Bench3 Current Affairs March 2009 [summary Of Articles Published In March 2009]

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bench3 March 2009

bench3 News Letter

March 2009

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bench3 March 2009

1. Three Good Tips To Quit Smoking 2. Can Honey Really Cure A Cough? 3. Effective Ways To Quit Smoking

4. What You Mean By "DEFLATION" 5. Know About "Revenue Deficit" 6. What Do You Mean By "DEVALUATION" 7. Bail Out Package And Indian Economy 8. A Bundle Of Contradictions In Article 16 Of the Constitution Of India 9. Sit-Ups Exercise Is Not Useful For BELLY FAT Reduction 10. ByPassing Windows with a Quick Boot [Presto - Review] 11. Augmenting Farmers’ Income 12. Medium Is The Message 13. Secret Of Blogging! 14. The Tasks Of A Leader 15. An Upgrade For The Web [HTML 5] 16. Privatisation Affecting Human 17. How Twitter Could Bring Search Up To Speed 18. What is Twitter? And Why People Use Twitter 19. India Misleads On Inflation Figures 20. How To Overcome This Recession 21. How to Write With Confidence 22. Microsoft Reveals Details Of Gazelle Browser 23. Worst Movie Set Disasters (Part 1) | bench3 24. Worst Movie Set Disasters (Part 2) | bench3 25. Santa and Banta Story | Chilling Story | bench3 26. The Begging Cat | bench3 27. Why 1 Is One And 2 Is Two? | bench3 28. Worst Movie Set Disasters (Part 3) | bench3 29. All About "Presence of Mind" | bench3

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bench3 March 2009

30. Importance Of Rural Economy In India - The New Mantra | bench3 31. Humours Nature Of Laloo Prasad Yadav | Laloo Makes Comedy 32. Why Are Some People More Successful Than Others? | bench3 33. An Artificial Heart For Rs 1 Lakh 34. Chennai Autos To Have Air Cooler - DVD Player | bench3 35. World's First Flying Car | bench3 36. Interim Budget 2009-10 Gives Importance To Rural Economy 37. Now Your Pets Can Fly First Class 38. What Is A Blog? [The Truth About Blogs] 39. Joshua Bell Playing Incognito In The Metro Station 40. Tips For Your First Date | bench3 41. No Impact Of Economic Slowdown On The Rural Economy | bench3 42. Do You Really Love Truth? | bench3 43. How To Detect A 2-Way Mirror ? | bench3 44. The Indian Premier League (IPL) | Re-Hyphenated 45. The $2000 Car | Not So Nano


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bench3 March 2009

Three Good Tips To Quit Smoking

With a million different companies, ads, and campaigns put together to get you to quit smoking the overall journey and goal is lost, to quit smoking. For a few tips to quit smoking you should read on in this article and get a few of the true remarkable processes that help millions quit all the time. These tips to quit smoking won’t allow you to stop overnight or making you become an overnight celebrity to promote a certain product, but they could very well help save your life. Read more... Labels: Health

Can Honey Really Cure A Cough? I've heard that if you take a tablespoon of pure honey it's suppose to cure a cough? They say it's better than taking the medicine. The way it coats the throat is soathing. Plus it tastes great! But try this... Read More

Effective Ways To Quit Smoking Trying to quit smoking is certainly not a new concept. The problem comes from the fact that it really is much harder to quit smoking than most people ever anticipate. To help remedy this situation there are a few things that you can do to really improve the chances that the next time you try to quit you are able to do so successfully. Learning some of the secret tips that you can use is quite helpful to making sure that you really do quit, after all you are setting out on a very difficult adventure so having some help is going to be a huge asset in your quest. Read more... Labels: Health

What You Mean By "DEFLATION" Inflation is a situation of persistent rise in the prices in any economy. The percentage of inflation measures the relative increase in the price rise over the given period of time. Deflation, on the other hand, is a reverse situation under which the price levels actually fall over the previous time unit. Read more... Labels: Economy, Money Market

