Anb41 Know All Things

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  • June 2020
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ANB 41, know all things Hello everyone, today we’re going to talk about wisdom. We’re not talking about the wisdom of man, which comes to nothing, but the wisdom of God, which is perfect and eternal. Last night in church my dad said that most of the time people have a problem it is a wisdom problem, and this is so true. Think of all the times you have thought or said to God (or yourself), ‘I just don’t know what to do,’ or ‘If you could please just tell me what to do.’ These are common statements. Hosea 4:6 says ‘My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.’ We are called to be overcomers on this earth. This earth shouldn’t be ruling us, we should be ruling this earth, Praise The Lord. There are so many situations in our lives that one word from God could change completely. If we just got one word of Godly wisdom on so many areas we could begin dominating that area and walking in the fullness of God’s power over that area. How many areas of your life do you need wisdom in? Think about it. You need wisdom for your career, marital decisions, health decisions, and so many others. You don’t need man’s wisdom, you need God’s wisdom. How good would you feel if God told you who to marry? How good would you feel if God told you which job to choose? This would change your life in an instant. God knows all, past present and future. The job you are looking at, or the potential marital partner, looks a certain way today, but we can’t know how they will look 5 years down the road. But God knows. So when God gives me wisdom, I know I’m getting it from the Source of all wisdom, from One Who sees the end from the beginning. When you get wisdom and direction from God, all doubts, fear and indecision vanish. So let’s talk about wisdom today and how to begin walking in this Godly wisdom. “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let that man ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. Let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all His ways. (James 1:5-8) This is a powerful passage. If you lack wisdom in any area of your life you can just go right to God. God’s Word says He gives out wisdom liberally and won’t hold back. He wants you to have the wisdom for your life worse than you do, praise God. He wants you to walk in His perfect plan for your life worse than you do. He wants your steps ordered aright and your path clear. He wants you to have all the wisdom. So He tells you to ask for wisdom and it will be given you. So what is the key here, you must ask in faith. How does one ask in faith? When you ask, the moment you ask believe that you receive the thing you ask for (be it wisdom, health, a car, whatever) (Mark 11:22-26). From this point on you are not ‘waiting for the wisdom,’ you ‘have the wisdom.’ You may wait to make a decision, but by faith you have the wisdom of God immediately when you ask for it. Praise God, this is how its done. Who is the person that wavers, the one who says ‘maybe He will give me the wisdom, maybe He won’t.’ This man is double minded, this man is unstable. This man won’t receive ANY THING from the Lord. When we ask of God for wisdom or anything, we must believe that we receive it. There are no maybes. You receive it when you ask for it. From that time on you have it. You then wait to

