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A. Backgorund of the Problem Speaking is the ability of human express their ideas, feeling and thoughts by using oral speech in which it usually involves speaker and interlocutor. Speaking is not only used in conversation, we can speak for interction, transaction, performance, persuading other people, and sharing information, knowledge, and our ideas each other it is very useful in our association, socia context and many other. Speaking is one of the four important components in learning English skills that should be mastered by students besides reading, writing and listening. Speaking is one of the language art of talk as communication interaction with someone, and it is very difficult to master it. Speaking skill is have a closely relationship with listening skill, in speaking act, the students must be listening and then speak up, because speaking is not only remembering and memorizing the sentences in written but speaking is spontaneous to show the students idea by orally. Speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non verbal symbols in a variety of contexts. The ability to speak English is the most complex and difficult thing to master not only among informal but formal people too. in this case the difficulties were also faced by the seventh grader of SMP Swasta Sariputra Padangsidimpuan. It can be seen from the observation of the writer who gave the pretest to the students. The pretest was about descriptive text. Descriptive text is one type of text from the long


functional text where in this text we describe an object how its nature, shape and characteristics. in this research the writer asked students to describe their favorite pets in front of the class. When students performance , the writer find several common mistakes made by them. These mistakes are in the form of lack of fluency in speaking English so they often stop when talking, poor of vocabulary so they don't know what they have to say, weak of pronunciation so that there is a misunderstanding and finally the lack grammar mastering when speaking English. This is evident from the results of the pretest who gave by the writer, for example; the first mistake is the pronunciation when the researcher observes some students making a lot of mistakes in their pronunciation they are; most students say "because" with /bikaus/ when the right pronunciation is /bi’koz/, Another mistakes are; “fish” with /fis/ when the right pronunciation is /fiʃ/, “brown” with /broun/ when the right pronunciation is /braun/, “favorite” with /feivori/ when the right is /feivərit/, “animal” with /enimol/ when the right is /ᴂniməl/, “everyone” with /epriwan/ when the right pronunciation is /evriwᴧn/, “friend” with /prend/ when the right pronunciation is /frend/, and the last is “thank” with /teng/ when the right pronunciation is /ɵᴂɳk/. The second mistake is the grammar. Most students lack understanding in grammar, so they are difficult to determine which is plural and singular nouns, for example; some students say “it like banana” when the right grammar is “it likes banana”, “I have two dog” when the right grammar is “I have two dogs”, “I love cat because my cute” when the right grammar is “I love cat because it is cute”, “I want to my describe my animal” when the right grammar is “I want to describe my animal”, 2

“Kitty color black and white” when the right grammar is “Kitty has black and white”, “ the color is black and white” when the right grammar is “the color are black and white” and the last is “I want to description” when the right grammar is “I want to describe”. Next is their mistake in fluency. When the writer observe some the students have problem to say the words fluently. Some students usually repeat same words and sentences, such as; “I want to tell, I want to tell”. “I have a rabbit, I have a rabbit” for many times. They are also usually change their speak with “e..e” or “eh”, for exampel; today I want to tell you e...e... my favorite eh my favorite animal, my favorie animal is cat, I like cat because e...e... and so on. And the last mistake is vocabulary. The poor of vocabulary who writer see is is when one of the students asks the other students about the vocabulary that he or she does not understand, because she does not get the answer so she replaces what she wants to say before the new sentence for example "I have a dog, the dog can...“ she replaces with “I have a dog, my dog is cute". Another example when one of the students also usually stop their speak even though she had just started for example "today I want to describe my animal, my animal is dog, my dog is .. my dog is.. thank you". It means that they poor of vocabulary in speaking English, so they are difficult to express what is on their mind. If this problem is not solved as soon as possible, the result their learning is still dissatisfied. Therefore, the students will be borned, unactive, and they do not participate in teaching learning process in class. The students will think that English is difficult lesson. They will not interest to follow English subject. 3

Meanwhile, many ways have done by the teachers to reach the competence, such as providing the suitable descriptive textbook, varying method, completed the school facilities, giving motivations, stimulate students’ skill including their motor skill, intelligences, creativity, technique and interest by giving good learning activities that make them have challenging and be active to practice the language especially in speaking orally in front of the class. The teacher of SMP Swasta Sariputra Padangsidimpuan found the most influenced factors in teacher’s teaching method. The teacher have taught by using many teaching method, such as; mind mapping, clustering method, role play method, cooperative learning, storytelling and suggestopedia. In addition, the writer tries to do a research about the effect of minggle game on students speaking descriptive text ability to see whether that method is a suitable method to teach speaking descripive text. Minggle game is a learning model for speaking skills where students learn by mingling with around, so that they can learn while playing which makes learning more enjoyable. This implementation model can be by itself, small or large groups. It means by using minggle game able to affected the score of speaking ability. In the mingle game, the teacher tries to draw students' abilities to the material by describing the material through telling them what they believe in from the material verbally. Writer should expect students to speak verbally, descriptive text and get high scores. Based on expalanation above the researcher is interest to conduct a research about “ The effect of Minggle Game on Students’ Speaking Descrptive Text Ability (a study at the seventh grade students of SMP Swasta Sariputra Padangsidimpuan)”. 4

B. Idenification of the Problem As the writer has described in the background previously, it can be seen that the students have problem in speaking include describe something. Actually the problem in above can be affected by some factors of the reason. Those are the internal factor and external factor. Internal factors are the factors which come from students’ themselves. Such as: the lack of students’ interest, poor of vocabulary, low of pronunciation , weak of grammar mastering and lack of understanding comprehension. Meanwhile, the external factors is found from students outside, such as; method or technique is not suitable and not interest, teaching media, background of students family, environment, or society, cultural and teacher competence. C. Limitation of the Problem Based on the explanation of the identification, it can be seen there are many factors which influence in speaking ability. But, for the case from identification the writer just discuss one of them that is mingle game that will be focused in speaking descriptive text ability. The reason is the writer has limitation in many aspect, like; reference’s book, time, fund, and so fort. Thus, it can be said that the research discuss about the effect of minggle game on students’ speaking ability at the seventh grade students of SMP Swasta Sariputra Padangsidimpuan. Furthermore, the writer limited the problem about discussion the indicators of mingle game they are; 1) Definition of mingle game, 2) Steps of minggle game, 3) Advantages of mingle game, 4) Disadvantages of mingle game. While on sudents’ speaking descriptive text ability the indicators are; 1) Definition of Speaking, 2) 5

Indicators of speaking, 3) Definition of Descriptive text, 4) Social function of descriptive text, 5) Generic structures of descripive text, 6) Language features of descriptive text. The reason of the researcher to limit this problem based on mingle game, writer thinks this game is effective in order to make the students to be can speak englis in descriptive text. D. Formulation of the Problem One of the important aspects in a research is the formulation of the problem. In order to make clear the problem in this research, the problem are formulated as follows: 1. To what extent the application of mingle game in teaching speaking descriptive text at the seventh grade students of SMP Swasta Sariputra Padangsidimpuan? 2. To what extent of students’ speaking descriptive text ability before and after using mingle game a study at seventh grade students of SMP Swasta Sariputra Padangsidimpuan? 3. Is there any significant effect of mingle game on students’ speaking descriptive text ability a study at seventh grade students of SMP Swasta Sariputra Padangsidimpuan?