Know About "Revenue Deficit" Revenue deficit is a budgetary term which indicates a situation of deficit in the revenue budget. The budget expenditure and revenues are divided in two main heads—revenue and capital. The day to day expenditures which are recurring in nature, including the rent, rates and taxes as well as salaries and administrative expenses are covered under the definition of revenue expenditure. Read more... Labels: Economy, Money Market

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bench3 March 2009

What Do You Mean By "DEVALUATION"

Every nation’s currency has its relative value with relation to certain important currencies of the world. The relative value keeps varying a bit every now and then, depending on the strength of the economy concerned, which depends on various economic parameters. Read more... Labels: Economy, General, Money Market

Bail Out Package And Indian Economy Global economic meltdown during the last over one year has been a matter of great concern for the entire world. Most of the economies of the world have been adversely affected by the crisis, which is likely to have longterm implications. Read more... Labels: Economy, Money Market

A Bundle Of Contradictions In Article 16 Of the Constitution Of India “Article 16 of the Constitution of India is a bundle of contradictions, as on the one hand it deals with equality of opportunity in matters of public employment, and, on the other, it enables the government to provide for reservation in public employment.” Read more... Labels: General, Indian Constitution, Public Awarness

Sit-Ups Exercise Is Not Useful For BELLY FAT Reduction Many people who wants to burn BELLY FATS thinks that Sits-Ups exercise can work in fast away, but the truth is that, it is not a good exercise for the stomach fat reduction purpose. Any exercise can not burn fat from only a particular organ of human body, all exercise will cause reduction in fat from the whole body uniformly. Read more... Labels: Fat Reduction, Health

ByPassing Windows with a Quick Boot [Presto - Review] Presto is a compact operating system that can be launched instead of Windows when a computer is switched on. Presto loads a Web browser and other software in seconds. Thousands of hours are wasted every year waiting for computers to boot up. A Windows machine can take a couple of minutes to get going and to shut down again. In extreme cases, the entire process can take as long as 30 minutes, according to people who've filed lawsuits claiming that their employers should pay for this boot-up and shut-down time. Read more... Labels: Softwares, Technology, Web Technology

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Augmenting Farmers’ Income

bench3 March 2009

In what practical ways can the income of Indian farmers be augmented? Despite the fact that the country has made many successful strides in the fields of science and technology, agriculture still remains the backbone of Indian economy. Any neglect of agriculture, by design or default, can land us in serious trouble. If the advocates of agricultural economy plead for due attention and priority to this sector, it is both timely and tenable, to say the least. It is quite ironical to see that those who work day and night in the fields/farms to feed us, are forced to live in penury and debt. Read more... Labels: Economy

Medium Is The Message "role of the medium (like television) that becomes a strong for those who run the affairs of the State." When McLuhan posted famously, in the 1960s, that ‘the medium was the message’ he was reminding people that they often tend to focus on the obvious, missing out the more subtle changes wrought in society and culture by a new innovation. TV is certainly new to India, but one of the unintended consequences of the traumatic events in Mumbai (26/11) was that the medium of television indeed became the message, as it provided a handy vehicle for the public to vent its disappointment, anguish and outrage at the manner in which they felt the ‘powers-thatbe’ had let them down. Read more... Labels: Media, Politics, Technology

Secret Of Blogging! For any blog to be success, it needs content. “Content is the king of any blog.” Without content, there are no links. Content is the foundation of traffic. Everything starts with content. You have no content, you don’t have a blog. So let’s take a look how to make a creative content. Read more... Labels: Blogging Tips, Internet, Money Market

The Tasks Of A Leader There are several ways of defining a leader. The one who leads others is a simple and complete definition. But, then, what are the tasks of a leader? Leadership is a much sought after quality and every organisation needs good and effective leaders to lead the organisation to success and for achievement of its goals. Some persons are born leaders, for others leadership gets thrust upon. In a given organisation, the Head of the Organisation or the Chief Executive Officer is accepted as a leader irrespective of his or her possessing the quality of leadership. Read more... Labels: Education, General, Management

