Banana Project By Berthony Jean.docx

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New Generation of Lavanneau (NGL) Nouvelle Génération de Lavanneau(NGL)

Title of the project: let’s help the people with the banana plantation Submitted by: New Generation of Lavanneau (NGL)

Address: # 25, Lavanneau, Jacmel, southeast Haiti Email: [email protected] Total budget: Support requested: Duration:

Name of the organization: New Generation of Lavanneau (NGL)


Project proposition Unity Date of submit

Title of the project

Target area

NGL February 2019

let’s help the people with the banana plantation

Department southeast Commune: Jacmel Section communal: Lavanneau

Project cost Duration of the project

8281.53 USD

5 years with rent of the land renewable

Sanitization Job creation Parents training Type of the project

Assistance for the young Literacy Monitoring and evaluation Support to the rule of law Educational support


Project plan I-





Histories and Generalities

Applicant organization

Context and justification

Presentation of the area


General objective

Specific objective

Expected results


Chronogram of activities

Modality of implementation

Target Public


Resources available

Assistance requested



Project monitoring






General presentation 

Histories and Generalities

Generally Haiti is country that is considered like a poor one. But when we take into account what the country possess as resources we could say that we are a rich one. The reason why we are like that is because we do not really work on our local product to produce more so that the country can feed himself and it does not need to wait for the help of the others country. In order words, if we invest in the agricultural field that can help decrease and improve the situation of the population. By that, we will have natural food to eat, and more business, we will be able to export also what we have as local product to the international market. We have mango, banana, and others things that could help us with this economic problem that the country is facing because we do not produce anything and we are waiting from the international. A good country must count on what it has as production not what they bring in to it. Haiti was a country that used to export many good things like coffee, mango, banana, sugar cane. But with the exodus rural, we do not produce anything anymore; everyone goes to the town and leaves the mountain to plaint some products. And moreover, the state does not accompany our planters. When we are looking at the situation, as young we are the future of the country. So, it’s for that, we decide to act to see how we can contribute to solve the economic problem and see how we can send more people to school with the plantation of the banana. We would like every year, with what we income from the banana plantation to pay the school for twenty kids, and give 5 planters job and make business with twenty sellers.  NEW

Applicant organization GENERATION





LAVANNEAU (NGL). It is an organization that has been set up since May 2018, to help the most vulnerable people, especially elderlies, young and children. It is headed by a committee of 7 members. Its headquarters are at # 25, Lavanneau Jacmel Haiti. It has 20 members. Here is the name of the committee members: 1- Coordinator: Jerry JEAN 2- Assistant coordinator: Marcel PERRIN 3- Secretary: Stevenson PIERRE-SAINT 4- Assistant secretary: Marie-Danielle ROMSAINT


5- Treasurer: Martelie JOISSAINT 6- Delegate: Cassandra LABBE 7- Assistant delegate: Valex LARRIVAUD 8- Councilor: Dr. Roosevelt JOSEPH 9- Responsible for public relations : Berthony Jean 

Context and justification

NEW GENERATION OF LAVANNEAU, Daily we are deeply touched by the critical situation of our community to see what we can do to act on the problems to find a solution. We are all as Haitian concern by Haiti’s situation. It is the reason why every little thing that we do can mean a lot. Among the urgent problems that the community of Lavanneau is facing, we have: alimentary problems (the population does not find and cannot afford feeding himself), educational problems (there are not enough good school for the children, and sometimes parents cannot afford sending his child to school), and sanitary problems (insufficient medical stuff for taking care of: baby, pregnant women, olds etc.). Therefore, we cannot stay indifferent towards our brothers and sisters who are suffering. For this, we would like to act on a problem that’s really crucial, the agricultural problem by: developing and plant banana culture on about 1,293 hectares of land. If we arrive to grow two thousand bananas plant that will improve many things: 1- That will help us sending to school every year minimally about twenty (20) kids. 2- That will help us giving about 20 sellers a little business1. 3- That will help with the mass starvation, for we will help the area with this local product. 4- That will act on the health of the population, for the majority of our brothers and sisters consumes rise daily. So they will find the bananas available on the market. 5- Generally that will help the country with the rural exodus and progressively decrease the poverty in this area. For, we will be able to give five (5) planters job. 

