w o Sh
When someone gives us something we should always be sure and thank them. The Bible was a wonderful gift that God gave us. Write or draw a thank you to God for this amazing gift.
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105
GPS K to 2nd grade
Grow Pray Study
t I w o n K In our Sunday school lesson we learned that the Bible is a treasure. A treasure is defined as any thing greatly valued or highly prized. The Bible is a treasure God gave to each of us. Talk with your family members about the idea that the Bible is a treasure and a gift from God. Ask your family to share how they feel about the following questions. •
How can you take the treasure that was given to you and use it?
Draw a picture of something that you treasure. Cool Bible Facts:
Knowing that the Bible is a treasure, how can you share that treasure with others?
The Bible is separated into two parts: The Old Testament and The New Testament.
SCRIPTURE READING: Psalm 119:105 This week have an adult read the scripture with you and talk about this question. How is the Bible like a lamp or a light?
The Bible has 1189 chapters. The longest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 119. The shortest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 117.
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