Anb58 Confidence To Receive

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  • June 2020
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ANB 58, Confidence to Receive Tonight I was in church and I heard our Pastor (Creflo Dollar) say the following line, “Your manifestation is in your confidence.” Immediately this rang with my spirit and I knew this was a crucial revelation to last a life time. Now first of all when he spoke of manifestation he meant the appearance of a thing you are believing God for. Let’s say you are believing God for an answer to a question, or salvation of a friend. The manifestation would be the answer or the salvation. Or if you believing God for a new car, your manifestation would be the car. So Pastor said that our manifestation would be in our confidence. Now I, hopefully like you, am believing God for many things right now. (If you are believing for nothing you will be receiving nothing, just so you know.) I’m willing to do anything God says for me to obtain what I am believing for. I’ve prayed, confessed scriptures, prayed in tongues, read the Word, sang praise songs, I’ve done many things. But something was missing. Many times we will feel like manifestation is so close to us but there is one last bolt on the door we have to turn. The first thing we have to remember is always that God wants us to have good things more than we could ever want them. Jesus told us that if our earthly fathers know how to give us good gifts how much more does our Heavenly Father know how to do so. God always wants us to receive good things from His hand. So He will always faithfully tell us what we need to do. Just go before Him in prayer, spend time in the Word, when you feel the Word speak back, or something pop into you that you hadn’t thought about, then that’s probably it. (Quick ‘is it from God check’ nothing that is not in perfect love for God and your fellow man will ever be direction from God. Nothing that is not allowed in God’s Word will ever be direction from God). Now sometimes the special thing you must do to complete your faith may be a seed, or it may be more prayer, or it may be commitment to honor God with the thing. It could be a character issue you have to deal with. Really these are all forms of seeds, but seeds come in different forms. For everything in your life a seed is required. Your life is a physical manifestation of all seeds sown by you or others into your life. Everything operates by seedtime and harvest (Genesis 8, Mark 4). So as I listened today I realized that I have not had the proper confidence. I have added this now by faith, in Jesus’ Name, to my faith, and my manifestation is knocking on my door, Praise the Lord. So let’s review a few scriptures and you’ll see how I could so easily agree with an arguably bold statement by Pastor Dollar. “But Christ as a Son over His own house; Whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.” Hebrews 3:6 “For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end.” Hebrews 3:14

“Cast not away therefore your confidence, which has great recompence of reward. For you have need of patience, that, after you have done the will of God, you might receive the promise. . .if any man draw back, [God’s] soul shall have no pleasure in him.” Hebrews 10:35-38. “And we desire that every one of you do show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end: that you be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” Hebrews 6:11-12 So we see three extremely important ideas here: confidence, patience and faith. Focusing on confidence, we must be confident above all in God and His Word. His Word says you are healed in your physical body (1 Peter 2:24), you must have confidence that His Word is true. If you go around beat up by physical pain you won’t get healed. If you let your spirit get fatigued and if you begin to murmur and complain you are showing no confidence. For all the promises of God in Christ are Yea and Amen. His Word will surely come to pass for all who involved themselves with It. I must be confident God’s Word will manifest for me. I have my healing now, Praise the Lord. I have my car now, Praise the Lord. I have my (whatever I am believing for) NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW. This is absolutely crucial. You must come to understand Hebrews 11:1. Read it until you do. I have what I ask for now. I am confident that I have it. The thing’s manifestation will appear when I need it. If we are not confident, then it’s not a confidence problem we have, it’s a faith problem. It’s a faith problem because if we really believed God’s Word then we would be full of confidence. Without faith you can’t please God and you’ll never receive anything from Him. You must believe God. Praise His Holy Name. On the other hand, confidence, especially confidence to the point the world would say you’re crazy, shows your faith. Build up your confidence and you are building your faith. Glory to God. Increased faith/confidence can only lead to a quicker manifestation, Praise God. Go get personally pumped up on God and His Word. Start believing God for some things His Word promises. Then read 1 John 5:14-15. Thank God before the manifestation for the manifestation. Receive.

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