Anb62 Love Thy Word

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,479
  • Pages: 3
ANB 62, Love Thy Word When I first began to do these email messages I didn’t know nearly as much about God or the Word as I do today. I read it often and knew many of the stories, but I didn’t understand how it all fits together as clearly as I do now. I also didn’t understand how to get revelation knowledge. I knew how to learn something with my mind, but I didn’t know how to learn it with my heart. However when I began writing these I would learn more and more each week, and it turns out that really each week I was learning the same thing over and over from new angles. As we studied love, strength, faith, peace, thankfulness and every other topic, I came to see that our entire Christian lives are based on God’s Word, The Bible. The Bible is the incorruptible seed (1 Peter 1:23). When you plant God’s Word in your heart it will grow up and produce itself within you (Mark 4). There is nothing else on this earth like God’s Word. God’s Word can come into you and supernaturally change you. This is a spiritual process, but by feeding your mind with God’s Word you will see your heart change. By reading God’s Word I have more faith, I have more strength, I have more peace, I walk in love, and even my natural body is now supercharged and ready to do God’s Will. When you know God’s Word then you know God, because He is the Living Word poured out onto pages so we can understand Him (John 1). Faithfulness to God’s Word is absolutely crucial to a Christian’s life. If a person will truly ever know the deep things of God then they must learn to hear God’s voice. God doesn’t always speak audibly, He mostly speaks through your spirit man. Don’t worry so much about how or why, because God Himself will reveal these things to you Himself. (Read about Samuel’s learning to hear God’s voice in the first chapters of 1 Samuel). What you have to do is demonstrate a faithfulness to God’s written Word. First of all, if you don’t understand the written Word you will never understand His Word spoken directly to you. You wouldn’t understand the ways God works (which are almost always opposite to the ways our world works) and you wouldn’t step out in faith and do what He told you to do. Moreover, God has give you over 1,000 pages of instruction, if you don’t do anything with that will God give you something that you also won’t do anything with. Of course not. The Bible says in Mark 4 that to him that has more will be given, and to him that has not even what he has will be taken away. You have to get into God’s Word and learn about Him, then God will come in and give you revelation and direct Words. God gives wisdom to the wise (Daniel 2:21). A person becomes wise by getting into God’s Word and letting it change his thinking (Romans 12:2). Let us look at two quick verses to show you the importance of reading God’s Word. Joshua 1:8 This book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth. But thou shalt meditate therein day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Psalm 1: Blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the ungoldly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful, but his delight is in the Law of the Lord, and in His

Law does he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth his fruit in his season. His leaf also shall not wither, and whatsoever he does shall prosper. The ungodly are not so, but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. I believe the power of those verses is self-evident. When you make the Word of God a priority in your life then everything you do will prosper. I want everywhere I put my hand to prosper, and to have this I must base my life on God’s Word. It’s not enough to just read it once, you must read it over and over for the rest of your life. We must be constantly conformed to the image of Christ (Romans 8, 2 Corinthians 3:18), and to do this we must be constantly infilling ourselves with God’s Word. I will now speak about meditation. Truly, the world changed for me the day I began to meditate God’s Word. The root of the word meditate is ‘to mudder.’ A person therefore meditates God’s Word by speaking it out loud over and over, letting it roll over in their mouths. I usually begin my Word time by reading a chapter or two. I will read it twice most of the time. I don’t just skim over it, I let it sink in. I might look up a Word or two in the original languages. [Of course there is no perfect way, I’m just showing you mine.] Then I will stand up and walk around the room a bit to kind of get the blood flowing. I will start speaking a verse over and over. I won’t speak the whole chapter. I don’t worry about saying it perfectly. I just speak a verse or a few verses over and over. I’ll do this for a minute or two and then sure enough another verse pops into my mind. Then another, then another. I will speak all these verses. After a few minutes I begin to see relationships and connections that I never saw before. I will understand things in new lights. This is how I truly get revelation knowledge. The Word is alive within me. How do you know God’s Word lives within you, when you put it into you and then it talks back. Like if someone cusses you out and you hear from your inner man something like, ‘love thy neighbor.’ I have come to a whole new level with God because I finally began to meditate like His Word commands me. He teaches me things I have never heard anyone preach on. We are working together to teach me His ways. I am really letting my spirit take control of my Word time, getting my mind out of the way a bit. This really happens because the Word will speak to you, and the additional verses, will come to you from your heart, from your spirit man. Over time you will literally feel them rising to your mouth, not descending from your head. Last night, for example, I meditated the first four chapters in Daniel. I began by speaking how Daniel purposed in his heart he would not defile himself. I then thought about how he wouldn’t defile himself with a sinful nation’s meat. I then thought about the meat we should desire, the meat of God’s Word. I then thought about how Christ lives in me and I need to feed Him to see Him grow. From there I thought about that I am the body of Christ. From there God reminded me about the marriage passages in Ephesians 5 and 1 Peter 3. I remembered that these are allegorical for Christ’s relationship with the church. I then saw that I should read how a man should treat his husband and understand that this is how Christ treats me (his wife, for the church is the bride of Christ). I then thought about how the wife should treat her husband and how I must treat Christ that way.

You see, this is a deeper layer of God’s Word. This is getting revelation knowledge. God has shown me here what to study in the future. This is fun and exciting. I know God is here, because I see myself realizing things my natural mind never could have. I stop looking at the clock, I stop thinking obligation. I begin growing in God, and I begin having supernatural fun. Glory to God. So if I would encourage you in anything this new year, I would say to start spending serious time reading and meditating God’s Word. Do this and prosper. Do this and please God. Do this and gain revelation. Do this and be conformed to the image of Christ. Glory to God. May this new year bring fresh life to your relationship with Jesus Christ. I bless you all in the Name of Jesus Christ Almighty. The Name of the Lord Jesus Christ be upon you all, separated unto God for His purposes.

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