All Saints Bulletin 2009-08-16

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WELCOME TO ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE CHANGES We will be making some slight changes to the mass schedule while adjusting to Fr. Michael and Fr. Tony’s duties at KCHS as well as serving Helenwood on Saturday evenings. We will have Communion Services at 12:10pm Thursday and Friday and reinstating the 12:10pm Mass on Monday. Those intentions scheduled for Friday at 12:10pm will be scheduled Monday at 12:10pm of that week. We will try to notify those families involved in the change, so please bear with us as we make a few adjustments. THANKS!!

STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT Even though we are told that if we seek the Lord, we shall not want, in the second reading St. Paul reminds us that, thus blessed by the Lord, the good steward should “give thanks to God the Father always and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

VOCATION THOUGHT Give thanks to God the Father always and for everything in the name of the Lord Jesus. What gifts have you received? How does God ask you to use them? Read Ephesians 5: 15-20.



Thur. Sat.

Aug. 17 9:30am 1:00pm 7:00pm Aug. 18 9:30am 12:45pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Aug. 20 9:45am Aug. 22

Caregivers Morning out (Lounge) Grief Support Group (Resource Room) RCIA class (Ed. Bldg.) Mother Cabrini Guild (Resource Room) Light Weigh Orientation (Lounge) Spiritual Life Committee (Ed. Bldg.) RCIA Continues (Ed. Bldg.) Catholic Women and Friends (Parish Hall) Diocesan Ministries Day

Early, early notice! All Saints Music Ministry will again present the cantata “Journey of Promises” as a fundraiser for Catholic Charities. This quality piece of music is written for full chorus and orchestra and we would like to perform with musicians from All Saints or neighboring parishes. If you play an orchestral instrument at the high school level or above and would be available for 4 to 5 rehearsals in December and performances on Jan. 8th and 10th, please contact Walt O. at [# omitted]. Is your son interested in scouting? All Saints has its very own Cub Scout Pack (grades 1-5) and Boy Scout Troop (grades 6 and up). Stop by our tables after all masses on Aug. 22-23 for more information and to register. The Light Weigh is coming to All Saints! Are you tired of constantly struggling with your weight? Tired of following diets like they were religions? Consider giving God a chance to touch your heart, your life and your eating. A Light Weigh orientation will be held on Tues., Aug. 18th from 12:45-2:15pm in the lounge. Come and find out about the Light Weigh Bible Study and video series, and how this program has been a blessing to others. For more info, call Jennie at [# omitted]. Attention all parents and boys (grades 1-12): All Saints Cub Scout Pack and Boy Scout Troop #630 invite you to a cookout at the pavilion on Mon., Aug. 31st at 6:30pm for a night of information, food, and fun. We have a great year of activities planned and all we need now is you. For more info or registration, please call Kim U. (Cubs, grades 1-5) at [# omitted] or Jeff S. (Boys, grades 6-12) at [# omitted]. PURCHASE YOUR KROGER, FOOD CITY AND FRESH MARKET GROCERY/GAS GIFT CERTIFICATES AFTER ALL WEEKEND MASSES

Certificates are available during the week in the parish office. All Saints Parish receives 5% profit on all sales

GRIEF SUPPORT MINISTRY PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS Due to the Diocesan Day Celebration being held at All Saints parish on Sat., August 22nd, there will be NO 9:00am Mass or confessions. All Saints new “Caregivers Morning-Out” next meeting will be held on Mon., Aug. 17th at 9:30am in the lounge. If you are a caregiver, full or part time, come and share your experience with other caregivers. Excellent support reading material will be provided. For details, contact Bob C., caregiver facilitator at [# omitted]. CONGRATULATIONS and welcome to Natalie Marie, daughter of Raymond and Danielle; and Tristin Brian, son of Eric and Karen who were baptized last weekend.

Grief Support Group will meet this Monday at 1pm in the Resource Room.

YOUTH MINISTRY (Annie N., Youth Minister) Email [email omitted] or phone 531-0770

CATHOLIC SINGLES Wed., Aug. 19 Dinner and a movie. Meet at Pimento’s on Parkside Drive at 6pm for dinner. Afterwards, we will attend a movie at the Regal Cinema. Please RSVP to Alan, [# omitted] for table planning purposes.

