August 6, Editorial

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 440
  • Pages: 1
Let us honor Cory’s storied life with a new story to be told Former President Corazon “Cory” Aquino is finally laid to rest accompanied by the throngs of supporters and admirers. People came from all corners of the country to pay their final respects for the person who gallantly led the nation in attaining freedom from iron clutches of the mighty dictator Ferdinand Marcos. Whoever had doubts regarding the freedom icon’s popularity and mass support should know by now how Cory’s deeds still live in the memories of those who witnessed its miraculous unfolding and how it has been told and retold to the younger generations in an effort to enlighten them of the country’s shining moment that thrust it to global consciousness. Cory may be physically gone, but her legacy lives on in the hearts of those people whose lives she touched and inspired. Her story will forever be in the pages of world history to inspire others. There will be no one like her, but, hopefully, the inspiration that she continues to bring to the people will help them aspire for better things in life and resolve to do what it takes to pursue them. The positive gains of the Cory-led people power revolution have dwindled through the years. Corruption has once again become shamelessly rampant and abuses against those who have less in life have escalated. Who will now lead the people in their quest for reforms? There is no more Cory, no more Ninoy and no more Cardinal Sin. It is now time for the new blood of this present generation to search amongst them who shall lead this country in its never ending quest for justice, political reforms, and equality among different social classes. While it is easier to just sit back, relax, and wait for the anointed one to emerge, we must remind ourselves that this is not a movie wherein there is a designated hero and a designated villain. There are leaders within us. Let us listen to that inner voice that tirelessly tells us what the right path is. Let us have the courage to pursue what is right for all of us. It was heartwarming to hear people honor Cory with stories of her good deeds to go with praises thrown her way. But would it not be much better— much sweeter—if we honor her by living out a life that she wished and worked hard for us. In 1986, we were one, and we succeeded. Let us unite once again to restore our lost pride—then, and only then, can we truly say we honored her the best way we can.

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