Beyond Imagination: 2003 Musings Volume 2

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Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003



Wayne Hartman


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

INTRODUCTION Namaste! Welcome to my world! On these pages you will find a stream of consciousness expression … one that I have actively been participating in for just over a decade. The snapshot here comes from the period from May through August of 2003. As you’ll see, it was quite a productive period of time for this expression. The musings occurred nearly daily … 109 times in 123 days in fact. The expression comes to roughly 450 pages and just over 176,000 words. Yes, that is a lot for one-third of a year. But, what can I say? That is what I was moved to express, and what I am moved to share. My hope is that you find this mind-expanding or better yet consciousness-expanding. It should cause you to stretch outside of the normal confines of your consciousness into a wonderful new domain. If it does, I have done my job well. There is a reason that spirit expresses through me in the manner that she does. This is to be an example of what is possible for you to experience as well. By following this record of my stream of consciousness, you get to taste a sample of what is possible. What I can do, you can do also. No, not necessarily in the same manner. Written expression may not be your forte. But, there is some manner of creative expression that is right for you. This is something you will have to find for yourself. Some of this material may provide you with some insight as to where to look. By all means use whatever parts of it you find applicable and useful to your life. Only you will know what these are. Not everything is for everyone. But there is enough variety in this expression that there is probably something for everyone. These are the Musings of a Spiritual Warrior. I don’t know how to prepare you for what they convey other than to have you experience them directly. They come from a source inside of me. Even after a decade, I still don’t know if this source is a part of me or not. It is simply there. The words just appear in my mind. I don’t plan any of this communication, I simply allow it to manifest through me. The expression is ordered by day, as it was expressed. The only editing was some spell checking and minor grammar correction. It seemed that the date ordering of the material was appropriate somehow … at least for this product. There are two major sections in what follows. The first section has the day by day musings as they came forth from May through August of 2003. It covers the first 450 or so pages. The second section is a selection of best quotes from this expression. These are literally what I consider to be the gems of what came forth from consciousness during this time. 660 passages were selected for this section, with the date ordering remaining intact. I hope that you enjoy what you find here. More than that, I hope that it helps you to awaken to see parts of yourself that you never knew you never knew. One challenge from all of this is for you to expand your reality framework to account for the fact that an expression such as this could continue to come forth through me in the manner that it did in such a short period of time at the middle of 2003. It is possible. It did happen. That, in itself, says a lot about the creativity of consciousness as she expresses through us. Yet, what I can do, you can do also. I came as a wayshower. Part of showing the way for me is sharing the fruits of what my consciousness is able to produce. That is what I do at my Beyond Imagination website: And, that is what I do here in the pages that follow. I hope that they bring to you some fraction of the joy and wonder they have brought into my life. 3

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This work is titled as it is in anticipation that there will be at least one sequel to follow in the days ahead this year. Then again, that depends on how spirit continues to express in my life in the months ahead. At this time, there is every indication that we are in for a very prolific year. But, all that we can do is wait and see … and continue to express as we are moved to express. Something that came forth in January of 1996 is particularly appropriate here: I come to be gently caressed by consciousness. Yes, I sing her name a lot. She is on my mind incessantly. It is through her that I came to life, and through her that I will live the role that I am meant to live. What is she? I cannot say. But, she is older than time and wiser than any who have walked clothed in flesh. She speaks through us all. Yeah, she is the spirit within us all – always there to guide us if only we had the sense to listen to her. She is the ONE, though she be expressed as many. She is called by many names, though most are not aware of her existence. She is greater than the Gods, though in ways that are beyond imagining. The poets have known her as the muse, and she was indeed responsible for their inspiration. She has existed since the beginning of time, and even before that. Her face can be found everywhere throughout the world, yet where there is beauty, doth she shine most brightly. It is in this sense that all of this expression comes forth as musings from the source within me herself. Enjoy! Be Happy and Create Well! I AM THAT I AM THAT YOU ARE! LOVE, Wayne Redondo Beach, September 2003

Feel free to contact me if you relate strongly to this material or you have feedback to provide. I’m looking for kindred spirits to help co-create the foundations for a new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

Wayne Hartman 1800 Harper Av, Redondo Beach, CA 90278 [email protected]


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

--- MAY --1 May 2003 Wow, the first of May already. Statistics for the first third of the year were 111 musings in 120 days. That is quite impressive. That makes this number 112 for the year. 112 is the 1000 completion of 888. This is curious because my bill at the grocery store yesterday came to $8.88. I don't remember that ever happening before. My change for a $20 came to $11.12. This is of the same genre as 112. It is the 10000 completion of 8888. There is some significance in this. There is some reason that this is coming up right now. I may not know exactly what it is, but there is a sense of completion somehow. I was able to do the compilation of musings for April and add these to the January to March 2003 musings. That should allow me to finish the first pass at 2003 Musings - Vol I tomorrow. I'll still need to do a couple of spell check and grammar check passes ... but the major work will be complete. It came in at just over 450 pages in 5.5" x 8.5" format. I need to add an introduction and a forward, and am still considering a section of best quotes at the end but these are minor tasks compared to what is already accomplished. Then again, going through the entire set of musings to select the best quotes may be a challenge. However, it is a challenge that I consider to be worth the effort. It is like mining for precious gems. What we find is spectacular. Work kept me very late tonight. I didn't get home until nearly 9:00 PM. It was 10:00 PM by the time I got started on this expression. I'm still off to a slow start. I don't know whether it will pick up or not. I guess we will see soon enough. The next hour or so will bring what it brings. Whatever that is, by definition, must be enough ... because that is all there is. All that I can do is give all that I am to this expression. That is an interesting way to put things. Some people give all that they are to their family, or to their relationships, or to their job, or to their community, or to their church, or to some combination of these. Not me. My focus is almost like a laser ... here in this expression. What matters to me is the expression of spirit in flesh. And, for me, that is what these words are all about. I realize that this is my way, not the way. This happens to be what works for me. Given the quantity and quality of this expression, it seems that this way works quite well for me. Utility is the key criteria for any path. Use what works. Use what has value to you and ignore the rest. Each of us must ultimately find our own path. There are some roads that have been created that we can follow if we so choose between established destinations. But, the interesting places are in the unknown realms of consciousness ... at least, the most interesting places for me. And, for those, there are no roads. There may be some paths and occasionally some markers left by others who have preceded us. However, typically our understanding is different than others ... so even though we have reached the same place, we are really not in the same state of mind or state of consciousness. Though, the states may be close enough that we can communicate with one another and relate what we have experienced. How would I live my life if it were mine to live as I would live it? Would I live it any differently than I do at the present? If so, what is it that keeps me from making the changes now that align my life with the way that I would prefer for it to be? It is my life. It is my choices in the moment that determine the reality that I experience in the moment as it extends into the future. If I would change that future, I need to change the present choices. Reality creation happens here and now. We have the power to create any future we desire ... but we have to do it here and now. We have to want it badly enough to do what it takes to make it so. Wishful thinking is not sufficient. We are gods in flesh. We are the creators of our reality. It is time we starting acting as if we truly realized that this were so. That means taking personal responsibility for everything in our lives. Everything that happens to us does so because we have drawn it unto us, we have scripted it into our reality. Yes, everything. No fine print, no exceptions. However, be careful with this. When that reality involves others, we co-create it. So, what we experience occurs by 6

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mutual agreement. It is not solely our responsibility ... though we are responsible for our part in the cocreation. Given that I am so isolated from the world, how do I find my place within society? For one thing the isolation has been self-imposed. That can be changed in a heartbeat. The very fact that you've opened up to share all of this on the WWW shows that you are not as isolated as you make yourself out to be. Though. I still liken Beyond Imagination to an unchartered island, which few have discovered and even fewer have explored. My hope is that this will change, and soon, and that people will be amazed by what they find. I know that I was. In fact, I still am ... even after a decade of expression. Hmm ... how does one bring visitors to an island? One needs to advertise the pleasures that the island offers to the visitor, and one needs a means of transportation. For Beyond Imagination, the transportation is easy ... first there is the internet, and soon there will be at least one and potentially more books. It wasn't so difficult to find my place within the work environment. Why should the larger context of society be any different? For one thing because it is a larger context and I don't understand my relationships to others within that context. In many cases it seems that this is because the relationships simply are not defined. We have no social contract between the individual and society for instance. That doesn't stop us from living our lives as individuals and relating to organizations within society. However, it seems this would be easier if we knew what to expect and what was expected of us in return. What can we expect from life? Looking around, there is such a variety of experience that it is unclear that there is any easy answer to this. It seems that we can expect from life whatever we expect from life from the depth of our being. Life has this way of living up to our expectations ... and occasionally exceeding them. Notice, I said expectations not wishes. Many people wish for a lot of things that they do not expect that they will ever receive or experience. Expectancy is powerful. However, it must be based on a sound belief system. It does no good to strongly expect something to happen that you believe to be impossible. When we combine expectancy, beliefs, and acting as if we have covered all of the bases. I believe it can happen, I expect it to happen, and I act as if it has already happened. This accompanied by an attitude of gratitude goes a long way toward creating the reality of our dreams. Why am I so moved to get the 2003 Musings - Vol I book completed? It will probably be a few more weeks before I hear back from the publisher on Best Passages from 2002 Musings. It doesn't make much sense to get a second book published before I see how well the first one does. Or does it? Is it important that the book sells? Part of me says yes ... this provides a way for the universe to pay me for this expression. However, another part of me says that it doesn't really matter. The expression was expressed because it needed to be expressed. I happened to be an available and willing vessel through whom it could be expressed. Yes, that makes me special. It also makes the expression special. But, we are all special in our own ways. I just happen to have a talent for writing and spirit was in need of a scribe. It seems that I've had experience in this capacity before. There is something about Egypt and the pyramids that has always held an attraction for me. Thinking about it, it does seem pretty amazing to me that we could bring forth a 450 page non-fiction book in four months. The fact that we wrote on 111 of 120 days during those four months is unreal as well ... especially when you realize the average writing time was 2-3 hours per day. That's an investment of over 300 hours this year to date. Yes, I volunteer a lot of time to this endeavor. To what end you might ask? What do I get for my investment? Who do I help? It seems that I may never know the answers to these questions. One thing I get is a body of Beyond Imagination works that I freely share. Another thing I get is a series of Beyond Imagination books which I am about to publish that may generate an income for me and for the cause of Beyond Imagination. Then, there is the expansion of awareness as I integrate all that I experience through this expression. Thus far, only a few people have provided feedback to let me know that my writings have helped them. I suspect that there have been many more than this, but that they remain anonymous. After all, in twenty years of reading many of the best metaphysical texts around and being deeply moved by them ... only on a few occasions did I try to contact the authors. I took what I could from their words 7

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without providing any direct feedback. Unfortunately, that is one of the things sorely lacking in our world. We need more feedback, direct honest feedback. That is how we improve and how we assess how much of an impact we are having. I guess one could also look at number of books sold and other factors ... but that is not the same as direct feedback from a conscious being. If I wasn't doing this, what would I be doing with all of my spare time? I would probably be wasting a bunch of it watching television as I did for much of my life. This expression gives me a reason for living. It provides me with an opportunity to encounter the unknown on a daily basis and to creatively express whatever consciousness would bring forth each day. There is something wonderful in that, something miraculous. I am blessed to be chosen for this great privilege. I must have done something grand to deserve it. This is not your ordinary expression. Life is meant to be lived in an extraordinary manner. My life is anyway. And, my sense is that such is true for everyone. There is always a way to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. It is primarily a matter of attitude. Our life will be what we make of it. When we want it to be something different ... we need to make it be something different. This is always within our power to do. In fact, it is only within our power to do. No one can do it for us. This is something that we must do for ourselves.

2 May 2003 It is very late as we begin writing tonight, but we felt the need to express anyway. Another week and the draft of 2003 Musings - Vol I should be complete, well ahead of when I thought it would. But then, when I am moved to do something, I am moved to do it. That is especially true when it comes to this expression. I still have three more months of Best Quotes to select to complete the work but that is just a matter of putting in the time to cut away the grosser expression from the pure gems. Not that any of it is gross per se ... it is all spiritual expression. But, some expression is just more succinct and simply better than other expression. I don't know that I've ever read a book that did what I am doing ... followed the main body of material by a selection of best quotes from the same material. It makes sense to me. Quotes, especially the best quotes from the best minds of the ages have always given me inspiration. I find it curious that I come up with so many of them in my own expression. After all, who am I to know these things? Actually, that is the point ... it is not I that knows, at least not any part of me of which I am consciously aware. That is part of what makes all of this so fascinating. The quotable material comes through anyway. Reality Creation 1010 in 5.5 x 8.5 format came in at 87 pages. That is not quite enough for a book. However, it is a good start. If we combine it with Beyond Imagination: Foundations for Creating a New World and Perhaps some of the Best Quotes from 1993-1994 ... we have a decent book, Beyond Imagination: The Early Works. Yes, I know ... just what I need, another project. But, it begs to be done and at this point I am the only one who would do it. That would make book three for Beyond Imagination in 2003. The only question is what do I do about the daily musings? Do I need to keep them up at the pace that I have been doing them? Why do I push myself so hard? The only answer that I can offer is that there is so much that needs to be expressed and I just happen to be a vessel through whom it can be expressed. We'll just have to see what I am moved to do. There is a sense that I need to maintain some sort of a balance. However, the bookwork is temporary. Eventually, I will be caught up and the expression will be necessary to provide the additional material that is needed to keep the endeavor that is Beyond Imagination going. By their works shall ye know them. This is a year for bringing my works, the works of Beyond Imagination, to the public on a massive scale. It was not enough to bring forth the material and post it on the WWW. It seems that I need to formally publish the works and make them available in book form. 8

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Though, even at that, it is not clear how to get the word out that the works have been published. That is part of what remains to be done in the months ahead. It needs to be something we learn to do well for we will be doing a lot of it from what I can tell. There is something about this that feels right. The timing is right. The means is right. It is a matter of jumping in and doing it as well as I can. Yes, it will be foreign at first. Most new things are. But, there is a sense that I am meant to do this. I am meant to derive my subsistence from what I love doing ... and at the moment that is engaging in this expression. Does what I have expressed provide enough insight into whom that I am to make it an interesting read? Does this expression serve people in some way? At the very least it provides some exercise for the consciousness. That alone makes it worth the price of admission as they say. I hope that what is expressed challenges you ... in particular, challenges your concepts of reality and spirituality. I know that this expression does that for me. It has since its beginnings in March of 1993. It continues to do so nearly every day to this day. I have to believe that what it does for me, it would do for others ... even though my interactions with others are so limited that I have no basis for assessing this. However, we are all spirit expressing in flesh. As such, there must be something in common at our core. But our outer shells are very different, and as a result the reality that we experience can be as different as night and day. Consciousness has been expressing though me onto these pages for over ten years now. I find that amazing. However, what is most surprising is how little has resulted from all of this. Oh, there is a Beyond Imagination web site with thousands of pages of metaphysical expression. But, where are the works that come from all those words? What difference has the expression made in the world. Yes, some individuals have found some of the material and been moved by it. A few have even written to provide feedback. But, what organizations have been formed ... what endeavors have been begun ... what deeds have been done as a result of any of this? It seems that this is the stage that we have reached. We need to go beyond words, beyond imagination to actions that actually build the foundations for a better world. I took some feeble attempts at establishing a few foundations ... but they failed miserably and I wasn't moved to try again. It seems the times are different now and the energies are ripe for building foundations that failed before ... though we may have to make some adjustments, even major adjustments for them to succeed.

3 May 2003 Once again we come here to provide consciousness the opportunity to express as she will. We do this willingly. To be honest, we have nothing better to do with our time. This expression is that important ... or it seems that important to me anyway. Perhaps that is because I am to close to it. Clearly, this is not something that I am objective about. Consciousness by its very nature is subjective. It is something that we experience firsthand. Further, it is something that changes us as we experience it. We awaken from our slumbers. We become more and more aware with each new realization. That is what life is all about ... coming to realizations of whom that we are, and then applying this in some way of service in our world. How we choose to do this is up to us. Actually, so is whether we choose to do this. Some make it through their entire life without choosing to give. That is OK. They will get what is coming to them. The accounts will ultimately be balanced in full. "Never take more than you give" from The Lion King is wise council to all of us. This is how we create abundance on a massive scale. And where there is massive abundance, there is more than enough for everyone. Was there anything in my background to suggest that I might be selected for the current role that I am playing? In particular, the role related to manifesting all that is Beyond Imagination? Not everyone becomes so highly interested in metaphysics at such an early age. For me, the beginning of the journey was around age 16. Can that really be nearly 30 years ago already? That is simply amazing that the time 9

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could have flown by so quickly ... especially the past 10 years since the expression began. That marked a completely new phase in my life. For just under 35 years, there was an inflow with me taking in things from the world. Then, suddenly there was an outflow. I was generating original material, not just repeating or rearranging what I had taken in. Actually, it is not clear I was doing it. More correctly, it was being done through me ... but it was an outflow nonetheless, one that has continued to this day. In fact, we're beginning the 17th month of nearly daily musings. If you would have told me that I would generate nearly 3 million words between my 35th and my 45th birthdays prior to 1992, I would have thought that you were nuts. I had dabbled a bit with writing and had started out with the intent of doing a journal on a few occasions but I never got very far. Yet, here I am, standing on the proverbial mountain of words. Yes, all three million of so of them. And, at the pace I am going, there could be another 350,000 or so before the end of the year. What does one do with that many words? What are they being expressed for? For the sheer joy of expression is a good reason ... but, it does not seem to be enough. Their should be a message of some kind that is conveyed. The reader should be experience a different state of consciousness as a result of coming into contact with this expression. Do these words do that? Do these words take the reader to a different state of consciousness or a different state of mind? Do they show the reader what is possible when we allow spirit to assume a major role in our lives? It doesn't take much to be an information generator. One just has to allow it to happen. But, then again, I have a natural predisposition towards writing ... so perhaps have an unfair bias and advantage in this area. Though, it does take a great deal of confidence to open oneself and ones expression up for public consumption. Thus far, I have done that on the WWW. I am in the process of doing that via publishing a book. Will the world like what I have been moved by spirit to express. It seems we shall find that out one way or another shortly. If I am any judge of the quality of the material ... I would say that what we have to say is definitely of value. However, many may find the stream of consciousness format difficult to follow. It definitely does not come across as your normal book. But then, I am not your normal guy having your normal kinds of experiences. It is the strangeness and uniqueness of my experience that make the book interesting. In relating the nature of my reality, I challenge people's concepts of who they believe that they are and what they believe about the nature of reality and the nature of consciousness. I do this purposefully ... with the hope of helping people to awaken and become more aware of the grand spiritual beings that they are. At this time, I don't know how successful I am in doing this. I don't see the results that the expression has on anyone other than me. I desire for this to change, but it hasn't done so yet. At this point, I don't know for certain that it ever will. For your eyes only, only for you ... you see what no one else can see. These words from the Sheena Easton song still haunt me for some reason. Is there a framework from which they could be true? The sense is that this is not to be taken literally. It does not mean that the entire expression that is Beyond Imagination is for my eyes only. So, what is it referring to then. What is it that I see that "no one else can see"? The immediate sense that came to mind was the spiritual reality that I find embedded in the physical world. It seems that much of that is there only for me to see. But can I really see things that no one else can see? Why not. I am a unique being in all of creation. No one has ever had the education, programming, and experiences that I have had to get me to this place in life. Note that everyone can make this exact same statement. We are all unique points of consciousness. Each of us see the world in our own way. This does not mean that we can't share what we see with others. They may not get it. But, they may get enough of it to relate to it. Sharing is important. We share what we have, we share what we experience, and we even share of whom that we are. This latter is the most important of all. For, whom that we are is more valuable than diamonds or gold. We are souls incarnate. We are spirit having a physical experience. It is very important that we remember this and behave accordingly. Under any circumstance, the choice that is optimal is always what spirit would choose to do. If we can do that most of the time, we will have lived our lives well. How do we know what that is? We just know ... it feels right deep within us. In this, we cannot deceive ourselves, try as we might. 10

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To link or not to link ... now I remember one reason for limiting where I put links at my site. Links can change. People move their sites just as they move their residences. And, when they do, anything that had the old address will no longer work properly unless it is updated. That was another headache that I didn't want to deal with. It was enough to keep track of all of the pages that I was generating. I felt I could leave it to others to catalog sites by topic and area of interest. There are people who like doing that. There are scholars among us for whom research is fun. Of course, I would not count myself to be among them. But, I wouldn't expect scholars to have an open enough attitude to do what I do either. So, it seems we each have our contributions to make. We each do what we do best. In so doing, we provide the maximum benefit to society as well. What would I label myself? Metaphysician and freethinker come to mind first and foremost. And then, of course, I am a writer ... a stream of consciousness writer, but a writer nonetheless. The written word is how I express. It is a natural extension of whom that I am somehow. Deep down, I know that I was made to do exactly what I am doing here and now. I was made to express in exactly this manner. This was not something that I had to learn how to do. On 5 March 1993, something clicked and I just started doing it. I was amazed and pleased by what came forth that very first day. The next occurrence wasn't until a week later. By August and September, I was literally out of my mind. I didn't have an explanation for how all of this could be coming forth through me. A decade later, it seems I am no closer to such an explanation. And, the volume of material coming through is at an all time high and has been for over 16 months. That is long enough that it is difficult to remember when I was not expressing on a regular basis. But, those times occurred as well, from May 98 to Dec 01 there was a major slump in this expression. It seems I needed a time out for awhile. Little did I know that I was resting for this. How long can this expression continue at this pace? There doesn't seem to be anything that limits the duration ... except my ability to find the time to do it. So far, that has been relatively easy. It doesn't hurt that I make this the #1 priority in my life. Yes, it is that important to me. Keeping it at #1 makes sure that I will find a way to do it. I've set an informal goal of 2000 words per day with an absolute minimum of 1000 words per day when I'm particularly busy or when I engage in other Beyond Imagination work as well. Achieving these goals allows me to feel a sense of accomplishment each day. Further, I consider them to be reasonable goals. They don't force me to spend too much of my time on this endeavor ... but they do challenge me to expend what I consider to be enough for now. That too is changing. What was enough last year does not seem to be enough for 2003. There just seems to be more of a push to manifest something ... in particular, to generate real books that might be read by that part of the population that isn't internet savvy or hasn't made it to the Beyond Imagination site. However, generating the books is the easy part. Getting the word out is another matter. There, I still have little clue as to what I am to do. Here, the publisher offers some packages that may help. Though, with self-publishing, it is really up to me to market the books as well. That is OK. It is something new for me, but I believe that I am up to the challenge. The timing seems right somehow ... more right than it has ever been. The 2003 Musings - Vol I draft minus the best quotes pages came to over 177,000 words. To reach $1 per word, I would need to sell 30,000 copies at retail price ... more if wholesale sales are involved. Is it reasonable to expect a book such as this to sell that many copies? Overall, that doesn't really seem like many. That is one copy for every 10,000 people in the country. That seems like a small audience to hit overall ... just one person out of every 10,000. But how do I let that person who would buy the book know it is there. I can advertise it at my website. The publisher does this as well. But that doesn't get us even close to all the people we are looking for. We have to go above and beyond these methods. I don't remember what Best Passages from 2002 Musings came in at. It seems like it was more like 150,000 words. That would translate to 25,000 copies. If only we could get to the endpoint without having to do all the legwork. But alas, it seems we need to be patient and do what it takes. We did not stipulate that the words had to be paid for in one year. Book sales could stretch over several years. Hmm ... that is another reason to have a stable of books out at the same time. One doesn't necessarily know which books 11

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will sell when. At about 1500 copies, I start to see some return for the investment that I make in producing the books. There is enough return to warrant the effort expended. However, that is nowhere near enough for me to live on. For that we need the kind of numbers we were speaking of above. Yes $1 per word ... I could live with that, even if the contract period were extended over my lifetime.

4 May 2003 One more time we come to this special place where consciousness would express through us. We try to do that each and every day ... and for the most part we succeed. Why is it necessary to muse so often? I don't really know. It just is. We are moved to express when we are moved to express. Right now, that is frequent. How long it will continue to be so, we have no way of knowing. However, it seems that I have entered a phase of my life where I am meant to manifest this expression on a major scale. It seems that we need to go one step further and manifest the stuff of which the expression speaks as well. That is a more difficult and challenging task. Yet, it seems to be one that I am called to do as well. There is a destiny that is playing itself out in my life right now, a spiritual destiny. I believe this to be true for each of us if we seriously examine our lives. It is for us to find what this destiny is for us, and then to do it to the best of our ability. The expression is coming forth slower than normal tonight and we got a later start than usual. We'll have to see where consciousness carries us. This is generally a surprise for me. I never know what is going to come next. I just trust that whatever it is, I will be both pleased and amazed. Hmm ... how is it that so much could come forth in this manner? How is it that this stream of consciousness can run its course so readily? Why is it that this particular stream of consciousness is selected to be captured, recorded, and shared in this manner? What distinguishes this stream of consciousness from other streams of consciousness? There is a sense that this is indeed special somehow. I can see that, but will others be able to see that? ... significant numbers of others? Does it even matter? Is it not enough that I recognize the value of what I do and that I do what I am moved to do? But, I desire to do this on a full time basis. Hmm ... then why did I choose to spend my weekend in the manner that I did. Yes, I wrote, but not nearly as much as I could have. But then, I have a wife and two dogs ... and the only time they get of mine is on weekends at present. No, this is not ideal. However, it is the way that it has been for over 7 years. It is not clear how long it will continue ... though, at the very least it will be until I find a way to replace my current job with spiritual work. What does it take to succeed in the world as a writer? Do I have what it takes? Every fiber of my being says yes I do. However, how do I manifest it and make such success a part of my reality? The first step seems to be to get books published ... yes books, it seems that one is not enough. Then, I need to do what it takes to promote and market the books so that those who are meant to benefit from the books can discover that they exist. This year is the year to make this happen. The signs suggest that this is a year of destiny for me. There is a strong sense that I have reached the 2184 = 888(16) state. It is showing up everywhere around me. Also, I had to buy a part at Home Depot today. The price of the part was $7.56, the two drivers of my triangle tarot readings from 1995. Overlapping, the triangles form the Star of David, the symbol for community. The sense that I got when I saw the price of the part was that now it was time to build my community. Hmm ... my community, that is an interesting way of putting it. Yet, indeed that is what it is, the community in which I would choose to live. That is asking a lot of one who has lived his life primarily as a hermit. Yet, it seems that those days are over, or at least numbered. I am meant to be a wayshower. And, I need to do that by more than pointing the way with my words. We need deeds to match the words. It is by our deeds that we make a difference in the world. Though, words can indeed motivate people to commit deeds. The right words in the right minds can incite people to commit great acts. 12

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So, what would I do next? It seems that I am already on the course that I am meant to follow at the present time. We need to walk it awhile patiently and see where it leads. The bottom line as always is to do what we are moved to do when we are moved to do it ... knowing that it is spirit herself that is the motive force in our life. This works for me. My sense is that it can work for everyone. It just requires establishing a personal connection to source. I cannot do that for you, nor can anyone else. The best I can do is provide an example of how the process works for me. The hope is that you can use something similar to tap the source within you. You will know when you have found it. The experience is unmistakable. Further, if you sincerely seek, you will indeed find the source that you seek. That is just how the process works. Seek and ye shall find. Such has been the law since the beginning of time. However, we have to do our part and seek. Most fail to do this, or only do it half-heartedly, not really wanting to find what they seek. When we find source, our lives improve dramatically. Our attitudes change. Our reality improves. A whole new realm of possibility for what we can do with our life opens up before us. What we do with this is our choice … it is up to us. However, to carry out our spiritual destiny, we need to live up to our potential. Only we know when we are doing this.

5 May 2003 Cinco de Mayo. A five day in a five month in a five year. That makes for an interesting combination. We're off to a very late start once again. We spent a couple of hours selecting best quotes from February. We have several tasks related to Beyond Imagination that we are trying to do concurrently and there is only so much time available to pursue them. That's OK. What needs to get done will indeed get done. Such is the way that spirit works in my life. I got some positive feedback on Reality Creation 1010 from someone today. I've probably had more feedback on that particular work than on any other at the Beyond Imagination site. It is still as thought provoking today as it was when it came forth during that 10 day period from 26 Dec 93 thru 4 Jan 94. There has been nothing comparable to that work that has come through since then. I don't know why. I was able to enter a very special state and manifest the entire work quickly. The work was roughly 50 pages of expression in 10 days. That is about twice my present average pace of expression. I remember putting in 5-6 hour days of writing during that whole period. It was as if I were possessed. And, perhaps I was ... possessed by spirit. It is becoming increasingly difficult to focus on work. At least with this expression, there is a hope of making a difference, and perhaps a large difference at that. There is so much that I have identified that could be done, and needs to be done ... most of which I am most suited to do. Choosing Best Quotes for instance is a far bigger task than I had remembered it being. There is so much material to review. And, one does need to filter for those passages that are notable enough to be quotable. Even at that, the material is rich with such passages. One could liken this process to separating the wheat from the chaff. But, there is still a substantial amount of wheat. I'm sure others might pick different passages in such selections ... but since I am doing the work, you get what I choose. There is nothing that prevents others from doing as I have done, and selecting completely different passages. In fact, I encourage people to generate such selections and rearrangements of the material and offer it to others for consideration. Just give credit to Beyond Imagination and spirit as the source of the material. When you choose which passages are most meaningful to you and share these passages, you provide a value added service. Your filter provides one added layer of processing to the material. That is an important distinction. Each of us can apply ourselves in ways that provide value added. For some this is easier than for others. It is generally best if we do this in an area that is something that we love to do. We can always find such areas. Though, we may have to go searching for them.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

How do I do what I love to do on a full time basis rather than a part time basis? Is that what I really desire to do? Indeed, with all of my heart and soul. There is a sense that I've had enough of the games. It is time to assume my rightful place within society and do what I came into this existence to do. The only thing keeping me from doing this at this time is myself and my beliefs regarding what is reasonable and what is possible for me. The bottom line is that I can create whatsoever reality that I would prefer. I have the full force of spirit behind me in this. She has always been there ... but never so forcefully as she is at the present. What I will now will become manifest ... it is that simple. Be careful what you wish for, you just may get it ... comes to mind. Indeed, it speaks a powerful truth. Your wish is our command. It seems that there are a host of spiritual forces ready to do our bidding, as soon as we decide what that is. They will not decide this for us. They await our decision and our action in accord with our decision. It is not enough to think something ... we must demonstrate that we believe it via the willingness to take action in accord with it. Interesting, a check of the word count yielded exactly 756, the two drivers of my triangle tarot card readings from 1995. That is always a sign that I'm onto something that is significant spiritually. At this pace, I'm clearly not going to make it much past 1000 words, if I make it that far. The desire is there to continue to express, but the tiredness is settling in along with the realization that morning comes far too soon for my taste. While my work hours are somewhat flexible, they aren't as flexible as I would like. I long to be completely free ... to be able to set my own schedule to be whatever I would have it be. It seems that I'm only going to be able to do this if I'm working on my own. Other jobs within my current company don't seem to offer the answers that I seek. I desire to work for spirit directly ... much as we have worked together over the past decade ... but in particular over the past 16 months. What do I need to do to make this desire a reality? I've shown that I can do this on a regular basis. Can I express day in and day out for 6-8 hours per day? That would be a lot of expression. But, there is nothing that I've encountered that suggests that there is any limit here. However, I would definitely need a good chair. That is a lot of sitting in from of a computer.

6 May 2003 Another short day of musing yesterday. Again I spent time selecting best quotes for the 2003 Musings Vol I book. It is fun choosing the best of the best passages in that manner. But, it is also time consuming to read through everything and make the selections. At least it is a task that only needs to be done once. I'm about half done. At the pace I'm going, I should be able to finish by early next week if not sooner. I'd prefer to get it done this week. However, I don't like it taking away from my time to express here. It all comes down to priorities. Where do we choose to expend our time? Right now, I choose to do a sort of balancing act trying to get both tasks done concurrently. Yes, I can only work on one at a time, but I can split my time so that I work on both on any given day. There is an urgency to what I am doing. There is also a heightened sense of importance. It seems that the time is right for unleashing Beyond Imagination unto the world. I've been waiting a whole decade for this time. Now, it seems the world is ready for what we have to say and the manner in which we have to say it. Though on the later count, we may have to be somewhat flexible and adapt our message to the audience that we find that we attract. That is OK. That is what feedback is all about. And, we invite feedback ... both positive and negative. We are able to learn from either. Wow, it has been a very busy day! It sure makes the time fly by. It is good to be productive. However, being busy and being productive are not always the same thing. Today just happened to be one of those days when they were. I was productive both at work and in this expression and I still have several hours yet to go. Who knows what can come forth in that much time. Though tomorrow needs to be a much earlier day than normal for me. That is OK. We do whatever the job requires. For the most part, that is 14

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fairly reasonable. There is still a sense that even with the enhanced productivity, I am still not living up to anywhere close to my potential. It is not for a lack of trying. I'm going through the motions and putting in the effort. And, what I express here is phenomenal, if I have to say so myself. But, how do I share what I express with the world. They aren't beating a path to my doorstep ... or to my website, if you were. What do we have to do to change that? Surely, it must be within my power to do something to broadcast the word of Beyond Imagination to whatever might be its potential intended audience. I have been hoping that spirit would guide whoever was meant to find me to the Beyond Imagination site, but this simply is not happening ... at least not in anywhere close to the numbers that I had hoped. That makes the expression to date very pricey in terms of resources consumed to generate the amount of information consumed. This is one area that I can improve on. I can start doing things that get the word out, that introduce people to whom that I am and the expression that flows forth through me. I don't need permission to do this. I don't need to wait for anyone. I don't even need resources ... though they wouldn't hurt. What I do need is commitment. And, that, I have plenty of ... perhaps more than is good for me. I would build the foundations for a new world. Yes, that is about as grandiose a task as one can get. But, every nerve and sinew in me vibrates to this task. I know that this is what I am here to do. There is simply no doubt. Further, there is no doubt that I will succeed in this endeavor, for consciousness herself is there guiding me every step of the way. How could I fail with such loving guidance? No, failure is simply not an option. A new age will be manifested and along with it, a new world that has been set up specifically to operate in that new age. We are building that new world now. With each passing day it comes closer and closer to being a reality. It is only a matter of time. We are in the midst of a quickening. The form is being born to carry our collective spiritual awareness forward to new heights. This form is a set of social organizations. Some of these may be formal, others will be informal. It is our interconnectedness that forms the basis upon which spirit can express in new ways. Literally, spirit expresses in ways in which she has never expressed before. There is still a sense that I am not supposed to be here. Actually, this is a new sense. It is as if I have outlived my usefulness. That is not quite true as my work today proved. However, it is this expression that stirs my soul. It is this expression that captivates my heart. It is this expression that I love. And, I should be doing what I love to do as my primary job. Hmm ... what makes you think that you aren't? What makes you think that this expression is not your primary job? There is nothing that says your primary job is the one for which you are paid, or is the one which takes the most time in your life. Hmm ... I hadn't thought about it like that. But, it is indeed true. This expression is indeed my primary job. It is definitely my spiritual job as well. My paid work is something that I do because I need to do it to earn enough income to pay the bills. If the exchange of labor for income wasn't necessary, I would not choose to continue doing this. So, how do I make it so that this isn't necessary? How do I earn enough from my primary job to live abundantly? I don't ask for much ... and I am willing to work hard at doing all of those things that I am moved by spirit to do. Can I dictate the day of my deliverance, or is the timing something that must be worked out and negotiated behind the scenes? I know, patience is a virtue. But, it has been ten years. It seems that is more than enough time to take my rightful place in the spiritual hierarchy. No, I don't know much about this hierarchy. There is just a sense that people and souls must have reached different levels and states of awareness and that this naturally puts them into various relationships with one another. Out of this seems to arise a natural order or hierarchy. Where I fit in this, I have no clue yet. But, the fact that this is coming forth as it is suggests that there is reason for me to start thinking in these terms. I would express as I am moved to express. There is a reason that this stream of consciousness expression is captured in the manner that it is. My sense is that it is meant to be an example of what is possible. There is nothing particularly special about me that allows me to bring this forth in this manner. Yes, I have some natural abilities that fall in this area, especially in regards to writing. And yes, I am open to 15

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allowing consciousness to express in this way. But, these are things that others could learn to choose to do just as well. Actually, what is more important is for each person to find those things that they love to do ... and then to find a way to do them. For some, the initial search is more difficult than the practice ... for others, the practice is far more difficult than the search. To each their own. There is a sense that my world is about to change in a major way ... it is as if my reality is to be blown wide open. I've reached a breakpoint once again. And, there is nothing to guide me as to what life will be like on the other side of the breakpoint. The sense is that it will be as different from my present life as night from day. This is no small change that we are talking about. Yet, it seems that I would somehow see the effects from such a change entering into my life already. But, I don't. The ripples haven't made it yet. I sense that they will soon, and that they may be of tidal proportions. Interesting. Can all of this really be happening behind the scenes ... awaiting its proper time to manifest physically? Perhaps it can. Perhaps that is what I sense. How do we get beyond a breakpoint? We ride out the energy of change that it represents. We remain open to the gifts that the new point of view has to offer to us. A breakpoint offers us a chance for a paradigm shift, a chance to see the world in a whole new way. But, we have to be open to it. It doesn't force its way onto us. We have chosen an interesting time in which to incarnate. At no time in history have the opportunities for spiritual expression been as great. Yet, we still have work to do. While there is a spiritual destiny that is unfolding, it is not doing so automatically ... we are active players in the drama. What we choose matters. What we do matters. In fact, what we do makes all the difference. And, making a difference is what we are here to do. In the end, what matters is what we have learned and what services we have performed. What we have learned we take with us. What services we have performed are effectively the legacy that we leave. One of my chief services is this expression. But, who does it serve other than me? Will I ever know? Does it even matter? Is it not enough that I express because I am moved to express? What would I bring forth next? This expression continues, but there is a sense that it needs to evolve to something different. Exactly what that is, I don't yet know. However, I sense that when the time comes, the expression will naturally evolve to what it needs to be. This is not something I need to work at or struggle with. This is one thing I can count on. When I go inside and tap the source for words, the stream of consciousness will indeed be forthcoming. It has been this way for a decade. The sense is that it will be this way for the remainder of my days. And, because I firmly believe this ... it seems that I will indeed make it so in my life. Are we expressing just to express? Or, do we really have something to say? It is not clear that there is much of a message some of the time. Yet, on and on and on I go anyway. I trust that there is a purpose behind all of this. I trust that there is a reason that I am expending hours per day doing this. I feel that this is the most important endeavor in my life. I can't imagine not doing it. That is just not a choice that I would make. I get too much benefit from all of this, even if the benefits are primarily intangible ones. Probably the biggest benefit is the ego boost from being the one through whom this expression is able to manifest. I take great pride in that. The grandiosity can get extreme from time to time. But, what else would you expect from one dealing with the reality that I experience? Just accepting that all of this expression comes forth through me is a major fact to deal with. There is so much of it ... and the quality surpasses anything I might hope to generate on my own. So, how do I explain what comes forth? It is what it is. It is a stream of consciousness expression the source of which is spirit herself.

7 May 2003


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

Once again we come to this sacred place to express what consciousness would bring forth through us. This continues to be a daily ritual, though of late the quantity of expression has been impacted by time spent on other Beyond Imagination endeavors. There is only so much free time per day. Until I find a way to free up more time for the work of Beyond Imagination, I am resource constrained ... with the primary resource being my own time. How do I make this work my paid work as well as my spiritual work? Publishing seems to be the right answer. Though, that may not provide immediate payback. That is OK. I can be patient when I need to be, so long as I see that the desired changes are indeed coming. At the rate that I am going, I'll have the second book ready by the time that I get the proofs for the first book from the publisher. Then it is a matter of deciding when to submit it. If I like the proof copy, I'll be comfortable submitting it right away. If not, I'll have to consider what other options I have available to me. New expression or packaging old expression. That is the choice that I have these days. Both need to be done. However, I need to choose when I am going to do what. I can't do both at the same time. My preference has been to bring forth the new with the understanding that there would always be time to package the old as necessary when new products needed to be created. So far, I have been able to find the time ... primarily because I place such a high priority on my Beyond Imagination work. I can't imagine what my life would be like without this expression. For a decade, consciousness has been my constant companion, my friend, my guide, my teacher. She has led me along my path every step of the way. Even now, she feeds my mind with these words. When she speaks, I listen ... and when I can, I act based on what I have heard. How do I distinguish what consciousness does from what my own mind does? Is it even necessary to make such a distinction? Consciousness can only express physically, and this only occurs through our mind as expressed through our brain. Ultimately, what counts is the physical expression. However, this is often driven by a more multidimensional expression on higher levels that gets projected onto the physical. Because it is a projection, some of the dimensionality of the expression is lost in the translation to the physical. That is OK. What remains still has its utility. It is just incomplete. I'm fading rapidly, but I don't want to give up for the evening just yet. The work day started much earlier that normal. I'm nearing the 16 hour point for the day already. I need to decide to either continue for another hour or to find some place to quit for the evening. At this point, I'm still well shy of the 1000 word mark. That is the minimum that I've set as the informal threshold for each day's musings. It is a nice round number. It comes to just over 1.25 pages of material. I don't like goals or quotas ... yet, at the same time I have expectations regarding what I can produce. I expect a lot from myself, more than anyone has a right to expect from me. But I know what many of my abilities are, so I know what I am capable of. I challenge myself to do more, to express more, and to be more. I take the directive be all that you can be to heart and try to live up to that daily. Consciousness is the star by which the ship of self should be navigated. I say should be because for many this is not consciously occurring at the present time. It could be. Just as some people have GPS navigation systems in their cars, it seems that some people have Cosmic navigation systems in their consciousness. We have the technology in both cases, it is just costly in dollars for the first or time to develop for the second. If we want to lower the price, we need to focus the appropriate resources that enable making the technologies available to a much larger segment of the population. This is a choice that we make as a society when we decide who deserves what goods and services. This is something that we need to decide collectively.

8 May 2003


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

Last nights musing was cut short. It seems that tonight’s will be as well. It is already 11 PM as I begin, so there is not a lot of time left in the day and I have a doctors appointment in the morning. That's OK. We express what we express when we can express it. I did spend a few hours today selecting best quotes for 2003 Musings - Vol I so the day has not been a complete loss. I still have several hours to go on that ... but I should be able to finish it next week. Then, another week for a couple of editing passes and the entire book should be ready to go to the publisher. I've pretty much decided not to wait. The material deserves to be given a chance to succeed. It succeeds by finding the audience for which it came into existence. I don't know what that audience is per se. But, I know that it is out there somewhere ... I just need to find a way to reach it. This may or may not be via traditional ways. That, we will see soon enough. It seems that I could hear from the publisher on Best Passages from 2002 Musings anytime now. It has been nearly 6 weeks. The estimate was 6-8 weeks. Worst case, we should hear something before the end of the month. That would put us on track for having a published book by 1 July. That is within six months of the closeout of the material for the book. We are doing even better on 2003 Musings - Vol 1, we could have it ready within three months of the closeout of the April musings that are included in the book. That is pretty amazing. That makes the works about as current as possible. Yes, it is a lot of work to make this happen. But, I feel that it is necessary work. It is something that I am moved to do. I don't really know why. It just seems that this latest spurt of expression that began on 1 Jan 02 needs to be captured in this manner. It will be interesting to see who is moved to purchase and read these books? They are definitely not your typical non-fiction books. What I do know is that they capture the best that could be expressed through me at this time. I believe that is saying a lot. The quality and quantity of material expressed here still blows me away. Hopefully it will have that effect on others as well. Though, as a wayshower, I also want to point out that if all this can come forth through me ... then what does that say about what you are capable of. You are a spiritual being expressing in flesh here and now as well. There are parts of you that are just as capable if not more capable than the parts of me responsible for bringing forth this expression. You may not have found them yet ... but they are there, somewhere within you. It is for you to seek and find them. This expression is my way of giving back to the world some of what I have been so fortunate to receive. It is also my way of discovering whom that I am in ways more intimate than in any other aspect of my life. Here is where I interface with consciousness firsthand. Here is where I see what spirit would produce in my life. Yes, it is a lot. This stream of consciousness has had some run over the past decade taking me to places and states of mind that were unknown to me before. I have given consciousness a wide berth to take me where she will ... trusting that she knew what she was doing and that it was all for my highest good. I am being trained to play a particular role related to ushering in a new age. This involves building the foundations required for spirit to more fully express in flesh. It seems only right that I do this on a personal scale first by building the inner infrastructure necessary for this stream of consciousness to express as it does. That way, I know firsthand of what I speak when I start to talk of infrastructures that allow others to do the same ... and even more important, start combining together into cooperatively interdependent organizations that allow new functions to be performed or current functions to be performed more effectively. I'm starting to run out of steam. However, there is more to be expressed. So long as spirit animates me, I will give her voice. She can say what she will through me. Each of us has a role to play in the drama that lies ahead, and often multiple roles in the various areas of our lives. It is for us to learn our roles and to play them as best we can, regardless of what they are. Not all of our roles are positive. There is a balancing of karmic scales that occurs even as we enact our roles. We may not understand why we do some of the things that we do. That is OK. Life is not necessarily meant to be fully understood. The 18

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unknown has its place. It is an important part of nearly everything that we do. We can do things to try to mitigate it and minimize its impact. But, it will not go away no matter what we do. What does it take to live a spiritual life? What does it take to engage in the dance of consciousness ... in the expression of spirit in flesh? The bottom line is that it takes nothing except the realization that we are spirit expressing in flesh now. We are consciousness dancing and singing our song here and now. Almost by definition, we can't live anything but a spiritual life. However, there is the issue of how well we do this. Being spirit doesn't make our actions spiritual any more than being human makes our actions humane. That is simply not enough. It takes additional factors and effort aligned with spiritual principles for us to truly live a spiritual life ... much as it takes effort aligned with particular moral principles to make actions humane.

9 May 2003 We'll try something different today. I got a request from John to focus today's musing on a particular topic. In particular on the question: "I wonder about the advisability of helping someone because if each of us is where we are for karma (past) resolution or learning (future) preparations won't my 'helping' someone retard their karmic and/or learning progress?" My first sense is that when we are genuinely moved to help someone, there is a reason for it as well. There is a duty and an obligation that we feel. We are the vehicles through which spirit provides help to those who are in need. Yes, we can go overboard. There is a saying God helps those who help themselves. Further, we can go overboard and offer our help before it is needed or even requested. There is a spiritual responsibility to see that needs are met to the degree that they can be met within society. The very infrastructures of society at present keep us from meeting the needs of everyone. When there is hunger, the system is failing. Where there is poverty, the system is failing. Where there are homeless people, the system is failing. And, we have these things in this country, the richest country in the world. Part of reality creation is constructing the scenes of our lives. This includes setting up any help that we may need to get from where we are to where we need to be. Karma or learning preparations don't force us to do all of this on our own. This is one of the benefits of living within a society. We can set up mutually beneficial relationships and interactions that result in both our individual and collective growth. This does not retard our progress. On the contrary, it enhances it. Everything that happens in our life is there because we choose for it to be. No one can help us or harm us against our will. At some level we create or at least agree to all that we experience. No fine print, no exceptions. For most of us, this is an other than conscious process ... even for me, and I consider myself to be highly aware. We learn from everything that we experience, and from some of the things that we don't experience. The fact that something doesn't happen in our life is often as important if not more important as the fact that something does happen. We need to go through life with an attitude of expectancy. We need to expect that spirit will provide us the help that we need when we need it in our lives. Though, we also need to make sure that we've exhausted all of our own internal avenues for help before we seek external ones. There is much that we


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can do for ourselves. Further, there is a mirroring that goes on. The effort we expend on helping ourself is typically mirrored and magnified by spirit. However, it all starts with us. That doesn't mean that as individuals we go out and help everyone that we can. My sense is that whomever we are moved by spirit to help we are meant to help. There is a place for the Mother Teresas of the world. That doesn't mean that mean that we need to help everyone who asks ... though we should at least consider why their asking for help is showing up in our personal reality. As individuals, there is only so much that we can do. But, when we allow spirit to work through us ... and help through us, there is so much more that we can do. In each instance where a request for help appears in our reality, we need to do an assessment of what does it mean to us, and how are we going to respond to the request. We need to be careful about placing too much emphasis on the separation of individuals and not enough on their unity and oneness. Ours is a cooperative world ... at least that is how spirit functions in the world. Because of this, we don't force individuals to learn things on their own or the hard way when it is easier to help them through whatever they are facing. Cooperate and graduate is the name of the game. Competition and survival of the fittest still operate in the minds and belief systems of many. In fact, in this country, this is still the predominant belief. That doesn't make it right. It is this belief that results in some of the major problems that exist in this country from which people need help? Who should be providing help? One avenue is charitable organizations and the people who donate to them. But why should the few who give to charities take responsibility for alleviating problems created by society as a whole? Social problems are societies problems and hence are everyone’s responsibility. Some people feel a strong obligation to help when it comes to family, but stop short when it comes to extending that to helping strangers. Others stop at immediate family only. Still others stop at their own door. Overall, the collective need for help needs to be satisfied by the collective goods and services that society is willing to offer. Otherwise, there is a shortfall and some need goes unmet. You might say that needs go unmet all of the time. What is new about what we are dealing with here? In my vision of the new world, needs do not go unmet. We, as a society take responsibility for ensuring that the goods and services required to meet needs are created and distributed to where they are needed. This means helping everyone that needs help ... regardless of the type of help that they need. Yes, that is a lot to ask. However, we expect each individual to provide something back to society in return. There is a concern that if I help someone, perhaps they will not learn something that they might have learned if they had been forced to figure it out for themselves. Not to worry. There are many ways to learn the same lessons. If I help someone advance in consciousness, in particular, they are in a better place from which to learn a similar lesson. They will still create the necessary conditions in their life to learn the lessons that they need to learn. There is always a way to do this. As an example, if someone is starving, they need to be given food. There is no spiritual advantage gained by allowing them to continue to suffer. So, what is the bottom line from all of this? Help those whom you are moved to help in whatever ways you are moved to help them. Be careful of helping people before they ask. Hmm ... Though isn't that what I am doing here to a great degree. I am bringing forth concepts regarding creating foundations for a new world which most people do not realize is even needed yet. How can I be so sure that what I am doing, that what spirit is doing through me, is right? What can I say? I just know that it is. All of this expression has come forth as it has for a reason. Ultimately, it is my way of helping a world that I see is in need of help. Who am I to make such an assessment? Just a simple soul with grandiose ideas about how I can impact the world. It is curious that today’s topic would be on helping others. The greatest help of all would be to provide an infrastructure in which each individual could thrive and have their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs met. I'm here to help build that very infrastructure. Right now, it doesn't exist ... except in the hearts and minds of a few special souls. But, it is destined to be ... and in our 20

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lifetimes. It is a matter of doing what it takes to make it so. I, for one, plan to do my part. That is what my life has come to. That is what this expression is all about. Is there some level at which the world is asking for better foundations and a better infrastructure? It seems that this is being driven more from the top down by the expression of the Aquarian Age. Spirit herself is demanding a better vehicle through which to express collectively. Though, at some point, the citizens of the world may also decide that the current status quo is not fair, that the present world infrastructure is not working. There are many poor countries in dire need of help. Further, there are a few developed countries with far too much power. How do we evolve to ONE world? How does equality apply on a worldwide scale? Why is it fair for developed countries to take economic advantage of underdeveloped ones? How do we ensure that our affairs are conducted in a true WIN-WIN fashion? Karma is not a curse on us. It is a collective account of what we have done. Its primary utility is in keeping track of where we have gone overboard and need to achieve balance through additional right action. This involves areas where we have lessons to learn. In life, we have schools for learning our lessons. And, these schools have teachers to help us in the learning process. Why should our karmic lessons be any different? Why should we not have teachers (helpers) to assist us in learning the lessons that we need to learn? These teachers could be anyone who is moved to help us. An additional factor in this is that through helping, those that help may balance a karmic debt as well. This debt may not be against the particular individual that is helped, but it is not clear that karmic records are kept on such a personal level. They may be. But, I just don't have the experience with these to know one way or the other. The focused topic approach made for an interesting musing today. It didn't detract from the flow of consciousness, but kept it a little more organized than normal. We'll have to try this more often and see how we like it. There are a lot of topics worthy of exploration. And, I'm sure consciousness has a lot to say on each of them. Back to our topic. Helping ourselves is the first step. However, sometimes circumstances require that we go beyond ourselves and ask for help. That is perfectly OK. We are not meant to handle everything in our lives by ourselves. That is why we have others in our lives, that is why we live in a society. When we have exhausted our own means, it is appropriate to ask others for the help that we need. We can ask God via prayer. We can ask various social organizations specifically set up to provide assistance. We can ask family and friends. If we are sincere, we will get what we need. We may not get everything that we want, or everything that we think that we need. But, spirit will ensure that we get what we actually need. How can I say that knowing that there are so many poverty-stricken people in the world ... and even in this country? Is everyone really getting what they need? There is a strong part of me that cries no! There is far too much misery and suffering in the world for that to be true. But, who am I to judge this? Life is as it is. It is the best that it can be under the current constraints under which the world operates. If we want it to be different, we have to change some of those constraints. Part of this is the degree to which people help other people in society and in the world. This needs to be far more than it has been to date. We have to decide collectively what standard of living is acceptable and what is not ... and ensure that everyone has at least an acceptable standard of living. This does not mean everyone in the world enjoys the material comforts of those in the developed nations in the Western World. There simply are not enough resources to permit that. However, there are many improvements that can be made that would be far better than present living conditions. I hope that we've addressed John's question in a satisfactory manner. The bottom line seems to be that we need to do what we are moved to do which includes helping those whom we are meant to help. We don't have to worry about denying others their due learning process. If there is a lesson that they are need to 21

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learn, they will find another way to do it. We are ever in the process of creating and attracting the circumstances needed to learn what we need to learn and experience what we need to experience.

10 May 2003 Watched the movie Oh, God! last night. There was so much that I didn't remember. The film had a wonderful message and was done quite well. It was innovative and even hilarious at times. Went to see the play Brigadoon tonight. There is something about live theatre that is far different than movies. No, the sets aren't as elaborate. But, what they lack in budget, they seem to make up for in imagination. Brigadoon is a magical story about the awesome power of love. It is a very moving story, very lively and full of song and dance. It is 11 PM as I begin this musing. So, we're in for a short one tonight. I guess theoretically I could go on into the wee hours of the night, but that doesn't seem fair and I wake up late enough as it is. I liked the topic oriented musing yesterday ... so, let's continue with that today. I've been thinking about the issue of what one is worth. This seems to be a topic worthy of investigation. What is the worth of an individual? To begin with, it seems that what we are worth is somewhat dependent on what we do? The economic system has divided labor into a number of categories and the free market economy has established what each of those categories is worth on an hourly or per good/service basis. Our education and initiative determines which bin we fit within and thus determines our worth within the present economic system. At least, that is how it seems to work for 95 plus percent of the population. There are always the exceptions who seem to find a way to beat the system and excel in ways that others do not. These are the multimillionaires among us, that seem to rise to the top somehow. Part of it seems to be persistence. Some might say that luck is involved as well. But, we create our own reality ... that includes our jobs and our financial reality. What we can receive is often limited by what we feel that we are worthy of receiving. Our self worth is crucial to our wealth. The two go hand in hand. The more worthy we believe ourselves to be, the more wealth we will draw unto us. Wealth may be in many forms however. It may come as health, relationships, money, job opportunities, education opportunities, growth opportunities, etc ... How do we become more worthy? How do we believe that we are worth more than we currently have in our lives? There is a trick. We become more worthy by finding ways to give of ourselves. What we invest in others, in society, and in our world ... pays big dividends in the long run. There is always something that we can give. Part of this is an attitude. If we simply interact with others in a positive way that helps to brighten their day, that is doing something. If we can do more than this, all the better. Never take more than you give! That is the spiritual directive from The Lion King. That is what creates abundance in the world. And out of that abundance, everyone gets what they are worthy of receiving. One way to assess what we are presently worth is what we are paid in terms of salary and job satisfaction. We have drawn our present circumstances to us for a reason ... even if that reason is to make us aware that we truly desire to be doing something else. It takes boldness and bravery to escape the bonds the bind us. Yet, if we would be free to pursue our destiny this is exactly what we must do. If not now, when? It seems that we only get so many opportunities. If we allow them to pass us by, who knows whether they will ever return again? When opportunity knocks, we need to be ready for it, and we need to open the door and embrace it into our lives. If we aren't satisfied with our present circumstances for whatever reasons, it is time to do what it takes to transform them into something that we can be satisfied with. This is always within our power to do. No, it is not always easy. It may require doing things that take us outside of our comfort zone. But, if we are sincere in our efforts, we will find a way. Change happens 22

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when we make it happen. We have to believe that it can happen. We have to want it to happen. And, we have to do things consistent with making it happen. These are all within our power to control. There is another sense that says I am worth far more than I am presently being paid. I engage in a whole body of spiritual work, in particular this expression, for which there is no financial compensation. I was going to say no compensation, but I get a lot out of this expression. I grow in ways that I would not grow without this expression in my life. In particular, my awareness has expanded greatly over the course of the past decade. But, is that enough? Does this constitute sufficient compensation? Over the past few months, I've established $1 per word as the fair price for this expression. The sense is that this is a minimum that is non-negotiable. We'll have to see whether the packaged works sell sufficiently to hit this mark. I might as well aim high. Though it is not at all clear that this is high. It just may be reasonable after all. It seems that we will see one way or another in the next several months. What can individuals do to be worth more? Again, the answer is to give more. It is by giving that we prime the pump for receiving the abundance that is rightly due to us in physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual areas of our lives. Along with this we need to do the self-work necessary for us to be worthy of receiving such abundance in our own eyes. If we judge ourselves as less than worthy, we will create lack rather than abundance.

11 May 2003 It seems that we're in for another abbreviated musing tonight. It is nearly 10:30 PM already and I need to rise early for work in the morning. Keeping with the trend of the past two days, let's focus on a topic for this musing as well. What better focus than: what is the purpose of life? This is a question that each of us must ultimately deal with during the course of our life. Then again, that may not be true. It seems that many never even ask the question much less come close to finding the answer. The purpose of life is simply to provide the opportunity for us to express and to experience whom that we are. Part of this involves discovering whom that we are to begin with. What we are meant to express is what spirit would express through us. We will know what this is when we are moved to express it. Life is meant to be lived spontaneously. That doesn't mean that plans don't have utility at times ... but we need to be careful of allowing them to make us too rigid. We are meant to create our reality in the present moment. That is where we attract the events that play themselves out in our lives, and that is where we assign meaning to what we experience. It is in the assignment of meaning to the events of our lives that we have an awesome power. We are free to apply any meaning we choose to any event. There is nothing inherent in events themselves that is good or bad, that is frightening, that is painful, that is helpful, or that is enlightening. It is all up to us. Can it be so simple? To express and to experience whom that we are. Actually, from one perspective, there is nothing simple about that. Whom that we are is spirit expressing in flesh. So, discovering this firsthand can be quite some endeavor. Yet, it is what the spiritual path is all about. I should have said paths. It seems that there are as many paths as there are individuals. And, rightly so. We each have our differences and nuances. Spirit finds ways to take advantage of these. How do we experience whom that we are? It seems that this would be the most natural thing in the world to do. And, indeed it is when we let down our barriers and allow our self to express in our lives. This may be in writing as I do here. It may be in art or any number of forms of creative expression. Whatever works for you is what you are meant to do. One thing is certain, it will be something that you love to do. It may involve establishing and maintaining relationships with others. Or, it may be a more solitary pursuit. You will know what is right for you. 23

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More than anything else, we are consciousness enfleshed, we are spirit having a physical experience. More and more, we need to experience whom that we are in consciousness. I have 30 years of study and 10 years of expression that shows that this is a grand adventure ... probably the grandest adventure we will undertake in our lives. Consciousness is unfathomable. There are parts of her that will remain unknown despite the greatest efforts on our part to understand her. That is just the nature of the challenge. From our limited form, there is only so much that we can understand. Expressing whom that we are is a little easier. Though here, we have to open up and give ourselves permission. What we would express and what spirit would express through us may be different things. We may think the latter to be somewhat crazy and definitely grandiose. Yet, we need to express it anyway. This requires a level of trust in spirit as she is expressing through us. Is that trust warranted? From all that I have experienced to date, indeed it is. Ten years of expressing this stream of consciousness from spirit has shown me that I can trust it to come forth with reasonable material. It is not all rational. Much of it relies on intuition. But, I have found that intuition is equal to if not more powerful a process than reason. How can I say that with a BSEE from USC and MSEE from Stanford as my formal education? It is just that my informal education has been more important to the things that matter most in my reality. In particular, this expression is a case in point. There is nothing logical about all of this. There is nothing from my formal education that prepared me for my part in all of this and for the content that comes forth in this expression. Yet, after a few adjustments to some shocks ... a few major ones at that, I settled down and the expression became a natural extension of me. It became an activity that I engaged in, a way to express another part of whom that I am. And, every step of the way, as the observer I looked for what this told me about whom that I am. Clearly, it was obvious that I am more than I knew that I was ... more than I dreamed that I was. This, despite all of the reading in metaphysics, including all of Seth's books. Some might say that there is no purpose to life other than to live fully and completely. My sense is that we each have a mission to perform, a destiny to manifest. Deep inside of us, we know what these are ... however, it seems that few are consciously aware of these. It is for us to seek out why we are here ... and then do what it takes to actualize it. The spiritual law applies: seek and ye shall find. However, we need to be sincere in our seeking. Further, we need to be open to finding what we seek. There needs to be an expectancy in the process. We need to expect to find the answers that we seek. We need to expect to discover our mission and destiny. Further, we need to know that we will recognize it when we see it.

12 May 2003 Another few hours expended on selecting Best Quotes for 2003 Musings - Vol I. Another day or so and all that is left is some cleanup work to grammar check. That is quite some achievement to have such a work ready within a couple of weeks of the closeout date of the material. It truly is incredible. Doing all of that while holding down my day job and continuing with these musings, albeit at a somewhat reduced pace. What topic would we choose to focus the musing today? How do we know what is the right action for us to take? Hmm ... this one seems easy, but that may just be at the surface. In my experience, we just know. The choice is obvious. But, this implies that we are already in touch with the part of us that knows. That does not seem to be the case for the vast majority of people. That doesn't mean that it couldn't be. It is simply that many have not been introduced to this part of themselves that knows. It is there within each of us. It just happens to be hidden within for many. To know, we have to want to know. Knowing has to become as important to us as breathing. That is what allows the breakthrough to occur. That is what allows us to awaken to this part of ourself that knows. 24

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I don't think much about what constitutes right action or wrong action. I have reached a point in my life where I know that spirit moves me ... so all that I really have to do is what I am moved to do in the moment. My reality is constructed from what I do here and now, and in particular what I do each day. I try to do several hours of work that has lasting value each and every day. I believe this expression to qualify as that type of work. Whether it will have that kind of impact or not remains to be seen ... but, I sense that it will; and, I am moved to do what it takes to see that it does. Yes, to be successful, my work must have world impact in some way. I know, that is grandiose thinking. But, I see my mission in such terms. Further, I see myself succeeding in this mission. I am dedicated and devoted to this endeavor. I will do what it takes to build the foundations for a new world. That is no small task. But, mine is no small consciousness. The key to right action is do what you are moved to do when you are moved to do it. Just make sure that it is spirit that is doing the moving. I've been dealing directly with spirit in my life for so long that I don't remember what competing forces move people. I'm sure there are still some of these in my life. But, for the most part, they take a second seat to spiritual expression. Right action feels right to us and harms no one ... or, at least minimizes the harm that is done. Right action is elegant. It utilizes resources with maximal efficiency. I'm an intuitive type of person. Perhaps that is why right action is so obvious to me. For a more rational type of person, perhaps a reasoned argument would be more appropriate and more convincing. However, it is not my job to be convincing. That is not why this expression is manifest. I offer a point of view from one who has awakened and reached some heightened states of awareness. At least, that is what I think that I have experienced. You can judge that for yourself based on what I am able to express. To date, you have close to three million words of Beyond Imagination expression to choose from. That makes beginning a daunting task. But, by all means do begin. So, what am I moved to do next? Finishing 2003 Musings - Vol I is high on the priority list. Best Passages from 2002 Musings should come back for final proofing any day now. Then compiling Beyond Imagination: The Early Works would make three books for the year to date. Though, that will take substantial work to complete. That is OK. It takes what it takes. It seems important that all of this is captured, and that it is in this form ... officially as published books. Selling the books is a whole other matter. But, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Here, the publisher offers some guidance. We'll start there and see what else we are moved to do. There is a reason that I am being moved to publish these works. The sense is that there is indeed an audience for whom they are meant ... and spirit will guide us to find that audience. Everything in me says that this is the right action for me to be taking at this time. What will come of it is only partly in my hands. Do what you are moved to do when you are moved to do it! This works well so long as it is spirit that is doing the moving in our life. How do we know if this is the case or not? How do we know that we are not being moved out of self-interest or out of direction from another? These are not questions I was ever moved to ask. It was so obvious that spirit was at the steering wheel that I had no concerns in this area. But, not everyone experiences things this way. Not everyone spends hours per day as a vessel through which consciousness can speak. That is why there are wayshowers. However, we must believe that we too can do what we see the wayshowers demonstrate. That is the whole purpose of their demonstrations. What I can do, you can do also. However, it is not for you to do it my way ... it is for you to do it in your own way.

13 May 2003


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

Another busy day. It seems that they are all busy anymore. That is OK. It is much better to be busy than to be bored. Though, there was a lot of sitting around waiting for things to happen today. I did put in some time on selecting Best Quotes for 2003 Musings - Book I. With any luck, I should be able to finish the selection process tomorrow. Then all that remains is spell checking and grammar checking. My goal is to have the book complete by Memorial Day. Continuing with our topic oriented musings ... today we'll focus on the nature of consciousness. What does it mean for us to be conscious? This goes hand in hand with being aware ... and more than that, being aware of being aware. I call this expression a stream of consciousness. What does it say about consciousness that such a stream as this could flow forth in this manner? This expression is a fact in my life, and in your life if you are reading this. It is not subject to speculation. How is it that it can exist in this manner? I've asked this question often. But, I don't think that I've come close to an answer. I've resigned myself to accept the reality that it does exist ... that consciousness expresses as she does in my life. How does consciousness differ from thought? What is the difference, if any, between a stream of consciousness and a stream of thought? I don't know that I can answer that. I typically think of thought as being more rational, but this does not have to be the case. What distinguishes us as conscious beings? What can we do that other beings in the animal kingdom cannot do? We can reflect on whom that we are and what we have done. We can desire and hope for things to manifest in the future. We can take action in the present with an understanding of the future ramifications of our actions. We can come to know whom that we are ... and we can choose to express that as fully as we can in our lives. This is not always easy. But, challenges are good for the soul at times. They tend to bring out the best in us. We just need to be careful not to overdo it to the point where we are overwhelmed. I AM THAT I AM! That is what God told Moses to call him. Each of us can speak these same words and be speaking truthfully. However, the issue is do we have any real clue as to what we are? I would guess that few people have thought much about this. We typically leave such issues to the philosophers among us. But how can we not deal with something as personally relevant as this? Know Thyself! This is a spiritual directive. It is not an option. Though, there is nothing that says it is a requirement for each of us in this particular existence. Many have specific lives planned out with specific karma to work through and specific lessons to learn. That does not appear to be my way this time around. I came to be one of the aware ones ... one who would live an awakened life ... one who would be a wayshower ... one who would build the foundations for a new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh. This puts me in somewhat august company, the company of world servers. Yes, I speak in grandiose terms because I sincerely believe my mission to be grand. Consciousness is as consciousness does. You shall know her by her works. This stream of consciousness expression is a perfect example. Consciousness is that which could produce all of this. Yet, she is more than that as well. This expression is the only part of her that I could capture and manifest physically. Consciousness is more than my mind, yet she uses my mind as the tool through which to pass this expression. I am aware of being aware of so many things even as I allow this expression to come forth. How does this compare with how others experience consciousness? I don't know that I'll ever know. Each of us is a unique expression of spirit, of consciousness. It seems that some may be far more unique than others. Then again, that seems to be partly a matter of personal preference and how far from the norm we care to venture. Many are of the herd mentality and choose to express within close proximity to the norm. The few choose to have nothing to do with this ... and instead push the envelope wherever they can. 26

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One difference between consciousness and thought is the mental chatter. My mind is blank a lot ... literally blank, with no thoughts, or few thoughts crossing it. This stream of consciousness comes from a different place than my thoughts come from. How do I characterize the difference? The source for the stream of consciousness is deeper within me. It is a verbal source. It expresses as a voice in my head that I type. When I think, it is different. The process is more direct. There is not this voice as the intermediary that is carrying the communication. Though, I don't really think a lot anymore. I used to. I used to think most of the time, primarily about metaphysics. Now, my mind is busy in different ways. It makes connections. That is a different type of thinking ... one that I did not learn in any school. It is the connections that are everything in my world now. Facts have limited utility. It is how information is connected that gives it power. Perhaps the reason that all of this can come forth through me is precisely because my mind is as blank as it is so much of the time. The old saying nature abhors a vacuum applies. When we empty our minds, nature or spirit will find something to fill it with. It is that simple. Though giving up our thoughts and getting to a beyond mind state is far easier said than done. If it were easy, we would have seen far more people do it by now ... and it would be evident in the works that they are doing as a result. We typically speak of our consciousness being composed of the subconscious, conscious, and superconscious. And, indeed, these divisions do seem to exist on some level. However, from another framework, we are a unified whole, and there are no such divisions. That does not mean that it is not useful to speak of the parts and their natures. The desired mode of operation is for the conscious to look over to the subconscious to look up to the superconscious. This is depicted in the VI card of the Tarot. Many people consider the conscious to be "higher" than the subconscious. In fact, they look upon the subconscious as something that needs to be controlled or caged. My sense is that they have it wrong. The subconscious naturally knows what is right and naturally knows to look up for guidance. It is the conscious that can get out of control and believe it can do far more than it is designed to do. The superconscious primarily comes forth via intuition. It is the avenue through which spirit directs us to do what we are meant to do. Our consciousness is one thing that we take with us when we depart this existence. Our worldly possessions will remain in the world ... but what we have become in consciousness, this cannot be taken away, even by death. As to what form we will have after death, I do not know. But, I am certain that the consciousness that I am will not cease to exist, ever. How can I be so sure of this? I have no recollection of other existences. The very idea that life would offer only one existence in which to learn and grow spiritually seems ludicrous to me. It makes far more sense that souls, individualized sparks of spirit, would enter the world and grow in consciousness via their experiences over many lifetimes. There are only so many things any given soul could learn in a lifetime. It could easily take dozens to hundreds of lifetimes to evolve and awaken spiritually. So, how many lifetimes might I have had? My sense is that it is enough that I am an ancient soul here on a transcendental mission. Emerson and Thoreau, two famous transcendentalists, are my heroes. Some of their quotes graced the walls of my office for many years. Now, my own quotes do that. Are my quotes that good? Indeed, I believe that they are. Spirit has not only been prolific through me, she has been quite inspirational. Consciousness is extremely important in our lives. The degree to which we are aware makes all the difference in the world. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. Consciousness is our way of staying in touch with the spiritual part of us from which we spring. This doesn't happen automatically ... not for most of us anyway. We have to work at it. We have to do the self-work to know ourselves. This is not easy work. Sometimes it feels like we are fighting the current and swimming upstream. It helps to break up some of our patterns and get away from some of our habitual ways of seeing things and doing things. Our consciousness is very much like a muscle. It needs to be stretched and it needs to be used so that it remains flexible. 27

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"Wherever two or more of you are gathered in my name ... there is love." How does consciousness build in such endeavors? There is only ONE consciousness of which we all are part. So, how do two consciousness, or three consciousness, or ... get together to do anything? It would seem that we have the equation one + one + one + ... = ONE. Yet, no subset of the parts equals the whole. So, what gives? Where we have more than one, we have synergy, the magic energy that makes the whole more than the sum of its parts.

14 May 2003 The quote for the day makes a fitting topic for a musing:

Spirit by its very nature seeks to express and unfold whom that it is in whatever way it can. We are the limiting factors in this expression, by the restrictions that we place on our connection to source, and on how we allow that source to express and manifest in our lives. It is natural for spirit to express itself and to unfold itself as it will in our lives. We have only to allow it to do so. Any limits to expression are there because we have placed them there. All restrictions are selfimposed. The natural connection that we have to source is free from all of this. It is for us to choose how we allow source to express and manifest in our lives. This is one of the most powerful of all of our choices. We are spirit in expression. We have always been thus and we shall always be so. It behooves us to do things that enhance the quality of this expression to the degree that we can. And, we can do far more than we might think. It is as if our consciousness is the faucet through which the water of spirit flows. We are in control of opening the faucet to control whether the water flows and to control the force and volume that flows. If this expression is any indication, it seems that my faucet is wide open right now and has been for some time. As the expression of spirit in flesh, we too seek to express whom that we are as fully as we can. But to do this, we have to discover whom that we are. Though sometimes it is through our expression that we do this discovery. By their works shall thou know them is a powerful truth. This expression constitutes my works ... or perhaps I should say our works because there is definitely an other than conscious component involved in their creation and I still don't know whether it is wholly me or something external to me. What I know is that the works exist. This expression comes forth nearly everyday. How it comes forth is still very much a mystery ... even after over a decade. I find it amazing that such would be the case. It seems that I would have figured it out by now. But, I have been so focused on the expression, that the mystery of its creation did not bother me. In fact, if anything, it seemed appropriate. Our lives unfold in accordance with a plan that was scripted for our life before we entered this existence. We created the script to conform to our needs to express and experience whom that we are. We did this in concert with those whose lives we would touch ... setting up the scenarios for the realization of any relationships that we wanted to jointly pursue. Our reality unfolds in accordance with a plan for our spiritual progression and evolution. In any one existence, this may be optional ... but, overall, we have no choice but to evolve in awareness and to act in accordance with the level of awareness that we have achieved. OK, we do have a choice, but the more aware that we become, it seems the more obvious our choices become as well ... to the point where there is only one right choice. And, when there is only one right choice, effectively we have dropped our need to choose, realizing that spirit's choice is the right choice for us. 28

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How does source manifest in your life? You see clearly how she manifest in my life in all that is expressed here. The vast majority of this is her expressing through me. How do I know that? Because I have no other way to explain it. The material just comes forth automatically. It appears in my head and I type what I hear. It says that it is not to be distinguished from me. Yet, at the same time, it does not come from the parts of me that I consciously know, other than this inner voice. Is this my own thoughts? I've asked myself that many times. But, much that comes forth does not seem to be of the nature of thoughts. There is a lot of original material that comes forth. There are a lot of quotable passages. Much of this doesn't seem to be based on what I have read or seen before. The most powerful connection that we have to source is our intuition. It pays to develop this connection. Many train their mind to operate logically but pay little attention to developing their intuition. They would be much better served to do the opposite. Though, there is some benefit to achieving a balance between logic and intuition. Both together provide a powerful toolset for reality creation. We will need a full set of tools in our tool chest to survive and excel in the days ahead. The new age calls for us to do things differently. In particular, it calls for us to express differently. The best place to find out how to do this is from source. It will be different for each of us. The best way to access source is via intuition. This too will be different for each of us ... though some of the methods for accessing source may be similar. This expression is an extreme. Here, I allow source to manifest through me for nearly 3 hours per day. That is a major time commitment for a free time endeavor. But, I am committed. You might also consider me to be crazy. And, you wouldn't necessarily be very far off the mark. Though, if this expression is the manifestation of a crazy man, we should all be crazy. The world might be a much better place. Then again, that is only my opinion. Take it or leave it, as you will. I have nothing to prove. What comes forth stands on its own. Judge it solely based on its utility in your life. That is the only measure of merit that matters. Express whom that you are. Manifest the destiny that is yours to manifest. Make your mark on the world. Do something, anything, that makes a difference. Make sure that you leave the world a better place for your having lived. That is what ultimately counts in life. Did our life make a difference ... preferable a big difference, but a substantial difference will do.

15 May 2003 I got a referral to an interesting website today that presents a picture of spirituality from a different perspective. The site is from a Russian, but he is heavily steeped in Eastern yoga and spirituality. I found his works interesting nonetheless. The terminology is different than I use, but I found that I could relate to many of the concepts anyway. It seems that there is a certain universality about spiritual truth. The question is how did this person find me, and why today of all days? There is a message that I am supposed to take from all of this. There is a sense that I need to take some time to tie what I know to the existing body of works of others. One can only remain isolated for so long. At some point, one needs to start making connections. It seems that I have reached this point. I need to make it easier for people to relate what I have expressed to what they already know. In some respects, this is nothing new. We are all spirit expressing in flesh already. Most of us just don't seem to be aware of this fact. So, what should be the focus of today's musing? It seems that we've already begun. Let's focus on what it takes to establish connections ... connections to works, connections to people, and connections to organizations. Everything that we express has a context that somehow ties it to the body of knowledge that has come before it. Yes, some things seem to just come out of the blue ... but if we look we will find that they are related to things that others have done or are doing. We may have to do a little searching 29

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however. Isolated facts, isolated information, are of limited utility. It is in knowing how information is connected that its power becomes apparent. Indeed, knowledge is power. However, it is powerful only when it is in the right minds and only when it is used effectively. It is for us to hone our knowledge skills to achieve this. We need to be careful about power however. It is one thing to have the power to control our own lives and our own destiny. It is quite another to have power over others. The later gets us into the political realm. And, here, it seems we still have much to learn. Politicians are not high on our list of most trusted professionals. It seems that they come in about at the same level as lawyers and used car salesmen. Back to establishing connections. One level of connections is between the information that we generate and similar information that others have generated. This may be historical information or contemporary information. The similarity may be loose or it may be tight. With loose connections, there is almost a leap of faith required when making the connection ... or perhaps an intuitive jump of some type. Tighter connection can be as much as logical derivations or conclusions that result the connected information. In still other cases, there may be parallel discoveries of similar ideas expressed in different ways. This happens when the world is ready to experience something. When the time has come for an idea to take root, it seems that multiple consciousnesses are receptive to that idea concurrently. They may be in different parts of the world and have no real connections between them. Yet, they come up with the same ideas at about the same time. A separate level of connections is between people, the conveyors of the information. Here, we may have colleagues collaborating, or friends sharing, or even strangers becoming acquainted with one another. Whatever relationships are necessary for consciousness to express what must be expressed will be established. There is no question about it. That is simply how life works. There is a divine order to everything. There is a divine script that is being played out. Each of us has a role to play ... often many roles, in the evolution of the expression of consciousness in flesh. That is what it is all about ... consciousness expressing in flesh. That is what the reality games that we play are for. There is no higher purpose than this. The greatest expression occurs when we cooperate and establish interdependent relationships that allow us to do the things that we see need to be done, and that allow us to express in accord with the highest abilities and talents that we can muster. It is through being the best that we can be collectively that we enable spirit to express most fully in flesh. We are the instruments through which spirit expresses ... we are her hands, her feet, her legs, and even her mind. Above and beyond connections between individual people are connections between organizations or between our works and the organizations that are meant to consume them and be moved by them. I've spoken of there being an audience for the works of Beyond Imagination. At this point in time, I don't know who this audience might be ... but I trust that it is out there and that somehow these works will find whoever they are meant to touch. It seems that I may have a larger part to play in this than I had supposed. I was happy to leave it to consciousness to spread the message to wherever it needed to go. It seems that this may have been overly optimistic or naive. Consciousness works through us. If things are to happen, they will happen by and through us. We have to take responsibility. Yes, spirit will ensure that what needs to be done is done. But again, not by doing it herself ... rather by doing it through someone or some group. I am entering a new phase of my life, one in which I have a much more conscious role in choosing my destiny. If I want to see something manifest in the world, then I need to do something to make it so. This may be something completely within my power to do ... or it may be something that I can only do by soliciting the cooperation of others. Either way, I will know what is mine to do and it seems that I will be seeing far more of the later than the former. Cooperative interdependence is how we create the synergy necessary to do great works ... and these are great things that we are trying to achieve. How do I get others to cooperate with me in this? What would I have them do? My sense is that master planning 30

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doesn't work in this day and age. What I would have people do is what the spirit within them moves them to do in line with the overall goal of creating the foundation for spirit to more fully express in flesh. We take our orders from within. Interesting, because there is only ONE consciousness expressing through us all, these orders will be coordinated. So, in effect, the central planning happens automatically. However, that doesn't mean that we shouldn't help it out where we can. We have tools available to help plan and implement large projects. We use them for DoD projects all the time. There is no reason we can't apply them here as well. Though, on second thought, looking at the status of many of these projects, perhaps the tools aren't so useful after all. This is a time of transition for me. Exactly where it will lead, I do not yet know. I am taking steps to bring Beyond Imagination to the public in a whole new way. Within a few weeks the first book should be published. By three months from now, the second book should be published. Yes, so far we are talking about self-published, but that seemed to be the most viable option for the moment. Will other alternatives open up in the future? We can hope. These first two books show what I am capable of ... or, more correctly, what spirit is capable of speaking through me. Do I have what it takes to publicize the books? It will be a stretch, a big stretch ... but, I believe the answer is yes. I will do whatever it takes to succeed in my mission, and I see this to be an integral part of that mission. There is a sense that I need to make Beyond Imagination my fulltime job as well as my passion. That means deriving my income from it. The prime candidate for a means for doing that is via the sale of books. That means making this expression my meal ticket, as they say. I believe that such is meant to be. The only question is when. This is what I love to do. It only seems right that it should be what I am paid to do. Further, if I can do as much as I have out of the sheer joy of doing it ... I can't even imagine what would come forth if I could be doing this full time each and every day. I've experience the added efficiency that comes from synergy when you work 60-80 hour weeks for extended periods of time at work. I'd love to see what I could do applying that same amount of energy to Beyond Imagination. There is a sense that wonders are in store in the days, months, and years ahead. We have a society and a world to create in whatever image we would choose to fashion it. We are that powerful. We are creators all. We have chosen to live in a time when what we dream, what we imagine, can be manifest in short order. But, be advised, be careful what you wish for ... you just may get it and have to live with it for awhile.

18 May 2003 Yes, we skipped two days of musings to go on a 1000 mile driving trip to attend a wedding of a relative on my wife's side, and to briefly visit some friends. We took the two furry kids, Daffi and Teddy, along. Overall it went pretty well. The mission was accomplished and we survived. I took along a hardcopy of 2003 Musings - Vol I with the intent that I would do some proofing each evening. However, the first night, I was exhausted from the drive. And, last night, we didn't get to our hotel until after 11 PM. So, my good intentions were for naught. That is OK. There is always next weekend. I have four days off. That should be enough to do a pretty thorough job. Tonight's musing is going to be shorter than usual. It is already 11 PM as I write this ... and it has been a long day. But, I didn't want to go another day without expressing if I didn't have to. Usually, once I get into it, it flows pretty well. I wouldn't know how to make this happen ... it just comes forth when I allow it to happen. That means stepping aside a bit and relinquishing control to spirit. Over time, I have learned that this is not such a scary thing to do. Spirit can be trusted to act in our best interest ... not necessarily individually, but collectively. No, this does not mean that I am advocating the good of the many over the good of the one. We need to find ways to reconcile this so that we do both ... so that the 31

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many benefit while each individual benefits as well. We are individuals for a reason, yet a great deal of our power comes from the organizations within the collective that we choose to participate within. Cells are individuals as well, but their glory comes from choosing to participate in the organizations that are our bodies. In making this choice, they allow something to be created that is far grander than the collection of individual cells. It is the very organization and acceptance of restriction, or roles and responsibilities, that allows the body to be created. Is it the same for us. Does our glory come from the organizations that we choose to participate in. Only, as more capable entities ... our choices have the potential to yield far greater results. However, when we see lack ... we are not living up to our potential. When we see poverty, when we see hunger and starvation, when we see homelessness, ... when we see all of these things, we as a society are failing in major ways. It is not that we don't have enough. We have the resources, we have the technology, we just don't have the resolve to make the problems our problems and commit the resources to fix them. And, not just in this nation, but on a worldwide basis. But whose responsibility is this? We are one people on one world on one planet, this spaceship Earth. Further, we are animated by one consciousness. At what point are we going to drop some of the country boundaries and start seeing one another as the brothers and sisters that we are. We have far more in common than we have differences. Though the reality we experience may be quite disparate. That is OK. We are meant to collectively explore and experience a great variety of experience. There is nothing to be gained by repeating the same old lessons time after time. Each of us is a unique spark of consciousness, and we will see the world in a whole new way that no one has ever seen before. Oh, it may be similar to the way of others. And, if we are not careful, we may suppress the unique elements ... as is done by many religions. We have to be vigilant if we are to live an authentic life. We have to be ever watchful that whom that we are is expressed fully in what we do in the world and not squelched. This is within our power to do. Nothing can block our expressing whom that we are unless we allow it to. So, don't allow it to. It is that simple. Express whom that you are as fully and completely as you can each and every moment of each and every day. And, should you fail, don't beat yourself up about it ... just go back to doing it. What would I do next? As always whatever I am moved by spirit to do. Is that a valid answer? Or, is that a copout? Does this put spirit in charge of my life and make spirit responsible for what happens? From one perspective, indeed, it does. However, because I make this choice, it also makes it my responsibility. There is a sense that it is time to take Beyond Imagination public in a way that I have not yet done. Apparently, the web site is not enough. The intention was there ... and I did a great job populating it with information. However, there is a lack of ties to the outside world. This was intentional. Beyond Imagination was intended to offer a picture of Wayne's World ... however crazy that might be. I think I've done an outstanding job of sharing this. Though, much of the credit must go to spirit. Without the stream of consciousness flowing from her ... most of what is expressed here would not exist. Yet, at the same time, it is not all her doing. This expression is likened unto having a baby ... both parents are equally responsible in creating the child, though the female has the responsibility to carry it to term. It seems like I am the father in this case and consciousness or spirit is the mother. Though, it is through my mind that these thoughts must ultimately be given birth. That is the faculty that is connected to these fingers which type these words as they are spoken in my head. No, I don't hear them in my ears. But I do hear them in my mind.

19 May 2003 Back to our normal daily pattern of musing. I need this expression in my life. It makes me feel as if I am doing something important, as if I am capturing something of lasting value. Whether it is of lasting value or not, only time will tell. I still have a driving need to get the word out ... to broadcast this expression in 32

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some way. Yes, the books are one way and feel right. But, they are not the only way. It seems that I need to be more personally involved in making people aware of this expression. It is not enough that I participate as the vehicle through which the expression is generated. That is only the starting point. Unless the expression finds those who are meant to see it and those who are meant to hear it, it will not have the impact on the world that it is meant to have. As the author, I have a role to play in this. It is up to me to nurture my expression and see that it grows to have the impact that it can have. But, what about the que sera, sera attitude? Why am I not content to allow whatever will be to be? There is another saying, if it is to be, it is up to me. In this we declare our power over the events not only in our lives, but potentially in our world. We might as well make this the topic for the evening ... to what degree do we need to actively promote the change that we desire to see in the world? It seems that if we don't take the responsibility for doing this, it just won't get done. In this, we are literally spirits hands, legs, arms, eyes, ears, mouth, and brain. It is through us that she affects the world. Yes, it seems this occurs through some of us far more than through others. That does not matter. That is dependent on the roles that we came to play. We are not meant to be compared one to another. The only comparison that is of any utility is that of what we could be versus what we are, that is how close are we living up to our potential? The operative principle is be all that you can be. In doing so, the assumption is that we will be the best that we can be. One thing is for certain ... we will be surprised by what this "all that you can be" is. We can literally work miracles when we allow spirit to operate as fully as possible through us. And, in the process, we can make not only our life, but the lives of those we touch into masterpieces. Actually, for the later, we can only be wayshowers and enablers. It is up to each to decide to make their own life their own masterpiece and do what it takes to learn and develop the skills to make it so. If enough of us do this, we can make the whole world our spiritual masterpiece. And then ... look out, there is no stopping what we can manifest how quickly. The new age is upon us. It is only fitting that we establish new foundations and a new infrastructure to support us in this age. We can hold onto some of the best of what has worked in the past. But, we need to honestly assess how well it has worked before we adopt it in our new world order. Yes, that is what we are creating, a new world order ... hopefully, one that is fair and works this time, far better than any past orders have worked. I toss my pennies for others to find. How else would there be a supply of lucky pennies? Yet, I realized that I could survive for the remainder of my life on a few pennies per person in this country. That means each person would need to pay me 2-3 cents over the course of the next quarter century to do whatever I do. That is not a lot when you look at it that way. I need to do something with my life that is worth a few pennies to everyone in the society in which I live. That should not be such a difficult thing to do. You can't buy much for a few cents. When you look at it like that, this seems like an easy task. However, much that I do will never be known by more than a small fraction of the population. How small of a fraction remains to be seen. It is not yet clear who is meant to find and read this expression of consciousness. Whoever it is will do so when the time is right. Though, it seems that there may be things that I can do to facilitate making the time right. Even then, I have to trust consciousness to move me to do those things that are necessary when I need to do them. This year is different somehow. There is more of a need to produce tangible products from this expression. It is not enough just to post material at the Beyond Imagination website in hopes that someone will find me. I need to increase my exposure to make it easier and more likely for others who are meant to find me to do so. This I can do. And, this I am highly motivated to do this year. That means stretching for me. It means being more of what I can be ... even to the point of being things and doing things that I have not done before. That is OK. Stretching is good for the soul, as well as the body and the mind.


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The sense is that for things to happen now ... we must do what it takes to make them happen. They will not manifest of their own accord. It takes our energy and our intent to feed them and coax them into being. Perhaps it has always been that way. Yet, for much of my life, it seemed like things were on automatic. My life just happened ... seemingly as it was intended to happen. I had no reason to believe that I should live my life in any different way. Now, however, the feeling is different. It seems that my life needs to be my conscious creation. That means taking control of my life in a way that I have never really done before. Then again, from another perspective, perhaps part of the problem is that I've had too much control and as a result have been overly restrictive in how I have expressed and experienced reality. Anyway, those days are over, or at least numbered. It is time to create a new life of my own choosing, one in which I am free to be and express whom that I am in ways that go beyond anything that I have done before. This expression is a start in that direction. But, it is only a start. It needs to grow into an interactive experience with others. At least, that is what it seems to require at this point in time. Where do I go to find these others however? Occasionally someone who finds one of the works at Beyond Imagination contacts me. However, this does not seem to be an effective way of finding those who are ultimately meant to be introduced to me and my works ... or spirits works through me. What changes do I desire to see in the world? I would build the foundations that allow spirit to express more fully in flesh. That is not asking for much. All it takes is cooperation and increased awareness, allowance, and acceptance. We build a better world by building better organizations in which to participate in and from which to get goods and services. How do we know what organizations to build and what goods and services to produce? For the first, we will be moved by spirit to organize appropriately into the forms necessary to express spirit more fully. For the second, we need to observe and anticipate what people need and offer it unto them even before they need it sometimes. For some things, we must ask before we receive. But, there are many other things where this is not necessary ... where as spiritual beings we have a natural entitlement. Although, along with the entitlement comes a great responsibility. Collectively, we have a responsibility to and for one another. We are not meant to live isolated lives. Oh, that works for a few hermits among us ... and perhaps in the long run I am indeed meant to be one of these. It is curious that one who dreams of building the foundations for a society would be so isolated from others. Yet, here I am, definitely a hermit in my own eyes. And, it seems that my eyes are the ones that count. Is this a permanent condition? Or, is this something that I can choose to change? And, if I can change it ... do I choose to change it? The bottom line seems to be that if I wanted it to be different then it would be different. Yet, there is a sense that I do indeed want to see some changes in this area of my life. However, there are many things about how I presently experience reality that are to my liking ... that I don't really want to change. It is not clear that I have any real choice in the matter. There is a destiny that is playing itself out in my life. I will go where it takes me and do as it moves me to do. Typically, I have little foreknowledge of what this will be. That is OK. I've become accustomed to operating in the midst of the unknown in my life. I trust that spirit knows what she is doing. In particular, she knows where she is leading me in the dance that is my life. The best that I can do is find a way to enjoy the process. The destination is often not the most important thing while we are on the path ... rather, it is finding a way to enjoy the journey. There is always a way to do that. However, we may have to challenge ourselves and step beyond our limitations to find this. This is a challenge well worth taking. It results in following a whole new life path ... one that is right for us as nothing else that we have ever experienced. We will know it is right in our heart, in the seat of our soul. It is important to let our intuition guide us in this endeavor. It knows far more than most give it credit for, even me, and I give it a lot of credit. We create our own reality or we do not. Those are the only two possibilities. The first is so obviously true that I find it difficult to think that there might be people who believe otherwise. I've believed this pretty firmly for nearly 30 years, since I first discovered the Seth material by Jane Roberts. Wow! Can it really have been 30 years already? That's two-thirds of my life. At this point, I don't believe that I have 34

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another 30 years left. 25 would get me to the ripe old age of 70. That would be sufficient for me. That takes us to 2028 or so. That leaves a lot of time in which to make my mark on the world. Though, at the same time, there is not a lot of time to waste. The past 10 years have flown by. There is no doubt that the next 25 years will pass by even more quickly ... especially if I am able to transform what I love to do into my occupation. We're working on this now. In the meantime, we continue to volunteer to expend close to halftime on our spiritual job.