E. Objectives and Significances of the Research 1. Objectives of the Research Based on the limitation and the formulation of the problem, the objectives of the research are to find out : a) To know the extent the application of mingle game in teaching speaking descriptive text at the seventh grade students of SMP Swasta Sariputra Padangsidimpuan. b) To know the extent of students’ speaking descriptive text ability before and after using mingle game a study at seventh grade students of SMP Swasta Sariputra Padangsidimpuan. c) To find out whether there is a significant effect of mingle game on students’ speaking descriptive text ability a study at seventh grade students of SMP Swasta Sariputra Padangsidimpuan. 2. Significant of the Research The Significant of the Research as follow : a) As an input for the headmaster ungilding English teacher of SMP Swasta Sariputra to improve the quality of teaching and learning process especially in teaching speaking ability b) For English teacher as a tool to increase the teaching English teacher in teaching descriptive text. c) For enriching the readers the scientific in speaking descriptive text, especially English students at Institut Pendidikan Tapanuli Selatan.


d) As one of references for next researchers in the same problem.



A. Theoretical Description 1. The Nature of Speaking Ability In this research, the writer discusses speaking ability in mingle game. Speaking ability is mastery or convey a words, ideas, in the mind, and can develop it. It can showed from the mark that has given by the teacher. a. Definition of Speaking Speaking language consist of four skills. They are listening, speaking, reading and writing. One of the language skill is speaking. Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information. Thus, teaching speaking also should be related to the genre, such as speaking in Descriptive text. According to Tarigan in Utami (2017: 10), speaking is the ability to produce articulation , sounds or words to express, to say, to show and to think about ideas, thaught and feeling. Ur in Sayuri (2016: 48-49), says speaking is the most important skill of the four skill aside from listening, reading, writing. Furthemore, she said people who know a language are referred to as ‘speakers’ of that language, as if speaking include all other kinds of knowing and many if not most foreign language learners are primarily intersted in learning to speak.


Next, Welty in Utami (2017: 10), says speaking is the main skill in comunication. Based on explanation of experts above, the writer concludes that speaking is ability to produce articulation , sounds or words to express, to say, and to think about ideas and emotion to other oral language. In speaking there is an interactive process in which an individual alternaely takes roles of speakers and listener used to communicate information. b. Indicators of Speaking To be success in English speaking, learners should master the linguistic aspect and process the non-linguistic aspect. They both correlate each other. So, English speaking ability here not only focuses on the knowledge of language that the learners have, but also focuses on the personality dimension that will affect them in presenting their knowledge of English and they know how and when to present it. According to Harris in Utami (2017: 10– 12), there are five aspect that must be fulfilled in speaking they are: pronunciation, fluency, grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension. Meanwhile Nunan in Rahmawati and Ertin (2014: 3), and Brown and Abeywickrama (2010: 199), say there are six indicators of speaking Pronounciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension and task. Based on opinion above, the writer concludes there are five indicators of speaking, they are; pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension.


1. Pronunciation Pronunciation refers to features of speaking which gives identify the speakers related to individual sounds, pitch, volume, speed, pausing, intonation, and so forth. Others, pronunciation is facility in communication in order the speaker have understanding each other. According to Hornby in Mulatsih (2015: 2), pronunciation is the way in which a language is spoken,the way in which a word is pronunced the way a person speaks the words a language. Next pronunciation

as the production of English sounds.

Pronunciation is learnt by repeating sounds and correcting them when produced inaccurately. When learners start learning pronunciation they make new habits and overcome the difficulties resulting from the first language (cook in Gilakjani, 2016: 2). Morever Paulston & Burder in Gilakjai (2016: 2), say pronunciation is the production of a sound system which doesn't interfere with communication either from the speakers’ or the listeners’ viewpoint. Based on explanation above the writer concludes pronunciation is the way in which a language is spoken, When learners start learning pronunciation they make new habits and overcome the difficulties resulting from the first language.


2. Grammar Grammar is the rule in language for changing the form of words and joining them into sentence. It is needed by the students to arrange a correct sentence inconversation. And also grammar is one of aspect in language learning and it has central position because grammar has action to use the language. According to Heaton in Utami (2017: 12), grammar is the structure of the language tha explains grammar s the students’ ability to manipulate structure and to distunguish inapropriate grammatical from in appropriate ones. Next, Murcia and Freemen in Widianto (2011: 2), say grammar as a way that accounts the structure of the target language and its communicative use. They also add that we will need to take into consideration how grammar operates at three levels; the subsential or morphological level, the sentential or syntactic level, and the suprasential or discourse level. Moreover, grammar has an important role in daily conversation. Heaton in Utami (2017: 12), says, grammar is about the structure of the language. that explains grammar as the students’ ability to manipulate structure and to distinguish inappropriate grammatical form in appropriateones.


After reading explanation above the writer concludes pronunciation is the structure of the language tha explains grammar s the students’ ability to manipulate structure and to distunguish inapropriate grammatical from in appropriate ones. Where we we will need to take into consideration how grammar operates at three levels; the subsential or morphological level, the sentential or syntactic level, and the suprasential or discourse level. Moreover, grammar has an important role in daily conversation. 3. Vocabulary Vocabulary is a systematic knowledge which is refers to phonological, morphological, syntactic and semantic system. Vocabulary becomes a bridge of knowledge to comprehend the language both receptive and productive language. Vocabularies decide as a measurement how deep someone able to communicate in certain language. And vocabulary takes the important rule in speaking. Without having a lot of vocabularies, it is impossible to speak and understand the information. According to Wilkins in Utami (2017: 12), vocabulary is refers to the words used in language. Phrases, clauses, and sentence are built up by vocabulary. In short vocabulary is very imporant because without we cannot speak at all. Next Ur in Nugroho (2012: 4), says vocabulary is the words we teach in the foreign language. It means vocabulary is written or spoken unit of language as symbol of idea in foreign language for the learners.


Furthermore Hatch and Brown (2012: 1-2), say vocabulary is the foundation to build languages, which plays a fundamental role in communication. Based on explanation above the writer concludes vocabulary refers to words used in language. Phrases, clauses, and sentences are constructed by vocabulary where

vocabulary plays





communication. It is means the vocabulary is written or pronounced unit language as a symbol of ideas in foreign languages for students. Without mastering our vocabulary it is difficult to convey what is in our mind. 4. Fluency Fluency is indicates spead in speaking, slow in complete sentence, smoot of speak like narrative speakers. Brown in Utami (2017: 11), says fluency is the ability to use a langage spontaneously and confidently and without undue pauses a hesitation. Fluency is aspect that influences very much the students’ ability in speaking English. Next, Simon and Schuster in Utami (2017: 11), define fluency as the quality of flowing, freedom, expressively, readness or smoothness of speech. Furthermore Luoma in Mairi (2016: 2), says that fluency is about the flow, smoothness, the rate of speech, the length of utterances, the connectedness of ideas, the absence of excessive pausing, and also the absence of disturbing hesitation markers.


Based on explanation above the writer conludes fluency is about readiness, flow, smoothness, pace speech, length of speech, idea of connectedness, no excessive pauses, and no sign of doubt that exists when someone speaks English. This fluency is an aspect that affects many students' abilities in speaking English. 5. Comprehension According to Syakur in Rahman and Deviyanti (2012: 5), defines comprehension for oral communication that requires a subject to respond to speech as well as to initiate it. Next, comprehensibility denotes the ability of understanding the speakers’ intension and general meaning Heaton in Rahman and Deviyanti (2012: 5). Furthermore Hornby in Mulya (2016: 5) defines comprehension as the ability to understand something. In speaking, comprehension is certainly required so that the speaker can initiate the communication and the listener can respond it. It is important to avoid misunderstanding between a speaker and a listener. Indeed, communication can go smoothly. Based on explanation above he writer concludes comprehension is Understand the ability to understand spoken language. In speaking, Understanding is required so that the speaker to begin and listeners can respond. It is important to avoid misunderstandings between speakers and listeners. Indeed, communication can run smoothly.


