Assessment In Instruction (rubrics).docx

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  • Pages: 29
INTRODUCTION The Ministry of Education Malaysia governs all matters that are related to education ranging from pre-school to higher-level education. The Ministry of Education aims to provide all Malaysian citizens with equal access to quality education that forms highly-skilled, knowledgeable, and united Malaysians. The Ministry of Education in Malaysia had proposed a new National Education Blueprint back in October 2011 and is still implemented till today. This blueprint took duration of 15 month to be completed, starting from October 2011 to December 2012. The Ministry has collaborated with many sources of input including education experts, local universities, principals, parents, students and other public members from Malaysia. Globally, 21st century learning has been the main concern in education where by skills, knowledge and expertise should be mastered in order to succeed in work and life in the 21st century. The government proposed aspiration of students to ensure and outline the qualities that an individual should possess for the holistic development. It is intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. 21st century skills and learning’s from other high performing systems are also taken specific skill and attributes that students would need to thrive in this globalized world. Six key attributes needed by every students to be globally competitive: 


Thinking skills

Leadership skill

Bilingual proficiency

Ethics and spirituality

National identity


According to Susan M. Brookhart (2013) through a book How To Use And Create Rubrics For Formative Assessment And Grading. The word rubric comes from the Latin word for red. The online Merriam-Webster dictionary lists the first meaning of rubric as "an authoritative rule" and the fourth meaning as "a guide listing specific criteria for grading or scoring academic papers, projects, or tests." A rubric is a coherent set of criteria for students' work that includes descriptions of levels of performance quality on the criteria. Like any other evaluation tool, rubrics are useful for certain purposes and not for others. The main purpose of rubrics is to assess performances. For some performances, you observe the student in the process of doing something, like using an electric drill or discussing an issue. The criteria and performance-level descriptions in rubrics help students understand what the desired performance is and what it looks like. Effective rubrics show students how they will know to what extent their performance passes muster on each criterion of importance, and if used formatively can also show students what their next steps should be to enhance the quality of their performance.


CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES This planner is made specifically for year 6 students of SRII Al Hanna, Shah Alam which is located in Selangor. The activities focus mainly on two aspirations which are “creative and innovative thinking” ,”leadership skills” and “national identity”. Month January

Activity DIY Project

Description 1. Focused aspiration 

Creative and innovative thinking, leadership skills and national identity.

2. Type of activity 

Group activity

3. Activity: 

During Art Day (every Friday) students are divided into groups and will do an activity where they need to construct a photo frame using conventional items given by the teacher. The photo must be fit into photo frame.


Choir Concert (NEGARAKU)

1. Focused aspiration: 

Creative and innovative thinking, leadership skills and national identity.

2. Type of activity 

Group activity

3. Activity 

Student will participate in a 10 minutes choir performance that reflects cultural diversity in Malaysia.


Public Speaking ‘I LOVE MALAYSIA’

1. Focused Aspiration 

National identity

2. Type of activity 

Individual activity

3. Activity 

Students need to participate in a public speaking


competition that carries the theme of sense of belonging to the country. April

Essay Writing “Multicultural Society”

1. Focused aspiration 

Creative and innovative thinking and national identity.

2. Type of activity 

Individual activity

3. Activity 

Essay writing is important to impress student’s talents and to encourage their patriotism to Malaysia.


Reflection on Movie “Leftenan Adnan”

1. Focused aspiration 

National identity

2. Type of activity 

Group activity

3. Activity 

Student will watch a movie entitled ‘Leftenan Adnan’. Students will get in groups and make a reflection regarding the movie.


Syarahan / Pidato Making

1. Focused aspiration 

Creative and innovative thinking

2. Type of activity 

Individual activity

3. Activity 

Syarahan / pidato making is important to impressed student’s talents being creative and innovative and to enhance their confident level.