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bench3 March 2009

An Upgrade For The Web [HTML 5]

We've come a long way from the flat documents that made up the Web in its early years. As Internet access has expanded and bandwidth has increased, designers and programmers have figured out ways to build sophisticated, interactive applications that run through the browser. Nowadays, these include Web-based word processors, photo-editing software, money-management tools, and much more. Read more... Labels: HTML 5, Technology, Web Browsers, Web Technology

Privatisation Affecting Human It may sound harsh to some ears but the fact of the matter is that privatization and profiteering are the two sides of the same coin. It is quite ironic and disquieting that the advocates of ‘liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation’ are more concerned about ‘economic sustainability’ in the midst of global meltdown than about human sustainability. If some right thinking people are agitated over the possible dangers in the form of global warming, polluted rivers, excessive emission of carbon dioxide into the environment, it is time to sit back and introspect. Read more... Labels: Economy, Money Market

How Twitter Could Bring Search Up To Speed Some say that Twitter may be as important to real-time search as YouTube is to video. When Twitter was introduced in late 2006, asking users to post a 140-word answer to the question "What are you doing?," many criticized the results as nothing more than a collection of trivial thoughts and inane ramblings. Fast-forward three years, and the number of Twitter users has grown to millions, while the content of the many posts--better known as "tweets"--has shifted from banal to informative. Read more... Labels: SEO, Web Technology

What is Twitter? And Why People Use Twitter “Twitter is instant messaging made available to the public,” stated talk show host and author Hugh Hewitt. I think that’s a fair starting point. I’ve heard others call Twitter a micro-blogging platform. Here’s what you need to know. According to the State of the Twittersphere report, each day 5 to 10 thousand new people join Twitter. Current estimates of total users top out around 5 million. That’s a lot of opportunity. Read more... Labels: Blogging Tips, Technology, Twitter

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bench3 March 2009

India Misleads On Inflation Figures

A very big fraud has been happening right under our nose in India and we were all taking False Claims of Indian authorities all this while. Read more... Labels: Economy, Money Market, Politics, Recession

How To Overcome This Recession So, how’s the economic meltdown treating you? Excited about the opportunities, or sick to your stomach worrying about how your bills will get paid? Exhilarated or freaked out? Maybe a little of both? It’s impossible to really see massive change when we’re still in the middle of it. But there are a handful of things you can bank on. One of them is that human nature doesn’t fundamentally change, even though the environment can change radically. Read more... Labels: Economy, Money Market, Recession

How to Write With Confidence Confidence isn’t knowing how things will turn out, it’s trusting yourself to do what you’re best at. Trust yourself to make those leaps and you’ll not only be a more confident writer, but you’ll be writing some of your best work. Read more... Labels: Blogging Tips, Education

Microsoft Reveals Details Of Gazelle Browser Microsoft researchers are working on a new browser called Gazelle which it promises will have some impressive new features and capabilities. The firm released a research paper (PDF) late last week, saying that the new browser would offer significant security improvements compared to other browsers Microsoft R&D Read more... Labels: Microsoft, Technology, Web Browsers

Worst Movie Set Disasters (Part 1) | bench3 The Conqueror (1956) : The Radioactive Set That Caused Cancer To John Wayne And 90 more Of the 220 persons who worked on The conqueror on its location near Utah in 1955, 91 had contracted cancer as of the early 1980s and 46 died of it, including stars John Wayne, Susan Hayward,Afnes Moorehead, and director Dick Powell. Experts say under ordinary circumstances only 30 people out of a group of that size should have gotten cancer. Read more... Labels: Disaster, Entertainment, Movie