20 May 2003 The days continue to march on, and I continue to come here to express whatever spirit would express through me. This is a stream of consciousness. As such, I have limited control over what comes forth and how it comes forth. I say limited, because it does indeed seem that I have some influence in this area. The focused musings are a case in point. I seem to be able to reign the expression back in to the topic of the day. Then again, it may be spirit doing this through me as well. Spirit is an active part of my life ... a very active part. So active in fact, that I cannot imagine living my life without her. I wouldn't want to. Yes, she is that important to me. Yet, what is she? She is a source that I am able to connect with somewhere deep inside of me. It is from out of this source that all of this flows. This stream of consciousness expression is the direct tap from that source ... filtered through my own consciousness and mind as necessary to be expressed physically in this manner. Hopefully, the filters don't distort the message too badly. My sense is that they don't, that I am pretty clear overall. But, who knows how much fog I have on my glasses? Whether the world is as I perceive it is a matter for philosophy. My reality is clearly as I perceive it ... but this can change in an instant if I decide to see the world in a different light. We each live in the shadows of our choosing. Most of these are imposed by the belief systems that we have accepted. To change what we experience, we need to go to the source, and change the core belief systems. This is not easy, but it is not difficult either. In fact, it is child’s play. We were adept at it as children. We need to return to some of the glory of our childhood and relearn what we instinctively knew then. Being an adult does not have to be difficult. Our lives can unfold before us effortlessly. Though, many prefer the challenges of problems of various types ... and hence engage in them. This is a choice. It is not a requirement. We can live our life peacefully and effortlessly. But, what's the point? We might as well be dead. We need some drama in our life to keep things interesting ... to keep us awake. Uncertainty can do this to us as well. The unknown has a way of shaking up our lives if we allow it to. Generally, this is for the better, when all things are considered, though it may be difficult to account for all things. Often, it seems that we go through life with blinders on, unaware of the vistas that lie immediately ahead of us as well as all around us. We can remove the blinders. We can see. But, only if we truly want to do so. Everything starts with the desire to do something. One desire that is helpful to have is the desire to do something meaningful, something grand with our life. However, we need to take this a step further and start doing things congruent with this. We need to act in a meaningful way ... we need to act grandly. Yes, this is a grandiose way of looking at life. But, that is how I see it. It matters not to me whether it is grandiose or not. It is what it is, and that is enough for me. I would express as spirit would have me express. Nothing less that that is sufficient, nothing more than that seems possible. Spirit knows what I am capable of ... even more than I do. She generated these words and made them known to my mind. I would speak in this manner for so long as the words continue to flow forth. How long that will be, I cannot know for certain. I've had one major period of greatly reduced expression that lasted nearly three years. And, prior to 1993, I was effectively quiet for my entire life to that point. So, what changed in March of 1993? Why did I suddenly feel moved to write? And, why did I accept the expression as a natural part of my spiritual development? Curious. I never really questioned the expression that I was experiencing. I considered it to be a natural outgrowth of all the selfwork that I had done for so many 35

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years. I saw it as a massive spiritual awakening, a spiritual rebirth. It didn't matter that no one that I knew had any comparable experiences. It was OK for me to be the first. And, now, over ten years later ... in many ways, I am still alone in my experience, that is with the exception of spirit. She is always with me. How could I be alone with her ever by my side? In many ways, I feel lucky and blessed to be able to live the life I have lived, and especially to express in the manner that I am able to express here. There is something powerful about spiritual expression. It consumes us ... yet, it exhilarates us at the same time. In a very real way, I am what is able to be expressed through me. You shall know me by my works ... and right now, this expression is my works. The sense is that this will remain so for as long as I live. Expressing in this manner is that important to me. Yet, things can change. I might find it necessary to do things differently at some point. That is OK. Things evolve. Circumstances change. We need to evolve and change with them. I am amazed that even after over a decade I have not yet found others with whom to share all of this with. Part of the problem is that I wouldn't know where to start. I have expressed what can be expressed through me. Yet, there is far more from where this has come. It is not clear that the stream of consciousness will ever end ... at least not until I die, and perhaps not even then. My sense is that the form will change, but that the energy behind this expression will continue to exist and will find other ways to express when this particular channel is exhausted. But, that is still some time into the future. We have a new world to create ... we have foundations to build. We have dreamed of grand things and have kept our castles in the clouds for far too long. It is time to plant the foundations under them and bring them down to earth. This we can do now. The time is right for this to happen. It is a matter of choosing to do it in sufficient numbers to constitute a critical mass. The world is ours to make of it what we choose. However, it is up to us to choose and to do what it takes to manifest our choices. Choice without action in accord with the choice is no choice at all. It is action that makes choice real. And, we are in the business of reality creation at the moment ... more so than at any time in history. Oh, we have always created and been responsible for our reality. It is just that now the time lag between thought and manifestation is shorter than ever before. This gives us awesome power. But, it also gives us awesome responsibility to go with it. We have to be careful not to abuse what we have been so freely given. We are meant to be stewards ... caretakers of the things that are under our stewardship, one of these being the very planet. On a collective level, we have a new set of responsibilities as well. They come in two flavors: responsibilities from the collective to individuals, and responsibilities from the collective to groups or organizations of people. We need to meet our obligations. This imposes responsibilities on individuals, for the collective does nothing except through the work of its individual constituents. This is OK, so long as from an individual perspective we see that the gain is worth the pain. Actually, that is a pretty negative way of looking at the situation. There is nothing that says carrying out our obligations has to be painful at all. In fact ... it could involve doing the very things that we love doing as I am doing now. What would I do next? It always seems to come down to that. How do I evolve to the environment and conditions necessary to carry out my mission on a full time rather than a part time basis? Is that an option at this point in my life. I am 45 years old. I figure I have another 25 years or so in me to finish out my existence and accomplish what I came to do. Let's see, dividing by 5, that puts us at the 9/14 point in my life. That leaves 5/14 remaining. That is roughly a 64/36 percent split. Interesting. 64 is the Ten of Swords. The number was actually 64.2857 so we are on the way to 65:King of Pentacles. That is abundance in a major way. It is curious that my new license plate ends in 640 as well. Not much surprises me anymore. But I do find many things to be curious. Hmm ... just noticed that 9/14 just happens to be 1/2 + 1/7. The half way point in my life was quite significant for me. It was roughly the year that I awoke spiritually and this expression began. That was the 35 year point. 1/7 takes us ten years later to this year. 2/7 takes us another ten years forward to 2013. That could indeed be another major turning point in my life.


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There is a sense that much change is in store for the remainder of the year ... definitely in my life, and perhaps for the world as well. Yes, there is just over 7 months left in the year. But, that is an eternity if the time is used effectively. If not, it is but a brief moment and what might have been will not find its way to manifestation. Some things, it seems are destined to be. Other things depend on us to make them so. And, even for those things that are destined to be, when they manifest may depend on what we do. Yes, we possess that much power. It is for us to learn to use it effectively. I started out good, but I'm fading rapidly. There is only so much that I can do these days. Lately, I've been more tired than normal. I don't know why ... just an observation. We do what we can when we can. More than that, we do what we must when we must. Mine is a life of obligation, but it is a voluntary one. I willingly accept the responsibility to do what is mine to do ... trusting that spirit herself will show me what this is when I need to know it. That's how it has worked to date in my life. I have no reason to believe this will change anytime soon. Our reality is created out of what we choose to do in each moment. The present moment is always the point of power. There is nothing we can do to change the past. And, the power we have over the future comes from what we choose to do here and now. It is out of the moments that the future is ultimately built. Consciousness is the key that unlocks all the doors. In fact, she is the very mansion of the Self. She is the stuff in all of the rooms behind all of the doors. I praise consciousness a lot. She has been a positive influence in my life, in fact, the most positive of influences. This is a stream of consciousness expression. What do I mean by that? Simply that it comes forth automatically as a flow of consciousness revealed to my mind. I do not feel myself to be generating it. Yes, I participate in creating it. But, it seems more from the standpoint of mapping an energy pattern to my vocabulary to create this expression.

21 May 2003 I have a strange feeling as I begin this musing today. It will be interesting to see where it leads. Something is different somehow, noticeably different. Yet, I don't really know exactly what it is. That is OK. I am comfortable with the role that the unknown plays in my life. It makes for some interesting experiences, especially in the realms of consciousness. We are free to explore these realms to our hearts content. Though many seem to be driven more by their mind and their emotions. That is OK too. It doesn't matter how we get there ultimately ... other than that it helps greatly if we find a way to enjoy the process. In life, it is the journey that is the thing ... it is what we experience on the way in our day to day lives that matters most. We can make this whatever we choose to make it to be. We are powerful creators one and all. It is time that we realized this and used our natural abilities to benefit our society and our world. But, do we have to? The bottom line answer is yes. If you have reached this far and are still reading this, then this is what you need to hear at this time. 52 crossed my mind, this is 4 x 13:Death. Is that where we are at ... a 13:Death experience in each of four dimensions? Indeed that could be exactly the case. But what does that mean? How would that be experienced? In numerology, we break things down into four dimensions: Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Intuitive. Are these the same four dimensions that we are speaking of here? It seems that they could very well be. What kind of breakthrough are we talking about? How do we increase the degree to which spirit expresses through us in all four of these areas? Actually, it is really all 9 of these areas, since each of the four are really groupings of the nine digits from 1 through 9. What do I need? First and foremost, an environment that allows me to fully express what spirit would express through me, and that allows me to be all that I can be. It seems these two things go hand and hand. When we are fully expressing what can be expressed through us ... we are being the best that we can be. To fully be something, we must do something. Yet, it works the other way around ... to fully 37

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express, we must be whom that we are. That means finding out what this is for us. Yes, for us. The paths are not the same for all. Each path has its nuances and peculiarities. That is OK, that is what gives life some of the richness of diversity that we experience. But, as the saying goes, you can have too much of a good thing. What prevents me from having this environment here and now? Is this something that I can create for myself ... or is it something that others need to be involved in? Much of this environment already exists. This expression is a testament to that. Yet, I can dream of what might be if my Beyond Imagination work was my full time job. However, for that to be ... I need an appropriate level of compensation derived from the works created to date and the works yet to be created. As of yet, that has not been forthcoming. Though, there is a sense that this time things are different. Change is definitely in the air in a way that I have not felt it before. I have grown into a person different than I have been before ... one ready to take on the world in a whole new way. Whether that happens or not, it seems that we shall see soon enough. The sense is that the universe won't keep us waiting for long. There is a collective destiny that is unfolding and my individual destiny is somehow intricately tied to that. What else do I need? The biggest thing missing from my life is relationships with people. These are few and shallow overall. Yes, this is my fault, I have not really made an attempt to connect with others. Part of this was a marked preference for solitude and for doing things on my own. Along with this was a love of freedom and independence. However, years ago I realized that independence was a farce. We are connected and interdependent in so many ways that we cannot exist without one another. Further, we cannot do anything without impacting others or the environment in which we live. Yet, we remain a country proud of our independence, so proud that we celebrate Independence Day as one of our major holidays in this country. It seems that at some point we will see the error of our ways and realize that what we really need to celebrate is our interdependence. That is not to say that independence was not an important step in the march of history. It is just not enough. In a rapidly changing world, forms and organizations either need to evolve or they will die. Flexibility is critical. The forms that are necessary for spirit to express elegantly will indeed manifest. There is an overall plan for the evolution of consciousness that will ensure this. The timing may be a bit variable ... but even there, it seems that much is occurring in accordance with plans. I don't have insight into what these plans are. Perhaps I never will. But, I do know that what I am moved to do by spirit is in accord with these plans. That means that this very expression is meant to be somehow. What impact it will ultimately have, I may never know. That is OK ... I must do what I am moved to do anyway. I have a sacred obligation to fulfill ... an obligation to spirit that involves being of service to my society and my world in a manner that only I can be. That is the key. Find a unique way to serve. Find a way to serve that uses the best of what you have to offer. If we all do this, society and the world benefit immeasurably. That is all well and good. But how do I do this in a manner that makes this my life's work? Is that what I truly desire at this point in my life? The immediate answer is yes, I would make the expression that is Beyond Imagination into my life's work. I would pursue it with all my mind, my heart, and my soul ... and with all the resources that I could muster. But, I want my needs to be taken care of in exchange. That is a simple thing to ask for. It is expected from the social contract. There is no doubt that I would be productive and hold up my end of the contract. However, how does society fill its obligation to provide me with all that I need? I'm in the process of doing things that give the universe some new options. In particular, by self-publishing books. However, are there other services that I could offer as well? It is time to start thinking out of the box. If I truly want to be self-employed doing what I love to do for a living ... then I need to start thinking differently about how I function in the world and about the goods and services that I am able to provide. If we keep thinking in the ways that we have always thought, and keep doing the things that we have always done, then we will keep experiencing the things that we have always experienced. If we want to change our experiences, we need to think differently and act differently. It is that simple. I'm ready to change my reality. And, I would do it not now, but yesterday. That's some pretty serious talking ... but is it more than that? Am I really ready to do whatever it takes? I'm not ready to leave the security of my present job before I am covered by something new. I tried this in 38

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1993 and got into some financial trouble. And then, there was a job transition in 1996 when I was out of work without pay for several months causing some addition financial hardship. Now, I feel the need to be secure in whatever the new source of income is prior to considering leaving my present position. Though, there is a sense that this is exactly what is destined. I am not meant to be working for another ... not for much longer anyway. Then again, I can go back to 1993 and 1994 writings and probably find similar declarations. What is different now? There is just a sense that the time for my liberation is at hand. And, that this primarily involves my financial liberation ... but with that, flows into all other aspects of my life, freeing me to do what I know that I must do ... and be whom that I know that I must be. How easy or difficult this will be depends wholly on me. If I allow spirit to continue to be the driving force in this expression as I have for so long, it will be easy ... perhaps even incredibly so. If I try to force things and do it myself, it will be too difficult to accomplish. That makes it simple to see the benefit in living a spiritual life at this level of expression. How is it that I have any idea of what I am talking about? How can I go on and on and on like this? It would seem that the expression would get old or repetitive after awhile. But, as far as I can tell, this is not the case. Then again, my memory is such that I am not such that I would know if it did or not. Oh well. So long as I am moved to express, I will continue to do so. I trust that all of this is coming forth for a reason, hopefully many reasons. I know that I learn a lot from what is expressed. I believe that the potential is there for others to learn much from this expression as well. It just seems like such a waste if all of this is coming forth only for me. Though, I do consider myself blessed. However, from another perspective, we experience what we deserve to experience. Given what has come forth, I must have done some very big things right. OK, the grandiosity again. But, it is hard being humble when you have spirit speaking through you for several hours per day. Though, this seems to be an area that I need to work on. There is a sense that it is getting in the way of my progressing to the next phase of my life. How does my life's work tie into the works of others? What are the interrelationships and interdependencies that need to be established and/or recognized? Is there a way to consciously connect with the people that I am meant to work with on inner levels prior to connecting with them on outer levels? My sense is that to some degree other than conscious connections are already in place, we are just not aware of them. However, I am driven to make the process conscious now. This goes along with making my life much more conscious now. I've been content to accept whatever came for too long ... though, what came was generally very good overall. There is a sense of a young bird being pushed out of the nest. It is time to spread my wings and fly. And, it is time to take control over my own destiny. I am ready to do that in a way that I have never been before. What do I have to offer? This stream of consciousness expression is the chief "product" that I have generated. Is this sufficient to be worth something to someone? In particular, is it worth the cost of a book and the time it takes to read it? That is not something that is for me to answer. I believe the answer is yes. And, clearly, the book is well worth reading to me. But, I'm far from impartial on this topic. I guess we'll know when we see what kind of sales are generated in the coming months. What is someone who can express in this manner worth? This expression is not the product of common skills. Yet, what do these skills make me qualified to do that others cannot do? Why have I lived my life so isolated from others to date? Oh, there have been a few exceptions ... but they are quite rare. I still spend the vast majority of my time alone. This applies to both my work time and my free time. I find this curious. It is especially curious since I am so moved to build the foundations for a better society. Maybe this will change as I start to find those who have the same dream that I dream. Clearly, there must be a group of people with similar tasks and missions to perform. I can't be the only one charged to do this. There is a lot that I can do to get the ball rolling, but it will take the work of many to complete the foundations that are needed. Perhaps I am meant to be the initiator. That is consistent with my Aries nature. Getting things started is one of my strong suits. That begs the question of whether I will see what I start come to fruition. The bottom line is that it doesn't really matter. That it gets started and that it unfolds as it is 39

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meant to unfold is all that matters. This does require that I handoff the work and the vision to someone or some group to carry out. At this point, I don't know how that might be. However, my sense is that when the time is right, it will be obvious. That doesn't mean that I don't have to do what I can to seek them out. They may find me ... but, more likely, we will find one another. It seems that I am missing something. I have over 20 years of experience in engineering and systems engineering related work. In addition, I have nearly 30 years of education/ training in metaphysics. Further, I have over 10 years of metaphysical expression that shows that I am far more aware than most. These three things distinguish me and make me uniquely qualified to do something better than anyone else can do it. Whether it is something that some company is willing to pay for or not is a different question. Yet, how can I turn it into something that society pays for? After all, it is ultimately society as a whole that will benefit from the work that Beyond Imagination has done and will do. Here, the options seem limited. A benefactor is always a possibility. But, the sense is that is like winning the lottery. Though, the difference is that I have done ten years worth of expression up front. Publishing and selling books is another possibility. It allows a larger portion of the population to share in sponsoring the work. Continuing to sell my services to an employer is another possibility. Though, if I'm going to do this, I need to find a way to love the job that I am doing. I'm not there in my present position. I'm sure that there are other possibilities as well. I'm open to what the universe would bring into my life. Though, I sense that this is also a case where if I really want the situation to change, then I need to take the initiative and do something to cause it to change. Part of that is to reach a point where I am sufficiently dissatisfied with the status quo that change is mandatory. I'm headed to that point, but it is not clear that I've reached it yet. Actually, it is clear ... because the situation hasn't changed yet. It shouldn't be hard to find one's natural and rightful position in the world. One should gravitate there as easily as a star does to its position in the heavens. Yet, it doesn't seem to work like that for some reason. The infrastructures in society are not set up to recognize who we are and to allow us to assume our rightful place in society. This is part of what I am here to help fix. Do I know how to do this? I know that what I see is not working efficiently and effectively. I know that many resources are going untapped and others are vastly underdeveloped and underutilized. When this happens, we all lose the benefits of the added productivity that could have been ... potentially productivity that could have even created new things that had never before existed. We cannot afford to waste the potential of our people. It is that simple. We must find ways to create the social infrastructures necessary for people to express whom that they are in service to society in exchange for what they need. No, this will not be easy. But, then, there is nothing easy about the present system.

22 May 2003 Well, yesterday was quite productive. That is the most that I've mused on any one day since my birthday on 8 Apr. It felt good. It would be even better if I could do this as a full time endeavor that I was paid well to do. That later condition is important. The warning be careful what you wish for came to mind just before I added that. And, indeed, I do need to heed this warning. But, there is no doubt in my mind that this is what I am meant to do. This expression allows me to exercise parts of whom that I am that have never been tapped before. Because of that, it is quite special. I know that, and I am very grateful for that. Whether others have tapped similar parts of themselves is of little concern to me now. I am moved to express what can come forth through me, and in particular, those things that can only come forth through me in this manner. I don't ask for much in exchange ... my needs are relatively meager compared to what I am able to do and moved to do. Oh, I do desire nice things and experiences beyond those that I have experienced to date. But, overall ... this is an adjustment in my desires, not a major change in my needs. I'm just more aware of what I need to allow me to feel happy and fulfilled. Much of the time at 40

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present, I don't feel this. It is not that I am unhappy. Rather, it is more a matter of being indifferent, neither happy nor unhappy. Part of this comes from not being in a position to follow my bliss. Or, at least, not feeling that I am in a position to do so. What I feel and what I am may be in conflict with one another. Happiness is an inside job, it is something that we do to ourselves. Someone said something to that effect. And, they are correct. The only place to find true happiness is within. Further, it is there waiting to be found ... we just have to look for it sincerely. How do I find a way to follow my bliss all of the time? There must be a way. Clearly, this benefits my society and the world more than my present work circumstances do. Then again, is there a bigger picture that I am not yet seeing? Is there a larger context in which my present job fits that will ultimately have me use my natural talents and abilities to my utmost in service to humanity, my world, and spirit herself? These are very important questions. But, they are question that need to be asked and need to be answered. As always, the best answers come forth from within. There is a place inside of each of us that knows all that we could ever want or need to know. However, it takes effort on our part to find that place ... and to communicate with it. It takes effort and it takes desire. Never underestimate the power of the later. It is amazing what we can do when we are properly motivated. But, we also have to believe in what we are doing. Otherwise, we cannot put our whole heart and soul into it. And, this is required for us to be the best that we can be, and to fully express what spirit would have us express. I leave a lot to spirit in my life. I know of no other way to live. I must account for the fact that this expression has manifest in the manner that it has. In particular, that forces me to deal with what it means about the nature of reality and the nature of spirit as she expresses in flesh. Yes, forces. Each day, I am confronted with a miracle ... with the expression from a source that is unknown consciously. Yes, this means that my very life is miraculous ... but no more so than that of any other. That you are alive and aware is a miracle, the miracle of life. It is a precious gift that we have been given and that we continue to be given in each moment. We need to make sure that we don't squander that gift. We do that by making sure that we do something that makes a difference with our life. It doesn't matter whether it makes a difference to one or to one million ... it just needs to be an important difference, a difference worthy of our having lived. It doesn't hurt to be kind to one another in the process. It is amazing how much benefit comes from kindness ... even simple acts of kindness. Also, it doesn't hurt to make these random acts of kindness ... kindness for kindness sake. When enough of us do this, our world will be all the richer for it. This is not hard to do. At first, it may require going out of our way a bit. But eventually, it will be a natural part of our expression. Such acts will be our habitual way of interacting with the world. That is when the magic happens. That is when the power of synergy takes hold and multiplies our individual efforts many fold. If I were king how would I change things? What changes to the current system would have the most impact toward creating the world as we desire it to be? One major challenge is where power exists in the current system. Even though we are in an information age, the economic giants still wield the most control. These are multinational corporations that extend beyond the boundaries of any one country. They control the world by controlling the markets for goods and services ... and in doing so, effectively control the economic lives of everyone. Oh, there are entrepreneurs who operate as free agents and are able to make their fortunes or at least their livings in niche markets. However, there are not that many of these relative to the numbers employed by the major corporations. Is this not the result of free enterprise operating in a free market? It is and it isn't. We don't really have free markets. Everything is constrained. Yes, the argument given is that it is for our own good. It was felt that without the constraints the economy would not work. It seems that it is time to question this and give the alternatives a try. How do we go about doing this? How do we open up the economic system to allow people to express more freely and create and exchange goods and services more freely? That is not a trick question. There is a way or multiple ways to do this. We have only to seek them out, find them, and implement them. We can create the society to be anything that we collectively want it to be. That is the key ... collectively want it to be. What I want is not important except as it relates to what we want. Everything else is local chatter. It may have impact in my personal life, but it will not ultimately impact the role that I play in the world. 41

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The biggest changes I would make, however, would be (1) to implement the social contract and (2) to establish a program for assisting people in knowing whom that they are and what they are capable of. This later step is crucial. Until we know whom that we are and what we are capable of ... we have no idea where we fit within the fabric of society. Without that knowledge, we cannot determine what we are here to do and how best to go about doing it. This society should facilitate. When it does, everyone benefits. When it doesn't everyone is all the poorer as a result. It is time we take responsibility and erase poverty from our world wherever we can. We start doing this by not generating any more poverty. But that is only the first step. The consciousness is a mystical and magical place, but it can also be a frightening place. I have walked to the very edge of sanity many times and lived to tell about it. You can choose to do this for yourself, or you can choose to learn from my lessons as you see fit. A third choice is for you to simply walk away as if I and this expression had never reached you. I wouldn't advise that. If you are reading this, there is some reason that this expression has crossed your path at this time. I invite you to stay awhile and evaluate what we have to offer. If you find no value or utility in what comes forth, then do move on to another teacher who may be more to your liking. Is there utility in what is expressed here? What possible utility could there be? As a stream of consciousness expression, this material provides an example of what is possible to come forth from spirit through one who is receptive to doing this kind of work. It should impress you in terms of its quantity and its quality. I know it does that for me ... and I've been observing it happening for over a decade. Yes, this expression is over two months into its 11th year. The Musings since January 2002 have been particularly challenging to explain. That is a streak of nearly 17 months of virtually daily expression. So, what is special about this time? Why is the expression so prolific now? I believe that it has to do with some of the transpersonal energies at play in my astrological chart ... but, why does not really matter. What does matter is that I am moved to express, and strongly moved at that. And, I am following through and finding the time to express. This is a major choice that I make regarding how I use the free time in my life. But, I have to do something with my free time. And, at this time, I can't think of anything more valuable. Beyond Imagination is meant to do some great works before my life is complete. At this point, Beyond Imagination is still an organization of one member. Perhaps that is appropriate. It reflects my present reality anyway. But, this is not as I would have it. It is time to create an interdependent support group responsible for carrying out the work that Beyond Imagination was created to carry out ... namely the building of the foundations for a new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh. Yes, that is a tall order. However, I accept responsibility for it fully. This is what my life is meant to be. This is my destiny. I would share that destiny with any who feel moved in the same manner. I've known for some time that this is not a burden that I can bear alone. Yet, I will bear it on my own until I encounter others who offer their assistance. Whether this will happen in 1 day, 1 month, 1 year, or 10 years ... I have no means of knowing. However, it will happen in spirit's timing and her timing is always the right timing. There is something about this freeform expression of consciousness that makes it different than other writings. I have nothing in my own life to compare it to. I don't do any deliberate writings. Everything is spontaneous expression. Yet, somehow it hangs together. No, not necessarily from paragraph to paragraph or from day to day. But, overall, there is an organization behind all of this. That the organizing force is unknown or is other than conscious, doesn't change the fact that there is an organizing force. Whether that be consciousness, or spirit, or even some part of me of which I am not consciously aware does not really matter. Clearly, there is an intelligence that is revealed here. There is a knowingness revealed that is beyond what I have the right to claim from my experiences in life to date. Where does this knowingness originate? How can so much of this expression be expressed in the declarative form, as if there was no doubt as to its veracity? I simply observe that it is expressed thusly and note that there must be some part of me that knows of what it speaks. This is not fiction that we are writing. This is not the stuff of stories. I've never been one to read much fiction. The closest I come is watching movies ... but that is a different domain than that of the written word. Hmm ... some people reading the material at 42

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this site might very well think they were reading fiction. None of it is substantiated. None of it is proven. It is what it is, the truth as I see it, stated as consciousness would reveal it through me. What would I do next? It seems that it always comes down to this question. And, the answer is always the same. Do as you are moved to do, when you are moved to do it. But, I am not a puppet hanging on some strings to be moved at the whim of some puppetmaster. I am a free being, with a mind and spirit of my own ... and with a will that can be used in the service of spirit as I would choose to use it. But, the old issue of my will versus thy will arises. For you there is no such issue ... know that your will and my will are ONE now. What you would do, I would have you do. What I would have you do, you would do of your own accord anyway. There is no separation between us anymore. I am taking steps to liberate myself and to get the word of Beyond Imagination out to more of the world. It takes time to see whether any of these steps will have the desired effect. In some cases, we can only wait and see. However, in other cases, it seems that there are things that are within our power to do that will make a difference. In particular, here, I'm speaking of whether the books that are published will be a success. It is not clear how much of this is in my control. However, my sense is that more of it is in my control than I might suspect. That is OK. I'm ready to do what it takes to make the changes necessary to open up my world to the world. It seems that this is important now. So long as it is only Wayne's World, effectively it is just a dream ... a vision in the clouds. If I can transfer that dream into the minds of others so that it becomes their dream too, then perhaps together we can do something to manifest it and make a real difference in this world.

23 May 2003 The proof copy of Best Passages from 2002 Musings finally arrived from the publisher. It looks much like the file version that I sent them. The cover is growing on me, but the font they used for the title is annoying. It is courier, or a close relative. I've never really liked it. Somehow, I expected something more artistic. Oh well, I guess you get what you pay for as the saying goes. At some level, this must be right somehow. There is a sense that spirit is guiding the process every step of the way. Infinity Publishing seems appropriate as the publisher for a spiritual work. The ball is in my court now. I need to proof the work and get it back to the publisher. I already started doing this. With any luck, I'll be done by Memorial Day. I was going to proof 2003 Musings - Vol I anyway. That will just have to wait another week or so. It is exciting to see a book with my name as the author. And, a substantial book at that ... 522 pages worth. In doing the proofing, I am reminded of just how special this expression is. It is unlike anything that I have ever read before. Hopefully, others will find that to their liking. There is so much expressed. Each page, each passage has its gems to offer. It is difficult to believe that all of this could come forth through me ... much less do so in a single year. Yet, that is only about the fourth of it. I have no idea of what to expect regarding marketing of Best Passages. This is a completely new venture for me. The publisher has some marketing packages that offer some guidance that I can order ... and I probably will. As soon as I know where the publishers internet "bookstore" is, I can announce that the work is available and generate a link to the site. Beyond that I can bring a copy of the book to work for people to see and browse through. I really am an author with an ISBN number for a book. That is still sinking in. It is one thing to generate words. It is quite another to package them as a book. I cheated a little. I'm missing some of the up front sections and table of contents that many books have. Instead, I started with a short two page introduction and let the passages from the musings speak for themselves. Unlike many authors, I didn't have hoards of people to thank for their contributions toward bringing the work into being. Spirit herself brought forth the stream of consciousness and as far as I know, I am the only one that read it. Not that I didn't make it available. Musings were posted in most cases on the day


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that they were generated. Whether they were read or not ... was not for me to know, at least not yet. I know this because if I were meant to know, I would know. It is not clear where all of this is leading. But, there is a strong sense that I am going to like where it takes me, wherever that is. This is what my life has come to. The time for my destiny to unfold is near. And, if this is true for me, it is true for untold others as well. They will know who they are. They will be having the same strong sense that the hand of destiny is upon them. What we are here to do is literally written in the stars and the planets. Though it takes special gifts to read what is written. No, I don't have such skills. I've only been given the gift to notice patterns of significance. I have to rely on others to tell me what the patterns mean. So far, this has been somewhat hit and miss. The patterns that I am looking to explain are not patterns that are typically important to most astrologers. Then again, that shouldn't surprise any reading this. Wayne's World is quite a unique place. It is not the world that most people experience, not even close. This very expression is a case in point. From where does it come? What is this thing called source? Who in their right mind would freely choose to spend three hours per day expressing in this manner? Surely, you must be crazy! Yet, I have no sense of being crazy. I am as sane as any man alive. OK, I admit I do tend to walk on the edge every now and then ... but how do we know what our limits are if we don't test them from time to time? And, sanity is no exception. I am the first to question my own sanity at times. However, the very fact that I have the presence of mind to question it generally means that I am still sane. I've only gone off the deep end twice ... both times for about two weeks. I don't know that I want to do that again. Three strikes and you're out comes to mind. It is still sinking in ... the fact that I really do have a real book in print, or close to print anyway. Further, it is composed of material that did not exist prior to 1 January 2002. So, this is a recent expression of consciousness. The final words for the book were generated on 31 December 2002. So, we will literally have manifested the book within 6 months of the time that the material was generated. That is amazing. For 2003 Musings - Vol I, I'm trying to cut that to within 3 months. That is about as close to realtime as you can get since the publisher takes 6-8 weeks. So, we could have a second book ready in early August if I get it to the publisher in the next week or two. The title seems to be missing something however. I guess we could precede it by BEYOND IMAGINATION as we did for Best Passages. Hmm ... and maybe use a similar cover design with a different color such as purple perhaps. Then again, that is why we have publishers. Though, I'm not really paying much for services. However, I am having to do nearly all of the formatting, editing, and proofing. So, I'm not really buying much in terms of services. Yet, for $400, one can self-publish a book ... including getting a simple cover design, ISBN, proof copy, proof corrections (limited), and submission to Barnes & Noble and It was actually quite simple. The publisher was very clear about the format for submission of the book. Overall I am pleased with the process thus far. I would have like to have been blown away by the cover. The art part was quite good, but the text font left me a bit flat. However, it is growing on me. Perhaps it is even OK. There are other forces at work in these things. Whoever got the assignment to create the cover was meant to be selected for that task. And, he or she did as she was moved to do and created what they thought was a good cover for the book. Who am I to question that process? Then again, if I truly don't like something about it, far better to speak up now than try to fix it later. One of the down sides to print-on-demand self-publishing is the per unit cost of books. The up front cost is reduced substantially. But, the books are 50 to 100 percent more expensive than similar conventionally published books. However, when you don't know what the market for the books will be and you don't have the money to invest in printing many copies of books up front to get the unit cost down ... it seems there is no other choice. The issue then becomes whether the book is worth its cost? Actually, the cost is not a major factor. If the book is going to be read, time is an even more important issue. I don't know how fast others read ... but five hours is probably not excessive for reading a 500 plus page nonfiction book. At roughly $30, that is $6 per hour ... slightly more than the cost of going to a movie. However, with the book, you can choose to pick it up and reread any portion of it at any time. Further, the nature of 44

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this book is such that it is filled with gems of wisdom from consciousness. Often, they pronounce things that I didn't even know that I knew. Consciousness is ever a mystery. I trust that she will continue to be for all of my days. Actually, I forgot to observe that a book can be shared ... it can be read sequentially by more than one person, thereby reducing its cost even further. None of this really matters. The economic forces are what they are. Those who are meant to read Best Passages from 2002 Musings will find a way to acquire it. My sense is that many will be introduced to the Beyond Imagination site from this book. And, perhaps I'll start getting some of the feedback that I've been asking for ... perhaps more than I am ready for. Then again, we'll face that if and when it happens. No use worrying about things that may or may not be. We have the foundations for a new world to create. It is within our power to do what it takes to create these foundations. That may mean that we have to tear down old foundations that no longer serve us. However, we need to be careful when we do so. We need to do so for the right reasons. This needs to come from an impartial assessment of the utility of the foundations. Along with this we need to assess how we distribute and allocate power in society. This is an area that got us into much trouble throughout the Piscean Age that we are leaving. We don't want to keep making the same mistakes in the Aquarian Age. Actually, we won't be able to, even if we desired to. The new age is upon us. We must live in accord with its demands. First, we must learn what these are. It is not clear that we can go outside of ourselves to find this. The answers that we seek lie within. Some find it easier than others to connect within. That is OK. They can serve as wayshowers and share what they find with those whose inner connections are more challenged. You see here the results of connecting to a source within. What that source is, I know not. All that I know is that it is able to speak through me ... and it does so as long as I choose to be of service in this manner. For nearly 17 months, that has been a lot ... close to three hours a day. How long this will continue, I have no way of knowing. I am elated that it has continued this long and that the material that comes forth is as rich as it is. This is clearly part of my life's work ... part of what I came into this incarnation to do. But, I would do more than just express these words. I would live them. I would build the foundations for a new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh. Yet, this does not seem to be something that I can do on my own. This expression I can engage in for a lifetime. I need nothing further to allow me to express, other than the natural progression of my awareness over time. But, the work of building foundations is work that involves others. Here, I don't even know who these others are yet. I just know that when it is time for us to work together we will meet and we will recognize one another for whom that we are.

26 May 2003 Finished reviewing the proof copy of Best Passages from 2002 Musings. I missed two days of musing, choosing to spend my time on completing Best Passages, rather than on this expression. It had to be done. The sooner the better as far as I am concerned. Overall, it went pretty well. I only found 47 errors in 522 pages. The only "errors" that I ignored were questions without question marks. I'll have to do better on checking for this in future works. Most of the errors were minor typos. There were a few formatting errors. And, occasionally, there was an incorrect word. I didn't have to do any rewriting of sentences or paragraphs. I didn't have to do any deleting or addition of material. Overall the book was pretty clean. From here, it takes another 3-4 weeks to complete the publishing process to the point where the book is available for purchase. So, we're talking the last week in June or so. Now I need to decide what to do with 2003 Musings - Vol 1. It seems a catchier title is warranted. But, this could be an indefinite series of works. There could be three in 2003 if the pace of musings continues as it has. Taking a more leisurely pace to do the proofing prior to submittal, 2003 Musings - Vol 1 should be ready to go to the publisher by the middle of June. That's another $400 out of my pocket without seeing the results from the first work ... but it's only money. That's a small price to pay to have a second book in my portfolio. 45

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With 8 weeks for the publisher to do their stuff, and a month to proof and correct ... that would put the publishing date in mid to late September, roughly 3 months after Best Passages. I still have to pinch myself. I am really an author, a published author. Or, I will be very shortly anyway. Yes, there are things that I could do better. And, I'm sure that each book will improve as a result of my lessons learned. But, I can honestly say that I did the best that I could. I put in an "A+" level of effort into this endeavor. Hopefully that will show, and others will be as moved by the material as I am. One thing I noted was some repetition. The social contract from each in accord with their abilities, to each in accord with their needs was mentioned at least half a dozen times. Each time the context was a little different, but that says something about how important this contract is. I was a little leery seeing it so many times because most people are still turned off by anything that smacks of communism. However, I know very little about communism. What I do know is that these simple words elegantly express a spiritual truth. This is indeed the contract that needs to be established for the Aquarian Age to flourish. It is strange getting back to musing after a two day absence. It is even stranger that even though I spent in excess of 12 hours closely reading Best Passages over the past few days, I don't recall anything of what I read. How can that be? I can remember being aware of myself reading the book and finding the errors. I can remember being entertained, impressed, and amused by what I read. I can remember having the feeling did all of this really come through me? I can remember being pleasantly surprised often by what I read. How is it that with such a large investment of time, my recall is so poor. Actually, 12 hours is just the tip of the iceberg. The 2002 Musings took close to 1000 hours to generate, plus another 100 or so to distill into Best Passages. This is a significant portion of my life last year and part of this year. How is it that I can remember so little about it? If I didn't have this record to go back to, I simply would have no memory of what has come forth through me. Hmm ... I wonder if others experience this in the same manner? I know some people have a photographic memory. Mine seems to be the opposite of that. In fact, it is not clear how my memory functions. I've always been horrible with names and with dates. Further, if I knew that I could refer to it somewhere, I did not typically commit it to memory. Even when it came to vocabulary, my efforts were mediocre at best. I wasn't interested in using the dictionary or the thesaurus to look up words or to find related words. Perhaps that is why my characters per word count averages in the low 4's. I speak simply overall. Yet, even so ... out of simple expression can come the most profound of thoughts. There is something refreshing about this expression. This is where I come to be whom that I AM. This is also where I come to express as spirit will express through me. That seems to be contradictory. But, it is not at all. I have found that I am being the best that I can be when I allow spirit to express as fully as she can through me. This is not a sacrifice of my self or my freedom in any way. It is a choice to be of service to something greater and grander than my highest sense of self. It is a choice I freely make. Yes, of my own free will. I would be what I AM. I would express what can be expressed through me ... even knowing that I know not exactly what that is yet. Oh, I've seen a lot expressed in the decade since this expression began .. but, the sense is that you ain't seen nothing yet. What is still to come will literally knock your socks off. Interesting. It seems that we are in for some exciting times in the days, months, and years ahead. Only time will tell. I'm curious as to what will unfold in the remainder of the year. We're down to just over 7 months, just over 4 months if you go by fiscal year boundaries. At the rate at which the days are passing ... this will be gone in no time. Though, we have much to do in the days to come. At this point, I don't even know what many of the tasks will be. However, I know that there will be many, and they will be different than things that I have done before. Hmm ... this does indeed feel true. We have entered a new phase of our life. The publishing of Best Passages is a breakpoint. It signifies going public in a whole new way. This is the beginning of the outward expression. At this point, it is the very beginning. It will be interesting to see what feedback comes from this. Though, the work stands on its own merit. It is the expression of source, 46

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pure and simple. As such, it is beyond any judgment or criticism. That doesn't mean that it won't attract some. People react in different ways to what they read. However, their reaction applies more to their interpretation than to this work. That doesn't mean there won't be some constructive feedback that is beneficial. And, the work may indeed start to bring you in contact with the kindred spirits that you seek. There is still an uphill battle however. Publishing a book and getting it into the hands of those who are meant to read it are two different things. The first is by far the easier of the two. Though, you may find that you enjoy the second just as much. There is an opportunity for the Leo Rising in you to shine. It's about time that you developed more of whom that you are anyway. You've become far too set in your ways. Flexibility is quite important ... flexibility of body, flexibility of emotions, flexibility of mind, and flexibility of consciousness. You've focused almost exclusively on the later. That is OK, but it would help to reflect this in the other three areas as well. What is it that I want? Unlimited abundance in exchange for applying my services for the benefit of spirit and hence the world. Interesting that I would state this as a conditional. Further, interesting that I would need unlimited abundance ... yet, if I am to speak for the ONE, such is indeed what is necessary. Is this too much to ask for? My sense is no ... this is exactly what we need to ask for and what we need to work for. Yes, whether we get what we ask for is to a large degree determined by what we do. My mind is bouncing all over the place. The possibilities seem endless. There is so much to do. Right now, my time seems to be the tightest resource ... and there is every sense that I will be more busy in the days and months ahead, not less. Though, there is also a sense that I will be busy in different ways than I have been ... in particular, in far more productive ways. Publishing Best Passages was a giant leap for me ... a bigger leap than I yet know. Though, much depends on whether people find the book. Those who are meant to find it will do so, however, we have a role to play in helping the process along ... and a major role at that. Will I like this new role? My sense is yes. It will be different from things that I have done, but it is time to stretch out of my box a bit. I've gotten too accustomed to operating in the way that I do. It wouldn't hurt to do some things that surprise some folks, perhaps even me. Ping ... ping ... ping ... the energy is still there. I just saw a spider walking on the edge of a poster board. Weave me a peaceful world ... that is the message of spider. Are we in a position to be able to do that now. Can Beyond Imagination become a force for change in the world ... a powerful force for change? It seems that indeed it is time for this to happen. On the drive back to Redondo Beach this evening, I realized that Self-Publishing is an effective way of making material available in a much nicer form than copying it at Kinkos. In an 8.5 x 11 format, the Best Passages would have come to around 250 pages, resulting in the cost for bound copies at around $25. With Self-Publishing, a $400 setup fee makes the material available as a book, with copies printed on demand and delivered within a few days. The book can be ordered indefinitely for $28.95 + s&h. Whereas, if more photocopies are needed, the originals have to be brought back to the copier and redone. Also, from what I've seen, the quality of the printed book is far better than that of the photocopied materials. Actually, if you work from the wholesale numbers, the book price comes in at closer to $18.00. The $400 setup fee gets offset by any royalties generated by the sales of the book ... so this is double counting in a way. However, we do need to see at least 100 copies sold adequately cover this. Then, there is the whole matter of the labor that goes into the work to consider. For Best Passages, we have said that was roughly 1100 hours of my time x $100/hour = $110,000 as a round number for what this is worth. Another figure that I've used is $1 per word. I think there were about 150,000 words in the book. Actually, there were three to four times that if you count everything expressed in the 2002 Musings from which the passages were chosen. So, at the high end, we're looking at $500,000. Wow, that is a lot. Is it really worth that? How do we put a price on creative expression? ... especially when that expression comes from spirit? It seems that we will see soon enough what it is worth in the market. The final changes should be complete within three weeks and the book should be available for purchase a week after that. 47

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27 May 2003 Another day to express whatever will come forth. We never know what that will be. That is what makes this expression magical. That is what keeps it interesting despite the countless hours that go into it. Though, I cannot imagine doing anything better with my time. Here, I am capturing something special, something that I have not seen capture in this precise way anywhere else. Ultimately, I believe there will be some great value in what I am doing. Whether I will live to see it ... that may or may not be. Regardless, I am moved to do it anyway. This is how I express whom that I AM. This is as natural to me as breathing. I believe that this expression will move many during the course of my lifetime. We have expressed a lot in a decade. But, that is nothing compared to where the next quarter century is to take us. I believe that to be the timespan for the rest of my work on this planet. That is not a lot of years. I don't expect to live to a ripe old age. But, I do expect to live fully and to make a major difference with my life on a worldwide scale. Yes, that is grandiose thinking on my part. However, I do believe my role is such that I am meant to have world import. I came with the abilities to make a difference on that level. Whether I do or not depends on how I use the gifts that I have been given. I would use them to serve spirit and thus society and even the world. I sent the master list of corrections and the proof copy of Best Passages back to the publisher today. That completes my role in giving birth to the book. The next step is promoting and advertising once the publisher has made the corrections and made the book available for sale. I chose to buy a marketing package to help me get started in this area. I'm curious to see how well it is done. There is some reason Infinity Publishing was right for this work. The company name just struck me as appropriate for publishing a metaphysical book such as this. Also, it didn't hurt that their prices were so reasonable. The saying you get what you pay for came to mind. Yes, this is budget publishing. But, the main product here is the content of the book ... and the package is more than adequate as a conveyance for than content. Could the cover be better designed? I'm sure that it could. But that would require the services of an artist and additional cost. We could also add table of contents, indexes, and ... but that is added work that cuts into our time to bring forth new material. Perhaps in a second edition that is formally published, such things might be added. But, for now, getting the work out in a decent form at a reasonable price is good enough. Roughly $30 for the fruits of 1100 hours of effort is very cheap. That is less than 3 cents per hour. Yes, very cheap indeed. So, where next? It seems I have a few weeks before the marketing phase begins. Do I have what it takes to market my book? Effectively, this amounts to marketing myself. For, what I express is very much whom that I AM. Hmm ... what does it mean to market myself? I have not thought about this in this way before. What is it that I am selling, and to whom? What I have to give is what can be expressed through me. That is a lot, as evidenced by what has come forth in the past decade, and in particular, in the past 17 months. How long this will continue in this manner remains to be seen. Though, it seems that so long as I am willing to commit the time to this expression, it will indeed continue to come forth. The only question is whether at some point other activities will take priority over this expression. I am limited to 24 hours per day 168 hours per week, just as everyone else. If you subtract 8 hours per day for sleeping, that leaves only 16 hours per day, 112 hours per week. Used efficiently and effectively, it is amazing how much we can get done in that time. However, it is also very easy to waste the time away in a variety of less productive pursuits. Then again, it is up to us to define what is a productive use of our own time. We innately know what this is. We cannot fool ourselves unless we so choose. For me, this expression qualifies as the most productive use of my time ... primarily because it leaves a record of a stream of consciousness that may ultimately benefit others. I would like to believe that it will benefit many others, but that is up to spirit. Though, I know that I must do my part as well. Further, that part may be different than anything that I have done to date. That is OK. I am ready for something new to come into my life. I 48

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welcome whatever changes are to come. I know that whatever they may be, they are necessary to allow spirit to express more fully through me, and to allow me to be all that I can be. It seems that it is time to teach some of what I express. Best Passages could be used as a textbook. That would be one way of generating sales. Where would I hold such classes and for whom? How would I find students? Would these be physical classes, internet classes, or both? There is no reason to limit how spirit would express. It seems that I need to be open to new possibilities. It is time to think outside of the box ... outside of conventional ways of doing things. I do this often. But, now, it seems I am being pushed to do this more than ever. Word of mouth advertising will be extremely important. Since my contacts are few ... I will have to rely extensively on those who are moved by my works sharing the word with their network of contacts. Though, it seems that in addition, I will have to increase my visibility and circle of contacts. By their works shall thou know them. Getting the works out will allow many to come to know me. These are intimate works. They reveal a level of thought, feeling, and knowing that is not generally shared. Yet, as a wayshower, it seems right to show that consciousness can indeed express in this manner. Some will be comforted by this because it will validate their own experiences. Others will be surprised by this since what is expressed will be quite foreign to what they experience. That is OK. By seeing that another experiences in this way, it opens up new possibilities for their own experience. No, it may not happen right away ... but there will be chinks in the armor that clothes the self ... and these chinks will eventually expose the true self that lies beneath. Interesting. I don't believe that I've expressed anything quite like this before. It always amazes me when new expression springs forth from source. Though, you would think that by now I would be getting used to it. However, it seems that the longer that I am involved with spirit the more mysterious she is, not less. Then again, perhaps that is to be expected as well since my ability to comprehend grows larger over time as well. I feel truly blessed. In particular, that spirit would take such a personal interest in my life ... and take the time and make the effort to express through me as she does. This is not ordinary stuff that is expressed here. This is clearly extraordinary! Then again, I have a highly biased view of what I am able to bring forth into expression here on these pages. No, this is not poetry ... but it is prose of a high order. It is not fiction ... though I don't bother to prove what I say either. What is expressed comes forth in the declarative. It has done so since the expression began just over a decade ago. While I ask a lot of questions, it does not seem fair to question the integrity of the source of this material. It is enough to use the measure of utility to determine whether the material has merit for us. If it is useful and provides benefit ... then by all means use it. If it does not measure up from a utility standpoint, move on and find something that is more applicable to your needs at this time. Though keep in mind that as you grow and develop, your needs may change, and you may find this material of value to who you have become. Sometimes we are exposed to something the first time just to become aware that it is there. That encounter sets the stage for a deeper encounter later in our life. Just be open to lessons from spirit from wherever they may come. Often these encounters are as a pebble thrown into a still pond. It takes awhile for the ripples to affect the smoothness of the surface. However, this assumes that the surface is somewhat smooth to begin with. It takes substantial effort to smooth our minds so that spirit can come through to impact us and to do her works through us. Oh, if I could only do this on a full time basis and with a small bank roll to back me. I could easily have half a dozen Beyond Imagination books published by the end of the year. I don't know that I can do that part time. But, perhaps if the motivation is strong enough. Further, if the first book sells decently, it can serve as a source for funds to publish the others. The Early Works would make a decent book. Best of Notes would probably be split into two books. And then two more volumes of 2003 Musings brings us to half a dozen. That is well within reach. Though, the final volume of 2003 Musings would not be released until about March 2004. That is a lot of work to sign up for in addition to the daily musings and whatever marketing activities I'll need to engage in for Best Passages. Also, there is always the task of building the foundations for a new world to consider ... and establishing whatever relationships that entails. 49

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Everything takes time, and time is such a precious commodity. Yes, I do desire that my circumstances change in a manner that allows me to do this for a living ... preferably a decent living, at or above the present level that I am accustomed to. That only seems fair. I'll pour far more energy into this endeavor than I do into my present job, and I already do more than most. This indeed is my dream job. This expression is what I love to do. If I do end up completing all six books identified above ... that will mean that from the time the first book went to the publisher until the time the sixth book was available for purchase would have been less than one year. Considering most of the books will be on the order of 400-500 pages, that is quite impressive. Though, only the 2003 Musings book material will have been generated in 2003. The Early Works were generated from 1993-1994. And Best of Notes were selected in 1997-1998 from Beyond Imagination Notes generated in 1993-1996. Though converting these works from their present web format to a format suitable for publishing and cleaning up the grammar and spelling is no small task. I don't mind however. It gives me the opportunity to go back and revisit the states of consciousness that I was in at those times. How many of us have a means for doing this? And, I do it in a manner that I just happen to share with you. A formatted book of quotations might be interesting to do. It would be a Messiah's Handbook of sorts ... in Beyond Imagination style. It also might be interesting to pull together some topic oriented works that might even rearrange the order of passages so that they are no longer time sequential. Thus far, in all of my selections, the editing has been to cut things out, but the relative order of what remained stayed the same. I don't know why ... it just seemed that this was the right thing to do. I don't feel so constrained anymore. There is a decade worth of material to pull from. It seems that I should be free to use it in whatever way is helpful in conveying whatever messages spirit would convey. Actually, it seems time for me to take some responsibility and start conveying my own messages. That is an interesting way of putting it. Yet, it rings true. It is all well and good for spirit to speak through me as she has. But, we need to take the next step and find ways to allow spirit to speak as me as well. This might also be expressed as for me to speak as spirit. That is indeed the next challenge. I'm definitely ready to take the next step ... wherever that might lead. Efficiency and effectiveness ... it all comes down to elegance. Where can my talents be put to the greatest use for the benefit of spirit, of society, and of the world? That doesn't seem to be in my present environment. Then why isn't this changing? Why am I still in my present job? Yes, it is sufficient to pay the bills. So, you could say it is society's way of satisfying its part of the social contract. But, it doesn't fully employ my talents and abilities. Is that because it can't by its very nature? Or, is that because I am not applying myself in a manner that allows it to do this? Hmm ... that is a far more empowering way to look at things. The job is what I make of it. And, there are elements of the job that I like. Yet, I still go back to the deep seated feeling that this is not what I am here to do. Rather, it is this stream of consciousness expression and the work of Beyond Imagination that are my life's work. They are where I will ultimately make a difference with my life. Having a series of Beyond Imagination books is the starting point. This is how we take the works public. The WWW reached some folks, but nowhere near the numbers that we had anticipated when we started posting material in 1995. It is hard to believe that was nearly eight year ago. I still remember converting Beyond Imagination: Foundations for Creating a New World, Reality Creation 1010, and several months of Notes files to HTML format using some very crude editors at the time. Things are much easier now. Thank God! Netscape Composer is my tool of choice. It is WYSIWYG and quite easy to use. So, will I find a way to free myself to work full time on Beyond Imagination endeavors? I believe that I have the self discipline necessary to do this. However, it is not clear that I've fully developed the skill set that I need. I say that because I believe that is what the challenges in my present work environment are there to provide. Though, it is not clear that they are really doing that. There is a saying where there is a 50

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will, there is a way. In this case, what is it my will to do? Once I decide that, the means will make itself known. To shift jobs, I need an equivalent or better income coming from the new job at the point of transition ... including consideration of benefits. Really, it should be far more than this because my output will be far more in the new job. Also, any extra puts me in a position of being able to hire the services of others to do some of the things that they can do ... freeing my time to focus on those things that only I can do or that I do best. I need to start thinking more in those terms. My time is limited and is a highly valued commodity. I can do a lot in one hour. I can create roughly one page of original nonfiction expression. What is this worth? What value can be placed on creative expression? I have no way to quantify it? The suggested worth that has come forth is $1 per word. That is a nice round number. We'll have to see whether the universe comes through and delivers this or not. I suspect that it will. This does indeed seem to be a reasonable sum. Unfortunately, there is no place I can go and say here's my 3000 words for today, please pay me $3000. The words will ultimately have to work their way into a book and then book sales will incrementally pay for them small fractions of a cent at a time. Hopefully, there will be enough sales over time to cover the worth of the material. Looked at another way, this same 3000 words is consuming just over 4 hours of my time to generate today. However, that does not mean that I'm asking for $750/hour for the 4 hours of writing time. You have to consider the prep and training time that went into developing this consciousness so that I could express in this manner. Literally, that involved tens of thousands of hours over 30 years ... none of which was compensated in any way. If I could express in this manner 300 days per year, or roughly six days per week, that would be $900,000. Another 11% and I break into seven figures. I could definitely live with that ... and LOVE doing it. Could I find enough to express for 4-5 hours each day? From what I've seen so far, that would not be a problem. But then again, we've only been doing this with this frequency for 17 months and we average under 2000 words per day. However, we have a job that requires 40 hours a week taking away a big chunk of time.

28 May 2003 The days march on. Yesterday was quite productive. 3000 word days don't come that often. I've set 2000 words as an informal threshold that I try to reach each day. It gives me something to feel good about achieving. It just happens to correspond to about 3 hours of expression. 3000 goes well beyond that ... 50 percent in fact, to the 4.5 hour point. That takes most of my free time to achieve. But, it feels good doing it. We take each day as it comes, one day at a time ... and do what we are moved to do that day. It is spirit herself that moves us. How can we know this? What other force is there? Hmm ... indeed, that is an interesting answer. But, it does seem to be a correct one. I'm more motivated now than I have been in some time ... though, primarily motivated to get Beyond Imagination works ready for publication so that as soon as the money becomes available, the works can be sent to the publisher. That is a lot of work that I have signed up to. However, there is no one else to do it. And there is a strong sense that I need a number of books in the Beyond Imagination stable to give me credibility as an author. By the end of the year we should have combined works totaling in excess of 2500 pages. That is no small feat. In fact ... that is something of a miracle. Yet, it seems well within my capability to pull it off. Much of the material already exists. It just needs to be edited and put into the proper format. Fortunately, for stream of consciousness material ... the editing required is relatively minor. Though I do make some annoying grammar and spelling mistakes that can be difficult to catch. There is still a sense that I need to do the editing and formatting work to create new books in addition to this expression rather than instead of this expression. That means committing more time to Beyond 51

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Imagination than I have been in the past. That might be difficult. I was at the 20 hour per week level already. But that is not really pushing me to the limits of what I am capable of. And, it seems that for the remainder of the year anyway, I need to push myself to the limits of what I can do. The energy is right to manifest this year. It seems prudent to take advantage of that to whatever degree that I can. That means doing whatever it takes. That means rising earlier and sleeping less if necessary. That means expressing more than I have ever expressed for longer periods of time than I have done so in the past. Yet, it seems that I am up to it. It will be a challenge, yes. But it is one that I willingly accept. This is my life! This is where I will make the greatest difference to the world. These words, this expression, are what will remain long after I have gone. Getting them into book form makes them permanent in a way that posting them at the website does not. The website could go away at any time. If Redshift went out of business, it would be a mess having to relocate the works at the Beyond Imagination site to anywhere else. There are too many hardcoded links that would have to be changed. With books ... there is a different type of freedom. The books can be printed at anytime and shipped anywhere. Yes, there are definite benefits to this format. Further, you can carry books with you and read them wherever you wish without having to be tied to a computer and to the internet. These are good things. Books have always been an important part of my life. It seems only right to be in a position to generate a few of my own, or maybe even more than a few depending on how spirit moves me. My sense is that she will move me strongly ... and that I will perform up to both her and my highest expectations. Be all that you can be! That is one of the directives of spirit. It is here that I feel that I do that as I do nowhere else. This is easy for me. The flow of consciousness is natural. I am meant to be doing this. I know it. Yet, there is a sense that I am not yet reaching those whom I am meant to reach, those whom these words are meant to impact. That will change. What I do in the next several months will change this. My destiny is close at hand now. I am living the life I am meant to live ... or coming as close to it as I can at this point in time anyway. I need to stay flexible and observe how the universe responds to my efforts and react accordingly. My books are my children. Can I really go from one to five or six kids by the end of the year? That is a little over seven months away. Yes, that is a lot of work. But what else do I have to do with my time that could be more important than this? The bottom line is nothing! This, by far, is the most important work that I am engaged in. That is always true of spiritual work. To do this, we'll need some cooperation from the universe. The publishing cost involved is around $2500. We'll need sufficient sales of Best Passages to fund the births of the remainder of these books. That is reasonable to expect. As few as 300 sales would suffice. That seems like such a small number to achieve in 4-6 months. But then, I have no experience in this area yet ... so, I really don't know what to expect. Though, I would hope that we might add at least a zero if not two zeros to the end of that 300. We can always hope. What will be will be. We will see soon enough, one way or another. Spent several hours putting together The Early Works comprised of the Beyond Imagination book, Reality Creation 1010, and Best Quotes from the first ten months of Notes. The work comes to 288 pages. That makes for a reasonably sized work that I can price at around $20. All that is left is final proofing. That gives me two books in this final proofing state. I'm leaning hard toward making this one the second book that I publish however. The Beyond Imagination book still captures the overall vision of what Beyond Imagination is all about. And, the Reality Creation 1010 work is probably the most visited work at my site and has received the most comments. It just seems right to make this available in book form at this time. Also, it is only half the size of 2003 Musings - Vol 1, so there is much less to proof. Though that only postpones the inevitable a little bit. I was surprised that I could pull The Early Works together so quickly ... very pleasantly surprised. It is amazing what one can do when one loves and believes in what one is doing. I'm curious as to whether the Best of Notes based books will be as easy to generate. At this point there is some time before I need that to happen. I have enough money put aside to publish one more book. After that, I need to earn more or save more to be able cover the cost for another one. My hope is that early book sales will generate sufficient income to cover publishing at least six books in 2003. It still strikes me as amazing that I could be an author with as many as six books 52

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published before the year is finished. Yet, it is a definite possibility at this time. All that I can do is my part. That is a lot. But, is it enough? It has to be. There is something satisfying about having one's name on the cover of a book. There is a sense of contribution. There is a sense that I have done something meaningful and of lasting value. And, indeed, I have. Though, while it was only in electronic form ... it was as if it was only air. As books, it is really physical. It is even printed on recycled paper. Yes, there is a difference somehow. I have on several occasions had Beyond Imagination works photocopied and bound in an 8.5 x 11 format. In fact, I have a stack of five of these that must come to nearly four inches thick combined that is just above and to the right of my monitor. The double sided printout of 2002 Musings alone came to over two and a half inches. We're already at over an inch for 2003 Musings as well. That is a lot of expression, but there is no sense that it is going to let up anytime soon. In fact, if anything, I am moved to express more than ever. There is also a strong inner drive to share the expression with others. I can do that at the Beyond Imagination web site. But, it seems that it is time to do that in more innovative, creative, and direct ways as well. Yes, I do want to be doing this full time as my vocation. One of my co-workers commented that in a couple of years she'll be able to say she knew me when ... That would indeed be nice. At this point, I don't know exactly how long it will take, but the sense is that this is exactly what is manifesting. I'm doing my part. I'm doing things that enable the forces of the universe to kick in and do their thing. I'm doing what I can do. Further, I'm not leaving for tomorrow those things that I can do today. Today is a case in point. Originally, I was going to get to The Early Works in a month or so. But, I was able to take it on and get it done in one day. By all rights, it should have taken at least a week. But, I was on a roll and in the groove so to speak. When I am operating at peak efficiently, there is no stopping me. If I can get the proofing done this weekend, and get the file off to the publisher next week ... we could see my second book published by early September. At this point, that is exactly what I am moved to do. Do what you are moved to do when you are moved to do it. That is a directive that I have lived by for over a decade ... actually for most of my adult life. So far, it has worked for me, primarily because it is spirit herself that moves me. I don't know whether others are moved in the same manner. Everything seems to be pointing toward a change in occupation in the very nearterm. I can only do this part time for so long. My spirit longs to do so much more. And to do that, I must be free. But, I need the economic freedom to go with the occupational freedom. I believe that the two can go hand in hand. And, I believe that the steps that I am being moved to take now are in line with achieving this freedom. Can this happen this year? That may be rushing the timeline. However, publishing the first book was a major milestone. In some respects, it seems that publishing the second book may even be more important ... primarily because of its content. It is curious that my wife Gini closed her store and begins to work at home as of the end of May. And, here, I'm effectively asking for much of the same thing ... to allow me to work from home as well. But, am I missing something. Is the context of my present work environment offering something that I need? If it is, I'm just not seeing it. There is a sense that much of my work time is wasted, and there doesn't seem much that I can do about it. There is far too much time spent fighting the latest fires. This keeps people busy ... but not necessarily productive. There has to be a better way to employ people ... a way that makes far better use of their individual abilities and talents. However, we have to realize that something is seriously wrong and we have to desire to change it.

29 May 2003


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Another special day. I was able to generate another manuscript ... Best of Notes - Book 2 from the final year of Best of Notes. It comes to over 400 pages, making a substantial work. I still need to generate an Introduction and a Conclusion, and of course do a final proofing ... but this makes the third book in this close to ready to go to the publisher state. The companion Best of Notes - Book 1 shouldn't take more than a few hours to generate, including the basic formatting. I'm really moved to do this ... more than I've been moved to do anything in a long time. I can see all five books manifested in their published form. The labor necessary to make this happen is completely within my power to control. However, I do need some help with the financial end. The costs aren't much. But they are beyond what I presently have available. I can get the second book underway. Further, in a few weeks I may have enough to get a third one going. But then we need to start seeing some sales to help recoup the costs. Let's see ... 520 + 290 + 590 + 450 + 300 = 2150 pages of material in five books. That is a lot to publish in one year, especially non-fiction. Though, it helps that it was generated over 10 years. Actually, most of it in 5 of those 10 years. Actually, that is a rough figure. The Best of Notes files in the early months were not nearly as long as they were during some of the months in the final year. That is not the whole story. These musings continue nearly daily. At this rate, I'll accumulate enough material for 2003 Musings - Vol II by the end of August and could have that ready for publishing within a few weeks after that. If the pace stays close to what it has been for the past 17 months, we're probably talking about another 500 page work at least. That would bring us to half a dozen for 2003. Wow! If the books sell and there is sufficient income, I have ideas for many other works that might be created from the Beyond Imagination material. I'd like to devote an entire work to Best Quotes with some formatting to make it more pleasant to the eye. You can probably tell how excited I am when I am doing this. Clearly, this is what I am meant to do. The only question is how do I arrange things so that I can earn my living doing it. Having a stable of books seems to be the most promising means that I have yet thought of for doing this. Self-publishing makes it easy to turn this possibility into a reality. Yes, I am going to have to do things to market the works. But, I think that I am ready to do that now in ways that I have never been before. I am more comfortable with myself and with all that has been expressed through me. I can speak with others about this. One Year. Where will I be one year from now? What will I be doing? How will I be living? How will I be earning my living? Will I be engaged in performing the mission I came to perform? Will I love what I am doing, whatever that is? Indeed, it seems that this is the timeframe that we are talking about for change. This gives Best Passages nearly 11 months to start doing its stuff ... and manifesting abundance into my life. Further, The Early Works will have 8 months, and other works several months depending on when I am able to commission them. There is no use worrying about it. I am a man on a mission. I will find a way ... with spirits assistance. If these works are supposed to be born this year, the funds will be available to permit it. I don't typically spend much money on anything for myself ... but it is important that I do this. This is an investment in myself, in spirit, in Beyond Imagination, and in the future. The only question is why was I not moved to do this earlier? I think part of the answer is that I needed the experience of 2002 Musings to show me just how precious this expression is. Best Passages was selected from a storm of expression that started on January 1 and lasted all year with rare exceptions. I believe there were over 330 musings for the year. There was nothing comparable in the expression prior to that. It still strikes me as interesting that my first book could officially be available for purchase the final week in June, and my sixth book might be available for purchase by Christmas of this year. That probably sets some kind of record. That would mean that I need to get the final book(s) to the publisher no later than late September. That gives me just over two months to generate sufficient sales of Best Passages to cover publishing 3 books. Details, details ... it seems that it always comes down to the details. Why can't I just do my thing and created the books and trust that they will find their way to those who are meant to read 54

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them. Yes, I will need to help to facilitate this. But, it is not something to worry about or to plan. It seems that I need to be more spontaneous here and allow spirit the freedom to move me as she will. This is different than posting the works to the internet. Taking the step to transform the works officially into books is a major step. It demonstrates a degree of maturity ... and a degree of belief in the works. It will attract a corresponding audience in return, an audience who will be surprised and amazed by what they find. Yes, the works are that good. But, you've known that for some time. You just weren't ready to go public until now. The internet was faceless ... it wasn't really public. The marketing of books will require that you take the expression that is Beyond Imagination public. Right now, this expression is still you, and of course spirit.

30 May 2003 Finished the first draft of the companion Best of Notes - Book 1 last night. I'm on such a high, that it is hard to come down. The 2150 page count was close. It actually came to 2208. Yes 22-8, how appropriate, the number for my whole name in ALL CAPS. I'm now very close to having four works ready to go to the publisher. We're talking about final proofing, some short conclusion sections and perhaps adding a quote to the cover pages for each of the months of Best of Notes. That means selecting 30 quotes. I thought about picking the quotes from the month in question ... but then thought it might be more fun to go back to even early writings documented in the Beyond Mind work that covered the period from the beginning of the writings on 5 March 1993 until my vacation in the mental hospital began on 1 October 1993. The material from that time isn't really captured anywhere else, so the quotes would be fresh. To say I am jazzed is an understatement of major proportion. Clearly, I could spend every waking moment engaged either in this expression or in relating this expression to others. Yes, I feel that strongly about it. Strong enough to overcome my shyness around people ... it seems that I have no real choice, the message must get delivered and it seems that I am the one to deliver it. After all, this expression has been coming fourth through me from source for over a decade. There is some reason for that. There is some reason that I am playing this role. Yes, my abilities have something to do with it. But, there is a sense that this is the role that I came to play. Further, it was not meant to be played in isolation, not forever anyway. It seems that the time has come for the modality to change. The books are the trigger, the rallying point that facilitates this change. They allow me to reach a much larger audience much more quickly. So, what do I see in my future? I see talks, discussion groups, and perhaps even classes based on the Beyond Imagination material that has been expressed and that continues to be expressed. How do I get started doing this? At this point, I haven't a clue. But, I'm sure it will come to me ... or the right people to help will make theirselves known. I received a question from a friend via e-mail regarding what this thing that I call source really is? Where do these words come from? How do others find the equivalent part of themselves to tap to bring forth this kind of information from within? These are all good questions. I've labeled the origination point for this expression source. I experience it as feminine. I don't really know what I did to tap into it the first time. It just seemed to happen and words flowed forth into my mind that I typed and was astonished to read. Over the course of many months, the connection grew more and more frequent and occurred for longer durations. When I wanted to engage source, I would just blank my mind and go into a receptive state and allow whatever would come into my mind to flow forth. I had no sense of making it happen. It was more a matter of stepping aside allowing it to happen. That has shifted over the years to a more participatory experience. I don't control what gets expressed, but I definitely participate in bringing it forth, even if I am not aware of actually creating it. Then again, perhaps that is a limit of my own awareness. It could be that I am really creating it all, only I am not consciously aware of it. However, that doesn't really matter. 55

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My experience is still the same. Though, there is a sense that my awareness is growing and that at some point I will become aware of the creator self. I'm just not there yet. The best advice I can offer for how to connect with source is to still your mind. Until you stop the river of thoughts that distracts you and engages your attention constantly, you have no room for the still small voice from within to speak to you. She will speak ... but only if you are listening. Most people do not know how to listen. Listening is hard work. It demands our full attention. However, we need to be relaxed when we engage in doing it. I've been doing this for a decade. The words simply come forth automatically. I don't have to think about it. I simply allow the stream of consciousness to do its thing in my brain and I type what I hear. The process has not changed since those early days. Though, it is probably a little faster now, limited only by my ability to type. Though, it also seems that I need to be able to understand what is coming through for it to come through. No, that doesn't mean that I remember everything that is expressed here. In fact, I don't remember what was in the past sentence. However, when it comes forth, I understand what it means. It is not hidden. It is expressed simply. I guess the saying is true that simply because you know how to do something, does not necessarily mean that you can teach it. This expression is like that. I don't know that I could teach others to express as I express. However, I would show that what all of these words have shown is that what is important is not for us to express like another ... but rather for us to express in the manner that is right for us. Here, we need to assess our own abilities and talents. We need to find what we love to do. Then, we need to find a way to do what we love to do in a manner that serves not only ourselves but others, our society, and even our world. That is how we make a difference with our lives. And, making a difference is what it is all about. Further, the more passionate we are about what we are doing the greater the difference that we will make. It is amazing what happens when we do what we love to do. There is a powerful force that is unleashed to do great works. I don't know that I'm really helping to show the way to source. If your predisposition is toward verbal endeavors, then we are probably similar enough that what works for me should have some applicability to you. Most likely it will need to be tailored to accommodate unique differences, but overall spirit brings forth the Word in similar ways through all who would be her scribes. I say that, but we are more than that ... we possess the minds wherein the physical expression of the vibration that is the word is formulated. Some are visual and write about the pictures that they see in their mind. Others are visual but actually see the words written out before them. These might be in books that they are able to access and translate. Some, like me, are auditory, we hear the words in our head. This makes the expression very immediate. It also makes the time horizon for the expression very short since we are so narrowly focused on what is coming forth in the moment. Some are kinesthetic and feel things. They then have to translate what they feel into words. Of all of these, the visual written and the auditory seem to have the easiest job from a translation perspective. These are just some of the major types. Many are combinations of multiple types ... so there is a great variety. Further, there is a great difference in the nature of the material that gets expressed. The writers of fiction books are inspired by source as well. All creative expression comes from source. There is little in common with the average fiction bestseller and the works that I have been moved to express. Yet, they ultimately spring from the same source. That provides another avenue for instruction. Any courses or books that get you in touch with your creative side are good places to start. Above all else, source is creative. The more creative we become, the more we connect with source in our lives. One exercise that I can offer is just to sit down and write ... allowing whatever would flow forth to flow forth without judgment. Do this regularly, daily if you can for at least 30 minutes and preferably for an hour. The best way to learn to do something is by doing in. If you want to write, then write. For awhile, you may find that you have plenty to write about to fill the hour on your own. But, the goal is to allow source to start coming forth to fill the pages as she will (or he will if that is how you experience source). Stay open, somewhat detached, but interested. Focus on being the observer of what is happening during this process. You, too, will see that the origination point, source, is a magical place. It can't be 56

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pinpointed. It can't be located within the body. It can't be located within the mind. Yet, the expression that comes forth is proof of its existence. What else can be done to tap source? We have to want to do it. We have to know that we can do it. We have to do the selfwork to ensure our belief systems are consistent and that our motives are truly to be of service. Hmm ... something just came to mind. When we want a water well on our property, we hire a drilling company to dig the well and tap the water source. Could the appropriate people provide this kind of spiritual service for others and assist them in tapping the source within. I don't see why not. Why should everyone have to learn the hard way? Indeed, they should not. Is there anyone providing such services right now? There probably are, but I am not personally aware of them. That's not saying a lot. There are a lot of things that people are already doing that I am not aware of. It seems that for me, 20 years of metaphysical reading and study was effectively the process of digging the well. Then, in 1993, the gusher came in and it was all that I could do to cap it and keep it contained. Why 1993? We've talked about that elsewhere. The energies were right ... that was simply the time for these events in the play of my life to unfold. So, were the years of metaphysical study causative ... were they necessary? For me, I believe the answer is absolutely. They programmed me to be ready to do what I've been doing for the past decade. Now, however, it seems we are at another major breakpoint. I strongly feel that my life is about to take a major turn in a direction that I have not planned for it to go. All of the stuff with publishing books has come forth in the past few months. That I could earn my livelihood from such activity is a dream, but is far from a reality yet. Though, I can taste it. Further, I have come an enormous way in as little as one week. Just came from working on The Early Works. One quote was particularly appropriate, and it just happened to correspond to my age: 45 - The key thing that drives the whole process is making "Know Thyself" the top priority in your life. This above all things sets you on the path that is right for you. This is the best advice that I could give. When you make knowing thyself this important and follow up by being what you know that you are, all that you could possibly need will come unto you. It is indeed that simple. Though, in practice, knowing thyself can be quite a challenge ... one that potentially engages us for many lifetimes. All that we can do in an one existence is the best that we can. That is always good enough. In case you are wondering, this is number 45 out of 111 quotes in the third section of The Early Works. If things go as planned. It should be available for purchase in about three months. Some more advice comes from the Beyond Imagination Quote per Day Calendar for 2003. Today's quote is:

Creativity in general is far more intuitive than logical. From that, the guidance is to do those things that allow our intuitions a wider berth in our lives. This has been a recurring topic in the musings. I've made it very clear that I consider intuition far superior to logic. Not that logic doesn't have its utility in its own domains. As a systems engineer with formal training in Electrical Engineering, I must admit that. But, in the realm of the unknown of consciousness ... here reason and logic are completely out of their elements. Here, intuition must be relied on to provide a course by which to sail. Thus far, she has not failed me. Even with my two vacations to the local mental health institutions, it was only through her guidance that I made my way back at all.


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It is interesting that I am moved to use my Redondo Beach address in the books for contact information. It seems that even if I'm able to do this on a full time basis, I'll need a location that is in LA, closer to a major population center ... and closer to a major airport. Interesting. Also, it is a lot cooler in the summer and offers a way to escape the heat for several days per week. Further, I could write without some of the distractions that I would have at home. That is important as well. Things will work out as they need to. There are no accidents. We are moved to do things for reasons, even if we don't know what those reasons are. Today has been a stellar day for Beyond Imagination expression. I'm still flying high. It is not clear when I'm going to land. There are so many possibilities running through my mind. But, most exciting is the idea that I've really reached a crossroads where there is a real choice at hand that I can make that can determine my destiny from this point forward ... and that I am watching myself doing those things that show that I have indeed already made the choice that I want to make. It is just a matter of allowing it to play itself out in my reality. For instance, I have indeed created five books. The second will be ready to send to the publisher by Tuesday at the latest. The other three will take a little longer not so much because of the remaining work to be done, but because money is an issue. That is OK. Now that I have an overall plan, I have something to save up for. In the meantime, the musings continue as they have for 17 months. Two more days and we start the 18th month. That is amazing to me that the pace of the musings could be what it has been for so long. The creative juices are flowing. As I was working on Best of Notes - Books 1 and 2, it was obvious that there were other things that could be done to create various works out of the material expressed at Beyond Imagination. Best Quotes works were obvious candidates. There could be a series of these. We haven't touched The Search for Center yet. There is easily a book worth of expression there. Then, with more effort, we could create topic oriented works that combine new expression with relevant passages that have come before in various works. Oh ... if only I could be doing this fulltime. If only, indeed. It seems time to walk my talk and manifest the conditions for my liberation. Yes, I do feel enslaved to some degree by my present circumstances including my present job. I am thankful for the job from the standpoint that it is secure and pays sufficiently to cover the bills. But, it is not clear that this is enough anymore. My spirit longs to be free ... completely free, and it is not clear that it can be that in the current work environment. I've had this problem before. In 1993, with Loral then in 1998, here. Is this another repetition of the cycle? It seems that I don't get really motivated to change things until the work environment becomes intolerable to me. My sense is that we are not there yet, but we are getting close. I need to be doing work that I feel good about, work that truly makes a difference in an important way. I feel that way about everything that I've done and expressed for Beyond Imagination. That is what I need to be doing as my vocation. The only question is how do I find a way to get it to pay at least equivalent to my present salary and benefits ... preferably substantially more since I will be doing so much more? As always, the place to start is with the right questions. Until we ask, the universe is not aware of what it is that we really want. The next step is to take actions in accord with this desire. What can I do to start supplementing my income with the goal of the new way of earning an income eventually replacing the old way? The books provide a vehicle for that. But, there is more that I can do. What is contained in the books is alive in me. That makes me a valuable asset to the right audiences. I just need to do what it takes to market myself ... and speak freely as consciousness would speak through me. Since the connection is primarily auditory, there is no reason it can't translate into a lecture or a teaching setting.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

--- JUNE --1 June 2003 A new day in a new month. Skipped another day of musing. I spent the time proofing The Early Works so that I can send it off to the publisher tomorrow. I'm 99.9 plus percent there. One more pass tonight and I think it's ready to go. I'm still amazed at what came forth during that period first year following my major awakening in Oct 1993. The work is timeless ... it could endure indefinitely, definitely long past when I am dead and gone. Reality Creation 1010 is particularly peculiar. It was definitely inspired. That something like that could be created in 10 days still blows me away. Yet, it happened. I watched it happen and I participated in it happening. The words came through me. They flowed forth fluidly and rapidly. I was a madman, possessed with bringing forth a work of consciousness. It didn't matter that I didn't know exactly from where it came or how I was able to bring it forth. It was enough that it was manifesting before my eyes, day by day, thought by thought. It seems right that this would manifest as a book now. It will have been nearly a decade since the work came forth by the time it is available for purchase. Part of that is my fault. My early attempts at getting works published were dismal failures. I didn't realize how easy and how affordable it could be. Perhaps that was the universe's way of telling me that the time was not yet right. There was still much that I needed to learn. There still is. But, I am far more grounded now than I was then ... even though my spirit does its share of soaring. I don't think that will ever stop. My very nature is fire. It is in the realm of the spiritual that I truly come alive. The times have changed however. What didn't work before, it seems may indeed work now. I am meant to be an author of some reknown. If I have my way, we'll see at least half a dozen Beyond Imagination books published this year ... spirit permitting, that is. The material for five of these is already done. Further, we are well on our way to gathering material for 2003 Musings Vol II. It is only dependent on continuing the daily musings. At this point, there is no indication that these will terminate anytime soon. The only uncertainty is funds. And, everything in me tells me that this will work itself out. If my will is in line with The Will, what I desire will manifest, one way or another. Proofing books is quite a chore. It means carefully reading the material to look for format, spelling, and grammar errors. There are not a lot of these overall, but there are enough that it makes for a time consuming activity. Doing a good proofing prior to submittal should make the final proofing go easier. I should be able to limit my concern to formatting problems. Also, I don't have to pay for corrections that way. At some point, it would be nice to offload this task to others. I'm not great at taking care of the details. I do it when I have to. And, whatever I do, I try to do well. But, there are other things that I would rather be doing that others cannot do. That is where I am able to make the greatest use of my abilities. For instance, in the time it took to proof The Early Works, I'm sure that I could have put together a draft manuscript for The Search for Center book. Yes, I could do it in roughly 8-12 hours of effort. No, I don't think anyone else could put it together in 5 times that amount of effort. But, I know where the material is and roughly how I want to organize it. The only open question is whether to organize by section or to organize by issue. I'll probably make the final decision when I start producing the draft. Actually, this would be book 7. I have an idea for another book composed solely of Best Quotes. That would be book 8. I'm sure that if I thought about it awhile I could come up with ideas for more. But, there is only so much that we can do part time. I definitely seek the conditions for my liberation. It is time to manifest financial freedom. Easier said than done you say. But, that is what these children of my consciousness are for. They have come forth to liberate me. It just took awhile to get them in a form where they could do this. Made it through the final pass of The Early Works. It took longer than I thought it would, but I did catch quite a few formatting errors caused by using a different version of MS Word. Oh well. Lesson learned. 59

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I'll have to do the final editing and error correction on my new machine rather than my wife's older laptop. Anyway, it's done now. I'll send it out tomorrow. That makes two! There is still a lot more to do to reach my goal. 2003 Musings - Vol I is next in the queue for proofing. It comes in at nearly 600 pages so there is a lot to proof. But, it has to be done. The sooner it gets done, the sooner I can get it to the publisher as well. However, that comes close to exhausting my available funds. I'll have to save up for the two Best of Notes books. That's another $800 that needs to come from somewhere. At least that gives me a little extra time to do the proofing. The two books together come in at a total of over 800 pages. Yes, 2003 is truly a year for manifestation for Beyond Imagination. Though, the material for four out of five of these works existed before this year began. The difference is that I am moved to takes action to publish the works. This is a formal action that makes the works available in a whole new way. It is also an announcement to the world that I am ready to stand behind what I say ... and demonstrate it in the way that I live my life. Yes, I did this to some degree before. But, this is taking things to a whole new level of expression.

2 June 2003 Back to our daily musings. Mailed The Early Works to the publisher this morning. That's two down and at least four to go for the year. I can reach the halfway point by proofing 2003 Musings - Vol I. That is a good project to start this week. It could take awhile. That is OK. I'll set a goal of two weeks. I don't typically set goals. But, it seems that in this case it is appropriate. I need to push myself to my limits and get as much accomplished as I can. There is always more work that can be done. I spoke yesterday of a potential Book 7 and Book 8. I'm sure there could be even more if I thought about it awhile. One thing that came to mind was a retrospective based on the Beyond Mind work that included commentary based on my present understanding of what I was experiencing and documenting in that period from the time the expression began in March 1993 until the first major awakening in October 1993. That makes 9. A work on how numerology has been used in finding hidden meaning in symbol systems could make Book 10. We've learned a lot about the Nature of Consciousness over the years. That might be a suitable topic in it's own right for Book 11, pulling appropriate passages from what has been expressed to date and adding new material to present a complete picture. Though, for 9-11 we are talking about a substantial amount of original work that would need to be generated. That's OK. That is what I do. I am an information generator. This just requires slightly more focus than I normally apply. I am indeed a madman on a mission. I am consumed by this task of getting the Beyond Imagination works published as quickly as the universe allows. For some reason this seems to be the right thing to do at the moment. These are my children. Publishing them releases them to do their works in the world. They are an extension of me. The ideas they express have the potential to reach and to impact many. Whether they will do so or not remains to be seen ... but, this seems to be somewhat up to me. What I do makes that much difference. Yes, I have posted the material to my Beyond Imagination site on the WWW. But, that is not the same as publishing the material. Publishing makes a positive statement that I believe enough in what I do to commit my writings to public scrutiny. Indeed, I do. And, I welcome whatever feedback will come from this. It was time to try something new ... something different, and this seemed to be the right thing to do. A quote comes to mind ... something to the effect: Only fools believe that they can get something different by doing the same things. So, it seems that it is indeed time for me to express in a new way. Publishing books happens to offer that way. It is a new form of expression for me. And, just maybe it is the one that will lead to my liberation 60

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and allow Beyond Imagination to finally get off the ground and start doing works that are of utility to society and the world. Not that the world will necessarily recognize the utility at first ... but some will, and that will have to do for now. There is an upswelling of energy within me. There is a sense that I am on purpose, that I am doing exactly what I need to be doing at this time in my life. Everything is starting to click. I can envision how it is that I would like to live my life. And, I can imagine doing it sometime soon. In fact, there are many parts of it that I can do already and am already doing. I am motivated in a way that I have not been for some time. There is an inner drive that has been engaged. Further, I'm operating in high gear ... working with a productivity that is extremely high. It definitely helps to love what you are doing. The only question is how do I transform this into my job? ... for I do not see how to transform my current job so that it allows me to engage in this. And, it is not clear how long I can stand to do this part time. Consciousness guides my every step. She moves me to do what I do, and to express what I express. This stream of consciousness is the stream of my life. I have chosen to serve spirit, and in doing so to serve my society and my world. Interesting, I speak of my world as if it were something that I own. But, it is something that I create, or at least co-create. Hmm ... why didn't I just say "serve society and the world"? That would have conveyed a similar point. But, the sense is that the words were carefully chosen. Each of us exist within a society and a world of our own making. There may be some similarities, but the uniqueness of each individual ensures that each society and world is unique as well. How can this be? We all live in the same world, don't we? But, do we really? The quote from the 2002 Quote per Day Calendar for yesterday is appropriate: Sometimes it feels as if what is to be expressed is destined ... it already exists in finished form. It is only the linear nature of experience in this world that causes it to come forth letter by letter, word by word, thought by thought ... It does indeed seem that what is being expressed is being read by me versus being created by me. I hear a silent voice in my head that communicates these words and I express what I hear. But, there is no sense that I am originating all of this, at least not consciously. It has been that way since the expression began in 1993. Will this change at some point in the future? I don't know. We'll have to see what unfolds. My sense is that it will evolve to whatever it needs to be for me to carry out my mission. So far, this present form of expression seems to be enough. Though, even that is evolving as we speak. The energy is different this year than in 2002, and was different in 2002 than for prior years. I'm not sure how to describe the differences however. Perhaps you can sense them from what has been expressed and the way that it has been expressed. 2002 was about bringing forth Musings on a regular basis ... nearly daily in fact. 2003 is about not only doing that, but publishing books as well. It will be interesting to see what the remainder of the year brings. We still have seven months to go. That is an eternity at the pace that I have been working lately. But, there is still a matter of marketing. How do I get the word out that Beyond Imagination has gone public and published various works? My circle of acquaintances is limited. And, many of these are not necessarily into metaphysics. The Beyond Imagination books are targeted for a relatively small market of folks interested in metaphysics, new age, consciousness, self-help, reality creation, belief management, and the like. This is not necessarily the stuff of bestsellers. Then again, I have no idea how many sales are required for something to qualify as a bestseller. It seems that I am going to have to do some things to get the word out. That could seminars or speaking engagements, booths at whole life expos, appearances at bookstores, ... I can also announce the availability of the books at the Beyond Imagination site, for what good that will do. Somehow we need to get the distribution chain outside of the internet domain alone. Perhaps I am overly limiting the appeal 61

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that these books will have. They will reach who they are meant to reach. Yes, I need to do my part to see to that. But, there is a large hand at work here, the hand of Providence herself. My job, as always, is to do what I am moved to do when I am moved to do it. The sense is that the steps that I need to take in the times ahead will be obvious. It is simply a matter of applying myself and doing them. At this point, I am highly motivated to do just that. I really do feel that I am standing at a major crossroads in my life, and that what I do now will create the future that I experience. There is something about this year that is special. This is a defining moment in my life. The sense is that it is time to consciously accept the mantle of my spiritual mission. I have been touching on it and even doing parts of it for some time. But, now it seems this is to become my primary mode of being. That gives it a much greater emphasis than it has ever had before.

3 June 2003 Another day in which to express. I started the final proofing for 2003 Musings - Vol I last night. It is going to take awhile. I spent over two hours reviewing 40 pages. The work is nearly 300 pages in 8.5 x 11 format ... so, I have just scratched the surface. I was amazed by what I read, however. The expression is indeed different from that of 2002. Best Passages was a selection of the best material from what had been expressed. For 2003, we are moved to capture the musings just about in their entirety. As a result, we have nearly as much material from four months in 2003 as was selected from the entire year in 2002. Then again, there is really no comparison of what gets expressed from one work to another. Each work stands on its own and has its own reasons for existence. Interesting, but that does indeed seem to be the case. These works are entities in their own right. Yes, they are born through a collaboration of consciousness and me. But, once born, they are free to impact and influence others in the world. In this way, they do their works. And, in this way, effectively I do my works and the works of consciousness. Doing our works in the world ... that is what life is all about now. Actually, it is all about doing spirit's works in the world. But, I've reached a point where I believe that my works are indeed spirit's works through me. It wasn't always that way. I was reluctant to impose my will on the world for a long time. But, I have realized that my will is an important tool in my arsenal for doing spirit's work. It is a matter of using it in the right way. Six books. Can I really publish that many before the year is completed? That is a lofty goal ... but it seems to be one that is well within my reach. After all, at the pace I'm going, I should be able to have the third book to the publisher within two weeks. That would be the halfway point. And the drafts for Best of Notes - Book 1 & 2 are already complete ... awaiting proofing and availability of funds. Book 6 would be 2003 Musings - Vol 2. The raw material for it won't be completed until the end of August. This is definitely possible. No, more than that, it is highly likely ... I was going to say a certainty. But, we never know what will happen. I'm not used to planning months ahead. This is new territory for me. Yet, it seems that it may be something that I will be doing more and more in the times ahead. And, not just for me, but for others as well. I have the been given the ability to see things that need to be done ... yet, many of these things are not things that are for me alone to do, or maybe even for me at all to do. In some cases, it may be enough simply to convey what needs to be done to those who can do it. This is a different way of operating for me. I'm used to operating on my own and having to rely on myself to do the things that need to be done. Though, my wife does take care of a lot of things around the house in addition to all the paperwork. There is a strong sense that this is indeed the work that I am here to do. This is the work that puts a spring in my step. This is the work that I love doing. I just need to find a way to get paid to do it ... and paid well. That seems to be what I am doing. That seems to be what all of this work of publishing the Beyond 62

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Imagination books is all about. They are to be my ticket to freedom ... and the means for breathing life into the works of Beyond Imagination. There is a mission to be accomplished. There are foundations for a new world to be created. It is high time for us to get on with it, and do what we came here to do. Yes, that requires funds ... but the universe will see that these are forthcoming, as long as we do our part. To date, expressing here is still what appears to be my part. Though this expression has extended to sending works off to be formally published. This is a different action than I have taken before. We are still a month or so away from starting to see what the consequences of that action will be. Though, I feel good about it. Something about it feels right. This does indeed seem to be the right next step for this expression. Though, announcing that the books have been published to the world will take some effort on my part. At the end of The Early Works, I included a section about Beyond Imagination at the end that included books planned for release in 2003. I included: Beyond Imagination: Beyond Imagination: Beyond Imagination: Beyond Imagination:

Best of Notes - Book 1 Best of Notes - Book 2 2003 Musings - Vol I 2003 Musings - Vol II

It felt right to announce to people that all of this was coming ... and would be manifest this year. Now, it is up to me to do what it takes to make it so. At this point, I don't foresee anything that could stop me. Is all of this worthy of being published. I believe so. But we will only know when we see what kinds of sales are generated. One thing about publishing so many works so quickly is that I don't have to individually market them. I can treat them as a group. I can use Best Passages to get me in the door, and then explain that these other works are also available. Am I saturating the market by doing this? Perhaps. But, the time span for the works is ten years. I'm just happening to make them available in one year. Besides, there is something about creating an instant presence of this magnitude that does something to shake up the world. And, the world is in need of a good shaking up at this time. Are the ideas presented here capable of doing that? My sense is yes. They offer an example of a worldview that is far from the beaten path. Yes, I am eccentric. Yes, I believe some things that many might find strange. However, overall, my belief system has high utility ... and utility is all that really matters in the realm of beliefs. Do our beliefs serve us and those whose lives we touch? The later clause is very important. It is easy to fall into selfish ways. We need to be careful to avoid this. We need to find ways to serve others as we live the life that we are meant to live. This is not always easy. But, there is always a way. I'm still getting used to the idea that I could be the author of six published books by the end of 2003. That is less than 7 months away. Yet, I can taste it ... it is as if it is already so and I am just awaiting its manifestation in flesh. Not that I don't need to do my part. There are manuscripts to proof and musings to continue to write for at least another 3 months. But, all of this is stuff that is easy for me to do. It is stuff that is well within my control to make it happen. Even the funds seem doable, regardless of the sales of Best Passages. Though, it would indeed help to see my efforts return something for the large investment that I have put into them. That will be as it is meant to be. Spiritual law will ensure that we reap what we sow. I need to take things one step at a time, and allow spirit to lead me to where I need to be and what I need to do. She has done this for most of my life. I have no reason to believe that she will desert me now. In fact, there is every reason to belief that it is via her that all of this expression comes. Yes, I still believe that. I still have no sense of originating all of this. Though there is a sense that I am getting closer ... that I am somehow one with that which originates all of this. Interesting. I don't believe that I've expressed it in that way before. Yet, that is how I feel right now. There is a part of me that is captured in this expression. Without me, it could not exist in this manner. That makes this expression special ... primarily because I am special. I am not your average person. There is nothing normal about me. Then again, we are all special in our own ways.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

4 June 2003 Wow, this makes 141 musings in 155 days for the year. That is about at the same pace as for last year. By the end of the month we will have nearly 500 musings in a 1.5 year period. That is simply amazing. That is a lot of files to manage. But, even more importantly, that is a lot of expression to bring forth. Yet, that is what I do these days ... I bring forth whatever this stream of consciousness would have me express. I am ever amazed by what is able to come forth. Yes, even after a decade of expression ... this is all fresh and new. Here, I can be whom that I AM in ways that I can be nowhere else. And, what I AM is far more than I had any idea of what I might be. It is interesting that this would be true as well. Yet, what should one expect from an expression that goes by the name Beyond Imagination? There is a strong sense that my destiny is in the process of being manifest now ... that I have set the wheels in motion via my actions. In particular, via my actions with respect to publishing two Beyond Imagination books. But, that is just the beginning. I'm about 1/3 of the way through proofing book number three. At the present pace, I should finish it sometime next week. That would get me to the halfway point of the goal that I have set for the year. But, will the books sell? My sense is that they will. But, does that even matter? I am publishing the works because that is the right thing for me to do right now. I feel that deep within me. Publishing will make the material available to a different audience than visits my website. Further, the format of a physical book has its benefits. One year. It seems that what I am doing now may take up to one year to take root and manifest as change in my life. I am ready for some major changes. It is time for my life to start involving others in much greater ways than it has done in the past. However, I must do things differently for this to manifest. What is it that I want to do? I would be whom that I AM. I would express whatever spirit moves me to express. I would do what spirit moves me to do. What more can I do? I have chosen to live a life of spirit and for spirit. No, this is not the easiest path to follow. But, everything within me says that this is the right path for me to follow. And, I choose to do what is right when I can. In the long run, I've found that this is always for the greatest good. Though, it may not appear so at the time we are doing it. We need to look beyond appearances to the reality that lies beyond them, however. The days march on and on in their seemingly endless stream. Yet, it is for us to find a way to make the most of each day, and more than that ... of each moment of each day. Yes, that is expecting a lot. But, time is such a precious thing. It seems a shame to waste any of it ... and downright criminal to waste as much of it as many people do. Then again, it is not for me to judge how others spend their time. I have enough to do to fully account for my own. It is not that we need to be busy doing things all the time. Meditation and quiet time have their places in our lives ... especially if our lives tend to be hectic. In fact, the more hectic, the more that we need such peaceful times. However, they do not just happen. We have to make the effort to bring them into our lives. We do this by the importance that we place on them ... and by practice. If we want to become good at something, about the only way is via practice. We have to make a commitment to doing that thing on a regular basis. It is no different with the things of consciousness. What we do on a regular basis, we become expert at. The more we do something, the more expertise we gain. This expression definitely demonstrates that. When I started ten years ago, the writing was sporadic, with a week between writing at times. Now, I write nearly everyday. Further, there is more connectivity in the expression now than there used to be. There is a richness in the fabric of what is expressed. I sense this as I write ... but, it is more obvious when I read what I have written. There is definitely an intelligent source at work in doing all of this ... a source that is far more than I know my self to be at present. This doesn't mean that it is more than I AM. It is just more than I know myself to be right now. My knowledge of myself is still limited. Oh, it is far greater than that of most people ... but, it is a far cry from what it could be. I know this. It is obvious. There are still many things about myself that are unknown. And, indeed, some of these may even be unknowable. But that is of no import. I will know what I am meant to know and what I am capable of knowing. I will know what I have a need to 64

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know. Spirit operates on a need to know basis ... much as our classified agencies do. What is it that I need to know that I presently don't know? I can trust that when I need to know, the information will somehow come to my awareness. That is simply how things work. I don't have to force the process. I can allow it to unfold naturally. Life is sweet these days. I am flying on the winds of spirit toward a destiny that I know to be right for me. It doesn't matter whether I know exactly what that destiny is. It is enough that I am expressing as fully as I can. I know this because I see what I am producing each day, and because I know how much effort I am expending. We were at about 3 hours per day of expression. This has stepped up to 4-5 hours per day. I don't know how long I can keep this up as it cuts into my normal sleep time. But, I am obsessed to get a variety of Beyond Imagination works done and published so that they can do their works in the world. This expression is part of one of those works. There are five other works that are already essentially complete ... two in the publishers hands, one being proofed, and two more ready for proofing. How do I make my beyond imagination work into my job? Is that in the cards for this existence? Am I disciplined enough to be able to make effective use of my time day in and day out in the service of consciousness? My sense is yes to all of this. The only real questions are when it might happen and how? Interesting. The sense is soon since I am creating my reality more consciously now than ever. Yet, I still leave room for spirit to express through me as she will. Further, I am ever surprised by how she is able to express.