Don’t forget we have a wonderful nursery during the 10:00am Mass for children 4 and under.

Sat., Aug. 22 Progressive Poker Dinner Party. Call Donna T. at [# omitted] or email [email omitted] for information. We will begin at 6pm at Donna’s house where we’ll draw our first card. At 6:30sharp, we’ll begin our carpool/caravan to the next 3 houses. Cost is $5. Bring beverage of choice; soft drinks provided.

Coffee and Donuts This is a wonderful family opportunity to help out in the parish. Please sign up on the Bulletin Board near the coffee and donut area. If no one signs up the week before, we will not be serving.

Sun., Aug. 23 Brunch and Banter at Puelo’s Grille on N. Peters at 1pm. Join host Sandra J. for this monthly fellowship meal. Please RSVP to Sandra at [# omitted] by Aug. 22 for table planning purposes.

Last call for Par4Woody salsa! omitted].

$60/case—free delivery!

Call [#

CATHOLIC WOMEN NO Scripture Study with Ruth, Thursday, August 27th.

Moms & Tots will have their yearly meeting in the Ed. Bldg. on Tues., Aug. 25th at 7pm. The meeting should only last about an hour and we will go over our plans for the year along with any information you may still need. If you have not contacted me about joining Moms and Tots and would like to join or have questions, please feel free to join us for the meeting. You can also call or email me at [email omitted] or [# omitted]. Baby sitting will be available in the nursery. You are invited to join the women of All Saints on Saturday morning, August 29th for mass, breakfast and a wonderful speaker to begin our new year of activities. We need your RSVP to plan our food, so please email or call any of the following by Wed., Aug. 26th. Jessica, [# omitted] or [email omitted]; Gussie, [# omitted] or [email omitted] or Susan T., [# omitted] or [email omitted].

FAITH FORMATION RCIA registration after all Masses this weekend. Classes start Mon., Aug. 17th at 7pm in the parish hall. Anyone needing sacraments or interested in learning more about our faith is encouraged to attend, Nursery will be provided. Sponsors are needed to accompany those on the journey. Any questions? Call Tanya B. at [# omitted]. The Journey Continues: Did you join the Catholic Church through the RCIA program? All Saints will begin offering a new program to “new” members of the Catholic faith – no matter how long it has been since your conversion – beginning Tues., Aug. 18th at 7pm in the Ed. Bldg. Former catechumen, candidates and sponsors are welcome. We will meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday’s of each month and revisit topics such as the Seven Sacraments, Social Justice and End of Life issues, Church history and other topics. Any member of any RCIA program is invited to join us. For more info, contact the office or Deacon Ken at [# omitted]. Children’s Liturgy Pre-registration: To register children turning four by Oct. 1, please email the following information to Karen M. at [email omitted] 1) Parent’s name, 2) child’s name, 3) child’s date of birth, 4) address, 5) phone, and 6) email address. The class is for children ages 4 and 5 and is limited to 75 children, so registration will be done on a first come basis. GRADES 1-5, 2009-2010 – Teaching teams required and needed. Grade 2 is in need of one teaching team; Grade 3 is in need of one teaching team; Grade 4 is in need of 2.5 teaching teams and Grade 5 is in need of two teaching teams. A teaching team consists of two adult volunteers. Call Miriam at [# omitted], Carol at [# omitted] or the parish office at 531-0770 to volunteer. Classes without teaching teams when we begin in the fall will be provided with home-school materials until teaching teams step forward. Middle School teaching teams are needed for grades 6, 7 and 8. To volunteer in this area of ministry, call Philip S. at [# omitted]. Your support is what makes faith formation for the youth of All Saints possible. Please prayerfully discern this call from God. RENEW Season 3 – Life in Christ: Walking with God: Facilitators needed! If you facilitated last year or are interested in leading a small group this year, please call Dave or Barbara W. at [# omitted] and let them know if you can help. Facilitator refresher training, Sept. 12th, 9amnoon at St. Thomas the Apostle, Lenoir City or Sept. 14th, 6-9pm at St. Mary’s North Hospital.

