Archway Final 3-09

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March 2009 March 6th / 7th / 8th Friday Dance at Pacific Boychoir Academy March 10th 3:45 - 5PM Tuesday Berkeley 1st Volleyball Practice for 6th - 8th Graders March 10th 6:45 PM APTA Meeting in Oakland March 11th thru 13 (Wed-Fri) 7th & 8th Grade Snow Trip March 12th Friday 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Grade Snow Trip March 18th Wednesday 5th & 6th Grade Snow Trip March 20th Friday K-4 Trip to watch People Like Me Auction Donations Due

6 PM to 9PM Piedmont Veteran’s Memorial Building • Volunteer to work on the planning committee or the day/night of the auction (Contact Jackie Lemoine - [email protected]) • Secure or make a donation of goods, services, or a party (Questions: contact Lisa Scimens - [email protected] or Beth Fusco - [email protected]) • Contribute to a class themed birthday basket (Questions: Contact your room parent) • Attend Archway School’s birthday bash and bring guests (with each ticket purchased each guest will be entered into an auction night raffle drawing for $500)

March 18th Wednesday 5th & 6th Grade Snow Trip Auction Donation Forms Due April 4th Saturday 5:30 PM Spring Fling & Silent Auction


Letter from the APTA President By Beth Fusco

ll too often these days I find myself asking the same question: “where has time gone?” and reciting the same old cliché: “so much to do and yet so little time to do it”. It seems like the only means of staying “somewhat sane” in this fast paced world is to have my trusty and never ending “to do list” nearby. This month for Archway is by far one of the most important months for all of us to take a minute to revisit the “to do list” for our parent sponsored Spring Fling Auction coming on April 4th. There is no doubt in my mind that if everyone completes their list, that this event will meet our goals and expectations. As a reminder, the “to do list” includes three simple things: [ ] submit product and/or service donations by March 20th [ ] purchase and sell tickets to the event for yourself, family and friends [ ] attend, spend and mingle at the event Archway is no different from any other public or private school in its need to raise money, and there is every reason to believe that our goal of $35,000 is achievable – as long as everyone participates. Our community may be small and modest, but what we lack in numbers can be made up in participation and commitment. We have a small committed group of parents working hard to make our “Trip back to the 70’s” memorable and they need everyone to come, enjoy and celebrate the fruits of their labor. Events like these do not happen alone, so please step up and show support for your fellow parents. I am asking one last time for you to take a minute out of your day to complete your “to do list” for our Spring Fling Auction. April 4th will be here before we know it, so let’s make sure that we don’t let time slip by without each of us doing our fair share. I would like to thank everyone who attended and participated in our last Parent Association meeting. Your attendance generated valuable input on important school topics. I hope to see you and others at our next Parent Association Meeting on March 10th at 6:45 in Berkeley.

Dear Archway Families


By Sarah Flowers

love that the 8th grade families have planned a yard sale to benefit the Washington D.C. trip. It embodies all kinds of great Archway values — recycling, working collectively toward a goal, community building, students engaged in support of a valuable program—and it has the added bonus of motivating me to tackle a burgeoning garage toward the cause. Although neither inspires me in the same way (to clear out my garage), our two annual school fundraising events (the Walkathon and Auction) do share the qualities of working collectively toward a common goal, bonding us as a community, engaging students, and supporting important programs of the school. I am particularly fond of the auction, the reasons for which I have no ready explanation. It might be the excitement of getting a great deal, or maybe the gratification of sharing admiration with parents of their children’s artwork. It might be that at the end of the evening I’ll take home with me something like the Susan Sterling weaving I “won” several years ago, now a treasured fixture in my house. It might even be the wine and the atmosphere of conviviality. Despite having recently made a donation to the annual fund, ordered my weight in See’s candies from the 8th graders, and paid my son’s college tuition with what’s left in my bank account, I look forward to this annual event with a fair amount of enthusiasm. By the time you get this you will have received information from your APTA co-chair Beth Fusco and Development czar Bridget Rivezzo encouraging your participation in the auction. I hope you have taken a moment, or plan to do so, to look through it and give some thought to the ways you can help in its success.