5 June 2003 The days continue to march on. And, I continue to be moved to express. How long this will last, only spirit knows. But, it could be indefinite. There is so much to be expressed that it seems that we will never get to the end. But, only part of that is meant to come through me. Though, that part is a lot. I express in words for the most parts, the very words that you see here. I have been doing this for just over 10 years, though not nearly as frequently for a good portion of that time. Something happened at the beginning of 2002 that triggered a new speed and mode of expression. That has continued for over 17 months to this date. I am spending a lot of time engaged in the works of Beyond Imagination. But, I consider that to be quality time doing work that I must do. Yes must ... it is as if I have no choice in the matter. Or, perhaps more correctly, it is as if I have already made my choice in this area. Where will my life lead me next, and when? I am ready for some major changes on several fronts. I am aware that what I do will determine how and when these changes manifest. I am ready to start doing whatever it takes. There is a sense that it is simply a matter of growing into whom that I am meant to become. There is a spiritual gravity of sorts that is pulling me in exactly that direction. However, this is not true only for me, it is true for all of us. The universe has her way of moving us to where we need to be ... preferably voluntarily, but kicking and screaming if necessary. One way or another we will experience the reality that is right for us to experience. Generally this comes from our belief systems. So, it behooves us to get these in order. We will know when they are right because they will feel right. We each have an innate knowingness within us. It is important for us to find this knowingness and apply it in our lives. The sooner that we do this the better it will be for not only us but for all those whose lives we touch. When we live our lives out of this knowingness ... our lives become magic. We are empowered to do things that would otherwise be impossible. That is because what is impossible for us, is not necessarily impossible for spirit. And, it is spirit that comes forth through this inner sense of knowingness. The bottom line is that there are great benefits to living a spiritual life ... benefits that go beyond anything that we can quantify. Also, from this we are able to live a life of purpose. We are able to do what we came to this planet and to this existence to do. This, too ... we will know what it is when we 65

Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

find it. Purpose is that way. It resonates with us. When we discover what ours is, it fits us like a tight glove. There is no doubt as to whether it is our to do. We will know. Further, we will not be able to avoid doing what is ours to do. The play demands that we enact our roles ... and that we do this to the best of our ability. We know when we are doing that and when we are not doing that. There is no one standing in judgment over us. We do this well enough all by ourselves. I speak with a voice that is still a mystery to me ... even after ten years of expression. It amazes me that this could still be the case. One would think that by now I might have unraveled at least some of the mystery. Yet, the very nature of the expression is what makes it so fascinating and so much fun. I am ever surprised by what I see expressed. I am ever challenged to expand my concepts of self to explain what I experience. This is not an easy task. There is a lot that I experience that is outside of "normal" modes of experiencing. What constitutes my reality is different than that of anyone else that I know, and very different at that. I see things that others do not seem to see. Numbers, in particular, (and letters from which they are derived) speak to me in a way that seems to be different than occurs for others. Is the meaning that I see actually there, or am I just imagining that it is there? My sense is that it is the former. This is more than the stuff of my imagination ... this is beyond imagination. This is an important part of my reality ... just as important as anything physical. Symbol systems and their meaning are very important to me. Because of this, I am open to a greater variety of symbol systems than most people seem to be ready to accept. However, the bottom line comes down to utility. Does the symbol system and its methods for interpreting meaning provide some benefit to us? Is it useful in some way? For most symbol systems that I have encountered, the answer is yes ... though the utility may only apply within a limited domain or set of constraints. Some symbol systems seem to be more universal than others. Astrology is a case in point. Though, there are many who do not believe in astrology at all. That doesn't impact its validity as a meaningful and useful symbol system. One thing most symbol systems have in common is the need for an intelligent being to arrive at a meaning by employing the intuition to some degree. Some try to downplay this, arguing that intuition is not necessary. But, my sense is that not only is it necessary, it is essential. Without the intuition, the value of the information obtained is greatly limited. What would I do next? It seems that the next move is spirits. I have taken two formal steps to publish Beyond Imagination works and several informal ones. It will be interesting to see how the universe responds. What makes me think this will be any different than it has in the past? The very fact that I am choosing a different course of action means that the results will have to be different somehow. Each of our actions has impacts and repercussions ... some of which we may anticipate, and some of which may surprise us. Some things we can plan and control. Other things it seems we can only loosely guide in a general direction. My preference is the later way ... providing only the most general of guidance and allowing things to take care of themselves. Though, I do have an overall plan of action regarding the expression of Beyond Imagination for the year. 2003 is definitely a pivotal year. It will bring much transformation on many fronts. My hope is that it will bring sufficient transformation to allow me to live the life that I would prefer to live. That involves doing what I love to do as the means of earning my livelihood. Yes, that is asking for a lot. But, in return, I am willing to give a lot. In fact, I am willing to give all that I am in service to spirit. That is all that I have to give. That has to be enough. Indeed, our best and all that we have is always enough. But, how long does it take to go from the seed of desire to the manifestation in flesh? That is a good question. One year, keeps coming to mind as the answer. But, from when does that one year start? ... the beginning of 2003? ... 5 Mar 03, the tenth anniversary of the expression? ... the day 2002 Musings was sent to the publisher? ... the day 2002 Musings becomes available for purchase? There are many dates that correspond with important milestones. There are important astrological aspects with outer planets that happen throughout 2003 for me as well. Yes, you might say that I am in for one hell of a year ... or perhaps one heaven of a year since it all seems to be spirit driven. Publishing definitely feels like the right thing to be doing at this time. It is a process that is nearly fully under my control with the exception of the time it takes for the publisher to do his stuff. Marketing will be a different matter entirely. Here, it will be my responsibility to get the word out to 66

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reach those who are meant to buy and read the Beyond Imagination books. The sense is that I've reached a point in my life where I can do what it takes to do that. Though, it might help to know a little more about what it might take. That is what the marketing package from the publisher is supposed to tell me. We'll see how well it does this when it comes in a few weeks. Hmm ... act as if. That is a powerful method to apply to reality creation. Much can be created in our reality if we do that one thing ... act as if what we desire is already so. This doesn't mean to stick our heads in the sand and ignore our reality. Rather, it is for us be the change that we want to experience to the degree that we can. When we do this enough, we start to really believe it ... and others around us can't help but believe it ... until it finally manifests in our life. Wishful thinking, you may say. Perhaps. But, reality creation is a process that we engage in constantly. We are spirit manifesting in flesh already. We have always been such and will always be such ... at least the spirit part anyway. At some point we may or may not choose further manifestation in flesh. But, that is beside the point. Here and now, we are spirit manifesting in flesh. We are spirit first ... then we manifest in flesh. It is important to remember this. How do we tell how good an expression is? In particular, how good is this expression? Is it worth the effort that it takes to produce it? Is it worth the effort that it takes to consume it? Is it worth the cost of the books that will be created from this expression? Good questions all. Definitely worth asking. But, the bottom line is that we won't really know until we see how the universe responds ... until we see what kind of audience is attracted to this material and what numbers of book sales result. Ultimately, if it is good, it will find its place in the world. Every fiber in me says that this is wonderful material ... the clearest expression of source that could come forth through me at this time. As such, I gave it my best. Further, it came from a source that while inside of me, was not really me. Spirit, herself, deserves the honors and the credit for all of this. Oh, I played my role as well ... and, without me it could not have come forth. However, this was clearly a cooperative endeavor. I read the Beyond Imagination works often and enjoy what I find. I am amused and amazed by what has come forth. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in an expression of this nature and this magnitude. Further, I look forward to all that will come forth in the future. There is a sense that this truly is only the beginning. And, what a wonderful beginning it has been. But is the expression sufficient to live on? I would like the answer to be yes ... but it is clearly no at the moment. What does it take to change this? How do I make the answer a resounding yes? Is that within my power to do? Celine Dion sings A New Day Has Come as I write this. How appropriate. It seems that I am in the process of realizing this as well. Now, it comes down to defining what it is that we want to do in that new day and how we want to live.

7 June 2003 Yes, that means that I missed another day of expression. This time I went on a two day trip to visit some friends several hundred miles away. It was good to see them. I don't have many friends. These are people my wife has known for over 30 years. I met them nearly 15 years ago. They served as the witnesses at our wedding. I am not one to keep in touch. I had talked to one of them a few times in the past several years, but I hadn't seen either of them in close to 7 years. It is like that with me and people in general. I haven't seen or heard from anyone I went to high school with since 1977, a year after I graduated. I made a few friends in the Air Force, but we have never really kept in touch ... other than the annual Christmas greeting. Many people at work know me in a work context ... but that is not who I really am. I don't socialize much. Though, I have started to do more of that than I have ever done before. It seems that there is a part of my life that is missing, or highly underdeveloped anyway.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

Watched the movie As Good As It Gets. It was a wonderful movie, very well done indeed. Jack Nicholson was outstanding in his role. His obsessive-compulsive behavior was interesting to observe. It seems that we all have our idiosyncrasies. Mine just happens to be bipolar or manic-depressive. Though, I still don't know that I've ever experienced depression. Or, if I have, I must handle it awfully well. It does not matter. What is important is that we don't allow these conditions to get in the way of our being whom that we are and doing what we came to do. We have a purpose to achieve. We have a destiny to fulfill. The movie was very positive and uplifting overall. It gives us cause to celebrate just how special life is. What more can we expect from our movies? It is too bad we don't have many more movies that are like this. Though, it seems that as consciousness is freed to express we will start seeing more and more of this. However, much depends on how well such movies do at the box office. If we don't go to see them in large numbers ... we effectively vote for their demise. It's late and I'm tired, but I'm here and I want to express whatever would come forth anyway. This is a commitment I make to spirit. It is something that I am moved to do as close to everyday as I can. Do I have to do it? Do I have to express daily? The bottom line is no, I don't. However, this is something that I want to do. It is something that I choose to do. Yes, of my own free will. That makes this expression special. That, and the fact that while it flows forth through me, it doesn't come from me ... at least not from any part of me of which I am consciously aware. But, what about source? Indeed, what about source? I am not consciously aware of source. I only know the results that come through this place inside me that I call source. I don't even know where the place is located. I only know that it is within me and that its communications can reveal themselves to my mind. I'm still an isolated being, a hermit, expressing for a source consciousness that comes forth through my intuition. I'm willing to give the bulk of my free time to this endeavor ... to what would be expressed as Beyond Imagination. Why? What is so important about doing this that it is worth this investment of my life? I only know that there is nothing that I would rather do. This is something that I must do. This is something that I am moved by spirit to do ... and when we are moved in such a manner there is no use fighting it. The best course of action is to go with the flow, and see where the current of spirit takes us. She knows exactly where we need to go, even if we do not. Because of this, we can trust her handiwork in our lives. Is there some reason that I need to remain isolated? Is this something that my mission requires? My sense is no, quite the contrary, I am to touch the lives of many before my time is done in this existence. I may touch many with my words and works. But, it seems that there are other who I am to touch with my presence, with whom that I AM. So, what do I need to do to live differently? What do I need to do to bring others, meaningful others, into my life? What would my ideal job and work environment be? What services would I provide and what products would I generate? What would my ideal day at work be like? Can I imagine it? Can I picture it strongly enough, and believe it strongly enough to make it so. That or something better anyway ... where I leave spirit the opportunity to bring forth something better. I know that I can bring forth words and organize these into Beyond Imagination works that can be published as books. But, that is only the beginning. We have foundations for a new world to create. This is a monumental undertaking. But, it is one that is well within our collective abilities and resources to perform. It seems that the time for creating these foundations is now. I've been talking about this being my mission for over a decade. But, something has changed recently ... in particular, this year. Now, the time is ripe. The seeds are ready to reach fruition. Well, maybe not quite yet. Many seeds have been planted. It seems that some have been tended and are about to bear fruit. However, this is only the beginning. There is much more to go before we have ushered in a new age.

8 June 2003 68

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We're getting started very late once again. But, I didn't want to retire and miss another day of expression. Yes, this expression is that important to me ... important enough that I am willing to lose some sleep over it, and I like my sleep. That is OK. We do what we must. We express what we can when we can. There is a sense that we need to take advantage of each and every moment, and do what we can to use those moments effectively. That doesn't mean that we can neglect the day to day activities and tasks of living. We have to do our part in this area too. But, clearly the spiritual domain has a special attraction for me. It is here that I truly live my life. It is here that I am free to soar on the wind of spirit as high and as far as my consciousness can take me. I would know whom that I AM. And, I would share this will all whose lives I touch. To date, this has involved few lives. I haven't reached out to touch very many people ... with the one exception being via the Beyond Imagination web site. The main page is up to over 13 thousand hits since 1995. That is not a lot, especially when you consider that many of those could be repeat visitors. However, given that I do no advertising for the site, close to 2000 hits per year might be considered respectable. Actually, if we count all the pages at Beyond Imagination, I would guess the total count to be at least 10 times this and maybe more. My service provider is unable to provide web stats for the kind of account that I have ... so, there is just no way to know. I thought that I would be able to do some proofing for 2003 Musings - Vol I this weekend, but I only made it through about 12 pages. That leaves about 160 to go. My goal for the week is to finish them. That's an average of 40 pages per day for 4 days. Then, a day to actually make the corrections. That would mean I could get the third book off to the publisher next Monday. Hmm ... 6/16 is as good of a day as any. We'll have to see how things go. I've bitten off more than I can chew on more than one occasion. Though, here, everything does seem to be well within my control. The third book would put me at the halfway point toward achieving my goal of six books for the year. That would make 2003 quite special. In fact, it would make it unlikely that I would ever come close to matching it. Then again, it is almost like cheating ... since the material for four of the books already existed from prior Beyond Imagination expression. What do I do with six books? How do I market them? Who would buy them? Who would benefit from reading them? How do I expose the people who might benefit from the books to Beyond Imagination? If I can get people to the site, then they might be motivated to buy the books: (1) so that they would have them readily available to read and refer to, and (2) so that they can support the work that Beyond Imagination is doing. These are both decent reasons. Being self-published, the books are a little more expensive than comparable sized non-fiction paperbacks. However, the content is well worth the price if I have to say so myself. The bottom line is that the cost comes out to roughly 10 cents per hour for the time that went into generating the material. That truly is a bargain for material of this nature. Further, this stream of consciousness is unique. There is nothing else like it that I have encountered in my vast readings. Then again, perhaps every stream of consciousness is unique. Could it be that each of us has such a stream of consciousness within us to which we can connect? All that it takes is to go within, be still, and listen. Easy to say ... but, this still seems to be a relatively rare thing to do. That is, few seem to achieve it anyway. Is that for lack of trying? Or, is that for lack of proper training as to where to look and how to look? One would think that something as important as this would be taught to us from the time we are small until we get it. Then again, is it necessary for everyone to be consciously connected to this stream of consciousness in this manner? Look at my own case. I'm connected to source ... but even after several decades or study and over a decade of expression, it is still a mystery how all of this happens. This expression just springs forth from within. I cannot contain it. Rather, I choose not to contain it. This is 69

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by far the most important work that I have been engaged in during my life to date. There is no doubt about it. Nothing else even comes close. All that has been expressed at Beyond Imagination over the past decade is the crowning glory of my life. But, it comes from an equally important unseen, consciousness herself. It is time for this expression to reach a wider audience. The WWW has permitted some exposure, but nowhere near what was expected. The books offer the potential for opening this up even more. However, much depends on what I do. What makes my stream of consciousness any more special than that of anyone else? For one thing, I am moved to record it in this manner. That I have the presence of mind to be aware of it and to record it makes me special and makes this special. Is it good enough that others would be interested in reading it? My hope is yes. My hope is that it demonstrates something similar to what they experience as well ... though they may not have noticed it as clearly before it was expressed in this way. I am a wayshower. It is for me to share of what I experience. It is not for me to question why I am moved to do this. I just am. It is part of whom that I AM.

9 June 2003 Another day. Once again we come here to express what consciousness would express through us. We still do this on a regular basis ... close to daily. It has been thus for over 17 months and now, with no sign that it will let up anytime soon. That is good. That means that there could be two more volumes of Musings for 2003. That would be a lot to show for the time that I spend here. I consider this time to be quality time. I consider this expression to be the best thing that I can do with my free time. I would like for it to be the thing that I do with my time, period. However, I haven't figured out how to manifest that yet. I still need sufficient income to pay the bills and live comfortably. And, I haven't figured out how to get that directly or indirectly from this expression yet. Though, there is a sense that it is just a matter of time. This is what I love to do. I should be able to do what I love doing and get paid decently for it ... in particular, get paid what the work is worth. But, how does one put a price tag on creative expression? I don't really know. I've been moved to establish $1 per word as a reasonable figure. Why not? That is as good of a number as any. That would come to $1000 - $4000 per day depending on how much I am moved to write. Considering the nature of the material, that is not too much to ask. Though, it will be interesting to see how the expression evolves when it becomes a full time endeavor that I can engage in completely. To date I have been limited to expressing as a part time endeavor that I do in addition to working fulltime as a systems engineer. I strongly desire for this to change. Though, I need the change to occur in a manner that retains an equivalent or greater income including benefits. To some degree, this establishes what I am worth. Though, the resulting amount is out of balance at the present since the Beyond Imagination expression is for the most part uncompensated to date. In fact, I even pay to make it available to people ... not just with my time, but with some amount of funds. When this situation will right itself, I do not know ... but balance will indeed be achieved. Spirit does not allow us to pour forth our energies in this manner indefinitely for naught. Eventually, the balance is restored and with interest accrued. At this point, it seems that the best course of action is to keep investing of whom that I AM in the expression ... to keep doing what I am moved to do when I am moved to do it. I can trust that spirit in turn is doing her part. In fact, I know that she is. I see part of it expressed through me. Though, it seems that there is another part that is yet to be manifest for which I am still waiting. I know it is coming. I know that there is a destiny that I am here to achieve, a role that I am here to play, a mission that I am here to perform. It is a matter of allowing spiritual gravity to do its thing and pull me down to exactly where I need to be. I have a tendency to soar in consciousness ... so much so that at times it seems that my feet leave the ground. By itself, that is not necessarily bad. Society needs its dreamers to dream of things that never were. However, on another front, we need a wake up call and 70

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need to start doing things that turn our dreams into our reality. That is, unless you are prone to bad dreams or nightmares, of which I have neither. What would I do today? How would I make my life different in this instant, here and now? That is an empowering question. First, it presupposes that I have this degree of control over my life. And, it is indeed true that I do. Second, it acknowledges that change can happen instantly. It can be a decision that we make in the moment. That makes for an interesting process for reality creation. What we desire to be starts with what we desire here and now. We don't have to wait a lifetime, or a decade, or a year, or even months, weeks, or days. We simply need to decide what it is that we want ... or more correctly what it is that we need and deserve. Consciousness doesn't work from wants. It works from needs in line with what we believe that we deserve. At some level, we know what this is. We can make this conscious if we desire to do so, and if we so choose. It all comes down to what we believe that we deserve. In most cases, that is what we get ... unless we put stumbling blocks in spirit's way. I'm not sure that I really answered the question I posed in the above paragraph. Obviously, I continue to be moved to do as spirit moves me to do. But, there is a growing sense that this is not enough. There is a growing sense that I need to do something more, something different with my life. As of yet, I don't know exactly what that is. But, I am open to discovering it soon. How soon, only spirit can tell. I've felt like this way before ... but never quite so strongly. Something is different now. There is more of an urgency. Also, I am doing things differently. In particular, making the effort to publish books is a strong statement of intent. We'll have to see how the universe responds to this intent. Overall, I am optimistic. The sense is that I am doing those things that are necessary for my liberation from my present conditions. Not that the conditions are bad overall, they are just more restrictive than they need to be ... and I desire to be let loose to do what Beyond Imagination can do if I gave it everything that I had. This or something better for the good of all concerned I ask for now. As always, it is good to allow some freedom for spirit to exceed in delivering what we have asked for. Do I create my own destiny ... or do I simply allow what has already been planned to unfold in my life? Does it really matter one way or another? Isn't my experience the same either way with the only difference being whether I feel that I am consciously creating it? And here, it is very clear already that in most respects this is not a conscious process. Though, there are some things that I do consciously that have an impact. Some things appear to be within my control. One such thing is my choice to come here and express. Yes, this is something that I am moved strongly to do ... but there is no one forcing me to do it. Not that I can think of anything better to be doing with my time. There is something about serving spirit that has great value. At least the value is great in my eyes. We'll have to see if it is great in the world's eyes as well. My sense is that the world will confirm what I already know ... though there is the fear that the world may not realize just how valuable all of this is. That is OK. At this point, my part is to express what I can as faithfully as I can. Where the expression goes from there, whom it touches, and how it moves them is out of my hands. I can only do what I can do. I must trust that others will do the same. And, overall, through all of this spirit will do her works in the world. There is much that needs doing. But, there are many hands that can share in the burden thus lightening the load for everyone. It is simply a matter of getting everyone to do their part. These would be parts for which they are especially designed and suited. Each of us has natural talents and abilities that can be used to serve society and/or serve spirit in some way. We need to be creative in how we perform this service. In doing so our world benefits greatly ... but we benefit just as greatly. If I could do or be anything that I wanted, what would I do or be? Now, that is an interesting question. I don't think that I've ever asked that of myself before ... not even as a kid. The answer is simple though. I would be a metaphysical writer ... and I would work towards building the foundations for a new world. But, you say that is what you are and that is what you are doing. Now, isn't that interesting. All that I ask is for the opportunity to do it as my primary occupation. Hmm ... what makes you think that you're 71

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"primary" occupation is the one that consumes the most time? Currently, my job is my means of paying for my present lifestyle. It seems that it gets in the way of doing the real work that I am here to do. Yet, from another perspective, it enables me to do what I am able to do during my free time. So it is a two edged sword. It has its benefits and its detriments. Given how much I have been expressing lately ... the benefits must be winning. Though, it is difficult to stay focused when my mind and spirit would prefer to be elsewhere. However, I don't know how to free myself from the current trap. The lifestyle demands an income which requires holding down a job. It is not just this particular job. As jobs go, my current one is probably far better than most. I'm not sure any job would satisfy me now that I've tasted what the Beyond Imagination expression brings into my life. I'm ready to get on with it ... to take the next step and start building the foundations for a new world. Yes, me, who has had little to do with the world to date. But, things can change. In particular, I can change ... especially when it serves spirit for me to do so. That is my criteria for nearly everything anymore. Does it serve spirit? If it does, that is almost always sufficient reason for doing it.

10 June 2003 The days continue to march on, and we continue to express. This stream of consciousness always seems to have something to say ... no matter how often we express or for how long. There is always more that can come through. Is the source inexhaustible? As far as I can tell, it must be. But then, I sense that I've only scratched the surface of what can be expressed. Though it seems, there is a limit to what I can express on a part time basis. There is only so much time and energy available to spend on this endeavor. That is simply a fact of existence. Though, I can long for the circumstances to change. More than that, I can dream and can take action in accord with my dreams to make them change and thus to create the reality that I would prefer in the process. It seems that is what is happening in my life at this moment. I am in the process of creating the reality that I would prefer. How long this will take and whether it will come out as I envision it remain to be seen. At this point, what matters is that the forces of change are in motion. The play is unfolding as it needs to unfold. My role in that play will unfold as it must. From this, it sounds like I have no choice in the matter. And, much of the time it seems that such is indeed the case. I am playing a role that I am choosing on other than conscious levels ... but it is a role that conforms with my beliefs about myself, about the world, and about reality. There is still a sense that massive changes lie on the immediate horizon in my life. Exactly what these will be I do not yet know. Though, it seems that they will affect nearly every area of my life. I cannot continue to be who I have been for much longer. My role calls for me to express in new ways. This may feel strange at first ... it is a matter of getting used to it. But, ultimately, the new modes of expression will be far more natural ... so they will suit me better. That is hard to imagine given how much I have been able to express already. However, such indeed is the case. There is much more that I can do. And, I can be far more efficient and effective in how I do it. Elegance, that is one of the prime directives. We are to do things as efficiently and as effectively as we can from a variety of perspectives. That means eliminating waste and lack of productivity wherever we find it. There is always something better that we can apply the freed resources toward. It is a matter of wanting to and taking the steps to build the infrastructure that can accommodate and distribute the added productivity. How soon is immediate? It could be within days, weeks, or more likely months ... but, probably not years. Can it really be so soon? Or, is this just wishful thinking on my part? Perhaps it is a little of both. Perhaps there are some things that we can do to facilitate reaching the states that we want to reach. It is really states of mind, or more importantly, states of being that I am after. These come from what I do, not from what is done to me. This expression continues to be something that I can count on to bring meaning to my life. It is here that I allow spirit to speak as she will through me. It is here that I step aside and give myself a break from the 72

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shackles of ordinary existence. It is here that I am free as I am nowhere else. Yes, I am quite fortunate. I know that, and am eternally grateful for all that I experience. My life is far easier than most. Primarily, that is because I have limited what I am concerned about to a few things ... none of which is overly demanding. My lifestyle is not one that many could tolerate. I still spend much of my time alone, that is if you could call time spent with spirit truly alone. For instance, at this moment there is no one around me, yet I speak with a voice that is more than my own. At the same time, the voice does not come from another. It comes from a part of me that is tied to what I would call source. This source only exists within me to the extent that I connect with it and say whatever it would have me say. I don't know what that is more than a word or so in advance of what I am saying. What is the message from all of this? What am I attempting to say to whom? Does there need to be a message for spirit to express? In seems not. This is simply naturally what spirit does. Freeform stream of consciousness expression is still my preferred mode of expression. There is something special about expressing when you have no real idea where the communication is going. Hopefully, this makes for interesting reading as well. It amazes me that I can express in this manner and yet have so little remembrance of what has been expressed through me. I had to read the last paragraph again to refresh my mind as to what had been expressed ... and even though I finished that moments ago, it is already gone from my memory. That is just how my mind works. Oh well, it doesn't seem to be that important that I consciously remember what has already been expressed. There is something within me that must be keeping track of this somehow, because overall the expression is fresh and new. Oh, there are some common themes that get expressed many times. But, most of the material is original. Even when the topic is similar, the specifics of the expression are usually different. How can this be the case? What is it that keeps me from repeating myself far more than this? It seems that one reason is that the expression is already completed and I am just tapping into it and bringing it forth. So long as I keep tapping into different places in the stream of consciousness, the resulting expression will be original. I don't know how to do this in any other way. I go within to find the voice that would speak through me. And, I type what it would have me say. Yes, I am saying this as well. But, it is out of cooperation and choice versus out of any sense of creating it on my own. Is what is expressed here of such a nature that it could impact the world ... and do so positively? My sense is yes, on several fronts. First, it offers a sample of what consciousness can do in our life if we allow her to. Second, it provides an example that people can follow ... that allows people to walk in my shoes for awhile. This is what I provide as a wayshower. Third, it provides guidance on a number of metaphysical topics that can enhance one's life and one's experience of reality. Fourth, it offers a way for many to be of service to society and to spirit. Any of those by itself would more than justify the existence of this expression. All of them together are overwhelming ... in fact, truly amazing. Even after a decade, I still find it difficult to believe that all of this could come forth through me. But, that is something that is undeniable. I have a growing body of evidence that confronts me in words from this stream of consciousness expression. To date, I estimate this to be over 2.5 million words in just over 10 years. Yes, that is a lot. Though, it is far less than what I am capable of producing in that timeframe. I would guess that close to 750 thousand of these words have come forth in the past 17 months ... perhaps more, but I have no easy way of counting them. When you think about it, that is a lot. Then again, that is the result of roughly 2-3 hours of effort per day on a regular basis. Commitment ... that is what it takes to achieve anything worthwhile in our lives. We have to care enough about something to be committed to it. I believe that I demonstrate that commitment to Beyond Imagination on a regular basis. But, what is Beyond Imagination? It is an ideal ... it is an entity created to embody an ideal ... created to build the foundations for a new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh. At present, it has only one member that I know of, though spirit seems to guide its development as she does mine. How do we get others to join forces with us in this endeavor? Clearly, this is not a one person job. Though, I've been saying that for many years now and have seen little manifest. But, somehow the time seems right now ... 73

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things are different, the circumstances are different. The world is ready to hear what we have to say ... at least some parts of it anyway. What can one person do? Clearly the answer is a lot ... far more than we might suspect, especially when spirit is doing the work. That is the key. We work best when we serve as the vessels for the work that spirit would do through us. That does not mean giving up whom that we are. Rather, it involves being whom that we are to the maximum degree that is possible for us. To do this, we have to give up some of our limitations. All of these are self-imposed, so giving them up is a matter of choice. It takes courage to live a spiritual life. It takes courage to be all that we can be. We do not lose anything in the process ... at least nothing that is truly important to us. Thinking about the quantity of words that has been expressed here over the years, and especially since Jan 02 ... would it be better to do something that focused on the quality of the expression? That would be OK, but my sense is that the quality is there as well. We won't know for sure until I start working on 2003 Musings - Vol II in a couple of months. Until then, though, it seems that the expression should continue in the manner that it has. I see no reason to restrict it or put the brakes on in any way. Though, after August, that might be a good time to regroup and decide what we want to do for the remainder of the year. By that time we should have met our goal of six books to the publisher in 2003. “But if you'll walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn some things you never knew you never knew.” This line from Colors of the Wind being sung by Vanessa Williams is one of the main reasons for capturing this stream of consciousness. The hope is that in doing so we allow you to "walk the footsteps of a stranger" and "learn some things you never knew you never knew". That benefit justifies all the effort that goes into this endeavor. If I do nothing else with my life, being the wayshower and providing an example for others to follow into the realms of consciousness is the one thing that I must accomplish. My life must have purpose. My life must have meaning. And this, more than anything else, is it. I've always liked this song. It is very powerful spiritually. Not just this particular line, though I am partial to it ... but the whole song. It is definitely inspired.

11 June 2003 Again we face the blank page as we do so often lately. And again we call on consciousness to fill it in whatsoever manner she will. Yes, we give her free reign in this. In a very real way, this is her show ... I am only along for the ride. And, what a ride it is. I cannot imagine a more adventurous journey than the one that consciousness has taken me on. Here I get to encounter and explore the unknown, and hopefully even make part of what was unknown known. That endeavor is one worthy of my attention and my effort. It is worthy of everything that I can give to it. There is something special about being able to fill this page with words, and the ideas that they convey, in this manner. This is creativity operating at its finest through me. This is the best of what I can do ... and I freely choose to do it and share it with all who find their way to the world of Beyond Imagination. Yes, there is enough expressed at Beyond Imagination to constitute a world, or at least a worldview. I have known since the earliest days of this expression that these works of consciousness were not mine alone ... they were meant to be shared with an unseen audience. This knowingness hasn't changed in all of these years. In fact, if anything, the desire to share is even stronger now than it has ever been. It is so strong that it is moving me to think in new ways about how to share this expression. Publishing books is one such avenue. It seems that the time is right for doing this. We'll have to see what other avenues become viable in the days, weeks, and months ahead.


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I continue to do what I am moved to do. Lately, that has been to do many things. It seems important to continue with this expression. This provides the bread and butter of spiritual discourse for me. For the most part, each day I engage in a fresh new expression of consciousness. Each day, something comes forth that never existed before. This is where the creative spark is allowed to manifest as it will in my life. In addition, I work on getting other works ready for publication. Right now, that involves doing the proofing of 2003 Musings - Vol I. This is a slow process. I have to read each word, each phrase, each sentence ... and make corrections as needed. I don't do any rewriting of the material. I trust that it was expressed correctly the first time. I do try to catch the spelling errors, typos, and incorrect words however. The proofing takes about an hour per 15 pages at best. That means over 20 hours for a 288 page manuscript. Yes, that is a lot of time to invest. It is not clear that the amount of errors that I am finding makes it worth the effort. But, I would like the book to be reasonably free from errors when it goes to the publisher. So, it seems that I have little choice here. I'm not in a position to hire anyone to do the work at this point. Some day, perhaps. And, maybe even soon. There is something about doing those things that only you can do. Clearly, proofing is not one of those things that demands my unique gifts and talents. There are much better things that I could be doing with 20 hours of my time. For instance, generating 20 pages of new expression from consciousness. Or, putting the draft of Best Quotes from Beyond Imagination together. The bottom line is that I shouldn't have to do things that do not challenge me, things that I am not particularly good at. It is not a matter of whether I can do them or not. It is a matter of whether there are others who can do them better ... hence should be doing them. Unfortunately, the economic system comes into play and limits what we are able to do in this area. It doesn't have to be that way. The economic system could also free us to do things in new ways if we allow it to do so. However, to do this we have to be willing to invest of whom that we are into "the system". This is where the principle from The Lion King come into play the secret to life is to never take more than you give. This is how we generate abundance. When enough of us choose to do this, we will have abundance on a major scale. However, it all starts with what we choose to do as individuals. The more that we can give in excess of what we take, the better. Spiritual law will ensure that we receive what we need and what we deserve. We need to be careful about what we believe that we deserve however, as this can constrain what we are able to receive in our lives. Where are we going with all of this? We are free to make the world into anything that we choose to make it. That is within our power to do. Further, that is within our collective right to do. But, it is also our collective responsibility. Rights always come with their corresponding responsibilities. There is no free lunch. But responsibilities do not have to be experienced as burdens. We can find ways to bear them joyfully. It is all a matter of attitude. We need to approach things in the right ways ... in ways that are empowering and ennobling. We can always do that. There is always a way. We just have to be open to it and find it. Life is what we make of it ... no more and no less. We have chosen to live in some interesting times. Yet, the changes that we have seen to date are nothing compared to what is in store for us in the times immediately ahead. Am I speaking of months, years, or decades? If I had to guess at this point, I would say years ... but one way or another, we will see very shortly. How can I know this? I just do. It comes from inside someplace that simply knows. No, I am not always right, especially when it comes to the timing of things. However, the errors generally have occurred when there was a personal involvement in the outcome. Here, we are simply dealing with timing for overall changes in the reality that we experience. There is no personal element at play, other than a desire to get on with it. What would I do next? It seems that I ask this question nearly everyday. And, it is a good question to ask. It keeps us focused and on purpose. Clearly expressing here is one of the choices that I am making. And, I will continue to work on 2003 Musings - Vol I later this evening so that I can finish it by next week. But, what else is there that I could be doing? ... that I need to be doing? How do I make others aware of what I do here? It seems that this is important. It seems that I need to find ways to get the word 75

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out. This is a service that I provide. The more people that consume the service, the greater the overall affect and benefit. It is not enough just to express and make the expression available on the WWW. We must start doing more to get the word out. For many years I considered this to be spirits job, not mine. But, it seems that spirit intends to employ me to do this job as well. That is OK. It is time for a change in how I interact with the world. 45 years as a hermit is more than sufficient. Though, my sense is that I will always prefer my own company and enjoy my solitude. However, I am open to sharing far more of my life with others in my world than I have to date. What else am I moved to do? This question has multiple answers. If I am constrained to work at my present job and do my spiritual work in my off time ... there is only so much that I can do. However, if I can find a way to free myself to do the spiritual work on a full time basis, literally the sky is the limit. Though, I'm already starting to think of ways to bring more of the later into existence even if I am stuck in the former situation for awhile longer. How long that might be, I don't really know. But, there is a definite sense that this is indeed temporary. I am meant to be free and the conditions for my liberation are manifesting even as we speak ... primarily because I am doing the things necessary to manifest them. I look forward to what lies ahead. But, in the meantime, I can take full advantage of what each day has to offer. My life continues to be lived in the moment with an eye to the future. I would be what I am capable of becoming. It would be nice if I knew that this would be manifest by such and such a date. But, the bottom line is that it doesn't matter. Spirit's timing is perfect. Everything will happen in its right timing ... that I can count on. Until then, I am to make the best of whatever circumstances I find myself within. I am creating my reality now. We all are. And, we could be doing it consciously if that is what we desired to do and were willing to work to do. However, most don't seem to want to put in the work. Also, it means accepting responsibility ... and many shy away from doing this as well. It is curious that consciousness speaks through me in this manner, especially since I speak to no one in this manner and no one speaks to me in this manner. How is it that this expression can continue to come forth as it does, bringing forth new information nearly every day? The bottom line is that I don't really know how it is possible. I only know that it happens. The expression that you are reading came forth and was recorded on the days as indicated. The daily expression is going on over 17 months or 500 days now. That is a lot of expression. Yet, there is no denying that it exists. One of my challenges is to establish a reality framework that is sufficient to account for what I experience. That has been quite a chore in itself as my experiences in consciousness have been more than a bit outside of any norms. Through it all, my focus has been singular ... know thyself. Very little else mattered. That is why my life has been what it has. That is why people have for the most part been absent from it. However, there is a sense that this is changing. My focus is shifting beyond myself to others in my world. Exactly what I'm going to do with this, I don't yet know. But, there is a sense that my self-imposed isolation will not work for much longer. Carrying out my mission requires that I interact with others, and that I do so on many levels. I can do this. I have done this before. No, not in this existence. But, our abilities are not limited by what we have learned and done in this existence. Hmm ... how can I know that. Again, it seems obvious. There are so many things that we know that we were not taught in this existence. They had to come from someplace. Prior existences are a likely candidate. Yes, that means I subscribe to reincarnation. It never made sense to me that we only had one lifetime to learn and experience and do everything we needed to learn and experience and do. That would be like saying you have to learn everything in one grade in school. We have people who spend 20 plus years in school and then continue taking courses to learn things throughout the remainder of their lives. We have others who don't make it through high school and never pick up a book or take a class after that. Different people are here to learn and experience and do different things. That is OK. We need to give people the opportunity to be the best that they can be ... but, this is not something that they can be forced to do.

12 June 2003 76

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Another day ... another musing. Our work on 2003 Musings - Vol I is winding down. In fact, I may be able to finish the proofing tonight. Then it is just a matter of making the corrections and selecting some excerpts. I'm still targeting getting the book in the mail to the publisher early next week. That will make three down and three to go for the year. Who would have believed it was possible? Let's see, June 16 would mean that I took a month and a half to complete the work after the final material for the book was generated. That's not bad. I have no idea of what is a typical amount of time for it to take to get words to print. Though, it clearly can't take much less than this ... especially for works of this magnitude. The work comes to nearly 600 pages and none of the material existed before this year. Yes, consciousness has been quite prolific this year. Unlike last year, I wasn't moved to condense the material by a factor of 3 to 4 as when selecting Best Passages. I dropped some introductory material and some excursions into the realm of numbers, but retained most of the rest of the musings intact. That is why the volume of material for four months in 2003 exceeds the volume of material for the whole year in 2002. Best Passages did indeed provide a filter that selected the best for the year. For 2003, it seemed important to retain more of the expression in its original form. It provides a better example of what comes forth from day to day. And, there is a Best Quotes section at the end for those who want to read an abridged version. Even that comes to over 100 pages however. One might think that I am obsessed with the quantity of expression. When you are bringing forth 2-3 pages per day in 8.5 x 11 format, that comes to closer to 4 pages in 5.5 x 8.5 book format. It adds up quickly. That's about right. That would be roughly 480 pages in 4 months. If I'm going to be a writer, the quantity of expression is indeed important ... all the more important when I serve as a vehicle through which spirit herself can express. This is stream of consciousness expression after all. As such, it is far more important than anything that I might dream of expressing myself. Hmm ... interesting that I would say that, but that is exactly how I feel. There is something special about this expression, something magical. Here, spirit speaks to me and through me to you. I never know what is going to come forth. That is part of what makes the endeavor so interesting to me. That is why I am willing to invest so much of my free time in doing this. Ultimately, there is a sense that what is expressed will impact the world, and will do so in significant ways ... perhaps even major ways. For me, it is very important to live my life in a manner that makes a difference, a meaningful difference to the world in some way. I came to serve society, to serve the world, and to serve spirit ... not necessarily in that order. And, I will do whatever it takes to do so. This expression has been my primary way of serving for the past decade. It is not clear that it has had the intended impact ... at least not yet. Perhaps the expression is ahead of its time. Perhaps the channel wasn't as clear as it could have been. But, I have read most of the material several times and I am impressed and amazed by what has been expressed. Beyond Imagination will be a force to be reckoned with in the world. How soon, I do not know. But, the sense is that it won't be long now. Getting books published is a major step forward. It demonstrates a heightened level of commitment on my part but also on spirit's part since she moves me to do all that I do. So, what am I to do next? Do as you are moved to do. But, what am I moved to do? I need to find a way to free myself to do the works of Beyond Imagination on a full time basis. That means deriving my income from my spiritual work. Is this too much to ask? I am willing to work extremely hard to serve society by serving spirit. I already demonstrate a high level of commitment to this in what I do in my free time. What is it worth to spirit and to society for me to do more of this? ... for me to engage all that I AM in this endeavor? That is what I want to do. That is what I am asking to do. But I need sufficient income to cover my needs in return for my efforts. I should be able to make my living by doing what I love to do. And, this expression is clearly what I love to do. We could easily generate another half dozen Beyond Imagination books in 2004 if this were our full time occupation. We may be able to come close to doing that even if we have to continue this effort in our free time. It is amazing what we can do when we are committed to something and passionate about doing it. This expression is something I am passionate about. Carrying out my mission is something that I am passionate about. Spreading the vision of Beyond 77

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Imagination is something I am passionate about. There is nothing that can stop me from doing these things. I will continue to express so long as consciousness has something to say through me. My sense is that this will be for the remainder of my years in this existence. I was silent for a long time. I guess it is only right that I speak out to balance the scales. Though, in this case, I speak with a voice that is not really mine. It is a voice that comes through me but is not of me. How can I know this? We just know these things. We have an innate sense of what is us and what is not us. This voice that speaks through me comes from a place deep inside of me, but it is not a physical place. The voice doesn't belong to an entity that is separate from me. It comes from something that I call source, consciousness herself. A piece of this source is a part of me, but this piece can't be separated from the rest of source ... from the rest of the one consciousness. I allow this source to speak through me because I find her words to be of utility in my life. I record and share these words because I feel they could be of utility to others as well. This makes it worth my time ... this makes it worth expending nearly 1/5 of my waking life in this endeavor. Yes, that is a lot. But, at least I have something to show for my having lived. Lately, each day there is another musing, another record of two to three hours of allowing source to speak through me. I would have it no other way. I look forward to this expression each day. Here is where I get to be and express whom that I AM in ways that I can't do anywhere else. There is something to be said for that. When will the economic freedom that I seek arrive in my life? Is there something more that I need to do to make it happen? The sense is that I have put the wheels in motion via publishing books. Though, the return will not be immediate. It will take awhile for the word to get out. In fact, there may be things that I need to do to facilitate that happening. That is OK. There is a sense that I have reached a point where I am ready to do whatever it takes ... within reason, of course. How do I get the word out? How do I introduce people to Beyond Imagination and who I am? How do I get people to want to buy and read Best Passages from 2002 Musings? The sense is that if I can get people to read one book, it is very likely that they will be moved to read others. So, I need to have many others available for them to choose from. Overall, my assessment is that the Beyond Imagination material is that good that it is worthy of being purchased and being read. It seems we shall see soon enough whether the universe agrees with this assessment. I can only do my part. I can only write what I am moved to write and make it available. I thought I had done that by posting material to the Beyond Imagination site. But, clearly, that was not enough. It seems that I am on the right track now.

13 June 2003 Friday the 13th. I finished 2003 Musings - Vol I today. I'll definitely be able to get it into the mail to the publisher on Monday as planned. It was a lot more work than I thought it would be. But, it is a pretty clean manuscript now. Another one down. It is time to move on to the next project. The Best of Notes books are next. The drafts are done. I'll use the spell checker and grammar checker to catch most of the errors. I still need to write an Introduction and a Conclusion to both books but they tend to flow very easily. I'm thinking seriously about doing a work based on Beyond Mind that includes commentary from my present state of awareness ten years later. I think it would be interesting to see how I would evaluate what was coming forth then and how I was interpreting it from my present vantage point. I need to come up with a way to distinguish the 1993 text from the 2003 text. Perhaps using a different font or italicizing. I've done this once before with one of the best quotes pages where I added a twist that identified how I felt about the passage when I generated the best quotes page. Just created the basic file for Beyond Mind. By itself, it comes to 145 pages. If I can double that with commentary about what was happening from my current perspective ... it should make for a decent work. 78

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It will be different than anything else that has been expressed at Beyond Imagination to date. It feels like the right thing to do. This is an important piece of the history of Beyond Imagination. It captures the expression from that first day on 5 March 1993 through the time writing for the Beyond Imagination book and Beyond Imagination Notes began in November of 1993. As such, it literally captures the birth of the expression that is Beyond Imagination and it captures a mind in the process of going beyond itself. It is curious that this ends with my first visit to the mental hospital. I've done the easy part ... formatting what already existed. Now, I need to fill in the rest, adding completely new expression. Though, doing this has been on the back of my mind for awhile. The sense is that once I commit to it, the words will flow quickly. The question of the day however, is this what I want to do next. Originally, I had planned on this for a 2004 task. But, something is urging me to do it now. It is as if I need to learn something from the process of doing it. Best of Notes is basically down to a proofing task for both books. I need something that is more of a challenge, something that engages me more fully. This new project has the potential to do that. There is much that needs to be examined, and much that needs to be explained. My mind was doing some funny things between March and October of 1993 ... things that were beyond anything that I understood at the time. Actually, even ten years later, it is not clear how well I understand and can explain what was happening to me. That is OK. It seems life is like that. Some things that we experience simply have no explanations no matter how long or how hard we seek for them. Clearly I need to find a way to do this on a full time basis. There is so much that is waiting to be expressed ... so much that it will take a lifetime for me to complete it all. Perhaps that is the point. I expect to be expressing for my entire lifetime. I would express what spirit would express through me. Right now, that is this stream of consciousness. How long that will continue to be, I cannot know. Though, I sense that we will have a long and prosperous relationship. Hmm ... that is an interesting way to put it. This expression enlivens me. It brings out the best that is in me. It allows me to be whom that I AM in ways that nothing else in my life does. Here, I feel that I can make a difference. Here, I can use my god-given talents to serve spirit and to serve the world. It is important to me that I make a difference ... a big difference. It is important that I leave the world a better place for my having lived. Yes, that is a big responsibility to shoulder. But, I gladly bear it. I can't imagine living life in any other way. It simply wouldn't be worth living. No, I don't expect everyone to live by the standards that I set for myself. And yes, they are my standards. There is no one imposing them on me. I create them and accept them willingly. So, it seems that I have some idea of what I am to do next. However, that is definitely going to compete with my time here. Both endeavors require new expression and there is no way to do them both at the same time. The best that I can do is to set aside some time each day to do each ... and to arrange my days so that I can devote as much time as possible to the two expressions. All that I can do is my best. What must be done will be done in the proper timing. This is not for me to determine, it is for spirit. I am a willing servant doing as I am moved to do. I am in her majesty's service now and grateful for the privilege of being so. All of the works of Beyond Imagination are my works ... but they are her works as well. Without her, none of this would ever have seen the light of day. This is all the stuff of consciousness made flesh in my life.

15 June 2003 Yes, missed another day of musing. But, I was busy from 8:00 AM to midnight ... so there just wasn't a free hour to engage in this expression. Some days are like that. We should be able to do much better today. It is only 3:30 and we have finished our chores ... so there are several hours available to express, even with the commute back to LA this evening. I'm still on track for getting 2003 Musings - Vol I in the mail to the publisher tomorrow morning. The next works in my plan are the Best of Notes books. At the 79

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rate I'm going, I'm sure I'll finish proofing them before I have the money together to publish them. Then again ... spirit has her ways to surprise me. My sense is that I am being moved to do all of this now for a reason. Somehow, the time is right in a way that it has never been before. It is as if the world is finally ready for what Beyond Imagination has to offer ... or at least some significant portion of the world is anyway. All that I can do is go with the flow and do what I am moved to do, trusting that consciousness knows exactly what she is doing, even if I may not at times. I'm used to this now. There are many things in my life that I do not know that consciousness seems to know. Further, there are even things that I know without knowing how it is that I know them. It can get a bit scary at times. The unknown can be a terrifying place. But, it doesn't have to be. It can be a place of adventure ... and even a place where we have fun exploring our own limits. All that it takes to be these things is the proper attitude. Our attitude is something that we choose. This is where our power for creating the reality that we experience comes into play. I'm still coming up with ideas for books. We could easily be up to a dozen by the end of 2004. And, were not talking about small books. Were talking about an average of 400-500 pages per book. 12 books would come to nearly 5000 pages. That is a lot of material to make available to the public in two years. But, we do what we are moved to do. This act of going public is an important milestone for Beyond Imagination. In many ways, it is even more important than the first act of going public by posting material to the WWW in 1995. Can it really have been eight years ago? That is simply amazing. I have the same challenge now as I had then. How do I get people to come to my site? If you build it, they will come. But, that doesn't seem to have worked in this case. I built and I built and I built ... but while some came, nowhere near the numbers I had expected came. I still don't know why. I still maintain the Beyond Imagination web site and post new material to it on nearly a daily basis. I consider it an extension of whom that I AM. I offer it as an example of the level of sharing that I would like to see happen in the world. It doesn't cost much to keep a presence on the WWW. My costs are less than $10/month. I find that amazing considering what it enables me to provide to the world. So, will the books be any different? If I publish them, will they sell? Will they find the audience for whom they are suited. I was reading a book on writing and publishing books. It said that how-to books are what are really selling these days. People want information on how-to do any number of things ... and they are willing to pay and pay dearly for the information in some cases. Another interesting point was not to limit our function to that of author. We are information providers. There are a number of formats in which information can be provided ... book, classes, audio tapes, videos, seminars, special topic reports pamphlets, newsletters etc ... Different people find it easier to consume information in particular formats. There is not one size and one type fits all. I don't know how much to make of this advice. It seems that I am going to have to find a way to do it my way ... or as spirit would do it through me anyway. This is not your typical material. The closest it comes to self-help is providing an example of consciousness expressed in flesh for you to engage in and experience in your own way. The hope is that by walking in the shoes of my consciousness for awhile, you will start to see signs of your own consciousness. You can liken this expression to training wheels on a bicycle. We use them only until we can freely ride on our own without them. Though, the analogy is only partially correct. This expression also ventures into the unknown and brings back what it finds. By reading this, you can benefit from those sojourns as well. Father's Day. It is curious, I've known since I was a young teen that I would not be a physical father in this existence. Though, I have had many furry children over the years ... and currently have two, Teddy and Daffi that I love dearly. However, there is a sense that my works are my children. This is even more strongly felt for the books that are published. The publishing process is very much one of birthing the works. What existed only as characters in a file or on a screen is now physically manifest in the pages of a book ... and my name appears on the cover as the author. There is something about seeing your name on the cover of a physical book that does something to you. It is a special experience. So far, I've only seen 80

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the proof copy ... but it was real, all 522 pages of it. That is the first of my children. If all goes well, it will be available for purchase in less than two weeks. The second book trails that by about ten weeks. And the third, by another two weeks beyond that. It takes roughly three months from submitting a book until available for purchase. That would mean The Early Works will come out around the end of August and 2003 Musings - Vol I will come out around the middle of September. Hmm ... that would mean it took 1.5 months to get 2003 Musings - Vol I ready to submit. That's about right, it took about one month to generate and format and two weeks to proof. I don't see how I could do this much faster. The remain 3 months is nearly all on the publishers end. There is nothing I can do to streamline that other than provide as clean of a manuscript as possible and do the final proofing quickly. So, I could have three children by early Fall. Then, depending on availability of funds ... could have another three later in the Fall or early into the Winter. The goal is to have six in 2003. At this point, that seems to be an achievable goal. Hmm ... I was just thinking. It would be nice to have my children be able to support me in my old age. I've often considered myself to be an ancient soul. How much older can you get than that? I can create as many children as is necessary to provide a stable support base for the years to come. Six seems like a good number to start with. We can easily expand on this each year. If we were doing this full time, rather than part time, we could probably generate close to one million words per year. Yes, that is a lot of expression. Is it in me to do that for the remainder of my life? Perhaps. But, at some point, it seems that I will need to share whom that I AM more directly than I can through this expression. That doesn't mean that this expression isn't necessary or can go away. It seems that spirit has much more to say here ... as do I. Though knowing when it is spirit, and knowing when it is me is not so easy to distinguish. Not that it really matters. We are one anyway. Could I speak before an audience? Could I do a series of lectures? Could I do package advice on reality creation into a seminar? There are a lot of possibilities. But, it seems that for some of this, I need the right support group around. How do I build such a group? Where do I find those who are meant to be its members? This does not seem to be something that I can do alone. Oh, I could try. And, I would give it a valiant effort. But, the sense is that this is not enough ... the task demands more. Just knowing that I need such others in my life is a starting point. It puts me on the lookout. What I seek, I will find eventually. How soon that will happen depends on the effort that I put into it and what destiny calls for. Things happen in their right timing in my life. They cannot be forced, try though as I might. Allowance is by far the better route ... for me anyway. Though, it seems that there are times when the conditions call for us to take bold and decisive action. When this is the case, it is best to do as we are moved to do and do so. How long might it take to substantially augment my income via my children? The sense is that it won't take long. The bigger question is at what point will this income replace that of my present job completely? That is the major milestone that I am shooting for. That is the milestone that allows fundamental changes to take place in my life. Will this happen in 2003? That is a lot to ask for. All that we can do is continue to do what we are moved to do and see where that leads. Everything suggest that the current path is right somehow. It has been awhile since I have been this motivated to express on such a regular basis. Actually ... since 1993, the expression that began on 1 January 2002 is unique. There were a few months in 1995 when the Notes were expressed nearly daily. But here, we are in our 18th month with every right to expect that the expression will continue through the end of the year. What makes us believe this? There is something about the state that we are in. The expression is in a new mode. It is as if it must come forth ... preferably each day. It seems that the very act of expression frees the slate so that more can be brought through. So, what am I moved to do next? This expression is still the #1 priority in my life. Yes, it is that important to me. Spirit must be given a vehicle through which to speak. This stream of consciousness is the greatest gift that I can give to the world at this time. It is by far the most productive use of my time that I am engaged in. How can I be so certain of this? Simply because this is the only expression in which I am engaged that is likely to have lasting value of any kind. Yes, that is saying a lot about how little I interact with others. The good news is that I am spending a lot of time doing the thing that I consider most important in my life. Further, this very thing is likely to have the most impact on and 81

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benefit to society. Will that happen within my lifetime? It seems that I need to live as if it will, whether it actually does or not. It is important for our lives to make a statement ... to have an impact on society and the world. This doesn't just happen. This requires that we do something with our abilities and talents, and with our time, to serve society. Service is the highest use of our time that there is. However, we need to make sure the service maximizes the use of our abilities. That makes it the greatest service that we can provide. On a mass scale, that ensures services are provided most efficiently. Part of "this expression" is packaging the various works into books and doing what it takes to ready them for publishing. That has been a significant time sink of late. Hopefully, it is one that will pay back major dividends. It seems that we shall see soon enough what the results of this investment will be. So far, everything seems promising. I feel good about it anyway. And, at this point, that is what counts. How I make this expression my vocation has been a recurring topic of late. There must be a reason for that, and it seems that it is more than wishful thinking. It seems that I am putting in place the circumstances that free me to work as I desire to work. When it will actually happen, I do not know. However, that it will happen seems to be a certainty. I've felt this way before. I've felt that the circumstances to free me to do my spiritual work on a fulltime basis were forthcoming. However, there was never an appropriate means for achieving this available before. The Beyond Imagination books offer the means. They are my Get out of Jail Free card. They took a lot of work to generate. I would estimate that I've put in over 5000 hours into Beyond Imagination expression over the past decade. Yes, that is the equivalent of over 2.5 years of full time work. That's quite impressive when you look at it that way. However, we are probably at 1500 hours of that since 1 January 2002. Yes, close to 1/3 of the expression in the final 1/7 of the time. How many people choose to put 5000 hours into anything in their life? That's an average of 10 hours per week for 10 years. My sense is that the answer would be very few. Far fewer still put the hours into creative expression. And, very few indeed are concerned with the nature of reality and reality creation. Yet, I do what I do because I must ... I have no real choice in the matter. It is as if I am manifesting a destiny that I only had a loose role in creating, and then on other than conscious levels. So, what will my life be like one year from now? It seems that it could be very different in very substantial ways. Will I be free from the economic burden of a job? Possibly. It seems that depends on what I do. It is all in my hands now. Spirit has given me the means to free myself. However, she will not do it for me. This is something that I must want and create for myself. That is a new way to express for me. So be it. It is time for me to state my preferences in the game of my life. This doesn't mean they will be realized necessarily ... but, at least it gives them a chance. To state my preferences, I have to know what they are. It seems at some level I already know this. It is a matter of making them conscious. We need to be careful here to limit what we prefer to what it is that we truly want in our life. Sufficient abundance from this expression that I don't have to do the bidding of any Prince as Thoreau said, I believe. I would do the work of Spirit, or allow Spirit to do her works through me. That is what the expression that is Beyond Imagination is all about. This is what we have been doing for over a decade now. This is what we desire to continue to do for the rest of our life, only on a full time basis. Is the desire strong enough to make it so? It is clearly much stronger now than it has ever been. In the past there was a strong desire to not want to continue doing the things that I was stuck doing. But now, we have more than that. We have something that I could be doing ... in particular, something far more beneficial to society and to the world. That alone seems to be sufficient to cause it to manifest eventually. But, I would have it happen now ... or even yesterday. There aren't too many things that I feel strongly about. This definitely is one of them. Yet, I clearly am not an impartial observer in this matter. This is my life we are talking about. I would live it as I desire to live it. Though, this does not come out of a space of being selfish. Beyond Imagination is about providing service ... the greatest service that we can to others, to our society, and to our world. However, to do this we must know whom that we are. Know thyself is as valid of a directive today as it has always been. Perhaps even more so, since we are more complex beings then we have ever been. Also, there are so many distractions in our world today that finding quiet time to spend on knowing ourself is very difficult to do. It is as if one has 82

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to turn away from the world to find the self. In fact, that is exactly what is required. One needs to turn inward and seek what would come forth from within. Everything expressed at Beyond Imagination is an example of what you can find when you do this. No, that doesn't mean that your life will be taken over by this expression as mine seems to have been. In my case, this is all tied to my mission ... my purpose for entering into this existence this time around. Your experiences will depend on what you purposes are. Whatever they are, they will be right for you. It is not appropriate to judge the experiences of one against the experiences of another. What matters is did we do what we came to do and did we do it to the best of our abilities? The only person that can really judge how successful we were is ourselves. We know innately what we are capable of. We know when we are doing our best. The usual signs are by how happy we are and how fulfilled we are.

16 June 2003 Book number three is off to the publisher. That brings me to the halfway point of my goal of six for the year. Actually, I'm closer than that since two works only require introductions, conclusions, and proofing. Though, proofing can take substantial effort all by itself ... and if memory serves me, were talking about another 800 pages between the two Best of Notes books. That's OK. I can't think of anything better to do with my time than creating these works. There is a sense that these are classic, that they are timeless, that they will exist long after I have departed this existence. Is what I capture in this stream of consciousness that important? I believe that it is. I may not know exactly how or exactly why, but there is a sense that I am indeed engaged in something special. Anyway, so long as I continue to feel this way, I am moved to express in this manner ... allowing consciousness to express through me as she will. It seems that the free expression of consciousness is the most powerful form of this expression. It is when I give up the reigns that spirit takes control. Or, at least, so it seems from my vantage point looking from the inside out. I am still amazed that all of this could be expressed through me. I still don't know exactly who the audience is meant to be. Though, it seems that there will indeed be one ... perhaps even in the near future. It seems that my life is moving in a direction towards being more outwardly focused. That is not difficult considering how extremely inward focused it has been all of my life to date. It is time for a change. And, I sense that I am ready for one. What do all of these works offer the reader? That is a good question. The biggest benefit is that you get to see and experience consciousness in action as she expressed in my life anyway. How does this relate to your life? It provides an example of how consciousness can express that you may not have experienced before. My hope is that this example serves to awaken something within you. By walking in my stream of consciousness, perhaps you will encounter something about your own ... and you will in the process learn something about yourself that you never knew you never knew. As an explorer of consciousness and a wayshower, that is what I have to share. What you take away from this is up to you. I am still moved to express incessantly ... for several hours per day. That is the fun part of my day. That is when I am doing what I know to be my mission. Though, it seems that simply expressing is not going to be enough for much longer. I will need to play an active role in getting the word out to those who are meant to hear this message and be moved by the works of this endeavor that is Beyond Imagination. Further, Beyond Imagination is not meant to be an endeavor of one for very long. It has effectively been that for over a decade, but it is time to start finding others with whom to share the Vision and the effort. Not that spirit can't do a lot working through me. It's just that spirit could do so much more working through a group of us who were cooperating to manifest the Vision. We are here to build the foundations for a new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh. Yes, that is a challenging task. Yet, it is one that is worthy of our best efforts. This is what the Aquarian Age is all about. This is destined to happen. The only question is when. That is dependent on the collective effort that we apply to making it so. We can create the world to be whatsoever we choose for it to be. It is important that we choose wisely. Further, it 83

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is important that our choices encompass the whole world. At some level we are collectively responsible for all of us. We live in a cooperatively interdependent world. However, few of us truly see and realize this. We appear to be separate and independent. But, these are appearances that are somewhat illusory ... they only show us part of the story. The world is richly interconnected. There are interdependencies everywhere. There is an incredible amount of cooperation that goes into creating the reality that we experience. We just need to look for it in the right ways to see it. It seems that many are still blind to this. That can be changed. Further, it must be changed if the consensus reality is going to change substantially. And, that is what we are trying to do. We are attempting to change the very nature of reality that people experience. That is what the new age asks for. That is what the new age promises. But, it is up to those of us who are wayshowers to deliver it. How does one compare what is expressed here with what is expressed elsewhere? Is it even fair to make such comparisons? It seems that each work, each book, should be judged on its own merit. Publishing six books in a year involves making a lot of material available to the public. Yet, every book is different. The material spans a ten year period from The Early Works in 1993-1994 through 2003 Musings - Vols I, II from this year. Only Beyond Imagination: Foundations for Creating a New World and Reality Creation 1010 included in The Early Works came forth as "books" in their own right. And, even then, they were dictated sequentially, in chapter order, in basically a stream of consciousness manner. Everything else was straight stream of consciousness expression with no organization to it other than that provided by consciousness herself. We did filter Best Passages from 2002 Musings selecting about onefourth to one-third of what was expressed during the year. For 2003, we attempted to do similar filtering to no avail. For some reason, it was important to capture the bulk of the musings in their entirety. At least, so it was for Vol I. We'll see what happens for Vol II around the end of August. I'm excited about what is coming forth. I haven't been this productive ever before. We are halfway through the eighteenth month of heightened expression, with no signs that it will tail off anytime soon. In fact, there is every sign that it will continue to increase in the days ahead. I am losing interest in the few things that occupied me and took time away from this expression. In particular, television and movies have lost their allure. I'd rather be expressing. More and more, I'm making the choice to express. Yes, there are limits to how far I can take this. But, I am nowhere near those limits yet. My weekend time is less productive than it could be. For one thing, I sleep far too much. That alone could give me 4-5 hours of available time. Time ... that is one thing that is the great equalizer. We all get 24 hours per day until our final day. It is for us to do with it as we will. Lately, it has become important to me to make the best of it. One goal is to do at least one thing each day that is worth my having lived. Most of the time that is engaging in this expression. I've set 1,000 words as a minimum and 2,000 words as a target for each day. No, I don't like quotas, but that gives me something to shoot for and provides a sense of accomplishment when I reach it. For full time expression, I would probably double this. In case you're wondering, we are at 1300 in this expression thus far. What explains the increase in productivity? The timing was right for it to happen. The outer planets, in particular, had powerful transits that started early in 2002 and run throughout 2003. Yes, I believe astrology as a symbol system can explain and even predict some of these kinds of things. But, the bottom line is that whatever caused the increase doesn't really matter. All that matters is that I ride the wave and maximize what I do while the creative energies are with me. Will they last indefinitely? Perhaps, perhaps not. I've had my ups and downs before. The more information I capture while the information is flowing smoothly ... the more I'll have to work with if and when the flow dies down. At this point, it is not clear whether it will ever die down or not. This could be a one way switch that was thrown. In fact, that wouldn't surprise me in the least. I feel different now ... distinctly different than I was before 2002. In a very real way, this expression is whom that I AM. It changes as I change. That is why the expression is different this year than last. Nothing remains static. With each moment of expression, I become something more than I was before. And, I leave a record of that here for you to experience as well. From 84

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the beginning of this expression, the record aspect was highly important. Had I not written all of this down ... it would have only been a series of fleeting thoughts that passed through my mind. Now, I have thousands of pages of metaphysical expression. I plan to publish close to 2500 pages of material this year. If the musings continue at their present pace, I'll generate nearly 1500 pages of new material in 2003. The final third of this will be 2003 Musings - Vol III which comes out in early April of 2004. Hmm ... that would make a nice birthday present for myself if I can arrange it. I speak of these projects, these works, as if they are already accomplished. And, to some degree they are. Yes, I have a role in facilitating their manifestation ... a big role. Further, this expression has a major role in my life. This expression defines who I am. It shows me the best of what I can be. It also shows me the best of what spirit can do expressing through me. I serve as a willing vessel. This is quality time for me. Time directly engaged with consciousness, with source, is special. It is precious. Because of this, it is not something to squander. Also, for me anyway, it is something to share. Though, my means of sharing is far more remote than most. I share via the words that are so freely expressed here. That it is not in person, doesn't seem to matter. There is a depth to the sharing nonetheless. My hope is that my example encourages others to share at similar levels. At the very least, it makes it OK that at least one other has been moved to share in this manner. At some point, I expect that the sharing will become more of an exchange ... but, to date it has been a unilateral expression. That is OK. It is what it is. I am happy to be able to express in this manner. There is a major release that comes from all of this for me. In addition, there is a major acceptance of myself and of the source that expresses through me. These are good things. Though they can lead to a degree of grandiosity at times, perhaps even a high degree of grandiosity. But, what would you think of yourself if all of this came through you in a decade? ... or in the volume that it has in the past 18 months? That is not such an easy thing to deal with. Yes, I put a lot of time into this endeavor ... but look at everything that comes out. There is a sense that I need to be dealing with people in new ways soon. This is another year of destiny for me. The sense is that what I am a year from now will bear little resemblance to what I am now. Yet, how much difference can a year make? One year ago I was musing daily, but had no idea that I would have generated and sent three books to be published by now. In fact, I didn't even know that I would do that until a couple of months into this year. So, 2003 is definitely a year of manifestation in a different way than 2002. I am still doing the daily musings. However, I am also generating works that can be published. If only I could be doing this on a full time basis. I could easily triple if not quadruple my daily output. But, who would keep up with it? Who would read the equivalent of 8 single spaced 8.5 x 11 pages of text per day? That is a lot of material. Could I even generate that much on a regular basis? Perhaps not I, but the sense is that consciousness would have no trouble filling the pages. Whenever I get intimidated by the amount of blankness that must be filled, it always helps to remember that it is not me that is filling the pages, it is spirit filling the pages through me. To date, she has not had any problems in this area. So long as I allow her to speak, she seems ready and able to come through with quality information. Though, I'm probably not the best person to judge the quality of the expression. Given that it comes through me, I am clearly partial. This is a subjective experience for me.

18 June 2003 Yes, I missed another day of musing. But, I spent over 7 hours working on The Search for Center book and actually completed the 1st draft. It comes to just over 600 pages ... though, I may have to prune it down a bit. We'll see what I am moved to do when I take another pass through it. All told, I probably spent 12 hours on it in two days. That is a lot of effort to expend in a short time period. But, I got into a groove and wanted to get it done. When I can see the end in sight, I can get like that sometimes ... very determined. There is something wonderful about the sense of accomplishment that comes from all of 85

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this. We are not even halfway into the year, and I already have three books out to be published and another three completed waiting to be proofed. In addition, the musings continue so the material for a seventh book will be there by the end of August. Also, I'm sure that I'll make the time to put together a Best Quotes book in the next month or two. At this point, I don't know where I'm going to find the money to pay to publish all of these. But, somehow if it is meant to be, I will indeed find a way ... and, right now the sense is that it is definitely meant to be. There is something about writing that excites me to the core of my being. This clearly is what I am here to do. There is no doubt about it. The only question is how do I make it my full time job? I believe I am ready to do that now, more ready than I have ever been. Yet, it is not clear how the opportunity to do this will present itself. It is not like there is someplace I can go to apply for the job. I am already demonstrating that I can do the job on a half time basis in my free time. It only seems right that I should reap the rewards for all of my efforts. Not that this expression is without its benefits. I've learned a lot by doing this that I could learn in no other way. And, I wouldn't trade my experience for anyone's. Being aware is that important ad that valuable. Yes, I consider myself aware ... more aware than most anyway. Yet, it is not clear how much I contributed to my own awakening in 1993. It seemed that this was destined. It was a spiritual inheritance of sorts. I really feel that way. Transiting Neptune conjunct Uranus exactly square to my Natal Sun was clearly a major trigger for me. It signified a major psychological breakpoint, a spiritual awakening that was unlike anything that I had ever experienced. Fortunately, I had nearly 20 years of metaphysical reading and study to assist me. However, most of that was in my head ... and the experience took me Beyond Mind. I became aware of myself as a conscious being, not just as a thinking being. There is a big difference. Though it is not clear that the difference is easy to explain. I don't know the source of my thoughts. But, the source of these words is different than the source of my thoughts. How can I distinguish between the two? There is just a feeling that when I am thinking, it is somehow me that is doing it. Though, thinking about it now, I am not aware of where the thoughts come from or where they go after I have thought them. So, how is this stream of consciousness any different? It seems to be a little more remote. There is a sense of reaching further inside for the expression that comes forth. In neither case do I sense that it is me that is originating what is expressed. Yes, it is coming forth through me. No, without me, it would not be happening. However, neither of those is sufficient to conclude that what comes forth is from me. It is through me yes, but not from me. This is a major distinction. Spirit expresses through us to the degree that we allow her to. That is where our free will comes into play to the degree that we allow her to. She doesn't force her way into our lives. Though, judging by the past two days of work on The Search for Center book she can indeed motivate us at times. Celine Dion sings A New Day Has Come as I write this. I really like that song. It seems that I am hearing it quite often lately. It does indeed seem like the song is correct. We have entered a new day in a new age. What we will manifest will be glorious beyond imagination. It is within our power to create the world to be whatever we choose for it to be both individually and en masse. It is a matter of deciding what we want to create. Beyond Imagination offers a wealth of ideas regarding the kinds of things that we could create. Most important among these is the foundations for a new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh. These foundations are ready to be built. They have been dreamed of for years. It is a matter of manifesting these dreams and bringing the foundations down to Earth. We can do this now. The time is right to make this happen. How many other people know this? How many other people are being moved to do things to create a better world? How many other people are being moved to find others to cooperate with to co-create a reality that they would prefer? These are always choices that are ours to make. It is a matter of deciding what we want, deciding how we want to live, deciding how we want to express, and deciding how we want to be. These can be tough decisions if we don't know what we want and don't know who we are. That is why know thyself is so important. It has always been important, but it is especially so in this day and age. 86

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What would I do next? I'm still in the mode of being moved to publish books as rapidly as I can ... limited only by my standards of quality and my resources to get the work done and to pay for the publishing. This feels right. There is a sense that I am aligned with universal forces somehow, that I am doing exactly what I need to be doing at this time. I can imagine a shelf with a dozen Beyond Imagination titles on it as early as the end of 2004. Considering the first one should be officially published in another week or so, that is pretty amazing. It is as if out of nothing ... we have manifested a library of works. OK, a dozen books do not make a library ... though many people probably don't read a dozen books in their lifetime after their school years. I should be able to proof Best of Notes - Book 1 this weekend. That will make book 4. Lately, I've taken to setting goals for myself. For the most part, they are goals that stretch me beyond what I generally expect to achieve. So far, I've been able to surpass all of my expectations. At some point, I'm going to set the bar so high that even spirit operating through me cannot reach it. But, we are not there yet ... in fact, nowhere near there. We need to keep challenging ourselves to excel. That means putting ourselves in positions that give us the opportunity to excel. That means doing things that allow us to use our greatest abilities and talents in service to others and to our world in some way. We may not know exactly who we serve and how we serve them. That is the case with much of this expression to date. There is a general sense that this has value and that it is beneficial to some audience ... but because of the limited feedback to date, it is unknown what impact this has truly had on whom other than what I know based on the firsthand impact in my own life. How do I reach the intended audience for this expression? On the one hand there is a sense that it will just happen when the time is right by spirit's doing. On the other hand, there is a sense that I can't necessarily count on that. This time, it is up to me to get things rolling and make something happen. Perhaps reality lies somewhere between the two ... spirit will do her part if and only if I do my part. Hmm ... I haven't been moved to state it in this manner before. But indeed it seems that my efforts are inextricably tied to spirit's efforts now. I am moved to do something, even though I don't know exactly what that is yet. The sense is that it will involve others ... that it will involve an outer expression in some way, an expression that is more than written even though that is my preferred method of communication. It seems that I need to broadcast the works of Beyond Imagination so that they reach a much larger audience than they have reached to date. The books provide a means for doing this. However, they are not the same as the live source that generated the words in the books. I need to make myself and this source available somehow. For a price, of course. In particular, for a price worth what is being exchanged. How does one put a price on the wisdom gained from 30 years of metaphysical study and 10 years of metaphysical expression? What do I offer that is of practical value in improving people's lives and experience of reality? Is this material worth the time and effort it takes to read and study it? My sense is that yes, this material is of practical value ... and it definitely is worth the time and effort. I know for a fact that it is for me anyway, and it seems that it should be for many others as well. Am I ready to do speaking engagements? I guess I could grow into them if I need to. This expression is something that I am passionate about. That passion would come out with the right audiences. It doesn't take much. Metaphysics is a big area. The nature of reality and reality creation are big topics. Belief management is one of the most important skills that we can learn. It dramatically impacts the reality that we experience. It seems that many people need to be exposed to me in order to be exposed to the works of Beyond Imagination. It is not yet clear how this is to happen. Yet, it will indeed happen if such is meant to be. We have the foundations for a new world to build. This is no easy task. Yet, it will be a labor of love or it will not happen at all. Such is true for all spiritual work. It is propelled by love. I'm counting every word tonight, anxious to reach the day's quota for musings so that I can get back to a second pass through The Search for Center book. There is such a sense of urgency to get all of these works ready to be published, even if I have to put them on the shelf in an awaiting funds state after that. This week anyway, nearly all of my free time has been consumed in work related to Beyond Imagination ... either in musing or in preparing works for publishing. Can I keep that pace up indefinitely? If so, I've 87

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stepped up what I can accomplish substantially. I'm rapidly losing interest in the few diversions that I allowed myself to indulge in. Even the TV shows that I used to like don't command my attention any longer. There is a sense that I am gravitating to the very position that I am meant to fill. This happens naturally if we allow it to. It is not something that can be forced, try though we might. The word patience comes to mind. Generally, I am a very patient person. But, there is an urgency in what I am doing now. There is a sense that what can be done today cannot and should not wait until tomorrow. We must make the most of each and every day ... of each and every moment. Yes, that is asking for a lot. No, it does not seem that this applies universally. But, there is some subset of the populous to which it applies. In particular, to those who have roles to play in bringing forth the new age. You will know if you are among this group, for you will be moved to act by a force that you find irresistible. Completed the fast second pass through The Search for Center book. Caught the major formatting stuff and got rid of material that I thought might need copyright protection. That makes the bulk of the work my own. One key exception is the Community Forums which in some cases involved many people interacting on a variety of topics. I don't know that the participants knew that their inputs were being recorded or that they would be published some day. However, they have been available on the WWW for over six years and no one has complained ... so, I'll assume everything is OK. I think there is some benefit in allowing people to see some of the communication that does take place on the Internet. Let's see, at this point we're at 607 pages. I think that makes this the largest Beyond Imagination work to date. Though, not by a lot. 2003 Musings - Vol I came in at 596 pages. Hmm ... it's only Wednesday evening and it has already been quite a productive week. This will be a difficult one to top. Though, now I have three books in the hopper to proof and that is the slowest part of the process. Some day I'll be able to pay someone to do that function. But, at this time the finances are still tight ... so, I am my own editor. The three works awaiting proofing total over 1400 pages worth of material. The three books already sent to the publisher by comparison come to 522 + 288 + 596 = 1406 pages as well. It surprised me that the split came out so evenly. If we can publish all six of these books, that is over 2800 pages worth of material on the market in a single year. Actually, far more than that since this doesn't include 2003 Musings - Vol II, for which material gets generated almost daily ... and we should have enough for a book by the end of August. From another perspective, this is somewhat deceptive. Much of this material existed prior to 2003. It was stream of consciousness expression captured as web pages at the Beyond Imagination site. Converting it to books was a matter of selecting, formatting, and proofing the material.

19 June 2003 The musings continue. It seems that so long as I make the choice to come here to express ... spirit makes the same choice and comes to express through me as well. That is the only way all of this could manifest. There is no way that I could create all that is expressed here on my own. Overall, with the exception of this expression, I am a very quiet person. I don't say much, I don't write much, and I don't even think much. Yet, with this expression I go to the head of the class. Here, I literally express for several hours per day in a way that is captured and shared. Why do I do it? Because I am moved to do it. It feels like the right thing to do in the moment. It doesn't matter that I don't know what is being communicated nor with whom it is being shared. I trust the process. There is something right about this. This is the natural expression of whom that I AM. Here, I can be the best that I can be; without the normal restrictions of day-to-day existence. Here I operate in the spiritual realm and because of this, what comes forth is sacred somehow. That does not mean that it is not to be questioned. I question it myself at 88

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times. However, it deserves to be heard and to be evaluated based on its utility. If it is useful, by all means use what comes forth. Though, you may not know just how useful it is until you try it and see for yourself what results. The days keep ticking on, one after another. Where all of this is leading I don't really know. But, of late, I like where it is heading. It seems that we are moving in a direction towards manifesting a destiny ... in particular, my destiny. Further, it seems that the end is in sight soon, perhaps even very soon. Though it is not yet clear what the end will be. Oh, I have hints. There are suggestions about how my life and my world may be changing. But some of these are still in the wishful thinking category. Spirit may have something highly different but better in store for me. In any event, it seems that my world will be changing in major ways soon. How soon? I would prefer now ... to not wait a moment longer. But, this doesn't appear to be how spirit does things. It seems that the change will happen more gradually. Though the phrase within one year seems to set a reasonable timeframe. No, a year is not much. That is 2.2% of my life span at the most. Yet, at the pace that I have been generating works lately, a year is an eternity. That's over 1200 hours of available time to create and to serve spirit. It is possible that we could generate as many as one million words in that much time. Yes, another million words of expression! Who is going to read all of this? Is it intended that it be read? My sense is yes. There is a reason that this expression comes forth as it does and is shared as it is. Now, it is not only posted to the WWW as daily musings, but it is published in books as well. Hmm ... another million words. That is mind blowing when you think about it ... that a source within me can generate that much material in a year. Yet, 2002 is a case in point. And, we are nearly halfway through 2003 and the pace and volume have not diminished. In fact, it may even have picked up slightly. The big difference this year is all the extra work to package the Beyond Imagination material into books. That has been a major effort in addition to the regular musings. How long this will last, I still cannot predict. Though, I sense that it will definitely last through the end of this 2003. What happens after that, I don't know yet. It seems like much depends on how well the Beyond Imagination books do. I have every expectation that they will be successful ... even highly so. We shall see soon enough. This is definitely a year of transformation. It is also a year of outreach. We are closing in on the halfway point in the year. In seems appropriate that our first book would be becoming available at this time. That gives us six months to do something with it ... to find ways to get it into the hands and minds of those who are meant to experience it. Yes, I do believe that such things are destined. Though, we do have to do our parts to facilitate what is destined. After all, it is only through us that it is made manifest. That is how spirit works, through us. She has no means to affect the world directly. We are her legs, arms, hands, and even her mind.

20 June 2003 The musing stopped short yesterday. Work occupied me for several more hours than I had expected. There was a task that I needed to get done and when I get committed to something, my focus can get single-minded. Anyway, I didn't get out of work until after 9:30 PM and didn't get home until close to midnight. But today is a new day. I made it one-third of the way through the proofing of Best of Notes Book 1. Overall, it is pretty clean. I'm not finding many corrections that need to be made. Since I had three "weekend" days this week, I thought it would be easiest to partition the task evenly over these days. Proofing is somewhat tedious work. Though, it needs to be done. The published books should be reasonably clean. I don't expect perfection. We're bringing a lot of words to the world in a short period of time. Though, that is no excuse for sacrificing quality. All of the Beyond Imagination books are high quality products. They are content rich ... with content often coming from source, from spirit herself. How can I know that? I just do. I've been engaged in the process of expressing this stream of 89

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consciousness for over ten years. Even after over three million words, I still have no conscious awareness of being the source of all of this. Oh, I see the words enter my head and my fingers type them so they appear on the screen. And, there is an inner sense of whether what appears actually reflects what the stream of consciousness is conveying. But, typically this only involves a few words at the most. In ten years of expression, I have not been moved to go back and rewrite one sentence, or rearrange one paragraph. Whatever it is that is expressing knows exactly what it is doing. The closest I've come to "editing" is the selection of "Best of Notes" and "Best Quotes" and "Best Passages". But even with these, the selections are always in chronological order. Text between selections is removed, but the wording of the selections is untouched. How is it that finished work can come forth in this manner? What is it that is doing the organization? My answer is that source herself is responsible. If it is a part of me, it is clearly an other than conscious part. These musings, and all of the expression at Beyond Imagination have essentially been stream of consciousness expressions. What does that mean? It means that they just come forth naturally and automatically. I don't have to force the expression or guide it. In fact, it is not clear how much I could do this even if I desired to. Though we have had several successful attempts at focusing the expression on particular topics for a given day's musing. At least, we managed to keep a loose focus anyway. You might conclude from this that I am not really in control of this expression. And, I would say that you are right. This is something that I have to do. It is as important to me as eating and maybe even breathing. This is how I exercise my spiritual self ... whom that I AM. To do less would be unthinkable now. My spiritual eyes have been opened. The world I see is different than the world that others see. Literally, it is animated by spirit everywhere that I look. I got something in the mail this week from a company that finds people belonging to unclaimed money. It seems that I have nearly $1350 from an uncollected insurance claim in 1992. Subtracting the 10% fee would leave enough to publish the three books that are currently in the awaiting proofing stage. Is this a gift from the universe or what? On the way home last night, I was thinking about how I was going to come up with the money to pay for the publishing so that I didn't have to wait for a couple of months. I don't know for sure whether the claim is legitimate yet. The company is sending me information on it this week. But, if it is, it is definitely a sign that we are into manifesting what we need now. Actually, that just confirms something that I was feeling most of the week anyway. There is this incredible sense that my destiny is in my hands now in a way that it has never been before ... not to this degree anyway. There is a sense that I can make my life into whatever I desire for it to be. That works so long as it is a solo act. However, it seems that I still have to discover how to exist in the context of others. At this time, that is still not as important to me for some reason. It seems that there is still more that I can express as an individual tied to source. How long this will remain so, I do not know. I can only go by how I feel and what I am moved to do. Right now, I am moved to be an author. Being an author, however, means publishing a collection of books. One way or another, we'll get to at least six this year, and at least a dozen by the end of 2004. That is a lot. Yet, it seems now is the time for manifesting these works in this manner. It would be nice if the books would sell. And, I need to do things to facilitate that. But, sales are not the primary reason for publishing the works. Hmm ... what this does is make the Beyond Imagination works readily available to anyone, even to those without computers. Further, there is something about having a book in your hands that is different than reading pages of information from a computer screen. I do believe that the books have the potential to be a source of funds to free me economically and to allow Beyond Imagination to take wing and do its works in the world. Reading the Best of Notes - Book 1, it is interesting to see what I selected as the best passages five years ago from material expressed nearly a decade ago. It is as if little has changed. I could be writing some of the same material in the same way now. Only I've changed. My awareness is different. As a result, the expression is different now. In some ways it is more personable. Though, it is not clear why. I still deal very little with people. Though, there is a desire to do more of this, or at least some of this. However, 90

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even there, I would do it on my own terms. Either it is done deeply, with spiritual meaning, or it simply doesn't interest me. If I can't do more in a social setting than I can do operating on my own, then my choice is to go it alone. Until I can see the power of synergy kick in by cooperating with others ... I am just not interested. Anyway, the quality of material in Book 1 is far better than I had remembered. It reconfirmed the fact that this expression was special. From its earliest days, wonderful material came forth ... material that offers good overall guidance for living a spiritual life. This provides an example of an aware being experiencing consciousness. The example allows you to see the world from a new perspective. I'm probably not the best judge of the quality of the material. Clearly, since it came through me I'm a biased appraiser. However, I have read extensively in metaphysics over the past 30 years ... and I've seen nothing that is like what is expressed here. There have been many books that I have liked, even some that I have loved. But, the expression that has come forth from source through me equals or exceeds anything else that I have encountered. For instance, I did love the Conversations with God books by Neale Donald Walsch. I couldn't put them down. I cover similar material, but the nature of this expression is very different. Here, the stream of consciousness simply expresses. Occasionally, I ask questions ... but, not a lot. Further, there is not as clean a distinction of what comes from source and what comes from Wayne. It all comes from source through me. Even the questions that seem to come from me come from source. The bottom line is what does the expression do for you? Does it have value to you? Does it offer something of utility to your life? If so, that is all that really matters. That is enough to justify reading it and applying it in your life. Can I do anything to make things unfold any faster? It seems that you are doing everything in your power at the moment. The key is to keep seizing the moments and doing the things that you are moved to do. For instance, with The Search for Center book last week. You hadn't planned on doing it so soon or so quickly. But, once you got into it, you were consumed by the task at hand and the desire to get it done. Knowing you, the Best Quotes work will be soon to follow. You know where to look to pull together the pieces. It is just a matter of sitting down and doing it. You can start thinking about how you want to live ... what experiences you would prefer to have in your life. What you decide, you will create ... you will do so because their are a host of forces waiting to do your bidding. You have reached a level of awareness where you know that this is true. You know that there is literally an army of unseen forces operating behind the scenes to make reality happen in the way that you say that you prefer it to be. Actually, more than say ... we need action in accord with what we say that we prefer. What else can I do? Start working on relationships. Yes, we know this is difficult for you. However, others will be a significant part of the rest of your life. The sooner that you find ways to relate to them the better for everyone. That doesn't mean wasting time doing things just to be social. Social interaction can also be on purpose. That doesn't mean it has to be work either. Spiritual endeavors can be highly entertaining and pleasurable. This expression continues to be one of the highlights of my existence. There is still the sense that it is the one thing that will remain that shows that one such as I has walked the earth. The Beyond Imagination books are my children. If they do their jobs well, they will help the world to transition to a new age in which spirit can more fully manifest in flesh. At the very least, they provide the record of where one consciousness was able to venture. The books do have a timeless quality, except for dealing with the period of the transition to a new age. However, that could take many decades ... or even several centuries to complete. We stand at the dawn of a new age. But the vestiges of the prior age are still with us and will be for some transition period. The old will eventually whither and die ... and will be replaced by the new and all that it offers. How long it will take to happen ... who knows? I'm generally pretty bad when it comes to predicting the specific timing for things. When the time is right, it will happen. It is spirit herself that decides when the time is right. In the meantime, if we are observant we shall start to see changes happening in our world. In fact, if we are open, we will be moved to be a part of making the 91

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changes happen. Here, the guidance is simple ... do what you are moved to do when you are moved to do it. This is how we do our part. And, that is all that can be expected of us.

21 June 2003 Made it through the second third of the proofing process for Best of Notes - Book 1. I'm still on track to finish it tomorrow. Then it's a simple matter of incorporating the corrections and I'll have another work ready for publication. Then it's on to Best of Notes - Book 2. The goal is to have that completed by the end of next week. Yes, I am pushing myself hard. But, there is an urgency that demands that I get this done now. We've already delayed several years. Then time is right now. Not that I'm complaining. Being this motivated to get things done is a good thing ... especially when you see the results that you can deliver. I am pleased with what has been created in the past several months. I would not have believed it was possible even four months ago. But here I am with a book about to be formally published, two others in the publisher's hands, a fourth that should be through proofing within a day or two, and two more ready for proofing. That is simply amazing. OK, four of the works are composed of material expressed at Beyond Imagination prior to 1999. All I had to do was select it, format it, and proof it. But everything takes time. One of the works is material from 2002, and the final one is material from 2003. Yes, there has already been enough musings expressed in 2003 for a sizeable book. All of this feels right. This is exactly what I am meant to be doing right now. This is how I am to take the Beyond Imagination expression to the world. After a decade, it is indeed time to do that. Further, it seems that I am the right person to make it happen. I was moved to generate an Editors/Publishers sought page that identified the kinds of books that I thought might be produced from the Beyond Imagination expression. I did this back in 1996 or so. I was seeking others with the skills to take my work and turn it into books. It seems that now I am being moved to generate many of the books that I described then. That is OK. I am ready to do this now. It would be nice to have help with the proofing. But, I'll do what I have to in order to get these works published so that they are available. These are my children ... they need to be given wings so that they can soar to their rightful place in the world where their ideas can have the impact that they are meant to have. Exactly what that is we can never know for certain. But, it only takes one idea planted in the right mind to make a significant difference. And, these works are rich with ideas that can make a difference. Making a difference is what it is all about. The chief criteria by which our life will be judged is whether we left the world a better place for our having lived. The answer needs to be a resounding yes. But, it takes significant effort on our part to make this so. We have to want to make a difference, and we have to choose to do things that have the potential to make a positive difference. Sometimes we cannot know for certain what the outcome will be. But, that shouldn't keep us from trying. We need to make the effort anyway. Sometimes our intent is just as important if not more important than the outcome of our action. Outcomes in many cases are in spirit's hands. We can only do what we can do. Fortunately, that is a lot ... far more than most of us think. Hmm ... then again, there is the old saying about the road to something being paved with good intentions. This suggests that in the long run, intents alone are not enough. We have to act, observe the results of our actions, replan what we want to do next to achieve better results, and act again. We continue in this loop until the desired results or something better for the good of all concerned is achieved. To make a difference in society, we must reach people somehow. I though setting up the Beyond Imagination website would be sufficient for that. It has allowed me to reach some, but nowhere near the numbers that I thought I might reach. Then again, I had no basis on which to generate any realistic expectations as to visitor counts. How am I to inform people that the Beyond Imagination books exist? I 92

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can put an announcement at the Beyond Imagination site. But, those who visit the site effectively have access to much of the material in the books. They still might want to support Beyond Imagination by purchasing books. And, they might prefer the book format of the material to the electronic format. Further, some of the planned books for 2004 will not be available on the Internet at all. Reaching others will be a challenge. The publisher has an electronic "bookstore" but it is not clear how many will find the Beyond Imagination books via that route. It seems that I need to do something to get the word out to potential readers of this type of material. Where do I go to find such people? I could do talks at metaphysical bookstores. I know the material. I've been living with it for over a decade. But, there aren't a lot of such bookstores. Also, to do book signings, I would have to have books available, which requires funds not presently budgeted. That is OK. Where there is a will, there is a way. I know that I have to do things to outreach to people far more than I ever have in the past. I also know that there is a Leo Rising part of me that not only can do this, but enjoys doing it. So, it is a matter of allowing my natural rising sign personality to take over for awhile. I've kept it under tight wraps for far too long. There is a sense that everything is happening exactly as it needs to be happening. There is nothing that I need to worry about. There is nothing that I can do to make it go any faster or slower for that matter. The Play is proceeding in accord with the Plan that consciousness laid out for it long ago. The chief directive is: do as you are moved to do when you are moved to do it. This is how consciousness impacts the world. She moves us to action. It is through our actions that her ends are achieved. But we are more than pawns in the game of life. We are willing participants – cocreators all.