Song Making

1. Focused aspiration 

National identity

2. Type of activity 

Group activity

3. Activity


Students will create a song that includes facts about Malaysia and perform it in front of their classmates


Drama Performance

1. Focused aspiration 

Creative and innovative thinking and national identity

2. Type of activity 

Group activity

3. Activity 

Student will participate in a 20 minutes drama performance that reflects cultural diversity in Malaysia.


Poster Making

1. Focused aspiration 

National identity

2. Type of activity 

Group activity

3. Activity 

Students are divided into groups and will make a poster that touches on the topic of diversity within the Malaysian community.


Poem Making

1. Focused aspiration 

National identity and creative and innovative thinking

2. Type of activity 

Individual activity

3. Activity 

Students will create a patriotic poem that includes literary devices and perform it in front of their classmates.


DIY PROJECT Task Description: During Art Day (every Friday) students are divided into groups and will do an activity where they need to construct a photo frame using conventional items given by the teacher. The photo must be fit into photo frame.

Student’s Name : Criteria 5 Excellent Completion Picture frame is & complete and Accuracy meets the specifications of original design with the addition of an artistic augmentation. Quality Cuts are smooth and/or straight. Stable. Meets fit and function requirements. Student has taken great care with his or her finishing operations to make the product quality outstanding. Planning Student is able and to use Problem classroom Solving instruction, peer resource, and technical documentation to manufacture products independently. Process log is complete and

4 good Picture frame is complete and meets the specifications of original design.

Date Presented : 3 2 Fair Poor Picture frame Picture frame is is almost not complete complete and/or is and/or is close nothing like the to the original specifications design. of the original design.

Cuts are smooth and/or straight. Stable. Meets fit and function requirements.

Picture frame is generally well done with only a few small quality defects. Picture frame meets fit and function requirements.

Picture frame has significant quality defects impacting aesthetic and/or fit and function requirements.

Student manufactures product with little teacher intervention using effective planning, problem solving, and teamwork skills. Student

Student has needed a considerable amount of teacher intervention to complete project. Student usually completes a daily process

Student is unable to work in the shop without process-byprocess set-up, instruction, and encouragement. Student rarely completes a daily process log.




Work Habits

completes a daily process log. Student has Student gone above and demonstrates beyond to safe work ensure the practices, classroom behaviors, remains a safe and good and comfortable housekeeping place to work. at all times.


Student usually demonstrates safe work practices, behaviors, and good housekeeping.

Students has not demonstrated safe work practices, behaviors, and/or good housekeeping. TOTAL PERCENTAGE


CHOIR CONCERT ‘NEGARAKU’ Task Descriptions: Students will participate in a 15 minutes choir performance that reflects cultural diversity in Malaysia. Student’s Name : Criteria Prepared



5 Excellent Student demonstrates that he/she is prepared for the performance. Student participates regularly in class and receives a proficient score on all singing quizzes for this concert

4 Good Student has a basic understanding of the material to be performed; but fails to demonstrate that he/she is prepared sufficiently for the concert. Student may also receive less than proficient on singing quizzes for this concert Student is on Student is not time for call and on time; and/or is ready to is not receive further "performance instruction from ready" to the director receive prior to the instruction performance. prior to the Student is on performance time and in place for all stage direction during the performance Student appears Student professional; appears to be wearing the unprofessional; appropriate and may be performance missing a

Date Presented : 3 Fair Student fails to demonstrate preparedness for the material to be performed at this concert. Student fails to show consistent participation in class, and may not have obtained a proficient score on singing quizzes for this concert

2 Poor Student shows no evidence of being prepared for the concert


Student fails to Student fails to be present on be present for time for call, the concert and he/she may fail to appear on time for any stage direction given during the performance

Student fails to report wearing the appropriate performance attire, or he/she

Student fails to participate in the concert



Effort & Collaboration

Concert Reflection

attire. The student conducts him/herself in a professional manner during the performance. Student demonstrates appropriate audience behavior during their peers' performances Student actively engages in the performance; showing appropriate and expressive gestures during the performance. (Choreography, Stage Direction, and Facial Expressions)

