. We have moved from an era of let the buyer beware to let the seller be responsible. This is a major change in the rules. Yet, it is not clear that we have announced that the rules have changed ... nor set up the infrastructure to monitor behavior and enforce the new rules.

I follow my intuition and my stream of consciousness wherever she takes me. I have been doing this for over nine years, so I know that I can trust it to lead me to something interesting. I never know what I am going to find when I start making the connections. It is much like doing proofs in geometry, except that there is no end point that guides the endeavor, and hence no way to know when we are done other than through an inner sense that the current avenue has been followed as far as it can be.

My life is primarily a spiritual one. No, not in the religious sense. I've chosen not to pay much attention to religion since my early teens. Yet, I consider myself highly spiritual nonetheless. I would have it my way as the saying goes and follow the path that is right for me. For the most part, it seems to be a path that I have to create for myself. I do not expect others to follow it. I invite others to join me ... but, it is not clear whether anyone ever will.

We have a lot to do in whatever time remains for us. Many have lived and worked sufficiently to have earned a nice retirement. The sense is that they have built their heavens on Earth and they will be allowed to live out their lives peacefully and comfortable. In the area that I live, there are many retirement communities ... designed precisely for this. They are of the Piscean Age, and have done their parts. However, those of us who came to be part of the new age, the Aquarian Age, have chosen a different path. We still have much to do. Though, building a utopia on Earth seems to be a major part of this as 123

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior well. Presently, a relatively minor percentage have reached the point of having the resources for a comfortable retirement. As a society, it seems we should provide the infrastructure that allows far more of us to do this.

My sense is that there must be a better way ... that if we were operating as a society, we wouldn't tolerate all the waste and inefficiency. Further, we wouldn't tolerate all of the pain and suffering. Yes, there is individual responsibility at play as well. However, this does not diminish the responsibility of the whole for taking care of the whole ... including each individual.

Where we have people living at or below the poverty level, we are saying that it is OK for people to suffer and for people to receive less than they need to live a decent life. This is a measure of the level of responsibility that we have accepted both individually and collectively.

There is something about this expression that is special. It seems far more organized than normal stream of consciousness stuff. Then again, I haven't had much experience reading such material from others, so I have no basis of comparison. The expression is what it is. I would have it no other way. It reveals to me aspects of whom that I AM, and how various parts of me function ... in firsthand ways that nothing else that I have ever read has been able to do. Yes, grandiosity again. I have a very high opinion of myself and my abilities. I would consider myself great. Yet, because of this, I consider my responsibilities to be great as well. It is not sufficient for me to live and ordinary life in and ordinary way. That may be acceptable for others ... but even then, I would question this, as it seems to me that each of us has greatness within us, if only we will seek and find it.

I am ready to boldly go where no one has gone before, if that is necessary. I trust consciousness so deeply that I have no fear of losing my mind ... as if I had something to say in the matter. It seems that I will experience exactly what I need to experience. Similarly, I will express what I can and must express. I live a life of destiny now, even more so than I ever have before. It is not for me to decide how I will expend my energy. It is for me to allow ... and be the active vessel through which spirit does her work in the world.

But, what about my responsibility for my own choices? I take complete responsibility. However, I actively choose not to invoke my will in those areas where the will of spirit knows better.

There is a sense that people are doing the best that they can under the circumstances in which they find themselves. In general, people try to make the right choice and do the right thing. They don't always succeed, but they try.

I demand a lot from myself, more than anyone has a right to demand. But, I take the directive be all that you can be to heart. Because of this, I am not satisfied with less. However, I don't impose this standard upon others. I don't know who they are or what they've experienced, so I have no right to pass judgment. Ultimately, this is something each must do for themselves. Though, we need to be gentle with ourselves in this area. 124

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior This expression continuously amazes me. In particular, that it could go on and on, seemingly without end. There is something about free creative expression that is special. It truly is a gift from the gods, or perhaps more correctly, the Goddess ... as this source has always been feminine to me.

In others, I have the opportunity to see reflections of parts of myself that I have not yet experienced. This is a whole new frontier for me. Yet, it seems to be one that I am destiny bound to enter. That is OK. The sense is that it is time. There is also a sense that I am ready. Anyway, I am open to whatever it is that must be done.

Life is about the expression of spirit in flesh. We are the instruments of consciousness. She orchestrates all that is expressed.

Is it true that I see what no one else can see? Am I that unique of an expression of consciousness?

I have been in this world as a stranger in a strange land. I don't know how many others like me are in the world. I can't believe that I am alone. Surely, not in a country of over 300 million and a world over 6 billion. Yet, how do I find my place in the world? Simply by following my inner guidance and doing what I am moved to do. Right now, this is expressing as I am doing here. This is how I give spirit voice in my life. At this point, this is extremely important to me. How long this will last is unknown. The urge is to make the most of it however long that is.

This endeavor is a bold new expression of consciousness. It results in the creation of something that has never been expressed in this manner before. Each of us is a unique expression of consciousness. Never before has spirit expressed in the manner it does both personally and collectively.

There are opportunities to excel everywhere. We just have to be open to them and take advantage of them when they come. Opportunities are often challenges and sometimes even problems. I think it was Richard Bach who wrote "you seek problems because you need their gifts."

Indeed, challenges make life interesting. There force us to confront whom that we are. They allow us to discover what we are capable of.

I have no desire to have followers. Except, perhaps, in the sense of follow me so that ye can see as I see, go where I go, and do as I do.

My experiences provide a jumping off point by demonstrating how spirit can express in one life anyway. And, what works for me, just may work for you too. Whether it does or not is up to you to assess for yourself. Not everything works for everyone. But, if we follow our inner source, we will find exactly what is right for us.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Operating at a spiritual level requires some commitment. It takes observation, awareness, and lots of practice. The later is required because we have to exercise our spiritual muscles to develop them. To stretch our consciousness, we must stretch our minds. We must learn to think in new ways, ways that go beyond reasoning and rational thinking.

My hope is that this stream of consciousness allows you to walk in my shoes so to speak ... and in doing so allows you to experience life differently as a result. This is my way of sharing what I see, feel, and know in the most intimate manner that I can.

The sense is that I am meant to lead an extraordinary life. Nothing less than this is acceptable to me. I have been blessed with many gifts. These gifts are to be used in service to others in some manner. Not in traditional ways ... for many can serve in this manner, but in ways that fully employ whom that I am in ways that make a real difference. I must lead a life of meaning, a life which demonstrates what we can be and what we can do when we open ourselves and allow spirit to express through us.

I write on and on and on, grateful to serve as a vessel through which consciousness can express as she will. There is something magical about this process, about tapping into this stream of consciousness in this manner. This is where I get to play and to soar as high as the wings of awareness can take me.

The words continue to flow forth coming from a source within. There is no stimulus that triggers them. They are not a reaction, rather more of a spontaneous expression. Yet, there is some structure here ... one that I am not consciously applying or even recognizing. There is simply the sense that these are not the musings of a madman. Though many, including doctors, might consider this expression as suspect at best and definitely outside the realm of the normal.

It is time to express more of what is locked within me. This is my choice to make. The locks are of my own making. I hold all the keys. It is simply a matter of deciding which locks to open and trying the keys until I find the ones that work. There is a sense that the keys are beliefs. That is the playground where the work of reality creation is done. That is the garden where I must plant to reap new fruits in my life.

We can transform the world. And, we can literally do it overnight. It is a matter of choice, and of releasing the right information to get people motivated to cooperate and work together to achieve what none can achieve alone.

At an inner level, we already know that reality creation operates through incredible cooperation. To take this further, we need to consciously choose to cooperate and do our parts to make the world a better place for all of us.

Each of us have a role to play. Further, that role is tailored to our unique talents and abilities. We will know what is ours to do. We will gravitate to it naturally. All that it takes is to listen inside and follow source wheresoever she leads us ... and when we get there, to be whom that we truly are, and to express that as fully as we can in each and every moment. 126

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior We are grand beings, each and every one of us. However, it is only through choice and actions that we can express this in the world. It is not enough to simply be whom that we are ... we must take the next step and act in accord with this. When we do that, we share our light with the world, and we live a life of greatness. Further, we are entitled to all the abundance that is our due ... to the degree that we are worthy of it anyway

That is what you get from stream of consciousness material. Any organization comes from hidden parts of ourselves. It is interesting to see what flows forth ... and to contemplate what kinds of intelligence were necessary for the expression to take place in the manner that it did.

There is a female rock group called Destiny's Child. That is an appropriate name for how I feel at this moment. It is clear that destiny's hand is at play in my life. It has been from the beginning. It is just that I seem so much more aware of it now.

Spirit helps those who help themselves ... comes to mind. We need to cooperate and do what we can do, not only for ourselves, but for others, for our society, and for our world. This is a choice that we must make. For most, it doesn't just happen automatically. We have free will. Spirit doesn't force us to do anything. However, she does provide sage guidance if we are open to it. Even then, it is up to us to find the source, develop the ears to hear, choose to listen to what she says, interpret what this means to us, then take action based on this understanding.

Service to others is all that truly matters in this world. In all other modes of operation we take. In providing service, we give.

One of the guiding principles from the Lion King is to never take more than you give. That is how we create abundance in society. If each gives more that they take, there is always a surplus. We need to ensure that this surplus occurs on all levels ... physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. For then, our society can truly soar to new heights that have only been imagined before.

Spirit thrives on the diversity of experience and expression. Do that which feels right and natural for you. But don't get too attached on any one way. Allow some flexibility and be open to experiencing and expressing differently should the opportunity present itself. Sage advice. It seems that it always is when it comes from inner sources. But it is not right because I say so. Find that space within you which knows whether what I say applies to you or not. Use whatever you find to be useful. Ignore the rest, or save it for a later time in your life when it may apply.

The bulk of what we experience as reality is the direct result of our beliefs. If we don't like what we experience, that is the place to make the necessary changes ... with the beliefs. These determine what we experience and to a large degree how we experience, and how we interpret what the experience means. Of these, it seems what matter most is the interpretation, the meaning that we apply to what we experience. This above all else is under our control. Here is one area where free will doth apply. 127

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior We find the puzzle pieces, and we make connections to the degree that we can ... awaiting the day when the whole picture will gel, and we will know what it all means. Until then, we need to be content with what is revealed in the moment and let that carry us to the next moment and the next after that. One step at a time ... in whatever direction seems appropriate is all that is necessary.

There is something magical about this expression. It is soothing and healing to me, and is definitely beneficial. But, is it so to others. Perhaps this is the output of a troubled or disturbed mind? If so, we should all be so troubled ... it would make the world a far better place.

Every day is a new adventure. Every day brings new opportunities for expression. It is for us to be the adventurer and to take advantage of the opportunities that come our way ... knowing that at some level we are the very creator that is manifesting the opportunities.

I find it curious that I have so much to say here in this stream of consciousness ... yet, realtime, I have little to communicate with others.

Cooperative interdependence is the banner sign for the new age. Independence is the way of the past. It had its utility ... but only as a stepping stone. The world is interdependent. The human family and our animal friends are interdependent. There is a hoop, a circle that never ends that connects everything to everything. What we do to one, we do to all. We cannot tolerate war, hate, and aggression any longer. It is time to weave a peaceful world.

It's amazing how fast time goes by ... and how little we really have to show for it. This expression is an exception. It is a record that this year anyway, documents where I have spent approximately 10% of my time. Interesting, I consider this to be my spiritual work. And here, we've reached the level of applying a tithe not just of our working time, but of our whole life ... or "clock time". This includes both sleeping and waking time ... an average of 10% of 24 hours per day. There is a sense that when this level of devotion is given to spiritual expression, we reach a whole new level of functioning and the spiritual law of abundance kicks in.

I've been looking at the world through a different set of eyes lately. It seems that I've been far more judgmental than I need to be. Overall, there are many things working well in our society for the vast majority of people, at least in this country and in many of the developed countries. People are enjoying their lives. For the most part, they are happy with their circumstances and are having a good time. They are learning and growing at a rate that is appropriate for them ... and they will continue to do so. Yes, the jump from independence to interdependence needs to happen. However, this does not have to be a radical change ... it can be gradual. It can be a matter people being reminded in a manner that allows them to realize how connected they are to others, to society, and to the world as a whole.

People are being trained for the roles they are meant to play in the new age. No, this is not happening in the conventional way, through specific training. Rather, it is happening naturally by where people are choosing and being moved to apply their attention, time, and energy. 128

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior My forte is evaluating how spirit is flowing within a system ... where it flows freely and where it is blocked; and then finding ways to increase the overall flow. I had been focusing so much on what was wrong that needed to be fixed ... that I was blind to what is working well. Observe without attachment and without expectation. It is important to be open to seeing what is there, as well as what could be. We can trust source to come up with the means of getting us from what is there to what could be. However, source needs us as her eyes and her hands. This gets back to the reality that there is only ONE Consciousness ... and we are all parts of that, individual cells within the same one whole.

The ONE can only experience limitation through us. It can only know what we know by the very process of our knowingness. It can only experience the varieties of awareness through our awareness. We literally are spirit incarnate. Our awareness is spirits awareness. Our experience is spirits experience. Our expression is spirits expression. Everything is spirit ... no fine print, no exceptions. We are gods/goddesses in flesh.

The more sophisticated and complicated our organizations, the higher the vibrations of spirit that can be embodied in flesh.

I don't know how many people are aware of where they fit within the overall scheme of things, and have reached a point where they consciously decide where to expend their energies for maximal impact. This is a sign of enlightened behavior.

There are many common themes that come up repeatedly in this expression. The sense is that repetition is like practice, driving the ideas home until they take root and become an automatic part of our being. Practice is important in increasing our competence in the areas and skills involved. We learn best by doing. Often this requires stepping beyond fear ... and allowing ourselves to be whom that we truly are, and to express this.

From one standpoint, we are indeed beautiful peacocks ... some of us on the outside, others on the inside, and many a combination of both. We have an inner reality and an outer reality. Further, we have a natural disposition that has us prefer one of the to the other. The preference may be anywhere on the spectrum from the inner extreme to no preference to the to the outer extreme. This preference may change over time as we come to know ourselves and find it necessary to express in new ways. There is no position that is ultimately better or worse. It is for us to find what works best for us. This may require some experimentation and discovery. In addition, it may require that we grow in new ways.

Ultimately we must find a way first to know whom that we are and then to be whom that we are. This requires expressing in a manner that is congruent ... that is consistent with the energies of spirit that are flowing through us. We are the vessels and channels through which spirit expresses. We are spirit enfleshed. Everything is spirit ... there simply is nothing else. However, this doesn't mean that everything is the same. Equality amidst incredible diversity is a cornerstone of spiritual expression. We all have our differences, different abilities and talents, different preferences, different likes and dislikes ... Yet, in some manner we are all created equal. 129

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior We consider this country a land of equal opportunity. However, this does not imply that the opportunities are the same for everyone. Equal does not mean identical, nor should it be. Opportunity is matched to our needs for experience and expression. In a very real way, we create our own opportunity and our own fate for that matter. However, many put blinders on and don't see the role they personally play in this.

I trust that there is always room to safely take the next step. However, I have no visibility of the path beyond that. There is no foresight that allows me to see the endpoint or even some intermediate point that lies ahead on the path. Because of this, I cannot plan for what lies ahead. It seems that I am being forced to live more and more in the moment ... and to do what I moved to do in that moment. The art of living for me involves maximizing my output and service to the world. At this point in my life, recording this stream of consciousness seems to be a major part of this. It provides a means for me to make a difference while allowing me to be and express whom that I AM.

There is only ONE consciousness. It is not necessary for others to experience what I have experienced. However, it may be helpful for others to be exposed to the stream of consciousness that has been expressed as a result of all of this. There is a sense that my experience provides a valuable lesson that may be of service to others. Also, there is a sense that we can't rest on our past laurels. Each day is a new day. Each day offers a new opportunity for expression and for being of service. We need to be grateful for all that we are given. The best way of showing our gratitude is by finding a way to use what we are given in service to others, to society, and to our world.

Yes, I have asked from where this flow originates. The only answer I have found acceptable is that it comes from source within me ... a source that links me to the ONE consciousness that animates us all. Clearly, it does not originate from outside of me. Yet, I am not consciously aware of the exact place from which it comes. I only know that it is inward and that it is somehow a part of whom that I AM

I choose to expend a significant fraction of my time engaged in this expression. Partly, because I am moved to do it. Partly, because I am addicted to expressing in this manner. Partly, because I believe that what is coming through is new and different ... a unique expression of consciousness. Partly, because this seems to be instrumental in carrying out my mission. I'm sure there are many other reasons as well. However, the bottom line is that I need no reasons. It is enough to express for the sheer joy of creative expression.

There is some part of us that knows what we need in order to develop into whom that we truly are. Further, it has the power to attract exactly what we need into our lives. It is for us to recognize that this is indeed what is happening, to learn what we can from each experience, and to express what we can to the best of our abilities. This is a natural process if we allow it to be. That doesn't mean that it is without its challenges and obstacles. Though, there may be times of smooth sailing as well. The key is to be and to express whom that we are ... with as little holding back as we can muster. Yes, this takes courage. Much of whom that we are is unknown to us consciously. We know of the existence of parts of ourselves because of their products and impacts in our lives. But, we know virtually nothing about how these parts function.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Direct knowingness is a faculty that lies within us all. It comes from a deep connection to source, the ONE consciousness which is omniscient. It knows everything, because it is EVERYTHING. Hmm ... everything that is known at that point in time. This changes in each moment, as new discoveries are made and the sum of the collective knowledge increases.

There is something about soaring in consciousness that allows me to see and experience reality in a different manner than most. I can tell this even from my limited experience with others. You can tell this from the nature of this expression. There is something immediate about it. There is something that strikes chords deep within. What is being conveyed has a richness and depth that goes beyond casual conversation. At least, it comes across like this to me. It is up to you to judge what it does and means to you.

At what point have we done our fair share? First, our "fair share" is dependent on our gifts and abilities. There is a graduated scale that applies. To those whom much has been given, much is expected. How do we know when we are doing enough? We will know because we will feel fulfilled and our life will be abundant in whatever manners are meaningful to us.

We are meant to be physical while we are here, even though our true nature is spiritual. Be in this world but not of this world comes to mind. The trick lies in how we do this. It is easy to say ... but the world is a very enticing place. We can become locked within a reality of our own creation.

This is how we personally experience being ONE consciousness. We connect with others in ways that allow us to blend and merge our energies, interrelate, and enter into cooperatively interdependent relationships. We do this because we are so moved, and because it enhances the work environment by making us more efficient and happier in carrying out our assigned tasks and duties.

Each of us take one path through life. In the course of this path, it appears that we have choices. Whether we do or not is another matter. We are never given the opportunity to go back to a previous point and make a different choice. There is nothing in our experience that allows us to detect whether we truly have a choice, or whether we simply experience a predestined choice. We may argue that there is a reason or set of reasons why we made a particular choice ... however, we simply cannot rule out that we are an actor following a script that a playwright other than our conscious self was responsible for.

What makes me think in such a fashion? The issue of free will has been bothersome for me since the beginning of these writings. Prior to that, I didn't really think much about it. I believed Seth ... We create our own reality, no fine print, no exceptions. However, I assumed that most of this happened behind the scenes on other than conscious levels. I still strongly believe this, however my sense is that reality creation is more a matter of how we interpret what we experience that it is about what we experience.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Throughout my life, it never felt as if I had alternatives. It was always obvious what the right "choice" was ... and I was by nature moved to make the right choice. This applies to the big choices anyway. The little choices like what to eat, what to wear, what show or movie to watch, what radio station or albums/tapes to listen to didn't really seem to matter much. What books to read were a different matter. Here, I was guided to the books that I needed to read, when I needed to read them. Looking back, it is as if I was being programmed. The books provided a stream of ideas, just as we feed information into artificial intelligence systems. These books were far more sophisticated than anything that we normally feed into a conscious mind. And, in my case, there were over a thousand metaphysical books. That's literally hundreds of thousands of pages of metaphysical material ... or millions of ideas.

I believe that everything we read, hear, and experience is recorded and captured somehow. For some, the process is nearly photographic. For others, like me, the process is nearly opposite of photographic ... I forget most things almost as quickly as I see them. They pass through my consciousness, and somehow the appropriate connections get made so they can be recalled when needed. I believe that everything that enters my awareness triggers something ... activates something within me. In most cases, it is a realization of something that I already know within, but that I am now becoming consciously aware of.

There is something about spiritual expression that brings out the best in us and in all those whose lives we touch. There is something miraculous about engaging with consciousness in this manner. Here, we are engaged directly in the process of co-creation, involving creativity of a very high order. We express what can be expressed through us because we must ... because in a real way, that is whom that we are.

ONE consciousness ... there is ONE consciousness animating us all. We are ONE, in more ways then we might consider possible. What we do to one, we do to all. What any one of us experience, all of us experience. What any one of us know, the whole knows ... and that knowingness can be shared with anyone else at any time. That doesn't mean that we can't help the process by facilitating this awareness and consciously sharing more with others. Sharing is not something that can be done unilaterally, even though I try to do that here. Sharing involves a give and take. Where none consume, the sharing has not really occurred. Yet, there is always at least one party to any sharing that is done ... namely, the ONE consciousness herself.

Though cooperation we can manifest incredible things in the world.

Spirit has lain dormant for many centuries, even millennia, awaiting a time when her forces could be unleashed to do their works in the world. Now is that time. If this expression is any indication, something shifted around the beginning of this year.

“I believe the children are our future. Teach them well, and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty the possess inside. Give them a sense of pride ... Let the childrens laughter remind us how we used to be. I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone's shadow ... If I fail, if I succeed, at least I'll live as I believe. No matter what they take from me, they can't take away my liberty ... I found the greatest love of all, inside of me. The greatest love of all is easy to achieve. Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.” 132

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior I don't know why, but these words were at the tip of my tongue waiting to be expressed. The song hasn't played for awhile, but it strikes a very deep chord in me whenever it does play. There is a sense that this is indeed where the hope for the future lies. The children that have incarnated at this time, be they days old, or in some cases nearly a century old have come into this world to experience this time. The younger of these have specifically come to lead the way as the song says. We need to think a bit about the qualifier to this ... teach them well. How do we go about doing this? It is not clear that the education system nor the religious training do teach well. It is not clear that either of these show them all the beauty they possess inside. I know for a fact that they did not do this for me. It took extensive metaphysical study on my own to learn this. Further, it is not clear that either the education system or the religious training institutions would accept the bulk of what I have learned in this manner. One foot in front of the other, one step at a time is how we get from where we are to where we need to be. We will know in which direction to move, because we will be directed by spirit herself, or will follow the lead of others who are so directed. And, if this takes us to the edge of the cliff and beyond ... then that is exactly where we need to be.

We can trust that there is a spiritual destiny that is manifesting ... and that each of us have a role in that destiny. We simply have to go within to find it. That can be scary if we have not done the self work necessary to gain an understanding of whom that we are sufficient to know that what we find within can indeed be trusted. However, fear should not keep us from doing the things that we know we must do.

I am to be a wayshower ... but it is not clear to whom I am showing the way. It just may be to consciousness herself so that she can learn what is necessary to guide others to awaken more fully. Hmm ... I've never thought of it in that way before. That is where the for your eyes only, only for you idea comes into play. This may indeed be an experiment in which the ONE consciousness is finding out what energies can be expressed through one entity ... namely me.

How much evidence do we need that spirit is expressing in our world in more powerful ways than she has ever done before? The mass consciousness is being prepared for something. There are massive changes in store ahead ... yet it only requires subtle shifts of awareness to be ready for them and to be able to deal with them effectively.

The road to the future can be easy or it can be difficult ... it is our choice. Each of us decides how we will experience this primarily by how we embrace change and new ways of seeing things and doing things. If we are set in our ways, the going may be pretty tough for awhile. However, if we are flexible and open minded, we will be lead down the optimal path for us. That doesn't mean there won't be hardships and challenges. There may be or may not be depending on what we envision that we need to experience.

Time has definitely accelerated. It is amazing how fast the weeks and months go by. The sense is that this pace of change is here to stay. And, if anything, it will continue to accelerate. But can we handle it? When do we stop and smell the roses? There is only so much time each day. There is only so much that we can do with that time. However, the challenge is to make the most of that time; and, in particular, to do the things that have the most meaning. This we have to constantly choose 133

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior for ourselves. Though it seems that we also have the opportunity to gather together in ways that allow us to collectively do a whole lot more. This requires a commitment, and a willingness to risk. To risk our lives, our property, and our sacred honor ... for a cause that is greater than anyone of us. Yes, such is what we will be asked to do, much as the founding fathers of our country did. We are brethren ... brothers and sisters all. We are meant to help one another. We are meant to be responsible for one another. That does not relieve our responsibility for ourselves. However, it puts self in a larger context, the context of society.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior JULY 2002 Each day offers 24 hours in which to live, and around 16 hours in which to express. We all have the same allotment. How we choose to spend it is up to us. Though it seems that some have dramatically more choices than others in this regard.

It is not for us to compare ourselves with another. We come from different places and different levels of awareness, hence our choices will be different. In fact, they will be unique to us ... for despite appearances to the contrary, we are each unique expressions of the one consciousness.

We have come to learn of whom we are, and even more important to be and express whom that we are. In doing so, we will fulfill the destiny that we came to fulfill. This can be easy or difficult depending on whether we go with the flow or fight it. The choice is ours. I advise finding the flow and going with it ... but that is a personal choice, one that requires a high degree of trust in the natural expression of spirit. In going with the flow, we give up some control. However, in doing so, we gain the cooperation of the unseen forces of the universe. In my experience it is a very worthwhile trade. Though, I can see how there might be others who don't see this in the same light. That is OK, to each their own. There is no set way to experience reality.

This is a game we are playing. The objective of games is not to win ... but, to have fun playing. Ultimately, there are no winners and no losers. We experience the reality that we create for ourselves. Some may not believe this yet. However, your belief does not change the fact of whether something is true. Truth is what it is regardless.

We are what we are. Though, I would venture to guess that most people do not have a clue as to how to describe whom and what they are. Look at me as a case in point. I am the one through whom this expression could come forth in this manner. What does that really say about me, and what does it say about the nature of the source of this stream of consciousness? Clearly it speaks volumes. Literally! But, what does it really say?

Perhaps this is a difference between extroverts and introverts. The first find things outside themselves and need to realize I AM THAT. The later find things inside themselves and need to realize I AM THAT. In both cases the nature of the realization required is the same. Both types need to find ways to accommodate whatever they encounter into their reality frameworks. “For your eyes only, only for you. You see what no one else can see.” Indeed, is this expression for my eyes only? If it is, I would have to say that I am one of the luckiest and most blessed beings around ... that consciousness would pick me to participate in this creation, and even more important to be aware enough to observe this expression. I still hope that this is being done in a manner that serves others besides me. If not, I still have a major debt to repay. Consciousness has provided me with a true abundance ... primarily of spirit. In return, I feel moved to share it with all whom I can. 135

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior I am one person moved by spirit. What difference can I make? I will make the difference that I am destined to make, nothing more and nothing less. I will know what this is when I make it. However, there is a strong sense that I am meant to leave the world a better place than how I found it. That is not asking much. That is only asking that my life have meaning ... preferably not only to me but to others.

This expression is one of my crowning glories. It has truly been a labor of love going into its tenth year. Every word crafted out of nothingness. Every idea fashioned as spirit alone could fashion it ... to the degree that it could be expressed through me at the time anyway. I am still blown away by what is able to be expressed through me. I am ever confronted with parts of me and a knowingness that I knew not before. Here is where I face the unknown, in a manner more direct than I do anywhere else in my life

I find it interesting that I choose to do this in a manner that can be readily and freely shared. I also find it interesting that the expression is so open loop. I am the only one providing feedback that guides or limits it in anyway. And, it is not clear what feedback I am providing. I allow the stream of consciousness to flow where it will. I was going to say that I blindly follow it wherever it would take me ... however, it seems that I do so with eyes wide open, marveling at not only the results but the very process.

The are indeed many mansions within, mansions that it could take a lifetime to explore. Yet, that is not my destiny either. There is a sense that I am to explore enough of the inner to provide a framework for expressing spirit in the outer in bold new ways. This indeed seems to be where my life is leading. It has taken many years of training to get me to where I am ... and I came in with special abilities to be used in the service of spirit ... and ultimately in service to society and even the whole world.

What makes me so special to have such a role? I can only answer that it is written in whom that I AM. That is good enough for me. There is no other answer needed. I must be true to whom that I AM. I must do as my soul dictates. Being aware ... I have no excuses.

Consciousness has a special place in my life. She is my benefactor and my friend, she is my teacher and my guide, she leads me to where I need to go when I need to be there. Through her I live my life ... she is my inspiration. She drives me to do what I can do ... moreover, what I must do. Without her I am lost, as a ship without a rudder. No, it has not always been smooth sailing, but she has always been there to help ride out the storms. I can count on her as I count on no one else in my life ... other than myself, and even then, she has greater strength and wisdom by far. I can't imagine living my life without a direct connection to her. She completes me somehow. Through her, everything that I could ever need is brought forth unto me. I have only to ask. And often, what I most need comes forth even before I ask.

Each of us is a unique aspect of all that is. It is for us to realize how special and precious this makes us. Each and every one of us.

I expect a lot from myself. Perhaps too much at times. However, there is a sense that I have a destiny to fulfill, a destiny that will require me to fully apply all the I AM in a manner that serves others, society, and 136

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior the world. It does not even appear to be a remote possibility that I will fail to carry out this destiny. After all, it is why I am here. Everything within me says that there is a mission that I came to accomplish. In particular, a mission that involves being a midwife to the Aquarian Age ... and building the foundations for a new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh.

It is high time that the amount of spiritual expression in our world increased dramatically. However, that requires that each of us do our part. And, even more important, it requires that those in positions of power and influence start using their resources and abilities in ways that serve society ... in ways deserving of the talents that they have been so blessed to receive and the roles that they have assumed in the play of consciousness. There is a sense that people rise to the positions that they are meant to occupy ... and that they are somehow worthy of the positions that they reach. However, worthiness is something that must be demonstrated by right action. Those in leadership positions are meant to lead by example. They are not better than others ... they simply have roles that they came to play for which they are qualified.

I point the way to the land of spirit, to a world where consciousness plays by different rules than apply to the consensus world. I have been given the privilege of catching glimpses of the spiritual world and some of the meaning embedded in the symbol systems that surround us. The spiritual world coexists with the physical one. It simply has additional dimensions and additional webs of interconnectivity of information.

At deep levels, we are never really out of control ... though the control may not be consciously applied. Our Self, our soul, is always in control at some level ... always.

At some level, we are all masters at the art of reality creation. One either believes that we create our own reality, or one does not. If we do create it, even if on other then conscious levels, and I strongly believe that we do, then we do it fully without fine print or exceptions. Yes, that comes across as a harsh judgment on those exposed to injustices. Yet, how unjust can something be if it is us choosing to bring it into our lives?

These words are clearly meant to move me deeply, and they succeed in doing that very well indeed. The next step seems to be for me to interact with others in a manner that allows me to impact their lives for the better. More and more, I am being moved to do just that. Though, it seems it requires new skills that have lain dormant for awhile. Not to worry. There is nothing that can stop me from doing what spirit would have me do. That doesn't mean that there won't be some challenges and even obstacles that get in the way. However ... with spirit on my side, nothing is insurmountable.

I know that I have the abilities and talents to do a lot. To whom much is given, much is expected. I can live with that. Responsibility is never something that I have shied away from. I feel personally responsible for saving the world. Hmm ... it is not clear where that came from. It is not clear from what the world needs to be saved. I don't believe in a concept of salvation. However, I do believe in a concept of service. Somehow, I consider myself to be a world server ... whatever that means. Literally, there is a sense that I am to serve the world in some capacity.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior My creativity comes forth here ... expressed via words. It is interesting that these may be words that no one else sees. However, anymore, that does not seem important. What matters is that they are expressed in the manner that they are. What happens next is not my job. You are not to be concerned with consequences, you are to tell the truth. Here I try to do that more faithfully than I can anywhere else.

Our natures are literally written in the stars, and in our names, as well as in our genes. It is amazing how much information about us is encoded in the various symbol systems around us.

What is under our control is what we do from this day forward. At least, it seems to be under our control for the most part. Then again, perhaps this too is illusion. Fate has its way of entering into our affairs. There is a destiny for each of us that will not be denied. It will play itself out as it must in our lives. But, how does that get reconciled with free will? The first answer that comes to mind is that it doesn't. Free will operates more behind the scenes at other than conscious levels than most care to acknowledge. We seem to have choices, but it is not clear to what degree we really do. My sense is that we choose how we interpret what we experience, not so much what we experience. For the later, the very processes of reality creation operate to bring us those experience that we need in our lives. We apply the meaning.

I still find it difficult to assert my will. I operate by the directive not my will but thine be done. Given my predisposition to mania and grandiosity, I find it very important to keep this perspective. However, there is a growing sense that my talents and abilities were given to me for a reason and that they are meant to be used in service to society and especially to spirit. This includes my personal will, gun shy though it may be.

Life unfolds exactly as it is meant to unfold. Each event, each choice, each experience, each expression is exactly what it needs to be.