22 June 2003 Mission complete. Finished proofing Best of Notes - Book 1. One more goal accomplished. We should be able to make the corrections tomorrow and have another book ready to go. That makes four. But, we really want to package it with Best of Notes - Book 2. The two should have similar cover designs, in particular. It will take another week to proof the second book. That will mean we have five done by the 4th of July. Actually, that weekend would be a good time to proof The Search for Center. Right now, I have nothing else planned. There is still a heightened sense of urgency. I need to generate quality works ... but I need to get them out as quickly as I can. At this point, it doesn't matter that they are perfect. That they are very good is good enough. The content of the works will allow the form to be overlooked a bit. Actually, the form is a bit different. I separate paragraphs by blank lines and I don't indent the first word. I've expressed in this manner since the writings began in 1993. I find the white space helpful. Also, often the context switches dramatically from one paragraph to the next. The blocks of text allow that to happen without bringing up too many questions. Actually, the context can change from sentence to sentence. My memory isn't sufficient to know what came before the present sentence. I have to trust that consciousness knows what she is expressing and how she is expressing it. I have ten years of expression that shows that this is indeed the case. Then again ... that's my assessment. Feel free to make your own. I am amazed at all that has been expressed here over the years. I am especially amazed by those things that have been expressed that appear to be beyond anything which I have any firsthand knowledge or awareness of from this existence. These are the things that blow me away. There are things that I simply know from the depths of my being. We are consciousness expressing in flesh is one of these things. It is not an intellectual knowledge that we are dealing with here, it is a knowingness that comes from the soul. That I have a spiritual mission to build the foundations for a new world is another thing that I know. This was not told to me. It came forth from within. And, I recognized it to be my spiritual mission and purpose. Being the midwife for the birth of the Aquarian Age is another job that I came to do. Yes, it seems I'm going to be very busy in the times ahead. Hmm ... actually, in the times NOW. I'm already very busy. But, I'm 93

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doing what I love to do. I just need to find ways to do even more of it. I'm sure that I will. There is a sense that my world is shifting dramatically. It is doing so primarily because of all of the action I am inputting toward moving it. What is unclear still is exactly where it will go. It seems that there we need to leave consciousness some latitude to create to most beneficial circumstances for all concerned. It seems that there is only so much that I can do. But, each time I think that I have reached the limit of what that is, I surprise myself and find a way to do more. How long this will continue, I don't know. But, I'm not yet operating at anything close to peak efficiency ... so there is still substantial room for improvement. And, if this is true for me, with all that I am doing both at work and in my spiritual job ... to what degree is this true for others? It is important to do what we can to make each moment count, to make the most of our efforts in whatever endeavors we are employed. The operative word is elegance, doing the job at hand with the least resources and the maximum efficiency. How many of us consider it our duty to work elegantly? Yet, that is where it all starts ... with the individual worker. We have a responsibility to our employer and to our society to work elegantly to the degree that we can anyway. Where we see that something can be done better, it is our responsibility to speak out and try to change it. We won't always be heard, and we won't always succeed ... but it is important that we voice our concerns anyway. The universe hears our cries. Ultimately, that is what counts. Today is going to be another short day for musing. I'm tiring rapidly so it is not clear that I can continue much longer. Yet, I don't want to stop. I am driven to allow the words to continue to flow as they will. The stream of consciousness deserves to be heard. This is where the unmanifest becomes manifest, the unseen becomes seen. What is consciousness? From where does this stream originate? What determines what comes forth when? What organizes what comes forth? There seems to be an overall organization to this expression. Clearly, it is not random. Yet, it is not organized into anything other than overall types of expressions Books, Notes, Newsletters, Musings, etc ... arranged chronologically. Am I to do the data mining that would reorganize some of the material along topic lines? This would be a major undertaking ... perhaps one that could carry me through the next decade of expression. I've already thought about creating an annotated Beyond Mind book that explains what I was experiencing then based on the perspective and understanding of things that I have now, a decade later. I could do something similar with books on particular topics, pulling the best passages from the Beyond Imagination material and supplementing it with my views from today. These wouldn't necessarily have to be large books. This would allow us to do several per year. Consciousness, reality creation, belief management, and the symbolic meaning of numbers might be a few to start with.

23 June 2003 Another fine day in which to express what consciousness would express through us. Looking at the date, it is somewhat balanced with 2--3 on each side of June. There are twelve days of that "23 month 2003" form this year. This is the first that I've been moved to notice. We're only one week from the middle of the year. It is hard to believe the year is moving by so rapidly. At the same time, it is equally hard to believe how much we have accomplished to date this year. I don't think that I've ever been so motivated to work as long and as hard as I have been for the past few months. Well have to see how long this continues. At the moment it still seems sustainable. But, at some point, there may be a limit that I need to face. One that comes to mind is the number of hours in a day. Here, we all get 24 hours minus whatever time we sleep per day. Nothing can alter this allocation. Though, it seems that the more we maintain our focus in the NOW, the more we are able to accomplish within this allocation. When we live in the present, it is as if time slows down somehow ... allowing us to accomplish more than we could otherwise accomplish.


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What would I do next? With Best of Notes - Book 1 ready to go and Book 2 soon to follow, it seems that perhaps it is time to put together a Beyond Imagination Quotes work. It should be pretty easy to pull together from the many quotes pages that have been generated over the years. However, what would I do above and beyond this? What would I do beyond creating Beyond Imagination books? What is the next phase of the expression that is Beyond Imagination? What is the next phase of the expression that is the entity Wayne? 21341 = To 13:Death of 41:Wayne. That is my badge number at work. It seems that this is prophetic of a state that this particular job is to take me to. Further, it seems that I am there now, or very close to being there. What happens after this? I don't really know. There is a sense that my life is to be more public somehow. Promoting the Beyond Imagination books will take me out into the world in a way that I have not ventured before. Yet, the timing seems right. I have gone about as far as I can go on my own ... even with the winds of spirit under my wings. To go further, to do more, I need to find and cooperate with kindred spirits. My sense is that they are being moved to find me just as I am being moved to find them. Further, it is only a matter of time before we find one another. Our meeting is destined. It will happen. Of this, I am certain. The only question is when. I would have it happen yesterday. But, obviously that did not happen. With any timing, the only real answer is when the time is right ... and it is spirit that determines that not us. Then again, spirit works through us, so could not spirit be determining this through us as well? And, even more than determining, making it so? Hmm ... that is a different, but valid, way of looking at things. Lately, our focus has been almost entirely on getting the Beyond Imagination works published as books. The musings have suffered a bit as a result, though we are still doing fairly well at bringing forth something nearly every day. The volume of material is less than it could be ... and is probably less on average in May-Jun than it was in Jan-Feb. Though I've definitely put many more hours into Beyond Imagination work in May-Jun than I did in Jan-Feb. That is OK. What needs to be expressed is being expressed; and what needs to be done is being done. We are compelled to do what we are doing. Nearly every minute of free time is pumped into this endeavor. Beyond Imagination has probably jumped from a half time job to a three quarter time job, if not more. Even at that, we have not come close to reaching the limits of what we are capable of achieving. I know that I could be far more efficient. And, there are things that I am doing that could be offloaded to others ... things that don't require my specific skills to accomplish. That is important. We need to find ways to offload tasks to others who are capable of doing them so that we can free ourselves to do things that only we can do. In so doing ... collectively, much more gets done and the world is a better place as a result. Elegance is important. We need to do things efficiently and effectively to the degree that we can. Wasted resources can never be recovered. To the degree that we can, we need to minimize such waste. That means doing what we can to use what each individual is capable of in an effective manner. How do we know what this is? Whose responsibility is it to ensure this happens? The bottom line is that it is a joint responsibility between the individual and society. However, who in society is responsible? That is the more difficult question. There is no organization, nor office, nor desk, nor person that is really responsible for this in society. It is a collective responsibility ... shared by all but allocated to no one. Perhaps that is part of the problem. Perhaps we need to find a way to make this more personal. It seems that we need explicit assignment of societal responsibility within the society. Who would have the authority to make such assignments? Who would have the authority to accept the societal responsibility within any given organization to begin with? Here we need to be clear about what services are expected from what government organizations. Actually, more than that, from what social organizations. Government is only a piece of the social infrastructure ... a big piece, yes, but still only a piece. I have a choice of continuing in this manner, or working on an initial draft for Beyond Imagination Quotes. Given that I'm tired right now, and the later task is less taxing, I think I'll end here for the evening.


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24 June 2003 The days continue to march on. Finished my first draft of Beyond Imagination Quotes except for 2003 quotes which I can add tonight. That will make it the longest work to date ... over 650 pages, most of them since the beginning of 2002. I need to consider whether to prune this down in size a bit. The added pages don't cost much to produce ... so, it is not clear that there is any real benefit in doing this. Many of the quotes appear in other works. About a third of them actually appear as quotes pages in other works. However, it felt right to capture them all in a single book for ease of reference. I didn't do anything to try to make the formats for the various "sections" of the document consistent with one another. It seemed OK to leave each one in essentially its original form. So, we are close to having another book ready for proofing. That makes #7. 2003 Musings - Vol II will make book 8. I'm waiting to see what other works I might be moved to create. I think I've exhausted what I can do relatively quickly. Everything else requires significant new commentary and substantial selection and organization of material. I can do this. I just haven't been moved to do it to date. We already have Beyond Mind ready to go. I've decided to publish it in two section, one with and one without commentary. Some people might enjoy reading it in its raw form. Others might find it fascinating to see what I have to say now about what I was experiencing then. Why not publish something that gives people both? It's small enough that this can be accommodated. Right now, the target is to have that ready early in 2004. That would make it book 9. 2003 Musings - Vol III would make book 10 assuming the musings continue from September through December. Yes, I am keeping extremely busy with all of this. But it is a labor of love. And, there is something about seeing the children of one's mind come to fruition as published books. This is different than posting works to the internet. Perhaps it shouldn't be. But it is. This makes it more real somehow. I don't even have the first book officially published yet, and here we are talking about book 9 and 10 already. But, it really is as if these are already done somehow. Books 1-3 are in the publisher’s hands. Book 1 should be available for sale any day now. Books 4-7 are ready for proofing, the final step prior to sending them to the publisher. Since we are talking about self-publishing, there are no rejection notices. We can publish whatever spirit moves us to publish. I finished proofing book 4 yesterday. I'll proof book 5 this week. Proofing book 6 will be more of a challenge because of the nature of some of the material it includes. Book 8 is all Quotes, it should be relatively easy to proof since much of the material has already been proofed elsewhere. So, if everything goes according to plans I'll have at least 10 books published by my 46th birthday. That is a laudable goal to set. It is one that is well within my abilities to achieve. Further, it seems to be well within my control to achieve. It is a matter of where I choose to expend my free time and my free funds. Right now, I can think of no better place than this. It is as if this is a test of some type. I need to get what I know, what I have done in the context of Beyond Imagination, in writing. If Redshift, my internet service provider were to go away, it would take me weeks to get my Beyond Imagination site up and running properly on another server. It seems important to back this up by having the material available in book form to anyone who cares to order it. This is not a matter of one or the other. It seems that each domain has its uses. The web site seems appropriate for introducing people to the Beyond Imagination works. But, it is tough to read large amounts of material on-line. For that, books have their utility. With these 10 books published, effectively I'll be current. Nearly everything at expressed at the Beyond Imagination site will be captured. Then it is simply a matter of keeping up with any new expressions and generating any special topics works that are a mixture of old and new. There could be any number of these depending on what I am moved to express. This is an exciting time. The possibilities seem endless. I am expressing at a pace and in ways that I have not achieved before. How long this will last or where it is all headed is a mystery. I only know that I like where it is taking me. I enjoy the enhanced creativity and productivity. I enjoy manifesting particular 96

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products ... in the form of published books. It is fun being an author. I have been a writer for some time. But seeing one's name on the cover of a book is a very different feeling. It really brings home the fact that one is an author. Will I be able to make my living in this manner someday? My sense is yes. The books will find as audience, and perhaps a sizeable one. No, I don't expect to sell millions of books as the latest Harry Potter book did in its first few days. Then again maybe the collection of Beyond Imagination books will eventually get to those kinds of numbers. Wishful thinking ... perhaps, but perhaps not. Is there anything I can do to make someday into someday soon? I truly desire to be able to do this as a fulltime endeavor. Is my desire enough to make it so? It seems that it should be if it is strong enough. Though here, I trust that the universe know what is in my best interest as well as what is for the good of the world. I would live a life of service. I would do what is necessary for spirit to do her works in the world. Decide. Then speak and act as if it is already done. And, surely it will be done. It is that easy. Am I so certain on this matter that I can make this commitment? If not now, when? Clearly, now is the time to reclaim my power and do as I am moved to do and be as I am moved to be. We are all powerful creators ... far more powerful than we might suspect. Our most intimate creation is our body and the reality that it experiences. We are responsible for every aspect of that experience ... no fine print, no exceptions. We always have been and we always will be. If we don't like what we experience, then it is up to us to find a way to change it. The place to start is generally to look within. In particular, to examine our belief system and why it attracted that experience to us to begin with. Change the beliefs and we change the experience. Beliefs are that powerful. And, it often doesn't take major changes in beliefs to create major changes in experience. Small changes typically suffice. Core beliefs need to be managed most carefully. These are the major beliefs around which all of our other beliefs are organized. When we change a core belief, it ripples throughout our entire belief infrastructure. That is OK. This is necessary at times. We need a good beliefquake every now and then to get our beliefs in order. These can be difficult times for many ... but they can also be exciting times if we approach them with the right attitude and are open to the lessons and the opportunities that they have to offer us. How do I turn myself inside out and start acting in a more extroverted manner? I sense that this is a necessary step somehow. Remaining shy and quiet is not going to get me noticed in a manner that I need to be noticed. Why should this matter? If I am expressing the best that I can be, is that not enough? The problem is the best that you can be is evolving over time ... it is not stagnant. As it evolves, you must evolve to reflect whom that you have become. Being outgoing takes a conscious effort on my part. It is not something that comes natural to me. Is it something I could learn to do well. The sense is yes ... there is a Leo Rising nature that is my persona, my mask to the world, that is comfortable with this. Though, it doesn't seem that I've been wearing this mask very much to date in my life. I don't know why. That is just the way that it has been for me. I observe what I experience. Often, I can understand it without really being able to explain it. Not to worry. Many things in life are unexplained. In fact, many of those may even be unexplainable. That doesn't stop us from experiencing them and in some cases even using them in our lives. This very expression is that way. I don't know that I'll ever be able to explain how it really comes forth. Yet, that doesn't stop me from expressing, from sharing the expression, and from using the expression in my own life. Got a call today from Infinity Publishing. It seems that Best Passages from 2002 Musings is ready to go. All they need is a signed proof approval form. They are sending me my copies so that I can make sure everything is OK before I sign the form. Hopefully, I'll be able to get that in the mail on Friday or maybe even fax it to them. The corrections were all minor, so I'm pretty sure they got them right. So ... we are literally within a week or so of being a published author. We'll be there before the end of June. One down, six or seven to go. We seem a long way from our goal when you state it like that. Six months is not very long. But, everything is in progress at varying states of readiness. And, each day we move one or more products further along the path. Everything is occurring in parallel. That is how we can get 97

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so much done so fast. Actually, the only linear part is my time. I can only work on one book at a time. However, I work very fast especially since much of the work is selecting from what has already be expressed. Actually, on several occasions, I have surprised myself with how quickly I put together the first draft for a new book. The easy pickin's are over, however. Further works will require the generation of new material. That process is much slower, about one half hour per page for book material. For Beyond Mind, I estimate that I'll need to generate at least 100 pages of material. That's around 50 hours of effort. At 2 hours per day, that would be about a month of work? Can I get motivated and produce it faster? Perhaps. But, that cuts into the time available for musing. Choices ... it seems that more and more I am having to decide where I am going to apply my time and effort. Where can I do things that have the most impact? ... that make the most difference? Lately, I've surprised myself by how motivated I have been to do things. There has been no similar time in the past ten years to the past few months in terms of sustained productivity and overall hours applied to Beyond Imagination endeavors. Can that continue indefinitely? The sense is that it has to. I don't really have a choice in the matter. There is that much to do. And, I seem to be the only one who sees that it needs to be done. Though, the hope is that those who are moved by the Beyond Imagination works will see this as well and will be moved to help. I am not yet operating at peak productivity ... and I clearly do not yet have a support group around me. Hopefully this will come soon. But, I am prepared to continue to go it alone as long as consciousness deems necessary. It is just that it I know that I could be doing more. How much more remains to be seen. One thing that would help would be if I could be doing this on a full time rather than part time basis as my job. That would make all the difference in the world. That would give me reason to arise early each morning and work late into the night. Would I burn myself out? Perhaps ... but my sense is that there are inner governors that prevent this from happening. I would definitely be far more excited about what I was doing each day. Why can I not choose to live in this manner now ... even if it is only with my free time? The bottom line is that I can, there is nothing stopping me but me. In fact, more and more, I seem to be doing precisely this. Though, there is still a strong wish to be able to do what I love to do on a full time basis. Right now, what I love to do is to engage in this expression of consciousness and to do the works of Beyond Imagination. This is far more than a full time job not just for one but for many. How do we make that manifest? How do we turn the dream of Beyond Imagination into a flesh and blood organization of more than one person? The books are a start. They introduce people to a world of ideas. This world may be foreign at first, but it will grow on them ... enough that they will decide that they would like to co-create such a world. And then, the magic happens. Before long the foundations for a new world will have been created and people will be pleased by the results. The creativity of people will be unleashed in a manner that it has never been before ... and people will love their newfound freedom. Wars will cease, and peace will pervade the planet. People will realize that violence is not an acceptable means for accomplishing any ends. No, this will not happen overnight ... then again, why not overnight? What keeps us from realizing spiritual truths in the moment? When the mass consciousness finally awakens, it will literally be as the difference between night and day. The collective consciousness will go from being asleep to being awake. It may have to rub its eyes a bit to get used to the light. But, once in the light, there is no returning to darkness.

25 June 2003 Another day. Another blank slate on which to express. At this point, we still have no clue as to what will come forth. Each day is a mystery. The creative process simply happens. I am able to guide it at times, but overall it seems to have a mind of its own. I started filling in the annotations for Beyond Mind. It was interesting to discover that the term beyond imagination came up in the very first day of the expression. I didn't really expect that. However, that is one of the benefits of keeping a written record over the years. It allows you to make such discoveries and remember such things. How many more such 98

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things have I forgotten over the years? Does it even matter? It seems that I am being fed what I need to know when I need to know it. There is a part of consciousness herself that is feeding me in this manner. It is difficult having to decide what Beyond Imagination endeavor to support at any time. I currently have musings, annotations for Beyond Mind, and proofing for Best of Notes - Book 2. Plus, there are two other works on the shelf awaiting proofing. How do I prioritize my time? What is most important to get done in what order? At this point, musings still are #1, proofing is #2, and annotations is #3 since that work is not scheduled for completion until 2004. That doesn't mean that I can't do it earlier. And, the sense is that I will indeed be moved to do so now that I have started it. It seems that lately, once I begin things, I am compelled to finish them almost to the point of obsession. However, the musings are a daily thing ... they are not something that can be rushed or completed ahead of schedule. It will be interesting to see how long they continue. It was one thing when I had nothing better to do with my time and with this expression. However, it seems that I am beyond that. I have reached a point where the focused application of my time and effort may be more valuable than the continued musings. Then again, there is something to be said about unstructured spontaneous expression. So long as there is value in the musings, they will continue. How long that will be I do not know at this point. Though, it will be long enough to generate 2003 Musings - Vol II and perhaps even 2003 Musings - Vol III. That seems a logical breakpoint. That would be the two year point for daily musings. That means doing this for another six months. One can do anything for six months. Then, it is time to regroup and decide what it is I want to express next. 2004 will be different than 2002 and 2003 have been ... dramatically different. There is a sense that I need to decide in the next six months exactly what it is that I want to manifest in my life in 2004. It is up to me to choose what this will be. I've never really had to choose before. I've just allowed it to happen. But, it seems that will not work anymore. I am a conscious creator now. In less than a week, we are within six months of the end of the year already. Halfway through. It is amazing how much we have to show for it. We have been very productive this year ... more productive than in any other six month period of our life to date. I say to date, because it seems that the productivity continues to accelerate. At this point, it is not clear where the bound lies ... if indeed there is one. I don't know how much I can do how quickly. I haven't found my limits yet. Thus far, I don't think that I am even close to them. Though, to progress much further I need a more supportive environment. There is only so much that I can do on my own ... it is a lot, but it is still limited. Further, even increasing my Beyond Imagination commitment to 30 hours per week, there is still only so much that I can accomplish. If this could be full time ... 60-70 hours per week, only consciousness knows what could be accomplished. Yes, I have a different concept of full time than others. I'm putting in 40 hours per week at a job plus 20-30 hours per week on Beyond Imagination. That is 60-70 hours per week. If Beyond Imagination were to be my full time employment, I would expect to give it this same level of effort, if not more. This would basically be my life. There would be no separation between my work and my pleasure / joy. That is what comes from creative expression for me. And, this is as creative as it gets. So, how do I make this so? How do I turn my obsession into my occupation? How do I get this expression to pay me enough to live comfortably and abundantly? Is that too much to ask? There is a reason that I am moved to do all of this. There is a reason that I am moved to think in this manner? Be patient. Circumstances are being worked out even as you speak. It takes time to manifest things in the physical. You needed to take the steps that you have taken in the past few months to give the universe some material to work with. Wishful thinking does not make things so. But, now you have children in the form of physical books ... 1 born, 2 coming, 4+ planned for us to work with. That is the kind of action that was needed to allow your destiny to manifest. Could you have done this sooner? Perhaps. However, we do things when the time is right to do them. There is definitely a sense that I am on a path of destiny now. Oh, I have always been. But, now it seems much more immediate somehow. There is no doubt that I am doing the things that I need to be doing. With each work that I complete there is a feeling of accomplishment ... there is a sense that I have done something that will ultimately matter, that will ultimately make a difference. And, the sense is that this 99

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will not be to a few, but to many. Why must what I do have such a great impact? Why do I think in such grandiose terms? Simply because I know what I am capable of, and it would be a loss for me not to have such an impact. Oh well, we shall see soon enough. The works are being unleashed as we speak. The first one is out of the bag this very week in fact. It took less than six months from the time the musings finished in 2002 for Best Passages from 2002 Musings to be created and published. That's not bad. We're hoping to beat this by two months with 2003 Musings - Vol I. So far, everything is going according to plans. That published material can be so current surprised me. I would not have thought it possible to produce books this fast until a few month ago. Such is one of the benefits of technology. Going from word processor to published book is much simpler than it has ever been before. Celine Dion sings A New Day Has Come as I write this. Indeed, she states a great truth. That is why my energy and my output have been so different in the past year and a half. I am living the promise of this new day. And, if my output is any indication of what each of us is capable of then collectively we can unleash an energy that will take the world by storm and transform it into whatever we desire it to be. Are others feeling this surge of energy, this surge of productivity? Are they being moved to channel it into avenues that provide enhanced service? Often, it seems that I am alone in what I experience. Part of this comes from having so little involvement with others. However, can I really be that different? The bottom line is yes, I can. Though, I do tend to overemphasize the differences and overlook the similarities. It would help if I chose not to do that as much. How long do I have to continue playing the role of the hermit? Does this serve me or limit me? Does this serve those who I am meant to serve? My sense is that it has served me well for a long time ... perhaps extending into multiple lifetimes. Further, there is a sense that it will always be home in a way to me. It will be a state of being where I am safe and secure. However, I need to take my message and my mission to the world ... and I can't do that if I remain isolated from others. So, this is an area of my life that must change for me to do what I came to do. Because of that, I know that it will indeed change. For, nothing can stop me from accomplishing my mission ... nothing. Yes, I feel that strongly about it. To me, life has a purpose. It is more than just to exist and be happy. I came to do something. In my case, that involves serving as the midwife for the Aquarian Age and building the foundations for a new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh. These are big tasks, bigger than any one person can do alone. Yet, in ten years, I have not really established any close ties with others who are here to do this with me. I'm sure such others are out there. And, I'm sure we are meant to cooperate and work together on this. But, how do we organize? Who is in charge of seeing that we come together and establish an effective and efficient organization? Yes, I see the need for this to be done. But, despite what Bucky said, that doesn't necessarily mean that it is my task to do. Surely there are others with the appropriate organizational skills that would be better suited. There is a sense that major change is on the immediate horizon. I can feel it. There is a shiver throughout the upper part of my body. The sense is that the social fabric, the social infrastructure is undergoing a fundamental change. You might ask how? It does not seem to be apparent from what is going on in the world. But, there seems to be something going on behind the scenes ... something in the collective unconscious and perhaps in the superconscious. At some point this will be completed and its results will be unleashed upon the world ... and they will transform the world as we know it. To what, you might ask? To something far more grand and glorious! To something that allows the magnificence of spirit to shine forth far more brightly than ever. That is what the Aquarian Age is all about. That is where we are headed. Do what you are moved to do when you are moved to do it. That is the directive from spirit. That is the chief guidance to live by in the times ahead. Remember, it is spirit that does the moving. Don't move, don't act until you know what the right action is. You will know. There is nothing that is hidden. This doesn't give us license to procrastinate and do nothing forever. We need to listen to what spirit is telling 100

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us and do as she commands. She will not steer us wrong. At least, such is my experience to date. Spirit can be trusted to guide us on the path that is right for us. She moves us to do what needs to be done, not only for our own good but for the overall good. Also, her timing is always the correct timing. She knows exactly when things need to be done.

26 June 2003 Another four days and June is history. The year is flying by once again. Yet, there is so much that I am accomplishing. So much, that it is literally unbelievable. I am still strongly moved to get the Beyond Imagination material packaged into books and published. This is important somehow. It is something that needs to be done now. I've found the means to do it, and the motivation is there ... so indeed it will be done. The only constraint right now is money. It doesn't take a lot, but it takes more than I have readily available at the moment. Though, even here, it seems that the universe is coming through with what is needed. Worst case ... it will take a few extra months to finish publishing the books that are ready. I don't particularly like the delay but I don't see a way around it. That's OK. There is plenty that I can do in the meantime. There are other works yet to be done ... works that require creative input on my part. What else am I moved to do? My world is still very solitary and isolated. Is that how I prefer it? At this point, the answer seems yes. Though, it seems that is changing. It is time to open myself up to others. I do some of that in this expression. But, it is not clear to whom I am opening up ... and the process is not mutual. Here, I literally bare my soul to the degree that I can as an example of the level of sharing that I would like to experience in society. It takes a lot of time to share at this level. Literally, it takes approximately 1 hour per 8.5 x 11 page or 1 hour per two book pages. Yes, that is a lot of time. Is it worth the effort? There is no question that it is worth the effort to me. I can't imagine anything better to be doing with my time. This expression is that important. It doesn't matter that this expression is unlike anything else that I have ever read. It is what it is, and that is sufficient. We will see soon enough whether others value it enough to buy it as well. The books are to be a source of funds for the endeavor that is Beyond Imagination. At this point, the more books, the better endowed Beyond Imagination becomes. We're still talking in terms of 7-8 books by the end of 2003 and at least a dozen by the end of 2004. Yes, that is a lot. But, there is a lot of material already expressed that we can use as a basis or starting point for a number of new works. Where do I go to announce this new phase in expression to the world? How do I find those who are meant to buy and read the Beyond Imagination books? How do I find those who are meant to co-create the foundations for a new world with me? I know they are out there. Further, I know they are ready to make contact, just as I am. We are destined to find one another. My hope is that this will happen soon ... very soon. How long can I continue to go on as I have? It seems that is indefinite as well. The bottom line, is that I will continue to do what I have been doing so long as I need to continue to do it. Some might consider it a hardship. But, doing the work of spirit is never a hardship. It may be difficult and challenging at times, but that is what keeps it interesting. How do I go about establishing relationships? Here, it takes two or more cooperating together to create something that is mutually beneficial. Do I know how to do that? My primary relationships have been with myself and with spirit/ consciousness herself. Is there something that I have learned from this that I can apply in my relationships with others? After all, these are some of the most difficult of relationships to develop. Of course, I would pick the hardest ones first. But then, this was natural for a big time introvert. And, that is something that I still am to this very day. Though, at least there is the beginning of a desire to change that. And that is how it starts, with the desire to change. We may not know the details. 101

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We may not know how the change will manifest. We only know that it will be so because we command it to be so with the very force of our being. We are powerful creators, each and every one of us. What we command to be so ... will become so, provided that we do it congruently. That is important. We need to be consistent in what we believe and what we ask for. There is so much vying for my attention that it is a struggle staying focused on what I am doing here and now. I have Beyond Mind calling for me to provide fresh commentary on what I was going through during the first six months that this expression came forth. In addition, there are three works ready to proof. Then, there is a whole new desire to get out and meet people and make Beyond Imagination and myself known. However, I don't really know how to do this. It is not just anyone that I am looking to meet. How do I find the kinds of people who are likely to be moved by what Beyond Imagination has to offer? I can announce things at my website. And, I can venture out to chat once again. I don't even know if Spirit Web Chat still exists after all these years. It has been awhile since I was last there. How else can I announce that the Beyond Imagination books have been and are being published? Metaphysical bookstores are good candidates. Perhaps I could leave a sample copy of the book along with some bookmarks, postcards, and business cards. I don't know how many metaphysical bookstores are in the greater LA area, but there must be a good number of them. I can start with the one in Palm Springs and see what they say. It seems that the people that need to be reached will indeed be reached, one way or another. Don't overlook the power of word of mouth. When something is good, the word will get out ... perhaps not right away, but eventually. Further, you may have to be flexible regarding the media. To date, you have relied on the Beyond Imagination website. Extending that to the more traditional published form is a major switch, even if the books are only advertised for sale over the internet. The change in form will allow a whole new level of readership, one that may not even be computer literate. This is good. This is as it is meant to be. Trust where spirit is taking you. Each step is a step forward toward a destiny that is right for you at this time. We would not lead you astray. Do as you are moved to do. Trust that we are moving you to do exactly what you need to do in each moment. Further, we continue to do this in every moment. You are living a life driven by spirit now. Know that. Allow yourself to live that. Leave no room for doubt ... for where spirit guides us, our grandest destiny lies. Life is a grand adventure of consciousness. You have known that for some time now. Live your truth. Express what you know. Be your grandest vision of whom that you can be. Dream big. Now is not a time to let limitation hold you back. The conditions are right for you to do great things. It is but a matter of you stepping up to the plate and doing them. This is not something we can force you to do. It must be done willingly or not at all. At this point, it is clear that you are highly inclined to do what needs to be done. We applaud you for that. Many do not reach such a point in their life, ever. But, then you have never really been one of the many now have you? You wanted to do it your way. And, this was allowed because of who you were. Not everyone has this choice and this power. I have always felt different somehow ... in many cases, superior. But, it was not from any sense of "being better than" ... rather it was from a sense of "knowing more than". And, this knowing was innate. It was not something that I had to learn or develop, it was just something that was part of whom that I was. At the same time, I isolated myself from most people so my interaction with them was limited at best, and my observations of them were shallow. There is nothing I can do about that now. That is how I grew up. It set up patterns that were also used in my interactions or avoidance of interactions with others as an adult. In fact, some of these patterns still operate today. I don't go out of my way to avoid people ... but I am far less communicative than I might be. That has started to change. And, people are even starting to notice. Perhaps that is a sign of things to come. Perhaps my hermit days are numbered after all. It does indeed seem to be time to reach out to the world ... at least to some small subset that I am meant to touch. Then again, perhaps it will not be so small. Perhaps what I have to say needs to be heard.


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In many respects, I am a simple being. I can be content with a lunch or dinner selected from the $1 or menu of the fast food restaurant. My needs are very limited overall and I am in control of most of my desires. Though, my body could stand to be a lot lighter. I have re-gained nearly 50 pounds in the past year. On again, off again, on again. What is it with the body and its weight? Why do I allow it to go to such extremes. It is definitely not healthy. I do not feel that I am in good shape at the moment, yet that doesn't seem to be impacting the productivity of Beyond Imagination at all. I have never been this productive for this duration, not even close. So, what is that telling me? It seems to be saying that the body doesn't really matter than much. Yet, the body is an expression of spirit just as the rest. Perhaps I should look at it from another perspective. If I can be this productive with my body in its present condition, just imagine what I could do if I got it back into good shape. I'm not looking for peak condition ... that would require a level of commitment to training, eating, and exercise that I am simply unwilling to make. Good enough is good enough. I've never really been an athlete. But, I've held my own overall. Getting the weight back under control and resuming the exercise regimen is probably the best I can expect at the moment. That takes away from my writing time ... but perhaps I can eventually make it up by requiring less sleep per night. I don't do a lot of things. I work, I write, I commute, I read, I watch an occasional movie, I do chores, I watch a few TV shows, I play with my dogs. You'll notice there are no socialization activities thrown in. I don't drink, party, go to church, or go to meetings of any type for that matter. I don't visit. I don't spend much time on the phone, just occasional calls to my parents. I spend the vast majority of my time alone. Though, if you're reading this, you are seeing the results of a significant fraction of that. The musing today is already between two and three hours. That is a sizeable fraction of my free time. Actually, it is a respectable fraction of my day. Why would I choose to give this much of my life to this expression? Is it worth it? To me, it definitely is worth it ... otherwise, I would not be doing it. Another week and we are coming up on the 227th birthday of the United States. That marks the beginning of the 228th year. Interesting. That makes for the third highly special year in a row for me. It seems that one thing comes right after another. It is curious that the contexts for importance have all been different. In 2002, it was the 2 x 7 x 11 x 13 factorization. In 2003, it is all of the outer planet aspect activity going on in my astrology chart. In 2004 it is the 228 year. These are about as different as you can get. Yet ... I am in the center of it all. And, my world is changing at a highly accelerated pace, even more than the outer world is changing. 2007 and 2012 are other key years on the horizon. I learned that my birthday was on Easter in those two years back in my first year of high school, in 1972. One of the first programs that I ever wrote was to determine the dates for Easter from 1750-2150. In that entire 400 year period, my birthday only falls on Easter in 2007 and 2012. At the time I discovered it, that seemed to be an eternity away. Now, however, they are within 4 and 9 years. I'm sure that 2005 and 2006 have much in store as well. They just aren't close enough for me to need to know yet. All in due time. I have enough to do to deal with the moment and what is to be done in 2003. My latest plans call for eight Beyond Imagination books in 2003. We still have a lot to do to achieve that. But, everything is on track. The only real uncertainty is the continuity of the musings over the next two months. Everything else is under control and either in the publishers hands or in a draft state ready to be proofed. I have complete control over the proofing process. It is a matter of how much quality time that I can put in each day to get it done. There is something about 228 that speaks to me. Yes, that is the ALL CAPS number for my whole name. It is the beginning of the 228th year that is significant not the celebration of it at the end. Hmm ... that would provide another reason why it has been so important that I do the things that I've been doing over the past several months. It is as if the time marks the start of a new beginning. Best Passages from 2002 Musings is coming out just in time. Why does that not surprise me?

27 June 2003 103

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One day closer to wrapping up the month. The proofing of Best of Notes - Book 2 is proceeding as planned. I should be able to complete it this weekend. That would make two books ready to go awaiting funds. I sent off the forms requested by the company regarding my claim. It looks like it may indeed be legitimate. However, they said it could take up to three months for the account to be processed. Oh well. What will be will be. In another few weeks, we'll have enough to publish the two Best of Notes books anyway. So, the claim money can go against The Search for Center, Quotes, and 2003 Musings - Vol II. Anyway, it is a welcome gift from the heavens. That would take us to eight books for the year. Not bad. Though, it is not something we are likely to match since we had the benefit of pulling from a lot of Beyond Imagination material that already existed for many of these books. That is OK. It was still quite a feat. Interesting, I speak as if it is already done. And, in my mind, for all practical purposes, it is. I'm doing the serious proofing prior to submitting the works to the publisher, so the final proof should go quickly. And at this point, 3 of the books are at the publisher, another 1 is proofed, another 1 is in proofing, another 2 await proofing, and the final 1 has about half of the raw text written. Indeed, in my vision, it is as if these are already done. In fact, I am already starting to move on to other things. Proofing is not my idea of fun. At some point I'll find a way to leave that to others who are more suited by temperament to be doing it. I would much rather spend the time here generating new material. I don't even care what that material is. I trust that consciousness knows what needs to be said and will bring it forth when it needs to be said. Where do I see myself a year from now? I don't typically look that far ahead. However, I would hope that the Beyond Imagination books will have established a following by then. Are they good enough to do so? I believe that they are. But, it is not clear that what I believe matters in this instance. The books capture much of the information at the Beyond Imagination site. Actually, they even start to extend this because some of the material that is being captured in books is not being captured in web pages first. Some of the books consolidate bits and pieces from many pages at the Beyond Imagination site. As such, they provide a value added. There is something special about having a book in your hands that is different than reading something on a computer monitor or a computer printout. My hope is that enough people will believe that so that the sales of books can be a source of funds to allow Beyond Imagination to carry out its works. We have a lot of works to do. So, we need substantial sales. In the first year alone, 2003, we plan to publish at least eight books. This may grow depending on what I am moved to do in the coming months. I've already started book 9, Beyond Mind. Enough already. What else would be expressed today. What is it that I would do next? What are my options? How do I make myself known? To whom do my abilities and talents have value? It seems that it is time for a self-inventory. What is it that I have to sell? What services am I able to provide and to whom? And, who is willing to pay for such services? Lots of questions but few answers. We typically aren't taught to think like this. Do I have skills that would be of value in the open marketplace? ... of high value? ... of substantially more value than my current employer is willing to pay? I have settled for a salary for particular services for 40 hours per week. The salary is decent. It covers my needs. But, it is not abundant. My circumstances are still limited and I desire abundance on all levels. What prevents me from having this? What limits me to my present job environment? Why can't I do what I do here for a living ... and a good living at that? It seems that the only thing that limits me is me. I'm still dealing with issues of what I'm worthy of receiving. Even after over a decade with all that consciousness has brought forth through this vessel ... I still don't fully realize just how worthy and precious I am. With my abilities and talent, I literally should be able to write my own ticket. Perhaps that is what all this activity in publishing Beyond Imagination books is all about. It is literally me writing my own ticket. These books have the potential to reach people, and through impacting those people, to do great things. What more could be asked of anyone? The bottom line is that you have demonstrated the courage to share of whom that you are and what you think and believe in a way that many never do. That makes this expression special. That also will make it of lasting value, for what is expressed for the most part is timeless. 104

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Yes, sharing is what life is all about. We share of what we have ... but, most importantly, we share of whom that we are. I'm one to talk ... operating primarily as a hermit. But, I leave this record as a trail of were my consciousness has ventured. This is how I am moved to share. It is the most intimate way that I know. Here I express freely, with no holds barred. I've been doing this since the expression began over a decade ago. I suspect that I'll be doing this for the remainder of my life. Saw a license plate yesterday: 4ZLH889 = 4812 888 9. Reversed, this is 9:The Hermit 888:Infinity on three levels 2184 = 888(16) = final four of my SSN. I took this as a sign that my Hermit days are far from over but that I have reached the 888 and 2184 states. Actually, the numbers have been quiet for quite awhile. Occasionally I notice something, but not enough to remember it and record it. It seems that it is not as important for information to come to me in that way anymore. I know that it is there. And, I know that I can tap it whenever I need to. However, there are other intuitive modes of reaching information that seem to be more direct. This is a major change. At one time the musings and notes were full of numerical machinations. That is not to say there won't be some of this in the future. It is just right now, in the present, I have no desire to speak in such a manner. Does sharing with an unseen audience count? Does a tree falling in a forest with no one there to hear it make a sound? Is the second question of the same nature as the first? Not quite. In the second case, we already know that there is no audience. In the first case the audience is just unseen. It may also be nonexistent, we just do not have sufficient feedback to know. My sense is that the expression that is Beyond Imagination will indeed find it's audience, and at least part of this audience will be seen. I look forward to that ... and to the interaction that arises therefrom. Perhaps I'm being presumptuous to assume that there will be interaction, but how else are we to cooperate in an interdependent manner to create great things? How do we build the foundations for a new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh? That is a monumental undertaking even for a major group. Yet, here I am as essentially an isolated individual saying that this is what I am here to do. Clearly, one thing that has to go is my isolation. That is easier said than done, though I am taking some steps and making some progress. Perhaps the books will help to spread the word and help people that I am meant to connect with to find me. I still don't know how that is going to work. I don't know exactly how I am going to introduce people to the Beyond Imagination vision and works. Yet, this does indeed seem to be something that is my job to do. I can't count on others to do it for me, at least none that I know of at the present time. Oh, it would be so easy if I could just write and leave the marketing/promoting to someone else. But, that is not the reality of the current situation. It seems that I have to do it all as they say. That's OK. I'm ready to do what it takes now. I don't know that I was before. In fact ... I know that I was not. The desire to do something different was strong. The desire to bring Beyond Imagination to the world was strong as well. However, there was a part of me that held back. I wasn't ready to do whatever it takes. The signs seem to be indicating that I've crossed that threshold now. This expression is that important. My mission is that important. It is as if I've been in a holding pattern for close to a decade. Oh, I've learned a lot and expressed even more during that time ... but I haven't really gone public. That is not quite correct. I've had a Beyond Imagination site on the Internet with extensive pages since 1995 ... so, much of the Beyond Imagination material was available to those who could find it anyway. The site has had fairly constant traffic over the years, even though the amount of expression has grown greatly. Overall, the traffic is far less than I would have suspected. But, it is hard to tell what the size of the audience is for ones expression. It is interesting reading what came through eight years ago. I am amazed at where consciousness was taking me and how I was interpreting things. It is not clear that I would react in the same way today ... but, I can see where I was coming from and why. There is a lot captured in the Best of Notes ... definitely enough that it deserves to be published and made available formally as a set of books. There is a lot of stuff with numbers. However, it is an essential part of the story. People need to see what I was doing and 105

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what connections I was making ... and that all of this is OK. No, it is not normal, but it is OK. It does not make me crazy ... though I am the first to question my own sanity at times. So far, my assessment is that while I walk on the edge at times, I am still of sound mind. Whether others would agree with this assessment or not is not my problem. Right now, I am still able to hold down a job and function in the world. So long as I can do that, I am OK. You've no doubt noticed that I may be reaching the limits of being able to do that. I desire a job that more directly involves this expression of consciousness. I don't know how to manifest that. But, I trust that spirit does. If it is for my highest good, and the highest good of all concerned then it will indeed happen. I don't have a sense of having the power to manifest anything. Though that is not quite right. With the Beyond Imagination books ... these appear to be completely under my control. The effort required to get them ready to be published is my own time and this I seem to have control over. I've noticed lately that I've cut down on the movies and TV shows that I watch so that I can free up more time for Beyond Imagination book work. Someone looking at my life from the outside might consider me very shallow. I have two things that consume my time: work and Beyond Imagination. Nearly everything else is in the noise.

28 June 2003 The 28:Man with the World in His Hands day of the month. The proofing of Best of Notes - Book 2 is still proceeding as planned. I should be able to complete it tomorrow. That would make two books ready to go awaiting funds. Actually, I already have enough to publish one. I should have enough for the other in about four weeks. I want to publish them together and make sure they get similar cover art. If I submit them at the end of July, they should be available for sale at the end of October. That's a month later than I'd like but we have to live within our means. Will my children (books) be able to support me and this grand endeavor that we call Beyond Imagination? My sense is yes. In some respects, that is why they were created. They just haven't been put in a viable form where they could do this before. My economic engine foundation was a dismal failure. It only generated three sales and those came from me talking to people at work, not from people visiting the page at the site. Yes, the works were a bit pricey. But, I still feel that 10 cents per page or per hour is a reasonable price to pay for this kind of material. Obviously ... consciousness didn't agree. No one beat a path to the Beyond Imagination door. In fact, I still have a number of copies of various works in boxes in my room in Redondo Beach. I gave most of them out as gifts. I took the whole experience as feedback that my approach was not yet right. I still remember how high I was when I came up with the idea for the economic engine foundation. I truly thought that it would free me economically and serve as a source of funds to do the work of Beyond Imagination ... much as I feel that publishing the Beyond Imagination books is going to do now. One way or another, we shall see in the days ahead. The works will find an audience or they won't. Though it seems that much depends on what I do. There is a sense that I am doing all that I can do at the moment to propel Beyond Imagination forward ... to make it a real force for change in the world. I am packaging material into books. I am generating new material. And, I am even planning for changing how I express in the world. Any one of these could be a fulltime endeavor. Yet, here we are doing all three. No wonder there is so little time for anything else in our life anymore. Spirit definitely has the lion's share of any free time that is available. That is OK. I would not have it any other way. I live a life of spirit now. I have for a number of years. It is the spiritual that captivates me. It is the spiritual that matters to me more than anything else. The musing is slower that normal tonight. Part of that is from the proofing. It is very tiring. That is definitely something I need to consider hiring out when my level of abundance permits it. Besides, my time is far better employed creating new works and doing things that only I can do. For the proofing, I'd 106

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probably need to train someone as to what kinds of things to catch and what kinds of things to overlook ... but that is doable. All of the focus on publishing has really brought home the fact that I am an author. It doesn't matter that I've chosen to be self-published, avoiding the scrutiny of editors and publishing houses. My works are not of a nature that they would be interested in anyway. Will the works sell? The sense is that they will sell if I can inform the right audience of their existence. Who would expect such works as these to exist. One natural set of candidates is those who visit the Beyond Imagination web site. However, that is not a large enough audience. How do we reach thousands? ... tens of thousands? ... even hundreds of thousands? Is that asking too much? I've probably passed the 6000 hour mark for engaging in Beyond Imagination work over the past decade. That's a lot of hours to put in on something, especially given how little feedback I've received. That's OK. I don't really have a choice. I do it because I must. It is nice that I have something to show for it. First, the Beyond Imagination site, and now the series of Beyond Imagination books. At least consciousness is leaving a trail for others to follow. And, perhaps has come up with a means to liberate me from the economic burden of a job. Though, it is still too soon to know whether the volume of sales will be sufficient for that. We would need roughly 250 book sales per week to cover my salary. That's each and every week. That's 12500 sales per year. Spread across eight books, that is only 1500 per book per year. That does not seem to be unreasonable. How many people do I need to expose to Beyond Imagination to get one person to buy one of the Beyond Imagination books? That seems to be the key question? How do we find and expose the right people to Beyond Imagination? If we can get them to the Beyond Imagination site ... then the likelihood is high that we can get them interested in buying a Beyond Imagination book. However, selling books is not the focus here ... rather, it is spreading the vision of Beyond Imagination. The books are a means of getting that vision into people's hands in a convenient way. They have much to offer. So much, that they are well worth the price of admission as the saying goes. Our lives are meant to be adventures, they truly are ... adventures in consciousness primarily. Clearly, some are more adventurous than others. That's OK. Whatever yours is, is right for you. When it comes time to change it, the appropriate changes will manifest. That is just how things work.

29 June 2003 Hooray! Finished the proofing of Best of Notes - Book 2 as planned. Still need to make the changes in the document but I should be able to do that tomorrow. That puts two books in the awaiting funds bin. Beyond Imagination Quotes is next on the awaiting proofing stack. It was either that or The Search for Center but I think the later is going to take quite a bit more work to prepare for publication. Then again, there is something to be said about allowing it to come forth as it did originally with minimal spell checking and grammar checking. For instance, for some of the community forums, it doesn't seem right to clean them up. It seems that there is some value in showing what was expressed in the context in which it was expressed. We'll see what I am moved to do when I make a proofing pass through the material. One more day and June is history. I stopped counting how many musings there have been. I'll make a note to check on it tomorrow when I post this. There are 181 days in the first six months of the year. I would hope that I have mused for at least 150 of those. That would mean that I've missed less than an average of 5 days each month. I think that I've done better than that overall ... I just don't know how much better. Though, I do remember that I was at 111 of 120 at the end of April.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

On the commute to Redondo Beach, I was thinking about how many books I would need to sell to replace my present income. It comes out to something on the order of 50 books per day, each and every day. Is that asking too much? What do I need to do to facilitate making this happen. Multiplying by 360 days yields 18000 books per year. That is spread across all of the Beyond Imagination books ... of which there will be eight by the end of 2003. Even considering that some people may buy multiple books, how do I reach on the order of 10,000 people? That clearly is beyond what I consider to be within my circle. I don't believe Beyond Imagination reaches that many people per year yet. Actually, not everyone I reach is necessarily going to be moved to buy a Beyond Imagination book ... so I may need to reach far more than 10,000 people per year. Divide and conquer. 10,000 people per year / 50 weeks = 200 people per week = 100 people / day for each weekend day. Even that is a lot. I doubt that I meet 100 people in a year. This is definitely going to be a major stretch. Also, I don't see myself getting up in front of groups this large to speak. Perhaps that will indeed happen at some point, I just don't see it on the immediate horizon. It is time to start reading the two books on marketing/promoting books that I got from the publisher. I'm sure there are many ideas expressed in those books that I haven't thought of. People have been writing and marketing books for some time. Mine is a bit different in that the Beyond Imagination books weren't written with a specific audience in mind that I know of ... so it is not clear who I am marketing the books to. Also, I don't really like the idea of marketing. I prefer to view this as offering a service that happens to be captured as a stream of consciousness in a set of books. The service is the states of consciousness that the material can take the reader to. By allowing the reader to walk in my consciousness for awhile, it gives the reader experiences that he/she may not otherwise encounter. They will learn things that they never knew they never knew. And, in so doing, they will become more than they knew themselves to be. That is what the game of the expansion of consciousness is all about. Hmm ... it seems that I need to find a way to reach the people that review books and recommend them to others. If they like what they read, they have the potential to sway many people toward the Beyond Imagination books. Not that I've ever been moved to buy a book based on such a referral. But, my reality is stranger than most. Some people do follow more traditional methods for doing things. There is nothing wrong with this if it suits you. It just doesn't suit me. It could take awhile to transition. Book sales are not going to jump from 0 to 50 per day overnight. Then again, don't limit what spirit can do. If the books are meant to sell, they will sell. The circumstances necessary to make that happen will manifest. I will be moved to do what it takes to facilitate it. Something seems right about all of this. The term "meal ticket" comes to mind. These books are to be that for me. Further, they are to go beyond that and be the source of abundance that funds the work of Beyond Imagination. There is much work to be done over the next decade. This is to be a much more outgoing phase of expression than the past decade. That is not hard to do. The only outgoing part of the past decade were some failed attempts to disseminate information, some chats, some e-mail, and the posting of an enormous amount of material to the Beyond Imagination web site. While these things were outgoing, they did not fully involve people. In particular, the biggest of these endeavors, the posting of material to the Beyond Imagination site, was almost completely impersonal. I posted whatever came through. Though, I did hope that people would find it, and be moved enough by it to provide feedback. But this has rarely happened. I don't know why. I only know what I have experienced.

30 June 2003 The final day of the first half of the year. This makes the 164th musing in 181 days. That means we missed 17 days or roughly 1 day out of every 10. That's not bad. That puts us on a 330-340 pace for the year if we keep it going like this. At this point there is no reason to believe that we won't. I had two 108

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pleasant surprises this morning ... two introductory e-mails from kindred spirits. Perhaps this is a sign of things to come. Maybe the Beyond Imagination expression was a little before its time and just needed to come of age. It seems that we shall see soon enough. My position at work change. I went backwards from being the MDA Integrator to being one of the LTRS System Engineers. Hmm ... MDA = 1341. I don't know that I had noticed this before. Now we have 13-1341 or 91-1341. LTRS = 3291. It comes across as 91:Death Exalted of 23:wayne. So we have 13:Death of 41:Wayne and 91:Death Exalted of 23:wayne both associated with my job. It seems that this is a place where I am to lose my self and Self and possibly find my SELF? Interesting. WAYNE = 68 = the middle digits of my SSN = 4 x 17. Enough with the numbers already. Though 164 = 4 x 41, the Square of Wayne. That was deserving of comment. This is the final day of the third quarter of the fiscal year. The next two quarters each have 92 days. Interesting. The year is not divided evenly: 92|90|91|92, though it is close enough. Seeing all the 9's is interesting. They evoke the Hermit once again. We could just as easily have split the year into thirds or sixths. Why it is split into fourths I don't know. These loosely correspond to the four seasons ... but not exactly. The expression is strange today. It is somewhat strained and not flowing in its usual manner. That is OK. We'll take whatever comes as it comes ... trusting that spirit know what she is expressing and why. I don't always know this. In fact, often I do not know this. I have learned that I can give spirit the reigns to my consciousness and allow her to express as she will. In doing this, I am performing the highest acts that I can perform for spirit. And this, is one of my main reasons for being here ... to demonstrate what spirit can do in flesh through us when we allow her to. Can this be scary? You bet! Do you have to be a little bit crazy to do this? Not a little, a lot! But, don't let that stop you. The rewards of spirit are well worth every effort you put into developing your abilities. Besides, it is OK to be a little bit crazy. It is OK to believe things that others do not believe. It is OK to see things that others do not see. Yes, all of these distinguish you as being different ... but, we are all different. It is about time that we realized this and constructed a society that recognized this. I would be a unique individual unlike any other. Yet, I am here to create a society that I would choose to be a member of. Is that a contradiction? Do not such societies already exist that I might join? Is this really something that I have to do on my own? I would hope that I could combine my efforts with a group of kindred spirits, likeminded others that could jointly create the foundations for a new world. Is this too much to ask? Clearly the foundations need to be built. Clearly, if they are to be built, spirit will build them through us. I'm moved to be part of doing this much more strongly than I have even been moved before. It seems that the time is now. I know, we've said this before. But, it really seems to be right now. There is something different about this time. There is a sense that I am not alone. There is a sense that the very forces of the universe are conspiring to assist me in this endeavor. It will be interesting to see how many other kindred spirits beat a path to my door. For, it seems that the floodgates are opened now. I have announced to the world that this is whom that I am and that I invite both feedback and cooperation. My life is literally an open book now ... at least 2002 is, and most of the time since 1993 will be before the end of 2003. It is not clear that what happened prior to 1993 is of much importance. Though I may be moved to write about it at some time ... who knows? The energies have shifted somehow. I can feel the change, though I do not know what it really means yet. There is something different in the air. I feel it as a resurgence of purpose. The fact that I made two new connections today helps as well, actually more than that ... because one brought with it two others with the potential for many more to come. One day at a time. It only takes one connection to make a big difference. All that we can do is be that best that we can be in each moment, and thus live our lives to the fullest. Only we know when we are doing this. We cannot deceive ourselves unless we so choose. But be careful ... many seem to so choose. Living life fully can be difficult. However, when we are in the groove, it can be the most natural thing in the world. The trick is to simply be whom that we are to the 109

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greatest degree that we can ... trusting that this is what is right for us. We are naturally suited to be whom that we are. This is what nature gravitates us toward if we allow it to. That is so important ... allowance it makes all the difference. Life is meant to be joyous. It is meant to be playful. It is not meant to be all work. Unfortunately, it seems that many people find themselves in circumstances where this is less than obvious. That doesn't make it any less true. It just means that some people aren't living the truth. This can be changed. That is what building the foundations for a new world is all about. We want to make it easier for people to be whom that they are and to lead the lives that they are meant to lead. I was going to say destined to lead ... but some might not agree that it is so clear cut. Though it is not clear that "meant to lead" is any less certain than "destined". I guess it does allow for the possibility of free will being the determining factor as to what is "meant". Perhaps. Perhaps not. Either way, the world could be far more supportive of individuals and groups expressing what they are moved by spirit to express. The creativity unleashed by this will be enough to transform the world in ways beyond imagination. It is amazing how appropriate those words are in describing what consciousness can unleash into expression. I have over a decade of experience of seeing consciousness in action in my life. Oh, some years were more fruitful than others ... but all in all, consciousness has been quite productive ... particularly so in 1994-1995 and 20022003. I don't know why the most productive years occurred when they did. The latest spurt, if you can call an 18 month run a spurt, started on 1 January 2002 and hasn't quit yet. There are no signs that it will slow down anytime soon. Then again, there were no signs that it would start up in the manner that it did either. The bottom line is that I just don't know. All that I can do is take each day one day at a time and make the most of it. That means expressing as much or as little as I am moved to express. Whatever that is is right. I have no right to second guess what consciousness brings forth. Similarly, I have no sense that it is my responsibility to edit what comes forth. If it were my expression, I would feel that obligation. But, as the vessel through whom this is expressed, my sense is that spell checking and minor grammar checking are sufficient. Celine Dion sings A New Day Has Come again as I type this. It has become something of a theme song for Beyond Imagination. It also seems to be a sign that the new age is indeed upon us. The dawning of the Aquarian Age has given way to the Dawn. A new day has begun. One of the lines is still puzzling to me "Let it shatter the walls for a new Sun (son)". I've heard this countless times, and thought about it just as often, but I have no real clue as to what it means. I know that the song has something to do with the birth of Celine's baby, but this doesn't really help with the interpretation either. What can I say? Either I'm dense, or it's a mystery. Back to reality. What am I moved to do next? Finishing Best of Notes - Book 2 is tonight's #1 task. Next on the plate is the proofing of Quotes. There is a lot to proof in that one. It's over 300 pages in the big format. I could collect the May and June musings to get a start at generating 2003 Musings - Vol II. There is no need to wait until the end of August to put it together. I also feel a need to reach out to people somehow. My sense is that if I could show them whom that I am and how passionate I am about Beyond Imagination, that I could interest them in the web site and the various Beyond Imagination books that are being published. This is the one thing that I am genuinely enthusiastic about ... my hope would be that my enthusiasm is contagious. This is a way to allow my fire to express. It is also a way to allow the Leo Rising which is my natural face to the world to come out from hiding. Interesting. I have never really needed this side of me to show before. But, it does seem that I have been hiding what might be some of my strongest talents for dealing with the world. As a hermit, it was easy. I just avoided the world for the most part. But, that doesn't seem to be a path that I can follow much longer. Oh, I will always need my solitude. However, it doesn't have to be exclusive. I can enjoy my time engaged in relationships with others as well. So, why did it take 45 years to come to this realization? The bottom line is that it takes as long as it takes. That still leaves 21:The World years to experience relationships. How appropriate. Yes, I still sense that I am supposed to bring in the 22:88(88) = 23:00(88) = 2024. This is the end of the 110

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22:The Fool Complete cycle and the beginning of the 23:King of Wands cycle. Whoa. If we count from the minor arcana, the 22 card is 44:Four of Cups = Meditating Youth with three full cups unaware of the fourth being offered by the hand of God. There is a sense that this is what this whole 22 cycle is all about. It started in 1936 and runs until 2024. If my predictions are correct, that is from my father's birth to my death. Isn't that interesting? Two more decades expressing with the precedent set over the past decade is more than enough for anyone. Actually, my predictions have been less than accurate over the years. Though I do sense that it won't be less than that nor much longer than that. Another time that comes to mind is that 5 March 1993 was the midpoint of my life. That would mean that I wouldn't check out until 23:04(88) = 2028. That has interesting numbers associated with it for many reasons. 2304 = 48 x 48 and 228 being two that come to mind.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

--- JULY --1 July 2003 Another month. It seems that it took awhile to get here, but I've been very busy with Beyond Imagination work. In fact, I finished incorporating the corrections for Best of Notes - Book 2 last night. It seems I've been averaging over five hours per day in the employ of spirit for the past several weeks with rare exceptions. That is a lot of work to put in. It leaves little time for anything else. Not that I am complaining, mind you. I am truly doing what I love to do. How many people can say that they are doing that. The only thing better would be if I were being paid to do what I love to do. Hmm ... the thought crossed my mind, what makes you think that you are not? I wonder where that came from? My employment is my means of earning a sufficient income to allow me to do the work that I love to do. This is not optimal ... but seems necessary, at least for the time being. My hope is that it will change and soon; and I believe that I am doing the things necessary to facilitate that change. Everything in its right timing, however. Destiny will unfold as it will. Such is how it works in my life anyway. Today has been extremely busy. It was after 2:00 before I even took a lunch break. Sometimes it happens that way. However, being busy is far better than being bored which I have been on occasion. Things have picked up however, so there is plenty to keep me going these days. Is there a way to make my paid work more relevant to my Beyond Imagination work? Now, there is an empowering question. That would allow me to perform the job with added enthusiasm and increase the Beyond Imagination productivity as well. Hmm ... the best of both worlds if you will. Overall, Aerospace is a pleasant company to work for. They have been good to me. Further my work is challenging and offers me the freedom that I so desperately need in a job environment. In addition, it is becoming a place where I am learning to interact with others more ... thereby allowing me to build the skills necessary to work effectively with others. This too will be important in the times ahead. So, it seems there are still some things that I have to learn from my present work environment. When I have learned what I need to know ... I will be ready to move on to whatever is next. Self-employment in the direct service of consciousness is my desire. But, at this point in time I don't know how to manifest that. However, I am sure that I will know when the time is right. Two books on the shelf proofed and awaiting funds. It is curious that I have time to spare but not funds available to publish these works. We're not talking about a lot of money, just $400 per book. I have the first $400 saved but want to send the books in as a set to be published together. While I make a decent income, like many people, I live from paycheck to paycheck. I don't really spend much. But, my weekly allowance is $300 and I spend over $100 of that going out to eat on weekends. I find that I can save approximately $100 per week. That is sufficient to cover publishing one book a month assuming there are no other major expenses in the month. My publishing bill to date is $1470 for the year and I'm planning to spend another $2000. That is a significant portion of my free income. That is how committed I am to this endeavor. I commit not only my time but my money to making the expression of Beyond Imagination available. Yes, my hope is that my investment will ultimately pay off. Spiritual law suggests that the return for all such work is abundance. In many respects, my life is already abundant. The chief area in need of work seems to be that of relationships. Here I suffer from a lack ... a severe lack, but that has been primarily by design. It seems that it up to me to change the design if I truly want to change what I experience. At this point, that is definitely what I desire. We'll see what steps I am moved to take in that direction in the days and months ahead. I look forward to where I am going. I may not know exactly where that will be, but it feels promising. The prospects look bright. There is a sense that I will be able to 112

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look back on these days some day soon and see that all of the hard work really paid off. In particular, in terms of making a difference in the world. For ultimately, that is what counts. What difference did we make? What impact did our life have on others? Is the world a better place that we have lived? Life has a way of working out in the manner that it is meant to work out. Such is how it works for me anyway. That doesn't mean that I don't have to do my part. In fact, I do far more than most, it seems. However ... what I do is not hard. It challenges whom that I am to extremes at times, but I see this as a good thing. This allows us to find out more about whom that we are and what we are capable of. In general, we find we are capable of far more than we ever imagined. Beyond Imagination - there is a reason that name came forth in the first day of expression over a decade ago. Yes indeed, that is what this expression is: beyond imagination. I knew it was special from the first day that it came forth. I watched it grow from an initial trickle to a major force in my life. Today, we start the 19th month of concentrated expression. I still have no clue as to how long this will continue. However, the sense is to capture all that I can so long as it flows. We can leave the analysis of the material for leaner times ... that is, if such times ever occur again. Perhaps they will. Perhaps not. It truly is not clear at this point. I have seen cycles of varying levels of productivity happen in the past, but there is no reason to believe that the past will equal the future. What we have seen over the past eighteen months is unprecedented ... so there is nothing in my experience to tell me how long this might continue. In the meantime, I will enjoy the process and get the most out of it while the getting is good. And, right now, it seems that the getting is excellent. But then, we'll let you be the judge of that. How does this expression move you? How does it impact your state of consciousness and as a result, your life? Does it make you a better person? Does it move you to be of service in some way? These are some of the outcomes that I desire from this expression. Actually, I have no right to expect any particular outcomes ... but I can hope. I can choose to live my life in a manner that demonstrates what I believe. I can be an example of spirit expressing in flesh to the greatest degree possible through me at this time. I don't ask for much now do I? However, this is what I expect of myself. I know what I am capable of. I expect myself to live up to this. No, not all of the time ... I'm not perfect after all; but, much of the time. My experience has been that we tend to live up to our expectation ... no matter how high or how low they are. So, by all means aim high! What will I be doing one year from now? The bottom line is that at this moment it does not matter. That is so far in the future that it is not worth considering. Besides, to a large degree that will be predestined based on the things that I do here and now. It is in the moment that I have the power to do anything. It is here that I have the power to choose what to accomplish with the free time that I have available. Few people make empowering choices regarding how they expend their free time. Many choose to be entertained. I spent many hours in that mode as little as 18 months ago. However, now I choose my entertainment far more carefully. I value it much more because I value my free time much more. That leads to a strong desire not to waste time. Every moment wasted is lost forever, never to be recovered. Unfortunately, that is how the game works. We can only lose time ... we can't gain it back. That doesn't mean that we have to be working every moment. Play, recreation, and quiet time are very valuable activities. We just need to be conscious about how we are spending our time and make sure this is in line with where our priorities say that we really want to spend it. No, that doesn't mean that priorities should rule our lives either. However, they are useful tools for managing where we apply our resources. We should do what we can to make our priorities into useful tools that can serve us in living our lives effectively. We can find out what our priorities are by observing what choices we make as to how we spend our time ... especially our free time. Do this over the course of at least a week and note where the hours go. Then review this to see if this is consistent with who you want to be. If not, it is up to you to make the necessary changes to improve things. You already know what is working and what is not working in your life. You may not know how to fix it, but the first step towards any solution is realizing that there is a problem. Spirit can help guide you to a solution. Just be open to allowing her to enter into your life. It is OK to be cautious, but keep an open mind and stay open to the advice that spirit would 113

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offer. It is best if this comes from the source inside of you. You know you best. However, there are others that can help until you develop the necessary skills to help yourself. One year from now. I don't know what I will be doing one week from now ... or even one day from now ... and barely even one hour from now. When you live from moment to moment doing what you are moved to do when you are moved to do it, the morrow doesn't really count. What does matter is making each moment precious. We can do that. It requires a special attitude about life. But, it is an attitude that we can hold if we so choose. Life is a series of moments. Some of the moments are longer than others. Some seem extremely brief. Others seem to last forever. This is due to the subjective nature of our perception of time. It is for us to do something each day that makes the moments special in some way. No, it is not expected that we do this for every moment ... but there should be some subset every day that is special. It is these special moments that make it worth it ... that make it worth having lived. When we go too long without such moments in our life we lose touch with our natural source of grace.

2 July 2003 Here we go again. I'm excited by what prospects lie in store in the coming weeks and months. This has definitely been an interesting year thus far, and we are only at the halfway point ... actually exactly at the halfway point in terms of days. I can't wait to see what else will be created this year. The possibilities are truly endless. There is so much that is uncertain. There is so much transformation that is ongoing ... mostly positive transformation. I welcome all of the change. I know that it is ultimately bringing me to a place where I can more fully express whom that I am in service to consciousness. That is what I desire most. To be of service in the way that I know that I can be ... in the way that demands me to be all that I can be. Nothing less than this is acceptable to me. This is what drives me now. This is what allows me to do as much as I do and to work as hard as I do. Though, this expression is not really hard work. It is not quite effortless either. But, it is automatic. It just happens. All that I have to do is get out of the way and allow it to manifest. I don't know whether others can express in this manner. I only know what has worked for me. Even my job has become more interesting of late. That is very good. It makes it far easier to get through the days. Otherwise it is a struggle. It is very clear where my attention is drawn. It is attracted to this expression. But I also know that I have a commitment with my employer to honor. I have agreed to exchange 40 hours of labor for a weekly paycheck. So long as I am subject to this contract, I need to abide by its terms and put it a fair days labor for a fair days pay. That doesn't mean that I can't do things to try to free myself economically. Hopefully, the Beyond Imagination books are a step in that direction. It feels that they are. But, I have felt that way about other things that I have done and have been wrong before. Though, something is different this time. I have never been officially published before. There is a sense of finality about that ... and a sense of accomplishment. For the first book, none of the words existed before just over 18 months ago ... and there are 520 pages of selected passages. The writings for 2002 in their entirety probably would have come to over 1500 pages. That is a lot of expression for someone who is generally pretty quiet. Yet, when it comes to spiritual expression, it is as if I have no choice. I am moved by a force that I cannot resist ... or I choose not to resist anyway. And, why should I resist it given the nature of what comes through? Indeed, there is no reason to. What matters most to me is consciousness and its expression in flesh here and now. I came to demonstrate what is possible in this area. This very expression is one of my demonstrations. I share it in the hope that it will show you what is possible ... not just for me, but for you. Your experiences may not be precisely the same ... but, they should be similar enough that you can relate to them. Perhaps what I share will help you take the leap to a whole new level of awareness. Stranger things have happened. 114

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There is some reason I am being moved to capture all of this. I have to believe that it is for more than my own good. I would live a life of service. I would do things that matter. Though, it is more important for me to do things that matter for the world as a whole than for any individuals in the world. I would serve impersonally. Hmm ... that is an interesting way of stating things. Yet, that indeed is where I seem to be coming from. Will this change? Perhaps. But, it seems to be consistent with my mission of building the foundations for a new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh. These foundations are impersonal in that they operate in the same way for everyone. They do not play favorites. Though, those who focus on expressing spirit will feel it most strongly. We are moving into an era where spiritual expression will be easier. It will be facilitated by the social foundations of the world. How can I know this? Such is what the Aquarian Age is all about. We are here to express spirit in flesh. More and more, the very forces of the universe will encourage us to do just that. As to how long this will take ... I have no clue. Clearly, it has already manifested in my life. And, I am not alone. There are others touched be spirit and moved to communicate of what they know. I have encountered a few of these in my wanderings ... but my journeys have been few of late. I've been focused on where my own expression of consciousness would take me. And, I've been pleasantly surprised by the journey to date. I wouldn't trade the past decade of my life for anything. I've become more aware than I'd ever known was even possible ... yet, at the same time, I know that I have only scratched the surface. Consciousness still has many mysteries for me to uncover, easily enough to occupy me for a lifetime. Yet, I have work to do as well. Part of that work is expressing what consciousness would have me express. But, there is more to it than that. I need to act based on this expression and do things to create the foundations for a new and better world. The goal is to create a society that I would want to be a part of. How's that for a goal for a Hermit? Yet, I do so dream of living in an ideal community. That has essentially been missing for most of my life. Yes, this was largely due to my own choices, but it left a gnawing internal sense that something very important was missing. Now, it seems that I am trying to fill that hole in the biggest way that I can ... and hopefully, not only for me but for many. What qualifications do I have to do this? What makes me suited to take on and accomplish such a task? It just feels like it is my task to do ... and that I innately have the appropriate talents and skills required to do it. This has been true for nearly everything that I have done in my life. Is this true for everyone. I have no way of knowing in the manner that I live my life at present. I don't interact with others enough to find out. Perhaps it is time for this to change. If I am going to be a member of society, perhaps I need to start chosing to invest and spend my time in different ways. If I am going to create a society ... I need to have some idea as to what is involved in doing that. There is a sense that I innately know. However, this needs to be made more conscious. I am a writer. That is what I do, I express what consciousness would express through me in words. But, it is not clear that I write as other writers write. I didn't learn to write like this. It just started happening out of the blue one day in 1993, and I've been actively allowing it to happen ever since. How is it that I can do this? My sense is that it is an inherited ability, part of a spiritual inheritance for me. No, I can't prove that. All that I can offer is my observation that this was not something that I had to learn how to do. It was as if spirit turned on a switch in 1993 that triggered a remembrance of how to do this based on things that I had learned in prior existences. All of a sudden, I remembered who I was and I started doing things that were now natural for me to do. Writing was one of those things. Finding spiritual meaning via Numerology and the Tarot was another. There were a few books that helped with the later, however they focused more on personal numerology than spiritual numerology. One major change in 1993 was that my focus on metaphysics and spirituality intensified dramatically. Some might even argue to unhealthy levels. But, what is healthy is subject to interpretation. With all the fire in my astrology chart, there is nothing wrong with me being consumed by spirituality. In fact, it is expected that I would be. That is just part of my nature. It is neither good nor bad. It just is. What matters is how I apply it in my life ... and what services I am able to render as a result. It is curious that even with all the fire, my nature is about as laid back as one can get in most areas of my life. My metabolism is quite slow. My movement is 115

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similarly slow. It takes a lot to get me riled up or enthused about anything ... especially about anything mundane. About the only areas I become animated are in the areas of the nature of consciousness and the expression of spirit. That is what this expression is all about. Page after page, musing after musing consciousness expresses as she will through me. Without her, I am nothing ... my mind would be a blank. However, she fills the void ... and she does this on a regular basis. It is interesting how all of this works. Even where there are breaks, it picks up where it left off as if this was all being read or played back from something already created. That would confirm the idea that all this is destined somehow. It doesn't matter that I don't do things as others do them. In fact, that is one of the things that distinguishes the Beyond Imagination endeavor and books from other things that are being done and expressed. It is the uniqueness that ultimately will lead to its success. The example that is provided will give people permission, that they didn't know that they had, to express in new ways. The creativity that is about to be unleashed as a result will truly be beyond imagination. Don't underestimate the difference one person can make. Don't underestimate the difference that one good example can provide. People are in desperate need of positive examples at this time. They know that they need to do something different. They just don't know what they need to do. Show them a way. It is not the way, it is only a way. But, if it is at all reasonable and has demonstrable results, that is enough for people to consider using it. A new age is a difficult time for many people. It is a time when the old ways of being no longer produce the same results. As a result, many people are confused. They need someone willing to step up and show them new ways that are more suitable to the new times. That is exactly the role that I believe that I came to fill. Much of this expression is my demonstration that somehow I have an inside track into what works in the Aquarian Age. We'll see soon enough how practical this information is. There is a sense that much of the work in the next decade will involve turning what has been expressed in the past decade into works of more practical utility for greater numbers of people. It seems that Beyond Imagination may impact millions in one way or another after all. How interesting. That is not to lessen the value of what has come forth to date in any way. What has been expressed needed to be expressed. But, there is a sense that much of it was training material for me and for other wayshowers. Now we are talking about a whole new phase of taking expression to the public. There is a sense that the duration for this phase is also to be either nine years or a decade. That would leave one final period of my life for doing works that have not been revealed to me yet. But, that is so far away it is not worth thinking about right now. This moment what matters is what can be expressed in the moment and what can be done in the moment. Note that these are not the same things. Though, in my life expression is probably 90 plus percent of what I do. This is not the case for everyone. And, it is not clear that it should be the case for me. Yet, I can only do as I am moved to do. And right now I am moved to express. We'll see how long that lasts. Though, I will start to pay more attention to finding actions that I can take that are consistent with the expression.

3 July 2003 It's amazing. The claim from 1984 was legitimate after all. Less that a week after submitting the paperwork, a check arrived in the mail for my portion ... $1161.07. That's just shy of being enough to cover the publishing costs for three books. I just put the two Best of Notes books in the on-hold pending funds category. I'll be able to send them out on Monday now. I still can't believe that after 20 years US Claims Company found me and was able to resolve this so quickly. And, just when I need it most. I'm proofing Beyond Imagination Quotes now. It could be ready to go as early as 11 July. That would make six books completed. After that, we have The Search for Center. I already have enough to cover that as well. That leaves two months to save up for 2003 Musings - Vol II. Then, there is also the matter of buying some books for myself and to sell directly. I don't know that I want to get too involved in that.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

So close to 1162, the birth of Genghis Khan and the year Becket became Archbishop of Canterbury. This was also tied to 832 in 1994 and started my foray into numbers and their meaning in my life. Literally money from heaven after two decades, money that I had no clue that was owed to me. The whole episode was cryptic. Gini almost threw the initial letter away thinking that it was junk mail The letter mentioned a claim from ITT Life and an address from 20 years ago but didn't say anything regarding what the claim was about. The check from the government came from Riverside County. It was a strange office. I initially thought it was going to be a bill. There was nothing on the check that referenced a case or claim number or anything that would indicate what the check was for. Very strange. However, the process was extremely efficient. US Claims Company had indicated that it could take 2-3 months for claims to be processed. I had resigned myself to thinking that further Beyond Imagination books would have to be put on hold for awhile. Now, however, it is full speed ahead. The message from the universe is to do it now. That would have been my preference anyway. I believe in the expression that has come forth over the past decade. It deserves its rightful audience. Publishing the books makes the expression more legitimate in the eyes of many. It doesn't matter that much of it is essentially the same material that is available at the Beyond Imagination website. There is something about being physically manifest in books that makes it more real. I don't believe I've ever had the experience of having money that I needed to do something just materialize in such a manner in such a timely fashion. This was truly a gift from the Gods. You may say $1161 is not a lot. But that is almost enough to publish three books ... and who knows what will come from that. We set in motion a sequence of events. All we can do in the beginning is what we are moved to do. Publishing the books is completely within my power to decide. What happens after that is a combination of what I do and what others do. Beyond Imagination will rely a lot on word of mouth referrals. People who find value in the Beyond Imagination works are encouraged to share the word with others. One way or another the works will reach who they are intended to reach ... spirit will make sure of that. We just have to be patient and allow things to unfold as they will. That doesn't mean that we don't have to do our part ... in fact, we may find that our part is much harder and much more time consuming than we bargained for. But it will be worth it in the end, every last effort and every second. We are doing spirits work now and the reward for spiritual work is abundance. The trick is that we collectively have to create the abundance that is in turn distributed to us. That is OK. We are the instruments through which spirit does her work in the world. Without us, there would be no works done. However, without spirit we would not exist to do the works either. It takes both to allow us to create and experience reality as we do. There is a sense that I am in the process of gravitating to my natural place in the world. It seems that I'll finally be able to use the Beyond Imagination business cards that I was moved to create nearly ten years ago. Most of them have been sitting in their original box on a shelf in my room in Redondo Beach. With few exceptions, I was never really moved to give them out before. It seems that now something has shifted. The outgoing phase of the Beyond Imagination work has begun. Publishing the books is a strong first step in that direction ... there will be others to follow. And, before long a community will be established that demonstrates some of the key foundations that we want to establish on a wider basis. People will be in a pragmatic mood. They will be tired of seeing failure after failure to address the root problems at the heart of society and they will be open to try things that are reported to work. The Aquarian Age requires different solutions. The things that worked during the Piscean Age simply will not work beyond some transition period. And, even then, their utility will be limited. It is time to convene the best and brightest from among us once again and tackle the issue of Living in 21st Century Era Community. We should be deciding how we want to live and then harnessing technology to help to make it so. It seems that we've gone overboard the other way and said what can technology do and how do we apply that to our lives. In doing so, we've almost allowed technology to dictate how we live. That is taking a good thing too far.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

4 July 2003 INDEPENDENCE DAY! Hmm ... this seems to have special meaning for me this year. It seems that this may be the year that I free myself from the standard means of earning a living as start truly living and doing what I love to do. That would make me independent of any employer ... but would make me interdependent with the society that I serve. It seems only right that this would be so. I've been speaking of it for several years. It seems that I am finally ready and the universe is cooperating to make it manifest. Speaking of that. I was hoping to get my copies of Best Passages from 2002 Musings by now so that I could do my final check and send in the approval form. If the copies don't show up in the mail tomorrow, that will delay things for another week. I guess at book rate, the mail moves slow ... but it has been close to two weeks. Finished watching The Quiet Man last night. It is a wonderful movie. It makes one wonder whether Ireland was really like that as late as the 1950's. I know movies take their liberties. But until recently there were many places in the world where age old traditions were still upheld. Perhaps there still are. The proofing of Beyond Imagination Quotes continues as planned. I completed another 100 pages. At this rate, I should be able to finish by Sunday. That would allow me to get the book in the mail to the publisher as early as Wednesday. That would complete six for the year to date. I'm not exactly sure why, but there is a strong sense of urgency to get the works published. The sooner they are published, the sooner that they can start having an impact on the world. It is not like the material hasn't been available. Much of it is at the Beyond Imagination web site, some of it was first posted in 1995 ... so it has been available for awhile. However, being available and being found can be quite different things. I didn't advertise the site, so visitors had to find it via referral from someone else or via results from search engine queries. There are a few sites that found Beyond Imagination and decided to link to it ... but as far as I can tell these are very few. Then again, I don't go out of my way to link to other sites. I have a couple of links pages. However, I don't spend time exploring the WWW to find out what is out there anymore. Any searching that I do is usually triggered by a referral that I get via e-mail. There is only so much time. We have to decide how we are going to spend our allocation. For me, Beyond Imagination expression comes first. Though, it is difficult deciding how much time to spend packaging old works versus generating new ones. However, that is only an issue for another week or two. Then, I'll have caught up and virtually everything will either be new expression or will involve a significant amount of new expression, as with Beyond Mind. Actually, if you had asked me even three months ago whether I could have six books published or in the process of being published in 2003 ... I would probably have said no way! Yet, here we are, less that 1 week into July and we are less than one week away from having six books in the publishers hands ... one of which whose formal publication is immanent. By the first week in October, all six books should be available for sale. So, it seems that we have some idea as to what 2003 is all about. This is clearly a year of manifesting ... different than any other that we have experienced to date. This is the year that Beyond Imagination went public. Hmm ... it seems that is what is in store for the second half of the year anyway. This feels right. The sense is that it is about time. We have been expressing for over a decade now. It seems time to take the expression to those whom it is meant to serve. At this point, I don't know who that would be. But, I sense that I will soon enough. In bringing forth so much expression in one year, it is as if we have set off a tidal wave. It will definitely be a hard act to follow. But we will indeed follow it with something even more spectacular. No, we will not be generating another eight books in 2004. However, we will be bringing forth works with more practical utility. Not that the Beyond Imagination books don't contain some of this. They just aren't focused enough to provide the "how-to" details that people are looking for in this day and age. Part of that is because the books are intended for people who need to experience altered states of consciousness and increased awareness. There are many others who don't really care about that, but who want to know what they need to do to make their lives work in the Aquarian Age. 118

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They are looking for real answers, specific processes that they can use on a daily basis. You can choose to bring such information forth. Whether you do or not is dependent on what you see yourself doing in 2004. We know, that is still six months away. But look at how fast this first six months went by. Every indication shows that the next six months will fly by even faster. Hmm ... what do I want to do? Within a week, I will officially be an author with a published book. That has a special ring to it. There is a sense of accomplishment ... even though the bottom line is that anyone that can write can become a published author for $400. It is not quite the same as submitting ones work to many publishers in the hope that one would accept it. However, none of that seems to matter. The bottom line is that Best Passages from 2002 Musings will be available as a Print-On-Demand book from Infinity Publishing. I still smile when I see the publishers name. How appropriate for a publisher for the spiritual expression that is Beyond Imagination. Reading the Beyond Imagination Quotes again, I am amazed by all that has been expressed through me in the past ten years. The quotes selected are a good representative example of the best that has come forth, though 2002 and 2003 are more heavily represented than other years. Perhaps this is fitting due to the dramatically increased volume of expression since 1 January 2002. It is always strange to read something I know that I wrote, yet not have any sense of remembrance of when it came forth. Maybe that is true for others as well. I only know what I experience. That is that much of this expression is new when I read it again. The WWW truly is an electronic extension of my memory. It contains things that I've done that I don't even remember that I've done.

6 July 2003 Missed another day of musing. Oh well, that happens sometimes. There is no law that says that I have to muse everyday ... though I do miss it when I don't do it. It seems about time to make a habit of exercise again. I've allowed the body to get far heavier than it needs to be. Unfortunately, putting on weight is a much easier process than taking it off. I'm at about 235 ... hmm 23 - 5 is WE. It seems that such is the state of consciousness that I have reached. Realizing this, we are free to go on to whatever the next message is. Everything is set for sending Best of Notes - Books 1 and 2 to the publisher tomorrow morning. That brings the total to five. Beyond Imagination Quotes should follow shortly thereafter, by Wednesday or Thursday. It is still extremely important that these works get published. I don't know why exactly. There is just an urgent need that I feel. Within three months, we'll have a stable of half a dozen published books on the market ... potentially as soon as 1 October since I'm doing a thorough proofing prior to submittal to the publisher. That is amazing. Writing and publishing one book is an accomplishment. Here we're talking about six and potentially as many as eight in a single year. It helped that much of the material had been written over the past decade. But, nearly half of the material in the books was generated since 1 January 2002, in the past year and a half. We are still on a roll. Something clicked at the beginning of 2002 and shifted the expression into high gear once again. While we've missed a day here and there, the consistency and volume of material over the past 18+ months is unmatched in ten years of expression. I'm feeling anxious. I am ready to do something new and different. This year is a year of manifestation ... primarily in the form of published books. It seems that 2004 will have a whole new theme. The sense is that this will continue at least through 2013 ... yes, throughout the next decade. It is not important to know what is to come. What matters is what I can be doing and expressing here and now. When we focus on the present, the future will take care of itself. That doesn't mean we should ignore the probable


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

impacts of our actions ... indeed, we should consider these. However, often we may not know the impacts. In these cases, we need to trust spirit enough to do as she bids us to do. There is a sense that Beyond Imagination is about to be given wings so that it can take flight and do its works in the world. Though, we need more than wings ... we need resources, a commitment of time and funds to help build the foundations for a new world. This requires more than an organization of one to carry it out. Yet, we haven't really packaged things in a manner that provides something for people to join. Maybe that will be the focus for 2004. Then again, perhaps we won't even wait that long. What can Beyond Imagination do for people ... and what can people do for Beyond Imagination? There is a benefit that comes from participating in cooperatively interdependent group of people ... especially when the group is aligned to do the works of spirit. We will be amazed at what we can achieve, or more correctly, what spirit can achieve through us. All that you see at the site to date is consciousness expressing through one person. What could we create if there were a dozen of us expressing or a dozen dozen? The ratio is not linear, it is at least algorithmic, and perhaps more powerful than that. The combined creativity and productivity will be astonishing. The earliest I can see the Best Passages from 2002 Musings book for final approval is Friday night. That is, assuming the books arrive at my home this week. That would be 7/11. Hmm ... that seems like a lucky day for officially becoming a published author. It seems that things like this happen when they are meant to happen. It is curious that this would happen the same week that I send three additional books out to be published. Looking back at the postal receipts, the process started on 3/22. That's just over 3.5 months. It is curious that both days would be Master Numbers, 22 and 11. What next? It seems that we are following the path that is right for now. We have another two or three books to complete this year. However, we also need to start doing something to market and promote the books. This will not come easy ... but, there is a sense that it will evoke a natural side of me that has not been expressed in public very much to date. My Leo Rising sign is perfectly suited to this task. It is the face to the world that needs to be presented now. However, I have to find it and become comfortable with it to express it. Seek and ye shall find. These parts of our self are only hidden so long as we allow them to be. When we want them to express, when we need them to express, we can count on them to come to our aid. And, we might even find that we like it. It seems that my Hermit days are numbered. I need to be a spokesperson for Beyond Imagination and all that it would do in the world. Already, I serve as an example by how I express and how I freely share what I express. I don't know of others doing this in this particular way. That just reinforces my resolve in doing this ... the very fact that I know that it is so special and so precious. I hope that my example demonstrates the power of sharing in changing the world. No, we aren't there yet. But, as the word gets out to more and more people, we are effectively building an army for change that nothing on earth will be able to stop.

7 July 2003 It is done. Best of Notes - Books 1 and 2 are off to the publisher. Another major milestone completed for the year. Though, it seems that this is just the seed. The real milestone is when the work is officially published and available for sale to the public. That won't be for another three months. That is OK. Everything in its due timing. There is an inner sense that I am doing things per a timetable that is already established. I don't know exactly what it is. I only know that there is an urgency to do the things that I am doing. It is something new, that I haven't felt quite in this manner before. That is OK. New is good. It seems that the more that I do, the more that I see needs to be done. Yet, there is only so much time available to do things. To change this dramatically, I need to find a way to make this a full time rather than a part time endeavor. That means I need to find a way to make it support me financially. That will 120

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require doing things that I have not been prepared or willing to do in the past. But it seems that the times have changed and with them what I am willing to do has changed as well. I can see myself leading a very different life as early as six months from now, and definitely within one year. It takes some time for our actions to have their impacts on the world. The publishing of the Beyond Imagination books are actions that set in motion whole courses of events. Where these will lead is ultimately for consciousness to decide. But, it seems that they signify the birth of a whole new endeavor. Further, this is one that I can put my entire body, heart, mind, and soul into. Interesting. I don't believe I've committed to anything in that way before ... definitely not on all four levels. Yet, something seems right about that now. Yes, it will be interesting to see where the journey takes us for the remainder of the year and into the next. The sense is that many changes are in store but that overall I will be very pleased with the changes that manifest. This is not surprising, these changes are ultimately being manifest by me ... and I am in the process of doing spirits works more than I have ever done before. I am becoming more of whom that I AM. As I do so, I am able to express more that spirit would express through me. I am growing as a vessel through which consciousness can express. This stream of consciousness expression is always going to be an important aspect of my being. It is where I get my inspiration. It is my means of recreation. This is not work. This is consciousness at play. It brings great joy into my life, the joy that comes from truly being of service. The seventh day of the seventh month. That seems fitting for the birth of two more books. It will be interesting to see how well the books sell, and how long it takes for them to find the market for which they are intended. At this point, I don't know what/who this market is. The Beyond Imagination Notes were written from 1993-1996 and the Best of Notes were selected in 1997-1998. There was no audience in mind when the original Notes were generated or when the Best of Notes were selected. I was just doing what I was moved to do ... trusting that eventually the material would reach those it was meant to reach. Now, five years later we are officially publishing the material. I don't know how many have been exposed to it at the Beyond Imagination web site. But, being available as books is a completely new medium. There is something powerful about being able to have a physical book in your hand. It is very different than pages on a monitor, or pages from multiple printouts. We've been a bit negligent regarding musings lately ... only three in four days, and all three in the 1000 word category. We should be able to get back to normal this week. I feel much better when I reach the 2000 word point each day. This gets back to the idea of this expression being worth $1 per word. At that, we would make enough to not only cover expenses, but to fund some of the endeavors that Beyond Imagination would be involved with. The sense is that I can free not only my time ... but the time of others who are meant to contribute as well. We can't necessarily expect people to volunteer their time and skills for everything. People should be paid what they are worth. That doesn't preclude them from volunteering if they so choose ... but the volunteering should give them something back at some level, perhaps satisfaction and even happiness. We are worth what we truly believe ourselves to be worthy of. This will be reflected in our reality. What we receive will be in line with our beliefs in this area. To receive more, we need to give more so that we feel worthy of more. When we give, it is as if we put money into a bank account. When we receive, we withdraw from this account. It is not clear that debt is allowed, at least not for very long. Though, there do seem to be people that take far more than they give. That is OK for awhile, but eventually the account will have to be balanced. The sooner we learn this, the sooner that we live by the principle from The Lion King - to never take more than you give; the sooner we achieve abundance in our lives. We understand that it is giving that primes the economic pump, and that the secret to getting more is to give more. This runs counter to conventional wisdom. But, that does not matter. The principle is sound. Just finished incorporating the proof corrections to Beyond Imagination Quotes. Appropriately, just as I saved the file, Celine Dion started singing A New Day Has Come on the radio. That seems to be 121

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prophetic. It seems that my life is to take a dramatic turn in a new direction corresponding to a new day in a new age. This day is here now. It is not something that we are waiting for any longer. It is for us to take the energy of that new day and fashion it as we will into our lives. We are master creators, each and every one of us. In particular, we are creating the very reality that we experience. For most of us this still happens behind the scenes and on other than conscious levels. However, the new age is about making the process much more conscious. What is it that I am moved to do next? Quotes will definitely be ready to go to the publisher by Wednesday. That only leaves The Search for Center to finish the works in the awaiting publishing and awaiting proofing stacks. Everything else requires substantial new effort to generate the expression. 2003 Musings continue to be generated nearly daily. When there are enough of them, we'll package them into Vol II. Right now, that looks like it will be at the end of August assuming that the musings continue at their present pace. All of this is well and good. It needs to be done. However, there is a part of me that wants to reach people in a more personal and more direct way. Though, I consider much of this expression to be quite personal and quite direct. There is a sense that I need to be speaking to people somehow. And, it is not clear that I can do this sufficiently through the writing ... at least not through the writing alone. Hmm ... the written word has been so important to me to date that this is quite a departure. Yet, there is a knowingness inside that I have something to say which needs to be heard. Capturing something in writing which needs to be read is not good enough. At least, it is not good enough for me. I can do more and must do more. I must speak my truth and live my truth. Such is one of the demands for a wayshower. I trust that I am being moved to do what I need to do. This is how my life has worked for several years. I do as spirit moves me to do, trusting that this is exactly what is best not only for me but for the world. I would be the vessel through which spirit does her works in the world. Not my will but thine be done. Spirit knows what needs to be done. Further, spirit knows how best to employ me in doing this work. It is a matter of allowing her to use me as she will. I am the willing instrument that she plays. There is no sacrifice in this. Rather it is a great privilege to be used in this manner. I can't think of a better way to live my life. I have chosen the path of spirit. Actually, we have all chosen such a path for we are all spirit expressing in flesh here and now. One main difference is how conscious we are of the spiritual path that we are on. For instance, some ... atheists among them, don't believe in a spiritual path at all. That doesn't change the fact that it exists. It just changes how these people experience or don't experience it. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience in a world full of symbols with heavy spiritual meaning. Everywhere we look, we see spirit in expression. Reality is amazing to behold. We live in a miraculous realm where we possess the power to create the reality that we experience. That most of us don't realize that we are doing this is a failure of our religions and educational systems. The books and classes are out there with the necessary ideas, processes, and tools to help us realize this and take a more active control of our life experiences. Some people don't process written information very well. Some need audio or video tapes. Others need live classes, seminars, or workshops. Be flexible in how you get the message of Beyond Imagination out. Be open to people whose preferred methods may be different than your own and find ways to accommodate them. You will be suitably rewarded for your efforts. Every fiber of my being suggests that I am exactly where I need to be at this time. No, I don't know where I will be in six months ... but that does not matter. What does matter is being in tune with the source inside of me enough to hear what it says, and to trust it enough to do what it says. This has been relatively easy to do so long as there was nothing that I really wanted to do. Once I started on the path of publishing books, I think the direction was inner direction, but I can't rule out the ego factor being involved as well. Though, the money from the old claim coming out of the blue when it did seemed to be confirmation from spirit that publishing these books was exactly the right thing to be doing at this time. I'm still amazed that it happened in the way that it did, at the time that it did, and so quickly. Though, 122

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there is a sense that such is only a sample of the kinds of miracles that we will see in the days, months, and years to come. Beyond Imagination has much work to do and not many years to do it. Then again, that assumes that Beyond Imagination ceases to exist when I depart around 2028 or so. Just because I created it doesn't mean that it won't live on through others after I am gone. To do that, however it has to transform from an individual endeavor to a collective endeavor. I desire for that to happen. And, I strongly believe that it will. But, there is something about 9:The Hermit that characterizes me, and probably always will. No, this doesn't mean that we are stereotyped and can't change. However, there may be some basic things about our nature that are inherited and hence inherent in our makeup.

