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  • Words: 1,062
  • Pages: 4
Notable works -

Ōita Prefectural Library, (1962-1966) Ōita, Ōita, Japan Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art (1972-1974) Fukuoka, Japan KitaKyushu central library (1973-1974) Fukuoka, Japan Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), (1981-1986) Los Angeles, California, United States Sports Hall for the 1992 Summer Olympics, (1983-1990) Barcelona, Spain Ochanomizu Square Building - Casals Hall, (1984-1987) Tokyo, Japan Art Tower Mito, Mito, (1986-1990) Ibaraki, Japan Team Disney Orlando, (1987-1991) Florida, United States Bond University, - Library, Administration Building, Faculty of Humanities Building (1987-1989) Gold Coast, Australia KitaKyushu International Conference Center (1987-1990) Fukuoka, Japan Palau Sant Jordi (1990) Barcelona, Spain Palafolls Sports Complex Pavilion, (1987-1996) Barcelona, Spain Centre of Japanese Art and Technology, (1990-1994) Kraków, Poland Kyoto Concert Hall, (1991-1995) Kyoto, Japan Nara Centennial Hall, (1992-1998) Nara, Japan Domus Casa Del Hombre, (1993-1995) A Coruña, Galicia, Spain Nagi Museum Of Contemporary Art, (1994) Nagi, Okayama, Japan Shizuoka Convention and Arts Center GRANSHIP, (1998) COSI Columbus, (1994-1999) Columbus, Ohio, United States Shenzhen Cultural Center, (1998-2007) Shenzhen, China New entrance of the CaixaForum Barcelona building, (1999-2002) Barcelona, Spain Isozaki Atea, (1999-2009) Bilbao, Spain Torino Palasport Olimpico, (2000-2006) Turin, Italy Museum of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, (2003-2008) China New Concert Hall Building, (2003-) Thessaloniki, Greece, 2010 Himalayas Center, (2003-) Shanghai, China Diamond Island, (2006-) Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (complete in 2012) Coliseum da Coruña, A Coruña, Galicia, Spain, 1991 Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar, Education City, near Doha Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar, opened 2004 Metropolis Thao Dien, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (under construction) The new Town Library in Maranello (2012), Italy (Arata Isozaki and Andrea Maffei)

Karya terkenal -

Perpustakaan Daerah Ōita, (1962-1966) Ōita, Ōita, Jepang Museum Seni Kota Kitakyushu (1972-1974) Fukuoka, Jepang Perpustakaan pusat KitaKyushu (1973-1974) Fukuoka, Jepang Museum Seni Kontemporer (MOCA), (1981-1986) Los Angeles, California, Amerika Serikat Sports Hall untuk Olimpiade Musim Panas 1992, (1983-1990) Barcelona, Spanyol Gedung Ochanomizu Square - Casals Hall, (1984-1987) Tokyo, Jepang Menara Seni Mito, Mito, (1986-1990) Ibaraki, Jepang Tim Disney Orlando, (1987-1991) Florida, Amerika Serikat Bond University, - Perpustakaan, Gedung Administrasi, Gedung Fakultas Ilmu Budaya (1987-1989) Gold Coast, Australia KitaKyushu International Conference Center (1987-1990) Fukuoka, Jepang Palau Sant Jordi (1990) Barcelona, Spanyol Paviliun Kompleks Palafolls Kompleks, (1987-1996) Barcelona, Spanyol Pusat Seni dan Teknologi Jepang, (1990-1994) Kraków, Polandia Kyoto Concert Hall, (1991-1995) Kyoto, Jepang Nara Centennial Hall, (1992-1998) Nara, Jepang Domus Casa Del Hombre, (1993-1995) A Coruña, Galicia, Spanyol Nagi Museum of Contemporary Art, (1994) Nagi, Okayama, Jepang Pusat Konvensi dan Seni Shizuoka GRANTHIP, (1998) COSI Columbus, (1994-1999) Columbus, Ohio, Amerika Serikat Pusat Kebudayaan Shenzhen, (1998-2007) Shenzhen, Cina Pintu masuk baru gedung CaixaForum Barcelona, (1999-2002) Barcelona, Spanyol Isozaki Atea, (1999-2009) Bilbao, Spanyol Torino Palasport Olimpico, (2000-2006) Turin, Italia Museum Akademi Seni Rupa Pusat di Beijing, (2003-2008) China Gedung Konser Gedung Baru, (2003-) Thessaloniki, Yunani, 2010 Himalaya Center, (2003-) Shanghai, Cina Diamond Island, (2006-) Kota Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam (selesai pada tahun 2012) Coliseum da Coruña, A Coruña, Galicia, Spanyol, 1991 Weill Cornell Medical College di Qatar, Education City, dekat Doha Weill Cornell Medical College di Qatar, dibuka tahun 2004 Metropolis Thao Dien, Kota Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam (dalam pembangunan) Perpustakaan Kota Baru di Maranello (2012), Italia (Arata Isozaki dan Andrea Maffei)

