Real Life May 2009

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May 2009


Oklahoma City page 4


Kidapalooza Festival May 30


Kidapalooza Adventure Week June 8–11


The PLANE Truth Adventure Week

June 8–12

(Pinnacle Hills)

Young Couples at the Springdale Aquatic Center June 14


Casting Crowns Concert at Pinnacle Hills June 18

Camp 24/7 at the Beach June 21–27

Summer Freedom Celebration with Dr. Ronnie Floyd & Tim Lee June 28

Fireworks at the Crosses June 28

Community Serve Night July 8

(Pinnacle Hills)

Kids Kamp at Sky Ranch July 12–15

Family Night at the Springdale Aquatic Center July 19

(Pinnacle Hills)

Beth Moore Simulcast August 28 & 29

Summer events upcoming

May 2009 A message from Dr. Ronnie Floyd, Senior Pastor

Communicating With You We have created all kinds of ways for me to communicate with you. Think about this: I communicate with you on Sundays verbally and in writing, I blog for you four days a week at If you desire, you can follow me on Twitter at, which is my life between the blogs; and we are creating a weekly electronic communication vehicle that will inform you about upcoming ministry opportunities. I desire to communicate with you personally, but also to communicate with you in many other ways. Therefore, I pray you take the time and energy to know what is happening in our church. God is doing some great things. We have just concluded our greatest Easter weekend ever, with attendance being up 21% over the year before, surpassing 10,500 people and becoming the all-time high attendance record for our church. We had 59 professions of faith and experienced 43 people following Christ in baptism. God is doing some great things.

Support our church this summer with your attendance, volunteerism, prayer, and even financially. We cannot do all that needs to be done without you. Your involvement with us is critical. This is why I want you to journey with us through several of our channels of communication. Please join us on this summer journey. Do not forget the importance of supporting your church financially this summer through our ANNUAL SUMMER PROGRAM OF GIVING which runs for 16 weeks from Memorial Day Sunday, May 24, through Labor Day Sunday, September 6. You can join us weekly, giving in person, through mail, or even through automated giving which Jeana and I have practiced since it was created. It is easy to do. Please contact our church financial office at 751-4523 or go online to discover how you can do this. Our Summer Program of Giving Goal is $4.6 million over these 16 weeks. Dear friends, there has never been a summer where it is more important that we reach this goal. We cannot do it without each of us honoring God with the first tenth and offerings to our church weekly. When you are gone on vacation this summer or away a Sunday, INSURE you give first before you leave. This is another major asset to automated giving; it is taken care of regardless of where you are.

“…take the time and energy to know what is happening in our church. God is doing some great things. “

I could talk with you today about so many things. I could talk with you about mission trips over spring break to our San Diego church plant and our MOTION phenom in Oklahoma City. I could talk to you about our orphanage in Malawi, Africa being opened that will house 100 orphans. We are also presently caring for 50 widows in Ntcheu, Africa. I could talk to you about the 14 churches we are launching and investing in this year all across the world. I could talk to you about 18 of our students who believe God is calling them to ministry (within the past 60 days) and are going through a class now that they have surrendered their lives. I could talk to you about prayer gatherings that are happening on Tuesday nights at Springdale and Thursday nights at Pinnacle Hills. Oh friends, the list goes on and on. My point: God is working mightily.

Pray for your church all month and then throughout the summer. God is moving. Both campuses have great momentum, and we must seize the moment. Blessings and Love,

is now available to view online at or Real Life is published monthly by First Baptist Church of Springdale and The Church at Pinnacle Hills. To unsubscribe to Real Life, or for any other inquiries, please call 479-751-4523. May 2009


M I R A C L E in

involved could have been prepared for

never forget and could only be found on

the impact that was about to be made

the streets of the inner city.

in South Oklahoma City. Pastor Childers knew of MOTION’s unique approach to

“It just made perfect sense to go,” said

sharing the gospel through creative

Chuck Butler, Associate Minister of

elements such as singing, step, dance,

Students and MOTION Director. “South

and stomp, and he believed the group of

Lindsay Baptist was already established in

six through twelfth grade students could

that area with a passion for the lost. They

make a difference. When he asked them

just needed people and energy. We could

Childers of South Lindsay

to come, they went.

provide both.” And provide they did.