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bench3 March 2009

Worst Movie Set Disasters (Part 2) | bench3

XXX (2002) : Vin Diesel's Stuntman Smashed Into A Bridge And Died Harry L. O'Connor, Diesel's stunt double on the xxx action movie, was killed on a scene in which he was supposed to rappel down a parasailing line and land on a submarine. Read more... Labels: Disaster, Entertainment, Movie

Santa and Banta Story | Chilling Story | bench3 True Horror, which took place last month. This happened about a month ago near Lonavala. A guy was driving from Mumbai to Pune and decided not to take the new expressway as he wanted to see the scenery.. The inevitable happens and when he reached the ghats his car breaks down. Read more... Labels: Fun Zone, Story

The Begging Cat | bench3 This cat begging money was spotted in one of the cities of Belarus. He stays on one place with a note that reads “need money for meat and fish, bless you”. He doesn’t leave his place and protects the money just with his sight. His owner was found nearby. It was an old lady. She told the story that she had rescued the cat from the slaughters… Read more... Labels: General, Photography

Why 1 Is One And 2 Is Two? | bench3 The numbers we write are made up of algorithms, (1, 2, 3, 4, etc) called arabic algorithms, to distinguish them from the roman algorithms (I; II; III; IV; etc.). The arabs popularise these algorithms, but their origin goes back to the phenecian merchants that used them to count and do their commercial contability. Read more... Labels: General, Numbers

Worst Movie Set Disasters (Part 3) | bench3 The Return of the Musketeers (1989): actor Roy Kinnear felt from his horse and died During the filming of the 1989 movie The Return Of the Musketeers, actor Roy Kinnear fell from a horse in Toledo, Spain, sustaining a broken pelvis. Read more... Labels: Disaster, Entertainment, Movie

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bench3 March 2009

All About "Presence of Mind" | bench3

In a shop a man asked for 1/2 kg of butter. The salesperson, a young boy, said that only 1 kg packs were available in the shop, but the man insisted on buying only 1/2 kg. So the boy went inside to the manager's room and said 'An idiot outside wants to buy only 1/2 kg of butter'. Read more... Labels: General Tips, Story

Importance Of Rural Economy In India - The New Mantra | bench3 Global recession is no longer a farfetched nightmare. It has turned into a tangible reality facing the whole world. Rather than looking into the causes of recession, the policy makers are turning to the strategies to combat the difficult economic situation. Rural option remains very high on the agenda. Read more... Labels: Economy, Recession, Rural Economy

Humours Nature Of Laloo Prasad Yadav | Laloo Makes Comedy Union railways minister Lalu Prasad is to rule the roost on Youtube. A clip showing Lalu translating a Hindi poem into English while presenting the railway budget in February has become a huge hit on YouTube. The clip is about Lalu reciteing a Hindi poem during the speech, in which he seeks to convey his achievements in the ministry of railways. Read more... Labels: Fun Zone

Why Are Some People More Successful Than Others? | bench3 Why are some people more successful than others? Why do some people live happier lives and accomplish more in the same number of years than the great majority? If I had to pick one answer to these questions, I wouldn't hesitate ... My answer would be self discipline. Read more... Labels: General Tips, Health

An Artificial Heart For Rs 1 Lakh It'll be to coronary care what Nano is to cars, say scientists at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, who have devised anartificial heart that could save lives for just Rs 1 lakh. Source Labels: Health, Technology

Chennai Autos To Have Air Cooler - DVD Player | bench3 They are no limousines but a new fleet of autorickshaws with air cooler, DVD player and tinted windshield here offering a luxurious ride that few could resist. The luxury autorickshaw, an innovative idea of 27-year old

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bench3 March 2009

mechanic-cum-driver Abu Backer, has become an instant hit as many are approaching him to get their threewheelers modified. The autorickshaw fitted with a DVD player, a drop down screen providing privacy, a 750 watt amplifier and an air-cooler also brings a refreshing change to the image of the city autorickshaw drivers, often facing charges of fleecing and rudely behaving with the passengers. Fully operated by a remote, the suspension system has been overhauled and exhaust muffled with a modified silencer. Read more... Labels: Chennai, Creativity, Technology