Student works well with others while performing, creating a positive performance environment. Student puts forth effort to work well with others, making the performance successful Student writes in complete

portion of his/her performance attire. Student may fail to demonstrate appropriate audience behavior while their peers were performing

conducts him/herself in an unprofessional manner during the performance and/or while others are performing

Student occasionally engages in the performance; showing limited expressive gestures during the performance. (Choreography, Stage Direction, and Facial Expressions) Student occasionally works well with others, and may not put forth consistent effort to making the performance a success

Student fails to engage in performance, "going through the motions." Student lacks expressive gestures during the performance. (Choreography, Stage Direction, and Facial Expressions)

Student fails to present him/herself at the concert

Student shows little effort, and does not work well with his/her peers to make the performance successful

Student fails to show effort and/or collaboration with peers

Student is absent when

Student fails to Assignment address all areas not submitted 9

sentences, addressing all areas of the "Concert Reflection" worksheet. Students also participate and engage in classroom discussion

the video of the concert is shown to the class. Student is unable to complete the assignment when it is due, but schedules a time to makeup the assignment

of the Concert Reflection worksheet. Significant areas are not discussed. Student also fails to answer in Complete Sentences



PUBLIC SPEAKING ‘I LOVE MALAYSIA’ Task Description : Students will participate in a public speaking competition that carries the theme of sense of belonging to the country. Student’s Name : Criteria Introduction



Eye Contact

Use of Language

5 Excellent (1) Gets attention (2) Clearly identifies topic (3) Establishes credibility (4) Previews the main points Main points are clear, well supported, and sources are documented

(1) Reviews main points (2) Brings closure (3) Memorable Eye contact with audience virtually all the time (except for brief glances at notes) Use of language contributes to effectiveness of the speech, and vocalized pauses not distracting

4 Good Meets any three of the four criteria

Date Presented : 3 2 Fair Poor Meets any two Meets only one of the four of the four criteria criteria

Main points are somewhat clear, some support, and some documentation Reviews main points , brings closure

Main points need clarity and support lack of sources and documentation

Main points are not clear and have no support and no sources or documentation

Brings closure

Does not bring closure; the audience is left hanging

Eye contact with audience less than 80% of the time

Eye contact with audience less than 75% of the time

Little or no eye contact

Use of language does not have negative impact, and vocalized pauses not distracting

Use of language causes potential confusion, and/or vocalized pauses are distracting

Use of language is inappropriate



Body language


Visual Aids


Body language, gestures, and facial expressions adds greatly to the message

Body language, gestures, and facial expressions compliment message

Body language, facial expressions and gestures lack variety and spontaneity Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Speaks clearly and distinctly and distinctly and distinctly all the time nearly all the most of the with no time with no time with no mispronounced more than one more than two words mispronounced mispronounced word words Topic is Topic is clear Topic lacks specific, appropriate clarity appropriate and and focus and somewhat needs adapting adapted adapted to audience Visual aids Minor Significant chosen well problems with problems with and presented visual aids visual aids Within allotted Within 10% of Within 20% of time allotted time allotted time

Body language, gestures, and facial expressions are lacking or inappropriate Often mumbles or cannot be understood with more than three mispronounced words No specific purpose-inappropriate for audience or occasion No visual aids

Not within 20% of allotted time TOTAL PERCENTAGE


ESSAY WRITING ‘MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY’ Task Description : Students will narrate a formal essay on ‘Multicultural Society’ individually in English. Student’s Name : Criteria

5 Excellent Presents ideas in an original manner Strong and organized beg/mid/end

4 Good Presents ideas in an consistent manner Organized beg/mid/end


Writing shows strong understanding

Writing shows clear understanding

Word Choice

Sophisticated use of nouns and verbs make essay very informative Sentence structure enhances meaning; flows throughout piece Few (if any) errors



Sentence Structure


Date Presented : 3 2 Fair Poor Ideas are too Ideas are vague general or unclear Some organization; attempt at a beg/mid/end Writing shows adequate understanding

