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LESSON PLAN IN COMPUTER 4 DATE: ______________________________ UNIT 1 – COMPUTER HARDWARE LESSON 2 – Process

I. OBJECTIVES:  At the end of the lesson75% of the students should be able to:  Identify the meaning of the word computer;  Show concern in computer hardware by using it properly; and  Illustrate how computer works and process tasks.

I. OBJECTIVES:  At the end of the lesson75% of the students should be able to:  Understand how processing stage work in the computer system;  Value the works of CPU by naming its works and function; and  Answer the given exercises correctly.

II. Learning Content: a. Strategies: Discussion and Group work b. Materials: Computer, illustration on how computer works, Book (My FB in Computer 4) c. Values: Proper use of the computer.

II. Learning Content: a. Strategies: Discussion and group work b. Materials: Computer, illustrations, Book (My FB in Computer 4) c. Values: Proper use of computer.

III. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: a. Pre-Assessment: o Ask the students to match the name of each input devices.

III. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: a. Pre-Assessment: o Show picture of a CPU and ask the students its basic function.

b. Post Assessment: Ask the students the following:  How computer works and process task?  Enumerate the steps on how computer works and process.  Answer exercises on page 7 of their book. IV. SUMMATIVE:  Demonstration/Illustration  Recitation

b. Post Assessment:  Let the students do the following: o Enumerate the different components of the CPU. o Name some of its function in processing the data. o Discuss how CPU works in the computer system.  Answer exercises on pages 12 – 13. V. SUMMATIVE:  Quiz (Lesson 1 – 2)  Recitation  Hands – on Activity

Poblacion, San Manuel, Pangasinan

Tel. # 565-2514

BLESSED ANGELS ACHIEVERS ACADEMY DATE: ______________________________ UNIT 1 – COMPUTER HARDWARE LESSON 3 – Output I. OBJECTIVES:  At the end of the lesson75% of the students should be able to:  Identify the different output devices and its function;  Appreciate the use of output devices by using it properly; and  Install printer manually. II. Learning Content: a. Strategies: Group work and class discussion b. Materials: Computer, Pictures of output devices Book (My FB in Computer 4) c. Values: Proper use of the computer III. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: a. Pre-Assessment: o Group work – draw the missing parts of the following pictures.  Printer  Monitor  Speaker b. Post Assessment: Ask the students answer the following:  How output stage works in the computer system?  Enumerate different kinds of output devices and its kind.  Answer exercises on page 18. IV. SUMMATIVE:  Do Hands-on Activity  Recitation  demonstration

LESSON PLAN IN COMPUTER 4 DATE: ______________________________ UNIT 1 – COMPUTER HARDWARE LESSON 4 – Storage I. OBJECTIVES:  At the end of the lesson75% of the students should be able to:  Identify the different kinds of storage devices and its function;  Appreciate the use of storage devices by using it properly; and  Answer the given exercises correctly. II. Learning Content: a. Strategies: Demonstration and Class Discussion b. Materials: Computer, pictures of monitor Book (My FB in Computer 4) c. Values: Proper use of the monitor III. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: a. Pre-Assessment: o Create a new word from the word MONITOR  Example:  Moon  Too  room b. Post Assessment:  Let the students do the following: o Show different kinds of monitor o Discuss the different parts of the monitor o Demonstrate the proper ways of using the monitor  Answer exercises on pages 24 – 25. V. SUMMATIVE:  Demonstration  Recitation  Hands – on Activity

Poblacion, San Manuel, Pangasinan

Tel. # 565-2514

BLESSED ANGELS ACHIEVERS ACADEMY DATE: ______________________________ UNIT 1 – COMPUTER HARDWARE LESSON 5 – Connecting Mouse and Keyboard to the CPU

LESSON PLAN IN COMPUTER 4 DATE: ______________________________ UNIT 2 – MICROSOFT POWERPOINT 2007 LESSON 1 – Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 I.

I. OBJECTIVES:  At the end of the lesson75% of the students should be able to:  Enumerate the steps on how to connect mouse and keyboard to the CPU;  Appreciate the different parts of the computer by connecting it properly; and  Connect keyboard to the CPU. II. Learning Content: a. Strategies: Group activity and discussion b. Materials: Computer, pictures of old computers up to present, Book (My FB in Computer 4) c. Values: Proper use of the computer III. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: a. Pre-Assessment: o Ask the students to give some ways on how to take care the computer. b. Post Assessment: Ask the students to do the following:  Enumerate the steps on how to connect mouse and keyboard to the CPU.  Demonstrate the steps on how to connect mouse and keyboard to the CPU.  Give some safety measures on connecting cables to the CPU.  Answer exercises on pages 29. IV. SUMMATIVE:  Do Hands-on Activity  Recitation  Demonstration  Quiz (Lesson 1 – 3)

OBJECTIVES:  At the end of the lesson75% of the students should be able to:  Identify the different features of the Microsoft PowerPoint 2007;  Value the importance of the latest version of Microsoft PowerPoint program by using it properly; and  Open the Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 program properly.