We live in very fast-paced and hectic times overall. There does not seem to be sufficient time to care for the soul. Then again, that depends on where we place our priorities and choose to expend our time and resources. There is always time to do the things that need to be done. The trick is to place the right things in the need to be done category.

We need to tell the universe what we want ... and expect to get it. However, we also need to feel that we are deserving enough of the things that we want. We do this through service. This is what primes the economic pump. This is what creates abundance in our lives.

There seems to be a tradeoff between what we can receive and what we need to sell our soul to do.

What ye give shall be returned unto thee ... and manyfold. The most valuable thing that we can give is ourselves. We are incredible beings, capable of so much. However, it is for us to realize this and then to do what we are capable of doing for not only our own welfare but for the benefit of others.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Why am I, essentially a loner, so driven to contribute to society in a meaningful way?

I am quite comfortable giving the reigns to spirit and living my life as she would direct. No, this is not resigning to the inevitable. Rather, it is a choice that I freely make, coming from a knowingness that she knows far better what I need than I do. How can I know this? I just do. It seems so obvious.

In the grand scheme of things, what is my role? What is my place in the world? How significant am I? What difference will my life make? Does it need to have significance? Do I need to make a difference? Why is it that I feel so compelled that my life have meaning ... not only to myself, but to society and to the world? There is a sense of grandiosity in this. There is also a sense of grandeur and majesty. At some level, I know that I have greatness within me ... a greatness that can be shared with the world. It is important to me that I find ways to share this, to share of who that I AM.

Why am I singled out to play an important role in the play, in the unfoldment of consciousness and its expression in flesh?

That is all the spirit asks of us ... to be whom that we are as fully as we can. We do this by doing what we are moved to do, and by working on being aware to the degree that we can. With awareness comes all things. This is truly the key to everything. The more we grow in awareness, the more fully spirit can express in flesh through us.

I am not meant to be as other men. I am not one of the many. Rather, I am one of the few. I have lived my life in a manner consistent with this. However, it seems that it is time to do more. I feel ready to do more. That is not to say that I haven't done a lot in expressing as I have over the past decade. However, it is not yet enough, not by a long shot. There is so much more that can be expressed, so much more that can be done. My sense is that I will continue to find ways to express so long as my feet tread upon this earth ... and so long as my spirit soar in the clouds.

Why me? Why must I be the one to play this role? Why am I destined in this manner? Because of whom that I AM is the only answer that I can offer ... and because I have chosen to expend a great deal of time and effort on getting to know myself.

Spirit will express as she can when she can. The plan of consciousness is unfolding perfectly in the world. That is the only way that it can unfold. It can be nothing less than perfect. That doesn't mean it is the best that it can be. There is always room for improvement. Things evolve into greater and greater complexity, and as they do, the possibilities for spirit to express grow as well. Now, cooperative interdependence seems to be the wave of the future.

It is curious that we just celebrated our 226 anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. We haven't been so bold yet to make a Declaration of Cooperative Interdependence for either our country ... or more importantly for the whole world. We are interdependent in many ways, only some of which we consciously know. However, it is not clear we fully realize this and consciously choose to live our lives in 139

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior a manner that recognizes this and demonstrates this. All in due time. It took many men working long and hard to make that declaration 226 years ago. It began a new era of freedom in the world. How long that era will last is difficult to tell. We are still a young country by world standards. Many older societies still consider us children. Oh, we have an economy that is the envy of the developed and developing countries. But, it seems we don't have the wisdom to go with our strength. That, or we don't realize and utilize the wisdom that we do have.

What has changed in the past decade? EVERYTHING. How else can I put it? Spiritual transformations are that powerful. Most of what I believe and know of myself has undergone incredible change since this expression began. I went from being a metaphysical information consumer, and a big one at that, to a metaphysical information generator. Or, at least, co-generator.

Old habits can be difficult to change. I've become so accustomed to keeping my own company that it is a major stretch to extend this to incorporate others. However, stretching becomes easier the more that you do it. The easiest way to learn how to do something is simply to do it.

The only thing holding us back is the limitations that we impose on ourselves. These typically show up as fears ... as places where we are afraid to tread. It is time to realize this and rise beyond the limitations. We are to be whom that we are, not just for ourselves but for others. This requires finding ways to share our lives. This expression is one of the ways that I have been moved to do this.

What do I want from life? My needs are pretty simple overall. The biggest of these is to serve spirit, and express what she would have me express to the degree that I can. For this, I am willing to give up virtually everything else. I have always lived a life of abundance, even when I had very little other than what I carried within me. Yet, the riches inside are far more valuable than anything outside. However, that does not mean I don't yearn for some of the material trappings that go with living a full and rich life of service.

Ye shall know them by their works is a great truth. It applies to all of us. What we do is what distinguishes us. What we do is what makes all the difference in our lives and in our world.

It is through action that we demonstrate what ideas we really believe in and thus give impetus to create them in our reality.

Reality creation is one of the most important endeavors that we engage in. It seems that if we are to play the game well, we must learn the rules, and learn the techniques which optimize getting the results and experience we want out of the game of life. Yes, this is something that we can do. Further, it is something that we should have an obligation to do.

It seems that much of our lives are consumed in the process of day to day existence. At the end of each day, there is little to show for what has been expended. However, here, I have a record of something special ... something original that I helped to make manifest. This stream of consciousness exists ... it was 140

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior captured in electronic form and made available to the world via the WWW. This is a service that I perform, though I have no idea of who is served by this other than myself.

There is a growing sense inside that I am not yet doing what I am meant to do. I am not yet being all that I can be. I am not yet fully expressing whom that I AM. Further, the sense is that this is completely within my power to change. What I do is my choice. How I express is my choice. It is a matter of overcoming the fear associated with behaving in new ways.

It is time to evolve and grow into whom that I know that I AM, fully realizing that this is only a part of whom that I truly AM. One step at a time. With each step forward, the next step becomes clear. Life is a journey, not a destination.

The trick is to enjoy the process, and trust that you are being led to exactly where you need to be when you need to be there.

This expression continues to amaze me. It definitely soothes and restores my soul. It is here that I stand arm to arm with spirit, tapping the source within to bring forth whatever would be expressed. The very fact that the expression comes forth is sufficient to justify its existence. By the same logic, we are beings. Beings by their very nature exist. We need no other reason to be. Though, it seems that we are meant to do something with are beingness. We are to experience, to learn, to grow, and to express. Part of this involves learning whom that we are, and discovering our mission ... the reason that we came into this particular existence.

How can these words come forth with such authority? Where is the basis of experience, the evidence, that backs all of this up? I only know that it comes forth as it does. It does not get qualified with "I think things are this way" or "I believe this to be the case". It comes forth as matter of fact statements and observations. This is not the stuff of fiction. There are no characters developed and no settings described and no plots or stories unveiled. There is no planning ... at least no conscious planning ... that goes into this expression. I don't think about what will be expressed. I simply allow the creative process to happen and behold the expression as it comes forth.

I have said before that I am very much a scribe in this process, writing (or typing) what appears in my mind as the silent voice of consciousness herself. There is a sense that whom that I am is able to resonate with what I call source in a manner that allows these words to manifest as they do. I believe this process occurs in all of us, in the very way that the stream of thoughts occurs in our heads. However, there is a difference between a stream of thoughts and a stream of consciousness. The first seems to be more of a surface phenomenon. It is not until we quiet our minds that we touch source and allow her to express through us.

I can think when necessary, but awareness lies beyond thought. Similarly, the true reality lies Beyond Imagination. It is by far more intriguing, interesting, and complex than anything that we can imagine. 141

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Most of what I do each day will have limited utility and value in the long run. But, what I express here, seems timeless somehow, and of lasting value. That makes it very precious to me. It is something that I can do that others do not seem to be able to do. It is something that I can contribute of myself ... and from the source inside to which I am connected. The expression is permanent, in the sense that it is physically manifest ... even though I may be one of very few who really know where it is.

When I created the Beyond Imagination site, the intent was two-fold: (1) to share of this expression from spirit, and (2) to find kindred spirits with whom I could interact and relate. As to the first part, that is proceeding as it will. The material is out there and available to any who would go out and seek and find it. One gnawing question is whether there is any way that I can make it more easily accessible ... or accessible to a larger audience. How are people to go about looking for an expression that they may not even know exists? Here, it seems spirit and destiny hold the cards. Keyword searches using some of the popular search engines will reach the material. Also, I rely heavily on word of mouth. My hope is that people who find the material and are moved by it will pass the information about the Beyond Imagination site on to others who might find it interesting and useful as well. The material at the site is free ... a gift from spirit to the world. I was moved to declare it so on 1 Jan 98 if my memory serves me.

We must be willing to try new things, evaluate what works and doesn't work, and adapt our processes appropriately based on this evaluation. Those appear to be my new marching orders anyway. As always, I take my orders from within. I have always been different from others. I have always marched to the beat of my own drummer. Why should any of this change now? My nature is such that I like to excel in everything that I do. However, this is not conducive to allowing failure to be a natural part of expression. We can have 100 percent mission success, and yet accommodate some failure and inefficiencies. The key is to learn from our failures and improve the way that we do things so that we don't repeat the failures.

I trust that my life is unfolding in accord with a plan that consciousness has in store for me. That is enough. It is not for me to force things in accord with my will. I have chosen to live a life of spirit. Thy will be done. That is a motto that I choose to live by.

Training the mind is the most important domain at the present time. Education of everyone should be one of our top priorities not only in this country but in the world. And, this should include mandatory metaphysical education.

We can experience time as an extended moment that flows smoothly as we go from doing one thing to the next. If our experience of time is smooth and slow, it opens up the possibility for great achievements relatively quickly. It is as if the world is in slow motion while we are traveling at a much faster pace. I don't know how else to explain it. It is as if we pull in resources from unseen realms that allow us to accomplish whatever we are working on more efficiently and effectively. This requires being able to hold a loose but intense focus on what we are doing. We need to be single minded, even as we multitask.

How did the switch get turned on in 1993? How did I transform from a metaphysical information consumer focused on other peoples thoughts ... to an information generator, heavily focused on what is able to come forth through me? This was a major transformation! One that rocked the very foundations of my belief system. What I learned was that I had established my belief system on shaky 142

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior ground ... so shaky that it could not stand up to the major beliefquake that I experienced, along with the many aftershocks in the Fall of 1993 and through most of 1994, and then again in the Spring of 1998. Nothing in all of my reading and studies gave me any hint that I could undergo the experiences that I experienced. It took everything within me, and some medications, to retain any sense of sanity.

Many times I have wandered to the edge, trusting that spirit is supporting me and would not bring into my life more than I could safely handle.

I have believed that I create and am fully responsible for all that I experience since I first read the Seth material in 1974. Further, I have believed that I am spirit having a physical experience for longer than that. These are very empowering beliefs ... especially if we believe them strongly and act in a manner consistent with them. Beliefs are a matter of choice. They deal with the realm of the unknown, and sometimes the unknowable. Here, fact escapes us ... so, there is room for beliefs. The field of beliefs is the playground for reality creation. It is here that we go to make changes in what we attract into our experience.

We create reality in accordance with our beliefs ... both individually and en masse. That is simply the way it is. We can choose to accept this and consciously co-create the reality we would prefer, or we can ignore this and allow other than conscious processes to create this by default. Either way, at some level, we are creating it all ... no fine print, no exceptions.

My memory is such that as I write this, I can barely remember anything that was expressed in the previous paragraph, much less any prior musings. Yes, there is some repetition of ideas, and there are many recurring themes ... however, the best of musings pages show that there is an incredible amount of original material. At least, I believe it to be original. I don't spend much time exploring other peoples thoughts anymore ... because the source within is so prolific and speaks so clearly to me.

We can only do so much ... but we will be amazed at just how much that is when we remove some of the self-imposed limitations. It is time to be set free, and allow our spirits to soar where they will. However, it is also time to build the foundations that allow us to bring to earth what we find when we soar.

The energies are ripe for the manifestation of all that we dream possible ... even Beyond Imagination. From the beginning, I knew that name was right for this expression, and for everything I do in service to spirit.

My life is meant to be one of service, on a grand scale. Exactly how this will occur remains to be seen, but I am certain that it is destined. I would play the role that fate has in store for me ... knowing that I chose and co-created this very role on some level. Clearly, it was not consciously ... and my sense is that the role is being created even as we speak. I am being pushed and pulled into the very place I need to be. I am being moved from deep inside to do that which I alone am meant to do. Though, it seems that soon, this will involve others in deeper ways than it ever has before.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior By conventional views, there is no way this expression should be what it is. Yet, I am not one to be restricted by convention. I would express whatever this consciousness can express in whatever manner would come forth. I don't have to know how it happens, or why it happens. It is enough that it happens. There is nothing wrong with mysteries ... in fact, they are what make life interesting. Indeed, they are among the most important things that can happen to us. Life itself is a mystery, as is spirit and consciousness.

It is truly a wonderful gift that we exist ... and it is important give of ourselves in return, thus making the most of what we have been so generously given.

I still prefer my own company, and that of the source within me. Perhaps I always will. Though there is a longing to find others with whom to start sharing my life in more intimate ways. That requires doing things differently. It requires approaching people and opening up and communicating whom that we are together. It requires taking an interest in things that have not interested me before. Yet, in some way this must be done in a natural and genuine manner. It cannot be forced. One thing that may help is to start seeing the sparks of consciousness within others, and realizing that we are all special and have important gifts to give to one another. We do this by sharing our lives in meaningful ways. We do this by entering into cooperative interdependent relationships.

There has been much that has been expressed through me. How much of it is correct? How much of it is useful to others? Are there sufficient gems hidden here to be worth the effort to find them? My sense is that this communication has value, perhaps even great value. It does for me anyway. I can only hope it does for others. However, there is nothing I can do to force it to do so. It comes forth as it does. I have no sense of controlling it. It seems that I can turn it on and off by choosing to focus my attention on the source within. But even then, this expression may be coming forth on a timetable of its own.

Doing the works of spirit is that important to me. However, I get my direction internally by what I am moved to do and how I am moved to express.

This stream of consciousness is my primary means of spiritual expression. It is here that I am doing what I most love to do in a manner that is magical and special. It would help if this were to turn into a true conversation.

It is fine to have and acknowledge unknown portions of our greater self. We can trust whom that we are. We are all souls incarnate. As such, we know far more than we typically give ourselves credit for.

Too many people look outside for authority ... when the true authority comes not from others, but from within us.

We are all spirit incarnate. We are all connected to the same one consciousness some remotely by a very thin thread, others by a circuit of great capacity. It is not so much a matter of what connection we have ... rather it is a matter of how well we use the connection we have been gifted with. Further, it seems that we 144

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior can take action and do things to improve and develop this connection. The more we use it, the more it seems to expand.

Why is my stream any more important than that of any other. The bottom line is that it isn't. What is important is that sufficient attention is being paid to it to allow it to be expressed in writing and shared. That makes it distinct.

Our free time is the key resource that we have available to do the work of spirit. This does not mean we must spend all of it in this manner ... but we should do our fair share. One measure of that is a tithe of the time we devote to work = 4 hours per week. More preferable, is a tithe of our waking time = 11 hours per week. Interesting, 11 is the first Master number.

We need to find the spirit within that moves us. If we follow this source, and do as it moves us to do, we will always be operating optimally.

I am not one to shirk responsibilities, especially spiritual ones. I bear my responsibilities gladly, grateful that I have been given the gifts necessary to carry them out. At time, it seems that I have the very weight of the world on my shoulders. That can be a lot of pressure if we allow it to be. What helps is realizing that it is not I doing the work and bearing the weight, it is spirit doing this through me.

When we see everything as spirit expressed in flesh, the perspective changes dramatically. It still doesn't make it easy to explain why there is so much crime and suffering in society. Though, it seems much of that is because our societies are not really societies. They are not social systems that have been designed and/or have evolved to operate efficiently and effectively. They could be, given sufficient conscious choice. However, they are not at the present time. Two things noticeably lacking are cooperation and taking responsibility for one another. These are higher level behaviors that appear by choice, not by chance.

There are rules governing reality creation that you need to learn, similar to the rules for operating a car. The key one of these deals with beliefs. That is where we grow our personal reality. If we want to change our experiences, that is the place to start, with beliefs. However, what distinguishes a belief from a thought is a willingness to act in accord with. The proof of whether we really believe something is whether our actions conform with the belief.

It was as if my life began anew in 1993. By 1 October, I was in a mental hospital, diagnosed as bipolar, and put on meds to alter my brain chemistry. Since then, I have been soaring in consciousness, sometimes barely off the ground, sometimes to great heights, but most of the times cycling up and down between these extremes. Bipolar is defined as manic-depressive disorder. However, I have not experienced being depressed, and I don't consider it a "disorder" at all. Rather, it is a feature of how my mind functions. My sense is that it is this very feature that permitted my spiritual awakening experiences.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior In a way, it is as if my life is not my own anymore. Rather, it is a part of the very life of the universe. I have a spiritual destiny to fulfill ... and I will gladly do whatever it takes to fulfill that destiny to the utmost of my abilities.

Why an introvert is moved to do this in a manner that is shared openly with others is a mystery. But, I simply do what I am moved to do ...

The very fact that I spend an average of three hours a day on this expression is a bit odd in its own right, especially when I am the first to admit that I don't know exactly from where these words come, or how they are able to be expressed in this manner. Am I sane? Am I rational? Does it even matter? The bottom line is that I am what I am. Labels don't mean anything. We need to allow ourselves to be whom that we are, as fully and openly as we can, trusting that this is what god, nature, and the very universe means for us to be.

In my particular case, Neptune conjunct Uranus nearly exactly square to my Natal Sun in the Fall of 1993 indicated an alignment of energies that triggered a breakpoint in consciousness. However, this breakpoint let the spiritual genie out of the bottle. Hmm ... that's an interesting way to put it. Anyway, once out ... once we have tasted the freedom of awareness, there is no going back, ever. This is a one way transformation. Awareness grows and expands ... it doesn't contract. That is simply not its nature.

One of the challenges of life is finding ways to choose love over fear wherever we can. We do this by asking what love would do under whatever circumstances we face. When we ask, and listen, the answer will come to us.

Streams of consciousness by their very nature occur in the moment. What is past is our memory of what happened or of what was expressed. For me, these pages are my record, and my memory. It is rare for me to recall what I have written before. I know that it is all recorded and that I can find it whenever I need it. You might say that the technology of browsers and the WWW has extended the natural abilities of my brain.

It still amazes me that this stream of consciousness can come forth through me in the manner that it does. It is as if I have my daily mystery and miracle to behold. I know what I experience ... but I have limited knowledge of what anyone else experiences. The natural thing might be to conclude that human beings have the same types of experiences of reality. But, I know that this is clearly not the case. There has been a dramatic difference in my own experience to date between the first 35 years and the past 9 years. Literally the difference is as between night and day. I woke up from a deep slumber, into an awareness that I did not even know was possible. This rocked my foundations to their very core. It may have even brought them to the ground. However, in hindsight, this is exactly what I needed. My castles had been built far too high in the clouds. Their foundations were all air. I lived nearly completely in my mind.

My life is a life of spirit. Consciousness guides me every step of the way. My focus is on what I can do to serve spirit, and to facilitate the greater expression of spirit in flesh. That is why I am here. That is what ultimately gives my life meaning and allows me to be all that I AM. 146

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior The bottom line is that I must be whom that I AM, and express as only I can express. Yes, that is audacious. But, this expression is my life ... or at least the part of my life that is most important.

The expression comes forth from a place deep within, a place I call source, my direct connection to the one consciousness. I have the constant challenge of creating a reality construct that is sufficient to account for my experience. This expression has a way of challenging much of what I believe, and of ensuring that my foundations are built on solid ground.

How is it that I can experience reality as I do, and how can spirit express through me in the manner that she does here?

Here I do what spirit moves me to do. Here I get to participate in something bigger and grander than I am. And, here I have the opportunity to learn of whom that I AM, and to express this in ways that I did not imagine possible. Even after over nine years, it still amazes me that all of this is possible ... and that all of this has been expressed through me. We're probably talking on the order of 3000 pages times maybe 300 words per page. That is close to a million words already. I hadn't thought about it like that before. It has definitely been a productive nine years, especially when you consider the relative dry spell from 1998 to 2001. How much or how little does not really matter. Is it any good? Is it useful? Can it help people? Does it help people? I know for a fact that it has made a great difference in one life, namely my own. But does it have the power and potential to do this for others as well?

To be free of limitations; first, we must become aware of them; second, we must realize they are of our own making; third, we must know that it within our power to remove them. Only then can we take the actions necessary to shed them.

When dealing with the unseen realms of consciousness, it helps to have a guide. Some are meant to be explorers and wayshowers, but most prefer to follow the trails ...or in some cases the roads and even the superhighways.

Each of us is a unique expression of spirit in flesh. Each of us is here to do something with our life ... something that makes a difference, whether it be to one or one hundred million. All that we can do is do what we are moved to do, be whom that we are, and express this as best we can. No more can be asked of anyone. Spirit asks that we do our best to be the best that we can be. Our best is always good enough. Always!

We are all facets of the same one consciousness. And what do facets do? They reflect the light, which in our case is the very light of consciousness. Actually, it goes deeper than this. We are all precious gems with multiple facets in potential. However, it seem that many are still rough gems ... they haven't even been polished, much less cut. Still others have been polished. Even fewer have been cut professionally. 147

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior And, very few have been fully so that they are truly brilliant. At the extreme are those who like the Sun shine with such a brilliant light that looking on them directly is hazardous to the sight.

We don't seem to do a very good job of defining our processes and measuring how well they work. For instance, a simple feedback mechanism would be for each individual to assess each day whether their output for the day justified what it costs to employ them. If the answer is no, it is a sign that something needs to be done differently. It is understood that we have our ups and downs and may be operating at less than our best some days ... but the average needs to be worth the cost. Further, we need to judge our organizations in the same way. Are the services that they provide worth the cost of maintaining the organization? For large organizations, this may be difficult to tell.

Our information management skills are becoming more and more important in the information rich world in which we live. To a large degree, these very skills define our worth in the work world ... that is, for those of us who work in information intensive jobs, anyway.

How do we find the information that we need, the information that is of the most value to us? My sense is that it is by asking with the expectation that we will indeed find what we are asking for. Further, it is by trusting that we are constantly sending out requests at other than conscious levels that attract the very information we need to experience into our lives. This is simply the way things are. This is the natural way that the process works. It is for us to allow it operate as it will, unhindered by any barriers we might place on it. The more freedom we give to these natural processes, the more they can do what it takes to facilitate giving our lives the true meaning that we long for.

It is acceptable for me to trust the process and allow my life to unfold as it will. I have no need to control it or force it to go in any direction. There is no end state or end goal that I have mind ... or even any intermediate steps as far as I know. One step after another, trusting that in the moment I will either be guided from within, or will simply know what direction is right for the next step. I am not a planner. I don't see an end state and determine what is required to reach that state. It seems far more effective to live life in the moment.

My preference is still to work in the realm of ideas. This is where my home is ... where my primary reality exists.

It seems that one should be able to plan ones life. However, my experience is that I am moved to focus on living in the moment ... and allowing each moment unfold into the next. One moment after another, such is how a life is constructed. Some people are able to set goals and generate plans necessary to achieve these goals. This has not been my way, however. Whether this may change at some point in the future remains to be seen. If it does, fine, if not, fine as well. Either way, I will live my life as I believe.

Our founding fathers considered the pursuit of happiness to be an inalienable right. Note, they said pursuit of happiness, not happiness itself. This is a major distinction. Pursuing does not guarantee that we will find what we are pursuing. We may, or we may not. What is important though is finding a way to enjoy the process, as fully as we can. After all, when we are in joy ... it is very likely that we will also be 148

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior happy. Enjoying the process is always a choice that we can make. Sometimes it is more difficult than at other times. However, happiness is indeed an attitude that we choose.

We are all related to each other. Because of this we have a responsibility to one another. This is a sacred responsibility, spirit to spirit. I use the term Namaste. One of its meaning is the spirit within me bows to the spirit within you. When we do this, it is acknowledgement of that there is indeed spirit within each of us, and that spirit is worthy of our deepest respect. Not that this did not say I bow to you ... it explicitly calls out the spirit within you. Further, it doesn't call out I, rather it call out the spirit within me as the entity doing the bowing.

Spirit is in charge of what is expressed here. Yes, I do my part and contribute by making myself available and by cooperating and co-creating this expression.

Life goes on. We never know exactly to where we are headed until we get there. Further, we don't know what we will experience or what meaning we will assign to that experience until it happens.

We no longer live in times of empires ... yet we do live in an information age, an age where ideas have empires of their own ... that is they have minds/people over which they have dominion.

It is the ideals, the beliefs, and even the dreams of the people that are the most powerful resources that we have. It is through these that we create a better reality, not only for us, but for society and the world.

Yes, beliefs are that powerful. They are the clay through which we fashion the experiences that we would have in our lives, and even more important the meaning that we apply to those experiences. We can mold this clay as we will. We are the sculptors of our own reality. It is for us to create masterpieces of our lives. It is always within our ability to do so. We are all masters ... though clearly some are more masterful at this than others.

What does it take to be a peacemaker? Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. Why is it that hostility, violence, and even war are such prominent parts of history? Is it truly so difficult to live in peace? Haven't we learned yet that the costs of war are far more than the benefit gains. War is generally a lose/lose scenario. Even the victors are only victorious at a tremendous cost.

We create our own reality both personally and en masse. That means every aspect of our reality, no fine print, no exceptions. There are no victims in the world ... everything is a matter of choice, and of the beliefs which drive those choices.

History is the record of the march of the expression of spirit in flesh ... of the unfoldment of the plan of consciousness, of the triumph of ideas over the minds of man, and of the actualization of ideals.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Awareness is the only thing we can carry with us from existence to existence. It is one thing worthy of all of the energies that we can expend toward achieving it.

We are spirit enfleshed. We are spirit having a physical experience. Because of this, spirit herself will see that we experience exactly what we need to experience.

In a very real way, it is through my expression that you know me. By their works shalt thou know them is a very powerful truth.

We speak with a voice that comes forth from deep within. Yet we know not truly what the source of these words are. Oh, we have names for it ... source, intuition, the voice within, spirit, consciousness. But, naming something does not mean that we truly understand that thing. It simply means that we are able to refer to it by name. Understanding something is a whole other thing, one that requires far more awareness and discipline.

Remaining awake can be difficult at times. I am grateful for all that I have been blessed to receive in my life. I am particularly grateful for this expression and all that it has brought into my life. I can't imagine what the past decade would have been like without this this stream of consciousness that has flowed forth so abundantly. This expression has been the greatest work of my life, without a doubt. It is what makes it all worthwhile.

I have chosen to live a life of doing spirits bidding. It is her will that guides me and directs me. I am the willing vessel through which she expresses in the world. I am spirit enfleshed ... not just me, but each and every one of us. It is a matter of degree, and how much we realize that this is what we are.

We are what we are, pure and simple. Whether we believe this and realize this or not is a different matter. It helps if our beliefs are in line with the truth, but quite often they are not. This doesn't change the nature of the truth. However, it does change the nature of our experience.

We attract into our lives what we believe that we will experience. The spiritual laws of reality creation work the same for all ... though, it seems the more aware that we are, the quicker the laws seem to work

For me, personally, egotism can be a problem ... so, bowing to a force greater than myself is a solution that works.

Indeed, that is what we are ... the creators or our reality, the masters of our fate. This is an awesome responsibility that we carry. It is for us to use whom that we are in a manner that serves our selves, our families, our societies, and our world.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior We are what we are. There is no escaping what we are. The trick is to develop this and to express it as faithfully as we can.

Learning to express whom that we are is much like trying to teach a bird to fly. The basic skills needed to fly are already within us when we are born. We simply develop them and then do it.

Learning by doing seems to be one of the best ways for us to learn. It is amazing in how many areas it seems to apply. We seem to have an innate capacity to learn in this manner. It is as if we already know what we are learning ... we are simply rediscovering this fact.

Life is a mystery ... one that confounds us at every turn.

Life has a way of exceeding all of our expectations, and of surprising us in nearly every area in which we endeavor.

We are artists all ... creating and sculpturing our lives. It is for us to realize that we are masters, and that it is up to us to make of our lives the masterpieces that they could be.

Songs can move us, they can lead the way. But we have to take the next step and act. This is always within our power to do.

We all have an inner compass that guides us. However, to use it consciously, we must find it and then learn how to read and operate it. Here, there seem to be substantial differences between people. Some seem to have not only a compass, but a map, and the ability to plan a course of action to get them to a destination. At the other extreme, some have only an indication of what the next step is, with limited understanding of where they are ultimately headed. I fall in this later category ... though I also have an abstract vision of where society is ultimately headed and the general role that I am to play in assisting consciousness in getting there.

Here, I am allowed to express more of whom that I AM than I can anywhere else. Here I am free to be whom that I AM, without restriction, and without judgment except what I would impose on myself. There is something addicting about giving oneself such liberty. There is something about this expression that allows me to expose the best that is in me. It seems important that I expose it to myself. Yet, it seems equally important that I expose this to others as well. My sense is that I am to serve as a example, demonstrating what can be done when we allow spirit to express as she will in our lives.

Spirit asks for us to be ourselves, our true selves. To be this, we need to stop and make the effort to know ourselves. This can be easy or it can be difficult, depending on how we play the cards that we are dealt. Remember, at some level, we are the dealer of the cards as well. More and more, the objective is to play the game of reality creation more consciously ... or at least with greater awareness of what we are doing. 151

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Awareness is extremely important. You might say that all forms are houses for awareness. As time progresses ... the forms increase in complexity, permitting the greater embodiment of consciousness.

We are spirit enfleshed, not only as individuals, but as collective organizations. Our organizations are still in their infancy compared to what can be achieved. We haven't truly empowed individuals working collectively for the common good. This will come. Its time is nigh. This is what the Aquarian Age is to bring. It is time for ideals to take hold in ways they have never done before. The old saying nothing can stop an idea whose time has come is particularly appropriate in this day and age. We will see just how appropriate very soon.

Service ... a simple word, one that should be a commandment to all. It is through service that we define whom that we are in the context of others.

We should be able to do what we love to do in a manner that benefits others. This requires that we first find what we love to do ... and then find a way to do it voluntarily in service to others. Why is this so important? Because giving of ourselves is the ultimate gift that we can give. And giving is what primes the abundance pump.

In the beginning was the Word ... but, who uttered the first words. Out of what mind did they originate. One might answer, the very mind of God. Perhaps, perhaps not. We can't even know whether God has a mind in anything close to the way we define and experience it. It has been said that God is omniscient, all-knowing ... and omnipotent, all-powerful ... and many other such things. Yet, if this is so, why does he allow the atrocities, that he knows will happen, to take place in the world.

I consider spirit as inclusive of whom that I AM, while I consider God as separate from me. There is a mantrum that I learned in one of the few yoga classes that I took many years ago. God and I, me and God, are ONE! It doesn't mean a lot without a personal concept of God. Though, I do remember scaring my wife one day in the summer of 1993 when awoke, I jumped up and proclaimed I AM GOD.

My life is meant to be lived in the unknown, in the wilderness of consciousness. There is no end destination to be reached. There is only the journey of exploration and the sharing of what I find.

I can report back of what I find and leave markers on the way that others may follow some day. This very expression is one of the markers that I leave. It is the record of where one consciousness has gone. It allows you to walk in my shoes for awhile, or my mind if you will. By following this stream of consciousness, perhaps you will awaken to a similar stream that lies within you. My sense is that we all have such a stream and may even have multiple channels to choose from. Yet, in the world, only a small percentage of the population are explorers. That is sufficient for doing the exploration that needs to be 152

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior done. Once trails are established and roads are build, the vistas found can be opened up to others to experience. It is in the far country of spirit that my work is to be done. The sense is that there will always be a far country, no matter how much we discover, no matter how much of what we find we integrate into our daily lives. Yes, that is the goal ... to integrate as much of the spiritual as we can into our lives.

We are part of one interdependent whole, enmeshed in a web of interconnectivity that is rich and intricate beyond measure. The sooner that we realize this, the sooner we can start living in a manner consistent with this fact, and start making decisions with a consideration of the benefit to the whole as well as our individual benefit. This is not meant to force us to sacrifice our individual needs. Rather, it is meant to allow us to choose how we meet these needs in a manner that serves others as well.

We have been so afraid of losing our independence, that we have failed to realize how interdependent we are.

Allow life to unfold as it will. Trust in the process. Spirit knows exactly what she is doing even if we do not. What makes me believe this? It just seems obvious. It is definitely an area where beliefs apply. It is extremely empowering to believe that there are a host of forces ready to do our bidding, ready to create reality in accord with our beliefs. They are there whether we believe in them or not. However, our beliefs empower them to operate more freely

The more we grow in awareness, the more responsibility we seem to have. These do not have to be experienced as burdens. They are simply what they are ... the things that we freely choose to be responsible for. We are all responsible for ourselves, our families, our society, and our world. Though for the later three we are only partially responsible. It helps if we accept our responsibilities willingly. However, in accepting them, we also need to take the appropriate actions to fulfill them. We will know what these are. Consciousness will tell us. All that it takes is for us to look within and ask.

For me, written communication is one such area of gifts from spirit. Hopefully, that is obvious from what is expressed here. But, that may or may not be the case. Further, this communication is different because it is not mine alone. It is a co-creation that involves an equally important unseen counterpart ... namely source, the one consciousness herself.

