April Real Life

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April 2009


with a

“Friday Night Out” page 4


April 2009 A message from Dr. Ronnie Floyd, Senior Pastor

The Coming Days In the coming days, we will experience the final two parts of our THREE DAYS dramatic and worship event, both climaxed by a biblical message I will bring. This weekly experience over three Sundays concludes with a wonderful Easter weekend celebration. As we emphasize all Jesus has done for us, THREE DAYS looks like this:

Day 1: The Compassion of Jesus Christ (March 29)

Day 2: The Sacrifice of Jesus Christ (April 5)

Day 3: The Triumph of Jesus Christ (April 11–12)

Please use these three weeks to invite and bring people with you. This will serve as a great tool in your hands for the gospel of Jesus Christ to influence the lives of others. Most people come to church when invited. Please make inviting others your priority during these weeks. We have invitational pieces for you to hand to people, and they are available now. We will offer six services over EASTER WEEKEND between both campuses. Following is a list of those service times:

Saturday, April 11 5:00 p.m. Pinnacle Hills (Pastor speaking) 6:30 p.m. Springdale (Pastor speaking)

Sunday, April 12 9:15 a.m. Pinnacle Hills (Pastor speaking via simulcast) 9:15 a.m. Springdale (Pastor speaking) 10:55 a.m. Pinnacle Hills (Pastor speaking) 10:55 a.m. Springdale (Nick Floyd speaking)

Please pay close attention to these times. Nick Floyd, our Preaching Assistant, will be preaching the Springdale service that begins at 10:55 a.m. This second service at Springdale has really been challenging the last couple of years, so we are naming Nick as the preacher for that Easter service. Previously, I have done the message to that service via simulcast. Our THREE DAYS dramatic and musical experience will occur that service as well. Yes, these six services will give us many opportunities to reach others, so let’s seize the moment. Who will you invite to Easter weekend? Who will you invite and meet on Easter weekend? Who will you bring on Easter weekend? These questions are very important, so let’s address them. Finally, do not forget to be faithful in your financial support by giving the tithes and offerings to our church. Our Ministry Budget is “the bread and butter of what we do,” so please make this your priority in giving. Whether we are here or not, let’s insure our gifts are made. Remember, you can practice automated giving, and our financial office can help you on how to do that with our church. Thanks for all you do for the Lord,

Read Pastor Floyd’s Blog: w w w. R o nnieFloyd.com

is now available to view online at www.fbcs.net or www.churchph.com. Real Life is published monthly by First Baptist Church of Springdale and The Church at Pinnacle Hills. To unsubscribe to Real Life, or for any other inquiries, please call 479-751-4523. April 2009



Marriages t h r o u g h

Friday Night Out

by Angela Slaughter


Ask your Connection Group leader for more information on Friday Night Out.

or many couples with young children, enjoying a much-needed night out as husband and wife can be a difficult, if not impossible, feat.

If the obstacle of locating a trustworthy,

By spending quality time together on Friday

couples that either don’t go out very often or

responsible sitter can be overcome, the couple

nights, they are able to build intimacy in their

not at all because childcare costs eat up so

must then dig deep into their wallets in an

marriage. Second, FNO will give our young

much of their budget. With FNO, couples have

effort to cover the cost of the babysitting fee.

couples an opportunity to intentionally reach

an opportunity to bring their children to a

The bigger the family, the bigger the fee, and

out and spend time with the un-churched

safe, familiar place where they will be cared for

as a result, dinner and a movie is forfeited for

young couples of Northwest Arkansas. It is

and have a great time, thus freeing up parents

Taco Bell and hurrying home. Date night be-

our hope that the relationships built on Friday

to enjoy their time together without the

comes a non-event, and husbands and wives

night will lead to life transformation….”

usual worry.”

Ryan Blackwell, Minister of Young Married

What are couples saying about FNO? Sarah

Adults at the Springdale campus, adds, “There

Barnes, mother of two pre-school children,

is no question that couples who take time to

shared, “My husband and I don’t get to go

date are stronger and better able to handle

out very often. My mom used to watch our

the stresses of family life. I’m excited that our

children, but now has cancer. We always rush

give up on the idea of romance, forgetting the importance of quality time together. Our church, however, has not forgotten. On a Sunday morning in early March, Pastor Floyd announced a new ministry called Friday Night Out and left many couples sitting in the audience wondering, “Did he just say free childcare on Friday nights?” Indeed, he had.