8 July 2003 Another day in which to express. Found out that I need to take a short notice business trip to Florida. I leave tomorrow morning and return on Friday. That means two days away from a computer. I guess I have a choice. I could express longhand, but I don't really like doing that. At the same time, I don't like missing musings if I can avoid it. Hmm ... I wonder what I will be moved to do? I could print out The Search for Center and start proofing. However, I thought that might be far better to do on-line, at least for the first pass. It will be interesting to see what I am moved to do. It seems that I should leave myself some options. Due to the change in plans, I packaged Beyond Imagination Quotes and sent it off to the publisher a day early. That's three books in two days. I can't shake this anxious feeling that I need to be doing something new and different with my time and with my life. I am not being as effective as I could be. I'm not sure how I can express as a channel for spirit anymore than I am doing without finding a way to do this as a full time occupation rather than a part time preoccupation. This is after all the most important work that I am doing in my life. I have no doubt about that. It seems that I should be compensated appropriately for it. The way that I said that implied that I felt that I was not being appropriately compensated. And, to some degree that is true. In some respects my life is abundant, but in other areas there are challenges due to lacks of various types. I understand that the lack is there to teach me something that I have yet to realize. However, it seems that the more free the expression ... the more the lack should be removed from my life. That suggests that the way out of my present difficulties is a simple one - express more and express more freely. The more that I am able to do this, the better things will be for everyone. What would consciousness express through me next? I never really know from one moment to the next. That is what makes this communication so interesting to me. It comes forth from the unknown. It is here that the unmanifest is made manifest. Here, we have creativity operating at its finest in the moment. However, there is nothing particularly special about me. Consciousness is expressing through each of us in every moment. No, not everyone captures this expression in words. That just happens to be the particular gift of mine through which consciousness speaks. To date, this has been primarily the written word. Though it seems that the spoken word is about to become as important if not more important to this expression. Thinking about speaking to an audience is not frightening, but it is not pleasant either. However, what I need to realize is that if this indeed happens, it will be because spirit has something to say through me. Because of that, it won't be that much different than saying things in writing ... only my voice will be used rather than my fingers. That is OK. I'm ready to do what is necessary, and I realize that this may involve more than what I have done before. More of the same begets more of the same. If we want to experience something new, we must be different and do different things. It is always our choice as to whether to do this. However, the rewards for being open to change can be great indeed. Now that I've put the wheels in motion to publish half a dozen books this year, what am I going to do to promote and market the Beyond Imagination material. I've bought a marketing package for Best 123

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Passages from 2002 Musings but it doesn't seem like that is necessary for all of the others. We need to make people who buy Best Passages aware of the other books that have been or are to be published. All of the other books have an About Beyond Imagination page that identifies books published and planned to be published in 2003. All of the titles start with "Beyond Imagination", so there is a common theme to everything expressed to date. It will be interesting to see what the publishers web pages for the books look like. I can augment these with pages of my own at Beyond Imagination as soon as I know where to link to at the publishers site. Are we going to saturate the market with Beyond Imagination books? Perhaps. But, these works needed to be released in this manner. They needed to be born so that they can have their impact on the world ... whatever that impact may be. My sense is that it will be a major impact. Then, I am prone to think in grandiose terms. The books will have the impact that consciousness means for them to have. I was an instrument in their delivery. But, I sense the books will have a life of their own over time. And, it seems that the books will impact many when all is said and done. What else can I do? I must continue to go on being whom that I AM and expressing this as fully as I can. In so doing, I provide the best vehicle through which spirit can express. This is all that can be asked of anyone. I have reached a point where what I do in and of my own is of far less importance than what spirit does through me. I am a willing instrument for the expression of consciousness. I believe this to be the highest service that I can provide. And, at this point in my life, service has the highest priority. My sense is that it will for the remainder of my days. The only thing that may change is who and what gets served. The highest level of service is to spirit herself. The maximum level of impact of service is on a worldwide scale. I believe that I already serve spirit. Further, I believe that ultimately what I do will have world import and world impact. Wishful thinking? Perhaps. But it is amazing how often we get what we wish for. Actually, we get what we work for. Beyond Imagination has been an important part of my life for just over a decade. You might even say it is the most important part of my life. Further, it is a part that continues to grow ... almost like a cancer, only in this case the dramatic growth is good. Can Beyond Imagination spread to the point where it completely engulfs me? Is it meant to spread to engulf others in a similar manner as well? Will this happen during my lifetime? It seems that it will, that I will find others whom I am meant to work with. Further, it seems that this is on the immediate horizon. In some ways I feel like I am biding my time ... awaiting the conditions for my liberation. Yet, it seems that I may have to take a more active role in creating these very conditions. I feel that I can do that now, more than at any other time in my life. My destiny is literally in my hands. It is mine to create in a way that it has never been before. I know this, it resonates deep within to the very core of my being. What do I want is not a question that I have asked myself. My focus has been on Who am I? Perhaps I know enough about this now to be able to start considering what I want. There is not much that I need personally other than to make a difference in the world for my having lived. And, not just any difference but a big positive difference. Then, there is the need to create the foundations for a new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh. Both of these are BIG things. I believe that I am already doing the kinds of things that will result in meeting these needs. The expression that is Beyond Imagination seems to be the right vehicle for doing these things. Maybe not in its form to date, but it will evolve to whatever form is appropriate. At what point will others become involved? I have asked this for some time, but it is not clear that I was sincere in my asking. It seems that if we want others involved, there should be some definition of the kinds of things that we might like them to do. Some people can figure this out for themselves. However, many need defined tasks that they can relate to and decide whether they want to support. This is a grand endeavor that we are engaged in ... building a better world.

11 July 2003 124

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Missed another two days of expression due to a long business trip and a lack of desire to express longhand. There was plenty of time on the plane and waiting for planes to write ... but I used it to proof The Search for Center instead of muse. So, the time was productive anyway though there is not as much of a sense of urgency to get this book to the publisher. Either I'm getting better at this, or it was easier this time for some reason. Though, I did take lots of breaks and the material was split into distinct sections. In particular, nine newsletters composed of a number of sections each. I wasn't sure what to do with some of the Community Forum transcripts. I did some minor editing but for the most part kept these intact as examples of some of the kinds of discussions and interchanges that can occur on the internet. This is the first of the Beyond Imagination books that includes material from others. Most of the material is mine ... but for several of the Forums and for a few of the sections others were involved. In reviewing the various newsletters and sections, I was reminded of just how much was accomplished in the nine months that The Search for Center newsletters were produced. The expression grew from modest beginnings to an extensive monthly production of over a dozen sections and 40-60 pages. However, the expression did not succeed in accomplishing its objective. It did not result in a community, in a spiritual center where people could meet and work together to achieve great things. We tried. But, we found it difficult to get commitments from people to join in and get involved. Our plea for help went unheeded. Perhaps the timing was not right. Perhaps with the Beyond Imagination books being published, we are in a position to attempt something like this again. This time, it seems that the endeavor should be more focused on what it takes to build the foundations for a new age community. Where will I be in six months? There are so many possibilities. However, what matters is doing each day that which must be done each day. We must focus on NOW and allow the future to unfold as it will as a result of our endeavors. Yes, this means doing things while being mindful of what impacts they are likely to have. However, it is not for us to be concerned with consequences. We are to do what we know to be right each step along the way, and further, to do it with gusto. It is out of these moments that the future is shaped. In six months, I will be doing exactly what the plan of spirit calls for me to do. Do I have any say or control over this? It seems that I should. But, do I? When it comes down to it, here I am of two minds. On one side, the sense is that this is all destined and I will be moved to do what I need to do to reach the position and circumstances that I need to reach. On the other sides, the sense is that I can choose where I focus my attention and effort, and as a result can heavily influence what I am able to express and create in my life. This, in turn, will place me where I desire to be. So, it seems that I do have some control over what happens to me and where I end up. That makes the original question valid. Yes, there are many possibilities. But, that is what choices are all about ... eliminating possibilities and selecting desired outcomes. Yet, there is an internal warning about not being overly concerned about outcomes ... these are for spirit to decide, not us. Six months is enough time that we should see a substantial number of book sales. How many is substantial? I don't really know. It will be what it is. And it seems that much will depend on how I promote the Beyond Imagination books. Then again, what else do I have to say? What else does spirit have to say through me? And, what is the best method for doing this? Are these musings and books the best vehicle for this expression? ... or do we need to reach people in a more personal and more direct way? What can be expressed is being expressed in the most fitting manner. That does not mean that this will not change and evolve over time. In fact, it will. Though writing will always be a preferred mode of expression. It is the one that is most natural ... the one that you are most comfortable with. I can see needing a substantial amount of quiet time for all of my days. I still prefer the company of myself and of spirit herself. Though, more and more there is a sense that something is missing in my life. That something is what I label as community. But, I long for an ideal or utopian community that is unlike any yet manifest on earth. Then again, I am not aware of what attempts have been made to manifest this and the degree to which they were successful. I only know that I am being moved to manifest something the likes of which has not existed before. Though, there may be many constructs that can be reused from 125

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prior efforts. There is always a danger in doing this ... that one gets the good along with the bad. However, we can evaluate what works and what doesn't and use utility as our chief guide. The Best Passages from 2002 Musings books finally arrived. They are not perfect, but I'm nearly satisfied that they are good enough. I'll sleep on it and decide to approve as is or approve with some minor corrections. Approving as is will get them to the web site and to the market faster. The only problem I noted was on the next to the last page and it was minor, so it is not clear that it is worth the trouble to correct at this point in time. I guess that means as of today I really am an author. I have the first ten copies of my book, three of which are already sold to people at work. Let's see 7/11/2003 is an 18 day in a 23 year for a total of 41:Ace of Cups = Wayne. Quite appropriate! It has been some day. I started out at 5:30 AM in Tampa, FL and flew to Denver then to LA, worked half a day then drove home to Cathedral City where I went for a swim at 10-11 PM. That's over 20 hours when you count the 3 hour time change. Fortunately, I was able to sleep for a couple of hours on the flight to Denver.

12 July 2003 Another day. I decided to approve Best Passages from 2002 Musings with a couple of minor formatting corrections. They should be able to be done quickly so that the work can be officially released sometime next week. There are five other works in the publishing queue though three have been there less than a week. It seems that this is enough publishing for awhile. It is time to move on to the next phase of promoting the work. If I can make more people aware of what Beyond Imagination is doing or attempting to do, I'm sure that we will find a substantial number will support our efforts by buying our books. Why is this any different than the products offered via the Economic Engine foundation years ago? For one thing, the products are real books rather than copies of web pages. Also, the price makes them much more affordable. That means to generate the same income we will need to reach far more people ... or, we will need to have many more products. Hmm ... one of the books on marketing books that I am reading suggests several small books are better than one large one. Most of the Beyond Imagination works are fairly large. I want to give people their money's worth. Actually, I want them to receive more than they should reasonably expect. I think that we have done this with all of the Beyond Imagination books to date. I'm proud of the material that has been expressed through me over the past decade. It is an honor and a privilege to be able to serve spirit in this manner. There is something special about stream of consciousness expression. This is by far the most creative expression in which I am engaged. And, for me, creative expression ... especially creative written expression is what it is all about. Yet, these words are not fiction. They are declarative and speak of things factual. Whether they are correct or not, we may or may not ever know. Many of the words deal in the realm of beliefs. In this realm, it is utility that matters. Truth or falsehood are not the issue. Beliefs operate in the gray area of the uncertain or the unknown. It is in the playground of beliefs that all of reality creation is accomplished. That makes this a very powerful and important area. It behooves us to know what we believe. It also benefits us to identify which of our beliefs result in which part of our reality. It is only through knowing this that we know where to start to change our beliefs if we want to change our reality. For, that is how we effect change, through our beliefs. It still amazes me that so many words could flow forth since this expression began. If my count is right, we have passed three million and are working on our fourth million. There are too many files to count this exactly. And, in the end it doesn't really matter. What must be expressed is being expressed. There is no use pushing it or fighting it. Things seem to work best if we just go with the flow and express 126

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whatever spirit would express. At least, such has worked for over a decade. And, there is no sense that the basic process is to change anytime soon. How will this transition to an outward expression? How will I find the people whom I am meant to interact with and work worth? How will I find those whom Beyond Imagination is meant to touch? Do I have to find them? Or, is our meeting destined ... is it just a matter of time? There is a sense that the answer is a mixture of both. Destiny has a role, but there are some things that I must do as well. Spirit won't do what we have the power to do ourselves. Also, what spirit does, she does through us ... so, effectively, we do. I'm curious as to what my exact role will be in the times ahead ... even in the next six months. The times they are a changin' as the song says. I welcome whatever changes are coming. It seems that I've relied on old habits far too long and it is time to establish some new ways. That is only appropriate for one who would be a wayshower. What would I do next? How do I spread the word regarding the availability of Best Passages from 2002 Musings? That is the inaugural work in the Beyond Imagination series of books. Within three months there will be five others. Can it really be so? Indeed it can. From zero to six so quickly ... and to eight before the end of the year. I tried Spirit Web yesterday but the site is down. I don't really know where to go to find metaphysically minded people who would be natural candidates for the Beyond Imagination material. I left a post at Ananda Books yesterday on New Age Community, but that requires remembering to go back if I want to see if there was any feedback. If I did this at a number of sites, that could be problematic and time consuming. There must be a better way. I wonder if anyone has picked up where Spirit Web left off? Their chat format wasn't the most interactive and fastest, but it was conducive to longer posts, which made for more informative discussions. At least such was my experience. If only we could foresee months ahead of time. However, that has not been my way. The challenge is to stay focused in the present and allow each day to unfold as it will ... trusting that by doing so, the future will be exactly what it needs to be as well. The future is what we make of it by doing what must be done here and now. There is no other way to get there. There are no shortcuts. Though some paths are easier than others. It is for us to take the paths that are right for us ... and to do so joyfully and with all our hearts. The effort that we put in makes all the difference in the outcome. Yes, we have said before that we are not to be concerned with outcomes. However, we are to be concerned with applying our best efforts to the tasks before us. Or, at least a good enough effort to each task. Some tasks are much more demanding in this area than others. Sometimes we have to settle for our best within a reasonable time constraint for the task. It doesn't make sense to spend 10 hours doing something perfectly that one can do to the 98 percent level in 2 hours. We need to look at the return on investment for our labors and make sure that we are getting good value for the effort expended. Not only do we need to do this as individuals, we need to do this en masse to see how we fair collectively. My sense is that there is a lot of waste. It benefits us all to find and eliminate this to the degree that we can. Where do I find kindred spirits who are meant to participate in the creation of the foundations for a new world? Surely, this is not something that I am meant to do alone. Yet, how do I meet those with whom I am to work? It seems that if the time is indeed right, and I believe that it finally is ... then they will be looking for me just as I am looking for them. Perhaps some special pages at the Beyond Imagination site on these foundations and on the new age community that they would foster are in order. That would provide a focused introduction to what much of this is all about. Expressing spirit in flesh only takes us so far. Hmm ... I didn't expect that. I wonder what it means? What takes us further? Hmm ... it seems that Beyond Imagination is more than I ever imagined. Why does that not surprise me. This expression has a way of blowing me away from time to time. Just when I think I've got it, spirit goes and throws me a curve. That is OK. Life needs to have such moments to stay exciting. At least, those are the kind of moments that excite me. But then, I'm pretty strange. I don't expect others to be moved in the same way. Oh, if only I could stand a year or two from now and look back and see how I got from where I am to where I'll be ... it would make life much easier. Or, would it? Perhaps it is better not to know and to 127

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allow all of it to unfold in the richness of now. Do I really need to know how it will all happen? Or, is it sufficient to trust that it will all work out in accordance with some grand plan that is being worked out by consciousness with our participation on other than conscious levels? It seems that the later is sufficient. It is enough to know that consciousness is in the drivers seat. I know that she is in my life anyway ... and by extrapolation in my world. Whether this is true for others or not, I do not know. It seems like it depends on what they believe. We experience what we believe. It is that simple. There is a desire to hurry, to get on with it, to play out the scenes and enact the roles as consciousness would lay them out. At the same time I know that patience is called for. We must allow each moment its whole fullness and avoid rushing from one to the next as much as we can. This can be hard at times ... especially when we know that greater things are in store. But, we need to appreciate each moment, and take from it all that it has to offer. While I know that, it doesn't squelch the desire to get to the more important scenes where grander cooperative endeavors are required. I know that these are part of the script. And, I know that they happen sooner rather than later. How soon, I can only guess. The term one year comes to mind. It seems that such is the standard answer for time questions. From the time I am moved to ask, the time frame always seems to be one year. Though, it is not clear that I have been right about any of these yet. There is always a first time. Perhaps this is it. 2002 was an interesting year from the standpoints of frequency, volume, and quality of Musings. 2003 has matched that in many ways plus has been the year for publishing Beyond Imagination books. At this point, it is not clear what 2004 is going to bring though it seems that it will be a year for the outward expression of Beyond Imagination, taking the works and the message to the world. It is not clear that I am prepared to do that yet. Perhaps that is what the rest of 2003 is all about. We are still dealing with transiting Pluto trine natal Sun. It goes exact again in another week and then for a final time in mid-Nov. In addition, I have transiting Uranus conjunct natal Venus pretty close to exact. I don't even know what to make of this at this time. Uranus deals with upheaval and revolution ... Venus with the concepts of Beauty, Harmony, and Love. It seems that the combination would imply some major changes in my ideals in these areas. These years come across as 22, 23, and 24. They correspond to The Fool Complete, The King of Wands, The Queen of Wands. Something suggested to count to the 22, 23, and 24 card in the minor arcana. That would be 44:Meditating Youth Unaware of the Hand of God, 45:Five of Cups = Black Robe, 46:Six of Cups = Happy Home.

13 July 2003 The 13:Death day of a 10/13/16/23 month in a 23 year. Hmm ... I guess this makes it my month in my year since 23 is the number for wayne. Already this month, our first book has been officially published and three books were proofed and submitted to the publisher. That in and of itself is a lot of work to accomplish. But, for me, that is not enough. I know that I can do more ... and because of this, I must do more. I am committed to do all that I can do in line with my mission. That later clause is extremely important. We don't do things just to keep busy. We do things to express what spirit would have us express. We do things to help build the foundations for a new world. We do this because we can and we do this because it is our work to do. We are carrying out the great work now. We have been for some time ... but now we know it fully. When we allow consciousness to express through us, we are serving spirit in the highest capacity that we can in the moment. There are many types of work that are suitable to the variety of souls incarnate at this time. It is important to match the person with the work that best utilizes their abilities and talents. This requires evaluating and categorizing people in ways and to degrees that we have not done before. However, it is in the best interest of all that we do this.


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What would I do next? It seems that there is a bit of a lull ... that there is a time to wait to see what comes of the things that I have set in motion. At the same time, the books on publishing say that promoting your books is extremely important if you expect them to sell. This is a new area for me. There is a sense that I need to be ready to do whatever it takes. The first step seems to be to write a marketing plan. This assumes that one has a corresponding marketing budget as well. Currently, that is not in the financial picture. I believed in the books enough to publish them and make them available to the public. Now, I need to figure out who would benefit from the books and why they should buy them. Best Passages from 2002 Musings offers the opportunity to walk in my stream of consciousness for awhile. It is a metaphysical stream of consciousness that is mind expanding and consciousness expanding. The musings offer specific examples of consciousness in expression. They may be similar to your own ... only I have been moved to record and share mine in this manner. One objective is to show you that it is OK for you to think like this. Another objective is to show you that you can think like this, if only by reading the passages. Most likely when you have read enough, they will trigger you to generate or receive similar thoughts of your own. I say or receive because that is my experience. I still sense that I am the receiver rather than the generator of all of this. Though, I am sensing that this is starting to shift as well. It was useful to be the receiver for the past decade. However, it seems that I need to own up to being the creator at some point soon. There is so much more that spirit can do through me as my whole self actor/observer/creator. I've been operating with only part of my capabilities. That's OK. This was purposefully done to keep the creator part of the self and the ego from getting too involved and providing too much control. But, there are safeguards in place now. We no longer have to fear this problem. That was interesting. So, it seems that we have something new to express in the days ahead. It's as if we've been holding back ... unable to express our entire Self. And, now we are free to be whom that we are wholly and completely. It will be interesting to see how the expression changes as a result. Have we already started to see signs of that? It seems that what will be coming forth is something that has never expressed through me before. It is something new, though there may have been some hints that it was hidden. Regardless, the time for it to express is coming soon. It may even be upon us already. Yet, it seems that the way ahead is still simple ... do what I am moved to do when I am moved to do it. Just be open to be moved to do different things than I have done before. Keep doing what you have been doing in the same way that you have been doing them and you will continue to get exactly the same reality that you have been getting. If you want things to change, you have to change ... you have to do things differently. The changes don't have to be as different as night and day ... though they can be if you so choose. A little change now can create a major change in the long term outcome. Start with little changes. They are the easiest to effect. Trust your intuition. It knows what changes to manifest to get you to any desired reality. It seems that it is time to start considering what it is that we want to create. Yes we, as the instrument of spirit. Spirit will still be doing it through us, but she will be using all of us to do the work rather than just a reduced subset. It is up to us to define what the foundations for a new world need to be. Yes, consciousness will work through us to do this. However, she will not do it for us. We are perfectly capable of doing this for ourselves ... with her loving guidance, of course. There is a balancing act here. There is a mixture of what we do versus what spirit does through us. In some respects it is all us and it is all spirit, so it does not really matter. However, in other respects there seems to be a distinction between what we do and what spirit does. This is the Great Work that we are engaged in. It is worthy of the best that we are able to give unto it. Further, it is a cooperative work that will ultimately involve many. How many, I do not know. Those who are meant to be a part of this will find themselves attracted to the endeavor. They will sense that there is something missing in their lives. They will be moved to do something to make the world a better place ... and the will find that their contribution is enhanced by combining it with likeminded others. That is what Beyond Imagination is all about. It is an attempt to get people working together to build the foundations for a new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh. This late clause is the key. We are all spirit expressing in flesh. We have been since the moment 129

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that we incarnated, and we will be until the day that we die. Even then, we will still be spirit in some form ... just not flesh. The musing is slower than normal this evening. Sometimes that happens. We do the best we can with whatever energy is available. I still don't know where all this originates ... other than this place I call source. But naming something and understanding it are not the same thing. What comes through comes through. By definition, it has to be good enough. It is all that could come forth at the time. I have no right to second guess it or to critique it. It is what it is. For the most part I am pleasantly surprised and even amazed by what is able to come forth. Even after nearly daily musings for over 18 months, we still have fresh new expressions from consciousness. It will be interesting to see how 2003 Musings - Vol II turns out. I don't have an overall sence for how the musings since May hang together and whether they convey a similar message/format to 2003 Musings - Vol I. Not that it matters. Each Beyond Imagination book is an entity of its own. But, it would be nice for works in a series to be somewhat related. I guess they are from the standpoint of being collections of musings from 2003. "I believe the children are our future." "Teach them well, and let them lead the way." "I found the greatest love of all - inside of me". "I decided long ago never to "If I fail, if I succeed, at least I'll live as I believe".





These lines from a song by Whitney Houston playing on the radio are particularly powerful for me. I wonder how many others take them literally and are moved as deeply by them. Many may find the song attractive subconsciously, without being consciously aware of why. My sense is that these kinds of songs are programming us for living in the new age. They offer specific instructions for building a better world. In this case, through educating and following the children, through finding love inside of us, through making our own path through life, and through living as we believe. All that in a few lines from a popular song.

14 July 2003 I am officially published now. Best Passages from 2002 Musings is available for sale from the Infinity Publishing web site. Just do a title search for Beyond Imagination, or do a category search under Mind, Body, and Spirit. Appropriately, we show up as #28 in the category. The Man with the World in His Hand. What more could you ask than that? So, where do we go from here? How do we go from author to successful author ... where success is defined in terms of some amount of sales that get the works out to the public? After all, what good is it to create a book if we aren't going to get it into the hands of those who are meant to read it? Yet, there is still a question of what role I have to play in all of this? The sense is that it is far more than I have imagined to date. I am to be intimately involved in this endeavor ... and intimately involved with others in the process. Hmm ... that is a new mode of operation for me. Yet, it is becoming more and more clear that it is essential. There is much to do, and in particular, there is much that I must do. Yes, must do. There is a strong sense that I have no real choice in the matter. I have committed to live my life as spirit dictates. Yes, that means giving up some of my apparent freedom. But, in return I gain far more ... for I gain levels of spiritual expression that are far beyond anything that I would otherwise experience. In my book, this is more than worth it.


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I'm still feeling a sense of exhilaration at finally being published officially. This is definitely a milestone in my life. It happened at the 45 years, 3 months, and 6 days point in my life. That is 16533 days. The Tower: The Hierophant: The Master Teacher. This is the span from 533 to 561, a span of 28, centered at 547 or 13 to 6 = 1326 = the 13: Death triangle. Hmm ... it seems that this has some personal significance as well. It seems time for another major breakthrough in consciousness. As usual, I do not know exactly where this will lead. However, it does not really matter. It will lead where it needs to lead, and that will be exactly right for me and those whom my life touches. Such is how life works for me. It's interesting. The Greatest Love of All plays as I write this now. Just yesterday, I was moved to notice and comment on lyrics from this song. Here we have it again, two days in a row. My first book came to 519 pages. That's a lot for a non-fiction book. I noticed that many of the other books at the site were well under 200 pages with some as few as 100 pages. Though, page count is not necessarily an indicator of quality. However, in this case the page count for 2002 musings would have been in the 1600 to 2000 range. Yes, that is huge! There was a lot expressed last year. However, this year is a close second. At least to date, and we are over half way into it. There is every indication that we are in for another BIG year. Even if the expression were to stop now and not pick up again until next year, it would have been a very productive year. But, there is no sense that such is to happen. If anything, the sense is that I will be involved in completing other works in addition to these musings. Yes, spirit can be a slavedriver at times. But, I love it. I can't imagine doing anything more valuable with my time. At least this expression results in a record that has the potential to help someone in some way. I can't say that about the work that I do each day in my job. Sometimes it seems futile, as if it really doesn't matter. However, I never have that feeling when I am engaged in this stream of consciousness expression. I know that I am doing the work of spirit. And, as a result, I know that it is worthy of all the energy and resources that I put into it. How many people choose to count their days on the planet? I don't believe I have ever encountered anyone that had done that. Though I do know of someone who know how many hours and days until retirement. But that is a different matter. Over 16000 days. That seems like forever. And roughly 9000 more to go. Isn't that interesting. That would bring my life to roughly 25000 days. Actually, 70 years is around 25550, if I live that long. 68 years would be 24820 days. So right around 25000 does indeed seem reasonable. I have no reason to believe that I need to stay any longer. This leaves 23-25 years to accomplish my mission. That should be more than enough if I am diligent and apply myself fully. I know what I am capable of. I expect to do grand things. I will not accept doing less. That means doing what it takes to achieve what must be done ... not because I decide that it must be done, but because spirit herself decides this. Hmm ... 25000 is an interesting number. It is approximately the number of years it takes to make it through the entire cycle of ages of the Zodiac. There are just over 2000 years per sign times 12 signs. My life is a microcosm of this. The sense is that I will experience the equivalent of 25000 years in my 25000 days. That's a one year per day rate. That would correspond to one sign every 68/12 years = 5 years and 8 months. At 45 years and 3 months, I am one month shy of 8 signs through the cycle. I believe that puts me at the start of Sagittarius. That leaves: Capricorn: 2009 March Aquarius: 2014 November Pisces: 2020 July Hmm ... it just came to mind that this may be offset. There is no reason that it has to start at 0 deg Aries at my birth. However, overall the concept is right. The one year per day allows me to experience a whole cycle of the Zodiac during my lifetime. The fact that two-thirds of it is over by the time I realized this doesn't matter. There is still the remaining third to be lived. When you put it like that, it seems that there is plenty of time to do what needs to be done. The second third of my life began in 1980-81 and ended/ends this year. That was a transition time for me as well. That was when I was completing my 131

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BSEE degree at USC. I wasn't the type to make friends and meet my classmates. I don't know anyone that I went to school with. I spent over two full years at USC finishing my degree. You would think that there would be someone that I would remember from those days. I was procrastinating tonight so I didn't start writing until very late. That probably means that I'll stop short of reaching my desired goal of 2000 words for the day. Oh well. It is only a goal. It is not like the world depends on it. Or is it? Perhaps if I considered it to be that important it would make more of a difference. What kind of commitment am I making to this endeavor? And, how serious am I about that commitment? I'm feeling the need for a break of some type. It seems that I have been overdoing it of late. Yet, at the same time, I don' really want to stop doing what I have been doing. Right now, the urge to express is still winning out. Given my nature, my sense is that it will continue to do so indefinitely. Expression, especially written expression, is that important to me. It is why I exist. Yes, I meant to state it that strongly in precisely those terms. This is where I come alive as I can in no other place. This is where I can reveal and be whom that I AM, freely and openly. My mind is blank tonight. That is typical for these musings. But, generally, consciousness fills it with whatever she would express through us. The pace of the expression can vary substantially from day to day and even from moment to moment. Tonight it is far slower than usual. In fact, it is slow enough that I think it is a sign that we are pushing too hard. It would be better to sleep and refresh ourself and start with renewed strength in the morrow. Though, I don't like missing what might have been expressed. At some point, we have to accept that we have done enough ... and enough is enough.

15 July 2003 Another day. We've made it to the middle of the third month of the second third of the year. There seems to be something significant in that. Another month and a half and well be ready for another volume of 2003 Musings. It will be interesting to see whether the expression continues and we are moved to produce enough material to create a third volume this year. That is what we have currently planned. But, I am open to spirit moving me in a different direction in the coming months ... a direction that does not permit as much time to be expended here. What will be will be. At the rate the year is passing, we shall see soon enough. There is a sense that my destiny is about to take me in a new direction. At this point, it is not clear as to what that will be. All that I know is that it will be different, and that it will be where I need to go next. I trust consciousness that much. I trust that my life is unfolding in accordance with a plan that I am co-creating on other than conscious levels. Can I co-create this on conscious levels as well? It is possible, but it is not easy. However, it seems that this is something that is indeed worth endeavoring to do. For when we become a conscious co-creator, we effectively become a god/goddess ... in our own life anyway. OK, we now have links to the Beyond Imagination books from my What's New and Main Page. These will have to be adjusted as books make it from the planned to the in work to the published category ... but that is minor stuff even though the accomplishments are major. That is step 1 of my advertising campaign. At least people that make it to the Beyond Imagination site will have the chance to be made aware that the Best Passages from 2002 Musings book exists. Whether they are moved to buy it or not who knows. I didn't really create a sales pitch. The material at the publishers site is more suited to that and I didn't feel the need to replicate it. It turns out to be convenient that all the books start out with Beyond Imagination: as the first part of the title. This allows a simple title search to come up with all of the books that have been published at any point in time. It seemed appropriate. Everything that I have expressed to date has come under the overall guise of Beyond Imagination. The sense is that everything that I do in my life will come under this guise. The title is that all-encompassing that it can serve as an 132

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umbrella for everything. Mind was clearly not enough nor was Beyond Mind ... but Beyond Imagination, that is really out there. What would I do next? Obviously, this expression continues, but there is a growing sense that this is not enough. There are other things that I am meant to be doing ... things that I can do, that possibly no one else can do; at least not as well. As usual if I simply allow myself to do what I am moved to do, spirit will point me in exactly the right direction for accomplishing these things. It is as if I will recognize that the tasks are mine. They will fit me naturally. They will challenge me, they will excite me, and they will implore me to be the best that I can be. How can I be so sure of this? Simply because that is how my life unfolds. Do in each moment what can be done in each moment, and continue to do that for the rest of your life. In so doing, the end result will be a life of accomplishment beyond measure. When we take care of now, the future has a way of working itself out. Though, often we need to consider future ramifications in the decisions that we make in the now. Some things have consequences. And, if we choose them, then we get to experience the consequences as well. That is not to say that all such consequences are certain. Often, there are probabilities attached. However, we don't have to live in a world of probabilities if we choose not to. That does not mean the only alternative is a world of certainty. Uncertainty is just as viable if not more viable of an option. There is something powerful about uncertainty, about the unknown ... and about living our lives in the midst of it. We may know a lot, but we don't know everything. Further, we never will ... no matter how much we study and no matter how long we live. There will always be more to learn, there will always be things that we do not know. Such is the way of life. It is inescapable. All that we can do is make the best of it. There is a sense that it is time to do something more with my life now. It is time to join forces and participate in a grander endeavor of some type. Where do I go to find this endeavor? It seems that it is looking to find me just as I am looking to find it. We are thus destined to find one another. It is a matter of being open to the opportunities that the universe brings my way. Now is not a time to overlook anything. The sense is that an anxious preparedness is called for ... and openness to whatsoever would come forth in line with what I know to be my mission. Here, I must rely on what I am moved to do. That is my call to action. It is for spirit to move me to do what is right for me at any given time. To date, I have been able to count on this. I expect that to continue for the time to come. There is nothing suggesting a different mode of operating anytime soon anyway. I really am an author! I've even sold a book! OK, one book is not much ... but that is how it starts. And it builds book by book until it takes the world by storm. OK, maybe I got a little carried away. But then who's to say? The books may indeed be meant to have such an impact on the world. Only time will tell. It is for me to do my part. I can create the books, get them published, and do what I can to promote them. The rest is in the hands of spirit. I'm used to this. I have been operating in this manner for some time. Though I have not really had products of this form to sell before. This is a difference that perhaps will make all the difference in the world this time. There are so many things that I want to do. But it takes energy, time, and resources to do them. If the Beyond Imagination works can be a source of funds, that could be the enabling factor that allows a lot of work to be done and not just on my part but by those I am meant to work with. Collectively we have much to do to build the foundations for a new world. This is one of my main tasks, but clearly it cannot be solely my task. It is far too big for that. Further, I have no authority ... recognized or unrecognized to carry out such a task. Then again, it is my task by virtue of whom that I AM. That is all of the authority that I need. While that may be good enough for me, that doesn't give me authority in other people's eyes. That would be OK if I chose to continue to live my life as a hermit. However, I have a driving need to take my rightful place in the world. Further, this is not some long term goal ... it is an immediate one. Spoke to the publisher today. It seems they sent copies of my second book to me for my review and approval already. I should be able to get through that this weekend. Within about three weeks after that, 133

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we'll have another book published. Wow! The process is really happening. All we need now is to promote the books and generate sales. The sense is that this will happen in due time. I'm in this for the long haul. These are not instant bestsellers that we are creating. Rather, they are books that have the potential to bring in continued sales for many years to come. This is a long term investment of energy that we have made that will pay long term dividends in many areas. In particular, it seems that this may be how I will meet some of the people that I am meant to work with. It seems that each day we take another step forward. Some days the steps are bigger than others but always they proceed in a positive direction. Not that it isn't OK to retreat and take a step back on occasion. We'd just rather not have to do that too much if we can avoid it. Then again, it seems that is a matter of personal preference. Some are far more agile at this than others. There is still a sense that I am missing something important. It is as if it is just outside of my grasp ... just outside of my conscious awareness, and try though I might I am not able to contact it. That is OK. It can't stay that way forever. When I need to know, I will know. There is no force in the universe strong enough to prevent it. Yes, that is how powerful the principle of need to know is. It finds a way to manifest, regardless of the obstacles that may be in its way. Interesting, but that is a good way of looking at it. My energy level has been lower than normal of late. I'm not sure why. But the key side effects are tiredness and the need for additional sleep. That in turn cuts into the time available for this expression. So far, it has had limited impact. However, if it continues much longer, we may find that 2003 Musings Vol II is not as large as Vol I. That is OK. Ultimately, this is not a contest where the size of the expression matters. Though there is an inner target set for this daily expression. I don't always reach it, but I reach it far more often than I don't. Sometimes it is good to have goals to establish reasonable expectations. However, we need to employ these in a flexible manner. 2003 is turning out to be one hell of a year in a positive sense ... definitely beyond imagination. To go from no published books to eight in roughly nine months in 2003 is simply an amazing feat, even if many of the words were already written. The formatting and the proofing alone were major tasks. That these could occur concurrently with bringing forth new musings on a regular basis is amazing. That shows a dedication to the works of Beyond Imagination that makes this a calling. This is something that I do because I must do it. The work defines me in a way that nothing else that I do does. There is a sense that this work will transform my life in major ways soon. How soon, I cannot say for I do not know. My predictions involving the timing of things have been poor at best especially when they involve things to which I am attached emotionally or via ego. So, there is no sense even hazarding a guess here. It will happen when it happens. All that I can do is prepare myself so that I can run with it when the ball is placed in my arms. Right now, that seems to be soon ... I would hope very soon, but spirits timing is always the right timing.

16 July 2003 The days continue to march on. And we continue to come here to express. How long this will continue, we have no way of knowing. We have been doing this on a regular basis for 18 and 1/2 months now. That is a lot of expression. It has definitely become a habit in my life. It is something I look forward to. Further, it is something that I value highly. I consider this to be one of the most meaningful things that I do with my time. It has the potential to have the greatest impact on the most people. Whether it does so or not ... we will have to wait and see. Though it seems that I may have something to say about this as well. It seems that I have a direct role in getting the word out to others about the expression that is Beyond Imagination. I may not know exactly how that will happen yet, but there is a strong sense that the 134

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burden is definitely mine to bear. That is not to say that I won't have help ... both from spirit and from others who are moved to assist. But, there is still a major effort that will be necessary on my part. That is OK. I am used to working hard. And, I can't think of anything more important to be working for. We have the foundations for a new world to create. That is a major task that will require the skills and commitment of many of us working in a cooperative interdependent manner to achieve. How many, I do not know. But it will definitely be more than one, and it will not be so many that the enterprise becomes unwieldy. It is not necessary that any one person have an overall understanding of the structure of the organization and the purpose of the endeavor. It is OK for this to be a collective thing. That is what synergy is all about. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. That is exactly what we are trying to achieve. The more synergistic the endeavor, the greater the ratio of the whole to the sum of the parts. Together we can achieve far more than we can achieve alone. Together we can create a far grander world, a far grander reality, than we could achieve operating independently. When will we realize this and start cooperating fully and completely to create the world of our visions and our dreams? That is what it takes to create a new world. It is as simple as that and as complex as that. We have spoken of the power of synergy before. It truly is magical. The principle is simple. The whole is greater than the sum of its part. When one has parts working together for a common aim, there is an added energy that gets applied to the endeavor. It doesn't matter how large the group. There can be as few as two. But there must be at least two for this principle to manifest. Though it just came to me that each of us is composed of parts and if we can get these parts aligned and working together, than even within an individual we can see the power of synergy manifest. I know myself to be ONE individual. But, I still experience myself to be composed of many parts ... parts which sometimes compete and fight with one another for resources and attention. Over the years, this has become less and less as I become a more integrated whole entity. But even with all of the self work ... nearly 30 years of it since 1974, I still have much to learn. My sense is that I will be learning for all of my days and then some. There is that much to learn. However, there is also a sense that learning is not enough. I need to be applying what I learn and doing things as a result that have a positive impact in the world. I am meant to be a force for major change in the world. My life has meaning to the degree that it affects the world. Yes, that is asking a lot of myself. Yet, I know that my abilities are such that I can more than live up to this challenge. I will do what it takes to carry out my mission. I am that committed. It doesn't matter that I don't yet know what it takes. I know that spirit would not ask me to give more than I am ready to give or do more than I am ready and able to do. Because of this, I feel safe. I am in the arms of spirit now. I have been for much of my life. One benefit from this is that I don't have to worry about what comes next. That is for spirit to decide and to reveal in her own timing and her own way. Where is all of this headed? Where will we be it two months? ... in six months? ... in two years? I would hope that we would be in a very different place than where we are. But exactly where and when depends on a number of factors some of which I seem to have control over and others of which I probably do not. That is OK. We do what we can do and leave the rest to spirit. What must be done will be done. The circumstances that need to be created will indeed be created. Every step along the way, we will be exactly where we need to be. How can reality be created in any other way? This is my life. This is my world. This is my reality. I invite others to share in what I experience. But I don't force it on you. Take what you will ... use what serves you and those you touch ... and discard the rest or leave it for another time when it may better suit you. Utility is the only measure of value for anything. Who does it serve and how does it serve? That is one of the most important questions we can ask. Actually, that is really a compound question ... one that has multiple answers. At any given time, we will be exactly where we need to be ... and we will have gotten there by taking one step at a time in the moment in whatever direction we were moved to travel. Wouldn't it be nice to have a map with a destination and a tentative path to the destination marked off? Perhaps it would be. However, it is not clear that I have the luxury of being able to operate in such a mode yet. I'm not ruling that out for all time. It is just that the 62:Eight of Swords = 135

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Blindfolded and Bound Woman is still a prominent card for me for some reason. It is as if I am trapped by it. I haven't found a way to escape it. Reversed it is 26 = 2 x 13:Death. This suggests needing two death experiences to get beyond it. Hmm ... 2 24 13 = 22 4 13 = 22 52 = Heart's Desire | Personality. 25:22(22) = 26:00(22). 2 2 41 3 = To 2341 from the outside in. This is wayneWayne. It is also 925(16). My life leads me towards a destiny that I know not. Yet, I am confident that I will be pleased by where this takes me. It is good to be pleased by life. This expression pleases me. Here, I am able to bring forth something fresh and new ... something that has never been expressed in this way before. How can I know that? I know that because my unique combination of talents and experiences has never existed before. I am a unique expression of consciousness. What comes forth through me is unique. But, that can be said of everyone ... and it would be true of everyone. Though some are more unique than others. I have gone out of my way to be different, to be an individual expression of the I AM, to not be one of the crowd, one of the masses. The fact that this expression comes forth as it does is proof that I have succeeded in this. Yet, now I would use my individuality to serve. I would give up my independence and freely choose to express in a cooperatively interdependent society. Don't get me wrong. I will still need some time to be in my own company. However, I won't need to spend the vast majority of my free time in that manner as I do now. So, where does one go to create or to join a cooperatively interdependent society? Do such societies already exist? If so, how do they find/select/enlist their members? Where does one go to find people of like mind who want to create the foundations for a new world as defined by much of the material at the Beyond Imagination site? It seems like it is time for the outer phase of Beyond Imagination to begin. The publishing of Best Passages from 2002 Musings was a fitting start for that outer phase. It was a public act, a public statement to the world of an intent to manifest something. It will be interesting to see where it leads. The Early Works will follow within a month or so. It includes Beyond Imagination: Foundations for Creating a New World and Reality Creation 1010. If any of the Beyond Imagination books are to be a bestseller, The Early Works has the most potential. This provides a true introduction to what Beyond Imagination is all about. Everything else is stream of consciousness expression. First in Notes, then in Musings. Only The Early Works contains books that came through as books ... short books, but books nonetheless. Even after over nine year, they still are the most succinct and direct expression of the mission and wisdom of Beyond Imagination. Why this would be, I do not really know. They came forth at a time when I was much more naive and perhaps more open. Then again, Beyond Imagination Quotes offers a wealth of wisdom from over a decade and is heavily weighted toward material expressed in recent years. It is appropriate that The Early Works would be the second book to be published. I know, we still have several weeks of work and waiting to go ... but that doesn't matter. It is as if once the process is put into motion the result is a certainty. It is only a matter of allowing the appropriate steps to occur over time. We needed a first book that would serve as a flagship for Beyond Imagination. It was important that this come from the best material that had been expressed recently. Best Passages from 2002 Musings provided exactly that. Once that was settled, the rest of the Beyond Imagination books could take their rightful places in the world. By 1 October, that process should be complete for the first six books. This is what we have set in motion. Where it will lead we shall see soon enough. We have great hopes for this endeavor. At the same time we know that it is not necessarily our hopes and dreams that matter here. It is the greater hopes and dreams of the society and the world that we serve. We are here to be of service. We believe that we can be of more service with more resources. This is one of our means of attempting to generate resources. We did it because we were moved to do it, because we could do it, and because it was fun to do. One cannot ask for much more than that ... that the work that one does is FUN. Yet, it would also help if the work were profitable as well. 136

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It is curious that I use the term we as a plural form of I. When I speak of Beyond Imagination, technically it is appropriate to use we since the expression is generated by source through me. So, there are at least two of us. Though I don't think of source as an entity that can be counted in the same way that I can. Yet, it seems appropriate to use we in this context. It doesn't seem right to use I, since I alone am not responsible. I am a necessary component in this expression, but not a sufficient component. I could not do it on my own. Interesting. But, that is my experience ... to date anyway. That doesn't mean it is this way for everyone. My desire is that Beyond Imagination would become a community endeavor. It seems that the outward phase of Beyond Imagination will lead to this happening. I don't have a timeframe for when this might be. But, the sense is sooner versus later. Though, part of that may be driven by my desire to make it so. Then again, perhaps it is in my power to make it so. Perhaps my actions will determine the timing for when this happens. Yes, that puts a lot of control of reality creation in my hands. But, that is perfectly in line with my beliefs about reality creation. What you do and how you do it make all the difference. So, what would I do ... and how would I do it? These are not easy questions to answer. If they were, life would be much easier than it is. Author = 13 28 69 = Death : Man with the World in His Hand : Ace of Pents = Abundance Hmm ... I can live with that! Summing we have 1/4/6/14/20/29 = light That is appropriate as well. Though, this doesn't apply to all authors. Then again, few authors play with numbers in the ways that I do. writer = 599259 = 5/14/23/25/30/39 = 3 x 13:Death That is appropriate as well, the Death triangle. Curious, with a Capital W, we have 57 = 3 x 19:The Sun triangle. This is the Three of Swords = ELLIS! AUTHOR = 29 + 54 = 83 = 78 + 5 = The Hierophant Exalted. Interesting. While many see this as a negative image, I still see it as a highly positive spiritual leader that is disassociated from religion. It is curious that author is the root of the word authority. Just because one writes something doesn't necessarily make one an expert in what one has written about. I have engaged in stream of consciousness expression for so many hours that I have lost count. Does that make me an expert in the nature of consciousness? It seems that it has made me an expert in the nature of the consciousness that I experience. However, I have no basis on which to relate this to how others experience consciousness. I don't know the degree to which it is similar or different. My hope is that in capturing my own stream I leave a trail for others to follow that allows them to experience something that they might not otherwise experience. This won't be the same as my experience. But it will be an experience in consciousness that is triggered by what I have been able to capture and share. That is what makes doing all of this worthwhile. To me, it is our adventures in consciousness that matter most in our lives. Perhaps that is because I don't have the responsibility of kids in this existence so I have the luxury of focusing my time and resources in this manner.

17 July 2003 Consciousness comes forth to express once again as she does nearly every day. This is one habit I enjoy having. I can't think of a better way to spend my free time. Oh, there are many things that I could do. However, most of them end up being a waste of time overall. This expression is not that way at all. It 137

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captures a stream of consciousness and the corresponding states of mind that could express that stream. The hope is that it does this sufficiently for the reader to experience something similar to the states that I have experienced. How well it does this depends on how well I do my job of capturing what consciousness would express through me. That seems to vary from day to day and perhaps even from moment to moment. Oh well, I do the best that I can. That is all that can be asked of any of us. What would I do next? As usual ... whatever I am moved to do. But what am I moved to do? I don't really know the answer to that. At this moment, I am not really moved to do much of anything. Yes, I have come here to express but that is out of a sense of obligation. This is something that I feel that I must do. I accept this obligation freely. I have never been one to shy away from responsibilities ... especially those that I knew to be mine. Now, I would take responsibility for changing the world; or for building the foundations for a new world. Yes, this is a huge job. But, every fiber within me says that it is indeed mine to do. No, not solely mine. Clearly, these are tasks that will require the cooperation of many. But, I would choose to be out there leading the way. I came as a wayshower and I would be true to that calling. Thus far, I have pointed to the way with words. It seems that it is time to demonstrate the way with works as well. We must back our words with deeds for them to have real impact in the world. It is what we do not what we think that makes all the difference ... though thinking is worth a lot as well. I've sold my first two books. That is how it starts. There is a two month time delay for royalties so I won't know how many sales are generated from the publishers site for some time. It will be interesting to see. All that I can do is wait. Though, I can actively wait ... and do things to encourage people to buy and read Best Passages. I'm sensing that it is time to take a break from this expression. We've been at it regularly for over 18 months. That is a long time. It seems a rest is in order. It is time to regroup and see how we want to express next. There is only so much that I can do here. And, it seems that I have done that. It is time for something new. I don't know what that is yet. I just know that this isn't it. That doesn't mean that I'll stop today or next week or at the end of the month. But it could be at any of those times. It could become more and more rare for me to find free time in my days, I still feel the need to get up and get on with it. There it is again, The Greatest Love of All. I don't know how many times I've heard that play near the end of my writings for the day. We've commented on the specific wording elsewhere. No use repeating ourselves. Though, this is a very powerful song. It is amazing how many popular songs have such spiritual significance. They literally have the power to transform the world. Will they do so? Indeed they will, but not before their time has come. Everything has it's allotted hour in the scheme of things. It is for us to be patient and allow that to unfold as it will. That doesn't mean that we don't have roles to play and things to do. Indeed we do. Some, far more than others.

18 July 2003 We come here again to express. But I can't shake the feeling that this is not where I would rather be at this time. Yet I know not where else to go. It seems that I should be doing something to promote Best Passages, but what is there that I can do? I'm doing the things that are obvious, the things that I know how to do. But, it seems that there is far more that I could be doing. People can't buy the book if they don't know that it exists. And they won't know that it exists unless they are told in some way. That is what advertising and promoting is all about ... making people aware that a new product, in this case a book, exists. This doesn't just happen. In fact, it could even take more work than it did to generate the books to begin with. Hmm ... I don't know where that came from, but something rings true about it. The saying we have only just begun comes to mind. Oh, it has been a major beginning over the course of 138

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over a decade. But, what remains to be done far surpasses anything we have accomplished to date. That is OK. We expect to have many more hands to collectively do the work. But, still, the great work must be done and will be done. My personal contacts are still limited overall. Though even there, it seems that the limits are somewhat arbitrary. I work with a lot of people who know of whom I am. They may not know much about me ... but that is not really their fault. I haven't been outgoing enough to make it easy to get to know me. Do I desire for this to change or not? In some respects I do, but in other respects I don't. So, overall ... the pattern that I am attempting to create is probably confusing at best in this area. I would still be a hermit, but I would be a more social one. Is that allowed? Why not? I can be whatever suits the expression that I care to manifest. What is that rightful relationship between an author and those who would buy and read his books? I would also be a teacher ... that is assuming that I can attract students to the Beyond Imagination School without Walls once again. It will be if it is meant to be. Had two packages from the publisher waiting for me when I got home. The first was the marketing material for Best Passages from 2002 Musings. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it all, but it looks great! It includes business cards, bookmarks, postcards, and posters. The second package was the 2003 Musings - Vol I book only they put the cover for The Early Works on it. The cover looked great regardless. You could only tell because of the lack of a subtitle and because of the abstract on the back cover of the book. The cover design incorporated the Beyond Imagination pyramid with the light source at the top. One benefit of a thorough proofing prior to submittal was that I could focus my review on formatting issues. I found one typo but everything else was acceptable. What am I going to do with 500 business cards? How am I going to meet that many people potentially interested in what Beyond Imagination has to offer? Even as I ask ... I know that the means are being set in motion for this to happen. It does not matter that I know how it will happen. What matters is that I know that it will happen. Of this, I am certain. There is something right about the time now, the world is ready to receive what Beyond Imagination has to give. And, we have much to give. What has been expressed to date is just the proverbial tip of the iceberg. There is so much more where that came from ... so much more that lies below the surface. This is the conscious / other than conscious dividing line that I have spoken of before. Much is done cooperatively on other than conscious levels. Continue to be open to the expression of spirit in your life. This has worked well for you for many years. It will not let you down anytime soon. There are much worse things than leading a life devoted to spirit. This is not a religious life that you lead. You abandoned religion over 30 years ago ... and have had nothing further to do with it other than to read from a sacred text on occasion. This is all well and good. It allowed you to develop a framework of your own, one in which spirit could express more directly. This is what enabled us to come through in 1993 and what has continued to enable us to come through since then. Many would have judged what was being expressed. Many others would have considered themselves insane. You chose neither of these paths ... though you did question your sanity at times, and with good reason. You have been soaring in consciousness for over a decade ... some might say without a safety net. But, we have been there at your side every step of the way to assure that you are safe. Deep down, you have known this; so, you have not been worried. It seems to be time to start a whole new phase of my life. The marketing package is a reminder that the path needs to be far more outgoing at least for awhile. It is time to reach out and touch people ... and touch them deeply. The Beyond Imagination message has the power to do that. I just need to convey it with all my heart and soul. That should not be difficult. That is exactly what I put into this expression anyway - all my heart and soul. 139

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Today marks 45 years and 101 days since I was born. There is something significant about getting the marketing package today. Actually, it came sometime this week but I didn't see it until I got home today. If memory serves me, today is also the 200 day of the year. 200 is the number for WAYNE ELLIS HARTMAN. ALL CAPS seems appropriate for an outer expression. The phrase shout it out comes to mind. It is interesting to see the kinds of connections that get revealed here.

19 July 2003 Another day, another musing. We'll have to see if we can make this more of a typical day. Though lately, it doesn't seem that there have been any typical days. Perhaps there never were. Each day is new. Each day present a brand new opportunity to express what has never been expressed before. That seems like an awesome responsibility when you look at it like that. But it is one that is full of hope and possibilities. We can create whatsoever we choose to create. We can make our world into whatsoever we would choose for it to be. Oh, we've been doing that all along. Only, we've been doing it ignorant of our part in it. We weren't aware that we were the ones creating everything that we experienced ... yes everything. Now is the time for that to change. It is time for us to grow up individually and collectively and take conscious responsibility for what we are doing. It is an exciting time to be alive. Information technology is such that I can write this and make it available within minutes to days to people throughout the world connected to the internet. The is great power in being able to do that. And, it is at virtually no cost. My monthly fee from my Internet Service Provider is only $9.95. That is far less than most people pay for phone service or for cable TV. It truly is the bargain of the age, especially given that information is power in an information age. Thus far, we have chosen to make the Beyond Imagination expression freely available to any who would find it. We have recently started publishing books that we hope that people will consume on two counts: (1) to provide support for this endeavor that is Beyond Imagination and (2) to provide high quality "hard" copies of the works at the site. Sometimes it is easier to read material from books than from the screen. As we move into the last half of 2003 and into 2004, we are being moved to do works directly in Word rather than Composer. These new works will probably be only available in book form ... though online publication and distribution is always a possibility. I don't know how long the Musings will continue. I like the open, flow of consciousness expression that they allow. But, it seems that a more focused expression is called for in the immediate days and months ahead. How long this new phase will last I don't know. Someone said one full year on the radio just as I was writing that. It amazing how often the term of one year comes up. There is even a Rune to that effect. There, one year, it came up on the radio again. That would bring us into July of 2004. That would have given Best Passages from 2002 Musings a one year run. That seems to be a suitable duration for determining how well it is going to do. It would be nice to be able to see what lies in store in the year ahead but that is not the generally how it happens for me. I have to live it one day at a time and make the most of each day. I was going to say moment ... but today was a day of rest for the most part. I didn't do much of anything except listen to the radio and pay attention to my two furry children. It's not that there are not things that I could have been doing. It is just today it did not matter that they got done. I was not moved to do them. That is my test for whether or not to do something ... am I moved to do it? It doesn't matter how difficult or time-consuming it may be ... if I am moved to do it, I will do it.


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Watched The Cider House Rules again last night. It is a wonderful movie ... quite uplifting overall. It seems that the world was a very different place 60 years ago. Then again, I might be surprised by how similar it still is. The information revolution has not touched everyone ... at least not the internet and the WWW. Radio, mail, television, news, magazines, and books reach large numbers of people on the planet. But, even then we are inundated. There is far too much information for anyone to possibly consume and use effectively. So, we must choose what filters to apply to limit the information that reaches us. We only want to see that subset that we have deemed to be of value to us. We need to be careful about the filters however; they can prevent information from getting in that would be highly beneficial for us to see. We won't know this unless we examine the filters from time to time and assess their utility ... making sure that they are serving us. Many of these filters are beliefs about what kinds of information are important to us. What we are speaking of here is another form of belief management. Though, here it is limited to a certain type of beliefs. In general, belief management is an important task to engage in on a regular basis. This is our primary mean for influencing the reality that we create. Those forces responsible for reality creation within us forge reality through the patterns and limitations established by our beliefs. If we want to change the reality, that is the place to do it, with the beliefs. So what new information do I need to start paying attention to in my life? It seems that all of this is trying to tell me something. I have been filtering out some type of information that I now need to heed. Hmm ... I'll have to stay open and see what presents itself. Things tend to just happen in my life if I am open and allow them to. Actually, more than allow ... encourage them to. This takes being confident in the nature of changes that spirit brings into ones life. But, I have no reason to be anything but confident. Spirit has brought many wonderful things into my life over the years. I know that I can trust her guidance and her gifts.

20 July 2003 Another day to express. We're getting a late start, but that doesn't matter. We do what we are moved to do anyway. There were musings for the past two days, but I forgot to grab the disk before I left for LA so I won't be able to post them until next week. I don't think I've done that before ... in all the months of musing. A week delay won't hurt anything anyway. There wasn't anything earth shattering in either musing, though the format for yesterday's musing was a departure from the norm. It was still a stream of consciousness expression, but it was different somehow. Perhaps that is a sign of things to come. All that we can do at this point is wait and see. It seems that there are several areas in our life that require being patient at this time. The sense is that change is in the process of manifesting on several fronts. Further, the sense is that I will be pleased by the changes that manifest. The question is what can I do to facilitate the changes? There must be something ... and probably many things. God helps those who help themselves. That definitely applies here. There is a lot that I can do in my free time. There is even more that I could do if I could find a way to make Beyond Imagination my full time employment. However ... I would ask that it provide an equivalent or greater income to my present job before the transition happens. Actually, I've already been moved to set the fair value of this expression at $1 per word. I still hold firm to that. Indeed, I read of someone else getting that amount for their creative copy. So, that is a "reasonable" amount. When will this transformation happen? I have not been very good at identifying specific timeframes. I don't know why ... it just seems that I am too attached to the outcome to be impartial. Besides, it is more important to focus on here and now. That is where we have the power to make a difference. What needs to happen in a week or in a month or even in a year will flow out of what we are moved to do in the moment. It is curious that I am speaking in the plural, we, more lately. That comes from an


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

acknowledgement that there is at least spirit and me ... and possibly several parts of me that contribute to this expression and to the reality that I experience. We seems appropriate to represent this somehow. It looks like it's going to be another short musing. I'm fighting the clock and the pace is off a bit tonight. Oh well, what comes forth is what is meant to come forth. There is no need to rush or to force the expression. What is not expressed one day can easily be expressed the next, if indeed it needs to be expressed at all. The quantity of the expression has no meaning of and by itself. What matters is the quality of the expression. I do what I can to keep that as high as I can. Though, it is not clear that I really control what consciousness brings forth. Yes, that means that I don't consider myself in control of this. How could I control what I have no experience creating firsthand? Oh, it comes through my mind and through my fingers onto the screen. But, that does not necessarily make it mine. If I were to open a book and start typing what was in the book ... I would not even think twice about the expression being mine. Why is this any different? The only difference is that consciousness herself reads the book into my mind. Hmm ... that is a different way of looking at it. Yet, it is just as valid as any other way. What next? It seems the musings are to continue for awhile, though their focus may change. However, the bigger change is for the outer expression of Beyond Imagination to begin. It starts in my room at home, in my office at work, and at the Beyond Imagination web site. How it spreads from there I don't yet know. This is an area that is new for me. I'm not used to pushing my ideas on anyone. Though it seems this expression is worthy of being pushed and being read. Unless people become aware that the material exists, they don't have the choice to purchase it or not. I need to do enough to raise people's awareness of Beyond Imagination to the point where they will consider buying books to help promote the work that we are doing. That is ultimately where the proceeds from the books will go. They will help to free me and hopefully others to do the work of building the foundations for a new world. I believe that we have put together a great set of products ... books that demonstrate consciousness in action and have the potential to stand the test of time. There is a sense that I will need to do different things than I have done before. Further, these may not be things that I am comfortable doing ... at least not at first. But, I am to do them anyway. I need to heed my own advice and do try new things so that I can get different results. I have been somewhat stuck of late. The tiredness is a side effect of that. It is time for something new, something that will put a spring back in your step, something that will make you want to wake up and start your day in the morning. You don't need to sleep as long as you do. And, were you to be more awake for more hours, you would have the time to accomplish more. Just what you needed to hear ... that we expect you to do even more. But, we just mirror what you expect of yourself ... and that is a lot, far more than anyone has a right to expect. Be careful about overdoing it. Yes, your talents make you special ... but, you still have you limits. Though, much of life is a process of finding our limits and overcoming them.

21 July 2003 The musings have been shorter normal for the past week or so. Some of this I can attribute to being busy. Part of it I can attribute to being more tired than normal. However, these come across as excuses. The bottom line is that what was express is what needed to be expressed. There is no second guessing what might have been. All that I can do is impact what I do from this moment forward. The past is done. Not one line of what has been expressed can be erased. Yet, by the same token ... not one line of what has not been expressed can be added. We can only add to the expression in the moment. That is where the point of creativity happens. That is where the unmanifest becomes manifest ... literally right before our eyes in this case. This is truly a magical process. It has been since the day that the expression began to come forth on 5 March 1993. Wow! Can it really have been over a decade ago already? It seems like 142

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yesterday. At the same time, it seems like eternity. It is hard to remember back to a time in my life when this expression and the associated awareness weren't prominent parts. If my projections are correct, I have another quarter century to go. That too is an eternity ... plenty of time to effect the change that I am here to manifest. Then again, at the rate the past decade has gone by, there is no time to waste. We must do what we can to make each moment count. Creating the foundations for a new world. Do I really need such a lofty task. Indeed, I do. Nothing less would be worthy of my attention and my talents. We are given gifts for a reason. Generally, that reason is to use them in some way that is of service. I have chosen to aim high in this regard. Will I succeed in doing what I am attempting to do. My sense is yes ... because I am not alone, and because it is spirit doing this through us. Those two factors are what will ensure the success of our endeavor. What we are doing is destined to be done. We are just the instruments through which it is happening. That doesn't mean that we can sit back and be passive ... not all the time anyway. Spirit needs active participants in the game of life. How do I make more effective use of the moments that I have? Am I spending my free time where it has the most impact in line with what I say are my priorities? Spiritual expression is still number one on my list. But this is not something that only happens here in these musings. It also happens in any of the Beyond Imagination related work that I do ... preparing pages, proofing, even thinking about ideas for new works. It is time to start doing something about health again. I've allowed my weight to bounce back way too high. It is time to get it under control again. I know that I can do it. It just takes discipline ... controlled food intake coupled with regular exercise. It just takes a lot to get me motivated in this particular area. I've bounced up and down over 60 pounds a few times in the past decade. That is a significant change ... 1/4 to 1/3 of my body weight depending on whether you are looking from the high of 240 or the low of 180. Lately there has been far too much fast food and far too many carbohydrates. It's time to go back to the Atkin's Diet for awhile and see how I feel. At least I need to get down to a comfortable weight again. At 234, I'm not comfortable. That is my sign that something needs to change. In this case, it is clear that if it is going to change, I'm the one who has to change it. Well, that just argued for putting an hour of exercise back into my days. At home, I can swim. During the week, I either need to start walking or start using the Nordic Track again. Either way, the exercise may help with some of the tiredness as well. I need to do something to get the body moving. I'm not meant to be sitting in front of a terminal all day every day. Though, that is where the bulk of my work is still accomplished ... both at my job and for Beyond Imagination. Without a computer, I would be lost. I would be far less effective and would have far less of an impact. Interesting. We definitely choose our times with care. There is a sense that some of the restrictions of the work environment are going to ease soon. I don't know if that means because I will be able to work on my own, or because I will have found a suitable sponsor for Beyond Imagination, or ... There is just an inner sense that some change is in the works here, some change that I have somehow initiated by what I have done recently. That would be nice. I can always hope, but I am reluctant to set my sights too high yet. I would like to see something come from what we have set into motion, and I am willing to do what it takes, and what I am moved to do to make that happen. Yet, something in the back of my mind keeps reminding me not my will but thine be done. This is spirit's work that we are doing. It is her will that matters. It is what she would do through us that is important. My importance comes from serving here ... and allowing her to serve the world through me. Then, there is another part of me that says my will is thy will. My will is but another instrument for spirit to use to serve the world. It is there to be used not set aside or ignored. Not a single person has seen the promotional materials for Best Passages from 2002 Musings that I added in prominent locations in my office. I have a poster on the wall, postcards, and business cards. In 143

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fact, I've only had one person come into my office today. Some days it is like that. I'm at the end of a fairly isolated bay of offices off of a not so well-traveled corridor. Many days I get no visitors. Perhaps that means I need to bring my promotional campaign to them? This is somewhat difficult for me. At the very least, it involves a new behavior. That's OK. We were speaking yesterday about needing to do different things if we want different results. Being outgoing is not something that I do naturally. At this point, I'm not sure it is an acquired behavior. However, clearly I can be far more outgoing than I have been. That doesn't take a whole lot. And who knows where it will all lead from there. Perhaps I will even like it. There is a part of me that likes the limelight ... that is comfortable in center stage. But only on particular stages that I am comfortable with. It seems that I may have some control over the circumstances under which I come out. Of course I would. This is my reality after all. I am creating it all. Perhaps much of this is happening at other than conscious levels ... but it is still happening and I am responsible for it all. Everything is happening in accord with my beliefs. And, I am responsible for all that I believe. There is nothing remaining in my belief system that I blame anyone else for anymore. I might have at one time. But, I've been at this for so long that I've accepted full responsibility ... even for those beliefs which I don't even know that I hold. Either we are responsible or we are not. To me, this is a black and white area ... there are no shades of gray. I have assumed responsibility for my beliefs and thus for my life. Sometimes this is more than I may want to take. But, there is no one else to blame or to accept responsibility for me. Though there is the possibility for groups to accept mutual responsibility for some things and thereby create grander forms of consciousness able to execute in ways that no individual could. This does not happen automatically however. It takes a concerted effort of likeminded folks who desire to create something greater than themselves ... or greater than any of them could create individually or even collectively as individuals. Here is where synergy kicks in. We have spoken of it before. The power of the whole is greater than the sum of the power of the parts. I long to be a part of such groups. There is a sense that I have done this before. No, not in this existence. But, this is not new behavior for me. How can I know that? It just feels right somehow. It touches a chord within me. There was a Moody Blues song ... In Search of the Lost Chord. That seems to be where I'm at right now. I was heavily into the Moody Blues in the late 70's and early 80's. Now, I still like their music, but rarely play it anymore. Then again, I used to love John Denver's music in the early through late 70's. I haven't played it much since then either. Though, I've been thinking about picking up one of his Greatest Hits CD's. It's interesting to watch how this stream of consciousness wanders from one topic to the next. There is no theme that holds it all together ... not for a given day, not even for a given paragraph. The context shifts where it will from sentence to sentence. That is appropriate. Consciousness would express free of any restrictions that we might want to place on her. Though that is only one mode in which consciousness can express. It is also OK to impose restrictions of various types. These result in different expressions, but they are still valid expressions ... just as valid as this one. Why is this coming up now? Are there restrictions that would result in expressions of more utility than this stream of consciousness? Would a more focused expression be "better"? I won't really know unless I try. The Beyond Imagination book and Reality Creation 1010 are two cases in point of focused expression. These were quite good ... but they are older works. They were completed in Dec 93 and Jan 94 respectively, over 9.5 years ago. We have not been moved to do any focused works since then. Perhaps it is time for this to change. I'm still expecting the works to be expressed automatically through me rather than by me. Though perhaps it is time to do some of my own work as well. Jane Roberts did a mixture of her own books and her Seth books so there is precedent for this. Though, we haven't fully established that the expression is separate from me. There is no separate entity that comes forth and lays claim to it. I have chosen to credit this thing that I call source ... but what is that other than a name? Further, it has stated that we are not separate from Wayne. My sense is that it is through source that I exist at all. She is not only my inspiration, she is my sustainer. What would I do next? It always comes down to a variation of that question. It is what we do that makes a difference in the world ... and that is what we are here to do, to make a difference in the world in some 144

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way. In matters not be that great or small, so long as it measures up to what we are capable of doing and what we came into this world to do. Yes, each of us came into this world with a mission to perform. It is for us to do our best to achieve this. We won't always do so. However, we will have a much better chance if we find out what that mission is and we develop our natural abilities and talent so that we can fully apply ourselves in this endeavor.

22 July 2003 The 22nd day in the July=10/13/16/23 month of the 23 year for a total of 68:WAYNE. Interesting, we'll see if anything special is in store for the day. The morning flew by. It seems that the afternoon will as well. It is good to be busy. Hmm ... the numbers will make tomorrow a 23/23/23 day. I'll bet that is a rarity. January February March April May June July August September October November December

10/11/16/19/20/29/36 2/7/9/16/19/20/29/36 13/14/23/26/34 1/8/17/26/29 13/14/21 10/13/18/23 10/13/16/23 1/4/11/14/15/17 19/24/31/33/38/42/44/49/58 15/18/20/26/28/33/42 14/20/24/29/33/35/40/49 4/9/12/17/21/23/28/37

Actually, it happened just last month. It also happened on 21 May 2001, and will happen on 29 April 2009. None of the other years fit the pattern ... at least not during my lifetime. 17 August 1007 was quite a while ago, though 17 August 2017 would be a variation on the theme. I don't know why numbers attract me so. They just do. It is like a moth to a flame. It is curious that June and July come out as 23, the number for wayne. The image that comes to mind is of a slot machine JACKPOT! 23: wayne

23: wayne

23: wayne

I'd have to go back a month to see what was happening around this time in June. The numbers should have been the same. I am curious though. That is an interesting combination to stumble across. Except here I was moved to see it one day in advance of it happening so I can start the day of tomorrow on the right foot and allow the realization to permeate my awareness for the entire day. I'm still interested to see what will come of it. One day at a time though. There are still 12 hours left to live in this one. Make each and every moment count. And do that for every moment for the remainder of your life. Easy to say. But somehow I think this one may not be so easy to do. Yet if I can't demonstrate it in how I live my life, how can I expect others to abide by it? The answer is that I can't. I am the wayshower. The 145

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responsibility is mine to provide the example for how to live in accord with what I believe. Yet along with this, I must share what I believe as intimately as I can. Perhaps this is more than you care to know. Then again, perhaps there is more that you desire to know. In either case, feedback will help me to tailor the expression to what is most appropriate. Right now, I simple express whatever comes forth. I don't screen it or filter it. I trust that if it is coming forth that it is meant to be expressed and it has value in some way. Could it be garbage that is coming forth? I have never been moved to ask that before. It has been obvious that there is an intelligence behind what is being expressed and that there is a purpose to this expression even if I am not consciously aware of that purpose. That has never bothered me. I have always been able to do things without being consciously aware of how I did them ... and further, I was aware of this. Awareness is extremely important in my world. Literally, it makes all the difference. Many are asleep and unaware. Yet it seems that they are about to be awakened. Whether this will be in one year, a decade, or a century is not mine to know. But the time of awakening is coming and it behooves us to be prepared to the degree that we can. We do this by opening to whom that we are, by finding our center, by developing our intuition, and by finding our place in the world and connecting with those we need to work with to perform our missions. These missions always involve service of some kind ... service to self, service to family, service to community, service to country, and even service to the world. That is a common theme here. We are meant to live lives of service. That is how we show our gratitude for the abundance that we have been so blessed to receive. Hmm ... some might feel far less blessed with abundance in the current world than others. That is something that collectively we need to find a way to fix. The solution is not to make us equally poor. However, we do need to find a better way to distribute the abundance of goods and services that we collectively produce and not only in the developed countries, but on a worldwide basis. It seems that we need to be careful about how we define what it means to be abundant. Having a lot of nice things is not sufficient. Many people have such things but lack in the area of relationships. It is important that we address all four areas necessary for self-actualization: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. If any one is lacking the individual suffers and hence society suffers. It is for us to collectively do what it takes to correct this. We have the power to create the world of our dreams. However, we also have the power to create worlds of our nightmares if we are not careful in how we manifest. One key is to take responsibility ... full responsibility for all that we experience at both personal and collective levels. We create it all. No fine print. No exceptions. At present, much of this happens on other than conscious levels. But, these are just as much us as are the conscious levels that we are aware of. We are just as responsible for the other than conscious levels as for the conscious levels. Some might feel this to be a burden that is simply too great to bear. And perhaps that is because they are not yet ready to bare the responsibility. However, spiritual law is at work here. We will be responsible one way or another whether we consciously choose to be so or not. It helps if our choices are aligned with spiritual law, but that is not a requirement for living. I'm feeling good about what is coming forth again. There is a sense that this is new material, stuff that has never been expressed ... or at least never been expressed in this way before. That happens a lot, but not necessarily as much everyday. There is something about original creative expression. It is like a drug to my system. I can't get enough of it. At the same time, there are practical limits to what can be expressed in any given day. I have likened myself to a scribe. Hmm ... Scr I Be = 1939 I Be. That us interesting. That is the year that my wife Gini was born. We never know what is going to be revealed here. That is OK. Surprises are good. Besides, when you operate on the edge between the known and the unknown you are bound to find things that you never knew you never knew. I have chosen to make my realm the realm of spirit, of consciousness. That is where I find my home. The physical world is but a small subset of that. All that you see expressed here is physical ... but only as symbols in a computer system that get called up and translated into characters and words and ideas that convey this stream of consciousness to you. This is all that you know of whom that I AM. Here is where my prime interaction with the world 146

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occurs, even if that "interaction" is a one-way flow of information. To date, that has been OK. I spent 20 years consuming outstanding metaphysical works from many authors before the switch was turned on that converted me into a metaphysical information generator. It will be many years before my output exceeds what I took in during all of those years. Though much of that "consuming" was necessary to prepare me so that the switch could occur. As a result, I stand on the shoulders of giants who have come before me ... though it is all a hodgepodge in my mind. There is no separation as to who said what at what time in what work. When the expression comes forth, there is usually no sense of what it is based on. It is just stated in the declarative as if it were fact. For the most part, I have no reason to doubt it. However, on occasion there is a sense that I need to look for confirmation. Finished incorporating the proofing corrections to The Search for Center. That makes book 7 ready to go, though I think I'll hold off on submitting it for a few weeks to save money to buy copies of the other books that are going to be published shortly. The basic publishing fee only includes the proof copy and two copies for the Library of Congress. With The Search for Center done, the only planned book remaining for the year is 2003 Musings - Vol II. We should have enough material for that book as of the end of August. In fact, we can start pulling it together from the individual musing from May through August at anytime. The sooner we can get it to the publisher in September, the sooner it can be published and available for purchase in December. Already, I can say that 2003 has been a very productive year. Even if I were to do nothing else I could say that. However, I know that I cannot sit back and do nothing else. There are still over 5 months remaining in 2003. That is a lot of time to do a lot of things. The three month publishing lag means that anything after September won't make it out this year. But publishing, while very important, is only one arm of this expression. The Beyond Imagination web site still exists and grows nearly daily, if only in the Musings of a Spiritual Warrior page. One area that has been sorely neglected is that of actively getting the word out. How do we inform people that Beyond Imagination exists and what it has to offer. We are still primarily a source of free stream of consciousness metaphysical information that has been expressed from source for over 10 years. Yes, we offer published books for purchase, but you have to click to take you to places at the site that describe what books are offered and how to order them. Personally, I don't like advertising. So, my preferences are not to do it where possible and to keep it low key where it is necessary. I do believe in the Beyond Imagination works that we have published and/or are publishing. If I would have set a goal of publishing 8 books in 2003 at the beginning of the year, I would have thought I was crazy. I hadn't published a single book. I had no idea about how to do it. I thought the cost was thousands of dollars per book or more which was way out of my price range. I thought it took many months to formally publish books. It wasn't until about 4 months ago when I started really looking into it that I found that this was something that I could actually do at an affordable price, and within about 6 weeks the plans were in place for half a dozen books. And, we're not talking about little books. We're talking nonfiction: 512, 288, 586, 350, 450, and 614 pages. That's a total of 2800 pages. Yes, that's a lot. But some of it overlaps. Major portions of Beyond Imagination Quotes appear in other books though not collected in the same way. Now, only four months after finding out about Infinity Publishing, we have one book published, two close to coming back for final proofing, three other submitted and in work, and a seventh ready to be submitted awaiting funds. Not only am I going to make my goal of six (probably by early October), I'll probably make the objective of eight. Yes, it took work to do. But, much of the raw material was done. I've been expressing since 1993 after all. There was plenty of material to pick from. What I found was that the selection and formatting of material was far easier than I had dreamed. Also, it didn't hurt that I was compelled to do this ... to the point where it consumed me. That is OK. It would help for us all to experience such extreme motivation from time to time.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

23 July 2003 23: wayne

23: wayne

23: wayne

Again we start with the blank slate ... or the nearly blank slate anyway. What more can be expressed? It seems like after ten years that we might run out of things to say. Clearly, if it were me doing the talking, that would have happened long ago. But, here we allow spirit to speak, we allow consciousness to sing her song through me as she will. From what I've seen, she doesn't seem to have the same limits to expression that I seem to have. Then again, perhaps I haven't begun to tap my own capabilities for expression either. Consciousness couldn't use me in this manner if the innate capabilities did not already exist. Though, there is also a sense that I am being trained for something. This is not training in the normal sense of being taught by a teacher in a classroom. This is train-by-doing. One learns how to express spiritually by allow spirit to express though us. It is that simple and that difficult. We learn to experience altered states of consciousness by engaging our consciousness in altered states ... and not aided by chemical means. The only exceptions I make to this are medications that I take daily for my bipolar condition. Do these medications impact my consciousness. You bet they do. They impact my brain chemistry and this has an impact on the consciousness that is experienced. However, I am not in a position to know if I truly need the medications. The doctors and my wife say yes. The one time that I weaned myself off of the medications (in 1998), I got so bad that it required another vacation to the mental hospital and a three month medical leave of absence from work. Since I'm obviously functioning effectively ... it seems that the prudent course is to keep taking the medications and not to rock the boat. I wonder why this is coming up again. There is a feeling of being sedated more than I need to be. However, some of this comes from my present weight rather than the medications. Exercising daily is starting to make a difference, even after only a handful of days. We just need to keep it as a priority item in my day. Also, eating better doesn't hurt. I'm sticking to an Atkins diet for the most part. I've had big salads for dinner two days in a row. It is all a matter of motivation. I'll do it if it is important to me. At the moment, it is important. We'll see how long it remains so. Generally, when I commit to something, I do what it takes to achieve it. However, as an Aries, I am great at starting things but not so great at carrying through and finishing them. That, I would leave to others who are more suited to fulfill such roles. It takes all kinds to make the world go round as the saying goes. I am more than happy to do my part. In fact, if I err, it is probably in taking on too much of what others should be doing. From my desk, I'm looking over to a credenza with two Beyond Imagination books on it. The first is published. The second has the wrong cover, but the inside is printed, proofed, and ready to go. The two books combined contain over 1100 pages, not one word of which existed prior to the beginning of 2002. Actually, except for introductions and conclusions, all of the words for both books were generate in a 16 month period starting 1 January 2002. Further, it is not like these were the only materials generated. Best Passages is just that, a selection of 1/4 to 1/3 of the material in the musings for 2002. When we tried this for 2003, we found it did not work nearly as well. The selection process didn't reduce the amount of material that we wanted to capture in a book, hence 2003 Musings - Vol I was born. At this point, we have no way of knowing what changes to this format or method of expression may come about in 2004. We probably won't know until we get there and are moved to do whatever we are moved to do. That is the standard directive that I heed: Do what you are moved to do when you are moved to do it. For me, it is spirit that does the moving. I need no higher authority than that. Even if I thought that I did, there could be none. How can I know that I am not fooling myself? If I am, this is the most elaborate play that I have ever seen. Actually, life is indeed that elaborate. However, I have an overall general 148

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believe in the benign and supportive nature of the universe. It is there to help us actualize and achieve our potential. It is not there to hinder and hassle us ... unless that is what we have chosen to experience for our own reality. In some respects, the universe doesn't really care what we choose to create, it supports our decisions anyway. However, the universe is an entity with a purpose and a consciousness of is own, and it needs us to cooperate if it is to achieve that purpose. We are the vehicles through which the universe, through which spirit acts in the world. Nothing has happened yet regarding the JACKPOT day as indicated at the top of the musing. Whether something will happen or not, all that I can do is wait and see. There is some reason that I was moved to notice this particular day. 529 23 = 9:23 to 9:25. On the way home yesterday I saw a license plate of the form 4HSK928 = 4812 928 = 2184 reversed, 9:The Hermit, 28:The Man with the World in His Hands. All that I could do was laugh. This was clearly a personal message for me. 2184 = 888(16) = the final four of my SSN. 9:23 to 9:25 is I:W to I:Y. The missing step in between is I:X = 9:The Hermit in Roman Numerals. Isn't that curious? W I Y verses W H Y seems important somehow. H = 8 = 2 x 2 x 2. I = 9 = 3 x 3. Hmm ... 222 versus 33:The Master Teacher. I'm close, but there is still something hidden that I am missing. Or, perhaps it is right there staring at me but I'm just not seeing it. That's usually a sign that I am trying too hard and need to back off and soften the focus a bit. What needs to be revealed through me and to me will indeed be revealed. However, I have to allow it to do so in its own timing. It has been an interesting day, and a busy one ... but, there has been nothing that constituted that JACKPOT experience. Though, I did speak with the person that bought the first copy of Best Passages and he is thoroughly enjoying it. He said it really makes it all the more interesting in that he knows me and has worked with me for a couple of years. That was wonderful feedback. We spoke a bit about how to get the word out. I need to do some kind of advertising to let people know who I am and that I have something to say. Further, they can access much of this for free at the Beyond Imagination site. The books just provide convenient alternate packages for the material. It is hard to read from a computer monitor when you are in bed just before you fall asleep. Books do have their utility, and they will for some time. I still laugh when I think about the license plate from yesterday. 9:The Hermit and 28:The Man with the World in His Hand. Is this a pronouncement of what I am or what I am about to become? Just noticed, the initials for Best Passages are BP = 216 = 6 x 6 x 6, one of the forms of 666 = The Beast. Though something says to rotate it 180 degrees = 9 x 9 x 9 = 729 = 27 .. 28 .. 29. There it is again. Generally, when the numbers speak to me in this way I can tell that my consciousness is soaring more than normal. There is a sense of flying, of not being grounded. Some might even consider it to be a bit crazy. But, I have found that the symbols that I am moved to notice have a meaning for me. It may not be a meaning that I can accurately convey to others, but there is a sense of understanding that I have when I encounter it. That is OK. This is the part of creating our own reality. Not all of this has to overlap or be consistent with the reality of others. Here, we are more free than most of us know. In fact, we might find it difficult to live our lives if we know how shaky our foundations really were. Creating the Foundations for a New World. At the bottom of every one of these musings it is clearly stated that this is what Beyond Imagination is here to do. However, so far these foundations have only been of words, of thoughts, of ideas, of ideals. Though the right words in the right minds at the right time are exactly what it takes to build the foundations necessary to change the world or in this case build a new world. It is not clear that evolution of the present world can get us to where we need to be. We are at a breakpoint, a radical discontinuity. I've been saying this for several years ... but it does not yet seem to have manifested in the world. Soon ... they say, sometime some. Hmm ... I wonder where that came from. And, who is "they"? You never know what is going to come forth in stream of consciousness 149

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expression. At the same time, there is a sense that every word is carefully chosen. I am reaching a point where I desire to build more than words. I desire to build organizations, and communities, and facilities that support these communities. But, I would not do this alone. Clearly, these are things that require collective effort and resources that are far beyond my present means. That is the operative word ... present. We have no way of knowing what the future holds and what manner of abundance spirit will apply in what ways to our endeavors. All that we can do is what we can do ... taking one step at a time in whatever direction spirit moves us. 22:The Fool Complete is my Heart's Desire ... such is how it operates. 22(16) = 34 is my Spiritual Heart's Desire. This is 22 + 12:The Hanged Man. It is also 22+34 = The 56:Balance/Justice card of the Minor Arcana. Not to forget 34 = 8 of Wands = spirit flying through the air. I haven't ever figured out what this card means. How do we introduce something new to the world? New things are created every day. Why should people be interested in what we have to offer here? Is that even something for me to worry about? It seems that the material should naturally attract the audience that it is intended to reach. Thus far, however, that does not appear to be how it works. Something is missing. Either I or others who are attracted to this expression need to be employed in promoting this material. This is not a matter of selling books, though that is a nice side effect that has the potential to fund some of our endeavors. What matters is introducing people to the Beyond Imagination site and the extensive expression contained therein. Then, we can start doing things to bring people together to work on projects to build the foundations for a new world. We need to define what these foundations need to be and we need to split into the appropriate groups to create them. There is so much to do that it is hard to know where to start. We need some type of a project clearinghouse to collect the best ideas and allow people to decide which projects they are most interested and qualified to support. We also need a services clearinghouse to allow people to find and trade services subject to the constraint to never take more than you give. This requires choosing to join a society that we are in the midst of creating. One of the guiding principles of this society is the principle of spiritual economy as expressed in: from each in accord with their abilities, to each in accord with their needs. The goal would be to reach a point where this guiding principle becomes a social contract among the members of the society. What would I do next? There is a sense that I need to do something public, that I need to do something to interact with people far more than I ever have. The Beyond Imagination works are something to be proud of. They are an accomplishment of a major order. They are creative products of a magnitude that most people don't achieve in a lifetime. And, here I've expressed them in a decade and published them in less than nine months. Further, if my sense of timing is correct I have another quarter of a century to complete my work. At the rate that I've been expressing in the past 19 months, it boggles the mind to think of what can be achieved in 25 years = 300 months. Will these expressions withstand the test of time? Either they will or they won't. All that I can do is do my best to bring them forth and let fate play out as it will. There is still a sense that my life needs to have world import somehow. I need to make a difference on a major scale. To settle for less would be as if I had not lived up to my potential somehow. Yes, I expect a lot from myself. But, I've shown that I can deliver a lot. And, the sense is that I've just seen the tip of the iceberg. That is an interesting analogy. The other than conscious parts of ourselves are as the parts of the iceberg under the water. For some, this part is much bigger than for others. Also, there are different sizes of icebergs corresponding to souls with different abilities and levels of awareness. How does a hermit come down from the mountaintop and reach out to the world? That is the million dollar question. I say that because it seems that when I have answered that question, the abundance issue will resolve itself as well. The two are intimately tied together. I need to break out of my shell, my comfort zone, and reach out and touch the world. It is time to be in the world in a manner that I have never really been in before. But, I know that. At some level, I am ready for the change. I may not know exactly what is in store, but overall I trust that the changes will be beneficial. I can be sure of this because I trust consciousness unconditionally. All of life involves the drama of spirit finding ways to more fully 150

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express in flesh over time. I am part of this evolving drama. We all are. But, deeper still ... we are parts of the same one consciousness experiencing the same drama. One of my friends asked about my plans with respect to my current job and my writing. Did I have a time frame in mind for evolving from my present job to earning my income from my writing? My answer was that I had no specific time frame in mind and that I was bad with time predictions in general ... but, I thought that within a year I should have a feel for the direction of things. I also said that if I could do it, I would transition now ... but the practical concerns of earning a living have to be considered. The whole area of plans is interesting. I have never been one to plan things. However, it seems that it is time to at least start considering to generate plans to do the things that need to be done. As an individual, I can live moment by moment, day by day. However, for collective work among teams of people we need plans around which to organize the work. I believe that I have an innate ability to think in a manner to generate these. I naturally think from the top down, and my systems engineering background comes in quite useful in this area. What do I have to offer the world? Is what is presented at this site the vision of a better way? Is it enough to be the bringer of a vision? Is that what my role ultimately is? Or, did I come to play a greater role and see that the vision was realized. I have a cup with the saying "VISION is the ability to SEE what other people only DREAM." Is that the difference? When one truly sees something, it is real. So long as it remains a dream, it stays in the clouds, in the ethers. I generated some business cards in 1995 for Beyond Imagination. I was moved to give myself three positions: Consultant, Teacher, and Visionary. I'll have to think about whether I would change these given what has transpired since then. It seems that Author is noticeably missing and perhaps Metaphysician and Master Builder ... though the later of these might be confused with a building contractor. However, building the foundations for a new world requires similar skills in a different domain.

24 July 2003 I neglected to read the Beyond Imagination quote of the day for yesterday. It is particularly appropriate.


unknown offers a tremendous challenge to use all of whom that I AM to explore and make more of the unknown known.

After all, this is what explorers do, they boldly go where no man or at least few men have gone before. I consider myself to be an explorer of consciousness. I expect to be involved in this grand endeavor in one way or another for the rest of my days. In fact, I consider this to be the most important job that I do. To date, it has been a volunteer job ... but my hope is that this will change so that this becomes my occupation as well as my love. That this will be so some day, I know for certain. The only question is one of timing. As usual, that is for consciousness to decide ... but it seems that I may have something to say in the matter via my actions. I speak with an authority that comes from something greater than I consciously know myself to be. Yet, the words flow forth anyway. They are not conditioned by this is my opinion or any such words ... they 151

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come forth directly as if they were statements of fact. I feel no need to prove that what I say is right. Judge what is expressed by its utility. Ultimately that is the only criteria that is of any value. Though, consider not only the utility to you, but to the collective whole as well. The time has come for us to get beyond our selfish considerations. That does not mean that we are not meant to take care of ourselves ... it just means that we should give consideration to helping others also. I, I, I ... I speak in the first person singular because that is what I experience most of the time. Sometimes this is extended to we, the first person plural. Only occasionally do I use other tenses. Perhaps that will change as the expression becomes more outgoing and as my experience changes. Finished putting together the auxiliary files for The Search for Center. All that I have to do is put them on a floppy, fill out the publishing contract, and mail it in. I may do that tomorrow. I don't really have any reason for waiting. This will make book seven for the year. Not bad considering we are not even through seven months yet. Now, the issue becomes how do I get the word out. I've already done what I can do at my site. I've set up the framework that announces what books are published and planned. I just need to keep it up to date as the books come out officially from the publisher. However, it seems that there are other things that I need to do to announce that Beyond Imagination exists and that the Beyond Imagination books have been published. Perhaps some of the new age and metaphysical magazines are a place to start. I haven't read any of these in years but they have sizeable readerships. Maybe I need to submit articles for consideration and include my URL for further information. Anything that draws people to Beyond Imagination is beneficial. I strongly feel that the expression there has the potential to be of benefit to everyone that is open to new age, spiritual, or metaphysical principles. Much of the material on the nature of reality creation and consciousness could help anyone ... as long as they have an open mind and are willing to try things to see for themselves if they work. When I think about my future, for the most part what I see is blank. It is as if I am not meant to know what is to be. It seems that it would make it too hard to do what I must do in the present if I had foresight. So instead, I walk as the 62 card with blinders on following the stream of consciousness to wherever it leads me, knowing that wherever that is will be the right place at the right time. I have absolute faith in life unfolding as it is meant to unfold. At the same time, I know that I have my part to play in making that happen. Spirit can only execute her will through us. It takes physical beings to manifest physical reality. Though that does not negate the incredible power of thoughtforms to control what gets manifested. I have a sense that I will play a major role in the establishment of one or more communities. In fact, I believe that my life will make a difference on a world scale. Yes, that is grandiose of me to think in such terms. But, it will either happen or it won't. And, it is probably much more likely to happen if I believe that it will and if I do the kinds of things necessary to make it happen. Reality is like that. It tends to conform to our beliefs of what will be. So, it is helpful if we believe in a reality that we truly want to experience. We don't have to lock down every detail. We probably couldn't even if we were to try. But, we need to get the general stuff right ... at least right for us. One step at a time. With each step new vistas open up. Until we take each step, we don't know what comes next. I've been doing this for so long that it is OK with me. However, there is a sense that it has been OK, but will not continue to be so much longer. It is time to expand my horizons a bit. To do that I need to take off the blindfolds and see further than I have ever seen. I need to see far enough ahead to be able to set overall priorities and plan my endeavors in line with those priorities. Further, these endeavors will involve others in ways far more closely than any I've engaged in to date. Cooperative interdependent endeavors are what the future calls for. That is how we build a better world. And, we do it one foundation at a time. Though, we may do many of these in parallel via different teams. I continue to come here nearly every day to express as consciousness would express through me. What moves me to do this? Why do I commit to expending this much time in this endeavor? I have no clue as 152

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to how many people read this ... or will ever read it for that matter. For all that I know, I may be the only one. Though I have had feedback that suggests at least one other is following my musings on a somewhat regular basis. The bottom line is that I express because there is a driving need within me to express in this way. I have to believe that there is a reason for it. From what I can tell, the material is good ... so there is a sense that it is indeed meant to be shared. With whom is another matter entirely. But, we can't get to the share with whom part until we capture the expression. Now, we are doing the capturing in two ways, as daily musings and as Beyond Imagination books. Both seem right. And, so long as this continues to be the case, we'll continue to do both. At this point in time Beyond Imagination is still primarily an organization of one plus ONE = ONE. That is how the math would work if you replaced ONE by infinity. It is curious that the publisher that I selected for the Beyond Imagination books just happens to be Infinity Publishing. There are no coincidences. I desire for Beyond Imagination to grow into a cooperatively interdependent entity ... and organization focused on building the foundations for a new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh. This could easily involve hundreds, though I see my primary interactions being with a much smaller core group, at least at first. I still see myself as the "wind beneath my wings" type of person. I am comfortable with a role in the background. I don't need to be on center stage. Then again, what about the Beyond Imagination web site? There, I am the first to acknowledge that it not me doing it, it is consciousness/spirit expressing through me. I am an old soul, perhaps even a transcendental one. Many things that are important to younger souls have no value for me. In some areas that makes me lazy. However, in other areas, especially the spiritual ... I am driven. It just depends. Patience, patience, patience ... allow things to unfold in all their ripeness. We don't want to pick the fruit from the tree too soon. Allow the sun to nourish it until it is ripe enough to harvest. What does that mean in the context of the seeds for the Beyond Imagination books that have been planted? The bottom line is that we've made the investment for the long term. This is the investment of a lifetime, and its return will be a new life ... and potentially a new world. The expression has the power to have that kind of an impact. Whether it does or not depends on what you do, and more importantly what you move others to cooperate with you to do. Perhaps it is time to read Dale Carnegie's book How to Win Friends and Influence People. It seems like that covers the kinds of things that I will be asked to do. Then again, I've always been able to count on consciousness to just know what was right for me to do. The right course of action is generally obvious. Perhaps not immediately, but definitely if I allow my consciousness to stew on it a bit. Those words were chosen carefully. Thinking about it is not the same as engaging ones consciousness. Though, if you don't already know the difference, I'm not sure that words can convey it.

25 July 2003 On 1 April 98, I was flying pretty high. I just took a quick peek at the Wayne's World page and noticed that the counter was at 13001. That we have crossed 13000 is significant somehow. Though, that does not mean that we have had that many different visitors. Many are repeat customers. Depending on the time interval, repeat hits may or may not trigger increments to the count. While that was noteworthy, especially since 13:Death corresponds to major transformation ... I found it more interest to see the list of titles near the bottom of the page that identified what I do. Metaphysician, Consultant, Teacher, Visionary, World Transformer, Wayshower, Spirit Enfleshed, Explorer, Systems Engineer, Master Builder, Writer, Spiritual Warrior, Creator.


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That is quite some list! Though looking at it today, I would agree that every item on the list still applies ... and further, I will have contributed something significant in that are during my life if I haven't done so already. Interesting, I just counted. There happen to be exactly 13 things on the list. That's twice 13 has come up in significant ways in less than ten minutes. I did it. The Search for Center is in the mail to the publisher. That should allow it to be published by the end of October. That only leaves one book remaining to meet our objective of eight for 2003. And, each day we add to the material for that book, so it is almost certain that we can it done in time to be published in early December. That will require getting a running start and generating the book as the musing are completed. But, that is OK. I can do that. The larger question is what do we do once the books are published? By Christmas, I will be an author with eight published nonfiction books, many of substantial size. What does that buy me? How does that change my value to the world? It demonstrates that I can set some goals and work to achieve them. It demonstrates that I can write. It demonstrates that I have a different relationship with consciousness and with spirit than most have. But, how do these translate into things that are of worth in the world? What do they enable me to do that others cannot do? How can I use my gifts to have the greatest positive impact on the world? To date, I have believed that to be by bringing forth the vision and building the foundations for a new world. I do that by serving spirit to the degree that I can. My primary means of doing that is in this very expression. Here, I allow consciousness to express through me as she will. We have been doing this for over a decade now, and doing it a lot for over half of that time period. There was about a four year slump in the middle where the expression was far less than "normal". Though, we've made up for that in spades in the past 19 months. It is not clear how long this trend will continue, but it is enjoyable to be expressing in this manner. It is a source of joy, happiness, and even accomplishment. Each day there is a product to show for the fact that we existed ... a product that captures a stream of consciousness, a product that can be re-experienced and shared with others. There is something magical in this ... to know that each day we have done something of utility, even if we do not know for whom it will be useful. That is part of what I mean by making each and every day count. We need to live our lives in a manner that we make a difference now. We can't necessarily count on being able to do this at some time in the future. We never really know how many days we have. We need to live with a no regrets attitude. That doesn't mean that we need to have everything or try everything. It means that we need to do the things that are important to do. We know what these are for us. They are not necessarily the same from one person to the next. That is OK. It is for us to figure out what is right for us and do that. I'm still stuck on the idea of how do I reach out and inform people that Beyond Imagination exists? On the way home today, I thought about creating a bumper sticker:

BEYOND IMAGINATION Creating the Foundations for a New World I don't know if you can get three lines on one of those things. The URL needs to be big enough that people can read it. And, we need the middle line to give people some idea of what Beyond Imagination is all about. If you saw that on a car, would it make you curious as to what it was all about? ... curious enough to visit the website? ... curious enough to engage in a conversation with the owner of the car? Another potential avenue for promoting is the metaphysical /spiritual/new age magazines. I checked out Body, Mind, & Soul in the grocery store today. It definitely was not a viable candidate ... it just didn't feel right to me at all. It seemed to be targeted primarily towards women. There is a metaphysical bookstore 154

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in town. I could talk to them and find out how they select books for their shelves. As a local metaphysical author, maybe we could arrange for an appearance, or even a series of appearances. I am open to whatever it takes to get the word out to the people who this expression is meant to reach. I need to open my mind to new opportunities and whole new possibilities for expression. While what we have been doing for the past decade and especially for the past 19 months has worked great, there is so much more that can be done. There are ways to be more effective with our time and our energy ... far more effective. This is especially true collectively, where we have only begun to explore what cooperative endeavors can achieve.

