Auma Matic

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 19,308
  • Pages: 60
AUMA MATIC AM 01.1/ AM 02.1 AMEx 01.1/ AMEx 02.1 AMExC 01.1 PROFIBUS-DP Version Z025.683/01

Operation instructions

Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Scope of these instructions:

Operation instructions

These instructions apply to multi-turn actuators SA(R)07.1 - SA(R)16.1, SA(R)MEx 07.1 - SA(R)MEx 16.1 and SARExC 07.1 - SA(R)ExC 16.1, as well as to part-turn actuators SG 05.1 - SG 12.1, SGEx 05.1 - SGEx 12.1 and SGExC 05.1 - SGExC 12.1 with controls AUMA MATIC type AM, AMEx, AMExC and PROFIBUS-DP interface. Software version: Z025.683/01

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 Range of application . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Short description . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Commissioning (electrical connection) 1.4 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Warnings and notes. . . . . . . . . . 2.

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Transport and storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

3. General information about PROFIBUS-DP 3.1 Basic characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Basic functions of PROFIBUS-DP . . . . 3.3 Transfer mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Bus access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6 Functionality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7 Protection functions . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.8 Station types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7


Design AUMA MATIC PROFIBUS-DP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

6. Electrical commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6.1 Setting of the limit and torque switching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6.2 Electrical connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6.2.1 Mains connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6.2.2 Bus connection for standard version with AUMA plug/ socket connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6.2.3 Bus connection on Ex-version with plug/ socket connector / terminal board (KP). . . . . . . . . . . . 10 6.2.4 Bus connection on Ex-version with plug-in terminal connection (KES) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 6.2.5 Bus connection for Ex-version with terminal connection (KE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 6.2.6 Redundant bus connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 6.2.7 Bus cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 6.3 Setting of the bus address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 7. Commissioning with controls . . . . . 7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 Communication start-up . . . . . . . . 7.5 Description of AUMA user parameters

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8. Process representation input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 8.1 Process representation input (Default process representation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 8.2 Process representation input (Default process representation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 9.


Process representation output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions

Page 10. Description of actuator functions . . . . . . . . . . 10.1 Operation commands for OPEN / CLOSE operation 10.2 Positioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.3 Stepping mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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11. Safety function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 12. Description of the PROFIBUS-DP board. . . . . . . . . . . . 12.1 Description of switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2 Wiring of the inputs and outputs of the PROFIBUS-DP board 12.3 Checking / setting of the switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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13. Trouble shooting and corrective actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.1 Optical signals during operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.2 Actuator can not be controlled by PROFIBUS-DP. . . . . . . . . 13.3 Position feedback does not function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.4 Actuator is not switched off by the limit switch in direction CLOSE 13.5 Actuator stops immediately after start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.6 Measuring of the PROFIBUS signals with an oscilloscope . . . .

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14. Appendix A GSD file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 15. Appendix B Proposed wiring diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 16. Appendix C Wiring diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 16.1 Legend for wiring diagram AUMA MATIC PROFIBUS-DP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 16.2 Additional information to the wiring diagram legend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 17. Appendix D Literature references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 18. Appendix E PNO certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Addresses of AUMA offices and representatives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59


Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions


Safety instructions


Range of application

AUMA actuators are designed for the operation of industrial valves, e.g. globe valves, gate valves, butterfly valves and ball valves. AUMA is not liable for any possible damage resulting from use in other than the designated applications. Such risk lies entirely with the user. Observance of these operation instructions is considered as part of the actuators’ designated use.


Short description

AUMA actuators have a modular design. Motor and gearing are mounted in a common housing. The actuators are driven by an electric motor and controlled with the electronic controls AUMA MATIC PROFIBUS-DP. The electronic controls are included in the scope of delivery.


Commissioning (electrical connection)

During electrical operation certain parts inevitably carry lethal voltages. Work on the electrical system or equipment must only be carried out by a skilled electrician himself or by specially instructed personnel under the control and supervision of such an electrician and in accordance with the applicable electrical engineering rules.



The maintenance instructions must be strictly observed, otherwise a safe operation of the actuator is no longer guaranteed.


Warnings and notes

Non-observance of the warnings and notes may lead to serious injuries or damages. Qualified personnel must be thoroughly familiar with all warnings and notes in these operation instructions. Correct transport, proper storage, mounting and installation, as well as careful commissioning are essential to ensure a trouble-free and safe operation. The following references draw special attention to safety-relevant procedures in these operation instructions. Each is marked by the appropriate pictograph. This pictograph means: Note! “Note” marks activities or procedures which have major influence on the correct operation. Non-observance of these notes may lead to consequential damage.

This pictograph means: Electrostatically endangered parts (ESD)! If this pictograph is attached to a printed circuit board, it contains parts which may be damaged or destroyed by electrostatic discharges. If the boards need to be touched during setting, measurement or for exchange, it must be assured that immediately before a discharge through contact with an earthed metallic surface (e.g. the housing) has taken place. This pictograph means: Warning! “Warning” marks activities or procedures which, if not carried out correctly, can affect the safety of persons or material.


Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions



Transport and storage

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Transport to place of installation in sturdy packing. Do not attach ropes or hooks to the handwheel for the purpose of lifting by hoist. Store in well-ventilated, dry room. Protect against floor dampness by storage on a shelf or on a wooden pallet. Cover to protect against dust and dirt. Apply suitable corrosion protection agent to bright surfaces.

General information about PROFIBUS-DP For the exchange of information among automation systems and between automation systems and the connected decentral field devices, serial fieldbuses are mainly used today as the communication system. Thousands of applications have proved impressively that cost savings of up to 40 % in wiring, commissioning and maintenance are achieved by using fieldbus technology. Just two wires are needed to transmit all relevant information for the field devices, such as input and output signals, parameters and diagnostics data. While in the past the fieldbuses used were often manufacturer specific and incompatible with other bus systems, the systems employed today are almost exclusively open and standardized. This means that the user is independent of individual suppliers and can choose the best product for the most competitive price. PROFIBUS-DP is the leading open fieldbus system in Europe, which is also used successfully throughout the world. The application range includes automation in the areas of manufacturing, processing and building. PROFIBUS-DP is an international, open fieldbus standard, which has been standardized in the fieldbus standard EN 50 170. This standardization ensures that the investments of manufacturers and users are protected to the best possible degree and the independence of the manufacturer is guaranteed. These operation instructions cannot provide a general introduction to PROFIBUS-DP. For more information please refer to the literature references in appendix D.


Basic characteristics

PROFIBUS-DP determines the technical and functional features of a serial fieldbus system with which distributed digital automation devices can be interconnected. PROFIBUS-DP distinguishes between master and slave devices. PROFIBUS-DP is designed for fast data transmission in the field level. Here central control devices, such as a PLC or PC, communicate via a fast serial connection with peripheral field stations such as input/output devices, valves and actuators. The interchange of data among the field devices takes place cyclically. The necessary communication functions are established by the PROFIBUS-DP basic functions according to EN 50 170. Master devices control the data traffic on the Bus. A master is allowed to send messages without an external request. Masters are also called ‘active stations’ in the PROFIBUS protocol. Slave devices such as AUMA PROFIBUS-DP actuators are peripheral devices. Typical slave devices are input/output devices, valves, actuators and measuring sensors. They do not have bus access, i.e. they may only acknowledge received messages or, at the request of a master, transmit messages to that master. Slaves are also called ‘passive stations’.


Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions


Basic functions of PROFIBUS-DP The master reads the input information from the slaves cyclically and writes the output information cyclically to the slaves. In addition to this cyclic data transfer of the process representation, PROFIBUS-DP also provides powerful functions for diagnostics and commissioning purposes. The data traffic is monitored through the monitoring functions on the master and slave side.


Transfer mode


Bus access






Protection functions


Station types


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RS-485 twisted pair cable or fibre optical cable. AUMA actuators support baudrates up to 1.5 MBits/s Token-passing between the masters and polling between master and slave. Mono-master or multi-master systems are possible. Master and slave stations: max. 126 stations connected to one bus. Peer-to-peer (net data transfer) or Multicast (control commands to all slaves). Cyclic master-slave net data transfer or acyclic master-master data transfer. Cyclic net data transfer between DP slave and DP slaves Dynamic activation or de-activation of individual DP slaves. Checking of the configuration of the DP slaves Synchronisation of inputs and/or outputs. All messages are transmitted with Hamming Distance HD=4. Watch-dog timer at DP slaves. Access protection for the inputs/outputs of the DP slaves Net data transfer monitoring with configurable timer interval at the master. Fail safe function. DP-Master class 2 (DPM2), e.g. programming / configuration devices. DP-Master class 1 (DPM1), e.g. central controllers such as PLC, PC. DP slave, e.g. AUMA PROFIBUS-DP devices. Devices with binary or analogue inputs/outputs, actuators, valves.

Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions


Technical data

General data PROFIBUS-DP: Communication protocol Network topology Transmission medium Interface Transmission rate/ cable length

Station types

Max. number of stations Bus access

PROFIBUS-DP according to EN 50 170, DIN 19 245 Linear (BUS) structure. With repeaters tree structures can also be realised. Coupling and 1) uncoupling of stations during operation without affecting other stations is possible. Twisted, screened copper cable according to EN 50 170 EIA-485 (RS485) Max. cable length Possible cable length Baudrate without repeater with repeater (complete (kbit/s) (segment length) network cable length) 9.6 1,200 m approx. 10 km 19.2 1,200 m approx. 10 km 45.45 1,200 m approx. 10 km 93.75 1,200 m approx. 10 km 187.5 1,000 m approx. 10 km 500 400 m approx. 4 km 1.500 200 m approx. 2 km DP Master class 1, e.g. central controllers such as PLC, PC, ... DP Master class 2, e.g. programming / configuration tools DP slave, e.g. devices with binary and/or analogue in-/outputs such as actuators, sensors 32 stations without repeater, with repeater expandable up to 126. Token-passing between the masters and polling for slaves. Mono-master or multi-master systems are possible.

Data of the actuator controls AUMA MATIC with PROFIBUS-DP interface: Electronic controls

Supported types of operation Baudrate recognition Process-representation output (command signals)

Process representation input (feedback)

Process representation input (fault messages)

Analogue / binary inputs (option)

3-position controller 2) (option) Electronic timer 2) (option) Behaviour in case of communication failure or CLEAR state of the master Cable redundancy (option)

Integral controls AUMA MATIC, type AM 01.1/02. for direct fitting to: − Multi-turn actuators SA(R) 07.1 - 16.1, SA(R)MEx 07.1 - 16.1, SA(R)ExC 07.1 - 16.1 − Part-turn actuators SG 05.1 - 12.1, SGEx 05.1 - SGEx 12.1, SGExC 05.1 - 12.1 Cyclic data exchange, sync mode, freeze mode, fail-safe mode automatic − OPEN − STOP − CLOSE 2) − nominal value (option) − end position OPEN, CLOSED − valve position 2) (option) − selector switch in position LOCAL/ REMOTE − running indication 2) (directional) − torque switch OPEN, CLOSED operated − limit switch OPEN, CLOSED operated − manual operation by handwheel 2) or local controls 2) − value of the analogue (2) and digital (4) customer inputs (option) − communication channel A or B (redundant channel) active − motor protection tripped − torque switch tripped in mid-travel − incorrect phase sequence or phase fault 3) − voltage supply of PROFIBUS-DP board outside of permissible range − loss of an analogue input signal − 2 free analogue inputs (0 − 20 mA) − 4 free binary inputs Supply via power supply of motor controls MATIC (max. 60 mA) Max. error and max. dead time programmable via BUS. Start and end of stepping mode as well as ON / OFF time can be programmed via the BUS. The behaviour of the actuator is pro− stop in current position grammable: − move to end position OPEN or CLOSED − move to any intermediate position 2) As an option, a second transmission cable can be connected

1) Not possible for Ex-versions 2) requires position transmitter (potentiometer or RWG) in actuator

3) only available with type ranges SA, SAR and SG


Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface


Operation instructions

Design AUMA MATIC PROFIBUS-DP With the AUMA MATIC PROFIBUS-DP, AUMA provides the optimal controls for multi-turn actuators of the type range SA and part-turn actuators of the type range SG. Figure A: AUMA MATIC PROFIBUS-DP

PROFIBUS-DP board Logic board

PROFIBUS connection board

Local controls

Electrical connection with AUMA plug/ socket connector

Power supply unit Reversing contactors Signal and control board

Plug/ socket connector to the actuator

Filter against EMC faults

The integral controls AUMA MATIC PROFIBUS-DP consist of the following modules:

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PROFIBUS-DP board. This links the PROFIBUS with the internal electronics. The logic board links the signals of the actuator with the local controls and the PROFIBUS board and controls the reversing contactors or the thyristor module. Local controls with selector switch and push-buttons. With the selector switch the command locations for local control LOCAL - 0 - REMOTE for remote control are selected. The push-buttons (OPEN) - Stop (CLOSE) are used for the electric operation of the actuator on site. Plug/socket connectors for easy mounting of the AUMA MATIC PROFIBUS-DP on the actuators SA(R). Signal and control board with primary fuses, relays for conversion of the local control commands into electrical signals and indication lights as an option. Reversing contactors or thyristor module for motor controls. PROFIBUS connection board with terminals for two-wire system and termination resistors for the bus termination.