2. Descriptive Text a. Definition of Descriptive Text According to Amarain (2009: 28), “Descriptive text is used in all forms of writing to create a vivid impression of a person, place, objec or event. Next, Pardiyono (2007: 34), “Descriptive text is type of written, which has the specific function to give description about an object

(human or non human)”.

Furthermore Kane in Hermenia and Tiarina (2013: 3), say descripive text is description about sensory experience how someting look, sound, tastes. Mostly it is about visual experience, but description also deals with other kinds of perception. Based on explanation above the wrtiter conclude descriptive text is descriptive text is one type of text in English where the type of writing, which has a special function to provide a clear description of an object for example; objects, animals, man or something. Something this can be seen, heard and felt. b. Social Function of Descriptive Text According to Amarain (2009: 28), says “Social function of descriptive text is to describe a particular person, place or thing”. In addition Kane in Hermenita and Tiarina (2013:3), say social function descriptive text is to describe and reveal a particular person, place or thing in details or specific to make the reader be able to visualize the description. Furthermore Juhari (2007: 24), say “Social function of descriptive text is untuk menggambarkan seseorang, sesuatu, suatu tempat, seekor binatang”. It


means social function of descriptive text is to describe someone, something, place, an animal. Based on explanation above the writer conclude social function of descriptive text is to describe particular person, place or thing in details or specific to make the reader be able to visualize the decription. c. Generic Structures of Descriptive Text According to Amarain (2009: 9), “There are two generic structures they are; 1) Identification is identify phenomenon to be describe, 2) Description is describers parts, gualities, characterisic”. In addition Pardiyono (2007: 34), say “There are two generic structures of descriptive text, such as; 1) Identification adalah statement yang berisi satu topik objek bahasan yang akan dideskripsikan. 2) Description adalah berisi detail deskripsi tentang objek yang dimaksud dalam identification”.

It means that

identification is statement consisting of one topic of the subject to be described. Description is detailed description of the object referred to in identification. Next, Juhari (2007: 24), too say “Descriptive text has two generic structures, they are; 1) Identification adalah pengenalan subjek atau hal yang akan dideskripsikan. 2) Description adalah penginformasian ciri-ciri subjek misalnya, sifat-sifat psikologis, perilaku, tampilan fisik, fitur-fitur khas, kualitas dan sejenisnya”. It means that identification is the introduction of the subject or thing that will be described. Description is informing the characteristics of the subject for


example, psychological characteristics, behavior, physical appearance, distinctive features, qualities and the like. Based on explanation above he writer conclude there are two generic structures of descriptive text, they are: 1) Identification is the introduction of subject, phenomenon or thing that will be described. In descriptive text just to diescribe one topic. 2) Description is informing the characteristics of the subject for example, psychological characteristics, behavior, physical appearance, distinctive features, qualities and the like, where those refered to in identification.. d. Language Features of Descriptive Text According Pardiyono (2007: 34), “Language feature of descriptive text are; 1)Present tense, present perfect tense. 2) Kata kerja; be (is, are), have, lingking verb (seems, looks, sounds, like). 3) Penggunaan kata sifat ( adjective) yang berfungsi untuk menggambarkan atau mengilustrasikan kondisi objek”. It is mean the use of adjectives to describe or illustrate the condition of an object. Next, Amarain (2009: 28), “language features of descriptive text are ; 1) Using noun phrase. 2) Using adjective. 3) Using simple present tense. 4) Focus on specific participants. 4) Using atributive and identifiying processes. 5) Frequent use of epithets (adjective or adjecive pharase) and classifier in nominal group. 6) Linking verb. 7) To set a mood or create an atmosphere. 8) To bring writing to life. 9) Aims to show rather than tell the reader hat something/someone is like. 10) Relies on precisely chosen vocabulary with carefully chosen adjectives and adverbs. 11) Is focused and concentrates only on he aspects that add something to the main purpose of the description. 12) Sensory description- what is heard, seen, smelt, felt, tasted. 13) Strong development of the experience that “puts


he reader there” focused on key details, powerful verbs and precise nouns”.

Furthermore Juhari (2007: 24), says “Social function of descriptive text are; 1) Noun yang spesific, misalnya ; Father, school, my dog, dll. 2) Simple present tense3) Detailed noun phrase, kata benda yang mendapatkan peraian kata sifat. 4) Beragam jenis adjective yang besrdifat describing, numbering, calssifiying. 5) Realational pharase, menggunakan kata kerja yang dapat menggambarkan keadaan participant, dan atau mengisayaratkan kepimilikan. 6) Figurative language, menggunakan bahasa figurative seperti smile atau metapor sebagai cara untuk memberi ilustrasi perbandingan. 7) Specific Noun, for example; Father, school, my dog, etc. 8) Simple present tense. 8) Detailed noun phrase, noun that gets an adjective statement. 9) The kinds of adjective types that are describing, numbering, calcifying. 10) Realational pharase, using verbs that can describe the participant's situation, and / or claim ownership. 11) Figurative language, using figurative languages such as smile or metapor as a way to illustrate comparisons”. Based on explanation above the writer concludes social functions of descriptive text are; 1) Using noun phrase, 2) Using adjective, 3) Using simple present tense, 4) Focus on specific participants, 5) Using atributive and identifiying processes, 6) Frequent use of epithets (adjective or adjecive pharase) and classifier in nominal group, 7) Linking verb, 8) To set a mood or create an atmosphere, 9) To bring writing to life, 10) Aims to show rather than tell the reader hat something/someone is like, 11) Relies on precisely chosen vocabulary with carefully chosen adjectives and adverbs, 12) Is focused and concentrates only on he aspects that add something to the main purpose of the description, 13) Sensory description- what is heard, seen, smelt, felt, tasted, 14) Strong


development of the experience that “puts he reader there” focused on key details, powerful verbs and precise nouns. 3. The Nature of Mingle Game a. Defini.tion of Mingle Game We are already familiar with the term game, even all circles from small children to parents must know this term. Nowadays there are many various games that have been circulating widely out there. Even the game is now familiar in the teaching and learning process so students feel more interested in learning, because learning while playing makes students not feel bored. The game is a play activity that is purely looking for fun without looking for win or lose. The game is also interpreted as a play activity carried out in order to find pleasure and satisfaction, but is marked as winning or losing. The game in the teaching and learning process is a series of learning systems playing with individuals or forming group members from different races, cultures, tribes. Games in the teaching and learning process prioritize collaboration in solving problems to apply knowledge and skills in order to achieve learning goals. According to Crawford in Martono (2015: 1), game pada intinya adalah sebuah interaktif, aktivitas yang berpusat pada sebuah pencapaian, ada pelaku aktif, ada lawan anda. It is mean game is game is essentially an interactive, activity centered on an achievement, there are active actors and your enemy. Furthermore Costikyand in Martono (2015: 1), game adalah sebentuk karya seni di mana peserta, yang disebut Pemain, membuat keputusan untuk 20

