Arra Mass Transit Excerpt

  • Uploaded by: Citizens' Campaign to Fix the Expo Rail Line, a project of United Community Associations, Inc.
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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 1,656
  • Pages: 8


15 1 Provided further, That funds provided under this heading 2 shall be awarded not later than 30 days after the date 3 of enactment of this Act: Provided further, That the Sec4 retary shall take measures to ensure that projects funded 5 under this heading shall be completed within 2 years of 6 enactment of this Act, and shall serve to supplement and 7 not supplant planned expenditures for such activities from 8 other Federal, State, local and corporate sources: Provided 9 further, That the Secretary shall certify to the House and 10 Senate Committees on Appropriations in writing ~ 11 compliance with the preceding proviso: Provided further, 12 That not more than 60 percent of the funds provided for 13 non-security activities under this heading may be used for 14 capital projects along the Northeast Corridor: Provided 15 further, That of the funding provided under this heading,

16 $5,000,000 shall be made available for the Amtrak Office 17 of Inspector General and made available through Sep18 tember 30, 2013. 19





For an additional amount for transit capital assist-

22 ance grants authorized under section 5302(a)(1) of title 23 49, United States Code, $6,900,000,000, to remain avail24 able through September 30,2010: Provided, That the Sec25 retary of Transportation shall provide 80 percent of the





16 1 funds appropriated under this heading for grants under

2 section 5307 of title 49, United States Code, and appor3 tion such funds in accordance with section 5336 of such 4 title (other than subsections (i)(l) and (j)): Provided fur-

5 ther, That the Secretary shall apportion 10 percent of the 6 funds appropriated under this heading in accordance with 7 section 5340 of such title: Provided further, That the Sec8 retary shall provide 10 percent of the funds appropriated 9 under this heading for grants under section 5311 of title 10 49, United States Code, and apportion such funds in ac11 cordance with such section: Provided further, That funds

12 apportioned under this heading shall be apportioned not 13 later than 21 days after the date of enactment of this Act:

14 Provided further, That 180 days following the date of such 15 apportionment, the Secretary shall withdraw from each 16 urbanized area or State an amount equal to 50 percent 17 of the funds apportioned to such urbanized areas or States 18 less the amount of funding obligated, and the Secretary

19 shall redistribute such amounts to other urbanized areas 20 or States that have had no funds withdrawn under this 21 proviso utilizing whatever method he deems appropriate

22 to ensure that all funds redistributed under this proviso 23 shall be utilized promptly: Provided further, That 1 year 24 following the date of such apportionment, the Secretary 25 shall withdraw from each urbanized area or State any un-



17 1 obligated funds, and the Secretary shall redistribute such

2 amounts to other urbanized areas or States that have had 3 no funds withdrawn under this proviso utilizing whatever 4 method he deems appropriate to ensure that all funds re5 distributed under this proviso shall be utilized promptly: 6 Provided further, That at the request of an urbanized area 7 or State, the Secretary of Transportation may provide an 8 extension of such I-year period if he feels satisfied that 9 the urbanized area or State has encountered an unwork10 able bidding environment or other extenuating cir11 cumstances: Provided further, That before granting such

12 an extehsion, the Secretary shall send a letter to the 13 House and Senate Committees on Appropriations that 14 provides a thorough justification for the extension: Pro-

15 vided further, That of the funds provided for section 5311 16 of title 49, United States Code, 2.5 percent shall be made 17 available for section 5311(c)(1): Provided further, That of 18 the funding provided under this heading, $100,000,000 19 shall be distributed as discretionary grants to public tran-

20 sit agencies for capital investments that will assist in re21 ducing the energy consumption or greenhouse gas emis-

22 sions of their public transportation systems: Provided fur23 ther, That for such grants on energy-related investments, 24 priority shall be given to projects based on the total energy 25 savings that are projected to result from the investment,



18 1 and projected energy savings as a percentage of the total 2 energy usage of the public transit agency: Provided fur-

3 ther, That applicable chapter 53 requirements shall apply 4 to funding provided under this heading, except that the 5 Federal share of the costs for which any grant is made 6 under this heading shall be, at the option of the recipient, 7 up to 100 percent: Provided further, That the amount 8 made available under this heading shall not be subject to 9 any limitation on obligations for transit programs set forth 10 in any Act: Provided further, That section 1101(b) of Pub-

11 lic Law 109-59 shall apply to funds appropriated under 12 this heading: Provided further, That the funds appro13 priated under this heading shall not be comingled with any 14 prior year funds: Provided further, That notwithstanding

15 any other provision of law, three-quarters of 1 percent of 16 the funds provided for grants under section 5307 and sec17 tion 5340, and one-half of 1 percent of the funds provided 18 for grants under section 5311, shall be available for ad19 ministrative expenses and program management oversight,

20 and such funds shall be available through September 30, 21 2012.