Every moment is a gift from spirit. It is up to us to return that gift by doing our part to make the most of every moment.

We may think that we live in a world of cause and effect, however, the complexity of nearly every situation is such that we can never be clear about what truly causes what effects. When we deal in terms of beliefs, and concepts ... the realm is all the more abstract and complex. Yet, that doesn't make it any less real. Many of us spend significant amounts of our time in the realm of information and ideas. This realm is just as real as anything that might be considered physical. Actually, in the information age that we are in, it may even be more real, because it is where much of our reality is.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior There is something about living the mystery that makes life worthwhile.

The source within seems to have the answers to any questions I might ask. She seems to know what needs to be done, how to do it, and when to do it. However, she cannot act alone. It is up to me to serve as the vehicle through which she expresses. Or, more correctly, through which we express ... for this is truly a co-creation of the highest order. Hmm ... an interesting way of looking at things, but one that seems correct somehow. Source and I, me and Source, are ONE!

I have been operating at the fringe of what is known since 1974 when my love affair with metaphysics began, and especially since 1993 when the awakening experiences began. I am at home dealing with the unknown. It is my home, the place I most like to be. Yet, it is also a wilderness in which, to date, I have encountered few others. There is something about Eagles that come to mind ... they don't flock, you find them one at a time. It seems that explorers of consciousness are no different. Each is as a lone wolf in the wilderness ... experiencing a reality that is different than all others.

I am touched by spirit ... imbued with an awareness that others do not seem to have. To whom much is given, much is expected. I have been given a lot in my life. There is a strong inner drive to use all that I have been given in service to others, in particular to society and the world.

It is a struggle slowing down to function in the context of a group or a team. However, there are some benefits that accrue. When operating properly, the power of synergy comes into play. We can function more efficiently together as a team than we can as individuals. Further, we can do things as a team that we can't do as individuals.

To change our reality, we need to alter our beliefs and start doing things differently. Only fools believe that they will get a different outcome doing the same things in the same ways.

It is our actions which show consciousness what we are serious about. When we believe something enough to base our actions on the belief ... we empower the belief to do its work in our lives.

I am resigned to do whatever it takes to do those tasks that constitute my mission and purpose for being. I would live a life or purpose, or I would not live at all. Yes, it is that important to me. No, I would not consider taking my own life. That is simply not an option. That would be denying my responsibilities in this existence. There is a destiny that I came to fulfill. My sense is that it is to be a world server of some type. Yes, this is a grandiose sense of destiny. But, grandiose or not, it is what I know my mission to be based on what I know of my abilities.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior I will do what I came to do. It is not clear that I have any choice in the matter. It seems that I made many of my choices before I came into this existence. I auditioned for the role and got it, knowing full well what I was up against, and what I would have to do. I accept my life, wheresoever it will take me. Whatever happens, happens. It is for me to do as I am moved to do in each moment, and allow my life to unfold as it will.

There is no way that I could be making all this up. There are simply too many coincidences. There is a fabric being revealed. The very fabric of reality itself. It seems that it is time for us to take notice of the fabric and start to tailor it to what we would have it be. Interesting. We are talking about imposing our will on the fabric of reality and creating a world that is of our choosing. We have the skills. We have the technology, not just scientific ... but technology of consciousness. It is a matter of teaching the best of what is known to as many as we can, and allowing the full force of spirit to be unleashed to do her works in our lives.

Spirit has no power of her own. She must work through us to get things done in the world.

Awareness is the one thing that we can take from existence to existence. At some point in each life, we inherit what is rightly due to us based on the level of awareness we have previously achieved.

Know thyself is the strongest directive in existence. However, it seems that it is felt on subtle planes or vibrational levels that we have to reach before we can progress.

Whatever we need to further develop is there if we sincerely ask for it. Also, there is an old saying ... when the student is ready, the master will appear. Interesting, a new meaning for this just came to mind. Literally the student and the master are one and the same individual. This is an inside job. That is why spiritual law can guarantee it.

The Hermit card is one of my favorites in the Tarot deck, one that characterizes what I am pretty well. No, I'm not the isolated hermit living in a cave in the Himalayas. However, in a very real way, I live in a cave of my own making that is just as real and just as isolated.

Source is always there ready to interact whenever I look within with a desire to contact her. Much of this communication is her energy expressed via the words that I give her to work with. Though it seems that one of my roles in this is to translate the patterns that she sends to me into these very words.

How can I know that there is only one consciousness? There is something within that knows this to be true. I need no more than this. I understand that there are others that need proof. But, that is not my job to do. I can only provide the example that I am meant to provide. It is up to each of you to determine what that example means in your reality framework. If you can explain how this expression is possible, great ... my hat is off to you. However, if not, my hope is that this example causes you to stretch your reality framework to include what you find here. 155

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior My life is clearly an adventure in consciousness. That is where I spend a great deal of my free time anyway. That is where I find value and meaning as I do nowhere else. As an explorer of consciousness, I love dealing with the realm of the unknown. However, I also love bringing back and sharing of what I find. It is not enough for me alone to experience something. Part of my task is to make more of the unknown known ... to make more of the not I, me.

We have the power of a choice of action in the present, that allows us to create a dramatically different future, and by some accounts a correspondingly different past. After all, the past is a set of recollections that we have. If we change the filter of our beliefs, we can literally remember a different past ... one that is just as valid as the prior one. It is all a matter of focus and interpretation.

The present is extremely powerful. Even a little change in belief accompanied by a corresponding action can have significant short term impacts and drastic long term impacts.

We need to be committed to do what it takes to know ourselves, and then to be whom the we are to the degree that we can. This is always enough. Spirit never asks more than this of anyone. And, she is happy with whatever resources she is given to do the work that needs to be done.

I prefer to put in my overtime in this expression. I don't know how or if it will ever be compensated. Though, I know that when we live a life of spirit, the reward is abundance in all areas of our lives. No, this doesn't mean we will live in stately mansions, though that is indeed possible.

The nature of consciousness and its expression are the topics that consume my attention. All else pales by comparison. v Once more the blank page awaits what consciousness would express here. I never know what is going to come forth in advance. However, I am always pleasantly surprised. This is where I make the unmanifest manifest. This is where the words flow forth from an inner place that I know only as source, the place from which I tap into the energy of consciousness herself. I have no separate name for this source. It is of me and not of me at the same time. That is, it lies at the boundary of what I consciously know to be me. That is OK. I am comfortable with an element of the unknown in my life ... and perhaps even the unknowable.

That is a problem with becoming too attached to where we are at ... we become afraid to leave it for something new. It is better to experience what we know, than to risk the jump to something new which we do not yet know. However, that is not how explorers of consciousness function. We are ever ready to take the next step, in whatever direction consciousness leads, because we know that consciousness knows exactly where she is taking us ... and wherever this is is the right place for us to be next.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior There is no authority from which it springs other than my connection to spirit herself.

Our states of mind are what they are. It is for us to find a way to use them that serves both ourselves and others. Use what comes naturally ... for it is these very abilities that constitute the gifts that we have been blessed with from spirit. These are our very birthright.

Gifts often have their challenges as well.

Part of the meaning of life comes in how we handle the challenges that we experience. This includes how we face and come to grips with our demons and our fears. All of this requires awareness on our part ... in particular, self-awareness. This is not generally taught in schools, even through most graduate curriculums. We have to wander off the conventional education paths to find books, classes, and experiences that provide suitable training for our consciousness and our whole self. Conventional education focuses on the mind and facts. What we are looking for however is awareness, and a sense of direct knowingness. We want to experience what our soul knows and to give our souls more room to express in our lives.

The general law is that we get what we focus upon. It is through our focus that we attract those things that we most desire into our lives.

We get what we believe that we truly deserve, no more and no less.

We might be able to fool ourselves ... but we can never fool our Selves. Nothing is hidden, no matter how hard we may try to hide it. Oh, at the surface, we may be able to hide things from others. But, even that is only partially true. We broadcast everything that we are in our auras. This is perceived at inner levels by all those with whom we interact. It doesn't matter whether we understand the mechanism for how this works or not.

We all have special skills. We are all unique. Each of us experiences life in a manner that have never been experienced before.

There is still only a small fraction of the population that have learned to program computers. It seems that even fewer have learned how to program their own brains.

Intuition is just as important, if not more important, than reason.

We must keep in mind that it is not the brain, but the heart that is the seat of the soul. The head and the heart do not have to be on different sides. They can be united in a manner that allows them to work


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior together for a common end. The greatest benefit comes from applying both in a manner that serves spirit ... and hence self, society, and the world.

There is only one consciousness that animates us all. We are the portion of that one consciousness experiencing life as we do and expressing in the manner that we do. One of our tasks is to realize our interconnectedness with others.

Life is meant for our enjoyment .... though, it seems, many find it hard to maintain a state of being in joy.

There is a song that talks about the key to life not being to have the things you want but rather to want the things that you have. That is a very profound observation.

An attitude of gratitude goes a long way in life. There is always much to be grateful for. The very fact that we are alive, and living at such an exciting time in the history of the world is enough. We need to extend our gratitude to action however. We need to allow it to move us to action ... action that results in a service to others, that makes the world a better place in some way. That is the ultimate testament to any of us. Did we live our lives in such a manner that we served others and had a positive impact on the world? We should ask this of ourselves often, and then allow it to motivate us to do what it takes to make such a difference.

This body will return ashes to ashes, dust to dust. But the spirit which animates will return spirit to spirit, like unto like.

We are each unique expressions of the one consciousness, and it is for us to experience reality in the way that is right for us. It is not for us to judge our experience against that of another. The only issue is are we being the best that we can be and fully expressing all that we are.

In general, people are doing the best they can with the gifts they have under the circumstances that they find themselves in. Yes, they are attracting these very circumstances ... so this is not meant to be an escape or rationalization for behavior.

We are responsible for everything that happens in our lives. We are the authors, the playwrights, the directors.

It is time for us to choose how we will fill our days. How many of us really do this? How many of us are the masters of our time ... or our days?


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior We shouldn't have to sacrifice our lives to earn a living. Our first priority should be to make a masterpiece of our life. We do that by finding what we excel at, and then doing it to the maximum of our abilities.

I have no way to know what impact this stream of consciousness will ultimately have. Clearly, it changes me. I would guess that it changes any who might read it as well ... though it is not clear whom or how many will be exposed to it. That is OK. It will reach those whom it is intended to reach. That is not for me to decide. It is not in my hands nor my job jar. My responsibility is to bring forth the expression and to make it available. I do this freely without any mental reservation or expectations.

Spiritual law assures that we will reap what we sow. These words are part of what I am planting in the world. Whether I am planting on fertile soil remains to be seen ... only time will tell.

Yes, I consider myself special ... perhaps more special than I rightly deserve to be. However, I also have a strong sense of responsibility that goes with this -- a responsibility that extends to my society and my world. It seems that there are relatively few who take on such responsibility personally.

My main mission is to serve as a midwife to the Aquarian Age. Yes, that is a big task. But, my sense is that the nature of the role is what drove my decision to return and incarnate into physical form again. I had to volunteer ... this was not a required incarnation for me, as it is for many. It wasn't driven by a karmic balance. It was an opportunity for which I was suited by ability and by temperament. This role allowed me to discover whom that I AM and then express that in a way that I had never been able to do before.

This expression invites you into my world, Wayne's World. Namaste! For those of you new to that word, its common meaning is the spirit within me bows to the spirit within you. Actually, this is easy to do since they are one and the same. There is but one consciousness that animates us all.

Why are we not taught of whom that we truly are? Why are we not taught that we are spirit in flesh? Why are we not taught how our minds function? Why are we not taught that we create our reality and how we do it? Why are we not taught the nature of consciousness? Why are we not taught that there are levels of awareness and what these levels are? Why are we not taught how special and precious we are? Why are we not taught that we have a mission to perform and how to accomplish it? Why are we not taught about the interconnectedness of all things and the importance of cooperative interdependence?

Once we discover whom that we are and why we are here ... all manner of opportunities are opened up for carrying out our missions.

You can teach someone facts, which grow obsolete and useless in time; or you can teach someone whom they are and how to learn, which serve them forever.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior You can't take it with you applies to physical possessions ... not to spiritual ones.

Responsibility is an interesting word ... response ability = ability to respond. What does it take to be able to respond? First, we have to believe that we are not at the whim of circumstance. We have to believe that we have power to control our own fate through our conscious choice of action. We also have to be able to pause, consider, and decide on a response rather than strictly reacting.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior AUGUST 2002 It still amazes me how much time goes into this expression. It also amazes me how easy this stream of consciousness pours forth. I have nothing to account for it, no real way to explain it. I simply go within to connect to a source from which these words flow. It is an automatic process, one that just happens in the way that it does. There is no planning, nor any research that goes into this expression. That is good, because that is not my way of doing things. I like to do as I am moved to do in the moment.

What is it about awareness that makes it so difficult to achieve? Perhaps, because it is not a state of mind, rather a state of consciousness

What we are asking ourself is to become consciously aware of what we are aware, to become aware of our very awareness. This requires taking a step back and finding the watcher, the observer part of ourself that sees everything that we do. When we get good at this, we can be aware of being the observer even while we are actively engaged in doing things and experiencing our lives. The only problem is that this does not seem to be something that we can develop gradually. It is like an on/off switch. Either we are aware or we are not.

We alone know when we are doing our best. However, this may not be obvious at the surface level. We may have to dig deep to find that place within that knows. This requires being honest with ourselves ... which may not be such an easy thing to do. However, do it anyway.

Expressing spirit in flesh is what the game of life is all about. The more spirit is expressed, the better everything is.

One area that seems lacking in my life is relationships. I'm working on this area ... opening up and coming out of my shell. It seems that this is the next step for me. I've reached some of the limits of what I can do on my own. The next step seems to be discovering what we can do together. This expression is one area where I do this, we being spirit and I. However, it seems it is time to realize what I can do with others as well, whether this be one or many.

Patience is the watchword. It seems time to simply allow my life to unfold as it will. It is not for me to force it one way or another.

Some of us are destined to a fate that will not be denied. We may not know exactly what that fate is. But, it is there nonetheless. We can feel it calling us to it. We know that there is something that we are meant to do, something that we came into this existence to perform ... something that allows us to express the best that we can be.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior There is something exciting about being an explorer of consciousness and a wayshower. This is what I am meant to do. This is what excites me to my very core. This is where I have had experiences that send shivers down my spine and throughout my body. This is where I live my life. I stand on the edge of the abyss of the unknown ... yet I know full well that I am safe, that I can always count on spirit to guide me as to where to take the next step.

Awareness does that to you. Once you experience being out of your mind, being beyond mind, there is no going back. One has made the leap from ignorance to knowledge. This doesn't happen in ones head, or ones heart. It happens deeper, in ones very soul.

In the end what will matter is whether I have expressed whom that I AM and whether I have done those things that are mine to do to the best of my ability.

I am here to demonstrate firsthand how spirit can express in flesh ... here and now. And, for me, this has nothing to do with religion, though it has everything to do with spirituality.

We are the vehicles through which consciousness expresses in flesh ... doing her works in the world. We are the legs, the feet, the arms, the hands, the eyes, the voice, and even the brain of consciousness. Everything is spirit. Yes, including everything that is flesh. We are spirit incarnate. As such, it is spirit that animates us.

The body is essentially the same at death and immediately before death. What is different is that spirit has withdrawn into its own realm.

What am I moved to do next? Right now, this expression is still my primary outlet ... my primary spiritual work. This is still what I love to do. It is where I learn of whom that I AM. It is also where I learn of the nature of spirit, and spiritual expression ... as well as the nature of consciousness itself. This is home to me. This is my sanctuary. This is where I am in touch with a source inside that is greater than all that I know that I am. Here is where I touch and face the unknown. Here is where my journey takes me. Here is where my destiny unfolds.

Where do we go to discover how consciousness works? We go within. Nothing beats firsthand experience. Words can only guide you. Awareness is not something that is logical, or even mental. It is a leap beyond into a realm that many only touch.

We are the creators of our reality, we are the masters of our fate. What we do, and how we do it makes all the difference.

Some of us are wayshowers, pointing the direction to a new way of being. We do it because it is within us to do it ... because this is the task that we came into this existence to perform. 162

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior I am an explorer of consciousness. Venturing forth into the unknown and reporting of what I find is what I do. This is where I can use the skills and talents that are uniquely mine. This is where I can be all that I can be.

Be whom that you are! That is the directive of spirit. And in doing so, be all that you can be!

Our best is always a stretch ... or it should be anyway. That is what allows us to become more of whom that we are. We need to strive to perform at this level as much as we can. That doesn't mean that we need to be perfect. It is enough to be ourselves, and to express as best we can.

The mind is an incredible tool when we use it skillfully. This means using all of it ... or as much of it as we can. And, I don't mean just the rational part. The intuition is equally if not more important. It is best if we use all of whom that we are. After all, that is why we are here ... it is that simple, to discover and to be whom that we are.

It is through our works that our legacy will be established. The works that we do are what we leave behind, including the impact that we have on the minds, and hearts, and especially the souls of others.

Through their works shall thou know them. This is indeed a great truth. It is not so much whom that we are that makes a difference in the world, it is what we do. It is not for us to compare what we do with what another does. We must find the works that are ours to do, the works that allow us to leave our unique mark on the world.

Ultimately, what we are looking for are those things that truly excite us, those things that captivate our souls. We know what we are good at ... or, will know if we make the effort to find out. We always find whatever we seek. Maybe not in the moment, but eventually.

I sit here, on the shoulders of giants that have come before me. Without their works, their words, I would not be anywhere close to where I am. That is OK. We are meant to cooperate and learn from one another ... to stand on the peaks where others have taken us and to soar even higher to the unknown realms of spirit.

We are consciousness enfleshed. It is important that we not lose sight of this. Consciousness should ever be on the forefront of our minds. It is through her that we are granted this precious thing called life. It is our job to make the most of this special gift we have been granted.

It is for us to make a masterpiece of our lives and to live in a manner that make a difference to others, to society, and to the world. However, we will only do this if we believe that we can do it, if we believe that our live has purpose and meaning, and if we volunteer to do those tasks which are ours to do to the best of 163

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior our abilities. Yes, this is a lot to ask. But, such is what spirit demands from us. She can be a harsh taskmaster, but she is a loving one ... one with our best interest at heart.

The call to action is indeed strong. This is what separates ideas from beliefs. It is not enough to speak for something, we must act for it as well. It is through our actions that we demonstrate what we truly believe versus which we pay lip service to.

The world is what we make of it. Reality is whatever we choose to experience it to be. We have that much power both individually and collectively.

I have said before that my job is to serve as the midwife only ... and to help to establish the foundations necessary for spirit to more fully express in flesh. The babe, the new age that is to be born has all of its characteristics already inside of it. They just need to be allowed to come out. The age will grow and flower as it will. It needs our help to nourish it ... but it seems that it is poised to teach us far more than we can teach it.

My circle of acquaintances is still relatively small ... probably numbering on the order of 200, of which approximately 30 know of my spiritual work. That is just how it is. The opportunity to share of this side of my self with others in a direct way just hasn't presented itself. It is not for me to force my beliefs or my material on anyone. I can gently point the way, but it is up to each to choose whether to go in that direction or not ... and if they do go, how far to venture.

My bipolar condition ... in particular, experienced exclusively as mania, colors the way that I see the world. It is like having a set of glasses for the mind rather than the eyes. It is a feature of my mind rather than an illness to me. I look upon it as positive and beneficial. It is a mark of distinction for me, something that is unique and special.

Yes, I have a need to be special ... to be different from others. And not just a little special, but extremely special. Yes, this links to the grandiosity that sometimes expresses here. However, the issue is if it is warranted or not. If it is, then it is not really grandiose at all, rather it is simply a statement of what is. My nature is still to be very quiet, performing my work quietly behind the scenes. But, there is a part of me that would be grand, not only in my eyes, but in the eyes of the world.

Life is meant to be an exciting adventure. We are not meant to be ordinary. We are meant to live extraordinary lives. It is always within our power to do so. We don't necessarily have to do any different things, we simply need to do whatever we do with the proper attitude. An attitude of gratitude clearly helps. But we also need an attitude of greatness, one that comes from knowing that what we do and how we do it makes a difference.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Yes, making a difference is extremely important. However, it seems it is not for us to choose what difference we will make. Rather, we act, and we see what difference results. If we like the difference, we continue to do what it takes to achieve it. If not, we do what we are moved to do next. Then, we see what results from that. We continue living out life one step at a time, moment by moment.

The record of consciousness in expression that is captured here is highly important somehow ... not just to me, but to consciousness herself. Why should she care? Primarily because all such expression provides an indication of the state of the world and its readiness to serve the cosmic plan for the unfolding of the flower of consciousness.

There is a sense that I am still in training for a position that is not yet available to fill ... a position perfectly suited to my abilities, talents, interests, and character.

Something woke me up again in a big way at the beginning of the year. I've stayed awake since then. Yes, it has been a very productive year for this expression. It is still unknown how long it will last ... though, the answer forever comes to mind. Perhaps, perhaps not. What will be, will be. Yes, it may seem that I am not in control of the matter. And, indeed, that is my sense. Oh, I am in control at some level, just not consciously. I trust that the inner parts of me are functioning appropriately to attract the experiences and create the reality that I need to experience. They do this because this is what they are designed to do. This is their function, their purpose for existing. I am comfortable allowing them to perform as they will. Actually, it goes further than this. These parts work in interdependent ways. Our realization of this allows them to function more efficiently and effectively.

It is curious that I have so little to say to other people in my life, but that so many words flow forth here. Perhaps that is because this is primarily a conversation with myself, meant for my eyes only.

There is no purpose for the expression other than to reveal what consciousness can express through me.

I don't consider myself to be the source of these words. The sense is more of being a scribe. Yet, I am more than that. For the words to flow through me, I must resonate with the source from which they flow. This resonance occurs based on what I have done, and what I have realized. Awareness is the vehicle through which this stream of consciousness becomes manifest in the world. For me, manifesting involves expressing in words. It is interesting, earlier today I had a class that discussed communication. One of the facts thrown out was that 55 percent of communication is physical, through gestures, facial expressions and other body language; 38 percent is vocal, in the qualities and characteristics of the voice; and only 7 percent is in the actual words. Yet here, I employ a medium where all of the communication must be conveyed in the words ... in the 7 percent.

Ye shall know them by their works is a powerful truth. This is how we become aware of parts of our selves. We observe and become aware of what works the parts do. The more observant we are, the more aware of our parts we become.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior I have the privilege of having to explain how this expression is even possible. How can I sit here day after day and express in this way? What is this thing that I call the source within? Why me? Why am I moved to express in this manner? There is a purpose for everything. There is nothing that happens that is not meant to happen. However, at the same time, we create our own reality. So, everything that we experience is attracted into our lives by us.

What does it mean to be responsible? The key component is being able to respond. There is a difference between responding and reacting. Responding involves taking time to evaluate options and choose between the options, whereas reacting generally involves an automatic action under a particular set of circumstances.

I can be self-reliant and still exist within a circle, a hoop that connects everything and everyone. This simply requires that I rely on my Self ... in whatever circumstances I find myself. That does not mean that I cannot interact with others ... for at some level there is only ONE consciousness, one Self of which we all are part. So, being Self-reliant is more of a recognition that there is a part of spirit within us that can be relied on to carry us through every experience that we have in this existence.

When we come from the perspective of ONE consciousness, we see everyone as cells in a single body that constitutes all humankind and perhaps even all beings. Just as the cells in the body are separated into organs with particular functions ... so the individuals within society are separated into organizations of various types. Individuals are members of multiple organizations, some by choice and others by chance. Within these organizations, we have various roles and responsibilities.

All creative expression is valued and important. Further, all expression is of spirit. We are spirit enfleshed, here and now. That means that our true nature is spiritual. It always has been and always will be ... at least until we go beyond time at which point always no longer carries any meaning.

It still amazes me that this expression can come forth in this manner. It is mystical and magical. The very process involved in generating this expression forces me to touch the unknown ... and experience firsthand connecting to something the true nature of which I may never know except in terms of what it is able to communicate to and through me.

My task here and now is to express what I am moved to express as faithfully as I can ... and to act in a manner that is consistent with what I believe and whom that I AM. I am meant to be an example for others of what can be. No, not a model that you are to follow exactly. Rather, an example that shows you a different perspective ... and offers some insight as to the nature of reality and reality creation. An example that shows you a different way of being and expressing, one that you may want to learn from. Not everything that I do will work for you. Find those things that resonate most strongly, try them, and evaluate their utility in your life. Use whatever works so long as it serves you and those whom you touch.

As a wayshower, my life is meant to provide an example of what can be. In particular, it seems that I am supposed to demonstrate how consciousness can express through us ... how we can express spirit more fully in flesh. 166

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior We innately know what we need to do with our lives. However, it seems that many are not in touch with this knowingness ... and instead create walls that prevent their full expression.

Being all that we can be is what it is all about. This requires learning whom that we are, and then being this. This is not always easy to do. In fact, it can be downright difficult at times. That only makes it that much more of a challenge. Life doesn't always have to be easy. It is in the times of our greatest challenges that we find out what we are truly made of, and what we are capable of doing.

If we keep an open mind and take on our challenges to the best of our abilities we will surprise ourselves by what we can do. We are all capable of incredible things. We all have the potential for greatness. We all have the potential to live extraordinary lives. However, it takes courage to do this.

We are all artists. Our paints are our beliefs. Our brush is our actions. The objective is to make a masterpiece of our life. This takes effort on our part. We may have to practice and develop our skills. And then, we have to be brave enough to take control of our beliefs and choose what we want to express and experience. In particular, we need to choose how we would serve ... ourselves, our families, our organizations, our society, and our world.

Am I on the razors edge between sanity and insanity ... perhaps. But if so, it is an edge that I am meant to experience and to express from. Why? Simple to provide a reference point ... a marker of where one consciousness has been. And, where I have been able to go, others can reach as well, hopefully more easily because I have attempted to show the way via this record of where my consciousness has wandered. Yes, wandered is a good term to use for one who allows a stream of consciousness to express.

Am I so important that consciousness would allow me to experience all that I have experienced and express it in this way for my sole benefit? My hope is no ... that I would have what I have seen and learned and experienced be expressed in a manner that makes a true difference in society and in the world.

Awareness is not something one learns to do gradually. It is like being struck by lightning ... the lightning of spirit.

Indeed, this expression might only be for my eyes only. That would make me a very special being ... that the universe would go to such trouble to allow me to experience life as I do. Yes, my life is truly blessed. Oh, there are things that could be better. There is less joy and happiness in my life than there could be. However, overall I am following the path that is mine to follow. That the path is primarily a solitary one just happens to be how it is.

I am the being that can express in this manner. For those reading this, that is what you know about me ... along with whatever descriptive information you can glimpse from what is contained herein.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior I am the first to give credit to the source within as well. From her springs this expression. I am the willing instrument, but it is not me that generates all of this. Consciousness plays me as she will. And, I gladly serve her in whatever way I can.

Our brains are incredibly complex. We have only begun to tap what they are truly capable of. Within the past 60 years, the whole realm of computer programming has opened up. Effectively, our whole lives are a process of programming our brains. We are attempting to create the infrastructure for spirit to express in flesh. I've been thinking in terms of creating organizations, and a social infrastructure. However, it is not clear that such is necessary for me. Then again, perhaps it is, perhaps not. It is convenient to live a solitary life. It is much more difficult for me to open up and live a life among others.

We are meant to live our lives as if spirit matters.

I give those parts of myself that I consider most spiritual ... namely my intuition, and my inner knowingness, a wide berth in my life. But, is this enough. The immediate answer is no. There is more that I could be doing ... and in particular I could be doing things in a manner that has greater impact on society, and in the world. There is that brown band in my aura coming through. I am meant to have world impact. Right now, this would seem to come from seeing some of the ideas expressed through me at Beyond Imagination become actualized, become realized.

Aquarius is an age of individuals ... occasionally working together for a common purpose. Aquarius is also a age of ideas and ideals; and of manifesting those to the degree that we can. The sense is that we will indeed see this starting to happen. Aquarius is also an age of cooperation, of realizing that we are all connected to one another and interdependent on one another, even though we may be individual and unique.

For me, it is spirit that is the moving force in my life. In fact, it seems that she has always be so ... even when I was unaware that it was her being actively involved in my life. She has guided me along the path that I have taken. She has been there to comfort and solace me ... but also to challenge me to know myself and to be the best that I could be in every endeavor that I have pursued. I didn't always succeed, but it seems that it is the quality of our efforts that matters more than whether we actually succeed. Good efforts are nearly always sufficient ... though in some instances great efforts are called for and expected. However, this is always in areas we these are well within our talents and abilities.

Generally, unless I write something down, there is virtually no chance that I will remember it. Even then, I have to be careful about where I put what I write. Yet, here, as if out of the blue, comes word after word, idea after idea. Further, this does not seem to be the work of a madman. It is orderly and organized, even if it rambles on and on. I am amazed by how much of the expression is fresh and new ... or at least expressed in a way that is different from what has come before. Anymore, this doesn't surprise me; it is simply expected. And, as usual, reality finds a way to correspond to our expectations for it.

Self discovery is extremely important. The voyage of self discovery is the major journey of our lives, the one journey that all must make. 168

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Our journeys are just that, our journeys. It is OK to share them to whatever degree we are moved and to whatever degree others are interested. However, we are not meant to compete, and compare our experiences to that of others. There is no better or no worse. We are all doing that which we need to do, both individually and collectively.

Give people the respect that they are due. It is not often that we are given the chance to walk in their shoes for awhile. Until we do so, we have no right to pass judgment. Actually, even if we walk in their shoes, it seems that we still have no right to pass judgment.

There is something powerful about operating with an attitude of doing ones best in everything that we do. It is the stuff of greatness.

The point of power is the present. That is where our actions have the power to impact our reality and the reality of the larger world.

When we operate with knowingness in the now ... the future will take care of itself naturally.

How many filters do we have that screen the various inputs from the senses to present to us what we want to notice and experience. We encounter far too many stimuli to pay attention to them all. We have to decide what is important to us ... what we want to consciously experience. Our primary means of programming the screening that takes place is through our beliefs. There is a saying, seeing is believing ... but they got the order wrong. In many cases, we don't see something until we believe it. So, in a very real way believing leads to seeing.

If we want to change what we experience, that is the best place to start, with beliefs. It helps to treat beliefs as a playground for reality creation. This is where we manifest our experience. Our beliefs are the constructs through which our reality takes form. The only test for validity of beliefs is their utility. Those that serve us and others are good. Those that don't need work ... either replacement or modification. Beliefs don't deal in the arena of truth, of fact, or of the known. If there is no uncertainty, no need for faith, then there is no room for belief.

My preference is to engage my energies and talents on the edge of the unknowns of consciousness, to venture where I can, and to bring back what I find to the degree that I can.

What would I do to make a difference in the world? I would simply be whom that I AM and express this to the degree that I can. Further, I would express what spirit would express through me. I serve in her majesties service. Interesting. Also, I serve at the pleasure of spirit. I am a vessel through which consciousness does her work. Yes, I am a being with a consciousness all my own. But, this is just a compartment of the one consciousness of which we all are part. I exist as an individual only so long as it serves spirit for me to be so. 169

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior I find it quite interesting that the onset of the symptoms of my bipolar disorder coincided with a time of spiritual awakening.

This is all that spirit ever asks of us, to be the vessel for spiritual expression that we can be. We do this be developing our skills, and by volunteering our services to whatever causes we deem worthy. For me, that choice is right here. It is though words, in particular written words, that I feel that I can make the biggest impact on the world. Of course, I have to act in a manner consistent with what is being expressed, or it is all for naught. I would live a life of meaning. Hopefully, it is a life that demonstrates what can be expressed in a new day and age.

You can probably tell by now that I consider myself to be a special individual with a unique set of gifts and talents ... and with a destiny that many might find oppressive and restrictive. Further, I am definitely out of my mind ... I make no bones about it. Does that make me crazy? Perhaps, perhaps not ... it seems to depend on how you define crazy. It seems that I observe and am conscious of more than most, but that is because this is necessary for me to carry out my mission. It doesn't make me any better or any worse ... any higher or any lower. It just makes me different in ways that allow me to see things that others do not seem to see. That is OK. That is a big part of why I am here ... first to see such things, and then to share them with others as best I can.

There is indeed one hoop, one richly interconnected web that touches and contains us all. I would label that entity consciousness ... the one consciousness from which we all spring. What any one of us experiences, all of us experience. Though we may have to develop the necessary skills to tap into the source from which we can access these experiences.

It is difficult to accept senseless acts of violence. It is also difficult to accept all of the poverty and suffering in the world. Yet, at the same time, it is not clear what can be done to correct the problems. One thing that comes to mind is a quote from Einstein, I believe, to the effect that problems can never be solved on the level responsible for their creation. We have to step aside, or above as it were, and see the situation from a whole new perspective to find the solutions that we are seeking ... that is, assuming that we recognize that the problems are indeed our problems, and that we actively engage in seeking solutions.

We are to live our life as if nothing mattered and as if everything mattered.