mengelola sumberdaya yang dimilikinya melalui benda di dalam game demi mencapai tujuan. It is mean that game is Game is a form of art in which participants, called Players, make a decision to manage the resources they have through objects in the game in order to achieve goals. Next, lestari in Pratama (2015: 5), game diartikan sebagai permainan. Permainan adalah kegiatan kompleks yang didalamnya terdapat peraturan, play dan budaya. Sebuah permainan adalah sistem dimana pemain terlibat konflik buatan, disini pemain berinteraksi dengan sistem dan konflik dalam permainan merupakan rekayasa atau buatan. It is mean game is as a game. The game is a complex activity in which there are rules, games and culture. A game that involves players involved in artificial conflicts, here the players are involved with the system and conflicts in the game are engineering or artificial. Based on explanation above the writer includes game is the game is interpreted as a game. The game is a complex activity in which there are rules, play and culture. A game is a system in which players engage in artificial conflicts, here players interact with the system and conflicts in the game are engineering or artificial. In this game there are active actors and enemy. The game has now become one of the strategies in the teaching and learning process so that it attracts students' interest in learning as hard as they can. Because during the learning process students can learn while playing. Many games can be used to improve student learning. One is a mingle game, mingle games can improve students' speaking skills.


According to Pollard and Hess in Nita sari (2017: 26), mingle game is activiy or technique in which the students stand up and circulate with one another, and talk to people especially at a social event various topics. Mingle game as an activity in which students move around and talk to each other get some information needed

(Yates in Utami, 2017: 16). Furthermore Borzova in

utami (2017:16), stated that mingle is an activity where a students approaches a classmate, talks for a while, and then moves on to speak to anoher classmate. Based on explanation above the writer conclude the mingle game is a activity or technique where students stand up and ciculate with one another and approaches a classmae, talks for a while, and then moves on to speak to another classmate to get some information neededThis game can make students develop their speaking skills, because in this game they can apply their ideas by describing a topic or information they have obtained. b. Steps of Mingle Game According to Pollard and Hess in Utami (2017: 22), who introduce the mingle game the step of mingle game was still not much extend. By taking a name “talk with your classmte” as the titile of he mingle game activity, he explained the steps as follow: 1) Talk with your classmate (a mingle) 2) Write about yourself : I eat________________ 3) Stand up, tell your sentence to one classmate. 4) Talk with other classmate. Say the same thing, and listen to them.


Furhermore, the steps of mingle game are further elaborated Hall Houston in Utami (2017: 22), as the following: Before the mingle: Make sure that teacher have everything they need before they start the activity. If the classroom contains a large number of tables and desk, move them to one side of the room, or evenn outsie the classroom. If this not feasible, consider moving to an empty room or a space outside. Teachers also plan how they will present he activity to your students. The might be particular challenging if the students has never done one before. In this case, present these basic rules; 1) Stand up. No one sis down during a mingle. 2)Walk around untill you find someone to talk to. 3) Speak english to do the activity. 4) When you are finished, move and find another student. 5) Speak in group of 2 only. 6) Move around freely. Don’t alk in line behind other student. 7) Try to speak with students you don’t know. 8) Talk to as many people as you can. Note: with low-level classes, teacher may needed to demonstrate with a sudent before they begin. In monolingual classes, teachers can provide the rules in the students’ first language. During the mingle; 1) Teachers join in the mingle. This give students a chance to get to know their teacher, abd provides them with another demontration of the activity. 2) Teacher stay alert. Look for signs that things are not ging properly walk around and encourage students to talk to each others. If the mingle is becoming a muddle, get the students’ attention and explain again. 3) Teacher can end a mingle when students’ enthusiasm starts to flag. Another option is to give them strict time limit (8 minutes then everyone sit down). Alternatively, teacher can ask students to stop at a pre – determined number of interactions(talk to 7 people then stop). After mingle; 1) When the mingle is over, it’s best not to launch in to another activity immediately. A report phase and a feedback phase to give a sense of closure are recommended. 2) For the report phaese, call on several students to tell the class something another students told him or her. Teachers can make this more interacive by calling on one students and asking him or her to choose another student. The first students then asks the student te second one for something funny or interesting hat he or she heared, and adds a few follo-up questions to get more information. Repeat several times. 3) For the feedback stage, teacher tell the class how they think everything went, and what could have made it eve better. Teacher point out some problems 23

noticed, but avoid critiing any student directly if the teachers fell i could be embarrassing. Ask studentd what hey thught of the mingle and if they’d like to do it again.

In addition, According to Case in Dianah (2017: 14), the steps of mingle game are: 1) Structured Mingle. Prepare a list of discussion topics or questions ahead of time. After students find a partner in the first round of mingling, they should freeze and listen to one topic or question that you pose. All pairs answer the same question. Then, after students mingle to find another partner, a new topic or question is posed. Do as many mingle rounds as you have questions or topics. 2) On the activity of Mingle, the students do the following activities: a) The students were given the card by the teacher, b) The students read the information in the card, c) The students do the conversation through moving and walking down, d) The writer controls and facilitates the students, e) On the presentation, the students do the following activities, f) The students present the result of mingle, g) The writer gives reward to the winner, h) Hall Houston (2013) states Basic Rules during mingle games Stand up. No one sits down during a mingle, i) Walk around until you find someone to talk to, j) Speak English to do the activity, k) When you are finished, move and find another student, l) Speak in groups of 2 only, m) Move around freely. Don’t walk in line behind other students, n) Try to speak with students you don’t know, o) Talk to as many people as you can. Based on explanation above, the writer concludes the steps f mingle game are: 1) They students forming their own groups. 2) The students talk with their classmate (a mingle). 3) The students tell about theirselves to their friends. Example; hooby, favorite food or their true statement or word.


4) The teacher gives the students a piece of paper. 5) The teacher instructs the students to write the true statment or word on the paper. 6) The teacher asks the students to put the paper in the bottle or glass. 7) The teacher asks the students to take the paper one by one. 8) The student guess who wrote that statement. 9) The students describe what is the statement on the paper in front of the class. 10) The teacher gives reword to sudents higher score. c. Advantages of Mingle Game Darmeyanti in Utami (2017: 28-29), there are three advantages of mingle game, they are: 1) Mingle game brings in relaxation and fun for students. 2) Mingle game usually involves friendly competition and keeps learners interested. These activities create the motivation for learners of English to get involved and participate actively in the learning activities. Every student is involved to do interaction, including shy students. They are guided to start to speak. 3) Bringing real world context into the classroom, and enhances students' use of English in a flexible, communicative way.

Nitasari (2017: 32), some advantages of mingle game, such as: 1) The students were motivated to express their ideas in a group activity. 2) The students became competitive. 3) Students learned without realizing that they are learning. 25

4) Improving students’ proficiency.

Ririnnurfazirin (2018:3), advantages of mingle game are:

1) Mingle technique to develop speaking skill have many advantages. It will make the students can help each others to speak English and motivate their friends in learning the material and they can support one another to be brave and confident as well. 2) They can work together to improve their vocabulary and pronunciation. 3) They have partners to practice speaking and get feedback from their friends. 4) The students have more chances to speak because Mingle Technique requires and enhances the students’ communication skill. d. Disadvantages of Mingle Game Darmeyanti in Utami (2017: 28-29), there are two disadvantages of mingle game, they are:

1) The teacher cannot monitor every student in the class carefully because the mingle game activity is noisy. Students will be noisy for preparing their speaking performance and doing the activity. 2) It spends much of time during the teaching learning process. Mingle game can be time consuming since students have to walk around and make an interaction with every student in the classroom. Nitasari (2017: 32), some disadvantages of mingle game, such as: 1) The mingle game must in large group. 2) This game needed many participants.


