Data Analysis Lesson Plan

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 3
Brianna Bloom Lesson Plan Mathematics: Data Analysis Introduction • Lesson topic: Normal distribution and introduction to z-scores • Length of lesson: approximately 50 - 60 minutes • VA Standards of Learning:  AFDA.7: The student will analyze the normal distribution. Key concepts include: a) Characteristics of normally distributed data b) Percentiles c) Normalizing data using z-scores d) Area under the standard normal curve and probability Learning Objectives Students will… • Review previous vocabulary and formulas for mean, variance and standard deviations • Understand how mean, variance and standard deviations affect z-scores • Calculate z-scores for data • Compare data using z-scores Materials • • • • •

Normal Distribution Warm Up Set Z-Score PowerPoint 2008 Quarterback Salary Data Activity Instructions 2008 Quarterback Salary Data Worksheet Homework Activity

Teaching and Learning Sequence • Introduction/Anticipatory Set  When students arrive to class, they will complete a brief (5 minute) warm-up exercise asking them to recall the definition and formula for mean, variance and standard deviation.  After 5 minutes, the teacher will ask for volunteers to write their answers on the board, and have a short class discussion. • Lesson Development  The teacher will introduce the lesson relating how the terms in the warm up apply.  The first part of the PowerPoint will be gone over with the class to introduce the students to the z-score and what it means.  Students will be given time to ask questions, and receive clarification on any terms or ideas presented.  The teacher will work two z-score problems with the class, and then have the students do one problem on their own with teacher follow up.

Brianna Bloom Lesson Plan The teacher will walk around the room while students are working their own problem to provide any assistance that is needed.  The teacher will present the answer to the student solved problem, and ask if students have any questions over the material.  Questions will be answered and material re-taught if necessary.  In the next phase of the lesson, students will be introduced to the NFL Quarterback Salaries activity. • The teacher will hand out both the 2008 Quarterback Salary activity instructions and worksheet to the students, and go over the instructions with the class. • The second half of the lesson’s PowerPoint will be shown, and students will fill in the data from the presentation into their worksheet. • The teacher and students will work together to complete the first four rows of the table. • The teacher will break the students into groups and assign them an AFC/NFC location. • The teacher will go over what each group is to accomplish during their group work session. • The students will have about 10 minutes to work together in their groups and solve the assigned problems. • The teacher will then regroup the class to their seats and ask if there were any questions or problems with the group activity. • The teacher will then hand out an answer guide to each student, and briefly review it with the class. Closure  The teacher will do a quick overview of the lesson, hitting on the key points from the day.  The teacher will ask students for any remaining questions they may have about anything covered.  Introduce the homework assignment, and hand out the homework worksheet to students.  The teacher will briefly go over the homework questions and ask if any students have questions about the assignment.  If there are no questions, students will be dismissed from class. 

Homework • Students will be given a worksheet based on the Quarterback Salaries activity done in class to complete for the following day. Assessment • Formative  Students will be asked to write answers from their warm-up activity on the board, showing understanding of previously mastered material.

Brianna Bloom Lesson Plan Students will be asked to compare answers in a small group, holding them accountable for their work.  Teacher will be circulating the classroom while students are working individually and in groups, assessing mastery of new information.  Teacher will provide help when needed, and observe students’ work.  Teacher will be assuring that work materials and text books are being used properly. Summative  The students ability to work in groups will be assessed.  The homework worksheet will be turned in and graded the following day to assess students’ understanding of lesson material. 

References • Websites used to create this lesson:    tion.aspx?pos=132&order=Salary+desc&loc=interstitialskip 

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