I experience consciousness firsthand and subjectively. That is the only way to truly experience consciousness ... except, of course, being asleep. But, the new age is about awakening to whom that we are and especially to the consciousness within us.

How do we awaken? This is especially difficult if we don't know that we are asleep. Yes, this is the first thing we must realize. To awaken, we must have a desire to cease our slumbers. To remove the chains that bind us and restrict our freedom, we must see that they are there and then realize that is fully within our power to remove the shackles. This we can do at any time. It is a matter of choice, something that we can choose at any moment. 170

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Yes, we are that powerful. We are truly gods/ goddesses in flesh ... the creators of our reality, the masters of our fate. But, what is it that is worth creating? This depends on what moves us, and what we want to experience both individually and en masse. This is for us to decide ... both individually and collectively.

What if my life doesn't amount to what I believe it should? What if the destiny I expect never comes? The bottom line is that it doesn't matter. Spirit occupies the drivers seat in my life now. Because of this, I will experience exactly what I need to experience. My life will unfold exactly as it need to for my mission to be accomplished. Yes, this requires a deep trust in the universe, in the very nature of consciousness and of spiritual expression.

The experience of participating in this expression is beneficial to me on many levels. It is as therapy to me ... helping me to integrate and discover whom that I AM, in a way that no other activity which I engage in does.

It pleases me to no end to be of service in this manner ... even if the service is only to spirit. There is a sense that these words will ultimately have a greater impact somehow, a world impact. Yes, it is audacious of me to think so. However it seems just as audacious to think that all of this could be happening simply for my personal benefit. It seems like such a waste of effort if this expression of consciousness does not reach the mind, hearts, and spirits of others somehow. Yet, everything in me tells me that this is not a waste ... in fact, that this is the most important activity of my life to date, and perhaps for all time.

Spirit doesn't force us to do anything. She asks, and she gently nudges ... but it is up to us to choose what we do and how we do it.

Who am I to think that what I do, that what is expressed through me, can have world impact? Wow, that is a deep question. It comes down to an inner knowingness that I came into this existence for a purpose ... with a specific mission to perform, a mission that involved building the infrastructures for a completely new way of being ... namely, for the Aquarian Age. This is a huge task. But, it seems that indeed, I came in with the necessary abilities and talents to do it, and do it effectively.

I came to be of service. And, I will be to the degree that I can, so long as I live. What happens after this life is a whole other matter. I may have some theories about this, but it doesn't really matter. We live in the moment. We are in this existence to be in this existence, and to do what we can do here and now. There is always a way to make a difference, a beneficial difference. It is a matter of finding it, and doing it.

I march to the beat of my own drummer ... or perhaps to the drumming of spirit within. Either way, this sets me apart from others.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Systems have been growing more and more complex at an exponential rate for several decades. In particular, computer technology and information systems are at the forefront of the information revolution. The Aquarian Age corresponds with the information age. Not surprising, since Aquarius is an air sign. Air signs deal with ideas, ideals, and mental expression. This very expression is an example of what is possible. And, this is only the beginning. My sense is that I have over two decades to grow and evolve this into all that it can be.

What is important is not what we do of our own accord, but what we allow spirit to do through us.

What distinguishes beings is the fact that they exist. As beings we never cease to be ... we never cease to exist. That means that our essence ... that part of us which is the being has to be beyond any form that we may take. We know that the body and the brain cease to be animated at death. Physically they still exist, essentially as they did the moment before death. However, the life that animated them ... the consciousness that enabled awareness to be manifest, is no longer connected to the body and the brain. Our beingness cannot be extinguished, however. We are eternal and immortal ... at some level of our being. That makes death not an ending, but rather a transition from one state of awareness to another. Our ego experiences many such transitions over the course of our lifetime.

We experience exactly what we need (and choose) to experience. If we want to experience a different reality, we need to make different choices. The height of stupidity is to continue to do the things that you have been doing in the way that you have been doing them and expecting a different outcome.

Each day provides new opportunities. What we have done in the past is in the past. It does not suffice to rest on our laurels. We must ever prove ourselves by doing what we can do and being all that we can be. This is our constant challenge. This is what spirit asks of us. Further, it is what we should demand of ourselves. This is not an area for compromise ... for in doing so, we cheat spirit, and moreover we cheat ourselves by not being what we could be.

What you see here is exactly what is expressed in realtime. There is no filtering or re-writing or rearranging of what comes forth. I have never been moved to do any of that. Even when I go back to select best quotes from the expression, these are almost always in chronological order. There is no reorganization that occurs. It seems that my time is best expended by bringing forth new monitions of consciousness.

I have known for some time that communication, especially written communication is extremely important to me. This is why books have had such a great impact on me. This is why e-mail is one of my preferred modes of communication with others. This is why this expression comes forth in the manner that it does. That is OK. At least I recognize what comes naturally to me, and find a way to use it effectively both in my work life and my private life.

Thinking along these lines ... these words, these musings, the works at the Beyond Imagination site are my children. They spring forth from my mind as a result of a union between me and a source that lies within. As such, they will grow and have a life of their own ... a life just as real as any physical life would 172

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior be. Ideas are born, are ingested and experienced, and ultimately impact the reality of those whom they reach. Ideas can be very powerful, in fact, powerful enough to change the world when properly expressed and disseminated.

I'm very wary of pushing my beliefs and expression on anyone. I would rather that people remain free to consume what they will. My sense is that spirit is orchestrating everything, that those who are meant to find this expression and find me, will indeed do so. It is not for me to force this to happen ... it is for me to simply allow it to happen.

Curious, I would change the world. Is that foolish courage speaking, or does it indeed come from a place of wisdom where I know what is mine to do? Yes, I can come across as ego-maniac. I know that. And yes, I can come across as grandiose. But, the question is whether this is the correct expression for me. Everything that I AM tells me that it is, tells me that I am doing what I am meant to be doing ... not by my own accord, but by spirits.

So, how does a loner change the world? The bottom line is by allowing spirit to change the world through me. It starts by changing me. The world is a reflection of whom that I AM. As I change, the reflection must change as well. However, this is not just true for me, it is true for everyone.

I trust the integrity of my being. I allow my life to flow as it will ... just as I allow this stream of consciousness to flow. There is someplace within my self that knows exactly why I am here and is creating the reality that allows me to carry out the mission for which I came. This incarnation isn't so much about enjoying life for me ... though I do experience joy when I am operating at my peak effectiveness whether at work or in this expression. Also, I do get pleasure from some of the movies and shows that I watch, the books that I read, and some of the interactions that I have with people. However, the bottom line for me is to live my life in such a manner that I am a wayshower, demonstrating firsthand how spirit can be more fully expressed in flesh. That, more than anything, is what I am here to do. This expression is a major part of achieving this.

In the end, the goal is to have lived a life that made a difference ... not just to me, and a few that I may touch personally; but, to society and the world. Yes, that is a tall order. But, I expect great things from myself. The starting point to achieving great things is the belief that we can indeed do them. This, accompanied by the attitude to do whatever it takes.

How many of us live lives that we would be proud to show to thousands if not millions? That is an interesting way to look at things. For indeed, we are all connected ... the experiences of each are felt in very real ways by all.

We each have a destiny of our own to experience. We each have a number of roles to play. However, they are not thrust upon us. They are roles that we chose, roles that we auditioned for, and roles that we are fully prepared to play at some level. In a very real way, we create our own destiny ... but that means that there is indeed a destiny being played out. 173

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior So, what are my hopes and dreams? It is not clear that I really have any. That would involve living for tomorrow ... when my reality lies in the present. Take care of now, and the future will take care of itself.

Ultimately, it is the meaning of things that define reality. Actually, I do have a dream of someday creating the foundations for spirit to more fully express in flesh. That is the dream of Beyond Imagination. Thus far, that has involved expressing what has been expressed here over the past nine plus years.

In virtually every area of human endeavor, we have a bell curve that defines the capability relative to the populous. A few are horrible, many are mediocre, some are good, and a few are great.

Am I one of the "great" players in the area of the expression of consciousness? The mania and grandiosity rear their heads again. Yet these very writings are the proof that I offer that I delve into areas that most do not. Further, that I am at home in this domain ... that this is where my consciousness soars, that this is where my natural abilities shine.

Part of achieving our destiny is finding what we are great at and doing it.

Increased expression of spirit in flesh is the "better" direction. Evolution ensures that this takes place; in particular, spiritual evolution. Note, this has nothing to do with religion. I don't consider myself to be religious. I worship no gods. I do not pray. I do not belong to any religious organization. Yet, I consider myself to be highly spiritual. I speak of the realm of spirit ... and of the connection to spirit ... and of the expression of spirit in flesh. And, I know that everything is spirit in expression, is consciousness manifest in form.

My path is the path of the transcendentalists ... many of my favorite quotes (other than my own) come from Emerson, Thoreau, and Channing, one of their predecessors. I believe in a realm beyond the physical one, a spiritual realm where the bulk of the work of reality creation gets done. I believe that there is ONE consciousness that animates us all, a collective consciousness, if you will, that is aware of and learns from every experience of every individual.

For me, there must be purpose behind everything ... not reason, but purpose.

On an average weekday, I spend roughly 12 hours in front of a computer screen and keyboard. That is OK. I am an information worker in an information age. I am doing what I am good at. That is, if you consider what I do here as good.

There is something about this record that is special. Here, we see a stream of consciousness if all its glory and all its frailty. Here, I do what I am moved to do. Here, I answer the call of spirit within me. Here, I speak with the voice of spirit. How do I know this? How do I know that I am not fooling myself into thinking that I have a connection to spirit? Actually, it does not really matter. The source is what it is. If 174

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior it is of me, it is of spirit anyway ... since everything is spirit. And, if it is of spirit, above and beyond what I AM, then so be it as well.

This endeavor is definitely the most important of my life. It is my chief "hobby", the endeavor to which I devote a great deal of my free time. Why do I do this? Simply because I must. I am moved by a force that I find to be irresistible. Not that I care to resist anyway.

We are not meant to do everything by ourselves. That is one of the reasons that there are others in our world. People have different skills and talents. We are meant to serve one another, freely and openly. We are meant to cooperate and work together with one another to achieve great things ... things far greater than we can achieve alone.

So, how does one live an extraordinary life? One lives from the heart, and does what spirit bids one to do. When we live as if we are spirit manifesting as flesh ... whole new realms of possibilities open up unto us. We activate a whole host of unseen forces. We achieve greatness not by doing what we would do ... but by allowing spirit to do what she would do through us. Of our own, we are capable of only so much. However, spirit has no such limits. Her depths are unfathomable. Her resources are unlimited. We are only limited to the degree that we act out of selfishness. When we act from the source within us, we act selflessly, for we are beyond all sense of self that we normally know.

My life belongs to the world, as does this very expression. Yes, that is a grandiose way of looking at things. But, I am no ordinary being. Yet, what it is that makes me special is the very gifts that I have to offer the world. The one thing that we have that is of the most importance is our very self. When we use this in service, we give the greatest gift of all.

There is something special about living a life of meaning, especially when the meaning comes forth from within.

It is not enough for me simply to exist and live a solitary life. I am here to make a difference, and on a grand scale. There is a destiny that I know to be mine. Yes, I speak in grandiose terms. But, it is not the mania speaking here. For me, this is natural. It comes forth from a realization of whom that I am, and from an acceptance that this indeed is the work that I have come to do. I feel a great obligation to serve ... to serve spirit, to serve society, and to serve the world. However, this is not expressed as a desire to serve specific individuals.

Life is lived as a series of moments that ultimately span the years of our lives.

What can I do that others cannot do? What is uniquely mine to do? How can I live my life to make the greatest difference to the greatest number? Is that even what I am meant to do? Or, is it through a difference to a few that I am ultimately to impact many? These words are the starting point. They are my spiritual works, if you will. Are they enough? My sense is no, so long as I am living and breathing ... what has come before is never enough. There is always the next step to take, the next work to do, the next 175

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior expression of consciousness to manifest. This is to be my lifelong work. I would have it no other way. I have chosen to live a life of spiritual expression. That is all that truly matters to me.

Ye shall know them by their works. This definitely applies to the parts of the self. We find them by encountering what they do ... and then by searching within for a framework that permits us to understand how they work. We may or may not discover such a framework for understanding. It may have to suffice that we see these parts doing their works ... and that we simply allow them to do what they will. That is OK too. There is nothing that says we have to understand everything. Often, we only need to know enough the use them and to allow them to operate. Have faith and accept things for what they are. We are spirit expressing in flesh now. We always have been, and always will be. It is time for us to do so with eyes wide open ... with an awareness of what we are doing and why we are doing it.

I see consciousness as the highest form of expression and experience that we can bring into our reality.

There is much more that I am able to do and meant to do. I can feel it deep within me. I have not begun to express to anywhere the degree that I am capable of doing. Yes, I have done a lot to date. Perhaps enough to constitute a life's work for some. But, that is not true for me. This is only the beginning, the first chapter in the book that is my life. How can I know this? I just do! It strikes a chord within me. There is a special resonance that occurs when I have encountered truth. I can feel it inside of me. That is sufficient confirmation for me to know.

Hmm ... if this is chapter 1, I wonder how many chapters lie ahead. The bottom line is that it does not really matter. That will take care of itself as my life unfolds. It is enough to do in the moment what is to be done in that moment. The future is of no concern ... or, at least, or limited concern. What we face here and now is the reality that is confronting us. That is true for every moment of our lives. It behooves us to pay attention to this ever present moment as it unfolds. Here is where we have the power of choice. Here is where free will reigns. It is not in any distant future no matter how well planned out it may be.

Know thyself has been a directive to us since at least the time of Plato ... and perhaps much longer than this. It seems that with the complexity of the times, this has become more difficult to do than it has ever been before. That is OK. Our capacity for doing this has grown greatly as well. Further, we have more free time on our hands overall than most of our predecessors had. However, we have far more distractions as well.

Whether we are wasting our time is something that we must decide for ourselves. Ultimately, that is who we are accountable to ... that and spirit, anyway. But our responsibility to spirit is simple, it is to be whom that we are ... spirit enfleshed; and to express this as fully as we can. We do this by recognizing that we are indeed spirit, and then by choosing to do what spirit would do, what love would do in each moment.

Since I don't control where this expression comes from ... all that I can do is trust what flows when it flows.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior It seems that we can learn of the nature of ourselves and our world by focusing inward, outward, or anywhere in between. It is obvious that my path has been almost solely an inner one. It is also obvious that my path is not for everyone. And, perhaps it is for no one other than me. Though, I still feel driven to leave this record of where my consciousness has wandered. I do it in hope that others may benefit from it. Exactly how this might happen is still unknown.

I still have to wonder if there is sufficient value in this expression to be worth the cost in time and effort that goes into it. From my choice of continuing to express on a daily basis, I guess the answer is obviously the affirmative. Day after day, week after week, month after month, I open up Composer and allow this stream of consciousness to flow forth. My experience is that each time I open Composer the words start to flow and continue to flow so long as I allow it to. Sometimes they flow faster and at other times slower depending on the quality of the connection. This is also dependent on my state of consciousness. At present, this does not seem to be something that I can control. It simply happens, seemingly in cycles, though I am not aware of what the cycles are.

It seems that there is so little that is known in the realm of consciousness. My firsthand observation shows that there is much that I am aware of but that I don't really understand how it works or why it is. I suspect that this is because there is little that is known. Then again ... that may be presumptuous on my part. There is much research underway throughout the world. Perhaps it would help to find out what the latest in brain research and the understanding of consciousness have to offer. However, I am not one for doing extensive research and working the fine details. My forte is the general themes and the overall picture. I like to see how things fit together from the top down.

What is it that I can do that others cannot do? These are the things were I need to apply myself, my energy, and my talents and abilities. Spirit seeks to get maximal results for the effort expended. This only happens when we do what we are designed to do ... and this just happens to be what we are destined to do. There is a grand plan at play ... a spiritual plan that involves the unfoldment of consciousness and its expression in flesh.

There is a sense that the expression needs to reach someone other than me. Though, the words for your eyes only still haunt me. It is though they have been written expressly to warn me of a possible reality. It could be that all of this is an elaborate training ground for me to learn of whom that I AM so that I can become the best vehicle for the expression of consciousness in flesh that I can be. If so, it says a lot about the lengths to which the universe will go for the benefit of a single individual.

Each of us are capable of greatness in some area or endeavor. It is simply a matter of finding what that is and doing it. This takes courage, the courage to be whom that we truly are ... not what others want us to be, and not even what we might want to show as our mask to the world. It takes courage to be honest. It takes courage to operate with complete integrity. But this is what we must do if we are to lead an authentic life.

We are spirit. It is high time that we lived our lives as if we truly believed this.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior How do we do this? We start by looking within to discover whom that we truly are. We develop our intuition, find the still small voice within us, really listen to it, and choose to act on what it tells us. We find what we are moved to do and we do it, without concern for the consequences. That doesn't mean that we relinquish responsibility. On the contrary, we are fully responsible for all that we do and all that we experience. However, when we do spirit's works, the spirit within us is responsible for what happens as a result ... and she knows what she is doing.

When we operate from spirit, we blur the line of individuality. We express from a connectivity to the collective. This is a matter of where our awareness resides. From my experience, this constantly fluctuates. However, the overall trend is towards greater awareness, and an increased tie to the collective, to the ONE source, the ONE consciousness that animates us all. We can influence where on this spectrum we spend our time.

When we allow spirit to work through us, we can do nearly anything. I qualified this with nearly, as a reminder that we need to get out of the way to the degree that we can so that the work is truly that of spirit versus what we might do out of ego. I am very wary of giving ego too wide of a berth. She is a useful tool, or can be when used correctly. But, ego is not meant to be the master in our lives, though many appear to be locked within its grips.

Hmm ... is this expression effective? Good question. That depends on its purpose. The sole purpose that I have for it is to capture the stream of consciousness that is able to flow through me. Why the stream flows through me in the manner that it does is not something that I have even questioned before. I was happy that it was able to come forth as it does. I gladly and consciously choose to serve spirit as the voice/vessel for this expression. Yet, why me, and why in this manner are definitely important questions. As to the first, because I AM whom that I AM and this is part of what I came to do. As to the second, because this is the most effective means for spirit to express through me at this time. Convenient answers. But, I believe in a world of purpose ... of spiritual intent directing what is expressed and experienced both individually and en masse. Because of this, I am a pawn in the game of life ... or perhaps a king, a bishop, or a knight.

I am moved by an intelligent force from within that I call source or the spirit within. I would play my role as directed. But, as a conscious being, I learn firsthand from the awareness that I have as I act out my life, and from the changes in this awareness that occur over time. I am not whom that I was prior to 1993, nor 1998, nor 2002, nor the preceding moment for that matter. I picked these years, in particular, because of the magnitude of the transformations of consciousness that occurred. I have no means of knowing how common or unique my experience truly is. My sense is that it is quite rare. Yes, signs of grandiosity again. But, how else can I explain all that is expressed here? Where does the wisdom that is imparted come from? How can I know all of this enough to express it in such a declarative manner?

I've spoken before of a desire to find my spiritual family ... those kindred spirits with whom I can relate. Yet, at the same my nature is very much that of a loner. I tolerate people in my life and to some degree enjoy interacting with others at times, but I prefer my own company and my private time. This is one area where we are equal. We are each given 24 hours per day in which to accomplish and experience what we will. 178

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Life is definitely a great gift, one not to be squandered. It is up to us to find something useful to do ... some way to make the life we have been given a gift back to spirit, our society, and our world. What we choose to do with our life is our gift to the world. On 1 January 1998, I was moved to announce that all of the work of Beyond Imagination was a gift from spirit to the world. Nothing has changed that in the 4.5 years since then.

Being genuinely interested in others seems to be something that one is born with rather than develops. I am concerned with what I can do for the whole world ... but not concerned about what I can do on a smaller scale to help particular individuals. This seems to be a matter of how I am wired, a matter of how my brain functions, and a matter of where my spirit came to focus. Here, we are all unique. What works for one, may or may not work for another. It is for us to try things and find what works best for us. Utility is the measure of the value of anything. Use what works, and be open to adapting how you do things based on the results you see in your reality.

How do I share more of whom that I am with others. Along with this, how do I receive more from others. Sharing is a two way process. It is an exchange of energy. Thus far, my sharing has been primarily a one way expression ... involving recording a stream of consciousness and making it available on the WWW. It is an interactive process to the degree that spirit and I are involved. It has yet to be interactive between me and others. Do I really desire that it move in this direction? On the one hand, yes; but on the other hand, I am not so sure. Though, there is a sense that my reality will indeed move in this direction regardless. It is simply a matter of when. And the sense is that it will be sooner rather than later.

I trust that there is some part of me that knows what it is doing and can be trusted. I am unconsciously competent in the things that I do. To be consciously competent, I would have to know how I do the things that I do. For some things, I have this awareness ... but for many other things, I do not. This is OK as well. What matters is that we are competent, not whether it is conscious or unconscious. In fact, it seems that unconscious competence is the better of the two, for then we are doing things on automatic, often without even trying.

Will this expression make a difference? It already has, even if only for me. Yet, there is a potential that it will do far more than this. As a wayshower and explorer of consciousness, being able to record a stream of consciousness is a very important thing. By recording it in a manner that can be posted to the WWW ... the result is a signpost, a marker, or a candle that can show or light the way for others.

One more day ... one more opportunity for spirit to express in flesh. Yes, this is true everyday. But how many of us are at a point where we are satisfied with what we have done with our lives to date. There is something to be gained by living one's life as if the end were near, not out of fear ... rather as a challenge to be all that we can be; and to not delay until tomorrow what can be accomplished today.

The middle path seems to be to allow what is to unfold in our lives to do so naturally, without undo force being applied one way or another. Yes, we can make things happen. However, it is far more important that we allow spirit to make things happen through us. This makes all the difference in the world.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Egos can be strong forces to deal with. They are the parts of us responsible for assessing our reality. However, at times, it seems that they don't realize that they are not the only components of the self that are operating in this existence. Intuition and inputs from source or spirit must be recognized as well ... and, in my experience, as superior sources of information and guidance.

Our oldest books only go back 2500 years or so (at least in the West). I don't know how far back such material goes in the East, in particular in India and China. Also, even where we do have such ancient texts, it is not as if we have libraries ... we only have a few works by a small number of authors. We are in the midst of an information explosion by comparison. I don't remember where we are on the exponential curve. But, it takes a small number of years for the amount of information (fiction and nonfiction) to double. It is as if there is an ocean of information ... and it is up to us to develop the skills necessary to navigate through it, and to understand the meaning of what we find. This is the major challenge of the information age. One doesn't have to sink or swim, however. It is perfectly fine to acquire watercrafts of various types to propel one to get to where one wants to be. Further, there are any number of instruments that can be used to navigate and to examine and evaluate what we find. One of the greatest tools of all is the lump of gray matter that rides in our skull as the vessel through which mind enters into flesh.

I've had several jumps in consciousness, where I was suddenly aware that I was more than I knew myself to be before. I love such experiences. They are leaps from the cliff into the outstretched arms of spirit. In reality, there is no other place to fall. We are safe. We are loved. And, we are meant to do what we can to convey this to others.

Many do not realize the power of beliefs and their importance in creating the reality we experience. Yes, creating. Beliefs define what meaning we assign to what we experience ... and in doing so, create the very reality that we experience.

My world is primarily one of meaning. It is not so much what happens in life that matters, it is the meaning that we assign to the experience. This meaning is what determines how we will respond, what action we will take next.

Life gives us plenty of opportunity to do things and make choices that ultimately count. However, in the end what really matters? What about our lives will live on after we do? For most, children provide this legacy. That is not to be the case for me. My legacy will be the words that I leave and the deeds that I do. My children will be those spawned by my consciousness. And, it seems they are not all mine ... they belong to spirit for they spring forth from her.

At some level, everything is spirit. Yes, everything, including us. That means that all that we do is spiritual ... is the work, the expression of spirit. This means when we are at our highs as well as at our lows. Hmm ... that seems to justify a lot of bad or evil things that people and organizations do. However, at some level the expression of spirit in flesh is perfect. It always is and has always been. The scenes that are played out are just that, scenes in a play. We are actors all. And, what we experience is what we experience ... it is not real, but it is the reality that we experience. Yes, that means that reality is not real. It is an engaging illusion, one that can engage us for countless lifetimes. 180

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Everything meaningful in my life has a strong metaphysical and thus spiritual component. More than any other description, I am consciousness having a physical experience. My mind has been one of my most important tools. In fact, I lived in my head nearly exclusively for much of my life. I still live primarily in the realm of thought and ideas ... in the realm of the written word, and primarily metaphysical words at that.

I must change and evolve if I am to continue to serve spirit in this manner. That is not surprising, change is one thing that is ever present in life. It is for us to make the most of it. Becoming all that we can be requires that we discover whom that we are and that we express this in our lives to the degree that we can. This is a task that is the same for everyone. Though, there are many grades and levels.

Consciousness is a very big place to explore. Awareness is the personal aspect that connection to consciousness brings into our lives. It helps tremendously if we consciously choose to pursue awareness with all of our heart and soul. It should be as important to us as the very air that we breathe ... no, even more so.

It is consciousness that animates us, each and every moment. We are spiritual beings, all. This is our true nature. It is a matter of realizing it and acting from this place. It is a matter of choice, a matter of where and how we choose to express our time and energy.

Numbers haven't been as prevalent in this expression for some time now. That is OK, I have no sense that anyone else understands my way of interpreting them anyway. For the meantime, this seems to be a language that is between me and spirit. However, numerology and gematria have been around a long time. Long enough that it seems there must be an element of truth to them. They are tools that help us see aspects of the world and reality in a different manner than our normal viewing. Yes, this means that they give us different eyes through which to see the world. That is a different way to look at tools, but effectively such is what they are.

Where would I go to find the answers that I seek. The standard answer is always ... seek within. Yet, there is something suggesting that it is time to start seeking on the outside as well. The two domains are mirrors of one another. However, that doesn't mean that everything is done in the same manner or with the same ease in both domains. A spiritual warrior needs a variety of tools in his arsenal. Further, he should be ready to find truth in the world just as readily as inside himself.

Expectations are a rough area to deal with. Where we can, we should do what we know is right for us to do without expectation of results. This does not mean that we cannot enjoy the results that do come. It just means that we should remain open and allow spirit to determine what results follow from our actions.

The major point is that we should live our lives as if spirit mattered ... for that is exactly what we are spirit expressing in matter.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior This thing called life is a precious gift ... every moment of it. Now is constantly sustained by spirit. Every moment, life is renewed. Each moment is a death and a new birth. Similarly, each night is a death to the waking consciousness, and each morning a rebirth of that consciousness.

My physical body may die, my brain may cease its functioning, my physical life will cease ... but my consciousness shall continue on in whatever manner is appropriate to it. This manner will be highly dependent on the awareness achieved during life. That is why the directive know thyself is so important.

What is the purpose of this particular expression of this stream of consciousness. My hope is that it will serve as a useful example and will be indisputable evidence that one such as me has existed.

In the end, it is what we have given of ourselves out of unconditional love that will make a difference to all those whose lives we touch.

Clearly 1993 was a year of destiny for me, a year of awakening to an awareness of spirit that I had not known was even possible before. However, this was primarily an inner destiny. Though, it has resulted in an extensive set of works that spirit has generated through me. Yes, the works are primarily words ... but in the right minds at the right time, words have the power to do amazing things ... up to and including transforming the world as we know it.

Will the words that have been captured and shared here have such impact? Only time will tell. They will if that is the destiny that spirit would choose for them. Otherwise, they will not. To date, they have had such impact on me. Personally, they have changed my world in ways that are Beyond Imagination.

There is a sense that coming here was a choice ... that this was not something that I had to do. There is a sense that I am complete somehow, in ways that many are not. Perhaps that is why goals, objectives, and plans are so foreign to me. All of these require attachment to an outcome. It is not for me to create particular outcomes, I leave that to spirit. It is for me to do what I am moved to do as well as I can, and to express all that I AM as fully as I can while doing this. For me, it is spirit that is the moving force in my life. It is clear that this is not true for everyone.

While we live in a world of duality such things as good and bad do indeed exist for us ... just as hot and cold, big and small, animate and inanimate, fat and thin, black and white, fast and slow, etc... It is not wrong that such things exist in our experience of reality. However, because we experience them as we do doesn't make them necessarily real. Duality is an illusion, an engaging illusion, but an illusion nonetheless.

Our lives seem to unfold in spite of what we do rather than because of what we do. This indicates that there is an unseen hand that is pulling the strings and indeed such is the case. Though, this hand may be an unknown part of our self. That does not mean that it is unknowable, though indeed our depths of soul may be unfathomable. 182

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Our Declaration of Independence states that we are endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is interesting that it is stated in this manner, as the pursuit of happiness. This doesn't guarantee that we will ever achieve happiness. It seems that is up to us ... in how we choose to pursue happiness.

Life should be interesting. It is far too easy for boredom to set in if we are not careful and include variety in what we do. Boredom is like death in some ways. It is dying to life. In a way, I have been dead to life much of my life. I have not fully engaged and participated as much as I could. Perhaps this is right for me, perhaps not. The very fact that I am thinking about it means that perhaps there is something to consider here. Perhaps I need to see things in a new light.

“To know that even one life breathes easier because you have lived.” That line from a movie just caught my attention. It was from a book, and was the definition of success. It is a very good definition of success. It focuses on having a positive impact on the life of others.

I care and am concerned about myself deeply and about the spirit within me ... but I have not been deeply concerned about others, except on rare occasions. Because of this, I have effectively isolated myself in a world of my own. No, I don't live in a cave completely isolated from others. I have developed some working relationships with the people that I work with and live with that include some level of personal interaction. However, the sense is that there needs to be more of this. How do we get the hermit to come out of his shell? We start by realizing that the shell is a form that while it had its utility also had its share of limitations as well. The bottom line are that the limitations now outweigh the utility. The shell has served its purpose. It got me here, where I am at this moment.

I stand as an aware being, expressing spirit in flesh to the degree that I can. That doesn't mean that a new shell isn't required or at least desirable ... it is just that the new shell, if any, should have its own utility. I don't think this will change my introverted nature. Though it may not be quite so extreme. I doubt that I will ever be an extrovert ... but then again, who knows what time will bring? My sense is that I will always enjoy and prefer my own company ... and the connection to spirit that comes with it. That seems to be my very nature. However, that doesn't mean that I can't enjoy my time with others as well.

I've always demanded a lot of myself ... mainly because only I know what I am truly capable of ... and actually, I may not even know this at all. I know what I have been able to do, and I can project this out to some degree. However, it seems that what I am truly capable of will be a big surprise even to me. That is OK. We need an element of the unknown in our lives to keep things interesting. Free will serves that purpose as well. It allows choice to enter the picture and impact our experience of reality. However, it seems that we are more free than we might believe, yet at the same time have less conscious free will than we might suppose. The title from a biography of Paul Twitchell comes to mind: “In my soul I am free.” That is where to look for freedom, in the spiritual domain rather than in the physical. It is there that we can fly and soar to heights as far as the wings of awareness can take us.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Yes, awareness is that important ... possibly the most important thing in our lives. The body will return dust to dust, all of our worldly possessions will remain in the world, but our awareness is the one thing that we get to take with us when we depart this existence.

What would I do to make a difference in the world? For that is what I expect of myself. Anything less is simply not living up to my potential, which is unacceptable to me. That is a standard that I set for myself. And, I will do whatever it take to achieve it. For the most part, this requires becoming the best vehicle through which spirit can express that I can. This stream of consciousness is one of the means that I practice doing this. So, effectively, if you are reading this ... you are experiencing my practice sessions. Eventually, our practice is sufficient and we play the game for real or we perform for a live audience. This will be new for me. However, I am looking forward to the change.

Does my thinking smack of grandiosity? Yes, I acknowledge that. However, is it warranted? Here, I believe the answer is yes as well. Though, that is something only I can answer for myself, and only you can answer from your perspective. Whatever the answer, I must continue to do as I am moved to do. This is the only way I know how to live my life. I trust that in doing so, I will live my life as spirit directs and in doing so will maximize my contribution to the world. Right now, this expression is the contribution that I am moved to make. Interesting, the following just came from a TV commercial ... “People expect deeds, not just words. That is what we deliver.” The immediate impression was that this applies to me personally. What I have to date is words. Yes, a lot of words, but still only words. The next step seems to be to act in accord with the words ... that is to generate deeds consistent with all that has been expressed. That is how I take charge and start to really live my life, rather than stay in the background as an observer.

In the end, there is only ONE, and then the game is over. Our ego serves as a head to the self. Each time we cut it off, we experience a quickening in which we integrate ever greater parts of our self. There is always an ego, a part of us that is responsible for interpreting physical reality. When one ego dies, another immediately takes its place.

There is a spiritual world embedded in the symbol systems of the physical world. Actually, there may be several such worlds since many symbol systems are mapped onto the same elements. That is OK. All such systems are valid from their own perspective. Yes, that means there are many spiritual worlds. As Jesus said, “in my fathers house are many mansions” Each of these symbolic worlds is as a mansion. It is up to us to choose which, if any, of these mansions we will live within. Actually, it is not so clear that we choose the mansion(s). Perhaps it or they choose us. That only seems appropriate. It is as if we already belong to worlds that we are meant to be part of. For some, this may only be in potential. For others, we are already engaged.

