Analysis Postcolonialism.docx

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 369
  • Pages: 1
Dari teori yang tadi sudah dibahas, kami menyimpulkan bahwa teori postkolonial dalam pengaplikasian drama yaitu tentang identitas, kolonialisme, menggugat hierarki masyarakat. Jika dalam drama itu terdapat unsur – unsur yang menyangkut seperti tadi, bisa dapat digolongkan drama yang mengandung unsur poskolonialisme. Meskipun tidak semua unsur harus tercakup dalam sebuah drama. Identitas yang dimaksud adalah identitas kaum marginal yang tertindas saat terjadi kolonialisme yang memperjuangkan kebebasan mereka. Mereka melakukan hal – hal yang poskolonialisme karena agar kaum marginal yang lain mendengar karya mereka yang mengisahkan tentang jerih payah mereka saat kolonialisme berlangsung terjadi pada mereka agar perspektif mereka juga tersampaikan. From the theory discussed earlier, we conclude that postcolonial theory in the application of drama, namely about identity, colonialism, sues the hierarchy of society. If in the drama there are elements that are involved as before, it can be classified as a drama that contains elements of postcolonialism. Although not all elements must be included in a drama. The identity in question is the identity of the marginal people who are oppressed when there is colonialism which fights for their freedom. They do things that are postcolonialism because so that the other marginal people hear their work which tells about their hard work when colonialism took place to happen to them so that their perspectives were also conveyed. For example, “Death And The King’s Horseman”. In a story example of this drama, Simon Pilkings tried to stop Elesin's suicide because it was incompatible with the British idea of morality and modesty. He reacted according to his own values, without ever really stopping to consider the Yoruba people. Cultural insensitivity is also behind Simon and Jane's decision to use some traditional clothes with heavy duty spiritual significance as costumes for masks. This drama shifts between markets, where the Yoruba tradition is emphasized and celebrated, and UK-controlled locations such as the Residency and Pilkingses bungalows (where Yoruba is clearly not confirmed), so that the structure provides tension between two different worlds and their intersections. Jadi, kami pikir drama ini memiliki unsur postcolonialism karena memiliki syarat – syarat di teori yang kami bahas. So, we think this drama has an element of postcolonialism because it has requirements in the theory that we discuss.

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