see the thing you already have physically manifested. (For instance, I already have the perfect job for after law school. I don’t know which company or city, but I have already asked for, sown seed for, and received a perfect job. Praise God) So clearly you can ask of God, but truthfully we have something even better, we have the Holy Ghost living inside of us. The Holy Ghost is God. When you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior His blood bought and purified your body for the Master’s use. When you were saved the Holy Ghost (God) could now enter you because you are purified. If you are saved, your physical body is the very temple of God. (Read I Corinthians 6). So now God dwells within you. God, who is all wisdom, lives right within you, and He wants to give you this wisdom. “But the Comforter, Which is the Holy Ghost, Whom the Father will send in My Name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” (John 14:26) Look at that. When you receive the Holy Ghost He will teach you ALL THINGS. There is no question that you can’t ask God. The Holy Ghost comes into you and will teach you everything. Anything you go to God about, the answer is right inside of you waiting to be understood by your natural mind. Moreover, many people might say that it could be difficult to remember all you learn in the Bible and all you learn in church. Many people marvel when a Christian can quote the Bible chapter and verse backwards and forwards. This is nothing bizarre, this is the Holy Ghost. Jesus Christ is God’s Word made flesh. This Word has taught me everything, God above has taught me everything. I have learned much, and I have the Holy Ghost within me keeping the files ready for whenever I need one. Many of you understand that lawyers in big cases often have assistants that can look up old cases or other research and give this to them quickly when they need it. The Holy Ghost is the perfect such assistant. Whenever I need a verse, He reminds me of it. Whenever I need a word, He gives me it. Whenever I need to remember something I learned in church or was given by God directly, I have the Holy Ghost there to bring it to my remembrance. So, I have the Holy Ghost to teach me all things, and I have the Holy Ghost to ensure I never forget them, bringing anything to my remembrance instantly when I need it. Praise God. “Howbeit when He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, He will guide you into all Truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come.” (John 16:13) Who does the Holy Ghost hear from? God the Father. The Holy Ghost, who is God, and knows God better than anyone, speaks to God. The Holy Ghost, who is within you, then speaks to you. In this way you can receive all the wisdom of God. (I Corinthians 2:9-13) So what is required, you must learn to hear and understand the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Learning to hear from the Holy Spirit takes time and commitment. Do not take it a light thing to learn to discern the voice of God. But God greatly desires to be heard, far more than you could ever desire to hear Him. So if you will draw near to Him He will draw near to you, if you will start listening, He will start speaking. (James 4:8) How do you begin hearing from God? You get yourself in position for Him to speak to you and then you listen. Get God’s written Word out in front of you. Read it every day. Having the written Word within you is a major seed to receiving the Rhema (or living) Word directly from God. Will God begin speaking to you when you never even take the time to read the Wonderous Word He has already given. I don’t believe so. Sure, He will start as you start, but you must make some moves towards God. You draw near, then He draws nearer. Show yourself a faithful servant of His written Word, He will begin giving you the living Word. Get yourself in Church. Begin to praise and worship God, not just in church, but in your car and at your house. Develop a prayer life. Receive your prayer language, speaking the deep mysteries of God in an unknown divine tongue to Him (praying in tongues). Be obedient to the Word of God. If you aren’t obedient to the written Word of God, why would God give you the living Word. If you don’t’ obey one why would you obey the other? Is God going to tell you your sin is o.k.? Is the living Word going to be different? If you do nothing with the written you’ll do nothing with the Rhema, so don’t expect it. But, if you show yourself faithful to God’s Word and God’s presence, He will draw so close you never thought it possible. When I speak to God I can feel Him right inside me, not some distant unknown figure, but my Best Friend who sticks closer than any brother. Put yourself in God’s Word and presence. These next three sentences are crucial, we must put them to practice into our lives. Spend time (a lot of time) just silent, sitting there, listening for God’s voice. Expect to hear. You will. (You might also notice that the verse says the Holy Ghost will show you things to come. Remember that we talked about God knowing the future. Well He doesn’t just know it to know it, He knows it also so He can tell you about it and help you order your steps aright. Praise God.) On more powerful, powerful passage. “But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.” But the anointing (same Greek word as unction) which ye have received of Him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is Truth, and is no lie, and even as It hath taught you, ye shall abide in Him.” (I John 2:20, 27) This passage is talking about the Holy Ghost, Who teaches you all things and is Truth. The Holy Ghost is in you speaking to you, can you hear Him. He will teach you all things. Let us focus on this word unction. You have an anointing, or a supernatural empowerment gift of God. You have been chosen and equipped of God. What does this anointing do for you, it allows you to walk in the full wisdom of the Holy Ghost. Yet, you need not get on your face before God every time you need wisdom, you are walking with God right inside of you. You know all things already. The Holy Ghost knows all and is right with you, so you have all the information right inside of you.

So how can you apply this unction to your life? As I walk through life I know that I know all things and all of God’s wisdom dwells right within me. I understand that the answers are right here within me. So when I have a decision to make I do what I call a Holy Spirit check, or a heart check. In an instant I ask the Holy Ghost for direction and receive the direction, all without saying a Word. I know the Holy Ghost is inside of Me, I know what He sounds like. If I look at several options I will have peace about one and not about the others. If I’m talking to someone I can feel the Holy Ghost speaking through me. If I’m considering an action I can feel the Holy Ghost say ‘stay’ or ‘go.’ Praise God. I have an unction, or a feeling, a leading, from the Holy Spirit, and I know all things, I know the right thing to do every time. Praise God. There is a place to ask God questions? There is a place to rely on the Holy Ghost unction and make faith-filled decisions. While there may be multiple ways we ultimately receive the wisdom (dream, vision, unction, God’s Written Word revealed), one truth remains. All wisdom that will ever exist dwells within you now. You can walk in it. God has given you the Holy Ghost. Learn to fellowship with Him. If you aren’t saved through faith in Jesus Christ then this section on the Holy Spirit does not currently apply to you. Don’t you see the power of God? Don’t you want the wisdom of God? The Holy Ghost can never enter and unpurified vessel. The only blood that will cleanse you is Jesus Christ’ perfect blood. When you receive Jesus Christ you receive Him as Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification and Redemption (I Corinthians 1:30). Receive salvation through faith in Jesus Christ today, receive the Holy Spirit, and begin walking in the power and wisdom of God. Praise the Lord.

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