No organization; lack beg/mid/end Writing shows little understanding

Nouns and verbs make essay informative

Needs more nouns and verbs

Little or no use of nouns and verbs

Sentence structure is evident; sentences mostly flow

Sentence structure is limited; sentences need to flow

No sense of sentence structure or flow

Few errors

Several errors


Numerous errors TOTAL PERCENTAGE


REFLECTION ON MOVIE “LEFTENAN ADNAN” Task Description : Student will watch a movie entitled ‘Leftenan Adnan’. Students will get in groups and make a reflection regarding the movie. Student’s Name : Criteria Depth of Reflection

Required Components

Date Presented : 3 2 Score Fair Poor Response Response demonstrates a demonstrates a minimal lack of reflection on, reflection on, and or personalization personalization of, the of, the theories, theories, concepts, concepts, and/or and/or strategies strategies presented in presented in the course the course materials to materials to date. date. Viewpoints Viewpoints and and interpretations interpretations are missing, are inappropriate, unsupported or and/or supported with unsupported. flawed Examples, arguments. when Examples, applicable, are when not provided applicable, are not provided or are irrelevant to the assignment Response includes Response includes Response is Response all components and all components and missing some excludes meets or exceeds meets all components essential all requirements requirements and/or does not components indicated in the indicated in the fully meet the and/or does not instructions. Each instructions. Each requirements address the question or part of question or part of indicated in the requirements 5 Excellent Response demonstrates an in-depth reflection on, and personalization of, the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented in the course materials to date. Viewpoints and interpretations are insightful and well supported. Clear, detailed examples are provided, as applicable

4 Good Response demonstrates a general reflection on, and personalization of, the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented in the course materials to date. Viewpoints and interpretations are supported. Appropriate examples are provided, as applicable


the assignment is addressed thoroughly. All attachments and/or additional documents are included, as required


Evidence and Practice

the assignment is addressed. All attachments and/or additional documents are included, as required

instructions. Some questions or parts of the assignment are not addressed. Some attachments and additional documents, if required, are missing or unsuitable for the purpose of the assignment Writing is clear, Writing is mostly Writing is concise, and well clear, concise, and unclear and/or organized with well organized disorganized. excellent with good Thoughts are sentence/paragraph sentence/paragraph not expressed construction. construction. in a logical Thoughts are Thoughts are manner. There expressed in a expressed in a are more than coherent and coherent and five spelling, logical manner. logical manner. grammar, or There are no more There are no more syntax errors than three spelling, than five spelling, per page of grammar, or grammar, or syntax writing syntax errors per errors per page of page of writing writing Response shows Response shows Response strong evidence of evidence of shows little synthesis of ideas synthesis of ideas evidence of presented and presented and synthesis of insights gained insights gained ideas presented throughout the throughout the and insights entire course. The entire course. The gained implications of implications of throughout the these insights for these insights for entire course. the respondent's the respondent's Few overall teaching overall teaching implications of practice are practice are these insights thoroughly presented, as for the detailed, as applicable respondent's applicable overall teaching

indicated in the instructions. Many parts of the assignment are addressed minimally, inadequately, and/or not at all

Writing is unclear and disorganized. Thoughts ramble and make little sense. There are numerous spelling, grammar, or syntax errors throughout the response

Response shows no evidence of synthesis of ideas presented and insights gained throughout the entire course. No implications for the respondent's overall teaching practice are 15

practice are presented, as applicable

presented, as applicable TOTAL PERCENTAGE


SYARAHAN / PIDATO MAKING Task description : Syarahan / pidato making is important to express student’s talents in being creative and innovative and to enhance their confident level. Student’s Name :