Baptist Church in South Oklahoma

On March 21, the beginning of Spring

commended, “They were unstoppable

Break week, thirty-eight area students

in their witness…. The MOTION group

City, Oklahoma, contacted First

and their thirteen adult sponsors left

was the most prepared, motivated, and

Springdale bound for South Oklahoma

engaged mission group I have ever seen.”

Baptist Church of Springdale and

City. While teenagers across the country

requested the help of the MOTION

were hitting the beaches and theme parks,

Not only did MOTION perform at Childers’

the only ‘attraction’ drawing the students

church, but the students also presented

of MOTION to South OKC was lost people

at local parks, a mall, and outside an

who needed Jesus. No sun. No sand. No

Oklahoma City Thunder basketball game,

giant roller coasters. Yet the thrill ride to

as well as five public school assemblies in

come would be one the students would

South Oklahoma City.

by Angela Slaughter

When Pastor Wayne

ministry in reaching his community for Christ, the pastor, nor anyone

Of the MOTION team, Pastor Childers

“Our lives were touched in ways no one ever expected.” “The response from the schools was

heckling and jeers are not fun

first person to Christ on Wednesday

amazing ways. He can do anything.”

amazing,” said Butler. “They loved

for anyone.” However, instead

night at a local park. Her name

And on March 21–28 in South

us. We did everything we would do

of taunts and boos, the MOTION

was Whitney, and she was fifteen

Oklahoma City, He did.

in a church and never once got any

students were met with

years old.”

negative feedback.” In fact, every

appreciation and praise. “It was

school administrator where

electric,” said Noblitt. “This high

Canvassing over 3,000 homes,

Butler said. “They accepted a

MOTION performed prepared a

school stood and cheered during

prayer walking, singing, stomping,

calling to go during an inopportune

letter of recommendation for the

the song, Jumpin’ in the House of

sharing one-on-one, the students

time (spring break) to a city that

group. One such letter reads, “Our

God. It was a powerful experience

of MOTION unselfishly poured

isn’t glamorous to do work many

students and staff were totally

to watch. Tough high school? It

themselves into reaching South

wouldn’t. They literally lived out

enthralled with [MOTION]. They are

probably was. But God was big

OKC for Christ. So, did they? The

ACTS 1:8 and the Great Commission

still talking about them. If MOTION

through MOTION that day.”

answer is astounding, or as Chuck

in eight days. What happened

Butler might say, “ridiculously cool.”

in South Oklahoma City was

Perhaps no one saw just how big

In the eight days MOTION students

something only God can do.

God was as clearly as the MOTION

spent in the city, 208 salvation

I hope the people of our church see

Kim Noblitt, Associate Pastor of

students themselves. Jordan, age

decisions were made for Jesus.

and hear and know that and want

Worship Ministries, arrived in OKC

14, said, “Our lives were touched

Thirty-eight kids stomping in the

to get involved in things that are

on Friday to attend the students’

in ways no one ever expected.

street—208 more people hanging

bigger than themselves. Because

performance at what assuredly was

We shared our faith with the

out in Heaven. Not bad for eight

that is what thirty-eight students

to be the “toughest high school

community and prayed over every

days work. As stated by one of the

and their sponsors experienced in

assembly of the week.” Kim recalled

area and person that we came in

MOTION students, “What a miracle.

OKC—something much bigger

being “apprehensive because

contact with. I personally led my

I saw God move in the most

than ourselves.”

is ever stomping in our area again, please, sign us up first!”

“We should be proud of this group,”

May 2009


Communications U P DAT E Andy Wilson, Executive Leader of the Ministry & Operations

Changes in Communication One of the major responsibilities I have is to ensure that we effectively communicate information regarding our church to our members and the community. We have evaluated our three major communication channels and are making some significant changes and updates.