Actuators which have already been installed can be retrofitted for PROFIBUS-DP by exchanging the controls AUMA MATIC for controls AUMA MATIC PROFIBUS-DP.


Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions


Electrical commissioning


Setting of the limit and torque switching Check limit and torque switching as well as the electronic position transmitter RWG or potentiometer (option) and, where necessary, re-set. Perform setting according to the operation instructions of the actuator: “Multi-turn actuators SA(R) 07.1 - SA(R) 16.1 AUMA MATIC” “Multi-turn actuators SA(R)M Ex 07.1 - SA(R)M Ex 16.1 AUMA MATIC Ex” “Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 - SA(R)ExC 16.1 AUMA MATIC ExC” “Part-turn actuators SG 05.1 - SG 12.1 AUMA MATIC”

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If the limit switching set in the factory is modified, a reference operation has to be performed for actuators with feedback signal (RWG or potentiometer): Run actuator electrically via the push-buttons OPEN and CLOSE of the local controls once to the end position OPEN and then to the end position CLOSED (and vice versa). If no reference operation is performed after changing the limit switching, the feedback signal via the bus is not correct. The bus signals the missing reference operation as warning (see page 26). 6.2 6.2.1

Electrical connection Mains connection

Work on the electrical system or equipment must only be carried out by a skilled electrician himself or by specially instructed personnel under the control and supervision of such an electrician and in accordance with the applicable electrical engineering rules. Perform mains connection according to the operation instructions of the actuator (see subclause 6.1). Installation regulations for PROFIBUS-DP must be observed for the wiring. (for literature references refer to appendix D)


Bus connection for standard version with AUMA plug/ socket connector

Disconnect power before working on AUMA plug / socket connector.

Figure B: AUMA plug/ socket connector

Plug cover

The connection board is located in the plug cover.

(1) Socket carrier

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Loosen screws (1) (figure B) and remove plug cover. Loosen and remove socket carrier from the plug cover. Insert cable glands suitable for connecting cables.

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Enclosure protection IP 67 or IP 68 (option) is only ensured if suitable cable glands are used. Seal cable entries which are not used with suitable plugs.


Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface


Operation instructions

Connect bus cable to channel 1 according to connection diagram (figure C)

The termination resistors for (channel 1) and (channel 2) are switched in via switches (S1) and (S2) (figure D). Both switches are supplied in position ‘OFF’. Only connect the termination resistors (position ‘ON’) if the actuator is the final station in the PROFIBUS segment. Figure C: Connection diagram

Figure D: Connection board S2






Channel 1

Channel 2 (redundant)

5V P/B N/A P/B N/A GND B Previous PROFIBUS station A

A Next B PROFIBUS station


Assigment of the PROFIBUS cable PROFIBUS cable

AUMA labelling at the connection

SUB-D 9 plug pin (for other PROFIBUS devices)



8 3



Colour green


Bus connection on Ex-version with plug/ socket connector / terminal board (KP)

When working in potentially explosive areas, observe the European Standards EN 60079-14 “Electrical Installations in Hazardous Areas” and EN 60079-17 “Inspection and Maintenance of Electrical Installations in Hazardous Areas”. For the plug/ socket connector, bus connection is realised by removing the plug cover at the EEx e connection terminals (figure E1) of the terminal board. The controls AUMA MATIC (type of protection EEx d) remain hereby closed.

Figure E1: AUMA plug/ socket connector

Plug cover (1) EEx e Terminals

Terminal board


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Loosen screws (1) (figure E1) and remove plug cover. Insert cable glands with “EEx e” approval and of size suitable for connecting cables. Enclosure protection IP 67 or IP 68 is only ensured if suitable cable glands are used. Seal cable entries which are not used with suitable plugs.

Cross sections: Control cables: Motor connection:

Suitable bus cables see page 13.



max. 1.5 mm , 2 max. 6 mm ,

Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions

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Remove cable sheathing in a length of 120 - 140 mm. Strip wires: Controls max. 8 mm, motor max. 12 mm. For flexible cables use stranded wires with end sleeves according to DIN 46228. Connect bus cable to channel 1 according to configuration of the terminals (figure E2). The termination resistor for channel 1 is connected through linking the terminals 1 - 2 and 3 - 4. Only connect the termination resistors if the actuator is the final station in the PROFIBUS segment.

Figure E2: EEx e connection terminals of the terminal board for Ex-connection (KP) Another bus station follows the actuator:


3 B

B A previous PROFIBUS-DP station

A next PROFIBUS-DP station

Actuator is final bus station:







Bus connection on Ex-version with plug-in terminal connection (KES) When working in potentially explosive areas, observe the European Standards EN 60079-14 “Electrical Installations in Hazardous Areas” and EN 60079-17 “Inspection and Maintenance of Electrical Installations in Hazardous Areas”. Figure E3: Plug-in terminal connection

The bus connection is realised via terminals (figure E3). The terminal compartment is designed for explosion protection “EEx e” (increased safety). The controls AUMA MATIC (type of protection EEx d) remain hereby closed.


Terminal cover (1)


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Loosen bolts (1) (figure E3) and remove terminal cover. Insert cable glands with “EEx e” approval and of size suitable for connecting cables. Enclosure protection IP 67 or IP 68 is only ensured if suitable cable glands are used. Seal cable entries which are not used with suitable plugs.

Cross sections: Control cables: Motor connection: Terminal board


max. 2.5 mm , 2 max. 10 mm ,

Suitable bus cables see page 13.


Connect bus cable to channel 1 according to configuration of the terminals (figure E4, page 12). The termination resistor for channel 1 is connected through linking the terminals 1 - 2 and 3 - 4.


Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface


Operation instructions

Only connect the termination resistors if the actuator is the final station in the PROFIBUS segment.

Figure E4: Terminal configuration for Ex-connection (KES)

Another bus station follows the actuator:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112


B Previous PROFIBUS station A

Next PROFIBUS station


Actuator is final bus station:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112

B Previous PROFIBUS station A


Bus connection for Ex-version with terminal connection (KE) When working in potentially explosive areas, observe the European Standards EN 60079-14 "Electrical Installations in Hazardous Areas" and EN 60079-17 "Inspection and Maintenance of Electrical Installations in Hazardous Areas". The bus connection is realised via terminals (figure E5). The terminal compartment is designed for explosion protection “EEx e” (increased safety). The controls AUMA MATIC (type of protection EEx d) remain hereby closed.

Figure E5: Terminal connection


50.1 (1)


. . .

Loosen screws (1) (figure E5) and remove terminal cover. Insert cable glands with “EEx e” approval and of size suitable for connecting cables. Enclosure protection IP 67 or IP 68 is only ensured if suitable cable glands are used. Seal cable entries which are not used with suitable plugs.

Cross sections: Control cables: Motor connection: 51.16



max. 2.5 mm , 2 max. 10 mm ,

Suitable bus cables see page 8.


Connect bus cable to channel 1 according to configuration of the terminals (figure E6, page 12). The termination resistor for channel 1 is connected through linking the terminals 1 - 2 and 5 - 6.

Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions


Only connect the termination resistors if the actuator is the final station in the PROFIBUS segment.

Figure E6: Terminal configuration for Ex-connection (KE)

Another bus station follows the actuator:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112

B Previous PROFIBUS station A


Next PROFIBUS station


Actuator is final bus station:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112

B Previous PROFIBUS station A


Redundant bus connection

AUMA PROFIBUS-DP devices can be connected with a second (redundant) PROFIBUS cable. If the bus on channel 1 fails, e. g. through cable break, the slave automatically switches to channel 2.

. . . .

For versions with AUMA plug/ socket connector (subclause 6.2.2): Connect redundant bus cable to channel 2 (figure D) according to connection diagram (same as channel 1, figure C). For Ex-version with plug/ socket connector / terminal board (KP) (subclause 6.2.3): Connect cable B to terminal 6, cable A to terminal 7 (figure E2). The termination resistor for channel 2 is connected through linking the terminals 5 - 6 and 7 - 8. For Ex-version with plug-in terminal connection (KES) (subclause 6.2.4): Connect cable B to terminal 6, cable A to terminal 7 (figure E4). The termination resistor for channel 2 is connected through linking the terminals 5 - 6 and 7 - 8. For Ex-version with terminal connection (KE) (subclause 6.2.5): Connect cable B to terminals 8 and 9, cable A to terminals 10 and 11 (figure E6). The termination resistor for channel 2 is connected through linking the terminals 7 - 8 and 11 - 12.

The setting of the redundant bus connection is realised via the parameters 4 and 5 (see page 18). 6.2.7

Bus cables

Only cables according to standards DIN 19245 or EN 50170-2, cable type A, may be used for PROFIBUS-DP wiring.


Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions

A maximum of up to 32 PROFIBUS stations may be connected in one segment. If more stations are to be connected to one PROFIBUS, several segments must be connected with repeaters. The bus cable must be laid at a distance of at least 20 cm from other cables. It should be laid in a separate, conductive and earthed cable trunking. It must be ensured that there are no potential differences between the individual stations on the PROFIBUS. Transmission rate in kBit/s

≤ 93.75




Maximum segment length in m





Cable specification cable type A for PROFIBUS-DP Impedance: Cable capacity: Cable diameter Core diameter: Loop resistance: Screening:

135 to 165 Ohm, at a frequency of 3 to 20 MHz. < 30 pF per meter > 0.64mm > 0.34 mm², corresponds to AWG 22 < 110 Ohm per km CU shielding braid or shielding braid and shielding foil

Example: PROFIBUS with one segment

Controls (master)

Bus connection switched on 2-wire cable

Connection board PROFIBUS DP board

Bus connection switched on AUMA MATIC PROFIBUS DP


Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions


Setting of the bus address

The bus address is set on the PROFIBUS-DP board.


Loosen screws (8.1) and remove cover (figure F1). Figure F1: AUMA MATIC PROFIBUS-DP with multi-turn actuator SA 8.1

Only addresses from 0 to 125 may be set.


Set the required address with rotary switches (S2) and (S3) (figure F2).