22 23


For an amount for capital expenditures authorized

24 under section 5309(b)(2) of title 49, United States Code, 25 $750,000,000, to remain available through September 30,



19 1 2010: Provided, That the Secretary of Transportation 2 shall apportion funds under this heading pursuant to the 3 formula set forth in section 5337 of title 49, United States 4 Code: Provided further, That the funds appropriated under 5 this heading shall not be commingled with funds 6

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7 ther, That funds made available under this heading shall 8 be apportioned not later than 21 days after the date of 9 enactment of this Act: py"tJ1:!i8Jer4jb!94h8r, 9Jhat nut less thltIl


12 Provided further, That applicable chapter 53 requirements 13 shall apply except that the Federal share of the costs for 14 which a grant is made under this heading shall be, at the 15 option of the recipient, up to 100 percent: Provided fur-

16 ther, That the provisions of section 1101(b) of Public Law 17 109-59 shall apply to funds made available under this 18 heading: Providedfurther, That notwithstanding any other 19 provision of law, up to 1 percent of the funds under this

20 heading shall be available for administrative expenses and 21 program management oversight and shall remain available

22 for obligation until September 30, 2012. 23



For an additional amount for "Capital Investment

25 Grants", as authorized under section 5338(c)(4) of title 26 49, United States Code, and allocated under section


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Providedfurther, That 180 days following the' date of such apportionment, the Secretary shall withdraw from each urbanized area an amount equal to 50 percent ofthe funds apportioned to such urbanized area less the amount of funding obligated, and the Secretary shall redistribute such amounts to other urbanized areas that have had no funds withdrawn under this proviso utilizing whatever method he or she deems appropriate to ensure that all funds redistributed under this proviso shall be utilized promptly: Provided further, That 1 year following the date of such apportionment, the Secretary· . shall withdraw from each urbanized area any unobligated funds, and the Secretaryshall redistribute such amounts to other urbanized areas that have had no funds withdrawn under this prov,iso utilizing whatever method he or she deems appropriate to ensure that all funds redistributed under this proviso shall be utilized promptly: Providedfurther, That at the request of an urbanized area, the Secretary of Transportation may provide an extension of such I-year period ifhe or she feels satisfiedthattheurbahized area has .' encountered an unworkable bidding .environment or other extenuating circumstances: Providedfurther, Thatbefore granting such an extension, the·' Secretary shall send a letter to th~ House and Senate Comrilittees on . Appropriations that provides a thorough justification for the extension:



20 1 5309(m)(2)(A) of such title, to enable the Secretary of

2 Transportation to make discretionary grants as authorized 3 by section 5309(d) and (e) of such title, $750,000,000, 4 to remain available through September 30, 2010: Pro5 vided, That such amount shall be allocated without regard 6 to the limitation under section 5309(m)(2)(A)(i): Provided 7 further, That in selecting projects to be funded, priority 8 shall be given to projects that are currently in construction 9 or are able to obligate funds within 150 days of enactment

10 of this Act: Provided further, That the provisions of section 11 1101(b) of Public Law 109-59 shall apply to funds made 12 available under this headin~ Provided .ifrlher, That appli13 cable chapter 53 requirements shall apply, except that not14 withstanding any other provision of law, up to 1 percent 15 of the funds provided under this heading shall be available 16 for administrative expenses and program management 17 oversight, and shall remain available through September 18 30,2012. 19







To make grants to qualified shipyards as authorized

23 under section 3508 of Public Law 110-417 or section 24 54101 of title 46, United States Code, $100,000,000, to 25 remain available through September 30, 2010: Provided,


Providedfurther, That funds appropriated under this heading shall not be commingled with any prior year funds:

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