Date Presented : 3 2 Criteria Fair Poor Communicating Understandable Very difficult Meaning to a degree by to understand language for anyone teachers Fluency Pauses are Pauses are frequent, but frequent, not excessively lengthy and long. unnatural. Sympathetic Even a listeners would sympathetic not likely grow listener may impatient. grow Malay fillers impatient. may be used, Malay fillers but not not used. consistently. Cultural Content of talk Most of the Much of the Content of talk Appropriateness is very content is content is not would not be appropriate for appropriate for appropriate for appropriate for all cultures all cultures all cultures all cultures Vocabulary Use Uses a wide Uses a range of Uses a limited Uses a very range of vocabulary, but range of limited range vocabulary with a few vocabulary and of vocabulary with high inaccuracies has noticeable and has many levels of inaccuracies in inaccuracies accuracy vocabulary use that inhibit communication Grammatical Makes few Makes some Makes Makes Accuracy grammatical grammatical grammatical grammatical errors. Errors errors, but errors errors often, seldom, if ever, these errors are regularly. inhibiting inhibit usually not Errors communication communication major obstacles sometime of meaning to inhibit greatly. communication communication of meaning Pronunciation Makes few or Makes some Makes errors Makes many 5 Excellent Understandable by any native speaker of Malay Few unnatural pauses. Pauses filled with appropriate fillers. Pauses don’t inhibit flow of speech

4 Good Understandable by a sympathetic native speaker Some unnatural pauses, but pauses usually are not long. Pauses generally do not inhibit flow of speech much.



no pronunciation errors. Sounds rather native like Presentation

Very cohesive speech with well-connected ideas and natural flow

Effectiveness of Interesting and Presentation engaging

Speech level is appropriate for level/years studied

pronunciation errors, but errors don’t inhibit understanding of meaning Somewhat cohesive speech with ideas mostly well connected and fairly natural flow Interesting but not particularly engaging

regularly, and sometimes it’s difficult to understand meaning because of this Speech lacks in cohesiveness. Ideas frequently are not connected well. Speech lacks natural flow at times Somewhat interesting

errors, to the point that it is often difficult to discern meaning Speech not at all cohesive. Ideas not wellconnected. Does not flow well at all

Mundane topic; predictable, uninteresting Uses polite Level is mostly Frequent use of Many language and appropriate, language that is memorized verbs at a level with occasional too formal or phrases that are expected for use of language too informal overly formal, the language that is too old fashioned, learner’s length formal or too and may not of study informal have originated with the student. Student does not appear to understand speech content TOTAL PERCENTAGE


SONG MAKING Task Description : Students will create a song that includes facts about Malaysia and perform it in front of their classmates. Student’s Name : Criteria Factual information





5 Excellent More than five separate facts are included in the song All facts are accurate

4 Good Five separate facts are included in the song

Date Presented : 3 2 Fair Poor Five facts are Fewer than included in five facts are the song included in the song

Facts are accurate with no more than one minor errors

Facts are accurate with no more than two minor errors


The song contains at least one major error or three minor errors All Information is Information is Information is information is well well poorly well organized organized organized organized in a with no more with no more with more logical order than one than two than three minor errors errors errors The message The message The message The message to the viewers to the viewer to the viewer is unclear or is clear and is clear. The is clear. Most impossible for strong. It listeners listeners the listener to would have would would have follow been easy understood understood the message The musician The musician The musician The musician presented the presented the presented the did not song in a song in a song with a communicate clear voice. clear voice. clear voice. clearly. Little He/she made Some eye Little eye eye contact consistent eye contact was contact was was made contact with made with the made with the with the the audience. audience. audience. audience TOTAL PERCENTAGE


DRAMA PERFORMANCE Task Description : Student will participate in a 20 minutes drama performance that reflects cultural diversity in Malaysia. Student’s Name : Criteria Tension and Emotion


5 Excellent Tension is motivated and constant throughout – both characters’ objectives and needs are fully played in the scene. Emotion is believable and matches the character, play and style

All lines are correct, fluid and display a command of the scene

Characterization Strong choices are made to create character fully Movement and Specific Blocking choices are made as to how and when to move based on the