My understanding is that at present we have: • Less than a month to the March 20, deadline for donating (items or services) to the auction • Just about 30 days to the Auction itself, and • Half of the anticipated auction items we need to collect. Time goes by more quickly than you can imagine. I know that I have not yet turned in my own donation form, and that teachers are busy working on theirs. I promise to do my part and hope you can do yours too. Let’s help our hard-working auction volunteers by turning in those forms! You can bring them or mail them to the front office of either campus or go use our auction website (http://auctions. home) to fill out a form on-line. If you haven’t yet thought of the perfect thing to offer, how about asking a neighborhood restaurant to provide a gift certificate? Or maybe coordinating with other families to offer a themed party like the Mother-Daughter Tea donated by two fourth grade moms? Maybe (like me) you ordered something fabulous on Amazon but never used it and now it’s too late to send it back? It’s all good! I know that for a lot of us, the experience of being an independent school parent brings with it a seemingly endless stream of opportunities to write checks. It is a testament to your dedication to your children that you are so generous with your time and money. It is impossible to overstate the value of this support and I can’t thank you enough for joining the lengthy list of Archway parents who, over the past 35 years, have created this tradition of service to our community. I look forward to seeing you all at the Auction and to celebrating Archway School’s 35th year!

Trustee Community Outreach Meetings


By Tonya Hersch

he Woods Edge Board of Trustees appreciates and thanks parents for their input during the Community Outreach Meetings in January. We value these meetings because they provide the board an opportunity to report on the current issues facing Archway, such as the CAIS accreditation process and visit, but also to hear from the parents. We received incredibly insightful comments and suggestions. All of which was complied into an extensive report presented to Sarah and the whole board. And the board has already responded to the feedback with some important changes. The most significant comment we received was a need to have greater communication between parents and the school. As a community is only as strong as its communication, we take this concern very seriously. The board is committed to developing policies for informing parents better. One such policy is that the board will be contributing monthly articles to the newsletter to report on actions and issues of the board and its committees. Trustees will also make an effort to be more visible in the community by wearing name badges at school events, so that parents will know whom trustees are. We will also continue to organize the Community Outreach Meetings annually. In addition, many commented on the need for greater marketing of the school. As a result, a Marketing & Recruitment committee has been formed and is working on a comprehensive and longterm plan to: generate name recognition of Archway, outreach to preschools, high schools, and alumni, and organize events that bring potential families and the community onto the Archway campuses.

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APTA March 2009

CAIS recommendations cond’t from page 6 COMMENDATIONS STUDENTS



1. Exposure to and involvement in outside community

1. To students for personifying A.R.C.H. values

2. Diversity of learning styles

2. Admissions process that has produced a diverse student body

RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Professional development in differentiated instruction and learning styles 2. Including learning specialist in admissions decisions

1. Clear support and understanding of mission

1. Volunteers beyond core group of parents

2. Community events

2. APTA needs to examine best practices for improving ongoing communication (e.g., for webpages & emails)

3. Increased alumni contact 4. Parent Ed NIghts


3. Marketing and outreach plan PROGRAM

1. Celebration of diversity through curriculum 2. Four agreements

1. To Faculty for connecting classroom experiences to real world

1. Improved focus on writing conventions in language arts classes 2. Examination of CPM math program’s effectiveness for students with languagebased learning differences


1. Classroom library collections

1. Production of Curriculum Guide for internal and external use (inclusive of scope & sequence & curriculum mapping)

1. Long term plan for technology

Student & parent volunteers in maintaining collections

APTA March 2009

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Outreach Meetings Continued... These are just a few of the issues the board has begun to address from the Community Outreach Meetings, but most importantly we are listening and acting on your input. We recognize the ways in which parents are invested in the school and the education of their children as well as the charge with which we, as trustees are responsible. Archway is a community effort in which each component is essential to the school’s growth and success.

Board Corner: What Does the Board of Trustee Do? By Ann Wrixon Chair, Board of Trustees


ecently, the members of the Board of Trustees met with Archway parents to let you know about the work of the Board and to hear your feedback. You gave us lots of great feedback, including that you would like to know more about the Board and would welcome a regular column on the Board in this newsletter. Most of you probably know that Archway is governed by a non-profit organization called Woods Edge, Inc., with a 14-member Board of Trustees. The Board is composed of parents of current Archway students and alumni, as well as community members and a former Archway teacher. Every member of the board was asked to serve on the board due to specific skills they could provide to the school, including expertise in finance, fundraising, facilities, real estate, strategic planning and education. Although our Head of School, Sarah Flowers, runs the school on a day-to-

day basis, the Board of Trustees is responsible for setting overall policies and long-term direction for Archway School. It was the Board of Trustees who spearheaded our recent strategic planning process. The Board is also responsible for ensuring that the plan is implemented and for measuring our success in that endeavor. The Board is also responsible for ensuring the financial stability of the school. This includes developing the annual budget and a long-term budget plan. This process is done in cooperation with the Head of School. Setting both the tuition levels as well as working with the Development Director to set fundraising goals is part of the process, as is controlling expenses. Finally, it is the Board of Trustees who hires and evaluates the Head of School. The Board works with the Head of School to set goals that are in line with the strategic plan, and the Head of School is evaluated based on her performance in meeting these goals. The Board is composed of 14 individuals, however, no one member of the Board can act independently. As the Board Chair I often serve as the Board’s spokes person, but I cannot initiate actions or speak on behalf of the Board without the approval of the full Board of Trustees. Below is a list of the current Board of Trustees. We all welcome your input on the overall policies and long-term direction of the school, but please remember that Sarah Flowers is responsible for the day-to-day operations, including hiring and evaluating teachers, developing curriculum, or dealing with student concerns.