Switch (S2) for setting the units digit. Switch (S3) for setting the tens digit. Example: The address ‘65’ is set as follows: (S2) on position 5 → (5 * 1 = 5) (S3) on position 6 → (6 * 10 = 60)


Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface


Operation instructions

Commissioning with controls



When commissioning a PROFIBUS-DP network, the stations on the PROFIBUS-DP must be parameterized and configured with the programming software of the controls (PROFIBUS configurator). The programming software first reads the GSD file (GeräteStammDaten = Device database) of the individual actuators. The GSD file contains information about the properties of the device which are needed by the master. The GSD file AUMA2.GSD is supplied with the PROFIBUS-DP actuators. Afterwards the user can configure and parameterize each station on the PROFIBUS-DP. This information is then stored in the controls (DP master) and sent to the actuators (DP slaves) each time communication is started. The control is executed via the process representation input and output bytes. If a configuration with consistent data is chosen, special functional elements for the control of the PROFIBUS-DP slaves must be used with some PLCs.



The parameterization is partly determined in the PROFIBUS standard, e.g. a bit for switching bus monitoring on and off (watchdog). The AUMA PROFIBUS-DP control can additionally receive up to 100 bytes of ‘user parameters’, in which AUMA specific parameters can be set. The AUMA specific parameters are divided into 50 parameters with 2 bytes each per parameter. The first byte is high-order byte. The parameters can be changed via the programming software of the controls. New programming software supports the setting of the parameters via text and menu selection. When using older software the values of the parameters must be entered using hexadecimal numbers. The meaning of the individual AUMA specific parameters is explained in subclause 7.5 .



During configuration it is determined how many input and output bytes for each device are reserved in the memory of controls. Additionally it is determined if the data are processed consistently or non-consistently. Only the number of bytes determined in the configuration is transferred between the DP-master and the DP slave.

The following configurations are possible with AUMA PROFIBUS-DP actuators. Number of input bytes 1 2 2 4 6 6 6 8 12 16

Number of output bytes 1 1 2 4 1 2 4 4 4 8

All these configurations (except for 1 In, 1 Out), can be chosen either as consistent or not consistent

The number of input bytes states how many of the maximum 16 bytes the DP slave sends to the DP master. The number of output bytes states how many of the maximum 8 bytes the DP master sends to the DP slave.


Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions

If, for example, the configuration with 8 bytes input is selected, only the first 8 bytes are sent from the DP slave to the DP-master. In this case the master does not have access to the bytes 9 to 12. In this way the master saves memory space, since it only has to reserve 8 input bytes for the actuator. The data of the AUMA actuators are to be processed consistently by the DP-master. This ensures that the value of a 2 byte variable (electronic position transmitter, customer analogue input) does not change after the read-out of the first byte and does not distort the value. If a master does not offer the possibility to use consistent configurations, a non-consistent configuration can be chosen. The values for the electronic position transmitter and the customer analogue inputs should then be transferred in 1 byte format (0-100%, parameter 2 = 0, parameter 22 = 0, parameter 25 = 0). 7.4

Communication start-up

When the DP master is switched on, it first sends a parameter and configuration telegram to each DP slave. If parameters and configuration are correct, the PROFIBUS-DP actuator assumes the state ‘Data exchange’. The net data between controls and actuator are exchanged. The DP master can control the DP slave and read its current state via the process representation. If communication is interrupted (e.g. through the switching off of the slave or the breaking of the PROFIBUS cable), it is resumed automatically by the DP master when the cause of the fault is eliminated.


Description of AUMA user parameters Parameter 1 “Position transmitter” Default value (standard setting): 1 0: The actuator does not have a position transmitter. 1: The actuator is equipped with a potentiometer without RWG. 2: The actuator is equipped with an RWG 0-20 mA. For this position transmitter, the monitoring of signal interruption is not active. 3: The actuator is equipped with an RWG 4-20 mA. For this position transmitter, the monitoring of signal interruption is active. Parameter 2 “Data code position transmitter” Default value: 0 0: 0 to 100 percent, resolution is 1% The value of the position transmitter is stated in byte 4 of the process representation input. Byte 3 is fixed to value 0. The set point is determined via byte 4 of the process representation output. Byte 3 has to be set to 0. 1: 0 to 1000 per mil, resolution is 0.1% The value of the position transmitter is read with bytes 3 and 4 of the process representation input. The set point is determined via bytes 3 (high byte) and 4 (low byte) of the process representation output. Parameter 3 “Reversing prevention in ms” Default value: 200 lowest value: 100 (0.1s) highest value: 1000 (1 s) Parameter for setting of the pause time in between a change of direction. If necessary, adjust the value to the mechanics to prevent destruction through a change of direction performed too fast.


Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions

Parameter 4 “Redundancy” Default value: 0 0: no cable redundancy (only the first channel is used for communication). 1: cable redundancy switched on (first and second channel cabled) The watchdog must be activated, otherwise the parameter set is rejected by the DP slave. Parameter 5 ”Time for channel changing in 0.1 s" Default value: 50 lowest value: 50 (5 s) highest value: 6000 (10 min) States the time after which the channel is changed if no net data are transmitted (no state ‘Data Exchange’ or DP-Fail-Safe). This parameter is only effective if the cable redundancy (parameter 4) is switched on. Parameter 6 “Safety behaviour” Default value: 0 0: Safety behaviour switched off (parameter 7,8,9 insignificant) 1: Simple safety behaviour switched on. A safety operation will only be started if a connection to the master (net data transmission) was already available. 2: Extended safety behaviour switched on. If extended safety behaviour is switched on, a safety operation can be triggered immediately after the actuator is switched on.

Safety operation on failure of connection (no status Data_Exchange or DP-Fail-Safe). The parameters set in the most recent connection also apply to the safety behaviour after an interruption in the supply voltage. If the parameter is set back to values 1 or 2, the watchdog must to be activated, otherwise the parameter set is rejected by the DP slave. Parameter 7 “Time of initiation safety operation 0.1 s” Default value: 30 lowest value: 0 (actuator reacts immediately) highest value: 12000 (actuator reacts after 20 minutes) Time of initiation for the safety operation in 0.1 s. Indicates the down time of initiation of the net data transmission after which a safety operation will be started. If transmission is restored during this time no safety operation will be performed. Parameter 8 “Safety operation” Default value: 0 0: Actuator remains in its position. 1: Actuator runs CLOSE. 2: Actuator runs OPEN. 3 Actuator runs to the safety position (refer to parameter 9). If no position transmitter is installed (Parameter 1 = 0), value 3 is not permitted. In this case the parameter set is rejected.


Operation instructions

Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Parameter 9 “Safety position in per mil” Default value: 0 lowest value: 0 end position CLOSED highest value: 1000 end position OPEN Actuator runs to the set safety position. This parameter is only effective if parameter 8 (safety operation) is set to value 3 and if parameter 6 (safety behaviour) is not 0. Parameter 10 “Output speed safety operation percentage” Default value: 100 lowest value: 0 (minimum output speed) highest value: 100 (maximum output speed) Running speed with which the safety position will be approached. Only effective in combination with adjustable output speed actuators type AS, ASR, SARV. Only effective if parameter 8 (safety operation) and parameter 6 (safety behaviour) are not set to 0. Detailed descriptions of the parameters 11 to 14 see subclause 10.2 Parameter 11 “Dead time positioner in 0.1 s” Default value: 0 lowest value: 0 (actuator reacts immediately) highest value: 600 (actuator delays reaction by 1 minute max.) Indicates the time which has to be maintained between two motor starts. In case the controls issue a command before that time, the actuator delays reaction until dead time has expired. It must be ensured via the controls that the maximum number of starts of the actuator is not exceeded.

Parameter 12 “Overrun direction OPEN in per mil” Default value: 5 lowest value: 0 (no overrun in direction OPEN) highest value: 100 (10 % overrun in direction OPEN) The motor is switched off as soon as the distance between the actuator position and the nominal position arrives at this value. This is only valid for operations in direction OPEN. This parameter must be smaller than the value in parameter 14 (max.error in per mil). Parameter 13 “Overrun direction CLOSE in per mil” Default value: 5 lowest value: 0 (no overrun in direction CLOSE) highest value: 100 (10 % overrun in direction CLOSE) The motor is switched off as soon as the distance between the actuator position and the nominal position arrives at this value. This is only valid for operations in direction CLOSE. This parameter must be smaller than the value in parameter 14 (max.error in per mil). Parameter 14 “ max. error in per mil” Default value: 10 lowest value: 1 (0.1% error). highest value: 100 (10% error).


Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions

The actuator will only run if the deviation between the nominal position and the actual position is at least equal to this value. Corresponds to the outer dead zone. This parameter must be higher than the value in parameter 12 (overrun in direction OPEN) and parameter 13 (overrun in direction CLOSE). The parameter must be set sufficiently high to ensure a stable function of the positioner. If the value is set too low, the actuator moves continuously within nominal value range, which leads to a reduction of life time of the actuator. Parameter 15 “Proportional operation active” Default value: 0 0: no soft start/ soft stop (proportional operation) 1: soft start/ soft stop (proportional operation)

Parameter 15 - 19 reserved for adjustable output speed actuators type AS, ASR, SARV with motor controls AUMA VARIOMATIC. Soft start/ soft stop is only possible together with adjustable output speed actuators (type AS, ASR and SARV). This parameter has no influence on non-output speed adjustable actuators. Parameter 16 “Proport. range stop in per mil” Default value: 100 lowest value: 0 (soft stop ineffective) highest value: 1000 (soft stop over the whole travel) Proportional range of the nominal position in per mil (soft stop). If the difference between nominal and actual actuator position is smaller than this value the running speed will decrease proportionally to the difference in nominal/ actual position. Through this the nominal position can be approached gently. Only effective if parameter 15 (proportional operation active) and parameter 1 (position transmitter) are not set to 0. Parameter 17 “Stop speed in percent” Default value: 0 lowest value: 0 (actuator moves to nominal position with min. speed) highest value:100 (actuator moves to nominal position with max speed). Running speed with which the nominal position will be approached. Only effective if parameter 15 (proportional operation active) and parameter 1 (position transmitter) are not set to 0. Parameter 18 “Proport. range start in per mil” Default value: 40 lowest value: 0 (soft start ineffective) highest value: 1000 (soft start over the whole travel) Proportional range of the start position in per mil (soft start) If the difference between start position and actual actuator position is smaller than this value the running speed will increase proportionally to the difference in nominal/ actual position. Through this the actuator leaves the start position ‘gently’. Only effective if parameter 15 (proportional operation active) and parameter 1 (position transmitter) are not set to 0.


Operation instructions

Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Parameter 19 “Starting speed in percent” Default value: 50 lowest value: 0 (minimum starting speed) highest value: 100 (maximum starting speed) Running speed with which the start position will be departed. Only effective if parameter 15 (proportional operation active) and parameter 1 (position transmitter) are not set to 0. Parameter 20 “Start analogue 2 in 0.1 mA” Default value: 0 lowest value: 0 (value for sensor with 0-20 mA output) highest value: 150 Current at which the measuring range of input analogue 2 (option) begins. This value must be smaller than the value in parameter 21 (end analogue 2 in 0.1 mA). If the sensor is connected with 4..20 mA to analogue 2, the value must be set to 40. Parameter 21 “End analogue 2 in 0.1 mA” Default value: 200 lowest value: 50 highest value: 200 (Value for sensor with 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA output) Current at which the measuring range of input analogue 2 (option) ends. This value must be higher than the value in parameter 20 (start analogue 2 in 0.1 mA). Parameter 22 “Code analogue 2" Default value: 0 0: 0 to 100 percent 1: 0 to 1000 per mil 2: 0 to 1023 (raw value of analogue-digital converter, not standardised) Parameter 23 “Start analogue 3/4 in 0.1 mA” Default value: 0 lowest value: 0 (value for sensor with 0-20 mA output) highest value: 150 Current at which the measuring range of input analogue 3/4 begins. This value must be smaller than the value in parameter 24 (end analogue 3/4). If the sensor is connected with 4..20 mA to analogue 3/4, the value must be set to 40. Parameter 24 “End analogue 3/4 in 0.1 mA” Default value: 200 lowest value: 50 highest value: 200 (Value for sensor with 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA output) Current at which the measuring range of input analogue 3/4 ends. This value must be higher than the value in parameter 23 (start analogue 3/4).


Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions

Parameter 25 “Code analogue 3/4" Default value: 0 0: 0 to 100 percent 1: 1 to 1000 per mil 2: 0 to 1023 (raw value of analogue-digital converter, not standardised) Stepping mode increases the number of starts of the actuator. It must be ensured that the maximum number of starts are also not exceeded in stepping mode. Parameter 26 “Stepping direction OPEN active”: Default value: 0 0: Stepping mode in direction OPEN switched off 1: Stepping mode in direction OPEN switched on This parameter is only effective if parameter 1 (position transmitter) is not 0. Otherwise the parameter set will be rejected. Parameter 27 “Stepping operating time OPEN in 0.1 s” Default value: 10 lowest value: 1 (Actuator runs 0.1 s per stepping period) highest value: 36000 (Actuator runs 1 hour per stepping period) Stepping operating time direction OPEN in 0.1 s This parameter is only effective if parameter 26 (stepping direction OPEN active) is not 0. Parameter 28 “Stepping pause time OPEN in 0.1 s” Default value: 50 lowest value: 1 (Actuator stationary 0.1 s per stepping period) highest value: 36000 (Actuator stationary 1 hour per stepping period) Stepping pause time direction OPEN in 0.1 s This parameter is only effective if parameter 26 (stepping direction OPEN active) is not 0. Parameter 29 “Stepping start OPEN in per mil” Default value: 0 lowest value: 0 (stepping mode in direction OPEN starts at 0, end position CLOSED) highest value: 999 Start of stepping distance in direction OPEN. Indication of position in per mil This value must be smaller than the value in parameter 30 (stepping end OPEN in per mil). Otherwise the parameter set will be rejected. This parameter is only effective if parameter 26 (stepping direction OPEN active) is not 0. Parameter 30 “Stepping end OPEN in per mil” Default value: 1000 lowest value: 1 highest value: 1000 (Stepping mode in direction OPEN ends at position 1000 end position OPEN) End of stepping distance in direction OPEN. Indication of position in per mil This value must be higher than the value in parameter 29 (stepping start OPEN in per mil). Otherwise the parameter set will be rejected. This parameter is only effective if parameter 26 (stepping direction OPEN active) is not 0.


Operation instructions

Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Parameter 31 “Stepping direction CLOSE active” Default value: 0 0: Stepping mode in direction CLOSE switched off 1: Stepping mode in direction CLOSE switched on This parameter is only effective if parameter 1 (position transmitter) is not 0. Otherwise the parameter set will be rejected. Parameter 32 “Stepping operating time CLOSE in 0.1 s” Default value: 10 lowest value: 1 (Actuator runs 0.1 s per stepping period) highest value: 36000 (Actuator runs 1 hour per stepping period) Operating time for stepping mode in direction CLOSE. Indication in 0.1 seconds. This parameter is only effective if parameter 31 (stepping direction CLOSE active) is not 0. Parameter 33 “Stepping pause time CLOSE in 0.1 s” Default value: 50 lowest value: 1 (Actuator stationary 0.1 s per stepping period) highest value: 36000 (Actuator stationary 1 hour per stepping period) Pause time for stepping mode in direction CLOSE. Indication in 0.1 seconds This parameter is only effective if parameter 31 (stepping direction CLOSE active) is not 0. Otherwise the parameter set will be rejected. Parameter 34 “Stepping start CLOSE in per mil” Default value: 1000 lowest value: 1 highest value: 1000 (Stepping mode in direction CLOSE starts at position 1000, end position OPEN) Start of stepping distance in direction CLOSE. Indication of position in per mil. This value must be higher than the value in parameter 35 (stepping end CLOSE in per mil). Otherwise the parameter set will be rejected. This parameter is only effective if parameter 31 (stepping direction CLOSE active) is not 0. Parameter 35 “Stepping end CLOSE in per mil” Default value: 0 lowest value: 0 (stepping mode in direction CLOSE ends at position 0, end position CLOSED) highest value: 999 End of stepping distance in direction CLOSE. Indication of position in per mil. This value must be higher than the value in parameter 34 (stepping start CLOSE in per mil). This parameter is only effective if parameter 31 (stepping direction CLOSE active) is not 0. Otherwise, the total parameter set will be rejected. Parameters 36 to 50 are spare parameters. They are reserved for extensions. Default value: 0 Value range: 0 to 65535


Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface


Operation instructions

Process representation input Via the process representation input, the master (control) can read the state of the slave (actuator). Process representation input (Default process representation)

Byte 9









Low byte First customer analogue input (Wiring diagram Analogue 2)

Dig Input 0

Dig Input 1

Dig Input 3

Dig Input 2


Sig. int. cust. anal. 2

Sig. int. cust. anal. 1

Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


High byte Second customer analogue input (Wiring diagram Analogue 3/4)



Byte 8: Options


Revs. Prev. / dead time

Proportion. Operation

Step pause

Stepping range entered



Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Byte 11



Local OPEN

Failure 24 V supply

Channel 2 active

Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Byte 10

High byte First customer analogue input (Wiring diagram Analogue 2)

Position transmitter low byte

Byte 7: Physical operation Sig.inter. pos. Transm.

Conn. Fault pos. transm.


No reference operation


Incorrect command

Sel. Sw. not REMOTE





CLEAR state


Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Position transmitter high byte

Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Byte 6: Warning

Byte 5: Fault

Byte 4

Byte 3


Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Byte 2: Actuator switches









Byte1: Logical operation



Low byte Second customer analogue input (Wiring diagram Analogue 3/4)




To ensure that the actuator gives a correct end position signal after power failure in end position CLOSED/OPEN, we recommend to evaluate the information WSR/WOEL (bit 5/4 in byte 2) for the end position signal CLOSED/OPEN.


Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions


Process representation input (Default process representation) Byte 1: Logic run Important signals from the actuator concerning errors, warnings, operations:

Bit Designation

Value Description

Is OPEN 0 Limit seating in end position OPEN


Limit switch in OPEN direction operated.



Is CLOSED Limit seating in end position CLOSED


Limit switch in CLOSE direction operated.




Torque switch and limit switch in direction CLOSE operated.




Nominal value position is within max. error variable (outer dead band). Signal occurs only if PROFIBUS master has set nominal operation bit.



1 Is CLOSED Torque seating in end position CLOSED


3 Not used

4 Runs OPEN

5 Runs CLOSE

Reserved for extensions 1

Run command (OPEN or NOMINAL) from PROFIBUS in direction OPEN is executed. For operation in stepping mode, this signal is also active during an off-time, the dead time and the reversing prevention.


No operation is carried out via the PROFIBUS.


Run command (CLOSE or NOMINAL) from PROFIBUS in direction CLOSE is executed. For operation in stepping mode, this signal is also active during an off-time, the dead time and the reversing prevention.


No operation is carried out via the PROFIBUS.


One or several warnings have been given (at least one bit set in warning-byte)


No warnings are active (all bits cancelled in warning byte).


One or several faults have occurred so that the actuator can no longer be controlled via PROFIBUS (at least one bit set in fault-byte).


No faults are active (all bits cancelled in fault-byte).

6 Warning

7 Faults


Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Byte 2: Actuator switch Basic signals originating from the logic



Operation instructions

Value Description

0 TH STE 1 (power failure)


A thermal fault (motor thermal protection) has occurred.


No thermal fault has occurred.


A power failure has occurred: Phase failure


No power failure has occurred.


Selector sw REMOTE


Selector switch in position REMOTE.


Selector switch not in position REMOTE.


Selector sw. LOCAL


Selector switch in position LOCAL.


Selector switch not in position LOCAL.


Limit switch OPEN left operated.


Limit switch OPEN left not operated.


Limit switch CLOSE right active.


Limit switch CLOSE right not active.


Torque switch OPEN left operated (storing).


Torque switch OPEN left not operated.


Torque switch CLOSE CW operated (storing).


Torque switch CLOSE right not active.





Byte 3: Position transmitter high byte Position of actuator Condition


Parameter 2 (data code from posiValue without effect tion transmitter) = 0 Parameter 2 (data code from posiHigh byte of value 0..1000 tion transmitter) = 1

Byte 4: Position transmitter low byte Position of actuator, complete Condition value or low byte


Parameter 2 (data code from posiRange 0..100 tion transmitter) = 0 Parameter 2 (data code from posiLow byte of value 0..1000 tion transmitter) = 1

Byte 5: Fault (not ready for remote operation if bit 7 of byte 1 is set)

Bit Value Description







Incorrect command: A bit combination was issued which cannot be executed - more than one operation bit (OPEN, CLOSE, NOMINAL) set at the same time, nominal value outside value range 0.. 100 or 0.. 1000 or nominal operation before reference operation.




Selector switch not in position REMOTE.




Thermo fault (motor protection tripped).




Power failure, phase failure: incorrect phase sequence.



Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions





DÖL fault: Unexpected torque in direction OPEN.




DSR-fault: Unexpected torque in direction CLOSE.




Slave is in CLEAR state


Slave is in OPERATE state

Bit 7 is not used (reserved for extensions). Byte 6: Warning (bit 6 of byte 1 set):

Bit Value Description 0







Power failure 24 V power supply




Channel 2 active




Signal interrupted at position transmitter RWG: For recognition the parameter 1 must be set to value 3 (RWG 4-20 mA).




Potentiometer fault: for end position CLOSED highest value is signalised, for end position OPEN lowest value.




Hardware fault: If this bit is set the PROFIBUS board must be checked.




No reference operation: The values of the position transmitter cannot be used as long as the reference operation (end position OPEN, end position CLOSED) has not been performed. A nominal operation is not possible.



Bits 6 and bit 7 are not used (reserved for extensions). Byte 7: Physical operation:

Bit Value Description



Reversing prevention/ dead time warning. The actuator does not start when reversing prevention or dead time is still active. The bit is set if a run command is available which cannot be executed immediately. The bit is cancelled as soon as the actuator starts.


otherwise Proportional section reached (soft start or soft stop) active. Only possible together with adjustable output speed actuators type AS, ASR and SARV with AUMA VARIOMATIC PROFIBUS-DP.






Step pause




Stepping range reached: Position transmitter is within stepping range. Conditions: Position transmitter is provided, stepping mode is active, remote operation performed.




Remote operation via PROFIBUS in direction OPEN (remote operation bit for logic board set and movement of potentiometer detected). Signalling of this bit requires a position transmitter.




Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface




Byte 8: Options Digital inputs and signal interruption at analogue inputs


Operation instructions

Remote operation via PROFIBUS in direction CLOSE (remote operation bit for logic board set and movement of potentiometer detected). Signalling of this bit requires a position transmitter.




Actuator runs locally in direction OPEN (local control or handwheel). Signalling of this bit requires a position transmitter.




Actuator runs locally in direction OPEN (local control or handwheel). Signalling of this bit requires a position transmitter.



Bit Value Description 0







Digital input no. 1 = 1 (switch closed)


Digital input no. 1 = 0 (switch open)


Digital input no. 2 = 1 (switch closed)


Digital input no. 2 = 0 (switch open)


Digital input no. 3 = 1 (switch closed)


Digital input no. 3 = 0 (switch open)


Digital input no. 4 = 1 (switch closed)


Digital input no. 4 = 0 (switch open)


Signal interrupted at analogue input 2 (first free analogue input) i.e. the measured value is more than 0.2 mA lower than the set minimum value.


no signal interruption analogue input 2 detected


Signal interrupted at analogue input 3/4 (second free analogue input) i.e. the measured value is more than 0.2 mA lower than the set minimum value.


no signal interruption analogue input 3/4 detected

Bits 4 and bit 7 are not used (reserved for extensions).

