Ao Pegar Um Texto Para Traducao Colocar Imediatamente As Interrogacoes

  • May 2020
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Ao pegar um texto para traducao colocar imediatamente as interrogacoes no comeco da frase pra nao esquecer de inverter o verbo. Não pode usar perspective Amid = amidst = em meio a (não é among) Muzzle = mordaça e fucinho Muzzling of the free press = censura da imprensa Try to find hair on ones palm = tentar achar pelo em ovo. Better prepared not (more prepared) Congress alone don’t take a the but preceeded yes The American congress Ongoing em andamento = ongoing crisis Current corrente = current doubt, current year Overcome social distortion (superar) Surpass oneself, expectations, understand (it surpassed my understanding) ir alem de Cross the border They wither = elas murcham Joint selling venda casada Don’t think = belive In brasil you think in Britain you belive Condemm because of what he did Blaming for what he did It was davinci who painted Monalisa Davinci was the painter that painted Monalisa (painter is an occupation) All + plural and uncountable GRIDLOCK = traffic jam e impasse STALWART = musculoso It + take + subject + time It took me 1 hour to write I takes the bus 15 minutes to Tijuca Polster = pesquisador de opiniao He is polling for the president (pesquisando a opiniao para o presidente) WHOSE = POSSESSIVE = CUJO


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WHO = SUJEITO He is the man who is a diplomat (antes do verbo) WHOM = OBJETO He is the man whom I love (antes do pronome) In modern english substitui-se por who It was Rodrigo who I went to the movies with. Se tiver preposicao ou pontuation impossível substituir por Who. It was Rodrigo with whom I went to the movies. Rodrigo, whom I love WHICH = sujeito ou objeto This is the dog which bit me (sujeito) This is the table which I bought (objeto) THAT = pode substituir por who or whom nao pode substituir se tiver preposition ou pontuation It was Leonardo davinche Who painted the monalisa It was Leonardo Davinche the painter that made Monalisa (painter is not a person is an occupation. He is the man whom I love He is the man who I love He is the man that I love He is the man I love Se mudar o sujeito nao pode omitir He is the man who loves me He is the man that loves me The persuation Persuasive (adj) In the aftermath of the Second War = period close after The Second World war but World War II (sem o “the”) To bode ill = parecer mal The perspectives boded ill This figures do not bode well for the company’s future. Can you lend me 5 reais I don’t have money by I can lend you 5 reais I have no money so I cannot lend you 5 reais I don’t have a penny To propitiated = to appease/ to placate (diferente de provide) His face was blackened to propitiate the godess of chance (deusa da boa sorte) Originated = originou-se (nao é dar origem = caused) GROSS SOCIAL CONDITIONS Dany

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GROSS ECONOMIC INEQUALITIES Write out = passar a limpo Should it be true or not = be it true or not Whether that is true or not = if that is true or not (whether = qdo tem duas opcoes = nao é usado no inglês falado. To UNVEIL = to disclose To usher in = inaugurated To usher in a era of fear. The usher = lanterninha IN THE LIGHT OF (UK) IN LIGHT OF (US) Ele colocou a mao direita no ombro do filho, a mao esquerda no bolso do paleto e saiu com a mulher os amigos, o cunhado, o patrão, o cachorro e o papagaio para ver o carro novo. He placed his right hand on the shoulder of his son, his left hand in the pockett of his jacket, and left his house with his wife, his friends, his boss, his dog and his parrot to see HIS new car. PRETERITO IMPERFEITO Meu pai vivia na polonia My father lived in Poland Quando ele chegou ao Brasil When he came to Brasil he used to sell book Enquanto meu pai trabalhava minha mae estudava portugues While He was working my mother would study Portuguese. Eu lia muito. I read a lot Eu lia muito qdo nao trabalhava I used to read a lot when I wasnt working. To use used to you have to say when after so usa after qdo usou antes alguma coisa after 5 oclock, after a clause, after that afterwards depois de algum evento especcial I went to a wedding afterwards I went to the party Then = sequence I went to the beach and then I went to the bar Later = sequence in time I went to the beach, then to the bar and later to the club


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The Drizzle = a garoa Sao Paulo of the drizzle DEVELOP NEW IDEAS (its impossible to develop thoughts. Harsh measures (do not use strict measures) Increased bureaucracy (do not use enlarged because has not physical size) I would have to lie prone (deitar de bruços) Criticized for sth Under the auspices of UN (sth very good). Public opinion has been given clouts = leverage, authority He is my son Only he is my son (only he) He is my only son (no other sons) He is only my son (nothing else, not a friend) Engender cause Ao se dirigir a nacao o presidente prometeu On addressing the nation QUANDO By stating that HOW War was considered as a weapon of last resort It almost unleashed a world war Assure (asseverar) ≠ ensure (garantir) Estilo usar Primeiro causa depois consequencia Não usar many no meio da frase mas pode usar no começo e no final da frase. To Strengthen (dar poder) ≠ to empower (dar poder) Savage violence = bloodshed AT a level (inpossible to be sorrounded by a level thats because its not inthe level) Therefore usar só na conclusao quando for usar no meio da redacao usar HENCE

STAVE OFF To delay sth happening although you know that it Will happen eventually Dany

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To foil a plan Arruinar o plano

To thwart a plan Arruinar um plano

Cunning plan Clever but dishonest


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