Argumen Debat Bahasa.docx

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  • Words: 913
  • Pages: 3
Argumen debat bahasa inggris motion: full day school can improve school performance ” juvenile crime is not naturally born in the boy. But t’s largely due either to the spirit of the adventure that is in him to his own stupidity or to his lack of dicipline , according to the nature of the individual.” -Robert Baden Powellbefore I jump to my arguments, I’ll define the motion first. 

full day school: the school system that makes the student’s performance become better and make the student’s skill is increase. Then, it create a better generation in the future. school performance: the achievement that the school get from the student performance and make the school’s name become great and will create the best quality student. Here is the mecanism: the student will study from the morning till a day, then, they have a break and start the lesson till the aftenoon, with the purpose to make the students are knowledgeable and have a life skill.

I really support this motion that full day school can improve school’s performance. I would like to tell you about my goals; 1. why it is should be supported 2. make the student have a life skill 3. it is also can applied in elementary school

let me tell you about my arguments: 1. why it is should be supported. there are many students out there become a naughty child. it is because they too many relation with the children outside their school. their parents also don’t have a full attention for heir own child because do not their children all the time. and the parents also don’t know what are their children do after their go from their school. here, the school action is to make student’s character become better. this system makes the teachers control the students activities. they will spend thier whole time in the school. so, the school will protect the students by character lesson. the character lesson in the school makes the students have more preparation to face their future. e.g: Indonesia has many students imitate some bad things such as, smoking, drunk, use the drugs, watching a porn film. it is really harm for the students. it’s because the school doesn’t have any responsibllity after they running out from their school. so that’s why this motion should be supported.

2. make the students have a life skill in the school, the students not only learn about math, physics, or chemistry or etc. they also will study about the life skill. school can provide such as, workshop, life long learning program, religion lesson, and etc that can support the students moral. it is can shape the students character in their life. the mecanism is, they will study from the morning till a day about general lesson. after that, they have a break and continue the lesson about moral character. 3. it is also can applied in elementary school students needs more attention. if the student spends their time in their school, the teachers can control the student and report to their parent if the student is okay. if the children stay in their home, and he/she left with their sitter. it is more harm, because the sitter can do the violate to the children. because in Indonesia, there are many case about that. if the children spends their time in their school, the parents feel save and the children also save. that’s the reason why this motion should be stand. gerak: full day school dapat meningkatkan kinerja sekolah "Kejahatan remaja tidak secara alami lahir pada anak laki-laki. Tetapi sebagian besar disebabkan oleh semangat petualangan yang ada dalam dirinya untuk kebodohannya sendiri atau karena kurangnya disiplinnya, sesuai dengan sifat individu. "-Robert Baden Powellsebelum saya melompat ke argumen saya, saya akan mendefinisikan gerakannya terlebih dahulu. • sekolah siang penuh: sistem sekolah yang membuat penampilan siswa menjadi lebih baik dan membuat keterampilan siswa meningkat. Kemudian, menciptakan generasi yang lebih baik di masa depan. • kinerja sekolah: pencapaian yang didapat sekolah dari kinerja siswa dan membuat nama sekolah menjadi hebat dan akan menciptakan siswa quallity terbaik. Ini adalah mecanism: siswa akan belajar dari pagi sampai satu hari, kemudian, mereka istirahat dan memulai pelajaran sampai aftenoon, dengan tujuan untuk membuat siswa memiliki pengetahuan dan memiliki keterampilan hidup. Saya sangat mendukung gerakan ini bahwa sekolah sehari penuh dapat meningkatkan kinerja sekolah. Saya ingin memberi tahu Anda tentang tujuan saya; 1. mengapa itu harus didukung 2. membuat siswa memiliki kecakapan hidup 3. itu juga bisa diterapkan di sekolah dasar biarkan saya memberitahu Anda tentang argumen saya: 1. mengapa itu harus didukung. ada banyak siswa di luar sana menjadi anak yang nakal. itu karena mereka terlalu banyak berhubungan dengan anak-anak di luar sekolah mereka. orang tua mereka juga tidak memiliki perhatian penuh untuk pewaris anaknya sendiri karena tidak anak-anak mereka sepanjang

waktu. dan orang tua juga tidak tahu apa yang dilakukan anak-anak mereka setelah mereka pergi dari sekolah mereka. di sini, aksi sekolah adalah membuat karakter siswa menjadi lebih baik. sistem ini membuat para guru mengontrol kegiatan siswa. mereka akan menghabiskan waktu mereka di sekolah. Jadi, sekolah akan melindungi siswa dengan pelajaran karakter. Pelajaran karakter di sekolah membuat siswa memiliki lebih banyak persiapan untuk menghadapi masa depan mereka. misalnya: Indonesia memiliki banyak siswa meniru beberapa hal buruk seperti, merokok, mabuk, menggunakan obat-obatan, menonton film porno. itu benar-benar membahayakan siswa. itu karena sekolah tidak memiliki tanggung jawab apa pun setelah mereka keluar dari sekolah mereka. jadi itulah mengapa gerakan ini harus didukung.

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