Byte 9: High byte first analogue customer input (wiring diagram designation analogue 2)

Byte 10: Low byte first analogue customer input (wiring diagram designation analogue 2)

Byte 11: High byte second analogue customer input (wiring diagram designation analogue 3/4)

Byte 12: Low byte second analogue customer input (wiring diagram designation analogue 3/4)

Byte 13 to 16: reserved for extensions


Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions


Process representation output Via the process representation output, the master (control) can control the slave (actuator).

Byte 1: Command Remote OPEN

Remote CLOSE


Byte 2

Byte 4

Byte 3


Set point position High byte

Set point position Low byte

Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Byte 5

Byte 6


Byte 8

Byte 7




In order to perform remote operations, the local controls must be set to ‘Remote NOMINAL’. Only one operation bit may be set at any given time. If several operation bits are set at the same time, the actuator stops and signals the fault “wrong command”

Byte 1: Commands Operation bits and digital outputs

Bit Designation

Value Description


Remote OPEN




Do not run OPEN


Remote CLOSE




Do not run CLOSE

Bits 3-7 are reserved for extensions and must be set to 0.


Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions

Byte 2: Nominal output speed: This byte is only effective in combination with adjustable output speed actuators type AS, ASR and SARV. Value range: 0..100: Minimum speed: 0 (actuator runs with min. set output speed) Maximum output speed: 100 (actuator runs with max. set output speed)

Byte 3: Set point (position) high byte Condition


Parameter 2 (data code from posiThis byte must be set to 0. tion transmitter) = 0 Parameter 2 (data code from posi- This byte states the higher value part (High tion transmitter) = 1 byte) of the nominal value.

Byte 4: Set point (position) low byte Condition


Parameter 2 (data code from posiRange 0..100 tion transmitter) = 0 Parameter 2 (data code from posi- This byte states the lower value part (Low tion transmitter) = 1 byte) of the nominal value.

Byte 5 to 8: reserved for extensions, must be set to 0.

10. Description of actuator functions 10.1 Operation commands for OPEN / CLOSE operation Operation commands are determined by operation command bits and the nominal value (setpoint) of the DP process representation input. Only one command bit may be set at any given time. If several command bits are set, no operation is performed and the fault signal ‘incorrect command’ is given. To avoid placing too much strain on the mechanics the actuator is equipped with a (programmable) delay when changing direction (reversing prevention). The following operation command bits are required for OPEN / CLOSE operation: RemoteOPEN RemoteCLOSE Remote operation OPEN / STOP The actuator runs in direction OPEN. RemoteOPEN = 1 The actuator stops. RemoteOPEN = 0 The actuator is switched off automatically when the final position OPEN is reached (limit switch LSO (WÖL) set). Faults (thermal protection, power failure, torque) stop the operation. Remote operation CLOSE / STOP The actuator runs to position CLOSED. RemoteCLOSE = 1 The actuator stops. RemoteCLOSE = 0 The actuator is switched off automatically if the final position CLOSED is reached (limit switch LSC (WSR) for limit seating or LSC (WSR) and TSC (DSR) for torque seating). Faults (thermal protection, power failure, torque) stop the operation.


Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions

Remote operation to nominal position (NOMINAL) / STOP The positioner can only function when the actuator is equipped with a position transmitter, e.g. potentiometer / RWG (option). RemoteNOMINAL = 1 RemoteNOMINAL = 0

The actuator moves to the set nominal value. The actuator stops. The nominal position can be set in % or in ‰. To switch from percent to per mil use parameter 2 (Data code from position transmitter). Faults (thermal protection, power failure, torque) halt the operation via the positioner. With a set point of 0 % or 0 ‰ the actuator runs to the end position CLOSED With a set point of 100 % or 1000 ‰ the actuator runs to the end position OPEN In case the set point is more than 100 % or 1000 ‰ , no operation is performed and the fault signal Incorrect command is given.

The positioner is activated via the bit ‘RemoteNominal’. The positioner is a three-position-controller. Via the ‘NOMINAL’ position in the process representation input, the nominal value of the position is transmitted cyclically to the actuator as nominal variable (cycle time = bus cycle time DP). The positioner integrated in the controls AUMA MATIC provides the position signal for controlling the motor depending on the nominal and actual position value. The feedback signal (actual value of actuator position) is produced internally within the actuator. The position transmitter compares the nominal value of the position set in the controls to the locally measured actual value of the position. If the difference between nominal value and actual value is higher than the max. error (parameter 14), the positioner drives the motor, depending on the error, either in direction OPEN or direction CLOSE. Figure G: Modulating duty: Nominal operation after 50 % Position of actuator OPEN 100 %

50,5 %

Nominal 50 % value 49,5 %

Nominal value reached

Outer dead band

51 %


10.2 Positioner

Max. error =1%

49 % Motor is switched off



Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions

Overrun (inner dead band) The inner dead band determines the switching-off point of the actuator. The tripping point in both directions can be set via the parameters 12 and 13 (page 18), so that the actuator stops as close as possible to the nominal value. Max. error (outer dead band) The outer dead band determines the switching-on point of the actuator. If the error or a change in nominal value is higher than the max. error set with parameter 14 (page 18), the motor is started. The parameter must be set sufficiently high to ensure a stable function of the positioner. If the value is set too low, the number of starts is likely to be too high. Thus, the end of the lifetime of the actuator and valve will be reached sooner. Dead time (t-off)

The dead time prevents the operation to a new nominal position within a pre-determined time. The time can be between 0 and 1 minute and is set in parameter 11. It must be ensured via the controls that the maximum number of starts of the actuator is not exceeded. This can be achieved by setting the parameter 11 to a sufficiently high value.

10.3 Stepping mode

Stepping mode requires a position transmitter (option). The stepping mode slows down the operating time for a part or all of the travel. Setting of operation and pause times The operation and pause times (stepping times) in opening or closing direction are set with the parameters 27 to 33. An individual operation and pause time can be set for each direction. Indication of operation in stepping mode The states of the operation in stepping mode are indicated by the bits 2 and 3 in byte 7 of the process representation output.


Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions

11. Safety function

The safety function permits the start of emergency operations in case of special events, e.g. when communication between the actuator and the master is interrupted. This function is set with the parameters 6 to 10. The safety function can only be set off when the watchdog function is activated in the master. When the actuator is in safety mode, it tries to reach the set safety position by performing an electrical operation. If the actuator is afterwards moved from the safety position (e.g. by manual operation) it independently tries to reach the safety position again when in local control setting ‘Remote’. To prevent a new move to the safety position during manual operation, the selector switch (local controls) must be switched to position ‘LOCAL’ or ‘OFF’ before operating the handwheel.

The following events can trigger the safety mode:


The connection to the master is interrupted. The master goes into Clear state and sends: either or

a) global control telegrams with the content Clear. b) data telegrams of the length 0 (DP fail safe mode).

As soon as the cause for triggering the safety mode is eliminated (connection restored, master in state Operate), the run commands from the master can again be executed.

12. Description of the PROFIBUS-DP board Figure H: PROFIBUS-DP BOARD


X11 AI 3/4




X11 AI 3/4

X10 AI 1






X12 AI 2


S1.2 S1.1

X12 AI 2

1234 X10 AI 1


Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions

12.1 Description of switches S1.1

When using the external analogue input X11 AI 3/4, the switch S1.1 must be in position AI 3.


Switch for setting of the position feedback via position transmitters potentiometer / RWG (option).

S1.2 = V

If the actuator is equipped with a potentiometer without RWG, this switch must be in position ‘V’.

S1.2 = mA

Switch may only be in this position if an RWG is installed in the actuator. If the actuator is equipped with an RWG (0..20 mA or 4..20 mA), this switch must be in position ‘mA’.


Rotary switches for PROFIBUS address setting. With these two switches the address of the actuator in the PROFIBUS-DP network is set. Only addresses from 0 to 125 may be allocated.


Switch for setting the units digit.


Switch for setting the tens digit.


Switch for setting the end position seating in end position CLOSED.(in end position OPEN switching off is always via limit seating). With this switch the PROFIBUS-DP board receives information on which type of seating should be used in end position CLOSED (limit seating or torque seating). The end position seating is set in the factory according to the details given in the order. The setting of the end position seating in end position CLOSED must be the same on the PROFIBUS-DP board (switch S4) and on the logic board (switch S1-2, figure J, page 37 ).


If the switch is in position ‘LIMIT’ (left, no dot visible), the actuator is in limit seating for end position CLOSED.


If the switch is in position ‘TORQUE’ (right, dot visible), the actuator is in torque seating for end position CLOSED. ‘‘DEFAULT’ positions






AI 3

V mA (with potentiometer) (with RWG)



Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions

12.2 Wiring of the inputs and outputs of the PROFIBUS-DP board X7 spare

This plug provides pins for 4 digital inputs. Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6

Description R1: digital input 1 R2: digital input 2 R3: digital input 3 R4: digital input 4 + 24V + 24V

These signals are freely available inputs, which the microcontroller transmits 1:1 into the process representation input (byte 8, bits 0-3). The inputs are internally connected to 0 V (pull down resistors), if they are open. To connect an input to logical one, it must be connected via a switch or a relay to + 24 V (pin 5 or 6). Proposed wiring diagrams (appendix B) for these signals must be observed. The bounce time of the connected switches should not be more than 1 ms.


On this plug the the bus signals and the galvanically isolated voltage supply for the bus termination are connected. Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6

X10 AI 1

Description Channel 1: B wire PROFIBUS Channel 1: A wire PROFIBUS Channel 2: A wire PROFIBUS (redundant channel) Channel 2: B wire PROFIBUS (redundant channel) GND-Float (PROFIBUS Ground) + 5V-Float (PROFIBUS + 5V)

On this plug the signals required for the position transmitter potentiometer / potentiometer with RWG are connected.

Pin 1 2 3 4

Description + 5V for potentiometer AN 1: Analogue signal from position transmitter GND (Systemground) + 24V for RWG


Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

X11 AI 3/4

Operation instructions

Second analogue customer input Via this input a 0/4-20mA sensor for transmitting the measured values through the PROFIBUS can be connected. Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6

Description + 24V GND (Systemground) GND (Systemground) AN 3/4+: Analogue signal 0-20 mA (Plus) AN 3/4-: Analogue signal 0-20 mA (Minus) GND (Systemground)

If the switch S1.1 is on the left side in position AI 3, the pin 5 (AN 4) is connected to GND. Input AN 3 can be used in the same way as AN 2. If the switch is on the right side in position AI 3-AI 4, a differential measurement between AN 3 and AN 4 can be performed.

Please note that a potential-free differential measurement is not possible. There is always a GND connection. The proposed wiring diagrams (appendix B) must be observed.

X12 AI 2

First analogue customer input Via this input an external 0/4-20mA sensor for transmitting the measured values through the PROFIBUS can be connected. Pin 1 2

Description AN 2: Analog Signal (0-20 mA) GND (Systemground)

The inputs AN2, AN3 and AN4 do not have galvanic isolation via opto-isolator. The maximum load of the 24 V through the sensors must not exceed 40mA.


Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions

12.3 Checking / setting of the switches The settings on the logic board are already made in the factory, according to the order details. The logic board is located under the PROFIBUS-DP board. Figure J: Logic board


(AUF) S2-2



S3-2 Switching off in end position OPEN always by limit seating. Switch position has no influence for PROFIBUS DP Position 1: limit seating in end position CLOSED


Position 2: torque seating in end position CLOSED


The setting of the end position seating in end position CLOSED must be the same on the PROFIBUS-DP board (switch S4, figure H, page 33) and on the logic board (switch S1-2).