Presentation of the area

Lavanneau is a communal section located in the town of Jacmel in the Southeast department. It has many small places called “habitation”: we have Bassin Bleu, Cité lumiere,


We are going to sign a contract with them, so that they can sell the bananas and they will find benefits.


Dessource, Saint Antoine, Savanette, Benjamin, Gabriel Source, Desmarattes, Decamp, Locadi, Grand Fond, Bodwen, Saint Ange, Saint Antoine and Delbo. Its area is 49 km2. It is bounded on the west by the left river, to the North East by the Mountain then to the South East by the Lavallee de Jacmel. According to IHSI4, the population is 15,000. It is run by a council of the communal section (CASEC) with three members. The head office of this council is in the Minutieux building at Carrefour Penguin. According to a report published in the year 2016 by IHSI, there are 1000 families living in this locality, 1000 young people who are school age, and 10500 illiterate. There are 3 primary schools, 2 secondary schools and there is no high school in the area. It should be noted that this community also has resources that constitute its potential: first, in terms of health, there is a health center located in Bassin Bleu, which serves a large portion of the population. Then, as regards to human resources, we have engineers, lawyers, doctors, teachers, etc. in the area. Finally, in the field of education, we have schools such as: National School of City Light, National School of St Angel, if we quote that. And we also have an association of planters in the area. II-


1- Contribute to the development of the national production. 2- Improve the life conditions of the population for decreasing the poverty. Specific objective 1- Grow 2000 bananas tree on 1,293 hectares of land in the community of Lavanneau 2- Send to school every year twenty (20) kids by paying for them the school and materials from the garden income. 3- Support 20 bananas sellers by making business with them. 4- Give jobs to 5 planters Expected result 

2000 bananas tree are cultivated

20 kids go to school thanks the income of the garden.

20 bananas sellers are supported.

5 planters are hired. Activities


 Buy or rent the piece of land (1,293 hectares).  Built a water reservoir for water storage for watering the garden.  Dig water well or buy a hydraulic pump for finding the water.  Purchase of the banana tree.  Registration of the sellers and the planters. CHRONOGRAM OF ACTIVITIES2 Activities Rent or Purchase of the land Fence the land Preparation of the water storage Registration of the planters Purchase of the materials (water pump, pickaxe, hoe, etc. Preparation of the land for planting the banana tree. Purchase of the banana tree Making the garden

Responsible Coordinated by Agronomist Jean Berthony

Duration 1 week of June st

2nd and 3rd week of June 3rd week of June 4th week of June

Month of July Beginning of august Middle of august

Modality of implementation To implement the project, we organize a group that has different people: agronomist,

educator, peasants, sellers that is going to make everything get done easily. First of all, all that concerns the garden the agronomist will settle everything and supervise how it is going on. For the payment of the school, the educator will follow and take care of everything that is to say, to seek the school for the child, their registration, the payment of the school, and how these children are working at the school. And the peasants are there to help with the purchase of the banana, the assistance of the banana growing up. Each people of this group will have to give a report every each month on how everything is working.


We plan to start in June but in reality the beginning date depends on when the project is financed


Target public

While we were thinking about the agricultural problem in the country and the situation of the local products in our community that could help us resolve the starvation problem, as student in agronomy, we decide to make that project that aims different categories of people: 1- The children who are unable to attend school cause of financial problem. 2- The planters to make them find some income monthly. 3- The banana sellers to make them finding opportunity to sell more bananas and make business.