“We actually got to sit and talk. With FNO, the possibilities for strengthening our family are endless. “

out to dinner and come right back. It is sometimes more stressful for us to leave the kids with her than to take them with us. I can’t remember the last movie we saw together. This

FNO ministry will give young couples in our

past Friday was amazing! We actually got to

The Friday Night Out ministry, or FNO, offers

church and our community an opportunity

sit and talk. When we came to pick up the kids,

free Friday night childcare to couples with chil-

to take a break from the routine and spend

they were having a great time. With FNO, the

dren in the fifth grade or younger between the

some much-needed time together.”

possibilities for strengthening our family are

hours of 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. The catch? Only

endless. We are so thankful for our church.”

parents who attend a Connection Group prior

And young couples are seizing the opportu-

to the FNO date are eligible to participate.

nity. On Friday, March 13, the first Friday Night

Sarah said it best. With the FNO ministry, the

Out event took place on both campuses with

possibilities of strengthening marriages are

According to the Friday Night Out FAQ sheet,

over 90 couples registering 211 children—and

indeed endless. As Jill Langham stated, “When

“The purpose of FNO is two-fold. First, it is a

it bears repeating—for FREE childcare.

we work on our relationship with our spouse

ministry to help build the marriages of young

and spend that precious time together, we

couples in our church. By attending Connec-

“My hope for FNO is that each week is bigger

are better as parents. What a tremendous

tion Group, they gain fellowship with other

than the last,” said Springdale campus FNO

opportunity we have in front of us.”

young couples and sound scriptural teaching.

Director, Jill Langham. “There are so many

April 2009



D a d / D a u g h te r

Da te

N i g h t s

Campus CO N N E C T I O N Clint Smith, Minister of Spiritual Development - Springdale Campus

Fearless Men Fearless … with all the hype in our world today, it is difficult to be fearless, especially fearless for GOD. Some men live with hopelessness, anxiety, and fear every day. However, on February 27th and 28th at our Men’s Conference, our men left with a renewed sense to live “fearless” for God, to live with hope. As I gazed across the Worship Center on Friday night, I saw boys, students, and men of all ages. There were 116 students, 140 men in their 20’s, 237 men in their 30’s, 243 men in their 40’s, and 335 men in their 50’s plus. These men were worshipping together. It was a beautiful sight. These men responded to what God was doing in their life, and I praise God that men of many generations learned what it meant to be “fearless” for God. As I spoke to men who attended the conference, there were many great comments. Kevin Cortez, a young married adult shepherd, said he loved the fact that the conference was not geared toward self-help philosophies, but it was geared toward every man getting right before God. I had the privilege to bring my 12-year-old son, Chandler, to the conference. He told me the thing he liked the most, despite the vast range of men there, was every person there got something out of the weekend; it was good for everybody. Nick Tyler, who attends the Springdale campus, told me that it was two days of powerful worship and engaging speakers that armed him to live “fearless” at home and in the workplace. He also said it was great to be able to have his boys, David (15) and Drew (12) with him at the conference to experience worship with many other men.

As we experienced all the LORD had for us, the key thought that I took home was found in Isaiah 49:16 … “God has engraved me on the palm of His hand.” This is something I have read many times, but it left an eternal impression on me. Psalm 139:15–16 says this, “You know me inside and out, You know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, You watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before You, the days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day.”

“These men were worshipping together. It was a beautiful sight.”

Since God has engraved me on the palm of His hand and all the days of my life were prepared before I had lived one day, what do I have to fear? We serve a great GOD! Please continue to pray for a mighty men’s movement to continue to take place in the men of our church! Men, now is the time to be fearless for GOD!

Employee of the Quarter

Ashleigh Raley Ashleigh has served as an integral part of our student team, helping us grow our Student Ministry at our Springdale campus over the past five years. She directs our student home groups each Wednesday night and has trained and equipped over 23 student leaders and 10 adults to lead these groups each week. She coordinated a very successful girls retreat recently with over 90 girls participating. She guides various groups of girls in discipleship groups each week, teaching them how to love Jesus and be different than the world. Ashleigh is a role model for young women, a team player with a heart to reach lost students for Christ, and exemplifies the core values of Christ-likeness, teamwork, and excellence! Congratulations, Ashleigh! April 2009


Springdale Campus F I R S T BA P T I S T C H U RC H of S P R I N G DA L E | 479-751-4523 | www.fbcs.net




Sunday Morning Worship

Camp 24/7 at the Beach

Pray for the Bible Drill Team

9:15 a.m. in the Worship Center

Mandatory Parent Meeting For parents of students who plan to attend student camp Sunday, March 29 from 12–12:50 p.m. in the 24/7 Building

The Bible Drill team will compete in Associational Bible Drill on Saturday, April 4. Those who win at this level will continue to the State Level, which will be on April 25. These kids have been working towards this goal for the last seven months. Last year we had four kids compete at the state level, with one coming away with a perfect score. Please support these guys in prayer. What they’re doing is pretty awesome!