Current projects    

CityLife office tower (Il Dritto), Milan, Italy (Arata Isozaki and Andrea Maffei) The University of Central Asia's three campuses in Tekeli, Kazakhstan; Naryn, the Kyrgyz Republic; and Khorog, Tajikistan The New exit for the Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Italy - competition winner (Arata Isozaki and Andrea Maffei) The renovation of the Bologna Centrale railway station, Bologna, Italy - competition winner

Proyek sekarang    

CityLife office tower (Il Dritto), Milan, Italia (Arata Isozaki dan Andrea Maffei) Tiga universitas di Universitas Asia Tengah di Tekeli, Kazakhstan; Naryn, Republik Kyrgyz; dan Khorog, Tajikistan Jalan keluar baru untuk pemenang Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Italia - pemenang kompetisi (Arata Isozaki dan Andrea Maffei) Renovasi stasiun kereta api Bologna Centrale, Bologna, Italia pemenang kompetisi

Awards -

Annual Prize, Architectural Institute of Japan in 1974 Mainichi Art Award in 1983 RIBA Gold Medal in 1986 International Award “Architecture in Stone” in 1987 ArnoldW.BrunnerMemorial Prize of the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters in 1988 Chicago Architecture Award in 1990 Honor Award, the American Institute of Architects in 1992 RIBA Honorary Fellow in 1994. The ECC Award in 2012 for his Venice installation Zhongyuan

Arata Isozaki (磯崎 新, Isozaki Arata; born 23 July 1931) is a Japanese architect from Ōita. He graduated from the University of Tokyo in 1954.

sozaki worked under Kenzo Tange before establishing his own firm in 1963. His early projects were influenced by European experiences with a style mixed between "New Brutalism" & "Metabolist Architecture" (Oita Medical Hall, 1959-1960) according to Reyner Banham. His style continued to evolve with buildings such as the Fujimi Country Club (1973–74) and Kitakyushu Central Library (1973–74). Later he developed a more modernistic style with buildings such as the Art Tower of Mito (1986–90) and Domus-Casa del Hombre (1991-1995).

Isozaki has designed buildings both inside and outside Japan. He is considered one of world's most illustrious architects, having won multiple international awards.

In 2005, Arata Isozaki founded the Italian branch of his office, Arata Isozaki & Andrea Maffei Associates. Two major projects from this office are currently underway: CityLife office tower, a redevelopment project in the former trade fair area in Milan, and the new Town Library in Maranello, Italy.

Arata Isozaki (磯 崎 新, Isozaki Arata, lahir 23 Juli 1931) adalah seorang arsitek Jepang dari Ōita. Ia lulus dari Universitas Tokyo pada tahun 1954. Isozaki bekerja di bawah Kenzo Tange sebelum mendirikan perusahaannya sendiri pada tahun 1963. Proyek awalnya dipengaruhi oleh pengalaman Eropa dengan campuran antara "New Brutalism" & "Metabolist Architecture" (Oita Medical Hall, 1959-1960) menurut Reyner Banham. Gayanya terus berkembang dengan bangunan seperti Fujimi Country Club (1973-74) dan Perpustakaan Pusat Kitakyushu (1973-74). Kemudian ia mengembangkan gaya yang lebih modern dengan bangunan seperti Menara Seni Mito (1986-90) dan Domus-Casa del Hombre (1991-1995). Isozaki telah merancang bangunan baik di dalam maupun di luar Jepang. Dia dianggap sebagai salah satu arsitek dunia yang paling terkenal, setelah memenangkan beberapa penghargaan internasional. Pada tahun 2005, Arata Isozaki mendirikan kantor cabang Italia, Arata Isozaki & Andrea Maffei Associates. Dua proyek besar dari kantor ini saat ini sedang berlangsung: menara perkantoran CityLife, sebuah proyek pembangunan kembali di bekas wilayah perdagangan di Milan, dan Perpustakaan Kota baru di Maranello, Italia.

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