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  • Words: 1,164
  • Pages: 2
ffi Th- b' yl"{ormer Editor,/Writer

R. McWhorter

COUNCIL CLEANS HOASE Council voted to remove the cify secretary for rolack of a special confidence' at meeting held July 18, 2006. This comes the after termination of Animal Control Officer Delores Ifuight and the resignation of Alderman Nightingale. I believe this shows the residents that council is set on cleaning up our city. Ttre regular council meeting held on August 8, was opened with the pledge of allegiance lead by Alderman McWhorter. There were concerns f,nom citizens to the discussion for the removal of the boat dock, which was proposed by Alderman Sparks, stating liabilify and safety issues. Marlyn Hawkins reminded Sparks that the citizens donated funds to pay for the boat dock and it should be up to the citizens to remove it. Other discussions were on the Beach Park, A lease has been signed for the land and liability coverage has been secured, but nothing else. A resident presented the mayor and council with a petition asking for the resignation of Alderman Tolbert as mayor pro fem. It stated that the citizens do not feel that Tolbert has the knowledge or qualification as a newly elected official, to run the cify in the mayor's atrsence. The petition was in e rrrrrcfira


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McWhorter for mayor pro tem. Our fellow residentowho has studied the city's ordinances, made several mentions of problems that exist with the wording in many of the ordinances. Council understands there are problems they will and issues these as soon as address possible. Council approved utility clerk, Diane [Iester as the city's interim cify secrefary, and the court clerk was promoted to full time. PLE.A,SE NOTE: The city office hours will change, effeetive August 28. The new hours arel 8:00a.m--5:00p.m-, Monday-Friday. A night deposit drop box is located to the right of the city oflice door for after hour payments. The discussion for animal control has been placed on hold until a new contract can be discussed. A meeting is scheduled for Wednesdayo August 16, 11:00 a.m. at cify hall with the North Texas Animal Control Authoritv. POLICE REPORT Chief Frankum has been very busy defending his department resulting from an article in the Azle News. Support has come from many residents and Alderman's Reed and McWhorter who responded to the article. AII residents should let our officers know yCIu$upport them.

know about g our citg" Date August I 1, 2006

The department made 2l misdemeanor arrest and 4 felonies. With the start oI' school, more citations will surely be written. Three reserre offlcers have left the department. Chance Whittington, Troy Wydra (Ollicer D) and Andy Drichsweiler. We will miss them and wish them luck. The department will accept applications to fill these positions. If you are qualified in law enforcement and have a clean record, pick up an application at city hall and it to the pnlice return department. A former Bay officer has returned, Jason Jarvis was npproved by council after Jarvis passed the review board for the department. OFFICES MOWNG police The department office will be moving to the opposite end of the city building. Plans are in effect to relocate the department into the space normally held by the city oflice personnel. Office personnel will move into the mayor's office space and the mayor's office will be relocating into the police department. This allows the police officers to be in close contact with oflice personnel and court clerk" Donations will be accepted for the remodeling process. (Ex; paint, carpeto floor tiles, Iichfinm




All commentsare strictly thoseof the writer and not intendedto influenceandrcr. Ifyou would like to commentca{cerning your city, reply to BAY INFORMER, PO Box 709. Aile, TX 76098. lnclude your name& phonenumber,if verificdion is needed.The BAY INFORMER is written and published by R. McWhorter.


2SthAnniversarv (Jndate The committee has applied with Wal-Mart for a "Bonus" grant of $11000.00 to help off set the cost of promoting the event. It has been a slow start so far with receiving donations. fu first committee meetins will be held on Mondav. August l4'" at Citv Hall at 6:30 p.m. All those interested in helping are invited to attend. Refreshments will be served. Shelia Helton has donated 2 hours to perform a western music show. Other bands or forms of entertainment are needed. "Booth" spacewill be available for a small fee. We welcome individuals, groups or businessesto come and sell their goods. Donations are also needed for raflles and drawings. All interested parties should contact Warren O'Donley or Renee McWhorter through city hall by calling 817-444-1234" UNAME THE PARK' By makinga donationof $500.00 or more,your nameor business will be entered into a drawing. lf selected,you will have the privilege of naming the playground. **The deadline to enter your donatinn is Sept 15. **All proceeds will beneJit a playground for the children. **

FTRE DEPARTMENT Guest speaker, Cindy Polman, from the Boy Scouts of America Explorer Program, informed council and residents of the benefits that this program can do for the cityosyouths and surrounding are&'s youths. Certified instructors will train these young adults with the skills and knowledge of firefighting and emergency awareness.Plus giving them the opportunify to become productive adults. The program known as the Junior Firefighters will be dissolved and replaced with the Explorers Program. A presentation is scheduledfor August 18, 1l:00 a.m. at City Hall. All those interested are invited to attend. The program is open to boys and girls, ages 14 and up. The department welcomes a new volunteer, Christina Cortes. An application has been submitted to Wal-Marts for a (Safe Neighbor Heron' grant in the amount of $ The grant is for fire and police departments on a finst come, first serve basis. The department hopes to receive this grant. A boot drive is planned for Saturday, Aug 12thto benefit the anniversary celebration. PLEASE DONATE!!!!

Reports from Paul Stetzel seemto get more interesting with every meeting.He has donean excellentjob thus far in correcting files with the fire agencies. The new fire department corporation paperwork hasbeenfiled and the department is movingforward. Mutual aid agreementsare being consideredwith our neighboring fire departments.And moral within the department is getting better. Mr. Stetzelhas asked council to investigatean agencycalledFire Inc. Seemsresidentsmay have beenbilled for emergencies, fire or EMS serwices. If you or someoneyoa know has receiveda bill or has had a claimJiled againstyour homeownersinsurancefrom FIRE INC, pleasecontact City Hall with copiesof any and all claimforms, billsn noticesor payment receipts, Notefrom the Editar, Our city is going through many changes, und as office perconnel, the mayor and council sort through the mounds of paperwork and get our city back on track, they ask that yoa be patient snd to be assured thut our cily is still going strong and getting better all the time. "They may knock us down, but not onL" The city has survived 25 yearc, and it will be herefor many more yeilrs to conte. God Bless you all. RMc

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