Worst Movie Set Disasters _part 1_ By Bench3

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Worst Movie Set Disasters (Part 1) | bench3 The Conqueror (1956): The Radioactive Set That Caused Cancer To John Wayne And 90 more

Of the 220 persons who worked on The conqueror on its location near Utah in 1955, 91 had contracted cancer as of the early 1980s and 46 died of it, including stars John Wayne, Susan Hayward,Afnes Moorehead, and director Dick Powell. Experts say under ordinary circumstances only 30 people out of a group of that size should have gotten cancer. The cause? No one can say for sure, but many attribute the cancers to radioactive fallout from U.S. atom bomb tests in nearby Nevada.Produced by Hower Hughes, he thought the movie was so bad that he bought up every copy (which cost him about $12 million) and refused to distribute the film. For years thereafter, the only person who saw it was Hughes himself, who screened it night after night during his paranoid last years, this until 1974 when Paramount reached a deal with him. This would be the last film that Hughes would produce.

The Twilight Zone - The Movie (1983) A Helicopter Decapitated Three Actors

During the filming of a segment of the 1983 movie The twilight zone producted by Steven Spielberg, actor Vic Morrow and child actors Myca Dinh Le (age 7) and Renee Shin-Yi Chen (age 6) died in an accident involving a helicopter being used on the set. The helicopter was flying at an altitude of only 25 feet (8 meters), too low to avoid the explosions of the pyrotechnics used on set. When the blasts severed the tail rotor, it spun out of control and crashed, decapitating Morrow and Le with its blades. Chen was crushed to death as the helicopter crashed. Everyone inside the helicopter survived sustaining minor injuries. The accident led to legal action against the filmmakers which lasted nearly a decade, and changed the regulations involving children working on movie sets at night and during special



effects-heavy scenes. The incident also ended the friendship between director Landis and producer Spielberg, who was already angered before the accident that Landis had violated many codes, including using live ammunition on the set.

The Crow (1994) Brandon Lee, Killed By A Prop. 44 Magnum

As one of the scenes of The crow was being filmed, Brandon Lee --Bruce Lee's son-- was shot and killed by a prop .44 Magnum. The scene involved the firing of a full-powder blank (full charge of gunpowder, but no bullet) at Brandon's character; however, unknown to the film crew/firearms technician, a bullet was already lodged in the barrel and hit Lee in the abdomen. But that wasn't the only accident; the set was plagued by numerous accidents even before Lee's death. On the first day of shooting, February 1, 1993, a carpenter was severely shocked and received serious burns when the scissor lift he was driving came into contact with high-voltage power lines. On March 13 heavy storms destroyed some of the elaborate sets causing delays. Later a prop master discovered a live round in one of the prop guns and an enraged carpenter drove his car into the studio's plaster shop. Also a worker was injured when a screwdriver was accidentally driven through his own hand and a stuntman fell through the roof of one of the sets. After Lee’s death, a stunt double, Chad Stahelski replaced Lee in some scenes to complete the film. Special effects were used for digitally compositing Lee’s face onto the double. The original footage featuring Lee’s actual death is the source of some controversy. Some accounts claim it was destroyed immediately, without even being developed while others suggest it was later given to Lee’s family. Brandon Lee was buried beside his father. - - - To Be Continued - - -

  Read More : http://www.bench3blog.co.cc/2009/03/worst‐movie‐set‐disasters‐part‐1‐bench3.html   


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