
  • Uploaded by: reniprativi
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  • July 2020
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  • Words: 101
  • Pages: 1

B1 = Breathing SpO2 : %, RR : x/men, pergerakan dinding dada simetris/asimteris, rhonki/wheezing+/-, batuk/pilek, sputum +/- (warna ….), alat bantu nafas +/-

B2 = Blood TD :

mmHg, N :

x/men, kuat angkat +/-,

Suara jantung S1/S2 tunggal, murmur/gallop +/-, JVP meningkat +/-, CRT 2 det, CVP (jika ada) •

B3 = Brain GCS : ExVxMx Pupil simetris/asimetris Reflek patologis/fisiologis +/-

B4 = Bladder Urin :


Kateter +/•

B5 = Bowel BU +/-, soepel, distended, ascites NGT +/-, …… cc/jam warna …

B6 = Bone Oedem +/-, phlebitis +/-, ulkus dekubitus +/-, akral hangat/dingin

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