Our beliefs and expectations form screens that filter all that we experience. As a result, reality conforms to our expectations ... at least sometimes anyway. Often, we have conflicting beliefs or have no expectations, leaving it open as to what we will experience. The bottom line, however, is that if we want to change our lives, the place to start is with our beliefs. This is one area where we have complete 184

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior control, regardless of what we may have been taught in the past. However, we have to have the courage to take charge of this area of our lives.

For the greatest good of all concerned is the key operating directive. This requires some level of evaluation of what we do. If we don't know what impact we have, how can we ever improve and make this better. Yes, better is a subjective judgment ... but we are subjective beings, and this is a judgment we must make for ourselves.

There is a reason that we are where we are. We attract those circumstances that we need to learn and grow, and ultimately to be prepared to carry out whatever mission we have come to perform. Most are not aware of that mission. It seems that spirit operates on a need to know basis. She informs us of what we need to know when we are ready, and when we need to know.

Our task is to fully be in the present, and to do what needs to be done here and now. When we do this, the future will be a natural outcome ... it will take care of itself. The trick is to do what we are moved by spirit to do. That requires developing the ability to distinguish and recognize what spirit is asking of us in every situation that we face.

Our natural mode of expression is to serve spirit, and in turn our society as only we can. Yes, that is asking a lot. However, it is only asking that we be true to our true nature. We are spirit in flesh, here and now ... every one of us. Yes, all 5 plus billion of us on the planet plus the entire animal and plant kingdoms for that matter.

Spirit is all ONE! She is orchestrating everything. Those with roles to play will gravitate naturally towards what they need to do when they need to do it. It is not necessary for any one cell to know everything about the whole. The whole is the synergistic result of a collective cooperative effort. Because of this, there are no limits to what it can be and what it can achieve. However, we must recognize that there is an intelligence, a consciousness that is behind and causes the expression in flesh. This intelligence is limited in expression only to the degree that the forms are limited. Because of this, awareness is critical. Our awareness is the level of consciousness that we have experienced in this lifetime.

There is a sense that my destiny is unfolding exactly as planned ... one step at a time. No, it is not as I would plan it. Rather it is as spirit would have it. I am OK with that. I have resigned to live my life as spirit would direct. This is a choice that I make. Some might think that this is the easy way out ... that I have relinquished responsibility for my own life and my own choices. However, I assure you that this is not the case at all. I accept complete responsibility for everything that I experience. When we choose to allow spirit to express through us, when we choose to live a life of destiny ... we are still responsible for our choice and for everything that comes of it. What has changed is that we now have a helping hand in our corner ... a hand from a source that knows us far more than we know ourselves.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior We are all Princes and Kings in our own rights. It is a matter of realizing that this is true, and of finding that place where it is true. Our sovereignty, however, is not so much over others, as it is over ourselves. We are always in complete control of how we expend our greatest resource, our self and our time.

We each have the same allotment of time each day ... that is until our final day anyway. Some have more duties to perform than others during that time. Some have more leisure, and more freedom. Some have more responsibilities, some less. However, whatever we have is what we deserve somehow.

We have to move beyond our selfishness to a mode of providing service to spirit and to others with our lives. How we do this is up to us. However, we have to move from a me to a we mode of expression. We have to move from a what is in it for me, to a what is in it for all of us perspective.

My vocation is as a systems engineer in an information age ... and here I am as a scribe, and metaphysical information generator in that same age. Information, expressed in words consumes a great deal of my time, in fact, a vast majority of it. It is clearly what I am suited to do.

There is something about this expression that is addictive. That does not make it bad in any way. Some habits are good to have. This expression is a form of therapy for me. It allows me to tap the depths of my self on a regular basis. I never know where it will lead. But, I trust that it will lead me in exactly the direction that I need to head. This comes from a deep trust in life, and how it unfolds. There is a plan that spirit has for us.

There is a divine plan for the unfoldment of consciousness. From the beginning it has pushed the individual and collective consciousness to ever greater awareness and to ever greater expression of spirit in flesh. We lie at the crossroads of a new age ... one that has been forecast for many years. We have been on the threshold of the age since at least the 60's. It seems though that now the dawn is finally upon this. A new day and a new age has come.

I can only do my part ... and serve as the scribe for spirit. What happens from there is up to spirit. I am but a pebble in the hand of God. As such, I allow him to throw me where he will. Interesting. I don't typically speak of God and his place in my life, yet here we have God operating as a motive force, and throwing me to those circumstances in which I am to do my work. That work, is primarily expressing spirit in flesh. God is the creator, but spirit is the animating force that expresses through us. My connection is still with consciousness, with the spirit within. Though, it seems that this may be subject to change as well. We will see soon enough.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior SEPTEMBER 2002 The entire 9 plus year journey since 1993 has been an adventure in consciousness ... and a grand and glorious adventure at that.

I am operating in a domain that is for the most part unknown. In fact, that is what makes it fascinating and exciting.

Consciousness has a special place in life. It is for her that I live. It is in her service that I exist. I cannot imagine living life in any other manner.

Here, I am allowed to be whom that I AM, as completely as I can. Here I am allowed to do things, to experience things, and to realize things which no other has done ... at least not in the same manner. Here I come face to face with the unknown, and emerge bringing back what I have found.

I long to share of whom that I AM with the world. Yet, I would do so on my own terms or not do it at all.

I must live my life in my own way. It is not in the cards for me to follow in the footsteps of others. Where I am to go, few, if any, have been. Is this because my knowledge of my predecessors is limited? Or, is it because there are still so few explorers of consciousness and the domain of the unknown is so vast, that our paths seldom cross.

My life seems to be a series of choices to choose the road less traveled by. I would not be one of the masses, and live a "normal" life. I prefer to be extraordinary and to live a life that is consistent with this. Even if no one but I and spirit herself know just how extraordinary this is.

It seems that we all have the potential to live even ordinary lives in extraordinary ways. It is not what we do, but how we do it that makes this so.

Whatever we do, we should do with love. When we love what we do, a magical transformation takes place allowing the very forces of the universe to join in to do our bidding.

This expression challenges me to come up with a framework, with a reality construct, that permits this expression and explains how it could come forth in the manner that it does. It is not enough that I participate in the expression. I need to understand it as well ... and further, understand how it is possible at all.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior This expression is not a regurgitation of what I have learned anywhere. It is far more than that. I don't know how it is generated, other than knowing that it is a stream of consciousness that flows forth from source. This source is my direct connection to spirit or the one consciousness.

For many years in my life, I wandered somewhat aimlessly, with metaphysics being my one strong interest. For the most part, I was in input mode, reading whatever spirit moved me to read. Since the awakening experiences of 1993, I have been in output mode, bringing forth creative written expression.

Simply posting this expression is not enough. I need to find a way to live my life in accordance with this expression. That requires the courage to be whom that I AM to a greater degree than I have allowed to date in the presence of others.

I must live as I believe. I came to be a wayshower, one who demonstrates a new way of being to society and to the world. Note that I said demonstrates, not simply explains or speaks about. My deeds and my words need to be consistent, more so than for any others.

Each of us chose the tasks that we came to do in this existence. These are not as weights around our necks that hold us down, rather they are the very wings that set us free.

The unknown can be a scary place without the right belief system to deal with it effectively. However, the known only gives us more of the same, and that is intolerable in a new age.

It is time for the needs of all to be considered in a new light, and for the resources of all to be applied more equitable to meet those needs. We as the world, are responsible for meeting the needs of the world.

Individuals can only do so much. They need the appropriate social infrastructures in which to work efficiently and effectively. We need a social contract, applied on a worldwide level: From each in accord with their abilities, to each in accord with their needs. We pay people for time for the most part, rather than for results. That is not to say that people are not conscientious. In general, they try to do a good job under whatever conditions they find themselves.

There are far too many areas where plentiful goods and services are available, but where people do not have sufficient resources to acquire the goods and services that they need. This is primarily a function of the economic system restricting the distribution of the abundance to where it is needed.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior There are many places in the world where the struggle is great for a large number of people to even get basic needs met ... water, food, clothing, shelter, education. Who has responsibility to change this? Clearly, the individuals suffering from such dire conditions do not appear to be in control of their own destiny.

The answer is not more space ... as in an escape to space. It seems that we must resolve the problems in our own backyard before that will be allowed.

How can we join a Federation of Worlds, if we cannot even create a Federation of Nations?

What matters is the moment, and whether whom that we have become is empowered to take the next step on the path for us.

Life is a mystery and is meant to be such. Because of this, understanding is neither necessary, nor it seems possible.

What seems to work is trust, a faith in life as it is unfolding through us. A faith that we are the instrument through which spirit is expressing and that she knows exactly what she is doing even if we don't.

Actions speak louder than words as the saying goes. It is through our actions that we demonstrate what we believe and whom that we are.

There is not I and source ... there is just the collective us cooperating together to allow this expression to flow forth.

I often perform my work automatically, trusting that I know what I am doing even if I am not fully aware of this consciously. It just seems obvious what needs to be done and how to do it ... or at least how to take the next step, trusting that each subsequent step will be revealed when it is needed.

There have been few true explorers in all of history. Explorers of consciousness are no different. We are rare among the populace. It takes special abilities to do what we do. No, this does not make us any better than anyone else. It just makes us suited to do particular jobs for which our talents and disposition qualify us.

We don't have to do everything. There are others in the world who are good at what they do. Our task is to find what we are good at, and then to do it in some way that serves. In particular, we are to serve society and the world. Though, serving self and family is a good place to start.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior In the Aquarian Age ... it seems that individual expression is still the primary way. Yet, it is done with an awareness of the brotherhood / sisterhood of all mankind.

It seems that those who have lived their lives by Piscean rules are entitled to the fruits of their labors. The newer generations, and those who led the way living by Aquarian rules are playing a completely different game. Actually, we are learning the game as we play it ... or more correctly, as we live it.

We don't have enough of these changes in our record of history to know what is to come. The last time this particular transformation occurred would have been nearly 26,000 years ago.

The recorded history of humankind barely goes back 4000 years ... and then only in rare instances, at least as far as I know. Further, the world was still quite primitive by todays standards, even at the transition from the Arian Age to the Piscean Age around the height of the Roman Empire.

We don't have one country that controls major portions of the world as in times past. Though we do have major worldwide economic powers ... multinational corporations that span the political boundaries. There are fewer of these than there are countries in the world.

This expression is an information service. It is the generation of information that does not exist in this form anywhere else. The question that comes to mind is what is its utility? Whom does it serve, and in what ways? Will I ever know? Perhaps, perhaps not.

My key modus operandi is to do what I am moved to do, when I am moved to do it.

Life is meant to be a challenge, and an exciting one at that. However, it is up to us to do our part to make it so. This doesn't necessarily happen automatically ... though it seems that the degree of challenge and the degree of excitement vary dramatically from one individual to another.

We each create the life that we are meant to lead. We each are responsible for all that we experience. Yes, everything ... no fine print, no exceptions. We are that powerful. We are that much in control of our destiny. We create the very reality that we experience.

We experience what we are ready to experience. That readiness comes from an inheritance from past lives, and from our efforts at knowing ourselves in this lifetime.

Some things are a mystery and are best left that way. Life is one of those such things. It is for us to live the mystery and simply be whom that we are. That is OK. This is as it should be. Life is a precious gift, one that we should make the most of. One might say it is the most precious gift that we can ever be given. 190

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior When we do what we can in the moment, both the past and the future take care of themselves. Yes, the past as well as the future. We can reinvent what the past means at any moment. And, in doing so, we literally create a different past. The events that we remember change, as does the meaning that we give to them.

We can assign any meaning we choose to any experience that we have. Actually, for most, this is only in theory as their belief systems rigidly define how they interpret reality.

Why aren't we taught more about whom that we are, how our minds function, how our consciousness works? Perhaps this is because the conventional education system simply does not know. My sources for all of this for over 28 years have been outside of any formal training that I have received.

This (informal training) came primarily from books that we categorized as Occult, then Metaphysical, then New Age. Some of these have started to enter the mainstream as bestsellers. However, most have not. They cater to a niche market of seekers. How many of us there are, I have no means of knowing. But our numbers are significant and they are growing. We are the wave of the future. We are the harbingers of a new age.

One thing that characterizes us is an uncompromising reliance on intuition. We deal with a realm where reason has its uses but also its limits. It must be supplemented by powers much greater ... powers which are at home in the unknown territory of consciousness ... powers which will not be restricted to what can be proven, but which ever seek to manifest and express more than has been expressed before.

Why do I have such reverence for intuition? Simply because I have discovered it to be a useful guide for living one's life, as useful if not more useful than reason. That is a lot to say for one who has been trained as an engineer and worked in that discipline for over 20 years. But engineering demands its share of intuitive thinking as well. Or, at least, it can benefit from such, especially when creativity is necessary.

Intuition is what gives us the insight as to how to tackle the challenges and problems that we face. Reason then helps us to weigh the alternatives and find the most useful solution under a given set of constraints.

Systems exhibit synergy, the principal in which the functioning of the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. How much synergy manifests depends on the nature of the parts and on the complexity of the system. In general, the more complex, the more synergy that is possible. This doesn't guarantee that the synergy will manifest. However, it is there in potential, locked up waiting to be released.

The human brain is one of the most complex things on the planet. Now, in the world we have nearly 6 billion of these complex biological machines on the planet. Yes, they take a lot to care for and to train.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior However, they can do things that nothing else can do ... especially when extended by tools of various types such as computers.

We live in an information age. It is only recently that we have become so interconnected that information can be generated and shared so freely and quickly. However, along with this, there is a downside. One can have too much information, so much that it consumes time and energy that might be more useful used elsewhere.

How do we more effectively organize our information infrastructure so that it serves society better? It is clear that people operating out of self-interest is not the answer. Yet, this is exactly what free enterprise involves. So, what is a better answer for a new age? How do we get people to work together in a manner that is more effective for the collective? How do we get people to consider the needs of all at the same time that they consider their self-interest?

One of the benefits of organizations is the division of labor. We only need enough people in every area of endeavor to do that thing effectively. Anymore than that is a waste of resources. Any less than that and there is not the critical mass necessary to do the job.

How do we get people to recognize and do those things for which they are responsible? How do we reap the benefits of cooperation and synergy? Lots of questions. However, where there are questions, that is the first step towards finding the answers.

The bottom line is that each of us find exactly that information that we need to experience when we need to know it. Consciousness operates on a need to know basis. At least, such is my experience to date.

In the area of defense, it is primarily fear that drives us, a fear of what others might do if we were not strong enough. This justifies expending horrendous amounts of money. Yet, it also employs a lot of people and pushes technology in ways that bring some overall benefits to society. How do we judge whether the benefits are worth the price?

We are consciousness expressing in flesh already. It is a matter of focusing on this, and finding out how it works. Where is the interface that allows us to see consciousness in operation first hand. I have said before that it is via the intuition. This is our tap to the source within.

My intent is clearly to serve ... to serve my self, my family, my society, and the entire world ... not necessarily in that order.

We need to be willing to take risks and act. It is OK to be wrong sometimes. No one is perfect. However, we should observe the results of our actions and learn from our mistakes.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior If we want a different result, we need to change what we do or how we do it. This is a choice that we can make at anytime. What it requires is being observant and learning from what we do ... learning what works, and what doesn't work by whatever value scale we choose to impose.

It is not for us to live up to anyone else's standards. It is for us to find our own. We can march to the beat of an external drum if we choose. However, the best result seems to come from finding our own drummer within and marching to the beat of our own music.

I am not in a position of authority. I have no one under me who works for me. I have to rely on others cooperating and choosing to work with me on the various efforts that I support.

In general, people want their work to be useful and meaningful. Further, they want to do a good job. If we find ways to empower people to do this, we will be amazed at how helpful and responsive they can be.

Cooperation requires the establishment of relationships, personal relationships with the people that we work with. These are the means through which we become interdependent on one another.

At some level, we choose (or allow) everything that we experience. There is no one and nothing to blame outside of ourselves for anything that happens.

Hmm ... while we know people by their works, it is not clear that we truly know them via this fashion.

Deciding where and how to expend resources to get the most benefit is a major challenge. However, it is something that must be done locally, with our own time, as well as collectively for the whole.

I can clearly see that many meetings are wasteful of time and resources, sometimes grossly so. It is incumbent on us to do what we can to rectify this. At least, I feel that obligation.

I take personal responsibility for a lot of things, and I self-assign a lot of action items. Unfortunately, sometimes this means operating at less than optimal levels doing tasks that others are perfectly capable of doing but that I have no means of getting them to do. It can be frustrating at times, but such is life in the work world.

In the spiritual world, I have no one else that I am working with other than source herself. I desire that this change, and believe that it will change soon. Though, from some of the indications of the past week, it seems that my Hermit days are far from over ... if indeed they will ever be over.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Friends accept you unconditionally for whom that you are. Friends enjoy one anothers company and are mutually supportive. Friends care about one another deeply. Friends communicate with one another deeply. Someone once told me: to have a friend, you must be a friend. Yes, these are very high standards to set. But, they seem legitimate to me.

Cooperative interdependence is all about relationships. Systems arise out of the complexities of relationships. It is curious that I am employed as a systems engineer dealing with highly complex systems yet I have had so little involvement with relationships in the social setting.

Synchronicities are bleedthroughs from the spiritual world into the physical world.

I trust that my reality is such that everything that has happened is as it was meant to be. There is an order and a design behind it all.

I live my life largely on the basis of my intuition. Yes, my logical mind and abilities are developed as well, but I don't allow these to dominate my life as I did for so many years. It is the inner source upon which I rely now. She has been with me for some time ... at least as far back as I can remember.

I am content to be whom that I AM, and to express this in whatsoever manner I am moved to express. It is not me that does the moving. It is spirit herself. I am content to serve as here instrument, to do her will. My life must be one of service. Thus far, I serve by expressing in the manner that I do. For now, that is enough. But, there is an inner uneasiness that is growing ... a sense that soon it will be time to do whole new things in whole new ways.

Each day the energies are at play in a unique way. It is for us to take from them as we will ... and to find a way to mold them into expression.

When we do the works of spirit, our lives work. Everything falls into place. There is a host of forces that are harnessed to do our bidding ... or more correctly spirit's bidding.

I have spent a lot of my life focused on knowing myself. That was my focus for nearly two decades. Now, for nearly a decade, I have been involved in expressing what spirit would express through me.

I come to this place where I meet with the source within and I allow it to express as it will. This is done in a cooperative and interdependent way. I don't know exactly how it works. I simply know that I can go to this place inside and make the connection that allows this stream of consciousness to flow forth as it does.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior I trust that my reality is unfolding as it must. There is a sense that this lifetime is one of destiny for me. I am not meant to live as others do. My concerns and focus are different. My very reality is different.

I accept all that I experience. I know that everything that happens does so because at some level it is meant to happen, at some level I am co-creating it.

Awareness, allowance, acceptance ... these are the keywords for living a spiritual life, for living the life that we are meant to live.

How can I turn what I love to do into something that earns an income? Is that even meant to be? It could be that my work life and my spiritual life are meant to be distinct from one another. The work is done out of necessity ... the spiritual expression is done out of love. This later is as it should be. However, there is no inherent reason why ones spiritual expression cannot be ones life's work.

Some people have conscious control of their lives. Some people set goals and take the actions necessary to achieve those goals. This is not my way. It never has been. That does not mean it is not appropriate. It seems that different ways work for different people. It is for us to find what works for us and to apply that in our lives.

Over nearly 30 years, I have developed a close relationship to something deep within me. This is a relationship closer than any that I have experienced with others. Yes, it is by far the closest and deepest relationship of my life.

There is a growing sense that there is a lot more locked within waiting to be unleashed. The limiting factor seems to be me. In particular, my awareness and my ability to serve as a vehicle for spiritual expression.

The more that I become, the more I open up, the more that spirit can express through me.

My life is moving towards the greater and greater expression of spirit. I am to be a wayshower. Perhaps I already am. Or, at least, I am acting as if I am. This expression, this recording of a stream of consciousness, is one of my ways of doing this.

There is a sense that everything is playing out according to plans ... not my plans, but spirit's plans. I am comfortable with this. It is OK to allow her to take the lead in the dance that is my life. Yes, mine is a dance of consciousness.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Yet, this is true for each of us. As in real life, though, there are different levels of dancers, ranging from those with no sense of rhythm and limited movement to experts whose movements are truly inspired ... works of art of the highest order.

One day shy of 9/11. It is hard to believe that a year has already past since that series of events so vividly inscribed in our memories. Have we as a people changed as a result? Have we changed for the better or for the worse? As a country, we still seem to be more united. But, as a world, we seem more fragmented.

I read something yesterday, that every phone call, every e-mail message, every transfer of funds, every internet access ... is subject to monitoring by sophisticated programs that make information available to government intelligence organizations. I suspected that such was the case, but it was strange to see it confirmed in writing. I don't remember what the source was or what the system was called that did this.

I don't feel threatened by terrorism. It is not part of my world, even though it occurs in the consensus world in which I live. I have no sense of it touching me personally. I was not moved to be more patriotic. There is a sense within me that political boundaries are arbitrary and patriotism enforces division by those boundaries.

Patriotism also enforces division by ideology. Here I am more involved ... but what I consider ideal quite often differ from what the consensus in American considers to be ideal. One case in point is communism as an expression of a social contract. I strongly believe in the basic tenet: From each in accord with their abilities, to each in accord with their needs.

Communism and community come from the same root. Who among us would say that community is wrong? Further, I break this down as common unity. This is a condition in which all of us are united and care for the whole. In doing so, however, we cannot lose sight of the need to provide each individual in accord with their needs.

We must also realize that wants are not always needs. Sometimes they are, sometimes not. But who is it that decides this? Who does the evaluation of wants to determine which are needs? Who ensures that the right resources are applied in the right ways to meet the needs of all?

This smacks of master planning. But, we have seen that this is a dismal failure in the countries that have tried this on a large scale. So, what are we to do? How do we constrain market forces so that both people and companies are encouraged to do the right things and rewarded for doing so? How do we get people to go beyond their selfish ways and consider the good of the whole in their economic decisions.

We have the know-how to create an abundance seeming beyond measure. But, do we have the wisdom to do it, and to distribute that abundance fairly and justly to the populace, to each individual? This requires that we recognize our differences as well as our similarities and act appropriately. 196

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior How do we collectively decide that we want to change the rules of the economic game? What assurance do we have that our tinkering won't make things worse? There are no guarantees. The question to ask is how well the economy as it is serves us collectively? If the answer is very well or better, there is no need for change. However, I suspect the answer is fair to good at best. We have to ask is that enough?

Is it OK to have people starving in this country when there is a large surplus of food? The world is a whole other matter entirely. Is it OK to have families living in poverty in this country when the collective wealth and resources are more than sufficient to correct this? To what degree are we responsible for one another?

Yes, God helps those who help themselves. But this applies to the collective, even more than to any individual. That is a different way of looking at things. But why do we expect God to do what we are perfectly able to do collectively? Besides, are not our hands, God's hands?

It may take awhile for the new rules to take effect ... at least in the world. For some of us, it seems that the new rules already apply and have applied for some time. We may not be able to express what these rules are. Though some of them are clear. We create our own reality. We attract into our reality whatsoever we believe. We are fully responsible for all that we experience. Never take more than you give. Be whom that you are. We are spirit having a physical experience. Be all that you can be. Know thyself. The spiritual is stronger than any material force. Thoughts rule the world. Change starts with belief. Don't just think, don't just believe, know! Love is the strongest force in the universe. We see what we expect to see. We experience what we expect to experience. To change our lives, we must change our expectations. The key question for our lives is how can we serve.

Interesting. All of this has been around for years ... mainly springing from the metaphysical community. It is not surprising that it is there where we would find the information, principles, and disciplines that offer us help in how to proceed in the times ahead. It is in the metaphysical domain that the inner source and intuition have been given voice and emphasis.

Service is very important. We are meant to serve ... to apply our skills and abilities in such a way that we serve others. The sooner that we realize this and start doing it, the better it will be for everyone, ourselves included. However, it is important that we do this unconditionally.

In many areas of our lives, we trade our services for pay, or for some things or services that we desire. The greater good is gained when we do things without consideration for what we will get. Universal law applies. We will indeed reap what we sow. However, the focus is on the sowing, not on the reaping. We need to be careful that we do not consume more than we give.

We live in a world that is much smaller than we ever imagined. What do we do to ensure our mutual security? Terrorism strikes deeply, instilling a fear that pervades our reality. We know not when it will strike nor how. Its perpetrators don't live by the rule of law. Their agenda is one of hate, and they have no concern for engaging non-combatants. 197

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior There are no innocent victims. We are all spirit in flesh. We are all ancient and powerful beings at our core. We just don't see this in the roles that we appear to be playing.

Spirit knows exactly what she is doing. In doing her will, I unlock the best that is in me to serve the collective good. This is not completely unselfish, as the very process brings great richness into my life.

I choose to be a vessel through which spirit can express as she will. Yes, this is still limited. However, it expands everyday ... every time I allow the expression to flow forth. The process is magical. Here is where the unmanifest becomes manifest, at least in terms of words as they express ideas and a frame of mind.

My hope is that the words trigger you to experience altered states of consciousness in which you experience being more than you knew yourself to be. That is all that can be expected of a wayshower. And, that is one of the primary things that I am here to do ... to demonstrate first hand how spirit can express in flesh.

Cooperate and graduate. That is the name of the game at the turn of an age.

All answers can be found within our souls ... that is, for anything that we need to have answers for.

Many people don't come up with original thoughts worthy of capturing in their entire lifetimes. And, here I am with enough to fill a book or more. Yet, I must be careful here. The works and the words are only partly mine. I am moved by a force that goes unseen which drives this stream of consciousness that I experience and express.

I live a pretty silent life overall. I am not one to speak unless I have something to say ... and, in particular, meaningful to say. My sense is that I write because there is something that needs to be said through me. However, it is not me that has this need, it is spirit.

How do I turn this raw stream of consciousness into refined works suitable for others? Is that indeed my task to do, or is that better suited as the work of another? My inner sense is that the later is the right answer. My time is better spent in bringing forth new material, than in refining what has come before.

I trust that consciousness knows what she is doing. In particular, she knows how best to use my abilities in her service. And, she knows how to move me to do what is mine to do. Further, I am moved to be whom that I AM, as fully as I can.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior We get what we focus upon. If we spend our time focusing on consciousness, spirit, and awareness we reap the rewards of our efforts.

How does my reality compare with that of others? The bottom line is that it doesn't matter. My life is what it is. Further, it is exactly what it needs to be in the moment. When it needs to change, it will do so. Yes, this requires effort on my part, but it is natural effort.

It is as if I am building a puzzle. I find pieces, and find connections between pieces, allowing me to create various clusters. However, I don't have a box cover to go by that provides a context for seeing how the whole puzzle fits together. Here, I have to rely on intuition, an inner connection to source. Also, there don't appear to be edge pieces, so I can't define the outer boundary first and work from there.

As a wayshower, my chief task is to demonstrate how spirit can express in flesh. My very life is such a demonstration. This very expression is the legacy that I leave to any who might venture this way. It is how I express whom that I am. But even more important, it is how I serve spirit. And to me, serving spirit is a big deal. It is the most important thing that we can do with our lives.

What we encounter in our world is a mirror of whom that we are. What touches us personally are those things for which there are compatible parts within us. As within, so without. What we see is whom that we are. These are very powerful truths.

I trust that my life is unfolding exactly as it must. Yes, must. There is a destiny that is being played out in which I am a pawn on the chessboard. I will play my destined role when the time is right for me to do that. At this point, that destiny involves coming here and providing the channel for this expression.

The bottom line for much of it is that it is a mystery. Nothing more, and nothing less. Mysteries, and the unknown that is generally associated with them, have their place. Miracles are of the same order. These combine to make life rich and interesting.

ONE people sharing one spaceship Earth living life in peace, understanding, unity, cooperation, compassion, freedom, abundance, friendship, and love. It is easy enough to dream, and easy enough to say ... but how do we manifest it? How do make the dream a reality? Are we willing to pay the price? Are we willing to do what it takes?

Questions are powerful. Through our questions we attract experiences into our lives that bring answers, at least to those questions for which we have a need to know the answers.

There are many things that I don't know. It is perfectly fine for some things to remain a mystery. That makes life interesting. This very expression is a mystery. I put my time and energy into it ... but how it manifests is beyond any explanation that I can provide. 199

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior What is important is that we develop and use the abilities and talents that we are given as fully and completely as we can. This is what being all that we can be is all about. And, that is the prime directive ... be all that you can be.

From an individual perspective, we need to understand that what we do as individuals must fit within a larger perspective and it is the good of the greater whole that ultimately matters. That does not mean we must sacrifice our individuality. It is more a matter of committing whom that we are to a greater good, the good of the society of which we are part.

We exist within a context. It is for us to find our position within the fabric of the whole. Each of us has our place. Each of us have our purpose.

No matter what the circumstances of our lives are, we can find a way to be extraordinary. This is ultimately what counts. It is for us to live our lives in ways that make a real difference ... even if this is only to our friends and families.

Being whom that we are can be hard work at times. It takes courage and commitment to stand by our convictions and to express what we are moved to express from within. However, that is what we are here to do ... and it is up to us to do it.

We can do whatever we set our minds and hearts to do. Yes, we are that powerful. We are creators all, creators of the reality that we experience. We do this both individually and en masse.

Each of us make our mark on the world in our own way. Whatever that mark is ... is right for us. It is the part that we came to play.

Will this expression, and whatever I am moved to do in the further have the world impact that I believe it will? My sense is yes, that in the end I will have accomplished something great, that I will indeed leave the world a better place for my having lived.

Such is what this expression is all about as well ... the human spirit, spirit expressing in flesh. And what an adventurous voyage and expedition we are on. The journey is everything! It is what life is all about.

We may think that the destination is important sometimes, perhaps even often ... but in the end what truly matters is the voyage, and how we enjoyed the expression that constitutes our life.

I am a writer. My medium is words. Not the words of the poet, nor the writer of fiction ... though some may think that what is expressed here is indeed fiction. That does not matter. It is what it is. I express 200

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior what can be expressed through me. At this point that is enough. Though, there is a restlessness, a sense that it is time for something more.

Where we place our attention ... we find our reality.

Life is a series of moments. It is for us to make each moment count as much as we can. In the end, it is what we do with our moments that matters.

There is part of me that seeks to understand the whole. There is part of me that realizes my connection to the ONE consciousness. It is the realm of consciousness that matters to me most. That is where I live out my life. The rest is secondary. It always has been.

Life for me is the expression of consciousness, the expression of spirit in flesh.

Every moment, every day, every month, every year spirit is always in expression through us. Yes, it seems some days more so than others. However, each day counts nonetheless. Each day things are getting better. Though it seems that for many on the planet this is not so.

There are billions of people on the planet that still live impoverished lives. Why is it that we allow this to happen? Why do we not take responsibility for our collective well-being?

Life is a gift, a very special gift. We show our gratitude by doing something with our lives ... something memorable, something wonderful, something that truly makes a difference.

No matter what circumstances we find ourselves in, we can always make a difference. We can always live our lives in ways that are extraordinary.

We can live our lives with dignity regardless of the circumstances. It is simply a matter of choosing to do so.

When you have little, even little things can bring great joy. When you have a lot ... it can be hard to see what truly counts amidst the abundance. Ultimately, what counts is awareness, and applying ourselves in ways that make a difference not only in our lives but in the lives of others.

Somehow, I am meant to share what I see and what I experience. That is what I do here. Though, it is not clear who is reached by this expression other than me. Hmm ... that doesn't seem to matter. The word will get out to those who are meant to find this expression.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior When we do the work of consciousness ... we give up some level of control to participate in something far greater than ourselves.

You might say that I live my life by faith. Not by a religious faith ... as I do not subscribe to any religion. But, definitely by a spiritual faith.

What does it mean to be spiritual? We are all spirit expressing in flesh already. However, this is not sufficient to lead a spiritual life. It takes something more. It takes a commitment to consciousness. It takes a commitment to expressing the unseen within us. Even then, it may not be enough. We need the grace of spirit to touch us ... to awaken us to whom that we are.

Awakening is a special process ... a personal process. For me, the awakening experience seems to have been predestined. Perhaps that is true for everyone.

There is no rushing what spirit has in store for us. It will happen when it happens. However, it seems that there are steps we can take to make the transition smoother. Then again ... perhaps that is not in the cards. Awakening is meant to be a jolt to the system. It is meant to wake us from our slumbers. And indeed, the difference is as great as that between day and night.

When we awaken, it is as if the full light of spirit shines upon us. Prior to this, there is an inward trickle that ties us to source. It takes major self work to find this trickle and to develop it so that it increases to a stream of consciousness.

It is not for me to be concerned with the destination. It is for me to do what I am moved to do when I am moved to do it. It is for me to express what can be expressed through me. It is for me to serve spirit by using the best that I AM in whatever way she moves me to do.

From day one, I have been part of an elaborate programming process. This programming trained my mind to see things independently in ways that others do not seem to see. This programming allowed higher functions to develop so that spirit could break through into expression. My natural disposition was to focus on me and how I experienced reality. Even when I read metaphysical books, the focus is on how they apply to me personally.

I am not one to see what things mean to others. It is just not my way. I am not one to memorize things. That is just not how my mind works.