DIP switch S2-2

Programming (ON = pressed) Direction CLOSE Direction OPEN OFF ON

Self-retaining REMOTE Push-to-run operation REMOTE Self-retaining LOCAL Push-to-run operation LOCAL


1234 56 1234 56 1234 56 1234 56

activated Blinker transmitter


1234 56

included Torque switch tripping (in mid-travel) contained in collective fault signal


1234 56


1234 56 1234 56 1234 56 1234 56

deactivated OFF ON

1234 56

not included OFF ON

1234 56


Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions

13. Trouble shooting and corrective actions 13.1 Optical signals during operation Figure K: PROFIBUS-DP board S1.2 S1.1



X10 AI 1




X11 AI 3/4

X12 AI 2



V8 V7 V6 V5

V1 V2 V3 V4


This LED shows the correct voltage supply to the PROFIBUS DP board. Is continuously illuminated: Power supply available at PROFIBUS-DP board. is blinking: No Eprom used or Eprom defective. Is not illuminated: No voltage at the DP board.



This LED indicates a run command in direction OPEN. Is continuously illuminated: Run command in direction OPEN is being executed. Is not illuminated: No run command in direction OPEN active.



This LED indicates a run command in direction CLOSE. Is continuously illuminated: Run command in direction CLOSE is being executed. Is not illuminated: No run command in direction CLOSE active.

LED ‘LocErr’ (V5)

This LED indicates local faults in the actuator. A fault with higher blinking frequency is more serious than a fault with lower blinking frequency. Blinking once:

TH fault (Thermo fault) actuator has stopped, motor overheating (motor protection).

Blinking twice:

STE fault (electrical fault) phase failure

Blinking 3 times:

DÖL fault (torque switch opening left) Unexpected torque in direction OPEN.

Blinking 4 times:

DSR fault (torque switch closing right) Unexpected torque in direction CLOSE.

Blinking 5 times:

Supply voltage failure (24V) Supply voltage of the PROFIBUS-DP board higher than 30 V or lower than 18 V. Slave is in CLEAR state

Blinking 6 times:


Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions

LED ‘Data Ex’ (V8)

LED ‘State’ (V7)

When LED is illuminated, the PROFIBUS-DP board has entered ‘Data Exchange’ state. Only in this state the actuator can be controlled by the DP master and the state of actuator can be read.

Is illuminated or not illuminated: Blinking once: Blinking twice:

PROFIBUS-DP board is not ready Program on the PROFIBUS-DP board is being executed. Actuator is in safety mode.

Regular blinking of the LED during operation indicates correct operation of the DP board.

LED ‘BusErr’ (V6)

This LED shows bus related faults. A fault with higher blinking frequency is more serious than a fault with lower blinking frequency, continual illumination covers all blinking signals. Is continuously illuminated: Blinking once: Blinking twice: Blinking 3 times:

Invalid address (higher than 125) set. No baudrate on bus. Incorrect parameter data. Incorrect configuration data.


Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions

13.2 Actuator can not be controlled by PROFIBUS-DP

Actuator cannot be controlled via PROFIBUS DP


continuously illuminated

is blinking

is not illuminated

PROFIBUS DP board defective


Exchange PROFIBUS DP board

Voltage supply of PROFIBUS DP board correct



EPROM installed on board?

PROFIBUS DP board not supplied with voltage


Install PROFIBUS DP Eprom


Exchange PROFIBUS DP board

Operation via local controls possible?


Check voltage supply of MATIC Check fuses

Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions

1 Voltage supply of PROFIBUS DP board correct


LED ‘DataEx’ illuminated (V8)?

PROFIBUS DP communication correct


PROFIBUS DP slave not in mode Data Exchange

LED ’Bus Err’ (V6) ?

blinking once

No baud rate found

blinking twice

Incorrect parameter data. Correct parameter in master

- Check master - Check wiring - Check bus connection

blinking three times

continuously illuminated

Incorrect configuration data. Correct configuration in master

not illuminated

Address on slave set > 125

Master only functions on level 2. Does not try to program or configure

Check PROFIBUS DP master



Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions

2 PROFIBUS-DP communication correct

LED ‘State’ (V7) ?

blinking once

blinking twice

Slave is in safety mode 1)

LED ‘LocErr’ (V5) ?

blinking twice

blinking once

is not illuminated

Let motor cool off. Eliminate cause of overheating

DÖL-fault: Torque in direction OPEN

STE-fault: power failure/ overcurrent

Thermo fault: Motor overheating

Check mains connection

blinking four times

blinking three times

Eliminate cause of torque fault

DSR-fault: Torque in direction CLOSE

Eliminate cause of torque fault

PROFIBUS-DP board does not signal fault

Operation via local controls possible?



Check PROFIBUS-DP board Check logic board

LED or illuminated?


Master does not give run command

Check programming of controls

1) see setting of parameters 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 (page 17/18)



Check logic board motor controls motor

blinking five times

Voltage under 18V or over 30V

Check supply voltage. Maybe .exchange power supply unit

blinking six times

Slave is in CLEAR state

Check all other programmed slaves at the PROFIBUS. If necessary, switch off Autoclear function in master.

Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions


13.3 Position feedback does not function Check if the voltage at plug (X10 AI1) on the PROFIBUS-DP board, pin 3 (-) and pin 2 (+) rises linearly when driving to OPEN and falls linearly when driving to CLOSED. The value for position CLOSED should be in the range 0 to 2 V. The value for position OPEN should be in the range 3 to 5 V. The voltage difference between CLOSED and OPEN should be over 3 V. 13.4 Actuator is not switched off by the limit switch in direction CLOSE The actuator is set to torque seating. Set actuator to limit seating: Set switch S4 (see figure H, page 33 ) on the PROFIBUS-DP board to position ‘LIMIT’. Bring switch S1-2 on the logic board (see page 37) to position 1.

. . .

13.5 Actuator stops immediately after start Set switch S2-2 (blinker transmitter) on the logic board to position ‘ON’. 13.6 Measuring of the PROFIBUS signals with an oscilloscope On the PROFIBUS board the signal from PROFIBUS channel 1 on plug (X8 PROFIBUS) pin 1 (A/N) and pin 2 (B/P) can be checked with a digital oscilloscope. The off-load voltage between pin 1 (+) and pin 2 (-) must be positive and in the range between 0.8 V and 1.4 V. Example of a correct PROFIBUS signal:

Example of an incorrect PROFIBUS signal (bus only connected on one side ):


Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

14. Appendix A GSD file

Operation instructions

The GSD file can be downloaded from the Internet: (Products/Actuator controls/Fieldbus interfaces) #Profibus_DP GSD_Revision = 1 ; ; Vendor_Name = “auma Werner Riester GmbH & Co KG” Model_Name = “AUMA MATIC and VARIOMATIC VM” Revision = “DP MATIC and VARIOMATIC” Ident_Number = 0x0732 ; Protocol_Ident = 0 Station_Type =0 FMS_Supp =0 Hardware_Release = “Z023.241" Software_Release = “K100DX, Z025.683/01-01" ; 9.6_supp =1 19.2_supp =1 45.45_supp =1 93.75_supp =1 187.5_supp =1 500_supp =1 1.5M_supp =1 ; MaxTsdr_9.6 = 60 MaxTsdr_19.2 = 60 MaxTsdr_45.45 = 250 MaxTsdr_93.75 = 60 MaxTsdr_187.5 = 60 MaxTsdr_500 = 100 MaxTsdr_1.5M = 150 ; Redundancy =1 Repeater_Ctrl_Sig = 0 24V_Pins =0 Freeze_Mode_Supp = 1 Sync_Mode_Supp = 1 Auto_Baud_supp = 1 Set_Slave_Add_supp = 0 Slave_Family =0 Fail_Safe =1 Implementation_Type= “SPC3" Bitmap_Device = “auma_sa” ; User_Prm_Data_Len = 100 ; User_Prm_Data = \ 0x00, 0x01, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0xC8, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0x32, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0x1E, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0x64, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0x05, \ 0x00, 0x05, \ 0x00, 0x0A, \ 0x00, 0x00, \


Operation instructions

Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

0x00, 0x64, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0x28, \ 0x00, 0x32, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0xC8, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0xC8, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0x0A, \ 0x00, 0x32, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x03, 0xE8, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0x0A, \ 0x00, 0x32, \ 0x03, 0xE8, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0x00, \ 0x00, 0x00 ; ; Min_Slave_Intervall = 1 Modular_Station = 1 Max_Module =1 Max_Input_Len = 20 Max_Output_Len = 12 Max_Data_Len = 32 Max_Diag_Data_Len = 6 ; Module = “1 Byte Input, 1 Byte Output” 0x10, 0x20 EndModule ; Module = “4 Byte In, 4 Byte Out,consistent” 0x93, 0xA3 EndModule ; Module = “8 Byte In, 4 Byte Out,consistent” 0x97, 0xA3 EndModule ; Module = “12 Byte In,4 Byte Out,consistent” 0x9B, 0xA3 EndModule ; Module = “16 Byte In,8 Byte Out,consistent” 0x9F, 0xA7 EndModule ; Module = “16 Byte In, 8 Byte Out” 0x1F, 0x27 EndModule ; ; Here the new configurations start, which only work ; for Eprom version Z025.683/01-01 and later. ; The following configurations DO NOT work ; with the Eprom version K10000x.DX.000!


Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions

; Module = “4 byte in, 4 byte out” 0x13, 0x23 EndModule ; Module = “8 byte in, 4 byte out” 0x17, 0x23 EndModule ; Module = “12 byte in, 4 byte out” 0x1B, 0x23 EndModule ; Module = “2 Byte In, 1 Byte Out,consistent” 0x91, 0x20 EndModule ; Module = “2 byte in, 1 byte out” 0x11, 0x20 EndModule ; Module = “2 Byte In, 2 Byte Out,consistent” 0x91, 0xA1 EndModule ; Module = “2 byte in, 2 byte out” 0x11, 0x21 EndModule ; Module = “6 Byte In, 1 Byte Out,consistent” 0x95, 0x20 EndModule ; Module = “6 byte in, 1 byte out” 0x15, 0x20 EndModule ; Module = “6 Byte In, 2 Byte Out,consistent” 0x95, 0xA1 EndModule ; Module = “6 byte in, 2 byte out” 0x15, 0x21 EndModule ; Module = “6 Byte In, 4 Byte Out,consistent” 0x95, 0xA3 EndModule ; Module = “6 byte in, 4 byte out” 0x15, 0x23 EndModule ; ; ; Prm-Text-Def-List: ; PrmText = 1 Text(0) = “no position transm. available” Text(1) = “potentiometer” Text(2) = “0-20 mA position transmitter” Text(3) = “4-20 mA position transmitter” EndPrmText ; PrmText = 2 Text(0) = “0 to 100 per cent” Text(1) = “0 to 1000 per mil” EndPrmText ; PrmText = 3 Text(0) = “off” Text(1) = “simple safety” Text(2) = “enlarged security” EndPrmText ; PrmText = 4 Text(0) = “No” Text(1) = “Yes” EndPrmText ; PrmText = 5


Operation instructions

Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Text(0) = “actuator stops” Text(1) = “actuator running Close” Text(2) = “actuator running Open” Text(3) = “actuator running to nominal position” EndPrmText ; PrmText = 6 Text(0) = “0 to 100 percent” Text(1) = “0 to 1000 per mil” Text(2) = “0 to 1023 raw value A/D converter” EndPrmText ; ; Ext-User-Prm-Data-Def-List: ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 1 ExtUserPrmData = 1 “position transmitter” Unsigned16 1 0-3 Prm_Text_Ref = 1 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 2 ExtUserPrmData = 2 “data code position transmitter” Unsigned16 0 0-1 Prm_Text_Ref = 2 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 3 ExtUserPrmData = 3 “ reversing prevention in ms” Unsigned16 200 100-1000 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 4 ExtUserPrmData = 4 “redundancy” Unsigned16 0 0-1 Prm_Text_Ref = 4 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 5 ExtUserPrmData = 5 ‘time for channel changing in 0.1 s’: Unsigned16 50 50-6000 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 6 ExtUserPrmData = 6 “safety behaviour” Unsigned16 0 0-2 Prm_Text_Ref = 3 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 7 ExtUserPrmData = 7 “time of initiation safety operation 0.1 s”: Unsigned16 30 0-12000 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 8 ExtUserPrmData = 8 “safety behaviour” Unsigned16 0 0-3 Prm_Text_Ref = 5 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 9 ExtUserPrmData = 9 “safety position in per mil” Unsigned16 0 0-1000 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 10 ExtUserPrmData = 10 “output speed safety operation percentage” Unsigned16 100 0-100


Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 11 ExtUserPrmData = 11 “dead time positioner in 0.1 s”: Unsigned16 0 0-600 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 12 ExtUserPrmData = 12 “overrun dir. OPEN in per mil”: Unsigned16 5 0-99 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 13 ExtUserPrmData = 13 “overrun dir. CLOSE in per mil”: Unsigned16 5 0-99 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 14 ExtUserPrmData = 14 “max. error in per mil” Unsigned16 10 1-100 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 15 ExtUserPrmData = 15 “proportional operation active” Unsigned16 0 0-1 Prm_Text_Ref = 4 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 16 ExtUserPrmData = 16 “proport. range stop in per mil” Unsigned16 100 0-1000 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 17 ExtUserPrmData = 17 “stop speed in percent” Unsigned16 0 0-100 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 18 ExtUserPrmData = 18 “proport. range stop in per mil” Unsigned16 40 0-1000 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 19 ExtUserPrmData = 19 “starting speed in percent” Unsigned16 50 0-100 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 20 ExtUserPrmData = 20 “start analogue 2 in 0.1 mA”: Unsigned16 0 0-150 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 21 ExtUserPrmData = 21 “end analogue 2 in 0.1 mA”: Unsigned16 200 50-200 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 22 ExtUserPrmData = “code analogue 2" Unsigned16 0 0-2 Prm_Text_Ref = 6 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 23 ExtUserPrmData = 23 “start analogue 3/4 in 0.1 mA”: Unsigned16 0 0-150


Operation instructions

Operation instructions

Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 24 ExtUserPrmData = 24 “end analogue 3/4 in 0.1 mA”: Unsigned16 200 50-200 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 25 ExtUserPrmData = “code analogue 3/4" Unsigned16 0 0-2 Prm_Text_Ref = 6 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 26 ExtUserPrmData = 26 ‘stepping direction OPEN active’: Unsigned16 0 0-1 Prm_Text_Ref = 4 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 27 ExtUserPrmData = 27 “step. operat. time OPEN in 0.1 s”: Unsigned16 10 1-36000 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 28 ExtUserPrmData = 28 “stepping pause time OPEN in 0.1 s”: Unsigned16 50 1-36000 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 29 ExtUserPrmData = 29 ‘stepping start OPEN in per mil’ Unsigned16 0 0-999 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 30 ExtUserPrmData = 30 ‘stepping end OPEN in per mil’ Unsigned16 1000 1-1000 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 31 ExtUserPrmData = 31 ‘stepping direction CLOSE active’: Unsigned16 0 0-1 Prm_Text_Ref = 4 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 32 ExtUserPrmData = 32 “stepping operating time CLOSE in 0.1 s”: Unsigned16 10 1-36000 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 33 ExtUserPrmData = 33 “stepping pause time CLOSE in 0.1 s”: Unsigned16 50 1-36000 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 34 ExtUserPrmData = 34 ‘stepping start CLOSE in per mil’ Unsigned16 1000 1-1000 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 35 ExtUserPrmData = 35 ‘stepping end CLOSE in per mil’ Unsigned16 0 0-999 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 36 ExtUserPrmData = 36 “spare parameters”


Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Unsigned16 0 0-65535 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 37 ExtUserPrmData = 37 “spare parameters” Unsigned16 0 0-65535 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 38 ExtUserPrmData = 38 “spare parameters” Unsigned16 0 0-65535 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 39 ExtUserPrmData = 39 “spare parameters” Unsigned16 0 0-65535 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 40 ExtUserPrmData = 40 “spare parameters” Unsigned16 0 0-65535 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 41 ExtUserPrmData = 41 “spare parameters” Unsigned16 0 0-65535 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 42 ExtUserPrmData = 42 “spare parameters” Unsigned16 0 0-65535 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 43 ExtUserPrmData = 43 “spare parameters” Unsigned16 0 0-65535 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 44 ExtUserPrmData = 44 “spare parameters” Unsigned16 0 0-65535 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 45 ExtUserPrmData = 45 “spare parameters” Unsigned16 0 0-65535 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 46 ExtUserPrmData = 46 “spare parameters” Unsigned16 0 0-65535 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 47 ExtUserPrmData = 47 “spare parameters” Unsigned16 0 0-65535 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 48 ExtUserPrmData = 48 “spare parameters” Unsigned16 0 0-65535 EndExtUserPrmData ; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 49 ExtUserPrmData = 49 “spare parameters” Unsigned16 0 0-65535 EndExtUserPrmData


Operation instructions

Operation instructions

Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

; ; User_Prm_Data_Definition 50 ExtUserPrmData = 50 “spare parameters” Unsigned16 0 0-65535 EndExtUserPrmData ; Max_User_Prm_Data_Len = 100 ; Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(0) = 1 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(2) = 2 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(4) = 3 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(6) = 4 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(8) = 5 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(10) = 6 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(12) = 7 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(14) = 8 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(16) = 9 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(18) = 10 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(20) = 11 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(22) = 12 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(24) = 13 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(26) = 14 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(28) = 15 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(30) = 16 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(32) = 17 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(34) = 18 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(36) = 19 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(38) = 20 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(40) = 21 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(42) = 22 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(44) = 23 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(46) = 24 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(48) = 25 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(50) = 26 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(52) = 27 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(54) = 28 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(56) = 29 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(58) = 30 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(60) = 31 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(62) = 32 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(64) = 33 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(66) = 34 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(68) = 35 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(70) = 36 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(72) = 37 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(74) = 38 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(76) = 39 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(78) = 40 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(80) = 41 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(82) = 42 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(84) = 43 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(86) = 44 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(88) = 45 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(90) = 46 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(92) = 47 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(94) = 48 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(96) = 49 Ext_User_Prm_Data_Ref(98) = 50


Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions

15. Appendix B Proposed wiring diagrams Digital and analogue inputs are options. The two customer analogue connections (AI 3/4 und AI 2) as well as the four digital customer inputs (Dig 1 ... 4) are only provided (wired) by the factory if explicitly ordered. The 5th digit of the MSP number (refer to name plate) indicates if the analogue connections are available. th If the 5 digit is a ‘0’, no external connections are available. th If the 5 digit is a ‘L’ the connections are provided.

Connection of external sensors, 2-wire technology


Operation instructions

Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Connection of external sensors, 3-wire technology


Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Connection of external sensors, 4-wire technology


Operation instructions

Operation instructions

Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

16. Appendix C Wiring diagram Standard wiring diagram AUMA MATIC PROFIBUS-DP


Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions

16.1 Legend for wiring diagram AUMA MATIC PROFIBUS-DP S1


Torque switch, closing, clockwise rotation



Torque switch, opening, counter-clockwise rotation



Limit switch, closing, clockwise rotation



Limit switch, opening, counter-clockwise rotationf





Thermoswitch (motor protection)




A 1.8



Logic board


Power supply board

A 13

Bus connection board

A 20

Signal and control board

F 1, F 2

Primary fuses for power supply unit

F 3, F 4

Secondary fuses


Indication lights end position CLOSED


Indication lights end position OPEN


Indication light FAULT

K 1, K 2

Reversing contactors

K 3, K4

Control relay for reversing contactors

S 11

Selector switch LOCAL - OFF - REMOTE

S 12.1 S 12.2 S 12.3

Push-button OPEN Push-button STOP Push-button CLOSE

16.2 Additional information to the wiring diagram legend Information B:

Local controls

Information F:

Power supply board

Information H:


17. Appendix D Literature references 1. As an introduction to PROFIBUS-DP: Manfred Popp: PROFIBUS-DP, Grundlagen, Tips und Tricks für Anwender. Hüthig Verlag, ISBN 3-7785-2676-6 2. Guidelines for the electrician Installation guide PROFIBUS-DP/FMS order no. 2.111 Available from: PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation Haid-und-Neu-Str.7 D - 76131 Karlsruhe Tel. +49 721 / 96 58 590 Tel +49 721 / 96 58 589 Http:/


Operation instructions

Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

18. Appendix E PNO certificate


Electric multi-turn and part-turn actuators in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions

Index A Actuator functions


B Basic functions 6 Basic signals 26 Blinker transmitter 37 Bus access 6,7 Bus address 15 Bus cable 13 Bus connection 9,13 Bus connection on Ex-version 10 C Cable capacity Cable diameter Collective fault signal Commissioning Electrical commissioning Commissioning with controls Communication Configuration Connection board Connection diagram Core diameter D Dead band Dead time Description of switches Description of the PROFIBUS DP board Design AUMA MATIC PROFIBUS DP

32 32 34 33 8

E Electrical connection End position seating Error

4,9 34 25

F Fault Functionality

26 6

G GSD file


I Impedance Inputs and outputs Intermediate position

14 35 7

L Legend Limit switching Literature references Loop resistance

56 9 56 14

Information also available on the Internet:


14 14 37 4 9 16 6 16 10 10 14

M Mains connection Maintenance Measuring of the PROFIBUS signals Motor connection N Nominal output speed O Operating time Operation bits and digital outputs Overrun

9 4 43 10,11,12 30 32 29 32

P Parameterization 16 Parameters 17 Code 21 Data code 17 Dead time positioner 19 End analogue 21 Max. error 19 Output speed safety operation 19 Overrun direction CLOSE 19 Overrun direction OPEN 19 Position transmitter 17 Proport. range start 20 Proport. range stop 20 Proportional operation active 20 Redundancy 18 Reversing prevention 17 Safety behaviour 18 Safety operation 18 Safety position 19 Start analogue 21 Starting speed 21 Stepping 22 Stop speed 20 Time for channel changing 18 Time of initiation safety operation 18 PNO certificate 57 Position transmitter 26,30,31 Positioner 31 Process representation 7,24,29 Programming 16 Proposed wiring diagrams 52 Protection functions 6 Push-to run operation 37

R Redundancy Remote operation

18 29

S Safety function Screening Self-retaining Setpoint Signals Soft start Soft stop Station types Stepping mode Switch Switching off Switching-off point

33 14 37 17,30 25,38 20 20 6,7 22,32 33 30,34,37 32

T Technical data Termination resistors Torque switching Transfer mode Transport and storage Trouble shooting and corrective actions W Warnings Wiring diagram

Wiring diagram, GSD file, inspection records and further actuator information can be dowloaded directly from the Internet by entering the order no. or COMM. NO. (refer to name plate). Our homepage:

7 8,10 9 6 5 38 27 55

Electric multi- turn and part-turn actuator in version AUMA MATIC and PROFIBUS-DP interface

Operation instructions Deutschland / Germany


Werner Riester GmbH & Co. KG Werk Müllheim Postfach 1362 79373 Müllheim Tel +49 7631 809 0 Fax +49 7631 809 250 E-Mail [email protected]


Werner Riester GmbH & Co. KG Werk Ostfildern-Nellingen Postfach 1151 73747 Ostfildern Tel +49 711 34803 - 0 Fax +49 711 34803 - 34 E-Mail [email protected]


Werner Riester GmbH & Co. KG Service-Center Magdeburg Am Stadtberg 1 39167 Niederndodeleben Tel +49 39204 759 - 0 Fax +49 39204 759 - 19 E-Mail [email protected]


Werner Riester GmbH & Co. KG Service-Center Köln Toyota-Allee 44 50858 Köln Tel +49 2234 20379 - 00 Fax +49 2234 20379 - 99 E-Mail [email protected]


Werner Riester GmbH & Co. KG Service-Center Bayern Robert-Bosch-Strasse 14 85748 Garching-Hochbrück Tel +49 89 329885 - 0 Fax +49 89 329885 - 18 E-Mail [email protected]