Available resources In the community of Lavanneau, we have resources mainly human being resources that

could help it to be developed: we have people who have been trained in many fields: like education, medical, agricultural, etc. When it comes to material resources, we have basin blue that could help the community moving forward; we have also some schools that have been built by organizations, we have also an association of planters that gather together most of the planters in the area, in the community that is there to help the planters with the plantation. Sometimes, this is the fund that is missing to help realize a lot of big thing in the community. 

Assistance requested One of the biggest problems of the country is, sometimes as young we have some

beautiful idea to help our area and we cannot find any hand from the state and the private sector to put us on the way reaching our goal. We have this project that is evaluated to 8281.53 USD. The community can let us find 617.14 USD and we solicit from you 7664.39 USD.


8 Articles Description



Unity price USD

Total cost USD

Comm. Partic.

Amount requested USD

Total USD

Rent3 of the land Fence of the land 5 Planters4 UNDER TOTAL

Tile of land Unity Month

1 1 50

2857.14 364.28 147.05

2857.14 364.28 1470.58

200 200

2857.14 164.28 1470.58 4492

2857.14 364.28 1470.58 4692

Iron ½ Iron 3/8 Iron ¼ Black sand White sand Block Wire Labor costs Cement UNDER TOTAL

Unity Unity Unity Truck Truck Unity Pound Unity Bag

12 6 8 2 1 350 25 10 40

8.57 4.64 1.42 17.85 35.71 0.42 0.78 14.25 7.85


102.85 27.85 11.42 35.71 35.71 150 19.64 142.85 314.28 840.31

102.85 27.85 11.42 35.71 35.71 150 19.64 142.85 314.28 840.31

Pickaxe Hoe Plough Spade Recipient Pipe for watering the garden UNDER TOTAL

Unity Unity Unity Unity Dozen Unity

5 5 5 5 ½ dozen 1

17.14 17.14

35.71 40 32.14 17.14 571.42 696.41

35.71 40 32.14 17.14 17.14 571.42 713.55

400 400 617.14

71.42 178.55 714.28 671.42 1635.67 7664.39

71.42 178.55 714.28 1071.42 2035.67 8281.53

Tractor Fertilizer Purchase of the banana tree Transportation of the banana tree UNDER TOTAL TOTAL 3 4

Day Sac Unity Truck

1 5 2000 10

Preparation of the water storage 102.85 27.85 11.42 35.71 35.71 150 19.64 142.85 314.28


Purchase of the materials 7.14 35.71 8 40 6.42 32.14 14.28 71.40 2.85 17.14 571.42 571.42 Land Preparation for planting the banana tree. 71.42 71.42 35.71 178.55 0.35 714.28 107.14 1071.42

We will have to rent the land every five years. If we could buy it, it would be better for us. This money that is in the budget for the planters is for paying the planters for the 10 first month of working. After that, the garden will generate enough money to pay the planters.




Monitoring The project is an agricultural project but that is going to help in the education field, the

economic problems, and create more food available for the population and decrease the starvation. With the rapport that is going to be available every month, that will give an idea how the project is going and what to do, what it deserves to work on so that everything can go easily. For this, we will have a group that has an agronomist, an educator, a peasant and a seller to have an eye on everything and a meeting will be held at the end of each month to discuss about the project. 

Report While the project is being executed, we will have different reports to give to those who

are supporting us in this project. We mean the yawner will be aware about how everything is going. We have a report every month about how the garden is developing and how the sellers are involving in the business. And annually, there will be a report about the school payment and the work of these children that we have accompanied with the project. 

Evaluation The project will be evaluated each month through the meeting that we are going to have

with the group that has the agronomist, the educator, the seller and the planter. And at the end of the year, we will have a last evaluation about everything. 

Conclusion In sum, our project that aims to help many people that is really in the needs like:

starvation, educations, jobs can help improving the situation of people in Lavanneau. As young who are growing up there, we have the will and we organize ourselves to act on the problem, sometimes the funds are missing and prevent us from eradicate some urgent problem in our area. If you support us with that project is like you support education of 20 kids; you support 20 sellers and give job to 5 planters. You can help us acting truly on the problem of the community.

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