With astrology, tarot, and numerology ... it is always what these disciplines mean for me that interests me. It is not for me to do readings for others. First, I don't memorize the key meanings from these disciplines that apply in general. Second, I don't have an intuitive feel for interpreting what the symbols from these disciplines mean to others. 202

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior I have no sense that I am to be a psychic or intuitive reader. Further, it is the transpersonal and the transcendental that interest me, not the personal. That is not quite correct. I am interested in how to make the transpersonal and the transcendental personal. It seems that this is part of what I came to do.

Why me? Why am I so graced to be the scribe for spirit? It's a mystery. I am whom that I AM.

Writing is one of the main things that I am here to do. And writing that comes forth from the deep well of consciousness is the most important writing that I can create. Yes, create. This is no mere manipulation of the ideas that have come forth from others. This is a legitimate tap to a source within. How can I know this? Simply because I have no other idea as to from where it flows forth.

Consciousness is ever on my mind. She moves me to express and to do things ... generally things that are relevant to carrying out my mission in accordance with my destiny.

My life is borrowed from spirit. It is to her that I owe my allegiance. Yes, her. I always experience spirit in the feminine tense. That is just how it is for me. I know that others do not experience her in this manner.

Spirit has all forms of expression. It is for each of us to find the way that spirit speaks to us and through us. We are the vessels through which spirit expresses in flesh.

I continue to speak, with a voice that is not my own ... yet is my own. The source comes from deep within me. It is of me yet is not contained by anything that I know to be me. It is beyond all sense of the self that I know. However, it clearly comes from within ... from inside of me. It is not something external. It is not something separate.

In the course of ten years, we've seen close to 3000 pages x 350 words = 1 million words expressed. When you look at it that way, it is quite impressive ... especially since this is a preoccupation rather than an occupation for me. This is one of my few hobbies. And, in a very real way it is more important than the work that I do. This is my play. Here is how I engage my mind and my creativity. Here is where my home truly is.

Patience. It seems that this is the keyword. Our destiny cannot be forced. It is something that is to be allowed. It will occur when the time is right, not one moment sooner or later. I am OK with that. I am OK with allowing life to unfold as it will.

What if all of this is for my eyes only? What does it tell us about consciousness? What does it tell us about individual expression ... and the role of the individual in the larger scheme of things? Why do I feel so moved to record and share what I see? 203

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Here, I have a sense that I am doing what I am meant to do. I can only go by the feeling that I have as I do it. There is no objective means for assessing this? That is OK. What counts is our subjective reality anyway.

My destiny calls with a voice that is undeniable. The voice comes forth from within ... as it always does for me. Yet, in many ways the voice is silent. It is an inner urging of what is right for me to do, an inner knowingness. Over time this has gotten stronger and stronger. I have learned to trust this inner voice ... this expression of source within me.

The time and place for action is here and now. When we pay attention to what can be done in the moment, we find that the future takes care of itself. Some say that we create our own destiny. But, in my experience, we need to get out of our own way and allow our destiny to unfold as it will. These are very different ways to approach life. Both are equally valid as a way of life. It is up to us to find or possibly to choose which way or combination of the two works for us.

When we are following the path that is right for us, things click ... and the very forces of the universe are engaged in doing our bidding.

The superconscious is far beyond the conscious, and, in particular, far beyond objectivity and reason. That is where the realm of awareness lies. This is not an area where teaching is effective, at least not any teachings that I have encountered personally.

When will we realize that no way is the way? There are many ways ... all of which lead to the same spirit. No way is inherently better than any other. It is for each of us to find the way or ways that work for us.

No regrets. How do we live our lives so that we have no regrets? One important thing is to leave nothing that needs to be done by us undone.

One of the benefits of this expression is the very fact that it creates something that did not exist before. It is proof that I existed and experienced a given stream of consciousness. Some people leave memories in the lives of the people with whom they interact. That is not my way, or it has not been to date. My way is to leave words. They are my gift to the world ... or more correctly, spirits gift to the world through me.

This is what I choose to give my life to. This is where I shine, where I touch something that is beyond me, and find a way to share what I discover.

What is expressed here is more than I am. In some cases, it may even be more than I know. My knowledge is limited ... but the sense is that my knowingness is far deeper. 204

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior My work environment seems to be providing exactly those conditions that I need in order to learn what I need to learn to be able to carry out my mission. It has been doing this for some time. I had thought that my work life and my spiritual life were separate. However, it seems that this is not so at all. My life is one integrated whole. No part is isolated from any other part.

The physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual are all intertwined and united within me. It is all spirit, spirit in expression. There is nothing else.

Life is best lived in the moment. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't consider the consequences of our actions. In fact, quite the contrary ... we are completely responsible. The sooner that we realize this, the better that it is for everyone including ourselves.

I've never been much of a planner. I take each day one day at a time. I have no prioritized lists of things to do. At work, I only have a vague idea of what I will do on any given day. I allow each day to fill in whatever manner is appropriate.

I've never been much of one for structure. Though, I am fairly set in my ways. And, I believe what I believe strongly, even if I am open to changing beliefs swiftly and with strong conviction when I find that new beliefs serve better.

Life is about service ... service to self, service to family, service to society, and even service to the world.

It is through service that we encounter meaning in our lives.

It is not what we take that matters in the end, it is what we give.

It is important that we live our lives consistent with the directive to never take more than you give. That is what creates true abundance in the world. It is interesting that such a powerful economic principle could be stated so simply.

It is time to jump from the cliff of the known once again into the depths of the unknown. I know the open arms of spirit await me ... as they always have before. I'm excited by the possibilities that lie ahead and by the challenges.

This whole adventure that is life is about the greater and greater expression of spirit in flesh. It is as if it has to be manifest, to be realized, for it to count.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior We may dream and imagine many things. But, until we make them real and manifest them physically ... they remain only dreams.

Creating the foundations for a new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh is the prime mission of the expression that is Beyond Imagination. That is a lofty goal. And to date, this is the expression of one, or at least of source expressing through one.

There is a destiny that calls, a destiny that I could not avoid even if I wanted to. For me, it is a spiritual destiny. And, as a spiritual being, I would not even consider denying that which I must do.

I feel an obligation to spirit. For me, spirit is a source inside that animates us all. It is not physical, though it expresses through us in the physical. Then again, there is nothing save spirit. Everything is spirit in expression. Everything is thought congealed into forms of various types. Everything is vibration, the word made flesh ... and number.

We get what we focus on. If we want to make progress in any area of endeavor ... the way is simple, apply the best and the brightest and give them what they need to get the job done. We will be amazed at how much progress is made when we do this.

In general, I don't allow external sources or circumstances to move me. I find it relatively easy to stay calm regardless of what is going on. My strength comes from within. Unquestionably, I am an introvert ... and a fairly extreme one at that. Overall, I am a very private person. With the exception of this expression, I don't express a lot.

It is time to stretch again. Once again, the world seems to be imposing a destiny on me. I don't say that in any negative sense. The sense is that this is how my abilities are honed, how my talents are drawn out and developed so that I can carry out the mission for which I came.

Everything in my life is there by design, is part of a grand plan being executed by consciousness.

I demand that I perform in a manner better than anyone has the right to expect. In general, I find that I live up to my expectations and more ... primarily because it is not me doing everything; rather, it is spirit expressing through me. It is amazing how much we can do when we allow spirit to work through us.

We are what we are in the moment. What we have been is past. It may impact the present, but it does not decide or dictate the present. Actually, the present is also influenced by the future ... or the probable futures. Yes, in a real sense, these already exist. We just haven't experienced them yet.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior At some level we know what is in store for us. We are attracting everything into our lives. We are cooperating with others and co-creating scenes and acts that we intend to play out in our lives. We create our own reality ... every aspect of it.

We are responsible for it all, for everything that we experience. There is nothing for us to blame for anything except ourselves. And then, it is not clear that blame applies either. What happens, happens. It is for us to learn from this and adjust our beliefs and actions to see different results in our experience.

Yes, I believe in que sera, sera; whatever will be, will be. In some respects that makes me a fatalist. But, I'm a fatalist in a positive sense. I believe that there is a spiritual plan involving the evolution of consciousness and the greater and greater expression of spirit in flesh. We are all part of that plan. No, we are not pawns being moved on a chessboard. Rather, we are active participants in the game of life. I trust that spirit knows where she is taking us, both individually and collectively.

Destiny. This is what drives us to be whom that we are, and to do what we are meant to do. I have said before that I came to fulfill a spiritual destiny, and a grand one at that. I am here as a world server to help create the foundations for a new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh. Yes, that is grandiose of me to think in such terms. But, someone has to take responsibility to change the world. If not me, whom? If not now, when?

There is a grand plan of consciousness. Each of us has a spiritual destiny. Everything that happens does so for a reason. Everything that happens is drawn into our lives by us ... in particular by our beliefs.

It is enough to know that I am finding meaning ... even if it is my own meaning. I would hope that what I discover is of use to others. At the very least, it should encourage being open to new ways of seeing things. I am meant to be a wayshower. My life is a gift to the world, much as this expression is.

There are many things that I do that others do not seem to do. This very expression is one of those things. Why is it so important to capture this stream of consciousness? And, why am I moved to share this expression in the manner that I do? Since the beginning it has seemed that it was not mine alone.

Do I truly see what no one else can see? The sense is that yes, indeed I do. Does that make me crazy? Perhaps it does, at least a bit. I definitely operate outside of any norms that seem to exist. Some people live their lives physically on the edge. It seem that I live my mentally and spiritually on the edge. I value consciousness highly ... and awareness.

Destiny ... yes, there is a grand plan of consciousness unfolding not only in each of our lives, but en masse in the life of the world. I have to believe that there is an intelligence behind all expression, behind all life. Life just does not make any sense otherwise. And, for me anyway, life must make sense. That doesn't mean it can't have any unknowns or can't present its share of challenges.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Life is a voyage of discovery ... in particular, discovery of the realm of consciousness. It is amazing when we see life as the expression of spirit that it is.

It is in spirits arms that I am embraced. It is through her grace that I am given the life that I live. I am grateful for all of this. Here is where I am free to open myself to the voice of spirit as she would express through me. Why do I do this? One answer is because I must. I am moved by a force that I simply cannot resist. Or rather, I choose not to resist.

Who am I? What is it that I want? These two questions lead to very different lifestyles. It seems that many more people are focused on the later question than on the former. My life has clearly focused on the former. And, now that I have uncovered part of that, the next question is what can I do and even more importantly, how can I serve.

Service is everything! In the end, it is what we have given of ourselves in service that truly matters. This is what distinguishes us.

Why numbers? Why does the universe speak to me in this manner? Perhaps it is because this is the language that I happen to understand, that is, if you could call what I come up with understanding. I find what I am moved to find. I allow consciousness via my intuition to lead me where she will.

I have a life that is destined, but I only loosely know what it involves. My way of getting there is to take things one step at a time. That is how it works when you delve into the unknown. You venture in where few else have ventured, and you bring back and share whatsoever you find. Since there a few to no maps of the territory, you have to count on the very order of the universe to be such that you won't be thrown in over your head.

Being out of control can be scary. Especially, when it involves the mind being out of control.

This expression is my legacy. It is one of the main gifts that I offer to the world. Is it worthy of the worlds attention? Perhaps, perhaps not. Though, I sincerely believe that it is. I must believe that all of this is coming forth for a reason. All of this is meant to be of service somehow.

What matters is the moment, and what we do with that moment. The past is gone, the future will be what it is. But, right now, we have the opportunity for greatness. It is the choices that we make in the moment that determine whether we succeed in achieving this or not.

There is a saying that opportunity only knocks once. We want to make sure that we are awake when it knocks so that we can open the door and invite it in. We must be vigilant. We must be ready. But, we also must be patient. This is not something that can be rushed. Life will unfold as it is meant to unfold.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Spirit has a plan for the expression of spirit in flesh. This covers both individual and collective expression. The smaller plans fit within the context of a grand plan.

Part of our challenge is to find our place in the world and then to operate there as well as we can. Another major challenge is to discover whom that we are, and then to be that and express that to the best of our ability. This later challenge is a particularly difficult one. This is not something that is taught in school ... at least not in any traditional schools of which I am aware.

Know thyself has been a prime directive for some time. So, why haven't more of us been moved to do what it takes to achieve this? Perhaps we have, only in our own way. Further, we have to the degree that we could for the times. How do I know this? Simply because that is how spirit works. She expresses to the degree that she can, wherever she can.

Multiple messages in multiple contexts confirming one another. That is how meaning comes into my life. I am moved to make connections and transformations intuitively. I've been doing this since 1993. It was not something that I learned how to do. I just naturally started doing it as if it were an innate ability. Yes, I have added some techniques from astrology, numerology, and tarot to my processes. But, it is the intuitive connections where the most meaning gets revealed.

Spirit sends such messages to me. I have come to expect them ... they come so often. It is hard to imagine what my life would be like without them. They involve the things which matter most to me. I've had to learn a whole new language, one that it is not clear that I share with anyone yet. I have become proficient enough to get a general picture of what spirit is trying to communicate with me and through me. However, I don't know that I would call myself fluent.

It is tough learning a new language when there is no framework for comparison. Yet, somehow, somewhere there must be others who speak as I do, and who see as I do. At some point, perhaps I will meet them. If this is in the plan, indeed it will happen. If not, life will unfold as it will. It seems that this is not something that I can decide. What will be, will be. My choice comes in deciding what it means, and in choosing how I will participate.

How many have awakened? Thoreau spoke of 1 in a million being aware enough for effective intellectual exertion ... and 1 in a 100 million being aware enough for a divine or poetic life. These are small numbers. That is 300 people in the U.S. and 6000 people in the world for the first criteria, and 3 in the U.S. and 60 in the world for the second criteria. Can there really be so few?

We are all special and unique. It is for us to learn in what ways, and to express that in ways that make a difference.

In the end, that is the measure of our lives ... what difference did we make for whom. And, was the difference truly worthy of us having lived? That is ultimately the question that we need to answer. That 209

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior is the ultimate criteria by which we will be judged. The bigger the difference the better, but we want to make sure that this is a beneficial impact.

What is it that makes me able to write in this manner? From where does the material for this expression come forth? The only answer I can give is from the inner reaches of my consciousness ... from the very depth of my being.

We all live in a world of our own making, and our own meaning. For some of us, this may be more elaborately constructed than for others. That is OK, there is nothing saying that this should be the same for all of us. The universe seems to thrive on differences and diversity. Yet, we often forget how incredibly similar we are.

This expression does not have a purpose, other than to allow spirit to express in flesh. There is no motive. There is nothing that I am trying to sell. There is nothing that I am trying to convince anyone of. I simply express for the sheer joy of expression, for the fulfillment that comes in creatively expressing in this manner. That is enough for me. There doesn't need to be any more reason than this. My hope is that what is expressed here will somehow have world import. My fear is that it won't, that it will somehow fall short of the mark that it could achieve. Yet, all that I can do is my best.

That is what my life is about ... expressing what spirit would express though me. Most of that is captured in words, but that is not enough. I must live the words. I must demonstrate the words via the actions I take in my life. Words without deeds to back them are as sand blowing in the wind.

Some rules in the game of life are like that, they have limited applicability. Part of the challenge is for us to figure out which rules apply to us and which don't. This requires keen powers of observation on our part. Awareness helps as well.

There is a sense that I will always be dissatisfied with my life to some degree. Out of the dissatisfaction comes the impetus to excel and to search for what is missing in my life. So long as there is an unknown ... there will always be something missing for me.

But, this does not seem to be enough. Relationships are one area that I need to explore. Yes, that involves taking on some risk ... at least from my perspective, but the potential rewards are far more than worth it. Or, that is what I believe anyway.

This expression has been a solitary work ... that is, unless you consider spirit as something that is distinct from whom that I AM. It amazes me that all of this could come forth through one person on a part time basis. It definitely provides a sample of what is possible.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Doing what is ours to do is a sacred obligation that we all have ... whether we accept this or not. It helps if we accept this obligation willingly. However, we will experience the obligation regardless.

Life is a special gift ... a gift from spirit to us. It is for us to find a way to use this gift in a way that serves others, our society, and our world. It is for us to give the gift of ourselves. That is the most precious gift that we can give.

Probably the most important question that we can ask is how can we serve?

If we don't test our limits, how do we know what we can do? Limitations are self-imposed. If we want to get beyond our limits, first we must find them and realize that they are of our own making. When we do so, we will be amazed at what we can accomplish.

Each of our lives unfold into a patchwork quilt full of interconnectivity.

We are extremely powerful creatures, far more powerful than any among us has yet imagined. Collectively, we have a power that is awesome. The key is to find ways to harness it for the collective good. This is easier to say than to do. Getting people to work together effectively is a large challenge. We don't have enough of a history of attempting to do this to really know what works and what doesn't.

This country prides itself on individual freedom. However, to get collective benefits, individuals must choose to relinquish part of their independence to create cooperatively interdependent enterprises. At first, small groups cooperating interdependently may be sufficient. Eventually this needs to grow to larger and larger groups.

We have what it takes to create new organizations for collective expression. However, we must be open to doing so. It will not happen unless we so choose.

Everything I have learned and experienced points to the manifestation of ever increasing complexity in the systems of the world. There is some reason that I have trained to become a systems engineer. Understanding complex systems is what I do. The techniques that I use in my work apply here in my attempts to explore and understand the nature of consciousness and of reality creation.

I have always had the luxury of being able to define my own job. There is great freedom in this. Further, there is great opportunity to learn, in particular, to learn what we are capable of.

I am grateful for all that I have been given, the talents and abilities, and the opportunities. I feel an obligation to use these gifts to serve somehow ... to serve spirit, to serve society, and to serve my world. I


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior take this obligation freely. It is not imposed on me by anyone else. It is imposed from within. Actually imposed is not quite right. Rather, it is freely chosen.

Do all of us have a mission, a purpose for which we came? My sense is yes, at least for any who have reached the point of reading this. We will know when we are doing what we are meant to do by how engaged we are and how happy we are when we are doing it.

Life is meant to be a journey, an adventure. We are artists meant to create a masterpiece of our lives. Our primary tools are our beliefs. With these, we fashion the reality that we experience. We have been doing this all of our lives. And, we will continue doing this so long as we walk the earth.

We are the creators of our reality. We are the masters of our fate. We are the vehicles through which spirit expresses in flesh. We are spirit incarnate. As such, first we are spirit ... then we experience an incarnation. It is not a matter of the evolution of the physical to the spiritual. Everything is already spirit.

Where do we get the courage to boldly go where no man has gone before? What allows us to face each day with everything that we have and more? How do we live in a manner that maximizes the positive impact that we have on the world?

So long as we are dissatisfied with the way our life is unfolding ... it is a sure sign that something is wrong. This should be a challenge for us to try something new. That is always the way to improve any situation that we face ... try something new.

You might say that I live and breathe words. For nearly 20 years, I consumed them in great volume. Since 1993, I have generated them more than I consumed them. Actually that is not quite right, as I am the chief consumer of all that flows through me.

The spoken word can move me deeply ... especially when it is done artfully. However, the written word is my primary means of expression.

There is a unknown force that I call source that expresses here. There is something powerful about touching the unknown and giving it voice. There is also something addicting about it. How do I know that in the end it will be worth the effort? That is not a fair question for creative expression. It is always worth the effort.

When we live a life of spirit, we go beyond personal responsibility ... we enter a realm where our lives become a very part of the ONE consciousness. Our life becomes the very life of the universe. We resonate with the chord that is ours to play. Until we find it, it is a lost chord.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Everything is vibration. Everything is the word made flesh. We are the players of the song of our lives. That song is unique for each of us.

Awareness, allowance, and acceptance ... these are the keys to living a spiritual life.

Actually, the destination is not important ... it is the journey that is everything. It always has been. We begin to truly live our lives at the moment that we realize this.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior OCTOBER 2002 I have no evidence that others see things in the way that I do. If fact, everything that I have seen suggests that my experience of reality is unique. Though, it seems that this is something true for all of us.

How can I give any credence to something such as astrology? Because I have found that the intuitive arts and sciences have value and are able to provide useful information. Utility is the only measure of value for any discipline. And astrology is a discipline. It is a systematic way of interpreting meaning embodied in an elaborate symbol system. It works because there is meaning to be found within the symbol system of the planets, signs, houses, aspects, and transits.

Change is a natural part of life. Sometimes it is evolutionary, sometimes revolutionary. In either case, it is what it needs to be and it occurs at the pace that is necessary to allow us to experience what we need to experience and to become who we are meant to become.

Each of us take on change to the degree that we can and to the degree that is necessary for our lives to unfold in accord with the plan of consciousness. This plan has a destiny in store for us. There is a role that we came to play. Actually, several roles in various areas of our lives.

Generally, the very fact that I am moved to ask a question means that it is time to know the answer. Questions and answers are one of the primary tools that we have for discovering things about our world.

My brain chemistry is different than that of most others. It is enough different that I experience reality differently. I consider this to be a feature of how my mind functions. For some, it seems that it can be a curse. For many, bipolar disorder is debilitating. It involves cycles of depression followed by periods of mania that are out of control to the point where behavior is destructive. In my case, my consciousness goes from lightly soaring to reaching grand heights.

The source (of this expression) seems to be an ancient one, able to express a timeless wisdom in its own way. Some of it is related to things that I have studied and learned ... but much of it seems to go beyond this.

The known, the unknown, and the unknowable are all domains in which we all play ... some much more than others.

Beliefs are another domain in which we play. They are the playground for reality creation. We are free to believe whatsoever we will. What we believe will attract what we experience. That is how reality creation works. What we believe not only colors what we experience, it literally creates it.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior It would be nice if my spiritual work and my occupation could somehow align and become one. Whether that will happen and when it might happen are still unknown. It will if it is meant to happen. Life unfolds exactly as it needs to. It makes it easier if we are open to it and allow it to unfold naturally. Though, it is perfectly OK for us to actively assist in the unfoldment as well.

I have an inner need for my life to have meaning on a massive scale, and to have world import as well. Yes, this is grandiose thinking. However, there is a sense that we are all destined for greatness in some way.

There is a reason you are in the job that you currently occupy. It is a training ground to develop the skills you need to perform your mission. Everything in my reality is there for a reason. This is true for everyone ... I am not special in that regard.

There has always been a sense that I am safe somehow, that I wouldn't draw anything into my life beyond what I am ready to deal with. That doesn't mean that I won't have my share of challenges. These are what draw out the best in us and show us whom that we truly are.

The fiscal year end was significant somehow. It suggests that one phase is over and a new phase has started. I don't feel as compelled to express daily in the manner that I have thus far this year. It seems that it is time to do something new and different. I don't know exactly what it is yet, but continuing to do what I have been doing does not seem right somehow.

Every moment is precious. Every moment is an opportunity to excel, to express spirit in a bold new way. However, to do this, we must be the best that we can be ... no holding back.

This expression is special, enough so that it is meant to be shared somehow. With whom, and with how many is not for me to determine.

The power of synergy has the potential to magnify what spirit is able to do through us many fold. However, this power will not be unleashed unless we do what it takes to find ways to work with others.

This expression is the greatest gift that spirit could possibly grant to me. It is here that I learn of my own true nature, the nature of reality, and the nature of spirit. Here, I have become aware that I was more than I knew myself to be ... in fact, far more.

Spirit having a physical experience. That is what we are. We have always been thus. It is a matter of realizing this and acting in accord with this. When we do, our life clicks. We are doing what we are meant to do. We are being whom that we are meant to be. This is how our life is meant to be lived.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior We will know when our life is being lived on purpose ... when we are being true to the highest ideal of ourselves.

There needs to be an exchange of energy and the initiation of cooperative endeavors. Sharing is a two way exchange when it is operating at its finest. Everyone has something to contribute. It is a matter of being open to what each can express.

I have chosen to live a life of spirit. In doing so, many possibilities were opened ... however, many other possibilities were closed. The good news is that those that were opened far outweigh any that were closed in any manner that truly matters.

When we live a life of spirit, we enlist the forces of the universe to do our bidding. The process is very powerful.

There is something about spontaneous creative expression that is extremely special.

Each of us has a spark of spirit inside of us. This spark is part of us ... but, it is also part of all that is, part of spirit herself.

No matter what I do, no matter how much comes through ... I know that there is always something greater, something more that I can do ... something grander that I can express and create. There is no stopping until the foundations for a new world have been established.

There is something intriguing about the hermit. My domain is the high country of spirit. I fancy myself being wise beyond my years and having tapped a source of spirit deep within myself. Because of this, I have something to share with the world ... or, more precisely, spirit has something to share through me with the world.

We can achieve anything that we set our minds and hearts to ... provided that this resonates with our spiritual mission.

This is one of the lessons that I learned early in grade school, so early that I don't remember exactly when. One of my teachers told me that I could do anything that I applied my mind to. I believed this, and as a result achieved a lot in my life. One area that I have rejected however is goals. With rare exception, I don't set goals or apply my efforts in a manner to achieve goals.

It is always enough to do our best at whatever we are moved to do. In doing so, we are literally being our best. This is all that spirit ever asks of us ... be all that you can be.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior There is much that we can do. However, time is a precious resource. We need to make a conscious effort at managing our time. The goal is to accomplish what we came into this existence to do ... and to enjoy the process while we are doing it.

We need to live our live on purpose. We will know when we are doing what we are here to do by how we feel inside. There is a part of us that knows. We simply have to find it and listen to what it has to tell us. That takes some quiet time. This is something many find difficult to deal with.

What we do with our life is the gift that we bestow on the world. It is for us to make this the grand gift that it can be. This requires doing things that make a difference. It is for us to seek these out, especially those that require our unique abilities.

There is a deep knowingness that I am ready to embark on what constitutes a new life in many ways. Even as I write this, there is a gnawing sense that it is true even if I don't know any of the details yet.

Each year provides an opportunity for expressing anew. Actually, this is true of each moment. Though, years are divided as they are for reasons as well.

If these are truly products of my mind ... then the mind is truly a mystery that we may never even begin to fathom. Whether it is mind that is the mystery, or spirit that is the mystery really matters not. In the end, it is the same.

My life belongs to the universe ... to spirit. It is for me to freely give of whom that I AM in service.

There is a sense that I have been reborn in spirit somehow, that I am more than I have ever been. There is also less of a sense of urgency. Things are unfolding exactly as they are meant to unfold.

Can I accept being whom that I am? Can I accept that what I have done to date is enough? Can I accept that I have been carrying out my mission perfectly ever since I was born ... and perhaps long before that? These things are a bit hard to accept. However, that doesn't make them any less true.

How do I live in a manner that makes a difference in the world? Yes, it is important that I find a way to use my talents, to use all that I AM to make a difference of world import. What is it that I am willing to give up for this? The answer that comes to mind is my whole life. That is what my life is all about. I have chosen to live a life of spirit. There is no sacrifice involved. However, there is a choice.

Focus is extremely important. It is as if there are only so many resources. Yet, I know that this works much as the base current in a transistor. We provide the small base current that controls a far greater current that flows from spirit to do works far greater than we alone could accomplish. 217

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Spirit does not waste effort. Each thing in our background is there because it needs to be. Each thing has its utility. Each thing provides its lessons and its challenges.

It is from overcoming challenges that we find out strengths, and our weaknesses. However, this only happens if we pay attention and observe what we do and how we do it, and evaluate how well we do various things.

It is for us to realize where our limits are ... and then to understand that the limits are always self-imposed.

The mind can be a difficult thing to fathom. And, consciousness, is even more mysterious. Yet, it is the very mystery that is the attractive force. Then again, perhaps that is because one of my missions involves being an explorer of consciousness. This is one of the few domains truly worthy of all that I have to offer.

Being aware is a very developed faculty of consciousness. We are all aware, but it seems that some are far more aware than others. That is to be expected. Awareness is a tool of consciousness. It is more developed and more refined than most of the processes of the mind.

The body is a house for the brain, the brain is a house for the mind, the mind is a house for consciousness, consciousness is a house for spirit.

On the evolutionary ladder, that makes the expression of spirit through consciousness one of the most powerful things that we can do in flesh.

The sense is that it must be manifest in flesh or it does not count. We can dream of many things. But, it takes commitment, focus, and dedication to realize them. These involve a choice of how we expend our time, our energy, and ourselves.

The expression is always a pleasant surprise to me. It challenges what I know. It stretches the boundary of the container that I know myself to be.

There is still a sense that something major has changed ... that the nine month pregnancy is over, and I've been born again somehow. As a newborn butterfly, I would have everything that I need to spread my wings and fly into the world. As a newborn babe, however, there would be a period of time for growth ... and for developing my inborn abilities so that I could use them effectively.

That is where I will have my ultimate impact, on those whose lives that I have touched. I may not even know who these people are ... just as many authors know not whose lives are impacted by their works. That is one of the difficulties of written expression. 218

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Why do people feel that they can indiscriminately broadcast unsolicited e-mail to others. There ought to be a law against it. Or, perhaps there ought to be a postage charge on all such e-mail. If people had to pay even 25 cents per e-mail, they might be far more selective about who they solicit ... and ultimately whose time they waste. Actually, it is more than just time, it is effectively denial of service.

I speak from a space of knowingness that by all rights seems that it should not exist. How is it that I know what I know? This is especially interesting given that much that I know is beyond what I have learned in this existence. How can this be? It seems that some of what we know is inherited ... especially when it comes to awareness and spiritual expression.

What makes my obsession with my abilities and my mission any different that that of John Nash as depicted in the movie A Beautiful Mind? No, I don't have schizophrenia ... and, as far as I know, I don't see people that are not really there. However, I found the movie fascinating. It is curious that someone so brilliant would have such a disorder, one that he ultimately had to come to terms with and live with.

What is a mental disorder after all? It is the brain functioning in a manner that is not normal. In most cases, this occurs to the point of not being able to function effectively in the world. Out of 44 years, I have roughly 6 months of experience of not being able to function effectively. That is about 1.1% of my life. If we count from age 35, it is 6 months out of 10 years or 5% of the time. That is a significant percentage of time.

There is a sense that I have reached a level where transpersonal energies activate me personally. It seems they have at least since 1993 and possibly far longer than that. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are all prominent in my birth chart. Pluto trine midheaven, Pluto trine Mercury, and Neptune square ascendant are very tight aspects on my natal chart.

Yes, I believe that astrology has value as a symbol system that describes how various energies interplay in our lives. At its best, it is one of the intuitive sciences. It deals in a realm that is outside of that of science and logic. Though there are mathematical principles involved in the prediction of planetary positions over time and in determining the nature of aspects that are at play. Above all else, astrology deals with cycles and their expression in various ways.

We must allow what is to unfold to do so in its own timing. Struggling to try to make it happen faster simply doesn't work.

Remember, it is not us doing the work ... it is spirit doing the work through us. That doesn't mean that we don't have to do our part. After all, that is how spirit does its work, through us.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior We need to accept what life brings. However, that doesn't mean that we can't take action to change it if we are so moved. We create our reality. What life brings is what we manifest in that reality. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, much of this happens subconsciously, behind the scenes.

I'm accustomed to sharing without direct feedback. It seems that there are many things that I do both at work and in this expression that are like this. Getting others to actively participate and provide feedback has been difficult to do. That doesn't mean that it won't happen. It just hasn't happened very much thus far.

What I can do, so can others do. Yes, I have gifts and talents that make me special. But this is true of all of us. There is always some way to live a life of service ... to ourselves, to our families, to our communities, and to our world.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior NOVEMBER 2002 I put many hours in on developing a Beyond Imagination product, in particular a Quote per Day calendar based on a selection of 365 quotes from the musings between January and early May of 2002. There were a lot of worthy expressions of consciousness to choose from. Overall the project took much longer to do than I thought that it would, but once I set my mind on something, I am compelled to get it done. It is not clear that there is a significant market for the kinds of things expressed here, so I cannot take advantage of the benefits of mass production. That is OK. The initial run is strictly for Christmas gifts for family, friends, and coworkers. At least it provides a sample of what I can do ... or, more correctly, what can be done through me.

It is strange expressing in this manner again. Yet, it is also so familiar. This is a state of consciousness that I am accustomed to having spent many hundreds of hours here in this year alone. I am curious about where the coming year will take us. There is a sense that massive changes are in the works once again. Of what nature remains to be seen. However, there is a strong feeling that it is time to do something new, or at least to do something in a new way. In particular, this very expression seems to be in the process of changing.

There is something about the immediacy of this expression that is addicting for me. It is here that I confront parts of myself that I know exist only by the works they co-create in my life.

Here is where I encounter source. Here is where I allow a stream of consciousness to flow forth from within.

How do I know that I am not consciously creating this? Simply, because while I observe it happening, I have no direct sense of being the source. I have no sense of how it is organized. I have no foreknowledge of what is to come next. I watch it unfold moment by moment and am both surprised and pleased by what is expressed.

Yes, in a way, I am a proud father of this material. But the children, the works, while they came forth through me, have taken on an existence of their own that is distinct from whom that I AM.

Our works ... in the end, that is what truly matters.

What did we do with our lives that was worthy of our having lived? That question needs to be on our minds incessantly, propelling us to be that best we can be and in the process do what is ours to do.