B. Review of Related Findings Teachers are suggested to apply good strategy in teaching speaking ability. They may increase their students’ ability of speaking by focusing on pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. And in the descriptive text, the students need to master the generic structure, social function and lexicogrammatical. Some researcher have done dealing to the topic about speaking achievement. The researcher found some research are Darmeyanti (2015), in her research “Mingle Model for Teaching English Speaking skill for College Students of Islamic studies Imam Bonjol Padang, West Sumater”. She found that afer giving treatment with mingle model, the students’ achievement on speaking skill was 3.70 or 74%. It is meant that the students’ skill on speaking got improvement. The result of reatement of mingle model gave 30.4% improvement toward students’ skill on speaking. Then, Nurfazirin (2018), in her research “The Use of Mingle Technique to Develop Students’ Speaking Skill at the Seventh Grade of SMP Negeri 12 Palu”. She found that the mean score of post-test of experimental group was 72.52 while control group was 69.95. By using the 0.05 level of significance and 42 as the degree of freedom (df) = Nx + Ny – 2 = 23 + 21 – 2 = 42. After analysing the data, it is found that the value of the t-counted (4.96) is higher than the t-table (2.018). It means that the hypothesis is accepted. In other words, using mingle technique can develop the students’ speaking skill at the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 12 Palu. Next, Idamurni (2018), in her research “The effect of Mingle Model to Improve Reading Skills for Sudents with Dyslexia in Primary School”. She found


that the students obtained 30 as lowest score and 70 as the highest score in the pretest. Meanwhile, the students scored 60 the lowest and 82 the highest in post-test. This confirmed a significant improvement in their reading skills. At the same time, the subjects’ reading skills remain under category frustration reading, which means the percentage is below 90, as many subjects are unable to connect syllables into word. The improvement may not very high, nonetheless, the result is positive as the data analysis found that mingle model is proved to be influential to improve reading skills of dyslexic students in the primary grade. Based on related finding above, the writer more interested to conduct a research about speaking ability. Although this research same with other that have done, but the writer want to see is there a significant effect of mingle game on students speaking descrptive text.


C. Conceptual Framework

Speaking descriptive text ability is low

Using mingle game

Steps of Mingle Game: 1. The students talk with their classmate (a mingle). 2. They talk by forming their own groups. 3. The students tell about theirselves to their friends. Example; hooby, favorite food or their true statement or word. 4. The teacher gives the students a piece of paper. 5. The teacher instructs the students to write the true statment or word on the paper. 6. The teacher asks the students to put the paper in the bottle or glass. 7. The teacher asks the students to take the paper one by one. 8. The student guess who wrote that statement. 9. The students describe what is the statement on the paper in front of the class. 10. The teacher gives reward to sudents higher score. 11. 12.

Speaking descriptive text ability is affected


Based on a chart above, the writer found that speaking descriptive text ability at the seventh grade of SMP Swasta Sariputra Padangsidimpuan is still low. The writer had written before that speaking ability is before that speaking ability is influenced by five indicators; they are pronunciation, grammar, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. Then the writer will try to solve the problem by giving the treatement, it is mingle game. There are some steps to apply this game in teaching speaking at the seventh grade of SMP Swasta Sariputra Padangsidimpuan, such as; 1)The students talk with their classmate(a mingle), 2) They talk by forming their own groups, 3) The students tell about theirselves to their friends, example; hobby, favorite food or their true statement or word, 4)The teacher gives the students a piece of paper, 5)The teacher instructs the students to write the true statment or word on the paper, 6) The teacher asks the students to put the paper in the bottle or glass, 7) The teacher asks the students to take the paper one by one, 8) The student guess who wrote that statement, 9) The students describe what is the statement on the paper in front of the class. 10) The teacher gives reward to students higher score. There are advantages of mingle game are; 1) Mingle game brings in relaxation and fun for students, 2) Mingle game usually involves friendly competition and keeps learners interested. These activities create the motivation for learners of English to get involved and participate actively in the learning activities. Every student is involved to do interaction, including shy students. They are guided to start to speak, 3) Bringing real world context into the classroom, and enhances students' use of English in a flexible, communicative way, 4) Improving students’ proficiency, 5) Mingle game will make the students can help each others to speak 30

English and motivate their friends in learning the material and they can support one another to be brave and confident as well, 6) They can work together to improve their vocabulary and pronunciation, 7) They have partners to practice speaking and get feedback from their friends. After conducting the research mingle game, the writer expects students’ speaking descriptive text ability will be affected. D. Hyphotesis The hypothesis is one important element of research, it is an ideas suggestion answer to the problem or a case which is a fact would be proved by getting the result of the study. Accoding to Sugiyono (2013: 64), says “Hipotesis merupakan jawaban sementara terhadap masalah penelitian, dimana rumusan masalah penelitian telah dinyatakan dalam bentuk kalimat pernyataan”. It means hypothesis is a temporary answer to the problem of research, where the formulation of the research problem has been stated in the form of statements. Furthermore, Arikunto (2010: 43), says “Hipotesis merupakan sesuatu yang sangat perlu dialami oleh setiap (calon) peneliti. Di dalam proses penelitiannya akan menggunakan hipotesis ataukah tidak”. It means hypothesis is something that really needs to be experienced by every (prospective) researcher. In the research process will use a hypothesis or not. In addition Priyono (2008:66), says “Hipotesis merupakan proposisi yang akan diuji keberlakuannya atau merupkan jawaban sementara atas pertanyaan peneliti”. It means hypothesis is a proposition that will be tested for its validity or is a temporary answer to the question of the researcher.


Based on explanation above the writer concludes hyphotesis is a temporary answer to the problem of research that will be tasted for its validity. Where the formulation of the research problem has been stated in the form of statements. Correlating to the conceptual framework above, the writer comes to. So, the witer can formulate the hypothesis of this research as follow : Ha

: “There is a significant effect of mingle game on students’ speaking text ability to the seventh grade students of SMP Swasta Sariputra”.


: “There is no a significant effect of mingle game on students’ speaking text ability to the seventh grade students of SMP Swasta Sariputra”.



A. Location and Time of the Research In order to get a clear description abu where the research takes place for the research. It necessary to mention the location and time of the research as detail possible. The research chose SMP Swasta Sariputra as the location for the research. It is in Jl. Sudirman No 423 Padangsidimpuan. The headmaster is Rosintan Siregar S.Pd. The writer chose SMP Swasta Sariputra Padangsidimpuan because this school has many students still low in English especially in speaking descriptive text, so the writer thinks that the writer is easier to get the valid data. B. Method of the Research The method of the research is something which is very important in conducting a research. Method of the research means the way that should be chosen to solve problem of the research. According to Sugiyono (2013: 2) “Metode penelitian adalah cara ilmiah untuk mendapatkan data dengan tujuan dan kegunaan tertentu”. It means that method of the reearch is a natural way to get data with the certain goal. Furthermore, Priyono (2008: 03) says that “Metodologi penelitian adalah ilmu mengenai jalan yang dilewati untuk mencapai pemahaman. Jalan tersebut harus ditetapkan secara bertanggungjawab ilmiah dan data yang dicari untuk membangun/memperoleh pemahaman harus melalui syarat ketelitian. Artinya harus dipercaya kebenarannya”. It means that study research is discussed the paths


