Anb40 The Secret Of Life

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,227
  • Pages: 3
ANB 40, The Secret of Life Hello everyone, today we’re going to discuss the secret of life. Yes, I know the secret of life. You may say that is crazy, but I’m telling you this was revealed to me, I’ve taken hold of it, and now I live like one knowing the secret to life should live. Praise God. For thousands of years man has wondered at this question, and now you are getting the answer. So rejoice, as I did when I first learned this. Now I must tell you. The secret of life is not a thing to be lightly heard. Once you hear it you have heard it. You are no longer an unenlightened person. You now have the knowledge. And when you meet the One Who created life, He will know that you knew the secret thereof. So your life will be judged by a harder standard than the life of someone who had not heard this truth. I believe Jesus touches on this in Mark 4 when He said, “Be careful what you are hearing. The measure you give (to what you hear) will be the measure that comes back to you.” (Mark 4:24). Jesus told you to understand that when you hear a powerful Spiritual truth, you will then be dealt with according to what you have done with that new knowledge. So when you hear the secret of life, if you dismiss it and pay no attention God will remember, and when you meet Him you will hear about this. Your life will be the life of one who has heard the secret of life but did nothing when they learned it. That doesn’t sound like a good life to live. However, you today can hear this Godly wisdom. You can hear it, take hold of it, ground your life on it, and go farther in life with it than you ever could without it. Your true life can begin today, with your first priority changed. Your first priority should be to do what the secret of life counsels to do. The secret of life is more than a statement. The secret of life is a commandment. The secret of life is wisdom and the wisest instruction. The secret of life is a contract offer. The secret of life is a warning. The secret of life is a promise. The secret of life applies to every part of your life. The secret of life will empower you to live the ‘zoe’ life, or the God kind of abundant life. This is the secret of life. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33) What a statement. Simple, yet pointed. Direct, sure, steadfast, faithful. I could say no more. The Word of God stands tall, with need of no support. But I will add what the Lord has shown me about this verse. Do you not agree wholeheartedly that this is life’s secret? What more is there? This is the master key! God created life. When you begin to seek the Creator and make His priorities first, then all your cares will be satisfied. It is when we look outside of ourselves, and begin striving for God’s desires, that He comes in and takes care of our desires for us. Don’t worry about yourself, worry about the kingdom of God. You will have what you need forever. Praise the Lord.

But this is a two part instruction. Seek first the kingdom of God, AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. Many people forget that part. You must seek the righteousness of God. You must seek to be right before God in all of your life. When a person accepts Jesus Christ they are made the righteousness of God. This means their righteousness is no longer based on their works, it is based on the righteousness of Jesus Christ, Who is God. Praise the Lord. For this reason you can come boldly before the throne of God. You need no intercessor, you are righteous before God. But are we not counseled to conform ourselves to the image of Christ? Are we not always to be seeking Him and His will for our lives? Are we not to model ourselves on His life and His instruction? Praise God. Here is the secret of life, and the Person (Jesus) who gave this to you is One Who lived it perfectly on this earth. Read these books about Him and you will see how you too can walk in this promise. We must seek to live rightly in all ways of our lives. “Blessed are those who do hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled.” (Matthew 5:6). Begin to hunger and thirst for righteousness. Begin striving to do the Godly, right thing in all situations, that is hungering and thirsting for righteousness. Do this and you will be filled with righteousness. Do this and God will add to you all other things that you need. Let us again look at the verse. God says if you will seek His kingdom first (and His righteousness) all else will be added unto you. Let’s talk about seeking His kingdom first. How can you seek His kingdom first? Easy. Begin making God and His Word the first priority and the first and final authority in your life. Devote time each morning to Bible reading and prayer. Seek Him early in the morning to begin your days with Him. Also, when you have decisions to make seek Him first, go to His Word. What does God say about every situation in your life? “Acknowledge the Lord in all thy ways and He shall direct thy paths.” (Proverbs 3:6). When you have a question, a need, a want, a care, an injury, a hurt, whatever the situation, seek God first. Also, and this is a powerful truth I pray you all understand. When we begin making the kingdom of God our business, when we put it first, then God will make our business His business and He will bless us mightily. Begin looking for ways to win souls to Jesus Christ. Begin looking how you can bless other people and bless the church body as a whole. Begin giving money to churches and missionaries. Begin seeking His kingdom on this earth. Begin doing whatever you can to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Biblical instruction on the earth. This is seeking the kingdom of God first. If a person started a business (not just a religious business, even a secular business) with its first priority as giving substantial wealth through tithes, first fruits and offerings to the kingdom of God, that business would supernaturally grown and produce in no time. Sure, there would be great opposition to that business from this world, but the very Spirit and power of God would rest on that business, and it would do mighty things to further God’s kingdom.

The kingdom of God and His righteousness should be your first priority. Seek the Lord. Learn to live righteously, not walking in sin even after you were given life by Jesus Christ. Seek the Lord about how you can further and assist His kingdom on this earth. You will see all else you could desire added unto you. Praise the Lord.

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