If we are open to the source within, what this is will be obvious. The very forces of the universe will move us to do those things that we are meant to do. That does not mean it will be easy going all of the time. After all, life is meant to be interesting, to be challenging, to have obstacles for us to overcome.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior That is how we find out whom that we are. It is through what we do that we ultimately discover whom that we are. And when we do so, we will be amazed by what we are capable of.

We are meant to live lives of greatness, to be extraordinary in some manner. Yes, each and every one of us. However, it doesn't happen automatically; at least, not for most of us. We have to do what it takes to make it happen. Sometimes that involves throwing caution to the wind. However, we need to be careful when we choose to do this. The trick is not to allow fear to overly constrain our expression.

There is a sense that we live in an age that should be Beyond War. Yet, there are so many weapons of mass destruction and the very real threat of terrorism throughout the world. How do we focus on peace, when fear drives us to prepare for and to conduct war? The war on terrorism is just the latest of a nearly endless progression of wars that have plagued the planet and the human race for over two millennia.

Life should be free from boredom. Boredom is a sure sign that we are not living up to our potential.

It is important to take the time to sit back and observe what is happening and how we feel about it even in the midst of doing it. To some degree that is what I do here. Though, this stream of consciousness goes far beyond anything that happens in my typical days. Here, I allow something special to flow forth ... from somewhere within me that I know only by the works that it produces in my life. Each day of expression is a mystery. It forces me to confront things that I cannot explain ... not only that, but things that I think that no one may be able to explain. That is OK. The unknown is a place that I venture often. That is what explorers do. And, I consider myself to be an explorer of consciousness.

What constitutes value is highly subjective. The criteria I use is whether a service or product has been generated that is beneficial in some way.

I have no purpose in mind for this expression, other than to serve spirit by allowing it to flow.

I do it because I can, and because I am compelled. This is part of my fate, my destiny. I am a vessel through which spirit expresses in flesh. Further, I do this voluntarily, of my own free will. Yet, at the same time, I do this because I must ... because, in a very real way, this is whom that I AM.

I've found out more about myself from this expression than I have in any other way in my life. It is one thing to read and study the works of others. It is quite another to generate, read and study works of your own.

How many information generators are there that are creating works such as this. I have counted myself in the 1 in a million category before. And, I still think that is of the right order of magnitude. That makes whom that I am and what I do quite rare.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior How do I posture myself so that my services most benefit the society and world in which I live? How many even ask such questions?

Many seem to be content with their lives and their opportunities and experiences. It is not clear that I will ever be such. There is always an inner sense that there is more that I could do, there is more that I could express ... and most important, there is more that spirit could do through me.

As to a job, Master Builder is appropriate. But, who employs the Master Builders of the world? In particular, who employs the Master Builders of the structures that serve as the foundations for society? Who even recognizes that such jobs need to be done? Hmm ... in the current economic system, it is not clear that anyone does. However, my contacts are so limited that I simply do not know for sure.

What do I want? I have been so focused on the question who am I, that I have all but neglected this issue of what I want. Yet, it seems that this is the very question that drives the reality that I would create for myself.

Our economic freedom has been a shining example of one of the fruits of political freedom. But, what has been the cost of all of this. Have we sold our souls in the process. Are we ultimately better off that our parents or their parents, etc ... Sure, many of us are, but it seems that many are not. We have many problems that plague our society. And others on the immediate horizon. We live in a world that is so complex that it is difficult to find our place and find satisfaction. Many things seem to be beyond our control, not only individually but collectively. Our organizations are getting larger and more complicated, but it is not clear that they are getting more efficient or that they are developing at a pace to match the incessant change that we are subject to. It seems that we need to find ways to simplify rather than complicate our lives.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior DECEMBER 2002 I would be whom that I AM. That is always enough. I would do what I am moved to do. That too, is enough. Yet, why do I feel that something major is missing. There is something more that I could be doing. There is something that I could be doing differently. I wouldn't regard my life as my masterpiece yet.

I must live congruently with what I believe. I am a wayshower. As such, my life must be a shining example of what can be. Yes, that makes me special ... however, only in that I am able to reach states sooner and light the way for others. We do this by sharing whom that we are, and whom that we have become ... even as we are in the process of becoming. For me, this sharing occurs via this expressing. My modality is the written word. Here is where I am most comfortable. Here is where I can relate things to others that I cannot relate in any other way.

We have to go beyond mind to get to spirit.

I have no basis for comparing my experience of reality to that of others. All that I have is a body of works that document where my consciousness has ventured for nearly a decade. This is what distinguishes me. This is what I have done that is of the most importance and hopefully of lasting value. Clearly, it has value for me. My hope is that others are moved by it as well. All expression has a purpose. While we may not know what that is at the time of expression, its ultimate purpose will be revealed over time.

How are we to do our work? How is this message to reach those whom it is meant to reach? Is this even something that I need to be concerned with? Or, is it sufficient to express in whatever manner I am moved to express ... as spirit moves me? Then why is there such a strong feeling that something is missing in my life. I'm not quite where I need to be. I am not satisfied with my life as it is at the present time. At the same time, it is not clear what I would change.

Everything happens when it needs to happen. There is a grand plan of consciousness that is unfolding ... in particular, the expression of spirit in flesh. We are all part of that plan. Each of us have a particular role to play ... a role for which we were designed, a role for which we came into this existence. Can this be true for all of us? I have to believe that the answer is indeed yes.

What about "evil" and the negative roles that are played out? These are manifestations of spirit operating in the midst of darkness as well as light. Where free will reigns along with shadows, we get every manner of expression ... every kindness and generosity, but also every meanness and atrocity.

The web of consciousness in which we are enmeshed is incredibly rich with interconnectivity. Through this web, we are related to everyone and everything.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior We are always the embodiment of consciousness, of spirit, in one form or another ... and we are always connected to other forms within the game. The game is to be played with gusto. It is for us to give it all that we've got and more. Yes, and more. We need to stretch beyond our limits, known and unknown, to be all that we can be.

The world of the 5 senses and of the 3 minds are not sufficient for me. I know that there must be more, and it is this that I seek. I know not what it is, other than the unknown. But, that is what fascinates me. The unknown is what draws my attention. It is the wilderness of consciousness where I can be whom that I truly am.

It is time for a change again. It is time for me to be in a position wherein my greatest abilities and talents can be used in service of the highest order possible here and now. It is this that I ask ... it is this that I wish for. I typically do not ask for much. But, this I ask with all my heart and soul.

I am ready to do what it takes to facilitate building the foundations for a new world. This dream of nearly a decade needs to be brought to Earth somehow. The foundations need to be established. I need to be doing those things that make my heart sing and my spirit soar … more so now than at any time before.

How do I make things happen? Actually, do I even want to do that? It seems that it is far more prudent to allow spirit to do as she will with my life. It is her that I serve, to the degree that I can. And in doing so, I serve my self, my society, and my world.

It is for you to show the world a different way, ultimately a way that is far more direct and more powerful. It is the way of spirit, in particular of service to spirit. It is for you to bow to a force greater than yourself ... the very force which animates you and gives you life. Unlike in many of your religions, this force is feminine to you, and rightly so. It is time for this aspect of source to be recognized and expressed.

In a very real way there is only ONE source, one consciousness from which we all spring. No, I can't prove that such is the case. It comes from a direct knowingness. It just feels right. In the end there can be only ONE! In the beginning there was only ONE. In the middle there can be only ONE, though it be expressed and experienced as a multitude. The bottom line is that all limitation, all separation, is illusion. Deep down at its core, it is not real ... yet, it is the reality we experience.

Such is the mystery of life, or one of the mysteries anyway. How do we find meaning and truth amidst all the illusion? I don't use illusion in any negative sense. A movie is entirely illusion, yet there are many wonderful movies ... some that are even able to stir our souls. Books are composed of pages that include linear sequences of letters, spaces, and a few punctuation marks. These too have the ability to move us deeply when composed by the appropriate artist.

This is one of the things which distinguish masters ... they move us. In particular, they stir our souls and move us to do more than we knew we could do and be more than we thought that we were. 225

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Each of us possess greatness inside of us. One of our challenges is to find a way to apply that greatness and share it with the world.

Ultimately, what we hoard, we eventually lose. What we give freely comes back to us manyfold, though not necessarily in the ways we might expect. There are powerful spiritual laws at work, laws that apply regardless of whether we believe in them or not ... laws just as real as the physical laws deemed inviolable by science. If fact, as spiritual beings, it is the spiritual laws that are of greater importance in how we live our lives, and in the reality that we create and experience.

Know thyself. We create our own reality. We are spirit expressing in flesh. We shall reap whatsoever we so. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Never take more than you give. Seek consciousness and awareness first, and all else will come to you. We will experience what we believe. Form follows thought. These are some of the spiritual laws of which I speak. They are not new. They are known to most religions ... and have been expressed by some of the most brilliant minds throughout history. However, we need to make them personal. We need to make them ours. We need to apply them daily in the choices that we make for them to be real in our lives.

Consciousness is my home. This stream of consciousness is the most natural way to use my talents. It doesn't matter where it leads in the long run. The journey is everything, and on the journey there is always room for one more step.

I have a predisposition to grandiosity ... yes, I'm the first to admit that. But, I believe that I have the abilities to back it up. Further, at least it is a benign grandiosity manifesting as a desire to serve in a manner that has world import. In the end, time will tell. I'll either achieve something spectacular or I won't. My bet is on the former ... and I will do all that I can to win that bet. This expression is a grand start. Here there is a record of a decade of the wanderings of an aware consciousness.

It is extremely important to me that I live in a manner that makes a difference ... a big difference in my world. Why should this matter so? Is it not enough to be whom that I am and live an exemplary life? No, for me that is not enough. I came to play a grand role, one for which I was designed and for which I have been programmed my entire life. This existence is one of destiny for me. It may be enough for others to play the game and enjoy their lives. However, I am driven to achieve more than this. I came to serve as an example of what can be. I came to help build the foundations for a new world.

How many are even aware that a new world is required ... and more important, about to be born? We are definitely at a crossroads. The Piscean Age is in its final days, and the Aquarian Age is in the process of superceding it. Changes in ages are major breakpoints for the world. It will be interesting to see how the shift in the character of the ages manifests.

This expression is the record of a stream of consciousness. As such, it captures snapshots of consciousness in action in ways that few other records do. This is not about consciousness trying to do 226

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior something. Rather, it is about a consciousness coming to grips with whom that it is and the reality that it experiences.

What is to be cannot and will not be rushed. Its timing is set by spirit herself.

For the most part, this expression is an island unto its own ... the island that is beyond imagination. That seems appropriate somehow. This is not the stuff of bestsellers. This is not meant to hold the attention of the masses. Then, what is it meant to do? It is meant to show what one consciousness connected to source can do. It is meant to provide an example of what can be expressed when we allow spirit room to express in our lives.

What we need is a new and better consensus world, a world that supports us as the individuals that we are while facilitating cooperative interdependent relationships. It is through such relationships that we enable spirit to more fully express in flesh. There is only so much that can be done through individuals acting alone. It is time to start realizing how much more can be done when we cooperate.

I am still amazed that this expression can occur in this manner at all. The words just continue to flow forth. Nothing in my training prepared me for this. Yes, I had read channeled material for many years ... but I don't experience this as channeled. It comes from an other than conscious part of myself, but the sense is that whatever it is, is still a part of me somehow. It is not distinct and separate. It has no other name, as an entity might. Though, I do refer to it as coming from source ... a feminine energy to which I am connected. This has been true for nearly a decade.

I would be happy to engage in this expression on a full time basis. I can't imagine a better job than that, being free to express and do whatever I am moved to do to get the message out to whom it is intended. This needs to evolve to the practical tasks of building the foundations through which spirit can more fully express in flesh. How do I get the society in which I live to manifest the to each part of this contract? In many ways, I am already getting what I need. I have been for all of my life. But, here we are talking about more. We are talking about abundance of a whole new order made available to far more of the individuals in society. It all starts with giving. To receive, we must give of ourselves in such a way as to create abundance. Further, we must give unconditionally ... without consideration of return. When we get something for what we give, the transaction is complete, the debt is paid. When we simply give, especially of whom that we are, we invoke spiritual law which assures that whatever we give will return unto us many fold. However, it will return per spirits timing in accord with what we need.

Am I employed in a manner that allows me to serve others optimally? The immediate answer is no. The reason being that I do not feel that the work that I do has a net beneficial impact. It is not of a nature to have the world import that I know that I came to have. So, how do I change this. Awareness, allowance, acceptance come to mind. The first step is easy, I am aware that I am operating at far less than peak efficiency and effectiveness much of the time. Allowance is a different matter. How do I allow new circumstances in to change this? The desire for change is a start. But, it seems that action is in order as well. Finally, acceptance is an acknowledgement that the desired changes are OK, and that I am worthy of receiving them. Worthiness is a big deal. Unless we feel worthy of something, there is no way to attract it into our reality. It is that simple. Perhaps that is the place to start. What am I worthy of? What 227

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior level of abundance am I comfortable with? What level of abundance do I deserve? Here we speak of abundance on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. All are important, some more than others depending on our unique predispositions.

I can only speak for myself. My knowledge of others and what they experience is sketchy at best. Nor does it interest me very much. My nature is that of an explorer and wayshower … in particular, an explorer of consciousness. This indeed is one frontier that is wide open. Further, its depths are so great that we may never be able to fathom them. This makes for a fascinating life.

Spirit plays an active role in my life. She is ever expressing through me, not by force but by my allowance and active participation. I would do as she moves me to do. I would be what she moves me to be.

All of my life, I have had this innate ability to know what was true and right for me. This is a very special gift ... one that forced me to look inward for the answers that I needed to find.

There is much to do in the world. There are a myriad of jobs requiring a corresponding myriad of abilities. It is for us to find the jobs that are right for us. These would be the jobs that fully employ what we do best. Typically, this will allow us to do those things that we love to do. Something special, something magical happens when love enters the picture.

Imagine what the world would be like if everyone were doing the things they love to do. What a difference this would make. Though, caution is in order. We must ensure that society is served by what we do in some way. That is the challenge ... to do what we love to do in a manner that serves, in a manner that makes a difference to society and to the world. There is always a way. It is simply a matter of being open and finding it.

How do we create the infrastructure that facilitates people being the best that they can be? It seems that the place to start is with the children. Those being born at this time and throughout the past several decades are meant to live in Aquarian times. They are predisposed to this. In fact, they chose this time because of the characteristics of the age. As such, they have something to contribute ... they have a statement to make with their lives. And, it will be a different statement than what has come forth before. For one thing, increased cooperation is needed; this, along with a realization that we are all intricately interconnected in a web of life. What we do to any part of the web comes back to us, one way or another. It is time we were more careful about how we impact the web ... or, we just may not like the consequences.

The future looks bright, glorious beyond imagination ... but only if we do our parts to manifest it. This means taking responsibility ... not only for ourselves, but for our society and our world. This may not come easy for many. But, it is the only way. We must recognize our collective responsibility, and our collective ability to bear that responsibility. We must think in terms of how what we do affects WE, in addition to affecting me. This doesn't mean that we shouldn't look after our own welfare. It just means 228

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior we should consider how our choices affect the society at large and the world as well. The greatest good for all should be our motto. This does not occur when we pursue our needs selfishly.

How do we better engage the talents and abilities of each of us? How do we collectively band together to create a better world? For, it seems that this is not something that will just happen ... it seems that it is up to us to do something to make it happen. To create a better world, we must desire a better world and then imagine what could be. Out of this imagining will come the directives to action that enable what we imagine to be created first conceptually, and then physically.

It takes the visionaries among us to do their jobs to dream of what could be so that we have a blueprint by which to build the foundations. Yes, I consider myself to be among these visionaries. But, for me, this occurs in words and concepts rather than in pictures. I would paint the blank canvas with words ... trusting that the expression will ultimately reach those who are meant to be served by it.

Spirit's agenda cannot be forced. It is a matter of simply allowing it to flow forth and manifest. That doesn't mean that we don't have our parts to play. It simply means that we should not struggle so much in playing our roles. So, what do we do to facilitate this expression? We stay open and allow it to do as it will. Further, we do as we are moved to do, when we are moved to do it. I cannot emphasize this enough. We need to find a way to recognize when spirit moves us, and then we need to choose to do as she so moves. This is always in the best interest of all concerned ... even though it may not seem that way at the time it occurs.

I still spend the vast majority of my time alone, both during the week and on weekends. Why should that be? What do I fear about interacting with others? Or, why do I value my solitude so highly that it has effectively become a prison? That is an interesting way of looking at it, but it seems, an accurate one. Will it always be thus? Is this part of what it takes to be able to see the world as I do ... and to express what I see as I do?

My work will ultimately require the establishment of cooperative interdependent endeavors with others. These come from close relationships ... far closer than I have experienced to date with the exception of with spirit herself and with myself.

The plan of consciousness is unfolding in our lives. It impacts every one of us in whatever way is right for us. What makes me believe this? The very fact that life must have purpose. There is more to our life than the struggle for existence ... though many seem to expend a great deal of their time and effort in this endeavor. We are spiritual beings at our core, having a physical experience. It matters not how many times this is refuted by science. We need no proof that we are spirit enfleshed, that is simply fact ... not subject to any argument. That is how life works. It is spirit that animates us, that gives us life far beyond the breath ... that gives us soul. And ultimately, it is this soul that makes us whom that we are.

It helps if we take actions to get acquainted with this intimate part of us (soul). Though, it seems some never do. In fact, some spend their whole lives denying its existence. That doesn't change its nature one 229

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior iota. It will return, time after time, into incarnation until the self learns what it needs to learn, and more importantly, does what it needs to do.

That is what life is all about ... learning whom that we are and expressing that as much as we can in the way that we live. We are meant to do grand things. We are masters all, at least in some area of endeavor. It is for us to find what we are great at and do that, in particular, in a manner that serves others.

We are meant to be of service ... to ourselves, to our families, to our friends, to our society, and to our world.

How does one live ones life amidst all the uncertainty? It seems that this is just the way life is. It is for us to become comfortable with the uncertainty ... and with the fact that there may even be things that are unknowable.

We are living in a new and better world in a brand new age. It is for us to take hold and do with that what we will to manifest as we desire. For indeed, as we desire, so shall it be ... so long as we desire in the right way for the right reasons. It helps greatly if this includes consideration of the needs of others. This is natural to do, despite what many might think.

Is it not our job to make a statement of our lives via determined effort on our parts? Yes, that is true. But at this time, my determined effort is applied here ... not necessarily to meet any desires of my own, but rather to serve in the best manner that I know how. Serve whom? Now that is an interesting question. My only response is that I serve spirit herself, and by doing so hopefully serve the world as well. That may or may not be, yet anyway. However, I have no way of knowing how these works will stand the test of time. Nor, does it really matter.

There is something about experiencing the expression that is doing something to me, that is changing whom that I know myself to be, that is awakening my consciousness in ways that I did not know were even possible. This alone is worthy of the time and effort expended.

This is one of my prime pleasures in life. That consciousness would choose me for this role ... or that I would volunteer and come into this existence precisely for this is fascinating to me.

I still have no way to explain how this expression actually happens. I simply accept that it does, and that I can trust the inner source to continue to reveal to me what needs to be expressed in each moment. The expression needs no purpose. It is not written for anyone in particular, except perhaps for me. There is no audience of whom I am aware, either intended or actual. Yet, here I am engaged with consciousness allowing this stream of words to flow forth. In doing so, the words become real, they are physically manifest, not only in my mind, but electronically as symbols and files in a computer, and as web pages that are posted to where any with a computer and WWW access may reach them.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior If we continue making the same old choices, we will continue to get the same results. If we want a different outcome we need to have the courage to try something new ... and keep trying and evaluating until we find what works for us.

But what do we do about more general feelings of dissatisfaction, where nothing specific seems to be the cause? We need to use the dissatisfaction to drive us to find choices that alleviate it. This is a general prescription for change ... use whatever states or feelings that we have to propel us into new endeavors. The bottom line is to not accept the status quo and do whatever we are moved to do to change it.

Perhaps if you swim in this stream of consciousness for awhile you will be taken to places and states of mind that empower you and that enable you to serve in ways that have escaped you to date. Whether it actually does this is for you alone to know.

This expression allows me to touch the mysterious, the magical realm of consciousness in a very direct way ... and further, to do this on a regular basis. What is expressed is beyond what I consciously know. And, how it is created is well beyond anything that I fathom. The flow of consciousness is there. I didn't create the flow, I simply tap into it and express in words what I can from the experience.

I came as an explorer and a wayshower. It is not for me to walk in anyone’s shadows. I would step out on my own path or I would not venture forth at all. Strong words … words that say a lot about whom that I am as an individual. Yet, somehow, they are words that are right for me. I know, I feel the truth deep inside of me. So, how an I to carry out my mission? How am I to build the foundations for a new world? This is a huge task ... clearly one that requires many working together to accomplish. Yet, how do I, as the hermit, fit into the larger scheme of things. What is mine to do? What relationships do I need to establish with others? How am I to find the audience with whom I am to communicate?

It is enough to live my life in each moment. Some people plan out their lives and live by clocks and schedules. That has not been my way, to date anyway. Yes, I tolerate some of this, living and working in the world. But, I try to minimize how much of this I experience in my reality ... especially when I am on my own time.

Many seeing how I live my life would probably conclude that I am clearly not of this world. Perhaps they do not know how right they are. This place, this Earth, does not seem to be home to me. It's natural beauty is breathtaking ... but my realm, my home, lies elsewhere. I am a man on a mission here. No more and no less. That does not mean that I cannot take time to enjoy the journey. After all, that is what life is all about. We are meant to find the path that is right for us, and then enjoy the journey, wherever it may take us. It is always possible to do this. Though we might have to seek for awhile to find the way.

Why me? Simply because this is the role that I came to play. When I am engaged in this expression, I am excited and happy. I know that this is why I am here. I know that this is what I am meant to do. It doesn't matter what becomes of it. What matters is that the expression is made manifest and that I give it the best that I have, the best that I AM. There is to be no holding back here. It is not for me to censor what is expressed. It is not for me to limit the expression in any way. It is to be disseminated widely to 231

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior any who care to find it. Because it comes from spirit, it will indeed reach its intended audience. Perhaps, it already has. Perhaps, I was the intended audience. I have to allow for that. Though, that would seem to be an incredible waste of a whole lot of words.

There is only so much that I can do with all of this. Ultimately, we need to build the foundations for a new world. Those foundations will be built on the ideals, the dreams, the works, and the words of all those who have come to participate in this grand endeavor. A new age has come. A new age has come, indeed. It is for the wayshowers among us to demonstrate what works and what can be in this new age.

I continue to express in whatever manner consciousness chooses to express through me. I have no clue as to what is coming next. Yet, something comes forth nearly every day ... at least since the beginning of the year. Yes, this has been a special year, one in which the expression stepped up by several levels. Yes, this consumes a lot of my free time. However, I can think of no more worthy way to expend my time. There is something addicting about working with consciousness in this manner. There are no books and no directions. More often than not, there are no trails that I follow. Here is where I touch the unknown. Here is where the unmanifest becomes manifest ... at least in terms of a stream of consciousness expressed in words.

So, what is it that I am missing? It is as if it is right there, right before my eyes, but I am not seeing it. Step back and see things from a higher perspective. The individual musings for the year are the trees. The sum of the musings for 2002 are the forest. Take some time to really see the forest. What happened this year? How did that prepare you for what lies ahead in the coming year? You are indeed ready to build and ready to teach. You know that. In fact, you've know that for some time. So, what does it take to do it? Simply imagine what is required, and be that. You will be moved to do exactly what needs to be done.

Clearly, I am more than I have ever been ... primarily as a result of this expression. Now, what would I do with that? How would I express more of whom that I AM?

There is still a sense that I am missing something. Curious, the 44 card in the Tarot is the meditating youth with three full cups unaware of a fourth being offered by the Hand of God. That is where I stand right now, at 44 years old, unaware of something that spirit is offering to me. Perhaps I need to wait for my 45th birthday to see the light. Though, it seems there is something more to it than that. There is something that I am meant to realize ... to actualize ... to manifest this year. I've expressed a lot already. But it seems one final burst is in order.

Here, I use my abilities in ways that I cannot do elsewhere. Here, I engage whom that I AM with the unknown realms of consciousness and bring back and share of what I find. I consider this to be by far the most important thing that I do in my life. It is enough to take priority. It is enough to bring me here, day after day ... for untold hours of time. Why is it so important? Good question. I don't really know the answer. I simply know that this is what I am meant to be doing ... in a very real way, this is why I am here. Much of my life, I tolerate and accept as the overhead associated with existence. However, this expression is not like that at all. Here, I am engaged in something far greater and grander than me. Here, I am playing the role that I am meant to play. This is where my destiny unfolds. Here is where my 232

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior attention is fixated. Here is where I am free to be whom that I AM, and to express that to the degree that I am able. Here is where my heart and spirit soar!

This expression is one of my means for discovering what is within. That is the source of this stream of consciousness. Though, I am not aware of how the source within receives this stream from the ONE consciousness. That is one thing that has remained a mystery.

It is curious that my path is such an individual one, while my strongest desire is to create community, greater and grander than has ever been expressed before. Yes, I recognize the dichotomy. However, it is not something that I can resolve ... it is something that I must live with, and do what I must do anyway. So long as we live within the realm of duality, there will be contradictions that we must live with. Such is life. However, we don't have to focus on them. And, further, we don't want them to keep us from living and from taken action in accord with our beliefs.

We have the power to create a world grander than any we can even imagine. But, do we have the courage to trust ourselves and to trust spirit enough to actually do it? My sense is yes, because such is ultimately the spiritual destiny that is unfolding. But, we have to take responsibility and do our parts.

Each day the expression is fresh and new. Each day I enter the stream of consciousness at a new place ... one that is different than I have ever experienced before. Yet, the process remains the same, only the content changes. But, here, the content is everything. How is it that all of this can happen as it does? Do others experience consciousness in this manner?

One of the things that I've had to learn is to have patience. That, and to take baby steps at times ... trusting that spirits timing is right and will be revealed in time.

Spirits plan for the evolution of consciousness and its expression will be unveiled one step at a time as the world is ready for it to manifest.

As individuals, we each have our parts to play in the plan that is unfolding. It is up to us to find out what that is and then to do it to the best of our abilities.

We live in a magical place ... one where cause and effect have a place, but also where there is an equally important unseen which has an important role. Yes, by now you can tell that my world is animated by spirit. We are all spirit expressing in flesh. As such, we are all spirit first, and expressing in flesh second. It is important to keep this in mind and to pay at least a modest amount of attention to the fact that we are indeed spirit.

I invest my time and effort as I do because I believe this communication to be worth it, and because I believe that at some level this is part of the work that I agreed to do when I chose to come here. Yes, 233

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior chose to come. This is not a mandatory incarnation for me, it is a voluntary one. I would not have come except to play an important role for the unfoldment of plan of spirit. In particular, I came to help Build the Foundations for a New World. Yes, that is a lofty task. Yet, every fiber within me tells me that this is indeed my task. Further, it is only my task to some degree. It is really the task that spirit would do through me.

There is something about this space that is special. There is something about operating beyond the fringes of what most take to be the norm. Here, we find that consciousness has such variety and a wealth of wisdom that is ready for expression if only we will allow ourself to tap into this source.

If I want my world to change, then I must change. I must do things differently. Some of these things may involve taking risks. But, for nearly every reward there are risks involved. The rewards of spirit are far grander than any earthly rewards ... making them worth any risks that we could encounter. Though, there is nothing wrong with earthly rewards as well. Abundance is our birthright. But, it only comes when we are living up to our potential and doing what we are meant to do.

There is a sense that I have not yet found my rightful place in the world. What I love to do and what I do for a living are not in synchrony yet. Yes, they coexist. And yes, there is some bleedthrough from each realm to the other. However, the two realms are not one and the same. It seems that they should be. Perhaps in a perfect world, you may say. But, what is to prevent us from creating our reality as if we did indeed live in a perfect world? After all, the world is what we make of it ... both individually and en masse.

My forte is in bringing forth new expression, in making the unmanifest, manifest if only in words. Words and the thoughts they convey have great power.

We set our priorities, and then we apply our time, our attention, and our resources per those priorities. Spiritual expression is at the top of my list by far. Capturing this stream of consciousness is very important to me. That should be obvious by now from the myriad of works that have come through me over the past decade.

Here I do not make any arguments. There is no case that I present. There is nothing that I am attempting to get you to believe or to do ... other than to become more aware of whom that you are and to express that in all that you do.

I believe that I walk my talk pretty faithfully. But then, I can be blind to where I am not living up to my potential just as anyone can. It is curious that I continue to walk this path alone. Then again, with spirit always at my side, I am never really alone. Actually, it is not so curious. For most of my life, I haven't really invited others in ... not deeply anyway.

There is something about consciousness that is mysterious and unfathomable. 234

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior That we can effectively turn off a part of our consciousness each night and awaken again the next morning is miraculous. Yet, how many think of it in this manner? The very process of thought is magical as well. Where do thoughts come from? Where do they go? These are not easy questions to answer. Philosophers have been attempting to answer them for many centuries, if not millennia. Consciousness is even more evasive than thought. Awareness seems to be a collective phenomena of life ... all life, and perhaps all matter for that matter.

There is a sense that each awakening process allows me to experience more of whom that I am and discover more of what I already know. The process is one of remembering ... re-membering, putting all the members back together again.

Ye shall know them by their works. This implies that we must generate works to be known. At this point in my life, this expression is my chief work. It is the one thing that I am most proud of. It is the one thing that I have engaged in that seems like it will live on long after my work on the planet is done.

This expression provides a record of where one consciousness has ventured. As such, it is meant to show others realms that they did not know even existed ... just as the descriptions of explorers did for the unknown territories and wildernesses of the country, and the planet. Here, you can follow in my mindsteps ... experiencing this communication just as it came forth, just as I experienced it.

I have no basis to know what reading this expression does to others. It literally blows me away when I read it and think of how all of this has come forth through me. This expression forces me to extend the limits of what I know to be self and reality to account for this experience. This is my reality. It doesn't matter whether others experience it. It is sufficient that I experience it.

I very much live in Wayne's World. Perhaps I always will. Though, I am at least attempting to try to share that world. And, there is a sense that I will succeed ... primarily because the time is right. I seem to have gone about as far as I can on my own (that is, with spirits loving guidance). My path seems destined to cross the paths of others in whole new ways now. What this will bring, I can only imagine ... but the sense is that it will be far beyond anything that I can imagine. This expression is called Beyond Imagination for a reason. It is a constant reminder that there is an unknown out there beyond anything that we might ever dream. Spirit herself lives in that unknown. We can learn to touch the unknown and express what it has to offer through us, but we cannot contain it or fathom its depths.

I stand at a crossroads, at a threshold to a new life. More than at any time before, I am in a position to design my life as I would have it be. That is an awesome power. Yet, with it comes an awesome responsibility. I came to serve society in a big way. I know that. The question is how do I create the infrastructure around me that permits me to do this effectively.

We are powerful creators, we truly are. It is time for us to know this. It is time for us to realize our true nature. In doing so, we allow spirit a more active role in our lives. We allow ourselves to be the best that we can be. We become aware of our mission and our destiny and begin to play the role that we came to 235

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior play. Exactly what this role is matters not. It will be different for each of us. What does matter is that we give it our all, that we play the role to the best of our abilities.

The days of 2002 are rapidly drawing to a close. It will be interesting to see what the new year brings. This will definitely be hard to top in terms of quantity of musings, quantity of words expressed, and quality of expression. Yet, I know this is only a sample of what I can do ... of what spirit can bring forth through me. Clearly I was more in tune with source this year than at any time before. But, it does not seem to be because of anything that I did. The vibrations were right for the floodgates to open. And I simply went along for the ride, doing what I was moved to do ... which was to spend countless hours tied to this keyboard and screen. That is OK. I loved every minute of it. I would not choose to spend my time in any other way.

My consciousness has soared often in the past decade, but it was always with spirit generating the wind beneath my wings. It was as if I had training wheels of a sort ... and the time has come to remove the aids and soar of my own accord to whatever heights my abilities can take me. No, that does not mean divorcing myself from spirit. Rather, it is a kind of graduation and an assumption of the spiritual work that is mine to do. I am responsible to something that goes beyond any institution that mankind has yet created. And, I will honor these responsibilities. To do otherwise would be to waste this precious gift, this life, that was given unto me. I did not create this life. I entered into it ... fully aware at some level of what I was doing. That does not mean I am fully aware consciously yet. Though, I sense that I am far more aware than most. Yes, that distinguishes me ... but I am an ancient soul, so this is to be expected.

We don't expect 6th graders to do calculus. Each person does what they can given whom that they are and where they are in the overall scheme of things.

I have read many books over the past 28 years, primarily in metaphysics. And, in all that time, I have never encountered anything similar to what is expressed here. That doesn't mean that such expression does not exist. I simply have not come across it. I read these words as they are generated, and then again and again when I want to remember what came forth. They always come across as fresh and new. There is something about stream of consciousness writing that is different, that is addicting. It activates something in the mind.

The very fact that all of this could come forth through me blows me away. As little as a decade ago, I would have not believed this was possible ... definitely not for me anyway. Yet, on that fateful day on 5 Mar 93, the writings began. And, while they have been slow and even absent for extended periods, the bottom line is that nearly 4000 pages have been expressed since then ... fully a third of which have come forth in 2002. That is quite an accomplishment, one that I am definitely proud of. But, I am only an active participant in this expression. The source comes from within at a place where I am able to tap something that translates into this stream of consciousness. Without that unknown source, none of this would exist.