Current Trustees (term end)

* George Becker, Community Member, Founding Board Member (8.1.2009) * Sarah Flowers, Head of School (non-voting member) * Sharon Hammond, Parent of Alumni (11.1.2009) * Abram Hardin, Parent (11.1.2010) * Pamela Hawk, Parent of Alumni (11.1.2009) * Tonya Hersh, Parent (11.1.2010)


CAIS recommendations cond’t from page 5 COMMENDATIONS

Lower School Yard Our new turf has at last been installed, and it looks beautiful! Thanks to the lower school for their patience and faith. Thanks also to the K-4 students for helping to spread the new bark that now covers the backyard of the Kindergarten/1st grade cottage.


Upcoming Trips It’s that time again! 7/8th graders go on their snow trip on March 11th-13th, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders have a one-day snow trip on March 12th, and 5th/6th graders to follow with a trip on March 18th-21st.  The first week in April will find the 8th graders in Washington, D.C. for their annual visit to the nation’s capital and the 7th graders in Yosemite on a weeklong field study and exploration with the Yosemite Institute.

* Jackie Lemoine, Vice Chair, Parent (11.1.2010) * Dr. Kimberly Mayfield, Community Member (11.1.2009) * Humberto Rivadeneyra, Treasurer, Parent (11.1.2010) * Jason Salter, Community Member (11.1.2009) * Cheryll Anne Taylor, Parent (11.1.2010) * Stacy Thomas, Former Archway Teacher (11.1.2009) * Shoshana Winkelstein, Parent (11.1.2010) * Ann Wrixon, Parent, Chair (8.1.2009)

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APTA March 2009

1. Hiring p/t Development Director to help with fundraising



1. Development strategy for Annual Giving norms 2. Investigate foundation grants & alumni association

2. Dev Director’s role in creating a “culture of giving” in the school

Alameda Food Bank Drive All throughout March we will have our annual food drive – collection barrells will be placed outside the main office at the lower school and are already in Advisors’ classrooms at the upper school. We welcome all your donations of nonperishable food for this worthy cause. Volleyball Mr. Saul and Ms. Mel are calling out to all 6th-8th graders interested in participating in volleyball this year. Practices will be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:455pm, beginning Tuesday, March 10th.


1. The Board and Head must take a more visible leadership role in increasing the culture of giving in the community.

3. Examine effectiveness of traditional fundraising activities and timelines 4. Improve reporting and tracking of fundraising income & expenses 5. Procure a database which tracks parent occupation and other information 6. Articulate explicit protocols for stewardship and donors (follow-up, relationshipbuilding, info gathering)


1. Lower school head’s dedication to mission and growth 2. Commitment and dedication and mutual support among faculty & staff

1. Head’s dedication to mission and growth 2. Attracting and retaining exceptional staff and faculty 3. Collegiality & flexibility of faculty

1. More efficient staffing 2. Provide opportunities for cross grade level discussions of curriculum

1. Board needs to re-examine the organizational structure of the school

3. Investigate best practices for professional & curriculum development, and faculty evaluation 4. Improved new teacher support & ongoing support for veteran teachers

Community Events On Friday, February 6th, our lower school students  hosted a goodbye pizza lunch for Helen the librarian on Friday, February 6th,  distributing cards, and sharing the delicious dragon bread made by Ms. Melissa (with some help from her students). They will  return to Piedmont Avenue later this month for an encore music performance. Students and teachers alike look forward to People Like Me, a multicultural music and dance performance planned for Friday, March 20th. All are invited to attend the very special performance benefiting the 8th grade trip

to Washington, D.C. of Brian Copeland’s “Not a Genuine Black Man.” The benefit will take place on Sunday, March 15th, at 3 pm at the Marsh Theater -1062 Valencia Street (near 22nd Street) in San Francisco. Tickets are available by contacting 8th grade parent Jackie Gamble ([email protected]). Our thanks are due to Marsh Theater owner and 8th grade parent Stephanie Weisman for generously making this benefit possible. Conferences The end of Marking Period III is right around the corner! We will be having parent conferences on the lower school

cond’t on page 7

the week of April 6th -10th, so look for sign up sheets on the clipboards. Ms. Angela will be contacting parents of 5th8th grade students in several weeks to schedule upper school conferences. Auction We’re all hard at work preparing our donations for the Spring Fling on April 4th. Invite your friends and family to come too! Please remember that all donation forms are due Friday, March 20th. Be on the lookout for opportunities to purchase your tickets. For more information, please visit the website:  http://auctions.