World's First Flying Car | bench3 The first flying automobile, equally at home in the sky or on the road, is scheduled to take to the air next month. If it survives its first test flight, the Terrafugia Transition, which can transform itself from a two-seater road car to a plane in 15 seconds, is expected to land in showrooms in about 18 months’ time. Read more... Labels: New Launch, Technology

Interim Budget 2009-10 Gives Importance To Rural Economy Interim Budget 2009 The Interim Budget for the year 2009-10, also had its focus on the rural economy. Under the NREGS during the year 2008-09, about 3.51 crore rural households were benefited, generating 138.76 crore mandays. For the year 2009-10, a massive allocation of Rs 30,100 crore has been made for the said scheme. Read more... Labels: Economy, Interim Budget, Recession, Rural Economy

Now Your Pets Can Fly First Class Pet Airways is the 1st Pet Only airline where pets fly in the Main Cabin, Not in Cargo. Pet Airways flies across the country with all pets flying safely in the main cabin with a pet attendant taking care of them at all times. Flying your pets isn’t fun. Read more... Labels: New Launch, Pet Care, Travell

What Is A Blog? [The Truth About Blogs] Many people, even those who think they know all about blogging, are astonished to learn what a wide-ranging subject it is, laden with possibilities. New bloggers have innumerable choices. No single person can illuminate all the blogging techniques and programs, Weblog services, and feed aggregators, as well as the wide assortment of related technologies… Read more... Labels: Blogging Tips, Web Design

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bench3 March 2009

Joshua Bell Playing Incognito In The Metro Station

A man sat at a metro station in Washington DC and started to play the violin; it was a cold January morning. He played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, since it was rush hour, it was calculated that thousand of people went through the station, most of them on their way to work. Read more... Labels: Entertainment, General, United States

Tips For Your First Date | bench3 1. Plan ahead You need to know exactly where you will be going for your first date and what you will be doing once there.This is much more attractive to a woman than directly or indirectly asking her to decide. Read more... Labels: Dating, General Tips

No Impact Of Economic Slowdown On The Rural Economy | bench3 Rural Orientation Indian economy is peculiar to the extent that it has a lot more rural orientation than most economies of the world. Majority of the countries in the world are dependent on their industrial centres and rapidly growing cities for maintaining their growth rate. Read More… Labels: Economy, Recession, Rural Economy

Do You Really Love Truth? | bench3 The truth hurts most of the time, but its what we need and deep down always what we want if we’re willing to admit it. Everyone wants the truth, right? Ask anyone… they’ll tell you all they want is the truth. But that’s a lie. We hate the truth. Our reaction to real truth is hostility and fear. Do we really want to hear the truth about why we’re fat, or why we’re broke, or why we under-perform? Tough stuff to process for most. Read more... Labels: General

How To Detect A 2-Way Mirror ? | bench3 How to determine if a mirror is 2 way or not. Not to scare you, but to make sure that you aware. Many of the hotels cheat the customers this way... Read more... Labels: General Tips, Public Awarness

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bench3 March 2009

The Indian Premier League (IPL) | Re-Hyphenated

The decision to shift its favourite cricket tournament looks bad for India IT IS fashionable in India to say that the country has been “dehyphenated” from its crisis-stricken rival, Pakistan. An announcement this week that the Indian Premier League, a dazzling cricket tournament due to be held in India next month, will be shifted to South Africa because of security concerns, is therefore hugely embarrassing. Read more... Labels: Cricket, Politics, Sports

The $2000 Car | Not So Nano The financial crisis may have strengthened the hand of the developing world’s emerging giants... THE world’s cheapest car, the Tata Nano—launched this week in Mumbai in a burst of flashbulbs and national pride—has turned the spotlight once again on the developing world’s emerging multinationals. From ArcelorMittal in steel to ZTE in telecoms, ambitious companies from India, China … Read more... Labels: Automobile, New Launch, Technology

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