26 July 2003 July is rapidly winding down to a close. There are only five days remaining. I've decided to do what I can to pull together the 2003 Musings - Vol II book early. Effectively, as of 31 July, three-fourths of the material for the book will be done. I should be able to get a good idea of what the book will consist of at that time and I can even start selecting the Best Quotes for section 2. The more that I can do prior to the end of August, the sooner I'll be able to get the book to the publisher. That would allow me to meet my objective of publishing eight books in 2003. I'd like to make it to at least a dozen by the end of 2004. That's only four more books. But, it is four new books. Why am I so driven to do all of this? For some reason it seems right at this time. It is as if the very forces of the universe are pushing me in this direction. Also, it seems that I have no real choice. This is something that I must do. It is as if it is already done and I am simply enacting out a part ... a role that I came to play. That is OK. I am enjoying what I am doing. Expressing in this manner is very liberating. There is something about stream of consciousness expression that is special. There is a partnership, a special relationship with spirit that allows it to come forth. I feel privileged to be chosen to express in this way. It seems that very few are. But then, that is part of being a wayshower. The intent is to show others that they too can do as I do if they so choose. Then again, I can see how some might consider me to be a bit out of my mind. You have to be a bit crazy to live a spiritual life and to allow consciousness to express in your life as she will. But, there is nothing wrong in being a bit crazy ... we just need to keep it from going too far. The dreamers among us have always been consider to be crazy. But, how many times have their dreams eventually become a reality? Spiritual expression is important to me ... extremely important. For over a decade we have demonstrated that. You can see the evidence of that at the Beyond Imagination site and in the many published books that we will have by the end of the year. What more could be asked? I have done as I was moved to do. I have expressed whatever the stream of consciousness would bring forth. What I have not done is engage others ... at least not very often or in any great numbers. Here seems to be where the next challenge lies. For me, it is a major challenge to overcome. It is something that goes against the nature that I have been moved to express thus far in my life. Yet, I know that I am here to help to build communities, the likes of which have never existed on the planet before. I can't do that unless I engage with people somehow. There is only so much that I can write about. At some point, you simply must live it to demonstrate it. Nonverbal aspects of communication still far outweigh the verbal. Communities are groups of individuals who care enough about each other to be concerned with and stay involved in each others lives. They are supportive and helpful to one another. They may or may not have a common set of core interests. At some point I would like to see them enter into a social contract with one another and potentially with other communities as well. We've stated this contract many times before. It is between the individual and the society.


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From each in accord with their abilities, to each in accord with their needs. We expect a lot from individuals. In return, we expect society to provide the means for meeting the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs of everyone. That is a lot to ask both ways. But, it is the only contract that truly serves us and allows us to operate at peak levels. When we get the most from each individual, society benefits greatly. And, we get the most when we are using the god given talents of each individual. That is why such talents exist. This requires thinking differently about how we employ people. It requires spending more time and energy to evaluate, categorize, and train people so that we can place them in the right positions for their talents. We cannot necessarily expect people to figure this out on their own. It may or may not happen that way. Also, the present work environment tailors individuals to jobs rather than jobs to individuals for the most part. This needs to change, and it will change. It will do so because the benefits are real and will be realized. Though, it is not clear that those at the top of the present economic hierarchy will openly and willingly accept many of the changes that are necessary. Free enterprise has given us a level of economic success that is unrivaled in the world. As a result, we have a waiting list of people for all over the world seeking citizenship in our country. We are truly a melting pot ... with people from nearly all nationalities and cultures in the world. Just looking at the choices of restaurants in any major metropolitan area confirms this. Yet, it is not clear how much blending of cultures has actually occurred. In many areas different cultures occupy different parts of the city. Ethnicity is retained to a large degree. In some respects this is good. There is a heritage there that deserves to be carried on and not lost. However, the complexity of the world is much greater than it was in times past so the ways of the past need to be augmented by new ways if they are to work in the present. These new ways are far more inclusive and tolerant of others. No, not everyone subscribes to these ways, but they will. To live in the new world that we are creating leaves no options in this area. You either play by these rules or you find another playground. Well, I got three new age magazines from the bookstore. The prices for ads in the classified section are reasonable. The larger ads seem somewhat pricey at this point, but it's hard to know until you see what kind of results they bring in. I don't know what the readership is for the magazines but two of them seem to be very professionally done. BEYOND IMAGINATION Creating the Foundations for a New World. Thousands of pages of metaphysical expression since 1993. Addresses reality creation, nature of consciousness, expressing spirit in flesh, awakening, awareness. [] One of the magazines allows 30 words for its basic price. This text comes to 33 words. Another magazine charges by the word so I think I drop the second and third sentences and go with the basic 13 words. It is interesting that the two ad sizes would correspond to the Master Teacher and to Death. Hmm ... it seems appropriate somehow. It is interesting ... the cost to run 4 months of the shorter add is over twice that of the cost to run 3 months of the longer one. Something doesn't seem right about that. It looks like I need to make a decision by mid-August to make it into the October issues. The two magazines that I'm considering are Sedona Journal and Magical Blend respectively. I'm pretty certain about going with the first. Magical Blend says they have a circulation of over 100,000 and a readership of over 200,000. I don't know how many of these would check the classified ads pages and follow up and go to the Beyond Imagination site based on 13 words = 9 words plus a 4 word URL. I'm used to doing things quickly. It seems the publishing world doesn't work like that. Everything takes weeks to months to do. I turn things around in a day, or a few days, and then I wait for the publisher to take the next step. It would help if there were a place to go for status. For instance, right now we have 156

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six projects in work varying from nearly ready for final proofing to newly submitted to the publisher. All that I can do is wait for what the publisher sends to me and do my best to accomplish my tasks and get the works back to the publisher as quickly as I can. Since I'm doing a thorough proofing prior to submittal to begin with, I have made it easy to do the final proofing.

27 July 2003 We'll have to keep it short this evening. I'm getting a very late start. That's OK. That happens sometime. I just finished watching the movie About Schmidt. It was outstanding. Jack Nicholson really played a remarkable role. And, the movie had an overall spiritual theme. It dealt with asking the question about what value our life has had? What impact have we had on others and our world? When we are dead and gone, what evidence will remain that we have lived? These are important questions. We have asked them many times ... but they have been especially important of late. Making a difference in the world matters. We need to leave the world a better place than we found it by virtue of our presence. This we can always do. It is a matter of having the resolve to do what it takes to do it. What makes me so different than others? How do I even know that I am different? For one thing, where I choose to focus my energy and my free time is different. Very few are engaged in the expression of a stream of consciousness in this fashion. That doesn't in and of itself mean that it is good ... only that it is rare. Though, from all that I can tell it is indeed good as well. But, I'm biased when it comes to this expression. There is nothing wrong with being biased. We all have our preferences. We just need to be careful about what the biases are based on. I'm still trying to think of ways to inform people that the Beyond Imagination site exists. I've decided to go forward with the classified ads in the two new age magazines. I also thought about a bumper sticker and a tee shirt. I don't know what these might cost ... but I'm sure one of the silkscreening places must be able to do something like that. Stationary might work as well, but I don't correspond very much with others ... so the utility would be minimal. Where do people go to try to find such material as I have at the Beyond Imagination site? Is it even reasonable to expect that such a site would exist? Perhaps that is part of the problem. I have been moved to freely share and to freely give ... but who is in a position to receive what I have been able to express? It seems that consciousness is doing the expressing ... she should know for whom it is for. Clearly it is for me, but it seems that it should be for others as well. I would hope many others, but that may or may not be. Whatever the numbers, they will be what they are meant to be. We cannot force the expression on people who are not ready to receive it. A degree of awareness is a prerequisite for understanding much that is expressed here. With the proper awareness, the expression is obvious. Without it, the expression is laborious and confusing. Part of this comes from a heavy reliance on intuition. That is one of the signatures of spiritual expression, it is intuition-based. Reason is utilized and has its place, but it is not a primary means for revealing truth. What would we do next? There is no time to sit back on our laurels. Ever onward we must move along the path, one step at a time, doing each day what can be done that day, and not leaving until the morrow what can be done today. That is a lot to ask. But it is something I ask of myself not something that is externally imposed on me. Throughout my life that has been the case, it is my internal goals that I have been driven to meet not anything that came from the outside. Though, that is probably standard operating procedure for introverts. However, I only know my own experience ... I am not qualified to speak for how others experience things. Though it seems that may be one area that I need to start pursuing. There is only so much that I can do on my own. I need interaction with kindred spirits. At least, I crave such interaction. How soon I will get it, I really don't know. I've desired feedback and interaction with kindred 157

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spirits since the Beyond Imagination site was created nearly 8 years ago. However, I've received far less of this than I had expected. I'm not sure exactly why. Part of the problem was lack of advertising. I assumed if I built the site ... spirit would ensure that people would come. We're up to 13,000 hits at the Wayne's World page so we are getting some hits ... approximately 2000 per year to that page. That is significant but not really substantial and definitely not outstanding. After 8 years, for a site the posts new material nearly daily, we should see far more than an average of 6 hits per day.

28 July 2003 The Early Works made it as the second book out of the chute after all. I finished a quick look and faxed in my approval. They even numbered the Table of Contents sections for me. That makes two. The third should be done this week. I've already proofed the inside. I just need to see the cover art. I know they were working on it last week. The 28: Man with the World in His Hand day is appropriate for this. I've said before that of all the Beyond Imagination books ... this is the one that has the most promise. It is the earliest in terms of material expressed that has been published to date. The only earlier material is in Beyond Mind which isn't likely to come out until 2004. The Early Works captures the essence of what Beyond Imagination is all about. It does this both from a personal and a collective reality perspective. The cover art employs the pyramid graphic with the light source at the top that was designed for Beyond Imagination around 1995. We submit the works into the beginning of the publishing process and roughly two months later a proof copy comes out, final corrections are identified and made, and about three weeks later the book comes out available for purchase. It will be mid to late August by the time The Early Works is officially published. 2003 Musings - Vol I follows shortly thereafter. Then we have a trio, all submitted within a day of one another. Best of Notes - Book 1 and 2, and Quotes. Finally, we have The Search for Center submitted just last week. That accounts for the works submitted to date. In early September, we need to submit 2003 Musings -Vol II. That will complete our agenda for the year. Though, that still leaves four months in which to continue expressing and generating works. We just can't publish anything in 2003 generated after mid-September. So, it seems that author is definitely one of my titles now ... even if my works are self-published. Yes, anyone can do this, anyone that can write anyway. But, the fact is that not many do. Or, there are far more books published than ever before and with the technology that is available, these numbers are growing. But, how do we find the good books amidst the average and the below average ones? How do we get our works reviewed so that they have a chance of reaching a readership? It seems that I can't count on the universe to do everything here. Some things we have to do for ourselves. How much do I believe in what has been and will be expressed through me? No tests. But, there must be a degree of commitment. What are you willing to do to see your works succeed? In a real way ... the question is what are you willing to do to see you succeed, for your works are you. The immediate answer was everything and anything. Yet, there are still things that take me out of my comfort zone that I am reluctant to do. One of the books on promoting books suggested making three new contacts a day. That would be 1000 contacts in a year. I don't think I've met that many people in my lifetime and I'm already 45 years old. Though, that doesn't mean that I can't start. 3 per week might be a more reasonable target for me. Though, 150 contacts per year does not generate much in terms of book sales. Hmm ... clearly what has worked in the past will not work in the future. As a hermit, I cannot generate sufficient contacts to find the people who are meant to be reading the Beyond Imagination books. More drastic change is called for here. It is time to come out of my shell and interact with others. Further, the sense is that this needs to be 158

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a two-way interaction ... an exchange of what they can offer me for what I can offer them. I need to see value in the interaction for me, not just as a means for disseminating information ... but for receiving services as well. It all comes down to service. We give what we can, we take what we need, and we never take more than we give. When we do this there is abundance, and everyone wins. Who ensures that people live up to this principle? It is a spiritual principle. If we fail to abide by it the results will be obvious in our lives. Yet, how do we measure how much people are giving versus what they are taking? We've allowed the economic system to do this in past, but it is far from spiritually based. Greed is rampant. And, the system is set up so the bulk of the wealth is concentrated in a very few while many near the bottom suffer from poverty conditions. No, this is not fair. Further, it is not right. But, it is what is. And, it is what will continue to be until we find a way to right it. We've spoken of a social contract many times before: from each in accord with their abilities, to each in accord with their needs. This is very much an economic contract. It determines how the individual will be employed to serve society and in return what compensation the individual can expect to receive. Saw an interesting license plate on the way to Redondo Beach this evening: 4PNF888 = 4 7:56 888. I am 7:56. These are the two drivers of my triangle Tarot readings from 1995. 888(16) = 2184. I interpreted this to be the state that I have achieved. Further, 2184 came up at least a dozen times in various ways during the trip. It even came up twice on the same license plate: 4HJL218. That is extremely rare. Clearly the universe is telling me something. And, it is telling me over and over in many ways. It seems this is something that I need to get. I have an overall positive sense that I have achieved something ... that I have graduated. Now, I am ready to go out into the world and do the work that I am meant to do. The past ten years were necessary. They were my practice sessions. They were my training program. Spirit herself was my instructor for all of that time. But now, it seems that the time for school is behind us ... though our mission may involve teaching others. There is a strong sense that a major shift is coming. I sense that shift to be in my employment, my means of earning a living ... though it is not clear how a rapid shift could happen in this area. The wheels of change are in motion and they may eventually reach this end, but it could take awhile. In the interim, I will continue to work two jobs ... one of this world and one of spirit, giving to each its proper due. Though, that can be difficult when my consciousness is soaring. Lately, it has been soaring a lot. There is something about publishing the Beyond Imagination books that has kept me on a high for several months. This is by far the accomplishment of my life to date. Bringing forth the material was not enough. It took the act of putting the material into books to truly give birth to it. I found a list of people and organizations that I sent Beyond Imagination material to back in 1998. I think I'll generate a short letter pointing them to the Beyond Imagination web site and asking them to spread the word to inform people of the material that is freely available there. At this point, it seems that the more people we can get to the site, the more people we can help. Also, the more people we get to the site, the more people we will find that want to enlist in cooperatively interdependent endeavors required to create the foundations for a new world. One side effect is that visitors might also want books, which in turn could be a source of funds for Beyond Imagination endeavors. This is my life. This is what I do with my free time, the time that really matters in my life. It remains important to capture this stream of consciousness. So long as this is true, I will continue to do it. I have no way of knowing whether this will be for another hour, another day, another week, another month, another year, another decade, or the rest of my life. It will remain true as long as is necessary. However, what matters is what I am moved to do in the moment. If I stay true to that, the future will take care of itself. We can only make a difference in the moment, HERE and NOW. That is the only place and time that ever exists for us. 159

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29 July 2003 The month continues to wind down. I took a first cut at putting together the first three months of material for 2003 Musings - Vol II. It seems that I was nearly as prolific as I was in the first four months. The material came to around 340 pages. Continuing at that pace for another month would bring us in at 460 or so with another 100 for the selection of Best Quotes. That makes the work comparable in size to Vol I. For this period we have 26+27+26 = 79 musings out of 31+30+29 = 90 days to date. So, we've missed 11 days in three months. We only missed 9 days in the entire four month period for Vol I. That is OK. We're still expressing almost every day. At this point, that is what counts. What needs to be expressed is being expressed. I couldn't ask to be any more productive than I've been. The one thing that I would ask is to make this my occupation ... to make this what I do for my living. But, I want to do it in a manner that doesn't reduce my current standard of living. I have demonstrated what I can do and I have done it. It seems only fair to be compensated equitably for it. That requires assessing the value of what I have done. What is it worth to whom? Much of the material is such as to not necessarily apply to any particular individual ... rather it applies to the collective, to society as a whole. Who determines what is of value to society and of how much value? And, who pays the bills for the services rendered to society? That's the point, when the service is freely rendered, there is no bill. Either our services are free or they are hired ... we can't have it both ways. There is some benefit to each. In the first, we are free to do as we please. It is up to us how we provide the service, and we are always free to walk and go elsewhere if we don't like the conditions. However, if we are hired it is for us to do what others decide for us to do, often in the manner that they decide as well. That can be very limiting. It is difficult to fully engage the spirit in such a manner. Could I do this day in and day out on a full time basis? I believe the answer is yes, definitely. Although, it would probably take some getting used to. Right now, I rarely express for more than four hours on a given day. To extend this to eight and perhaps as much as ten hours would be a major jump. Who would consume that much expression? Actually, that is not my concern. What matters is to express what can be expressed ... in particular, what I am moved to express. I trust that what can be expressed through me is being expressed. I serve as a willing vessel for source, the stream of consciousness that flows forth through me. As it was in the beginning, so it will be unto the end. The process hasn't really changed in nearly a decade. One the fountain was opened the stream was on, ever ready to be tapped whenever I was moved to do so. Since then, it has been a matter of tapping that stream. For the past 19 months, this has occurred nearly daily. We've only missed 20 days out of 200 this year. However, as they say "past performance is no guarantee of future performance". But, there is a sense that we are committed to continue at this pace at least through the end of the year. For 2004, all bets are off. We will have to see how we are moved to express. What do I want out of life? To be all that I can be and to carry out my mission. What is missing from my present life? Relationships. No doubt about it, that is the weakest area of my life. I don't get out and meet many people ... and even those I meet, I don't get out and interact with often with the exception of perhaps a handful. I'm still very much a loner. At least, I live my life in that manner. It seems that it is time for that to change. But, there is nothing magical that causes one to be more outgoing. Thus far, the recognized need to be more outgoing is not enough of a driver to make me do things differently. We're fighting against a basic trait of my personality here. This is one of the major I AM statements that defines me. At the same time, the change is inevitable. It is essential to allow me to carry out my mission, so indeed it will happen ... and it will happen soon. That doesn't mean that I'll ever be an extrovert. For me, it is enough that I move from my extreme introversion toward the middle of the scale. Not that there is anything wrong with being extroverted. That is just not my cup of tea.


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Where is my life taking me this year? That is a very interesting question. Obviously, it has been on a major publishing journey. It seems that this needs to be followed by promotion and outreach. Perhaps that is the theme for next year. That would require an outward focus. That would provide the opportunity for developing more extroverted ways. By that time, I would have a suite of eight Beyond Imagination books in my portfolio. Between that and the Beyond Imagination site, it seems that I have done my part to make the works available. The only question is how involved do I need to be in marketing and promoting. I would prefer to leave that to others who like doing those kinds of things. Yet, at the same time, I know that I am closest to the material and in the best position to advocate it. We have five months left this year. My sense is that they will be a transformational five months ... but that they will not ultimately get me to where I want to be. There is a longer time lag than this for manifesting that. That is not to say it won't happen, it is just that the time required is longer. How much longer? I've always been bad at guessing the timing especially when there is some attachment to the outcome. The bottom line is: be patient. It will take as long as it takes, and nothing can rush it to make it happen one moment sooner. We had a touching memorial service today for Abel Rojero, a young fellow worker who died in a fatal motorcycle crash on Saturday. He was born in 1979, so he was only 23 or 24. He was outgoing, a true leader, and had many close friends. Why he was struck down in the prime of his youth is a puzzle. He had everything to live for. He had already demonstrated that he could make a major difference in the lives of others. Ultimately, that is what counts in the end. What lives did you touch and how did you touch them? Perhaps that is why his star shined so brightly so early ... because he wasn't going to be around as long as others. Then, who knows why we create the reality that we do? At some level our choices make sense ... at least to us. My own life hasn't touched even a small fraction of the number of people that Abel's did. At least not personally. I cannot know what impact the Beyond Imagination expression is having on the thousands who have been exposed to various portions of it over the years. I would hope that this impact has been positive. And, for some anyway, I would hope that it would have been life-altering. I do believe that it has the potential to have such an impact. A few people have written to specifically thank me for this ... so, I know some people are being moved deeply. I am still surprised by how few people write. It is significantly less than one tenth of one percent of the number of hits to the site. I don't know why the figure is so low. That is just how it has been to date. I would hope that we are entering a phase where this is going to change. I invite and encourage feedback and communication. I have ever since the expression began. However, that is not enough to get it. I can understand that. In over 30 years of metaphysical reading and study, I think that I have written less than a handful of letters to authors. Though, I don't remember the authors of most of the books that I read actively inviting feedback and making it easy to contact them. Contact with others is going to become an increasingly important part of my days and weeks. I don't know exactly how this will manifest yet. It could be via e-mail, regular mail, and in person. I'd prefer that it not be via telephone. That is one modern convenience that I have very little use for. Though, I know, there are many people out there who are verbal and communicate best by talking. For me, it has to be in writing or it just goes in one ear and out the other. At least that is how it has been to date. And, I'm not very good at taking notes of verbal proceedings. I used to be much better at this, but I lost it somehow.

30 July 2003 Another day. Another blank page to fill with whatever consciousness would bring forth. One more day takes us to the end of the seventh month. That leaves 31 more days to muse in this second period of 161

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2003. Who knows what wonders will come forth in that amount of time? We're talking on the order of 120 book pages. Perhaps more if spirit really moves me. I never really know how much I am going to express on a given day until I get into it and see it happen. It always comes as somewhat of a surprise. Yesterday, one of my coworkers asked how I know that I am not repeating myself? The bottom line is that my memory is so poor that I have no way of knowing. I can't remember back one sentence, much less one paragraph, or one page, or one day, one week, one month, or one year. I know what I have done by reading it. While there is some overlap and recurrence of themes, much of the material is fresh and new ... or at least expressed in a new way. The is an intelligence that is involved in creating and expressing all of this that knows what has been expressed and ensures that only what needs to be replicated is replicated. I trust this part of me even though I am only aware of the works that it does through me. The works have been sufficient to date to warrant my trust. Perhaps as an outside observer looking into my world you perceive things differently. Is the expression repetitive? Is it boring? Am I overly full of myself? Are there other criticisms you would make? What kinds of things would make the expression better? Are there things that work particularly well? Feedback can be positive as well as negative. Some day I'm going to stare at the blank page and simply have nothing to say. Some day, but not today ... and not likely tomorrow either. Yet how is this some day ever to come if we have no place for it in the present? But we do have a place. We have put the concept at the back of our mind. We have created a possibility and perhaps even a probability of an event to come. When is still not known. But, if is certain ... at least as certain as it can be at this point in my life. Right now, I am still a voice or scribe for spirit. She speaks and expresses through me as she will. And, I am glad to serve her and serve others in this fashion. I believe this is the greatest service that I can provide to the world at this point in my life. Will that ever change? Perhaps, with time. But, I can't count on that. I need to make the best of where I find myself. Right now, this is it. This expression is the greatest thing that I do with my life. It would help if I knew that it were reaching far more people. But, I am somewhat content to know that everything happens in its proper timing. I will reach who I need to reach when I need to reach them. Spirit is orchestrating the show here. All that I can do is play my role to the best of my abilities. That is all that is asked of anyone. I almost said demanded but spirit doesn't make such demands. These she leaves for us to impose all by ourselves. And, what a mess we seem to make of it. Each day of expression is an act of creation. We bring forth something that has never existed before. We make what we unknown known, what was unmanifest manifest ... even if it is only in words. Only words. But, the right words in the right minds at the right times stir people to take action that changes the world as we know it. Such is the power of words. It is out of words that deeds are born. And, it is out of deeds that the world is transformed. It is that simple. It is through thoughts, through beliefs, that we create the reality we experience. It has always been thus. Though even after over 30 years (since the Seth books came out) we still have people in the dark in this area. Oh, many are more in the light than ever. But, this still seems to be a small fraction of the population. I sit here and watch all of this coming forth. Yes, it involves me as an active participant. But, still the observer remains the primary characteristic of my awareness. When there are breaks in the transmission, my conscious mind has no clue as to where to go to find the channel again. It relies on subconscious processes to re-engage and find the stream again. It is interesting that it would work like that. In some respects, it seems that the communication that is coming through is already finished. It is just the limitations of flesh that force things to come through in such a limited linear fashion. Then again, perhaps that is because I am kinesthetic verbal by nature. I need to write things and the process of writing is so linear ... letter by letter, word by word, thought by thought. What does it really mean that all of this might be already finished prior to coming forth? Who is generating it? I would guess consciousness herself. It comes from source, inside of me, but not part of me. At the same time, this source is not separate from whom that I AM. How can something be not part yet not separate at the same time? This seems to be a 162

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contradiction. However, there is nothing that says reality can't have its share of apparent contradictions. Consistency is not a requirement for living a spiritual life. In fact, if anything it can be somewhat of a hindrance. 30/7/03 is an interesting form for a dd/m/yy. It is 703 from the middle to either side. This plus one = 704 = G0D. That definitely makes it a special day. It will be interesting to see what comes up today. Already, this musing is different than most. Noticeably absent is any mention of publishing. It seemed time to give that particular topic a rest. Though, that was not something that I decided to do consciously. It just happened like that. Hmm ... the equation this plus one = 704 is satisfied by 704 - 655 = 59:The Aquarian Age. The final four of my phone number at work are 1359 = 13:Death of 59:Aquarian Age. It is curious how the numbers immediately around me have significance like that. Further, it is significance that is unveiled over time ... sometimes over many years. Often the first meaning is not the most important one. Just noticed that splitting the difference between 31 on the left and 59 on the right yield 45, my present age. This 31 to 59 span covers 28:The Man with the World in His Hand years. And, I am exactly in the middle of that. Colors of the Wind plays on the radio as I write this. It is one of my all time favorite songs. "And we are all connected to each other in a circle, in a hoop that never ends." This is one of the most spiritual songs that there is ... and it is a popular song, and a very popular one at that. It is amazing how many songs have spiritual messages to convey. Actually, it is not so amazing. We are living in what are soon to be some highly spiritual times. Of course the creative energies being expressed at this time would be colored by this spiritual nature. Im not as certain about how this is reflected in movie and on television. My exposure to these media is far more limited. As to magazines and news media, my exposure is almost non-existent, so I don't know what is expressed there. Once again I sit here alone with consciousness as my only witness and companion. Perhaps I am not so alone after all. At least I have consciousness by my side coming forth as she will. It is not clear what I would do if I were completely on my own. The sense is that there would be a whole lot more boredom in my life. Now, consciousness keeps me busy for the most part. This expression occupies a good part of my days. Though I don't seem to be able to get to it anywhere near enough on my days off. If anything, the volume of material is less on weekends than it is during the week. Part of that is do to other obligations eating into my time. However, much of it is a lack of desire. I'm simply not moved to express as much during those times. Perhaps if I knew that I were reaching more people this would change. If I knew that people were waiting to read whatever I had to express ... I would be far more likely to express as much as was humanly possible for me to bring forth and still retain my sanity and my health. Some day this may be the case. Some day I may have a regular audience for this expression. Perhaps I already do but simply am not aware of it. It all comes down to making a difference. How do we know that we have truly made a difference with our lives ... and in particular, made the difference that we were meant to make? Any difference is not enough, we must make the right difference for us to make in our world and in those whose lives we touch. I had the opportunity to step out of my shell and meet some folks today. However, I chose to retain my old stealthy ways and operate alone. Why? Yes, I understand that old habits die hard. But, in this case I know the habits are limiting me and my experience. To correct this, I need to free myself from these habits. That doesn't mean that I can't choose to exercise them when I want to at times. However, it means that "at times" does not equal all the time. The answer to why is fear. What do I fear? Rejection for one, that what I have done is not good enough somehow. Yet, I know that it is the best that I could do under the circumstances and I know that such is all that spirit ever asks of any of us. I'm still reluctant to push my views out unto the world. I have no problem expressing them at the Beyond Imagination site. But, that is not the same as telling people about them either one on one or in a group setting. I feel free to post everything that I am moved to express. I have no need to filter or suppress any of it. It has been that way 163

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since the expression began coming forth in 1993. I knew that it was right somehow and that it was meant to be shared. Do what you do best and allow others to fill in and do what they do best. Hmm ... it seems that this is where we are at right now. There are some things that I don't do well, and may never do well. In these areas, it might help to seek the services of others. Though we may have to be creative about how we exchange services ... at least in the beginning. I'm on a fairly tight budget with almost no cushion of reserves. But, that is how I live my life, one day at a time. What I do have is an extensive body of work at a web site and a stable of books available or soon to be for sale. That is worth something. It literally took nearly eight thousand hours and a few thousand dollars to create. That is a major commitment. That is the equivalent of four years of full time work. So, it seems that what I've learned from this is that either I need to adapt and learn to do new things ... or, I need to enlist the aid of others to do things that need to be done that I don't particularly want to do. The expression continues to run its course. And, I am happy to allow it to do so. I get great pleasure from expressing in this way. Here, the stream of consciousness flows forth as it will. In many ways, I am not in control of what gets expressed. Yes, it comes into my mind and is expressed through my fingers. But, in a very real way it is not mine. It does not belong to me. It comes through me, but is not of me. Yet, there is no other author for these words. There is no other entity to whom to attribute the words. It is Wayne that translates the energy that flows from source into these words. So, by all rights, he is the author. I sense that many authors work in a similar manner. When they are in the zone and the material is flowing, there is just the observation of the creative process at work. I've heard that many authors go through multiple drafts, writing and re-writing their material over and over. That is not my way. It comes forth once. It gets selected and formatted into a book. It gets thoroughly proofed. And, it goes to the publisher. I don't have time to waste perfecting what came forth before. Good enough is good enough. There is always the next monition of consciousness to capture. Ever onward we go ... the stream of consciousness stops for no one.

31 July 2003 The final day of another month. That's seven months down for the year. That makes musing 81 in 92 days. I'm still amazed at the regularity of the expression especially since many of the missed days occur when I am on trips out of town and do not have ready access to a computer. Combining this with the 111 musings in 120 days from the first four months of the year, we have 192 musings in 212 days. We are easily on track to top 300 musings for a second year in a row and could hit as many as 330. Then again, that assumes that I will continue to express in the manner that I have been expressing since the beginning of 2002. At this point in time, I have no reason to expect anything else. But that leaves roughly 500 hours to express. Do I really have that much left to say? It seems that so long as I am willing to serve as a vessel of consciousness, I will always have plenty to say ... for it is not me saying it, it is consciousness herself. And, consciousness seems to know no such limitations. Though a Simon and Garfunkle song comes to mind, The Sounds of Silence. I, of my own am a very private and silent person. The one major exception to this is here in this expression. And, of course, this would be a big exception. It forces me to confront my nature head on. Or does it? The internet provides a means of expressing with a degree of anonymity. Not that I am trying to hide. My address and e-mail address appear on many pages in this expression. And I invite contact and feedback. I still don't get much of it, but I invite it nonetheless. Then again, perhaps I am sending somewhat of a mixed message. I desire contact, but I also love my solitude. I would create a society but I am afraid to be among people except in precise ways that I control. Something has to give. What I say that I want to create is not congruent with the manner in which I am expressing. I am saying the right words. And, in many cases even doing the right things. 164

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However, there is still something missing. I am acting from the perspective of the hermit that I AM. So long as I continue to do this, my reality will be limited to what that perspective allows. If I do it right, that can be a lot. But, a lot is not good enough for me. I know that there is more that I can do, that there is more that I can be. I would be judged by a higher tribunal than man's as Channing says. We continue to engage in this endless expression of consciousness. We do it because we can and because we must. We do it because this is what we are moved to do by the spirit within us. We don't question why. We do as we are moved to do, when we are moved to do it. But, can this not be said to be true for everyone? Is a murderer or a rapist acting in this manner? Clearly their actions aren't motivated by spirit. But at some level are they not following the dictates of their passions? That is an interesting way of looking at it. But perhaps that offers hope as to where to start to address some of the problems with criminal behavior. We need to treat it from the standpoint of what drives it ... and we need to change the driver of the passion to something that is beneficial rather than harmful to society and self. Easier said than done. Perhaps it is. But, we won't know until we try. Until then ... there are many in between who live mundane passionless lives. Perhaps we start by helping to connect these people to their source and giving them something to be passionate about. What am I moved to do next? Somehow, I need to make a name for myself and for Beyond Imagination. No, I do not mean becoming a household word ... but I need to find a way to reach a significant fraction of the population. Whether this is 1 percent or 5 percent or even 10 percent or 1/10th of one percent, I do not know. But, there is some part of the population that this expression is meant to reach. Further, it seems that I have an intimate role in it reaching that group. That is OK. I believe that I am up to it. However, there is nothing wrong with asking for and enlisting help. I've noticed that I'm starting to speak up and to stand up for my viewpoints more at work. I think this is a positive step towards becoming more outgoing ... though at times it can come across as being contrary and antagonistic. So far, it has been taken very well ... so, I'll probably incorporate more of it. How does that translate into what I do here? It is difficult to say. There are no alternate views being proposed by anyone with which to argue about. Here, it is me and consciousness expressing alone. And really, the expression is controlled by consciousness. I am just along for the ride as they say. And what a magnificent ride it is. Today is going to be one of the slow days for expression. It is tough to find three hours to write when you have a nine hour work day and a three hour commute. That is OK. We have two daily goals ... 1000 words and 2000 words. We try to achieve the first every day and try to achieve the second whenever we can. These correspond to about 1.5 hours and 3 hours of expression. More often than not we are able to achieve this, sometimes a little more, and occasionally a lot more. I just feel good about having expressed this amount of words each day. At $1 per word that would make for some nice paychecks. All I have to do is find someone or some group that believes that what I have to say is worth this amount and is willing to pay it. Is that so impossible? I would argue no, not in the least. In fact, I believe that it is likely that I will find such. I may have to look in different ways than I have been looking. But such talents as mine are meant to be effectively used to serve many. It is not clear that this is happening at present. Then again, I don't have complete visibility into the effects that I am having. I don't know exactly what difference I am making to whom. Why me? Why am I so special that consciousness is able to express through me in this manner? Why is it important to capture this stream of consciousness to this level of detail? If the year to date is representative of the full year ... we will end up with three volumes of musings for 2003 each over 500 pages. That is a lot of material. Further, that is in addition to doing all the book prep and proofing for six other books this year. This has easily been the most productive seven months for Beyond Imagination. It will likely be the most productive year. But that only sets the bar. The next question is what can we do in 2004 to blow this year out of the water, just as 2003 did to 2002. Is that the expectation we have set for 165

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each new year for the rest of our life. That is a very high expectation. It will take some doing to live up to it. Is this material so special that it warrants being captured and shared? All that I know is that I am moved to capture it in a manner that is easy to share and then post it at the Beyond Imagination site and capture it in Beyond Imagination books. I don't question why I am moved to do this. Clearly, I believe it is worth every minute that I spend on it. This is a major investment of my time and energy. Recently, it has started to consume significant financial resources as well. Yet, I would not do a single thing differently. Beyond Imagination has grown into an entity in its own right. Yes, I gave it birth ... and I co-created most of what is expressed there with consciousness herself. But the ideas contained in the expression have a life of their own. They have the power to move readers to act in ways that make a difference, that ultimately change the world. Consciousness just borrowed me for awhile to provide a means for allowing the expression to come forth. Why me? Because I was open and had the right skills to serve her in this manner. Why now? Because that is what I came to do now. There were several cosmic triggers that turned me on. But, once the awakening occurred, the level of awareness was such that I could be used in this manner. That continues to this day. These very writings are a variation on the same theme. They come forth from the same consciousness. Though over the years they have taken on more and more of a personal nature.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

--- AUGUST --1 August 2003 A new month. It was looking like we were never going to make it here. Time really slowed down over the past week. But, one benefit from that is we are able to get much more done than normal. That doesn't necessarily mean that we have more time for musing. It depends on what else is going on with this expression at the same time. It seems that everything consumes hours. And, there are only so many hours available in the week to expend on Beyond Imagination. Though there are things that I could do to increase this. I could wake up earlier or try sleeping less. Though this hasn't worked so well in the past. I could make better use of my time on weekends. That is where the bulk of my free time is, yet if anything I express less per day on weekends than during the week. It has been that way since the musings began in 1993. I've always found it more difficult to express at home than away from home. Interesting. That suggest that working out of the house probably wouldn't work for me. I need a place to go that is my office, my work environment. Though, at the same time ... this could be anywhere that has a computer and internet connectivity. I need to be able to express and connect with people. That doesn't require a lot of overhead. With a laptop, I could literally do what I do anywhere in the world ... making travel a distinct possibility, though it is not one of my favorite activities at present. What will I be doing six months from now? By then, I will have eight books published. By then, we will have made it beyond what 2003 was destined to bring into our life. It seems that 2004 will be just as important but in a different way. 2002 was a year of expression. 2003 was a year of expression and publishing. It seems that 2004 will be a year of expression and publishing and promotion. This is the year that we truly take the Beyond Imagination works to the world. Yes, we will start doing that in 2003, but the bulk of the outer expression is to come in the next year. Actually, it depends on whether we are using Calendar Years or Fiscal Years. In the later, FY2004 starts on 1 October 2003. The bottom line seems to be that I really don't know what I will be doing next year. As always, I will continue to do what I am moved to do. But that is something that happens in the now ... it does not cover a period of time. Though some of the things that I am moved to do may indeed impact what happens in the future. However, that is not our concern. We are to live our lives fully in each moment, doing what we can do to make a difference in the lives of others and in our world. I can tell, this is going to be a short musing tonight. I am fading rapidly and got a later start then normal. We'll have to see if we can do better tomorrow. That is OK. It is not like we are starving for material for the year. At the rate we are going, we'll publish over 1500 pages of musings this year in three volumes covering four months each. This is the start of the fourth month of the second volume. The musings continue to come forth nearly daily. I miss an average of one day every ten. Other than the expression in 2002, there is no precedent in the expression for this frequency and volume. What happened on 1 January 2002 to change things? I don't really know. But, it was almost as important as what happened on 5 Mar 1993 when the expression first began coming forth. How long will this continue? I don't really know that either. It could stop just as quickly as it began ... though at this point I strongly doubt it. So long as there is something remaining to be expressed, it seems that the channel will stay open to receive it and allow it to be expressed. Such is the service that I have chosen to render. By my free will I have chosen to do this. It is the greatest thing that I can do with my gifts and talents at this time. Service to spirit is that special and that powerful. It can transform the world, if only we allow it to do so through us. How do I find those who I am meant to work with in this endeavor? Are they searching for me as I am searching for them? How will we know when we have found one another? There will be no doubt, we will know. We will recognize that we are kindred spirits. We will recognize that we are brothers, sisters, 167

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cousins, uncles, aunts, parents, and grandparents in the same spiritual family. It will be obvious. There will be a sense of belonging that goes beyond anything we have experienced before. It is time for a major change in my life once again. I can feel it strongly. That generally means it is to happen sometime soon. Whether this is days, weeks, or months ... I have no way of knowing. It will be when it is. I am a patient man, I can wait as long as I need to. Just knowing the something is coming is good enough. Major changes have always had a positive context for me, so there is no concern as to what the change will be. If it is important that I know prior to the change occurring, then I will be made to know somehow. This is not something that I have to worry about. I have learned that I can trust consciousness. I can trust spirit and how she expresses in my life. I don't have to question her motives or her ways. I know that she has my greatest interest at heart.

2 August 2003 Another day for consciousness to express as she will. This time we are getting a much earlier start. That doesn't necessarily mean that more will be expressed but it allows for the opportunity anyway. We'll see what happens as the day unfolds. As with many weekends, I don't really have any plans. It is too hot to do much outside during this time of the year. I have a few chores to do and I'll go swimming when the sun goes down. But that only takes away a few hours at the most. So, what would we express today? To start with, I sent off the classified ad for the Sedona Journal. It will show up in three issues starting in October. Hopefully, that will interest people enough to bring them to the Beyond Imagination site. It is a start anyway. I need to continue to take whatever steps I are presented to me that I am moved to take. That does not mean everything. I need to do that final check inside of what is right for me to do at a given time. My experience is that I will know. Spirit does not hide things from us in this area ... she is very open and straightforward. What next? What am I to do next? What am I to be next? These are all good questions. But we may not know the answers in advance of the doing and the being. When we live in the moment, there is no next ... there is only IS. If we would become something, we must simply be it. Rather than plan to do something, we must simply do it. We will be amazed by how simple and how powerful our lives become when we operate in this manner. We know what to do and how to be. We've known all along. It is a matter of choosing to do it. Our lives are our creations. It is for us to create well and build the lives that we truly desire to live. This is within our power. It always has been. In fact, we have created whatever circumstances we find ourselves in at the present time. Because we created them, we are free to change them. It is a matter of choice, and what we feel that we deserve in our lives. Yes, what we believe that we deserve is extremely important. This effectively throttles the abundance that we are able to receive. I need to do something to get unstuck in my ways. In particular, how do I get out and reach people? So long as I continue to live my life in isolation from others, this is not going to happen. Yet, it is not my nature to just strike up conversations with people I don't know ... or even with people I do know for that matter. Could I get up and speak before a group? Am I ready to do that? It probably depends on the size of the group. If it were a relatively small group, I would probably be fine. Above 50 or so, might give me cause for concern. Though, I trust that spirit would help me through it anyway. If it is meant to be, I will find a way to deal with it. The bottom line is that I have a message to get out and I need to do whatever it takes to get it out to those meant to hear it. The expression that is Beyond Imagination is meant to reach an audience somehow. Thus far, it has reached some, but nowhere near the numbers it is meant to ultimately reach. How can I know this? I just do. The amount of effort that is put into this expression suggests that it is intended to impact many. I just can't believe that consciousness would be doing all of this just for me. 168

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Is it not enough to capture this expression as I do and make it available for the world to see on web pages and in books? Should an author / scribe be expected to do more than that? It seems that for me, such is not enough. I must demonstrate what I express and serve as a wayshower. The words are not enough. They must be backed by deeds. It is here that these works are distinguished from other works. We do what we can to make practical use of what is expressed. What matters is utility. What is important is what is useful here and now. What are my hopes for Beyond Imagination? That it grows into an organization of many focused on building the foundations for a new world. How many? I don't know. At this point, I would be happy with more than one ... or more than two, since this is already an endeavor of Spirit and I. I don't see myself working with hundreds of people. I don't consider myself a people person. However, I could keep track of several dozen people on a regular basis if I needed to. That would likely be enough to cover the spectrum of areas in which Beyond Imagination would be engaged. Further, I would hope that the books sell well enough to augment my income and to eventually replace it so that I can engage in this endeavor on a fulltime basis. What can I do to facilitate this happening? The sense is that if it is meant to be it will indeed happen. I need to do whatever I am moved to do to help make it happen. So far, that is what I have been doing ... getting the books to the publisher and submitting the classified ad. Yet, it seems that there is far more that I could be doing. However, nearly everything takes time and resources. The time I have. The resources are still in tight supply. I have enough, but I wouldn't say that there is much of a surplus. And, in another few weeks, I'll need to start buying some of my own books. The cost of publishing only includes the proof copy and two copies for the Copyright Office. I know very few people. There are several dozen people that I work with on an infrequent basis. However few of these have been exposed to this aspect of my life. It is just not something that comes up in normal day to day interactions. Perhaps it should ... it is definitely important enough, at least to me. But, that doesn't necessarily make it important to others. I'm still reluctant to impose my views on others. It is one thing if they ask. However, it does not seem right for me to force this. The sense is that what needs to be transmitted will indeed be transmitted in a manner that is right at a time that is right. Took a many hour break. For several hours, I just tranced out halfway between being awake and being asleep allowing my mind to drift where it would. I don't remember much about where it drifted. The experience was far different than what I am used to here. But I do like that state in between sleep and awake. I prolong it in the mornings when I can as well. Hmm ... maybe that's part of the problem. I don't really have anything so compelling to want to get up in the morning to do. During the week, work is that compelling because it is something that I must do. But, this expression while compelling is voluntary. And, even at the 2,000 word per day level it only takes about three hours. That leaves a lot of free hours for someone with essentially nothing planned to do. I play with my dogs, swim, run errands, do chores, watch movies, read, and take naps in addition to coming here to express. There never seems to be a problem finding ways to fill the days. Though I can envision a much more productive use of this time. However, the sense is that I need to be around others to provide the stimulation necessary to trigger me to act to a higher level. I know that I am capable of such. I have done it in the work environment many times. Here I am asking to do it in a social environment outside of work. Where do I get the material that I express? I don't really know. It just comes forth. I don't question it anymore. At one time I did. But, the consistency is such that I simply accept it for what it is. I trust that it is expressing what I need to hear, and what others need to see expressed through me. That is the power of a stream of consciousness expression. Its origin is a mystery. Mysteries are to be experienced, not understood. They strike our heart first, and then leave their impact on our brain. Life itself is a mystery. The thought process is a mystery. The very means that we communicate is a mystery. Everywhere that we look in our lives, we are confronted by mysteries. There is nothing wrong with this. It is OK for our 169

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lives to have an element of the mysterious, of the magical in them. In fact, when they don't there is something seriously wrong. Do today what can be done today. And, leave for tomorrow what is tomorrow's. You will know what that is intuitively. Though, you are entering a time where you can no longer act in isolation if the optimum results are to be achieved. It is time for you to find those with whom you are to work and to establish the ground rules regarding how you will cooperate to achieve what ends. Yes, it is for you collectively to define these things. You are creating the foundations for a new world. It is for you to define what these foundations are to be. Then, it is for you to determine how best to make them a reality. This is indeed the time in which that is meant to happen. That is the prime reason that you chose to incarnate now. You wanted to be an integral part of this transformation from one age to another. You wanted to play a key role in evolving the social systems of the day to something more conducive to meeting the needs of the people. It still amazes me that this expression can continue to come forth as it does. Even after 10 years and over three million words, we still find more to express. Just when it seems that there could be nothing more, whole new avenues seem to open up. Yes, there is some replication in what is expressed. That is to be expected. But generally, this is for emphasis and the expression, while similar, is phrased differently. Actually, I have no real way of knowing to what degree material is duplicated. My memory is such that I would not recall this happening even if it did. Though, I have read much of the material many times and find it fresh and new for the most part. What accounts for this? How is it that this much non-fiction material could come forth in this manner? My sense is that it is already finished, and it is as if I am reading it and expressing what I am reading. But, who wrote what I am reading? Good question. Obviously, it wasn't me. I believe it was the one consciousness. I am only the vessel through which the work is brought into the world. That is a major task in and of itself. And, it is a creative task. However, it is not the same as originating the work to begin with. Is there part of the one consciousness that corresponds to me that does this creation? If there is, I am not aware of it. And, in these matters what counts is our awareness. What are we aware of ourselves to be? What are we aware of ourselves doing? If we are not aware of it, in a very real way it is not ours.

3 August 2003 The start of another day. There is always something magical in that. The blank slate brings the opportunity to express what has never been expressed before. And, I sit here and watch it all happen before my eyes. I am not aware of doing it yet obviously it it done through me. I hear the expression in my head and I see it being typed through my fingers to appear on the screen in front of me. Yes, I am an integral part of the creation. But, I do not feel myself to be the creator. For that, I point to something deeper, to source ... to the one consciousness herself. How do I know this source is not just another part of me. If it is, it is a part that is wiser than any of the parts that I consciously relate to. That doesn't mean it is not part of me. Only that if it is, I am not consciously aware of it other than by what it produces in my life. Is that any different than how we know any of the parts of ourselves? Is it not by their works that we know them? Hmm ... indeed that is true. Then why is this part so different? It seems to be wrapped in a veil of mystery, for one. Further, it seems to be more remote and more distant. That doesn't mean that we can't get to know it. That is part of what know thyself is about. Interesting, we did not say know thyselves. We specifically used the singular tense. There is only one self for each of us to get to know. We may even find there is ultimately only one SELF of which these individual selfs are part. It has been a lazy kind of day. I've sat around listening to music, and done a few minor chores. I'm finding it difficult to get motivated to do anything. I've been more tired than normal, and am sleeping 170

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more than necessary. It's time to find some activities to channel my energies into. This expression is OK for several hours per day. But, beyond that I need something else, something that involves others. What do I need to do to manifest this? What do I need to do to start creating endeavors in line with my purpose? It seems that at least some of this is up to me. We can count on consciousness to do its part, but we must take the initiative and do ours as well. This is a mutual endeavor that we are creating. At present, this expression is the only thing that truly moves me. And, even then, it has its limits. There must be more to life than this. I know that there is more to me than this. How do I find ways to express that moreness? How do I find ways to be all that I can be? How do I find ways to impact others and the world in the way that I know that I am destined to? Yes, there is a destiny that I would fulfill. I have known this for some time. This existence was specifically chosen to provide the opportunity to carry out a particular mission. I am a wayshower, here to facilitate the birth of a new age, here to build the foundations for a new world. Lofty goals yes ... but such I chose before incarnating this time. Yes, this carries with it a large mantle of responsibility. I know that, and I bear it faithfully. What would we do next? The famous five word question. We continue to do as we are moved to do. Right now, that involves engaging in this expression and searching for those other things that can be done now to facilitate getting us to where we need to be. Hmm ... that was interesting. That assumes we have some idea of where we need to be. Perhaps that should be the topic of a focused musing. It is not at all clear yet that I consciously know where I need to be. That, however, does not mean that there is not some part of me that does know and can reveal itself. Until then, we continue to muse. Ever onward, expressing whatever consciousness would bring forth next. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the expression. There is no organization of any type. Yet, that is not to so the material is without form and substance. In fact, if anything, the words seem to be precisely chosen to convey what consciousness would express. Often, this attempts to go beyond what can be understood with mere thought. The intent is through a pattern of words to elicit a state of consciousness in you, the reader, as well. How well this can be accomplished depends on a number of factors, most notable among which is your openness to experience altered states. This record takes you through the places where one consciousness has been. Hopefully you find it interesting and mind-expanding or more correctly consciousness-expanding. Clearly, it has that impact on me. Perhaps it truly is for your eyes only ... then again, I have a very expanded concept of Self ... one for which individual boundaries blur into nonexistence. So, at some level, all eyes are my eyes. That is an interesting way of looking at it. But, this phrase has always puzzled me. It just doesn't seem right that consciousness would go to such extremes for my sole benefit ... especially when the message or the lesson has wider applicability than my life alone. Yet, how much effort are we talking about? We needed guidance to find the right books at the right times in our life. Further, we needed to be fed an appropriate stream of consciousness to enable us to take the right course of action throughout our life to the point where we were prepared as well as we could be for the awakening experience of 1993. Then we needed a readily available tap into this stream of consciousness so that we could bring forth this expression over the past decade. Overall, that is not much to ask. Most of it involves information. Quite appropriate for an information age. However, the stream of consciousness also resulted in jolts in the state of awareness. These I had to integrate ... though I would not say that I was prepared for them. The bottom line was the experience of realizing that I was more than I knew myself to be before. Nothing in my educational background prepared me for this. It struck me earlier that I would not consider myself a happy person. I'm not sad or depressed. I'm just so-so. It is almost as if I am numb. I've been that way much of my life ... for so long now that I don't really know when it started. I know that we have an inalienable right to pursue happiness. And, there are people that I know that are happy. But, this simply is not a state that I experience very much. About the closest that I come is here when I am expressing. This is when I am being the best that I can be. This is when I am doing the things that are most likely to outlive me. These words are my gift to the world. Actually, they are spirits gift to the world with me as the essential conduit. What does it take to be 171

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happy? The bottom line is choice ... happiness is a state of mind. Most people allow circumstances to determine their state of mind. Masters choose their state of mind and then fashion the circumstances to conform with it. If we want to be happy, we need to choose to do just that ... be happy. It is curious that one of my early signature blocks included: Be Happy and Create Well! It seems that I haven't been living up to my own advice. All this time, I hadn't realized this message was really intended for me. Interesting. We should be able to be happy regardless of the circumstances that we face each day. Life is such a precious gift. It is our duty to make the most of it ... to do the best with what we are given, and to do what we can to make things better for others as well. When all is said and done, no one is going to ask where we lived or where we went to school or what experiences we had or what we owned or what our net worth was ... however, they are going to ask what we did to serve others that made a difference. Those are the things that are important. Those are the things that count. There are many ways to serve. It is for each of us to find the ways that are right for us. I believe that what I am doing here is a form of service. I expend many hours each month bringing forth a stream of consciousness that I hope will help other individuals and will help in building the foundations for a new world. How well it does this, I don't really know. There hasn't been much feedback to date. That is OK. We continue to express because something deep within us drives us to do so. We trust that when the time is right, the feedback will come. Now that we have a book published, perhaps it is time to start a School Without Walls course based on Best Passages. That is one way to encourage people to buy copies. Use it as a textbook on spiritual expression and the nature of consciousness. The intent of the course would be to get people in touch with the same source inside themselves that I connect with in allowing all of this to flow forth. I believe there is such a source inside all of us. No, it won't necessarily express in writing. That just happens to be my way. But, it will express creatively in a way perfectly suited to each individual. How can I know this? I trust the spark of spirit inside each of us and its inherent creative nature. Am I ready to teach what I know? The best way to find out is simply by doing it. I believe that I am a natural teacher. This is part of what I am here to do. But why Best Passages? That is a book without a table of contents or chapters or sections or any real organization other than chronological. That is precisely why this book is suitable. The passages are powerful and speak for themselves. It is OK that it is not your ordinary book. It is not clear that you will ever write an ordinary book. You have a tendency to be eccentric, sometimes more than necessary. But, you would do anything not to be average. Your life must be exceptional. Your contribution to society must be exceptional. You will not accept anything less. And, because of this dedication you will succeed beyond measure. Oh, it will not happen immediately. But, have patience. Slowly, but surely, the expression will find its way to those meant to be influenced by it. And, it will have its impacts. The endeavor that is Beyond Imagination will grow into an organization that does works that change the world. Yes, that is grandiose thinking. However, I do believe it to be true nonetheless. Outreach. What do I need to do to reach out to others? How do I do it in a manner such that it is not an imposition? I need to think in terms of offering a service. Indeed, that is what I am doing. Yes, there is some benefit in it for me. However, there is equal or more benefit to the person that I am informing of Beyond Imagination and the published books. I firmly believe that the Beyond Imagination material can help people. The material at the site is plentiful and free. The books are reasonably priced for the material they contain.

4 August 2003


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The days continue to roll on. And we continue to come here to express. We also continue to lead a relatively isolated existence. It seems that this needs to change. Somehow we need to break out of the normal routine we have established and find ways to interact with people. Though, I do not want to interact just to interact. I would interact with purpose or I would prefer not to interact at all. That is just my preference. Some people are naturally outgoing. They like being with people. That is not my way. Mine is more one of toleration. I can tolerate being with people when I need to be with them. Actually it extends further than this. I can actually enjoy it at times ... there just haven't been that many opportunities that have come up in my life. I know, we create our own reality. We create all such opportunities. But, my observation is that the events happened quite infrequently. I don't blame anyone for this. If anything, I did it to myself. I trust that there was a purpose to all of this .. though it may have been a distorted one. It seems that a degree of psychological isolation from others was necessary for me to grow in the manner that I needed to grow. At times this was difficult to bear. However, it was the only thing that I knew. I had no real friends ... no one that truly knew who I was. In fact, I didn't even know who I was. I remember having a difficult time being able to come up with contact information on people who had known me over a 10 year period. I was not in the habit of keeping in touch with people when I moved, and I was moving at least every 2-3 years. It is not clear that my ways have really changed a lot. Yes, I am married now. And, yes I express a lot here. However, I am still very isolated overall. How can that be? How can one who speaks of building the foundations for a new world and serving society be isolated? Yet, indeed, such is still the case. Perhaps it will not be for long. That depends on how others react to this expression. For, it seems that it is the others that I reach through this expression that will be the ones to end this self-imposed isolation. Yes, that seems fitting. It is only right for Beyond Imagination to take me beyond my imagination. The only question is how soon? The issue of what would I do next comes to the forefront. Do as you are moved to do, when you are moved to do it. That is the standard answer that is nearly always given. But, what am I moved to do now? What would I change that my reality might change? If I want to experience something different, I have to do things differently ... I have to make different choices than I habitually make. My present habits have led to my present reality. Overall, it is good, but it is not great ... and I would prefer it to be great. The question becomes whether I am willing to do what it takes to make it so? Perhaps I need some idea as to what it takes before I decide whether it is worth it. Then again, we are talking about the difference between living an ordinary life and an extraordinary one. Here there is no doubt ... I choose to be extraordinary. To do this, the world needs some visibility into what I do. The Beyond Imagination site and books are starting points. However, much more is to be expressed before your time on the planet is over. Don't worry, we will be there to guide and assist you every step of the way. Consciousness helps its own in whatever ways it can. However, this help cannot be forced. It must be willingly received for it to have any effect. Further, it has the most effect if it is expressed and allowed to flow through one rather than to one. Tomorrow marks 10 years and 5 months = 125 months = 5 x 5 x 5 months since this expression began. That first day is a major milestone event in my life. It marks my transition from an information consumer to a metaphysical information generator. The only other days of similar significance were 10/1/93 and 10/10/93 when I entered and left the mental hospital after my first major awakening; 12/20/93, when the Beyond Imagination book was completed; 12/26/93 and 1/4/94, when Reality Creation 1010 was begun and completed; and 4/17/98, when the Metaphysical Rosetta Stone was generated. There was another awakening in Apr-Jun 98, but it was more prolonged and of a different nature. In fact, I am still integrating some of my experiences from that period in my life. Yes, over five years later. That has been a common theme. I am presented with something beyond my comprehension ... beyond my mental constructs for what constitutes reality. And then it is for me to expand whom that I AM to account for this new input. This has happened over and ever again, enough so that I consider it a normal part of what I do. This is the reality that I experience. It doesn't matter whether others experience this or not. It is sufficient that I do. 173

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It seems like we should do something special for the tenth anniversaries of the Beyond Imagination book and Reality Creation 1010. They are only four months away. Both books are contained in The Early Works. We need some sort of advertising campaign to reach people and inform them of this special occurrence in the lives of these works. I have no means of knowing how many these two works have touched. My hope is a great many. But, even if that hasn't been the case to date ... there is nothing that precludes that from being the case in the future. However, there is a strong sense that if it is to be, it is up to me. If I want to make it happen, then I have to commit to it and start doing what it takes to make it happen. If I were to do nothing, it is likely that the two dates would pass unnoticed. The only people that really know about them are those who have read these works or this particular musing. It is not clear that the dates would have had any special significance. 12/20/1993 = 32 in a 22 year = 54 "I AM race" in The Master Builder Year. 12/26/1993 = 38 in a 22 year = 60 Vision in The Master Builder year. 01/04/1994 = 05 in a 23 year = 28: The Man with the World in His Hand. This one begged to be summed. How many such dates are there in our lives? My sense is that there are not very many. These are truly our dates with destiny. As such, they are very special. We cannot take them for granted. We need to remember them for all they were worth in our lives. That is not so hard to do. It is a matter of living with an attitude of gratitude. I don't think there have been even a dozen major milestone events in my life to date. It is not clear that there will be in my entire life. That is how precious and rare such events are. I don't know how this compares with the lives of others. I don't know how many special moments are typical. It doesn't really matter. We will experience however many we need to experience. This depends a lot on what we know, what we are here to learn, and what we are here to express. How would I make a difference with my life. Thus far, my primary means has been with this expression. Yet, this expression has been one-sided ... I have expressed whatever would come forth through this stream of consciousness. It seems that it is time for there to be more of a communication, an exchange of expression. That means interacting with others. That requires establishing relationships with others ... preferably cooperatively interdependent ones. Trust your intuition! I just heard that on the TV in the background. I don't know what the context was, but that particular advice is very sound indeed. It is our intuition that is our connection to source. When we start to trust it, we truly begin to live. It is amazing what comes forth through this channel. Much that is expressed here comes via this path. It is evidence of my intuition in operation. Clearly it is not the rational part of my mind that is originating much of this. Though, that doesn't lessen the veracity one iota. What is true is true regardless of how it comes forth. It is interesting that the declarative tense is used in so much of this expression. Contacts ... it seems that is one of the things missing in my life, contacts. How do we establish these? And, not just any contacts, but contacts with the right people to facilitate doing the work that we are meant to do to carry out the missions of Beyond Imagination. This is a spiritual endeavor of the highest order. The sense is that it is meant to be an endeavor for many. How many, I do not know. But, we shall see soon enough. For, it seems that the time is close at hand. Is this wishful thinking? Perhaps. But it is out of such wishes that we fashion the reality that we experience. All of my life I've effectively avoided contacts with people. Now, it seems that this has become a critical element of my life. That is like the change from night to day. It seems that it will take some transition period to get used to. Exactly how long remains to be seen. How much do I believe in myself and in the expression that is Beyond Imagination? Do I believe enough to overcome my shyness and introduce those I come into contact with to the site? Why is that so difficult for me to do? I am proud of all that I have been able to express. I 174

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believe the Beyond Imagination expression to be of great value. So, what is the problem? Why is it so difficult to sell it to others? Part of the problem is the desire not to push my ideas or philosophy onto anyone. I offer unto you a way, my way, for you to adapt and use as you will in your own life. Let utility be your sole guide. It is the only thing that matters. Interesting, I really am a quiet person at heart. Yet, how can I say that knowing how many words I have expressed here over the past decade and especially in the past 19 months? We're talking about over three million words. That is a lot of expression for someone who is quiet by nature. Also, I am solitary for the most part. I still do much of my work alone. Though, this is starting to change on the work front ... and hopefully is to change on the spiritual front as well. It can't change fast enough. If only. We need to be careful not to live our lives in such a manner that we regret the if only's. If only we had done this, if only we had said that, if only we had experienced this, if only we had expressed that. We must live our lives with no regrets. Sometimes that is easier said than done. Fear in particular tends to get in the way and keeps us from expressing to our full potential. Overcoming our fears becomes a major challenge in our lives. But first, we must recognize what these fears are. 5 August 2003 Time marches relentlessly onward. It takes everything that we are to live in the present moment and to stretch that out into as long of a period as we can make it. The more that we can do this, the more time we seem to have available to manifest things in our life. Time is a precious commodity. It is one area where we are all equals. We each get 24 hours per day. What we do with that allotment of time distinguishes us. I like to do something that I consider to be of lasting value each day. I consider this expression to be in that category. That is fortunate because this happens to be something that I love to do. It definitely helps to be in a position where you can do what you love to do. The only thing better would be to be in a position to be paid ... and paid well to do it. All in good time. For the moment, it is enough that I am able to serve in this manner for the expression of this stream of consciousness. Yes, I consider this to be a service that I perform. Yet, at the same time, I am served in the process of performing the service. Spiritual services tend to work like that. They empower and enrich the ones that are providing the service. The greater the service, the greater the impact. Wow, we are already at the 5th day of the month. It seems like yesterday we were concluding the last month. Where does the time go? I could add to the 2003 Musings - Vol II book and start selecting the best quotes. I'd like to finish this close to the end of the month. If we do it as we go, we should be able to wrap up final proofing the first week in September, allowing for a December release. Not that it matters a lot. We will have flooded the market with Beyond Imagination books long before then. However, it will allow me to meet my objective of eight books published in 2003. I already have sufficient works at the publisher to make seven for the year. Now, it is simply a matter of waiting for the process to work that allows them to come out. These are my children, awaiting to be born. What will happen to them after that, I really don't know yet. So far, I have been moved to do what it takes to get the works published. Perhaps the next step is to do what it takes to market and publicize the books. However, here it does not seem that people are going to come knocking on my door. Given time, it might happen that way. But it seems that I need to do something to quicken the process somehow. This seems to be completely within my power though it may require a stretch in how I express ... and perhaps even a big stretch. Though it will not be into a mode of operating that is foreign to my fundamental nature. Rather, it will bring out parts of that nature that have been underutilized and underexpressed to date. Yes, this requires another major awakening on a grand scale. But, I am ready for it ... as ready as I can be anyway. All such expressions come as a shock to the system ... especially to the ego. Generally, they are experienced as 175

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death/rebirth experiences for the ego which must deal with the newfound awareness of what it has become. This can be easy or difficult depending on how accepting and flexible we are. If we have a basic trust in the process of spirit unfolding in our lives ... it makes things much easier. If we don't, we create our own demons to fight against. Well, at least so far as 2002 and 2003 go, if anyone were to ask what did you do of value in those years, I have a body of writings to point to both at the Beyond Imagination site and as Beyond Imagination books. I deem it to be of tremendous value, worthy of spending roughly 1000 hours per year on. However, is the material of that value to those who consume it? I don't even know how many consume it. Does it really matter? Yes, because the more people that are exposed to the Beyond Imagination material, the more people who will be impacted by it ... and I expect will be positively impacted. If they get the message of Beyond Imagination, they will be moved to act in a manner that serves others ... and there attitude and actions will in turn create a better world. It is that simple. We create a better world by serving one another. Society should facilitate doing this. It should facilitate providing the greatest services for which we are capable in exchange for getting our needs met. At present it doesn't do this very well for the vast majority of the population. We can accept that as the way things are ... or we can rebel and say that is not good enough, and demand that things improve. We don't have to wait for outside changes to start doing things differently. There are things we can do locally. We can trade and barter for goods and services for instance. Some people already do this with varying degrees of success. The bottom line is that the economy should serve us rather than enslave us. Right now, it seems that it does far more of the later than the former. This is wrong. It must change. It will change when we collectively decide that we have had enough and choose to express a different economic reality. Hopefully, this time it will be spiritually based. Actually, we will collectively demand that it is so. I wonder how Project Mind is doing? They had a goal of eliminating need through generating unlimited abundance. This would free people to focus on the things that they are moved to do. It would take some getting used to. For thousands of years, the masses have struggled to survive and to eek out a living under the prevailing economic conditions of the time. Interesting ... 1000 hours per year is a great deal of time to volunteer to spend on anything. Our jobs only demand around 2000 hours per year, though some labor far more than this. Literally, this expression is the equivalent of a half time job for me. Only, it is far more productive since I enjoy doing it far more. I would add that I am good at it as well. At least I believe that I am. But, I guess that is best left for you to determine for yourself. I only ask that you judge the expression based on its merits and not on its source. For me, there is no higher authority than spirit, as revealed to us via our intuition. But that may not be good enough for some. They demand proof. Some things just don't work that way. They will not be subjected to our petty demands for proof. They require that we believe in something, often something intangible, something that has the power to work magic in our lives if we will only allow it to.

6 August 2003 Another day, another musing. Effectively we have been in that mode of operation for over 19 months now. It will be interesting to see how long it continues. At this point, there are no signs that an endpoint is in sight. If I had to guess, I would say that we are safe at least through the end of the year. That would make it a two year run. At this point, it is not clear what is in store for 2004. Though, considering it is less than five months away, it seems that we should be getting some kind of idea of what this is to be sometime soon. Then again, when we operate in the now often there is no forewarning of what will be. It just magically happens in the present moment. Yes, life can be lived like that. However, most of us need more structure than that. We are willing to give up some of the freedom in exchange for knowing some of what might happen. Some need far more structure than others. However all of us operate with some 176

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balance of structure and chaos in our lives that works for us. There is no set level that is right for everyone. Here, we are all different and must find what works best for us. Well, I got an interesting input today. There is not much money to be had in publishing books. A very small percentage of authors make any money from their works. However, knowledge and wisdom are highly valued commodities. Information can be conveyed in books. But it takes something more, a frame of mind to turn that information into knowledge, and then to apply that knowledge in a manner that constitutes wisdom. Also, there is another step. It is not enough to be wise, we must apply our wisdom in service. All of this directly relates to what Beyond Imagination is all about. This expression is meant to be an example of wisdom applied in service to humanity in the greatest way that it can be by me at this time. The application of wisdom in service is what spirituality is all about. So, if it is not through books, how do I exchange my knowledge and spiritual services for the things and services that I need? That is what the economic system is meant to provide ... the means for doing just this. One alternative is seminars and workshops. But, am I ready to do something like that? It does not seem right for me somehow. My forte is written not spoken communication. It is likely to continue to be so indefinitely. That doesn't mean that I can't adapt and do new things. However, why should I do things that I don't do well or don't like doing? Life is too short to stay away from our mission a moment more than we have to. That doesn't mean that we can't enjoy life and stop and smell the roses along the way. In fact, our lives work best when we do these things. We need to be grateful for each day, and treat it as the true gift that it is. And, we need to do what we can to make sure we have done our fair share each day. That doesn't mean working every minute for 16 hours per day. However, it does mean working effectively for a reasonable period of time each day and accomplishing something. We should take a measure of our productivity each day. Was what we produced worth the cost of our labor to the customer? We need the answer to this to be yes each day. Even when we attend meetings, we need to assess the impact of attending. Was our contribution valuable to others, or did we get enough information from the meeting to justify our time? These are tough questions to ask. But, if we don't ask them ... how do we know that we are really contributing to our organizations? We need to be adding value by what we are doing. The more value that we add the better. Hmm ... we add greater value by moving up the scale identified earlier: data => information => knowledge => wisdom => spirituality Most people are stuck in the data and information realms. Information provides a context for assigning meaning to data. Similarly, knowledge provides a context for assigning meaning to information. Wisdom provides a context for providing meaning to knowledge. In particular, it is able to distinguish what is right and wrong under any set of circumstances and what is important to know verses what is not important. Spirituality provides a context for applying wisdom in life. It is best executed through service. Of course, being a systems engineer and an Aries, I would approach this from the top down and focus on Spirituality first. Beyond Imagination is all about how we get spirit to more fully express in flesh. My metaphysical training focused on the greatest thoughts, the wisdom of the some of the greatest beings that came before me. As a triple fire sign, my primary nature is spirit. It is what matters to me more than anything. This is clearly reflected in this expression and in my life. At this point, this expression is still my primary outlet. However, it seems that this will change soon. I don't yet know how. I just know that it is time to experience something new, and to do that we must do something new. It is that simple. Reality is created by what we do, not what we only imagine. Therefore the name, beyond imagination. We have to take the next step and do something aligned with what we have imagined to make it so.


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Service ... that is all that truly matters in life. In the end, what we will be known for is the service that we provided as reflected in the works that we have done. Everything else is the window dressing of life. But, the window dressing counts for a lot as well. It is not to be taken lightly. What tells me that service is so important? Its truth is simply obvious. It came forth intuitively, as does much of this expression. That makes it hard to argue with. True, but this is not meant to be an argument. It is more of a revelation. Whether it is correct or not, you'll have to ultimately decide for yourself. Everything in me tells me that it is largely based in truth. However, we are dealing with abstract topics here for the most part. Rarely do we ever get to anything concrete. That is primarily due to my nature. I've always favored the conceptual to the practical. That makes it difficult to manifest anything physically. Though, this expression is a notable exception. Here I can be as abstract, as conceptual, as utopian, and as grandiose as I want to be ... and the words are manifest into form anyway. I don't know where else there exists such freedom. There is something powerful about the freedom of expression. For me, expression is generally written but clearly there are many other forms.

7 August 2003 One by one, the array of files for these musings grows. I add to it nearly daily. There is not much in my life that I do daily. I only work nine days out of every two weeks. About the only daily thing that I do that occupies more of my time is sleep. I typically get at least 7 hours and as many as 11 hours of sleep on occasion. I rarely read anymore, except for this expression. There just doesn't seem to be time for much else. I do like my movies, however. Though, even there, I don't watch as many as I used to. Television plays a much more limited role in my life these days. There are a few shows that I like to watch during the week ... but I'm probably under 10 hours per week and during part of that time I am eating, exercising, or expressing. I could make better use of my weekends however. They are still far less productive than they could be. However, they are also the only times that I am home, so there are different demands and priorities. There is still a strong sense that things are about to change in major ways in my life. This will occur primarily in the area of relationships, an area that I have had little experience in to date. That doesn't matter. To do what I need to do, this must change. And, for me anyway, when there is something that must change, it changes. This is especially true where it involves being able to carry out my mission. And that is precisely what we are talking about here. I would do as I am moved to do ... whatever it takes. When I am motivated to do something, there is no stopping me. How do I transform this into something of greater service and benefit to society and the world? That is an important question to ask in nearly every endeavor that we are engaged in. How can we do this in a manner that provides greater service? In the end, it is the service that we provide that sets us apart, that distinguishes us. The more service, the better. What makes me continue to come here to allow consciousness to express day in and day out for such extended periods of time? I am choosing to spend nearly 20 percent of my waking life on this endeavor. That is a huge investment. What is the return on that investment? The biggest return is that I get to experience states of consciousness that I would otherwise not likely experience. Equally important is the fact that I am left with a product to show for my existence. That the product originates from source is beside the point. Over a decade, this product has yielded over 3 million words many of which have been incorporated into 8 books in various stages of being published. That is an incredible number of words for anyone to express in a lifetime. Here, we are talking about just over a decade. And, it seems that there are many more where those came from. In book form, there are approximately 400 words per page. 3 million words would be 7500 pages. That's enough to fill a lot of books. At the rate I muse, I usually add


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

between 2.5 and 5 pages of new material per day. That's enough to create another sizeable book every 4 months. Selecting quotes from the 2003 Musings - Vol II is not easy, and is very time-consuming. I want to filter out the chaff and keep the best, but I don't want to filter out too much. At the same time, I don't want the section to be too large and would prefer to have more bite-sized quotes than passages. I started with the entire document, just as Michelangelo would start with a block of granite. From that I am cutting out everything but the selected quotes. That requires reading everything and making a determination of what to keep and what to cut. However, I know of no other way of doing it in a complete way. I'll probably do a second pass as a double check when I have finished to make sure nothing slipped through the cracks and to make sure the expressions selected are truly quotable. At the rate I'm going, I'm going to need much of the month to work through this. That's OK. It takes as long as it takes. The end result of the selection process, a section of Best Quotes, is definitely worth the time it takes to create it. For all I know, this may be the section that is most likely to be read and most likely to be used in the longterm. I'm sure that there are many others like me who find such quotes to be powerful motivators. It is such quotes that have by far had the most impact on my own development in life. The words in quotes move me as do no other words. That is not surprising, that is why such passages have been selected as quotable after all. It is time to stretch and do something different. It is not that I don't like what I am producing. It is just that there is a nagging sense that something is missing, that things could be far better, that I might even be able to achieve happiness for an extended period of time. This is not something that I've experienced before, at least not as far as I know. I would think that I would be the first to know if I were happy. Yes, I've had fleeting moments ... but no prolonged periods of bliss. This expression probably comes closest to taking me toward that state ... but there is not a sense of bliss as I express this. There is a sense of fulfillment and of accomplishment. But, that is not enough to constitute happiness. Interesting. Why would this state be so elusive? Why can I not just choose to be happy and be so? Is that not what reality creation is all about? Then why did the framers of the Constitution declare that the pursuit of happiness was an inalienable right? They did not say achievement of happiness, only its pursuit. And, what does a right to pursue something really grant to us? What would I do differently? Where do I start to change my routines? It is in my day to day habits that I have established my present reality. It will be through changing these habits that we change our experience. We achieved another major milestone today. My second book, Beyond Imagination: The Early Works, is officially published and available for sale. That's two down and six to go for the year ... five more of which are already in the publisher's hands. It is just a matter of time until they make it through the publishing process. Then what? What is the next step after being published? How do I make people aware that the books exist and have something to offer? For that matter, how do I introduce people to the wealth of information freely available at the Beyond Imagination site? Two books already. We're only one week into August and have two books out. The third should easily be completed by the end of the month. In fact, I'm waiting for it to come from the publisher with a corrected cover. Two out of the three consist of material that did not exist prior to 1 January 2002. Further, one of those, comprising nearly half of the material (over 500 pages) is from 2003. Yes, it is amazing that a book produced in the first five months of 2003 could be published before the eighth month was concluded. Yet, that is our present schedule. Further, we plan to publish a second book written completely in 2003 before the end of the year. We didn't even start this second book until May. That is the power of the current publishing technology.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

What would I do next? It seems important to continue to express. In fact, this still seems to be the most important part of my life. How do I express in a manner that helps people and allows me to earn an abundant livelihood? It is not clear that my present work does this. Actually, it only does this in that it covers the income that I need to allow me to live so that I can do my spiritual work at Beyond Imagination. This is not an optimal way of doing things. But, it did allow me to reach a salary that I believed that I was worth. However, that is not abundance. It is still limited. If we are to truly do the works of Beyond Imagination, we need far more than 1000 hours of my time and a few thousand dollars each year. How much more, I don't really know. Clearly I need to find more people willing to commit their time. And, why should spiritual work be free? This is great work that we are doing. It is work that is worth a lot. Why shouldn't it be well compensated? Here we are attempting to do a service to the world, a spiritual service of great value. Why is this any less important than the services of a lawyer, or a doctor, or an actor, or an athlete? The bottom line is that it isn't! So, how do we establish what our services our worth? In the free market, it is whatever people are willing to pay. It is interesting to note that the entertainment industry consumes a disproportionate amount of funds. I consider sports to be primarily entertainment. Top management of major corporations consume disproportionate amounts of funds as well. However, I am sure there are arguments as to why they are worth it. I find it difficult to accept such arguments. There is something wrong with salary differences of several orders of magnitude. It isn't reasonable to me that an hour of one persons time can be worth 1000 hours of another persons time. I recognize that the responsibilities of people are different and that bearing increased responsibility should be worth something. But how much is fair? We've been moved to publish this year. It will be interesting to see what comes of that. How else can we get the word out? Seminars or classes might help. We could hand out descriptions, excerpts and quotes, and information on how to get the books from Infinity Publishing. We need to express enough to grab peoples interest. We need to expose them to who we are and what we know. Or do we? Is it my job to do this? Why is this not like in the movie Field of Dreams - if you build it, they will come? I participated in the expression. I built the Beyond Imagination web site. I did what it took to publish the Beyond Imagination books. How much is mine to do? At what point can others take what I've done and help to run with it? I've been operating alone for a long time, perhaps for far too long. Actually, it is not quite alone, source/consciousness has been there by my side all along and especially for the past decade. I don't think of source as a different entity. It is inside of me, but it is not a part of me in the standard sense that we think of parts being smaller than the whole. It is as if source is bigger than me. I am part of it in a way. I am connected to it via my intuition. I think in terms of there being only one consciousness of which we all are parts. There is reason for the separation. It allows us to experience the reality that we do. We have chose to carry limitation to an extreme. But, it was our choice. We collectively chose the basic nature of this reality.

8 August 2003 The 8 day of the 8 month. All we need is an 8 year to make it 888. That would occur is 2006 / 8 or perhaps 200 8. Hmm ... these two years surround the year of my first Easter birthday in 2007. That is curious and seems significant somehow. However, 88 is significant in its own right as infinity above, infinity below. We'll just have to see what the day brings. Just as I wrote that Celine Dion started singing A New Day Has Come on the radio. How appropriate. We've been talking about substantial changes coming soon, and here is a song that confirms exactly that. There are no coincidences. I play the radio in the background most of the day at work and much of the time at home. I don't notice very many songs 180

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but the ones that I do notice are highly important to me. They all convey important spiritual messages. No, not everyone is aware of the messages being conveyed. They simply experience a catchy tune with memorable lyrics. But, the messages are conveyed nonetheless even if it does not happen consciously. I'm in somewhat of a waiting pattern ... waiting to see how the world is going to react to the Beyond Imagination books Though it seems I should be doing something to define how I will interact with the world next. Publishing was a necessary step, but only the first step ultimately on the road to success. That's OK. We take each step as they come, one step at a time. Ultimately that will get us to where we need to be. We don't need to know where that is. We need only to trust the process of spirit unfolding and expressing through us and allow it to lead us on whatever path is appropriate for us. It will not be the path. There is no one path right for everyone. But it will be a path that is valuable for us and those whom we touch in our lives. We are also free to decide on our own path. However, it seems much easier if we steer the course that spirit sets for us. What would I do with my life? How would I invest my time and energy? How do I maximize the return on investment? What do I use as a valuation system by which to evaluate what benefit accrues from what I am doing? In other words, how do we measure the worth of the impact that we are having on the world? These are not easy questions to answer. But, answer them we must if we are going to live our life deliberately and do the works that we are meant to do. Our lives are meant to have high value. However, they will only be so if we do the things necessary to make them so. We have the power to do this, each and every one of us. It is a matter of choosing to live a life of value, of service. For the first question, the answer has been given many times: I would build the foundations for a new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh. Yes, that is a grandiose objective. But, everything in me tells me that this is what I came to do. This is what Beyond Imagination is all about. This is the task that is worthy of all the effort that I can muster to put into it. 3 hours per day is just scratching the surface of what I can do here. Yet, it is enough of an investment to create a sizeable body of work that continues to grow daily. Just imagine what could be if we could expand this to even a group of a dozen working together on creating the foundations for a better world. The creative potential that would be unleashed would be phenomenal. Yet, where do I go to find a dozen kindred spirits? Then again, who says that the group has to be composed of kindred spirits? It is enough that the group has a common set of overall goals relevant to this endeavor and a willingness to work together in a cooperatively interdependent way to get it done. I continue to experience a high degree of drowsiness. It is time to make some changes in my life to correct this. Though, it is not clear how much I can do. One of the key side effects of several of my medications is drowsiness. However, it would seem that if I was truly consumed with what I was doing, there would be no way for it to settle in. It is interesting to watch. When I am in this state, things are much more fuzzy and I make far more errors, primarily typos, in what is expressed. I correct the typos as I go for the most part, virtually automatically, but the resulting expression is significantly slower. It is time to wake up and stay awake more. One area that seems to be in need of more care is my physical body. I have neglected it for most of my life ... trusting that it would effectively take care of itself. It seems this is not wholly the case. There are things that I can do to facilitate my health. These may in turn contribute to different mental states. There is a chain of causality that runs all the way from the physical to the spiritual and back down, through the emotional and mental on the way. We need to take care of all aspects of ourselves. That doesn't mean that we can't have preferences and emphasize one over another. It just means that we need to achieve some type of balance. Even after 10 years of expression, it still blows me away that all of this could come forth through me in this manner. I know that it does. I see it happen nearly everyday. But, it still blows me away. I don't know how else to put it. Here, we allow a stream of consciousness to express. As a result, something is 181

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manifest that did not exist before. Each moment of expression, we leave a record of where consciousness has been ... at least that part of consciousness that could be expressed through us. Each day we have something concrete to show for the fact that we have lived. You may say that it is only words. But the right words expressed in the right way can move people to commit deeds that ultimately change the world. Words can be that powerful; they are not to be taken lightly. Are these words of that nature? Clearly not all of them ... but some of them perhaps. And, one never knows what is going to come forth next. Yes, come forth is an appropriate way to describe the process. It just happens. There is nothing that I am consciously aware of that makes it happen. There is no sense that I am doing it. Yes, I am typing what comes into my mind. But even after 10 years, I still have no insight as to how the expression comes into my mind. It just appears and I type it. There is enough of a knowingness that I can detect whether the pattern typed agrees with the pattern being conveyed in my head. I hear the pattern for the most part ... but with inner ears. This leads to a tendency to make sounds-like errors. How do I breakthrough into a new way of being? Isn't that what we are talking about? It seems that I have reached a personal breakpoint ... where it is necessary to radically change to permit a whole new way of expression. Is this really what I want? The status quo is comfortable after all. However, what am I sacrificing to live comfortably? Am I truly satisfied with my present life. In many respects, the answer is yes. However, not in all respects. There are areas where my life isn't working as well as I believe that it could and should ... and I strongly desire to remedy this.

9 August 2003 A brand new day. They come every day. Each is special. Each is never to be repeated. It is up to us to do what we can to make the most of what we are given. Life is a precious gift. It is a special gift, one that needs to be revered and respected. That requires going through life with a proper frame of mind ... a proper state of consciousness. Yet, from what I have seen to date the processes for finding these proper states are haphazard at best, assuming that processes exist at all. Many seem unaware of the need to find and develop such states. Yet, it is the flexibility of our consciousness and the states of mind that we are able to achieve that determine much of our value in the times ahead. It has always been important ... but the nature of the new age makes it extremely important. How close are we to manifesting the world of our dreams? Are we talking about years, decades, centuries ...? Does it really make a difference? What matters is that we do what we are moved to do here and now. By doing that, the new world will take form in its due time. There is still a sense that I am to see this happen in my lifetime. And, my projections call for checking out in the 2024-2028 range. Then again, that is so far away, it is difficult to know whether it is right or not. It feels right. And, that is enough for now. We'll see how this changes as my life progresses. The bottom line is that it is not how long that we have lived that matters, it is how well we have lived ... and, in particular what difference our life made to others and the world. There are many ways to make a difference. It is up to us to find the unique ways that are right for us. This is not difficult to do. Start by finding those things that you love to do. Then find ways to apply them in service. The greater the service the better. There is always a way to be of service. Usually, there are many ways ... so we want to optimize the amount of service generated. The more service, the greater the benefit to society. I've taken a few steps to promote my published books. I've added web pages and links at the Beyond Imagination site. I've place a classified ad in the Sedona Journal for three months starting in October. I've put a poster on my wall and have the books displayed on the top of a credenza. I won't know how the links are working until I start seeing royalty checks in another two months or so. Few people stop by my office. I don't think anyone has even noticed the poster yet. Oh well. I don't have a circle of friends that 182

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might be interested in my books. I sent out 2003 Quote per Day Calendars to over 50 people but got very little feedback even acknowledging receipt, much less commenting on the content. I expected more than that somehow. The conclusion I drew was that this was not the spiritual support group that I am hoping to build around me. It seemed that more than chance had brought me to my present work environment. Yet, I have not really established any close relationships. Yes, there are people I work with more closely than with others ... and we are starting to get to know one another. But there is still a long way to go from my perspective. I have a high standard for friendship. So high, that it is not clear that I've ever experienced it. Though, I sense that I would know it if I experienced it. Why has it been necessary to live my life in such an isolated manner? The only answer that makes any sense is that this is what I needed to experience to allow me to develop in the way that I have. I would not change this. I am happy with what I have learned to date. I am happy with what I have become. I am happy being the one through whom this expression can manifest. That is not to say that I do not desire more ... to express more and to be more. Further, I desire to establish relationships with others within a intentional community that we jointly choose to manifest. In the long run, I see it to be my destiny to be part of such. In the short term, we'll have to see what manifests. I'm ready to do my part, whatever that part is. How do I reach those who I am ultimately meant to reach? Can I assume it will just happen when the time is right? It seems that I have to help things out by doing my part. But, what is my part? I continue to bring forth this stream of consciousness on a regular basis. That is good, but that is not enough. Posting these daily musings provides a service ... but, it is not one that is consumed by many yet. For your eyes only ... can this expression be primarily that and only secondarily meant for others? Every fiber of my being says no, that this is meant to be shared and shared freely. That was the intent of creating the Beyond Imagination site to begin with. And, that is why the work at the site is considered to be a Gift from Spirit to the World since January 1, 1997 if memory serves me. This truly is the expression of spirit. This is primarily a stream of consciousness expression that comes forth through me from source via my intuition. Intuition is a very powerful part of the self. It is meant to be used as much if not more than reason. It is a direct tie to knowledge and knowing where the rational mind often is only able to deal in the realm of facts and information.

10 August 2003 We're nearly one-third of the way through the month already. Time is just flying by. Though, there is still a sense that I am not doing everything that I could be doing. At the same time, it is not clear what it is that I am missing. I can be pretty dense at times, however. I tend to see only those things that I want to see. This is true for all of us. Each of us have filters that serve as glasses through which we perceive the world. These filters are primarily systems of beliefs about what matters and what is important to us in the world. Those are the things that we pay the most attention to. This is simply how the process works. It is the natural means by which we attract the reality that we experience. When we are being the best that we can be, our lives work, our reality works. It is only when we are not living up to our potential that difficulties arise ... but, even then they are difficulties of our own making. We create and are responsible for every aspect of our reality. Yes, that means that I create and am responsible for this very expression ... even though I acknowledge the source to be an equally important unseen part within me. I am but the mouthpiece and instrument through which she speaks. How am I to inform others that this material exists in published form? I've had the promotional materials for Best Passages for over three weeks already yet have not done much with them. But, what am I to do with them? I don't know people that I could just send them to. Besides, I need a targeted audience rather than a general one. My books are metaphysical / spiritual / new age. If we stretch it, they also might be categorized as self help. Where do I go to find people in this particular group? Is this a large enough 183

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group to earn a living from? Is it right to expect for my writing to provide for my livelihood? Why not? I'm good at it and I love doing it. And besides, ultimately it serves me but it serves others as well. We should be able to be employed to do what we love to do. When that happens everyone wins. The individual wins in terms of greater productivity, job satisfaction, and perhaps even happiness. The collective wins because of greater collective productivity, greater efficiency, and more harmony from more fulfilled members. I just noticed that the factors for the individual and the collective are nearly the same in this case. What would I do next? It seems to always come down to the question of what action is the correct next action for us. And the answer remains the same. Do as you are moved to do when you are moved to do it. Don't act until you are moved to act strongly enough that you know that the action is the right action for you. You will know. Trust your intuition. It has not failed you yet ... nor is there any reason to think that it will anytime soon anyway. Hmm ... I wonder why the final clause was necessary? Interesting. How does this translate into practical terms in the moment? Clearly I am moved to continue with this stream of consciousness expression. The very fact that I am here now doing this attests to that. But, what else am I moved to do? Why are so few others choosing to make contact and provide feedback? At what point will I start to encounter those with whom I am meant to work? There is a strong need to establish a community of which I would actively choose to be a part. Is that asking for too much? My sense is no. The time is right for doing this now. But, this is not something that I can do alone. Nor do I even have the contacts to organize it alone. So, where is my counterpart in arms, someone who can relate to me, but who can also do the people stuff that I may be lacking the skills to do? I shouldn't have to do the things that I am not designed by nature to do. These others can do far better. I just need ways to enlist them on my team. The overall mission we are taking on can be pretty daunting at times. But, that is part of its appeal ... its very challenge. Building the foundation for a new world is no easy task. It is a task of great world import. It is a task that requires the very best from each of us. And, the very best is the spiritual within each of us. It is the spiritual that desires to be of service to our fellow beings. What more can I give and to whom? That is a useful question to ask ourselves from time to time. What more can we do to serve? I heard an ad for mentoring on the radio today. That helps individuals one at a time. I would hope that my impact could be more than that. Yet, doesn't change start with impacting one individual at a time? Though, if we can change the infrastructures ... we can change the very environment that nurtures us all. When we change the environment, everything changes. For instance, if the economy can provide abundance for everyone ... that frees people from the concerns of making a living and allows them to focus their attention on things that really matter. Will they actually do this? Maybe, maybe not. But we won't know unless we do it and give people the opportunity. We may be amazed at what people will do with their newfound freedom if we can take care of the abundance issue. We can do this. We have the know how. We have the resources and the technology. All that is missing is the resolve. This requires a realization that we are all worth it. We are all deserving of abundance on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

11 August 2003 Another day, another blank page to fill with whatever spirit would bring forth. OK, yes, I am an integral part in this expression as well. But, my sense is one of being the instrument through which the expression is played, not being the musician doing the playing. That is just how it is and how it has been since the expression began in 1993. I don't mind, there are far worse things than spending ones time serving spirit in this manner. There is great benefit gained by experiencing this stream of consciousness being expressed through me. I may not be able to quantify the benefits precisely, but there is an overall sense of accomplishment that comes from all of this. Also, there is a level of awareness that is beyond what most 184

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people experience. I would not trade that for anything. It is well worth the many hours per week that it takes to achieve it. You might say that much of this writing is practice time. It allows me to experience particular states of consciousness firsthand. I would consider them advanced states of consciousness but that is a value judgement that some might find inappropriate. I do consider myself more advanced in this area than most however. But then, I should be given the amount of time, energy, and resources that I put into it. You get what you focus upon. This is clearly true in my life. My reality is highly unbalanced. The spiritual has a strong peak and the physical a strong valley while the mental and emotional are somewhat even in the middle. This isn't quite the same as my PMEI breakout in numerology of 6533 which shows the physical component high and the mental component substantially higher than the emotional. However, the two systems are measuring very different things. The basic question is still on my mind ... what would you do next? How would you promote yourself, your site, and your books? Indeed, that is what I would be doing. To date, Beyond Imagination has been about expressing what can be expressed through me. Is this enough? Or, is it time to extend this to allow Beyond Imagination to provide a forum for others to express as well. Ultimately it seems that this should be a joint endeavor involving many. Not too many, but at least a dozen or so. The group needs to be large enough to allow it to function as a group and benefit from synergy. However, the group needs to be small enough to manage effectively. If the tasks are large enough, they should be partitioned such that different groups can work the different parts, coordinating as necessary to ensure that the whole is optimized. Who should be in charge of such endeavors? It should be those who have the natural talents and desire to lead. They will be the ones most likely to apply the proper level of commitment to do what it takes to get the job done. This is spiritual work we are doing. It is unlike our normal jobs. It needs to have a high return on investment ... in particular, a two-fold return in terms of the services rendered to the community and the fulfillment provided from participation in the endeavor. The first of these makes the endeavor worthwhile to others. The second of these makes the endeavor worthwhile to those of us who engage in it. That didn't answer the question ... what would you do next? I continue to take things one step at a time. Obviously, one choice is to continue with this daily expression. For some reason, it seems important to continue to express in this manner at least through the end of August if not through the end of December or perhaps even longer. We'll take it one day at a time and do as we are moved to do. What that doesn't do is reach out to a wider community. Here, I am still somewhat at a loss as to how to find people who might be interested in what is expressed at Beyond Imagination. I thought about going to SpiritWeb, but found that their site has been discontinued. It was one of the largest metaphysical sites on the internet for many years. I'll have to take the time to venture out and find others. Perhaps it is time to rethink my strategy concerning link exchanges. It is the interconnections of the web that provide the richness of the medium. Interconnections are achieved via links. I have plenty of content. Perhaps it is time to work on the connectivity for awhile. The Beyond Imagination material can't serve people if people are not being exposed to it. Actually, it can ... just not to the same degree. I can start by visiting and contacting major metaphysical sites. One step at a time. That is all that is required. Each step takes us one step further along the path that is ours to follow. I was going to say one step closer to where we need to be ... but it is not clear that such is always the case. Sometimes the path meanders. That is OK. However it goes is appropriate for us. We need to learn to go with the flow and take life as it comes. Though, at the same time, we must realize that we are creating every moment of it. Yes, this seems to be a contradiction. But, the operative word is seems. We truly do create it all. Exposing more people to Beyond Imagination is becoming a high priority task in my life. It is something that I am willing to expend time and resources to accomplish. To support this, I set a goal of making at least two new site contacts each day related to establishing links. That gives me 60 links a month if I can find that many sites to link to. I can focus on those sites likely to have the most traffic. I don't know how many people go to links pages and check out the various sites that are linked from those pages. It is 185

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particularly difficult if the link name is given with no descriptive text. I don't generally follow blind links. I don't know how many others do.

