Athletes Should Be Paid.docx

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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 557
  • Pages: 2
But as profits from college sports continue to surge each year, diminishing the gap between elite college athletics and the pros, a growing number of student advocates argue that college athletes, many of whom practice upwards of 60 hours a week and often accumulate debt even with their scholarships, deserve a share of the profits. It’s their talent, after all, that brings in the billions. Advocates argue that the NCAA is exploiting college athletes by profiting from their skill and celebrity status and not giving them even a small slice of the pie. And, they argue, there is little protection for college athletes who get injured “on the job” and risk losing their scholarships, which are mostly allotted only on a yearly basis..

The judge ruled that athletes in top men’s football and basketball programs can receive a small share of licensing revenues, which they can collect at the end of their college sports careers.

Sports can be very dangerous, what happens if someone breaks a bone or gets a concussion? How will they pay the hospital bill? Colleges make millions of dollars on sports games, and how much of that do the players receive? Not a single penny. The players are the ones who are bringing in the money. They are the ones who attract the crowds. College athletes spend about 50 hours a week practicing, playing games, and working harder than ever without receiving a paycheck. Who are the ones shedding blood, sweat, and tears on the field? Who are the ones putting their heart and dedication into the game? Who are the ones practicing for hours, even days at a time? The players. But who receives the paychecks? The coaches. 845 billion. That is the amount the collages made off of sports games last year. Zero. That is how much the players made. Think about it. The colleges are using the players. The players are fooled into thinking that they are getting the better half of the bargain by “letting” them come to the college for free. But they end up working for the college for free. No money received for their backbreaking work. This is completely unfair. The players deserve to be paid.

They 100% need to be Compensated

Those who disagree to this argument are not opening their eyes to whats really going on. College Athletes on average spend 43 hours a week on sports, while the average working man or woman works a 40 hour week, and they are paid for it. So we are expecting Kids between 18-22 years old to Go To Class, Go to Practices before and after Classes, Study and Do Homework, and Have a Job, that is absolutely ridiculous.Give these young man and women a hand, to free them up to take advantage of their paid for education. Which brings up the point that they are paid in their Educations that value between 100 to 280 thousand dollars worth, that's plenty for them right? Wrong! There are sometimes very unfortunate

cases with this education that they get. Examples where coaches are having essays, tests, and homework done for them are prevolent, which deprives the kid of the education they should be getting. Instead of student athletes, they are simply athletes, so why not pay them if you are going to treat them as only Athletes. Thankyou

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