Ashley Sullivan Traditional Multimedia Lesson Plan Ch. 8: Data Analysis

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 450
  • Pages: 3
Ashley Sullivan Traditional Multimedia Lesson Plan Ch. 8: Data Analysis

Typically this lesson is taught this way: Objectives

Students will be able to: 7.S.2 Display data in a circle graph 7.S.4 Calculate the range for a given set of data 7.S.6 Read and interpret data represented graphically (bar graph, histogram, line graph, double line/bar graphs, or circle graph.) 7.S.7 Identify and explain misleading statistics and graphs

Plan • • • • • •

Students receive guided notes on “Making Data Displays” Guided notes include: various sets of data where students need to decide which is the best way to display the data. (completed together as a class) Students then graph this data on their paper (circle graph/bar graph/ line graph) Teacher graphs the same data on the Smart Board Students try a few examples independently Teacher then reviews the correct results to these examples on a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and graph which had been previously created.

Traditional Multimedia Materials: • •

Smart Board Microsoft Excel

Ashley Sullivan 2.0 Cloud Technology Lesson Plan Ch. 8: Data Analysis

I would now teach the lesson this way: Objectives

Students will be able to: 7.S.2 Display data in a circle graph 7.S.4 Calculate the range for a given set of data 7.S.6 Read and interpret data represented graphically (bar graph, histogram, line graph, double line/bar graphs, or circle graph.) 7.S.7 Identify and explain misleading statistics and graphs

NETS-S Standards:

1.d Model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments. 3.b Collaborate with students, peers using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation 3.c Communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats

Plan • • • • • • • • • •

Students sign into “google apps ” and take a survey Students then analyze the data/results created from survey responses Students are assigned partners and editing responsibilities are established Specific editing checklists are provided based on types of graph being reviewed Students graph data individually on “google apps” Students share graphs with their partners virtually, for editing Students edit partners graph and notify the “creator” Students review the editing work and then share with the rest of the class Students then review other graphs from the class Students fill out a form (in survey format) which includes a variety of questions requiring them to read/interpret data and identify/explain why any of the graphs may be misleading

2.0 Cloud Technology: •

Google docs: complete 2 surveys ("form"), create graphs ("spreadsheet")

Note: I need to find out if “igoogle” is blocked for students and if so, ask permission for my students to use.

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