Website On May 4, we are introducing a new website. We are proud of the updates and changes on the site. We have many new features including Facebook integration. Logging in to the new website using your Facebook account will give you the ability to comment on events, groups, blogs, and photos. In addition to our podcasts, which have been very successful, we are adding a video player to the front page of our campus websites that will allow you to watch the current week’s message on-demand. We have also added a new staff page that allows you to follow our staff team on their blogs, Facebook, and Twitter pages. We have also made key improvements to our registration and payment processes online. In addition to our new website, you will soon be receiving a weekly e-mail that will feature a brief message from our Pastor or from our Ministers informing you about upcoming ministry opportunities.



This is the last issue you will receive through the mail. Beginning with the June edition, Real Life will only be available to view on our websites at or You may also subscribe online to receive Real Life through e-mail. Limited printed copies will be available at each campus, but we encourage you to read Real Life online.


Real Life This May edition of Real Life is the last issue that will be mailed to you. Beginning with the June edition, Real Life will only be available to view on our websites at or or through e-mail subscription. Limited printed copies will be available at each campus (Guest Information Centers at Springdale and the Welcome Desk at Pinnacle Hills), but we encourage you to read Real Life online. We will continue to use Real Life to tell the “real life” stories of our church, its members, and the ministries that are impacting the world.

Sunday Bulletin The layout of the Sunday bulletin has been changed to communicate to you in a more effective way. A weekly schedule has been added, and upcoming events are now listed under ministry categories so that you can easily locate events that pertain to your age or the ministry/ministries that you are involved with. We are excited about these changes, and we believe this will improve the communication and marketing of our ministries.


R E A L life


4 3

New Website Highlights 1 Facebook integration 2 Watch/download the latest Sunday message 3 Read the current Real Life

Coming May 4!

4 Quick links to upcoming campus events

Campus CO N N E C T I O N Shawn Smith, Minister of Students - Springdale Campus & Josh Wisdom, Minister of Students - Pinnacle Hills Campus

Camp 24/7 at the Beach Students from all over Northwest Arkansas are preparing for a great week on the beach. On June 21–27, our church will take hundreds of students to Orange Beach, Alabama for beach camp. The camp is for all 6th–12th grade students. Last year over 80 students lives were changed for eternity at the beach. This year we are praying for God to do even more. Ken Freeman will be speaking and Nick Thurmond will lead our worship time each day. Student camp is one of the most life-changing weeks in a teenager’s life. If you are a parent or grandparent of a teenager, you need to encourage your student to attend. We know there are a lot of summer activities that your student can participate in, but none of them can compare with beach camp. Your student will be challenged spiritually, connect with other students, and grow in their faith. I hope that you will commit to sending your student to camp. As a church we want to ask you to pray for camp in some very specific ways. First, would you pray that our students would invite their friends to beach camp? We are praying this year for over 100 students to meet Christ at camp. If your student is attending, please encourage them to invite a friend, neighbor, or teammate to go with them.

Secondly, would you consider giving a scholarship to help a student attend summer camp? Every year we take unchurched students from all over our region. Many of them have parents who would never send them to a church camp. One student who accepts Christ could become a gateway to reaching an entire family. We saw this happen first hand last year. If you would like to help scholarship a student to camp, you can do so by giving in the worship service or by dropping it off at one of our student ministry offices. Any amount given will go to help send students to camp. Thirdly, would you commit to pray each day during beach camp? There is a great amount of spiritual warfare involved in taking students to camp. Pray that God will speak to the hearts of students and that they will respond. Pray for God to call students to the ministry or the mission field. A week away from the world can make all the difference in a student hearing the call of God on their life. We need the church to pray! We are believing God for a great week at beach camp. If you would like more information about camp, please go the church website at or You can register online or in person until May 3rd. Spots are filling up fast so don’t wait!

Springdale Campus F I R S T B A P T I S T C H U R C H o f S P R I N G D A L E | 479-751-4523 |

Weekly Schedule & Upcoming Events Sundays

Children’s Ministry

8:15 a.m. Connection Groups

Kidapalooza Community Festival & Adventure Week 2009

9:15 a.m. Worship Service

Community Festival - Saturday, May 30 from 3–6 p.m. at Murphy Park in Springdale Adventure Week - June 8–11 This year, we’re doing “G.A.D.G.E.T.’s Garage,” where “God is Always Doing Great and Exciting Things.” Come join us for great games, crafts, Bible lessons, and just plain old fun! Parents, you’re always welcome to join the fun as a Kidapalooza volunteer! Preschoolers of volunteers will be able to attend the preschool version of Kidapalooza. Sign up online at Deadline to sign up is Sunday, May 31.