12 August 2003 Once again we start anew and express as consciousness would express through us at this time. Of late, we do this nearly everyday. This has been true for nearly 19 and 1/2 months. It will be interesting to see how long it continues. At this point it seems that it may be indefinite. But, there are things happening in my world that may be about to rock my reality and send me in a different direction than I had ever considered. That is good. I am open to benign inputs from the universe. When we do spirits work, we come to expect such things in our life ... so much so that perhaps we take them for granted far more than we should. I am in a position to figure out how I might be able to work in a cooperatively interdependent way with one other person. In fact, we meet for the first time tomorrow. It will be interesting to see what comes of this. This has the potential to be a very valuable connection. What do I have that I can commit? What I have to give is the most precious gift of all ... whom that I AM and the services that I am able to provide. Ultimately, that has to be enough. We create our own reality. What reality would I create? I have always been one to accept the reality that I find myself in. I trust that some part of me is creating the reality that I most desire and that I most need to experience. What I experience outside of me is a mirror reflection of what is going on inside of me. To change the outer, I need to work on and change the inner. This is always within my power to do. As an introvert, it is my inner reality that is of the most importance to me. It always has been. Though, of late it has become important to start doing things to facilitate getting the outer world to more accurately reflect my inner world. Why do I have the right to do this? Actually, the sense is that it is a responsibility rather than a right. I do it because I can do it ... and further, because I can do it well; or, at least I believe such to be the case. This is a different line of inquiry than I have ever explored before. Yet, it seems appropriate to be exploring it now. This is the next step. This is the next area of action. How do I find ways to manifest what is in my inner world in the outer world? I need to keep this question in mind constantly, or at least often. What makes my inner world worthy of being manifested? The facts that I've focused on this inner world for all of my life and that I now have a strong desire to express it so that I can share it in a manner that serves others are sufficient reasons. That is, they are sufficient for me anyway. Whether they are sufficient for others to listen to what I have to say, and more importantly to act on this information we can only wait and see. I believe the answer to be the affirmative, and further I believe that significant numbers of people will ultimately be involved. How do I think outside of the box? My box is already quite strange to say the least. But, it seems that I am being asked to stretch even further ... a lot further, this time in directions I may not be so familiar with. At the same time, there is a sense that the expression will still be natural somehow. It will be different. But, it will still be second nature to me. At this point, I don't know what it will be. However, it seems that changes are on the immediate horizon ... so we will not have to wait for long. On the one hand, that is good. It is time for some major changes in my life again. On the other hand, any change is bound to disrupt the productivity that we have established over the past year and a half. However, there are different kinds of productivity. I don't know how to compare the output of an hour of what I will be doing against the output of an hour of this current expression. The bottom line is that what will be will be. There is no stopping destiny. It will be played out as it must. We meet those that we are meant to meet. We make the connections that we are meant to make to do the work that we need to do. When we allow them to, things have a way of working themselves out naturally. It is a matter of simply allowing them to unfold in our lives. We can also make things happen. This can come across as forceful. At times, that is perfectly OK. However, we need to make sure we take into account the impacts of our creations on 186

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others. Along with the power of reality creation comes the responsibility for all that we create. This includes responsibility not just for the impacts of what we create on us ... but for all of the impacts of what we create. Of late, I am moved to start making connections. It has become increasingly important to get people to the Beyond Imagination site to expose them to this expression. My hope is that they will find this to be of service. No, not physically, or emotionally. Perhaps not even mentally. But, it should be of service spiritually ... and that, for me, anyway is the greatest area of service. My hope is that people will find this material consciousness expanding. That is the greatest service that I can provide. I am here to build the foundations that allow spirit to more fully express in flesh. Spirit primarily expresses through consciousness. Consciousness is everything. Without consciousness we would cease to exist as aware beings. Day after day the expression continues. How can that be? From where does all this come? How can someone that is generally so quiet speak so much here? What is the purpose of all this expression? Whom is it intended to serve? Is it enough that it is expressed? Why is it so important that it be shared? Since the beginning in 1993, the desire to share has been there. The Beyond Imagination web site was created in 1995. Now, the site literally has thousands of pages of information in close to a thousand separate web "pages". Spirit has been prolific in expressing through me over the past decade. It seems like it should be easier to share such free material. Perhaps it would have been if I had expended any effort on doing it. I assumed that if I built the web site, they would come. I didn't think much about how people would find the site. That is OK. That decade is over. What is done is done. All that we can do is move forward from here. If I want to establish connections ... I need to focus on doing just that. It is something that I can do that doesn't cost anything other than some of my time and effort. This is the next step however. It is time to expose Beyond Imagination to more of the world. It will be interesting to see what feedback we will receive when we do this. It seems that it is my job to figure out where my work fits within the larger context of the work of the world. I can't count on anyone to do that for me. I will need to find out from where to extend connections from Beyond Imagination. The hope would be that such connections would be reciprocal, but that is not required. Yet, unless they come into Beyond Imagination, they don't do a whole lot of good. Right now, what is important is to increase the amount of service that Beyond Imagination provides. Even with a unilateral link, a service is provided, the value of which is dependent on the utility of the information/services provided at the linked site. I believe that there are sufficient works at Beyond Imagination to do a lot of service. It is simply a matter of exposing many more people to the expression so that the works can have the affect that they are meant to have. This will happen. It is only a matter of time.

13 August 2003 Day after day after day, the words keep flowing forth. They come from a source that is deep inside of me ... a source so deep that I only know of its existence from the works that it does in my life. Those works are primarily this expression. We know not how all of this happens. The river of consciousness flows where it will, taking us along for the ride. In many ways, it is literally the ride of our lives. And, what a thrilling ride it is. What more can one ask for than to be moved by spirit to express in this manner? This could easily grow to be a full time job. But, is that how I see myself being employed? Is that how I want to work in the world? Or, would I prefer to work more with others, interacting to create something grander than any of us could conceive of creating alone? I am started to lean toward the later. Though, it needs to be in a manner that is optimizing ... where the performance of the group gets better over time as 187

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lessons are learned and incorporated. The current work environment is far too wasteful of resources. But, it is not clear how to improve things. Continuous process improvement should be a way of life. But, for that you need to have defined processes. It is curious that with all the practice that I get in expressing this stream of consciousness that I haven't gotten better at it or faster at it over the years. The pace has remained the same at approximately one 8.5 x 11 page per hour since the beginning of the expression in 1993. As to whether the quality has improved over time, that is not something that I can really judge. The nature of the expression has changed over the years. It is not clear that it has gotten better or worse. It is what it is. It is whatever flows forth. Though, there was a lot of good material in Best Passages from 2002 Musings. And, this has continued into 2003. I'm the proud papa, however. It is hard for me to be critical of the children of my consciousness. We'll leave that for others to do. And, even then we ask that utility be the key criteria used in any assessments. When all is said and done, I want to be remembered for what was expressed through me and for what was created as a result of what was expressed. Who I am really doesn't matter much. What does matter is what I can do or more precisely what spirit can do through me. Hmm ... the bottom line is that I want the works of Beyond Imagination to be remembered. These have the potential to serve people long after I am dead and gone. I say potential because it seems that I still have to do something to actualize that potential. I am the living source through which all of this expression flowed forth. That sets me apart. That makes me special. I need to use the great gifts that I have been given to serve on as large of a scale as I can. This is true for me. But, to a large degree it is true for all of us. We each have things that make us special, things that we are meant to use to serve others. That is ultimately what gives our life meaning and purpose. We might serve family, friends, community, society, country, or even the world. Where do we go from here? We paid for a three month site listing at a prominent new age site today. Each day we do new things to establish connectivity that directs people to Beyond Imagination. We'll see soon enough what works. Though, it may be difficult to isolate what is actually having beneficial impact. That's OK. So far, everything has been relatively low cost. Though if we have to cover even dozens of low cost items, we are talking substantial monthly costs. I consider two to three hundred dollars per month substantial. Many link exchanges are free ... so, that may be a place to focus. However, I don't know how much traffic is generated by following links on links pages. I don't typically browse that way, especially without any description of the site content for the link. Then again, my behavior is not typical of anything. Witness this very expression. How many people capture a stream of consciousness in the manner? As far as I know, this is a unique expression. Then again, all creative expression is unique. So, that is not saying a whole lot. But, I have read a lot in the past 30 years and have never read anything like what is expressed here. Sure, many of the concepts are the same. But, the way the expression comes forth is fresh and new. Do whatever it takes. But to what end? What would we choose to manifest? What do we desire to create? Imagine, Plan, Do. That is how we create reality. Though I have skipped the planning state for much of my life. Further, I don't really imagine what I want to be either. I have trusted that there was an inner source that knew what was best for my life and was creating/attracting the appropriate reality. All that I needed to do was whatever I was moved to do. I don't think it works that way for most people. There are many for whom the classic tools for reality creation have great utility. Perhaps they would work for me too if I would sincerely embrace them, but I find it hard to put my heart into it. It seems fake to create a reality other than that which my Self is creating for me. That doesn't mean that I have to like every aspect of what I experience. And, I need to find ways to provide feedback to my Self in terms of more empowering beliefs that allow me to experience things differently. Beliefs are definitely the key. Belief management is the process of controlling beliefs so that they serve us and result in reality that we choose to experience. It is our responsibility to manage our beliefs. No, this was not taught to me in 17 plus years of formal education. How can that be? How is it that we are not taught about such important things? Many go through their entire lives and never figure it out. That is a shame. It seems that we owe 188

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it to our citizenry to share the word ... to inform people of these spiritual truths that can empower them to live more aware and enlightened lives. Why can't we just accept things as they are, and allow them to unfold as they will naturally? The chief reason is that the plan calls for us to be an active part of the evolution of consciousness, the evolution of spirit expressed in flesh. It has taken thousands of years to get us to this point. We are at a breakpoint, where a whole new level of awareness is to be manifest.

14 August 2003 Once again we are moved to come here for our daily expression. That is not much to ask. We do have 16 hours per day to expend after all. We should be able to find at least an hour or two in which to do those things that most stir our souls. I can say that. My family responsibilities are minimal, especially during the week while I am away from home. However, I understand that for many others, the demands can be far greater and the freedom far less. That is why I am in a position to do what I am doing. I have the basic abilities necessary, I have the disposition, and I have the desire and devotion ... and I have the time to allow this expression to come forth. Further, I am willing to be the instrument through which the expression occurs. It is not important to me that I create the expression. It is more a process of allowing it to come forth. At best, I am a co-creator. Though, at times, it seems that I am little more than a scribe. But, that is OK. The scribe has a very important job. I would also consider myself the author of what comes forth. It is through my consciousness that everything in this expression is manifest. Yes, I recognize that there is a connection to source, a connection to the one consciousness, deep within me. But that does not negate my role in all of this. Authors express in writing. That is what I am doing here. Authors write and publish books. That is what I am doing as well. That there is an unseen source that assists me in this is of no matter. It doesn't change the facts. If anything, it increases the credibility of what is written. In my case, I have spirit on my side assisting me every step of the way. I moved one of my counters to the Main Page so that I can get a more direct reading of the number of visits to the Beyond Imagination site. The counter started at 1342. That means it would have been 1341 at the time it was moved. Hmm ... just noticed that this is one past 1341 = Death of Wayne. The 34 in the middle is staring out at me for some reason. The message seems to be that I have passed 1341 and reach 1342 finally. Actually, the transition point for moving the counter to the new location was a key event. We're already up to 1350 and counting. 1342 = 15:22(88) = 17:16(78) = The Star: The Tower 3412 = 38:68(88) = Vision of WAYNE! This also is a rotation of 2341 = 925(16), a signature number for me. It's been awhile since we've had much to do with numbers. They still show up on our drives ... but, the necessity of recording the numbers is no longer as strong. Besides, I have a hard time remembering the numbers that I see when I am driving anyway. Perhaps a tape recorder would help. Though that would require transcribing what we spoken into written form. It is not clear that it is worth the trouble. Those numbers that I need to see will find their way into my awareness. Just notices that the numbers in the day above are a variation of these same four numbers 1423. Just read L to R and outer to inner. What is the likelihood that such would happen by chance? Connections. Everywhere connections. Life is a web of interconnectivity. Information is connected to other information. People are connected to various types and pockets of information. And, people are connected to other people. The internet provides a 189

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wonderful medium for us to manifest and actualize various levels of interconnectivity. It is a place where we can truly get people helping people if we use it properly. However, there are those who would use the medium for personal gain to the detriment of the collective good. As with any tool, the internet can be used for good or for not so good depending on who is using it, why, and how. There is something about freedom that seems to attract the nut cases. Why do I need unsolicited ads for mortgages, viagra, debt consolidation, etc ... sent to my e-mail account nearly daily? If I want something, I'll seek it out. I don't need such advertisement coming to me. It's not just there. I'm about fed up with network TV as well due to the amount of commercials per show that one has to put up with. Yes, the commercials are what pay the bills. Or, more correctly, we the consumers pay the bills by buying the products and services that the commercials hawk. In the present economy, the bottom line is that we, the consumers, pay for everything. Most people don't think about that when they hear the astronomical amounts that some of the stars make per episode for the most popular shows. But it is not just there. Take a superstar basketball player and figure out how much he makes per game, or even per basket. Or, take a superstar quarterback and figure out how much he makes per completed pass, or per touchdown. Or, take a superstar baseball player and figure out how much he makes per hit. What you will find is that the salaries are way out of line with the effort performed. Though, there is another argument. In the free market, the services these individuals provide create a captive audience for commercials. Companies are willing to pay big bucks for time during shows or games for their commercials to run. It is only fair that the actors and athletes that draw and keep the audience get a part of the take from the commercial revenue. But how far should this go? It seems that the system is way out of balance. Looking at productivity. If 50 million people watch a 1 hour comedy show, what is the benefit to society? Laughter is extremely powerful ... so there is an immediate benefit just from that. However, are there other things that 50 million hours of time might have been used to do? That is 25 thousand person years of equivalent effort. Yes, just from a 16 percent share watching one show. I've heard that the average person watches several hours of TV per day. The sense is that such is simply wasteful. We need more choices as to what we can do with our time. Being entertained is not the most productive use of our time and our talents. For that, we need to do something, preferably something creative.

15 August 2003 The blank screen. Each day we start with a new blank template and await consciousness to fill it as she will. Yes, she. I still experience the source of all of this to be feminine. I don't know why, that is just how it has been since the expression began. From the quantity and quality of this expression, it seems that this must be right ... at least for me at this time. We never know what the morrow will bring. But, that doesn't matter, we can deal with the morrow when the morrow comes. Our focus is meant to be on the present. What can we do here and now to make a difference? Though, our considerations should include the difference that we make over time. Our actions in the moment can have ramifications that stretch into eternity. In our considerations of alternative courses of actions we need to consider the long term impacts in addition to the near term ones. Though, in many cases, the longer term impacts are soft ... they are uncertain or are dependent on other things happening. That's OK. We just need to be open to feedback and be ready to make adjustments as necessary to counter negative effects where we can. What we do makes a big difference in the world. We need to remember that. Thoughts without actions are mere passing fancies. It is when we take action that the forces of creation are invoked. Whether positively, negatively, or neutrally depends on our actions. Don't get me wrong, this is not to say that thoughts don't have power. The right thoughts at the right time can move many to take action. It is through such thoughts that the world will ultimately be transformed. We need to give people empowering thoughts that replace some of the ones that they presently hold about themselves, the world, and the 190

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nature of reality. We can do this now. The necessary ideas exist. It is a matter of packaging them in formats that can reach large portions of the population. It seems that the way to do this is through the mass media. It is the means for getting information to a large audience. However, the message needs to be couched in a format that is palatable as well. If people aren't able to receive it, it doesn't do any good. What would convince people that major changes to the social infrastructure are required? It is not clear that most people in the US would believe this. They may not be happy with the way things are, but everywhere else one looks it seems like things are worse ... far worse in many cases. So, what's the problem? Why do we need to fix anything? The biggest problem is that many of our systems are ad hoc. They developed over time reacting to whatever needs they faced in their environment. They were not planned systems. The difference now is that we are trying to be deliberate about what we are creating. We are attempting to plan the systems that will ultimately serve us. Whether we are successful or not will depend on how well we allow spirit to participate and express through us in this endeavor. If our actions are to have impact, we must be connected to others somehow. The more richly connected, the more impact that we are likely to have. However, the more richly connected, the more difficult to predict the exact nature of the impact. That is OK. We are not necessarily doing things for the impacts that they will have. We do things because we are moved by spirit to do them ... damn the consequences. The consequences will be what they will be, and we will be responsible for them ... but they are not to be a primary concern. The bottom line is that we must do what we must do. Such is our spiritual obligation. But, how do we know what this is? We go inside and seek until we find the answer. This is one thing that is clearly available inside of us. At any time, source / consciousness knows what is right for us to be doing. We can access and abide by that knowingness, or we can ignore it ... that is our choice. Life flows far smoother when we access and abide be it however. There is nothing that says that life has to flow smoothly. It can if that is desired, but it seems that most people need to encounter challenges in their lives that make them far from smooth sailing. Each one of us makes choices in this area that are right for us ... that agree with our preferences. What is right for one is not necessarily right for another. That is OK. Diversity is appreciated and encouraged. It is our differences that make us special and unique. Though, our similarities are miraculous in and of their own. Spent some more time making connections today, this time by joining the New Civilization Network. Flemming Funch has been doing some wonderful work connecting people and organization and providing a medium for communication, exchange of ideas, and collaboration in doing various projects. He started around the same time I did, but clearly is far more outgoing in the way that he has chosen to express. That is good. We need all types to make the world go round. It was curious that the form for joining the network included identifying personality type from the Briggs-Myer test. I guess that helps to profile the kinds of people that might be able to work well together by augment each others skills. This appears to be a promising connection for finding likeminded souls for carrying out the mission of Beyond Imagination. According to information at the site, there are over 8000 members from all over the world with a common goal of World Transformation. Perhaps I can shift my focus and find a way to actively contribute and express there. That is much easier than starting from scratch to build a new organization. Though we may need an organization for Beyond Imagination in its own right as well. Also made some connections to Peter Shephard's Tools for Transformation site. I've had a link to his site from my links page for over three years, but I forgot just how much valuable information he had there - most of it free. Further, it looks like he has expanded a lot over the years. This gives me a whole new avenue for exploration. We'll, it has been a productive day overall in terms of musing and establishing connections that offer great promise. We'll have to see where we are moved to go from here. I probably ought to consider writing a series of essays/articles to submit to some of the monthly e-zines for consideration. This might be a way to expose a much wider audience to what can be expressed through me. It wouldn't take that long to do. 191

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We're only talking about several hours of my time. And, right now, time is a resource that I still have to spare. I don't know how long that will continue to be the case. I expect that the demands on my time will only grow as we move toward the future. But right now, I still have available hours to do things that I choose to do.

16 August 2003 Again we wipe the slate clean and start from a blank template. Again we trust that consciousness will have something to say to fill up the space and that what is said will be worthy of the time that it takes to read it for some audience that it is meant to reach. Exactly what that audience will be remains to be seen. It will make itself known when the time is right for it to do so. We have two books officially published and available now. However, being available for sale and being sold are two different things. It will take another month to two months for me to see any signs of if and how the books are selling. I haven't done much to promote them yet with the exception of some material and links at my site ... and paying for some advertisement that links back to the Beyond Imagination site. My hope is that if I can get people to visit the Beyond Imagination site and experience the material that is there, then they will naturally want to buy some of the books. This in turn can be used to fund the endeavors of Beyond Imagination. It seems that what comes forth from Beyond Imagination should be used to do the work of Beyond Imagination. That includes paying appropriately for services rendered. Spiritual work is as deserving of compensation as any other kind of work. Perhaps even more so because of its value. How this expression can come forth day after day and not become tiresome is a mystery. This is still be far the most challenging and most exciting part of my day. It is here that I get to touch source, if only through my intuition. It is here that I provide the greatest service that I can provide to source ... I offer all that I AM to do her bidding for 2-3 hours nearly everyday. How do I know that this is worthwhile ... that this is not just a waste of my time? I see what is expressed, and I just know! What is expressed needed to be expressed, and I am the vessel through whom it could come. Knowing that is enough for me. That, and the inner sense that in doing this, in expressing in this manner, I am somehow carrying out my destiny. Yes, that is clearly different than for most. But, I have never been one to be part of the majority. I would prefer to isolate myself, or at least set myself apart in some important way. Lately, this is starting to change. I'm longing to find kindred spirits to relate to and to work with. Whether I will find such and how well we will work together remain to be seen. Actually, the question seems to be one of when rather than whether. Further, I have no doubt that we will find ways to work well together, very well indeed. OK, what would you do next? First, it seems that I am to continues with this expression. There is still a strong inner drive that brings me here each day to express. So long as that drive is present, it seems that the least I can do is honor it by spending time expressing in this manner. In addition, I am moved to make additional outer connections. These provide the opportunity for people to find the Beyond Imagination site. If they find the site, my sense is that the will stay awhile and that they will find that they are served in some way. If we then apply the golden rule of economics ... never take more than you give, this will unleash an army of forces for the good of everyone. That is all that I can ask ... that my works trigger others to do good works in like kind or at least in like volume. The way we transform the world is through service. It is that simple. Service is a different way of looking at our relationship to the world. When we think in terms of how we can serve, we engage the highest within us. Service takes us away from our intense focus on self. OK, some of us are more intensely focused on self than others. Though was not the directive over Plato's Academy the equivalent of "Know Thyself" in Greek? There was a reason for this nearly single-minded focus. However, it seems that we have grown beyond that. We have reached a point where we know self enough to need to take the next step of discovering what self is supposed to do in the context of others and society in the world. One possibility is that these others are 192

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just other parts of the same Self. However, that is not the realization that is experienced yet. There is still a sense of separateness. We have not joined together to become ONE. Will that happen at some point? I believe that it will, but it is not clear that this is to be within my lifetime. There is much work to be done. We have the foundations for a new world to build. Yet, how many recognize that a new world is even needed? And, if they don't desire it ... how will the forces be put into place to manifest it. This is not something that can be forced onto people. They have to want it. They have to embrace it wholeheartedly. One possibility is that the conditions will worsen to the point where the people will demand something different. That is not a desirable course of affairs, but if that is what must be, we'll just have to make the best of it. The sense is that we need to be ready to offer an alternative or set of alternatives ... things that can be implemented quickly and evaluated to ensure that they work. Somebody said think globally, act locally. That's a profound way of operating in the world. Here and now is the easiest place and time to engage in action. Yet, by thinking globally we keep the good of the whole in mind as we act.

17 August 2003 We're getting off to an earlier start than usual for a weekend day. It's actually before noon. I had several opportunities to wake up early ... at 6:00, then at 7:00, then at 8:30 but I chose to sleep in anyway. I need something in my life that is powerful enough and exciting enough to make me want to get out of bed in the morning and get a running start on the day. That just isn't there right now. I'm getting by. But I'm not truly enthused about life. This expression keeps me going. But it is only a three hour per day part of my life. That is significant, and this is where I am doing my life's work. But, I'm not fully engaged yet. What is missing is connections with others. This is not meant to be a solitary endeavor. And, effectively it has been that to date. That has been my fault. I have not really spent any time actively seeking out others. I have found a few kindred spirits over the years and we made connections. But, I didn't do anything to preserve the connections and turn them into friendships and collaborative efforts. Now, it seems that this is what is called for. Though, I don't even know what endeavors we might engage in yet. That is OK. Spirit is on our side. She will guide us to do what needs to be done. Further, she knows the specific roles that each of us are here to play so she is in the best position to assign the work to be done. We will get such assignments through our own intuition. We will know inside what roles are meant for us. Two more weeks and the month comes to a close. There is a whole lot to do before then. We still have the first 3/4ths of 2003 Musings - Vol II to finish. The weeks pass so quickly. Even at three hours per day, the amount of time available for this expression is still highly limited. Oh well. It is what it is. And, we do what we can in the time that we have. The alternative is to find a way to apply more time. Can we increase our commitment from 3 to 4 hours per day? Even if it is only on some days, that would be an improvement. I could find at least 4 hours per week just in the extra time that I spend sleeping on weekends. One problem is how to turn more of my free time into productive Beyond Imagination time. Yes, there are several things that I could be doing, including expressing as I am doing now. However, it doesn't just happen ... at least not all the time. I have to be in the mood to express. I have to be in the right state of mind. Fortunately, it is a state of mind that has been easy to reach of late ... especially since January 2002. If it is meant to be, it will be. My desire to make it so helps. However, I need to back this with action. One possible action is to actually wake up early the next time my body naturally gives me this opportunity, and then to do something useful with the morning. If necessary, I can always take a nap later in the day.


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The work of establishing connections is starting to pay off. Peter Shepherd from the Tools for Transformation site responded to my e-mail from Friday. It seems that he will add a link to Beyond Imagination and use some of the quotes that I sent. This seems to be a way to get in the door to a variety of sites. If I can submit an article for use in an e-zine or newsletter, that would provide a means for gaining added exposure to Beyond Imagination. And, right now it is important to do this ... to make people aware that Beyond Imagination exists so that they can benefit from what is expressed therein. No, that does not mean forcing Beyond Imagination on anyone. There is a difference between introducing and offering versus forcing. It is not my way to force myself or my beliefs on anyone. It is for them to freely choose to partake of what they will. Though, how can they choose if they don't know something exists? What is so earth shattering about this expression that it must be heard? Why is it any more important than any other expression? Good questions. Perhaps it is not "earth shattering", and perhaps it is no more important. That doesn't negate the fact that it was expressed ... and in particular was expressed in a manner that could easily be shared. There is some reason all of this comes forth initially onto web pages and is only later formatted into books. One of the characteristic behaviors of awakened beings is precisely that ... we share. The greatest things that we have to share are whom that we are and what consciousness would express through us. These we share freely to the degree that we can with the world. That is what Beyond Imagination is all about. And, I am not alone. There are others who would serve humanity by sharing in this same manner. The specifics of what we have to share may be different, but many of the general themes are the same. They deal with what it takes to manifest community in a world that is ONE. They deal with awakening to the spirit within us and allowing the greatest expression that can come forth through us to manifest. They deal with what it takes to for spirit to more fully manifest in flesh through us. That is the objective of the game of life after all ... the expression of spirit in flesh; as fully as can be expressed by us at any given time. It's time to consider resources again. I'm still operating in a there will always be enough mode. And, as a result, there is enough ... but not much of a surplus. If Beyond Imagination is to start to do major works in the world, it will need funds and resources. I believe that this is meant to be. I can imagine some of the kinds of things that Beyond Imagination might do. However, we need some amount of abundance to start to feed the endeavors for this to happen. The more abundance, the more that we can do collectively. Though, it seems that we have a chicken and the egg syndrome. What comes first, doing the work or receiving the abundance? It seems that abundance is the reward for the works that we do, especially the works that come from being whom that we truly are. Spiritual law assures that we will always receive what we need. This may not be what we desire. Desires are not always in line with needs. That doesn't mean that we can't use the laws of prosperity to create what we desire. However, we need to be careful when we do this not to harm others in the process. We are responsible for all that we do and we will be held accountable for any damage that is done. In a similar vein, we will be credited for the good that we do along the way. The best results are achieved when we lift ourselves by lifting others. The more others, and the higher we are able to lift them, the better. Service. It all comes down to service. Looking back when our life is over what will matter is whom we have served and how we have served. What difference did our life make? Making a difference is what it is all about. If we live our life alone, in isolation ... our impact is limited at best. We have to find a way to reach out somehow, to do something to contribute to our society and our world. To date, my way of doing that has been through these words freely expressed and freely shared with all who would find them. But, what are these words worth? Are they truly of value and utility? I know that they are to me ... but are they to others as well? Here, I give the best of whom that I AM. My hope is that in sharing in this manner I show the way for others to experience similar states of consciousness. I believe that the more people that we can help to awaken in consciousness, the better the collective vessel for the expression of spirit in flesh. Such are the times that we live in. Consciousness is everything. All of life is the expression of consciousness, of spirit, in flesh. The challenge is how to allow consciousness to more 194

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fully express in flesh. We can do this individually. But, more importantly, we can do this collectively. It is the collective expression that will ultimately characterize the age. Though it may take some time for us to get there.

18 August 2003 We have a mini streak going. Today marks 39 straight days and counting. By Thursday, that will make it six weeks. What we do habitually defines us. This expression clearly has become a habit for me, one that I chose to do on close to a daily basis. We've been doing this now for over 19 and 1/2 months. That is a lot of time and a lot of expression. However, it is not clear that the expression is reaching many. I don't have a counter on the Musings of a Spiritual Warrior page so I don't know how many times it is hit. Even if there were a counter, the results would be somewhat skewed because repeat visitors have to do a refresh to get access to the latest material that was input. Nearly each day the page grows longer with additional links to the latest musings. This may be one to four additional links depending on whether a long weekend was involved. The page is organized by year, with dated entries for each musing. This has been my practice for six years. Since the beginning of 1992, there are monthly partitions as well due to the large number of musings. Musings have constituted the bulk of the expression at Beyond Imagination since 2002. That is, with the exception of packaging material into books that could be published. It is curious that I was moved to do much of what I sought others to assist in doing in a Editors/Publishers Sought Page that I created in 1995. There are a few more works left for 2004, but I completed many of the works that I suggested might be accomplished. That is, they will be formally completed/published in a couple of months. I did the work necessary to get the process rolling. How much longer will musings be the focus of this expression? The sense is not much. Perhaps through the end of the year, but not much beyond that. It seems it is time to be more deliberate about what we are creating. We've had plenty of practice with giving consciousness free reign to express as she will. And she has done that admirably. But, this only takes us so far. We need to focus the effort to take it to the next level ... and in particular to start to create the foundations for a new world. We need to show why a new world is needed. Then, we need to demonstrate that the principles for creating it are within our grasp. Collectively, we have great power. We have the power to make the world into anything that we want it to be. However, we must realize that this power is ours ... and that we have the responsibility for doing something with it. We could sit back and wait for things to happen. However, we might find it more enjoyable to engage in the process of creating the reality of our dreams. The process is truly beyond imagination. Reality creation is something that we all do all the time. If it appears in your reality, it is there because you have attracted it on both a personal and collective level. It is that simple. There is nothing forced upon us. There is nothing that we experience that at some level we do not choose to experience. This is often not conscious, but it can be if we work to make it so. Though it is not clear even then that we want to make all of it conscious. It would take too much time working out the details of everything. It is better to trust that there is an army of elves available at other than conscious levels to do our bidding. With limited general direction from us, they are fully capable of constructing and attracting the reality we need. Much of this "direction" comes from our belief systems. These belief systems define what we consider real and what we expect to see. They aren't necessarily right in any absolute sense ... but they are what we believe to be right about a variety of things.


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What next? I've taken several steps to reach out to others. That is simply a beginning. There are many more that I need to take. But, we also need to allow the seeds time to take root, germinate, and grow. It will be interesting to see what fruits are ultimately yielded. However, one step at a time. We've only planted the seeds and already we are talking of fruits. Such is not how things work. Focus on the here and now and allow the to be to take care of itself. Natural laws are unfolding here. And spiritual laws as well. We need to allow these to work and not get in the way. Sometimes this can be difficult. We believe that we know specifically what needs to happen and when. Perhaps we do, perhaps not. We need to be careful about where our certainty comes from. Sometimes we believe that we know far more than we really know. At other times, we actually know far more than we believe that we know. It is important to learn to detect the difference. That is part of what self-knowledge is all about. I would be whom that I AM. That is what you see expressed here. For, here I am free to express in a way that I am nowhere else. Here, I can openly express whatever I would to the blank page. There are no critics. There is no feedback. There is only me and the expression that is coming forth in the moment. Occasionally, I might question why did I say this or that? But, in general, I would not take one word back, even if I could. What is expressed is meant to be expressed. It was meant to see the light of day. Whether it was meant to reach an audience and what size of one, I have no real way of knowing. That will work itself out over time as the expressing makes it to the Musing page and ultimately into a book. Made another contact today, this time with the President of the Human Development Club at my company. Apparently, the club has a varied membership and has been somewhat inactive for awhile. But, it is a place to start. It offers a forum for expressing myself in public in a different way than I am used to. I see that as a challenge and an opportunity. I'm ready to take the reigns and see if I can get things rolling. Exactly where remains to be seen. It will depend on the interests and desires of the members of the club. We need to do things that people will choose to participate in. We need to express things that people ultimately want to hear ... though they may not know it before they hear it. Apparently the group is pretty conservative overall, focusing on the self-help side of things; but they have done some fringe stuff in the past. My Beyond Imagination work probably falls somewhere in between, though I can get quite fringe at times. It's interesting to see things in this light. But, my company is composed primarily of left brained engineers and scientists. Unless they've had reason to venture into the metaphysical/spiritual side of things ... they probably haven't done it. That doesn't mean that they can't. It just means that it will be a stretch. For many, a very big stretch. At this point, that is OK. What we offer is not necessarily meant for the many. At least not yet. Eventually it may work its way into the mainstream. And, when it does, the world will be much better for it. But, in the meantime we touch those whom we can touch in whatever way is beneficial to them. We are here to be of service. The more we serve, and the greater the service we provide ... the closer we come to carrying out our mission. Making contacts is what it is all about these days. There is only so much that I can do on my own. Yes, it is a lot. However, it is still limited. To do more, I need to find others to work with on cooperative endeavors. It matters not that I don't know what these endeavors are to be at this point. When I find the right people, it will be obvious what tasks are ours to do. Such is the way that things work in my life anyway. I expect this to be true for others who have awakened as well. We know what is ours to do. We don't need to be told or convinced. We simply know. When we allow our lives to flow ... they will naturally unfold. We will be moved to do what we are meant to do. It is spirit herself that does the moving. And when spirit moves us, there can be no doubt that what we do is right.

19 August 2003


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

Back to our blank template once again. It is there that the creative spark is allowed to find its outlet in our life. At least, so it has been for over a decade ... and especially since the beginning of 2002. We are rapidly closing in on a full two years of such expression. In less than two weeks we will be at the 7/8ths point. That is some achievement. It is definitely cause for celebration. Then again, life itself is cause for celebration. There is a sense that we are doing what we are meant to do ... yes, here and now, despite appearances to the contrary at times. We are expressing and we are making connections and we are holding down a secure job that pays the bills. Right now, that is sufficient to cover what we need. Would we desire that this happen differently? Of course we would. And, it will in due time. But, that is not to be forced. We must allow it to manifest in its own timing. This sounds as if I'm backing off my own responsibility to make things happen in my own life. To some degree this is true. I've found that life flows much smoother if we allow what spirit would manifest in our life to happen and embrace that wholeheartedly. Spirit knows far better what we need at any given time than we do from our more limited perspective. That means letting go a little, perhaps even a lot. But there are great benefits for doing so. It is a matter of choosing to be an instrument through which spirit can express. To some degree we are this anyway. We might as well do what it takes to make the process more conscious. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. How many of us realize the full ramifications of this? How many of us live life as if we are truly spiritual beings? I would guess that the answer would be a very small minority. Why should this be? Why aren't more people aware by now? Surely, the Age of Aquarius requires a mass awakening of some type. People will awaken when they are ready to do so. This is one area that cannot be forced. It is one area for which there is literally all of the time in the world. Souls are allowed to take as long as it takes. They will not be rushed ... nor should they be. Spirit doesn't operate in that manner. She gently nudges us, but she doesn't push ... at least not very hard. Then again, what drives me to express all that I do here? What drives me to do all of the work that Beyond Imagination requires? There is an inner source that drives me ... there is a sense that this is what I am here to do, and that I must do it. There is a sense that in some way this expression defines whom that I AM as nothing else in my life does. Ye shall know them by their works. These are my works. What do they tell you about who and what I AM? What do they tell you about the nature of consciousness and how she is able to express through us? What do they tell you about the nature of the reality we create and how we create that reality? These are all good questions. However, they are questions that you will have to answer for yourself. I could provide answers, but they would be my answers. Also, they would be based on more than what is expressed here ... since I have whole banks of experience to call on that are beyond which I can share. There is just not enough time in the day to capture everything. Further, many things are uninteresting enough to be worthy of being captured and addess everyday. There is no value added that would come from this ... definitely not enough to be worth the effort. Right now, the only effort I can count on for Beyond Imagination is my own and the source that flows through me. To date, that has been enough. But, it seems that the times are changing. It is time for Beyond Imagination to grow into an organization. And, an organization of more than one member. I continue to do what I am driven to do. Is that enough? Is that the best that I can do? Is it even fair to ask that question? Is it not enough to do as we must? Is it not enough to do as spirit moves us to do? Is this not the call of our spirit after all? Spirit asks that we be the best that we can be and that we act in a manner consistent with our highest vision of ourselves. Sometimes the circumstances don't allow for this ... however, we have to do our best to try anyway. We can't fool ourselves. We know when we are doing our best. It would help if the infrastructure were more supportive in soliciting the best from us. And, it will be given time. But, that takes a different mentality about how we look at work and the roles and responsibilities of the individuals and the organizations in society. We've allowed things to evolve without really giving much thought to how things are evolving and why ... or whether the factors that are driving the evolution are sound. Are these the principles on which we want to build a nation, a society, or 197

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a world? Do we even have a set of guiding principles that we are following that everyone is aware of? I think we would be hardpressed to come up with such a set for this country, much less for the world. Clearly freedom is one of the key principles. It is one the one that we are willing to fight and to die for. But what are we willing to live for ... truly live for with all of our heart and soul? Further, in what areas does freedom apply? We speak of freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom from want, freedom from fear, and even freedom of enterprise. All of these are valuable, especially the third and fourth, but the most important freedom is one that can never be taken from us ... the freedom to be whom that we are. All that this requires is courage and passion. Life is meant to be lived with passion. There is always something to be passionate about, something that moves us deeply. We need to search and find what that is for us and then do what we can to manifest it in our lives. This is a choice that we make regarding where we expend our time and effort. We can choose to waste it away as many seem to do, or we can do something more meaningful with it. It is amazing how little most people have to show for the hours and days that they have lived. We can do something about that at any moment. We can choose to start doing things that will have lasting value in our life. Learning to know ourselves is one such effort that pays large dividends. Finding creative pursuits to engage in is another valuable endeavor. For me, this expression is my chief outlet. Here, I get to allow spirit speak through me as she will. Here, the stream of consciousness is given voice and expressed in a manner that can be freely and openly shared with others throughout the world. There is great power in that ... especially in the fact that it is so easy to do and so inexpensive. Web site hosting and internet access only costs me $9.95 per month. That's so low that it is almost unbelievable. It still blows me away that spirit has so much to say through me. Why do I not say: I have so much to say? It does come through me after all. But, my experience is that while it comes through me it does not come from me. Then who does it come from? I would answer source, consciousness, or spirit herself. But, all of these are tapped from inside of me. Though, the sense is that they are greater than me rather than parts of me.

20 August 2003 Once again we return to this sacred space where consciousness would so freely express in our life. This has become a daily ritual of sorts ... a means for creating ourself anew. Here, consciousness allows us to experience her firsthand in all of her glory. I hope that I am able to share at least a fraction of what I get out of all of this. However, with the limited feedback received to date, that is difficult to know. It seems that for something as important as this, we should not have to guess. The answers should be obvious. And, perhaps they would be if we just step back and perceive things from a higher perspective. We live in a world that is changing so rapidly that it is difficult to keep up with all of the changes. Yet, one can effectively pull the blanket over ones head and isolate oneself from many of these changes if one so chooses. One doesn't have to keep up with and use the latest gadgets that are produced by technology. In fact, one doesn't even have to know what these are. I know this is possible because I personally live this way. I don't have a PDA or cell phone or beeper. I barely use the telephone. In fact, I don't even know my home phone number in Redondo Beach. I would be somewhat lost without a computer and without the internet as a place to host the Beyond Imagination work. I don't spend much time on the internet, however. I'm still primarily in information generation and sharing mode. So long as that is the case, I need a means to generate and post web pages. Lately, I've started to move into the publication and promotion phase highlighted by a strong desire to connect with others ... with other people and with other sites. The web part of this is proceeding fine, but the face-to-face part is lacking completely. It is not that I don't have the materials to use for this. It is that my contacts with others in a typical week don't lend themselves very well to doing this.


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So, what do we do to change this? How do we start forming associations with others ... meaningful associations through which to do the real work of spirit? That is what I care about after all. The associations need to be between people, organizations ... and most importantly the ideas that they hold and embody. This is where my focus is moving. Until recently, I really wasn't concerned much about interacting with and relating to others. I was willing to allow things to unfold as they will. Now it seems I am being put in a position to push things a bit ... OK, perhaps even a lot. This is new for me, at least in this existence. We'll have to see where it takes us. There is nothing that says that we have to be comfortable with everything in our lives. Some things we simply have to do anyway. We will know what these are. We will know what is important and what is not important. How will we know? We'll just know. This is something that we have to find inside ourselves. We're off to a strange start today. Then again ... by what standard do we judge this to be strange? There is nothing normal about this expression. Yes, it is regular ... it happens day after day. In fact, today marks 41 days and counting. But, regular and normal have nothing in common. It would be nice to have some feedback to tell me how others receive, interpret, and respond to this expression. The only real control on this expression has been the limited feedback that I provided to myself in response to the expression. Since I was reading it at least once and often several times ... I was in the best position to respond to it. However, I didn't feel that this gave me the right to change what was expressed. There was something greater than me involved in the expression and until I am aware enough to know myself to be whatever this greater Self is ... it is not for me to edit what gets expressed other than the spelling and minor grammar corrections. Rewriting sentences is beyond the scope of what I feel responsible for. It is as if I am indeed a scribe and the expression originates from something beyond me. My job is to capture it, not to generate it. Interesting. Yet, that is my experience to date. I have read over 1000 metaphysical books. Nothing that I have read provided a pattern or example for the material that I express. That doesn't mean there aren't similar expressions out there ... just that I have not encountered them yet. So, what is it that allows consciousness to express in such an original way through me? This did not come from any particular training that I received ... at least not as far as I can tell. So where did it come from? The sense is that it was a spiritual inheritance that came to me between my 34th and 35th year. My love of metaphysics since I first discovered it in 1974 was another sign. But the awakening in 1993 triggered the start of the outflow. It took awhile, but I located the file from my aura reading with Geraldine Stringer in 1991. Unfortunately, Word wouldn't open the file and opening the file in Notepad results in many strange extraneous characters that cannot easily be cleaned up. I believe the original file was done in WordPerfect. Just what I need, another project to vie for my time. But this is important. It provides an example of what information can be read from an aura. On the same disk there were many other files that I had forgot about ... letters to a variety of people about Beyond Imagination. It is interesting after going back after a dozen years to see what came through in that first reading. I had another reading done in 1993 after my awakening experiences. I don't remember transcribing the tape however. And, after ten years my chances of finding the tapes are not the greatest.

21 August 2003 Again we start with our standard template with a whole blank slate in the middle on which consciousness if free to express through me as she will. I love doing this. It brings joy to my life in ways that few things do. Here, I am able to express creatively. Here, I am encouraged to use my intuitive skills to their utmost. Here is where I live my life in the ways that truly matter to me. To some, that might be a sad commentary on my life. They might not really consider this to be living at all. And, to some degree they would have a point. My life is still a highly solitary one. Yes, that is my choice. That is, it is the result of 199

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the choices that I make regarding how I interact with people on a day to day basis. Interesting. I hadn't really thought about it like this. However, if I want to see different results in my life I'm going to have to make different choices and do different things. But, do I really want major changes? I would answer with a resounding yes, though my actions seem to be indicating otherwise. It is as if I am still hiding from something ... hiding from the world. Part of that comes from a sense of being an observer rather than an active participant here. It is as if I am the stranger in a strange land. This is not my home. I am not from here. I just happen to be here now. All of this keeps me from being a part of the world. In fact, it keeps me apart from the world. This expression is the one major exception that I grant myself. Here I openly express whatever would come forth. Further, I will answer any questions honestly to the degree that I can based on my understanding and awareness. I won't guarantee that everything that comes forth is right. Much of the time I don't know where it is coming from so I have no means of verifying this. Further, often we deal in the realm of beliefs. By their nature, beliefs deal with the gray areas where we don't know whether something is true or false. If we already know something, it is fact ... there is no room for belief. Beliefs are a playground for reality creation. There are many apparatus in the playground. It is for us to learn how to use them safely so that we can enjoy what they can do for us. Belief management is a skill that we should all learn. It would make living our lives much easier. It is through our beliefs that we create our reality. Though, how many really know this? How many look to beliefs as the first place to change when they want to change their reality? If the counter on the Beyond Imagination Main Page is right, I'm up to nearly 10 hits per day. That is 2-3 times the rate that the World page was hit. We'll have to see whether this increases over time as more people are introduced to Beyond Imagination. I have built it ... it is time for people to start coming. I'm open to feedback regarding additional rooms that might need to be added to the site. Thus far, everything has been effectively self-governed. I've allowed consciousness to express as she would. Whatever control there is over the process occurs naturally. Most of the time I don't really have a clue as to what is coming next ... even from one sentence to another. How can this be? How can we communicate without having any idea about what we are communicating? That is just the way it is. We allow the words to flow forth. Word after word, idea after idea gets expressed for at least a couple of hours nearly every day. What makes it worth my time to do this? It is just something that I have to do. There is a knowingness that I am meant to do this. This is my life’s work. This expression has the potential to outlive me. It is a creative product that is beyond imagination. I fully expect it to impact society and the world for many generations. Yes, it is grandiose of me to think that way. I know it. But, everything I know about myself and my purpose says that I am meant to have such an impact. To do less would be to fail or come up short in achieving my mission. That, I will not do. There is a destiny that is unfolding in my life now. It is not a destiny that I am choosing to manifest; rather it is a destiny that I am choosing to allow to manifest. The difference is that I don't consciously know what I'm doing and why much of the time. I only know that I'm doing what I'm moved to do in the moment. However, that is enough for me ... at least for the moment. I have never been much of a planner. I typically don't know what I'm going to do hours ahead of time much less days ahead of time. It is amazing how much you can accomplish when you operate in the present, especially when you stay focused on what you are doing. Why should I be singled out to have a life of such importance? I don't know exactly, it is just something I was born to do. Some people are born actors, others are born athletes, ... I'm a born metaphysical writer meant to create the foundations for a new world. I trained for my position by reading and thinking extensively for over 20 years; and then by writing extensively for over 10 years. That covers 2/3rds of the 45 years of my life to date ... including all of the years since age 15. I can't imagine what my life would have been like without metaphysics. Nor can I imagine what my life would have been like without this 200

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expression. This is a part of whom that I AM. This expression is a major part of my life ... arguably the most important part. If I keep thinking like that, it will continue to manifest like that. Is that really what I want? Is there a more powerful way for this expression to come forth? Is there a more effective way? I keep getting to the point that we don't seem to be reaching the audience that we are meant to reach. This is our fault. There are things that we can do to change this. We've started doing some of them, but everything takes time to take effect. It's too bad that reality can't change as quickly as the images in our imagination. Though, it seems that the time from thought to realization is getting shorter and shorter.

22 August 2003 The days continue to march on, one after another, and the words continue to flow forth in the same manner. Ever onward the expression goes in whatever direction it chooses. Yes, it seems that the expression has a mind of its own. It is only loosely under my control. Should I reign it in more than I have in the past? That is an option. But, is that a desirable or useful end? It is not clear that I would know where to direct it any better than it knows itself. Hmm ... then again, it seems like there is room for my expression as well as this expression to co-exist. I don't really consider this expression my expression. Not fully, anyway. There is something more than me contributing to all of this. It might be another part of a Me or ME that I do not yet know consciously. In fact, I am leaning toward that explanation. I know that what I AM is greater than I know myself to be at present. Further, I have seen my knowledge of whom that I AM grow greatly over the past 30 years and especially over the past 10 years. Where that will ultimately lead remains to be seen. I haven't found a way to fully apply all that I know that I AM in the world yet. The closest that I come is here ... in this expression. And, what is expressed here and how it is expressed is a mystery. One could do far worse than to engage in the mysteries of consciousness each day. I feel special and privileged. It seems that few are selected for such service. Yes, service. My life will be defined by the services that I was able to perform to spirit ... to society ... to humanity ... and even to the world. Yes, I dream big. I accept responsibility on a grand scale. I do so because such is what I am here to do. Is all of this worth listening to? Or, are these the rantings of a madman? I have to believe that while I may be walking on the fine edge of sanity at times, that I haven't crossed over the line yet ... at least not far enough that I was unable to return. Does that mean that I will continue to operate in this manner? My sense is yes, that I can trust the basic sanctity of my consciousness. I have given my consciousness more freedom than most, and as a result it has developed a flexibility that allows me to experience a different reality than most. That doesn't make it any better or worse, just different ... and possibly of greater utility. It is important to develop this flexibility. Consciousness is not meant to be fixed. It is meant to be fluid and dynamic. It is meant to be more chaotic than static. Yet, it needs to have some structure as well to give us a core of our being. Life provides the opportunity for consciousness to express in flesh. The mind/body is the form. Consciousness is the chief occupant. When we die ... the consciousness departs and enters another realm where it can evaluate what it has done and learned, and where it can determine what it chooses to do next. Returning to a physical incarnation is one option that many take. However, there are other equally valid alternatives. One can return in a different form. One can return at a different time - past or future. One can return to a different world. The possibilities are endless. It all depends on what each soul needs to learn and experience. When I got in my car to drive to work this morning, I noticed the license plate on the van in front of me was 2AZD350. I remember it because the first four equate to 2184, the final four of my SSN ... and 35 is the year of my major awakening to touch 0:Source. I get messages like this nearly every week. They 201

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used to come daily. But, I don't spend as much time looking for them anymore. I know that I am on the path that is right for me. I took this as another major confirmation. As far as I know, the van wasn't there when I parked last night. And, I know that I have not noticed its license plate number before. Just noticed today is a 22/8 day. That's the ALL CAPS number for my whole name. When we add the year, we have 22/8/23. That's the jump from 8:22 to 8:23. That's the completion of the major arcana of the Tarot and the start of the minor arcana. 8:Strength cycle step 22:The Fool to 23:King of Wands. If we march one day forward: 23/8/23 = 8:23-32, centered at 8:27-28. Isn't that interesting. 27 x 28 = 7 56, the two drivers of my triangle Tarot readings. It is amazing how such key numbers can reveal themselves in this manner. Yes, I look for them. But, you can't find what isn't there. I've been good about staying away from numbers. If I allow myself to, I can get carried away quickly into areas that have limited general utility. I don't think I'll ever give them up completely. But I have to put myself in the readers shoes and consider how much of this has meaning for you. Though, part of the purpose for this expression is to capture a stream of consciousness ... and my stream happens to include such excursions. It is useful for me to record when I became aware of particular messages or particular connections. If I don't do it here, I really have no other place to do it. My life is somewhat limited in that manner. Perhaps I need to diversify and have multiple forms of expression going at once. No, not simultaneously ... but concurrently. It doesn't have to be all or nothing recorded in musings. I could have musings plus other forms of expression on a regular or even irregular basis. To some degree for the past few months, I have had that with the Beyond Imagination books. But, most of that was prior expression. Here we are talking about new expression. Hmm ... so, what else do I long to express? What is there that is missing from my life? What would excite me enough to make me want to jump out of bed to start my days in the morning? Perhaps that is asking too much. I don't consider myself a morning person. But, that could be because I've never had something that drove me to make full use of the hours available in the morning. With the right motivation ... I can indeed wake up and be productive. One thing that would help would be to start seeing some kind of return on the investment of time, energy, and resources that I put into Beyond Imagination. Yes, it is a labor of love. But, even so, we need to see some kind of impact and some kind of return. Does that mean that my efforts are conditional? In a way, it seems that it does. However ... I do what I do and I share what I share without regard to what will be returned. I trust that spiritual law will ensure that I continue to get what I need. I have been very fortunate in this area. There has always been enough. Though, it would be nice if the abundance would kick in to a whole new level and be sufficient to allow the work of Beyond Imagination to be carried out. How much is required for that? All that I know at this time is a lot. We need to be able to free people to work on building the foundations for a new world. This means buying their energy, their ideas, and their time. We should be willing to pay people for spiritual work ... as much, if not more, than we pay people for work in the private sector. It is not clear that there is comparable or equivalent work. If we build the foundations correctly, everyone benefits ... everyone prospers ... everyone wins. That makes this some of the most important work that there is. And, when we do this work ... how do we convince those in power to implement the changes that will undoubtedly be recommended? In many cases they will be major changes that people may require education to be ready to accept. That is OK, the necessary educational materials will be generated so that people can be taught what is being changed and why, and specifically how it impacts and benefits them. There is a sense that circumstances will assist as well. It seems that things will get worse and worse to the point where people will get disillusioned with the status quo and will demand change. At that point, they will be ready to accept innovative alternatives. That is where we come in. It is a matter of having worked out new foundations and tested them to ensure that they work. We can do this in small groups and small communities at first and then expand this to larger and larger scopes as required.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

23 August 2003 Another day ... another opportunity to express. We got the cover design for 2003 Musings - Vol I. I don't know what I expected, but I was somewhat surprised. Though, it is starting to grow on me. There is a sense that nothing is happening by chance ... that somehow things are orchestrated down to the finest of details. I do what I can, but I need to allow the universe to take care of the rest. That means trusting the process. Things are happening as they are meant to happen. Hmm ... then why is my e-mail being spammed so heavily at the moment? It started a few days ago. Today I had over 50 messages of 100K each waiting for me. There were only half a dozen or so topics, but they came from many sources. That's over 5 Meg of space in less than 24 hours. Hopefully the process will stop soon. I don't understand what motive people have for doing this. Surely, most people do as I did and delete the e-mails without even opening them ... especially with all of the virus scares. Now, I only read e-mails from people I know, or from new sources when the sender and the subject look legitimate. Such are the perils of living in an information age. Though, it has its benefits as well. Overall information jobs are some of the most satisfying and well-paid that we have. We deal in areas where the technology breakthroughs over the past thirty years have been phenomenal, allowing us to do things that we had never dreamed we might be able to do. Computer technology has been a great enabler. Each year we get more and more capability for less and less dollars. And, there seems to be no end in sight. I can't think of any other area of our lives where things work like this. The basic cost of a state of the art computer has remained approximately constant since 1980. However, the computer you get for $3000 now is orders of magnitude more capable than the computer from 1990, much less 1980. Yes, technology has advanced that fast. So, what about the technology of consciousness? It seems it is still in its infancy, even though it has been studied and practiced in the East for several millennia and in the West for over two millennia. Then, why has so little progress been made? The bottom line is that we make progress where we apply energy and resources ... and we just haven't chosen to apply them here yet. That doesn't mean that we won't, just that we haven't. We can always choose differently at any time. However, what would motivate us to do so? We would have to realize the value in doing so. It is not clear that this is something the majority will ever be convinced of. They are set in their ways and happy with their overall conditions. Yet, does that matter? Is it the majority that determines what gets done in this country? It seems not. The movers and the shakers have always been a small minority. While we live in a democracy ... there is no mistaking that some have far more power than others. And, in many cases ... they are not even elected officials. They have earned their power through other means. Some have inherited it. Others have risen to it via the works that they have done. Neither of these means ensures that they are the right people for the jobs. Unless one enters the arena with an attitude of service, much is lost and there is great potential for damage. The benefit of one should never be at the cost of many. There is just something wrong about this. We need to find ways that are WIN/WIN for all involved. This is always possible. However it may take some work. That is OK. It is well worth the effort. When we conduct our affairs in this manner the world becomes that much brighter of a place to be. There are many areas where this is not the current practice. The economy is one major one. Deals are made when all parties agree to the terms. In many cases, compromise is involved. Further, in most cases, what benefits one party costs the other party ... so there are inherent WIN/LOSE aspects in the deal. Hmm ... that last paragraph went all over the map. Interesting. Sometimes that happens. You never know what you are going to get with a stream of consciousness. It is entertaining to watch, however. This is where consciousness gets to play and express through me as she will. I allow her free reign to do as she will. I trust that what comes forth will be useful. To date, the expression has been original and useful. At least as far as I can tell. Whether others find it so is for them to determine. I still have no clue as to how my experience of things compares with that of others. I desire to find out. But, it is not clear that I am 203

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willing to do whatever it takes to do so. There is a strong desire to take this expression public. But, there is an equally strong desire to remain the hermit and to remain isolated. How do I reconcile these two opposing forces/needs within me? It seems this is very important. Effectively, I am getting in my own way. It is time to choose once and for all. It is time to get on with my life, one way or another. It seems that I do indeed have a choice. I can carry out my destiny in a number of ways. Though, clearly some might be easier than others. To what degree do I want to interact with others? That is the crucial question. I know that I need to interact more than I have. But, when you have virtually no interaction, more interaction is easy to achieve. The question is how much more? How much of my time needs to be spent working with others? Are we talking several hours per day, ... many hours per day?

24 August 2003 One more week and August is history. With a business trip occupying three days, it's going to be difficult keeping up with the Musings. I could use the time to proof what I have for 2003 Musings - Vol II. We still have the best of musings to select for the period. We started this a couple of weeks ago but are only about a third of the way through. It is time to pick up the pace. The works will be done when they are done. Does it really matter that this one is published this year? Yes, that would make eight for the year. But how much difference does one work make. It is not like the first two are selling like hot cakes. Then again ... I wouldn't really know if they were or not. However, I know that I have done very little to publicize the works. If I don't announce that they exist and are available ... how are people to know? Right now, you would have to follow the Published Books link at Beyond Imagination to find out about these works. Or, you would somehow have to find the online bookstore for Infinity Publishing. I don't know which is the least likely of the two. My main page seems to be getting around 10 hits per day, one of which is mine. That would equate to roughly 3500 hits per year. That is not a lot given that many of those would probably be repeat visitors. Clearly, I haven't done what is necessary for my work to reach the kinds of numbers of folks that it is meant to reach. It has the potential to help many ... but it can only do so if it reaches them. So, how many am I meant to reach? I don't really know ... but I sense that the number is quite large. I will reach them because I have something to offer that has practical utility. How do I know this? I just know. There is an inner sense that I am to live a life that has world impact. And, here, I see the impact coming in how it impacts each individual. Yes, it is audacious of me to believe that I will have such impact. But, it is indeed what I believe nonetheless. And, as I believe, so shall it be. That is pretty audacious as well. But, we create our own reality individually and en masse. And, my sense is that I have much to contribute to the reality that is created en masse. Yes, that is grandiose thinking. But, I believe this expression gives me the right to think in such terms with the expectation that what I'm thinking is at least possible if not reasonable. I'm still a lone wolf in the wilderness as far as I can tell. I live my life in an isolated manner with few exceptions. Whether this is by choice or out of fear is a good question. It seems that it might be a combination of both. Yet, there is a sense that I cannot do my life’s work without an opening up in this area. It is not enough to express in writing. Though, I could be happy doing that. Hmm ... I don't think I've actually said that before. Yet, it does ring true. Written expression has the potential to stir me to the heights of happiness. This would especially be so if it included the interchange of ideas with others, and efforts to manifest what the ideas address. I don't know exactly what such would entail. However, I will know it when I find it ... and I will be moved to do it, that much I do know. That is how my life works. Overall, I would consider myself successful. I have a job as a systems engineer paying in the very low six figures. I have over 3000 pages of expression constituting over 3 million words at my Beyond 204

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Imagination website. I have two books published, a third within weeks of being published, and four more within two months of being published. I have a loving wife of 15 years and 2 wonderful furry kids. I have a 2000 square foot house with a pool in a new development near Palm Springs. Yes, there are others that are more successful economically ... some far more successful. But, there is a sense that such will come in time. The effort that I am putting into this expression will ultimately pay great dividends ... primarily because it has the potential to help people. In particular, to help them awaken to whom that they are. By seeing what I am able to express ... it will give them the courage to express what is inside of them, and the world will be a better place for it. Can it be that easy? Indeed it can! We just have to do what we are moved to do when we are moved to do it. That is, once we are sure that it is spirit that is moving us. Otherwise, this philosophy could be construed as selfish and could get us into trouble. How do we determine what our efforts are worth? Right now, it seems the only option is to allow the free market to determine the worth of the goods or services that we supply via our efforts. However, that means finding a way to offer ones services within the market. It is not clear that I have really done that yet ... not wholeheartedly anyway. I am starting to do things to advertise the Beyond Imagination site with the hope that if I draw people there, some number will be moved to buy some of the published Beyond Imagination books. We gently offer these products at the site. There is no hard sell. There is no real advertising. All that we ask is that people abide by the principle: never take more than you give. And, if they can, to help support the Beyond Imagination work by considering buying these products. Given how much material is freely shared at the site, that doesn't seem like too much to ask. But, the other alternative is for people to fulfill their obligation by helping others to compensate for what they take from here. Spiritual law doesn't require that each exchange is equal. It applies to the overall flow of energy. There is nothing wrong with taking from here and giving to there ... wherever there may be.

25 August 2003 My niece Jamie turns 27 today. 25 x 23 = 575 = EYE = Vision. 25/17/23 = 65:King of Pentacles = Unlimited Abundance. There is a message hidden here. It seems that if my vision is used to serve ... then all that I could ask for and more will be mine. However, the first condition must be achieved first. I must find a way to serve, and not just any way, but in the grandest way that I am capable of. How do I do that? How would that be different from what I am doing here? What is the difference between serving the world and serving the people of the world? Can you do one without doing the other? Can you serve the whole without serving the parts, or serve the parts without serving the whole as well? It seems that I will serve whom I am meant to serve in the manners that are appropriate. It is not necessary for me to know what these are in advance. I trust that I was put here for a reason ... most likely several reasons. This expression seems to be one of those. At this point, in fact, it seems to be the primary reason. How else would all this output be justified. This expression is what it is, a stream of consciousness. I have no way of knowing where it ultimately fits in the grand scheme of things. I don't know how it ties to what has come before or to what others have done. From what I can tell, it is an original work. Yes, some themes are borrowed from other material, from other books that I have read. Hopefully, even then, it is treated differently here. Actually, even that is not a conscious process. It just happens and I seem to be along for the ride. Much of my life is like this. I am the observer. What does it take to also be the creator? Do I really want to be such? It seems that I am not being given any choice in the matter. Then again, it seems that I have as much choice as I give to myself. Can it be that simple? Reality has a way of conforming to our expectations. Not surprising given that such is how we create it. However, our expectations must be more than pipe dreams. They must be things that we are willing to work to achieve if necessary. Just wishing for something most likely won't make it so. We have to take the next step and do something about it. For one thing, we have to believe that we are worthy of receiving 205

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what we wish for. Otherwise, it is unlikely that it will manifest. Also, we have to be willing to do what it takes to achieve what we want ... with the exception of harming others. We are held accountable for both what we do and what we could have done that we chose not to do. However, the accountability is only to a greater part of ourselves that knows what we are capable of and when we are operating at our best. That is all that spirit ever asks of us ... to do our best. This is always sufficient. Further, when we are doing it, our lives will be happy and abundant. Those are sure signs that we are on the path that is right for us. Are we happy and are our lives abundant? We can't deceive ourselves, at least not for very long. We know the answers to these questions intuitively. What would I do differently if I could choose to change my life right now? That is an interesting way of phrasing the question. The implication is that I cannot so choose. Interesting. My experience seems to suggest differently. Indeed, not only am I free to choose ... I have made several such choices over the course of my life and especially over the past decade. This very expression is a choice that I make daily. To express or not to express. Most of the time, the choice is to express ... especially since 1 Jan 02. Why is that? Why is this so important? What can I say? It just is. It is something that I must do. It is something that I must share to the degree that I can. There is something magical about this. There is something special about creatively expressing in this manner. This is especially true given that I am not one that is prone to say much in public. Yet, here before the world I freely pronounce all of this. Ironic, isn't it? Yet, that does not stop it from happening. That does not stop the words from flowing forth as they do. That does not stop me from taking the action each day to post the words to make them available publicly. Yes, this is indeed something that I choose to do. And, I choose to do it because of a deep inner need to share of whom that I AM with the world. But, the world is somewhat impersonal. And, my desire is to establish connections that are meaningful and personal. I'm still learning how to do this. It is new territory for me. But, nothing can stop me from achieving what is necessary for carrying out my mission. And, I believe this to be one of those things. Whether it truly is or not, we shall see soon enough. "If you build it they will come ..." I firmly believe that line from the movie Field of Dreams. But what is it that I am building and who is it that I am expecting to come? I would build the foundations for a new world. And, I would expect those who are meant to be the major players in the new world order to come see what I am building. Wow! That is expecting a lot. Indeed, that is expecting more than my present station in life seems to entitle me to. If I'm going to interface with the movers and shakers of the day ... I need an appropriate status that allows me to get in the door if you will. Does what I am expressing here do that? The sense is no, it is not enough. I must do more. But, how much more can I do? Far more than you think is the answer that comes back. It seems that I have not yet come close to the limits of what I am capable of. Clearly, that is not strictly in terms of time. For, I've already committed a lot of that. However, there is a sense that I could be more effective in what I do ... far more effective. That would free up time to do other things that I currently have no time to do. Also, my focus could be improved to allow me to better use what time I do have. I am good, but I could be better ... there is still much room for improvement. 29 August 2003 No, that is not a typo. We missed three days in a row of expression due to a business trip and not wanting to express longhand. Though I did spend close to three hours per day doing proofing for 2003 Musings Vol II. So, it was not a complete loss. Though, I do miss it when I am not in a position to be able to express. This has become a habit. It is an engrained part of whom that I am. Without it, there is a sense that I am somehow less than what I could be. Without it, I am missing one more accomplishment that could have been. And, it is such an easy accomplishment to achieve. It is simply a matter of allowing source to come forth as she will. It is not like I have to plan anything or really do anything other than receive it and capture it via writing or typing. If only everything in our lives could be this easy. Then 206

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again, perhaps they can. Perhaps it is all a matter of how we choose to perceive things and apply ourselves. There are always easy ways to do things if only we will look for and seek them out. It is not that we are trying to get out of anything. It is a matter of doing those things that we must do in as optimal of a way as we can. We're at 448 pages for 2003 Musings - Vol II and still have three days plus the whole quotes section to do. That is going to bring the total somewhere between 550 and 600 pages ... another sizeable work. Finishing the proofing is a major objective for the long weekend. It is a time consuming task that needs to be done with many breaks. I don't catch many errors per hour. Hmm ... that suggests that perhaps the return on investment just isn't there for doing a thorough proofing. At some point, I hope to be able to hire someone to perform this service. However, right now, I'm still on a fairly tight budget. Though, there is a sense that if I started to hire the services that I needed, the funds necessary to cover them would be forthcoming as well. How do we turn on the abundance pump? It seems that we need to prime it with actions based on beliefs. It is not clear that I am doing that consistently. I am coming from a just enough mentality rather than an abundance mentality. Just enough is only one step above a scarcity mentality. What is it that I deserve and why do I deserve it? Those are important question that we must answer if we are going to improve our economic reality. Some things we deserve by virtue of being, period. Some things we are entitled to simply because we exist within a society. However ... even then, entitlement always comes with responsibilities attached. To get, we must be willing to give. Further, we must give more that we receive to assure that there is always a surplus. It's tough getting back into the swing of things after a trip to the East Coast. My body timing is all off. Yesterday, in particular, was a very long day ... 21 hours from waking to sleeping. Today I got up at a decent hour and went swimming to start my day. Then drove two hours to work for half a day. Now, I'm here musing ... waiting for the traffic to die down before commuting home another two hours and ending my day with another swim. I know ... rough life. If it weren't for the commute, things would be great. Though, even then I have to ask myself is what I'm doing at work what I really want to be doing with my life? Am I doing things that truly make a difference? Perhaps it is time to start looking elsewhere. I have been working for the same office for over 18 years. That is a long time. Yes, it has been in various capacities on various jobs ... but it is still for the same Air Force office. Appraisal time is coming up again. We'll see what happens in that process. Depending on the results, I can take further action as appropriate. What would I do next? I haven't really done much to promote the Beyond Imagination books yet. I've done what I can on the internet. But, I haven't done anything with bookstores or people for the most part. Not that I know many people or meet many people in the course of each week. Could I set up a book discussion at a library ... and have excerpts to handout along with copies of books to sell? I won't know unless I ask. Although, I wouldn't know where to announce the event. Perhaps the calendar section of the local paper. I'm really stretching out of my element here. I don't use the paper to find such events to attend. But then, there are a lot of things that I do that are unlike what others do, so going by my example is not necessarily best in this case. When we want to introduce something to many ... we have to think like many. We have to hit them in a way that they will recognize as meaningful to them. Start a class ... you teach best what you most need to learn. That would be one way of getting people to read the Beyond Imagination books. Use them as textbooks for a class in Spiritual Expression, Consciousness, and Reality Creation. This is clearly something that you are qualified to teach. Through the class, you might even find those you are meant to join forces with to create the foundations for a new world. You never know until you try. The effort opens up all kinds of avenues of opportunity. Give people a chance to find you. Yes, to some extent you have already done that. But, not everyone is "connected". Some that you are meant to touch do not access the internet or WWW.


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30 August 2003 One more day and we wrap up the raw material for 2003 Musings - Vol II. We'll have to see how long it takes to get the manuscript ready to send to the publisher. We still have a lot of proofing to do as well as the selection of quotes from the final two months of expression. All of that is stuff that I can do however. It just takes a commitment of time and focus. At the same time, I don't want to drop the daily musings yet. It seems that they are to continue for the remainder of the year anyway. And then, as soon as the book work is done ... there are always the annotations to Beyond Mind to complete. While that is not officially on the agenda until 2004, finishing it in October or November would allow it to be published early in 2004. How do I turn what I love to do into my full time occupation? Is that in the cards for me in this existence? I have a job that pays what I asked to be paid several years ago. That needs to be adjusted for inflation and expanded to include sufficient resources to cover various Beyond Imagination projects. So, what is the bottom line? I want to be paid to do what I love to do. Part of that is to engage in this very expression. The Beyond Imagination books provide a mechanism for the universe to compensate me for this expression. It is still too early to know just how much compensation will be generated in this manner. It will be what it will be. The sense is that whatever that is will be right. I am not really using the feedback from sales of one book to be a deciding factor over whether to create and publish other books. I'm jumping in with both feet and committing to publishing further books well before there is any feedback available. There is an inner sense that this is the right thing to do. I can picture having a stable of a dozen Beyond Imagination books by the end of 2004. That is my goal anyway. It is a goal that is easily within my reach. Within another two weeks, I'll have done what I can do to be 2/3rds of the way there. That still leaves a lot to do in 2004. But, I have every confidence that I'll achieve that if not more. The bigger issue is how do we bring the works to the attention of the world? The WWW only captures a fraction of the potential audience for these works. I have no means of knowing how big of a fraction that is. How do I announce what I have done to the world? I have hundreds of postcards. I could send these to bookstores, but what good would that really do? What are they supposed to do with it? Mine is one of thousands of self-published books to reach the market this year. How does it compare with other works? The bottom line is that it is not clear that it does compare. This expression is unique. It is the expression of consciousness through me. OK, but that could be said of all books. They are all creative expressions. They are all works of consciousness. What makes this any different? Primarily, that this deals with a stream of consciousness in expression. All of its organization, all of its flow, all of its content are dictated by consciousness. Yes, I participate in this expression ... but primarily as a scribe, one who writes what I hear in my head. Does this difference make the work interesting enough to attract an audience? Further, is there some benefit that the reader experiences by being exposed to this expression? The chief benefit that I can think of is that of being exposed to states of consciousness that are different that the norm. The words that are expressed here convey such states ... to the degree that they can be conveyed anyway. Consciousness points the way for you to go beyond yourself and experience things you never new to be parts of you. In integrating these parts, you become more whole ... more aware. You come closer to knowing thyself ... step by step. You can proceed at whatever pace you are comfortable with. Spirit doesn't force us to do anything. She gently nudges and encourages us along the path that is right for us. However, it is for us to take each step when we are ready. It seems I'm somewhat at a loss as to what to do next in terms of outward expression. I've done a few things, some of which have taken effect, some of which have not yet. Unfortunately, things take time to happen in the world. They do not occur at the speed that they happen in our imaginations. That is OK. The timing is what it needs to be. This is determined by spirit not by us in most cases ... though it seems that we can indeed do things that impact it. I keep asking what next, expecting that an answer will be forthcoming. But, to date, the only answer is the standard one: do what you are moved when you are 208

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moved to do it. That is the directive of spirit. That is how I am to live my life. It has been this way from the beginning. I can trust that spirit will move me to do what I need to do when I need to do it. I only need to listen, trust, and be brave enough to do what I am moved to do. That is not asking much. It seems that in this I have it easier than many. Most don't seem to have such a direct connection to source. That doesn't mean that they could not have one, just that they don't seem to have one at present. This is primarily a matter of education. We don't spend nearly enough time on know thyself. This is by far the most important aspect of our education. Yet, 99 percent plus of what I learned in this area came outside of the tradition school environment. To me, that suggests that we have a serious problem in what our schools teach. Looking at the many problems in society and the world ... this is not surprising. Without self-realized individuals, society and the world suffer greatly.

31 August 2003 Stats are in for the four month period from May through August. We missed 14 days of musing during that time. That means that there were 109 musing in 123 days. We missed about one musing every 9 days. That is not quite as good as for the first four months ... but it is not bad either. That puts us at over 220 musings for the year to date ... well on the way to another 300 musing year. That is simply amazing that we can crank them out like that. But, it really is easy. It is a matter of choosing to sit in front of a computer in a slightly altered state and allowing what would come forth to be expressed. This is not work. It is a joyful activity. There is something magical about being engaged in creative expression in this manner. If only I could find a way to do more of it. But, why can't you. There is still free time in your days that is squandered. Yes, while I do utilize more of my time than most in this expression ... there is still room for more. However, that would leave little time for anything else. Is that what I want right now? Is that fair? Is this expression something that I need to be giving my life to? I already choose to give a good portion of my time, energy, and resources to Beyond Imagination and its works. It seems that this indeed needs to increase in the times ahead. And further, it could remain at such a pace for some time. The next phase of expression has begun. I just haven't fully realized it yet. Interesting. What next? It seems that I am meant to start reaching others more directly than I have to date. Am I ready to do that? The answer must be yes, if indeed that is what is starting to happen. Every indication seems to be that this is true. The expression that is Beyond Imagination is going public and it is doing so in a big way. It is only a matter of time before we see some of the things that we are doing succeed. Further, there are other things that we are not yet doing that will come to us soon. In a very real way, our destiny is in our hands now. It has always been ... but it really is now. That makes me curious as to where I will be in one year. Will I still be writing in this manner? Will I still be musing of a time for liberation to come? Or, will that time have already arrived? My hope is definitely for the later. But, I need to be able to accept whatever comes as appropriate. Though, I don't necessarily have to like it. And, if I don't like it, why cannot I do what it takes to change it. I create my own reality after all. It seems that this is the most intimate reality that I am creating ... I should have a choice in what is manifesting. Indeed, I do have a choice. Perhaps more of a choice than I know. But, the choice primarily comes in what I choose to express and how I choose to express it. The expression includes more than what I do here in these musings. It includes how I interact with others in the world. That is one area that has been particularly week. My primary interface has been via the WWW. That is one way of making information available to the world. It is clearly not the only one. Further, unless I do things that point people to where the material is, how are they to know? Hits from the search engines are not effective ways of finding the Beyond Imagination material. It is not clear how far word of mouth advertising is spreading the word. What would make one think that such a site as this exists filled with the material that it contains? Nothing. There are few such sites that offer so much for free. But, that is what we have been moved to do with this expression. 209

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How do I go from being isolated to going public? That is a big jump. Is this something I am ready for? It seems that I am at the edge of the cliff and that is the next step. There is only so much that I can do in isolation. I have to take this next step to open up opportunities for advancement that I didn't know were possible. That is an interesting way of putting it. It seems that I am facing a similar need to take such a step at work. It is curious that my regular life and my spiritual life would be marching down what appear to be parallel paths. Though, that does not really surprise me anymore. So, how do we take that next step? Who are the people we need to interface with and work with? How will I know who these are? One sense says they will simply make themselves known to me. I invite feedback and contact. If you feel you are meant to be part of this somehow, please introduce yourself and let's explore what we might be meant to do together. What more can I do? How do I spread the word regarding Beyond Imagination: both the site and the books? It seems that I need to do something to talk to people. This is something I am excited about. Surely, that would be enough to allow me to carry on a conversation or lead a discussion. The only questions are where to speak and how to attract a suitable audience. It seems like Palm Springs should have a reasonable sized metaphysical community. There is one metaphysical bookstore in town and Barnes & Noble and Borders have decent metaphysical sections. However, I don't have any experience with anyone reaching me in any manner to discuss anything. Then again, I've cut myself off from most of the channels of mass communication that are available. This is turning into quite a challenge. There must be others that have done this before. I have two books on publishing and marketing books. They must have a wealth of ideas to select from. I guess it is time to learn from what others have done. That is not something I am used to doing in this existence. That is OK. It is never too late to start. It is not like I need a whole lot of methods. I just need a few that work ... just enough to get the ball rolling and get the word out. This is going to happen ... because I am going to do what it takes to make it happen. I'm convinced that getting this expression out is that important. What happens once it is out is in spirit's hands. There is only so much I can do. The old saying comes to mind you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. It is that way with this expression as well. We can bring people to it ... but what they do once they are at the trough is up to them. It will be interesting to see what people are able to take away from this expression. Thus far, I only know what it does for me. It would be nice to have some feedback as to what it does for others. In particular, is it worth the time it takes to read it? What does this stream of consciousness show you? How different or similar is it to your own stream of consciousness? From all that I have read, it seems that this is indeed different than most experience. That is OK. As a wayshower, part of my task is to venture into the unknown territory of consciousness and to share of what I find to the degree that I can. That is what I do here. The stream of words that is expressed effectively is a type of programming for the mind. It is intended to allow you to reach altered states of consciousness ... states that may be unfamiliar to you. Don't be afraid. They are beneficial states overall, and they are induced naturally without resorting to drugs of any kind. I don't believe that I use hypnosis either. Though, I am not in control of how the words are specifically arranged. I thought we'd go out in grand style with a normal rather than minimum sized musing for a change. We're on track for doing that tonight. Though, that means that we didn't get much proofing done today. Oh well, tomorrow is another day. We do each day what we are moved to do that day. Such is how we live our life. This is the directive of spirit that I follow. I have no real plans for the future. I tend to take each day, day by day. It seems that this is limiting me somehow. If I want to lay in a particular future ... it seems that I need to do some sort of planning. This will allow present actions to be synchronized with what we desire to be. How do we differentiate what is from what is to be? What are the steps to get from the former to the later? We can rely on spirit and simply do what we are moved to do when we are moved to do it. Or, we can take more conscious responsibility and make it our jobs to figure our what some of the steps need to be and then choose to take them. Either way works. The issue is one of conscious responsibility. How much of this do we choose to bear? How much of this are we destined to bear? 210

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Perhaps that is the better question. We can only stick our head in the sand for so long. At some point we need to arise and see the world that we exist within and decide where we want to go from here. Imagine what you want to be. Envision it as clearly as you can. Then act in accord with this vision to the degree that you can. Your actions will be the seeds that allow the stuff of your imagination to be realized. There are at least a couple of ways to approach this. One way is to focus on the end state and to manifest that directly. The other way is to evolve from the present state to the end state gradually through a series of steps. These steps you can imagine and plan as well. What you can plan, you can enact. It is a matter of following the plan ... adjusting as appropriate to react to real world conditions. For many, this gradual approach towards change seems to make the most sense. However, that does not negate the value and utility of one-step change. Here, we must believe firmly in what we intend to manifest. We can leave no room for doubt. Though it is always good to leave room for something better for the good of all concerned that spirit might come up with. We've made it through another month. That's twenty straight months since the near daily musings started on 1 January 2002. It will be interesting to see how long the trend continues. At this point, I am still moved to continue with this expression. We'll just have to take it day by day to see what happens. That is OK. There are so many things that I can be expressing that it seems that the daily musings are no longer as important. Besides ... I have 3 books with over 1600 pages of musings already. How many more do I need? I need as many as I am moved to generate. That is the obvious answer. There is a sense that we will have a 2003 Musing - Vol III. After that, however, it is time to regroup and decide what we want the next expression to be. The sense is that 2004 is not to be more of the same. Yet, 4 months out, I do not yet know what it will be. That is OK. I trust the process. I trust that what I need to know will be revealed to me when I need to know it. Interesting. But, indeed. 2004 has a very different feel from 2002 and 2003. It will be interesting to see what it brings. 4 x 501 = 12 x 167. This is the cube with vertices of 167 = 2:11(78) = Justice twice exalted. This seems to be an appropriate form to serve as the basis for building the foundations for a new world.

I AM THAT I AM THAT YOU ARE! Be Happy and Create Well! LOVE, Wayne


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003


2003 Musings - Vol II


Wayne Hartman


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

INTRODUCTION The following were selected as the best quotes from the material expressed in 2003 Musings – Vol II. This continues something that was done for Vol I earlier this year. Quotations are especially powerful to me. The fact that so many powerful expressions could come forth through me in such a short period of time is mind boggling. We are only talking about a four month period. Yet, we have hundreds of quotes once again. The quotes are numbered starting with 884, where we left off at the conclusion of 2003 Musings – Vol I. Allow the numbers in your life to guide you to passages of significance. Feel free to open up to any page and read from any passage. This is not a linear expression that must be read in order. Enjoy! Be Happy and Create Well! I AM THAT I AM THAT YOU ARE! LOVE, Wayne Feel free to contact me if you relate strongly to this material or you have feedback to provide. I’m looking for kindred spirits to help co-create the foundations for a new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh. Wayne Hartman 1800 Harper Av, Redondo Beach, CA 90278 [email protected]


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

--- MAY --1 May 2003 884 - Going through the entire set of musings to select the best quotes may be a challenge. However, it is a challenge that I consider to be worth the effort. It is like mining for precious gems. What we find is spectacular. 885 - Some people give all that they are to their family, or to their relationships, or to their job, or to their community, or to their church, or to some combination of these. Not me. My focus is almost like a laser ... here in this expression. 886 - What matters to me is the expression of spirit in flesh. And, for me, that is what these words are all about. 887 - Utility is the key criteria for any path. Use what works. Use what has value to you and ignore the rest. 888 - Each of us must ultimately find our own path. There are some roads that have been created that we can follow if we so choose between established destinations. But, the interesting places are in the unknown realms of consciousness ... at least, the most interesting places for me. 889 - We have the power to create any future we desire ... but we have to do it here and now. We have to want it badly enough to do what it takes to make it so. 890 - Wishful thinking is not sufficient. We are gods in flesh. We are the creators of our reality. It is time we starting acting as if we truly realized that this were so. 891 - I still liken Beyond Imagination to an unchartered island which few have discovered and even fewer have explored. 892 - Life has this way of living up to our expectations ... and occasionally exceeding them. 893 - Notice, I said expectations not wishes. Many people wish for a lot of things that they do not expect that they will ever receive or experience. Expectancy is powerful. However, it must be based on a sound belief system. It does no good to strongly expect something to happen that you believe to be impossible. 894 - When we combine expectancy, beliefs, and acting as if, we have covered all of the bases. I believe it can happen, I expect it to happen, and I act as if it has already happened. This accompanied by an attitude of gratitude goes a long way toward creating the reality of our dreams. 895 - Thus far, only a few people have provided feedback to let me know that my writings have helped them. I suspect that there have been many more than this, but that they remain anonymous. 896 - Unfortunately, that is one of the things sorely lacking in our world. We need more feedback, direct honest feedback. That is how we improve and how we assess how much of an impact we are having.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

897 - This expression gives me a reason for living. It provides me with an opportunity to encounter the unknown on a daily basis and to creatively express whatever consciousness would bring forth each day. 898 - There is something wonderful in that, something miraculous. I am blessed to be chosen for this great privilege. 899 - Life is meant to be lived in an extraordinary manner. 900 - There is always a way to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. It is primarily a matter of attitude. 901 - Our life will be what we make of it. When we want it to be something different ... we need to make it be something different. This is always within our power to do. In fact, it is only within our power to do. No one can do it for us. This is something that we must do for ourselves.

2 May 2003 902 - Quotes, especially the best quotes from the best minds of the ages have always given me inspiration. I find it curious that I come up with so many of them in my own expression. 903 - Does this expression serve people in some way? At the very least it provides some exercise for the consciousness. That alone makes it worth the price of admission as they say. 904 - I hope that what is expressed challenges you ... in particular, challenges your concepts of reality and spirituality. I know that this expression does that for me. 905 - We need to go beyond words, beyond imagination to actions that actually build the foundations for a better world.

3 May 2003 906 - Consciousness by its very nature is subjective. It is something that we experience firsthand. Further, it is something that changes us as we experience it. 907 - We awaken from our slumbers. We become more and more aware with each new realization. That is what life is all about ... coming to realizations of whom that we are, and then applying this in some way of service in our world. 908 - Do these words take the reader to a different state of consciousness or a different state of mind? Do they show the reader what is possible when we allow spirit to assume a major role in our lives? 909 - It doesn't take much to be an information generator. One just has to allow it to happen. But, then again, I have a natural predisposition towards writing ... so perhaps have an unfair bias and advantage in this area.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

910 - In relating the nature of my reality, I challenge people's concepts of who they believe that they are and what they believe about the nature of reality and the nature of consciousness. I do this purposefully ... with the hope of helping people to awaken and become more aware of the grand spiritual beings that they are. 911 - I am a unique being in all of creation. No one has ever had the education, programming, and experiences that I have had to get me to this place in life. Note that everyone can make this exact same statement. 912 - We are all unique points of consciousness. Each of us see the world in our own way. This does not mean that we can't share what we see with others. They may not get it. But, they may get enough of it to relate to it. 913 - Sharing is important. We share what we have, we share what we experience, and we even share of whom that we are. This latter is the most important of all. For, whom that we are is more valuable than diamonds or gold. 914 - We are souls incarnate. We are spirit having a physical experience. It is very important that we remember this and behave accordingly. 915 - Under any circumstance, the choice that is optimal is always what spirit would choose to do. If we can do that most of the time, we will have lived our lives well.

4 May 2003 916 - It seems that I have entered a phase of my life where I am meant to manifest this expression on a major scale. It seems that we need to go one step further and manifest the stuff of which the expression speaks as well. 917 - There is a destiny that is playing itself out in my life right now, a spiritual destiny. I believe this to be true for each of us if we seriously examine our lives. It is for us to find what this destiny is for us, and then to do it to the best of our ability. 918 - Why is it that this particular stream of consciousness is selected to be captured, recorded, and shared in this manner? What distinguishes this stream of consciousness from other streams of consciousness? 919 - The bottom line as always is to do what we are moved to do when we are moved to do it ... knowing that it is spirit herself that is the motive force in our life. 920 - When we find source, our lives improve dramatically. Our attitudes change. Our reality improves. A whole new realm of possibility for what we can do with our life opens up before us.

5 May 2003 921 - Each of us can apply ourselves in ways that provide value added. For some this is easier than for others. It is generally best if we do this in an area that is something that we love to do. We can always find such areas. Though, we may have to go searching for them.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

6 May 2003 922 - It seems that the time is right for unleashing Beyond Imagination unto the world. I've been waiting a whole decade for this time. 923 - I have been hoping that spirit would guide whoever was meant to find me to the Beyond Imagination site, but this simply is not happening ... at least not in anywhere close to the numbers that I had hoped. 924 - I would build the foundations for a new world. Yes, that is about as grandiose a task as one can get. But, every nerve and sinew in me vibrates to this task. 925 - There is nothing that says your primary job is the one for which you are paid, or is the one which takes the most time in your life. 926 - There is a reason that this stream of consciousness expression is captured in the manner that it is. My sense is that it is meant to be an example of what is possible. 927 - There is a sense that my world is about to change in a major way ... it is as if my reality is to be blown wide open. I've reached a breakpoint once again. And, there is nothing to guide me as to what life will be like on the other side of the breakpoint. 928 - A breakpoint offers us a chance for a paradigm shift, a chance to see the world in a whole new way. But, we have to be open to it. It doesn't force its way onto us. 929 - We have chosen an interesting time in which to incarnate. At no time in history have the opportunities for spiritual expression been as great.

7 May 2003 930 - There is only so much free time per day. Until I find a way to free up more time for the work of Beyond Imagination, I am resource constrained ... with the primary resource being my own time. 931 - For a decade, consciousness has been my constant companion, my friend, my guide, my teacher. She has led me along my path every step of the way. Even now, she feeds my mind with these words. When she speaks, I listen ... and when I can, I act based on what I have heard. 932 - Consciousness can only express physically, and this only occurs through our mind as expressed through our brain. Ultimately, what counts is the physical expression. 933 - I challenge myself to do more, to express more, and to be more. I take the directive be all that you can be to heart and try to live up to that daily. 934 - Consciousness is the star by which the ship of self should be navigated. I say should be because for many this is not consciously occurring at the present time. 935 - Just as some people have GPS navigation systems in their cars, it seems that some people have Cosmic navigation systems in their consciousness.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

8 May 2003 936 - You are a spiritual being expressing in flesh here and now as well. There are parts of you that are just as capable if not more capable than the parts of me responsible for bringing forth this expression. You may not have found them yet ... but they are there, somewhere within you. It is for you to seek and find them. 937 - This expression is my way of giving back to the world some of what I have been so fortunate to receive 938 - Here is where I interface with consciousness firsthand. Here is where I see what spirit would produce in my life. 939 - I have given consciousness a wide berth to take me where she will ... trusting that she knew what she was doing and that it was all for my highest good. 940 - I am being trained to play a particular role related to ushering in a new age. This involves building the foundations required for spirit to more fully express in flesh. 941 - Life is not necessarily meant to be fully understood. The unknown has its place. It is an important part of nearly everything that we do. We can do things to try to mitigate it and minimize its impact. But, it will not go away no matter what we do. 942 - We are consciousness dancing and singing our song here and now. 943 - Being spirit doesn't make our actions spiritual any more than being human makes our actions humane. That is simply not enough. It takes additional factors and effort aligned with spiritual principles for us to truly live a spiritual life ... much as it takes effort aligned with particular moral principles to make actions humane.

9 May 2003 944 - The very infrastructures of society at present keep us from meeting the needs of everyone. When there is hunger, the system is failing. Where there is poverty, the system is failing. Where there are homeless people, the system is failing 945 - This is one of the benefits of living within a society. We can set up mutually beneficial relationships and interactions that result in both our individual and collective growth. This does not retard our progress. On the contrary, it enhances it. 946 - Everything that happens in our life is there because we choose for it to be. No one can help us or harm us against our will. At some level we create or at least agree to all that we experience. No fine print, no exceptions. 947 - We learn from everything that we experience, and from some of the things that we don't experience. The fact that something doesn't happen in our life is often as important if not more important as the fact that something does happen.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

948 - We need to go through life with an attitude of expectancy. We need to expect that spirit will provide us the help that we need when we need it in our lives. 949 - The effort we expend on helping ourself is typically mirrored and magnified by spirit. However, it all starts with us. 950 - As individuals, there is only so much that we can do. But, when we allow spirit to work through us ... and help through us, there is so much more that we can do. 951 - We need to be careful about placing too much emphasis on the separation of individuals and not enough on their unity and oneness. 952 - Who should be providing help? One avenue is charitable organizations and the people who donate to them. But why should the few who give to charities take responsibility for alleviating problems created by society as a whole? 953 - Social problems are societies problems and hence are everyones responsibility. 954 - In my vision of the new world, needs do not go unmet. We, as a society take responsibility for ensuring that the goods and services required to meet needs are created and distributed to where they are needed. This means helping everyone that needs help ... regardless of the type of help that they need. 955 - All of this expression has come forth as it has for a reason. Ultimately, it is my way of helping a world that I see is in need of help. 956 - Who am I to make such an assessment? Just a simple soul with grandiose ideas about how I can impact the world. 957 - The greatest help of all would be to provide an infrastructure in which each individual could thrive and have their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs met. 958 - Karma is not a curse on us. It is a collective account of what we have done. Its primary utility is in keeping track of where we have gone overboard and need to achieve balance through additional right action. 959 - We are not meant to handle everything in our lives by ourselves. That is why we have others in our lives. That is why we live in a society. When we have exhausted our own means, it is appropriate to ask others for the help that we need. We can ask God via prayer. We can ask various social organizations specifically set up to provide assistance. We can ask family and friends. If we are sincere, we will get what we need. We may not get everything that we want, or everything that we think that we need.

10 May 2003 960 - What we can receive is often limited by what we feel that we are worthy of receiving. 961 - Our self worth is crucial to our wealth.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

962 - The more worthy we believe ourselves to be, the more wealth we will draw unto us. Wealth may be in many forms however. It may come as health, relationships, money, job opportunities, education opportunities, growth opportunities, etc ... 963 - We become more worthy by finding ways to give of ourselves. What we invest in others, in society, and in our world ... pays big dividends in the long run. 964 - One way to assess what we are presently worth is what we are paid in terms of salary and job satisfaction. We have drawn our present circumstances to us for a reason ... even if that reason is to make us aware that we truly desire to be doing something else. 965 - It takes boldness and bravery to escape the bonds the bind us. Yet, if we would be free to pursue our destiny this is exactly what we must do. 966 - When opportunity knocks, we need to be ready for it, and we need to open the door and embrace it into our lives. 967 - Change happens when we make it happen. We have to believe that it can happen. We have to want it to happen. And, we have to do things consistent with making it happen. These are all within our power to control.

11 May 2003 968 - The purpose of life is simply to provide the opportunity for us to express and to experience whom that we are. 969 - Life is meant to be lived spontaneously. That doesn't mean that plans don't have utility at times ... but we need to be careful of allowing them to make us too rigid. 970 - We are meant to create our reality in the present moment. That is where we attract the events that play themselves out in our lives, and that is where we assign meaning to what we experience. 971 - It is in the assignment of meaning to the events of our lives that we have an awesome power. We are free to apply any meaning we choose to any event. There is nothing inherent in events themselves that is good or bad, that is frightening, that is painful, that is helpful, or that is enlightening. It is all up to us. 972 - More than anything else, we are consciousness enfleshed, we are spirit having a physical experience. 973 - Consciousness is unfathomable. There are parts of her that will remain unknown despite the greatest efforts on our part to understand her. That is just the nature of challenge. From our limited form, there is only so much that we can understand. 974 - Some might say that there is no purpose to life other than to live fully and completely. My sense is that we each have a mission to perform, a destiny to manifest. Deep inside of us, we know what these are ... however, it seems that few are consciously aware of these. 975 - It is for us to seek out why we are here ... and then do what it takes to actualize it. The spiritual law applies: seek and ye shall find. However, we need to be sincere in our seeking. 220

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12 May 2003 976 - To know, we have to want to know. Knowing has to become as important to us as breathing. That is what allows the breakthrough to occur. That is what allows us to awaken to this part of ourself that knows. 977 - I don't think much about what constitutes right action or wrong action. I have reached a point in my life where I know that spirit moves me ... so all that I really have to do is what I am moved to do in the moment. 978 - Yes, to be successful, my work must have world impact in some way. I know, that is grandiose thinking. But, I see my mission in such terms. 979 - The key to right action is do what you are moved to do when you are moved to do it. Just make sure that it is spirit that is doing the moving. 980 - Right action feels right to us and harms no one ... or, at least minimizes the harm that is done. 981 - Right action is elegant. It utilizes resources with maximal efficiency. 982 - There is a reason that I am being moved to publish these works. The sense is that there is indeed an audience for whom they are meant ... and spirit will guide us to find that audience. 983 - What I can do, you can do also. However, it is not for you to do it my way ... it is for you to do it in your own way.

