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  • Pages: 5
Anatomy / Pathology

The respiratory system 1. Which bodies belong to the upper and the lower respiratory system Upper respiratory tract: nose-Rhinoϖ nasal sinuses - sineϖ O forehead cave-frontal sinus O wedge leg cave - sine sphenoidales O Seventh leg cell Celluae ethmoidales throat-pharynxϖ

Lower respiratory tract larynx-Larynx (transition between the upper andϖ lower airways) trachea - Tracheaϖ bronchi Hauptbronchus branched intoϖ O lobe bronchus O segment bronchi O Bronchialbaum O bronchioli smallest branches of the bronchi O = pulmonary alveoli bubbles smallest branches of the lung tissue there, the gas exchange takes place O down to the smallest bronchi - Bronchioli terminalis lung-Pulmoϖ

2. Describe the structure of the lungs consists of a right andϖ a left lung wing lung right wing is divided into 3 lung lobesϖ leftϖ lung wing is divided into 2 lung lobes (wg. the Heart) lung lobes areϖ divided into segments lung tissue consists of alveoli, the alveoli, the Deaf form and densely packed around the Alveolengänge lie Theϖ intermediate tissue called Interstitium pleura, it is surrounded from theϖ outside of the ribs Fell (firmly connected with the ribs) and inwards with dm lung Fell (fixed with lung tissue to grow) between ribs and lung fur coat is the Pleuraspalt with serous fluid ensures smooth movement to breathing

3. What muscles are part of the respiratory muscles, which are used to aid breathing muscles Respiratory muscles: Zwerchfell Between rib muscles Respiratory muscle relief: abdominal muscles back musclesϖ shoulder muscles, if necessary (dyspnea), it can alsoϖ be attached to the breathing

4. What are the responsibilities of the nose smelling odors was to be taken heating the air moisten clean the air

5. Explain the outer and inner respiration and the conditions for the gas exchange External respiration (lung processes) intake of oxygen (O2) from the air into `s blood supply of carbon dioxide (CO2) - operations in the alveoli task ofϖ breathing system Interior respiration (cell processes) closely with the blood circulatory connected Care of individual cells with oxygen. Oxygen is removed from the blood cells of the carbon dioxide emitted, and in `s blood-added task of microcirculation Requirements for gas exchange are: -outdoor air ventilation into the Gaas exchange arrive Diffusion-air gases must then by Alveolarraum in `s blood gas-air gasesϖ are transported in the blood (gas hike is always there, where they just needed physical process = -perfusion lung blood flow

6. Describe the difference in the composition of the Einatmungs- and Ausatmungsluft Inhalation: Oxygen = 21 Carbon dioxide content = 0.03 Nitrogen content = 78% Noble gases = 1% Expiration: Oxygen content = 16% Carbon dioxide content = 4.5% Nitrogen content = 78% Noble gases = 1%

7. What processes are run on the inspiration and expiration in the human body? When inhaling (Inspiration) highlights the chest by contraction of the muscles between ribs. At the same time pulls the diaphragm and flat be. This is the inside of the chest vigorously expanded. It creates a negative pressure in the lungs. This negative pressure air is sucked into the lungs During the exhalation (expiration) slack interim rib muscles and the bony chest sinks to the bottom. At the same time, the tension of the diaphragm after it joins up and the chest inside shrink. There is now an excess pressure in the lungs and the air is pressed outwards

8th Where and how does the control of respiration? Respiratory Regulation: If the respiratory center of theϖ Stammhirns instead (the family sits in the center of prolonged spinal cord) O increase in respiratory drive at: frequency and depth of breathing is controlled. O respiratory center reacted immediately to oxygen shortage and surplus of carbon dioxide O waste of PH value in the blood (blood acid)

(For example, when climbing stairs, a rise of respiratory drive instead is controlled by the brain stem)

Anatomy / Pathology

The respiratory system 1. Which diagnostic measures, a doctor at the respiratory system diseases to detect Clinical Investigation O Inspection (observation) O percussion (Abklopfen) = sounds dull O Auskultation (interception) = noise Rasselgeräusche ray: O thorax in 2 levels (front / side) O computed tomography (CT) (recording layer to the depth evaluation of the lung tissue) X-rays Magnetresonanz-Kernspin-Tomographie O Kernsprinttomographie (without X-rays) Scintigraphyϖ O Perfusionsszintigraphie = assessment of blood flow O Ventilationsszintigraphie = assessment of the alveoli and bronchioli pulmonary function diagnostics O = spirometry breathing volume measurement blood gas analysis O oxygen and carbon dioxide are measured Endoscopy O Bron Chios copy O biopsy