Sunday Live Internet Stream Sundays at 9:15 a.m. - www.fbcs.net

Sunday Kidz Worship 9:15 a.m. in the Kidz Theatre (grades 1–5)

XLR8 Spring Musical Sunday, April 19 at 6 p.m. in the Worship Center

24/7 MOTION Worship & Arts Students Sundays at 4:30 p.m. in the 24/7 Building Worship through music, dance, and rhythm!

24/7 COLLIDE For students grades 6–12 Wednesday, April 1 & 29 from 7–8:30 p.m. at the 24/7 Building A monthly student worship event to celebrate what God is doing in the Overdrive groups. Our special guest on April 1 will be Clayton King, and worship will be led by Ryan Fitzgerald.

Worship Orchestra Wednesdays from 6–7 p.m. in the South Conference Room

Worship Choir Wednesdays from 6:45–8:15 p.m. in the Choir Room

Ronnie Floyd: Winners Television & Radio Broadcast View the schedule online at www.RonnieFloyd.com.

Automated Giving Did you know your tithes and offerings can be automatically drafted from your bank account? Sign up for Automated Giving! Download an authorization form on our website or pick one up at a Guest Information Center on Sunday.

SportsLife Spring Softball League Pre-season tourney begins Saturday, April 18 This is a great opportunity for Connection Groups. Sign up as an individual or a team. Cost is $25 per individual. Fee includes t-shirt and game balls. Register online at www.fbcs.net/sportslife.

Discover First New members & inquirers class Sunday, April 19 at 9:15 a.m. in the South Conference Room This is a perfect opportunity for new members and visitors to find out what our church is all about. Discover if God is leading you to make us your church home! A copy of that Sunday’s message will be given to you at the end of class.

Baptism Helpers Needed We need several men and women to help on the baptism team every 3–4 weeks. Call Staci Seagraves at 751-4523 or e-mail [email protected].

Tuesdays in April at 6:30 p.m. at the 24/7 Building Enjoy fellowship through music with Bradley Noblitt and worship in the Word with Chris Swain. This is a great opportunity in a relaxed atmosphere to meet and grow in faith with other singles in the area.

16 HOURS version 2.0/Kidz Day For kids grades 1–5 Begins Saturday, April 25 at 8 p.m. We had so much fun at 16 HOURS last year that we are going to do it again! We’re having a giant lock-in (sort of ) the night before Kidz Day 2009 that will include games, food, fun, a trip to FAST LANES, more food, a little shut eye, more food, and a fantastic KIDZ CHURCH BLOW-OUT. We’ll finish up with a giant rally in the Kidz Theatre that ends at noon. Cost is $25 per child. Sign up deadline is April 20. Check-in begins at 8 p.m. on April 25 in the SEC Foyer. You’ll need to bring sleeping gear, toiletries, and your Bible. We also need you to fill out a permission slip that will be good for all activities through the end of the year. Register online at www.fbcs.net/kids.

Sunday, April 26 in DiscoveryLand Preschool All preschoolers, one year old–kindergarten, will receive a free Diggity Dog t-shirt during the Connection Group hours.

R E A L life

Be a part of our guests’ first impression of First Baptist Church of Springdale by welcoming guests to our parking lots. Parking volunteers are needed to serve on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Contact us at 756-7151 to find out how you can be a part.

THR!VE For singles 30+

Preschool “Diggity Dog Day”


First Impressions

Fridays from 6–9:30 p.m. A new ministry to strengthen marriages. Participate in a Connection Group and earn a voucher for free childcare for a “Friday Night Out.” For more information, contact Dorothy Oxier at 751-4523 or [email protected].

May 1–2 from 5 p.m.–11 a.m. in Hogeye, Arkansas For all ages! Cost is $10 per person/$25 per family. Each person is responsible for their own tents/sleeping arrangements and their own drinks/coolers. We will provide Friday dinner and Saturday breakfast. Register online at www.fbcs.net or at the registration table in the foyer on Sundays.

See the ad to the left for more information.

Parent/Child D









Mother’s Day, May 10 at the beginning of the 9:15 a.m. service Take this opportunity to give back to God what He has so graciously given to you. Register by contacting Suzanne at 751-4523 or e-mail [email protected]. Photo deadline is Sunday, April 26.

Pinnacle Hills Campus T H E C H U RC H a t P I N N AC L E H I L L S | 479-271-7799 | www.churchph.com




Sunday Morning Worship

Camp 24/7 at the Beach

IMPACT Ministry

9:15 & 10:55 a.m. in the Worship Center

For students grades 6–12 June 21–27 at Orange Beach, Alabama Our annual student summer camp featuring Ken Freeman and the Nick Thurmond Band. Cost is $325 before March 29 ($350 after) with a $150 non-refundable deposit. Register online at www.churchph.com/students.