Werner Riester GmbH & Co. KG Büro Nord, Bereich Schiffbau Tempowerkring 1 21079 Hamburg Tel +49 40 791 40285 Fax +49 40 791 40286 E-Mail [email protected] Werner Riester GmbH & Co. KG Büro Nord, Bereich Industrie Krelingen 150 29664 Walsrode Tel +49 5167 504 Fax +49 5167 565 E-Mail [email protected]


Werner Riester GmbH & Co. KG Büro Ost Am Stadtberg 1 39167 Niederndodeleben Tel +49 39204 75980 Fax +49 39204 75989 E-Mail [email protected]


Werner Riester GmbH & Co. KG Büro West Rathausplatz 7 45549 Sprockhövel Tel +49 2339 9212 - 0 Fax +49 2339 9212 - 15 E-Mail [email protected]


Werner Riester GmbH & Co. KG Büro Süd-West Mozartstraße 4 69488 Birkenau Tel +49 6201 373149 Fax +49 6201 373150 E-Mail [email protected]



Werner Riester GmbH & Co. KG Büro Württemberg Postfach 1151 73747 Ostfildern Tel +49 711 34803 80 Fax +49 711 34803 81 E-Mail [email protected] Werner Riester GmbH & Co. KG Büro Baden Postfach 1362 79373 Müllheim Tel +49 7631 809-193 Fax +49 7631 809-294 E-Mail [email protected]


Werner Riester GmbH & Co. KG Büro Kraftwerke Postfach 1362 79373 Müllheim Tel +49 7631 809 - 192 Fax +49 7631 809 - 294 E-Mail [email protected]


Werner Riester GmbH & Co. KG Büro Bayern Kagerberg 12 93356 Teugn/Niederbayern Tel +49 9405 9410 24 Fax +49 9405 9410 25 E-Mail [email protected]

Europa / Europe AT





AUMA Armaturenantriebe GmbH Handelsstraße 14 2512 Tribuswinkel Tel +43 2252 82540 Fax +43 2252 8254050 E-Mail [email protected] AUMA (Schweiz) AG Chörrenmattstrasse 43 8965 Berlikon Tel +41 566 400945 Fax +41 566 400948 E-Mail [email protected] AUMA Servopohony spol. s.r.o. Kazanská 121 10200 Praha 10 Tel +420 272 700056 Fax +420 272 704125 E-Mail [email protected] OY AUMATOR AB PI 21 / Hyljekuja 5 02271 Espoo 27 Tel +35 895 84022 Fax +35 895 8402300 E-Mail [email protected]
















AUMA ITALIANA S.r.l. Via Don Luigi Sturzo, 29 20020 Lainate Milano Tel +39 0 2 9317911 Fax +39 0 2 9374387 E-Mail [email protected] AUMA BENELUX B.V. Le Pooleweg 9 2314 XT Leiden Tel +31 71 581 40 40 Fax +31 71 581 40 49 E-Mail [email protected] AUMA Polska Sp. zo. o. UI. Legionów Polskich 17 41-310 Dabrowa Górnicza Tel +48 32 26156 68 Fax +48 32 26148 23 E-Mail [email protected] AUMA Priwody OOO 12, 3-y Pavlovsky Pereulok 113093 Moscow Tel +7 503 234 42 53 Fax +7 503 234 42 53 E-Mail [email protected]

GRØNBECH & SØNNER A/S Scandiagade 25 2450 Copenhagen SV Tel +45 3326 6300 Fax +45 3326 6301 E-Mail [email protected] IBEROPLAN S.A. Marques de Hoyos, 10 28027 Madrid Tel +34 91 3717130 Fax +34 91 7427126 E-Mail [email protected] D. G. Bellos & Co. O.E. 86, Konstantinoupoleos St. 13671 Acharnai Athens Tel +30 10 2409485 Fax +30 10 2409486 E-Mail [email protected] SIGURD SØRUM A. S. Postboks 85 Jongsasveien 3 1301 Sandvika Tel +47 67572600 Fax +47 67572610 E-Mail [email protected]

INDUSTRA 5° Centro Empresarial Sintra-Estoril Bloco A3, Estrada de Albarraque Linhó 2710-297 Sintra Tel +351 2 1910 95 00 Fax +351 2 1910 95 99 E-Mail [email protected]

MEGA Endüstri Kontrol Sistemieri Tic. Ltd. Sti. Cetin Emec Bulvari 6.CAD 78.SK. 17/18 06460 Övecler Ankara Tel +90 312 4780813 Fax +90 312 4780831 E-Mail [email protected]


AUMA ACTUATORS INC. 4 Zesta Drive PA 15 205 Pittsburgh Tel +1 412 7871340 Fax +1 412 7871223 E-Mail [email protected] TROY-ONTOR Inc. 230 Bayview Drive, Unit 1 A L4N 5E9 Barrie Ontario Tel +1 705 721-8246 Fax +1 705 721-5851 E-Mail [email protected] IESS DE MEXICO S. A. de C. V. Av. cuitlahuac 1422, Col. Aguilera, Delegacion Atzco. C.P. 02900 Mexico D.F. Tel +52 555 61 701 Fax +52 535 63 337 E-Mail [email protected]





Südamerika / South America









AUMA Chile Respresentative Office Avenida Larrin 6642, Of. 304 La Reina Santiago de Chile Tel +56 22 77 71 51 Fax +56 22 77 84 78 E-Mail [email protected] LOOP S. A. Piedras 1930 C1140ABP Buenos Aires Tel +54 11 4307 2141 Fax +54 11 4307 8612 E-Mail [email protected] Asvotec Termoindustrial Ltda. Rod. Cônego Cyriaco S. Pires, km 01 13190-000 Monte Mor/ SP. Tel +55 19 3879 8735 Fax +55 19 3879 8738 E-Mail [email protected] Ferrostaal de Colombia Ltda. Apartado Aereo 7384 Avenida Eldorado No. 97-03 Bogotá D.C. Tel +57 1 4 011 300 Fax +57 1 4 131 806 E-Mail [email protected] PROCONTIC Procesos y Control Automático Av. 10 de Agosto N57-47 y José Borrero. Piso 2 Quito Tel +593 2 281 0315 Fax +593 2 241 9482 E-Mail [email protected] Multi-Valve Latin America S. A. Amador Merino Reyna 496, OF 301 San Isidro Lima 27 Tel +511 222 1313 Fax +511 222 1880 E-Mail [email protected] PASSCO Inc. P.O. Box 36 41 53 00936-4153 San Juan Tel +18 09 78 77 20 87 85 Fax +18 09 78 77 31 72 77 E-Mail [email protected] Suplibarca Centro Comercial Carmen, Avenia La Limpia Local 1-2 # 85-39 Maracaibo Edo, Zulia Tel +58 261 7 555 667 Fax +58 261 7 532 259 E-Mail [email protected]

Afrika / Africa ZA

AUMA South Africa (Pty) Ltd. P.O. Box 1283 1560 Springs Tel +27 11 3632880 Fax +27 11 8185248 E-Mail [email protected]

A.T.E.C. 5, Road No. 101 Maadi Cairo Tel +20 2 3599680 - 3590861 Fax +20 2 3586621 E-Mail [email protected]

Asien / Asia

Nordamerika / North America

AUMA France Z.A.C. Les Châtaigniers III 95157 Taverny Cédex Tel +33 1 39327272 Fax +33 1 39321755 E-Mail [email protected]

AUMA ACTUATORS Ltd. Britannia Way Clevedon North Somerset BS21 6QH Tel +44 1275 871141 Fax +44 1275 875492 E-Mail [email protected]

ERICHS ARMATUR AB Box 9144 Travbanegatan 8 20039 Malmö Tel +46 40 311550 Fax +46 40 945515 E-Mail [email protected]





AUMA (India) Ltd. Plot No. 39-B, II Phase Peenya Industrial Area 560 058 Bangalore Tel +91 80 8394655 Fax +91 80 8392809 E-Mail [email protected] AUMA JAPAN Co., Ltd. 1-15-17 kyoumachi, Kawasaki-ku 210-0848 Kawasaki-city Kanagawa Pref. Tel +81 44 329 1061&1062 Fax +81 44 329 1063 E-Mail [email protected] AUMA ACTUATORS (Singapore) Pte Ltd. 32, Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park 2 #01 - 02, Sing Industrial Complex 569510 Singapore Tel +65 6 4818750 Fax +65 6 4818269 E-Mail [email protected] AUMA Middle East Representative Office P.O. Box 26675 Sharjah Tel +971 6 5746250 Fax +971 6 5746251 E-Mail [email protected] AUMA Beijing Representative Office Room 202, Yuanchenxin Building, 12 Yumin Road, Madian Chaoyang District 100029 Beijing Tel +86 10 8225 3933 Fax +86 10 8225 2496 E-Mail [email protected]

PERFECT CONTROLS Ltd. Suite 202, Block 1, Hofai Commercial Centre 218 Sai Lau Kok Road Tsuen Wan, Kowloon Tel +852 24163726 Fax +852 24163763 E-Mail [email protected] DONG WOO Valve Control Co., Ltd. P.O. Box 4 24-2, Youi Do-Dong, Yeong Deung Po-Ku 150-010 Seoul Korea Tel +82 27 61 62 33 Fax +82 27 61 12 78 E-Mail [email protected] AL-ARFAJ Eng. Company W. L. L. P.O. Box 391 22004 Salmiyah Tel +965 4817448 Fax +965 4817442 E-Mail [email protected]


BEHZAD Trading P.O. Box 1123 Rayyan Road Doha Tel +974 4433 236 Fax +974 4433 237 E-Mail [email protected]


Sunny Valves and Intertrade Corp. Ltd. 232/13 Yen-A-Kart Soi 2 10120 Yannawa Bangkok Tel +66 2 2400656 Fax +66 2 2401095 E-Mail [email protected]


Top Advance Enterprises Ltd. 2nd Fl., No. 32, Lane 308, Section 3, Ho-Ping East Road Taipei Tel +886 2 27333530 Fax +886 2 27365526 E-Mail [email protected]

Australien / Australia


BARRON GJM Pty. Ltd. P.O. Box 792 78 Dickson Avenue NSW 1570 Artarmon Tel +61 294361088 Fax +61 294393413 E-Mail [email protected]


Multi-turn actuators SA 07.1 – SA 16.1 / SA 25.1 – SA 48.1 Torques from 10 to 32 000 Nm Output speeds from 4 to 180 rpm

Multi-turn actuators SA/SAR with controls AUMATIC Torques from 10 to 1 000 Nm Output speeds from 4 to 180 rpm

Part-turn actuators SG 05.1 – SG 12.1 Torques from 100 to 1 200 Nm Operating times for 90° from 4 to 180 s

Multi-turn actuators SA with linear thrust units LE Thrusts from 4 kN to 217 kN Strokes up to 500 mm Linear speeds from 20 to 360 mm/min

Part-turn actuators AS 6 – AS 50 Torques from 25 to 500 Nm Operating times for 90° from 4 to 90 s

Bevel gearboxes GK 10.2 – GK 40.2 Torques up to 16 000 Nm

Spur gearboxes GST 10.1 – GST 40.1 Torques up to 16 000 Nm

Worm gearboxes GS 50.3 – GS 125.3 GS 160 – GS 500 Torques up to 360 000 N

Worm gearbox with base and lever GF 50.3 – GF 125.3 GF 160 – GF 250 Torques up to 32 000 Nm

WERNER RIESTER GmbH & Co. KG Armaturen- und Maschinenantriebe P. O. Box 1362 D - 79373 Müllheim Tel +49 (0)7631/809-0 Fax +49 (0)7631/809 250 E-Mail [email protected]

WERNER RIESTER GmbH & Co. KG Armaturen- und Maschinenantriebe P. O. Box 1151 D - 73747 Ostfildern Tel +49 (0)711 / 34803 0 Fax +49 (0)711 / 34803 34 E-Mail [email protected]


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