APTA March 2009

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Dear Archway Families

by Melissa Castello Zippin and Sarah



o anyone who is a parent there is perhaps nothing more inexplicably reassuring than a heartfelt compliment about your child. Similarly, of all the positive and earnest feedback we heard from our accreditation team on the heels of their three-day visit, the feedback we heard about our students-your children--gave us the greatest sense of pride. Sure, we heard gratifying validation of our academic program and accolades about the way teachers hone critical thinking skills in their classrooms. We heard confirmation that all of us-parents, students, teachers, and staff--are united in commitment to our mission and community. We also heard about challenges ahead as we continue to evolve as a school. But there was something about our students that captured the hearts of our visitors. A sentiment we heard not infrequently, it is perhaps best captured in a comment made by Betty Winn, our accreditation committee chair: “[Archway] kids are truly amazing. They are responsible and respectful and confident. They embody your mission. This is my tenth accreditation and it’s rare that you see children like this; it really is special. It makes you really different.” Their full report won’t be delivered until May, but we have included in this newsletter our notes from the committee’s reading to the faculty and Board on the last day of their visit. They are divided into the many commendations and recommendations which will serve as guidelines of our work ahead. Thanks to all of you who shared not only in the preparations for this event, but in the values of introspection, improvement

and accountability which motivated this endeavor and which are essential to ensuring the continued vitality of our school. We trust you also share with us the renewed sense of pride we feel in being members of this special community.

Archway Donor Party


by Tonya Hersch

s a trustee, not only was it an

honor to recognize everyone who contributed to Archway’s 2008 Annual Fund at the donor party hosted by the Woods Edge Board, but it was also just a great time. Over beers, mini pizzas, and nachos at the Pacific Brewing Co. in downtown Oakland, I had the pleasure of talking with many of those who generously give to Archway in a variety of ways. In an atmosphere of warmth brought on by the congeniality of community, no children, and a hefty glass of beer, the room filled with laughing, voices, and, although Archway is ever present in our hearts and minds, engaging conversations which drifted off the topic of the school to interesting personal stories and commonalities. And as a parent, I was able to socialize with old friends and meet new Archway parents, Lisa Scimens and John Moss; their daughter Sonja is new this year to my son’s sixth grade class. Both Lisa and John commented later that, “Being a new Archway family, it was great to attend something like this. We really enjoyed how down to earth the Archway family feels.” A sentiment held by many at Archway, which motivates us to dedicate so much of our time and effort. Archway is about its people. It’s events like these that give us the chance to connect with each other and to feel the comfort and friendship of belonging to a community. Thank you Bridget Rivezzo for organizing such a fun event.

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Former Archway Student, Ally Little – National Merit Scholarship Finalist


ongratulations to Ally Little, Archway School graduate, who has advanced to Finalist standing of the National Merit Scholarship Program! Ally attended Archway School from Kindergarten through 8th grade and is now a senior at Holy Names High School. On the basis of her performance on the PSAT last Fall, Ally was one of 16,000 students selected as a National Merit Semi Finalist. After submitting her transcripts, teacher recommendations, activity and leadership resumes, Ally is now a National Merit Finalist and now has the opportunity to continue to compete for 8,200 National Merit Scholarships, worth more than $35 million. Scholarship offers to winners will be announced in March. Since leaving Archway School four years ago, we have stayed in touch with Ally through campus visits as well as her dedication as a counselor in our Cuisine and Art summer program. Not only is does she boast a 4.0 GPA at Holy Names High School in multiple AP classes, but we have had the pleasure to know that she is also an extremely reliable counselor, always going above and beyond what is required of her and developing a great rapport with the kids and teachers. We are so proud of you, Ally!




1. Clear & concise statement of mission

1. Community’s dedication to and embracing of values

2. Visible displays around school and in classrooms; materials 1. Adherence to mission

1. Completion of Strategic Plan

2. Comprehensive elf-assessment



1. Rich program on a tight budget



Things we OUGHT to over the next 3 yrs

1. Better risk management 2. Evaluate meeting frequency for effectiveness (i.e., meet more frequently)

1. Automatic payment system for tuition to decrease bad debt & accounts receivable

Things we MUST do in the next 3 years

1. Convene a board committee to explore options for reuniting K-8 onto one campus 2. Board needs to engage a consultant with independent school governance expertise to a) focus on development and finance and b) look at best practices for trustee recruitment 1. Board must produce a strategic financial plan which incorporates class size, annual giving, site, salaries, and tuition 2. Find the resources to hire an onsite [may be p/t] business manager to handle: • finance management • facilities • compliance • human resources • risk management

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