Kidz Church (grades 1–5) DiscoveryLand Preschool 10:55 a.m. Connection Groups

Wednesdays 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Night Meal - Fellowship Gym Adults - $3/Children - $2 5:30 p.m. 24/7 Café and Building opens 6:00 p.m. Orchestra Rehearsal 6:45 p.m. Study of the Parables - Chapel Choir Rehearsal 7:00 p.m. Kidz Inc. Inside Out 24/7 JV Overdrive (grades 6–8) 24/7 Varsity Overdrive (grades 9–12)

Student Ministry

Grades K–5

Grades 6–12

Camp 24/7 at the Beach June 21–27 at Orange Beach, Alabama Our annual student summer camp featuring Ken Freeman and the Nick Thurmond Band. Cost is $350 with a $150 non-refundable deposit. Registration deadline is May 3. Register online at

2nd Annual Mother/Daughter Chocolate Festival Saturday, May 9 from 3–4 p.m. at the 24/7 Building Each mother/daughter team will prepare a chocolate dish. Each dish must contain chocolate or have chocolate for dipping or drizzling. Attendees and select judges will sample each dish and vote for their favorite. Cost is $15 per team. Register in the 24/7 Office. For more information, call Ashleigh at 751-4523.

Campus-wide Event First Annual Campout! May 1–2 from 5 p.m.–11 a.m. in Hogeye, Arkansas For all ages! Cost is $10 per person/$25 per family. Each person is responsible for their own tents/ sleeping arrangements and their own drinks/ coolers. We will provide Friday dinner and Saturday breakfast. Register online at


R E A L life

Missions Ministry Help Change a Nation With over 1 million orphans, Malawi is a country in desperate need. We have the opportunity to make a difference. Join us for an informational meeting on Wednesday, May 13 at 6:30 p.m. (Springdale) or Sunday, May 17 at 12:30 p.m. (Pinnacle Hills) to find out more about our upcoming Africa journey August 25–September 5. We will be working with our newly opened orphanage, doing some light construction, and leading in a Leadership Conference. Visit our Esther’s House display on Sundays for more information.

Young Couples Ministry “Hello Summer!” Connection Group Social Sunday, June 14 from 7–9 p.m. at the Springdale Aquatic Center Join us for a wonderful day of food, fun, and fellowship! This is for all Young Couples Connection Group members and their families. This will be a great time to get to know one another and fellowship together.

FNO - Friday Night Out Fridays from 6–9:30 p.m. A ministry to strengthen marriages. Participate in a Connection Group and earn a voucher for free childcare for a “Friday Night Out.” For more information, contact Dorothy Oxier at 751-4523 or [email protected].

Financial Planning Finding Freedom Thursday, May 14 at 6:30 p.m. in the Gatheria at our Pinnacle Hills campus Caleb Mitchell will talk about simple and easy to implement personal financial planning steps that will not only help you weather the storm we are in right now, but plan for you and your family’s future. No childcare provided.

Help Change a Nation Find out how you can get involved by attending one of these informational meetings: Wednesday, May 13 at 6:30 p.m. at our Springdale campus or Sunday, May 17 at 12:30 p.m. at our Pinnacle Hills campus or stop by our Esther’s House display on Sundays.

Adventure Week 2009

June 8–11

Great games, crafts, Bible lessons, and just plain old fun! For grades K–5 completed. See the ad on the left for more information.

Pinnacle Hills Campus T H E C H U R C H a t P I N N A C L E H I L L S | 479-271-7799 |

Weekly Schedule & Upcoming Events Sundays

Children’s Ministry

9:15 a.m. Worship Service (simulcast)

The PLANE Truth: Adventure Week 2009

ALTARed Prayer

June 8–12 from 6:15–8:30 p.m. Come join us as we take off on an adventure in search of the PLANE Truth! Cost is $10 per child and you can register upstairs at PH Kids or online at

Saturday, May 2 from 8–9 a.m. in the Worship Center Ladies, meet us at the ALTAR of the Worship Center on the first Saturday of every month for an incredible time of prayer and ministry. For more information, please contact Kim at 271-7799 or [email protected].