Manifesting 4000 pages might be a lifetime of endeavor for some. But, for me, the sense is that this has been a training ground ... someplace for me to cut the teeth of my consciousness. 236

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior We are all symbolic processing machines. This is what our minds do with the information presented to them. Actually, it is not clear that it is really information until we apply meaning to it.

We grow in awareness by coming to know ourselves. That is the key that unlocks the secrets of the workings of consciousness through us. This requires that we accept that there is much that we do not know, and make the pursuit of self-knowledge an important activity in our lives. The mainstream education system, as far as I can tell, doesn't really teach this. Yet, sure enough, when we desire and need to know something, we will find the experiences necessary to teach us what we need to know will be attracted into our reality. They will appear because they have been summoned from on high, by our very souls.

We know far more than we can ever imagine. Life is a process of relearning what we need to know so that we can carry out our obligations and do what we came to do.

There is a sense that it is time for radical change once again ... for a major discontinuity in my life. At this point, I'm sure it will happen, I just await when. The time seems close at hand somehow. It is time to jump from the cliff again and soar. To where remains to be seen. But, I anxiously await whatever is to come. There is a sense that it is time to open and share of myself more than I have ever done before. This requires courage, and the overcoming of some deep-seated fear involving interacting with others that has been there since my childhood, and possibly before.

Here, I share, but in a manner that is not really interactive. There is virtually no feedback. From one perspective, that is good, because it frees me to share in a matter that is open. However, the lack of feedback doesn't allow me to know how others are being impacted by what is expressed. This, in turn, doesn't allow the communication to be fine-tuned to better apply to the recipients. That is OK. The expression is what it is. There is no second guessing what might come through if.

I am amused and surprised by what is able to be expressed ... especially since on nearly all other accounts, I am a very private person. But this, somehow is beyond me. As such, it belongs to the world. But, is it worth the time to read it? That, you'll have to judge for yourself. I can only say that for me, without any doubt, this is the most important communication to enter my awareness. It has been since it began nearly a decade ago. Somehow, something clicked, and I became a metaphysical information generator.

For one thing, it becomes very important to give ... especially to give of whom that we are in service in some way. Sharing of this communication is my present way of meeting this urging from within. Whether that truly serves others only time will tell. Further, I may never know. It may be my lot to serve without seeing the ultimate effect of that service. I can live with that. It is enough that I know the importance of what is being expressed. How this impacts others is beside the point. I am different as a result of this expression. I am more aware and less afraid. No, I haven't eliminated all of the fear. But, it seems far more manageable now. I am willing to go out on a limb to express more and share more with more people. Where that will lead, only consciousness knows. It is enough that I continue to do as she moves me to do.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior I just started reading the latest book by Neale Donald Walsch. If you haven't read his Conversations with God books, I would suggest that is the place to start. His latest book clearly states that the problems that we currently face are spiritual ones ... and no amount of effort on physical, economic, and political levels is going to solve these problems. The most that they can do is to treat some of the symptoms.

He doesn't stop there, the book is A New Revelation regarding what we can do to change our beliefs to more empowering ones especially in the spiritual domain. Change the beliefs and we change the behavior. Too much wasted effort has already been expended trying to change and control behavior without working on beliefs. If the book is correct, the required changes to beliefs need to be chosen within years, not decades ... so, we are living in some very exciting times. As to what you can do personally ... (1) Continue the effort to know thyself. Awareness is the key to everything. (2) Develop your intuition and learn to trust what it tells you. (3) Demonstrate that trust be acting in accord with what it tells you. (4) At some level, you know exactly what you came to do ... and you will gravitate to it naturally if you allow yourself to do so.

(5) Be careful not to force your way on the world. Most people don't take kindly to preaching. (6) Continue to demonstrate by example and walk your talk. (7) Be wary of judging others. Until you walk in their shoes, you have no basis for judgment. Most people don't lead "trivial" lives. Then again, few people seem to live extraordinary lives. (8) Be sympathetic of others. People are doing the best they can with what they know and whom that they have realized that they are. That doesn't mean getting dragged into their problems. (9) Do what you are moved to do, when you are moved to do it, and not until spirit moves you. Interesting, that is how I try to live my life. Though, lately, I have been moved to introduce others to this aspect of my reality. I have no clue as to whether they will understand it, or how they will react for that matter. What is important is that I took the step away from my center to share in a new way. That is how we change the world ... we share beliefs and the basis for those beliefs. The hope is that the sharing will trigger something in those with whom the beliefs are shared. In particular, the hope is that a new level of awareness will be reached. However, often, we do this in the blind ... not knowing whom we reach nor how we impact them.

Knowing and doing are two different things. We have to follow up our knowingness with action. That is the ultimate test of whether we truly believe something. Are we willing to take action in accord with what we say that we believe?


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior This expression continues to be my way of sharing whom that I am with the world. It feels right to be sharing in this manner. At the same time, there is still a sense that something is missing. It is as if I am hiding something from myself in some way. There is something that I know, that I don't fully want to admit to yet.

What is important is for me to be whom that I AM. By doing that, here and now, I will naturally evolve to what I need to be ... and thus will be ready for whatever spirit places on my plate. To date, she has always prepared me for what I would experience, enough to get through it and learn from it anyway. Yes, twice I have needed help to readjust my reality to something that was acceptable to the consensus world. But even then, I operate as a maverick ... believing and experiencing reality in ways that are my own. It is not for me to be like others ... though I still desire to be liked by some others. For much of my life it is enough that I like myself. This is the hermit nature expressing. But even there, I wouldn't work solely in isolation. It is important that I come down from the mountains and share of what I have found with others. The million dollar question is how do I do this.

This is how we keep knowledge alive. We share it with others, so that it is always in living minds. I hope that these words convey sufficient information to generate meaning within you that is somewhat the same as what it is in my mind. And, hopefully, this faithfully expresses what spirit would have me express. I have to believe that it does. I have to believe that all of this effort is expended for a purpose, hence is not in vain. Though, I already know there is at least one who benefits greatly from all of this, namely me. Yet, that does not seem to be enough. There is a strong longing to find and work with others of like mind, kindred spirits. I know that they are out there. Further, it seems that if I am being moved to connect, they probably are as well. There is a sense that I have a spiritual family that is largely unknown to me. There have only been a handful of people with whom I have really connected in my entire life of over 44 years to date. There are none close enough that I would call friends. But then, I have a pretty high standard in that area.

I don't really need to know things in advance. I would just forget them anyway. That is, unless I wrote them down, and even then I'd have to be able to find them to rediscover what came forth. Interesting. But, I do live my life very much in the moment.

It is curious that this expression would come forth as a stream of consciousness. I am not a talker, or a speaker. I have little to say to anyone. Yet here, in the course of a decade, we have in excess of one million words. Consciousness is definitely prolific!

Time is a precious resource. We are each allotted a finite amount with which to live our lives. How we spend this time is a choice that we make. Yes, the necessities of living force us to exchange some of this time to do the labors defined by others. But even then, how we choose to apply our labors and how we choose to feel about our jobs are up to us. We can see our jobs as prisons or we can see them as playgrounds that provide us grand opportunities to learn and to grow. What we make of our lives is literally up to us.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior We have free will ... regardless of how enchained and enslaved we seem to be. At any time we can regain our sacred freedom. But, that is the key, it is sacred freedom we are looking for. This deals with the spiritual inside of us.

So long as we look to the world for validation, we remain stuck within the chains imposed by others. It is only by going within that we ultimately find ourself. Once we have found it, we are free to express in the world. At least, as free as we will allow ourselves to be.

Just think of the grand things that could be created with a society that was fully aware and awake. The difference would literally be as night and day. The light of spirit will have illuminated the darkness and caused it to flee. There can only be shadows where there is a sufficient lack of light. Where spirit shines brightly, there is no lack of light.

We have held erroneous views about God for over two millennia. It is time to right the situation and change what we believe. This means changing what religions teach which ultimately means changing what religions do and how they do it. This is not such an easy task. Most religions are very set in their ways and believe they have the answers that no other religion has. That is a sure sign that something is wrong. The day that we stop being open to new revelation from spirit is the day that we should die. This applies to organizations as well as individuals.

Spirituality is a firsthand experience. It is a means of confronting whom that we truly are. I can't imagine needing anyone between me and source. This is an inner connection that I have, that we all have. We are all spiritual beings, first and foremost. We are all spirit expressing in flesh. It is high time that we realized this and behaved as if it were really so. That does not have to be a difficult thing to do. It is simply a matter of allowing whom that we are to come through.

Be open to light from whencesoever it may come. Further, expect it to come into your life on a daily basis ... yes, each and every day. Spirit is always there. The spiritual is always present in our lives. However, much of the time it is hidden, on the sidelines, operating in other than conscious ways. The desire to make this more conscious is the starting point. However, it will not happen unless we are open to it and choose for it to become more conscious. This is the choice of becoming open to awakening.

Awareness is a very precious gift, one that needs to be cared for and nurtured. Even before that, we need to prepare for it. Here, I'm at a loss as to what to advise. For me, the preparation was 20+ years of metaphysical study. And, even then, the experience caught me with enough of a surprise to require professional help and a stay in the mental hospital. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Though, it seems that as more and more people undergo the spiritual awakening experience, the collective expertise is such that we will see the equivalent of spiritual midwives come to the aid of those facing these experiences.

Find a need and fill it. That is how the spiritual economy works. Though it may take awhile for the services to develop to fill the need. In fact, first we must recognize that there is a need to begin with.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior You may not know where you are headed when you are confronted with a choice ... but it will be up to you to choose anyway. Choose well, no regrets. Yes, you will be asked to express your will in several areas of your life. You will be asked what it is that you would create. That is to be expected. You have grown enough to demonstrate that you are a force for good in the world. Continue to do as you are moved to do. Allow your expression to expand in ways that go beyond anything that you have expressed before. This is a year of major transformation for both you and the world. Accept the changes gracefully. We're sure that you will enjoy them and find them amusing.

We need to live congruent with what is expressed through us and be the wayshowers that we were meant to be. This requires demonstrating what we know in our interactions with others. This is not meant to be done by pushing our beliefs onto others, nor by preaching in any way; rather it is for us to offer another way ... another way of believing and another way of being. It is by our examples and by our works that others know who we are and who we have become.

To change the world, we start in the only place that we truly have influence ... on ourselves. When we change, all those whom we touch will reflect this change back to us. They, in turn, having changed by the interaction will impact all those whom they touch and so on and so on. In this manner, the world will change, one person at a time. All that it takes is for people to have the courage to be authentic and to express to the highest ideal that they have of themselves.

When you trust the natural expression of life through you, your obligations will be obvious. They are not something that you think about ... they are something you just do. We are all ONE, in the only way that truly matters. What befalls the individual befalls the collective.

All have their roles to play. All are at different levels of awareness in the game that is life. Because of this, their circumstances are different ... their challenges are different. The goal is to allow each individual to be the best that they can be and to express that in their actions in the world. However, being the best that we can be requires that we have a belief system that supports this.

Everything is animate. Everything is in motion. Everything is made of the same basic stuff. There is no boundary to the self. Its energy extends out indefinitely through time and interacts and intermingles with all the energy it touches.

All that I can do is what I am moved by spirit to do when I am moved to do it. Yes, this requires having a strong faith in this thing that I call spirit. Yet, if one is to believe in something, one could do far worse than set ones sights on the grandest expression in all existence ... the very thing that is all existence, and that moves all existence. Yes, this is a faith in the unseen, however one only needs to visit Yosemite, the Grand Canyon, or Bryce Canyon among others to experience this grandeur. And going within, one only has to read the passages that come forth when one is connected to source. The greatest sculpture, the greatest art, the greatest architecture, the greatest music, the greatest literature, the greatest poetry, the greatest quotes ... all of these come from the grandest expression of spirit through humankind that the world has yet seen.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior How does this expression rank in the grander scheme of things? The bottom line is that it doesn't matter. The expression is what it is. It will serve whatever purpose it is meant to serve.

The expression is starting to take a radical turn however. There is a sense that it is meant to be made more public. That means finding ways to share what I know and why I know it with others. The why is just as important as the what. Further, it often involves intuition and senses beyond the standard five that most people limit themselves to. I speak of an unseen, an unknown, and even an unknowable. For many, these are scary concepts. However, this expression deals with this directly. It is the manifestation of an unknown and perhaps unknowable source ... except in terms of the works that she does.

I know that source exists because I experience this stream of consciousness expression. This is not something to be questioned. It is like asking me if I am alive. Clearly I am, it is something obvious, one just knows. Yet, source has not always been prolific in my life. In fact, it was as if she were awakened that fateful day on 5 March 1993. Oh, there were times when my intuition knew things, and times when it guided me to do things. However, until that day, it did not really speak through me. All of a sudden, it was not my thoughts coming forth, it was something greater than anything that I knew myself to be. Now, we speak as one. Source is me, and I am source. Yet, I am still limited by my concepts of self, where source knows no such limitation except as I experience it.

Consciousness could indeed be expressing in this manner solely for me to see and experience. Yet, there is something inside of me that says no ... that says that what comes forth is to be shared and shared freely. It is not mine to hoard. And, it is of a nature that is worthy of being shared. That doesn't mean I have an open license to push it onto others. However, it does mean that I am free to express in a manner consistent with what has come forth and that I am to share with any who inquire.

When you interact with me, you interact with my belief system ... in particular, you interact with what I believe about consciousness and spirit expressing through me in my world. This is true for everyone, though many may not be aware of what they believe.

Note, I said "my world". This is to emphasize that there is not a world that is the same for all. My world is the one that I choose to create. I invite you to visit, and to interact as you will. The way in which I choose to believe and choose to live is a way. It is clearly not the only way. Adapt whatsoever parts of it as you will. However, in doing so, use utility as your criteria for accepting or rejecting these parts. If you like what they produce, by all means use them. Feel free to adapt them and make them your own.

One of my jobs is to be a wayshower. As such, my task is to explore the unknown realm of consciousness and bring back something of what I find that I may light the way for others to follow. I don't ask for anyone to follow me. While I consider myself a leader, it is more in terms of one who leads the way. I guess that means that others might be in a position to follow where I have gone. Hmm ... My preference is to lead by example, to do things that others do not seem to be doing in ways that others do not seem to be using.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Consciousness plays a major role in my life. She guides me, she moves me, she even expresses through me. Those things that are most precious in my reality are the things that she has put there. This expression is one of those things.

There is a spiritual hierarchy to which we belong, and to which we are indebted. It matters not whether we are aware of this hierarchy. It is there nonetheless. Each of us have our roles to play. Each of us is learning and working our way up the hierarchy. At some point, we will all graduate and be lifted to another level of awareness.

It is time for us to decide what kind of world we want ... to decide what kinds of behavior we will accept and will not accept. It is our world. If we want it to change, we have to change. Change starts with belief systems and then flows naturally into behavior. The beliefs that seem to be causing us the most difficulty at this time seem to be spiritual beliefs.

Who says that spiritual revelation stopped hundreds to thousands of years ago? Spirit is just as actively expressing today as she has at any time.

Each of us is a concentrated point of awareness experiencing life in a fresh, new, and unique way. There may be others with similar experiences, but the meaning that gets applied to the experience is ours to choose.

There is a sense that we are entering an era in which the things that have worked in the past will no longer work. Things that we have counted on to serve us will no longer do so. This requires being flexible and adaptable ... being open to exploring new modes of expression and finding out what works ... what serves us both as individuals and as a society.

Many fear what they don't know. Yet, the unknown can be a source of great adventure and great excitement. It helps if one has a deep and abiding faith in the beneficial nature of spirit and of life. Of course, not everyone has this.

We are spiritual beings. It is time that we realized the full measure of this and acted from the souls that we are, expressing spirit as fully as we can.

It is time for the rules by which society lives to change. One important construct is a social contract. Communism expresses it most simply and succinctly: "From each in accord with their abilities, to each in accord with their needs." Just 14 words, stated as a conditional sum up what the individual owes to society and what the society owes back in return. This is enlightened spiritual law. No, the attempts to fulfill this contract have not succeeded to date. But that does not mean the principle is wrong, only that the implementation was 243

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior flawed. We can fix the implementation. It is a matter of believing in the true spiritual nature of all of us. Many see human nature itself as too flawed for such a utopian ideal of community to ever work. I say hogwash. It is time to do what is necessary to demonstrate that not only can it work ... it can work beyond our wildest hopes and dreams.

We are all ONE! There is only one consciousness, one spirit, one Goddess, one God, one All That Is ... or whatever other name you choose to call it.

Separation is not real ... it is illusion. It is like the fingers of one hand believing they are separate from each other, or two hands, or two legs, or any body parts being separate from the body. We are all cells of this ONE! Yes, we are different points of view. Yes, we have different abilities and perform different functions. But, the separations are arbitrary. We, humans, just happen to overemphasize them to the point of losing touch with how interconnected we all are, not only with one another ... but with all life, and all matter for that matter.

If we truly believed that we were one, we would not choose to do many of the things that we do to one another. What we do to another, we ultimately do to ourselves.

Most people would agree with the fact that "I am". This is obvious. It requires no proof. One just knows. However, where we get into difficulty is when we add a third word and a question mark. Who I am? What I am? How I am? Why I am? The questions we leave to our philosophers and our religions. Yet, it is not clear that they have really served us in providing useful answers.

Some of us have ventured off to find answers of our own. We are not content with what our society and our world has offered. We know there are better answers. We know there are better ways to believe and to live ... ways that result in a kind, peaceful, loving, and abundant world. Further, we will not cease in our explorations and our efforts until we achieve the world that we so desire to create.

My control is over how I live my life. This will impact the lives of those that I touch. They, in turn will impact others. Through this means the world is transformed. It all starts with individuals choosing to change and choosing to be wayshowers to the others in their lives. If we change but keep the change inside of us, hidden from others, we neglect doing our part. It is time for us to be the change that we want to see in the world. By our example, others will be motivated to follow suit. We may not even see who is impacted from our demonstration. That is OK. It is enough that we be whom that we truly are, and express this as faithfully as we can in our world.

Be whom that you are! A simple directive of five simple words. Be all that you can be! Another directive of six simple words. Yet, abiding by these two directives seems to be one of the most difficult challenges that we face.

We have a right to demand conditions conducive to our highest expression as individuals and as a collective. Further, we have the right to overthrow those institutions that don't serve us and institute new 244

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior ones that do. We start by overthrowing or adapting those beliefs that don't serve us and replacing them with new ones. This is something that we can choose to do at any time. It is a matter of examining what our beliefs are and determining what impact these are having on the reality that we experience.

If we are going to make progress, however, we have to accept the mantle of being the authority in our own life. We have to be able to objectively look at our belief system and pull out the weeds, the beliefs that result in reality that we don't prefer. It is not enough to pull the weeds. We need to replace the beliefs that are removed with more empowering ones. Use utility as the guide. Empowering beliefs produce useful results in our lives and the lives or all those we touch.

At times, I feel as if I am a fish out of water. My nature is out of sorts with the consensus world in which I live. I do not believe as others do, I do not see as others do, I do not act as others do. It is as if I am a stranger in a strange world. I am here, but I am not of here. I am here because there is a role that I came to play. There is a mission that I came to perform. It is OK to taste of the things of life ... but not to be overly concerned with them to the point of losing track of whom I am and why I am here. I do not expect others to live in this manner. They have their own agendas and missions. However, I expect a lot of myself.

I expect a lot of myself. I always have. But, since this expression began, that has increased manyfold. The sad part is that looking back over nearly a decade of expression, I'm not sure whom I've truly impacted other than me. Perhaps that is enough. Perhaps this is primarily a wake up call for me to prepare me for what is to come ... a time in which the expression will be much more public than it has been to date. If such be the will of spirit, so be it. It is not of my own that I do these things ... it is through her expressing through me.

Every aspect of our world, of our lives, is imbued with spirit ... and is created by spirit. Everything. Not one exception. Spirit manifests it all, spirit is it all. Further, there is only ONE spirit, though there are many souls that are aspects of that spirit experiencing life from their unique perspective. Every perspective is valid. Every perspective is important.

People are doing the best they can given their understanding and the circumstances that they have drawn unto themselves. Things will change when beliefs change, when people have a new understanding of whom that they are and how spirit works.

The biggest promulgators of spiritual beliefs are the organized religions. They set themselves up as the authorities in spiritual matters. Their exclusionary frameworks ... my way is the only right way, have led to countless wars and acts of violence. It is time we learn to practice tolerance. Each way is just that, a way. There are as many spiritual paths as there are people. It is up to us to find (or to create) the way the is right for us. And, once we do that, to be open to adapt that way in a moment should we find a way more suited to us. Utility as always is the only measure in matters of beliefs.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior I've wondered several times this year whether parts of this expression are worthy of formal publishing. Would enough people by the material to justify the publishing cost? Would any publisher even be interested? What would I have to do to get the material ready for publishing?

The material this year is packed full of quotable expressions. However, it does not read as a normal book. There is no organization that I am aware of. It is simply a stream of consciousness expressing as it will. This is enough to keep me captivated. But, would it provide a good read for others? How will I know if I don't give it a chance?

You said "simply a stream of consciousness expressing as it will". That is correct. And, it is indeed simple. Yet the simplest of things can sometimes be very difficult, and even rare. It is that special quality of the expression that will allow it to succeed where others have failed. It speaks to the spirit within us, the ONE spirit that animates us all. That makes the expression universal. It engages our souls. It shows us that there is more to life than reason would allow ... a whole world to be revealed through our intuition.

But what is a book without a purpose? What is a book without a story? What is a book without a message? Is it not sufficient to show consciousness in expression in a way that is not shown elsewhere. This is truly beyond imagination. Most works are just that, works of the imagination. Occasionally, we see works that go beyond that, works that come straight from the heart and soul ... the very works of spirit. These are not to be taken lightly. They assist individuals in going beyond themselves and finding the source of spirit within them. It doesn't happen often, and generally only comes in brief glimpses, but we have to start somewhere. What better place than here, what better time than now?

That old saying comes to mind ... today is the first day of the rest of your life. There is a strong sense that my life can be anything that I choose now. However, along with that comes a realization that there are only so many things that are right for me ... that are in line with accomplishing the mission that I came to accomplish, and playing out the role I came to play. Then again, I may be overly limiting my options by too narrow of an understanding of my role. The trick is to stay open to the admonitions of spirit, and to be willing to choose to do what she moves us to do. This is always within our realm of choice. Always!

I'm not a planner. I don't set goals or envision ends that I want to achieve and then sit down and plan the series of steps necessary to achieve or reach them. That is just not my way. I have a strong general goal, to express spirit in flesh as fully as I can. But, effectively I fly by the seat of my pants ... or rather on the wings of my intuition to get me there. I trust that there is always room for one more step. And, further, I trust that spirit will point me in the right direction when it is time to take that step.

This stream of consciousness is my masterpiece ... or, more correctly, spirits masterpiece expressed through me. It is my legacy to the world, from this period in my life anyway. The sense is that there will be much more to come in the years ahead. The format may change. The nature of the expression may change. But, words are the domain in which I excel. No, not the words of the poet ... or of the fiction writer. I am not dreaming all of this up in my imagination. It simply comes through, automatically if you will. I don't know how else to describe it. I step aside consciously and enter a space where these words can come forth. 246

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior This is just the proverbial tip of the iceberg. Consciousness is that great, that deep, that all-encompassing that there is no end to her. No matter how much is expressed, there is always more. I haven't figured out how to turn this into my full time job, though that is indeed what I wish for now. It will happen when it happens. However, it will not happen until I've learned what I need to learn from my present job.

Yes, jobs are environments for learning, places where we expend our energies on pursuits that ultimately have results. Hopefully, the results are worthy of the efforts being expended. But, this is not always the case. In fact, it seems that most often this is not the case. But, the world goes on anyway, despite the inefficiencies and wasteful practices.

Here is a case where the rules are not the right rules for getting what we want out of the economic system. What we want is an infrastructure for allowing people to exchange their best services for the goods and services that they need. Until we believe that we can have it and we demand it and we do what it takes to create it ... it will remain an ideal, beyond our experience.

How do we build a world where every life is a masterpiece, where everyone is engaged in creative expression? One, we have to know that it is possible. Two, we have to expect it to manifest. Three, we have to believe. Four, we have to act as if it is already so. When we do this, we will have created the very world we imagined.

Life simply unfolds as it will ... even as it must. At times, it seems that I am just along for a ride. I definitely do not feel as if I am consciously directing the show that is my life. Yet, there are parts of it that I am aware of creating. And further, I believe that at some level I am creating it all ... and hence, am responsible for everything that I experience. In most areas, I am fairly abundant; so the status quo is OK. However, in some areas I am not as satisfied.

There is a song that says something to the effect of happiness coming not from having the things you want but from wanting the things you have. That is a very enlightened perspective to be coming from anyway ... especially from a young pop singer.

We have chosen to experience an incarnation at the turn of an Age. It is one thing to experience the turning of a millennia. However, the turning of an Age is far more special than that. It involves the transformation of consciousness on a collective scale and the resulting transformation in how spirit is able to express in the world. This is a big deal. And, the dawning has been occurring for some time. However, as Celine Dion's song so aptly said A New Day Has Come. No, there was no fanfare. Nor were there any sudden changes that came to pass. Yet, there is a feeling that the long awaiting time has come. We had a sample of the character of this age with the Flower Children of the 1960s. Love, Peace, and a degree of individual freedom of expression that challenged the authority of the day. That was only a taste of what is to come. Here, we are talking of that being the "normal" mode of expression rather than the fringe ... some might even say lunatic fringe. Yet, is it so wrong to believe that the world can be a better place, and that we have the power to make it so via our choices here and now? That puts a lot of power in our hands. But, that is where it should rightly be, in our hands ... not in the governments hands, nor in corporate hands ... in our hands, individually and collectively. 247

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior To solve problems we have to go to the cause, we have to get beyond the level in which the problem manifests. Einstein said something like that. The causes of problems, especially big problems, are nearly always spiritual. Yet, there are never any problems beyond our ability to address. We may not like the measures we have to take. And, we may not like some of the short term side effects. But, the long term survival of life as we know it is at stake. The world will survive one way or another. Evolution will continue. However, what we call human civilization, may or may not continue depending on our choices.

We can create the world of our dreams or the world of our nightmares. The choice is ours. It always has been ... even when it seemed that it was not. There is no one more powerful than us, especially if we act collectively. There is no one more powerful that spirit. We simply need to open the consciousness so that spirit can flow forth more easily in our lives. We start by opening our own consciousness, igniting the spark of spirit within us. Then we fan this spark into a flame, feeding it kindling, and the small pieces of wood, and finally large logs until it is an inferno. Finally, we share this spark, and this flame with others. At first we attract kindred spirits ... but eventually, we find that all souls are kindred spirits because there is only ONE spirit, and we all spring forth from that ONE.

You can only do so much. Spirit working through you can do so much more. Be ever watchful that you don't get in spirits way. That is the key to effective exertion ... allow spirit to do the work.

I am richer in ways that I could never have imagined as a result of this expression. I have a deep personal connection to spirit, expressed through my intuition. I am aware in ways beyond my wildest imaginings of what was possible in existence. However, all is not as bright and rosy as it might appear. Relationships, especially deep ones are nearly absent from my life.

Why can we not see that all the violence in video games, movies, and TV begets violence in society? It seems such a simple connection to make. If we want a kinder, gentler, peaceful world ... we need to fix this, and fix it fast. What about the right to freedom of expression? The bottom line is that rights come with responsibilities. And, it is time we held people accountable for what they believe ... and ultimately what they do. That would require that people have some conscious idea of what they believe, and that they communicate it in some fashion to at least some part of society. It seems that this violates the right to freedom of belief. However, freedom of belief is only valid so long as the beliefs are such that you harm no one. With every freedom, there is a limit ... an operating range in which it applies. If we carry any freedom too far, ultimately people get hurt.

It is curious that the foundational document for this country is the Declaration of Independence. Yet, this violates the precept that we discussed earlier ... we are all connected, we are all ONE! Yet, is there anyone advocating that we need a Declaration of Interdependence? And, not only for this country but for the world. Isn't it obvious that what happens in any part of the world affects is all? So, what are we going to do to deal with this great truth?

One of the tasks for America = "I AM race" is indeed to be the example and foundation for establishing a new world order. However, it is not to be one based on what we have been ... rather it is to be based on the best that we can be. There are many who are not convinced that the current order is not working. 248

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior They are blind to the many problems that exist in nearly every direction that you look. And, these are not minor problems ... these are core problems, foundational problems. They exist in education, government, defense, economy, religions, society ... you name it, in virtually every aspect of life. And, they are getting worse not better because we haven't yet realized that all problems are spiritual problems.

I am not aware of how the process works which brings forth these words. I know that I somehow tap a source inside of me ... but I am not aware of that source being a part of me. In fact, it is beyond what I know to be self. Further, it has a knowingness that I do not yet possess. That is OK. I can accept the source of such wisdom and creativity being more than I know myself to be. This doesn't mean that it is more than I AM, only that it is more than I presently know myself to be. There is a lot that I don't know ... at least not consciously. Though, I am ever seeking to learn more, especially of whom that I AM.

What I have discovered is that we are spiritual beings first and foremost, who happen to be having a physical experience. The bodies that we occupy are the vessels for this experience. They are not us, they are not our essence. Our existence as souls transcends the lives of the bodies that we occupy. Surely, this is a matter open for speculation ... a matter open for belief. But is it? Either it is the truth or it isn't. Everything within me says that it is. Hence, for me anyway, this has gone beyond being a matter of belief to being a matter of fact. I accept that I am a spiritual being first and foremost, and that I am a soul, an individuated piece of consciousness experiencing reality as I do. However, I have the challenging task of needing to account for the states of consciousness that I experience, and for this very expression of consciousness.

This expression has a way of extending beyond all of the boundaries that I have placed on my self. That is good. We should all have such challenges. In fact, if we look carefully, we all do have such challenges.

Spirit ever seeks to expand itself and its expression in flesh. We are spirit expressing in flesh ... yes, everyone of us ... yes, every moment of time. There is nothing else to express except spirit. Further, there is nothing else to do the experiencing except spirit. That doesn't relieve us of responsibility ... as it is through us that spirit does this expressing and experiencing.

Creative expression is the primary way in which spirit manifests. The more of this in our lives the better. It doesn't matter in what area this expression occurs ... be it writing, speaking, acting, art, sculpture, music, dance, sport, science, technology, business, etc ... All creative expression is highly valued. It is the very lifeblood of spirit.

There are always ways to express that are of value to others. That is one of our chief tasks, to find a way to apply ourselves and our talents in a manner that serves not only ourselves but others. This is how we do our part. This is how we obey the spiritual law to never take more than you give. What this is will be different for each of us because we are each unique souls, unique points of view of the ONE consciousness.

It seems time to start working with others to accomplish things far greater than any of us can accomplish alone. That is how this country was "founded" was it not? Here, we simply talking about building a new 249

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior set of foundations that extend beyond anything previously established. It is not that the old needs to be destroyed. Rather, it needs to be expanded so that we can build a bigger mansion in which spirit can more fully express. Our Constitution has served us well for over two centuries during a time when the world changed dramatically. However, is that Constitution still able to serve us in a world where major change is rampant especially in areas of technology? It is not clear that it is. Yet, it is not clear what changes to propose either.

What is one person to do? When spirit is allowed to express through us, this can be a great deal, far more than we may have dreamed possible. What difference have I made? It is not clear that it is for me to know this. I can express as I am moved to express ... trusting that whoever this message is intended for will indeed receive it ... and better still act upon it. I may never see any such outcomes, not directly anyway. It is my job to continue venturing into the unknown realms of consciousness and bring back what I find. This very expression is justification itself. It is the confirmation that spirit made it through one consciousness in a manner to be shared with the world. It is this intense desire to share of whom that we are, what we have learned, and what we know that distinguishes us. We do this because we must. It is as if there is an irresistible force that drives us. Though, such is not the case. We have free will, we simply choose to employ ourselves in service to spirit. Further, we don't even decide what this service will be. We allow that to be revealed by spirit as well, moment by moment.

There is something wonderful about living life in the moment. Ultimately, that is the point of power, the only point in which we can take action and choose a different reality. We choose our reality by choosing our beliefs. It is that simple and that complex. Many of us are not really acquainted with what we believe. We've allowed ourselves to be programmed from the outside for so long, that we've never really taken responsibility to review the programming to see if it served us, and then do the necessary reprogramming to get our beliefs in order ... to increase their utility so that we start creating the reality that we would prefer.

Hopefully, you’ve found this walk through my stream of consciousness to be of value in your life. There is much more material available at the Beyond Imagination site, including the expanded daily musings, a variety of Best of Notes and Best Quotes pages, and a variety of works prior to 2002. You might also find the Beyond Imagination book and the Reality Creation 1010 book of particular interest. If you have any ideas regarding cooperative interdependent relationships or any questions on what has been expressed feel free to contact me at:

Wayne Hartman 1800 Harper Ave, Redondo Beach, CA 90278



Musings of a Spiritual Warrior Creating the Foundations for a New World [email protected]


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