that are being passed to gain understanding. The road must be defined as scientifically responsible and the data sought to be constructed / obtained is understood to be through precision requirements. The meaning must be trusted truthfully. Morever, Arikunto (2017: 203), says “Menyatakan bahwa metode penelitian adalah cara yang digunakan seorang peneliti untuk mengumpulkan data dalam suatu penelitian”. It means states that method of the research is the way that used a researcher to collecting data in a research. Based on explanation above the writer concludes method of the research is that method of the reearch is a natural way to get data that used a researcher in a research.There are some kinds of method of the research that can be used in a research, they are: Furthermore, Priyono (2013: 33) says that the types of research methods can be classified : “Klasifikasi penelitian bersadarkan manfaat penelitian yaitu, penelitian murni dan penelitian terapan. Berdasarkan tujuan penelitian yaitu, penelitian eksploratif, penelitian deskriptif, dan penelitian explanatif. Berdasarkan dimensi waktu yaitu, penelitian Cross- sectional dan penelitian longitudinal. Berdasarkan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu, penelitian survey, penelitian experimen, analisis isi, penelitian lapangan, analisis wacana, dan perbandingan sejarah”. It means that research methods classification are based on the benefits of research, namely, pure research and applied research. Based on the research objectives, namely, exploratory research, descriptive research, and explanative research. Based on time dimensions, namely, cross-sectional and longitudinal research. Based on data collection techniques, namely, survey research, experimental 34

research, content analysis, field research, discourse analysis, and historical comparison. Next, According to Sugiyono (2013: 04), “Jenis-jenis penelitian dapat diklasifikasikan berdasarkan tujuan, dan tingkat kealamiahann (natural setting) objek yang diteliti. Berdasarkan tujuan, metode penilitian dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi penelitian dasar (basic research), penelitian terapan (applied research) dan penelitian pengembangan (research and development). Selanjutnya berdasarkan tingkat kealamiahan, metode penelitian dapat dikelompokkan menjadi metode penelitian experiment, survey, dan naturalistik”. It means that the types of research methods can be classified based on the purpose, and the level of natural (natural setting) the object under study. Based on the objectives, research methods can be classified into basic research, applied research and research and development. Furthermore, based on natural level, research methods can be grouped into experimental, survey, and naturalistic research methods. Furthermore, Arikunto (2009: 100), states that there are 4 kinds of research method, namely: 1. Descriptive method is the research that aims to explain and find a picture of these two variables and see the relationship between the two variables. 2. Evaluation method is the research activities carried out in order to determine the wise of first considering the values and benefits of a program. 3. Historical method, it means that the research construction in past with systematically and objective with collecting and evaluating the prove to get conclusion. 4. Experimental method is the research to determine if there is a result of an imposed on the subject. From all of the kinds of the research methods have been mentioned previously, the writer chooses experimental method as method of this research,


because it is very suitable to be applied since the aim of this research is to find out the cause-effect relationship between two factors. According to Sugiyono (2013: 72) “Penelitian eksperimen dapat diartikan sebagai metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk mencari pengaruh perlakuan tertentu terhadap yang lain dalam kondisi yang terkendali”. It means that experimental method is as a research method used to find the effect of certain treatments on others in controlled conditions". In addition to Creswell (2009:12) says “Experimental method is seeks to determine if a specific treatment influences an outcome. This impact is assessed by providing a specific treatment to one group and withholding it from another and then determining how both groups scored on an outcome”. Next, Arikunto (2018:207), says “Penelitian eksperimental merupakan penelitian yang dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya akibat dari “sesuatu” yang dikenakan pada subjek selidik sebab akibat”. It means that experimental method is the research to find out whether there is a result of something that is imposed on the subject as probable as a result. After reading explanation above the writer concludes that experimental method in quantitative is a research method used to find the effect of certain treatments on others in controlled conditions. This study applied the pre-experimental design by using one-group pre-test and post-test design, the researcher wants to find out is there a significant effect of mingle game on students’ speaking descriptive text. To make this research effective, it needs to make research design that Sugiyono opinion’s (2013: 110-111), as follow:


Table 1 Research Design One-Group Pretest – Posttest Design

O1 X O 2 Where : O1

: Pre-test Experimental Group


: Treatment


: Post-test Experimental Group

Based on the pattern, experimental method focus on how to find out there is cause effect relationship both of variables. With experimental method the researcher want to find out whether was a significant effect of mingle game on students’ speaking descriptive text ability C. Population and Sample 1. Population In a research population can be meant as a group of unit or part that is made as an object of the research. Population is the whole subjects that are used as the subject of the research. Population contain of object or subject that has certain quality and characteristic that stated by the writer to learn and get the conclusion. According Arikunto (2013: 173), says “Populasi adalah keseluruhan subjek penelitian. Apabila seorang ingin meneliti semua elemen yang ada dalam wilayah penelitian, maka penelitiannya merupakan penelitian populasi”. It means that Population is the subject of research. If one wants to examine all the elements in the research area, then the research is population research. 37

Furthermore, Sugiyono (2013: 80), says “Populasi adalah wilayah generalisasi yang terdiri atas: objek/subjek yang mempunyai kualitas dan karakteristik tertentu yang diterapkan oleh peneliti untuk dipelajari dan kemudian ditarik kesimpulannya”. It means that population is a generalization area consisting of: objects/subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics applied by researchers to be studied and then drawn conclusions. In addition Priyono (2008: 104), says “Keseluruhan atau gejala satuan yang ingin diteliti”. It means that the whole or symptoms of the unit you want to study. Based on explanation above the writer concludes population is the subject of research. Where the subject has certain qualities and characteristics applied by researchers to be studied and then drawn conclusions. Can be seen from the table below: Table 2 The Population of the Seventh Grade Students of SMP Swasta Sariputra in 2018 – 2019 Academic Year No 1. 2.

Class VII – A VII – B

Male 15 15 Total

Female 16 16

Total 31 31 62

2. Sample Sample is sub group taken from the population. Sample is part or vice of population which should be choosen in the research. In other word, sample is part or piece of the population. According Sugiyiono (2013: 81), says “Sampel adalah bagian dari jumlah dan karakteristik yang dimiliki oleh populasi tersebut”. It means that the sample is


part of the number and characteristics of the population.“Sampel adalah sebagian atau wakil populasi yang diteliti” (Arikunto, 2010: 174). It means that The sample is part or representative of the population studied. In addition, Priyono (2008: 104), says “Sampel merupakan bagian dari populasi yang ingin diteliti” it means that the sample is part of the population you want to study. After reading previos explantion, the writer concludes sample is part of the number and characteristics of the population. To take sample in research, there are several technique sampling including the following: According to Arikunto (2010 :95-98), technique sampling are: 1) Saling acak (random sampling) digunakan oleh peneliti apabila populasi darimana sampel diambil merupakan populasi homogen yang hanya mengandung sau ciri. Teknik acak dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa cara; a) sampling acak sederhana (simple random sampling) apabila peneliti mengambil sampel dengan melaukan lotre terhadap semua populasi. b) Sampling acak beraturan (ordinal sampling). Dalam hal ini peneliti mengambil sampel dari nomor-nomor subjek dengan jarak yang sama. c) Sampling acak dengan bilangan random, yaitu sebuah tabel bilangan yang sudah disusun dalam urutan dan sebaran tertentu. 2) Sampling kelompok (cluster sampling), digunakan oleh peneliti apabila didalam populasi terdapat kelompk-kelompok yang mempunyai ciri sendiri-sendiri. 3) Sampling berstrata atau sampling bertingkat (stratified sampling), digunakan oleh peneliti apabila didalam populasi terdapat kelompok-kelompok subjek dan antara satu kelompok dengan kelompokyang lain tampak adanya srata atau tingkatan. 4) Sampling bertujuan (purposive sampling), yaitu teknik sampling yang digunakan oleh peneliti jika peneliti mempunyai pertimbangan-pertimbangan tertentu didalm pengambilan sampelnya. 5) Sampling daerah atau sampling wilayah (area sampling), yakni pengambilan anggota sampel dengan mempertimbangkan wakil-wakil dari daerah-daerah geografis yang ada, misalny dari tiap-tiap prvinsi, tiap-tiap daerah ingkat II, tiap-tiap desa, dan sebagainya. 39

