Annex 1

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 2



Period : October – December 2004

Contract duration: 20.11.- 20.02.04

ACTIVITIES The activities realized in the framework of ART Gold Maghreb LIBIA realized by Gianluca Nocera in the period indicated are the follows: Activities realized before contract starting date:

1. On 5 October 2004, in Rome, to Mr. Luciano Carrino office, a first meeting was organized for the presentation of the program. Mr. Luciano Carrino, Mr. G. Vignola, Mr. S. Gori and Mrs. Benedetta Oddo, Gold Maghreb Coordinator have presented the Program and its objectives. It was the first occasion for a wide discussion on the Program objectives and a first taking of knowledge on the dynamics and objectives in the Area. Cost of activity:

2. On 2 November 2004 a second meeting was requested by Mr. Gianluca Vignola for the discussion on the term of reference and the contract conditions for the mission starting on 20 November 2004. The starting date was defined in order to participate to the International Conference on Art Gold Maghreb in Tunis that, on 17.11.04, it was postponed by the Tunisian Ministry. In the same day it was organized a meeting with Mr. Luciano Gonnella and Mr. Sauro Gori on the decentralized cooperation committees interested on Art Gold Libya.

3. On 17.11.04, a meeting with Giulia Dario and Giancarlo Canzanelli in order to discuss and define the opportunity and realize in Libya.

priority activities to

Verified the impossibility to depart within the established date, for the delay of the visa release, it has been settled to use the available time to start to meet the decentralized cooperation committees for picking up indications and to establish a first relationship.

4. On 18.11 and 05.12.04, Gianluca Nocera has met, in Pomigliano d’Arco, Mr. Onofrio Piccolo and Mr. Antonio De Falco, coordinator of International Cooperation of Pomigliano d’Arco and director of Pomigliano Ambiente Spa respectively as committee interested to participate to ART GOLD

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LIBYA Program. For this activities there was no relevant costs to reimburse

Activities realized under the contract n. 2004-09-11

5. With the assistance of the UNOPS staff for decentralized cooperation has scheduled, on 25.11.04 the first meeting in Matera. At 15.30 Sauro Gori and Mr. Nocera have participate to a meeting organized with Mr. Antonio Acito of Acito &P, Mr. Giovanni Coretti president of CNA and the representant of Municipality and Province of Matera. The meeting objective of was achieved regarding a more clear vision of the possibility of intervention of the partners in the framework of ART GOLD LIBYA. At the and of the meeting with Sauro Gori and Gianluca Nocera moved to Florence for a second meeting with Mr. Fabrizio Pizzanelli (Director of International Activities of Tuscan Region and Mrs. Piera Moscato Consultant for the International Cooperation of Florence Municipality. After this meeting at 9.30 of 26.11.04 we have met, at 11.30, Mr. M. Pacini representant of Livorno Province that has presented the activities and the expectation of Livorno Province on the cooperation with Libyan Government.

6. On 29.11.04, in the UNOPS office, Mr. Nocera has met Mr. Giacomo Negrotto that has presented his activities realized in his last mission in Libya. In the same day, Mr. Nocera has met Mr. Paolo Tartaglia, at UNDP office, for the definition of VISA and some other administrative issues.

7. On 2.12.04 in the UNOPS office in Rome, Mr. Nocera has met the Como decentralized cooperation committee. In the same day and the day after, 03.12.04 Mr. Nocera was in the Libyan Consulate for the Visa application. After a long wait and discussions with the Consulate officers the Visa will be emitted on 06.12.04. In the same day, at 21.30 it foresees the flight Rome- Tripoli with arrive at 00.30 of 07.12.04.

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