4 Good Tension is not always motivated or consistent throughout – some of the characters’ objectives and needs are played in the scene. Emotion is somewhat believable and sometimes matches one of the three (character, play and style) Some choppiness and some lack of fluidity, needs more rehearsal Character is not constant and/or choices were not strong Some choices are made as to how and when to move but some unmotivated

Date Presented : 3 2 Fair Poor Tension is not Tension is consistent at missing – all– characters’ characters’ objectives and objectives needs are not and needs are fully played in missing in the the scene. scene. Emotion is not Emotion is motivated and missing does not match character, play or style

Scene is choppy, many line errors, needs much more rehearsal

Scene is not memorized

Limited characterization breaking of character during the scene Movement is choppy and feels unmotivated overall and/or does not relate

Character is not present


Very little movement and/or movement that does not relate to the 20

Diction, Projection and Vocal Variety

Tempo and Rhythm

Focus and Give and Take

characters needs and style of the scene Scene is easy to understand and hear. All words are clear and loud enough to hear with good vocal variety Tempo and rhythm are appropriate and the scene has a logical build Performance is very focused all the time. Actors are giving and taking throughout

movement as well

to the character or the style of the scene at all

Most of the scene is easy to understand but needs more work on two or more of the following (vocal variety, projection or diction) Tempo and rhythm are good, but no clear build

Trouble hearing and understanding the scene from anywhere beyond the front of the theatre and/or scene lacks any vocal variety Tempo is too fast or too slow and there is no build

Performance is focused some of the time. Actors are giving and taking some of the time

Performance is focused a small percentage of the time. Actors are not giving and taking

character or the style of the scene at all Scene cannot be heard or understood and is monotone

Tempo is so fast or so slow that it distracts from the scene Performance is not focused at all. There is no give and take between actors



POSTER MAKING Task Description : Students are divided into groups and will make a poster that touches on the topic of diversity within the Malaysian community. Student’s Name : Criteria Illustrates Theme:

Content ‐ Accuracy

Labels and Graphic Clarity

Content ‐ Originality

5 Excellent Thorough, detailed illustration of theme and many detailed examples given At least three accurate facts about voting displayed on the poster

4 Good Somewhat detailed illustration of theme and few if any examples given Two accurate facts about voting are displayed on the poster All labels and Almost all graphics can labels and be read from graphics can at least three be read feet away from at least three feet away The text and graphics used on the poster reflect an exceptional degree of student creativity in their creation and/or display

One or two elements of text and graphics used on the poster reflect student creativity in their creation and/or display

3 Fair Lacking detailed illustration of theme, lacking detailed examples At least one accurate voting fact is displayed on the poster

Some labels and graphics can be read from at least three feet away The text and graphics are made by the student, but are based on the designs or ideas of others

Date Presented : 2 Poor Little to no illustration of theme and little or no examples given There are no voting facts included on this poster


Labels and graphics are too small to view

No original text or graphics made by the student are included


Graphics ‐ Relevance

All graphics are related to the topic and most make it easier to understand. All borrowed graphics have a source citation Spelling/Grammar There are no There is one spelling or spelling grammatical or mistakes on grammatical the poster mistake on the poster Mechanics Capitalization There is one and error in punctuation capitalization are correct or throughout punctuation the poster


All graphics are related to the topic and make it easier to understand. All borrowed graphics have a source citation

The poster is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. The overall organization and use of color and space make the poster interesting

The poster is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. Color and space use is good but a little disorganized

All graphics relate to the topic. Most borrowed graphics have a source citation

Graphics do not relate to the topic OR several borrowed graphics do not have a source citation

There are two spelling or grammatical errors on the poster

There are more than two spelling to grammatical mistakes There are There are two more errors in than two capitalization errors or in punctuation capitalization or punctuation The poster is The poster is acceptably distractingly attractive messy or though it very may be a bit poorly messy designed. It is not attractive



POEM MAKING Task Description : Students will create a patriotic poem that includes literary devices and perform it in front of their classmates. Student’s Name : Criteria Word Choice

Grammar and Spelling

Adding Personality (voice)