Saturdays from 3–4 p.m. at the Double Tree Apartment Complex in Rogers Join us as we make an IMPACT in our community! Just 1.5 hours a week can make a difference in a child’s life. Contact Scott Crawford at [email protected] or call 479-756-7151 for details.

Camp 24/7 Informational Meeting Sunday, April 19 after the 10:55 a.m. service in the Student Building

Prayer Link

Sunday Live Internet Stream Sundays at 9:15 a.m. - www.churchph.com

Sunday Preschool & Kids Worship 9:15 & 10:55 a.m. Birth–4 years - Creation Station K–2nd grade - Clubhouse 3rd–5th grade - Surge

Weekly Schedule for Students

Men’s Ministry

Life Connect Groups - Grades 6–12 Sundays at 9:15 a.m. in the Student Building Study God’s Word and meet and form relationships with other students.

• •

REFUGE - Grades 6–7 Sundays at 5 p.m. in the Student Building An exciting service to worship and fellowship with students your age and grade.

World View Bible Study - Grades 8–12 Sundays at 7 p.m. in the Student Building An in-depth study that will enrich your walk with God.

FUEL - Grades 6–12 Wednesdays at 7 p.m. in the Student Building Enjoy a fun-filled evening of worship and praise!

ALTARed Prayer Saturday, April 4 from 8–9 a.m. in the Worship Center Ladies, meet us at the ALTAR of the Worship Center on the first Saturday of every month for an incredible time of prayer and ministry. For more information, contact Kim at [email protected] or 271-7799.

Women’s Night of Worship “Interruptions: When the Unexpected Happens in Life” Tuesday, April 28 at 6:30 p.m. in the Gatheria A unique evening of prayer, worship, and teaching for women by women and led by Kathy Ferguson.

Choir Rehearsal Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Worship Center


R E A L life

Men’s Link - Devotion and Prayer Saturdays at 7 a.m. at the East Mezzanine Sharpen - Revelation Bible study Tuesdays at 6:15 a.m. in the E. Connection Room

If you would like to request prayer or would like the opportunity to pray for others’ requests, e-mail us at [email protected].

24/7 Student Ministry Join our Motion or Drama team and use your talent to the glory of our Lord! Call Kristi Chapman at 271-7799 if you are interested.

Guy’s Camping Trip April 17–18 Meet at the Student Building at 5 p.m. for fun activities. Dads are welcome too! Cost is $10. Register online at www.churchph.com.

Father/Son Night Out “The Difference a Father Makes” Friday, April 24 from 6:15–8:45 p.m. We will have several games including corn toss, air-soft shooting, Mars kick range, sling shots, football throw, and putt-putt. Cost is $20 for each father/son ($10 for each additional son). A meal is included. Register online or at PH Kids.

Save the Dates - PH Kids • Adventure Week “The Plane Truth” - June 8–12 • Kids Kamp - July 12–15 • Kids Olympics “Fun, Wacky Games” - August 12

Sunday Connection Groups 9:15 & 10:55 a.m. Joe Atchison - Administrative Offices Bob Balfe - Administrative Offices Scott Kaufman - Surge Bob McCaslin - Worship Offices 10:55 a.m. Mike Daniels & Kathy Ferguson - Admin. Offices Financial Peace University - Student Building

Martial Arts Class Thursdays at 6 p.m. in the Student Building A self-defense class led by Kevin James.

Fridays from 6–9:30 p.m. A new ministry to strengthen marriages. Participate in a Connection Group during the week and earn a voucher for free childcare for a “Friday Night Out. “ For more information, contact Michelle Holden at 271-7799 or [email protected].

Pre-Marital Conference Friday, April 17 from 6–10 p.m. & Saturday, April 18 from 8 a.m.–noon This is highly recommended for engaged couples seeking a strong Biblical foundation for a healthy and life-long marriage. Cost is $50 per couple and includes materials, a light dinner, and continental breakfast. Register and pay online at www.churchph.com. For more information, contact Michelle Holden at 271-7799.

Parent/Child D







Mother’s Day, May 10 at the beginning of both services Take this opportunity to give back to God what He has so graciously given to you. Register by contacting Jeniffer at 271-7799 or e-mail [email protected]. Photo deadline is Sunday, April 26.



Bring your TEAMMATES from any team: football, baseball, basketball, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, O.M., Quiz Bowl, etc. Dress in your team uniform and the team with the most teammates here on April 26 gets a free trip to Mad Pizza with Pastor Jamie filled with fun, food, and games!

1709 Johnson Road Springdale, Arkansas 72762

2448 Pinnacle Hills Parkway Rogers, Arkansas 72758

1707 Johnson Road Springdale, Arkansas 72762

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