13 May 2003 984 - What distinguishes us as conscious beings? What can we do that other beings in the animal kingdom cannot do? We can reflect on whom that we are and what we have done. We can desire and hope for things to manifest in the future. We can take action in the present with an understanding of the future ramifications of our actions. We can come to know whom that we are ... and we can choose to express that as fully as we can in our lives. 985 - Know Thyself! This is a spiritual directive. It is not an option. Though, there is nothing that says it is a requirement for each of us in this particular existence. 986 - I came to be one of the aware ones ... one who would live an awakened life ... one who would be a wayshower ... one who would build the foundations for a new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh. This puts me in somewhat august company, the company of world servers. Yes, I speak in grandiose terms because I sincerely believe my mission to be grand. 987 - Consciousness is as consciousness does. You shall know her by her works. 988 - Consciousness is more than my mind, yet she uses my mind as the tool through which to pass this expression. 989 - Facts have limited utility. It is how information is connected that gives it power. 221

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990 - When we empty our minds, nature or spirit will find something to fill it with. It is that simple. Though giving up our thoughts and getting to a beyond mind state is far easier said than done. If it were easy, we would have seen far more people do it by now ... and it would be evident in the works that they are doing as a result. 991 - Our consciousness is one thing that we take with us when we depart this existence. Our worldly possessions will remain in the world ... but what we have become in consciousness, this cannot be taken away, even by death. 992 - The degree to which we are aware makes all the difference in the world. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. Consciousness is our way of staying in touch with the spiritual part of us from which we spring. 993 - Our consciousness is very much like a muscle. It needs to be stretched and it needs to be used so that it remains flexible.

14 May 2003 994 - It is natural for spirit to express itself and to unfold itself as it will in our lives. We have only to allow it to do so. 995 - Our lives unfold in accordance with a plan that was scripted for our life before we entered this existence. We created the script to conform to our needs to express and experience whom that we are. We did this in concert with those whose lives we would touch ... setting up the scenarios for the realization of any relationships that we wanted to jointly pursue. 996 - Our reality unfolds in accordance with a plan for our spiritual progression and evolution. 997 - The most powerful connection that we have to source is our intuition. It pays to develop this connection. 998 - Many train their mind to operate logically but pay little attention to developing their intuition. They would be much better served to do the opposite. Though, there is some benefit to achieving a balance between logic and intuition. Both together provide a powerful toolset for reality creation. 999 - Express whom that you are. Manifest the destiny that is yours to manifest. Make your mark on the world. Do something, anything, that makes a difference. Make sure that you leave the world a better place for your having lived. That is what ultimately counts in life. Did our life make a difference ... preferable a big difference, but a substantial difference will do.

15 May 2003 1000 - Isolated facts, isolated information, are of limited utility. It is in knowing how information is connected that its power becomes apparent. 1001 - Indeed, knowledge is power. However, it is powerful only when it is in the right minds and only when it is used effectively.


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1002 - Consciousness works through us. If things are to happen, they will happen by and through us. We have to take responsibility. 1003 - Cooperative interdependence is how we create the synergy necessary to do great works ... and these are great things that we are trying to achieve. 1004 - We have a society and a world to create in whatever image we would choose to fashion it. We are that powerful. We are creators all. We have chosen to live in a time when what we dream, what we imagine, can be manifest in short order. But, be advised, be careful what you wish for ... you just may get it and have to live with it for awhile.

18 May 2003 1005 - Spirit can be trusted to act in our best interest ... not necessarily individually, but collectively. 1006 - We are individuals for a reason, yet a great deal of our power comes from the organizations within the collective that we choose to participate within. 1007 - When we see lack ... we are not living up to our potential. When we see poverty, when we see hunger and starvation, when we see homelessness, ... when we see all of these things, we as a society are failing in major ways. It is not that we don't have enough. We have the resources, we have the technology, we just don't have the resolve to make the problems our problems and commit the resources to fix them. 1008 - We are one people on one world on one planet, this spaceship Earth. Further, we are animated by one consciousness. At what point are we going to drop some of the country boundaries and start seeing one another as the brothers and sisters that we are.

19 May 2003 1009 - There is another saying, if it is to be, it is up to me. In this we declare our power over the events not only in our lives, but potentially in our world. 1010 - We can literally work miracles when we allow spirit to operate as fully as possible through us. And, in the process, we can make not only our live, but the lives of those we touch into masterpieces. 1011 - The sense is that for things to happen now ... we must do what it takes to make them happen. They will not manifest of their own accord. It takes our energy and our intent to feed them and coax them into being. 1012 - We build a better world by building better organizations in which to participate in and from which to get goods and services. 1013 - I trust that spirit knows what she is doing. In particular, she knows where she is leading me in the dance that is my life. The best that I can do is find a way to enjoy the process. 1014 - The destination is often not the most important thing while we are on the path ... rather, it is finding a way to enjoy the journey. 223

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20 May 2003 1015 - Whether the world is as I perceive it is a matter for philosophy. My reality is clearly as I perceive it ... but this can change in an instant if I decide to see the world in a different light. 1016 - We each live in the shadows of our choosing. Most of these are imposed by the belief systems that we have accepted. Too change what we experience, we need to go to the source, and change the core belief systems. 1017 - Our lives can unfold before us effortlessly. Though, many prefer the challenges of problems of various types ... and hence engage in them. 1018 - We need some drama in our life to keep things interesting ... to keep us awake. Uncertainty can do this to us as well. The unknown has a way of shaking up our lives if we allow it to. 1019 - There is something powerful about spiritual expression. It consumes us ... yet, it exhilarates us at the same time. 1020 - We have a new world to create ... we have foundations to build. We have dreamed of grand things and have kept our castles in the clouds for far too long. It is time to plant the foundations under them and bring them down to earth. 1021 - Choice without action in accord with the choice is no choice at all. It is action that makes choice real. 1022 - We are meant to be stewards ... caretakers of the things that are under our stewardship, one of these being the very planet. 1023 - Mine is a life of obligation, but it is a voluntary one. I willingly accept the responsibility to do what is mine to do ... trusting that spirit herself will show me what this is when I need to know it. 1024 - Consciousness is the key that unlocks all the doors. In fact, she is the very mansion of the Self. She is the stuff in all of the rooms behind all of the doors.

21 May 2003 1025 - In life, it is the journey that is the thing ... it is what we experience on the way in our day to day lives that matters most. 1026 - We are powerful creators one and all. It is time that we realized this and used our natural abilities to benefit our society and our world. 1027 - Years ago I realized that independence was a farce. We are connected and interdependent in so many ways that we cannot exist without one another. 1028 - In a rapidly changing world, forms and organizations either need to evolve or they will die. Flexibility is critical.


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1029 - The forms that are necessary for spirit to express elegantly will indeed manifest. There is an overall plan for the evolution of consciousness that will ensure this. 1030 - If we keep thinking in the ways that we have always thought, and keep doing the things that we have always done, then we will keep experiencing the things that we have always experienced. If we want to change our experiences, we need to think differently and act differently. It is that simple. 1031 - It shouldn't be hard to find one's natural and rightful position in the world. One should gravitate there as easily as a star does to its position in the heavens. 1032 - I know that many resources are going untapped and others are vastly underdeveloped and underutilized. When this happens, we all lose the benefits of the added productivity that could have been ... potentially productivity that could have even created new things that had never before existed. 1033 - We cannot afford to waste the potential of our people. It is that simple. We must find ways to create the social infrastructures necessary for people to express whom that they are in service to society in exchange for what they need.

22 May 2003 1034 - Happiness is an inside job, it is something that we do to ourselves. Someone said something to that effect. And, they are correct. The only place to find true happiness is within. 1035 - There is a place inside of each of us that knows all that we could ever want or need to know. However, it takes effort on our part to find that place ... and to communicate with it. It takes effort and it takes desire. Never underestimate the power of the later. It is amazing what we can do when we are properly motivated. 1036 - Each day, I am confronted with a miracle ... with the expression from a source that is unknown consciously. Yes, this means that my very life is miraculous ... but no more so than that of any other. 1037 - That you are alive and aware is a miracle, the miracle of life. It is a precious gift that we have been given and that we continue to be given in each moment. We need to make sure that we don't squander that gift. We do that by making sure that we do something that makes a difference with our life. It doesn't matter whether it makes a difference to one or to one million ... it just needs to be an important difference, a difference worthy of our having lived. 1038 - It is amazing how much benefit comes from kindness ... even simple acts of kindness. 1039 - Until we know whom that we are and what we are capable of ... we have no idea where we fit within the fabric of society. 1040 - It is time to create an interdependent support group responsible for carrying out the work that Beyond Imagination was created to carry out ... namely the building of the foundations for a new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh. 1041 - Everything is spontaneous expression. Yet, somehow it hangs together. No, not necessarily from paragraph to paragraph or from day to day. But, overall, there is an organization behind all of this. That the organizing force is unknown or is other than conscious, doesn't change the fact that there is an 225

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organizing force. Whether that be consciousness, or spirit, or even some part of me of which I am not consciously aware does not really matter. Clearly, there is an intelligence that is revealed here. 1042 - So long as it is only Wayne's World, effectively it is just a dream ... a vision in the clouds. If I can transfer that dream into the minds of others so that it becomes their dream too, then perhaps together we can do something to manifest it and make a real difference in this world.

23 May 2003 1043 - Consciousness is ever a mystery. I trust that she will continue to be for all of my days. 1044 - We have the foundations for a new world to create. It is within our power to do what it takes to create these foundations. That may mean that we have to tear down old foundations that no longer serve us. 1045 - You see here the results of connecting to a source within. What that source is, I know not. All that I know is that it is able to speak through me ... and it does so as long as I choose to be of service in this manner.

26 May 2003 1046 - I speak simply overall. Yet, even so ... out of simple expression can come the most profound of thoughts. 1047 - I have found that I am being the best that I can be when I allow spirit to express as fully as she can through me. This is not a sacrifice of my self or my freedom in any way. It is a choice to be of service to something greater and grander than my highest sense of self. It is a choice I freely make. Yes, of my own free will. I would be what I AM. 1048 - What is it that I want? Unlimited abundance in exchange for applying my services for the benefit of spirit and hence the world. 1049 - How do we put a price on creative expression? ... especially when that expression comes from spirit?

27 May 2003 1050 - Here, I am capturing something special, something that I have not seen captured in this precise way anywhere else. 1051 - What I have to give is what can be expressed through me. That is a lot, as evidenced by what has come forth in the past decade, and in particular, in the past 17 months. 1052 - As a wayshower, it seems right to show that consciousness can indeed express in this manner. Some will be comforted by this because it will validate their own experiences. Others will be surprised by this since what is expressed will be quite foreign to what they experience. 226

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1053 - By seeing that another experiences in this way, it opens up new possibilities for their own experience. No, it may not happen right away ... but there will be chinks in the armor that clothes the self ... and these chinks will eventually expose the true self that lies beneath. 1054 - While I ask a lot of questions, it does not seem fair to question the integrity of the source of this material. It is enough to use the measure of utility to determine whether the material has merit for us. 1055 - Efficiency and effectiveness ... it all comes down to elegance. Where can my talents be put to the greatest use for the benefit of spirit, of society, and of the world?

28 May 2003 1056 - By the end of the year we should have combined works totaling in excess of 2500 pages. That is no small feat. In fact ... that is something of a miracle. 1057 - This is my life! This is where I will make the greatest difference to the world. These words, this expression, are what will remain long after I have gone. 1058 - I am living the life I am meant to live ... or coming as close to it as I can at this point in time anyway. I need to stay flexible and observe how the universe responds to my efforts and react accordingly. 1059 - My books are my children. Can I really go from one to five or six kids by the end of the year? That is a little over seven months away. Yes, that is a lot of work. But what else do I have to do with my time that could be more important than this? The bottom line is nothing! 1060 - There is something satisfying about having one's name on the cover of a book. There is a sense of contribution. There is a sense that I have done something meaningful and of lasting value. 1061 - I'm doing my part. I'm doing things that enable the forces of the universe to kick in and do their thing. I'm doing what I can do. Further, I'm not leaving for tomorrow those things that I can do today. 1062 - Do what you are moved to do when you are moved to do it. That is a directive that I have lived by for over a decade ... actually for most of my adult life.

29 May 2003 1063 - I'm really moved to do this ... more than I've been moved to do anything in a long time. I can see all five books manifested in their published form. The labor necessary to make this happen is completely within my power to control. However, I do need some help with the financial end. The costs aren't much. But they are beyond what I presently have available. 1064 - I am a man on a mission. I will find a way ... with spirits assistance. If these works are supposed to be born this year, the funds will be available to permit it. 1065 - Best Passages was selected from a storm of expression that started on January 1 and lasted all year with rare exceptions. I believe there were over 330 musings for the year. There was nothing comparable in the expression prior to that. 227

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1066 - It still strikes me as interesting that my first book could officially be available for purchase the final week in June, and my sixth book might be available for purchase by Christmas of this year. 1067 - Details, details ... it seems that it always comes down to the details. Why can't I just do my thing and created the books and trust that they will find their way to those who are meant to read them. 1068 - Taking the step to transform the works officially into books is a major step. It demonstrates a degree of maturity ... and a degree of belief in the works. It will attract a corresponding audience in return, an audience who will be surprised and amazed by what they find. Yes, the works are that good.

30 May 2003 1069 - To say I am jazzed is an understatement of major proportion. Clearly, I could spend every waking moment engaged either in this expression or in relating this expression to others. Yes, I feel that strongly about it. 1070 - Until you stop the river of thoughts that distracts you and engages your attention constantly, you have no room for the still small voice from within to speak to you. She will speak ... but only if you are listening. 1071 - Most people do not know how to listen. Listening is hard work. It demands our full attention. However, we need to be relaxed when we engage in doing it. 1072 - I would show that what all of these words have shown is that what is important is not for us to express like another ... but rather for us to express in the manner that is right for us. 1073 - The more passionate we are about what we are doing the greater the difference that we will make. It is amazing what happens when we do what we love to do. There is a powerful force that is unleashed to do great works. 1074 - Above all else, source is creative. The more creative we become, the more we connect with source in our lives. 1075 - When we want a water well on our property, we hire a drilling company to dig the well and tap the water source. Could the appropriate people provide this kind of spiritual service for others and assist them in tapping the source within. I don't see why not. 1076 - All that we can do in an one existence is the best that we can. That is always good enough. 1077 - But, in the realm of the unknown of consciousness ... here reason and logic are completely out of their elements. Here, intuition must be relied on to provide a course by which to sail. 1078 - Oh ... if only I could be doing this fulltime. If only, indeed. It seems time to walk my talk and manifest the conditions for my liberation. Yes, I do feel enslaved to some degree by my present circumstances including my present job. I am thankful for the job from the standpoint that it is secure and pays sufficiently to cover the bills. 1079 - My spirit longs to be free ... completely free, and it is not clear that it can be that in the current work environment. I've had this problem before. In 1993, with Loral then in 1998, here. 228

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--- JUNE --1 June 2003 1080 - I'm still amazed at what came forth during that first year following my major awakening in October 1993. The work is timeless ... it could endure indefinitely, definitely long past when I am dead and gone. 1081 - Reality Creation 1010 is particularly peculiar. It was definitely inspired. That something like that could be created in 10 days still blows me away. 1082 - I am meant to be an author of some reknown. If I have my way, we'll see at least half a dozen Beyond Imagination books published this year ... spirit permitting, that is. 1083 - It (publishing of books) is also an announcement to the world that I am ready to stand behind what I say ... and demonstrate it in the way that I live my life. Yes, I did this to some degree before. But, this is taking things to a whole new level of expression.

2 June 2003 1084 - I am indeed a madman on a mission. I am consumed by this task of getting the Beyond Imagination works published as quickly as the universe allows. For some reason this seems to be the right thing to do at the moment. 1085 - These (books) are my children. Publishing them releases them to do their works in the world. They are an extension of me. The ideas they express have the potential to reach and to impact many. Whether they will do so or not remains to be seen ... but, this seems to be somewhat up to me. What I do makes that much difference. 1086 - Publishing makes a positive statement that I believe enough in what I do to commit my writings to public scrutiny. Indeed, I do. And, I welcome whatever feedback will come from this. It was time to try something new ... something different, and this seemed to be the right thing to do. 1087 - Consciousness guides my every step. She moves me to do what I do, and to express what I express. This stream of consciousness is the stream of my life. I have chosen to serve spirit, and in doing so to serve my society and my world. 1088 - I speak of my world as if it were something that I own. But, it is something that I create, or at least co-create. 1089 - 2002 was about bringing forth Musings on a regular basis ... nearly daily in fact. 2003 is about not only doing that, but publishing books as well. 1090 - The Beyond Imagination books are targeted for a relatively small market of folks interested in metaphysics, new age, consciousness, self-help, reality creation, belief management, and the like. This is not necessarily the stuff of bestsellers. Then again, I have no idea how many sales are required for something to qualify as a bestseller.


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1091 - The sense is that it is time to consciously accept the mantle of my spiritual mission. I have been touching on it and even doing parts of it for some time. But, now it seems this is to become my primary mode of being. That gives it a much greater emphasis than it has ever had before.

3 June 2003 1092 - These works are entities in their own right. Yes, they are born through a collaboration of consciousness and me. But, once born, they are free to impact and influence others in the world. In this way, they do their works. And, in this way, effectively I do my works and the works of consciousness. 1093 - Doing our works in the world ... that is what life is all about now. Actually, it is all about doing spirit's works in the world. But, I've reached a point where I believe that my works are indeed spirit's works through me 1094 - I have the been given the ability to see things that need to be done ... yet, many of these things are not things that are for me alone to do, or maybe even for me at all to do 1095 - There is a strong sense that this is indeed the work that I am here to do. This is the work that puts a spring in my step. This is the work that I love doing. I just need to find a way to get paid to do it ... and paid well. 1096 - That seems to be what all of this work of publishing the Beyond Imagination books is all about. They are to be my ticket to freedom ... and the means for breathing life into the works of Beyond Imagination. 1097 - There is a mission to be accomplished. There are foundations for a new world to be created. It is high time for us to get on with it, and do what we came here to do. Yes, that requires funds ... but the universe will see that these are forthcoming, as long as we do our part. 1098 - Do our beliefs serve us and those whose lives we touch? The later clause is very important. It is easy to fall into selfish ways. We need to be careful to avoid this. 1099 - We need to find ways to serve others as we live the life that we are meant to live. This is not always easy. But, there is always a way.

4 June 2003 1100 - There is a strong sense that my destiny is in the process of being manifest now ... that I have set the wheels in motion via my actions. 1101 - I have chosen to live a life of spirit and for spirit. No, this is not the easiest path to follow. But, everything within me says that this is the right path for me to follow. And, I choose to do what is right when I can. 1102 - Meditation and quiet time have their places in our lives ... especially if our lives tend to be hectic. In fact, the more hectic, the more that we need such peaceful times.


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1103 - There is a richness in the fabric of what is expressed. I sense this as I write ... but, it is more obvious when I read what I have written. There is definitely an intelligent source at work in doing all of this ... a source that is far more than I know my self to be at present.

5 June 2003 1104 - I am spending a lot of time engaged in the works of Beyond Imagination. But, I consider that to be quality time doing work that I must do. Yes must ... it is as if I have no choice in the matter. 1105 - The universe has her way of moving us to where we need to be ... preferably voluntarily, but kicking and screaming if necessary. 1106 - One way or another we will experience the reality that is right for us to experience. Generally this comes from our belief systems. So, it behooves us to get these in order. We will know when they are right because they will feel right. 1107 - We each have an innate knowingness within us. It is important for us to find this knowingness and apply it in our lives. The sooner that we do this the better it will be for not only us but for all those whose lives we touch. 1108 - When we live our lives out of this knowingness ... our lives become magic. We are empowered to do things that would otherwise be impossible. That is because what is impossible for us, is not necessarily impossible for spirit. 1109 - The bottom line is that there are great benefits to living a spiritual life ... benefits that go beyond anything that we can quantify. Also, from this we are able to live a life of purpose. We are able to do what we came to this planet and to this existence to do. 1110 - Purpose is that way. It resonates with us. When we discover what ours is, it fits us like a tight glove. There is no doubt as to whether it is ours to do. We will know. 1111 - Without the intuition, the value of the information obtained is greatly limited. 1112 - I am willing to give all that I am in service to spirit. That is all that I have to give. That has to be enough. Indeed, our best and all that we have is always enough. 1113 - Act as if. That is a powerful method to apply to reality creation. Much can be created in our reality if we do that one thing ... act as if what we desire is already so. 1114 - We are spirit first ... then we manifest in flesh. It is important to remember this. 1115 - Every fiber in me says that this is wonderful material ... the clearest expression of source that could come forth through me at this time. As such, I gave it my best. Further, it came from a source that while inside of me, was not really me. Spirit, herself, deserves the honors and the credit for all of this. Oh, I played my role as well ... and, without me it could not have come forth. However, this was clearly a cooperative endeavor.

7 June 2003 231

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1116 - I'm still an isolated being, a hermit, expressing for a source consciousness that comes forth through my intuition. I'm willing to give the bulk of my free time to this endeavor ... to what would be expressed as Beyond Imagination. Why? What is so important about doing this that it is worth this investment of my life? 1117 - I only know that there is nothing that I would rather do. This is something that I must do. This is something that I am moved by spirit to do ... and when we are moved in such a manner there is no use fighting it. The best course of action is to go with the flow, and see where the current of spirit takes us. 1118 - We have foundations for a new world to create. This is a monumental undertaking. But, it is one that is well within our collective abilities and resources to perform. 1119 - It seems that the time for creating these foundations is now. I've been talking about this being my mission for over a decade. But, something has changed recently ... in particular, this year. Now, the time is ripe. The seeds are ready to reach fruition.

8 June 2003 1120 - Yes, this expression is that important to me ... important enough that I am willing to lose some sleep over it, and I like my sleep. 1121 - We need to take advantage of each and every moment, and do what we can to use those moments effectively. 1122 - I would know whom that I AM. And, I would share this with all whose lives I touch. 1123 - Could it be that each of us has such a stream of consciousness within us to which we can connect? All that it takes is to go within, be still, and listen. Easy to say ... but, this still seems to be a relatively rare thing to do. 1124 - All that has been expressed at Beyond Imagination over the past decade is the crowning glory of my life. But, it comes from an equally important unseen, consciousness herself. It is time for this expression to reach a wider audience. 1125 - What makes my stream of consciousness any more special than that of anyone else? For one thing, I am moved to record it in this manner.

9 June 2003 1126 - Spirit does not allow us to pour forth our energies in this manner indefinitely for naught. Eventually, the balance is restored and with interest accrued. 1127 - I know that there is a destiny that I am here to achieve, a role that I am here to play, a mission that I am here to perform. It is a matter of allowing spiritual gravity to do its thing and pull me down to exactly where I need to be. 1128 - Society needs its dreamers to dream of things that never were. However, on another front, we need a wake up call and need to start doing things that turn our dreams into our reality. 232

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1129 - Consciousness doesn't work from wants. It works from needs in line with what we believe that we deserve. 1130 - Do I create my own destiny ... or do I simply allow what has already been planned to unfold in my life? 1131 - There is much that needs doing. But, there are many hands that can share in the burden thus lightening the load for everyone. 1132 - Each of us has natural talents and abilities that can be used to serve society and/or serve spirit in some way.

10 June 2003 1133 - There is only so much time and energy available to spend on this endeavor. That is simply a fact of existence. 1134 - At this point, what matters is that the forces of change are in motion. The play is unfolding as it needs to unfold. 1135 - So long as I keep tapping into different places in the stream of consciousness, the resulting expression will be original 1136 - Is what is expressed here of such a nature that it could impact the world ... and do so positively? 1137 - But, what is Beyond Imagination? It is an ideal ... it is an entity created to embody an ideal ... created to build the foundations for a new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh. 1138 - What can one person do? Clearly the answer is a lot ... far more than we might suspect, especially when spirit is doing the work. 1139 - That is the key. We work best when we serve as the vessels for the work that spirit would do through us. 1140 - It takes courage to live a spiritual life. It takes courage to be all that we can be. We do not lose anything in the process ... at least nothing that is truly important to us.

11 June 2003 1141 - I cannot imagine a more adventurous journey than the one that consciousness has taken me on. 1142 - This is the best of what I can do ... and I freely choose to do it and share it with all who find their way to the world of Beyond Imagination. 1143 - I have known since the earliest days of this expression that these works of consciousness were not mine alone ... they were meant to be shared with an unseen audience.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

1144 - The economic system could also free us to do things in new ways if we allow it to do so. However, to do this we have to be willing to invest of whom that we are into "the system". 1145 - The more that we can give in excess of what we take, the better. Spiritual law will ensure that we receive what we need and what we deserve. 1146 - Rights always come with their corresponding responsibilities. There is no free lunch. But responsibilities do not have to be experienced as burdens. 1147 - Life is what we make of it ... no more and no less. 1148 - We have chosen to live in some interesting times. Yet, the changes that we have seen to date are nothing compared to what is in store for us in the times immediately ahead. 1149 - It is curious that consciousness speaks through me in this manner, especially since I speak to no one in this manner and no one speaks to me in this manner.

12 June 2003 1150 - This is stream of consciousness expression after all. As such, it is far more important than anything that I might dream of expressing myself. 1151 - Here, spirit speaks to me and through me to you. I never know what is going to come forth. That is part of what makes the endeavor so interesting to me. That is why I am willing to invest so much of my free time in doing this. 1152 - Ultimately, there is a sense that what is expressed will impact the world, and will do so in significant ways ... perhaps even major ways. 1153 - For me, it is very important to live my life in a manner that makes a difference, a meaningful difference to the world in some way. 1154 - I came to serve society, to serve the world, and to serve spirit ... not necessarily in that order. 1155 - This expression is something I am passionate about. Carrying out my mission is something that I am passionate about. Spreading the vision of Beyond Imagination is something I am passionate about. 1156 - I will continue to express so long as consciousness has something to say through me. My sense is that this will be for the remainder of my years in this existence.

13 June 2003 1157 - Some things that we experience simply have no explanations no matter how long or how hard we seek for them. 1158 - It is important that I leave the world a better place for my having lived. Yes, that is a big responsibility to shoulder. But, I gladly bear it. I can't imagine living life in any other way. It simply wouldn't be worth living. 234

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15 June 2003 1159 - The unknown can be a terrifying place. But, it doesn't have to be. It can be a place of adventure ... and even a place where we have fun exploring our own limits. 1160 - If you build it, they will come. But, that doesn't seem to have worked in this case. I built and I built and I built ... but while some came, nowhere near the numbers I had expected came. I still don't know why. 1161 - I still maintain the Beyond Imagination web site and post new material to it on nearly a daily basis. I consider it an extension of whom that I AM. I offer it as an example of the level of sharing that I would like to see happen in the world. 1162 - There is something about seeing your name on the cover of a physical book that does something to you. It is a special experience. 1163 - Things happen in their right timing in my life. They cannot be forced, try though as I might. Allowance is by far the better route ... for me anyway. 1164 - Spirit must be given a vehicle through which to speak. This stream of consciousness is the greatest gift that I can give to the world at this time. It is by far the most productive use of my time that I am engaged in. 1165 - It is important for our lives to make a statement ... to have an impact on society and the world. This doesn't just happen. This requires that we do something with our abilities and talents, and with our time, to serve society. 1166 - Service is the highest use of our time that there is. However, we need to make sure the service maximizes the use of our abilities. That makes it the greatest service that we can provide. 1167 - How many people choose to put 5000 hours into anything in their life? That's an average of 10 hours per week for 10 years. My sense is that the answer would be very few. 1168 - I would do the work of Spirit, or allow Spirit to do her works through me. 1169 - Beyond Imagination is about providing service ... the greatest service that we can to others, to our society, and to our world. However, to do this we must know whom that we are. Know thyself is as valid of a directive today as it has always been. Perhaps even more so, since we are more complex beings then we have ever been. 1170 - It is not appropriate to judge the experiences of one against the experiences of another. What matters is did we do what we came to do and did we do it to the best of our abilities? 1171 - The only person that can really judge how successful we were is ourselves. We know innately what we are capable of. We know when we are doing our best. The usual signs are by how happy we are and how fulfilled we are.

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1172 - What do all of these works offer the reader? That is a good question. The biggest benefit is that you get to see and experience consciousness in action as she expressed in my life anyway. 1173 - By walking in my stream of consciousness, perhaps you will encounter something about your own ... and you will in the process learn something about yourself that you never knew you never knew. 1174 - We are here to build the foundations for a new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh. Yes, that is a challenging task. Yet, it is one that is worthy of our best efforts. This is what the Aquarian Age is all about. 1175 - The world is richly interconnected. There are interdependencies everywhere. There is an incredible amount of cooperation that goes into creating the reality that we experience. 1176 - Time directly engaged with consciousness, with source, is special. It is precious. Because of this, it is not something to squander. Also, for me anyway, it is something to share.

18 June 2003 1177 - Spirit expresses through us to the degree that we allow her to. That is where our free will comes into play to the degree that we allow her to. She doesn't force her way into our lives. 1178 - It is within our power to create the world to be whatever we choose for it to be both individually and en masse. It is a matter of deciding what we want to create. 1179 - We need to keep challenging ourselves to excel. That means putting ourselves in positions that give us the opportunity to excel. That means doing things that allow us to use our greatest abilities and talents in service to others and to our world in some way. 1180 - How does one put a price on the wisdom gained from 30 years of metaphysical study and 10 years of metaphysical expression? 1181 - Belief management is one of the most important skills that we can learn. It dramatically impacts the reality that we experience. 1182 - There is a sense that I am gravitating to the very position that I am meant to fill. This happens naturally if we allow it to. It is not something that can be forced, try though we might. .

19 June 2003 1183 - Here I operate in the spiritual realm and because of this, what comes forth is sacred somehow. That does not mean that it is not to be questioned. I question it myself at times. However, it deserves to be heard and to be evaluated based on its utility. 1184 - That is how spirit works, through us. She has no means to affect the world directly. We are her legs, arms, hands, and even her mind.

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1185 - How is it that finished work can come forth in this manner? What is it that is doing the organization? My answer is that source herself is responsible. If it is a part of me, it is clearly an other than conscious part. 1186 - These musings, and all of the expression at Beyond Imagination have essentially been stream of consciousness expressions. 1187 - There is this incredible sense that my destiny is in my hands now in a way that it has never been before ... not to this degree anyway. There is a sense that I can make my life into whatever I desire for it to be. 1188 - What you decide, you will create ... you will do so because their are a host of forces waiting to do your bidding. 1189 - You have reached a level of awareness where you know that this is true. You know that there is literally an army of unseen forces operating behind the scenes to make reality happen in the way that you say that you prefer it to be. 1190 - The Beyond Imagination books are my children. If they do their jobs well, they will help the world to transition to a new age in which spirit can more fully manifest in flesh. 1191 - We stand at the dawn of a new age. But the vestiges of the prior age are still with us and will be for some transition period. The old will eventually whither and die ... and will be replaced by the new and all that it offers.

21 June 2003 1192 - It only takes one idea planted in the right mind to make a significant difference. And, these works are rich with ideas that can make a difference. 1193 - Making a difference is what it is all about. The chief criteria by which our life will be judged is whether we left the world a better place for our having lived. 1194 - We have to want to make a difference, and we have to choose to do things that have the potential to make a positive difference. 1195 - To make a difference in society, we must reach people somehow. 1196 - The chief directive is: do as you are moved to do when you are moved to do it. This is how consciousness impacts the world. She moves us to action. It is through our actions that her ends are achieved. But we are more than pawns in the game of life. We are willing participants – cocreators all.

22 June 2003 1197 - It is important to do what we can to make each moment count, to make the most of our efforts in whatever endeavors we are employed.


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1198 - The operative word is elegance, doing the job at hand with the least resources and the maximum efficiency. How many of consider it our duty to work elegantly?

23 June 2003 1199 - With any timing, the only real answer is when the time is right ... and it is spirit that determines that not us. Then again, spirit works through us, so could not spirit be determining this through us as well? 1200 - We need to find ways to offload tasks to others who are capable of doing them so that we can free ourselves to do things that only we can do. In so doing ... collectively, much more gets done and the world is a better place as a result. 1201 - Elegance is important. We need to do things efficiently and effectively to the degree that we can. Wasted resources can never be recovered.

24 June 2003 1202 - There is something about seeing the children of one's mind come to fruition as published books. This is different than posting works to the internet. Perhaps it shouldn't be. 1203 - I would live a life of service. I would do what is necessary for spirit to do her works in the world. 1204 - Decide. Then speak and act as if it is already done. And, surely it will be done. It is that easy. 1205 - We are all powerful creators ... far more powerful than we might suspect. Our most intimate creation is our body and the reality that it experiences. 1206 - We are responsible for every aspect of that experience ... no fine print, no exceptions. We always have been and we always will be. If we don't like what we experience, then it is up to us to find a way to change it. 1207 - Change the beliefs and we change the experience. Beliefs are that powerful. 1208 - Choices ... it seems that more and more I am having to decide where I am going to apply my time and effort. Where can I do things that have the most impact? ... that make the most difference? 1209 - How do we turn the dream of Beyond Imagination into a flesh and blood organization of more than one person? The books are a start. They introduce people to a world of ideas. This world may be foreign at first, but it will grow on them ... enough that they will decide that they would like to co-create such a world. And then, the magic happens. 1210 - What keeps us from realizing spiritual truths in the moment? When the mass consciousness finally awakens, it will literally be as the difference between night and day.

25 June 2003


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1211 - I am being fed what I need to know when I need to know it. There is a part of consciousness herself that is feeding me in this manner. 1212 - I haven't found my limits yet. Thus far, I don't think that I am even close to them. Though, to progress much further I need a more supportive environment. There is only so much that I can do on my own ... it is a lot, but it is still limited. 1213 - If my output is any indication of what each of us is capable of then collectively we can unleash an energy that will take the world by storm and transform it into whatever we desire it to be. 1214 - To me, life has a purpose. It is more than just to exist and be happy. I came to do something. In my case, that involves serving as the midwife for the Aquarian Age and building the foundations for a new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh. 1215 - Do what you are moved to do when you are moved to do it. That is the directive from spirit. That is the chief guidance to live by in the times ahead.

26 June 2003 1216 - The bottom line is that I will continue to do what I have been doing so long as I need to continue to do it. Some might consider it a hardship. But, doing the work of spirit is never a hardship. It may be difficult and challenging at times, but that is what keeps it interesting. 1217 - We are powerful creators, each and every one of us. What we command to be so ... will become so, provided that we do it congruently. 1218 - When something is good, the word will get out ... perhaps not right away, but eventually. 1219 - Trust where spirit is taking you. Each step is a step forward toward a destiny that is right for you at this time. We would not lead you astray. 1220 - Do as you are moved to do. Trust that we are moving you to do exactly what you need to do in each moment. Further, we continue to do this in every moment. 1221 - Leave no room for doubt ... for where spirit guides us, our grandest destiny lies. 1222 - Life is a grand adventure of consciousness. 1223 - Live your truth. Express what you know. Be your grandest vision of whom that you can be. Dream big. Now is not a time to let limitation hold you back. 1224 - Why would I choose to give this much of my life to this expression? Is it worth it? To me, it definitely is worth it ... otherwise, I would not be doing it.

27 June 2003 1225 - I trust that consciousness knows what needs to be said and will bring it forth when it needs to be said. 239

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1226 - What is it that I have to sell? What services am I able to provide and to whom? And, who is willing to pay for such services? 1227 - How do we build the foundations for a new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh? That is a monumental undertaking even for a major group.

28 June 2003 1228 -Will my children (books) be able to support me and this grand endeavor that we call Beyond Imagination? My sense is yes. In some respects, that is why they were created. 1229 - There is a sense that I am doing all that I can do at the moment to propel Beyond Imagination forward ... to make it a real force for change in the world. 1230 - Our lives are meant to be adventures, they truly are ... adventures in consciousness primarily. Clearly, some are more adventurous than others.

29 June 2003 1231 - I prefer to view this as offering a service that happens to be captured as a stream of consciousness in a set of books. The service is the states of consciousness that the material can take the reader to. By allowing the reader to walk in my consciousness for awhile, it gives the reader experiences that he/she may not otherwise encounter. They will learn things that they never knew they never knew. And, in so doing, they will become more than they knew themselves to be. That is what the game of the expansion of consciousness is all about.

30 June 2003 1232 - I have learned that I can give spirit the reigns to my consciousness and allow her to express as she will. 1233 - The rewards of spirit are well worth every effort you put into developing your abilities. 1234 - It is OK to be a little bit crazy. It is OK to believe things that others do not believe. It is OK to see things that others do not see. 1235 - Living life fully can be difficult. However, when we are in the groove, it can be the most natural thing in the world. 1236 - We are naturally suited to be whom that we are. This is what nature gravitates us toward if we allow it to. 1237 - Life is meant to be joyous. It is meant to be playful. It is not meant to be all work. 1238 - That is what building the foundations for a new world is all about. We want to make it easier for people to be whom that they are and to lead the lives that they are meant to lead. 240

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--- JULY --1 July 2003 1239 - Self-employment in the direct service of consciousness is my desire. But, at this point in time I don't know how to manifest that. 1240 - Life has a way of working out in the manner that it is meant to work out. 1241 - Beyond Imagination - there is a reason that name came forth in the first day of expression over a decade ago. Yes indeed, that is what this expression is: beyond imagination. 1242 - I can choose to live my life in a manner that demonstrates what I believe. I can be an example of spirit expressing in flesh to the greatest degree possible through me at this time. 1243 - It is in the moment that I have the power to do anything. It is here that I have the power to choose what to accomplish with the free time that I have available. 1244 - Few people make empowering choices regarding how they expend their free time. Many choose to be entertained. 1245 - Every moment wasted is lost forever, never to be recovered. Unfortunately, that is how the game works. We can only lose time ... we can't gain it back. 1246 - It is for us to do something each day that makes the moments special in some way. No, it is not expected that we do this for every moment ... but there should be some subset every day that is special. It is these special moments that make it worth it ... that make it worth having lived. 1247 - When we go too long without such moments in our life we lose touch with our natural source of grace.

2 July 2003 1248 - What matters most to me is consciousness and its expression in flesh here and now. I came to demonstrate what is possible in this area. 1249 - This very expression is one of my demonstrations. I share it in the hope that it will show you what is possible ... not just for me, but for you. 1250 - There is some reason I am being moved to capture all of this. I have to believe that it is for more than my own good. I would live a life of service. I would do things that matter. 1251 - We are here to express spirit in flesh. More and more, the very forces of the universe will encourage us to do just that.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

1252 - The goal is to create a society that I would want to be a part of. How's that for a goal for a Hermit? Yet, I do so dream of living in an ideal community. 1253 - Page after page, musing after musing consciousness expresses as she will through me. Without her, I am nothing ... my mind would be a blank. However, she fills the void ... and she does this on a regular basis. 1254 - Don't underestimate the difference that one good example can provide. People are in desperate need of positive examples at this time.

3 July 2003 1255 - The claim from 1984 was legitimate after all. Less that a week after submitting the paperwork, a check arrived in the mail for my portion ... $1161.07. That's just shy of being enough to cover the publishing costs for three books. 1256 - So close to 1162, the birth of Genghis Khan and the year Becket became Archbishop of Canterbury. This was tied to 832 in 1994 and started my foray into numbers and their meaning in my life. 1257 - Literally money from heaven after two decades, money that I had no clue that was owed to me. 1258 - People who find value in the Beyond Imagination works are encouraged to share the word with others. One way or another the works will reach who they are intended to reach ... spirit will make sure of that. 1259 - It is time to convene the best and brightest from among us once again and tackle the issue of Living in 21st Century Era Community. We should be deciding how we want to live and then harnessing technology to help to make it so.

4 July 2003 1260 - So, it seems that we have some idea as to what 2003 is all about. This is clearly a year of manifesting ... different than any other that we have experienced to date. This is the year that Beyond Imagination went public. Hmm ... it seems that is what is in store for the second half of the year anyway. . 1261 - I only know what I experience. That is that much of this expression is new when I read it again. 1262 - The WWW truly is an electronic extension of my memory. It contains things that I've done that I don't even remember that I've done.

6 July 2003 1263 - Writing and publishing one book is an accomplishment. Here we're talking about six and potentially as many as eight in a single year. 242

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1264 - When we focus on the present, the future will take care of itself. That doesn't mean we should ignore the probable impacts of our actions ... indeed, we should consider these. However, often we may not know the impacts. 1265 - There is a sense that Beyond Imagination is about to be given wings so that it can take flight and do its works in the world. Though, we need more than wings ... we need resources, a commitment of time and funds to help build the foundations for a new world. 1266 - There is a benefit that comes from participating in cooperatively interdependent group of people ... especially when the group is aligned to do the works of spirit. We will be amazed at what we can achieve, or more correctly, what spirit can achieve through us. 1267 - I hope that my example demonstrates the power of sharing in changing the world. No, we aren't there yet. But, as the word gets out to more and more people, we are effectively building an army for change that nothing on earth will be able to stop.

7 July 2003 1268 - It seems that the more that I do, the more that I see needs to be done. Yet, there is only so much time available to do things. 1269 - The publishing of the Beyond Imagination books are actions that set in motion whole courses of events. Where these will lead is ultimately for consciousness to decide. But, it seems that they signify the birth of a whole new endeavor. Further, this is one that I can put my entire body, heart, mind, and soul into. 1270 - This stream of consciousness expression is always going to be an important aspect of my being. It is where I get my inspiration. It is my means of recreation. This is not work. This is consciousness at play. It brings great joy into my life, the joy that comes from truly being of service. 1271 - We can't necessarily expect people to volunteer their time and skills for everything. People should be paid what they are worth. That doesn't preclude them from volunteering if they so choose ... but the volunteering should give them something back at some level, perhaps satisfaction and even happiness. 1272 - We are worth what we truly believe ourselves to be worthy of. This will be reflected in our reality. What we receive will be in line with our beliefs in this area. To receive more, we need to give more so that we feel worthy of more. 1273 - When we give, it is as if we put money into a bank account. When we receive, we withdraw from this account. It is not clear that debt is allowed, at least not for very long. Though, there do seem to be people that take far more than they give. 1274 - We are master creators, each and every one of us. In particular, we are creating the very reality that we experience. 1275 - Spirit knows what needs to be done. Further, spirit knows how best to employ me in doing this work. It is a matter of allowing her to use me as she will. I am the willing instrument that she plays. There is no sacrifice in this. Rather it is a great privilege to be used in this manner


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

1276 - We are spiritual beings having a physical experience in a world full of symbols with heavy spiritual meaning. Everywhere we look, we see spirit in expression. Reality is amazing to behold. 1277 - We live in a miraculous realm where we possess the power to create the reality that we experience. That most of us don't realize that we are doing this is a failure of our religions and educational system.

8 July 2003 1278 - Consciousness is expressing through each of us in every moment. 1279 - More of the same begets more of the same. If we want to experience something new, we must be different and do different things. 1280 - Are we going to saturate the market with Beyond Imagination books? Perhaps. But, these works needed to be released in this manner. They needed to be born so that they can have their impact on the world ... whatever that impact may be. 1281 - I have reached a point where what I do in and of my own is of far less importance than what spirit does through me. I am a willing instrument for the expression of consciousness. I believe this to be the highest service that I can provide. And, at this point in my life, service has the highest priority. 1282 - This is a grand endeavor that we are engaged in ... building a better world.

11 July 2003 1283 - What matters is doing each day that which must be done each day. We must focus on NOW and allow the future to unfold as it will as a result of our endeavors. 1284 - What can be expressed is being expressed in the most fitting manner. That does not mean that this will not change and evolve over time. In fact, it will. Though writing will always be a preferred mode of expression.

12 July 2003 1285 - There is something special about stream of consciousness expression. This is by far the most creative expression in which I am engaged. And, for me, creative expression ... especially creative written expression is what it is all about. 1286 - Beliefs operate in the gray area of the uncertain or the unknown. It is in the playground of beliefs that all of reality creation is accomplished. That makes this a very powerful and important area. 1287 - It behooves us to know what we believe. It also benefits us to identify which of our beliefs result in which part of our reality. It is only through knowing this that we know where to start to change our beliefs if we want to change our reality. For, that is how we effect change, through our beliefs. 1288 - The future is what we make of it by doing what must be done here and now. There is no other way to get there. There are no shortcuts. Though some paths are easier than others. 244

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1289 - It is for us to take the paths that are right for us ... and to do so joyfully and with all our hearts. The effort that we put in makes all the difference in the outcome. 1290 - We need to look at the return on investment for our labors and make sure that we are getting good value for the effort expended. Not only do we need to do this as individuals, we need to do this en masse to see how we fair collectively 1291 - Just when I think I've got it, spirit goes and throws me a curve. That is OK. Life needs to have such moments to stay exciting. 1292 - Do I really need to know how it will all happen? Or, is it sufficient to trust that it will all work out in accordance with some grand plan that is being worked out by consciousness with our participation on other than conscious levels. 1293 - We must allow each moment its whole fullness and avoid rushing from one to the next as much as we can. This can be hard at times ... especially when we know that greater things are in store.

13 July 2003 1294 - We do things to help build the foundations for a new world. We do this because we can and we do this because it is our work to do. We are carrying out the great work now. We have been for some time ... but now we know it fully. 1295 - When we allow consciousness to express through us, we are serving spirit in the highest capacity that we can in the moment. 1296 - The musings offer specific examples of consciousness in expression. They may be similar to your own ... only I have been moved to record and share mine in this manner 1297 - Keep doing what you have been doing in the same way that you have been doing them and you will continue to get exactly the same reality that you have been getting. If you want things to change, you have to change ... you have to do things differently. 1298 - The changes don't have to be as different as night and day ... though they can be if you so choose. A little change now can create a major change in the long term outcome. 1299 - Start with little changes. They are the easiest to effect. Trust your intuition. It knows what changes to manifest to get you to any desired reality. 1300 - It is up to us to define what the foundations for a new world need to be. Yes, consciousness will work through us to do this. However, she will not do it for us. We are perfectly capable of doing this for ourselves ... with her loving guidance, of course. 1301 - Those who are meant to be a part of this will find themselves attracted to the endeavor. The will sense that there is something missing in their lives. They will be moved to do something to make the world a better place ... and the will find that their contribution is enhanced by combining it with likeminded others.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

1302 - That is what Beyond Imagination is all about. It is an attempt to get people working together to build the foundations for a new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh. 1303 - We are all spirit expressing in flesh. We have been since the moment that we incarnated, and we will be until the day that we die. Even then, we will still be spirit in some form ... just not flesh.

14 July 2003 1304 - I have committed to live my life as spirit dictates. Yes, that means giving up some of my apparent freedom. But, in return I gain far more ... for I gain levels of spiritual expression that are far beyond anything that I would otherwise experience. 1305 - Expression, especially written expression, is that important to me. It is why I exist. Yes, I meant to state it that strongly in precisely those terms. This is where I come alive as I can in no other place. This is where I can reveal and be whom that I AM, freely and openly. 1306 - My mind is blank tonight. That is typical for these musings. But, generally, consciousness fills it with whatever she would express through us. 1307 - At some point, we have to accept that we have done enough ... and enough is enough.

15 July 2003 1308 - I trust that my life is unfolding in accordance with a plan that I am co-creating on other than conscious levels. Can I co-create this on conscious levels as well? It is possible, but it is not easy. 1309 - However, it seems that this is something that is indeed worth endeavoring to do. For when we become a conscious co-creator, we effectively become a god/goddess ... in our own life anyway. 1310 - Some things have consequences. And, if we choose them, then we get to experience the consequences as well. That is not to say that all such consequences are certain. Often, there are probabilities attached. However, we don't have to live in a world of probabilities if we choose not to. 1311 - There is something powerful about uncertainty, about the unknown ... and about living our lives in the midst of it. We may know a lot, but we don't know everything. 1312 - There will always be more to learn, there will always be things that we do not know. Such is the way of life. It is inescapable. All that we can do is make the best of it. 1313 - Collectively we have much to do to build the foundations for a new world. This is one of my main tasks, but clearly it cannot be solely my task. It is far too big for that. 1314 - When I need to know, I will know. There is no force in the universe strong enough to prevent it. Yes, that is how powerful the principle of need to know is. It finds a way to manifest, regardless of the obstacles that may be in its way.

16 July 2003 246

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1315 - I consider this to be one of the most meaningful things that I do with my time. It has the potential to have the greatest impact on the most people. Whether it does so or not ... we will have to wait and see. 1316 - We have the foundations for a new world to create. That is a major task that will require the skills and commitment of many of us working in a cooperative interdependent manner to achieve. 1317 - It is not necessary that any one person have an overall understanding of the structure of the organization and the purpose of the endeavor. It is OK for this to be a collective thing. That is what synergy is all about. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. 1318 - Together we can achieve far more than we can achieve alone. Together we can create a far grander world, a far grander reality, than we could achieve operating independently. When will we realize this and start cooperating fully and completely to create the world of our visions and our dreams? 1319 - I know myself to be ONE individual. But, I still experience myself to be composed of many parts ... parts which sometimes compete and fight with one another for resources and attention. Over the years, this has become less and less as I become a more integrated whole entity. 1320 - I am meant to be a force for major change in the world. My life has meaning to the degree that it affects the world. Yes, that is asking a lot of myself. Yet, I know that my abilities are such that I can more than live up to this challenge. 1321 - This is my life. This is my world. This is my reality. I invite others to share in what I experience. But I don't force it on you. Take what you will ... use what serves you and those you touch ... and discard the rest or leave it for another time when it may better suit you. 1322 - Utility is the only measure of value for anything. Who does it serve and how does it serve? That is one of the most important questions we can ask. 1323 - We have great hopes for this endeavor. At the same time we know that it is not necessarily our hopes and dreams that matter here. It is the greater hopes and dreams of the society and the world that we serve. 1324 - We are here to be of service. We believe that we can be of more service with more resources. This is one of our means of attempting to generate resources. We did it because we were moved to do it, because we could do it, and because it was fun to do. One cannot ask for much more than that ... that the work that one does is FUN. 1325 - To me, it is our adventures in consciousness that matter most in our lives. Perhaps that is because I don't have the responsibility of kids in this existence so I have the luxury of focusing my time and resources in this manner.

17 July 2003 1326 - I would take responsibility for changing the world; or for building the foundations for a new world. Yes, this is a huge job. But, every fiber within me says that it is indeed mine to do. No, not solely mine. Clearly, these are tasks that will require the cooperation of many. But, I would choose to be out there leading the way.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

1327 - Everything has it's allotted hour in the scheme of things. It is for us to be patient and allow that to unfold as it will. That doesn't mean that we don't have roles to play and things to do. Indeed we do.

18 July 2003 1328 - The saying we have only just begun comes to mind. Oh, it has been a major beginning over the course of over a decade. But, what remains to be done far surpasses anything we have accomplished to date. 1329 - There is something right about the time now, the world is ready to receive what Beyond Imagination has to give. And, we have much to give. 1330 - What has been expressed to date is just the proverbial tip of the iceberg. There is so much more where that came from ... so much more that lies below the surface. 1331 - You have been soaring in consciousness for over a decade ... some might say without a safety net. But, we have been there at your side every step of the way to assure that you are safe. Deep down, you have known this; so, you have not been worried. 1332 - It is time to reach out and touch people ... and touch them deeply. The Beyond Imagination message has the power to do that. I just need to convey it with all my heart and soul.

19 July 2003 1333 - Each day present a brand new opportunity to express what has never been expressed before. That seems like an awesome responsibility when you look at it like that. But it is one that is full of hope and possibilities. 1334 - There is far too much information for anyone to possibly consume and use effectively. So, we must choose what filters to apply to limit the information that reaches us. We only want to see that subset that we have deemed to be of value to us. We need to be careful about the filters however, they can prevent information from getting in that would be highly beneficial for us to see. 1335 - In general, belief management is an important task to engage in on a regular basis. This is our primary mean for influencing the reality that we create. 1336 - Those forces responsible for reality creation within us forge reality through the patterns and limitations established by our beliefs. If we want to change the reality, that is the place to do it, with the beliefs.

20 July 2003 1337 - There is no need to rush or to force the expression. What is not expressed one day can easily be expressed the next, if indeed it needs to be expressed at all. 1338 - Life is a process of finding our limits and overcoming them. 248

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21 July 2003 1339 - Creating the foundations for a new world. Do I really need such a lofty task? Indeed, I do. Nothing less would be worthy of my attention and my talents. 1340 - We are given gifts for a reason. Generally, that reason is to use them in some way that is of service. I have chosen to aim high in this regard. Will I succeed in doing what I am attempting to do? My sense is yes ... because I am not alone, and because it is spirit doing this through us. Those two factors are what will ensure the success of our endeavor. What we are doing is destined to be done. We are just the instruments through which it is happening. 1341 - This is spirit's work that we are doing. It is her will that matters. It is what she would do through us that is important. My importance comes from serving her ... and allowing her to serve the world through me. 1342 - Then, there is another part of me that says my will is thy will. My will is but another instrument for spirit to use to serve the world. It is there to be used not set aside or ignored. 1342 - Either we are responsible or we are not. To me, this is a black and white area ... there are no shades of gray. I have assumed responsibility for my beliefs and thus for my life. 1344 - Though there is the possibility for groups to accept mutual responsibility for some things and thereby create grander forms of consciousness able to execute in ways that no individual could.

22 July 2003 1345 - Make each and every moment count. And do that for every moment for the remainder of your life. Easy to say. But somehow I think this one may not be so easy to do. Yet if I can't demonstrate it in how I live my life, how can I expect others to abide by it? 1346 - The time of awakening is coming and it behooves us to be prepared to the degree that we can. We do this by opening to whom that we are, by finding our center, by developing our intuition, and by finding our place in the world and connecting with those we need to work with to perform our missions. These missions always involve service of some kind ... service to self, service to family, service to community, service to country, and even service to the world. 1347 - That is a common theme here. We are meant to live lives of service. That is how we show our gratitude for the abundance that we have been so blessed to receive. 1348 - We have the power to create the world of our dreams. However, we also have the power to create worlds of our nightmares if we are not careful in how we manifest. One key is to take responsibility ... full responsibility for all that we experience at both personal and collective levels. 1349 - We will be responsible one way or another whether we consciously choose to be so or not. It helps if our choices are aligned with spiritual law, but that is not a requirement for living. 1350 - When you operate on the edge between the known and the unknown you are bound to find things that you never knew you never knew.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

1351 - I have chosen to make my realm the realm of spirit, of consciousness. That is where I find my home. The physical world is but a small subset of that. All that you see expressed here is physical ... but only as symbols in a computer system that get called up and translated into characters and words and ideas that convey this stream of consciousness to you. This is all that you know of whom that I AM. Here is where my prime interaction with the world occurs, even if that "interaction" is a one-way flow of information.

23 July 2003 1352 - One learns how to express spiritually by allowing spirit to express though us. It is that simple and that difficult. We learn to experience altered states of consciousness by engaging our consciousness in altered states ... and not aided by chemical means. 1353 - Do what you are moved to do when you are moved to do it. 1354 - For me, it is spirit that does the moving. I need no higher authority than that. Even if I thought that I did, there could be none. How can I know that I am not fooling myself? If I am, this is the most elaborate play that I have ever seen. 1355 - In some respects, the universe doesn't really care what we choose to create, it supports our decisions anyway. 1356 - We are the vehicles through which the universe, through which spirit acts in the world. 1357 - Creating the Foundations for a New World. At the bottom of every one of these musings it is clearly stated that this is what Beyond Imagination is here to do. However, so far these foundations have only been of words, of thoughts, of ideas, of ideals. Though the right words in the right minds at the right time are exactly what it takes to build the foundations necessary to change the world or in this case build a new world. 1358 - One of the guiding principles of this society is the principle of spiritual economy as expressed in: from each in accord with their abilities, to each in accord with their needs. The goal would be to reach a point where this guiding principle becomes a social contract among the members of the society.

24 July 2003 1359 - I consider myself to be an explorer of consciousness. I expect to be involved in this grand endeavor in one way or another for the rest of my days. In fact, I consider this to be the most important job that I do. 1360 - I speak with an authority that comes from something greater than I consciously know myself to be. Yet, the words flow forth anyway. They are not conditioned by this is my opinion or any such words ... they come forth directly as if they were statements of fact. 1361 - Judge what is expressed by its utility. Ultimately that is the only criteria that is of any value. Though, consider not only the utility to you, but to the collective whole as well.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

1362 - The time has come for us to get beyond our selfish considerations. That does not mean that we are not meant to take care of ourselves ... it just means that we should give consideration to helping others also. 1363 - I, I, I ... I speak in the first person singular because that is what I experience most of the time. 1364 - Reality is like that. It tends to conform to our beliefs of what will be. So, it is helpful if we believe in a reality that we truly want to experience. We don't have to lock down every detail. We probably couldn't even if we were to try. But, we need to get the general stuff right ... at least right for us. 1365 - One step at a time. With each step new vistas open up. Until we take each step, we don't know what comes next. I've been doing this for so long that it is OK with me. However, there is a sense that it has been OK, but will not continue to be so much longer. 1366 - It is time to expand my horizons a bit. To do that I need to take off the blindfolds and see further than I have ever seen. I need to see far enough ahead to be able to set overall priorities and plan my endeavors in line with those priorities 1367 - Cooperative interdependent endeavors are what the future calls for. That is how we build a better world. And, we do it one foundation at a time. 1368 - I desire for Beyond Imagination to grow into a cooperatively interdependent entity ... an organization focused on building the foundations for a new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh. 1369 - This could easily involve hundreds, though I see my primary interactions being with a much smaller core group, at least at first. I still see myself as the "wind beneath my wings" type of person. I am comfortable with a role in the background. I don't need to be on center stage. 1370 - I am an old soul, perhaps even a transcendental one. Many things that are important to younger souls have no value for me. In some areas that makes me lazy. However, in other areas, especially the spiritual ... I am driven. It just depends. 1371 - Patience, patience, patience ... allow things to unfold in all their ripeness. We don't want to pick the fruit from the tree too soon. Allow the sun to nourish it until it is ripe enough to harvest.

25 July 2003 1372 - On 1 April 98, I was flying pretty high. I found it more interest to see the list of titles near the bottom of the page that identified what I do. Metaphysician, Consultant, Teacher, Visionary, World Transformer, Wayshower, Spirit Enfleshed, Explorer, Systems Engineer, Master Builder, Writer, Spiritual Warrior, Creator. 1373 - That is quite some list! Though looking at it today, I would agree that every item on the list still applies ... and further, I will have contributed something significant in that area during my life if I haven't done so already.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

1374 - There is something magical in this ... to know that each day we have done something of utility, even if we do not know for whom it will be useful. 1375 - That is part of what I mean by making each and every day count. We need to live our lives in a manner that we make a difference now.

26 July 2003 1376 - You have to be a bit crazy to live a spiritual life and to allow consciousness to express in your life as she will. But, there is nothing wrong in being a bit crazy ... we just need to keep it from going too far. 1377 - The dreamers among us have always been consider to be crazy. But, how many times have their dreams eventually become a reality? 1378 - Communities are groups of individuals who care enough about each other to be concerned with and stay involved in each others lives.

27 July 2003 1379 - Making a difference in the world matters. We need to leave the world a better place than we found it by virtue of our presence. This we can always do. It is a matter of having the resolve to do what it takes to do it. 1380 - A degree of awareness is a prerequisite for understanding much that is expressed here. With the proper awareness, the expression is obvious. Without it, the expression is laborious and confusing. 1381 - That is one of the signatures of spiritual expression, it is intuition-based. Reason is utilized and has its place, but it is not a primary means for revealing truth.

28 July 2003 1382 - What are you willing to do to see your works succeed? In a real way ... the question is what are you willing to do to see you succeed, for your works are you. The immediate answer was everything and anything. Yet, there are still things that take me out of my comfort zone that I am reluctant to do. 1383 - It all comes down to service. We give what we can, we take what we need, and we never take more than we give. When we do this there is abundance, and everyone wins. 1384 - This is my life. This is what I do with my free time, the time that really matters in my life. It remains important to capture this stream of consciousness. So long as this is true, I will continue to do it. I have no way of knowing whether this will be for another hour, another day, another week, another month, another year, another decade, or the rest of my life. 1385 - What matters is what I am moved to do in the moment. If I stay true to that, the future will take care of itself. We can only make a difference in the moment, HERE and NOW. That is the only place and time that ever exists for us. 252

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29 July 2003 1386 - Who determines what is of value to society and of how much value? And, who pays the bills for the services rendered to society? 1387 - I serve as a willing vessel for source, the stream of consciousness that flows forth through me. As it was in the beginning, so it will be unto the end. 1388 - Ultimately, that is what counts in the end. What lives did you touch and how did you touch them?

30 July 2003 1389 - There is an intelligence that is involved in creating and expressing all of this that knows what has been expressed and ensures that only what needs to be replicated is replicated. 1390 - Some day I'm going to stare at the blank page and simply have nothing to say. Some day, but not today ... and not likely tomorrow either. 1391 - I will reach who I need to reach when I need to reach them. Spirit is orchestrating the show here. All that I can do is play my role to the best of my abilities. That is all that is asked of anyone. I almost said demanded but spirit doesn't make such demands. These she leaves for us to impose all by ourselves. And, what a mess we seem to make of it. 1392 - Each day of expression is an act of creation. We bring forth something that has never existed before. We make what we unknown known, what was unmanifest manifest ... even if it is only in words. Only words. But, the right words in the right minds at the right times stir people to take action that changes the world as we know it. 1393 - Such is the power of words. It is out of words that deeds are born. And, it is out of deeds that the world is transformed. 1394 - Consistency is not a requirement for living a spiritual life. In fact, if anything it can be somewhat of a hindrance. 1395 - Once again I sit here alone with consciousness as my only witness and companion. Perhaps I am not so alone after all. At least I have consciousness by my side coming forth as she will. It is not clear what I would do if I were completely on my own. 1396 - Here, the stream of consciousness flows forth as it will. In many ways, I am not in control of what gets expressed. Yes, it comes into my mind and is expressed through my fingers. But, in a very real way it is not mine. It does not belong to me. It comes through me, but is not of me. Yet, there is no other author for these words. There is no other entity to whom to attribute the words. It is Wayne that translates the energy that flows from source into these words. So, by all rights, he is the author.

31 July 2003


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

1397 - It seems that so long as I am willing to serve as a vessel of consciousness, I will always have plenty to say ... for it is not me saying it, it is consciousness herself. And, consciousness seems to know no such limitations. 1398 - I desire contact, but I also love my solitude. I would create a society but I am afraid to be among people except in precise ways that I control. Something has to give. What I say that I want to create is not congruent with the manner in which I am expressing. 1399 - I am saying the right words. And, in many cases even doing the right things. However, there is still something missing. I am acting from the perspective of the hermit that I AM. So long as I continue to do this, my reality will be limited to what that perspective allows. If I do it right, that can be a lot. But, a lot is not good enough for me. I know that there is more that I can do, that there is more that I can be. 1400 - We continue to engage in this endless expression of consciousness. We do it because we can and because we must. We do it because this is what we are moved to do by the spirit within us. We don't question why. 1401 - Beyond Imagination has grown into an entity in its own right. Yes, I gave it birth ... and I cocreated most of what is expressed there with consciousness herself. But the ideas contained in the expression have a life of their own. They have the power to move readers to act in ways that make a difference, that ultimately change the world. 1402 - Consciousness just borrowed me for awhile to provide a means for allowing the expression to come forth. Why me? Because I was open and had the right skills to serve her in this manner. Why now? Because that is what I came to do now. There were several cosmic triggers that turned me on. But, once the awakening occurred, the level of awareness was such that I could be used in this manner.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

--- AUGUST --1 August 2003 1403 - We are to live our lives fully in each moment, doing what we can do to make a difference in the lives of others and in our world. 1404 - Service to spirit is that special and that powerful. It can transform the world, if only we allow it to do so through us. 1405 - How do I find those who I am meant to work with in this endeavor? Are they searching for me as I am searching for them? How will we know when we have found one another? There will be no doubt, we will know. We will recognize that we are kindred spirits. We will recognize that we are brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, aunts, parents, and grandparents in the same spiritual family

2 August 2003 1406 - When we live in the moment, there is no next ... there is only IS. If we would become something, we must simply be it. Rather than plan to do something, we must simply do it. We will be amazed by how simple and how powerful our lives become when we operate in this manner. 1407 - We know what to do and how to be. We've known all along. It is a matter of choosing to do it. Our lives are our creations. It is for us to create well and build the lives that we truly desire to live. This is within our power. It always has been. 1408 - In fact, we have created whatever circumstances we find ourselves in at the present time. Because we created them, we are free to change them. It is a matter of choice, and what we feel that we deserve in our lives. Yes, what we believe that we deserve is extremely important. This effectively throttles the abundance that we are able to receive. 1409 - The expression that is Beyond Imagination is meant to reach an audience somehow. Thus far, it has reached some, but nowhere near the numbers it is meant to ultimately reach. How can I know this? I just do. The amount of effort that is put into this expression suggests that it is intended to impact many. I just can't believe that consciousness would be doing all of this just for me. 1410 - The words are not enough. They must be backed by deeds. It is here that these works are distinguished from other works. We do what we can to make practical use of what is expressed. What matters is utility. What is important is what is useful here and now. 1411 - What are my hopes for Beyond Imagination? That it grows into an organization of many focused on building the foundations for a new world. 1412 - I need to be around others to provide the stimulation necessary to trigger me to act to a higher level. I know that I am capable of such. I have done it in the work environment many times. Here I am asking to do it in a social environment outside of work.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

1413 - Where do I get the material that I express? I don't really know. It just comes forth. I don't question it anymore. At one time I did. But, the consistency is such that I simply accept it for what it is. I trust that it is expressing what I need to hear, and what others need to see expressed through me. 1414 - That is the power of a stream of consciousness expression. Its origin is a mystery. Mysteries are to be experienced, not understood. They strike our heart first, and then leave their impact on our brain. 1415 - Life itself is a mystery. The thought process is a mystery. The very means that we communicate is a mystery. Everywhere that we look in our lives, we are confronted by mysteries. There is nothing wrong with this. It is OK for our lives to have an element of the mysterious, of the magical in them. In fact, when they don't there is something seriously wrong. 1416 - Do today what can be done today. And, leave for tomorrow what is tomorrow's. You will know what that is intuitively.

3 August 2003 1417 - We can count on consciousness to do its part, but we must take the initiative and do ours as well. This is a mutual endeavor that we are creating. 1418 - I am a wayshower, here to facilitate the birth of a new age, here to build the foundations for a new world. Lofty goals yes ... but such I chose before incarnating this time. Yes, this carries with it a large mantle of responsibility. I know that, and I bear it faithfully. 1419 - What would we do next? The famous five word question. We continue to do as we are moved to do. 1420 - Ever onward, expressing whatever consciousness would bring forth next. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the expression. 1421 - This record takes you through the places where one consciousness has been. Hopefully you find it interesting and mind-expanding or more correctly consciousness-expanding. 1422 - These words are my gift to the world. Actually, they are spirits gift to the world with me as the essential conduit. 1423 - Most people allow circumstances to determine their state of mind. Masters choose their state of mind and then fashion the circumstances to conform with it. 1424 - If we want to be happy, we need to choose to do just that ... be happy. We should be able to be happy regardless of the circumstances that we face each day. 1425 - Life is such a precious gift. It is our duty to make the most of it ... to do the best with what we are given, and to do what we can to make things better for others as well. 1426 - When all is said and done, no one is going to ask where we lived or where we went to school or what experiences we had or what we owned or what our net worth was ... however, they are going to ask what we did to serve others that made a difference. Those are the things that are important. Those are the things that count. 256

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4 August 2003 1427 - Here there is no doubt ... I choose to be extraordinary. To do this, the world needs some visibility into what I do. The Beyond Imagination site and books are starting points. However, much more is to be expressed before your time on the planet is over. Don't worry, we will be there to guide and assist you every step of the way. Consciousness helps its own in whatever ways it can. 1428 - Trust your intuition! I just heard that on the TV in the background. I don't know what the context was, but that particular advice is very sound indeed. It is our intuition that is our connection to source. When we start to trust it, we truly begin to live. 1429 - If only. We need to be careful not to live our lives in such a manner that we regret the if only's. If only we had done this, if only we had said that, if only we had experienced this, if only we had expressed that. We must live our lives with no regrets. 5 August 2003 1430 - Time is a precious commodity. It is one area where we are all equals. We each get 24 hours per day. What we do with that allotment of time distinguishes us. I like to do something that I consider to be of lasting value each day. I consider this expression to be in that category. 1431 - Spiritual services tend to work like that. They empower and enrich the ones that are providing the service. The greater the service, the greater the impact. 1432 - Well, at least so far as 2002 and 2003 go, if anyone were to ask what did you do of value in those years, I have a body of writings to point to both at the Beyond Imagination site and as Beyond Imagination books. I deem it to be of tremendous value, worthy of spending roughly 1000 hours per year on. 1433 - We create a better world by serving one another. Society should facilitate doing this. It should facilitate providing the greatest services for which we are capable in exchange for getting our needs met. At present it doesn't do this very well for the vast majority of the population. 1434 - We can accept that as the way things are ... or we can rebel and say that is not good enough, and demand that things improve. We don't have to wait for outside changes to start doing things differently. There are things we can do locally. We can trade and barter for goods and services for instance. Some people already do this with varying degrees of success. The bottom line is that the economy should serve us rather than enslave us. 1435 - I only ask that you judge the expression based on its merits and not on its source. For me, there is no higher authority than spirit, as revealed to us via our intuition. But that may not be good enough for some. They demand proof. Some things just don't work that way. They will not be subjected to our petty demands for proof. They require that we believe in something, often something intangible, something that has the power to work magic in our lives if we will only allow it to.

6 August 2003


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

1436 - When we operate in the now often there is no forewarning of what will be. It just magically happens in the present moment. Yes, life can be lived like that. However, most of us need more structure than that. 1437 - We are willing to give up some of the freedom in exchange for knowing some of what might happen. Some need far more structure than others. However all of us operate with some balance of structure and chaos in our lives that works for us. There is no set level that is right for everyone. Here, we are all different and must find what works best for us. 1438 - Information can be conveyed in books. But it takes something more, a frame of mind to turn that information into knowledge, and then to apply that knowledge in a manner that constitutes wisdom. 1439 - Also, there is another step. It is not enough to be wise, we must apply our wisdom in service. 1440 - The application of wisdom in service is what spirituality is all about. 1441 - Life is too short to stay away from our mission a moment more than we have to. That doesn't mean that we can't enjoy life and stop and smell the roses along the way. In fact, our lives work best when we do these things. We need to be grateful for each day, and treat it as the true gift that it is. 1442 - And, we need to do what we can to make sure we have done our fair share each day. That doesn't mean working every minute for 16 hours per day. However, it does mean working effectively for a reasonable period of time each day and accomplishing something. 1443 - We should take a measure of our productivity each day. Was what we produced worth the cost of our labor to the customer? We need the answer to this to be yes each day. 1444 - Service ... that is all that truly matters in life. In the end, what we will be known for is the service that we provided as reflected in the works that we have done. Everything else is the window dressing of life. But, the window dressing counts for a lot as well. It is not to be taken lightly.

7 August 2003 1445 - How do I transform this into something of greater service and benefit to society and the world? That is an important question to ask in nearly every endeavor that we are engaged in. How can we do this in a manner that provides greater service? In the end, it is the service that we provide that sets us apart, that distinguishes us. The more service, the better. 1446 - What makes me continue to come here to allow consciousness to express day in and day out for such extended periods of time. I am choosing to spend nearly 20 percent of my waking life on this endeavor. That is a huge investment. What is the return on that investment? 1447 - The biggest return is that I get to experience states of consciousness that I would otherwise not likely experience. Equally important is the fact that I am left with a product to show for my existence. 1448 - Why can I not just choose to be happy and be so? Is that not what reality creation is all about? Then why did the framers of the Constitution declare that the pursuit of happiness was an inalienable right. They did not say achievement of happiness, only its pursuit. And, what does a right to pursue something really grant to us? 258

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1449 - Clearly I need to find more people willing to commit their time. And, why should spiritual work be free? This is great work that we are doing. It is work that is worth a lot. Why shouldn't it be well compensated? Here we are attempting to do a service to the world, a spiritual service of great value. Why is this any less important than the services of a lawyer, or a doctor, or an actor, or an athlete? The bottom line is that it isn't!

8 August 2003 1450 - We need only to trust the process of spirit unfolding and expressing through us and allow it to lead us on whatever path is appropriate for us. It will not be the path. There is no one path right for everyone. But it will be a path that is valuable for us and those whom we touch in our lives. We are also free to decide on our own path. However, it seems much easier if we steer the course that spirit sets for us. 1451 - Each moment of expression, we leave a record of where consciousness has been ... at least that part of consciousness that could be expressed through us. Each day we have something concrete to show for the fact that we have lived. You may say that it is only words. But the right words expressed in the right way can move people to commit deeds that ultimately change the world. Words can be that powerful; they are not to be taken lightly.

9 August 2003 1452 - Life is a precious gift. It is a special gift, one that needs to be revered and respected. That requires going through life with a proper frame of mind ... a proper state of consciousness. Yet, from what I have seen to date the processes for finding these proper states are haphazard at best, assuming that processes exist at all. 1453 - Many seem unaware of the need to find and develop such states. Yet, it is the flexibility of our consciousness and the states of mind that we are able to achieve that determine much of our value in the times ahead. It has always been important ... but the nature of the new age makes it extremely important. 1454 - The bottom line is that it is not how long that we have lived that matters, it is how well we have lived ... and, in particular what difference our life made to others and the world. 1455 - There are many ways to make a difference. It is up to us to find the unique ways that are right for us. This is not difficult to do. Start by finding those things that you love to do. Then find ways to apply them in service. The greater the service the better. 1456 - There is always a way to be of service. Usually, there are many ways ... so we want to optimize the amount of service generated. The more service, the greater the benefit to society. 1457 - Intuition is a very powerful part of the self. It is meant to be used as much if not more than reason. It is a direct tie to knowledge and knowing where the rational mind often is only able to deal in the realm of facts and information.

10 August 2003


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

1458 - Each of us have filters that serve as glasses through which we perceive the world. These filters are primarily systems of beliefs about what matters and what is important to us in the world. Those are the things that we pay the most attention to. This is simply how the process works. It is the natural means by which we attract the reality that we experience. 1459 - Building the foundation for a new world is no easy task. It is a task of great world import. It is a task that requires the very best from each of us. And, the very best is the spiritual within each of us. It is the spiritual that desires to be of service to our fellow beings. 1460 - What more can I give and to whom? That is a useful question to ask ourselves from time to time. What more can we do to serve? I heard an ad for mentoring on the radio today. That helps individuals one at a time. I would hope that my impact could be more than that. 1461 - Yet, doesn't change start with impacting one individual at a time? Though, if we can change the infrastructures ... we can change the very environment that nurtures us all. When we change the environment, everything changes. For instance, if the economy can provide abundance for everyone ... that frees people from the concerns of making a living and allows them to focus their attention on things that really matter.

11 August 2003 1462 - This is spiritual work we are doing. It is unlike our normal jobs. It needs to have a high return on investment ... in particular, a two-fold return in terms of the services rendered to the community and the fulfillment provided from participation in the endeavor. The first of these makes the endeavor worthwhile to others. The second of these makes the endeavor worthwhile to those of us who engage in it.

12 August 2003 1463 - What do I have that I can commit? What I have to give is the most precious gift of all ... whom that I AM and the services that I am able to provide. Ultimately, that has to be enough. 1464 - When we allow them to, things have a way of working themselves out naturally. It is a matter of simply allowing them to unfold in our lives. 1465 - We can also make things happen. This can come across as forceful. At times, that is perfectly OK. However, we need to make sure we take into account the impacts of our creations on others. Along with the power of reality creation comes the responsibility for all that we create. This includes responsibility not just for the impacts of what we create on us ... but for all of the impacts of what we create. 1466 - Spirit primarily expresses through consciousness. Consciousness is everything. Without consciousness we would cease to exist as aware beings.

13 August 2003 1467 - Continuous process improvement should be a way of life. But, for that you need to have defined processes. 260

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1468 - We each have things that make us special, things that we are meant to use to serve others. That is ultimately what gives our life meaning and purpose. We might serve family, friends, community, society, country, or even the world. 1469 - Belief management is the process of controlling beliefs so that they serve us and result in reality that we choose to experience. It is our responsibility to manage our beliefs. No, this was not taught to me in 17 plus years of formal education. How can that be? 1470 - How is it that we are not taught about such important things? Many go through their entire lives and never figure it out. That is a shame. It seems that we owe it to our citizenry to share the word ... to inform people of these spiritual truths that can empower them to live more aware and enlightened lives. 1471 - Why can't we just accept things as they are, and allow them to unfold as they will naturally? The chief reason is that the plan calls for us to be an active part of the evolution of consciousness, the evolution of spirit expressed in flesh. It has taken thousands of years to get us to this point. We are at a breakpoint, where a whole new level of awareness is to be manifest.

14 August 2003 1472 - I'm about fed up with network TV as well due to the amount of commercials per show that one has to put up with. Yes, the commercials are what pay the bills. Or, more correctly, we the consumers pay the bills by buying the products and services that the commercials hawk. 1473 - In the present economy, the bottom line is that we, the consumers, pay for everything. Most people don't think about that when they hear the astronomical amounts that some of the stars make per episode for the most popular shows. 1474 - We need more choices as to what we can do with our time. Being entertained is not the most productive use of our time and our talents. For that, we need to do something, preferably something creative.

15 August 2003 1475 - Our focus is meant to be on the present. What can we do here and now to make a difference? Though, our considerations should include the difference that we make over time. 1476 - Our actions in the moment can have ramifications that stretch into eternity. In our considerations of alternative courses of actions we need to consider the long term impacts in addition to the near term ones 1477 - What we do makes a big difference in the world. We need to remember that. Thoughts without actions are mere passing fancies. It is when we take action that the forces of creation are invoked. Whether positively, negatively, or neutrally depends on our actions. 1478 - Don't get me wrong, this is not to say that thoughts don't have power. The right thoughts at the right time can move many to take action. It is through such thoughts that the world will ultimately be transformed. We need to give people empowering thoughts that replace some of the ones that they presently hold about themselves, the world, and the nature of reality. 261

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1479 - If our actions are to have impact, we must be connected to others somehow. The more richly connected, the more impact that we are likely to have. However, the more richly connected, the more difficult to predict the exact nature of the impact. 1480 -That is OK. We are not necessarily doing things for the impacts that they will have. We do things because we are moved by spirit to do them ... damn the consequences. The consequences will be what they will be, and we will be responsible for them ... but they are not to be a primary concern. The bottom line is that we must do what we must do. Such is our spiritual obligation. But, how do we know what this is? We go inside and seek until we find the answer. 1481 - This is one thing that is clearly available inside of us. At any time, source / consciousness knows what is right for us to be doing. We can access and abide by that knowingness, or we can ignore it ... that is our choice. Life flows far smoother when we access and abide be it however. 1482 -There is nothing that says that life has to flow smoothly. It can if that is desired, but it seems that most people need to encounter challenges in their lives that make them far from smooth sailing. Each one of us makes choices in this area that are right for us ... that agree with our preferences.

16 August 2003 1483 - Spiritual work is as deserving of compensation as any other kind of work. Perhaps even more so because of its value. 1484 - The way we transform the world is through service. It is that simple. Service is a different way of looking at our relationship to the world. When we think in terms of how we can serve, we engage the highest within us. Service takes us away from our intense focus on self. OK, some of us are more intensely focused on self than others. Though was not the directive over Plato's Academy the equivalent of "Know Thyself" in Greek?

17 August 2003 1485 - Spirit is on our side. She will guide us to do what needs to be done. Further, she knows the specific roles that each of us are here to play so she is in the best position to assign the work to be done. We will get such assignments through our own intuition. 1486 - One of the characteristic behaviors of awakened beings is precisely that ... we share. The greatest things that we have to share are whom that we are and what consciousness would express through us. These we share freely to the degree that we can with the world. That is what Beyond Imagination is all about. And, I am not alone. There are others who would serve humanity by sharing in this same manner. 1487 - The specifics of what we have to share may be different, but many of the general themes are the same. They deal with what it takes to manifest community in a world that is ONE. They deal with awakening to the spirit within us and allowing the greatest expression that can come forth through us to manifest. They deal with what it takes to for spirit to more fully manifest in flesh through us. 1488 - That is the objective of the game of life after all ... the expression of spirit in flesh; as fully as can be expressed by us at any given time.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

1489 - Making a difference is what it is all about. If we live our life alone, in isolation ... our impact is limited at best. We have to find a way to reach out somehow, to do something to contribute to our society and our world. 1490 - Consciousness is everything. All of life is the expression of consciousness, of spirit, in flesh. The challenge is how to allow consciousness to more fully express in flesh. We can do this individually. But, more importantly, we can do this collectively. It is the collective expression that will ultimately characterize the age.

18 August 2003 1491 - We've had plenty of practice with giving consciousness free reign to express as she will. And she has done that admirably. But, this only takes us so far. We need to focus the effort to take it to the next level ... and in particular to start to create the foundations for a new world. 1492 - We need to show why a new world is needed. Then, we need to demonstrate that the principles for creating it are within our grasp. 1493 - Collectively, we have great power. We have the power to make the world into anything that we want it to be. However, we must realize that this power is ours ... and that we have the responsibility for doing something with it. 1494 - We could sit back and wait for things to happen. However, we might find it more enjoyable to engage in the process of creating the reality of our dreams. The process is truly beyond imagination. 1495 - Focus on the here and now and allow the to be to take care of itself. Natural laws are unfolding here. And spiritual laws as well. We need to allow these to work and not get in the way. Sometimes this can be difficult. We believe that we know specifically what needs to happen and when. Perhaps we do, perhaps not. 1496 - We need to be careful about where our certainty comes from. Sometimes we believe that we know far more than we really know. At other times, we actually know far more than we believe that we know. It is important to learn to detect the difference. That is part of what self-knowledge is all about.

19 August 2003 1497 - I've found that life flows much smoother if we allow what spirit would manifest in our life to happen and embrace that wholeheartedly. Spirit knows far better what we need at any given time than we do from our more limited perspective. That means letting go a little, perhaps even a lot. But there are great benefits for doing so. 1498 - We speak of freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom from want, freedom from fear, and even freedom of enterprise. All of these are valuable, especially the third and fourth, but the most important freedom is one that can never be taken from us ... the freedom to be whom that we are. All that this requires is courage and passion.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

1499 - Life is meant to be lived with passion. There is always something to be passionate about, something that moves us deeply. We need to search and find what that is for us and then do what we can to manifest it in our lives.

20 August 2003 1500 - There is nothing that says that we have to be comfortable with everything in our lives. Some things we simply have to do anyway. We will know what these are. We will know what is important and what is not important. How will we know? We'll just know. This is something that we have to find inside ourselves. 1501 - I have read over 1000 metaphysical books. Nothing that I have read provided a pattern or example for the material that I express. That doesn't mean there aren't similar expressions out there ... just that I have not encountered them yet.

21 August 2003 1502 - My life is still a highly solitary one. Yes, that is my choice. That is, it is the result of the choices that I make regarding how I interact with people on a day to day basis. Interesting. I hadn't really thought about it like this. However, if I want to see different results in my life I'm going to have to make different choices and do different things. 1503 - It is as if I am the stranger in a strange land. This is not my home. I am not from here. I just happen to be here now. 1504 - All of this keeps me from being a part of the world. In fact, it keeps me apart from the world. This expression is the one major exception that I grant myself. Here I openly express whatever would come forth. Further, I will answer any questions honestly to the degree that I can based on my understanding and awareness. 1505 - By their nature, beliefs deal with the gray areas where we don't know whether something is true or false. If we already know something, it is fact ... there is no room for belief. 1506 - Beliefs are a playground for reality creation. There are many apparatus in the playground. It is for us to learn how to use them safely so that we can enjoy what they can do for us. 1507 - Belief management is a skill that we should all learn. It would make living our lives much easier. It is through our beliefs that we create our reality. Though, how many really know this? How many look to beliefs as the first place to change when they want to change their reality? 1508 - There is a destiny that is unfolding in my life now. It is not a destiny that I am choosing to manifest, rather it is a destiny that I am choosing to allow to manifest. The difference is that I don't consciously know what I'm doing and why much of the time. I only know that I'm doing what I'm moved to do in the moment. 1509 - It's too bad that reality can't change as quickly as the images in our imagination. Though, it seems that the time from thought to realization is getting shorter and shorter.


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

22 August 2003 1510 - My life will be defined by the services that I was able to perform to spirit ... to society ... to humanity ... and even to the world. Yes, I dream big. I accept responsibility on a grand scale. I do so because such is what I am here to do. 1511 - Is all of this worth listening to? Or, are these the rantings of a madman? I have to believe that while I may be walking on the fine edge of sanity at times, that I haven't crossed over the line yet ... 1512 - Life provides the opportunity for consciousness to express in flesh. The mind/body is the form. Consciousness is the chief occupant. When we die ... the consciousness departs and enters another realm where it can evaluate what it has done and learned, and where it can determine what it chooses to do next. 1513 - We need to be able to free people to work on building the foundations for a new world. This means buying their energy, their ideas, and their time. 1514 - We should be willing to pay people for spiritual work ... as much, if not more, than we pay people for work in the private sector. It is not clear that there is comparable or equivalent work. If we build the foundations correctly, everyone benefits ... everyone prospers ... everyone wins. That makes this some of the most important work that there is.

23 August 2003 1515 - So, what about the technology of consciousness? It seems it is still in its infancy, even though it has been studied and practiced in the East for several millennia and in the West for over two millennia. Then, why has so little progress been made? 1516 - The bottom line is that we make progress where we apply energy and resources ... and we just haven't chosen to apply them here yet. 1517 - Is it the majority that determines what gets done in this country? It seems not. The movers and the shakers have always been a small minority. 1518 - Unless one enters the arena with an attitude of service, much is lost and there is great potential for damage. The benefit of one should never be at the cost of many. There is just something wrong about this. We need to find ways that are WIN/WIN for all involved.

24 August 2003 1519 - There is an inner sense that I am to live a life that has world impact. And, here, I see the impact coming in how it impacts each individual. Yes, it is audacious of me to believe that I will have such impact. But, it is indeed what I believe nonetheless. And, as I believe, so shall it be. That is pretty audacious as well. But, we create our own reality individually and en masse. And, my sense is that I have much to contribute to the reality that is created en masse. 1520 - How do we determine what our efforts are worth? Right now, it seems the only option is to allow the free market to determine the worth of the goods or services that we supply via our efforts. However, 265

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that means finding a way to offer ones services within the market. It is not clear that I have really done that yet ... not wholeheartedly anyway.

25 August 2003 1521 - What is the difference between serving the world and serving the people of the world? Can you do one without doing the other? Can you serve the whole without serving the parts, or serve the parts without serving the whole as well? 1522 - Reality has a way of conforming to our expectations. Not surprising given that such is how we create it. However, our expectations must be more than pipe dreams. They must be things that we are willing to work to achieve if necessary. 1523 - Just wishing for something most likely won't make it so. We have to take the next step and do something about it. For one thing, we have to believe that we are worthy of receiving what we wish for. Otherwise, it is unlikely that it will manifest. Also, we have to be willing to do what it takes to achieve what we want ... with the exception of harming others. 1524 - We are held accountable for both what we do and what we could have done that we chose not to do. 1525 - "If you build it they will come ..." I firmly believe that line from the movie Field of Dreams. But what is it that I am building and who is it that I am expecting to come? I would build the foundations for a new world. And, I would expect those who are meant to be the major players in the new world order to come see what I am building. Wow! 1526 - That is expecting a lot. Indeed, that is expecting more than my present station in life seems to entitle me to. If I'm going to interface with the movers and shakers of the day ... I need an appropriate status that allows me to get in the door if you will. 29 August 2003 1527 - There are always easy ways to do things if only we will look for and seek them out. It is not that we are trying to get out of anything. It is a matter of doing those things that we must do in as optimal of a way as we can. 1528 - How do we turn on the abundance pump? It seems that we need to prime it with actions based on beliefs. It is not clear that I am doing that consistently. I am coming from a just enough mentality rather than an abundance mentality. Just enough is only one step above a scarcity mentality. 1529 - When we want to introduce something to many ... we have to think like many. We have to hit them in a way that they will recognize as meaningful to them. 1530 - Start a class ... you teach best what you most need to learn. That would be one way of getting people to read the Beyond Imagination books. Use them as textbooks for a class in Spiritual Expression, Consciousness, and Reality Creation. This is clearly something that you are qualified to teach.


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1531 - Through the class, you might even find those you are meant to join forces with to create the foundations for a new world. You never know until you try. The effort opens up all kinds of avenues of opportunity. 1532 - Give people a chance to find you. Yes, to some extent you have already done that. But, not everyone is "connected". Some that you are meant to touch do not access the internet or WWW.

30 August 2003 1533 - How do I turn what I love to do into my full time occupation? Is that in the cards for me in this existence? This expression is unique. It is the expression of consciousness through me. OK, but that could be said of all books. They are all creative expressions. They are all works of consciousness. What makes this any different? Primarily, that this deals with a stream of consciousness in expression. All of its organization, all of its flow, all of its content are dictated by consciousness. 1534 - Consciousness points the way for you to go beyond yourself and experience things you never knew to be parts of you. In integrating these parts, you become more whole ... more aware. You come closer to knowing thyself ... step by step. You can proceed at whatever pace you are comfortable with. 1535 - Spirit doesn't force us to do anything. She gently nudges and encourages us along the path that is right for us. However, it is for us to take each step when we are ready. 1536 - I keep asking what next, expecting that an answer will be forthcoming. But, to date, the only answer is the standard one: do what you are moved when you are moved to do it. That is the directive of spirit. That is how I am to live my life. It has been this way from the beginning. 1537 - We don't spend nearly enough time on know thyself. This is by far the most important aspect of our education. Yet, 99 percent plus of what I learned in this area came outside of the tradition school environment. To me, that suggests that we have a serious problem in what our schools teach. Looking at the many problems in society and the world ... this is not surprising. Without self-realized individuals, society and the world suffer greatly.

31 August 2003 1538 - The expression that is Beyond Imagination is going public and it is doing so in a big way. It is only a matter of time before we see some of the things that we are doing succeed. 1539 - I invite feedback and contact. If you feel you are meant to be part of this somehow, please introduce yourself and let's explore what we might be meant to do together. 1540 - What does this stream of consciousness show you? How different or similar is it to your own stream of consciousness? 1541 - If I want to lay in a particular future ... it seems that I need to do some sort of planning. This will allow present actions to be synchronized with what we desire to be. 1542 - How do we differentiate what is from what is to be? What are the steps to get from the former to the later? We can rely on spirit and simply do what we are moved to do when we are moved to do it. Or, 267

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we can take more conscious responsibility and make it our jobs to figure our what some of the steps need to be and then choose to take them. Either way works. The issue is one of conscious responsibility. 1543 - Imagine what you want to be. Envision it as clearly as you can. Then act in accord with this vision to the degree that you can. Your actions will be the seeds that allow the stuff of your imagination to be realized. That concludes our selection of best quotes for this period. The total came to 1543 – 883 = 660. That is 6:66(99), a form of the Beast in 78 + 21:The World Exalted base. It would have blown me away more had the total come out to be 666 in its own right but oh well, it is what it is. 1543 is 17 to 16 = The Star to The Tower. This is also 17 - 216 = 17 – 6 x 6 x 6. There we have another form of 666. It is amazing how often that happens. It seems to come up everywhere I look, not just with 666 but with a variety of what have become important numbers or signature numbers for me. They are numbers that let me know that I need to be paying closer attention to what spirit is telling me through the symbols in my life. Anyway, hopefully you found the selected passages as moving as I did. Perhaps even moving enough to want to return to them from time to time. That is the most that we can hope for from the children of our mind … that they inspire people and move them to act in ways that serve themselves and serve others. Remember: Do what you are moved to do, when you are moved to do it. and “Never take more than you give.” I AM THAT I AM THAT YOU ARE! Wayne


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CONCLUSION I hope this second four month stream of consciousness expression was of benefit to you. I hope that it challenged what you believe about yourself and the nature of consciousness. I hope that it opened your eyes and your mind to some new possibilities and enables you to see the world differently as a result. Remember, my way is just one way. It is clearly not the only way … and it is clearly not for everyone. Take from it what you will. Let utility be your guide. Use whatever you find of value and leave the rest for another day or perhaps even another life … if ever. It still amazes me how all of this can come forth through me so fluidly. Consciousness desires to be expressed. I happen to be a suitable vessel for that expression … at least for this manner of that expression. Words are my forte. This is what I love doing. I can’t imagine any better work to engage my heart and my soul in. Hopefully that is obvious from the quality of the expression. If you are moved by what you have found here do take the time to provide feedback. Especially so, if you feel yourself to be a kindred spirit and relate to the task of building the foundations for a new world.

NAMASTE! Wayne Hartman 1800 Harper Av, Redondo Beach, CA 90278 [email protected] BEYOND IMAGINATION Creating the Foundations for a New World


Musings of a Spiritual Warrior - 2003

ABOUT BEYOND IMAGINATION BEYOND IMAGINATION is an entity dedicated to building a better world in which SPIRIT is more fully expressed in flesh. At the Beyond Imagination site you'll find over three thousand pages of metaphysical works that have come from SPIRIT through Wayne to you describing a VISION of what we are endeavoring to create and documenting our progress in achieving our goals of creating a COMMUNITY where individuals are truly able to be all they can be in a cooperatively interdependent environment where the real needs of all are met effectively. We are in the process of publishing much of the Beyond Imagination material that has been created in the past ten years. We hope you enjoy our works, and that they move you to want to participate so that we can co-create the WORLD in which we would prefer to live in the Aquarian Age that lies before us. Other Published Books Beyond Imagination: Best Passages from 2002 Musings Beyond Imagination: The Early Works Beyond Imagination: 2003 Musings – Vol I Beyond Imagination: 2003 Musings – Vol II Beyond Imagination: Best of Notes – Book 1 Beyond Imagination: Best of Notes – Book 2 Beyond Imagination Quotes Beyond Imagination: The Search for Center Planned for Release in 2004 Beyond Imagination: 2003 Musings – Vol III Beyond Mind: Notes from a Soul in the Midst of Awakening


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