Bab 3 Dan Bab Metlit Finish.pptx

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  • Words: 729
  • Pages: 22
Defining and Refining the Problem Presented by: Anni Esa Saraswati Sofiah Ravisa Boentar

(023152075) (023152078) (023152090)

Identify problem areas that are likely to be studied in organizations

Narrow down a broad problem into a feasible topic for research using preliminary research

Develop a good problem statement

Develop a research proposal

Be aware of the role of the manager in the early stages of the research process

Be aware of the role of ethics in the early stages of the research process. Next Chapter

Learning Objective 1

A problem is any situation where a gap exists between an actual and a desired ideal state.

Learning Objective 1

Young workers in the organization show low levels of commitment to the organization.

The newly installed information system is not being used by the managers for whom it was primarily designed

Staff turnover is higher than anticipated

Learning Objective 2

1. Information on the organization and its environment – that is, the contextual factors.

2. Information on the topic of interest.

Learning Objective 3

the researcher is in a position to narrow down the problem from its original broad base and define the issues of concern more clearly. As we have explained earlier, it is critical that the problem statement is unambiguous, specific, and focused, and that the problem is addressed from a specific academic perspective

Learning Objective 4

A working title

The research design, offering details

Time frame of the study

Background of the study

The relevance of the study

The budget

The problem statement

The scope of the study

Selected bibliography

Learning Objective 5

Learning Objective 6

 If

the researcher decides to do research, it is important to inform all employees especially those who will be interviewed for preliminary data collection through structured and unstructured interviews from the proposed study. They have the right to be protected from physical or psychological threats. They have the right to privacy and confidentiality

The Critical Literature Review

Discuss the functions of a literature review.

1. Write a literature review on any given topic, documenting the references in the prescribed manner.

2. Discuss the ethical issues of documenting the literature review.



Learning Objective 1


literature review is the selection of available documents on a topic, which contain information, ideas, data and evidence written from a particular standpoint to fulfill certain aims or express certain views on the nature of the topic and how it is to be investigated, and the effective evaluation of these documents in relation to the research being proposed

Learning Objective 1

Learning Objective 1

1. The research effort is positioned relative to

existing knowledge and builds on this knowledge.


You can look at a problem from a specific angle; it shapes your thinking and sparks useful insights on the topic of your research.


You do not run the risk of “reinventing the wheel”, that is, wasting effort on trying to rediscover something that is already known.


You are able to introduce relevant terminology and to define key terms used in your writing. This is important because the same term may have different meanings, depending on the context in which it is used. Definitions will also help you to give structure to your essay, article or report (see Box 4.1 for an example).

Learning Objective 2

Data sources

Unpublished manuscripts



Conference proceedings




The Internet

Learning Objective 2

Electronic journals

Full‐text databases Bibliographic databases Abstract databases

Learning Objective 2

Is the main research question or problem statement presented in a clear and analytical way?

Is the relevance of the research question made transparent? Does this study build directly upon previous research? Will the study make a contribution to the field? Is there a theory that guides the research?

Learning Objective 2

Documenting the literature review researchers have knowledge of the problem area and have made preliminary preparations that are important to carry out research

The theoretical framework (in deductive research) that will be compiled in the work has been completed and will be added to a solid foundation of existing knowledge

Learning Objective 2

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Learning Objective 3

 Deliberately

misrepresenting the work of other authors - that is, their point of view, ideas, models, findings, interpretations, and so on

 Plagiarism

- the use of other people's thought words, arguments, or ideas such as one's own

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