2. Translating the words Rhinitis-nasal mucosal inflammation Pharyngitis - pharyngeal mucosa inflammation Tracheitis- tracheal inflammation Sinusitis-nasal sinusitis Pleurisy-inflammatory breast Fell

3. What substances can disorders respiratory system to be triggered pathogens O bacteria O viruses O Mycoses toxins O nicotine O dust pollution O gases O allergens (pollen, for example, grasses)

4. Explain the Abkürung RDS

Respiratory distress syndrome, or ARDS (acute) = Respiratory distress syndrome

Cause: Surfactantmangel (immaturity) protection to ensure the alveoli of the lungs, not in itself zusammenällt = in premature, infection or acidosis after confinement = Medical Intensive clinical picture

5. What causes a pneumothorax and how is he treated? The pneumothorax is a collection of air in Pleuraspalt, so between the two layers of the pleura (lung coat / fur ribs). This results in a partial or complete collapse of a lung wing, Half a lung collapsed in the fall.

Causes: Spontanpneumothorax By far the most common pneumothorax is the so-called idiopathic (cause unknown) Spontanpneumothorax created by the bursting of small alveoli, the alveoli, emerges. Traumatischer Pneumothorax Air passes through injury or random burst of alveoli in the Pleuraspalt, as a result, the expansion of the lung tissue at risk. (In random knife injuries to the hospital can be stuck) Therapy: Pneumothorax small-usually requires no therapy, except a possible transfer of oxygen in respiratory distress. The air in Pleuraspalt is usually within a few days get absorbed. Larger Pneumothorax - Saugdrainage, this is called Bülau-Drainage. About a hose in the chest will have a minimal negative pressure air from the Pleuraspalt sucked.

6. At what form circle (asthmatic disorders), the clinical picture of bronchial asthma The bronchial asthma counts to form circle of COPD Chronic obstructive (plugged / verengende) lung disease Definition The COPD is not an independent clinical picture, but a group of diseases. Man has this notion several medical conditions, which show similar symptoms, summarized by the doctors treating the diagnosis of this disease and to facilitate a targeted, differentiated therapy. Division It speaks of a COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), if one or more of the following conditions exists: Chronic obstructive bronchitis emphysema Chronic bronchitis with asthmatischer componentϖ These diseases are characterized by a narrowing of the bronchi, or Überblähung of lung tissue, for the main symptoms of cough, shortness of breath and ejection responsible.

7. When it comes to the body of a cyanosis. Please limits on the centrality of the peripheral form A = cyanosis (blue color of the skin / mucosa) A central cyanosis, and usually on cardiac or pulmonary disease. The whole blood is too little oxygen The peripheral cyanosis

Succession is a Minderperfusion (Minderdurchblutung)

8. Describe the image of hyperventilation and the therapy approach Hyperventilation is a too fast and too deep breathing and paradoxically leads to a lack of oxygen Symptoms: feeling, not to be able to breathe properly, combined withϖ the compulsion to make a few deep breath to be shortness of breath andϖ pressure on the chest, palpitations and cardiac turf, chest pain, chestϖ pain (by surge of the muscles between the ribs); tightness across theϖ chest (Belts and tire feeling) callousness, tingling ( "tingling") andϖ trembling hands (especially in the fingertips), feet and legs, tingling around the mouth region, deaf lip globe feel (Together cords of the throat)ϖ Verkrampfung hands ( "Pfötchenstellung") In the extreme case of aϖ Hyperventilationstetanie, the lack of oxygen to impotence and Krampfzuständen. Treatment right, slow breathing, simultaneous movement duringϖ breathing, or a paper bag, a handkerchief or hollow palms in front of the mouth, the exhaled carbon dioxide can be inhaled again, are well suited to the carbon dioxide content in the blood rapidly increasing calcium syringe toϖ Krampflösung. The artificial supply of calcium dissolves rapidly muscle cramp (tetany). Strong Tetanien is often also a sedative syringe (Diaz Epine)ϖ administered

9. What are the causes and symptoms of a pneumonia (pneumonia) in question? Causes Bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites, or, in very rare cases poisons Particular risks apply to people with weak immune systems diabetes mellitusϖ HIV cancer hospital patients (nosocomial infection) bettlägerige people, for example,ϖ in nursing homes or as a result of stroke, etc. heart disease alcoholics Chronic Bronchitisϖ Symptoms: Typical pneumonia = sudden start: high fever, chills, cough with ejection, general ill feeling, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, cyanosis, pain when breathing, Nasenflügelflattern, leukocytosis, elevated ESR (bloodcutting speed) Atypical pneumonia = start creeping deterioration in the general health status, mild fever, flu-like symptoms, headache and body aches, neck pain, cold, dry cough, no leukocytosis, BSG (blood-cutting speed) moderately accelerated eg SARS

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