w o Sh
K to 2nd Grade
Noah was obedient and obeyed what God told him. He obeyed even thought what God told him to do seemed crazy. Think about the craziest thing anyone has ever asked you to do. Did you do it? Did it turn out to be a good thing or a bad thing? Draw a picture of you doing something crazy that would make God happy.
Honor: honesty, fairness, or integrity in one's beliefs and actions: high respect
Grow Pray Study
t I w o n K Noah built an ark to take care of his family and keep them safe. Draw a picture of What makes you feel safe?
Find a parent or another adult in your home to read the following story of Noah. You can find it in Genesis 7;1-15 then talk about these three questions:
Draw a picture of your family doing something they love to do together!
Have you ever failed to obey your parents? Why? What happened?
Memory Verse: “I will be your father, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” 2 Corinthians 6:18