Literary Devices

5 Excellent Writer uses vivid words and phrases that paint a picture in the reader’s mind. Every word is in the perfect place If mistakes in grammar and spelling are made it is clear that they were made on purpose to advance the poem. Other wise- no mistakes were made The writer seems to be writing from experience. The ideas are fresh and new

4 Good Writer uses great words and phrases that sometimes paint a picture in the reader’s mind

Date Presented : 3 2 Fair Poor Writer uses Writer uses an words that immature and lack in variety limited and it is vocabulary sometimes that is not at dull and grade level boring

Writer makes 1-2 mistakes in spelling and grammar

Writer makes 3-4 mistakes in spelling or grammar

Writer makes 5 or more mistakes in spelling or grammar and/or the project is presented in pencil

The writer may be writing from experience, but there is some lack of ownership. It does not always sound fresh and new

The writing does not “belong” to the writer. It is boring, dull, or seems rushed

The writer uses 3 or more literary devices and

The writer uses 3 or more literary devices. They

The writer uses less than 3 literary devices. The

The ideas and the way they are expressed seem to belong to someone else. There seems to be little effort shown and/or it is presented in pencil The writer does little to attempt identifying




they are clearly and correctly labeled and identified

attempt to label and identify them, but some mistakes were made

20 or more lines

18-20 lines

attempt to label and identify them is incorrect, no obvious or rushed 15-17 lines

literary devices or did not include any literary devices within their poetry Less than 15 lines






Choir Concert (NEGARAKU)



Public Speaking “ I LOVE MALAYSIA”

Essay Writing ‘Multicultural Society’

CRITERIA Completion & Accuracy Quality Planning and Problem Solving Work habits Prepared Punctual Professionalism Presentation Effort & Collaboration Concert Reflection Introduction Body Conclusion Eye Contact Use of Language Body Language Clarity Topic is specific, follows assignment Adapted to audience Visual Aids Time Ideas Organization Understanding Work Choice Sentence Structure Mechanics




/5 /5

/5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5

/5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5






Reflection on Movie “Leftenan Adnan”

Syarahan / Pidato Making

Song Making

Drama Performance

Depth of Reflection Required Components Structure Evidence and Practice Communicating Meaning Fluency Cultural Appropriateness Vocabulary Use Grammatical Accuracy Pronunciation Presentation Effectiveness of Presentation Speech level is appropriate for level/years studied Factual Information Accuracy Organization Message Presentation Tension and Emotion Memorization Characterization Movement and Blocking Diction, Projection and Vocal Variety Tempo and Rhythm Focus and Give and Take

/5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5

/5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5

/5 /5




Poster Making

Poem Making

Illustrates Theme: Content ‐ Accuracy Labels and Graphic Clarity Content ‐ Originality Graphics ‐ Relevance Spelling/Grammar Mechanics Attractiveness Word Choice Grammar and Spelling Adding Personality (voice) Literary Devices Length

/5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5



REFERENCES Allen, D and Tanner, K (2006) Rubrics: Tools for Making Learning Goals and Evaluation. Andrade, H. L., Du, Y., & Mycek, K. (2010). Rubric-referenced self-assessment and middle school students' writing. Assessment in Education, 17(2), 199–214. Arter, J. A., & Chappuis, J. (2006). Creating and recognizing quality rubrics. Boston: Pearson. Criteria Explicit for Both Teachers and Learners, CBE-Life Sciences Education Vol. 5, 197-203, Retrieved 23/7/09 from Barron, Keller, Use of rubrics in online assessment (2005) Evaluations and Assessment Conference, 24-25 November, 2003 / 14p., The University of South Australia Moskal, Barbara M. (2000). Scoring rubrics: what, when and how?. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 7(3). Retrieved July 23, 2009 from

Muirhead, B. (2002). "Effective Online Assessment Strategies for Today's Colleges & Universities." in B Muirhead (2005) A Distance Education Reader: Insights for Teachers and Students ISSN 1550-6908 Retrieved from


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