Bani Of Mardana Ji

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  • December 2019
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sloku mrdwnw 1 ]


salok mardaanaa 1. Shalok, Mardaanaa:

kil klvwlI kwmu mdu mnUAw pIvxhwru ]

(553-2, ibhwgVw, mrdwnw)

kal kalvaalee kaam mad manoo-aa peevanhaar. The Dark Age of Kali Yuga is the vessel, filled with the wine of sexual desire; the mind is the drunkard.

k®oD ktorI moih BrI pIlwvw AhMkwru ]

(553-2, ibhwgVw, mrdwnw)

kroDh katoree mohi bharee peelaavaa ahaNkaar. Anger is the cup, filled with emotional attachment, and egotism is the server.

mjls kUVy lb kI pI pI hoie KuAwru ]

(553-3, ibhwgVw, mrdwnw)

majlas koorhay lab kee pee pee ho-ay khu-aar. Drinking too much in the company of falsehood and greed, one is ruined.

krxI lwhix squ guVu scu srw kir swru ]

(553-3, ibhwgVw, mrdwnw)

karnee laahan sat gurh sach saraa kar saar. So let good deeds be your distillery, and Truth your molasses; in this way, make the most excellent wine of Truth.

gux mMfy kir sIlu iGau srmu mwsu Awhwru ]

(553-4, ibhwgVw, mrdwnw)

gun manday kar seel ghi-o saram maas aahaar. Make virtue your bread, good conduct the ghee, and modesty the meat to eat.

gurmuiK pweIAY nwnkw KwDY jwih ibkwr ]1]

(553-4, ibhwgVw, mrdwnw)

gurmukh paa-ee-ai naankaa khaaDhai jaahi bikaar. ||1|| As Gurmukh, these are obtained, O Nanak; partaking of them, one's sins depart. ||1||

mrdwnw 1 ]


mardaanaa 1. Mardaanaa:

kwieAw lwhix Awpu mdu mjls iqRsnw Dwqu ]

(553-5, ibhwgVw, mrdwnw)

kaa-i-aa laahan aap mad majlas tarisnaa Dhaat. The human body is the vat, self-conceit is the wine, and desire is the company of drinking buddies.

mnsw ktorI kUiV BrI pIlwey jmkwlu ]

(553-5, ibhwgVw, mrdwnw)

mansaa katoree koorh bharee peelaa-ay jamkaal. The cup of the mind's longing is overflowing with falsehood, and the Messenger of Death is the cup-bearer.

iequ mid pIqY nwnkw bhuqy KtIAih ibkwr ]

(553-6, ibhwgVw, mrdwnw)

it mad peetai naankaa bahutay khatee-ah bikaar. Drinking in this wine, O Nanak, one takes on countless sins and corruptions.

igAwnu guVu swlwh mMfy Bau mwsu Awhwru ]

(553-6, ibhwgVw, mrdwnw)

gi-aan gurh saalaah manday bha-o maas aahaar. So make spiritual wisdom your molasses, the Praise of God your bread, and the Fear of God the meat you eat.

nwnk iehu Bojnu scu hY scu nwmu AwDwru ]2]

(553-7, ibhwgVw, mrdwnw)

naanak ih bhojan sach hai sach naam aaDhaar. ||2|| O Nanak, this is the true food; let the True Name be your only Support. ||2||

kWXW lwhix Awpu mdu AMimRq iqs kI Dwr ] N

(553-7, ibhwgVw, mrdwnw)


kaa yaa laahan aap mad amrit tis kee Dhaar. If the human body is the vat, and self-realization is the wine, then a stream of Ambrosial Nectar is produced.

sqsMgiq isau mylwpu hoie ilv ktorI AMimRq BrI pI pI ktih ibkwr ]3]

(553-8, ibhwgVw, mrdwnw)

satsangat si-o maylaap ho-ay liv katoree amrit bharee pee pee kateh bikaar. ||3|| Meeting with the Society of the Saints, the cup of the Lord's Love is filled with this Ambrosial Nectar; drinking it in, one's corruptions and sins are wiped away. ||3||

pauVI ]


pa-orhee. Pauree:

Awpy suir nr gx gMDrbw Awpy Kt drsn kI bwxI ]

(553-9, ibhwgVw, mrdwnw)

aapay sur nar gan ganDharbaa aapay khat darsan kee banee. He Himself is the angelic being, the heavenly herald, and the celestial singer. He Himself is the one who explains the six schools of philosophy.

Awpy isv sMkr mhysw Awpy gurmuiK AkQ khwxI ]

(553-9, ibhwgVw, mrdwnw)

aapay siv sankar mahaysaa aapay gurmukh akath kahaanee. He Himself is Shiva, Shankara and Mahaysh; He Himself is the Gurmukh, who speaks the Unspoken Speech.

Awpy jogI Awpy BogI Awpy sMinAwsI iPrY ibbwxI ]

(553-10, ibhwgVw, mrdwnw)

aapay jogee aapay bhogee aapay sani-aasee firai bibaanee. He Himself is the Yogi, He Himself is the Sensual Enjoyer, and He Himself is the Sannyaasee, wandering through the wilderness.

AwpY nwil gosit Awip aupdysY Awpy suGVu srUpu isAwxI ]

(553-10, ibhwgVw, mrdwnw)

aapai naal gosat aap updaysai aapay sugharh saroop si-aanee. He discusses with Himself, and He teaches Himself; He Himself is discrete, graceful and wise.

Awpxw coju kir vyKY Awpy Awpy sBnw jIAw kw hY jwxI ]12]

(553-11, ibhwgVw, mrdwnw)

aapnaa choj kar vaykhai aapay aapay sabhnaa jee-aa kaa hai jaanee. ||12|| Staging His own play, He Himself watches it; He Himself is the Knower of all beings. ||12||

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