SPIRITUAL LIFE Our next meeting will be Tues., Aug. 18th at 7pm in the Ed. Bldg. New members are always welcome. Contact Miriam at [# omitted].

LADIES OF CHARITY Ladies of Charity Thrift Shop is in need of volunteer cashiers. The following shifts are available: Mon., 9:30am-1pm and 1-4:30pm; Tues., 9:30am-1pm; and Fri., 9:30am-1pm. If interested in this opportunity, please contact Jo S. at [# omitted]. Our Food Pantry has volunteer opportunities for people who would like to help pack groceries for clients. Shifts are 10am-12:30pm or 12 Noon2:30pm, M-F. You can choose what time and number of days that work best for you. To volunteer, call Clara M. at [# omitted].

DIOCESE OF KNOXVILLE The Knights of Columbus would like to invite you and your family to attend a special prayer service and viewing of the Silver Rose of Our Lady of Guadalupe on its 50th anniversary trip to Mexico. The service will be held at Sacred Heart Cathedral on Mon., Aug. 17th at 7:00pm. Light refreshments will be served following the prayer service. Please contact Tracy S. at [# omitted] for additional information. “This is enough, O Lord.” Often we can experience anger and frustration with our spouses/people in our sacrament of marriage/holy orders. Yet God gives us the grace to forgive and move forward if we ask. Come and experience the grace of a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next Weekend will be held August 28-30, 2009 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Knoxville. Contact John or Manuela P. at [# omitted] or email them at [email omitted] for more information. The Sacred Heart Women’s Bridge Marathon will resume in September. If interested in fun party bridge, please find a partner and join us. There is a $15 fee per person which is used for prizes, contributions, and expenses. For more info or to sign up, call Carol H. at [# omitted] no later than Tues., August 25th. DIOCESAN DAY Please join Bishop Stika and the Diocesan Catholic community for Diocesan Day 2009 on Sat., August 22 from 9am to 3:30pm at All Saints. Cardinal Justin Rigali will be our keynote speaker and homilist for Mass and will help develop our theme for the day, “You Have But One Teacher.” (Matthew 23: 8). Our afternoon program will feature Bishop Stika who will have much of interest to share with us as this will be his first opportunity to speak to a diocesan audience since his ordination and installation. Registration fee is $25; student fee is $10. Lunch is included if registration is received by Aug. 17th. You can register by calling [# omitted], go online to or email [email omitted]. Registration forms are also available in the parish office.

SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT The optimist sees the rose and not the thorns; the pessimist stares at the thorns, oblivious to the rose.



Today’s Readings are on page 1038 in the Hymnal Sun. Prv 9: 1-6 Eph 5: 15-20 Jn 6: 51-59 Mon. Jgs 2: 11-19 Mt 19: 16-22 Tues. Jgs 6: 11-24a Mt 19: 23-30 Wed Jgs 9: 6-15 Mt 20: 1-16 Thur. Jgs 11: 29-39a Mt 22: 1-14 Fri. Ru 1: 1,3-6,14b-16,22 Mt 22: 34-40 Sat. Ru 2: 1-17 Mt 23: 1-12



Please pray for the sister of Mary K. G. who died last week Sat., 08-15 9:00am Special Intention for Allen N. 5:00pm Deceased of F. families Sun., 08-16 8:15am Paul and Ann K. by the family 10:00am People of All Saints Parish 11:45am Mary F. and Rose W. by the family Mon., 08-17 9:00am Thomas and Mary G. by Mary Ann C. 12:10pm Doris K. by Bertie L. Tues., 08-18 9:00am Helen and Zenon S. by Peter& Maria B. 12:10pm Helen H. by Sheila M. Wed., 08-19 9:00am Mark A. by parents at KCHS 12:10pm Ed W. by the K. family Thur., 08-20 9:00am William Clay C. IV by D. family 12:10pm Communion Service Fri., 08-21 9:00am Henry R. by Larry & Joan S. 12:10pm Communion Service Sat., 8-22 NO 9am Mass due to Ministries Day 5:00pm Deceased of K of C #5207

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