Creation Station (preschoolers) Kids Worship (grades 1–5) Life Connect Groups (grades 6–12) Connection Groups 10:30 a.m. Financial Peace University 10:55 a.m. Worship Service Creation Station (preschoolers) Kids Worship (grades 1–5) Connection Groups 5:00 p.m. REFUGE Worship (grades 6 & 7) Kid Konnect (K–5) ends 5/17 “Letters to the Seven Churches” with Scott Kaufman 7:00 p.m. World View Bible Study (grades 8–12)

Mondays 6:30 p.m. Exit 83 for Young Singles

Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. Daytime Connection Group 12:30 p.m. Weight Watchers 6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal Kid Konnect (K–5) ends 5/13 7:00 p.m. FUEL (grades 6–12)


R E A L life

Grades K–5

Women’s Ministry

Save these Dates July 12–15 - Kids Kamp August 12 - Kids Olympics “Fun, Wacky Games”

Student Ministry

Grades 6–12

Camp 24/7 at the Beach June 21–27 at Orange Beach, Alabama Our annual student summer camp featuring Ken Freeman and the Nick Thurmond Band. Cost is $350 with a $150 non-refundable deposit. Registration deadline is May 3.

Mighty Men Men’s Link Saturdays from 7–8 a.m. on the second level Devotion and prayer group

Sharpen Tuesdays at 6:15 a.m. in the East Connection Room Bible study on Revelation

Bible Doctrine Sundays at 5 p.m. at the Admin. Office area

Focus Groups for Singles Exit-83 Trip to Kansas City May 24 & 25 We will be staying at the Sheraton on the Plaza. We will shop and go to a Kansas City Royals game. Cost is $50 to $125, depending on the number of people in a hotel room. For more information, contact Pamela at 271-7799 or [email protected].

180° 40+ Singles Sundays at 5 p.m. in the East Connection Room A community of believers growing in Christ, reaching others, and building healthy relationships.

Financial Planning Finding Freedom Thursday, May 14 at 6:30 p.m. in the Gatheria Caleb Mitchell will talk about simple and easy to implement personal financial planning steps that will not only help you weather the storm we are in right now, but plan for you and your family’s future. No childcare provided.

New Members & Inquirers Discover Pinnacle Sunday, May 3 from 9:15–11:45 a.m. in the Administrative Conference Room The class is designed to equip new and potential members for a productive and satisfying membership at The Church at Pinnacle Hills. A light breakfast will be served. A voucher for a complimentary CD of the 10:55 a.m. worship service will be provided to each family unit who attends.

Young Couples Ministry FNO - Friday Night Out Fridays from 6–9:30 p.m. A ministry to strengthen marriages. Participate in a Connection Group during the week and earn a voucher for free childcare for a “Friday Night Out. “ For more information, contact Michelle Holden at 271-7799 or [email protected].

Thursday, May 7

The Church at Pinnacle Hills Breakfast begins at 6:30 a.m. Program is from 7–8:30 a.m.

Featuring Ken Hatfield, Former University of Arkansas Head Football Coach

1709 Johnson Road Springdale, Arkansas 72762

2448 Pinnacle Hills Parkway Rogers, Arkansas 72758

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1707 Johnson Road Springdale, Arkansas 72762








Program of

GIVING Weekly goal:

16 weeks:

May 24 thru September 6

16-week goal:

$287,500 $4,600,000


International Television Daystar Sunday

4:30 p.m. (Ch. 6)

Local Television KHOG Family 45

Sunday Sunday Tuesday Thursday

9:30 a.m. (Ch. 7) 5:00 p.m. (Ch. 21) 7:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m.

Live Radio (Northwest Arkansas) FamilyFM Sunday 9:30 a.m. (89.3 FM) www.R onnieFloyd. co m

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