II. Learning Content: a. Strategies: Discussion and Demonstration b. Materials: Computer, illustration of MSPowerPoint 2007, Book (My FB in Computer 4) c. Values: Taking care of the things around us III. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: a. Pre-Assessment: o Arrange the picture puzzle – Microsoft PowerPoint2007 screen. b. Post Assessment:  Let the students do the following: o Demonstrate how to load MS-PowerPoint 2007 o Discuss the features of MS-PowerPoint 2007 o Give some technique in using PowerPoint  Answer exercises on pages 35. V. SUMMATIVE:  Demonstration  Recitation  Hands – on Activity

DATE: ______________________________ UNIT 2 – MICROSOFT POWERPOINT 2007

Poblacion, San Manuel, Pangasinan

Tel. # 565-2514


LESSON PLAN IN COMPUTER 4 Paragraph group)

I. OBJECTIVES:  At the end of the lesson75% of the students should be able to:  Identify the new environment of MSPowerPoint 2007;  Value the importance of the latest version of MS-PowerPoint program by using it properly; and  Close, Save and Open the Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 program.

I. OBJECTIVES:  At the end of the lesson75% of the students should be able to:  Enumerate the different menus and commands found in the Clipboard, Slides, Font and Paragraph group of Home Tab;  Appreciate the importance of Home Tabs in MSPowerPoint by using its different menus properly; and  Arrange the font and font styles of the text.

II. Learning Content: a. Strategies: Discussion and Demonstration b. Materials: Computer, Illustration MSPowerPoint 2007, Book (My FB in Computer 4) c. Values: taking care of the things around us

II. Learning Content: a. Strategies: Group Work and Demonstration b. Materials: Computer, illustration Book (My FB in Computer 4) c. Values: use computer properly

III. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: a. Pre-Assessment: o Arrange the picture puzzle – Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 screen.

III. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: a. Pre-Assessment: o Group work – arrange the puzzle accordingly Bold, Italic, Underline.

b. Post Assessment: Ask the students to do the following: o Discuss the parts of workplace in MSPowerPoint 2007. o Demonstrate how to open, save, and close MS-PowerPoint 2007. o Enumerate the additional features of the MS-PowerPoint 2007. o Answer exercises on pages 43 – 44. IV. SUMMATIVE:  Do Hands-on Activity  Recitation  Demonstration

DATE: ______________________________ UNIT 2 – MICROSOFT POWERPOINT 2007 LESSON 3 – Home Tab (Clipboard, Slides, Font and

b. Post Assessment:  Let the students do the following: o Enumerate the different menus found in the Clipboard, Slides, Font and Paragraph group of Home tab. o Demonstrate how to use these menus.  Answer exercises on pages 50 - 51. V. SUMMATIVE:  Quiz (Lesson 1 – 3)  Recitation  Demonstration  Hands – on Activity

DATE: ______________________________ UNIT 2 – MICROSOFT POWERPOINT 2007 LESSON 4 – Home Tab (Drawing and Editing Group)

Poblacion, San Manuel, Pangasinan

Tel. # 565-2514

BLESSED ANGELS ACHIEVERS ACADEMY I. OBJECTIVES:  At the end of the lesson75% of the students should be able to:  Enumerate the different menus and commands found in the drawing and editing group of Home Tab;  Appreciate the importance of Home Tabs in MSPowerPoint 2007 by using its different menus properly; and  Insert objects in the slide.

LESSON PLAN IN COMPUTER 4 I. OBJECTIVES:  At the end of the lesson75% of the students should be able to:  Name the different menus and commands found in the tables and illustration group of Insert Tab;  Enumerate the steps on how to insert picture and table in the slide;  Appreciate the different menu of insert tab by using it properly; and  Create tables and insert picture in the slide.

II. Learning Content: a. Strategies: Group work and Demonstration b. Materials: Computer, Illustration, Book (My FB in Computer 4) c. Values: Use computer properly

II. Learning Content: a. Strategies: Discussion and group work b. Materials: Computer, illustration, Book (My FB in Computer 4) c. Values: Creativity

III. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: a. Pre-Assessment: o Group work – re-arrange the picture (shrek) – asks the pupil about the character of the image.

III. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: a. Pre-Assessment: o Showing and naming some cartoon character picture.

b. Post Assessment: Ask the students to do the following: o Discuss the different menus found in the drawing and editing group of Home Tab. o Demonstrate how to use these menus. o Answer exercises on pages 56.

b. Post Assessment:  Let the students do the following: o Discuss the different menus found in the tables and illustration group of Insert Tab. o Demonstrate how to use these menus.  Answer exercises on pages 63. V. SUMMATIVE:  Quiz (Lesson 4 – 5)  Recitation  Demonstration  Hands – on Activity

IV. SUMMATIVE:  Do Hands-on Activity  Recitation  Demonstration

DATE: ______________________________ UNIT 2 – MICROSOFT POWERPOINT 2007 LESSON 5 – Insert Tab (Tables and Illustration Group)

DATE: ______________________________ UNIT 3 – MICROSOFT POWERPOINT 2007

Poblacion, San Manuel, Pangasinan

Tel. # 565-2514

BLESSED ANGELS ACHIEVERS ACADEMY LESSON 1 – Insert Tab (Illustration Group) I. OBJECTIVES:  At the end of the lesson75% of the students should be able to:  Give the different menus and commands found in the Insert Tab;  Enumerate the steps on how to create Hyperlink, Insert Photo Album and SmartArt in the slide;  Appreciate the different menu of Insert Tab by using it properly; and  Create Hyperlink, insert Photo Album and SmrtArt in the slide. II. Learning Content: a. Strategies: Demonstration and Discussion b. Materials: Computer, Illustration, Book (My FB in Computer 4) c. Values: Creativity III. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: a. Pre-Assessment: o Ask the pupil about the meaning of Photo Album. b. Post Assessment: Ask the students to do the following: o Discuss the different menus found in the Illustration group of Insert Tab. o Demonstrate how to use these menus. o Answer exercises on pages 69. IV. SUMMATIVE:  Do Hands-on Activity  Recitation  Demonstration

LESSON PLAN IN COMPUTER 4 LESSON 2 – Insert Tab (Text and Media Clips group) I.

OBJECTIVES:  At the end of the lesson75% of the students should be able to:  Identify the different menus and commands found in the Text and Media clips group of Insert Tab;  Enumerate the steps on how to insert movies and sound in the slide;  Appreciate the different menu of insert tab by using it properly; and  Create movies and sound in the slide.

II. Learning Content: a. Strategies: Discussion and Demonstration b. Materials: Computer, illustration, Book (My FB in Computer 4) c. Values: Creativity III. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: a. Pre-Assessment: o Play music recorded by the teacher, ask the pupil about the title of the music. b. Post Assessment:  Let the students do the following: o Discuss the different menus found in the Text and Media Clips group of Insert Tab. o Discuss the additional features of MSPowerPoint 2007 found in the Text and Media Clips group of Insert Tab. o Demonstrate how to use these menus.  Answer exercises on pages 73. IV. SUMMATIVE:  Recitation  Demonstration  Hands – on Activity

DATE: ______________________________ UNIT 3 – MICROSOFT POWERPOINT 2007

DATE: ______________________________ UNIT 3 – MICROSOFT POWERPOINT 2007

Poblacion, San Manuel, Pangasinan

Tel. # 565-2514


LESSON PLAN IN COMPUTER 4 LESSON 4 – Animation Tab (Preview and Animation Group)

I. OBJECTIVES:  At the end of the lesson75% of the students should be able to:  Identify the different menus and commands found in the design tab;  Enumerate the steps on how to arrange the page setup, themes and background of the slide;  Appreciate the different menu of design tab by using it accordingly; and  Apply themes and background in the slide. II. Learning Content: a. Strategies: Group work and Demonstration b. Materials: Computer, Illustration, Book (My FB in Computer 4) c. Values: Creativity III. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: a. Pre-Assessment: o Name some design background that can be found in PowerPoint 2003. b. Post Assessment: Ask the students to do the following: o Discuss the different menus found in the Design Tab. o Demonstrate how to use these menus. o Discuss the additional features of MSPowerPoint 2007 found in the Design Tab. o Answer exercises on page 56. IV. SUMMATIVE:  Quiz (Lesson 1 – 3)  Do Hands-on Activity  Recitation  Demonstration

I. OBJECTIVES:  At the end of the lesson75% of the students should be able to:  Identify the groups used in animating the object in the slide;  Enumerate the steps on how to apply animation in an object;  Value these command by using the shortcut command in performing the animation effect; and  Apply animation effect. II. Learning Content: a. Strategies: Group work and Demonstration b. Materials: Computer, illustration, Book (My FB in Computer 4) c. Values: Creativity III. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: a. Pre-Assessment: o Make new words (at least 4 letters) from the word ANIMATION.  Example  Atom  Main b. Post Assessment:  Let the students do the following: o Show the different menus found in the Preview and Animation Group. o Demonstrate how to use these menus.  Answer exercises on pages 82 - 83. IV. SUMMATIVE:  Recitation  Demonstration  Hands – on Activity

DATE: ______________________________ UNIT 3 – MICROSOFT POWERPOINT 2007

Poblacion, San Manuel, Pangasinan

Tel. # 565-2514

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