6) Sampling kembar (double sampling), yaitu pengambilan sample yang dilakukan peneliti dengan jumlah sebanyak dua kali ukuran sampel yang dikehendaki. 7) Sampling berimbang (propotional sample), yaitu dimana menentukan anggota sampel, peneliti mengambil wakil-wakil dari tiap-tiap kelompok yang ada dalam populasi yang jumlahnya disesuaikan dengan jumlahnya disesuaikan dengan jumlah anggota subjek yang ada di dalam masing-masing kelompok tersebut. It means that technique sampling are : 1) Random sampling is used by researchers if the population from which the sample is taken is a homogeneous population that only contains or features. Random techniques can be done in several ways; a) simple random sampling if the researcher takes a sample by applying a lottery to all populations. b) Regular random sampling (ordinal sampling). In this case the researcher takes samples from subject numbers with the same distance. c) Random sampling with random numbers, which is a table of numbers that have been arranged in a certain sequence and distribution. 2) Cluster sampling ,used by researchers if in the population there are groups that have their own characteristics. 3) Stratified sampling, used by researchers if in the population there are subject groups and between groups with other groups there appear to be levels or levels. 4) Purposive sampling, which is a sampling technique used by researchers if researchers have certain considerations in the sampling.


5) Area sampling ,which is taking sample members by considering representatives from existing geographical regions, for example from each province, each level II region, each village, etc. 6) Twin sampling, which is the sampling taken by the researcher in the amount of twice the desired sample size. 7) Propotional sampling which is where determining sample members, researchers take representatives from each group in the population whose numbers are adjusted to the number adjusted to the number of members of the subject in each of these groups. Furthermore, Sugiyono (2013: 81-85), says technique sampling are: 1) Probability sampling. Probability sampling adalah teknik pengambilan sampel yang memberikan peluang yang sama bagi setiap unsur (anggota) populasi untuk dipilih menjadi anggota sampel. Eknik ini meliputi; a) simple random sampling. Dikatakan simple (sederhana) karena pengambilan anggota sampel dari populasi secara acak tanpa memperhatikan strata yang ada dalam populasi itu. b) Proportionate stratified random sampling. Teknik ini digunakan bila populasi mempunyai anggota/unsur yang tidak homogen dan berstrata secara proporsional. c) Disproportionate stratified random sampling. Teknik ini dugunakan untuk menentukn jumlah sampel, bila populasi berstrta tetapi kurang proporsional. d) Cluseter sampling (area sampling). Teknik sampling daerah digunakan untuk menentukan sampel bila objek yang akan diteliti atau sumber data sanga luas. 2) Non probability sampling. Non probability sampling adalah teknik pengambilan sampel yang tidak memberi peluang/kesempatan sama bagi setiap unsur atau anggota populasi untuk dipilih menjadi sampel. Teknik sampel ini meliputi; a) Sampling Sistematis. Sampiling sistematis adalah teknik pengambilan sampel berdasarkan urutan dari anggota populasi yang telah diberi no urut. b) Sampling kuota. Sampling kuota adalah teknik untuk menentukan sampel dari populasi yang mempunyai ciri-ciri tertentu sampai jumlah 41

(kuota) yang diinginkan. c) sampling insidental. Sampling insidental adalah teknik penentuan sampel berdasarkan kebetulan. d) Sampling purpsive. Sampling purposive adalah teknik penentuan sampel dengan pertimbangan tertentu. e) Sampling jenuh. Sampling jenih adalah teknik penentuan sampel bila semua anggota populasi digunakan sebagai sampel. f) Snowball sampling. Snowball sampling adalah penetuan sampel yang mula-mula jumlahnya kecil, kemudian membesar. It means that technique sampling are : 1) Probability sampling. Probability sampling is a sampling technique that provides equal opportunities for each element (member) of the population to be chosen as sample members. These techniques include; a) simple random sampling. It is simple because it takes random members of the population regardless of the strata in that population. b) Proportionate stratified random sampling. This technique is used if the population has members / elements that are not homogeneous and have proportional strata. c) Disproportionate stratified random sampling. This technique is used to determine the number of samples, if the population is structured but not proportional. d) Cluster sampling (sampling area). Regional sampling technique is used to determine the sample if the object to be studied or the data source is very wide. 2) Non probability sampling. Non probability sampling is a sampling technique that does not provide the same opportunity / opportunity for each element or member of the population to be selected as a sample. This sample technique includes; a) Systematic Sampling.


Systematic Sampiling is a sampling technique based on the sequence of members of the population who have been given a sequence number. b) Sampling quota. Quota sampling is a technique for determining







characteristics to the desired number (quota). c) incidental sampling. Incidental sampling is a technique of determining samples based on chance. d) Purposive sampling. Purposive sampling is a technique of determining samples with certain considerations. e) Saturated sampling. Clear sampling is a sampling technique if all members of the population are used as samples. f) Snowball sampling. Snowball sampling is the determination of samples that are initially small in number, then enlarge. In addition Priyono (2008: 107-119), says technique sampling are: 1) Teknik penarikan sampel probabilita they are; a) teknik acak sederhana (simple random sampling). b) teknik acak sistematis (sysematic random sampling). c) teknik acak terlapis (stratified technique sampling). d) tehnik acak berkelompok (cluster random sampling). 2) Teknik penarikan sampel non probablita they are; a) teknik penarikan smpel aksidental. b) teknik penarikan sampel purposive. c) teknik penarikan sampling kuota. d) teknik penarikan sampel bola salju. It means technique sampling are: 1) The sampling technique is probable they are; a) simple random sampling. b) systematic random sampling. c) stratified technique sampling. d) cluster random sampling.


2) The non probablita sampling technique they are; a) accidental smelting withdrawal techniques. b) purposive sampling technique. c) quota sampling with drawal technique. d) snowball sampling techniques.

Based on kinds of technique of sampling previous, the researcher takes systematic sampling as the technique sampling in this research.

