Bcc Newsletter April 09

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Missions News

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Upcoming Events

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April 2009

The Bethlehem Message from the Pastor This month we celebrate Easter and the resurrection of our Lord. For some reason, actually for many different reasons, our attendance will swell to almost double its normal size. What a great thing to see so many people in church. What a tragic thing that it only happens twice a year (weddings and funerals aside). What is it that makes people come to church once or twice a year? I never quite understood that sort of thinking, but I guess that is because I grew up going to church every week. But I seriously wonder: why come once or twice a year? To try to appease God in some manner? To try to get on His good side or maybe stay on His good side? Is it out of guilt or shame? Perhaps it is pressure from other family or simply expectation of society. Who knows—maybe for some it’s just an opportunity to play dress up and look nice in front of others. Don’t get me wrong—it’s great that these “extra” people come, but if it is important enough to come once or twice, why is it not important enough to come on a regular basis? Personally, I wonder: if you don’t come regularly, why then bother to come at all? Do these peo

Word ple think they are letting God know that they are alive? God knows that already. This issue gets to the question of what the church is all about and what membership in a church really means. This is something our leadership will be discussing in the near future. I am convinced that our thoughts and ideas on membership—our theology of membership if you will—is very important for the life and vitality and health of the church. Churches with lax membership policies and procedures often show many symptoms as a result of that. When you expect and ask very little of people that is exactly what you will get. When the church asks little and requires little of its members, she has no right to groan and moan when there are not then people willing to help out and take an active role in leadership. When the church makes her own bed she must then lie in it. Thankfully we serve a Savior who when laid in the tomb did not stay there—He rose victorious from the grave and gives new life to those who desire it. Perhaps our church in a manner of speaking can do the same? God bless, Pastor Dave

April 2009 Sun

5 Worship 10:30am











3 NA Meeting 6:30pm



9 Maundy Thursday Communion service 7pm

10 NA Meeting 6:30pm


15 Pastoral Relations Committee Mtg. 7pm

16 Bible Study 7pm

17 NA Meeting 6:30pm

18 Baby Shower for Karin Johnson 1pm

24 NA Meeting 6:30pm


Youth Group 7-8:30pm

12 Easter breakfast 9:30am Worship 10:30am

13 Veritas Team Mtg. 7pm

14 Church Board Meeting 7pm Youth Group 7-8:30pm

19 Worship 10:30am


21 Youth Group 7-8:30pm



26 Worship 10:30am


28 Youth Group 7-8:30pm



The following is an updated list of our church members and friends who unable to attend church on a regular basis. Let us remember them in our thoughts and prayers and with a note.

Mr. Lee Randall 10 Hall Street Webster, MA 01570 508-943-0847

Mildred Carlson 669 Washington St. Apt. 105 Auburn, MA 01501

Mrs. Doris Anderson 667 Washington Street #225 Auburn, MA 01501 508-832-5239 Mrs. Lillian Ekstrom Notre Dame Du Lac 555 Plantation Street Apt. 327 Worcester, MA 01608 508-852-5542 Mr. & Mrs. Carl Werme 24 Briarwood Circle Worcester, MA01606 508-856-7232

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Paul Faler 321 Massasoit Rd. Worcester, MA 01604 Mrs. Claire Poirier 63 Hudson Ave. Grafton, MA 01519 Mrs. Lydia Anderson Whitney Place P.O.Box 935 85 Beumont Dr. Apt. 10 Northbridge, MA 01534

Missions News May 9, 2009 from 11:00 to 1:00 - Kid's Craft Day - we will be making Mother's Day Cards and Crafts - lunch will be served. Children of all ages are welcome. There will be a sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall.

Birthdays and Anniversaries April Birthdays Steven Koller Martha Connor Stephanie Stockwell Doris Anderson Joy Monopoli Jeffrey Stafinski Hannah Zoulias Russell Lindquist Bethany Johnson Steven Nordstrom Karin Jacobson Kasey Remington David Pope Steven Pope Avery Shepard Thomas Johnson Sarah Stafinski Marjorie Anderson

May Birthdays 4/2 4/3 4/4 4/08 4/09 4/09 4/11 4/12 4/13 4/17 4/18 4/19 4/21 4/21 4/23 4/24 4/26 4/30

April Anniversaries Paul & Lucyann Swenson 4/30

Maundy Thursday Service—Thursday at 7pm. A service of holy communion and reflection.

Easter Sunrise Service—at Greenwood Park at 6:30am on Easter Sunday morning with our friends from Quinsig United Methodist. Easter Breakfast—starting at 9:30 on Easter Sunday. There will be a light breakfast served (coffee, juice, muffins, etc.) before the worship service. Please plan to join us.

ATTENTION LADIES: You are invited to Karin Johnson's Baby Shower on Saturday, April 18th @ 1pm in the Church Vestry.

Richard Lindstrom David Bartkus Julia Rose Elbe Sophia Grace Elbe Nicole Bourassa Thomas Bourassa Deborah Stockwell Jeffrey Stockwell Jillian Meenan Lillian Stafinski Mandy Warren Hannah Bartkus

5/3 5/4 5/12 5/12 5/16 5/16 5/20 5/20 5/21 5/24 5/24 5/28

May Anniversaries Karin and Paul Ciance 5/2 David and Elizabeth Pope 5/3 Marjorie and Roland Carlson 5/4 Janet and Thomas Clawson 5/11 David and Annette Ahlin 5/16 Gordon and Marion Forsberg 5/19 Catherine and Roy Lindstrom 5/28 A burglar broke into a Christian family's home one night. He shined his flashlight around, looking for valuables, when he heard a strange voice echoing from the dark saying, “Jesus is watching you.” He nearly jumped out of his skin, clicked his flashlight off, and froze. After awhile, when he heard nothing more, he shook his head and continued. Just as he pulled the stereo out so he could disconnect the wires, clear as a bell he heard, “Jesus is watching you…” Freaked out, he shined his light around frantically, looking for the source of the voice and finally, in the corner of the room, his flashlight beam came to rest on a parrot. “Did you say that?” he whispered to the parrot. “Yep,” the parrot squawked, “I'm just trying to warn you.” The burglar relaxed. “Warn me, huh? And what is your name?” “Moses,” replied the bird. “Moses?” the burglar laughed. “What kind of people would name a bird Moses?” “The kind of people that would name a Rottweiler, Jesus.”

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The Bethlehem

Bethlehem Covenant Church 46 Greenwood Street P.O. Box 70629 Worcester, MA 01607 (508) 752—1459 www.bethlehemcc.org


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