Ary (2010: 155) stated that the Systematic sampling is done by taking element to n in population which is started by the element which is chosen randomly. The steps that can be done to reach the sample are: 1) select total number of members in population (N); 2) divide N by n and determine the sampling interval (K) to apply to the list; 3) Select the first K member randomly from the first K members of the list and then select every Kth member of the population for the sample; 4) k = N/n = total sample. Based on the explanation of the expert above, the researcher concludes that N=62, n=31, and k=2 and the sample of this research is every sequence 2 until the total sampling is 31 students. D. Instrument of the Research Instrument is something is used in forming an action in scientific action instrument of the writer. Beside that, instrument means a tool or facility which is used by the writer in collecting the data in order to make it easier to be concluded and result of the research is more complete. According Sugiyono (2013: 102), says “Instrument penelitian adalah suatu alat yang digunakan mengukur fenomena alam maupun sosial yang diamati”. It means that research instrument is a tool used to measure observed natural and social phenomena. Furthermore Arikunto (2013: 203)


says “Instrumen penelitian adalah suatu alat yang digunakan oleh peneliti dalam mengumpulkan data, sehingga prosesnya menjadi lebih mudah dan lebih hati-hati, lengkap dan sistematis. it means that Instrument of the research is a tool of activity used by researcher in collecting data, so that the process becomes easier and better more careful, complete and systematic”. In addition Colton and Covert in Firdaos (2016:4), Instrument is a mechanism for measuring phenomena, which is used to gather and record information for assessment, decision making, and ultimately understanding. Based on explanation above the writer concludes that instrument of the research is is a tool of activity used by researcher in collecting data, so that the process becomes easier and better more careful, complete and systematic. 1. Observation Sheet According to Sutrisno Hadi in Sugiyono (2014: 235), mengemukakan observasi merupakan suatu proses yang kompleks, suatu proses yang tersusun dari berbagai proses biologis dan psikologis. It mean that observation is a complex process, a process composed of various biological and psychological processes. Furthermore, Larry Cristensen in Sugiyono (2014: 235), said that in research, observaion is define as watching of behavioral patterns of people in certain situation to obtain information about phenomenon of interest. Observation is an important way of collecting information about people because people do not always do what they say do. Meanwhile Creswell in Sugiyono (2014: 235), said that


observation is the process of gathering firsthand information by observing people and places at research site. Based on expanation above the writer concludes observation is a process composed of various biological and psychological processes. Where in a process gathrering gathering firsthand information by observing people and places at research site. Table 3 Instrument of using Mingle Game

No 1.


Aspect Pre - Activity

While - Activity

Steps 1. Greetings 1 2. Pray to god 1 3. Giving information about 1 Descriptive text 3.Students forming their 1 own groups.

2 2 2

score 3 3 3

4 4 4




4. Students talk with their 1 classmate (a mingle). 5. Tell about theirselves to 1 their friends. Example; hobby, favorite food or their true statement or word.







6. Teacher gives the students 1 a piece of paper.




7. Teacher instructs the 1 students to write the true statment or word on the paper. 8. Teacher asks the students 1 to put the paper in the bottle or glass.







9. Teacher asks the students 1 to take the paper one by one.






Post- Activity

10. Student guess who wrote 1 that statement.




11. Students describe what is the statement on the paper in front of the class. 1. The writer and students make a conclusion about material that explained by the writer (teacher) 2. Teacher gives reword to sudents higher score. 3.Pray to god 4. gretings













1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

Where : Score 1

: Bad

Score 2

: Enough

Score 3

: Good

Score 4

: Very good

2. Test According Sudijono (2009: 65) says that test “adalah alat atau prosedur yang dipergunakan dalam rangka pengukuran dan penilaian”. It means that test tools or procedures used in the framework of measurement and assessment. Furthermore, Arikunto (2013:193) “Tes adalah serentetan pertanyaan atau latihan serta alat lain yang digunakan untuk mengukur keterampilan, pengetahuan inteligensi, kemampuan atau bakat yang dimiliki oleh individu atau kelompok”. It means that, test are a series of questions or exercises and other tools used to measure skills, intelligence, abilities or talents possessed by individuals or groups.


Meanwhile Azwar in Matondang (2009: 3), menyatakan bahwa tes adalah prosedur yang sistematis, maksudnya (a) butir-butir dalam tes disusun menurut cara dan aturan tertentu, (b) prosedur administrasi tes dan pemberian angka (scoring) terhadap hasilnya harus jelas dan dispesifikasi secara terperinci, dan (c) setiap orang yang mengambil tes itu harus mendapat butir-butir yang sama dalam kondisi yang sebanding. It means that states that the test is a systematic procedure, meaning (a) the items in the test are arranged in accordance with certain methods and rules, (b) administrative procedures for testing and giving a number (assessment) to the results must be clear and specified in detail, and the person receiving the test must get the same items in comparable conditions. Based on Explanation above, the writer concludes that test is a tool used to collecting data which is aimed to evaluate

the result process or get the result

condition the first condition until to the last condition (Pre-Test and Post-Test). Table 4 Instrument of Speaking Descriptive Text Ability No 1.

Topic Describe self and others Total

Item Perform in front of the class -

Times 6 minutes


E. Technique of Collecting Data A research of course need data, without collecting data, it is impossible to do the research. Every research always needs data valid because it is the one important role. So, a researcher should be able to choose a suitable technique. Here, the writer


will collect data by using an instrument. According to Arikunto (2010 : 100), says “Metode pengumpulan data adalah cara-cara yang dapat digunakan oleh peneliti untuk mengumpulkan data”. It means that technique of collecting data is ways that can be used by researchers to collect data. Acording to Arikunto (2013:193-201) there are six techniques of collecting data, they are: 1) Test is some of the test or training that is used to measuring the skill, knowledge, capability or talent of someone or group. 2) Questionnaires is some questions in written form that is used to get information, it means that the report about the individualism or the points that he/she know. 3) Interview is a dialogue that is done by interviewer to get the information. 4) Observation is the activity with paying attention to something to get the data or information. 5) Crating scale is a subjective measuring that is made in scale. 6) Documentation is the technique that paying attention to get the information from paper, place or people. Furthermore Sugiyono (2013 : 135-145) “ada lima teknik pengumpulan data yaitu; 1) wawancara, 2) kuesioner and 3) observasi”. It means that there are five technique o collecting data are ; 1)interview, 2) questionnaires, 3) observation. Meanwhile Arikunto (2010:102), “Ada lima teknik pengumpulan data yaitu; 1) Angket, 2) wawancara, 3) pengamatan, 4) test dan 5) dokumentasi”. It means that there are technique of collecting data are; 1) questionnaire, 2) interview, 3) observation, 4) test and documentation. In this research the technique of collecting data that used by the researcher is observation sheet and test. The writer took the data by giving the test to the students with the form is oral test.


F. Technique of Analysis Data To do data analysis, the researcher has prepared a test that will perform by students. After that, all of the data that have been collected are analyzed by using statistic. There are two kinds of data analyze in a research, namely: descriptive analysis which is used to describe mean, median, mode, histogram and so forth and inferential analysis which is used to test hypothesis. It could be seen score categories of Syah (2010:151), says: Table 5 The Evaluation Criterion of the Score Mingle Game No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Interval 3,1 – 4 2, 1 – 3 1,1 – 2 1 0

Criteria Vey Good Good Enough Bad Fail

Meanwhile, according to Harris in Kurniati (2015:10), says: Table 6 The Evaluation Criterion of the Score Students’ Speaking Descriptive Text Ability No

Class of score



80 - 100



60 -79



50 - 59



0 - 49


While in experimental analysis is using the statistical to test the hypothesis. It means that all the data that had been collected were analyzed by using statistic.


Actually, in this research, to analyzed the data the writer used t-test formula as Arikunto (2017: 349-350) said that the formula could be seen as follows:






N ( N  1)

Where: Md

= Mean dari perbedaan pre test dengan post test (post test - pre test).


= Deviasi masing-masing subjek (d – Md)

∑x2d = Jumlah kuadrat deviasi N

= Subjek pada sampel



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